The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 24, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Wkffr f- t A , f' 'fX, 1
sr (- i(v T '
.HSV. fcAS
Cable Snapped Near the Corner of
Ninth Street nnd West Lackawan
na, Avenue nnd Blockaded Mnny
Cars Doubt Entertained for O. A.
Williams Recovery T. J. Luce In
jured -j Social Events Diamond
Mine Excursion Other News Notes
and Personals.
Shorty after 10 o'clock Inst night
passengers on the east-bound tiolley
cirs'were thrown Into a flutter of ex
citement hy thp snapping of the trolley
cable, on West Lackawanna avenue In
the vicinity of Ninth street, and tho
brfaKlpnflpd tip as far ns Robinson
ftreet, where all the In-bound cais
were stalled up as far as Chestnut
Electric cuncnts were scattered In
every direction and pedestrians lied
from possible shocks and Injury. The
force of thp break taxed the i finn InltiR
wires', and as a tesult Hip guide wires
near thp rornpr of Jackson und Chest
nut streets were dr.rwn Iji contact
with nthpf wlrrs and thp rpsult was a
lively blnzp for a Ipw minutes.
One of the light wires snapped and
curled up towards thp post, making a
truly wonderful electrical display,
whloli frrtm a distance pave thp ap
pearance of an lllumlniited column.
Many people were attracted by the
Ft range light and others expected a
fierce fire to occur, but fortunately the
damage was slight.
All traffic between thp central city
and West Scranton was suspended for
nearly an hour.
Little Hope Entertained.
The friends and iclntlvcs of O. A.
Williams, who Is so seriously ill with
typhoid fever at Middle Granville, have
but slight hopes for his recovery, A
message received from his bedside yes
terday stated that his lelatlves could
expect his death at any time.
Mr. Williams has been In ill health
for a long time and his weakened sys
tem cannot stand a siege of typhoid
very long. It Is understood that the
attending physician has given up
hopes of his recovery.
His wife, mother and father are at
his bedside arid evetythlng has been
donp to piolong his life, but without
apparent success. Lei-s than three
years ago Mr. Williams, was married,
Itn nd Almond Cream rtmovci
?intu of tho ikin and noothes the
rain cl lunhurn in one nlnht. Take
a bottle witli you on jour vacation.
Saturday Bargains
Satisfaction is the keynote of our business life. Year
in and year out we are striving to satisfy every wish
of our patrons, trying to prove by our actions and the
character of the goods offered that we really have the
interest of our customers at heart.
With a purchase made at the Globe Warehouse, for if
it is not right, we'll make it right. It's got to be right,
in fact, and that's the sum and substance of it. The
following bargains for Saturday shoppers are a good
deal better than right,
7 The Lucky
No -1 Uadies' Shirt Waists,
nj x a njce assortment 0f
ityles that, sold for $i.oo
ind S1.35. ' Choice 011
Saturday ' 5vC
MrV"'9J-adie.s' High Grade
yu, xWhite Shirt Wai3tS(
with dark sailor collars and other
wise. Choice on Satur- r,
iayonly 89C
Vfo "l-White Negligee Shirts
'' ' ""for gentlemen, youths
ind boys. The best fitting and
nost ."comfortable shirts made.
Dur Jamous Si. 00 quality. To
a t
urday buyers
Vr iMen's High Class
' w1 f. Negligee Shirts, in
lew jafid nobby styles for early
'all wear. They're wide and dlf-
Globe Warehouse
and his young wife has the heartfelt
sympathy of a host of ft lends In her
Newton Roberts, a son pf Dr. and
Mrs. J. J. Hoberts, returned home late
last night from Middle Granville and
reported that Mr. Williams' condition
Is precarious.
Wedding nnd Social Events,
Peter Kelly, of Hcllevilp, and Miss
Margaret Lynch, of South Scranton,
were united In marriage on Thursday
at Holy Cioss church, Hellevue, by
Itev. Thomas Cnrmody. John Lynch, n
brother of thp bride, was gioomsman,
ami Miss Anna Holland was the bibles
maid. The bride wore a gown of
French chiffon, with hat to mutch,
while her maid was becomingly at
tired In pink organdie, with hnt to
match. The newly wedded couple will
leslde In South Scrnnton.
Miss Jennie Williams, of South Hydo
l'ark avenue, gave a party at her home
on Thursday evening, which was at
tended by many well known young
people, prominent among them being
the Misses Margaret Davis, Edith
Davis, Mary Wllllunixi Jennie Will
iams, Jennie Davis, Lizzie Cullen, Her
tha Frances, Lizzie Williams, Nellie
Williams, Mary Williams, and Messrs.
John W. Jones, David Reese, Hlchard
Evans, John Jones, David Thorburn,
E. 11. Kvnns, Hugh Kvans nnd Kcunlo
An enjoyable party was also held on
Thursday evening at the home of MWs
Sadie Charles, on Price stteet, when
flashlights were taken and other diver
sions enjoyed. Among those present
were: Misses Grace Jones, Tychlll
Jones, Annie Wntklns, Kuth Lawrence,
Anna Canavan. Alice Watklns, Flor
ence Feeney, Knte llolters, Lottie Em
mel, Alice Saul, and Herman Bach
man, Joseph Cnniivnn. Carl Hachman,
Will Thorn and Clmiles Thtiiti.
Mls Lillian Oendall, of Morris court,
entertained a party of young friends
at her home recently In a clever man
ner, nnd showed her ability as an en
tertainer. Those In attendance were:
Misses Walters, Worley, Dorsey, John
son, Kelly, Mndlban, MrNeamey, Mor
gan, Watklns, Hynon, James, Gleason,
t'arden and Deed, Messrs. Doud, Tlghe,
ftleason, McIIale, Hoylp, Jordan,,
Monagher, Taylor, Multoy and Heck.
Nnnow Escape From Injury.
T. J. Luce, treasurer of the Traders'
Ilullding and Loan association, while
dilvlng In Taylor on Thursday with his
grandson, Hymn, had a narrow es
cape from Injury.
Mr. Luce had stopppd to water the
horse, when the animal became fright
ened, and in molng around overturned
the carriage nnd thiew the little boy
out. Mr. Luce was also thrown across
the stteet, but escaped with a sprained
ankle. The boy was unlnjuicd.
Diamond Mine's Excursion.
There Is consternation In the camp
of the Diamond local. United Mlna
Workers of America, on account of
their excursion to Lake Lndore today.
It seems that the committee having
the arrangements In charge tlxpd upon
Saturday August 24 as thp most suit
able day for the annual excursion, and
anticipated that the "ghost would
ferent from anything else you've
seen. $1.50 Shirts on M
Saturday $1.00
No. 5.
A great assorted lot
Gentlemen's Nerk-
wear, including Tecks, Four-in-Hands,
Grenadines, Windsors,
Club House, hie. Choice of the
lot, for Saturday shoppers
only 9C
Nft -Children's Fast Black
nU' U "Ribbed Hose, in all
sizes, strong and the very thing for
coming school days. Re-
ducedto IOC
No 7aBA very choice line of
iyv, J aifldies' 26 inch Um.
brellas. Best frames, stylish han
dles, and value anywhere
on (his earth for $i.ij. n
Saturday 9oC
walk ysterday, hut to their surprise
nnd chagrin, they will not reeelve
their sml-monthly pay until next
They elnlm It Is nil spite work on the
part of the eompnny, heeanixi they
will not "reeoRnlze the union," nnd the holdlnK off of the pnya la a
feheim to throw cold wntor on Their
exclusion project. Nevertheless, they
will go to the Inke todny nnd have ns
good a time its povsllilc under the cir
cumstances, even If they haven't nny
mousy to spend.
Royal niuo Cnko-Wnlkers.
A colored Kentlemnn nnd lady at
tracted largo crowds In front of Clar
enre rfhryer's drug store nil dny yes
terday, where they gave a cries of
cnke-walks nnd did other stunts for
the amusement and edlfk'Ulon of the
The couple an? In the employ of the
Itoynl Hlue Cigar company, nnd appear
on thi! streets attired lit costumes of
royal blue. They take this means of
advertising the cigars made by tho
Two Boys Injured.
Samuel Williams, of Hock street, had
his thumb badly Injured recently while
Using a carpenter's paw.
Chester Hughes, of Swetland street,
employed as a pros feeder In the
Time. Job department, had his hand
squeezed recently In the bed of the
pleas and sustnlned a severe Injury.
Funerpl Announcements.
The funeral of the late Bridget Day
was couducteil yesterday afternoon
fiom th family residence on Meridian
stiect .Short services, were held In thi
Holy Croxy church, and Interment was
made In the Cathedral cemeteiy.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Thijinns
Sheridan will take place at o'clock
this morning from the house, H2,"
Hampton street. A rerprlem mas will
be sung In St. Patrick's Catholic
church, and Interment will bo made In
the Cathedral cemetery.
Tho funeral services over the re
mains of the late Mrs. William Wrlg
lev will take plice nt 2..1A tomorrow af
ternoon at the houe on Division
street. Itev. H. C. MeDermott. pastor
of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal
chinch, will ollbiate, and Interment
will lie made nt Kactoryvllle,
Mr. and Mrs A. H. Holmes, of
South Main venlie, left yesterday
morning for a pleasure trip to Buffalo.
Jllm ICthel Conway, of Wllkes-Harre,
Is the guest of Miss Mabel Dershlmer,
of South .Main avenue.
Don't forget our rummage sale bar
gains In ladles' Muslin Underwear.
Crtme early and avoid the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
William Hughes, of Luzerne street,
has leinoved to Plttston, where he Is
employed by the Cudahy Packing com
pany. Mis. Mary Johnson, of North Re
becca avenue, entertained the mem
bers of St. Patrick's church choir at
her home last evening.
Mluves Lulu Leader, Mary Daniels,
Annie and Margaret Hughes have re
turned home from a week's vacation,
which was spent at Newfoundland.
Mrs. .John V. Richards and children,
of South Main avenue, aie the guota
of friends in Brooklyn, Susquehanna
county. '
New Wash floods at rummage sale
prices today. Come early and avoid
the rush. Mears ,fc Hagen.
Mls Jeanette Jones, of Orange, N.
J., Is the guest of West Scranton
Mh. Lena Crook, of North Hyde avenue, is reported to be quite
111 at her home.
Miss LMIzabeth Davis, of Hynon
street, Is spending her vacation at
Womans' and Children's Hosiery and
Underwear today at' .half price. Come
early and avoid the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
John Williams, of Hoek street, nnd
Daniel Hughes, of North Bromley ave
nue, nre sojourning at Lnke Poyntelle.
Miss Knte Pfelffer, of North Hyde avenue, is the guest of Towanda
William Buscy. of New York, Is tho
guest of West Scranton friends.
Mr. and Mrs. James Savllle, of North
Main nvenue, are enjoying the sea
breezes at Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Hardenhurgh, of
West Llm stteet, have tetuvned home
from nn enjoyabe visit with friends nt
Silks and Dress Goods at half value
today. Come early and avoid the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
Charles Sholl and sister Elizabeth, of
North Hyde Park nvenue, nre home
from a nip to New York city.
John Slantz, of Chestnut street, Is ill
nt his home.
Oeorge Barrowman, of Washburn
btreet, is recovering from an Illness,
Mrs, Catherine Durkin, of Luzerno
stieet has returned home from Chi
cago, where she attended the. funeral of
a relative.
A son was recently born to Mr. and
Mrs. James Berry, of Twentieth street.
Ezra Haul and Joseph Hart, of tho
Archbald mine, nre spending a few
days nt Atlantic City.
Ladles' Neckwear at half price today.
Come early and avoid the rush,
Mears & Hagen.
William MoManaman, of Luzerne
street, has returned home from a visit
to New York.
Mrs. Mary McDonald, who has been
visiting her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Fiank McDonald, of Luzerne street,
left yesterday for Atlantic City, where
she will reside with her daughter. Mrs.
Fine Embroideries at half price to
day. Come early und avoid the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
Mr. nnd Mrs Oeorge Chase nnd chil
dren. Aithurnnd Bessie, of North Mnin
avenue, have returned home from a
visit to the Pan-American exposition.
Edward Cieaiy. of Price stteet, who
smashed the furniture In his house,
nnd otherwise (M.-tlngulshed himself
on Thursday, was given a hearing be
fore Aides man John yisterdny morn
ing nnd greatly tegretted his netlon.
Ho pleaded li responsibility fr j,a
acton, nnd was iclcased on payment
of the costs.
Ladles' White and Colored Shirt
WnlstH today for 11 song. Come early
and avoid tho rush. Mears & Hagen.
Rev. John Hughes, M. A., of Liver
pool. Eng. formerly of Dowlals, one
of Vales' foiemost pienrhets, win
occupy the pulpit of the Hellevue
Welsh Culvlnlstlc Methodist church
tomorrow moinlng. nnd tho South
Ii In itor (or ill ho uo Kftnp't ruium for
the Throat and I.unei. the great Buarantwd
rtrrifdy. Would you Iwlieve that It Ii told on
Iti merit, and any drueeUt la authorized y the
proprietor of thU wonderful remedy to give you
1 aample bottle Ireet It neter (alia to cure
acute or chroolo coufha. All rtrugtliu tell
Kcmp'a DilMm, Price 8Jc. and Wc.
An Excellent Combination.
Tho plensnnt method nnd beneficial
effects of tho well known remedy,
Svnur of IfioH, manufactured by tho
CAi.iroiiNiA. Flo Svnui- Co., lllustrato
thovalueof obtaining tho liquid laxa
ttvo principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
them In tho form nioht refreshing to tho
tasto anil acceptable to tho b.vstem. It
Is tho one perfect strengthening- laxa
tive, clcnnslnff tho system effectually,
dispelling' colds, headnches nnd fevers
ffently yet promptly and enabling" ono
to overcome habitunl constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality nnd sub
stance, nnd Its nctincr on tho kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening;
or irritating- them, make it, the ideal
In tho process of manufacturing flpa
nro used, as they nro plensnnt to the
taste, buttho medicinal qualitlesof tho
remedy aro obtained from senna and
other uromatlc plants, by a method
known to tho Camfohnia F10 Syhdp
Co. only. In order to pet its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, pleaso
rcmemberthofullnamoof theCompany
printed on tho front of every package.
r,ou:svii.i.E, ky new Yonrc, . t.
Female, by all DruuKlits. l'riceBOo. pertiottlo.
Main avenue church In the evening.
The West Side Driving club will
meet Monday evening at C. C. Deckel
nick's, on North Main avenue.
Polka Dot Duck Skirts, $1.23 value
for sn cents, nt Ilummnge Sale todny.
Come early and avoid the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
Alfred John Is spending his vaca
tion at Philadelphia nnd Atlnntlc City.
Tony Pnnelle, of Pettebone Ftreet
and Hyde Park avenue, was urralgned
before Aldfimaiv John last evening for
disorderly conduct. He wos fined $2
nnd costs.
The Hellevue Clee club will meet
tomorrow afternoon nt tho home of
Mendery Davis, on Archbald street.
Jessie Becker. Edith Blchnrds nnd
Frank Mansfield leave today for the
Arch Blown, of Scranton street, will
leave this morning for New York and
Philadelphia, on a pleasure trip.
Rummage sale toduy. Come early
and avoid tho rush. Mears & Hagen.
Funernl of Mrs. Joseph Brown In
nocent Mnn Accused of Stealing
Bicycle Chased Fiercely.
Yesterday morning all that was
mortal of Mrs. Joseph Brown was con
signed to Mother Earth In the Mlnoo
ka Catholic cemetery. The residence
of the bereaved family was thronged
with sorrowing friends ami relatives
for hours previous to the time of ths
At ft o'clock the casket was closed
and tho funeral moved to St. Joseph's
church, Mlnooka, where a requiem
mass was celebrated by Hev. Francis
Can.vnn. Interment was made in tho
Mlnooka Catholic cemetery.
Polka Dot Duck Skirts, $1.25 value
for S9 cents, at Rummage Sale today.
Come early nnd avoid tho rush.
Mears & Hagen.
Morning Runawny.
August Dlesing, .r., of Prospect ave
nue, is confined lo his homo by a
brokon leg, which he received yester
day motning while ho was out driv
ing. Mr. Diesing and his H-year-old
son were enjoying a drive, and about
10 o'clock, w hen they were driving
down Biook street, the horse became
frightened and dashed down the street.
"When it got near Plttston avenue, it
made a sudden turn and ono of tha
wiieels of the wagon collided with a
dirb-stone. Tho shock threw the oc
cupants into the street. Mr. Dies
Ing's fall was unfortunate, as he re
ceived n broken leg, His son, with tho
exception of a few bruises, escaped In
Jury. Mr. Dlesing was removed to Dr.
J. J. Walsh's office nnd there tho
broken leg was set, after which he was
removed to his residence. The horso
was caught a ishort distance from
where the accident occurred. The
wngon was badly smashed up, but tha
l.orse received no Injuries.
Ladles' White nnd Colored Shirt
Waists today for a song. Como early
nnd avoid the rush, Mears & Hagen,
Chased the Wrong Man.
An exciting chnse occurred on Ce
dar avenue last eenlng about o'clock
when a young man came along C"da
nvenue on n wheel, riding as fast ns
he could work the pedals, nnd about
forty feet behind Mm ran another man
shouting, "Hold the fellow. He stola
the wheel."
In a few minutes there were hun
dreds of people running nfter the cy
clist, but the fugitive did not stop until
ho reached his home on Prospect ave
nue, where he wns followed by Con
stable Woelker.i. Tho young man,
whose nam Is Harry Whalen, called
his uncle, Mr. Dieter, who proved his
innocenco by dec'nrlng the wheel be
longed to his son. Tho man who had
done tho chasing afterwards stated
that 11 blcyclo wns stolen on Lacka
wanna aenue, and when ho saw Whe
lan's, ho thought It was his wheel.
Flno Embroideries nt half price to
dny. Come early and nvnld the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
Don't forgot our rummage sale bar
gains In ladles' Muslin Underwear.
Como early nnd aold the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
Tho numbers of Columbus council,
Men's Institute, will meet In regular
business session Sunday afternoon at
Pharmacy hall.
New Wash floods at rummage sale
prices today. Como early and avoid
the rush. Mrars & Hagen.
Rummage sale today. Come early
and avoid the rush. Mears fc Hagen.
An entertainment will be held In St.
Joseph's-hall, Mlnooka, for the bene
fit of Mrs. Hlchard Walsh, Monday
evening, Aug. 2fi
Womans' and Children's Hosiery nnd
Underwear today nt half price. Como
early and avoid the rush,
Menrs & Hagen.
W. It. Holder, the well known South
Scrnnton newsdealer, has moved his
residence from 416 Cedar avenue to 430
Cedar nvenue.
Hllks and Dress floods nt half vnluo
todny. Come early nnd avoid the rush.
Menrs A Hagen.
The regular Sunday afternoon Oos
pel mr:l:ig of the Young Women's
Chrlntlnn nssoclatlon will be held Bun
day afternoon nt 4 o'clock, at their
rooms on Cedar avenue, and will be led
by Miss Ida Eck.
Lidles' Neckwear at half price today.
Come early and avoid the rush
Mears & Hagen.
Resolutions Passed at Meeting of
Quarterly Conference of Dun
more M. E. Church.
At a meetlns- of the quarterly con
ference of th Dunmore Methodist
Episcopal church, held on Monday
evening, Aug. ID, 1001, the following
preamble and resolutions were adopt
ed: Vherei, Our church mourna the Iom of one
ol Ita mnst dlthful member in the death of
Ihnmu 11, r.ngle, who died on Rjnday cveninpr,
the l'th Irut , after an illncM of a tew urcka.
Therefore, lie It
neoled', Tint In till dfath the rburcli tiajt
lot a loyil and true friend, a brother Mho
dilly life and conduct were In strict harmony
with the principle of Christianity which he pro.
fesed, full of faith and Kfif'd works a blewlnu
to the church and community.
Ilesnbed, That we rutnd to the wife and
famllv of our drccued brother our most respect
ful Mmpathy In their benaiemcnt. .
IIeobed, That the foreEolns resolution be
puMMied In the Scranton Tribune and Scranton
Republican' also a copy tr he furnished the
widow of our dcccaacd brother.
Panlel Powell,
hdward Anew in,
A. 11. flaker,
A Friendly Visit.
The homo of Mrs. Luctna Edward,
on Orove street, was the scene of mer
riment and and good cheer on Thurs
day last, when some of her friends
belonging to the Aid society of the
Methodist Episcopal church came to
tnke dinner with her and spend the
The table was bountifully fpread
with all the good things of the season
which the lndlr had thoughtfully pre
pared. Conversation and music made
the time pass swiftly, nnd when they
wete ready to depart air agreed that
they had enjoyed the visit thoroughly.
Those present were: Mrs. S. Dllly,
Mrs. A. Hoyt, Mrs. F. Miller. Mrs, A.
Washer, Mrs. L. Townsend, Mrs. P.
Selgle. Mrs. D. Powell, Mrs. H. Spen
cer. Mis. F. Stevens. Mrs. Burley, Mrs.
('. Engle, Mrs. E Tressler. Mrs. G.
Swatts, Mrs. P. f!. Fritz, Mrs. A. Spen
cer, Mrs. L. Kdwnrda.
Lost Girl Found.
Miss Miry Schultz, daughter of Wil
liam Schultz, of Franklin street, who
hae been mlfsinf- since Sunday last
and was thought to have been lost,
straypd or stolen, was found safe and
happy yesterday afterncon 'jot far
from her noiiv.
The only explanation given for her
strange action Is that she decided to
rest a few days, and without notify
ing any of tho family proceeded to a
neighbor's residence on Throop street,
nnd rested until called for.
Benjamin Bowman, of Walton, N.
Y., Is visiting friends on Rlggs street.
Mrs. William Fink is visiting in
Drinker, Pa.
Don't forget our rummage sale bar
gains in Ladles' Muslin Underwear.
Come early and avoid the rush.
' Mears & Hagen.
The First Methodist Episcopal church
Rev. Charles Henry Newlng, pastor.
Love feast at 9.30 a. m.: communion
at the morning service at 10 30 o'clock.
In the evening Rev. E. B, Singer, as
sistant pastor of Elm Park church,
will preach at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday
school at 2.30 p. m.; evening prayer
service at 6.30 clock; mid-week
prayer meeting, Wednesday evening at
7.4ft o'clock.
New Wash Goods at rummage salo
prices today. Come early and avoid
the rush. Mears & Hagen.
Miss May Allen, of Avoca, who has
been a guest of Miss Lucy Heal, of
Church street, returned to her home
Womans! and Children's Hosiery nnd
Underwear today at half price. Come
early and avoid the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
Mr. and Mrs. Brevard Hnrrla and
son. of Concord, N. H., are at the home
of Mr. It. P. Savage, Green Ridge
Silks and Dress Goods at half value
today. Come early and avoid the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
Mrs. Albert Mowery nnd little daugh
ter, Helen, are at Lake Underwood.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cordy, of North
Blakely street, leave todny for a visit
at Wyaluslng.
Ladles' Neckwear at half price today.
Come early and avoid the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
Mrs. Van Eden and children are vis
iting relatives at Old Forge.
Fine Embroideries nt half price to
day. Come early and avoid the rush,
" Mears & Hagen.
Mrs, Mary Schuller has returned
from a two weeks' visit at Holllstcr
vllle. Polka Dot Duck Skirts, $1.25 value
for 89 cents, at Rummage Sale today.
Como early and avoid the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
Rev. Harry Nye will occupy the pul
pit tomorrow morning at the Presby
terian church.
Ladies' White nnd Colored Shirt
Waists today for n song. Come early
und nvold the rush, Mears & Hagen.
John J. Morris, of Forty Fort, nnd
Miss Ella A, McCracken, of Westmoie,
were married at Dunmore, at the
Presbyterian manse, by Rev. W. F.
Gibbons, nt noon Aug. 21.
Rummugo salo toduy. Como early
and avoid tho rush. Mears & Hagen.
W. G. Finn, of Providence road, will
spend Sunday at Lake Sheridan.
Miss Vlrgle Wnltmnn, of Diamond
nvenue, Is spending a couplo ot months
with her sister In Pittsburg.
Miss Daisy Twining, of Diamond
avenue, is spending a couplo of weeks
with friends at Nicholson.
J. J. Roll and wife, of Blair avenuo,
are visiting relatives In Allentown.
Miss Ella Mutchler, of Stroudshurg.
who has been the guest of Mrs. 8.
Mltzel, of Blair avenue, for the past
two weeks, returned home today.
Miss Angela Maguire, of Court
School Shoes
Boys and Girls
A few more days and the Boys and Girls will be
hurrying to School.
You are already thinking about the hundred and
one things you will have to buy before School begins.
Can we assist you in settling the Shoe question ?
Just six numbers in today's list:
Girls' School Shoes. Sizes
82 to 1 1
Little Gents' School Shoes.
Sizes Qy to 13
Youths' School Shoes. Sizes
12 to 2,
Women's fast bhick fancy
ribbed hose, nicely shaped mid
made of fine quality of
S cotton. A pair !OL
Women's fancy hose, all col
ors, plain and drop stitched; in
the assortment are some fancy
green shades; good
value at 50c. New
price oyC
Men's fancy half hose, in
mottled with colored
silk heel and toe. Two
pairs for 2, DC
Boys' school and bicycle hose
in two rib, fast black
and of superior quality.
Per pair 2lC
Jonas Long's Sods
Attend the August Sale
Z' 1
fTJkOM V .turi mt
v J flI)IIJBflJly
street, nnd Misses Anna Hatt and
Nora Conrad, of Diamond avenue, will
spend the next two weeks at Atlantic
Anthony Hogan was arraigned last
evening before Alderman Fidler, of the
Klrst ward, for committing an assault
upon William Lenot, of Yard street.
After a hearing the alderman held him
under $400 bail, for which his wife
qualified ns bandsman.
Polka Dot Duck Skirts, $1.25 value
for S cents, ut Hummugo Sale today.
Como early and avoid the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
Mrs. Anna Thomas, of I.uzeiue, is
visiting at the home of Mr. und Mrs.
Fred Mayo, of North Main nvenue.
Rev. .O. A. Cure, pastor of the Provi
dence M. E. church, who has been
spending his vacation at Tompkins
vllle, will prearh from his pulpit both
tomorrow morning nnd evening.
Ladles' White nnd Colored Shirt
Waists today for a song. Come early
and avoid the rush. Mears & Hagen.
The now Memorial Uapttst church,
which Is In course of erection on
Church avenue near Market street, Is
Hearing completion. Tho building,
when finished, will bo one of the mof,t
liandsnmu structuies In tho city of
Klne Embroideries at half price to
day. Come early and avoid the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
Services will be held at the Primitive
Methodist church on East Market
street at 10.30 a. m. und 7 p. in. to
morrow by Hev. Flack, of PI) mouth.
A social was given last evening in the
North Main avenuo Baptist tabernacle
under the supervision of Miss Mnmo
Evans. It proved a grent success.
Ladles' Neckwear nt half price today.
Come early and avoid the tush.
Mears & Hagen.
The work of paving North Main ave
nue, from Court street to the city line,
11 distance of two miles, lo now nearly
completed. City Engineer Phillips said
yesterday that It would take but two
more weeks to finish tho Job.
Miss Helen Ilodeiick, of North Main
avenue, has returned homo after spend
ing several weeks at her summer homo
on the Pocono mountains.
Silks nnd Dress Cooils at half valuo
today. Come early and avoid the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
An Ico cream Foclul will bo held at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs, Charles
Moycr, 131 East Market street, Monday
evening, nt which evcryono will bo
Womans' nnd Children's Hosiery nnd
Underwear today at half price. Como
early and avoid the rush.
Mears & Hagen.
Mrs, David J. Evans, of Putnam
street, spent yesterday with friends in
New Wash Goods at rummage sale
prices today. Come early and hvold
the rush. Mears & Hagen.
Miss Emma Jones, of Putnam stteet,
Boys' School Shoes. Sizes
2lA to slA
Boys' School Shoes. Sizes
2)4 to s'A
Misses School Shoes. Sizes
11 yi to 2
Men's Furnishings
Percale shirts, fall patterns, 2
collars, l pair detached A
cuffs, all sizes 5UC
Balbriggan shirts and draw
ers, made ol a splendid quality
of cotton, with silk fin
ish, value 50c. New .
price 4UC
Stretched seam drawers,
made just like the jean, with
the exception that they have an
elastic seam. The regular price
is 50 cents. Our new Q
price is OOC
Fine quality of balbriggan
shirts and drawers, made of
splendid quality of cot-
ton. liach o5C
has returned after spending a fex?
weeks at Crystal lake and Carbon
dale. Rummage sale today. Come early
and avoid the rush. Mears & Hagen.
The Rev. W. F. Davles will occupy
the pulpit of the Memorial Raptlst
church tomorrow, both morning and
evening, preaching In Welsh In tho
moinlng and English in the evening.
Hible school at -' p m. Communion
after the evening sermon.
Don't forget our rummage sale bar
gains in Ladles' Muslin Underwear.
Como early and avoid the rush
Mears & Hagen.
' m
Mr. and Mrs. William Kearney of
Sanderson avenue, left yesterday for
a ten days' stay ut the Pan-American
Miss Jec-sle Wilbur has returned
from a six weeks' stay at New Yoik,
Long Island nd polntu along ths
Hudson liver.
Mr. nnd Mrs. David Lee. of Gardner
avenue, have returned from a ten
days' sojourn at New York, Coney
Island nnd Long Hr.mch.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Col
cher, wife of David Coleher, took plaro
from her late borne on Delaware streft
yesterday aftemoon. The servces
were conducted by Rev. L. R. Foster
nsslnnnt pastor of the Green Ridge
Pifbyterlan church. Muslo was fur
nished by niembeis of the choir of
that church. The pallbearero were
13. D. Caryl, B. T. Jayne. G. W. Sn)
der, George Geary, Fred Long and
John Reynolds. Interment wab made
in Forest Hill cemetery.
SAMUEL ESHELMAN died yester.
day morning at the Scranton Prlvato
luwpltal. The funeial will bo held at
U o'clock tomonow morning.
The funeral of the lato John Cum
mlngs will bo held this morning at 0
o'clock from the home of deceased s
nephew, James V. Cummlngs A
mass will be celobiated at St. Peter's,
ami Intel ment will be made In tho
Cuthedrnl cmu-tei)
Vi Prof.O.F.THEEL,5278?hr
t Jj 4inrrUt liutrinlfM In cur tU hj nil) I'rlfilr
A J&fik. IHtratri,(frttirftM4lolOdim)Siftm,il'Uht',I
JfvirhSrt W0' I'oWun, Nno lUbllll. Ut Miihood
fL-uu Urlrofflf MrUtum fiu miliar), lndflop.i
lilotiitirrr mnllril th4 rlrflrlfiirnud. Mention ffr.T
- - - - 4
Thiat flnv fntiMulf'A nr.
r-". ..::. .r-r"..i. .-.
rem in n uuurn wiiuoui;
beu und Invrtlnfttli