THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1901. . 3 J Sm An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method nnd beneficial encets tne wen Known romcuy, Syrup or Fion, manufactured by tho California Fio Syiiut Co., Nltistrato thevalueof obtaining tho liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxntivo and presenting them in the form most refreshing to tho tasto and acceptable to tho system. It is tho ono perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleanslne tho system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers Rcntly yet promptly and enabling ono toovcrcomo habitual cotistlpatiou per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, anil its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing figs arc used, as they arc pleasant to tho taste, but the medicinal qualitiesof tho remedy are obtained from wnna and other 'aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fio Svitur Co. only. In order to got its boneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of thoComp.iny printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN mANCIBCO. OAL. X.OUI8VII.LE. KY. NF.W TOIIK, N. Y. Forsalo by all OrugRlsts. Price Mfl. por bottto. coal near the track. SIoscs Taylor hospital. He was liken to the ASS'fAt, SllonF, PINNt'JI. -Today the annual e jcurslon inl ehore ,t th motherhood fit Locomotive KnRlnfcrs wilt take place tit Lave pojnlcllc, Mluro all arranjements lue Wen nude to nte 1..VK) persons. The trslns leaie. the Onurlu and Western station al and 10.9) a. m. MAY CHEAPEN KATES. In WANTS TO BE A DETECTIVE GREEN GROCER WHO HAS SOME ACCOMPLISHMENTS. ,tttttft ' Trunk Lines Contemplato Cuts Tickets to Buffalo. The Tribune has been reliably In fornv'd that tho Trunk I.lne association 1ms now under con sideration a. cheaper nitr of fare to the Pan-American exposition, mid that nbout tilt thai remain!' to be tlnnw Is the sotting' of the date on which tho intra will pit Into effect. The association conleniplatcfl fixing both a single day and n three-day rate for exeuislon htislness, hut what re ductlon will he made from the pres ent rates cannot ho nntiounced until ofllelally tnnde public by tho associa tion. Tin- proponed edngle day rate will al low excursionists to leave Scranton, for instum. nt mdnlght tonight, arriving in Hurfalo at 7 a. ni., giving them all day and night at the exposition, and peiniittlng them to return home on the train which leaves Iluffalo at 11.30 p. in. HORSE THIEfTaPTURED. CITY NOTES COMMON- COt'snt. Mi:ETIN(i Common counnl will meet lonlsht. Mi:i:TINT. OF SWITCilJIr.X -A special mfft ins ot Klectrie Oitv Iodic. N". l--- "' "" Switchmen's union, hss been called lor this CVCn inif. Kt.KS KXCl'ltSIOS. The Klks vill tjkr 1 diy'a outlnE at Lake I.o.lore Wednesday. Auk. J. planer's band and orchestra will furnish dime luuflc. WIMi 1PTF. CF.nTIKKWrr.S.-Thf clcik of the district Federal court U now ready t iiie certificates to all member the local inr admit ted to practice. FIVK NKV MOS I.iuer A- Marie liace rut up a new sipn in front of their store on Lackawanna accrue. It Is one of the finest and lucent to he urn on the au'ime MAY ISQl'KST TODAY. Coroner llolnrt" will conduit an Inquest In the William Miy cie at the court liou" this afternoon at 2 o'clock. VII utne.MS siibpccnjod are expected to be present. AIIVAMT.P II PIHI.Y. William T.orenr. of thu I'ltj. his been nude first screcant of Trnop K. I'.lchtli cn.ilry. whlih is now stationed at Puerto Principe, 1'iiln lie is the youn?ct fit t fcrircint in the caMilry. OPI) KK.l.l.llWS' KAY. -Mate olflc-crs mil con fer the decree of chHalr.v on half a hundred members of the Odd Fellow at Like Iidore. Vriday. 01ie Leaf Indue, of Otliondalc, will be in iharce of the excursion. Fred Schneider Wasn't Very Long in tho Enjoyment of His Booty. A liewlyupitlntif, blaekitop huggy aiil a srorcll horse belonging to the wlioh-Hulf linn of Kite & Levy, wen stolon from In front of their place of busines on lower Lackawanna n ve nue, about G o'elock yesterday after noon. Police headquarters was noti fied and an alarm was Kent out to the surrounding towns. A young man tried to pell Miu cm tilt at McGroevey's hotel. Chinchilla, last nlKlit. The proprietor became suspic ious and when he learned by telephone that it horse and. buRK.v had boon stolen, he took the man into custody and notified tho police. Lieutenant Palmer vent up nfter the follow and brought him down to police headquarters. He pave his name as Kred Schneider, and hie l evi dence as Plttston avenue. WATER TASTES BAD YET. nit.KKMN IN'U'HKIl. rtnVennn Tern II. of tho Delaware. Lukawanna and Western railroaii was struck on tlie lurk bv a pukei whlih fell from an iturine at Sprasiiftillc jiv-teribj lie lecrUed tre.itment at tin- Moe Tajlor JOINT l". I'lIIOS'.-'Ihe joint of the YViiinc Men's Inlltule of l.neme and rn enmities will inn an excursion t Lake Isidore ii.xt Tnerdaj'. Kiy ananscment for tlie rum t'.rt and eni.jmint of thoe in nltrndinic has t n inailr and the otil,iisr prmnUek to prove a Kicat ne. No Apparent Sign of It Getting Any Better. Thedlsafrreeablt' taste and nasty odor with which city water has been tainted for several days pan vas Just as pet ceptlble as ever yesterday, and there seemed to be no prospect of the ful llhnent of Superintendent Iteevif.' promise that It would not last much longer. P.oillng the water, while it may pre vent, any injurious after results, doco not take away the taste, whleli is plainly discernable In tea, coffee or any other beverage made from the water. A number of the local druu slsts were forced to buy nprlng water to use in makiiK their soda voter. Health Olllcer Allen said Inst night that he was ".still investigating," and would say nothing for publication. BAND CONCERT TONIGHT. (II WOK. IN' I'.( TI.TY. Mls 11 n tics and li Peck lioe resigned from the ficnlty of the l'i'jtone aiiriemy. Mis Jennie Wnoil MirrreiU the former as lntmetor ot ladies nnd MKs .lean, cite Cure will take Mis Peek's pl.u e as ntruc tnr of muU'. Miny inipmcments aie under way at the academy. Lawrence's Musicians to Play nt the Bicycle Club's Band Stand. The Lawrence band will give an open air concert tonight at the Fcranton Uicycle club house, com mencing at S o'clock. The following programme will be rendered: Maiih. "Clue sen" (iodard Medley. "Mam Hans" Ubcitl l'.int.isi.i, "Viutiotl" Tobanl I'ii cnlo slo "llnoueh Hie ir" ..Mr. 1 (Joenel Minh. "Coon! Coon! tiuii!" 1'riedman 0riture. ' I 'not and" Snppe M.dlej. "Ilane-t Dajs" Von Til)fr Sailed March, "Taps" Ilarnhouse IN SESSION AT PLYMOUTH. Tho Caro of His Horso, and Inci dentally His Family, Is Too Much for Him nnd Ho Would Like to Try His Hand nt Sleuthing Can Talk tho Deaf Mute Language and Walk Lamo in Either Leg. Served as Constable at a County Fair. In n certain town In this slate, not much over a hundred miles from this city, there lives a grocer who feels within his Inmost heart that he pos sesses the ability to become a detec tive and to place Sherlock Holmes, Monsieur Leeoq, Ike Seldman and all the other crime-detectors and deduc tive reasoners so far In the back ground of the picture that they will appear llko dim shadows when com pared with him. This gtocer got the Idea Into his head that Scrontou was tho proper place for him to begin his career as a criminal hunter, nnd he accordingly cleared off a place at the dinner tablu on Tuesday and penned the following application for a position, which was received by Superintendent of Police ltnhllng in his yesterday morning's mail: ---, l'.i . Auir. 2i. 19U1. Chief cd Dclcetisof. Si ronton, Pa. Dear Sir: Is there ate chance of my m-curim? a pcmitloti under your I ,im itinnlni; .i ijrucery tlip and have been real lad luck with my hordes and family. Now 1 am alone, now, and there is too much to il all myell in the uroeery line. I would like to woik at the tlctrrtite busb liCN". 1 have tomil as policeman at Ihe fair here fur file jcars and at the opci.i limine for four je.irs. I ran play mule and can tilk with nnist "an mute ami can walk lame with either letf. Please answer quick and oblige. rHlRP IX DRSPAIR. The Importance of the communica tion dawned upon Superintendent Koh llng as soon as he finished reading It and he sent a hurry call for a messen ger lmy that he might Immediately wire the grocer, engnglntj him at once. Before the boy arrived, however, he retnembeied with deep regret that pro lslon was made for only one detect ive In this year's appropriation ordin ance and that there is no fund from which the salary of an extra tone could tie taken. He had to send back the messenger boy without the message, and as a consequence was very much down east when seen by a Tribune man yesterday afternoon. "It's too bad," said he. "Xew York is sure to get hint now. Such a man as he would be of Incalculable value next month when the big crowds get heie to attend the convention of the state league of Republican clubs. His experlenco Is so varied, you know. Just think for a minute of the value of a man's services who has served as constable at live county fairs and -as policeman at an opera house for four yeais. Why, he'd leave 'em all ut the post. HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS. "But his accomplishments. They're the things. .lust think how easy he could throw suspicion from himself by playing that he was a mute and talk ing -with his hands. And show me the criminal that would suspect a lame man of being a detective and especial ly one who could simulate lameness In either leg. Just think how easy it would be for him to straighten him self up to his full height at the proper moment and say '1 arrest you. Marina duke Montgomery. No, 1 am not a lame beggar but Keeneye, the Con shohocken criminal catcher.' " Though there Is no room In the de partment for the grocer Jut now. his application will be put on tile and will tie first considered when a vacancy occurs. "The only perfect' baby food"' "Aftfr disappointing trltl of nearlf til the various eo. called bity foods for our boy, by accident we lrarnrd of Dr. Iland's Pliosphited Condensed Milk, fttid thsre rn no words In the Knalith ISDKiiaae that can etpress Its praii hlib 'nouah. It lis the necessary prop erty which tho other nn-csllml baby foods lack, and 1 consider It the only rtrfect hsby food on Ihe market to.dsy hat will ehsnro it pony, sickly baby to tronu, healthy chlM.'f Iib. o. S. Dr.citn. IUngbatnton, N. Y Sept. Is, 1MI. DR. HAND'S Phosphated Condensed Milk NEW ORDINANCE IS NECESSARY PRESENT BUILDING REGULA TIONS ARE OBSOLETE. Tho rdiosphntes and hypophoa. Shit on nddecl to Dr. HhihI'h Con enard Milk urn m tontolenB ns they nro In whent, nnd build the brnln, nervo, tissues, teeth nnd bone Juat n wheat does. The only perfect Infant food; a milk tlmt keops sweet without Ico tbe hottest day In summer. Write for free book lot on Infant foods. THE DR. HAND CONDENSED MILK CO. Scranton, Pa. DUFFY HAS RESIGNED. Were Made in Conformity to Third Class City Laws, and, Besides, Are Made Inadequate by Reason of the Revolution That Has Come in Building Processes Since the Time tho Regulations Were Adopted More Than a Dozen Yeats Ago. mmwmmmmMNmmmiititttt. KAYSERZINN. HAVE YOU SEEN IT ? It's new. They claim It is bet- ter than silver, as for that, we are not prepared to say; we have not had it long enough, but we do know that it is beautiful. It comes in a variety ot useful as well as ornamental objects. A large Punch Bowl with embossed birds around the sides and a wild boar for a cover knob. Is particularly nice for a side-board g piece. A stately Art Navieu flower vase for the table and a variety of odd conceits. Charges Were Preferred Against Piosldcnt of NoAvshoys' Union at Last Night's Session. IM', WATCH CAl'riTY.-The ?pnnc P.r ok W.iiir eoninvi Is hnildins three larire pump on the lUnd n"Jr I'l.ctnotlth to be u'ed in .nierc-ency, for pumpini; water In Ihe mini pipe line nom the ner. They are of the niplei cpmon wiiit. and lute a capacity of ,',,( O,(i0 Rill'ini ctrry twenty-tour hour. KViniir' KXrnii-IOS-.-The KnlehX of I'.,, lmnbi,'. tvill inn an excursion to llaitry's like. 1 hursday, Aiis. 29, the train lejvlni.' the Onlrsl liiiltoad ot New ,Ierey elation at S "0 eV.,ck in the tnoinins. n.iuer' onhctra will anotn the knii:lils, who anticipate as peiant ibv'i uutlnt: as they enjojed lat .tear at bake Ariel. CIIAIlliini WITH KMBKZZI.t:Mi:vr.-Anthon Mnchitokl, of Forett Oity, we jetterday held in bill by Alderman K.i'ion on iharce of eiiihcz rlenient preferred by the Hartel llreuini; ruin., of Cdttjnlitille, by nlioin he was formerly emplotcd. It i alleged that he tolleetcd monejs niountlii4f to iU for ths company and apprupn Bled them to his ottn uc. STUNT. TAMII.Y Iint'SIfX.--The third snnuil reunion of the Hush Stone aorlallon ,i, held at Idly lake, near W.nerly. 1'a., Tlnasday, Aue. 10, 1001. 1,1 ly lake can be rem hid by I:iko 'ioiii fllenhurn stutlen on the Delittare, l.acki- ftauna and Wetern nail. All who bear Hip oimo of Mono, their rcUtlcrs and friend, ate e.irdially intitcd. I). ,1, Mone li president and D. A. Stone, tciretar.t. Itinirr Aim CT OIT. -Harry Williams of f'lirk's Summit, the IV.tcar-old son of lieorue iVIlllims, ,i llilattare, f,ackattanna and Wctcrn lection boy., had his rlnht arm cut off by a liikauanni trim jesterdiy while he wa plcklni; X The national convention of the Irish Catholic Benevolent union opened at Plymouth yesterday morninK and will continue until Friday. The ojieniiiR service yesterday consisted of a sol emn hlnti mass, celebrated at St. Vin cent's church. Over one thousand delegates from all parts of the country are In attend ance. Including Miss Margaret S. Kel Utt, of this city, who Is second vice pic.shient. SCRANTON BUSINESS COLLEGE. SludontH nre already enrolling for both day and evening sessions. Night school will he large this year as usual. Hundreds have been grenty benefited by attending eteiilng sessions. On file are requests for young man book keeper and young men stenographers; also requests for ladles to do both ItooUkeepltiR and stenographic work. Good positions, but no one to semi. Elks' Excursion. The Hlks' excursion to Lake l.ndore on Wednesday. August the 2Sth, will no doubt bo one of the most success- fill nnd enjoyable outings of the sea- vSflll. The various committees are prepar ing for the event in a most elaborate manner and promise the most ample accommodations to all those who go along with them to the lake. Hatter's foil band will furnish music. The fare for atlultH will be To cent?, children 40 cents. Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon, Wild wood, or Holly Beach Exsurslon via Pennsylvania Railroad. Thursday. August 22. Special ten day tickets. $3.00 to all resorts, via Market street wharf, or to Atlantic City only, via Delaware Itiver bridge route. Train leaves Scranton at 6.45 a. m. AMUSEMENTS. Mabel Paige Company. DKALEHS IN IN MEMORIAM. Bonds and Investment Securities x (Written on the Heath of Mli Suian K. Hippie.) fii-mli'ii ombre rloud drwcndu when fair The kle in peace and beauty bend, Whon hope and Joy on u attend And lote'j gild incenso flll the Jr. The .Southern Stock company, sup porting Mabel Paige, will play a week's engagement at the Academy of Music, commencing Monday, Aug. 2i, with matinee dally, except Monday. Miss Paige's managers have secured a number of plays this season that have never been presented before nt popu lar prices, and have Invested a large amount of money In special ncenery nnd electrical apparatus for the proper piesentatlon of each play. The comedy drama, "I.lttle Co quette," Is the opening play, nnd dur ing the week the following plays will be presented: "Uncle's Darling," "The Little Egyptian," "I'ntler Two Flogs," "Buckeye," "Uncle Sam In China." Pearl of Savoy," Marltana," etc. Misa Paige lins In her support a number of dramatic and vaudeville ar tists of recognized ability. Among the members are: Henry P. Willard, Sheridan Holmes, Harrow I.o Paige, William 11. Oovey, John Clark, II. 11. AVhall, Raymond Bedell, Miss Ollle Halford, Prentice Trio, comedy sing ing and dancing nernbatle act; Paige slhters. dancers and singers; Baby Wana, singing and dancing, and Dora Paige. Kvenlng prices, 10, 20 and 30 cants. Matinee, 10 and 20 cents. . REDUCED RATES TO LOUISVILLE The Newsboys' union held a nieMlng last night, which for utotmlncss and tumult was n record breaker. The meeting was one of the most moment ous In the history of the union, as charges of grave Import were pre ferred against James Duffy, the presi dent of the union, nnd the resignation lioin olllce of Mr. Duffy was rend. The Iron-flsted, pugnacious nnd des potic little czar of the union was suc ceeded an president by George Perlgo, the well known newsdealer, whom one of the boys nominated in the forlorn bopo that Mr. Pedigree, who has evinced much activity In making the newsboys' annual picnics a success, would pilot through their strike against tho New York papers. 1. V. Johnson, of the North American, was also nomi nated for th presidency, but was de feated by a vote of 22 to tO. Kx-Pivsldent Duffy was a much dis gusted youth nt the end of the meet ing. "Awe." said he. contemptuously, "this Is only blank foolishness. Perlgo wont tako charge of the thing and those ltliN ought to know It." Incidentally. Mr. Duffy Is highly In censed at the charges of dishonesty made against him. and vehemently ob jected to the press committee giving out any statement relative to them. Said he furiously to a member of the press committee: "Don't you go to putting anything In the paper about me. Understand V" "Sure, Duffy," answered the commit teeman, In fjar and trepidation. "I wouldn't say a word." The meeting was presided over by the vice president. Israel Mori Is, Shorty after the opening of the meeting the following charges were preferred against the only nnd inimitable "Duff." Appropriating $4 given him by the Scrantonlnn for the union. Selling twenty-three union buttons at 10c. per and withholding the re ceipts. Appropriating $1.2. of $2.r.O given by the Lackawanna News company. Not turning in receipts of entertain ment tickets. Duffy's resignation was the feature of the night. It read: "I, James Duffy, hereby resign the presidency of the Newsboys' union," and to this was added the humorous explanation: "I am going to accept a position as presi dent of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Hallroad company." Duffy still retains a large following among the smaller ooys anil a numner of these were last night ejected from the meeting room. As three tiny little fellows shot through the door tery turned and pouted a Hood of billings gate Into the unlonltes which would have made any Jack tar In the service turn green with envy. "Ye're all except Duffy," howled the youngs ters In chorus, and they kept It up un til th? Inside guard darted out with a broom nnd charged upon them, whereat they retreated hastily. V. L. Brown, tho newly appointed building Inspector, assumed the duties of his ofllce yesterday, and his first olllelal net was to request City Solici tor Watson, through Director of Pub lic Safety Wormscr, for an opinion as to whether a new building ordinance should be passed by the city councils, to make operative here the provisions of the net of 1S?3, oreatlng a bureau of building inspection for cities of tho second class. The only building ordinance which has ever been passed In this city was passed In 1SSS and was based upon the thltd class city law governing build ing Inspection, which law differs ma terially from the uct of 1S!C, above re ferred to. Inspector Brown favors the adop tion of a new building ordinance, con tending that one would be necessary nt the present time, even had Scran ton not entered the second class ot cities. There have been many changes hi building methods since ISS, he says, which practically make the passage of a new ordinance an imperative necessity. For Instance, there Is no provision In the ordinance covering the construction of steel frame buildings, and yet such struc tuies hax'e been erected In tho past few years In x-arious parts of the city. Director Wormser favors the pas sage of a now ordinance and It is be lieved that City Solicitor Watson will decide that one li required to mako the provisions of the act of lR!i."i oper ative. Dliector Wormser said yester day that If a new ordinance Is re quired, ho will have Inspector Brown draw it up, acting In conjunction with the city solicitor. It would seem from n perusal of the net of ISM that the appointment of nn assistant building Inspector Is mandntory, and not optional with the Inspector. The act says clearly that "the principal olllcer of said bureau yhall be known as the superintendent of building Inspection and shall be either an architect, a practical hullder, civil engineer or enrponter, nnd the other officers of the said bureau shall consist of nn assistant superintendent and such number of Inspectors, clerks and messengers or other employe? as the said director of public safety shall d"em necessary, subject to the ap proval of the city councils." If this act Is interpreted to mean that an assistant Inspector Is required, then the appointment ot such an of ficial would fall on Director Wormser nnd his salnry would have to ho pro vided for hy eouncllnianlc nppproprla tlon. Inspector Brown said yesterday that he had not as yet appointed an assistant, but would not say why. It may be that he Is waiting for nn In terpretation of this law before tak ing such action. Wm. IL YVVttfc. YW 5i (lMMM " Geo. V. Millar & Co. "iSKtti6 mMWWMwmmwmwmmmwm THE PERFECT MATTRESS, The Celebrated Elastic Felt Mattress made by TIlC SCMnton Bcfl (llllff Company. We make and sell all kinds of mattresses, pillows, box divans, cushions. We carry large stock of fine Brass and Iron Beds, the best made. Wliitcomb and Bcrnstlcn. UpllOlstcry. We do the best in town. Let us fix up your furni ture now, while you aren't using it. Lackawanna and Adams Both 'Phone WHERE TO GET DENTAL WORK DONE The Albany DENTAL Asssociation, Under the management of Dr. G. E. Hill & Son, is the place to get your Dental work done. Dr. Hill & Son have built up a large business since they opened here twenty years ago, and the reason why they have done this is because they do the best work at prices within the reach of all classes, and give each patient their special attention. Call at their rooms and be convinced of what we say here. First National Bank BuildMng. JEWELRY STORE ENTERED. 31 j We unl appIM it the dfcrte H ' 'I' rol" I" of nur lirt belowd) j In aln the (rlrmll.v oire it inoicil Ti. KOlaca ttlth lt inpithy. X X X M Droidwiy, N. Y. f Wllkn-Eirre. OirbondJlt. X 4-4-8 Commonwealth bid's, Ccunton, Vt. g ! In uch an t.nur 'he fl'iwrr In viln Uif(u( their frazrinf on the air; ! Lute rniinst koi.the the nci ilc.palr I N,r iulit wtili it tweet refrain. I If only from the lUrkfrieil ky i One whimper from the iteail couH mme, I lie tine the ilraolate heart and home. That menace clad xvnuM titl'fy. S.i, lundlne o'er your dead today PaltMrada with loving h.tfl aart The vlxlon flndi another tar Whoce light shall tmlle on ynti alnay. Udtwrd A. Nlvcn. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Triennial Conclave, Knights Tem plnr. On account of tho triennial conclave of tho KnlKhts Templar, to bo held In Louisville, Ky., August 27 to 31, the Pennsylvania Uallroad company will sell excursion tickets from August 22 to 25, Inclusive, to Louisville nnd re turn, at rate of one first-class faro for the round trip. These tickets will he good to return until .September 2, Inclusive, but If ticket Is deposited by the original purchaser with Joint agent at Louisville, not earlier than August 28 and not later than Hep temher 2, and n fee of fifty cents Is paid at the time of deposit, an exten sion of the return limit may be had until September 1G. via Ten-Day Seashore Excursion Pennsylvania Railroad. Thursday, August 22. Only J.'.OO for tho i-ound trip to Atlantic City, Capo Mjy, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Ava lon, "Wildwood, or Holly Beach. Train leaves Scranton ut 6,45 a. ni. The Misses Merrill's Private School, 412 Jefferson avenue, for primary nnd Intermediate pupils, will reopen Mon day, Sept. 0, 1001. WAS BRUTALLY ASSAULTED. James Kennedy Beaten by Three Highwaymen. Jnmcx Kennedy, of Washington avo nne, (ireen ltidge. was held up by three highwaymen, near the eity line at Minook.i. on Tuesday night, and brutaly beaten. Tim three men 'sprang at him from a dark place and one of thcni rendered him unconscious with a terrific blow on the head. He recovered his senses Just as the trio were going through his pockets and was given a vicious kiek in the libs when he attempted to move. Ho became unconscious again and when he recovered It was daylight, lit sus tained a severe scalp wound nnd two broken ribs, ami was Just barely able to make his way home, 35th National Encampment Q. A. R., Cleveland, Ohlo.September 10th to 14th Inclusive. For the above occasion ticket agents of the, Lackawanna railroad xvlll sell special round trip tickets to Cleveland and return at one way fare for the round trip, tickets to bo on sale good going September Sth, 9th, 10th, 11th nnd 12th, and for return up to and Including September 15th. except by depositing tickets with Joint agent at Cleveland on or beforo noon of September IS, re turn limit win De extended to leave Cleveland not later than October 6th on payment of 50 cents extra. Stop off at Buffalo will bo permitted on the re turn trip by depositing tickets with Joint agent at that point and payment of one dollar, provided the same Is used within the final return limit. Chjl dren between the uges of 5 and 12 one hair? of the above rnte. SI to Saratoga S-t. An excellent opportunity to visit Saratoga and witness tho great Mardl Gras and Tower Show, Thu Father Mathexv excursion to Saratoga on Sep tember 4 at tho low rato of four dollars for tho return trip brings this trip within tho reach of all. Parties de siring to remain throe days extra can do so by paying 11,00 extra to ticket agnt nt Saratoga. Trains leave WIN lrs-Barro at 5.35 a. ni. and 3.07 p, in.! Plttston 5.51 a. m. nnd 3,21 p, m.; Scranton 6.20 a. m. and 3.52 p. ni.; Car bnndale 7 a. hi. and 4,33 p. ni. via D. & H. railroad. Prompt delivery In hot weather does much to keep a person cool. Order your Ice cream at Hauley's,420 Spruce street, Six Watches Taken from Louis Bernhard's Place by Burglars. The Jewelry ptore of Louis Bern hard, jr., located at 215 Lackaxxanna avenue, xwis entered by a thief on Tuesday night r rally yesterday morning and lobbed of about $100 xvorth of Jewelry. It Is believed by some that the bur glar effected an entrance through the transom over the front door. If ho did so he must been a very bold Individu al as the transom was In the full glare' of an arc light In front of the store. The rear door was found open, hut did not have the appearance of hav ing been forced. (Tho.-e who argue that the burglar got In through the Hansom, which wns opened wide, con tend that ho let himself out the back way by drawing the bolte. There were six watches taken and all were removed from the front win dow. Cheap watches which lay along side of them xv ere left untouched. De tective Day Is xvorklng on the case. FIREMEN DINED CHIEF HENNE. Meeting of Hook and Ladder Com pany Followed by Banquet. The regular meeting of the Hook and Ladder company xvas held laHt night at the Firemen's Belief association head quarters and a large amount of rou tine business xvas transacted. Following the meeting all present nd journed to Otirr's hall, where a ban quet was given In honor of Chief Hemic, of the Dickson City lire de partment, who Is an old member of the Hooks. Speeches and recitations were given and the festivities continued un til a late hour. CLARK'S GREEN. Miss Mama Wells returned on Thurs day last from a ten days' outing at At lantic City, very much Improved. Miss Kltznbeth Frace returned on Saturday afternoon from a xveek's so journ on tho beach of Maine, very much baneflted and elated with her trip. Miss Helen Harlan Is spending the week at Lake Wlnola xxith friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Huber nnd Oeorge Huber, of Scranton, xvere tho guests of Mrs. Robert HaThm and family over Sunday. A party of gentlemen consisting of Messrs. Howard K. Northup nnd Mr. Sampson, of Stroudshurg, and Clarence E. Decker, of New York, and Wlllard S. Coon are camplns at Lake Uassett for the eek. Mr. and Mrs. Aton Swnrtz. of Scran ton, were sojourners with tho family of 11, S. Harlan last xveek. Merit Mead and his brother. Benja min Mead, visited their brother Syl vester nt Ararat on Monday nnd Tues day of this week, and who Is danger-ou.-dy sick with dropsy. Miss Kdna Oaklye and Karl Robin son left this morning for Factoryvillu anil Lake Wlnola. Mr. and Mrs. M. IT. Coon spent Wed nesday at Lake Wlnola nt the Walters reunion. Newel Cullender, with his sons Na than and Juilson K and daughter, Nellie Callender, attended the fallen der reunion held at Chapman lake on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mts. Alltson Aldrlch, of Sale of Dishes We are conducting a Special Sale of our great Stock of DINNER SETS, TEA SETS and OPEN STOCK. These poods are of newest design, beautifully deco rated, and are priced lower than similar goods were ever offered in Scranton. 1 J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. See the Window Display. EDUCATIONAL. Keystone Academy Prepares for all the leading colleges, universities nnd technical schools. Provides llrst-ciuss business and com mercial courses and graduates pupils in music. A normal course Is also provided for those xxishlng to teach. The school possesses a beautiful campus of twenty acres and mountain spring water. For full partlculats send to Rev. Elkanah Hulley, A. M Prin. Fnctoryvllle, Pa. EDUCATIONAL. SUMMER RESORTS. HOTEL CLIFTON, LAKE WINOLA. PA. FinMt Summer Hotel in Nortlicntcrn Pennsyl vania, Hotel hacks ir.cct Mc-Uwarc, l..ickacar.iix and Western train at I'actoixx-ille Leaving firanton 0 a. nt. and i p. ni Wilic lor ratea, etc. J. W. Moore, Prop ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL AND ANNEX Virginia Axe. and Ucach, Atlantic City, N. J. Sixth year; 3S0 t'eauiltul roonn emulle, slnub and with baths hot and cold ea-water baths In hotel and annex. Location select and central, within few yarcl ci the Meei rier. urcneuu Offers ipeclal spring latei, tl2 to $1S by week; $2.W up by day. Special rates to families. C'oachea mtct all tralna. Write for booklet. CIIARLKS I!. COl'K. of the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jtldson Wells. Mr. and Mrs1 K. J. Chapman will re turn from Ocean tlrove on Friday evening of this week. Oeorge K. Clark, of Danville, who was the gtp?t of the Misses Helen and Carrie Harlan, returned to his1 home on Tuesday of this week,, after a four days' visit. Ho was delighted with the country and scenery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Phillips re turned on Tuesday evening from an extended vUlt with friends In New Scruntun, spent Sunday at the home I York city. , Free Tuition ny u tecent act of tho leglsla tuie. free tuition Is now granted at the Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to all those preparing to teach. This school maintains courses of study for teachets, for these piepaiing for college, and" fdr those studying music. It will piv to wiile for pulu-ulara. Xo other filmol olfeis i. h superior ad. lantdscs at such luiv wlc. Addrcsi J.P.Welsh, A.M., Ph. D., Prin. CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY Wissahiekon Heights, Chestnut Hill. Pa. A hoarding nchool for boys in the elevated unci beautiful open country noith of Pblla. delphl.i. jo mlniiten from St. Station. For catalogues addiess JAMES L. PATTERSON, Head-Mastfr. The I'emisjlvanlii stato College An evjiniiutimi if candidate fur adinMIon will be held ut the limit lnd, Auced.iv, August 27, Iimi, hcEiiimne ai a- m. Ilr. M K. Vacl"ith, (or years Pirec tnr of the IlouRhlun fMlrhlgJiil t'nllece of Mlne, h accepted an jppnintmant t Head ol the Mlmnif liepartmem. The I'.ill Si-tsion opens September II, lisll. Km catalogue, periniens nf former examina tion papeiit, or nlhei fiifoimation. addre Till: rtl.tilMilAII. State I'olleue, Pa. Tuition Absolutely Free. Pepn at the lUct Mimidchnrc Mito Normal ri c- School. Kali trmu opens Sept. in, mm. The fiocinor ha.1 signed the bill grant in; a special appropriation to this sehool. ai well Ihe bill maUns tuition lice, i'or full particulars addicis GEO, P. BIBLE, PRINCIPAL, 's nr .