The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 23, 1901, Image 1

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iigifBJBpWMivBjTtSHAyv YE JvlBE'jHIPBMtMfMlb?
Officials at Paris Refuse to Con
firm the Movements of
War Vessels.
A Rumor That Cannot Be Confirmed.
The Turkish Officials Assume Airs
of Indifference The Sultan's
Hand Contains One Trump.
Fiance Will Hesitate About Open
ing the Eastern Question on the
Eve of the Czar's Visit.
ny Exclusive Wire from The Associated 1'rrM.
Tails, Aug. 22. According to the for
, elgn onico officials this nfternoon,
there Is no change In the situation of
the Turkish Imbioglln. This, however,
was noticeable the officials were more
reticent tlmn yesterday. While re
asserting that no naval demonstration
is contemplated, they refuse to con
firm or amy the truth of the news,
contained i,i (-pedal dispatches, spy
ing that three battleships and a crui
ser, which arrived at Toulon this
morning, ate toklng coal and provis
ions on board. They said they had
no Information on the subject.
Perhaps It is not lacking in slgnl
flcanee that M. Desehanel, president
of the chamber of deputies, who was
attending the council general at Char-
tres, suddenly went to rtamboulllot
this morning to see President l.nuhot
and also that M. Delcasse. the minis
ter of foreign affairs, leaves the coun
cil general at Allege and leturns to
Paris tomorrow to attend a special
meeting of the cabinet, called, It Is
asserted, to arrange the programme
for the reception and entertainment of
the czar.
In the meanwhile, the Turkish am
bassador, Munlr Bey, is absent, and
at the Turkish embassy only minor of
ficials are visible. They assume an air
of absolute lndlffrence of the whole
matter. Most of the diplomatists are
nway for the summer holidays, hence
It is difficult to obtain a concensus of
opinion. Talking to the correspond
ent of the Associated Press, one of the
eldest members, who has been con
nected with the diplomatic corps for
over twenty-fivo years, said:
Sultan's Trump.
"The sultan's hand contains one
trump just now. It Is not likely that
Frame will run the risk of opening
the eastern iuestion on the eve of the
czar's visit."
The newspapers there under the In
fluence of the overwhelming Joy at the
czar's visit, are paying sennt atten
tion to Constantinople, and generally
are taking the view that the matter
xill soon be settled to France's satis
faction! The Temps, semi-official, has a note
this afternoon saying:
"The rupture, as yet, is only the per
sonal act of M. Constat), and will only
become otliclal and complete If the sul
tan persists In his present attitude. In
which case, as Munlr Hey Is absent
from France, it will only be necessary
to notlty him not to return until diplo
matic relations are resumed."
The Temps adds that there Is no
question iit present of a naval demon
stration, and hints that if It becomes
necessary, France may Imitate the ex
ample of Austria, which om e. under
similar circumstances, seized the cus
toms house of certain Ottoman ports.
Ht Seems to Have Been the Victim
of n "Yellow" Reporter.
l)y Excluhe Wire fiom Tli Aiatcil Pres.
Washington, Aug. -'J Captain Tims.
V Schley. Twenty-third Iniftiuny. has
made an olficlal reply to the war de
partment legard'ng the alleged Intei'.
view credited to him In the matter of
the Schley court of Inquiry. Cnptaln
Schley t-ays that he has had no lu-
lervlew and has talked for publica
tion with no person.
He says that some remarks made
by him In a private conversation were
picked up. dlstortfd and bullded upon
and the publication misrepresented
what he said In a friendly convorsu
tton with other gentlemen. The letter
1b regarded at the war depaitmrnt as
completely exonerating Captain Schl-y
and as a satisfactory explanation of
the alleged Interview.
Past Supreme Chancellor Sample Is
By Exctuslve Wire from Ihr Associate 1 Preu.
Allentown, Pa., z. ii.- The Knlglitu of Py
this grand lodge adjourned in die tlii afternoon
ifier Paet Suptemr t'luntdlnr Sample hid In
tailed the newly elected uiRor. Tlit nominee
'or inner guard are: Mrwt flinhan. fioeU,
Sickell, lloftnian. 1m1', Weltner. Ktarick, wit,
f itler, Thompson. Ukins. Thnma, lliml.qi,
Buk, Foupici, C'onw, lleignrcs.cs-, (or outer
purd, Mrifrn. Nevccll. Watson, Ilendrlck. Hev.
nidge, Haught,; fnr grand trustee,
Ueui. Hart, Kelly, Levi.
The grand lodye decided nnt tn gie the ps
s-ord to member who hae not paid their dues
lor the 11 preceding term.
New Deputy Factory Inspectors.
py Exclusive Wire Ironi The Associated lrcu.
Ilarrisburir, Aug. 12. The announcement wai
nude thla afternoon that K. it. Pentose, of iuk
crtown, Puck rounty, and llobrrt Hamilton, of
Philadelphia, have been appointed deputy factory
inspector under the new law atitlinriilni; an
Increase In the number, and will assume the
dutlea on Sept. 1,
Will Select Hospital Site.
Dy Eielmlve Wire from The Awocuted Pre.
Harrlibmv. Auir. 22,-tlovernor Stone hat up.
l'inte(J W, R. Stroh, of SUm-h Chunk, and llr,
),, II, Wlllard, of Allegheny, member of the
rorninlMlnn to lelect a rite for a homeopathic In
MA' k-.Stt1,
Acting Secretary Hnckett In Confer
ence with Wilson nnd Raynor,
Counsel for the Admiral.
Py Esclushe Wire (rem The Associated Pres.
Washington, Aug. 22. Acting Secre
tary of the Navy llackett at 11 o'clock
this forenoon sent u messenger to Ad
miral Schley's counsel, requesting thrlr
presence ot the navy department.
Messrs. Wilson nnd Haynor were In
consultation nt the time the message
was received nnd did not reach the
department until nbollt 2 o'clock thin
afternoon. In his message, Mr. llack
ett stated that ho desired to see the
lawyers on an Important matter.
Admiral Schley's counsel have
f runted a reply to Mr. Hackett's com
munication of yesterday, expressing
the department's unwillingness to fur
ther question Admiral Howlson's qual
ifications as a member of the court of
Inquiry. This reply has been with
held, however, pending the outcome of
the conference with the acting secre
tary. At the conclusion of the conference
with Acting Secretary llackett,
Mcsrs. Wilson and Itayiinr stated that
their talk had nothing to do with
the membership of the court of In
quiry, but was on a technical ques
tion which was of Interest only to
themselves. They will now forward
their reply to Mr. Hackett's letter of
Later It was announced by Admiral
Schley's counsel that the admlrol's let
ter would not be made public for the
piesent. The admiral himself pre
pared the reply tonight, nnd It prob
nbly will reach the department tomor
The Conference Which Adjourned in
June Will Meet on Sept. 0
to Fix Fusion Ticket.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Treat.
New York, Aug. ii. At a meeting to
day of the leprcsentatlves ot all the
antl-Tammnny organizations it was
agreed that the anti-Tammany confer
ence which adjourned In June should
meet on September !l for the purpose of
considering candidates for n fusion
municipal ticket. The session will con
tinue dally until a ticket Is agreed tip
no. The conference took place at a
dinner given by Col. W. L. Ogden,
chairman of the citizens' union com
mittee of twelve nnd one member from
each organization was present. Col.
Ogden said afterwards that candidates
were discussed nt the dinner, hut re
fused to give out their names. The
sentiment made In speeches was that
an Independent Democrat should be
chosen for mayor.
Among those present nt the dinner
were Robert C. Morris, representing
the Republican county committee of
New York; I, lent, (low Timothy 1,.
Woodruff, of the ltepubllcnn county
committee of Rrooklyn: John C Shee
han, the greater New York Democracy;
Michael Coffey, the Hrooklyn antl-ina-chlne
Democracy; Herman Kidder, the
Oerinan-Amerlcan Reform union, nnd
Otto Kempner, the (Jennon-Amerlcan
Citizens' league of Hrooklyn, as well as
leaders fiom Queens and Richmond
Unsuccessful Attempt to Lynch a
Blnck Man ot Asheville Mob
Dispersed for Time Being.
Hy i:tluhe Wire from The Awociated Vtcv.
Hlrmlngham, Ala., Aug. 2i. A staff
correspondent of the Uirmlnghani
News telegraphed this afternoon from
Asheville, St. Clair county, Ala., that
In a battle which occuned there at 1
o'clock, between Sheriff North's posse
nnd a mob of 400 men, who were seek
ing to lynch .James Ilrmvn. the negro
from Springvllle, three men wero
wounded, two fatally. Tho mob dis
persed for the time being.
Hrown was tried at a special term of
court this morning nnd sentenced to
be hanged September '.'0. The trial
Insted two hours and tiie Jury was out
eleven minutes.
When It became noised abroad that
the court had directed the sheriff to
take the prisoner hack to nirnilugham
for safe keeping, a mob surrounded the
court house, where Hrpwn was b'lng
guarded b Sheriff North nhd twenty
eight deputies.
The mob demanded the prisoner, and
tho sheriff Informed them that ha
would shoot the first man that put his
foot on the court house steps.
A few minutes later, a member of
the mob dashed up the steps, firing a
revolver. A general fusllade followed.
The sheriff's force tired through the
windows nnd doors nnd the mob re
treated, tiring ns it went. Owing to
the heavy rain, the mob sought shel
ter In neHrby stores. Ths sheriff Is
still in the court house and Is trying
to open communication with the gov
ernor In order to get troops. Another
attack on the court house Is hourly
Steamship Arrivals.
Py Kicluitr Wire from The Antedated I'resa.
New ink. Aiu. 22.--ulrd: Palriill. ilam
Imi (-. li.niliiviir and I'l.utiouili. Sailed: Pried
riih Dor fitow, llnnicn la Simtliumidon, Co
lumbia, lUmhiiiir via I'l.unomh .nil rhnlioiiri:;
la fjancociie, llaire. ii'eenton-- Sailed I Or
manic. New York. Rotterdam- Sailed; Amster
dam, New York. Liverpool Arrived: MJetlc,
New Yoik. flriineii Ariheil: Kalw-rln Maria
Tlieieila. New York, via Southampton and Cher
hourc f.trard Pawed: l.a llretasne, New York
for Havre. SHIly -Pawed: AiiRmte Victoria,
New Yoik tor HamburK, Ma Plymouth and
Columbia Wins the Race.
Py Kxclutlve Wire from The Aocii.tJ Pre.
jter Ha , Auit. 2 -Coliiiiibli won ly "lie
minute and thirty-men fecund.; corrected time,
thiee minute. The tiixli llmea were a folki,;
Columbia, 0.23.10; Cmutllutlon. o.L'5.17.
The Great Chestnut floaln Breaks
His Own and the World's
In the Presence of 15,000 Admirers
Crosceus lowers the Track Record
for Final Quarter, Trotting That
Distance in 20?; Seconds Other
Events of the Day The Summar
ies. Py Kxrlmlve Wire from The Associated I're.
Iteadvllle, Mass., Aug. 22. The cele
brated Cresceus was the magnet today
todraw almost 15,000 people to the grand
circuit meeting here. As a sort of
recognition of the favor shown hi mln
the way of applause when he appeared
upon the track, the chestnut horse pro
ceeded In the second heat of his win
ning nice with Lord Derby and Charley
Herr to lower the track record for the
mile by three-quarters of n second and
to break the world's record ot final
epiarters, by trotting that distance In
29'i. Hy this latter performance
Cresceus lowered the mark from 30 sec
onds for the final quarter, which ho
himself made nt Detrcdt about a month
ngo, whe. he strode the mile In 2.05.
The achievement of today was not the
fastest quarter of all kinds, for both
Peter the Oreat and Tommy Hrltton
did the second quarter of a heat at
Lexington, Ky several years ago In
29V4 seconds.
Something of the Interest was re
moved from the free-for-all trot, for a
purse of $2,500, when Charley Herr,
who was driven by the owner, David
Cahill, was distanced In the first bent,
thus leaving the affair to Cresceus and
Lord Derby, and those who saw the big
race believed that Oeers would hnve
clone something wonderful In the sec
ond and last heat had he not broken
coming home, for on the last half of
the bend he was In front ot tho world's
All the horses got a cordial reception
at the scoring and when they were otf
in the first heat Charley Herr had the
pole, with Lord Derby behind hlni nnd
Cresceus on the outside. At the quar
ter the pole belonged to Cresceus, for
Charey Herr had gone up in the nlr
nnd nt the half Cresceus was about
two lengths In front of the fleers horse.
At three-quarters Lord Derby was
breathing Into Ketcham's back. The
Cahill horse was far hack and out of
the race.
Coming homo Cicers got all he could
out of his gelding, but the mighty
strides of Creseeup brought him In
ahead by a half a leirgth. The time
was 2.07U. In the second heat Cres
ceus drew nway from Lord Derby, un
til nt the half, he was two lengths
to tho good. At the three quarters,
however, the Kentucky horse had his
nose at Cresceus' wheel and a little
later he was actually abend of Cres.
ceus. but at that moment Lord Dei by
broke nnd It u'as all over. Ketcham
drove home fiercely, nevertheless, cre
ating the new last quarter retard.
Tho mile was In 2.00, the first quarter
In ,31U, the second In 1.04 Vi, and tho
third In 1.36U.
Krnzler. the Hublnger gelding, took
the needed heat easily In the unfinished
2.2,r. ruce, mid with It the race.
The 2.14 class, pace, was an easy
thing for Dan Tatch, the favorite. The
purse was $3,000, the largest of the
Dolly Uldwcll, a Boston gelding, was
the choice In the 2.12 class, trot, with
Neva Simmons running close In the
pool. The first heat belonged to the
fa,vorlte, wlnnJng In the home stretch.
It was a great surprise, when, In the
next heat, All Right left the hunch,
passed Confessor nnd Dolly Rldwell
nnd won easily In 2.09U, fleers now
leplncckl Price on Neva Simmons and
gave a fine exhibition of driving In
tho Inst heat, winning second position
behind All Klght.
The 2.07 clai-s, pace, valued at $l.r00,
went to Klley H. In on exhibition mile
TotM, a 2-year-old, owned by Oeorge
W. Loavltt. of Boston, trotted the heat
In 2.21, and Krakaure, son of Kremlin,
trotted a mile In 2.26 to beat the 2.30
The Summaries.
5 2", i l.i. p.iimi.'; pure, fl.ixl (conclude di;
I'laxlrr (Millcnry) I 1 1
The firaer (l'n) 2
Tommy Me. (McCarthy) 2 7 S
llarnette (Carpenter) S S 4
Dandy O. (Oarilwn) 1
Heed I'atc-hcn, W. Patrick and 1'red 11,
atartetj, hut were ditai'ed.
Time-2.1SU. '-Ml. 2.1l'.i.
2.14 Haw, pacing; purfe, fJ.nnd:
alo Pate lien (Mcllrmy) 1
I 1
Council Chime (Sr.ow) ft 3 2
l.acnnd.1 (Brodhln) 2 5ft
Jack Hardiiic (Say lea) .1 3 3
Armorel (Mel)onaldl 4 4 4
Time 2.07i. 2.01. J.IOli,
Krce (or all, trotting, two in three: pnre,
("roretia (KetrhanO 1 1
Lord Perh' (fieera) 8 2
Charlev Herr (Cahill) a dlitanced.
Time 'hv Quarter 31 i, 1.01'i, 2.1rt, !.n;i,;;
31i, 2.1011!, 1.36U. 2.1.
Time for tho mile a track record.
quarter in 20 teenndt fastest lat quirter In
public trottinc exhibition.
2.12 rlaa, trotting, two In three; pume, J,.W1:
All ItlEht (Hide)
Polly tlidwell (Carpenter)
Ncia Simmon (Price and (Jeer)
(Vnfewor (Powne)
.1 x
4 2
: 4
0 A
Palm (McCarthy)
Phoebe, Onward, Senator I,, and Sue
Time 2.101.4, 200i,i, 2.11'i.
.'.07 claw, paclns, thire In five: puri,e, J,.7l!
lllley P., Id. h., by Happy IIIIey-Hellc
II , hy Johnny Harri (l.rrln) .
Maor Mutcnvite (McMahon) ....
Matette ffc Ponald)
Art .Mm (Dare)
K.wlit (Kenney)
Joe Pilot (Kllhornl
2 111
1 4 (I
i.' 2 2 2
3 .1 ,1 ,1
4 S 6 4
5 0 13
Tline-S.ro4, 2 07!;, 2.0S1J, 2.10.
Pennsylvania Tension.
Wiihlnittnn, Aup. 23. A pemlun of ?i ha been
cranted uaii Connor, widow, of I'lj mouth.
Vice Tresldent Lloyd of the Com
pany Estimates tho Loss nt
lly Ktdmlve Wire Irom The, Aaoclalecl Pret.
Philadelphia, Aug. 22, The fire which
started nt tho works of the Atlantic
lletlnlug company at Point Breeze on
the Schuylkill river front In the south
western section, ot the? city burned It
self out today. Vice President. Lloyd,
of tho company, estimates the loss at
about $.100,000, Fourteen tanks con
taining about 200.000 barrels of oil wero
destroyed. One Dumping sitntlnn and
thousand" of feet of pipe weie ren
dered uselesM, but tho most Important
machinery Is Intact.
According to olllclals of the com
pany bus I new at the plant will not
be Impeded. The steamer (Suthell to
thiv received her cargo of oil and three
other vessels will he landed tomorrow.
It Is said. Thousands of barrels of nil
are ptlll in the tanks not reached by
rhe flames and the company Is taking
new orders for petroleum. It was
definitely learned today that the two
employes of the company said to have
lost their lives In the explosion early
Tuescllay morning, are Kife. This re
duces the death list to the three fire
men pievlously tunned. About 150 per
Korw, Incftidlng firemen, employes and
spectators, were burned more or lesct
severely during the? progresjj of th
A message was iccelved from the
New York olllce of the company today
Instructing the representatives here
to make proper provisions for the fam
ilies of the dead firemen.
Thomas Lipton's Yacht Takes
Her First Spin in New
York Bay.
By F.xcluife Wire from The AMOtlated Pre.
New York. Aug. 22. Sir Thomas l,lp
ton's new challenger for the America's
cup, the Shamrock IT, had her first trial
spin in New York lower bay today nnd
although It only lasted ninety minutes.
It was a. most satisfactory performance
from start to finish.
Sir Thomas l.lpton and Designer
rjeorgc I.. 'Watson, both of whom were
on board the yacht during h trial, ex
pressed themselves ns perl My satis
fied with the result.
In sailing about eight miles dead to
windward against n two knot time, she
covered the distance In 57 mi utes, and
the reach back of six miles in forty
minutes. The wind was fresh and fair
ly steady ftotn about south by south
east and of from ten to twelve knots
strength. The yacht carried mainsail,
working top sail, forestay sail and Jib.
At times, while on the wind, she put
her lee rail under a tride, hut she
showed herself well nblc to carry her
sail, and sh appeared to be quite as
stltf as either the Constitution, or the
Columbia. Her sails set rfimnrkiihly
well for the first time out. The main
sail, a eplrndld piece of duck, with
narrow cloths nnd wide seams and
of the cross cut pattern, was cset for
the first time today. It fitted to per
fection with the exception peihups of
a slight looseness in the leach, which
can be remedied by Inserting three
battels, for which put pose, It Is al
ready supplied. The liead sails set
well as did rhe jib headed topsail sdie
The trial wa. all In smooth water
except during the last mile ot the
windward work, when she passed out
by Coney Island point. Theie, a slight
easterly swell made her pitch n little
but not enough to stop ber headway
to any extent. She makes very little
fuss under her lee bow, and carries
hardly any quartering wave. Her
wake Is clean nnd smooth, and from
okservatlons taken from directly
nstern, while she was close hauled,
her mils trim very fiat and she Is
able to lie within four pojnts of the
wind with everv sail mil. Many
thought her "pointing" wns fully us
close as that of the lferresboff boats,
but that remains to be seen.
The yacht Is. so perfectly balanced
"on the wind" that she carries neither
lee nor weather helm, her long tiller
being exactly amidships.
During the eight or ten tacks she
made to fetch front her anchorage to
the buoy at the Junction of the swnsh
and main ship channel, where she
turned back, the average time from
"full to full" In stays was about sev
enteen seconds. It was plain, however,
that Captain Sycamore was not put
ting her through her best paces In that
direction. The crew trimmed and
handled sails with that smartness nnd
precision that shows experience and a
thorough knowledge of their ship.
Seized Him by the Neck nnd Made
Him Disgorge.
Py Eielulr wlr '""! The Awornttd Pre.
Newark; V. J. Am. 52. Alone and unald'd,
Mrs. John Klnod, ot Norfolk street, captured a
thief in her huband' faloon today, forced the
fellow to Mirrender hi hooly, and then tinned
linn nrr to the police. The Mraticer entered
the mIooii and, eelne tint the woiniu wai alone,
darted hehlnd the bir and crabbed .ill the iah in
Iclit, about il which he tried to gel away
Mr. Flood fclr.'d him by the neck and held
him fat until he handed over the money, alter
wldi h klie called her liii-band and rnt hitn lor a
policeman. The intruder gae hi name a John
Waul, of N'o. KS t'nlon Mreet.
Pump Man Falls Asleep.
Dy Kxtlutive Wire from The Awoclatrd Press,
tlioinhbomillc, l.a, Aiur. 22. At Itapldan
I..imllnc lat nlslit the buller of a pump
n I by hc'lMd ,V liael exploded, killing two
ncKiue and Inlurlnc fourteen. The pump nun,
a iierii, Ml alccp, and the boiler went dr),
reultinir in the captation.
Woman Onuses Murder.
Py Kxcluie Wire from The tuoc.itcd Pre,
r't-afnrr), Pel., Auif, 22, In a quarrel tonlcht
nwr a woman, Albert leUk wa ehot and
killed by lo.cph Hln I). Iloth am neeiuc and
wcic employed ill a wuuery here.
Venezuelan Steamers Transport
800 Men from MaraGalboa
to Invade Colombia.
According to a Dispatch from Lib
eral Agent, Perez nnd Hosas Won
a Great Triumph Over the Cleri
cals The Colombian Government
Is Now Enforcing a Strict Censor
chip The Colombian Minister nt
Washington Intimates That No
War Exists.
lly Kutnshc Wire Irom The Associated Pie.
Wlllemstnd, Aug. 22. Venezuelan
steamers have transported S00 men
from Mnracalboa and Coro, under tho
command of lieneral Davllu, who de
feated and captured Clcneral llcnran
dez, to invade Colombia, near Rio Hn
chu ond to support fienernl Urlbe
I'rlbe. The Venezuelan authorities
have also sent ammunition to that
General Juan Pletrl, leader of a revo
lutionary movement thnt was about to
start, was captured near Magdalena, In
the state of Carbobo, while on his way
to arouse tluarlco. On being taken to
Caracas, he was Immediately set at
liberty by order of President Castro.
New York, Aug. 22. Dr, A. .1. ltes
trepo, diplomatic agent of the liberal
party now attempting to take posses
sion of the government In Colombia,
received a dispatch today from the lib
eral agent nt Quito, regarding the re
cently reported battle between the
government or clerical forces at Pasto,
The dispatch was as follows;
"Quito. Aug. 20. The expected bat
tle near Pasto was fought on Saturday,
the 17th, and the Llhernl generals, Ler-
glo Perez and A. Hosas, won a great
triumph over the clericals.
Through his secretary, Dr, Hestrepo
acknowledged that PastA where the
battle was reported to have been
fought, was m tho extreme southern
part of Colombia, 2,000 miles from
where fleneral I'llbe-Urlbe wns oper
ating, and that It Indicated successful
execution of the plans of campaign
mapped out by General ITrlbe and for
warded to tho commanding officers ot
the other Liberal forces before the
general loft New York, early In the
Colon, Aug. 22. The Colombian gov
ernment Is now enforcing a strict cen
sorship. Silva Says No War ExiBts.
Washington, Aug. 22. The Colombian
minister. Dr. Martinez Silva, today dis
cussed tho dispatches received by the
Associated Press from President Cas
tro, of Venezuela, through his secre
tary, and from Prcsldeht Alfaro, of
Kcuador. Dr. Silva spoke without
criticism and confined his remarks to
pointing out certain essential points
which these messages from the two
presidents made clear.
"Coming from such high quarters,"
said Dr. Silva, "It can not be doubted
that these messages afford excellent
means of viewing the present situation
of affairs from the standpoints of these
two governments. The chief point to
be noticed Is that they don't treat war
ns existing.
"The message from President Al
faro expressly states that war between
Coombla nnd Venezuela Is improbable,
and he adds that such conflicts as have
occurred growing out of the union be
tween the conservatives In both repub
lics are of a transitory character. It
is well to have the view of so high an
authority mi the Improbahlllty of war
and on the transitory charncter of the
party disturbances which have oc
cuned. As this dispatch from Quito
Is dated August 21, It seems to dispose
of the reports of several days ago pay
ing that nn Ecuadorian army was
about to Invade Colombia and fight a
battle near Pasto, Evidently the presi
dent of lOquador knows nothing of the
Imminence of such n conflict.
"The dispatch from Gen. Castro's
secretary olso Indicates clearly that no
war exists. It states that the con
servatives of Colombia have resolved to
assist In a revolutionary movement
against Venezuela, and of course such
h, movement is an International af
fair of Venezuela with which Colombia
has no concern. Altogether the mes
sages seem to he reassuring as to tho
fact that no actual war In the sense
accepted hy International authorities
exists or Ir probable.
"I am perfectly sure that In the revo
lutions in Venezuela there Is not one
Colombian. I am alsowell Informed that
the Colombian authorities on the fron
tier have made the utmost efforts to
prevent Colombia territory from being
made the base for revolutionary move
ments Into Venezuela,"
Delegation of Pittsburg Commercial
Men Will Endeavor to Settle Strike.
By Kxclmhe Wire from The Aoclated 1'res.
New Yoik. Auc 22. Tho lepoited viit to thl
city of a dcleeatlon representing the commerilal
interet of lituhure lor the purpose of eSeclln.f
a kettlcment of the iteel tri'e I not receiiecl
with much interest by the railed State Steel
1'rom what could he learned thl innrnini;
neither President Schwab nor flulrmin (!ary
will ret cite irprcentatUe of striken until they
receive poellhe pioof that urh reprecntatlca
mo empowered to act lor t lie striker in any
argument that may arle.
Russell's Health Oood.
Ry Excliwlve Wire from The Associated Plena,
London, Aius. 23.- In response to a larccly
lened petition recently forwatded to the home
office, aklni (or the release of Earl Ru-ell,
now cervinR a lentence ii three month (or
blcamy, Mr. Ditcher, the home ecrelar,v, fay lie
can see no reason why he khnuld intcifere, and
that the health ol the prisoner Ii atU(actory.
Weather Indication Today!
1 (leneral-nicr Steel strike Ha No New Dc-
Town ot a Day Wiped Out by Storm.
Franc o-TutM'ti War Cloud.
ThronR See flood ltaelnu at Iteadvllle.
2 fifiiernl-Cirbondate Department.
3 -Health Officer Allen Saj Water Should
He Polled.
(!olp of the Siiortlnc World.
4 Kdltorlal,
3 Connell Talk to the Police.
Leader Ituatle in the Kdiicatlonal Contcit.
0 Local Ve.t Sa.mton and Suburban,
7 (leneral Nnrlhe.vtern Tennvbanla.
financial and Commercial.
9 Loral Industrial and I.ahor.
Three Persons Known to Have Been
Killed in the Wind and Rain
Storm at Anadarko.
Hy Kxcliwlre Wire from The Awclatrd Prcw.
Anadarko, O. T Aug. 22. Three per
sons wre killed, two serloujiv and a
number slightly Injured In a 1iopv
wind and rain storm which visited
Anadarko last evening. Twenty build
ings were almost wrecked, hundreds ot
tents (occupied by homesteaders) were
torn to pieces, and great quantities of
merchandise was strewn far and wide
over the prairie,
Anadarko is one of the threa towns
wjhlch sprang up after the opening re
cently by letter ot the Klown. and
Commanche Indian reservation. After
the drawing had been concluded thou
sands of homesteaders, many of whom
failed to win In the drawing, rushed
thither and purchased town lots which
wore hIng auctioned off by the gov-
renment. In less than thirty days the
town had reached over 6,000 In popu
lation. Buildings were In the course of
erection on every hand, while the ma
jority of the population) resided In
tenit" systemnttlcaJly arranged along
the various treets.
When the storm came twenty of the
hnlf finished houses were torn to pieces.
Flying timbers caused the fatalities
noted, while the wind swept the tents
Into a conglomerate mass and the rain
soaked thousands of dollars worth of
The strim passed over quickly, the
moon came out and the boomers Im
mediately set about restoring order.
The financial loss was quite heavy, but
no figures are obtainable.
Kl Reno, O. T., Aug, 22. Hundreds of
men are nt work at Anadarko, re
moving the destroyed buldlngs. It Is
feared that more killed and injured
persons will be found In the ruins.
No More Celestials Will Be Permit
ted to Come Through United
States Ports When Bound
for Mexico.
Py F.iclube Wire from The AwoclaM Pre.
Washington, Aug. 22. The ck'termln
ntlon of the secretary of the treasury
to tako advantage of the authority
given by the Chinese exclusion net
to legulate tho transit through the
United Stntes of Chinese emigrants
bound for other countries, was today
otllclally brought to the attention of
the Chinese legation. The occasion
presented Itself when nn attache of
the legation culled upon, AsiPtnnt Sec
retary Taylor to lay before him a
message received from the Chinese
consul at San Vranclsco, conveying the
Information that Chinese destined for
Mexico had been lefut-ed tho privilege
of landing at thnt port.
Mr. Taylor told the attache that the
department here became convinced
that most of the Chinese who had gone
Into Mexico in the past two rr three
years hart smuggled themselves back
across the border Into the I'nlted
States. He therefore announced that
hereafter the department would refuse
landing permission to Chinese bound
for Mexico unleiw It could be abso
lutely satisfied of their good faith.
New Jersey Fish nnd Game Commis
mlssion Robbed.
By Eiclmlve Wire from The AucrUlrd Pre.
Burlineton, N. J., Ae 21. The Sew .lei.ev
flh and same commlwlon 1 out after several
partie llitis at Hemly whom, it I claimed,
have robbed the Charleston mill-pond. The hcay
rain of tho past few day broke the dam, and
the large pnd w-as reduced to kmall dache or
channel". In Ihffe the (Hi naturally sought re
fuse. The partie went nut from Heierly and,
with coon net and a wagon, eral hundred
tlh were taken.
There wa alwa.i eood IWiine In the liurleM
ton mill-pond, but It I ald it will take yeai
to re.tock it to It former thillly condition.
Py Eiduslte Wire from The Associated Press.
Toronto, tint., Auk. 2i.-Chlel .In-nice Mr
(lecrice llurton, of the mint of appeal, died to
day, seed H year.
Chiraisn, uir. 42. Mm. Alible llowen, widow
of the lite f'harle M. Hnwen, the well knnnn
Methodist preacher, known "Halleluiah Bow
en," I dead here, aired OS eir. Mr. Itowen had
fle grandsons In the ministry. Including the
llei. Ilulchins, .lame Ensign and De Fortit
Chamberlln, of New York,
The Star Plant ot the Rmeplcap
Tlnplate Gomnanu Prepared
lor Resumption.
The Amalgamated Men Point with
Pride to the Conduct of Their Mem
bers in Restraining Themselves
from Violence Pninter Mill Has
250 Men nt Work Irondnle Tin
Plato Company Gains Another
Victory President Shnffer's State
ment. Py Fxcliuive Wire from Tie Awsclatcd Pr.
Pittsburg, Aug. 22. Aside from tho
partial equipment of the Star plant
of the American Tin Plate company
nnd tho preparation for Its Immediate
resuinpton of business theie were no
special developments In the strike sit
uation In thin city today. No further
trouble occurred at the Pennsylvania
Tube works and at all other strlko
points quiet reigns. The Amalgnmnted
people point with pride to the con
duct of their members In restraining
tlioius-elve from violence when they
see non-unionists being inarched Into
the mills to take their places. The
Incident at the Star plant this morn
ing Is given an example of es
pecial significance aral to use an Amal
gamated' otliclal's expression, 'showa
that thei men have been educated to
the knowledge Mint tholr strongest
weapon In such cases Is silence and
submission until It Is demonstrated
that the mills cannot be operated suc
cessfully without the aid of the skilled
men now on trike.
Tho steel men on the other hand nre
highly pleased with their success In
manning the Star plant and say that
If the men they secure arc not mo
lested It will be but a short time until
all ot their mills will be In full opera
tion and doing good work.
While the strikers claim that four
of the new men at the Star plant have
deserted the company and say that
others would leave If they could get
out ot tho tpill, Superintendent Harper
maintains that he has 100 men at work;
that nunc have diserted, and that the
men can go and come from the mills
as they please. Mr. Harper says the
plant will soon be In smooth running
order and he apprehends no further
difficulty In Its operatfon.
Painter Mill Resumes.
The Painter mill has 2."0 men at
work, anil the management expects to
he running full handed by next week.
Two mills nre being operated at the
Lindsay and McCuicheon plant, one ot
them the in-lnch mill. No sign of a.
break In she Canege upper and lower
union plants made its appearance to
day. McKeesport Is still completely
tied up, but an attempt may be made
to start the Demmler tin works with
men secured from outside points. Tho
strikers are Mill vigilant as pickets,
but are keeping quiet and making no
tin ey is.
At Irondnle, the Tin Plato company
gained another victory today by tho
successful start of one set of rolls.
There are said to be enough men In
the plant to man one mill onn turn,
anil the company officials say tha
once the bicak has been made the
will get the men back.
A delegation of strikers from Wells,
vllle went to Irondnle this evening,
with the Intention of having a talk
with the men at work and try to per
suade them to quit.
At Amalgamated headquarters In
this city, the day was devoted almost
entirely to routine business, and noth
ing of unusual Importance occurred.
President Shaffer said this evening
that no movement has as yet been
made by either side looking to arbitra
tion or mediation. No hint had come
from the steel people on the subject
and none had gone out from the
workers. There was. however, a ten
dency among many of the labor lead
ers today to discuss the possibility of
arbitration, and on everysldowaHheard
mentioned the name of (Jnvernor JV
A. Stone as an arbitrator or concilia
tor, and It Is said he will be asked V
tender his good offices In this direction.
Negroes Try to Snatch Diamond
Brooch From Woman's Throat,
By F.icltiaive Wire (rem The Associated Tress.
Atlantic city. N. .1.. Aug. 22. Two
colored men made a bold attempt to
tear fiom the corsage of Mrs. M. .
Jackson, of Chicago, a diamond brooch
while she was standing alone nt tho
corner of the Boardwalk and Connecti
cut avenue.
Mrs. Jackson's companion, James
Sasse. was buying a cigar when h
heard her scream, and nrrlved In tlm
to strike one of th miscreants a blow,
but the pair ran and escaped. The po.
lice are seaichlng for tho crooks bjic
have a hat to work upon.
Local dita for nnt 22. I"1"!:
IliKhekt temperature s7 degree
Iiwcst tcmperatuie fll degree
ItelatUe llumidiM :
s a. m M percent.
8 p. m m per cent.
Precipilalion, 21 hours ended S p, m., 0.5S inch.
Whlnlon, Aug. 21. fore-ast;
for -f
Eastern Pennsylvania! Partly cloudy Fri
lav and Saturday, probably occaaiooal
howers light foptherly wind.
t 1 -t-1 .t .t .u
... '.. , i -.av
WMZ. -i