The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 22, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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(Se cranton CriBune
;nhllhd fullv. Kxrr Sunday, hy The Trlli
i rubllthlnc cJomimny, at llfty Centt a Month
livv s nicitAtin, Kciitor.
O. V. IIYXIIKK. tli'lin Manager.
Kiw Votk Offltei M Nawan Ft.
8. M VttEKUSIl.
Bol Asent lor Foreign Arttertlln(?.
Entered it the PiXlnfflrc At Seranlon, l' . '
fcemnd Cls Mill Matter.
When pfe will tyrnilt, The lillmne l alwy
rlad to rrlrt h',rt lcttr from lt ftlend '"
Intt on owrrnt topic . but 1t rule l lht 11"'
rnmt h tinned, for ruhltoatloii, by the writer
real nm: ml the condition precedent t ?
.vptunre 1. that nil rontilbutlona atiall be auujcct
n editorial reaialon
Tim n.vr iutk von AnvunTisiso.
The follnnlnir table ahocria the prlie per lnrh
each lnertlrn, pace to be ued within line yean
feM thin .VYl )nehe
"i Inches
. .an
. .?i
.! 1"
.HI .17
n 1M
Tir f1rd of thank", retoliitlont of eondl
Pd flmllir ronlrll"itlon In lli nature of
'erfiamir The Tribune malsei a ibirse of 5
t in.
Tlate, for CliMlfled Adaertlalns furnUhed on
PrnAVTOv. Ai'orsT 2.'. inni.
Rnprrme Comt-Wlt.U VM P pnTTCH.
TrMnrri FRANK O lllini
TUedfon Xm. .V
It will probably lip bpft to let the
healtn officer dtrla whether the pres
ent flavor of the Pcranton water Is
hoilthy or not. Meanwhile all are ad
vised to keep cool
In the (Matter of Ripping,
Tterorder Connell, the rreond ripper rerowler
of the ritv of Srrmton, lial "mtiicm.d rlpp'nc
on hi. own arroirl, ihe itn i hi pud crnr,
ll'rorder M"lr, did, but on a omeuhit mole ex frile llecmiler ( "irell Im performed
I. tlrt crk c h ilppei on th poltie furce,
i.nd mi. h .1 'hiking up ht nrr btnre been
1tneted In cranton. Ki Major Molr'n frlri,d
flntl polltfral adherents on the polite torce Inae
ben flther reduced In rank or dimiivi I ,ilt
tether Ml t li I. I eupprrd tn be hi piu,iinip
pf th efneral pirn of mmpkiclv pirtlrinllni;
ra- braneh of tlirt cernni',nt of nei ond rla4
t inr and nuking tlinn ul'irinit to the dom
inant nnelilni' In utite dltli In tlm line
talo r pplnj up of the polhe department of
Nrnntrn tl ere i an additional lllunraiion of
th -iuoii ihara, ter of the reiond claM ritv
ripi'er leirl'litirn t'tider the provUton of that
act a recordfr appointed bj tho cowinr oan
rnak'1 remoaaU of nollienaeri and orbir offli "r
without aicnine in ieann whater, and
ned rot sic mt expianaiion for ln.t art to
the ritv rounril -M ilkes-Harre llei.ird
Our contemporary creatly maRnifles
the proportions of the so-called shake
up and utterly misinterprets Its mo
tive and purpose. If It has kept close
wnteh upon Scranton's municipal af
fairs durlmr the past few years It
must know that through Indifferent
or unstable administration they hae
become unsatisfactory and compli
cated. Especially has this been true
In the police and tire departments.
Because of the lack of system In the
flip department, our citizens nre pay
Ins a special premium for fire Insur
ance amounting to 23 per cent. On
account of the Innc unjointed status
of the police force vice has spread to
many quarters where It should not be,
espionage has relaxed Its due vIkII
atice and abuses have arisen that
should not be tolerated.
The Installation of the present ad
ministration was accepted by those
acquainted with Its personnel as a
Flcnal that action would he fearlessly
taken towerd remedy of these unsatis
factory conditions. Time was first
taken to study the situation in detail.
Xothlns in way of change was decided
upon hastily. Hut there was one con
clusion which could not be resisted; If
the lesponslhlllty for better results
was to 1ip borne ami Justified, subordi
nates not in sympathy or in whom
confidence was lackltiR would have to
Bo. That Is the rule which governs
the successful conduct of all lartje en
terpilses. Merely capricious changes
involving deposition torn ofllce wholly
as a means of showing power are un
warranted; but reconstruction and im
ptovenient are demanded by the cir
cumstances ns found and these cannot
he evaded If duty is to be performed.
As we hftve t-ald tepentedly, the only
Justification of a tipper bill Is Its pro
duoing Impnnei results. If it meets
this test In Seranton. the taxpayers of
Scranton will approve. The adminis
tration in power is entitled to a fair
trial on this basis, and the excitement
of factional rancor would only hinder
what all good citizens want to see;
namely, honest and efficient govern
ment. The great strike his proved to be
no ricnle save for the strike breakers,
and they would doubtless prefer to
enit their lunch In peace.
ProdlRnl Son Fllnn.
ATTShe PROFFKU to Senator
I ". Fllnn by the Republican
JL ' Mate leaders of the tem
porary chairmanship of yes
terday's convention, nlthough declined,
Illustrated an Interesting character
istic of Intelligent party management.
While Fllnn was fighting outside the
harness, while he was expending his
powerful energy and commanding per
sonality In the irregular and unwar
ranted endeavor to bieak down the
Republican party organization by
means of a fusion with the enemy, he
was shown no quarter. On the con
trary, his challenge to battle was
met upon eery occasion and he was
whlppeit'to'a standstill.
Rut wjjen te discovered and repented
the errir of his wa; when ho con
tritely returned to the regular fold
and announced that he would hence
forth dp Ms fighting within party
lines, the hand of fellowship was glad
ly held out to him and not a trace of
bitter feeling jomalned, ThlH Is as It
nhould be evety where. Fllnn pet son
ally has always been a capital man,
ndmlred and respected by friend and
foe alike. His fault wag a fault of
method. Under the pressuro of fac
tlonal feeling he forgot that the party
Is larger than the factions, anl that
the preservation or Its organization
rises paramount to all personal claims.
Tlf al' oiiid have sacrificed a.
smaller man, hut hp survives hrcauFO
h Id nn extraordinary oharnotrr.
Hi 1h a prodigal son who merits a
failed calf.
If Mr. Schwab iIoch not propose to
say nnythltiK upon anynuhjcot lis ought
lit least to IiIip a private secictury to
"Jolly" the reportem.
The State Convention.
Till: DOMINANT note of yes
terday's convention wns
harmony. For the first
time In many jc.uh the
representatives of the
ly In Pennsylvania convened without
signs of family disturbance and com
pleted (i ptofiramme of work In free
dom troin factional bickerings. It
was from beginning to end ,t conven
tion of stalw.uts; of believers in party
regularity. Those who meditate at
tacks upon the parly through inde
pendent candidacies or fusion with the
opposition had for once the good taste
not to fry to participate In delibera
tions by which they did not piopoao to
be bound.
It Is not to he expected that any
feature of the convention's work will
receive the approval of this guerrilla
element, nor wits any effort made to
attract Its support. The nominees nre
stalwarts, the platform Is nn expres
sion of stalwart Republicanism uml
fhe people nre to be Invited In Novem
ber to choose between the M.ilw.irt
stylo of polities and the hack-firing,
It regular style. Although this Is an
off It is n year when loyal Re
publicans should more than ever stand
by the party standards, so as to keep
the battle lines Intact for the more
Impottant congressional and guherna
tnrifti compalgn one year hence. Those
who are bent on disorganizing the
majority party In this state know
they have no show In a year when
party Interest Is high. They will
therefore stake everything upon the
inance of doing mischief when the
rank and file may be off guard.
The way to foil them Is to stand by
the guns.
The returning steamship that does
not bring a good revolution Ftory fiom
the Isthtnue Is no longer woithy of
Chandler on Trusts.
FORMim Senator Chandler,
whose picturesque arraign
ment of the trusts, contain
ed In a teccnt contribution
to the Independent, l traveling the
rounds of the Democratic press and
nffordlng much satisfaction to the nd
voiates an 1 disciples of sciilallMn, was
recently defeated for ic-electlon by
ralltoad Influences; and he theiefoie
Is naturally bitter against whnt he
calls the "money power" that Is be
hind most of th? great enterprises of
this couutij.
Yet whin he passes fiom the ihe
torlcal, lettlng-off-steam part of his
essay to the subject Of w hat legisla
tion is necessary to tafeguard public
Intel ests ngnlntvt trust abuj-es, he
calms down to u line of reasoning
which nobody questions, but which, on
the cont-.iry has unanimous approval.
In few words his lib a of remedy Is
government supervision of corporation
organizations. The corporation can
not exist without u charter. The
power which chatters nuit see that
chaiter powers are not transcended,
and that the artificial peion is
held within the same limits of obedi
ence to law as the natural hisoii,
This means 'hat Issue- of stocks and
bonds must oc ncecfs'rj and equit
able: and that periodical Inspection
similar to national bank lns-pectlon
may be required eventually aia check
upon mi:i i.'iagement.
This. Mr. Chandler well says, "Is the
new woik for the Republican party,
worthy of Its reputation. It has abol
ished slavery, given to eveiy settler n
farm on our public lands; established
manhood suffrage throughout the na
tion; saved the Union In civil war;
liberated two inc..-, 'n Cuba and the
Orient: nr-rt 11 w:U conMnie to be tne
party of the people."
Attorney (Jeneral Knox evidently be
lieves that it Is possible to overdo the
occupation of t.iklng things for granted.
Tinkering with Nature.
A FLORIST In St. Louis Is
credited In a published dis
patch with having bred a
fragiant race of tulips, and
with being about to put on the mar
ket a variety of chrysanthemums per
fumed like the rose, llesplte the won
ders dally unfolding, thanks to modern
scientific research, this narrative lacks
confirmation and the icsult it alleges,
while not impossible, verges, fur upon
the Incredible.
Perfume, in (lowers, Is the if suit of
the exhalation of minute particles of
a volatile oil extracted from the soil
and so arranged In nature's wonderful
laboratory that no two plants secrete
oils which are identical. For man to
reproduce In the chrysanthemum the
fragrance of the rose would nu an that
he should have to overcome by arti
ficial ptoeefcses one of the most subtle
of nature's differentiations, compared
with which It would be easy to Invent
flying machines and establish perpet
ual motion. Ave do not say that the
St. I.ouls florist has not done what Is
alleged; we merely remark the prob
ability that somn one has been ro
mancing. Yet some wonderful icsults nro being
achieved these days In the Inbreeding
of plants. Hardly a season elapses
that does not mark developments
which, In another age, would have
savored of necromancy and peihaps
led to pilsnn or the slake. For many
yeats the chief llorlst of the czar of
HUHMa tried without success to breed
a Jet black carnation. He failed. Hut
a gentleman In this city took l ho mat
ter up, and at lost reports had suc
ceeded In growing a carnation oh
brown n roasteij coffee. From that
to a Jet black color Is, he thinks, sim
ply a matter of a little patience.
This Is Just a sample of what ex
perimenters are doing continually In
all (ho fields of botanic research. The
result Is that our fruits, our vege
tables and our cereals are steadily im
proving, both In nutritive qualities and
In beauty of appearance. Now ond
then nature, In levolt, sends such an
nhomlnnble season as the one at
which gardeners are now complaining;
but the mischief Is only temporary.
Science soon tames the tebelllous spirit
untl extracts from the soil Its accus
tomed toll.
Mrs. Nation did not live up to her
advance paper at Atlantic City.
flosquitoes and Malaria.
THOSE WHO follow carefully
the bewildering evolutions
of modern medical science
are awaiting eagerly details
of the cabled report that Professor
Criifsl, tin Italian savant, has devised
;i serum which robs the bite of the
mosquito of all power to transmit
miliaria. The story In Its curtailed
fotm Is that D00 persons have under
gone a forty-day lest and emerged
tnalnrl.i proof. The composition of the
corum Is not dlsrloted.
It seems now to bo well established
that the mosquito's Incisions Impart
malaria. What Is not so well estab
lished Is that malaria can be com
municated In no other way. One
trouble with many Investigators is
that when they locate u new fact, they
do not wait to ascertain If other new
ones may not exist In tho neighbor
hood, they forthwith stop searching
and proceed to construct dogmatic
Taking It for gi anted that the mos
quito can blto malaria Into her victim,
how do we know that the flea or any
other biting Insect may not do the same
thing? The doctors are too busy stun
ning each other with long I-atln words
to work out this simple problem by
a process of elimination. Then If the
mosquito Is such a mischievous pest
(and that need not be doubted, no
matter what crimes have been loaded
upon her unfairly) how comes it that
the negro race thrives on malarial at
mosphete and "skeeter" bites? In
wmie of the southern bottom lands,
where mosquitoes hide the sunlight, a
white man could hardly hold body
mid miuIi together for llfteen min
utes, yet the blacks can live there In
ilellnltely and i-eem none the worse.
A serum that will discourage the
mosqulto-bltlng habit without render
ing Its user persona non grata to
everybody else In the neighborhood can
oommand a large sale In this country.
It Is a wonder that the patent medi
cine men have not grasped this Idea.
Hut upon the general proposition that
the mosquito Is the one distributor of
malnrla we feel Inclined to reserve an
opinion until there has been a larger
and better showing of evidence.
From l.c-die'a Weekly.
stittment coins to fliow the maraeloui
li.ire.i-i' in Hie iij of poatil faiibtiea b tho
lm 111,111 people W tint of tho director of the
buiiMii of (iiirnalnj and printing at Washing
ton, jut luned, in which it appoiM that the
number if potaife ?tamp eent out for me durlntr
the iiirrcnt rt-ial jeir includes l.'iM".frt one
iciit pt map', 8.5ii,lin,fi0 twoient rtaiiipi ami
3i,2.ti1,i'Hi of higher denomination". Tho total,
Including pochl delbery ten rent t.amp, is
n.l1il.2W.ii. ataint t,37;,7.:7,0 for the pre
alom jeir, an lmrem of oaer one and one
hilf billion tamp. It la nut anj- to (trajp the
full eisnillcnmo of these Mnpendom total". A
few nil illation nnj help. Auordina to tlic
tlsruir Miflii lent Hainpt will be iied tins ear
In uppl erry man, wum,n and iliiM in the
I'nlti'd Mates Willi at ba-t my etampa caili,
IHMrihtitcd among the population of the entire
ph bo tlua u-ould Mipplv en n iipron with post
ace for nut lox( than three litters. I'lacnl side
In miK in .1 cuntlniiuin line the total kue would
irlidli' the entire null three tlmee, forming .1
larlccrated ribbon aiound It nearly time inilim
In width. If spruil nut in the same minnrr
uiro- the I'nltcd Mite the ( imp-, would fotm
a papti fldewalk trom New oik to Sin Fran
uco o,r three feet wide. Pa-ted into a nanip
collector book of tli- aire, thi
U-ue fui the j car would fill half a million ol
imic, whiih, pined one upon another, would
form a mild column mer twenty-fHe mile
high. If It Is true, as Kdwaul l'.icrett Hale
Nam, tint the liuieil Slates inula rjMcm Is the
grcitet of popular eduialors, these figures will
M-rio to riiow the (sjent of L'ndc Mm' present
finite as a sihool teaiher,
Hon Charles l'.mory Smith In the World's Work.
The cluliliit.s of nianauiM In reantlle com
biu.atliiu ai icasi'iiahle figures whirh do nrt de
feat the Intmt id the law is not ptohibited.
.Neither is a i pinlim.u Kn Willi a book under like
oliiunntaiuei forbidden. 'Ill" intent of the law
is plain. It Is thi: the pcnodlial thill be of a
ilur.ulir wh ih will command eiih.irlhr& on its
own annum, and not huausc of outMde iniluic
mints it miy oiler. Tlilj doe, net preclude the
110 of aid whUh nnj operate as a discount,
but it dues pin hide the ue of nuani which he.
luiue the ili i lie faitor lather than the irur
aiter if lio piiblliatiou itself. The law intended
to giie the bineflt of the pound rate to publica
tions width ihe p,ople smulit for their own
rake, but it did not inliiid to gle that btnelit
to pnlilidiem who praitualli cluulate thetr
periodical for Utile or nothln; in order to get
a big list to appi il to fiiliertlsera. In other
word, the law is deigned for the benefit of the
leadfr and not of the publlshrr. As to the mies
tun of 'li Hun inn, it is the limine of the de
partment to administer and tint to define. It will
dial Willi caili nse as It present n,.if. What
would be n nominal rile" In eneiane might not
be in unothei. It depends upon the condillitu
and ilrumtancc. The subscription pilce, the
oirers, the actual lesulta, the piopoitlon of legiti
mate ruhsirihcrs-thc'r ani other fitments are
to bo considered. The department will ser to
apply the ruli of common enw and firnci
without assuming tn dictate how any publisher
shall conduct his liiiilnera, and at the same time
without tolerating the ciafinns and subterfuges
which are rrsoiicd to in order to clrcumient the
law and whUh hue brought tuih enormous
Amid the fret and feacr of tho sticct.
Calm, peaceful and MTcnc till giant stands;
Amid the ftiifc, the worry of the town,
Ills mighty hiart remains in diep icpo&e;
Among the seething multitudes ot men,
Their lestlrssresa cannot illttiirh lit rest,
1 watch Ilic emerald ocean if hi leaies,
Arid eierj beating billow speaks of Joj
The Joy of Ihln;, joy of slieugth and health,
(if praic of mind, of duty well peiioimid,
I'm lie !n( kept the law with Cod and nun,
Pola' well Ids pait, nor sought tn shun Ida lot;
So, liejity, hale, and wholesome, he uprear
In gictn eld ago a toner of hiidlhood,
Like some old nun uluse juulli was dcu ficiu
Whose lempeialc manhood biuught him no re-
pin. nil,
He rcaw the rich lewaid of goodly jear,
Utiet and itrorg In guy magnificence.
I li I in, arid I tread e'ld scenes again,
A buefiiot boy upon my father' faim;
I hear the waible ot the Mhiatdleld email,
1 gathei spiaik of dewy wilding dowels,
1 lueathe suit odms of the apple lilncnis.
And heir Ihe row bells tinkling in the lane,
A sclmolhoj in the old sehojllioii-e again;
I li'ar Ihe children droning at their book,
I ten my httlo swectltMri't soft brown ejts.
O pitilarrh of tho multitudinous Icaiea,
Content and ralm, amid this rmii and roar,
Still tinenntamlnited In this strife,
Free Horn replnlnj for th fields and woods
Teach mi the gnndetir of thy deep repose,
Teach me the gloiy of thy goodly soul,
'Ihat I tniy walk with conscleme undisturbed
Amnd the itrussle In the marts of men,
Walter Malone, in the AlUhJ.t.
fl Little Journey
to Niagara Falls
IT IS SMI) that nuffalii Is the bout mlvettled
place eti thl continrnt. not now slope,
when the City of Hose and f.old nldj its
glory, but alnaj-s, since Buffalo eslstd. N
I'uropein of note or otherwise alslts Amerlea
without seelnj NiagHra. lie may be a rojal per-
n.ige tsklng a tnin of the British povevlon-e,
or hunting big game on the western prairies,
or ho may he a gentleman of title hunting
bigger garni, anaong the helree.s of eastern
cities, or, perhaps, lint a plain scientist looking
for freaks, or some other areit man taking a
three weeks' trip oier the country with the
Intention of writing n book on Vmerica, but,
winterer he is or dors, about the first thing
Is to hasten to Magna Falls. N'aturslly he sees
fttitTsIo, clean and beautiful, and ho goes away
remembering that city as long as he remembers
the Fa M.
Torelitn visitors are a deal more imlous to
see this marvelom spectacle than are moet
Amerlmns. It is to be wondered whj caery true
Amerli an does not make this the first pilgrim
ago tf mature life. Theie ,ir things we em
afford to inls eng In this big country of ours,
hut not Niigara Falls. If It were far out
on the Piclrlc (oast ws wv.ild make all kino
of sacrifices In order to reach Its alelnlty, but
because It Is o nar, so familiar tn our speech,
we arc apt to put off the day of our alsit.
We ought to feel a special Intel est in Nia
gin Falls .it this time. It is a !eranton nun
who was an Important lactor In the work ot
hirnesslng Ihls mighty force for the benefit of
mankind, and if for nothing else than to learn
something about "Lou" 'tillwell's thought and
erglneerlng skill we should see the colossal
tmwer plant at Niagara. There are other things
that ve can pasa hy if Is said to be a niughtj',
naughty town, pirtlculirly on Sunday, but thd
powir plant Is an Interesting objeit.
course there are miny things of which cne
tan see too much bores, jellow Journils, the
Mldwaj, (jelnnes, mosquitoes and the like- but
Nllgira Falls belongs in the category of the
eternally enchanting. No matter what rude
shocks one's sensibilities may hae received In
the way of spooning brides and grooms, or of
the gushing j-oting woman with a startling pom
pidour, who exclaims "How awfully nice"' at
her first view, one reillj never has enough of
tint alorblng scene. This Is the miracle of It
all. It is soul satisfying yet neaer cloying;
calming in Its unquiet, insistent In IM inspiia.
tlon to go away and do something granel olid
There are ecvtnl wjivs by which to reach thu
Falls from fluff iK Whichever you take, ynu'U
probably wish It wis another, (or tint Is tho
j-rverslty of the hum in. It von are In .a terrific
hurry the railway train is the mo-t expeditious.
The fare Is flftv cents for n round trip ticket,
and the run is about a hilf hour The stme
rite prevails on the tiollej, but It consumes
more than an hour.
To be sure, If you are some horribly rich
personage j'ou can take the tally ho coach "fled
.facket " single sett, round trip. Is only tA.ii)
or f.tno for on w ij You can pay tho latter
sum and walk back, or take the trolley for a
In mv opinion Ihe must satisfactory choice li
the steamboat, whn h le.nes the whirf at Ferry
street frequertt.v, the hours of id a. m. and 11 CO
being exceedingly populir. The fare is 7J cents,
and will permit return by either boat or trollej.
The sail is delightful, down past ftrand Island
with its sumptuous boat houses and luxuriant
bits of woodland, between widening shores er
dimmer In outline until Miter's Toint is reach,
ed, where the trolley Is taken, the steamboat
ticket being legal tender and permuting Jon to
alight ns often as jnu please and for as long
a time, any pissing car being taken sh"n
you wl-di to proieed.
If .vou are canni, jnu will stop it Chippewi
and dine at a certain 'Baltimore Houe " Low
browed and old and pictnrc-quo is this waj'
side Inn. and It contains much antique furniture
which jnu will earnestly color. There Is 1
queer old buffet In the dining room, ndillv
enough rlankrd by 1 modem "sideboard," brace
In it.s array of cut glass and "hand painted"
chlni. A handsome cliw-post daienport in the
parlor Is a genuine pieee of the Eighteenth cen
tury, while a quaint hair fills a quiet corner
There are other thing", too, an up-to-date grand
plum, oaer which gjrates witrdlv a huge sei
gull with pale gray wings outstretched. He is
suspended srcuiety bv a wire, but when .vou
first notlc him eluding sedalelj- aboie jour
bead In deference to the dai and the country
jou pliy "(iod Sue the King," (although mur
muring under j'our breath the words of "mfr
ic.V'l You me lust a little startled Vou get
i good dinner for fifty cents, which is more
than jou can do at the town of Niagara.
Tlie trolley ride along the rlier to Table Roik
and the bridge Is loiclv bejond description -It
runs throuch Ihe open paik, whose secluded
walks, rustic bridges and majestic trees fill the
senses with delight. That is one most com
mendable triit in the Canadians. They recognize
the value of appropriate settings tn the greatest
show on firth They don't lumber up the banks
along that glorious rlier with all sorts ot
fiendish aid unsightly buildings and manufac
tories. Thev leaae the landoipe much to nature
ill along that wonderful gorge route and far
above, but they di not countenance sordid an!
dletigunng atrocities, erected to make vnonei-,
The.y will get as much of jour money as pos
sible, but they do leaie the lamt'cape un
scarred. All along the American side aie such
mirks of good ta.-tcs as characterize mint of
the nohle ilier fronts In our citle.s. Dumping
ground (or garbage and ashes ate the banks of Nl
agara. and wherever an ugly montrosit,y of an
engine house or 1 shed can gain foothold, there
It sticks like the brand of Cain. Trees, Misted
by lightning or the hand of mm, are allowed to
llo j-eir .liter jeir in withered, helpless shime
along the bleak sides of the stfeper slops,
stumps, neither useful nor picturesque, ar not
remoaed. and all along ilown to the aery brink
of the Whirlpool no effort Is made to reunify
the surroundings. If eaer a Town Impioiem'ril
society were sorely needed, it la on the Amnlcan
side of Niagara Falls
In Canadi it is different The steep hsnks,
ri'lng to stupendous height, are softened with
thick undergrowth thst clothes them with
veliety nnntle, intensifjing the rapture of eicry
glance. Splendid trees, the relics ot a century,
arc left to add majesty to the cene. There are
no snidid detail', no hire cliffs whose wounds lie
foreaer unsabrd by the tendurc acrduie of thd
The park on the American side Is well kept
and attiaetlie, but it la little in eiidence from
across the stream.
- ev-
Standtng hrre nn Tl.l Hock, with the roar
of the mighty water In one"s ears, with the
glorj of the rainbows lifting above the spray,
and the wonderful green o( the Horseshoe Falls
farilnatlng the rie. nn-i suddenly feels the real
permanent r of things. The world Tin alwsjs
been here It was not whirled oft Into space
In the n'tmlae of riisiint ages It was not
tortured bj the, and (urrowed and (retted by the
plough of furious forces, but alwaia it has been
cool and green and (air, and the water, ex
haustless In its transitu ent flood, has aU-ajn
flung Itself mer this precipice and will alwajs,
alwaja, alwaa-s flow down to the sea, and some
whele bark of it all Is a hand whtrh holds the
waters and the (pinning ball of a world, anl
ourselves, anl the Infinite is here today,
n -
It is about one hundred jears ago since Tem
Moore stood in this spit and wrote;
"I hear Nisgsra's distant roar.
I sigh for home. Alas! these feet
Ilaie many a mile to journey."
I wonder what he would ssy now If he could
see "Ihe little village of fjuflalo upon Lake)
tiie," and see what U done by
"All the store of inland waters hurled
In one vast volume down Niagara's steep."
Liter, although it It filly jcars ago, Charles
Pickens alslted this spot. lit. didn't try to do
It between trains, but took a leisurely suney
lining ten elajs. This Is the way he began his
trip tn the Fsllai
"rtben we were seated In the Utile ferrjhnat,
snd wcie crossing the swollen rlvrr Immedi
ately before both cataracts, began tn see what
il was; but I was In a manner stunned, and un
able to comprehend tho aastnesa o( the scene.
It was not until 1 came on Table Itock and
looked-great heaien, on what a (all nl hrlsht
green water! that it camo upon me In Its
lull might and majestj
"Then, when I felt how near to my Creator I
was standing, the first eflect and the enduring
one Instant and lasting of the tremendoua
spectacle, was peace. Peace of mind, tranmilb
llty, calm recollections of the dead, ereit
thoughts of eternal ret and happiness; nothing
of gloom and terror. Niagara was at once
stamped upon my heart, an image cl beauty,
to remain there changeless and indelible, until
Ita pulses cease to beat forever.
"Oh, how the strife and trouble) of dally life
receded from my view and lessened In tne dis
tance, during the ten memorable daji we passed
on that enchanted ground! What vnU spoke
from out the thundering water. Whit faces fad
ed from the earth, looked out upon me from
Its gleaming depths; what hetaenly piomlse
glistened In thoso angels' tears, Ihe itrops of
many hitea that showeieel around, and twined
thetnsolies about the gorgeous arches which the
changing rainbows made! To hsie Ni
agara before me lighted by the sun and by the
moon, red In the day's decline and grav as
evening slowly (ell upon It, to look upon It
caery day and wake up In the night and hear
its ceaseless aolre; this was enough.
"I think In every quiet season now, still do
those waters roll and leap, and war and tumble,
all day long, still over the rainbows spinning
them a hundred (eet lulnw. Still when tne sun
Is on them do they glow like molten gold.
Mill when the day Is gloomj' do they fall like
snow or seem to crumble away like the front
of a great chalk cliff. But alwajs does
the mighty stream appear to die as it comes
down, and alwaj-s (rem Its unfathomable graie
arises that tremendous ghost of spray and mist
which Is necer laid, which has mounted this
place with the same dread solemnity since dark
ness brooded on the deep, and that first flood
before the deluge llgh'-caine rushing on crea
tion at the word ol Ood "
The (Jorge noute Is really the most wonderful
succession of pictures which tho Imagination can
enc-ompis-s. No words tnfflce to describe it, no
painter could present such a coloring, no poet
could sing In tones exalted enough to reach
the summit of Its splendor.
You take the car at the bridge spianlng the
river Just below the Falls. Ticket for the round
trip of twenty miles are- Tie Canadian
side la preferable (or the bfgi-.ning of the jour-nej-,
since If )-oii hsie come by boat, the trolley
lands you at thit point The first ten miles
run close along on the towering cliffs, almost
perpendicular and far above the river, foaming,
turbulent and perilous In Its swift current. If
you like shudder you will certainly get It here,
for sometimes the open car seems to specil .it
the aerj- edge of the precipice, and a Iook below
shows the Jagged rocks, the sloping tree-trunks
and the swift flood adown which one would
shrink from slipping. Across on th farther el4
on a little track, seem to be gliding miniature
electric cars, so (ar away are thej-, so fir be
neith on the brink of tho witer.
Soon jou see a great curie oaer which the
cir must ride, and then j-ou certainly hue a
thrill, for that cursing line runs above the tall
est forest hemlocks, and is built on a trestllng
airy and fragile enough In the distance. Some
timid ladles clamor at this point to "stop ihe
ship," as they wint to get off and walk, but
as the car rciehej the point apparently so dan
gerous, it la scarcely realized that such a dlzzj
height Is spanned.
At (Juecnstown Is the famous Brock monu
ment rising many feet acwve the crowning
height. It is a superb shift snd marks the
spot where lleneril Brock tell Just as a aictory
tsaa won oaer the mericans long and long ago.
A villain named Letts destroyed the first inonu
nient, and this is one reconstructed un the tame
site nearly hilf a century' slrce.
Your car ticket permits j-ou to alight at any
point of Interest and take another car when
oti choose. A confidential word of advice may
be Inserted here. Don't get an uncontrollable
Impulse to climber off when jnu come to the
Whirlpool Rapids on the Canadian, side, and per
euilae voices urge you 'e descend to the rapids
via an eleaator conveniently located in the lcii.
itj. It looks like a "chute-the-chutes" thing,
and It will convej- j-ou downward safely enough,
and all for nothing. But It will cost jou a
whole lot tn get back. One man had to disgorge
tK.SO the other dav before' he and his pai'y
were permitted to emerge from that chut con
trinnee. He was sid about it, but he had
been neir the rapids, not pu near, howeier, as
he- would be on the American side, where the
car ran at the verge of the Whirlpool, and all
tor a smalt admission fee.
xs the car emerges from one of the dense
thickets of cedar and fir and jou get the fiist
real view down the riaer, is a moment to mark
with a red letter. Somewhere bick in the re
cesses of jour memory rare treasures haie been
hidden, .and so deftly that In these days they
are hard to get at, and you forget they haae
been treasures In the other elajs, Vou haae put
away a-islons ind tender words, and fair white
faces of those j'ou loved, and sweet sorrows snd
sad smiles, but not In all that many-recessed
chamber have you placed aoj'thlng which ivlll
foreier glimmer before aour mortal gaze as this
picture of the nohle riaer In its far windings,
the dim soft mountains melting Into heaien like
the shidnw of a dream, the green of the upland,
the deeper aerdure ot the pines, the red of the
cliffs j-ondcr, and the foam of the rapids be
neath the etteps where ou glide. Most of all
jou must foreier cherish the picture of that
riaer, of a color today that surelv neier wis
on Isnd or sea, the wonderful blue that is near
er green, deep, crjstalllne under the cloudless
ska a color that Is only like some mararlous
gem of the. Orient mjatlcal, inscrutable.
-H. C. P.
Oatlin? Studies
of fUiman Naftire
Sure Cure for Hiccoughs.
Binghimton mi.a begar to hiccough list
Saturda.y, He hiccctghed up all day and rll
night, and was Ird at It Mindav morning.
Kie.y remedy tint ha ahrmed friends i-mic
i.lm seemed to rccclcule the hicks. Pjjpie
sent m from .ill ovr town recommending s"ie
Hires. And he steadily grew worse.
Then a wle neighbor had a bright Idea.
He thought It all out by himself, Ho went
oier to the hiccougher's home, and was ushered
into the room where the afflicted one was fsst
hiccoughing his life awaj-.
"Hullo!" said the neighbor in a light and
cheerful tone, "how's the old soak this morn
ing" The sufferer rolled his ejes at the neighbor
In a painful surprise.
"Don't give me any of aour crocodile
glances," snorted the friend, "If jnu'd quit
ilrlnkliiir when I told jou to j-ou wouldn't re
in this shameful condition."
"W'hat-hic-did jou-hlc-call met" he stut
tered "Called jou a, jou lobster!" bel
lowed the neighbor. "You're a preitv object
lewon lor jour unfortunate children, ain't ami,
jou gulping old hjpocritei"
"fict out of mj-blc-house," roared the l"'
"do tn blazrs!" jelled Ihe neighhnr. 'I'm
going to stiy right 1 ere and see the lat of vou.
The people on the stree' ent me over. 'Wap
till the old avoirs tone," they said, 'and then
waie a flag out o' ihe window." They're go'ng
to haie a Jollification supper and nrewnrki
tonight, and don't jou dare to disappoint "em "
This wis ton much for the hlccougher lie
said scleral a-erv bad word as he nide i
dash at the neighbor, snd they rsced .irouil
the room half a dozen times, the hirron.-'ier
getting maddr at every jump, and thi lie
neighbor darted through the door anl es
The sick man flung a flower pot at bun m
b laced down the yard, and then he hi Meu'j
r."lic I that his hlceoiuis had gon
For that was a part of the neighbor's theorv
jou see. He helleied that if he could gt the
dying mm leal excited and angry the affliction
would leaio hlni. And ho proicd he was right
Clea eland Plain Dcalei.
Worse Than Burglary.
"Help! Help! Polled Meiclful goodness,
where is that politemant"
When it is whooped up In this stjle along
the upper section of Cass aienue-, from a front
pnich in the middle of the afternoon, it Is
paialjzlng, blood'Cimlllng and geneially terrific
There was 4 rushing forth of women.
They held their dresses in the het position 'or
running, leaned eagerly forward, asked what
It could mean, and wondered,
One little wliy woman of 70, erllly m she
was aenerablc, ' beat the mnuilrnt policeman
to the wene "I t inutile. "What is itf" they
inquired In discoidant chorus.
'Burglar," In high note, "burgla.- in Ihe
cellar. Wonder thit jou gut heie at all If
jou can't nn faster thin that, why don't jnu
walk or send for the wagon? Burglar tn the
cellar, I said."
"D-l guess not," pom ths policeman, "not
In broad dat light."
"Well, sir, jou can Just guess again. Didn't
1 say there wss a burglar in the cellar?
Hain't he been pounding, swearing and jell
ing tn get out? I'ae got him trapped. ( ome
on, if jou're not afraid "
The pollman led the waj-. The woman of
the house had a hatchet, tho old lady was
armed with flatiron and the policeman had
a gun in one hind as he raised the trap dour
until the other. ITp the steep, narrow steps
came a man with a lantern and a uniform.
He was mad for keeps and roaring forth nls
word that somebody would piy for his Im
prisonment. "Been In there sn hoair," he an
nonnced. "Case of false Imprisonment, It there
eer was one. D olted the door Just after I went
down. Don't ou forget Hut til get satisfac
tion." "Man that reads tho meters," sneered the
"Came mighty near hitting him," trembled
the old ladj'.
"Lands, I forgot all about Ilia going down,"
from the hdy of the house, "hut his last hill
was highway robber)', anjhow, and that's worse
than burglar'." Detroit Free Press,
Short Speech.
"You neaer can tell what kind of a shot jnu're
going to gt (rom the crowel when jou're cam
paigning," said ".lake" Kemple, a veteran "spell,
binder," at the Fifth aicnue hotel tho other
"The state committee eent a kid speaker along
with me In Stanton street last October It was
a trjlng-nut process for the joungster, a student
In Columbia and the son of a rich lawjer. Just
for fun, call him Sllmklns. Sllmklns wore a long
Prince Albert coat, and oaer thit a light, short
fall oaercnat, thit licked about seien Inches
of covering the Prince Mbert. Add to this a
skjscraper collar, .1 pair of light-colored tan
gloaes and a plug hat, and J-ou haie a line on
Sllmklns' get-up. The chairman of the cart-tall
meeting knew me, and as soon a 1 hoac in sight
with Mlmklns ho got hold of me and silds
" 'Ray, .fake, wot' ills jer sprlngln' on us?
If tie gang gits after ills pirtur plate v-inst dey'll
make him look like t'lrty vents.'
"I said 1 guessed the young fellow wouldn't
make any bad break, but the chilrman looked
spprehcnsliely at him and at his clothes. It was
arranged that my college friend should follow
the chilrman, who made a good short talk.
Wiien Mlmklns k'ot up he wa badly rattled,
but lie romoiod his oiercoit, tossed his gloves
Into his tall hit, and said:
" 'Fellow Citizens and Republican of the VMi
Assembly district: Tin aw Issue of the run
palgn iw hale iw been tn fully promulgated
aw by the gentlemin who has Itet spoken
iw aw lhat 1 iw aw -hardly know whit to
talk about,'
" 'Talk about a half-minute V eft ilown,'
an' let tho fit lobster spike his piece,' silil
a hoarse-voiced man on tho fir edge of the
"That settled Sllmklns," .idled Mr. Kemple.
"He reemed to sh-, el up. In on lis abort llgnt
overcoit tided away In the darkness toward the
Bnwerj-. Tho fat lobster referred to was miself,
and I hid a hard time getting started. I told
the state committee about It afterward, and
Sllmklns was scratched oil the speakers' Hat."
New York Tribune.
Business Before Pleasure.
The old in in was smoking his pipe on tho
porch as the j-ounc mm left the house.
""Things haae changed since I was a lad,"
suggested the old man.
"How sn?" demanded the young mm.
"In my dij-, when we went courting, we
didn't burn one gus Jet, let alone two."
"Possibly," suggested the jning man pointed.
Iv; "If jnu had fallen heir to some fias Trust
stoik about that time It might haie made a
Thereupon the old mil went into the houc
and told hu daughter that whin It cime tn a
question of getting .1 tell good business man
in Ihe fainllv she could hive his consent at any
time. Chicago Ka cuing Post.
Instructed ns to His Duties.
A voting clerk in a wholesale house has been
spending a largo portion of his salary the last
few dais billing cigars for friends who are "on"
to a Joke that was pcrpetiated on him. lbs em
plojer engaged .i niw buy and as soon as Ihe
boy came to the rstiblishment he was instructed
in his duties by our friend, who had been pri
motcd to the position of assistant bookkeeper
and giaen a. small office by himself, bout an
hour after the hoy started in. the "boss" c ime
around and seeing him working, said:
"Has the assistant bookkeeper told jou what
to dof"
"Yes, sir," was the prompt icpli; "he told
ice tn wake him up when I saw you coming
around." Alb inj Journal.
From the Detroit Tribune.
The strike situation from either point of view
msy be well summed up In the worfls of the
Italian who described his commercial success by
saj-ing: "Whit I make on da peanut, t lose on
da dim"
"Always Busy."
2 Always Busy Events
First Our Fall styles
of Celebrated Korrect
Shoes at $4.00. They nre
displayed In our men's
window. They are for
the smart dresser who
wants to be Just a little
ahead of the other fellow.
Second The placing on
sale of every man's Rus
set Shoe in our store, low
and high rut, fi and $4
grades. They are dis
played In our men's win
dow. You can get a pair
of them; perhaps the best
shoe you ever wore, for $2.
Lewis & Reilly,
Wholesale and Retail.
11q.-,1 Wyoming Avo
A Revolution
in Furniture....
It is furniture made
In over three hun
dred original styles
and designs.
Hill & Connell
Are showing Hraiiie
Grass Furniture in
Call at 124 Washing
ton avenue and look
over this very artis
tic and useful line.
1 ' V '"""
Scott & Go.
To close, our balance of
stock we offer
46 inches wide in a good
range of colors exclusive de
signs at
$1.00 per yard
reduced from $1.75.
Only one dress pattern
to a style.
See our handsome new line
of Waistings in Persian and
other new designs, many of
which we show exclusively,
also a complete new line of
materials for suits and sep
arate skirts.
126 Wyoming Ave
Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,001
United States Depositary.
Special attention given to
INGS ACCOUNTS, whether large
or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Connell, President
Henry Belin, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm. H. Peck, Cashier.
Oil Stoves,
Screen Doors,
Gas Stoves,
Window Screens,
325-327 Pena Avenue,
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Cut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc.
Suitable for
Wedding G-ifts.
Merceread & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Allis-Chalmers Co
SucccRsors to Machlno Business of
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Seranton
and Wilkes-Rarre, Pa.
Stationary Knglneg, Hollers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
Binghamloi Pfivat) Training SchoD
lor ntranut, (lukaard and Deal Mult Chll
drrn. Manual Tratnins. Thyilcil failtur,
Nffclli-worlc, Miulc, Kindfrsjrtfn, Arllculi.
lion. Open year round, Tirrular. Pricw
moderate. S. A. UOOLITTLE.
(2 Fail-view Aaenu.