The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 24, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Special lei the fVranton Tritnine.
Plttston, Auc. :tt. The KnRle Hosp
company of this plnce will bo one of J
thf out-of-town companies In nttcna
nnce nt the eml -centennial celebrn
tlon In Cnrhnnilnlp the rnrly p.irt of
next month, ana at n nirrtlnt; of the
drill f-i'i.-id last night It was unani
mously voted to enter the fancy drill
contest. While In Catboliilale, tin
Knple boys will be the guests of the
Mitchell Hose company, with whom
they have beeji on most cordial terms
for several years. This year' contest
will not be the first one the Knnlo
drill squad has participated In nt Car
bondale, they liming won a victory
there n few yeais rtpei. This year's
drill will be especially InterstlnR from
the fact that the Kile'f. of Susque
hanna, who weic defeated by the
Easles at that time, lll be their op
ponents again this jear, and will make
a speelal effoit to redeem themselves.
However, Captain Jon and his di lit
ers have had too much experience In
like contota to be the least whit ner
vous over the prospects for this year's
outcome, and theli friends are tnnrl
dent they will rcnrd their fourteenth
victory by tnklns away the pilze at
Horsemen M. I-. IVrrln. of the West
Side, returned home this afternoon
from 'Wellsvllle, N. Y wheie he had
been an Important contestant In
the r.ico there this week. Mr.
Perrln was very successful and carried
nway nbnut $40ft of the pilze money.
In the evente of Tuesday's schedule
he drove Cleslmtay to letory In three
Ftralcht heat? In the 2 Id class tace
for a purse of $4oo. in other races the
same d.iv be took a second place with
Jennie lib-nnon an 1 a fourth place
with Tinker. Yesterday, Pauline (1
took first money In the LMO class, and
In the stake race for n purse of $1,000
F.Kile Harren took fourth money.
. small sized riot took place at the
PterlliiK Mlk mill I nut evening when
the eleven glii.i who attempted to ic
sumo work yesterday morning left
the mill for their homes. A larse num
ber of the clrls who had refused to
return to woik and their sympathizers
were on hand and made things decid
edly unpleasant for the girls. HcMdes
the usual epithet which nie used In
cases of thlrf kind, the girls were pelted
witn stones. An alteioatlon between
James Mnrnn, nt'ent for the Central
Labor union, and the watchman at
the mill, resulted in a light between
the two, riming which the watchman,
named Judge, was woisted. Today tho
stiikers h?d succeeded In reducing the
number of 'hose who wished to woik
Irom eleven to six, and It Is thought
these will be Influent cd to stay out
by tomorrow.
The piemlum Hots of the Luzerne
Fair association have been Issued for
their annual 'alt which takes place
this year on s-Yn:. IS-21. Special at
tention Is t'lvcn to the poultry and
pigeon dl'pny tim! libeial julzes are
offered. Th in.) pi content Issues nn
Invitation to the public to place arti
cles on dlfplay or offer them for sale
on the groun Is, and GU.uantces them
full protection. For the p.iht few
years there has '.en a falling off In
the exhibits, nnri an effoit will be
mt'le this year for n levlval In this
depaitment of the fair. Fillets a gen
eial Is tecelved, the mlr next
yfir will not be a fair In the usual
sense of the word. It will mean pure
ly horse lacing, which Is Incoming
more popular here.
The (.'minted club, one of the ntnt
popular organi.atloiid of this
city Is arranging for an Infoimal Blue
dance, f be riven on Thuisday, Sept.
in. at Keyrtone hall. It Is hoped to
make It the evnt of the season, and
the decorations will be, on an elabor
ate scale. The commlttfe of arrange
ments, which has alieady Issued Invi
tations to n large number of Scran
ton and Carbondtle people, is com
poted of the following "ung men:
Joseph J. Ke-Uing, Kd. J. Hurke 1. A.
Brrslln, M. Falser, Wm. .1. McKalg
and J. J. Mooi.fv.
fpeelil tn ihe Srranton Tribune.
Harford, A tiff. 23. Mrs. Jones Is visit
lnp friends In Seranton and Honesdale.
K M. Watson leturned Thiu.Mlay
from a huslnes-s trip to Scianton.
Will Tiffany has moved Into his new
Mrs. Jennie KoRers nnd tlniiKhtcr
have returned from nimhurst, where
tney attended the x cddlng of her son.
Mrs. Matthews, of the Orphans'
school, is In Seranton this week.
Dr. .. T. HrunriaRf and wife le
turned Thuisriay from IVekvllle.
Mrs. Dr. Capwell and dauRhter are
vlsitliiR friends here.
Mis. Dr. I.owrey and family, who
have lieen siieridlnK several weeks heio,
have returned to their home In Car
1). udale.
Mrs. iitiss Tiffany secured the rilnliiK
hall on the fair ftrounris. You will tv
memtier It was let hy boated bids this
Mrs. OeorRe Dolway has returned
from Kim Ira.
Miss Sauphnona Farrar Is keepinfj
hoiiho for her uncle, D. M. Farrar.
Dr Hoovan and wife were In Jack
pon Thursday.
Dr Frank Oreen, from the West, Is
vlsltlns his sister, Mrs. Patterson.
Mrs. Horace Sweet. Mrs. W. R Ham
mond, Miss May Sweet and Miss Iou
Itogers, with their Sunday school
classes, enjoyed u ptcnlu on the fair
grounds Friday.
Fpeclal to the Seranton Tribune.
Hophnttom. Aug. 23. Mrs. A, J. Tay
lor Is spending tho week at the- Dim
ock camp meeting.
Tho Methodist Ladles' Aid met
Thursday for tea with Mi'3, J. V. Saun
ders, Mis, Herron nnJ children have heen
visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. M. A. Ulalr
for sfivernl days.
The Misses Hughes have heen visit
ing at Olenwood during the past
Mr. Saxy Wllmarth Is visiting his
family heie.
Considerable progress has heen tuado
In the work qf tepulrlng tho damago
done the streets by last Saturday's
rains, but much yet remains to be
done; Main street still presents tho
appearance of a river bed, from which
the waters have departed, rather than
thoroughfare of a well kept village,
Ijome of tho country roads nro stilt
Impassible. Lenox township seems to
live been the heuvlest sufferer, It be-
Ing reported that seventeen bridges In
Lenox wore, destroyed.
Mrs. Kvcrltt, of Albany, N. Y.. Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Theron Smith,
nt tho home of Miss Permolla Tcwks
bury. Mrs. Kvcrltt and Mrs, Smith,
who were daughters of Owen Cantlln,
were born nnri grew tn young woman
hood In this village. They are now to
gether for the llrst time after a separ
ation ot twenty-five yenrs.
Mrs. Florence l-!ly and child nre
visiting at tho home of her uncle, Mr.
Javan Sterling.
Special tn the Seranton Tribune
HoncsdnlP. Aug. 2.1 Miss Elizabeth
K. nentley has returned from nn nb
sence of several weeks, spent with
friends in Blnghamton and at tho Pan
American. Mrs. John O.tlo and daughter, Miss
f liS? 3 1
Li n lllh, pat-a-cake, haker's man!
io I will, master, as last as I can;
Pat it and prick it, anJ mark it with T
Put in the oven for Ton my and me.
Find his father, Rramlmother and Jog.
Wakoslce, of Hlnghainton, are the
guests of Honesdale friends.
Miss Hertha Lane has heen spend
ing the week In Seranton, with her
sister, Mrs. Sidney R. Henwood.
A new school building will be erected
on the site of the one burned by the
recent tire, on Klvcr street.
A number of the largo maples which
have furnished shade on the Honesdale
streets for many years, are being tut
down. Their decayed condition render
them unsafe during severe wind
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Itichmond 'will
spend the forthcoming six weeks In
Ilethlehem, N. II.
The Wayne Haptlst association will
hold the thiity-second annual session
in the Honesdale Haptlst church, coin
nnnelng on Tuesday of next week.
Hon. George S. Purdy has gone to
his cranberry farm at Vally Junction,
Wis , for a few weeks' stay.
Mr. A. T. Seniles nnd j-on, Charles,
nre on a trip through Vermont and
The bill boards announce the open
ing date of the Honesdale Opera House
on Tuesday evening, Sept. o, when
Aldcn Henedlet piesents his superb
spectacular production of the gieat re
ligious play, "Quo Vnriis."
The Herald Publishing company ex
pect soon to occupy their new oftice,
which Is being lltteii up with an entire
new outfit of type, press, folder, etc.
The paper will be issued with change
in form.
The two floors over Dodge's drug
store are being fitted up for the Farn
ham r.rush Manufacturing company,
which adds another Industry to those
already in Hcnesdnle. The Farnham
brush is covered by a series of pat
ents, cud Is furnished largely to tho
leading cut glass, nlckle plating nnd
shoe manufacturing establishments
throughout the country. The plant
will be in working order next week.
Speeial to the Seranton Tribune.
Thompson. Aug. 23. During the elee
tt leal storm which visited that region
Wednesday afternoon, a large barn
with forty tons of hay In It, belong
ing to Pierce Dunn, at the head of
Dunn's pond, watt struck by lightning
nnd consumed.
W. I Tallman, C. M. Lewis and oth
er Intei eslfd parties, attended a sher
iff rale over In Wayne county yester
day. The Prohibition rally at the Free
Methorilfct camp meeting yestenlay
was a grand success. A line audience
listened to telling nrir1icM-(i from Hev.
C. H. Mead. D. D., of New York: Hev.
W. H. Plark, of Saratoga. X. Y., and
E. D. N'lchols, of Wilkes-Barre.
The Hev. O. It. Merrill, of Smlthflelri,
N. Y., with his family, Is vUdtlng his
slrter, Mrs. E. E. Oclatt, on Jefferton
Henry Hlnkley and' family have
been vlsltois at L. F. Scarles, thin
Mita Hattiii Malpass. of Susquehan
na, Is the guest of Mlts Maud Tallman.
Miss Flora David, of Olyphant, Is
visiting her brother, Hev. A. D. David,
at tho Methodist Episcopal parsonage.
Mlt-s Corn Simons, of Sterling, Is
visiting her cousin, Mrs, E, S. Potter.
Mis. Leonard Cole 1 entertaining
her niece, Misses draco nnd Jennlu
Cooper, of Wllkes-Hane.
S. S Hubbard, reported as having
typhoid fever, Is veiy 111. His physi
cians were with him all last night, and
ho is not any better this afternoon.
Hevs. French and Skellette, of tho
Free Haptlst church, nie making a
tour of the churches In their associa
tion this week and next.
Special In the Seranton TriMi.r.
I'nlondale, Aug. 23. Edgar Hurdlck
and family have returned from the
county seat, after two weeks' sojourn
with friends.
rrnf. F. v. Hannawalt, professor of
mathematics in Wealeyan unlverMty,
of Mount Peasant, Inwa, was enter
tained over Sunday by his brother-in-law,
Evangelist Charles Newell.
Miss Pearl Guard Is one of our am
bltlous young ladles who visited tho
ti. P. Hubbard Is prostrated with ty
phoid fover at Thompson.
Mr. vnd Mrs. Freeman Carpenter nnd
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Uavles nro visit
ing relatives In Rhode Island.
Itev. 15, I). Jenkins will occupy a
Presbyterian pulpit near Susquehanna
next Sunday,
Mrs. James Hughes nnri son, of
Scrnnton, leturncri home Monday.
Prof. H. II. Holt Is a visitor In town.
One of the farmers In the neighbor
hood lost four cows In Wednesday's
thunder storm.
The sickness and death ot a sister
called Mrs. S. A. Larabeo to Scrnnton
There was the annual reunion of the
Pnyno family In Carpenter's grovo
August 2S Is the date for the Lee re
union. Mrs. Nettle Carpenter and Miss Slier
lev Cilbson. of Peckvllle, were visiting
relatives In town Wednesday.
Itev. A. Eastman nnd family were en
tertained by friends In Hcrrlek Center
The union picnic of the Sunday
schools, held at Crystal lake last
urriay. was well attended and proved
an enjoyable affair to all present.
Miss Nettle Newell, of Seranton, Is
visiting her father, Ilev. Mr. Newell,
on Church street.
f-peela! to the Saranton Tribune.
Hallstead. Aug. 23. The Methodist
chili ch held an inlet estlng entertnln
ment Friday evening at the Young
Men's Christian association hall. Ice
cream was served those attending.
Much Interest was manifested by the
audience over the excellence of the
programme rendered. To MKs Hazel
Itoss Is title the credit of the enter
tainment. "The numbers renriond by
William Kenny and Mr. Felnbloom
were especially appreciated, whllu the
others also excelled themselves. The
amount realized was larger than was
anticipated by the committee under
v. hose auspices the entertainment was
F. It, Hurry, a financier and capital
let ot Pen Yan, N. Y., was In town
Wednesday nnd Thursday, considering
the question of opening a bank at
Hallstead. A bank Is something that
Is badly needed here, as now nearly all
the b.tiikiug Is carried on at Seranton
or ninghniiiton.
Fred Van Wormer, of Chase avenue,
hns a union" croquet set, which at
tracts the attention of passeishy. An
uncle of his was a great lover of the
sport and made the set, which ho af
terwards gave to Mr. Van Woriner. It
Is handsomely ornamented with carv
ings and other hand decorations. Each
arch Is larger than ordinal y arches,
the center nich stands six feet high
and Is better ornamented than tho
The Presbyterian and Haptlst
churches will reopen Sunday. They
have been tlosed while their respective
pastors wero nway on their vacations.
Wednesday evening a surprise was
successfully planned for a reception
for Hev. M. J. Watkins upon his re
turn from Northlleld. As he entered
the parsonage, a largo gathetlug of
f i lends weie there to bid him wel
come. AVOCA.
There will be a bpeclal meeting of tho
St. Aloyslus society this, evening. All
members should bo present.
Aoca Hqp company No. 1 will meet
on Mondny evening.
The Sons of St. Cleorge will meet
this evening.
Tomorrow will be anniversary day at
the P. M. church. On Monday the lit
tle ones will plcnlo In Jackson park.
Mrs. John Atwell will leave on Mon
day to attend the Daughters of St.
George convention nt Sprlngtleld, Mass.
M. J. Ilo.sley will represent tho A. O.
C. F, court, Livingstone, lodge, in con
vention nt Troy next week.
Democintlc pilmarles will be held
UiIh evening from t to 7 o'clock.
Mrs. Cleorge Kennedy and daughter
Minnie left yesterday to visit friends In
Jackson, Susquehanna, county.
The marriage of Miss Mary, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Peter .McQueen, and
tleorgo Frue, both of tho West Side,
was solemnized last evening nt the
homo of th bride's parents, by Itev.
T. I). Hmythe. Tho brldo nnd her sis
ter, Miss Margaret, weie handsomely
gowned In white mouselolne gowns,
with laco and ribbon trimmings. The
groom was waited upon by Hugh flra
ham. After the ceiemony supper was
served to a small number of Invited
guests. Mr. and Mrs. Frue will re
side on tho West Side.
Mr. and Mrs. William Oralmm have
returned from their wedding tl lp,
Thomns Pang, foreman nt the Hill
sldo colliery, has been removed to tho
Uutler colliery. The news enmo ns a
gieat surprise to his many friends
about the mine, He has proved nn
rfllclent foreman and the employes re
gret his departure. Thomas Brown
will succeed Mr. Pang nnd Stewart
Button, with whom Mr. Pang worked
at Vandllng, will be assistant to Mr.
Wall Street Review.
Now Yeik, Aug -'i -the Wall Mrcel district
had more appeaunie nf nlina!luii tnda) thin (or
A lorn; time nl. Tlit- priilnmicd ami persistent
teitistanei- (j I the market In any faitoia ot ileptei
slnu nml the continued scatilly of stnik offering,
notwithstanding tin tcty t oii.ltlcratile tiittancc In
tho letel ill pi he during the last two weeks,
appanntlt prompted the, professional Iradca to
day, a though by common linpulw, to Inaugur
le a minement tn put prim up, There wa no
Indication that tho public was taking
any pail in tha mitcnienl, lhi inmmlwlon
liou-ci i oiitltinlPK to tompl.lin ci( taik nt hulm-.i,
hut the protolpnal operator nt work ltifle
pit) Willi a frrfr liaml than n In en the ti'ient
rule. Ilitro verc no ery large inditlriiul ttanv
aniens tut the nunihrr f P) nhare lota was
tty nnplctiiHi and wai well rllatrlbtitcd
throuchout the room. The dominant rpnulallon
wai In the Pacific and Miithuelein. t'nlon
l'.H'illc lead the Mllronl lit In point n( rtrcnitlh
and nctUltv, wllli an rxlrrnm rie ol 'i' The
aoiallrd tlould utoik) wrre all atthe and utrom,
Indudlrm the Podmt and Klo Craiitle alorka and
the t'liIoMdo ami soulliern atoik", the latter ap.
parentt.v en i ruppltlnn tint drtelopmenlt are
impendinv looking to ila uhvrptlon into tho
Could .lrni the t-TJln tarrying roida, at a
whole, wcie atTrcted lij the reoiperatlon In the
com trop. The continued luaty fnrelcn demand
tor wheat, coupled with the report good condi
tion el that crop. wa alto an element. Amalga
mated Coppir waa in ery large demand, net
uithalaniliiig' the denial ol repot Ik that lurther
nborptlon ol copper lnteret at Intended. Tlie
extreme rine In Aindgaimled Opper w.h S
Theie n gowlp o( comlnir rlghla nn naltlmoie
A; Ohio to nikterllie In new atock to lie iwued
In rnnqiTlInn Willi the petdliiit reortfanlitlon
o rittMmrB nnd Wttirn. The minor Meel slotka
wire utro'ig, Tennewe Coil rising ,U 'I he 1'nlled
Matea Mcel loik weie opened a traitlon high
er and weie held almost lininoialile all dt, the
extreme iluetuatlon In eaih liein a There
were alrong polnM anions' Ihe minor lalln.idi
and wrlaltle4 and Ihe roaleri continued to show
strength. Total ilfa, HV1 alnre.
The railroad bond market shared In the greater
artixity and Mrength ol the aiotk inirket, but
ipeeiilatlxe lamila wire lon-pkuoui. Total
.ile pir x.ilue, tJ.S'.'rt) .
I nlted M.itit bo.uls were all uiuliangcd on the
laat call.
Tlie (ollowlng r)nnl jtlon are turnudied Th'
Tribune by M. S. .Ionian k Co., roomx Tn-Tilfl
Mears building, Mranton, Pa. Telephone &0n,1i
Open, High- Low- CIns-
In?. et. et. Intf.
Atneriem sueir HPi 1 ! llUa lift Tnlncco lim; IV, M US
Atehivm '",',i "7a U 7.N
Alchlon. Pr Hi ti liT f
llrook. Iraillon T.'i T7i 77i '
Hilt, k Ohio int liiM mi irn
(out. Tribai in (iT1; hi", 1.7s, r.T"6
( be-, k Ohio t; 47 17 47
(hi., k (it. Wist 2ili it ii 21
St. Paul iH'i'i liiT liM 17';
llork Mind HMi 111 lf'i lHj
Km. k lex. IT W,4 67 .V.IJ n7
bouii". eV ah 101 Ml; 101 lop.
Mm Klotited Il'li l.'n'i lltH lifl'i
Met Tnellon I', !h1 liH lhl
Mlso. Paiino top; in,;", ioi' ;ivis
Niulh Pacific . i B7, .
Norfolk k Weil .Mi'H .17 ,V Sfi,
N. V. Cenlnl Tit'i 1.1l, lll'l r.lij
(Int. J. lVi-lern .Il'a A", .It1; W
P.nrn II. II Ilrt ll'i'A Mil Mii
IMiin.- Mad IIH 41'i 41U 41
lleidinc Hy 4I, i 4li 4t'i
Uridine lit-., IT TT'i 77'a T.'.i 77'i
snithern it. It :-i'i ,ns :n 3H4
S.iillhtrn It. It, IT., .. IS v.t, s;t; ts
Tinn. (oil It Iron r.' r,7 iM t,;
r. S l.i,ilhr ll1i II", ll I.1I4
f. S Leather, IT ! fl' sj H
V. S. Ilubber l'i'i '2D 1'i'i 'JO
I'nlon I'.ulfle H'J i kkii; idj
Tnlon l'jrillc, IT WJ W3 no's '"'a
Vabah, IT 40'i 41i 40H 41
Western fnion Ill !i.!'i tn UltJ
Col. Kiiel & lion ; Hi !i7i3 os
mal. topper PJ0 lp; lioij, lil
l'eople's (ia MJij HiiJ ll'J's 11.1
Krle :iit, 40'i ,n'i 40',
Krie, M ' r.-t, r.1it r,st4 ivn4
(Vil. S.iuthern lt 1VJ M V
Tex.n Paeifle 4!'; 4Pi i:i'i 4l'i
mer. Car foundry .... 21 .To tri', 2i'(,
P. . Steel Co ll'i M lllj, 41',
f. S. Steel Co., Tr ''.)?, 01', fJJ'C fAJ's
Open- IIIkIi- Low. Cloa-
WIIF. T. ine et. et. int;
September TiUJ 7i",- To7, TV,
I), 1 ember 77'8 7s't 775s T7f'g
S' pi ember firtij fO't, fini; fiOiJ
lli'tember :'i fiJ'i Cl't ili
Scrnnton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Far of 100.
Morns. nid.
Liekatvmni Pilry Co, IT fl
fniiniv Sivinsx "a"1' Trust Co., SfO
l'iM Nit 1 mil Dank (Carbondale)
Stand ird Drilllnat Co
Thud National Hank 40
Dime llepn-lt and lb-count hank.. 275
Kiononn LUbt. II. ,0 P. Co
flist Natintnl r.Jiik
I.icka TrtiNt Safe Deposit Cu. .
Claik k Snoter Co., i'i
S-eranton Iron feme t Mfg. Co.
Mranton xxb- Work
Sranton Siting Hank
Tiaders' Satlonil llink 175
Suantin n-dt Nut lu
People's IlanU
New Mexico liy. & C. o
Seranton Passenger Hiilwa), tlrst
Mortgage, due 11J0
People's Street Hallway, flint mort
gage, due llli
People'. fctreet Ilillwaj, (icneral
moitgage, duo l'Ml
Ibekxon Manuf irtutlng Co
Laika. Tonhlp Sebool 5 per ccpt.
City 11I Seranton St. Imp. 6 per
Seranton Traction fi per tent
Seranton Wholesale Market.
(Correited by II. 0. Pile. 27 Lackatnnni Aic)
Heana l'er buslul, tlioiie marion, $J.b0a2.iJ.
Ilutlcr Kiecli ueamrrj, 21a.'2t.j dairy, frch,
Cbetse full cream, lOifcalle.
fggs Werttrn tuli, 13'aalOj nearby 6tate,
Medium lleans -Per liushel, $2 50.
fiieen I'eia Per tiiulid, l.lOal 15.
flour- Het patent, per Inrrel, ft 15.
Heans Pir buhel, ehoiic ininow, J3.10,
Potatoes Per bushel flat. 10.
New York Grain and Produce.
New York, Aug. 21. flour- fairly steady;
clcing dull. Wlieat Spot eaaier, No. 2 rid,
7'i-e. t. o. b. afloat. No. 2 red, 755.i. elcwtor;
No 1 Northern Dululli, e. f. n b. afloat.
Optloiia opened east- and, alter a mid day rally,
tteakeiifd. (1n.ed eak at ai. net detllne,
September closed "Jac ; Octohei, 7i,c. 1 Deiem
ber, 77"e. Corn Spot ttiak, No. , dO'ie. i le
ntor and lll'ic f. . b. afloat Option, market
opened Headv. but tinned tteak. Closed ueak
and lalUe. net lower. Siptember clnul noi4c ,
Dei ember, fil'ii. Oil spot easier; No. 2, .isiji.
No. 8, "e ; No. 2 tthite, IlijaHo.; No. .1 do.,
4lar.; tiaek mixed tfelirn, .TvJMV' ; tiaek white,
4lal7c. Option dull and exaier. Ilulter-Sieadj ;
treamtry, lil20'4e. ; lieiory, June patked, ll'-a
15ljc; imitation creamery, llil'ljt.; state dilry,
llil'ii'. Cheee -steady; rmiy Urge colored,
nisc. ; fancy large, tthite, nSa'jc. ; famy amall
colored, Mi'je i fancy smill white, ui'2e. fgga
-strong, state and l'enii.tlt.inl.t, la2rti ; wit
cm uneandled, lDallt . ttulern iindlid, lilal7',s".
Philadelphia Qrnln nnd Produce.
Phlladtrphla, Aug. 81, Wheat -c. loner;
contract giado August, isiTllfcr. Coin r, lots
er; No. 2 mUeil Augmt, fi'Ha3'l4i . (lit
Steidt; No. 2 while i lipped, lie. Hutler-flnu,
good'dtniand; famy wealein treameiy, si'jc ,
do. do. pilot. Sljt ; do iieamery, Sk. fgg
firm, tic higher! frwh nearby, JSc; ,)n. ttf,t
em, IS.; do, outhwftirn, Hk..; do. oulhern,
inc. Cheese-Quleli but steady; New Yml. full
cream famy smill, U'jc ; do. do. fair tn ilioice,
h4a'Hsc. Ilrtlneil Sugaia -ljulft, but steady. Cot
ton firm, I l-l'io. higher; middling upland.,
eAlc. Tallow -Dull; clly prime In lilnl., 5c;
country do, in burels, IV-i cakej, 5?a5't;c,
Lite Poultrtv-Sleady; fowls, lOalie ; old loos
tern, tHaifc-l iprlng ehlckena, lliiv.; ducks,
PaOe.; dresffd poultry firm; fowls, fhoice, 10a
lOHct do. fair tn good, fiaOlJo, ; hrolleis nearby,
12al7c. ; western da., llslJe, ; old rnostera, aHe,
Receipts-Flour, l.SOf) barrels and l,l!').OTiO
pounds In ack wheat, 137,000 bushels; rem,
1,500 bushels; oats, 10,000 bushels. Shipments
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Thin Four l.lnet, i Cents for Each dxtra Line.
For Bent.
For Remito
About 1200 feet of floor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
POIl UK NT $lm-lloue on tin. k ulieet, fight
rooms modern. Inquire ot II, T. I)vi, ill
North Miln At rime
KOIl ItK.N'T- One klde of double hnwe. IMS Jlill
beiry treet; all modrn Improtementa. in
(piirc II. S. Woodllng, 4IS llarriwm avenue.
KOIt rtHNT-. Single Oinrm boue in Dalton, beat
loralion In town, rite minute to rtatlnn,
nearlv new houe, furnatf and good water. Ap
ply to n W. ( arllon, Dillon. I'a
KOIl home in nreen nidge;
all contenleneeai larno lot. Rent, 18. Ad
dress S. rj, Tribune.
1011 ItK.NT-Klcht rooms 7M JeHerji avenue;
all modern cortenlences. .
For Sale.
OOI.II KMI ,lit arrlted, all Uet. all eolon.
Klh plant, glnbea. (Mi food. Hanrtaome litter
ro.ieh pupple. Imported nlcht elnglng rananei,
talkini; pairnta, etc. Knx, i'd Spruce atreet.
fOK "5 I.; Prltlng- botse, .1 years old. Bound
nnd Kind and fearle'a of all object tn
quire at t."J h. Van Iluren ave., or old 'phone
27-4 (I. It.
I'OK SM.K-A pneumatic tired lun-about, prae
tlrallv ne-; a baru-in. Hooin NU Cornell
IliilMiiiK, pcrinton.
KOIl SM.i: Two llRht spring uaRoni and nme
hatncM, 1 heap. P.tans rear 1132 Luicrne
foil SLi:-Car load of lira xlrc and draught
hot and good family horaea. 222-2il Oak
ford court. J. M. field.
POn RALE A Cottrell ft Son rylinder prexi.
Mx3, in good condition, new roller, 30O.
Apply Wilkes-Uarre Times Offlie, Wilkes-Darre,
Real Estate.
fOIl SALE lloui and Int at Olenburn, I'a ,
contenlent to I) , L k W utatlon, rlne fruit
and garden Write or tall. 5lr. frank (.'. Hall,
Olenburn, I'a
(iLKNItlilN Sl'.UION -four aire for sale, inert,
bound In (iratllng. Wind-tor and Grind View
atenuea; beautiful slew. and lotely neighlior
hood; birgiin. Cnmegja. Dime llink building
CLENniilV STVTIOV Three acre for sale. JTflO,
bound by Hall, firand View and Gra.tling
atenue. Onn a beautiful vinuner reidenic:
bargain. Coinegt, Dime Hank lluildlng
Money to Loan.
JJO (o V1O.CO) AT ONCE I and S per cent. In
terest East term I11 lepay. (ieorgc V.
Okell, Coal Kxihange building.
3J0,ut TO LOAN-Lowet rotea: straight or
monthly payments, btark & Co. .Traders' liHc.
straight lions or Uullolng and Loan. At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
11-313 Ccnnell building.
Wlieat, '22l.noi) buhelt; torn. 3,0X buiheli, oata,
S.000 bushel!.
Chicago Grain and Froduce.
Chicago, Aug 23, Corn tta beatily sold today
and lid a decline of other grains. Wheat
c , torn l'ti , and oat. c. letter tor deliv
ery in Seplembir. I'rntllon closed a fhade low
er li 5i7tsi Cih quotaliona ttere as follows:
No. 2 i-prirg wliett, r,t'V!4C:li j No. 2 red,
71'ic; No. 2 .tellow, .Vl'ji'vi ; No 2 oat, 'k'n
3n'!. , N". 2 while, 7ij.l'sc , .N". .1 tlhlte,
37a.t5c . No. 2 'c, 57a'ji ; fair to i hmee malt
ing, S'wlc , No. 1 Uan heed, Jl 61, No 1 North
western, Jt.M; prime llmoihy eed, " Ma,3.fli
me pork, fll.Mall 10, lird, Hs",i',."n; lnrt
nk, $S l.Vr M; dry wiled shoulders, "liaise ;
short t,liar a'des, H fiOis.'ii).
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago. Aug 2!.-C.ittle- lleieipls 2,5no, in,
eluding t(l lesan. gem rally dead ; good to
prim? deer, J", "iliii.Sn, poni to medium, St Wn
5 2(1; dockers and feeder about Meidy, 2 2"i
1.23, eotm, i! IDil 1, In Hera, 2.inal '); cartnera
slow, fl.25a2.3i, bull-., i 25a I 2Y, calve. $3a5.25;
Texas fleeia sleadt, Jla5; Texaa grati teer,
,1.4fj.l75; ttitcrn tt-era Heady, $las, log-.
Reieipt todiv, l,in; tomorrow. H,rvij e(t
our, 2,("1: ilioice linn; othei Headv; top, $1.15;
mined and butthir. MillirtoO; good In ehoico
beaty. V ",Vin.:5; rough heatj, $,"hOi3 70; light,
$.'i.r,."; bulk of sale. SVitl. 15. sheep Ho.
nipt, 7,iai hheip htrong, .ictue; lamb weak;
good to i holt e tt.tlirra, f12Vil, fair to choice
mixed, flil. 15; ssetern idncp, ?. t 1 ; .teullngi,
.l23il; nattic lambs, $"al; ttcatern limln, $3.73
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
Ka.t nulla lo, Aug. 23. -Cattle Moderate de
mand, no mica; i lite. in l.ght nupply, atine
ill mind, higher; iholie In extra, t" 50,i7.75; good
to iholee, $7a7.50; all vdd. sheep and Lamb
Offering, 21 bud; lamb, .mite, demand;
iholie lanili hieh.r, ilmlif to extra, t5iv5a5M;
good to iholie, 3.5(n5il5. (air to good, 5a5 .10,
common to fair, 4I 23al 75. Sheej Sleadt ,
rhoiie to extra. fliSil, good to choke, fj .Mia
3.73. Ilogs offerings, 40 loads, firm, aitlte mil
higher, hei,t tloaed, Mronger at iffl30in,i5,
mKeil, if.snatio5; jorkirs, to '!5ifl.ti, pigs, J3.75;
rougha, $3.23a3.50, Mag',; all offerings
National League.
At Roslon
H 3
8 1
Cleteland n 0 n 0 0 1 n o 0-1
Uostmi 2 0 1 n 2 0 0 0 -3
Hatterles MeN'eal and O'Connor; Young and
Criger. L'mplte Cantillon,
At Philadelphia- It. II. L
Denoit .? n i n n o i n n o2 s 3
l'liila'lelplila (1 0 5 a 0 0 a 7 II 1
Haiti rifs Yeager and Shaw; fraier and I'ow.
ers. I mi'lie Cciiijolly.
At llaltiniore 11. u. ii.
Chicago 1 0 t a 1 0 1 2 - o l
Haltlmoro 3 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 i-i 12 0
llatterlea-liilflllli, Pattcisnn and bulliwn;
Nops and Utesnalun. I'mplie Sheridan.
At Watlilnston Washlngton-Wllwaukte,
game, 1.1I11.
American League.
At llostou- it, 11. K.
Philadelphia. ...1002011111000-6 16 1
Doston 1 0003 1 1 (1000 1-T 1U 1
Hatlerlea Duggleby, Tottiwend, White and Me
failand; Mclioln and Klttrldge. I'mplie Dwjer.
At New York 11. II. K. n 0D.1 00 I 0(1 (V-( U ii
.New Yoik 00000 I (I0O-1 8 2
Hatterles Kennedy and farrall; Tailor and
Uowerman. I'mplit, fmsllc,
Other clubs not scheduled,
Eastern Leaga
Toronto. 7; r.roekton, 1.
Hartford, ; Montreal, 2.
Buffalo, 13; Worcester, 1),
Rochester, Sj Providence, 3.
Help Wnnted Male.
WANTrUI-An experienced adterllalnn man, mut
aio nate a general Knowienge 01 ineninu
dlie. Call on or address Jonax lonit'a Sotu,
W'ANTIIlt Kxperien.'td man to manairc our men's
fiiinlelilnt: deparlment. Mint alo tie iiiialb
flrd to bu. till on or addrex .lona lmg'a So:.
WAN'TKD-A Iwv 13 to 17 .teara old and In
Blrla, Ifl to H j ears old, alvi lo clisar
maker. Iletker llrothern, llnblnxon atreet.
IIAHNfSSM WANTKI) -A 'thoroughly ex
perlented ttorkman; martini man preferred;
Meadv emplotment, Rood waue. O. J, lidcr
Itk, I'l.t mouth, I'a,
WANTKI) -sturdt jounir man to nrk in atnre,
ttltli Rood ihanto tl adtaneement. Iloxloii
Tea Company,
Help Wanted Female.
WANTI.I1 A rompelent took and laundre,. Ap
ply frlday to Mm. V. J. Klota, SIS Adam
W'AVTKD Kxperieneed and lnexietlenced opera
tor on xhlrta hv eleetrle power. Apply "
Solomon, 131 franklin avenue.
Want AdvertUementa Will Be
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBfRT SCHiMTTZ. Cflmer Mulberry
rtreet and Webster avenue.
QUHTAV riCHEL, 630 Adams avenue.
West Side
OEORfJF. V. JENKINS, 101 South Mln
South Scrnnton
FRED L. TERPPE, 72D Cedar avenu.
North Scrnnton
CEO. W. DAVIS, comer North Maln
avenue and Market street.
Oreen Bid go
CHARLES P. JONES, 1537 Dickson
T. J JOHNS, MO Oreen RIdga street.
0. LORENZ, comer Washington ave
nue and Marlon street.
W. II. KNLPFEL. 1017 Irving avenue.
J. 0. DON'K & EON.
IF YOI' ARE CVTIIOLIC. unemployed, eilhir
ladt or gentleman, and will canta, I have a
proportion tint will interest jou. Address P. O.
Pox 20, Seranton, I'a
WAXTI'.D-A large nhow case. Apply William
Glfforcl, 1317 Dick.von atenue.
WANTED An Intelligent (Catholic) lady or gen
tleman to fill a light, pleasant position;
good pay. If suitable. Address P. O. Hot 20,
Seranton, Pa.
Wanted To Kent.
WANTED Re client To rent full lore In 200
block Ijukawanna atenue. M. II. llolgate,
Commonwealth lluildlng.
WANTKI) Two large furnl-hed room, with
bath, pritate family, good location, within
eight minute walk of rnmt bouse, M, II. llol
gate. Commonwealth building.
Booms Wanted.
WANTED for two adulls, two well tiirnNhed
room, centrally located, with ur without
board It. , M' Jefferson atenue.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED Table boarders. Mrs. Tompkins. 531
Washington avenue.
Business Opportunity.
WANTED- Two or three thousand doll irs cali
aistan'0 (partnerehip or otherwise) lo in
crease a mbstantial michinery buaines. located
in seranton, with sery profitable prospect.
Communication treated stricllv confidential ; ref
trends exclunged. .Vddrc3, Tribune
KSTATF, Of EMMA D. POTTER, late of the llor-
ouch of Dunmoie, Uiikattann County, Dc-
ieied ,
I.etlira testamentary upon the aliote named
estate hating been issued lo mo, all person hat
irg claim. against Mid etate will prcwut them
at onic for patinent. and all person indebted
to aid entate wnll please make immedialH paj
inent to 1IKNKY A. KNAI'P.
Seranton, I'a. Executor.
tlie iity of Siranton, county of Laikattaim.i,
state of 1'e'nn.sjltanU, deieased.
Letter of administration on the nbnte-named
(tate hating been granted to the undersigned,
all peiwin luting claim J or demand against
the Mine will present them for aettlenient, and
all those indebted to bald cstalo aro reuuented
to make patment to
ALEX. W. DICKSON, Administrator.
Or to Seranton, I'a.
f. K. iKACY. Mlornev lor Vjilate
deciasid, Lelters lestamenury liatmg been
granted the undersigned, all lhce hating ilaltna
against Mid estate will plea'e present tiieni,
and all tlm.-e indebted lo kjiiJ (,I.iM will plcasd
maku imnit'dlate iiatment tu
wiLLiAM k. u.vnnis.
EZRA II t'ONNELL, Exeeulor,
NOTICE IS IIKREHY UIVKV that an uppluitlon
will be nude lo the goternor of I'
on Monday, September Kltli, llnl, bj John P.
Walker, frank P. ford, Carl Lnretiz, lames Mc
K en "1 and Martin P fltnn, under the set of
awinibly rntllled "An art to orotidc for Ihe in
corporjtlon and regulation of certain mrpori
tlons," approted April 2'ith, 174, und the wip
plemenU and amendments thereto, for a i barter
of an Intended corporation In be called the
"National Correjnondenco Hospital." the charac
ter and obc(,t of which i to ealablkh courses
of study and gite instruction therein by cones
pendente and otherwise, fo aueh peioiis as may
desire it. In Ihe properties and sarlom modi
fication!) of medicine and surgerv, and the scien
tific application of the same lo the alleviation
of psln and in Ihe i lire of diseases, and for these
purposes to hate, poweas and enjoy all the rights,
benefit and prit lieges of said act of auembly
and auppltruenta and amendments theirto. '
. Ollltlf.N i- MMITIV,
S union. Pa., Aug 2J, lli
NOTICE IS IIKREHY GIVEN that an application
will be made to the Goternor ol I'
tania on -Monday, the secend day of September,
1101, by Charles P .11. Macaulay, .loliu .1. Un
iters, ha o'Malle.t, K. II. U alter and R lamia
Grainbs, under the aet of assembly enlitlwl, "An
act to piotlde fur the Imorporatlou and legu
laticn of certain corpurations," approtid April
21, 1171, ami Ihe eupplemenls thereto, for the
charier of an inlmded corpoia'llon to be known
a "ihe Internatioui) t'airespondence Si'liools,"
the iluuitcr and object of tthlch is the trail..
ni I ion of Ihe busineu of leaching by correspond,
ence, and for that purncwe to hue, povtesa and
enjoy all tlie tights, beueflta and prit liege of
the said act of aMtmbl) and the aiipplementj
thtulo. WALKER IIII.L.
Noricirts iif.itEnv c.r vs ti7t "the
iniilemiirned at near Taflnn. Pike Count v.
PennajlianU on the llh day of December. leO1),
seized In the possession ol one frank Minify,
one copper still, neik and woim, Tlie said
Hill tta ret un ill a dwelling house, and wa
nelrcd for tiol.tinn of Scellona 325S, S.'Hi and
VIM Hctlseil Statute.
Anv person claiming the same Is hereby
notified In appear before the undenogned Collec
tor of Internal Retenue, at bis office In the Fed
eral Building at Sainton, Pa,, on er before
(he ninth c,y of September 11, and then
and thtre mike sueh claim and In othei rivpeeia
comply with Section 811 R. R, of the United
States, or In default thereof, the said still, neck
and worm, will after due publio notice, be,
old at public auction.
Collector Internal Rstenuf. 12th district, Pa.
Kcrioton, Fa., August 0, 1901,
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Four Line. 6 Centi for Cach Extra' Line,
Certified Public Accountant.
Enu-Ann 11. uavis, AncitiTECT, cokneu
EjJilfExchaii(e llldg., 128 WanMnfton ).
Civil nnd Mlnlnij Engineer; "'
rm. a t: EiLENnEiicEii. pacli huilmno.
Spruce atreet, Scrantun.
Itoomt 12, , 18 ,J la Durr hulldlBg.
luted on real estate srcurlty. Mears bulldlag,
comer Washington avenue, and bpiiice strear,
nd eounvllors at-law. Republican building.
Washington atenue.
'ellora-at-lanr. Commonwealth- building, Roorru
19. 20 and SI.
W3-M4, Oth floor, Jleara building.
0' Trade building, Seranton, Pa.
Dank building.
211 Wyoming asenuc.
Physicians and Sugeons.
Ington avenue. Residence, 1314 Mulberry
Chronla disease, lungs, heart, kldneji and
genlto.urlnary organ a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels nnd Resturants.
atenue. Hates reasonable.
P. ZEICLER. Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on the European
plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
a. n. nnicos cleans privy vaults ant
cess pool; no odor; only Improved pumpa used.
A. B. Rrlggs, proprietor. Iave orders 11M
North Main atenue, or Eicke'a drug store, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephone.
erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green
houf, 1050 North Main avenut; atota talc
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
Seranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screen.
also ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 21!
Adams avenue.
t elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 137
Washington avenue, Seranton. Pa,
In Seranton at the news stands of Relsmar.
Bros., 409 Sprueo and S03 Linden; M. Norton,
M2 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutier, 211
Spnice street.
Situations Wanted.
WASTED piled inn bj joung man a eten
ogiaphir, to a.-isl in bookkeeping and gen
eral ofnto work. AdtliCM J. C, S2'J Clay nvv
nue, Dunmore, Pa.
bllVATION WANTED-Washing and ironing to
do at home by experienced laundress; h-it
red rente. Addroa only to .Mm. II. 11., care ot
6.1b forest toutt.
SITUATION WANTED A neat colored girl, just
arrlted in city would like a situation at
geneial housework In small family. Call or ad
dres "II," MJ Laikawanna atenue,
SITUATION WANTF.D To go out washing or
cleaning. Mrs. Iluaaell, 1219 Cedar atenue.
SITUATION! WANTED Washing and ironing to
taka borne; city references. Addresa only It
Mrs. II. 'A. M.i care) ct 42d Foreft court.
SITUATION IVANTED By a boy IS years old;
Kood penman and can make himself general
ly useful about office. Address Robert Wil
liims, etli street, Illakciy Olyphant, Pa.
SITUATION WANTKD-By reliable man at hotel
or restaurant oc kitchen work or any other
similar cmployracnU Joilicvi J, Bernard, Genera.
Delitery, tTity.
SITUATION VANTr:D-lloiie-cleanlng or an.
kind of work', or wisnir.g or ironing, jtr.
Lee, sU Hallstead court.
SITUATION WANTED -Hy man in grocery store
eighteen jears csrenen. e; rood references;
can care for city or country tude, Addrcsa Sam
Koteherry, Montrose, I'a.
blTl'ATION Vt ANTED-ny a joung man,
in offlee; has a goo,j cuueation, can:gtva
good reference.
Address, E. A., care Scrsnwr
house, clly.
SAFEST! Money Will tUrn Dig Monthly
nroTi Returns.
DLo 1 , The Investor's fund Pays Semi-monthly
The oldest established in America No certlficati
holder has eer lost a cent Payments made ta
all subscribers every 1J days No trouble Na
delay. Money refunded en demand Writ to
day (or particulars, free in any address.
C. E. Matkey k Co., Hudson Bld'g., New Yotfc.
Spencer Trask & Co
2? & 29 Pine St., New York
Tunsact a general banking business;
act as fiscal Agents for corporations,
and negotiate security Issues n rail
rosd and othur companies. ExexuU
cornmtfeiori orden asd deal in
Members few York Stock Exchange.
Branch Office 65 State St. Albany