The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 22, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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i Every
Known thnt a machlno of
many parts, difficult to
tnke np.irt and clean, la
never used but a few
times. Tho IWIVEHSAL.
mends Itself by Its great
simplicity, cleanliness, ra
pidity, and the great vari
ety of its work.
The Universal chops
everything. Sold by
T7 Sir nt- lf
JJ9N. Washington Ave Q
Some Knit Garments
for Babe and child that will
make a mother happy and
the child restful. Wo are
specialists In thlB lino and
havo everything in the ad
vanced styles for infants and
The Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruco Street.
Sift Wihineten avrnu-, Gtrnoy building.
Sew term heclna Si-pt. 3.
Gleam Lflnem
Should be every man s pride. That
r- vhre we encourage him. We' turn
nit immaculate shirts, collars and cuffs
U ackawaimea
10S-310 Penn avenue
A. H. Warman.
Tho Republican prlmaiy election will lie held
Sn Monday, Sept. lfiili, IfOl, li.tucpti the houu
f 4 and S o'clivlc p. m. i the contention on
rhurvtay, Sept. lflth, at 10 o'. In, k a. in.
Kach randidite mut rcgtMcr hts full name ami
iddrrnj, tho office for which hi iliulirx to he a
candidate, and pay his a'tevinint to the t.ounty
cli.llimin -n or before Aiu. 27th intt.
The ticllime committee will got em them1ves
accordingly. Datld .1. Datif, Chairman.
E. D. Kcllcw.t, Secretary.
Mis Mart- Huffy in in rhlladelplih.
Mr F. n. r.mmon, of llrrck place, it at
Mim ?umi fault, "f (Ukfonl place, is at Like
Attniwv I). J. Uccdy returned jcstcrdiy from
Atlamn C ity.
W .1 0en, or.."1 of the city mill carriers, U
t far Hmk-iwaj.
Mr Margaret sinker, of stone atenue, hit
rwttrdav f"r Itiitfjln.
Mr .l"hn i Writ am) djushter, Minnie, arc
ViMtinc In New Yerk.
In. Mis. - Alire ,iivl Nell Mahon Live returned
Irom letch Pluff, Maj.
Mr F t, Mtrtin. of Sidney, N. Y., Is the
luct .f hr mother, hfro.
Mim .If.umette Thomt i tlutin; Mr. ami
Hr.. Ahner smith, of llizlcton.
Joseph, one of the postuffko clorki,
ba returned from Atlantic City.
The Mine Nell, Miry and Lottie,
f Webster nvenue, are at nufialn.
John f iiptilff and Attorrey M. .1. Doiuhoc yet
ierday returned from .1 trip to Ctn.'id.i.
Mr aril Mi .f. I). Dili and fimll.v. of Mont
fnse, are Hie gucu of Ml. II. fi. Ninth.
Mrs Ch.irle,-. W. Wilhclm, of Atlantic City,
b vltltini: friend lure fur a few ilaj.
Ml, fred lluiir, nn and daiisltter, and Mr J.
Tuck's mother, are at the PaivAnieriian.
Charles 1). Sandeii.on, who In hren vlituijr at
"ape Mav. X. '., ictiirned Inme ji'stinhv.
Mr. W E lllttenhender. of Park tieet, (irccn
idee, n entertaining Mi- Chilttine Iliununn,
if New York city.
Mlf Arnen and Mirtaret Troven. Ml.s .In.e
Ihme fnrhip irl Ml Mjy lloran aid lioiti"
rom Vl.intir t'lly .
Victor K". h. of the Scrinton Hoii.e, i in Xe
Tork t" attend the funeral of hU nephew, Julm
Jorh. (r . who died on Tuesday.
f X. lliRhee. of Jersey City, uperintendnt
t nr ffr-ne m the Central flillroad of No.v
rtev, in the rily Tiifsday.
Arthur W. Cluse. eertary to Wimstrr V..
i Ripple yrftrrday le't the city on his acatlon,
ntrn will e pent at Xarrasamelt.
Mu Ilattie Saunder. of Norfolk, Va , who
hien viiitmi; hrr imer, Mr. fctephen, of
hecca .nenue, returned home jettrrday niorn
i(J Ml S l.nnUe lludenberch, of thl ritv, la ill
malarial fecr at the home of her brother,
udltor r.eneral E. n. Hardtnheigh, at Hones
lie. Ir, Amelia Illehrd, of Well.hoio, who ha
en the r;uet of Mr.v M. U. Fmlth. of Wheeler
renue, during the pan wek, returned home
Mi Acne llewe nnd Mii Kate Kar, of
I) mouth, are the cueti of Mr. and Mm. I'.lln
'illlam and Mr. and Sir. John Iwat, of N'orth
Btflelrt enue.
I., R. Beardsloe. prUate jecretary to Vice.
Tftldent A. .1. Voxham, of the Dominion Iron
nd Steel company, of Sydney, Vova Scotia, and
rmerly with (,eneral Superintendent T. E.
Slarke, of the Lackawanna railroad, is epecied
n the city today for a hnrt llt with t'hlef
;lrk Van Horn, of rmperlntendent nine's ofrlie.
Daniel L. Hart, of Wllkesdlarre, left Inr New
Vork city yesterday tti upeilntend the rehearsal
et three of hl play, "The Parish Priest," which
open In Bridgeport, Conn., on Auir. SO; "Penn
sylvania," wldch open, in Xewark on Lalmr
day, and "In Australia," which hecln tit season
In Jersey City on Sept. I J, Liter In the season
two other new plays from tlic pen of Mr. Hart
will lie produced.
The popular Punch cigar Is still the
leader of the lOo cigars.
Steam Heating and Plumbing,
P. F. & M. T. Howley.231 Wyoming ave.
Hanlcy'fi Ico cream Is .popular for
dessert this summer. 420 Spruce street.
ry the new 5o clpar "Kleon,"
.Viewers for Seventh Street Made
Too High an Award.
City Solicitor Watson will send In n
communication to common council to
night advising that an appeal be taken
from tho award of the viewers who
agreed upon the valuation of the land
condemned by the city for the widen
ing of Scranton street at the corner of
Seventh. These a're the snm viewers
whose bill caused such a protest In the
auditing committee on Monday night.
Tho award which they made was
$700. Assistant City Solicitor Davis,
who repreented the city at the hear
ings, contends that $3.'0 would more
Ulinn compensate J. M. Helm, the
owner, and bellsvcs that an appeal
should be taken.
The argument Is advanced that Mr.
Helm should only be allowed a suffi
cient amount to build n retaining wall
and lay a sidewalk, as the widening
of tho street will greatly enhanc? the
value of the rest of his property.
Weather Observer Clarke Will Read
Paper at Milwaukee J. Jj. Dart-
lett to Assist Him Here.
Weather observer Frederic II.
Clarke will be In Milwaukee, Wis.,
during next week, In attendance at
the fourth annual convention of Uni
ted States weather bureau officials.
Mr. Clarke will read a paper during
the session.
The conventjon Is to be on Import
ant one. as many questions of the
utmost Importance will coino up for
discussion. Among these will be the
suggested advisability of having the
managers attached to stations resi
dents of the city, Instead of successful
ilvll service applicants.
The position Is a minor one and
mote or less difficulty Is experienced
In finding out-of-the-city men who
will leave their homes nnrl travel hun
dreds of miles to strange cities, when?
the living expenses will completely eat
up the salary, whereas, no trouble
would be experienced In finding desir
able young men living In the cities,
where the station Is located.
It Is likely that the convention will
adopt resolutions In favor of the resi
dent system. During Mr. Clarke's ab
sence, James I.. llartlett will have
charge of the local station. Mr. Hart
lett's last post was nt Havana, Cuba,
but at present he Is on leave of nh
senee. He will continue here, as Observer
Cl.uke's nssltant, on Mr. Clarke's re
turn from Milwaukee. Mr. Clarke has
been doing double duty lately, as the
result of the absence of an assistant.
Halsey Dtinwoodlo, who formerly
acted in that capacity, but Is now a
"plehe" nt West Point academy and
will take the full course at the mlll
tarv institution.
He left hero last month on a short
leave of absence and wont to West
Point, where ho took nnd passed the
entrance examinations and physical
Instiictli.'is. He was nppoiittol alter
nate some months ago, and his prin
cipal failed to pass the physical ex
amination, on account of poor eye
J. E. Williams' Scrnnton Guide Book
Has Now Been Issued.
J. K. Williams' Scranton directory
for ll'Ol hns now been Issued nnd It is
on sale in this city. The volume Is the
most complete ever Issued, It Is claim
ed, containing eight thousand more
names than any directory ever before
compiled In this city.
It contains an ncctirate street and
block directory, giving the odd nnd
even side of th streets. The Issue
contains two hundred and seventeen
more pages than any other Scranton
It constitutes a work of gr?at value
to any citizen and reflects much credit
on the industry nnd perseverence of the
man who had It compiled.
Prof. Bible, of Stroudsburg, at Hotel
Jermyn to Explain.
Prof. George P. Hlble, principal of
tho Stroudsburg Normal school .will be
at the Hotel Jermyn until noon today
where he will be glad to see any one
who may be Interested In the bill
which makes tuition free nt Normal
schools, nnd to explain to them some
of the special advantages offered by
that Institution. Parents phoud call if
they are thinking of giving their chil
dren a normal course.
Account G. A. R. Encampment.
On account of the thirty-fifth an
nual encampment of the Grand Army
of the Republic, to be held at Cleve
land, Ohio. September 10 to 14, Inclu
sive, the Pennsylvania Railroad com
pany will sell excursion tlcketB to
Cleveland from stations on Its line, at
greatly reduced rates.
Tickets will be sold and good going
September S to 12, Inclusive; good to
return until September 15, Inclusive;
but by depositing ticket with Joint
agent at Cleveland, prior to noon of
September IS, and the payment of fifty
cents, return limit may be extended to
October , Inclusive.
For specific rates and further Infor
mation apply to ticket agents.
S5.00 to Atlantic City, Cape May,
Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon,
Wildwood, or Holly Beach via
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Special ten-day excursion Thursday,
August 22. Train leaves Scranton at
6.15 p. m.
A Pocket Cold Cure
Krause's Cold Cure Is prepared In
capBUle form and will cure cold In tho
head, throat, chest or any portion of
tho body In 21 hours. You don't have
to stop work either. Price 25c. Sold
by all druggists.
with the ljrgt.t
imnlcil opportuni
ties JCwifroui re
citals by ttu'lnita,
4nd a court ly
fimous ARTISTS,
Yearly courm e
lmly,n auit your
nfrd., $.7) and up
J. Alfred Termini;,
ton, director.
One Thousand Persons Arc Esti
mated to Havo Been in Attend
anceColonel F. L. Hitchcock
Elected President and Major E.
W. Pearco Secretary Programme
of tho Day Interesting Address
Delivered by Colonel L. A. Watres,
of tho Thirteenth Regiment.
The Seven Countlffl' Veterans' n-so-elation
spent a thoroughly enjoynble
day nt Uike I.odore yesterday, thflr
annual reunion drawing fully a thous
and persons to tho resort.
The election of ofllcera was held In
the afternoon nnd resulted as follows:
President. Colonel V. U Hitchcock, of
this city; secretary, Major 13. W.
Pearce, of North Scranton; vice presi
dents. Henry Harding, of Wyoming
county; W. II. Longnlnrf, of King
hntnton. N. V.; J. K. Cook, of Hones
dale: J. 11. Khret. of Plttoton; P. S.
Michael, of South Gibson; 12. J. Sweet,
of Towandn.
Tho next reunion will be held at Nay
Aug park, tho third Wednesday In
August, 19ii2.
A. T. Searle, of Honesdale. deliv
ered tho address of welcome yesterday,
and the response was made by Col
onel I,. A. Watres, of the Thirteenth
regiment. Other addresses were made
by Judge Wilson, of Honesdalo; Col
onel F. L. Hitchcock and A. H. Stev
en c
Comrade Henry Hall, of this city,
recited, with fiery eloquence. "Keen
nnV Charge." and a feature of the
day was the camp file hold by the Kx
I'risoners of the War, nt which songs
and speeches In profusion wer
heard, pipes were smoked and a gen
eral tlmo of hearty good fellowship
In the course of his speech. Colonel
Watres said:
'I hen- ,iii fathered here tnd.ij liiindinU of men
who tough' for their country and that tlag whlih
is it Minimi.
It I well to Knew the (iiend-hip of former
d.i'. l'r. ailer all. friend', true friends
.limine the real thlnirs of life. Without thmi,
the world would he .s wilderness; compared to
them, fame ami miny of the thlnifs o nzerly
touch! f"r, are but as soniidinj; luas and link
linif csinhal.
As ope hy one Ihey lene in, and bo otu into
tl' great tniiitiesvd po-ilulltles of the future,
and as e stand shoulder to ehmilder m the
duties nt life, little knowing who shall first
filler In his xtep; who first shall pas out of the
wun.hthe intu I he sliidow, It Impel' " to ilap
I'hwr the hands of the llilntr, and to no (,ihti it
our llu as tu merit our approa! and n-Kird.
It i well tu reWe the memories of darker
dun. nnd to piuse for a moment while our
tbiuuhi wander luili to those tlnii of awful
The fnlted Stales, lislne from the lery a.he
o( Inr own iulii, to leallie, alninet too late,
the creat deli! -he owed to tlte in in who wa the
soldiers' friend and failier, the nation' inspired
miide; the man whu endured A tnarivrism even
wnrse than the nssissin shot whlih took away
hi life; the Kieilest Xmerican and the grandest
mm whom his generation had produced Abra
ham I.ini'oln.
nd the fluted Stale turlher began to recog
nise whit he owed In her roldierr,
she knew that to thoe hrae men Tio owed
the renew il of tin Indu'trle of and pros
peril; the freul-'iu id an oppres.ed race; the
maiutenaiKe of her Mainline among the nil lor
of the world, and moie, even her ery identity
as n nation.
Mm. reioanlred thit In bringing this to pas. her
Foldlrr heioea had lost miny of the best years
of their lives; hid forfeited, -nme, the edueatlon
fur whlih they longed: Mime their wealth; mine
their fnndeit ambition; "me their frieinU, and
some, indeed, there were who Inst their all.
In return for thi the great heart of the nation
went out in deepest gratitude, and It will eer
retain .Minr noble deeds In lnlns memory as long
as time shall la-t.
Hut whit of the present das?
When the rim of battle hid reased; when I.fO
man bed In bmo soldier back into the union,
not aa ilefeited foe, but a brother returning
from a tedious and mistaken journey, your duties
as obber retsed, but your vlgalame a cttlzein
began anew
fortunate. Indeed, was It for our country tint
her hiaie soldlir were also loyal cltiron. Ton
returned to civil lite wllh Its rare and tesponi
bilities, it ilutte. and il rewards.
When sou and jour eomradea bid established
again the reign of civil law, of inllitaiy
rule; when you set cure more the tar and Mnpe
to ymbnlie from orean to orean and from Can
adi to Mexico, the good government of the direst
and best land on earth, did jou not by tint very
deed cieate a new duty to sene your country
patlentlv and with vigilance to tlic end of time?
Did ou not create a new duty to stand by the
dig In peice a well as in war, ami tu tee that
the wa kept clean and fair; tint her government
of the people, by the people, and fur the people
might not fall into unworthy handy, nor her
noble institution fall for want of lour support.
There ore snme lessons which hlstorv has 1m
piessed n Indelibly upon the human mind thlt
to doubt them or even to repeat them teeina un
necesMrv and gratnltlnu.
1'ioin the time when Caeser reform d a virbir
from (iaul -only to be ruined by political plot at
bnnie, ilo'n to -he present day, it ha. been
shown tint the danger whlrh I concealed and
hidden within Is more lo be feared, by far, than
tl.e open foe and avowed enemy.
Our country hi indeed been blet In many
wa. but particularly in that during our more
litftit onleal we bad smb. a wise and pitriotle
and effluent president as William MiKlnley. K
soldier like yourself, he nerved the fnion In
the day of ilir.gers. To the veterans I the renin
trv indebted for every president save one since
the war, and the last of these Is not the least,
t'nder Mi Kmley tne nation ha expanded fir be
yond the dream of even a decade ago; our glorl
ou dig float in triumph of liberty over the
island of the sea from Cuba to the Philippine,
bringing with it not the glorv of conquest, but
renewed responsibilities to us is rlttren--to
bring thnse ntwly emerging from the darkness of
We just received 100 baskets
Delaware Peaches.
We also havo a fine line of
Canteloupes, Pears, Pine
Apples, Watermelons,
Delaware Grapes.
E. G. Coursen
Headquarters for fruit and vegetables.
ulaverv Into the light snd blessing nl the best
and f'alrnet nation under the. lun.
May jour reunion continue.
A the jeii go gliding by, nny you alway
know that' a warm spot Ii 1it for you In the
heatt of a gtateful people, and that the memory
of jour tiold deed lull nevrr be obliterated.
Thought He Was, However, and
Gave Himself Up.
A young man named Howard E. Par
sons, laboring under the delusion that
ho wns a deserter from the t'nlted
States navy, gave himself up to Pn
trolman Connery early yesterday morn
ing And wns locked up In tho central
police station.
According to his story, he escaped
from tho training ship Vermont nt the
Prooklyn navy yard a few days ago
and swum nshnre. He had his clothes
on a board which he pushed In front of
him, but they fell overboard nnd when
he rt ached shore ho wns obliged to
don nn old pair of overalls and a coat
which he found on the docks. At tho
tlmo of his escape he was under Im
prisonment for running uwny a short
time before.
Superintendent of Police Holding
wired the authorities nt the navy yard
that Parsons wns locked up here and
asked that some one be sent for him.
He received a reply to the effect that
Parsons got away only last Friday and
will not be considered a deserter until
August 20 or until ten days have
elapsed. The superintendent accord
ingly released him after telling him to
strike out for New Vork nt once.
Recorder Connell, Director Wormser
and Superintendent Robllng to
Look theffl Men Over.
Director of Public Snfety F. U
Wormser Issued an order yesterday
afternoon, directing nil members of
the police force to appear at the Mu
nicipal building this afternoon at 2
o'clock, for Inspection. Recorder Con
nell, Director Wormser and Superin
tendent Holding are to look the men
over and will address them briefly, It
Is understood,
Pattolnwin "Itoscoe" Walsh was not
on duty yesterday afternoon, nnd It
was expected that ho would appear
Inst night to take charge of the cen
tral city precinct, despite the fact thnt
he refused the lluitenantcy on Tues
day. He did not appear, however, and
It Is understood thnt his absence In
the afternoon was occasioned by sick
ness. He Is said to bo ns determined
as ever In his refusal to accept tho
prof erred promotion.
The names of several of the older
members of the force have been sug
gested for the place, but nothing de
finite has as vt been decided upon.
Sergeant Itldgewny Is acting ns lieu
tenant In the meantime.
Fast Becoming; a Very Popular Ex
cursion Besort.
division PnasonRor AkpiU M. 1..
Smith, of the Lackawanna railroad,
yesterday completed arrnnKfments
with (5. V. IVrlne. T. It. Bldwpll, J.
J. C'onktlniT and I.. l Dlmmlck, a
committee representing tho society of
painters, decorators and paper hang
ers, from Hinghamton, for nn excur
sion to this city and Nay Aug park,
on Sunday. September S.
A special train will tie provided, and
the committee anticipate Unit over
one thousand .visitors will come from
the Parlor City on that date. The
rpeclal train will leave ninghnmtnn nt
S a. m., and returning will leave
Scranton nt S p. in.
The committee was here yesterday
nnd vlsi(l )u pari;, sicl mills and
other places of Interest, nnd were very
much Impressed with tho city.
Picnics were held nt Nay Auk park
yesterday by the Jackson Street Bap
tist church, Sherman Avenue Mission
school, and tho Ladles' Maonerehor. of
Plttston, There worn fully thres
thousand persons in attendance at tho
three picnics,
The .Methodist Episcopal church of
Chinchilla will picnic nt tho park
Recent Contributions of Rev. F. S.
Bnllentine, of Green Ridge.
The Churchman of August 1" con
tains a scholarly paper hy Rev. Frank
S. Ballentlne entitled, "Some Recent
Hlble Translations." It Is a plea for
n thorough modernizing of the lan
guage of the Scriptures, so that the
message of Holy Writ may Iip com
municated to the men and women of
today In Idioms that are contempor
ary: nnd a critical study of some re
cent 'fforts In this direction.
In tho American Church Sunday
Pchool magazine, the same author
contributes an Interesting study of the
parallelism of the table of the Ten
Growing in Popularity.
Tho New York, Ontario and Western
special Sunday excursion train to
Lake Poyntelle, Is carrying hundreds
of excursionists each Sunday. This
reflort has become very popular owing
to Its delightful surroundings, high
elevation and the beautiful scenery
en route through the mountains. Am
ple accommodations nt the Lakeside
for those taking along their lunch;
also good supply of row boats. Train
leaves Scranton on Sunday, the 25th
Inst., nt S.30 a. m-, and Carbondale, 9.10
a. m., and returning arrives Scranton,
1 6.45 p. in. Fare from Scranton, $1.00
return, and carDonuaie, ou cents.
Labor Day, Pan-American, Buffalo,
N. Y., September 2, 1001.
Ticket ngents of the "Lackawanna
railroad" will sell five-day coach excur
sion tickets to Huffalo and return,
tickets on sale good going August 31
and September 1 and returning within
five days from and Including date of
sale, nt 8 for the round trip. Children
between tho ages of 5 and 12 one-half
of tho adult rate,
Notice No. 1.
A second examination for Grammar
A pupils who secured an average of 63
per cent, or over will bo held In tho
High school August 28, at 9 n. m.
Grammar A certificates for the High
school will bo given out August 30 and
the forenoon of August 31, at theofflce.
George Howell, superintendent.
Medical Books and Surgical Instru
ments, belonging to the late Dr. Blanchard, at
private sale. Enquire of A. W. Dick
son, administrator, or F. K. Tracy, at
tomey.Commonwealth building, Scran
Miss Meredith and Mies Tcdrick
Are Only Separated by Two
Points Schwcnker Stole Away
from Miles and Anderson Miss
Griffin Continues to Gain on Lewis.
Xemmerer Climbing Steadily Up
Toward Table No. 1.
Standing of Contestants,
T If this wa the lilt dty, theie would wins
rotnti. f
Meyer Lewis, Scran
ton 034 I
Miss WilhelmlnA
Griffin, Providence 552
I 3.
Henry Schwenkei.
South Scranton . . 380
4. William Miles. Hyde
Park 358
5. Garfield Anderson.
Carbondale 320 T
0. Rrijr Buckingham,
Elmhurst 180 T
7. Miss Norma Mere
dith, Hyde Park.. 100 t
. Miss Vlda Pedrlck,
Clark's Summit . . 158 T
flow miny of theio will t In Ttbl, Not X
1 en the cluing ljl
0. August Brunner, Jr.,
Carbondale 105
10. Prank Kemmerer,
F nctoryville .... 78
11. David O. Emery.
Wimmers, Pa 51
12. Arthur C. Grlffls,
Montrose 3D
13. W. H. Harris. Hyde
Park 23
4 14. Miss Minnie WalHa.
Carbondale 23 t
15. E. J. Sheridan. Haw-
ley 6
16. Miss Jennie Ward.
Olyphant 6
17. Robert Campbell,
Green Ridge 3
There were nn changes In the posi
tions of the various lenders yesterday
In The Tribune's Kducatlonal Contest,
nllhnugh n number Improved their
standing. .Miss nrlflln gained some
more on Mr. Lewis and this morning
Is only S2 points behind him.
Henry Schwenker, of the South
Side, Is making an energetic canvass
In order to hold on to third place,
which Is threatened by both Miles and
Anderson. Mr. Schwenker Is now SI
points In front of Miles and 60 ahead
of Andersen.
Miss Pedrlck and Miss Meredith are
again very close together, tho latter
hiding the young lady from Clark's
Summit by but two points for sev
enth place.
Frank Kemmerer, In Table Xo. I,
hns made considerable of a snurt the
past week and bids fair to climb up
Into the first tabic, If he continues his
good work.
Seemingly, the contestants all real
ize that only a week and a half are
left In which to do efficient work for
themselves, Between now and S
We extend a cordial In
vitation to all to como in
and Inspect the New Fall
Shapes In "Knox Hats."
They are the most fash
ionable hats for fall and
winter. Their quality must
be the best.
The Largest Lines in
AM) hTAT10.NF.uY.
The Largest Lines in
: Oils, Paints and Varnish
Malony Oil & MantifacUiring Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
cbcrnune mj-z.
$100,000 -
First Mortgage Five Per Cent.
Gold Bonds of the
Webster Goal & Coke Co.
Covering its
arc offered subject to prior sale.
TOTAL ISSUE, $150,000.
Dated July 1st, 1901. Due July 1st, 1916.
Coupons payable January and July.
Denomination $1,000.
Bonds and mortgages may be seen at this office. Write
for special circular.
Title Guaranty & Trust Company,
516 Spruce Street.
o'clock p. m. on Aug. 31 all tho points
that can be gathered must be secured
and the ones who can make tho larg
est count will have won scholarships
worth nil the hard work of the sum
mer months.
Weather Was Very Disagreeable
Again Yesterday.
The 'excessive heat of Tuesday was
continued yesterday, nnd suffered only
one break, which occurred about 3
o'clock, .iu fur over fifteen minutes
there wni a very heavy downpour of
r.un, fuPy 30-100 of nn Inch of mois
ture falling lu that lime.
The thermometer at no time rose to
any sublime heights, but continue
throughout the entire day to loiter
around the Sfi degrees above mark.
The air wns oppresslbely sultry and
eoniblned with the musty tnste of the
city water, succeeded In driving thou
sands of Individuals to seek solace at
roda fountains and other plnces which
are not soda fountains.
City nnd School Taxes, 1001.
The city and school tax duplicates
for year 1001 are now In my hands for
collection. A penalty of 3 per cent,
will be added Sept 1st, 1001, and nn
additional one per cent, on the first
of each r.nd every month until fully
paid. All taxes remaining unpaid
after November 1st will be placed on
the delinquent ll3t as provided by law.
E. J. Robinson,
City Treasurer.
Keep Posted About Home Affairs.
The Tribune will be mailed to you
whllp away during the summer
months for 12 cents a week. The ad
dress may be changed ns often as de
sired nnd the paper will be mailed
direct, promptly, every day. Any
complaint should bo made Immediate
ly to The Tribune office.
Pure cream, pure milk, pure sugar,
pure flavoring make pure ice cream.
That's Hanley's. -120 Spruce street.
Smoke the Pocono Cigar, 5c.
The greatest commercial
economist in tho world today.
Compared to any necessary
Investment In business,
theprofitfrom aTELEPHONE
is Incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Uanager's office, 117 Adimj tvenue.
T. J, Foiter, I'reildcnt. Elmer II, Lawall, Trcai.
B. J. Foster, Stanley V. Allen,
Vico frcjldent. Secretary.
Men's Suits (15.00
Men's Trousers 3.50
Ladlfts' Suits 12.00
Rainy Day Skirt .50
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
N. E. Pennsylvania
N. E. Pennsylvania
Tho New Designs in
!! Stamped
;! Linens
', , Are here-, both In white and the X
new Brown Linen. t
, , Thla new stock Is tho hand- X
somest over brought to Scran- T
, , ton, consisting of
:: Centre Pieces, Table Coyers I
ana uoyiies
of various patterns,
see them.
Call and
Havo you ?een that beautiful T
TRE PIECE in our window?
Cramer-Wells Co.,
130 Wyoming Ave. x
Tells us that black and white will be
the stylish colors for bosom shirts thlt
fall. AM the season Us considerably
advanced, we havo secured an early
consignment of the newest patterns for
thoso who do not caro to purchase
Negligees. Call and see them.
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Qreater Than Ever.
Oar Sixth
Annual AugQst
Furniture Sale
iiConcedca hyj all (diligent house-
fccepers In Scranton and vicinity
fta bj 1 iri '"':'
Wo will takw you Into our con
fidence, "A word to the -wise
is Mifllclent." Heavy purchases
of Hetd JSoom, DInlns Hoom and
Parlor Furniture, In car load
lots this Is strictly ECOVOMVS
"WAY, for our fiver Increasing
fall trade makes imperative
more room, and plenty of it,
apalnst their arrival, Thle Is
tho secret of the Butchering and
Slaughtering of prices on all
goods advertised during the re
mainder of this
August Sale.
A lrt wliltc enamel Iron Beds, all
Iron elde ralli anil wove wire a -n
ipring; worth $7.M .y
Tho balance of all mada up DruMela
GirpcU at riactly hall price.
Fee our north window for 75c, q
picture at IVC
A 10.W do-cart for 4.VO
lloth wood Mat and leather seat
Rorltrrs In Eoldrn oak or mahogany
flnUli. HrguUr price .'.W to , q
13.50 I.OV