The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 24, 1901, Image 1

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. -. cc-Y- i -vriw' t r i niTTliT ' - iaiivix''i i frii'r sen - l -t rt1 . . -
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filBiliiBi& rilnuu
Labor Leaders and Mill Owners
Seem to Be Plaulnrj a
Waltino Game.
Officials of tho Amalgamated Associn
tlon Seem Satisfied with tho Situa
tion and the Steel Men Are Also
Pleased The Labor, Leaders Mys
teriously Intimate That New Ele
ments Will Force the Trust to Set
tle tho Stiike The Mills in Opera
tion. "y delusive Wire trim The A.s.oeIated Prew.
Plttdiurg, Aug 2.! A summary of
the steel strkc situation tonight snows
about tin- following conditions.
This city. Star mill Two mills run
ning; strikeis say (He more men loft
tho plant mid Joined the lr ranks, but
management positively i1 ny the state
ment. fainter mill rour mill" 1 tinning;
lltrs lighted In bar mill furnaces, but
failed to fitnrt as expected.
Penns.vlvania Tulip w oiks Mill Idle;
machinists say they will iuit tonight.
All Carnegie mills running full
Me-Keesport Demmler plant Idle: mi
attempt will bo made to start It tiefotp
net week, ever thing else dewed
Irondale Mill 1 mining with same
force as yctenlay, making two turns
tnd nMir.iiK'0 from the manager that
iinre men will he adder tomotiow.
Wellsvllle Situation l unchanged;
twelve mlll" tunning.
Lisbon Fires stnited In tin id.ite
plant; Manager leoige Kians najs
everything Is In 1 easiness lor start
soon with plenty nf men. Strikeis
voted todav to lemaln out and mill is
s-ti imprl.N picketed.
Wheeling Kverj thliiR tied tip and
no appMient Indication of an attempt
to statt any of thp mill.
Hellalre The National Steel com
pany's Idle plant will. It Is nald, be
Flatted eaily next week by a full
force of men.
No lite uilvli i". have been lccelved
by th Amalgamated otliclals from
either Bayvlcw or .Jollet and the situ
ation at those points Is considered by
hem to be unchanged.
Conference of Leaders.
The conloreneo of the labor leaders
t the olllies of tin' Amalgamated as
sociation was the leading featuie of the
stt.k- ilutlucr the cl.i.v. The nflb lal of
the organization all seemed pleased
with the (ij things weir moving, and
i ne of tlieni -aid somewhat inystcrlous
lv "In auothei kI da.vs ou will see
a decided chauRf In the strike that will
tell with Riratei effect mi the tiust
and aid In hut tying the linal outcome
of this snuggle."
Jii't what this change Is to be was
not said, but It was Infeiied sttoiiKly
hat the coining event hliiRed upon tho
onfeieuu that was taking place.
Two M'sslnn.s wem held by the con
feiees behind closed docus. After the
adjoin ninent of the tlist Mlon. none
of the p.utlclpants woull give out any
infoimntion of the pioceedlngs fur
iherthan to say that the leadeis had
iO"n called together lor the puipoep of
having the Flttliitioii thoioushly e.
, 'lalned to them and to have some ac
tion taken looking to the aid of the
itrlkeis. morally and limine ially, by
nil of the oiganlzallons icpie-eiited.
Tllele wore at the tonfc-ietup beside
the Ani.ilRiimated otliclaK .ohn Mlteh
oil. nitlomil piesldint of the I'nitpi
Mine Wmkeis of Allioi ic a, .1 W .leaks,
neiuber of the lnduulal commission;
Ralph M. K.isle.v, seciet.iry of the Na
tional Civic IVilei.iilon. and llcniy M,
White, geneial of the I'nlted
(Raiment Woikeis,
Thu confeieiice ended tonight about !
o'clock and the lonfuees lett for their
Meeting Just Happened.
When Ii ef hit nt Hhaifei was hi en
at his home tonight he hiild In icfer-
nce to today' meeting that It was
.mi a picconi'ctted one, hut Just imp
! lied. PiChlilent Mitchell, he said,
rail tcl'-RtiipliPd hint that lie would
like to hee him today mi his way
home from the eastern e'oal fields, and
oon after his anlval the other gt n
tlenicn made their appeaiame. Dur
ing the meeting, however, the whole
htiike situation was dltt-ussed. Thrie
was tiothlrg of importanee aiwn.
pllshed Mi Phnffer tenld nei auaiiRe
ment had been made to submit a new
P'Mce piopnutlon to tho corptirntlon
or a ftnther for nrhlttatlon.
u'ldlng, however, tijnt Iip did not know
what Indlvlduiil union the conferees
might take In the futuie. No mention
w.-ih made of the miners or other tiade..
taking sjmpathetle action. It is be
lieved that ns a tesult of the meeting
.'uother eiTurt will ho made to Indue p
the corpmatlon to enter tinother e'on
fticncc. The Hpceltle mcaiih to bting
this ftlmut would not be lli!e'utf.ed by
any of those piestut.
Position of the Engineers.
An lntcre-etlni; rumor ipportcrt from
New York today was that circular let
ters had been rent to all of the presl
elcntss ef labor unions by tho Amalga
mated association asking what each
would or could elo to assist tho Bttel
wot leers In their strike. One of the
replies, which, It la Ktld, vvns idcelved
from P. M. Arathui, head of the liroth
erhood of l.cieiun'nlvu 1hiRln'ori. it Is
alleged that In this icply President Ar
thur said that his organization held
contracts with thu va ileum railroads.
That they also wero bound to move tho
I'ulted Ptates mall. That the niganlza
atlon could make no distinction be.
twetn tho United Statea Steel Corpora
tion and Individual shlpp'i.
Llttlo Work Is Done.
Tho ttrlliorti make ths claim that
-rv little tutual worh has been done
by the combine In any of Its plants
since thu sttlko begap, and that what
product has ben turned out hns bern
of an Inferior chat actor. Notwith
standing this, the steed officials ele
claie themhelves well pleased with the
condition of nffalts, and say nit the
mills started are vvoiklng satisfactor
ily and turning out good product.
The postponement of the attempt to
stmt the Demmler plant of the Ameri
can Tin Plato company until nevt
week, Hip otliclals say, was for the
put pose of putting the plant In per
fect order before tho men starteel to
work. They say plenty of men will be
on hand when the time comes to oper
ate the mill.
Attention was called to a former
statement made by the otliclals of tho
Kiiporatlon that while delays would
neecsarlly occur In operating th Idle
plants, that It would not deter the of
ficials from proceeding along the samp
lines, and that they were prepared to
spend all the time and money neces-s-iry
to tight the union and make all
of the plants non-union In the end.
Passenger Train on tho Cayuga Lake
Division Leaves Track Flie-
man Is Missing.
n.r Exclmlvc Wire from Tin Aso-e-latret I'rew.
Ithaca. N. Y Aug. 1!3 The Lehigh
Valley passenger train which left Au
burn for Ithaca at fi.SO p. m. on the
e'avugn Lake division, was wreckeel
Jiif-t north of Kings Ferry, twenty
miles north of Ithaca, tonight. The
englnp i an Into the lake Klreman
Dentils KltzRerald, of this city, Is
missing and ntiKlneer La France, also
eif this city, was In luted. The track
vvheie the accident occurred, runs near
the edge of CayiiRH lake. A heavy
lain storm loosened a large boulder
which rolled down thp track Just be
yond a shaip cuivp After the train
came In sight of the obstruction, there
was pcaicely time to apply brakes.
Neither engineer nor llieman had time
to Jump, but stuck to their posts n
thp engine plunged beneath the lake.
It Is thought that Flieman Kitzicer
nlel Is plnlhned beneath the locomo
tive, Unfflneer Lafrance had his arm
badly crushed, but managed to get
clear of the wteckage and HWlm ashore.
The passongets wete badly shaken up.
Charles W. Nordstrom Loses His
Nerve nt Sight of the Scaffold.
n l.uluttxe Wlin from 1 lie A'whIiIiiI I'iokh
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 21. I'harleB W
Noidstrom was hanged here today for
the murder, November 27, ISM, of Will
lam Mason. .
Shortlv ofter '. M Norelsttom wis
laki'ii to a room adjoining the ileath
ch. miner Me wept continually. It re
qulud the inmost effoits o( four men
to keep him on his feet When he was
taken lo the death chamber he broke
down eutliely. civlng In a childish
voice and praying that his life be
s-paied. Up then collapsed entliely an!
fell to th" lloor.
I'ffoits to raise him and keep him on
hi? feet wete fruitless. Finally Sheriff
Cudlhco ordered that a boaid be
In ought. To this Noidstrom was lied.
It required six men to hold him for
the opetation. Several times X 'it ci
st torn seemed to speak, but his words
weie unintelligible. The six men who
had held him raised his body and the
bo ml and with Rieat effort succeeded
in getting him upon the scaffold.
There he was placed uptight whllp four
men stook on the four sides of the
tiap and held him.
In less than two seconds after the
condemned man had been fastened the
tiap was sprung. Tills was at !M'i.
Xordstroiu was pionouncecl dead at
10 02
Two Men Asphyxiated.
n. Kvclmhc Wire (rem The AmocIiIfcI Prcs'.
,1 'lin.tnun. Pi , Vui, -1 t.rorm1 Twtie anl
W. Kiibn. xlies, cio i-plo xl itcil thu afternoon
mi ,in owl hoid en tlno at llic I'.imhru Steel' W el film n r In this rile. The men
cure .it cork cli'liilne the fine The bodies el
Hi, men t ir in a slllllic pudttnn when found,
iiinl, ,iltln,iii:h life hid mil lunj; In en ox
tint I Hie i!iipiitlnii i lliat tliec alt clown in
tin- Hue lo nt and ewre ovrreeunc b.c bis fiuin
die furiin 'ti
Middle-of-the-Road Populists.
Ily Keliiitf Wire from The Associated l'rew.
ii Voni Vn,' 'J! Miuiit a dime of l he
Middle of thi Itoid Po,tilltK pei.1110011 j.ein
,ed in t tie ron.eiiiioti lieie iodic and noiniii
ifil the fnllnnliiB lielei. flocernor. I. II Well
. r, ilmi, liiiiienanl i;ocernor, Pcm Kncle,
Seuion, indti nf the supreme ronrt, .1. It Vie
II iW. lies Mnlnei; riilvcH) cnniinUcinner, I.nke
liliocell, Mi.lhj eniint.c : til supeilntendent
if pnlilic iiKtriinioii. J. c. Ilarlaiid, Woodlnuy
i omit c
Shortstop Expelled.
By Fiilmice Wire Ircm The .jsociatfoi Prm.
Ciiui.'fi, Aug. W -I're.idint Jilinvm, ct ttie
aiieiiein bairiie, todaj evpflled Shoitktip Mill
Bin of eiiuiiio. for ktrlkinar l'in,lre Hatketl,
jt W iihineKiii Mr John.on alcl' "Kieh plaj-er
if the Vnerlian leiune uho In the future ilium
an umpire on the hall Held lll lie enpellcd from
tl le.nriie. That U flnal "
John Fugate Hanged.
B.r Kirhulit Wire freni The Awoelateil Pr
Rnanuke, V.i , Viit. 2i .l.d.n I'ujatr, a mrro,
51 )cir cilcl. n nanerrl ut Wik. Va , todiv (or
the tuuriler near Toms erek, Va, on June 6,
of Martin Well', a colored woman. Fiik con
fed hl cuil II" and hla vlclini llcol ft the
name Tioiue, but ipunclid and Tubule lc and
killed her.
Nelson Defeats Mornn.
Dj Fiertuiln Wire (Tom The AMerlttri) Prein.
hirlriRtlcli). Vlat., Auir 2.1 Johnny Nelton
ea.ll.c defeated Jlmmc Monu in a twenty mile
piied lace at tho ("iilltfuni tonight. Nelion ow.
creel tic tiaek rrtord of 337 to ie 8 8, and
u,i mile and two and two-third laiupi ahcjci
cf Mnrjn at the ftnlih.
Coiporntlons Chartered.
Dy F.xclunlve Wire from rhe Awoclated Pr.
llairMnus, AiiB. 23. 'Chaitera were Iwieil by
the rtatc diparlinent tndiy to tho lollowina ior.
porations: Jamea vfartin coinpiny, Philadelphia;
capital, luO.Oon. Knamclcd Iron rompanj, Iliay
tr falli; capital, 23,e,vi humniit I'irk Land
cemptny, Plttiburgi capital, 11,009.
It Mail In Time Wipe Out nil of
Our Other Saccharine
' Imports.
Increasing Belief That the United
States, Which Consumes One-Quarter
of tho World's Pioduct, Will
Find Its Total Supply at Home A
British Consul's Report.
n.v Kvc.tuire Wire from The Ai.eoel'iteel Prcw.
Washington. Aug. 21. The growing
belief that tho I'nltod States will
shottly he able to produce from beets
thp $100,000,000 worth of sugar which
her people now annually Import, seems
to bo shared by liritlsh Consul Wyncl
ham, who has given the subject cloc
attention, and teported iton It to his
government. The following Is an ex
tract ftom his teport, which has just
reached the treasury bureau of statis
tics. "The production of beet sugar In tho
T'nlted States Is rapidly Increasing,
and In the Chicago consular district
there me four factories In tho state of
Illinois, thtee In Nebraska and three In
Colorado; tltosp In Nebraska and Col
orado belong to the American Heet
Sugar company, and are at Grand
Junction, Jlocky Fold and Sugar City,
and when fully completed will employ
thousands of hands.
"Statistics Indicate that the United
Stales consumes more sugar than any
other nation, or nppiolmately one
quarter of the whole of the world's
produce. The conditions of soil, ell
mate and other advantages ate quite
as good In the Unltpcl Statps, and es
pecially In Colorado, Nobiaska and Illi
nois, for thp development of th" beet
ns In any of thp countiles of Kuiopo
or Asia. The world's production and
consumption of sugar Is now about 8,
2."0 000 tons per annum, two-third of
w hlch Is produced from beet and only
onc-thltel fiom cane, while the normal
consumption Is estimated as lnci eas
ing at the late of 230,000 tons je.uly.
"The success utteudllig the cultiva
tion of stlbar beets In this district has
pioved that It may be made a profitable
and successful Investment. A large
factory has been built nt Rocky Ford,
Col., which cost 200,000 to build nnd
(quit i. It Is propohed to have it toady
for the ci op of the coming seat-on. To
supply It the fat mots in the vicinity
have contracted to glow 8,000 ncres of
beets a year for five jears. From tests
made they estimnte their beets will
j leld l.'i to IS per cent, of sugar The
factory, when tunning at Its full ca
pacity, will consume dally 1,000 tons of
beets, which will eonveit Into about 100
tons of refined sugar of the highest
purity. Tho beets reach maturity with
a high percentage, and seldom go below
1.1 per cent , 12 per cent. Is taken ns tho
basis of buying beets at the fac tory.
"The beets are grown by the farmers
under conttact with the factory, and
peld for according to the saccharine
contents detei mined by tests
made of samples taken from the wag
ons at the tiuiP of delivery. In ad
dition the factory contiols about .",00Q
acies of land. Most of tho land will bo
farmed by tenants, but ftnly a portion
of each farm Is devoted to beets each
year, dowers sell their beets based
upon the sugar contents. The testi
somewhat tesemble the assaying of cue
from the mines. Selling upon this
basis encourages better farming and
the talslng of better beets. It Is tho
only fair way, both to the raiser nnd
tlie manufacturer.
"A general estmale of the cost of
const! uctlon, cost of opeiatlon and
geneinl l emits to bo counted upon, of
beet sugar factories In this dlstilct as
taken ftom Hip Itocky Ford plant
places the Reneral avei ago of siiRar
In the beet nt 1-' per cent. So far
as the Atkansas valley In Colorado Is
concerned this pcicontiiRo Is being
largely exceeded, the minimum pcr
ccntiiRO of htigar being about II per
cent , while thp maximum has reached
23 per cent., with a coctllclent of pur
ity ranging ftom SO to 93 per cent. In
stating these results reference l es
pecially made to the fa-ctoty at Itocky
Fold, built and worked by the Ameri
can Heet Sugar company, a Now Yoil;
corporation, which vvoiks two factor
ies In California, and thiee In Nebias
ka, the one at Itocky Foul being their
fifth. The exppits In chatgp of this
last factoi y all express surprise nt the
results of this tlrst campaign, and
they have become thoroughly con
vinced that this valley (Arkansas val
ley, Col.), Is the Ideal sugar-producer,
thanks to Its pcmuble climate, ample
supply of water for ltrlgntlon, cheap
fuel nnd Hmefitone, and an unlimited
extent of available land for boot culture-.
It Is expected that the samo
company will etect ono or more fac
tories In addition to tho one at Hocky
Ford, one to be built further east nnd
the other west of Rocky Foiel.
"An an exnmple of the quality of
the sugar beets produced upon this
land It muy bo mentioned that so far
six carloads of beets fiom one Held
havo been tested with results as fol
low: One caiload, liifi per cent.;
three carloads, 18. S per cent., and two
carloads, I'O.l per cent."
Requisition for the Brights.
B.r Ficlurlm Wire from Tht Anoclitrd Prriv
llarrblutrff. us, 21 governor Snne smiC(
reqiiUltioii todiy en (toceiiior Odell for die ex
tradition of Josephine llrltilit and Ilr. llriRht,
who arc urdrr arret In Vew York for a teuoua
crime committed in Philadelphia.
Killed by a Train.
By Kieluilre Wire from Hie Atsoclated Pren.
Philadelphia, Auc. 2J. A man uppo.ed to be
.Ijmei CVlllnj, of ( heeler. I'J.. waa run our and
killed nt Drnad utrect tiatlcn this morning, llotli
lrc and one arm ucr cut oft and he died with
In a le mlnutct,
Capitol Commission Is Prepared to
Examine, Specifications.
Uy Ktclmltc Wire from The Awerlitcit Prew.
Harrlsburg, Aug. 2J. The capltol
commission has Issued Invitations to
rennsylvanla architects to submit
plans nnd specifications to complete
the capltol under the Fox bill passed
by tho last legislature-. The Invita
tions Htatc that no extras will bo con
sidered, nnd under no circumstances
will the commission ask for an nihil
tional appropriation. Tne building
must be completed nnd ready for oc
cupancy on July 1. 1908, unless tho con
dltlous of the stuto treasuty Justifies
Its parly r-oinpletlon.
Thp entire cost of the building, com
plete, Including decorations, Unlit and
heat plant, this removing of thp old
executive building nnd tfip building oc
cupied by tho department of Internal
ii (fairs, shall, etc., not exceed tho np
pioprlatlon of $4,000,000. The extprlor
of the building will be of granite, and
so far ns practicable the Intel lor docor
atlons (lnlsh nnd style, will lie modelled
ntter the congressional llbrnty at
Architects will be given until Nov.
"0 to .submit plans nnd speclllcatlons,
which will be publicly exhibited. Tlie
d-slgn will be selected from the six
best sets of plans nnd speclllca'tlons of
fered nnd the temalnlng five competi
tors will receive a thousand dollars
ea h for their work.
Principally Due to Labor Troubles in
tho Iron nnd Steel Industry.
Other Industries.
Ily rxrhwhc Wire (rom The swlaeil Trrv
New York, Aug. 2.1. It. O. nun &
Co.'s Weekly ltcvlow of Trade tonun-
row will .say:
Though there nie some drawbacks,
notably the labor troubles In the Iron
nnd .teol industry, business Is of well
sustained volume-.
The Amalgamated Association of
lion. Steel and Tin 1'late Workers,
succeeded In enlisting the sympathy of
other workmen, with the result that
the output of met chant bar and who
tods Is cm tailed to the extent of nbout
40,000 tons monthly. Heyond this cle
fectlon, wage earners In allied
branches of the steel Industry have re-fu-ed
to break their contracts. Many
ldlo mills losumeel during tho past
veek, and evn In the tin plat.! region
theie Is a moderate output. l'lates
hive begun to airlve fiom abroad nnd
prices In the London maiket sharply
advanced. Hoop nnd sheet mills In
crease production dally, and there Is
no lehs in the tail division, but some
anxl"ty is felt icgardlng .supplies of
cotton tie-, as the picking season has
begun In many states. Decieased con
sumption tends to weaken pig iron, and
tin Is slmllaily affected.
Kxceptlonal activity Is still the rule
nt shoe shops and promises to con
tinue for some months.
(lain quotations eased off somewhat
dining the week, though the net de
cline was hiiiiill Coin is tlll oloj-o to
Hip highest pi Ice since lS'JJ. Foreign
eiistomeis iiave been driven away by
exorbitant pi lees to the benefit of Rus
sia and Argentna. and Atlantic ex
ports for Unco weeks iiRRiengated only
l.Mi.'.oSO bushels aR.ilnst T.OnG.SlS last
year, and 12,720.127 two yeans ago.
Meanwhile luteilor lecolpKs steadily
exceed thoe of a year ago, indicating
that faimets have laige stocks canled
over from previous excessve yields.
Nevertheless, prices remain above 60
Falluies for the week numbered 20,1
In the United States agalnc-t 171 last
year, and S3 In Canada against 23 lacvt
One Pnssenger Killed and Seventeen
Uy Kxruip Wire from The Aoelated Press.
Atlanta, !a., Aug. 23. A head-end
collision on (lie Uver lino of the Itapld
Tianslt company late this nf let noon
killed one man and' Injured seventeen
people, thiep of tliPin seriously.
Tho collision nee ut led on a sharp
curve near Slinsvllle, five miles out.
Tho Itiver line Is one of the most
popular Mibuiban nnd the cais
weie crowded. Hoth cats were tun
ning nt full speed and they camp to
gether so suddenly on rounding tho
cuive that theie was no chnnce to
check the momentum or opportunity
for the passeneeis to Jump.
A Negro Shoots His Wife, Fnther-in-Law
nnd Mother-in-Law.
Ily I'Tilir-ito Viro from die AMniiitrd 1'rci.t
Columbia, S. C , Aug. 23. A special
to tho State says;
Sam Fai row, a negro, shot nnd killed
his wife, his father-in-law nnd inother-ln-lavv
near U.iwklns today, A posse
staitcd after him and Fnnow fired at
them from ninbush, but without ef
fect. He was unested later and
lodged In Jail.
National Negro League.
Phirairo, AuR. H. Hie elonc iclnn of tho
nth mil Vesro Buli'-i league n lieli here
todi.t. V telecMin from pirildent VleKlnley re
celled hi P.oo,vir T 4liiiigtii( eprcfin
the president' Interect In the uiiranbatlon, .n
read and reiebrd with eheir. mons; the npek
er lodav were: J. (. Nipur, o( Nahvllle,
Tenn , on "lied Kttto," ami .1 II. Smllej, o(
Chlc.ito. ' and K. V 'liower, of I'liilidelphlJ, on
'( ltrrlne " The la-t peiker a S. I,. Dull,
major of the nezro tow ti of llob-on City, AIj.,
on "The Bulldlnt of a N'ern Toun "
Shamrock II Did Not Sail.
New York, Mur. 21 Oh iris to .1 iiiiiiinder
cfjndintf f imliiii i In' cup ilullni-rr Shiniiook
II did not luce i trial spin oul.lde of sandy
llook toila'y home .ilteiatlons and repairs to the
jachl'ic riRClni: were male and thN oeeupied mi
rnucli lime that when the jacht c:n tu'cd nut
to tea it ua fo ute tint the attempt Id kjiI
atr tho courre waa abindoned.
Rumor of Combine Against Russia.
(.nniloii, Auk 21. "Apparently, there la a incle
ment on foot on the putt of (,'reat llriulu, Japan
and the t'nlnd Mitek," enj a dltpateh to the
Morninn Pnat from Che Fern, dited )elnlay, "to
lore llutila to etacuite Mu Cchuani."
Grand Glrcult Gomes to an End
with Everu.Five Events
on the Gard.
This Happens in Every Case Save
That for the Neponset Stake Chief
Interest of the Afternoon Attached
to Boralma in tho 2.08 Class.
Other Events.
Dy Kxrlnalif Wire (rom The Associated PrcM.
Iteadvlllp, Mass., Aug. 23. With five
events on the card and every one
cleared up, the gland circuit week
clinic to a close this nfternoon. it
happened that every race, with the ex
ception of that for the Xcponset stake,
went In straight heats. Tills mnde tho
llnlsh of the races by schedule a pos
sibility. The Neponset stake brought
out the 2.10 class pacers. Including
Sphinx S tho New York gelding, who
was the victor, and Fred S. Wedge
wood, another New York pacer, who
set the talent talking by marching
away with the- first tvio heats. He did
not hold out, however, and was dis
tanced In tho fourth heat.
J' the chief Interest of the af
ternoon was attached to what Horal
m.i might do In the 2 OS class trot for a
purse of $2.."i00. Tho Lawson geldng
did nothing wonderful, but equalled his
leeord time of 2,07'4. and won with
ease from The Monk, Kingdom and
For a gelding who had tb.3 field
against him. Pug did not show practi
cal appicciatlon of the honor Riven
him In the 2.16 class trot. Mautlne,
who belongs to F. L. Turner, of Fenn
s.vlvania won the 2.16 class tiot In
three straight heats.
In the- 2 19 class pace, Terrace Queen
gavn a crealtable performance, cover
ing the mil In 2.11V This was In her
second heat, when niasa tried to chase
her oot.
The 2.11 class pace was a proces
sion In each heat, Keuben S. leading
with Always, a big gap between him
and Miss Gettrude.
It was announced that on next Fri
day at Providence, Crcsceus would at
tempt to lower tho woild's record.
The Summaries.
eiw ili tmttiiur ti In three; piirjc, i,Vm,
llouluu (Cilcnmli) I 1
The Monk (Nohlel 1 2
kinmnoiiil iMarfh) ' 3
Tncelo (Cl.llk) 4 4
Time J "J1!, .' ";ii.
2 ID elat., trotting-, pure, f 1,000.
VUurlne, Hinder Wllke--ally II. hy
lecer (Turner) 1 t 1
Belle I'uriv (Vluh 2 i 8
Mini If cSprjrl 4 7 2
Free sder (Me Henri) 7 13
Minon Wilkev ili'iri X 0 1
I'utr, Irene, Hiirlintrton Hoc, .1. K. O. and Pirate
alr (tiartid
Time . 1li2. 2 114. 2.1 1
2 II e.l, pic-inz. l" in three; p ire, $l,noii.
Term' ejuem (slulfer) 1 i
llrin II clliid-on) 2 a
Hl.lM (Kenne.c) 7 2
Tonimc Mi tMc(arth) 3 4
Thornnii (Mellrnre) 4 I)
Hex (Hide) 1 .-,
lUtph It (Palee) fi 7
Vunle 1! and Uurnham alo ctartrd, but weio
ilut lined
Timr 2 V. 2 ll.
2 11 ilav, pic me, tun in three; purse, $l,cm;
lti-iihcii- (flank) 1 1
MU (.erlrude (lliichnri) 2 2
( .irniehin (McMihoti) .! 3
Mind l.nipmir (spear) di
Tune 2 liH. 2. Ilj
.'In 1 law, pacinc. three in flu; the Nepont
et.ikes, i.iMe, .l,nil:
sphinx (-pear) 17 111
Diploic llillx (llerbcrl) ,1 11 2 2 t
siphli (l.lnd-lej) t.' 2 3 11 fi
The IIMiop cnen.c) fl fi n 5
llncoli, (Cl'Veill 2 ,1 s in 7
In, I S Wedeeccood (Noble) 1 I II di,
llilni.v, Vmiilatoi. Norcln (i , neliinc-ia, Itunj,
Cirnilne Karl Hud, Jr., II il MiKh.iii and key
Plreit abu l irled
Time JUt, 2 inU. 2111, 2 10is, 2 10'i.
Major Hnvard's Opinion of the Cal-
dns nnd Other Schemes.
t)j Exelusiie Wire from The AteoUated Pre.
Iliijin, Auz 21 non-immune ban Inen In
lioiulited with the urmn si Inch Ilr. (aldn, the
lliilliin cvpirt, alleitee to be 1 preientilicc
araiut ullnw dir and hu hien bitten bj tun
ilifictid niOv-iiiiloe. The ptiiod of inociihttun
i from (our lo hie iIijh,
Major llci.ird, the ehUf nireeon, IimuhIiu
the Caldaa and other experiment, nam (hat the
ii lion feiei lommiMlon and hlnwK hue caie
fulh conldered the question of .ippljimr in
feciid innemiltoc to iinn-ininiunr and hoe
cached the comlmion tlut, in ilew n( all the
irc'inixtamca, the (act that pennni voluntarily
undciiro the expcriinentt and alco the lmportanic
n( the metter fiom n cientiflc point of lien, the
evperlment are JiutltUIIo.
A Woman and Two Sons Fight at
Ily Kxelushe Wire from The Asoiiatrd Presj.
New York, 111c 2J. A (pechl Irnin Klinlia. .V.
Y., Ml
"V woman who mji Iip lc l)r Nellie n.-er,
el Chliairo, and lier two eon, went mad cm Kue
(lain No 1 and need knlie U I'ornlne tiny
un iiildlj throimh the treel Tluj ate 11JW
tiniler the caic ol ( ornins phjakhm "
Steamship Arrivals.
Py Fjclmlie Wire (rom The Auot-ii.tcJ Prev.
i ork. nt. 21 Vlilied. lurt Ills
niaick. Hammirt:; SI- I'jiiI, Niutlumpton jnd
( lirrhniire ( leared I.ueanli, l.iierpool; Man.
dim, llntterriani, ila liouli itne. llnre Arrived:
l.a niitasne, Nc York. flicrtnnire- Sailed!
leiitcliland ilroni llainbiirif and sniitliainptoni,
Nc ork Prawle I'nlnli I'js-id. Vnuieidjin,
llottcrilnm (or Sen- Voik I.Uard Paced: hoen
lulu I.m-e. New oik lor boiithaiiiptou and
Ily Kxrluiiie Wire from The Auorlatril Pices.
Altoona, Pa , Aui. 21. .Inlui Hir, (onner herlf(
of lllalr county, died todaj of t-piual meulniillla,
aired SO )ear llchad been prominent In loial
llepuhllcan polltlci lor jcari. A wife and U
children turvlie.
Weather Indlcttloni Today:
1 (ieneral Plavlng a Vlaltini; (tame In !li-!
Steel Strike.
France Pemands Immediate Settlement (rom
Ileadvllle Trottlncr Itaeen.
Pnwllillltie o( Heel f-ugar.
2 (Ieneral Carbondile Department.
3 lieil-('lll Senlcc In the Police and Tire
(Jnvdp o( (ho (iiiarebmcn.
I Fdllorlal.
Note and Comment.
5 l.oeil Arram;enint (or D1r Meetlmr of He
puhllean Cliirw,
Stindlnit o( (he Competitor In the Educa
tional Contot.
a Iieal West Scrantnn'iind Milmrban.
7 Heneral Norlheaktern PcnmlianU.
Flinnelal and Commercial,
S Local-"SocUl and Peisonal.
scientific Salid
J lieal-Mindav School 1 eon (or Tonionow.
ltellloui News nt (he Week.
10 (ieneral Industrial and Labor.
Wondeia of Florid t.
Owners of the Sterling Plant Will
Remove Their Machinery to
Br Eiclmlve Wire (rem The Asuoclated Tresa.
Plttston, Aug. 23. An attempt was
made to resume work at the StPrling
silk mill this morning, w hpn wme
trouble ensued. The mill which Is
operated by a Paterson firm has been
Idle for a Yesterday applica
tions tor work were received fiom
cloven operatives. This morning while
the girls were on their way to woik
they were stopped by the pickets who
induced live of them to return to their
homes. The other six girl? went Into
the mill. It Is claimed pome boy
threw a utone nt one of the non-union
girls, but no one was hurt. For a while
however, there was more or less ex
citement, I.ate this afternoon the union work
ers Induced the six girls at work to
quit nnd they left the mill. Operations
then had to be suspended. The own
ers of the mill now say they will re
move the machinery to Pateison.
Officers Elected Yesterday Next
Meeting at Pittsburg.
Be FvcIikuc Wire from The Awnclitcd Prc
WIlkes-Barre, Aug. 23. The national
convention of the Irish Catholic n
nevolent union, which has been In ses
sion In Plymouth since Wednesday,
adjourned sine die this nfternoon.
The following ofllceis were elected:
President, Daniel Dully, nf St. Clair.
Pa.: first vice president, Dennis Mc
Callum, of Providence, It. 1 ; second
vice president, Margaret Klllen, of
Scranton: secretniy. John i:, Davis, of
Philadelphia; treasurer, Thomas .1.
Foley, of Olouscester; executive com
mittee. Hose Tletney, Sandusky, O.;
J. R. Dougherty, liryn Mavvr, Frank
Mcllugh, of Scranton.
The only contest was over the first
vice presidency, Stephen Larney, of
Providence, R. I., receiving 27 votes to
32 for Mr. McCalluni. It was agreed
to make thp cleath benefit fund $."0 and
JIOO. Plttsbuig was agreed upon as
the place for holding the ncwu conven
Figures at Hnzleton Show an In
crease of 4,000 Members.
Bv r!vluii- Wire from The .Woiiited Pic
Hnzleton, Aug. 23 There are nt the
piei-ent time, according to the figures
made public tonight, 134,nno Fnltecl
Mine Workeis In the anthracite legion
lepresented by the three dlRtilets. ns
follows: No. 1, Scianton, fil.OnO; No 7,
Havleton, 16,000, and No, 0, Shanmkln,
The repot ts from the various unlm
this month show an Increase of abmit
4.000 membets, since the last caid In
spection wns made, e'onsldetlng that
many of the l42,ono mine employes In
the anthracite legions are foiemen,
who are not organized, and enslneeis,
firemen, caipenters, blacksmiths nnd
drivers, all of whom havo theli own
unions, the Mine Woikers reptesent
the great majority of the men in und
about the collieries.
Five Men Are Killed in a Kentucky
By Kucltulre Wire from The Awicattd Pr
W illlem.buiir, hi , vinr '.'I In a baitle 1,1
Ini out of a fanilli- rpnrril flee men hue Inn
killed In the eatrrn pirt of thl eountc
fllirk f.nii, hl two Kon, and two brntlu
named Wlleon wero ki(led
Lino Limn Killed.
By Eicluibe Wire from Tlie oc ated Pre.
Ilacani, ins 21 - Lino I, una, the notorious
bandit, for whose i-ipture dead or alive tlie mill
tari (roiernnicnl nftered a tewird of $ J ,000, hie
been killed at Macnriji ilorril Faun), In tlie
proline of Matanns. The police assisted the
rural ptard, and four other bandit were cap
Hired at the same time. The bod ol Linn will
lie pliotmrraplicil for the purpose of likntlticition
Hanged for Assault.
By Eclulvo Wire (rom The Auociited Preaa.
Tampi. Fla , Auir. 21. -.1. M VIercer, conililed
la. t Vlai of niiillinir, ,lc sale liclor a title itlrl,
waa banced here at noon tolij His neck wat
broken hi the fall He died deilarliiB 111 Inno
ceriae Ilia !! word wire a reo.ueit that lua
wife ahould be taken care of Meirer waa th
first white man eoer leg illy executed In llllltboio
e ounty.
M. Gonstnns the French AmbassfV
dor Demands an Immediate
He Threatens to Leave Constantino
pie With the Embassy Staff.
Russia's Hint-Troops Mobilizing
on the Turkish Fxontler and a Tor
pedo Flotilla Assembled at Dnels-
ter Delta Fiench Cabinet Meeting.
By Kveluslie Wire (rom The Vssochted Press.
Constantinople, .ug. 2.1. The French
nnitinssailor, M. i'nr.-tnns. toel-iy sent
a letter to the sultan peisonally, In
forming him that he would leave Con
stantinople with the entire stnff nf the
cmliatsy If the matters In dispute
were not -ottled Immediately. Tho
lettet ha the natiiie of an ultimatum.
It accoids thu sultan the Inlefest per
iod within which to comply with the
Pails. Aug. 23. While- the cilllclals of
the Fiench foielgn ntllcp decline to
confirm or deny the pi ess despatches
from Couatiintlnoplo announcing the
French ambassador has tent the sul
tnn n letter which has the nature of
an ultimatum, they admit having re
ceived it telegiom from M Coiwtnns.
That has been laid before the council,
now sitting at the Klysee palace.
Thtee of, the inlnisteis were absent.
The piemler. M. Waldcck-Kousscau;
the minister of agriculture, M Dupuy.
and the mlnlstet of public workf, M.
Baudin, aie not In Pails,
It has been learned that M. Constans
htih been given n free hand. Any step
he flndu ptoper to take will be fully
Delcnsse Will Withdraw.
Tho foreign minister, M. Delcasse,
If he deemc It necee-sary, will with
draw thp French embassy from Con
stantinople, nnd Munlr Hey. the Turk
ish ambassador, who Is ncnv In Swit
zerland, will be notified not to leturn
to Paris, in which case Munlr Bey
will piobahly withdraw the legation
to Berne, as he Im also acci edited, as
minister lo Switzerland.
No naval deinonstiatlon Is contem
plated at this time, but the sultan will
pi nhnhly be seriously inconvenienced
by the closure of the Turkish embassy
here, which Is the centie of the es
pionage maintained to watch the mem
bers of the young Turk's party and
other disaffected Ottoman subjects and
voluntary exiles who moke their head
quarters In Paris, and who will have
.1 fiee hand If nil diplomatic relations
between France and Turkey are bioken
It has been suggested that the
Fiench government Kstie orders for
the Bourse to tease dealing In Turkish
secuiltles. it Is not likely that step
will be taken It would Injuie French
holders of Tuiklsh bonds. The price of
the Turkish gioup of securities fell on
the Biuiise today. In some cases It
went down 10 to 12 fiancs.
Accoidlng to a special dispatch te.
celled heie fiom Berne, Munlr Bey has
leased a villa there for the uie of tho
Tuiklsh embassy.
Hiussels, Aug. 23. A dispatch to the
Petit Bleu fiom Vienna t-ays:
"According to advices fiom Galatz
twenty Busslan torpedo boats and sei
eial despatch boats have at lived at thd
Dnlestei delta, and Uusslan troops ato
beginning to mobilize along the Tuik
lsh ft outlet ."
His Name Will Go Before the Anti
Tammany Conference.
11 LVIuslic Win from The nciatcil Press
New i.rk. iib 21 lohn I Mieelnn. of tho
(.icitcr New 1,111k iuiio,iif, ejld tnda) thit
the name ,f Cite- ( ompiiolli r Bird ."- Coler
would lie presented to the mil l.iiniinnv con
fciince on rpl '1 is 11 i.iuilnhlc fur major
VI Mils loiiferimc will l, reprceiitatnes i(
llic Itc publ lean lounlc 1 oiiuniitee, the Indcpend
ent ll.inoi ntle oik'anlitl no, the ( illens" unio
ind the CJeiinin- Viueruaii iitiliu lr Coler wis
.In lid iiiiiipiiiillii on Ho H ticket at the
la-t' die cliciicn
Pittsburg Signs All Players.
Bj Kioluelie Wire (rom Tlie sjweiated press.
I'ltMnire, Vila-. Jl -Tin- I'ltt-I.urtr base bill
.bib, which now leids ,11 the Natlonil league
1:10. his siuinii all ol li. plncrs (or next neimn
Hie tlr-i ifiliiil iiiiiionini in, 11I of tills fact was
mule this afternoon b.i Piecfdent lljinev lire
fu-s In an-" er to the I'hihdelnhl 1 1 1.1I111 thit
lb iiitnoiii, Lieier ind W.ijnei hue I cm up.
tured In tin- Vine, h in leijue (or next year.
Bloodhounds on the Trail,
By F.aclusiie Wire from The Aseoeiated Prew.
('haltaiioii.'.i. Turn. uz. il - Mm (lurUe
illlaui. wl(e o( a prominent tanner of Irmklln
cniinti, Tenn, was Mini and killed todai hy
llrnrj Nolrn, a neuro, who .ittcnipted to crlm
iiulli asMiilt her. Vfter "liootlns Vft Wllllame
the neuro fltcd upon her little Mm, the bullet
limine her head sherllf tcart and a pos.
with two bloodhoundi arc In pursuit ol the
Trustee of Metcer Hospital,
III Ixcluslie Won Irom file Associated Presi
llarrisbnri!, e 2.1 I M vson. o( sanly
Like, was todn appninnd bv liocernor Stona x
trutlec of the Mercer hospital, vice It. J. Zahnit.
cr, ol Mcner
Local data for iiBUit ,'t. I'lOli
Illghet temperalure f( dejrr'ei
lscrst trinperaiiiia 70 drsreci
ItiUlite llumlililj:
s .1 m '! per cent.
i in 79 per cent,
1'iielpil.elinii, 21 hourt ended 8 p. m , .02
T..ihltiBtnii, Aui ?1 -Fnrecail for
Fi'tcm I'ennsilcanii: s-houen and ooo. -f.
er Sattirda.i , Sunday, fair ulndi bwomlsjg sV
-f llht westerly.
t -r -r - -r t 1 1 1 ; t M