- v 'V.iv- i- MP , THE SCRANTON TRipUNE-SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 100.1V 8' ooooocxxx; O THI THE MODERN HARDWARE 8TOR2. Always Sharp For they ore made of the finest quRllty steel, proper ly tempered. HHNCKLKS "TWIN BRANIVSHKAUS the best In the world fully warranted. Muny styles here for you to se lect from. Footc & Shear Co. IJ9N. Washington Ave :xxxoooooooc Some Knit Garments for Balio and child thnt will mnko n, mother happy and tho child restful. Wo aro specialists In this lino and have everything In tho ad vanced styles for infants and children. Th? Baby Bazaar, 510 Spruce Street. LACKAWANNA BUSINESS COLLEGE, 3l Vhlntrn nvrmi, Guernsey building. New term beclna Sert. 3. THE LADIES' LAUNDRY The tine muslins and ladles' gar ments th.U can not he laundered satisfactorily nt home we do up to look better than new. Ladies' Dresses, Pillow Shams, Lace Curtains, Children's Dresses, Skirts. TT ackawamiinia 1U niK" ry. jii;.31rt Penn avenu A. H. W.uinan. AMUSEMENTS. Academy of Music. Miss Mabel Paige, the talented little favorite, will be at the head of the Southern Stock company, which Is tionked to appear at the Academy of Music next veek. The strength of the company, the grand piodtietlons-. to gether with the choice (.elections of plays, should make the engagement one of decided intctest. It has been the object of Mabel Paige to provide a mmIps of pioductlon which would match each other in stiength. and to make each presenta tion complete and perfect In itself. The comedy diama. "Kittle Co quette." will be the opening bill, and n better selection could not have been made. It Is one of the strongest of the repertoire, awl no doubt will be a pleasant surprise. Other plays for the week will be "L'ncles Darling," "The Kittle Kcyp lian." "I'nder Two Flags," "The Buck eye." "I'ncle Sam in China," "Peail of Savoy," "Mariuna." etc Matinees will he given dally commencing Tues day., Evening prices. 10, 20 and 30 cent's, Matinee, 10 and 20 cents. POLITICAL. Tho Jlepuhllrin prlmaiv election will lie heM nn Monday, Sept. Iftih, 1P0I, between the hours cf 1 ani 8 o'llocV p. in.; the convention oil Thiirvliy. Sopt 11th, at 10 o'cloik .1. tn. Kaih cindiilvtc mint recMcr hit full name and addreM, the olfke for which he deMres to bo a candidite, and p,iy hH aa.rf'N.Mnfnt to the lOunty thiliman on or heroic Autr. 27th injt. The vigihnre committer will govern thnmrUos acionllncly. Hold .1. Davis, Chairman. K. t fellows, Secretary. POLITICAL MATTERS. YeMerdij'a Plnladi Ipliia I'rm printed the ful. lowing ili-patrli fi 'in I'm-mirc: "Pittkliuic, u.' J-' Limn Walu, if Stranton, I Iftoniintf up i .1 r.indidiTr for in t jcir Mr. WalH'i.' p -i a .1 i.iiihji livi. he ii iventioiieil .1 imtnlii'i of linn' within the put few iii'intln, ainl he N ulil nol In l.r .nern- i.i the jih nf smnir after the ItepuMiian iioinin.uii'n lext j ear a an eastirn landidalc .istaimt 1 1 t -ne liener.il .lotin I'. Klkln. "It ,i leaimd in I'lllohurc tndai that friends ef Mr. W'atiia hae lieen Koine iIiioiil'Ii IViinh .iiila i mini im for ivioi'il cek pit viiindini; polltii ijii" and loial leai'er en Hit ipieslioii of jus cituhdaii Mr. Watie fiii rerehed repotts (f the raina", and lhe jie i".ud to lm a ftrontr fentlinent in lil fani. "Whether the rvlleutc nanl pweriior In rued any eniouraceimiit ,fr'in tho Allinheny luuni.i leader i nut known." "(Vilnml W.iiie w.n nut of the ilty jutcrdaj, and could not he ro.nhed. The following are the reclatratlcnt of Iwinn. cratic landidaieii in I U7ernr. Orphan' Court Judse Kdnln Shorl? and A. )l l're,i, of ,W'ilkrh-Ilitrr. Sheriff Milt rl II. Jacol, of Ihzloton, Controller -firorire II. SliltTcr. of Plalna, ami Oforite It Mt Lean, of W'llke-l.irri. Ciironer--Hr W. .1 -Hinder, of Wjoinlnc, and Pr. P. F. smith, nf I'liinuiith Sur fjor--Jan.es Crockett, nt rto township. wai rxprrled (leortre ShljTr r would rtci'ler for recorder, hut at the lat moment he deiidnl to rntrr the liu fur rontr"ller. The lotinty committee will look ahout (or a candidate. Iaae P. Hand liai reEliered wdih County Chairman Fell aa a rand.datr for the Itepuhliran nomination for Judge of the orphina' rourt. City and School Taxes, 1001, The city nnd school tax duplicates for year 1001 are now In my hands for collection. A penalty of 3 per cent, will be added Sept 1st, 1901, nnd an additional onn per cent, on the first of each r.nd every month until fullv paid. All taxes remaining unpaid ' after November 1st will be placed on tho delinquent list ns pmvided by law, E. J. Robinson, City Treasurer Hanley's Ice cream Is popular for dessert this summer. 420 Spruce street. Rmoko the Pocono Cigar, 5c. FUNERAL Or MISS RIPPLE. Reninlns Were Laid nt Ilcst in Dun more Cemetery. There Is sorrow when the little child whose tender hands cling to many heat t-sti lugs drops Into a slumber from which no word of anguish enrt awaken It fotever. There li grief for the aged, who, with their life-work ended, lay down the fiaglle threads wearily for a last, long rest. Hut sometimes there comes ii day when one who hns Just stepped Into the happy land of tomance nnd sunshine and Joy Is suddenly called to leave It nil and fair, forth through the gateway of death Into another rountty whose ob scurity those who wait neninn may not yet penetrate, and then for these In deed the world Is lonely It whs with such feelings as these that a throng of friends gathered In the home of Colonel and Mrs. K. H. Klpplo yesterday for n sad farewell to Sue, the darling youngest daughter of the house, the fair girl, whose brief eighteen years had so blessed the lives within range of her sunny lnlluence. Itobed in white, which had been her glrll"h choice In happy seasons, lying In the white casket amid the flowers she so loved, the tranquil young face seemed to bear few traces of the months of suffering. Flowers were everywhere In the beautiful loom. A magnificent bas ket of loses testified to the sympathy felt b the post office employes for their chief In his gieat aflllctlon. Close to the dead girl lay the wreath sent by her coterie of friends, the Qui Vive i lub. They trooped In. the young people who hail so loved this companion, and the sorrow they felt was evident. The old weie there whom her gentle minis trations had gladdened: the middle- aged, who wept with those who mourned. The llev. Oeorgc I,. Alrlch, pastor of rjrace Heformed Kplcnpnl church, lead the set vice for the dead, and concluded with an address, the theme of which was fiom .lohn "We would see Jesus He (the Sphlt) shall testify of me." He emphasized the thought of the dead as sleeping only, and that the Spirit of (lod would biighten the parage to the grave. He offered the meat hope of the resurrection of the body; giving far mote than death can take away. The thought that re demption place man back In the glor ies of Kden I not commensurate with the 1 1 lit li. for it gives mole than lMen enr had. since 'hrlt is ilsen, the first fruits of them that sleep. He spoke of the lovely life of the young girl who had gone away and of the beauty and grace of such a life sweetened thus by her faith, nnd he urged her young friends to follow the light as she saw it, not meiely to die by In a peaceful end, but to live by, blessed nnd blessing others. A quartette composed nf Miss 1 lor ence Ulchmonrt, Mis. W. T. Hunter, Mesis. David Stephens and William Huberts sang "The Sands of Time Aro Sinking" ami "Abide With Me." The pall bearers were Hon. W. L. Council. Messrs. J. S. McAnulty, C. It. Alfied K., Theodore K. and II. A. Con nell. Vi lends present from out of town weie: IC--.Mayor I-Mwln Stuart and Miss Stuait, of Philadelphia; Messrs. Jncob and William Huberts, of Wllkcs Tiniie, and Miss Elizabeth Stewart, of Allentown. Interment was made in Dunmorc cemetery. THEIR ANNUAL REUNION. Prof. Durkan, of Scranton, Will Read a Poem. The ihlrty-tlfth annual reunion of the One Hundred and Koi ty-thlrd regi ment, Pennsylvania volunteeis, will take place at Hhoads' hotel, Harvey's lake, on September u. Theie will be an oration by Hon. John Hall Osborne, Joint secietary of the leiipinciiy commission. Washing ton, D. C, . on original poem by Prof. P. V. Dutknn, of Scranton; addresses by other comrades and music by the glee club. ST. LUKE'S SUMMER HOME. More Cash Donations Are Acknowl edged by the Treasurer. The tteasuier acknowledges, with sincere thanks to the donois, the fol lowing cash donations duiing the past w eek : Plum Mr. T. l "n Mmili $ 0 ml Kimn W. It. Piene. 1'hil.idilplin ft") Kiem a Krierd, per Hr Pr. Inel l () Total Heretofore aiknmvleilgeil .$ lh mi . fVil ;ii Total to date V" 70 Further donation are ntrdt'd and ate tarncMly ,1'knl. SCRANTON BUSINESS COLLEGE. StudMits are alieady enrolling for both day nnd evening sessions. Night school will be large this year as usual. Hundreds have been greaty benefited by attending evening sessions, On Hie are rqilots for young man book keeper and young men stenogmpheis; also requests for Indies to do both bookkeeping and stenographic work, tlood positions, but no one to send. Llchty's Celery Nerve Compound for all neivotiH diseases, neuralgia, iheumatlsm, nervous debility, paraly sis, biliousness, dyspepsia, costiveness, piles, liver omplnlnt. kidney tiou bles nnd female complaints. It goes to the seat of the disease and cures thoroughly and speedily. Sold by Mnt thew Hros. All Odd Pants at a Reduction. At the clearlnu sale of Hk hards Wlrth's, 3J6 Lackawanna h venue. & 77 Beautiful Building Lots for sale, M.rtOO; will sell singly for JlSO.on. Splendid chance to make money. Call for maps, Comegys, Dime building. Brink East Mountain Lithin. It Is pure. Phone office, 3.15 Wash ington avenue. All Odd Pants at a Reduction. At tho clearing sale nf Ulchards & Wlrth's, 326 Lackawanna avenue. Pure cream, pure milk, pure sugar, pure llavorlng make pure Ice cream, That's Hanley's, 420 Spiuce street. ALL ORGAT PIANISTS took lliclr Irulruc. linn as one vt a SPSfe Cl.V-1. Piano 1 not t.uiBht otlifrlw In in.v ot tie gii-at I O.Sbr.ltV.VTOHII.S of huropp or A'niT In (it tlir latot jn'l lirat Jitfni by Utailuatf ttarhrr. J, Allrcil I'cnnlns ton, illrcctor. aO ir a.l.lilj . -wb WILL BE A BIG CONVENTION PLANNING- FOR MEETING OF RE PUBLICAN LEAGUERS. A General Committee to Take Up Work of Preparation Appointed at a Meeting of the Union League Held Lnst Night Those Who Com prise This Committee It Is Ex pected That Over 700 Delegates Will Attend Mass Meeting in tho Armory. The work of pieparliwr for the con vention of the State IMgtic of Hepub llcnn clubs, which Is to be held In tlm city on Sept. 17 and 18, was com menced last n al'-t I" the office of M. W. I owry, In the board of trade Intlld Ing, r.t a meeting of the Unlcn league. Thre were a larpe number nf prom inent Hopubllcnns present and a great deal of preliminary work was accom plished. State Corresponding Secre tary John Kelley, of Philadelphia; State Hecordlng Secretary lleorge Llewellyn, of Wllkes-Harre, and Depu ty Attorney IScnenil !'. W. Kiel 1 7. were In attendance nnd tendered valuable assistance In the offering of sugges tions nnd IdetiH based on their past expeilence at league conventions. Attorney Milton W. Lowry, who Is n. member of tho state executive commit tee, and who can elnltn the larger part of the credit for bringing this years convention to Scranton, was uniinlmrmly chosen ns chairman of the general committee which Is to hnve the woik of making arrangements In charge. P. Silas Walters, president of tho Union league, was chosen secre tary, nnd Frank II. Heese, clerk of the department erf public safety, was elect ed assistant secretary. CJrllllth T. Davis wtts elected tteasuier. The following general committee, the larger part of the members of which weie chosen by Chalnmin I.owry, the otheis being added last night, was appointed. THK GKNKHAli COMM1TTKK. Hon. William Council. Hon. It. W An htuld, Hon. .1. A. Scranton, Hon. 11 M. r.dward, lion. .. itre, Hon. K N. Willard, Hon W. I,. Connell, Hon. .?. V Carpenter. Hon. Kerrtt Wurr.-n. Hon, Km II. Hippie, Hon. T. 1". Pen nun, Hon. John T. Wllli.inn, Hon. Jamoi Vrt, Hon. Frrderlc W. Flelt, Hon John II. Ian, Hon. .1. I.owl, Hon. .lolin Scheucr. Jr , Hon. Alex T. Conned. Hon. John II. Fellows, Hon. i;dnrd .lamia, Jr., Hon Henij A. Knipp. Hon. lhoin.M.1. Ile.MioIik. Hon. W. K. link. Mnvuvr; Hon lfrrd Hand, lion. II. M. Ilous, Hon. C. P. O'Millr, Hon P. . PhllMii. Anhhald, Hon Samuel S. Jone. Carhondate; lion .lolm P. ltenold: Hon. V. ('. Muke.i. Vairl; Hon. w' W. Watmn, It. C. Brook, Luther Kell.r, Thomat II. Dale, .1. A I.in-ing. .lamen A. Mo nu1tv. F. 1 1. Wornurr, IIi-orRo II Sniilh. Frank II. Cliiiinna, o. simpon, I), fl. Mhrrtoii, K. L. Fuller, Thomas It. llrook. John It. Jones, C. K Chltlendin, K. V Nurgf. Mirnn Kaon, Hem go Sjidoron, T. C Non Stoirh, ( hirlea Nrul, .linirt II. Torrr.v. I.nj . lilt hard. Colon-l It Plnllipi, Coloml Ccoigr M. Ilall-tc.id, Col onel F. L. Hiti hunk. Colonel rthnr Long. John Ciniiltr Moir's, A. .1. Colhorn, jr., J mm W O.ikford, llr. W. li Allen, Fred S. Codfrcy, K. K. liomia, (J, M. W'atfon, II. T. .1.1 no, !. J. IMi, K. L. Mrrrimau, Alfred Ihriry, fleorga W. Jenkins F. ), Drown. J. Oeorgr Kivle, (ieorgr It. Iimitli, T. J. I'mtrr, Conrad Si hrord er, W. ". Sianlon, K. P. hlnsliur, Dr I). . Capwrll, II. W. Powell, I'inle.v Hom, V. Kief er, W. I WVMi, rirorgr II. Fhirr. John Minlir, Tlmm 11 shntten, W S. lliehl, . II i:non. Jii rph f)lirr, Willlmi R. Lewis, V. M Finn, John II Phillip, l.nnl Bonn, K J. Nortliup, Wil liam r..in, . V. olmrg. Thi.111.1 P. Duiiel, W. Mil, W". S. Millar, lair Jones, It. II. Pat-tin-on, laioh slnftr, utor KikIi Dr. W . Paine, Ituhard M-rcin. Peter eiil. W .1. Hand, Adini Sihrocder, Williim (i Daniels, l.lias Kian. Prink M. Spinier, .lolm J Ki.in. CeoiBC W llavi. C. s. Woolworth, Otto M schriif.'r, It. . Zimineinnn, Thonua . Ihomis, Frank fi Hirker, Crorgi' It. Taor, F. L. Phillips. A n Holme. II. S. Mworth, K C Moirn, S. W. Itoherts. T .1. Snowden, C n (iardmr. W. W. I.'tan. . W. I)it, .1. M. Walker, K. W. i:ans, W K. Dan, ( h.irles W. Srliank. L. W. Searing. Fred Durr, Louis S h , C. Lewn, W ti. Thoma, t.harle P. Wagner, T. I). Fellows, Naic Post. John I'. Potter. II li Dile, lolm T. .lame. F. M. Vrrno. W. II. I'wk, F n. lloluthan, V. E. Kaufman, W. It. Mat thews, O It. Paitrulgo, linrge I. Pci k, II. (J. Dunham, H C .lli.inohl. Henry Siidl, II. C. slnfer, Sinniel timlrr, II. F. Paiin', It"lnrt llaag, ( liarlc ltosr, Charle Mmrell, Walter II. ( liristmaa, ( harlr- It. Connell, firilT V Dai, Fdward H. Jerinin, F. K. skr, II. II Harris. C II. OIrr. C. L. Van llifklik. 1. It. Hiighii., tieorge W'irth, Jr , J.ini Fdwards, John Frnmin, Oliplupt; William l.twn, Chirlc K. Dinlcls, P. s. Waltrt", Frank II Heo.,t, W". L. Thaier, F. J. Diikirl, W. .1. Thoma, Charlt Wchlirr, jr , I harlrs Huester, Jr., Samuel Strien. W. F, .l..hn, Matthew stlpp, I. II. ,aais. Dr I.. M. tiatis, John W. Diwnhun. W. II. Logan, Dr. V P lng-li(t, C. s liioli. John Cniiimlngs, John Nageli. Howell Hirn, ( .1. (illlcpie, I'lnl Hnivl.mil, (ieorgr Mill hell, Thomas Mocre, II. J Fmtrr, Fdw-ard Wi-nrel, .1 II. ( aterlinr, HhIImii Joins, Stanley Allui, W A. Arry, II. II Mick, 1). J. Thoiin, i:. (1 Coursrn. C W. Matthews. Firdenck Connell, II. C. Hilton, I.. II. Chi.r, (' W. Tin llio"k, M II. Dili', fii'orgo M Poorr, John It. F.dward. John M. ltrnold, Philip V Hull. Isidore (looilmin 11. T. Laiiy, Joseph Nolan, llalph intris, Joceph llaiinui-ler, Ldard Itodrrnk, A Pi. Puggs, Maihall Preston, William liwtinm, W. J. Smith. John Mi Donald, Jacob D. Frrher, J. S S. lmans, It J. Iloinkr, II S. point, tratut Iliikei, William Vokrlek, Joeph ( isrssr, l.i. waul Fidier, Joseph Is:y. Frmik Silliman. Jr , Trank Carlmil. Otto I). Mur. Curtis Powell, Mark Kdgar, fleorge W. Prown. .Met. Patleroon, Campliell lli.ghis, Drwitt TvwkeOmr. I). V. Ileinold, Morgan 1 bonus, chailes It ik.r, Itohert F.lilrul. William . Itiuli, W. W. simp foil, John MlIUIp, S. M. lie. I). C Cre."i, Thomn Pukerrl, Dr Charles (irlhert, Fled W. Zi(lninn. Kdward llirr's, John Von Iliigin, Dnid Onetu, John T. Howe, (' P Jadwin, T. H Jaiksnn, Jerome Woodling. Charles Torwillt Rer, W F. V.iughan. rirorgr II Carson, Fred Miller, (harlr Wrslplnl. A C. Monies, Y. C. lrber, Jauiea VI. to, Charles Mtrta, ( liarla hirst. Charles Stone, Dr llirman llr-rv, 0car Itulgiw.iN, (irorge W Okell, V.niet (Jean. lohn P firltfith, of Jetin.in. John Mi( rindlr, of Moiwlc; John W llesr. nf Tailor; H II lid- LOOK! We Just received Fancy 100 bas-kcts Delaware Peaches. We also have a fine Ifockyford line of Canteloupes, Pears, Pine Apples, Watermelons, Delaware Grapes. UV NONA. E. G. Coursen Headquarters for fruit and vegetables. gate, of La. Plumes Thurston M. Parker, ol Clark'a fireen; Jamrs H. Smllh, of Prckvlllrl K. (I. Schoonmaker, of Flmliiimti (iorgr V lleemir, of Clark's Summits Oscar Van llmklrk, of It.ild Mount t T K. Clarke, of Kdrllat John M Cute, of Tompkins llles S. . Malthiws, of flihmti John W'nodhri Igc, of Pallons Fdwird Carpentfr, ol Warn). Ilarrv Seamana, of lien, tons Juhn Ci'petanl, of Carhondales II. A. Jones, of Arihhildi John II, Thomas, ..of Catliondals .lame Young, of Dunmnre; II, I). Stuart, if Curhonilalei Dr. J. W. Hntiser, of Talors Daniel Powell, of Ditnmores Jonn W. Hutlcr, of Car bond ilr. Karl Illshop, of Hiuiinorrj Chailes Savigr, of Duntnnrej John M, Harrl, of Tailors James. K. U'alklns, of Talor, and It. Willis Itirsr, of Old I'urgc. NINK SUP-COMMITTEES. Nine Ftllfconinilttees. lo be com posed of members of the general com mute", aie to be appointed by the chairman. These aro to be ns follows; Executive, finance, press and printing, decorations and muVIe, reception, en tertainment nnd hotels, transportation, mass meeting and programmes. The press and printing committee Is the only one which has ns yet been completely formed. Hon. John H. Knrr Is tho chairman and the othct members are as follows: l.lvy S. Hlchards, Hon. J. A. Scranton, Hon. John E. Harrett, John IT. Hopewell, K. D. Lathrope. E. T. Sweet, T. Owen Charles, M. E. San ders, W. (1. Sloser. It. K. Squires, John D. Ko.itnr, CJeorge Wnhl, J. M Knowl ton. Mark Edgar, Hon. P. A. Phllhln, of Archbald; William I. Jones, of Oly pliant; John M. Kennedy, of Olyphnnt; Edward Woodward, of Dunmorc, and E. D. l.itthiope. of Cnrbondale. The first meeting nf the general com mittee Is to be held next Wednesday night In the headquarters of the Cen tra Hepubllc.in club. The sub-committees will meet find organize In the meantime and will tnke up the sepal ate work assigned to them. Tho coming convention is to be a much larger event than 11 great many people Imagine. It is to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 17 and IS, and the sessions will be con ducted in the new nnnory, which Is now ppthnps the lines t building In the slate for convention purposes. A monster mass meeting Is to be held on Tuesday night, which will be the day after the Hepubllcan primaries. Special elforts will be made to draw a large unmber of Republicans from all the surrounding towns. Among the speakers whom the committee arc hopeful of securing are t'nlted States Senator J. H. Dolllver. of Iowa, nnd t'nlted States Senator John M. Thurs ton, of Nebraska. It Is also expected that Coventor W. A. Stone and the meinbeis of his staff will bo In attend ance. About "00 delegates, representing ISO clubs from all paits of the state, will be In attendance, and It Is believed that the majority of these will bring their wives or some of tho members of their families. Among those mentioned ns candi dates for the presidency, which will be a most Important position, during the coming year, on account of the guber natorial campaign, ate Deputy Attor ney General Kleltz, of this city; For mer Mayor Crosby M. Black, of Ches ter, and Isadoio Sobel, postmaster of Erie. NO RELEASES SIGNED. Ordinance Providing for Grading of Streets in Second Ward to Be Fought in Select Council. There's going tn be a tight made In select council against the tlnal pas-sage of an ordinance providing for the grading of cettnln Mrects In the Sec ond ward, whlih passed third rending in common intinvil on Thuisday night. The ordinaiue In question provides for the guiding of McDonougii ave nue from Cayuga to Lnutcl streets, of Heaumont avenue from Cayuga to l.auiol streets; of Perry avenue from Warren to Oak stieets, of Warren stteet from Hrlck to Bloom avenue; of Laurel street from I'etry avenue to McDouough nveniie, and of Oak street from Htlck avenue to Leggett'w cieek. Thcie Is about half a mile of road way in the block above mentioned, and no one, for a moment, contends that it does not need grading. The trouble is that those behind the scheme have not gone nbiftlt it in the proper way. It Is one of the very few grading ordinances which have ever been pie sentcd to councils, without n iclense fiom damages, signed by all the prop el ty ownets along the Mieets to be graded. No televises have been pie sented for the simple tensnn that the promoters of the ordinaiue couldn't begin to git all the pioperty owners to sign. The oidlnance piovldes that the cost of grading shall be assessed against the abutting pioperty ovvnoi. "accord ing to benefits." This, it Is. contended by those favoring the ordinance, an swers the same piuposo us a release. The man who might be damaged' by the gliding would not be assessed nt all nnd the man who might be bene fitted would lie heavily nssoseed. The cotincllmen opposing the ordin ance contend that theie are bound to be suits for damages where no lelease litis been signed no matter what way the cost Is assessed, anil on this giound the fight against tho mcasuio Is to bo made. Acknowledgement. August 23. 1901. Mr. Moses Hrown, (Icti'l Agent Acci dent Dep't. Aetna Lite Insurance Co., 707 Connell Hldg., City. Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge re ceipt of check covering In full my claim ngalnst the Aetna for Injuries received by falling fiom a chair and Injuring my knee. Tho claim was sent In on tho 19th lust. I can recommend the Aetna company for its promptness and lack of dls ngieeablc ted tape. I am Very truly yours, S. Welngart, Propiietor Philadelphia Cloak and Suit House. Keep Posted About Home Affairs. The Tribune will be mailed to you vvhllo away during the summer months for 12 cents a week. The ad dress may be changed as often as de sired and the paper will ho mailed direct, promptly, every day. Any complaint should be made Immediate ly to Tho Tribune office. Notice No. 1. A second examination for Grammar A pupils who secured an average of 65 per cent, or over will bo held In tho High school August 2S, at 9 a. 111. Oranimar A certificates for the High school will bo given out August 30 and the forenoon of August 31, at theofflce. Georgo Howell, superintendent. Lledorkranz excursion to Lake Lo dore, Monday, August 6. MILES HAS NEW LEASE HE WON BACK FOURTH PLACE YESTERDAY. Anderson Failed to Make Any Oaln in His Standing in the Educational Contest and Miles Passed Him. Kemmerer Continues to Get Closer to Table No. 1 On Monday the Contest Will Pass Into Its Last Week. I Standing of Contestants. TABLE NO. 1. If thla wjai tht lilt jay, thai would wlm Paints. Mayar Lewis, Scran ton 034 Miss Wilhelmiiut Griffin, Providence 852 Henry Schwenker. South Scranton . . 402 William Miles, Hyde Park 373 Garfield Anderson, Carbondnle 371 Ray Buckingham, Z a. 8. I I 5. e- Elmhurst Miss Norma Mere dith, Hyde Park. . Miss Vida Pedrick, Clark's Summit . . 200 I 7. 173 8. 158 X TABLE NO. 2. new nit ot then will be In TtbU Mo. 1 on the rioting d.y t Point,. X 0. Aujruet Brunner, 1r.. Carbondnle 105 10. Frank Kemmerer. Factoryville . . . . 100 ', 11. David O. Emerr. Wimmera, Pa 51 t ', 12. Arthur C. Oriffls, ' Montrose 39 ' 13. W. H. Harris. Hydo Park 23 T I 14. Klaa Minnie 'Wallls. ' Carbondnle 23 T 15. E. J. Sheridan. Haw- : 'T :: i 10. Miis Jennie Ward, ' ' Olyphant 8 i 17. Robert Campbell, ; Green Ridge 3 ; ; A fight noiw seems to be on In ear nest for the fourth place in The Trib une's Hdncational Contest. On Thurs day Oarlleld Anderson, of Carhortdale. after two weeks of strenuous effort, succredfd In pa.islng William Miles and captured the petition, ThW morn ing Mr. Miles has It back again, but only leads Mr. Anderson by two points. Frank Kemmerer, of Factoryville, keeps adding to his score every ilayj Yesterday he sent In 9 points and is now only 3 tivvny from August Rrtin ner for ninth place and 68 from Miss Pfdrlck for eighth. Thus far this week he has sent In 37 points, over one third nf his total standing. The last week of the contest will begin on Monday morning, and it will end on next Hatuiday evening, a week from today, at S o'clock sharp. Great Bargain Sale of pants at Ulchards & Wlrth's, 326 Lackawanna avenue. " Drink East Mountain Lithia. It Is pine. Phone office, 335 Wash ington avenue. TODAY Opening Day Wo extend a. cordial In vitation to all to come In and Inspect the New Fall Shapes In "Knox Hats." They aro the most fash ionable hats for fall and winter. Their quality must be the best. Knox Hats. The Largest Lines in N. E. Pennsylvania pla.sk nnnKs. omen suitlils axi sr.vrinsKiiY. RKiNOI.US MtOl 111.113. The Largest Lines in N. E. Pennsylvania Oils, Paints and Varnish Malony Oil & EantifacUiring Company, 141-149 Meridian Street. TELEPHONE 26-2. $100,000 First Mortgage Five Per Cent. Gold Bonds of the Webster Coal & Coke Co. Covering its SSON PROPERTY arc offered subject to prior sale. TOTAL ISSUE, $150,000. Dated July 1st, 1901. Due July 1st, 1916 Coupons payable January and July. Denomination $1,000. Bonds, and mortage may be seen nt this office. Write for special circular. Title Guaranty & Trust Company, OF SCRANTON, PA. 516 Spruce Street. BURGLARS SENT TO JAIL. Pullman Porter Was Custodinn of Some of tho Booty. (Jenrge Alexander, Henty I.ee nnd Mortimer Wallace, the three men who are charged with breaking Into Dernhard's Jewelry store Wednesday night, weie committed to the county Jail yesterdny morning by Mngistiate Millar, in default of S00 ball each. Thiee of the watches taken from the stoie were found by the polite, early yesterday morning, on the per son of a Pullman porter who was passing through the. city on a passen ger train. He had been given the watches by Lee to keep for a days. few Growing in Popularity. The New York, Ontario and Western specinl Sunday excursion train to Lake Poyntelle, Is cnrrylng hundreds of excursionists each Sunday. This rcort hns become very popular owing to Its delightful surroundings, high elevation nnd the beautinil scenery en route thiough the mountains. Am ple accommodations at the Lakeside for those taking along their lunch; also good supply of row boats. Train leaves Scranton on Sunday, the 25th Inst., nt R.30 a. m., and Cnrbondale. 9.10 a. m., and returning arrives Scranton, 6 43 p. m. Fate from Scranton, J1.00 return, and Cnrbondale, 60 cents. Walt for the Modern Woodmen's ex cursion to Ulnghnmtnn, Labor Day, Sept. 2. Tickets, $1.23; children. 63 cents. The Misses Merrill's Private School, 612 Jefferson avenue, for primary and intermediate pupils, will reopen Mon day, Sept. 9, 1901 All Odd Pants at a Reduction. At the clearing sale of Richards & Wlrth's. 326 Lackawanna avenue. Drink East Mountain Lithia. It is pure. Phono office, 335 Wash ington avenue. Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. P. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave. I.lederkr.nn? excursion dore, Monday, August 26. to Lake Lo- Try tho new 5c cigar "Kleon.1 A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist In the world today. Compared to any necessary Investment In buslnoss, theprofitfromaTELEPHONE Is Incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CEVrflIL PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Manager'! office, 117 Adama avenue. TO ORDER Men's Suits $15.00 Men's Trousers 3.50 Ladles' Suits 12.00 Halny Day Skirt 5.50 King Miller, Merchant Tailor, 435 SPRUCE STREET. t : ..-. ( 4f The New Designs In I Stamped ! Linens Ate here, both In white nnd the new Hrown Linen. This1 new stock Is the hand somest ever hi ought to Scran- T ton, consisting of Centre Pieces, Table Covers i and Doylies of various patterns. Call and T see them. Have you seen that beautiful KMimOIDFHF.D HOSE C'F.N TM5 PIKCK in our window? I Cramer-Wells Co., J T 130 Wyoming Ave. 4.i? 'fells us that black and white will be the stylish colois for bosom shirts thlt fall. As the season .1s considerably advanced, vve have secured an early consignment of the newest patterns fot those who do not care to purchase Negligees. Call and see them. CONRAD'S "A Gentlemen's Furnisher." 305 Lackawanna Avenue. 1 HE CELEBRATED GORDON PIANO Before buying, send for catalogue. H. 5. GORDON, &wrv''hk & Prairie Grass Furniture "From the prairies of America to the homes of the world" In Color Beautiful In Design Artistic in Use Comfortable InDurabilitij-Like Iron In Price Reasonable It is adapted to all places and particularly useful and appropriate for furnishingsummerhomes and porches. We have a complete line. Hill & Coaaell iai N. Washington Ave. rijffitor jracbion 1 v' -t." i-1 ,. ' h.