The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 21, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Ho Will Drive a Yoko of Oxen to
Canton and Present Them to Mr.
McKlnley Engles and Wildcats
of Hickory Grove Ave at it Again.
Railroad Racket Various Para
graphs. fetrlal to the Scranton Tri -.i.e.
Suoqufh.inmi. Atii. 20. On the eve
of the last election, far
mer Arad Hnrton, a Hepulillron, aged
75, and farmer Pstnuol "A'ohMr-r, a
Democrat, toth of Frost Hollow, need
76, laid n vvacer on thr- general result
Tarmer Horton nnrrcd that, In the
event of the election of Onlnnel Tlryan,
he would drive his blooded stallion
from his homo to Lincoln, Nebraska,
and present it to the colonel.
Parmer Webster npreed that If presi
dent Mr Klnley was le-elecled, he
would drive hla twin oxen from liN
home to Canton. Ohio, and present
them to the president. The tilcht ot
the election farmer 'Vobtor was kick
ed by a mule, and until leccntly he
has been confined to his home, ni.iU
ltK it impossible tor him to pay his
He will start with the oven on Mon
day morning net, and he hopes to
make the $00 mils In thlity da.s.
The oen welch oer 1.S00 pnundi
each, and they taken first prize
nt seeial cnunlv f.ilrs. Fanner AVeb
rter will emn hi epense by ellMilb
Wing fiee s-nmple en loute foi n
Philadelphia patent inedlclne ilnn.
Our senlal and persistent fi lends, the
Prohibitionists, will meet in county
conentlon at New Mllford, on Fiiday,
August ",n Theio will be a mass meet
ing In the eenln(r.
Congie.ssmcn l5ieiw nnd WilRht nie
doinK all In their power to ha" tin
order for the iPinnviil of the noldlers
orphan from Harlot d to Scotdale, this
Plate, revoked.
The leunlon of corps H, 1M leclment,
Pennyhntri oluntcers, will be held
at the home of Comrade Robert Dooth,
at Foiest Like, on Friday, August i.
The Dlmock cumpincctiiif; opens to
day. The 30th reunion ot the Hint Penn
sylvania volunteeis will be held at
Montrose on Wednesday August 'JS.
Parmer .Tonkin", of Hickory nioe,
on Monday wittiest! d n lleice bailie
between an eacle and ,i wild cat. Tho
eagle had caught it labbit, nnd tho
wild cat Irled to take it away fiom
the bird The eagle defended hi" pto.v.
and toi .i lew minutes tho air was
tilled with tur and Dent hern. Thu
wildcat Anally got away with the i ali
bi t and, bidly dlsllgutod, n aw led Into
n hole undet a huge lock with tho
The l'rlo is having a laige number
of the Atlantic typo of compound loco-mot-s
built nt the n.ilrlvvln Locomo
tive woiks at Philadelphia.
Pevnal Misquehinna boiler linkers,
who ie.cntl; took Jobs at Newpoit
News, Irglnla, Ii.hp been forced to
return hom on aciount of the cMicmo
A number of tnnslcnts have been
set at woik tills vvqck In tho l",rlo boil
er shop.
Susquehanna isn't the largest town
in the slate, and jet It ha.s the larg
est wholesale stoic in the Flate, out
nd of Philadelphia. It curies a stock
of SJ.', Includes about over thing
needed In a lallroad, from a lamp wick
to a locomotive diixlng wheel. It Is
the Ptoie (ojiii of the J:ue lall
Joal s?tem
Autumn maneuveis tiying to get
misted for a fall suit.
It will toon be time to g:t jour seal
skin out of cunphoi.
And jour ncriou fiom juu 'un
cle's," Time and mon v Ily. The lad who
told his teachei that the seasons wne
'June. July, August and vvintci," kn"w
Ins l'sson.
A Linesbom woman, lull of condens
ed chiln lightning, whipped her hus
band four times In one night. Hell
ha h no furies like a woman's heorn.
It is now recalled thiee Susque
hanna lounty editors hav? the legisla
tive hee in their bonnet. Let the good
w -ik -M on'
J". P. V. Pearle, esq., caught a 4i
poii'id Inss In tho liver a few days
Congressman Amos .1. Cummlngs Is
taUng sa trips with the pilots, for his
health's sake His leg, broken while
bicycle riding In Washington last win
ter st. 11 troubles him,
A countryman a few days since
Jugged a live blieksnake through town.
Tho "sarplnt" measured B3 feet long.
The local strike situation Is unchang
ed. There are no signs of a settlement.
It Is an indlscrlbable Mate ot affairs,
at best.
Ldvvard Curtis, late principal of the.
Oakland High school, is about to enter
tho law fcchool of Syracuse Unlveislty.
i Ho has been a very successful in
structor. Family reunions are In full blast In
Busquehanna county Ancient liars
tue e-tehanglng nllegpd facts, dnd
dyspepsia Is getting In Its work.
The recent rains In Susquehanna
country havo helped out Jate crops
very perceptibly. Hut thero will be a
half a crop of several things.
Michael Hegan, an old and prominent
t citizen, sustained a stioke of parajsls,
whle on Main street on Sunday,
Polk Palmer, of Susquehanna; Pin.
thonotary Henry F Mangan, of Mont
I rose; and Dr. O. M Harrison, of Au-
burn, ilelefiratPH from Susquehanna
county, left on Monday for Harrlsburg
I to attend tho Republican state coo
ration. Whitney.
Fpeclal to th Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhannock, Aug. 20. Walter Olea
un. of Wrnnklvn, N. Y is the guest
of Mr, nnd Mrs. William Morris, of
Hrldge street.
Sninuel Hrees nnd famlly.of Wllkep
Parre, Is visiting Mr. P.refe's
mother, Mrs, Jennie Hoadley, at this
Freeda. La Grand, of Wllkes-Harrei,
who has been visiting her tousln, Miss
Mne Kilts for the past threo weeks,
returned home on Saturday.
John Lelpman and daughter Mabel,
of Hussell Hill, lslted tho former's
sister, Mrs. Stephen Itoblnson, on Sun
dn Mrs. Catherine Stebblns who has
r i
ee if vou can draw a correctly proportioned man covering these five dots.
The bet J, hands. ind feet must each touch a dot.
been spending the past seven months
at Philadelphia and New York letutn
c 1 to her home at this place on Sat
urday. Joseph, of Stianton, was
shaking hands with old friends in
town on Morula;.
Thomas A. Pin don, of Daltnn, spent
Sunday with his mother Mrs. W. N.
Pin don, rn Warren .street.
Miss Lllrnhpth Stalk, formeily of
this phue but now nf West Plttston,
Is visiting fl lends heie,
Judxon Woodwud, of Glenburn, s
ltcd his f.ithei, Ou A. '. Woodwaid,
at this pl.uc on Siindaj.
Mis. Tied. Selblo, of Plttston. Is vis
iting her mother. Mi. Katheilne
Tounsond on Wauen nticet.
Social to the Scianton Tribune.
Montiose, Aug. 111. The Star base
ball nine of ltlnghamton did not put in
an appeaiance on Sathuiday on ai
count of the stotni, but it Is now an
nounced that the game between that
nine and Montrose will positively take
plaie on the grounds In this place. If
the weather Is fa vol able theie Is sure
to be a laige attendance, a clicutn-
stanc" that will be highly appi eclated
by the memheis of the Montiose team,
as they go to a large expense In sciur
Ing such a stiong atti.ution as the
Hiiighamton nine.
Mr. nnd Mrs II. H. Ilunsicker, of
S'ranton, nie vIMttng nt A. F. Kin
ney s, on Depot stieet.
L Tl, Ft ink, wife and daughter Vista,
of Wy.iluslng, ueie guests of relatives
In this place anil ulnlty over Sun
The Catholic ladies of this city will
conduct tho dining hall at the coming
county .fall.
Windsor Jeffeis was a visitor at
llinghamton on Satuiday, nnd em
braced the opportunity of making the
acquaintance of Cairlo Nation, ths
Knnsis saloon smashei.
Hon. James, T. DuBols, of Hallstfad,
was a visitor In town on Saturday.
As n lesult of the cloud buist ot
Saturday and consequent damage to
the tucks nt different points along tho
Montrose branch of the Lehigh Valley
lallroad, no tialns have reached Mont
iose on that road since Saturday, and
It Is not now expected that nny will
arilvo betore Wednesday.
Seidell Munger, of New Yin k, assist
ant chief claim agent of the New York
Cential liallmad eompanv, is the guest
of his parents. Ml. nnd Mis V. P.
Munger, nt their home on Lake avenue.
Ann Gaasbeek Munger. of Hallstead,
was also the guest of his parents jes
terdaj. Mrs John Tuge and son PlanchRrd,
ot Nantlcoke, Pa., ai vls-ltors at K.
J. Fuge's, on South Cherry street.
Ilev. Father Ilolnnd, after a few days'
visit at St. Maiy's rectoiy, returned
to his home In Scianton on Saturday.
Mrs Corner Uvnns, of Scranton, has
been spending a few clays nt the home
of h.r patents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Peilgo, in this place. Mr. Kvans was
in town Saturday.
Mis. O. P. Beebe, son Robert and
daughter Llda have been sojourning
nt tho Spring house, Heart lake. '
Mr. and Mrs. Lugene Pmj spent Sat
urday and Sunday visiting friends at
P. Hafner, of New Yoik city. Is
spending a week with his wife and don,
who are boarding in this place.
itev. a. it. Jienion, i. u gave a
ery Interesting nnd instructive resume
of what he saw nnd heard nt the
Moody summer school nt Noithfleld,
fiom which he has Just returned.
S. S. Wilght leturned on Saturday
from n ten days' stay In Hanlsburg.
Mrs. Nora Cuiry nnd Miss Mnigarct
O'llilen and brother Leonard aro tho
guests of fi lends nt Ccntie Lisle, N, Y.
Mr. and Mis. J. F McLaughlin and
daughter left on Sunday to visit
f i lends in Corry nnd nuffalo.
Mlrs Mary Jordan, of Dunmore, Is
the suest nf Miss Nettle Olbhons,
Miss Mary Hoar, of Binghamton, I
the Kiiest of her cousin, Miss Nellie
Thomas Morton, David Dick, John
Haster. William Davis, r.eorfie Young
nnd Glen Hnlllster have returned
from a camnlnu trip to Lake Ariel.
Miss JeoTie May Clark Is visiting
friends in BlnKhamton.
Joshua T. Johns, a resident of the
North End, employed as pilner In tho
Hillside slope, was painfully injured
about the back by a fall of roof on
Friday afternoon,
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Ward, Miss
Mary Ward, James Doran and mother,
Mrs. Margnret Doran, Miss Anna
Doran Mr. and Mrs. James Mr-Dor-niott
and M. J Oxliotno attended tho
reunion of the Prudential employes nt
Nay Aug park on Saturday.
Misses Ulbahoth Dotighcr nnd Mary
MeCabe have returned from the Pan
American. Mr. and Mrs. Shea have returned to
Philadelphia after seveinl days' visit
nt tho home of Mr. nnd Mi 3. Pt T.
Mrs. Joseph Kinute and daughter,
JanettP, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
F. Druffner.
Epeeltl to the Scranton Tribune.
Thompson, Aug. 20 The farmers ors
having a sorry time harvesting their
nals. AVe aw shocks of them yester
daj half coveied vlth water.
Mr. and Mis. J, s. Mulvey and daugh
ter Hazel ato lsltors In town this
v eek. 4
Mis. c. 'A, Pickeilng bioko her ankle
Satuiday evening.
itev. A. D. David left on the after
noon train jcsteiday for the Salem
camp meeting.
S. S. Hubbard, one of Unlondale'p
husfleis, l f-ick nt the home of h's
father, Luther Hubb.ud, on Jackson
street. Dr. Goodwin, of Lanesboio,
was called In consultation jetenla
and u tl allied nurse scame up from
Carbondale last evening It seems to
b a genuine ease of uphold lever.
Delos Stone, of the township, was
obliged to kill one of his houses the
other d.iv It got entangled In a
bathed who feme and was o fearfully
lorn. It could not recover.
J. A. Van Valkenbuig Is selling biead
fiom a Buffalo bakeiy. It Is and
"the boss" Just the nunc.
Tialn Dispatcher C. A. Fold, of Dun
moie, came up Mond.ij and Is instl
eating, fishing and dilvlng with his
uncle, T. D. Wrightcr, to his heatt's
After a few dajs of iest with his par
ents, Mr. and Mis. N. S. Foster, Sta
llion Agent Arthur list)er and his
wife tetuined to their homo at Union
dale this morning.'
W. II. Shciwood nnd his wife, nf
Binghamton, spnt last night with his
niece, Mis. U. M. Lewis. He was dilv
lng a line span of houses acinus the
country to I'nmo, wheie thej' went to
visit his hi other, Judge Sheiwood.
C M. I.ewis took to the woods of
Wayne enmity yesterday morning and
will ramble as far as White's valley be-
foie his retui n.
Mrs. Hook, of Ithaca, N. Y., returned
to her home jesterday after a pleasant
visit with Mis. W. N. and
oilier Thompson fi lends.
Dr. ('. H .Mead, of New York, will
speak on the new Free Methodist camp
ground next Thursday afternoon.
L. C. Laytnn will entertain his par
ents fiom Hoinellsville during camp
meeting week.
Special to the sr?nton Tribune.
Koiest City, Aur. 20. It was a novel
slKht to many Km est City people to
seo the vestlbuled trains of the Dela
ware. I.aeUawanna nnd Western going
through heie Satuiday night.
The union service was held In the
Congregational chuich Sunday even
ing. Itev. R. h. Claik was tho
N K. (iardncr, of Clifford, was In
town todav.
X K. Aldrlch nnd T. C. Mnnzer aro
In Atlantic C.ty.
II K. Maxej. of Wllkcs-Harre, was
In tow ii Satuiriav.
The Hums family reunion will be
held at the Oiange hall, west of
Unlondalc, Aug. 31.
Anthony retubel, of Pilreburg, was
In town Kildny nnd Satuiday.
Hrnest Petersen has returned from
the Pan-Aiiiericnn.
The people aio taking considerable
Interest In the attitude of tho piesl
dent of the borough council In refus
ing newspaper men access to tho
minutes of that body. They aro look
ing for a darky in tho woodpile, but
tho action of the chaliman was prob
ably clue more to vvinth and lack of
foresight than nnythlng else. "WIicji
his temper gets back to its usual poiso
the order will bo reversed.
W T. Morgan, Tho Tribune's, popu
lar representative, called on the Koiest
City subscribers today.
The Vanillins lloso company held
their picnic last night and notwith
standing tho Inclement weather, net
ted considerable money.
Eeduced Rates to Chattanooga, Tenn.
and Itotum via Southern llnllwny.
On account of the twelfth annual
convention of tho National Association
of Letter farriers nt Chattanooga,
Tenn., Septcmhcr 2.7, 1001, tho South
ern railway will tcll round tilp tickets
to Chattanooga, Tenn., at rate of one
first-cla&w fare. Tickets will be sold, to
anyone, on August 31, September 1 and
2, with final limit to September 10, 1901.
Through Pullman drawing room
sleeping cars to Chattanooga daily.
Dining car service,
Charle L. Hopkins, district passen
ger agent, Southern railway, S28 Chest
nut street, Philadelphia, will furnish
I all Information,
Wnll Street Review.
Now York, Aug. 20. The stock mnr
ket was somewhat broader and more
active today, but there was still no evi
d"nce of nny large participation In tho
niaiket by the general public or by
great financial interests on a largo
scale. The questionable position of tho
United States Steel stocks nnd the
doubtful outlook for the labor situa
tion aio still a drag on the general
mat ket, although thu market for the
United States Steel 'stocks themselves
and tho price movement arc nnriovv
The market guardians of the stocks
show themselves nmply able to tnko
charge of all the stock ofteied, show
ing that the company's shnres have
come to be closelj' held. Hut the sup
porters of the stocks are Inclined to
take profits on holdings thus ricqulred
on any advance In price, nnd they bid
up the price when Anything like nn
outside demand develops for the stocks.
Under these artificial conditions the
movement of the stocks has little sig
nificance. -The general list showed n
disposition today to Ignore the steel
stocks. The rallrnnds concerned In tho
Noithern Pacific settloment nnd others
allied by Identical ownership or other
wise, resumed the leadership of the
market todaj. This may have been
based upon a published report of n
piolonged conference yesterdnj nt Bar
Harbor between the thiee financiers
who conducted the Northern Pacific
contest and Its settlement. The Mor
gan and Harrlman roads wetc gener
ally nffected In sympathj', Including
Illinois Central, Chicago nnd Alton,
Southern railway nnd Chicago, Indian
apolis and Louisville. The anthracite
earilers manifested some strength and
the bituminous coal carriers made
gnlnp, although Norfolk nnd Western
nnd C. & O. suffered from profit taking.
A sharp decrease In earnings ot Nor
folk nnd Western for the second week
In August seemed to emphasize this
depiesslnn. Som large Individual
blocks ot Southern Pacific, Union Pa
cific and St. Paul were tnken In the
last hour and those stocks lose 1
ls over Inst night.
The market dosed rather heavy un
der the Influence of piollt taking on the
day's rle. Total sales toda-, 411,300
shares '
Italliond bonds continued very dull
nnd with no movement of significance.
Total sales, pnr value, $1,141,000
United States bonds were all un
changed on the last call.
The following; quotatlona are furnished Ttx
TYibune br M S Jonlan A Co , rooma 70S "!'
Wtara bulldlnc, Bcranton, r. Telephone BOOS;
Orep- Hljh Low. Clot
inff. est, if. !ng.
Vnienian Sugsr HI 111 11J HI'j
lerial Tolncfo .... 111"! 1!14 1 M04
Mrhir,n 7ft l' 7i 75
AtihKon. Pr (V")"a I., n'-a nrij
llrook Tuition 714 7V'i 7I'4 71
It a It V Ohio ;, poj fi: n,ij,
Cn I'nlnno (i7 i'7"i f" ti"
I lies . Ohio 47 47 4R 4i.i
Chic K (It. Wet .. J2U 'JJ 2J 2-
St. I'm! 1k W If,, K,S
Hoik Nhnl 112 llt'i 112 ll
Kin K Tm.. 1'r V, V.i't ; l,i4
'1iuia k ih v.... HMt min ini2 lmn
Man Heited ... . 117 ll 1I74 lls'd
Met Traction 1n,'j H- Im.i, ir,7
Mlsso pi, m,. mil- tj ini4 iftj
south Picirlo V. .'sH ftflij ,V7";
Norfolk . West 'J.'i r,7'4 .'.'.'i f-'4
S Central 1 1 '2 r,i, IM'4 111
Ont A- Wistrrii ... . Il't 1PJ .1)7, i'
IVimi II II lll'i Id, 111' It'll!
Plclfle Mall 40, 414 0 41",
Keadinir ll I'l, 4! 411, 4)1,
Uridine II' . I'r 7-'i '" 7 7v
Southern It II :.1 l M !."i
Southern Tt It. I'r,... W. 'V fn'4 s7
Trnn. toil k Iron fi M, Ci M
V s Uath.r IP, 1 1 HU 11",,
I' leather, I'r si't p, si st
l'. UnMmr is 1- is Is
I'nion I'luflo "'' (Vi'i n'i ','i''
I mon I'aiifli, I'r !', fli, fl
Wabish, I'r M'j R') nil, f,o
Western fnlon "lij 1,1- o-jr (117,
(VI luel A Iron ' "1 1"i 'i"i 1"
vmil CVpper II'; tin 1IM3 It
IVo,le'a Cas Ui 111 lt'i, 11 '4
Kric ' Slit, ,o8 ,u
I rle, 1st ifl rv,i iv, tv;
(ol Smlhern P H", II"; If,
Tens Picirle 421, I'", IJi, 4i,
111er Cir lVnndrv .... "', 21", :.", ',
V slfpi Co 42'3 l' 41", 41',
I' S Sled ( o . Pr , ... 'n ''- ii, w
Open. High- Low. CW
W1IFAT. Inir. eit. est. Ina
Pfptemher 7iV, 7nl, 7 1 7"i
lWemler 7ls 7' 77"s 77",
September (,.M3 ."4 fiP, fV,
December ...... w ufs i.', (.ii.
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Hnl. Atked.
Lackawanna Dalrv Co , Tr in
Countv Sninca Hink Tni't Co,. ChO
Pirn Natlonil Rank (Carbondile) S'V
Standard Ilrllllni Co 30
'I lnid National Bink 4-0
Dime an! Illamiint Rank.. 27 ...
Fconomc I icht, II & P. IV a
First Nitlonil Rank lictt
lacM Triit Sale Hepnalt Co I'd
Clark A snover Co. Pr 1C5
Seranton lion Fence k Mfir. Co jno
Scnnton Ie Work 113
Sennton sulnc Rink inn
Trader." Natioml II ink 17 ...
herint m If 'It K Nut c o. ...
l'eople'a Hank
NewMexIro 1U k C Co ..
Scranton Pavencer lUilwa), finst
Morlcai-o, due liiO
Teople'a Mreet Rallnaj, frst mon
case du 10IS
Teople'a Street It ill way, General
morlcase, due 1121 115
Dickson Manufacturing Co
facka Tow nhlp School 5 per rent. ...
City o( scranton St Imp. 0 per
Scranton Traction 0 per rent IIS
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II G I'le. 27 1-arkawanna Ave)
Ileana-Per buthel, choice marrow, fl 60a 2 hi
Putter I'rech creamery, 2Uiie ; dairy, (reah,
Cheeae-Full cream, lO'.sillr.
Vssii Weftertv Ire.h, li'jatfl, nearby tate,
Medium Ream Per hnjhel. $ 50
Green Peas Per bii'hel, l 40al 4.
Flour Rest pitent, per birrel, 4 4"
Hi ana Per bushel, choier marrow, $3 10.
Potatoea-Per buliel-lal 10.
New York Grain nnd Produce.
N'ewr cirk, Aug 20 Flour Weak and a
shade lower, winter patents, 1n0ai'j; winter
straights, $Vi0i3 I": Vllnnesota patents, $.1 73a
4; winter extras, .VU') Wheat Spot mir
ket weaker; No. 2 red, 77a''r. ( o, b afloat,
No, 3 red, 7"V elevator, No 1 Northern Hit
luth, 7."i"c ( o b nilost Options rut-d weak
all day, rimed weak at l'il'r. net loss septi-m
ber coi.ed 7T4c. ; O. tober, 'u ; Dei ember,
774r, Corn Spot easier. No 2, 2e eli-iator;
Mic fob afloat. Option mirket opened
weak and lower; closing 'leak al -V nrt ,;t.
cllne. September rlnved dl'.c ; DeeemUr,
ra'ic. Oat Spot easier, No 2, 3ic ; No 3,
SS'tf ; No, 2 whl'e. V.'a''c ; No. 3 white,
il4e ; track mixed western, SSalOc ; trjrj
white, 41ijalfc ; optioni quiet and lower wltli
corn Butter Steady; creameri, 11i204r ;
(actor; June packed, HilSV'r , imitation
rreamery, 14al7'4c 1 stale dairy, 14s0e Cheere
Steady; (aney large colored, fH"c j (aney
large white, 0"sc ; (aney small colored, jVsJ
4r 1 (aney -mill white, tiijc. Tgirt Stronrj;
state and Pennsylisnls, lfalSr ; western un
candled, 10alnic t western randled, lftal7''c.
Philadelphia Grain nnd Produce.
Philadelphia, Au. JO.-Wheat-le. lower;
4 Lines 10 Cents ;
More Thin Pour Linen, j Cents (or Eich Kxtra Line.
For Rent.
For Rmit0
. About 1200 feet of floor space on
4II1 floor of the Tribune luiildlng,
su'table for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
"OH nF.ST-Cotlasc t tU ShrriiUn opt. t to
15; ttfll furnttiiM, iillhl (or lirge phiIm.
m It ti ftirnUhrrl ulth heal nd line iino. 11.
L. Jonrt, hirinton pcwtofflie
1011 IIENT-Mnc.rtoni Imuv In (irccn lH.lue:
all fincnlfmf, Urgn lot. Hint, $18. Ad
dress S (1 , Irlliune.
1011 Iir.YI'-I'.fght rnnm. 733 Jcllcrfon avenue;
all modern convenience.
For Sale.
1 OK MIL-A piiriimatlr tlreil mn-alimit, time
ticilly new, a Wrelii. Iloom M)l Cornell
Ilulldlnr, S lantern
lOlt Mil! t'prlnlit piano, rlilni rlowt, oak
tide Iwinl, oak dinlnp talde and ehalr, i ik
bed loom mile, ladi'a vlrtor lilrcrle, Mtrlun
range, pirlor utoce Wl tyulnry aveiuip
10K iIK Oft r,CII(n: (or elly prop'rtj -I'aim
e( 11 acres In South Canaan, with SO
acre o( Unifier and remainder mltlvated Iind
l.trpe dwrlllne and lutn. J ,. IlccLcr, Uox
Hi .Vulli Canaan, Pa.
lOIl S.vr.n-A small (arm nnd a ttord pajl"t
lee hulncM, cood reason (or selling. Ad
drew s. s 111, Tunklnnnock, Pa.
10K SVI.i: IVo light aprinft vugons and some
harness, cheap. l,van, lear Wil I.uzerne
'OR SM.K-C'ar loid of driclru and draught
horaea and eood Mmlly horaei. H1VA Oak
lord romt .1 VI Held.
lOlt 8.'- Vttrell ,1 on rjllnder pre,
Mx"(!, In pood condition, new rollers J"!)
MP'y Ulll.cs Ihrre Times Office, Wilkes Darre,
For Sale or Rent.
lOIl 1U.K On 1IKT-Snle linuae, ni Weh-
ater atenue Ten room, ideam heat O. F.
lle;nold, ( onnell hulldjnir
Wanted To Hent.
W Vin TO Itl ST Suite of 3 or rooms with
modern ronnilcnie, with or without boarl
Hill fection pielcireil. Acldio Y II. II, Tribune
Booms and Board.
IlOVlll) VMl liilOM I'm no fjinilj, nentlemin
VI ( II , 'Iilhiino I U ft, o .
1 Oil' Witermin Fnunl tin Pen, neir the cor
ner of Wwmiiur nceiiMf in 1 iiMro bircct.
Under pleav riitiiu to Loula II lia-i.
Strayed or Stolen.
SIRWII) lilt sicill.N From the birn o( n" D.
.loneji k on, I'rnvl lenn, a ditk chitnut
nnii, holli hind dot white, wrlt;h aho it nV0,
repoit lier ,ind bo paid lor trouble, l. I) Jones
A Son
conlrnt eridn ni;iil, 7li2i7le. Coin ',r low
er. No, 1 mived Vumi-I, tiljM'ic Oit stub.
No 2 vhlli (lipped new, 4li , di ilo il . old,
4V Iluttei-1 inn, fame ilern cminirc,
214o, di do pilnla, Jlije , do. neirb) do,
2I I ires 1 inn. fr.ah neiiln, 17c; do west
ern, 17i : do mithwetern. li'io ; do, ouih
crn, Uc. ( lieoe-liiii't, N full rn urn
(inn unill. 'i',i , , i do (ilr to clmirc,
s4i'l'jr Refln, d "ugim I'm hingril Cotton
lirm, nlcher; tin Idllne uplin, 8 IPc
1 illow Hull; rity prune in hlida , .' ; eonnlrv
d do hirrel", 4( ; nke, 5V,,ij0 t.lie
Poiiltrj sieadc , f,ml, pijilcv ; old roo,ter,
i.i.aTc , aprln; cliiikmi, llilli ; diuka, Hil'K-.
Ilrewed IVultrj Hrni, Rood ilenund, fowls
rlioicr, lis ; i,, fair to pood, n',c ; old roen
leu, 6 , bioiLrs neaibi, Halle, uentern do,
llrcelptu Floirr, ti birrel anw l.MWOiO
poiinila in snik", ttheit, ll'iiim) IniiheN, urn,
none, cit. 21 OHO bu-heN siu-nncnt, -Uh'it,
4),CMI Innhela; coin, none; oit, H.clilil butlida.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
ChiriRo, Vnif 20 falllnff off in rlearan'f"
and impairment In the corn rrop prrMpcitt
rrn. influerllal In the grain mirketi tndir.
Tride was modrratdi artlir an 1 the clow ueak,
wliejt 1 ali,i , corn T8c and oala ,o lower
f, r September delnerj. Proiiona clewed l.'ija
I'm to 2"c deprewed Cash ipiotitions weie a
fell, w
Hour Quiet: No ,1 fprini ifUrat. I C 1,r ;
No 2 red 701710 No 2 coin, .7lia'ic ; No,
2 jrllnw, 7'iJN' ; No J oit, .IVjalfir ; No,
2 white, Sa'c ; No .1 white, 37tia1i.i,r , No
2 r.r, SSaVjo , (air to rholre maltliiir barlei,
d 1 : Nn 1 tiax teed, 1 fit, No 1 N'ortlnvev'-rn,
111, prime timothy feed, '", nira r"k,
14 1414 -nt. lard. sWia.'ti. .hort 'lln, $"05
as J'i, dr- Mind thonldera, 7,,i14c , jhort dear
ide, $9 7'iS.('0
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chidtro. ug 20. Ciltle Receipt,, 0.O00, in
rinding 1VI rran, l,i) wntrrna: Renerally
ttrul; , pior to medium, J.t7ViV3", tocrra
ind feeder firm. $'2'it40, row,, $20at ,,;
heltera, VV in, cmneM ilw, l Vlil ID;
caliei weik, la'i rt, lexn atieis, $ta'i 10, lex
aa Era iteer, ! 0it7", wc-lern txtirf fl lOv
.110 IIosk Rcieipt todav, 21 mm. tonnrrow,
Si.tviil, left oier, $i,0fi Opened ibout teadi,
cbed weik, top,, $d n, mived and Imtchrri,
i' fl2l'iA23, Kood to ctolcr hean, V 7Sfl 0;
roiish hcan, fVfiiiaV70, licht, $iVla0O.'i, bulk nt
ralea, 'i0 1O sheep- Heielpta, -17,00il, heep
about (tendi , lamb Rood to ( hoicr, l Mai ';
(lir to cholee mived, WallO, weitern Mieep,
!fina3 90, ;earliiiE, "low, 1 21a in, native
lamba, ?.1a3 2J, wenlern lamht, (f'Jila'13.
Buffalo Live Stock Market,
Fait Buffalo, Aug 'JO -Cattle RrreipU light,
veals and ralies tops, d70a7 2J, others, '3 .Via
do.' Hogs- Rereipls, 11 cars; mixed packers
giades, 'rtlli'120, medium heaiy, 0 20aVC
heep and Lambs- Receipts, ,1 cars, spring lambs,
choice to (anr; $" 25a' 10, do (air tn good, I SVi
IV; common to good mils, 120,1173, sheep
liandv wethfis, .l73at, rholrr tn extra mived,
ft 1O1I 70, (air In guud do , 2 S0a3 23; culli, and
common, 1 5'KiJ 2V
East Liberty Cattle.
East I.ibertv, AA' 20 -Cattle -teadi , extra,
t3naS7i, prime, $"1 40aV hi), good, $V IV13 13.
Ilogt-Slem, prime lieai;, cfrt I'm 20; beny 111c
dlums. rt IOiO I": aborted mediums, fl Oail u',,
best beau ;oikers, 10Vi0.07ij; light do, v,
fiOV; pig, as to weight and quality, VR0iV'i,
skips, l2'a"2V. roughs, flaV 50 Mieep Hul',
lust wethers, $1 W14, culls and eommon, 1 30a
i 30, starlings, -al IV; veal calces, j8 30i0 73
New York Live Stock Marker.
w York, Aug .'11 llreies-Neirl; all eon
lgnn) direct, no trade o( lmr.iijnee, ealns
steadv all around; veals, 4iS, grass-is and biu
termllks, I2S173 sheep -Mridi , Iambi
somewhat strongrr; sheep, 12 &0a1 73, few, ?4,
lamlus, J(,aH llogs-FIrm at H20a(130 hr
ttite ho-s fales e( weitcrna jenndjy, 3e3i
3 05
Oil Market.
Oil City, Aug 20 -Credit balances. 1.'3; eertl.
ftr.ito, nn bid, shlpmrnli, 121, VH, averig, C7,
007J runa, S.l,Sfl0; aierage, S1.S73,
Fortunate Ignorance).
Rlhbx No man Vnowa himself,
Glhbs That's so. He would Jose
(rltnd it he did. Smart Eet.
hla leit
Help Wonted Male.
WANTPn-lneitellc o(flc aMant, IS to :
rain old, aide tn writ fhnrthand nnd uc
a Itemlncton, out o( town poltlon llon,l rliamo
lor light partv. Vppli Weilneolay and Tliura
riav to Mwrls haim, llotel Holland, .Vtama ave
nue M VSTHl Hoy to (red printing preM ami nuke
hlmel( reneral medil about olllee. pply at
.122 Washington accnue
RFIMnr.K KlllVt wanU rarilde man to manage
liiamh efllce, taklls direction ot bualneM,
Mhrj, $1,5(10 and liWnl ronmilwlon, good teter
ences and 1(VI0 cash renulrcd. Addreai llox KA,
Philadelphia, Pn
UAMKIl I1ot to work at glaw nittlmf. .ran
ton Cut (llasa lumpant, 1JJ0 WashlnKton
M('IIIMiTt!. competent to work on hrge tol,
an euire steady work nnd good agc
Apply Allli Chilmera Co , Scranton, I'a.
Help Wanted Female.
WWTHl Ktp'rlenied and Inexper'eneed opera
tor on ahlrla be electric power. Apply M
Solomon, 111 Iranklin icrnne
COOK IVIMHl at Hotel WjMi, corner U'ali
IniSlon avenue and Phelps utreet
H'VNTI'll Two cliiarmakera ami two RlrU about
10 jcara uhl at Decker tlrotheri, pit Itoblnain
WANT'.)-' clrl (or eenetal lioucotk. Apply
fiOft Wa.hlnston aicnue.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Kecelved at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALPFRT SCIHA'TZ, corner Mulberry
etreet and V'ebler avenuo.
QUSTAV riCHF.L. 600 Adams avenue.
West Side
GhOnflB VV. JENKINS, 101 Bouth Main
South Scranton
FRED h. TEHrrE, 720 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GEO. V. DAVIS, comer North Main
avenue and Market ttrctt.
Green Bidge
aiARLFS P. JONES, 1357 Diekvm
F. J JOHNS, KO Creen Rldzc atrcet.
a I.ORENZ, rorner WaJhlngton ave
nue and Marlon street.
W. H. KNEPFFfj, 1017 Irvine avenue.
J. a bone ft so.v.
WANT1D-. large ahow cue Apply William
GilTord, 15I7 !llckon aienue
WANTI D An inlrlltgrnt (I atholic) lady or Ren
tleman to fill a licht, pleaiant position,
itood pay. It suitable. Addreai P. O. Ilox 20,
Scranton, Pa
Money to Loan.
fW to fiO,000-AT ONCE-1 and 3 per "nt. in
terest, la.y tetm to npa;, George "v.
Ok, II, Coal Kchant building.
f3J0,(i TO LOAN lowest rate; rtralsht or
monthly pa;ments. Stark k Co .Traders' bllif
(tralgl t leans or,Bullillnu and lan At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
314 313 Conned building.
Situations Wanted.
Sill VIHIN WVNIHl VVashinif nnl Ironlnc? to
tike I101111 , eil; refeirncta Vddrcua only lo
Mrs II V. M , raie o( J-d tuit court
SrrrvriOV WNTH)-lly a boy W ieara old,
eood penman and cm make himel( penerl
Iv ti'Clul ab nit etlicr. Address ltol,ert Wil
liams, 0th street, lllakelj, Ol.iphant, I'a
bill V1IOV S N.i:il-R; reliable man at hotel
or restaurant or kitchen work or any other
similar implo;mcnt. AddrcM J. Ilenard, General
Dilner;, City
Sin VriON V VNTKIl-llonae cleanlnir or any
kind ol work, or wanning or ironing. Hi, 414 llalbtead court.
fcCOrilt WOMW desire position at mild to
lidv, or could w lit on invalid gentleman.
Adrew Uox lit, P. O
Mil VI ION WVNIH)-ny man in Rroceiy ktoir;
eighteen ;ear rxperlen r, irotd rrdrrmea,
ran rate for citj or rounlry tiade. Addre sam
Rrclicn;, Montiose, I'a,
WTI'ATIOV WANll,ll-To go nut bv the chy
uaihinc or cleaning. Mra. Kuj.oll, 1J1U
Cedar aienue
SITl"TION WA.NTIM1-A position in widower's
family, bv a middle aged lady. Mra. Jen
nir Smith, rJO Hlx rourt, clt;.
hlTl ATIOV WANIFD-Hv a young man, tn work
in oftiie, has a good education, ran gne
good rr(erenec, Address, E. A., care Scranton
houfe, rit;.
National League.
t Philadelphia First urn - R. II
Rrookl.m .10 0 10 00004 7
Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 o 0 0 0 1 4
Batteries flonoian
and McGulro, Townscnd
and Mi'arlnnd.
Second game R II F.
Brnnklvn I 1 ft 0 ft 11 1 0 ft .4 11 1
Philadelphia 0 0 ft ft ft 1 0 0 1 2 11 0
Ilitteiies-Hughes and tarrrll, Honnhue anl
I)ougla Umpires McGuire and Onh
At Ro.ton It II. I.
New WU OOftft Oft OftftOS 3 9 1
loton Oft 000 ftOOft 00-0 4 1
Ratteries Tailor and Warner; Willis and Kit
trtdge. I'mpirc Dw;er.
At St Louis R II
Pittsburg 0 0 ftO 33 1 2 1-11 21 1
S" Louis , I) 2 0 ft 0 0 ft ft O-2 (, 1
Bstteri'Sl hesbro and immer; Murphi, VMrk
cr and Sx.hriier. Umpires O'Day and Brown
At Cincinnati-Chicago Cincinnati, no fcime,
American League.
At Rostrn RUE
Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0-0 7 2
Boston 0 1 OS ft 000 -ft S 0
Ilitterles- llawle; and Donohue; doling anl
Crlger Inipire Cantlllnn,
t Philadelphia- It 11 1
Cleielanl 4 11 0 1 0 1 ft ft 1-7 II I
Philidelphla Ift0ft00 10 1-1 1J 1
Palterles-Mi Nell and Wood; Ueinhard an)
Powers, t'mplrt Sheridan.
U Rallimoi
It II E.
Detroit 1 0 0 Oft Oft 0-3
9 t
Baltimore 1 0 0 I 0 ft 0 0 0-2 7 1
llalterles 'tevens and VcVlllster; Howell snd
Rrcsnahan, McGlnnlty and Robinson, Lmpiir
vt Washington R I! V.
Chicago I ft 00 ft .1 ft 2 O-O 0 1
Washington 1 0 0 l ft 0 1 0 'V- 12 2
Batteries Grilfith and Sullivan; I attin aid
Clarke, L'mpiroIIsskell
Eastern Leagua
Montreal, 3, Brockton, 0.
Hartford, ; Toronto, 0.
Trovidenee, 0; Buffalo, 3.
Wcnester, 3; Rochestir, a.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Thin Four Lines, ft Centi tor liich Eitra Lln.
Certified Public Accountnnt.
nil iipiiicK i, nrtowv, Anni n, real
. 'atate 1 xchatitfe llldg , J28 Uaihlngton av.
Civil nnd Mining Engineers.
11. u iiAiunxn, orTcoxNEi,t, duildiso.
fprueo street, hcrantun.
'norm, J",. -"-' ATTOnN'EvT.T.LAW.
llocma 12, 14, la and IS Purr hulldini.
lated on real estate aecurlty. lleara building,
orr"' "ashmcton acenue and Spi-uee atreet.
and counsellora at 1 w. Republican bulldlnif,
Waahlnfttcn aienue.
!'"" "'' Commonwealth building, Rooma
1", SO and 21,
''!oliJ?.D w THAVI'R. ATTOnNEY.
. mi, uin Hoor, Meara bulldlnit.
o( Trade bulldlns. Scranton, I't.
Rank bulldlmr.
C CQVIC1S, D P REI'tmUCVN ruii.dino.
A.,y, nrnTiioiF. opnen movld to Tco!
!ll vvjcmlnc avenue.
Physicians and Sugeons.
ington avenue. llesidenee, 131" Mulberry
ClirnnH disease, lungs, heart, kldneva and
r-ctilto urinary orcana a tpcclalty. Hours, 1
to 4 p m.
Hotels and Rcsturants.
avenue. Hates reasonable.
P. Zi:iOI.F.R. Proprietor.
senger depot, Condueted on the Europear
plan VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
rrsa pools; no odor; only Improved pumpi used
A. B Brigs, proprietor. I.eai orders lloo
North Main avenue, or Fleke'n drug atore, eoi.
ner Adams an 1 Mulberry. Both telephones
er;men, store 201 Washington avenue; greet
hou.ra, IPSO North Main avenue; store tele
phone, 7S2,
Wire Screens.
bcranton. Pa , manufacturer of Wire Screens
alo ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 213
Adama aienue, nnos., print ns- ruppme', fn
i elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 13C
Washington aienue, Scranton. Pa.
In Scranton at tho news atanda o( Relvmai
Pros, 40d Spruco and 303 Linden; M. Norton
f52 laekawanna avenue; I. S. Sdiutitr. 211
Spruce street.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTLD-Table boarders.
Washington aienue.
Mrs. Tompkins, 631
Mini F IS hereby given lhat a meeting of the
clorkholdeiic of the folllerv 1 ngineer Com
pmi Is called b; order ol the Roard ol Directors
to meet at the" cilice ol the company, in Seran.
ton, I'cnn-iliania, en Mondi;. August 2, 19C1
nt two o'clock In tlu alteinoon, (or the purpor
t( taking anion upon the pioprsed inereise in
the eaplMl sloek o( the said company (rom ens
intlllnn tue hundred thousand i'l,50ft,0n0) dollara
to thieo mllliiin t.,nV,iino dollars, and lo
trin'irt sueh other business a may be broushl
beloro said meeting
srVNIFY P. V1I.EN, Secretary.
Siranlin, Pa , Inn.- Jlth. l'-U,
Till t.NNl'VI. MELTING nf the stoekholdtrs ol
The -rnntoii Forging lompin;, for the elec
tion of directors ani tiansaition of other bust
new will lo held it the olrti e o( the company in
the city ot "wranrnri on Wednesday, Aug. Satli,
1J01, at 3 oclo, k i m
I.. F. (IHMRKRLIN, Secretary.
NOIIfl, T the rltiri-na and tixpavens nt tha
borough 1 Old Foige, rounty ol Lackawanna,
anl State ot 1'enni.ilianla
Notlro Is herein gun by the undersigned,
roinmlnsloners appiinted I v the Cmrt r( Qmrter
Sessions o( Liekawanna munt) to diilde the aid
borough irto wards, that the said commissioners
will meet at the torough roiinell rooms in said
borough rn Fildai, the twentr third day of
ugukt, JOftl, at 2 o ' I' kp m , to attend to the
duties r( their appointment, at which tim and
plire all persons interesvl in the division, ,nl
said boicugh into wirds mav b heard
.1011 V M lHRRIS,
Scranton, Pa , Aug. 11, Till
,"k a S "KfcyvVV N"
Money Will Rarn Pig Monthly
The Investor's Fund Pa; Semi monthly
The oldest established in Amerl-a 'o csrtiflcate
bolder has ever lost a cent Payments made to
all subscribers eiery 13 da;s No trouble N
delay. Money relunded on demard Wilt x
day (or particulars, tree to any address.
C, E. Mackey & Co , Hudson Illd'g , New Votl!?
"We own and offer at prices
yielding nearly llvo per cent.
First Moituaeo Sinlilng Fund
Denomination, $1,000.
Btilte Electric
of Butt, -Mont.
Write ler spicisl circular.
RQdolpii Kleybolte & Co.
1 Nassau St, New York.