THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1901i WEST SCRANTON WATER SUPPLY WAS SHUT OFF rKOM THE FOUNTAIN ON JACK SON STREET. Due to the Conduct of Boys, Who Persistently Block the Wnter's Course Finnegnn Had ft Niurow Escape from Death Lieutenant Davis on Duty Funeinl of Michael Flynn Meeting of Driving Club. Other Events of General Inteiest. Tor imif tlmp the supplv of water has been Hluit off from the chinking fountain nt the toitur of ,Iaokoii Ftieot ntiil ltjdo IMrk nvenue. and In consequence niuili coinpliilnt has Ik'ii heard ft om d'tlveis mid outlets of hero.s In pat tli tit u President 1)ant i. "f ir '.V, "t Sh' board of tiado, nu'ltu' n communl I'Ttlon iciontlv innking initilt about tht ti r being t-liut off .11. it In- hid n eonfote in o with President Keminer cr, of tlio Sodetv fut In- Prevention of Ciuoliy to Animals Mgatllt., the mattnr. Prom Alt 1 T in in- - i It f learned th'U the piii'i".- foi which the fotin tnln wus 'ft I had lurti lot sight nf by tin1 in inv bo who made a piactlic of i otigrei'ntlni; iiioiiiid the fountain. spiiishlniT the water oot tin sidewalk and pive nun' md In tnatii irtMniM xpiiilln tin' 1 1 itlilns of p. mcisIi.v at that point Annlhci tnvotlto pa-time the bovs Indulged In wax to blockade the wati t couij-e and tin- scwei nolo with dltt mid "tone, i mixing mi ovettlow of wilt'", will !i litiath. a . iiMince These things, Mi Kt'iimn if l tilalnid, caused the watet i nittp in to shut otT the jiipiiIv 'li"n t! o iii.'ier wis taken ii re cently peoplo H-Iillnu III the lilliltj of the fountain had ngiied to pievnt the ho.v.s ft ciin doing mu damage, nml the vwitev wt.s PEiiir tt:rr. 1 m,, lui' the well-meanlng pioilo !dintl lnt Fight of the inattei. and I' hi'i" I (, ill blociuitlod the w net's imi's" rr.i' the Ftipplv wa ncain Mint off Thux the pni'ili of V '' .oi:Vi,i nie depth I ..f the ftc , iter upp' whleti h ix ' nhin bv tlf S nii ton ia ami iter i e p inv f' i m) man.v .voat Yhh x th" n'v f.titniii on this lde ot the rh i, nvep: the one ippoxi the Honk end l.idde. 'icii.-e, nml , m n he te gietted that tlie v itei nipb ;.hniii4l be shut off on ni i mint o' th- box Something h ml 1 lie d"p tov.aidi SUNBURN Iio nnd Almond Cr'am tcitiovm rcdncM cf the Mn and oothe the rln ct fiinhum In one night. Take a bottle nlth you on your vacation. VOIt SALE BY 0. W. JEVhIKS. One Weeks' C(earUp Sale of Seasonable Fancy Dress Goods. We are busy getting ready for our Annual Fall Open ing of Dress Goods. Tiie stock will be unusually large and complete, and we regret to find that we will hardly have room to do it justice. That's why this unusual sale and these extraordinary low prices are quoted this week. Truly, 'tis an ill wind bLws nobody good, as our patrons will get a substantial benefit in this case. Double fold Plaids suitable ;br Children's School Dresses, A good ijc value for IOC Highly finished Jacquard Suitings, all colors, 40 inches wide. Regular 25c Cloth for 18G A handsome lot of two tone mixtures in full line of Fall Shadings. Very cheap at I2!c Full yard wide storm ser ges not a snaue missing. 15c Fine Heavy Iwill This week "" All wool French Beiges. Regular 75c cloth in all the best early fall mix lures 49c Ready for Inspection Today. r Full rauge of the newest Pedestrian and Tour- ist Skirtings, including many exclusive novelties and special importations. Prices from 65c to $2.00 the Yard. Globe Warehouse remcdvlng the tnntter, and, I neces sar.v, a man should bo emploveo. to look after the foitntnln and nticu all who misuse the privilege ett tided ny the water compan. Lineman's Narrow Escape. Thomat Plnnegan, a llntnan etn ploveel by the new telephone company In sttlnglng wires nlotig West l.nckn wnnna avenue, had a narrow escape estenlay afternoon fioni serious In jury and poxHlble death lie wax woikliiK on me of the ciox nun on a IiIkIi pole, when he accidental!;, came in cutitmt with one of the iiltetnatlnB wlrex and leieheil a xeere (thoik. !! vtK itndeted ttncotiSLloim for a few tnlntitex, ami wax seen to waer on the pole, but did not fall, owing to the manner In which he had hi Ipkm twlxted iiiotllid tho('lox arniH Se eial of hlx fellow wmknieli lintteu"d to hlx axxlxtanct' and helped him to the Kiotlllil. lie Ktlxtalneil sllfiht but tin on his mini and hmulx, but was othet wlxp iinlnjtireil. rortunately he 'a3 able to rexutiip hlx work In a short time, but admitted that It wax an evttemely narrow ecnpp. Competition nt Lake Lodotc. The tnuxknl competition which will take place at Lake laiilorp on Monda, Septembi t -, Is expltlnc much lutPtcft RitiniiK the sliiKctx of the Lnrkawattna alley. AltiadV seveial wipe e lubx hae In en orKmilred, and It Ix expect 'cl pir tlex will bo pnteied ficim ruet"t "lt, (jitlnndip, ohphafit, (Vol th Scian ton, WVxt Scianton, Talot. l'lttxton, KliiKxton, Wllkts-ltarie. Pl mouth and N'antlcoUp. The xebctlon will bp "MnrtMx of the Aleut." and the piio wll lie $l"0 Pi of II. mien !" anv. conductor of the Wotld'x Pair ptbe winiipix will b" the adjudicate)!. Thp Oxford (Hep club, un do the ill! oct loll of David Stephens, and the Anthtaelti x, of Tavlor, David )',. .tones illrectot, me alliadv talking alioiit vMiat the.v will do with the tnonev The nnle voice patty, under the lenleixhip nf Ptof David Stephens, which will compile nt Lake l.odote I.ibor D.i. me teriin steel to meet foi leluarsal in the lnxement of the c'on meKiitloual cliinch, on South Main avenue, thl pveiilntr at 7 in o'clock. Exclusion to Glen Onoko. (Her voo people attended the excur sion vextetdiv of the Haptlxt YnunB People's union of Northeastern Penn v 1 inia to Cilep Onoko Delegations cr in nltetnlatice fiotn ohphint. St i anion Tavlor. l'lttxton, Wilkes-Hat IP, Nnntlcoke and other lihtcex The da was a delightful one, and the ride over the svvltchbick to the btirniiiK mine at Summit 11111 wax much enjo.ved Lieutenant Davis on Duty. Lieutenant John DivK who has been assigned to the c hinge of the West Scianton police pioeinet, was on dutj last evening He spemx nt home In hlx npw sutroundlngs, and has thp well wishes of the public for a suc cessful administration Captain Thomas h. Williams had a Changeable White Cord in most of the desirable ;fall col orings. A fine, heavy all wool cloth, specially design ed for Ladies' Tailored Suits. Regular value $1.00 JQa Sale price TTull A little lot of High Class Home Spuu Cheviots, 54 inches wide, and very desir able for separate skirts. QQn A rare bargain at Dub 46-inch fine all wool Ser ges in all the good fall shades A really good 50c 04 serge for only UIU Your choice this week of our regular 65c line colored Henriettas for 49G night off last night and will begin day duty In the central city this morning. He was the recipient of hearty con gratulations from his friends ester day, and will undoubtedly make many fi lends In the central city. Entries Close Tonight. All members of the Wpxt Side Dl ly ing club nip lequcxted tn inept this evening at 110 South Slain avenue, to make' until ariatigemeiits for the race meet on the speedway tomoirow nfter lioon, All entiles, except for the free foi -all, will close thix evening The pilzes to be awatcled to the win ners ate now cm exhibition nt llnux. ers harness shop, on Not tit Main live hup, and consist of two cooling blan kets and a track whip. Funeral of Michael Flynn. Set vices over the remains of the late Michael Khnn were held nt St. Pat rick's Catholic chinch at IHO o'clock Jistoreliiy moinlng and vvcrp lnrgply nttendptl. Hpv. Pather Dunn odlclated and Interment wax made In the Cathe dinl Lcnietety The pall beaiers were Prank Mc C'miii Michael McOatui, William Me flee, Thomas Cat toll, William May and Joxpph Itatiett, NOTES AND PERSONALS. Mis. Anna Van Htixkltk, of Paid Mount, and Mlm P.ll7abeth Peisp, of Chinchilla, fpent jextrnla with Mis. A. II, J!i'iiial, of North Sumner ave nue. Mr. ami Mrx. William N Chase and clmightii Hnth, of Noith Htoinlej ave nue, will leave today for a tpn dns' stH at Ocean Oiove and Asbuty Petk. A Inige number of voting people nt tettileil the basket picnic at Na Aug paik exteidn, which was held by the ni"mbii.s of llrani'h No. fiU of the l.ndlex Catholic Uenevok'iit associa tion. The lentilns of Hachel, the Infant child of Mi and Mis Kied W. Young, of SMI West Lackawanna avenue, were Intel red In the Washlttirn stioet teme teiv est(.itlny afternoon Mis. June Jenkins and daughter Dllabeth, of l'lttxton, aie the guests of lelitlvpx on Noith Hromley ave nue .Misx Ida D Jnmex, of South lteberca avenue, is vlxltlng bei sisic r In In ttitnlaU, Cambtla i nunt Miss Anna Moffat, of Thlid stieet, wax seveteh xinliliil on Monday by boiling vvat t She was caitvlng water iipxtaitx when pht slipped and fell. Joseph 15 Kent, of Scranton strept, lux t .'tin mil home fiom .a week's statV at l.lke Sheililan. Mis Ailhur l.evxhnu and son llar nld, of Noith Htomev avenue, are visit ing le.tthes in llawp MI- .Mai Iha lluglns, of flat field avenue, Ix home titini a vlxlt with filendx at Shli kxhlnnj and lieiwlck. Mix (leotge Plehlei, of Ncn lb Sum ner nvenit", is In Pottxvllle to attend the funetal of a iclative. Mls Annie P.iown, of Kmmet street. Ix spending a lew days at Huff.tlo and Nngna Pills Miss list her Hughes, of Hamilton sttp-M. and llxs Muv Davis, of Noith Stimutt avenue, --pe nt esteula in Maui h Chunk (leotge Jaines, of DlvKlon Stieet, spent .vextpulav vvlth fi lends in Pitts, ton. Andtew Dpi shim i of South Main ivenue, was in Plttxtun vextc.rdn.v Alhett Divix, of South Main avpnue, his letiiined home fiom Lake AVInola Mis Thoinas Pletcher and childien of IMwaidx conn, aie visiting fi lends in Wilkes. Hit to .md Heading Miss Cassle Noble Is s(tiotixh 111 nt 'tile hnnw. of ll.'l 1 II tit lr 'I lirmi lu Willi mis. ot l.M" lhnon stieet. Olhei P Jones has accepted a pos. Hon at Inkeim m Mi ami Mis. J. C (Jallaghet. of Jackson stieet. have letuttwd hotim fiom Atlanile Cliv. MI Curie Hi own, of New Yotk cltv, Is spending the month of August at the home of her aunt, Mix J. C. llrown, of Sctnntoii stieet Aithur Davis, of fourteenth stteet, will have toda.v foi a xhoit visit In New York. Koliett liiadlev of New York, H spending his vacation with relatives In tow n. Miss Anna Davis, of I'oiuteenth stteet. will spend the balance of the month In New York. Mollis W'llllinis, of Poek sir. et. will le-ue todav on a business tilp to New Yoil. James living, of 1r'i Pniker stteet, was taken to the West Side hospital jesteidaj, suffeilng ftom typhoid feoi Mis Jeaiietle Lewis, of West Locust stuit is vNltlng her sibter In Ply. mouth Mis p j. Nealls and child! en, of Chestnut stieet, ate spending a few Weeks with lelitlvpx In Wa.vmtit Mix. Davis nf Last Stioildsburg, Is visiting lur sstei, Mix. W'hetllng, of South Hioiuley nvetute. Miss Pet ilm Wliotllng of South Ib'iinlev avpiiup. Is entei tainlng .Miss PI irein p P.ivacool, of Past ritmudH buig Mis noniPf D Williams and daugh tei of Middle Gnnvllle. N. V, are visiting Dr and Mis J J Itobeits, of South Main avenue. Mis Motrin Lvans and daughter, Miv, of South Itehecca avenue, aie so Joiiining a' Atlantic Cltv Mi mil Mrs On in Pvans, of Noith Si'im "t avenue, lnve leturned fiom Attmtlc rit.v. Mathew Murphv, nf Chestnut Htree t, returned last evening fiom Atlnntlc Cltv William M William, of 1111 Rock Rtieet, has bppn appointed West Scianton correspondent of The Truth The remains of the late Thoinas Jenkins will nrrlve Iipip this afternoon from Moscow Set vices will he held In the Plixt Welsh Cenigregatlonal church at '2 o'clock, and will he con ducted bv Rev David Jones and Hpv. D. P .Tonps. Interment will be made In the Washbu-n stieet ceineteiv. Prof Daniel Phillips and wife, who have been In Coloindo and Melco dur ing the past vcar, will return home tomonovv, both much benefitted In health. Prof, Phillips wn gtanted a ear's leave of absence, and will, upon his leturn, heconie pilnrlpal of No. 10 school, on Jackson stteet He was foimpily principal of No, 14 school CI. A. Williams, of Pock street, who Is on his vacation at Middle Oranvllle, N. Y, is hPilously 111 with an attack of typhoid fevei. Word to that ef fpet was ipcphed In this city jpster day by his lelathex. A GREAT SURPRISE Ii In rtoro for nil ho me Kcmp'n Itabim for the Throat anil I.un;s, the greet ipiarantcrd remedy, WouM ou believe that it Ii roh on Iti merits and ony clrueclit Ii authorised hy the proprietor o( this wonderful remedy to eho )oii a tamplo bottle freeT It ncer fail to cure acute or chronlo couclw. All ilrueeleU tell Kemp's llalsam. Price Hia. ami &0c. GREEN RIPOE. Messtx Plnyd and Warren Puller, James Neeld and Harry Connolly left .vestptday for two weeks' camiilng nt Like Sheridan, Miss Maude Puller, of Dickson nve nue, Is visiting- her aunt, Mrs. Signer, of Dowtisvlllc, N. Y. T. 11. Hughes, of Sanderson atPiitt". wax In Cm bondale on business yes teiduy. Miss Temple, of Philadelphia who has been the guest of Miss Woodruff, of Electric! avenup, leturned to Dal las csterday, vvhprp she Is upending the summer. Prof. li. ',. iiurdlrk and family, ot Mousey avenue, left jestculay for Lake Sherldnn, Mr. William Wolf, of Klsk avpnue, has lecovered from a two weeks' Ill ness. Mr. Pred Oostner, of Penn avenue, has nccepted a position with V. C. Hns'ziird. The (Ireen Hldge Women's Christian Tempeiani e union will nippt this afternoon at 1 o'clock at Mis. Camp bells, 1R12 Mousey nvenne. This will be an evangelistic meeting, In charge ot Mis, J S Miller, superintendent of the dep irtmen' A toullal Invitation Is extended to all. SOUTH sFRANTON NOTES Fleasant Suiprlse Parties Tendered Miss Emma Dora and Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Kraft. A very pleasant suiprlse pirtv was ten.lPieel Miss Hmm.i Plora, of Hones lale, last evening by a large number of her friends at the resldencp of Miss Ann i Charlps on Prook stteet, whero she Is visiting. The evening was w tilled away in games, songs and danc ing. Those prpsent wpip Mlxs Prlpda Poos, Mm Young, Lily Vanburgan, Clam Ciabnei, Mamie Dsh, Nellie 0'HoIp, Anna Kraft, Josephine Ktaft, Jessie Pvans, LI77.IP Hvans, Mamie Mlikux, lhnttia Henipp, Mnmle Ilpnipe, Maniie Lvnch, Pniitia lteld"iibach, Katie Haul, Clata Ploia, Mamie Chalks. Annie chai lex, Llllle ltelden lucli, cleoige Pmmetts, John Kuhn, Aithur tlralinet, .I0I111 ltuins, Jacob Pish, Clntles HerghaiisM, Piank Hea gt 11, John Ilaltti, John Puller, Henry Kiinnsco, Hnrrv Livello, John Pink and Jamex Mui ton Pleisantly Surptised. Mr and Mts Itenedict Ktaft were pleisnutlv sutprlspcl at their iosduce on Stone avenue Monday night bv a liumbei of their friends, who gathered to congratulate them on theli twent llfth anniveixar of their wedding. Climes and other amusements were indulged In ami at a late hour tefresh- nients vvete set veil Those present wete Mr. nnd Mrs. tieoige Sous, of New Yoik; Mi and Mix Mnikol, Mr. and Mis. Albert Ktaft. Mt and Mrs Jacob Sons, Mt and Mix. Hem diet Kraft. Miss Nellie Quinin, Miss Theiesa Ktaft, Annie Kiaft, Josephine imldoff, Annie Itnl doff, Katie Matkel, Mavme Kraft, Chatlex Matkel Jt , Pied Mmkel, Al- luit Ktaft. Chn.tles Matkel, Geoige and Peter Webei NUBS OF NEWS. Pied llesslngei has left for sevcial weeks' visit at 11 ilely, O. The memhets nf James Connell lodge, No ITU, Independent Otdet of Odd Pel- lows, w'ill meet in tegular Fcssion this evening at Piuelum's hall. Mix Pied Hug and ihllifren, ot l'lttxton avenue, have left foi a weeks xtav at the Pan-Ameilc in. The Scianton Saengei bund will meet foi u heat sal this evening In Athletic hall Miss Doia fltlggs his returned after a week's stav with her sister, Miss Hattlet Savie, of Moscow Miss Plot en Ctaig, of Ceil ir avenue, Is vNltlng friends nt Haeton. All meiiibeis of the South Side base ball team ate eatnestlv ic quested to meet at Hums' haibei shop this even ing at S o'c lock. .Miss Connell, of Plttxion nvpniip, has letuiiied Horn a two weeks' stay at New York 1 Itj Miss Mm McIIale, of Olj pliant. Is visitimg Miss Poland, of Cedar ave nue. The Mises Mamie Dunleivy and An il 1 Koy, of l'lttxton avenue, left foi New Yoik cltv vpsttnlii Jo Hammoiul, of Willow stieet, has letuiiied nftet n till cla.vs' vacation spent at the Pan-Ainerlc.n exposi lion John Kenned, of Buffalo, who has been vNitlng his puents on South Webster nvenue, has retuined home. Mlxs Kntie Cnmpieo and Miss R, fiallagliPt of Axhiev me visiting Miss Katie Itiiaue, on Cedai nvenue. Jmncx Dalv of I'toppct avenue. Ins left foi Huffalo, where he will reside pc iiuaueulb DUNM0RE DOINGS. Tuneial of Mis. Chester Potter Oc culted Yesteulay Miss Brown and Chas. Graham Wedded. The fuiicinl of the late Ml." Chester Potter oeeutteil fiotn bet latp home cm Waked) xttcpt esteida The seivleex weie conducted by P.ev W. P. (ilhliotix, of the PrexhytPilan chinch TIipip weie many lienutiful offetlngs, among them a beau tliul bukit fiom the Ladles' Aid so. cletv, of which she had long been an active nif-mbei Interment was made In the family plot In Dunnioip cetne telj The pillbeaieis were. James 11 Young O. W H. Allen. A L Hi den J O Rom., S. H. Huckley. P. K. Swart!' Bi own-Graham Nuptials. Miss Majnic Hrown, of Avoca, who for some time has been the guest of her cousin, Miss Kate McMillan, of P.lakelj stieet was married on Mon dav to Chatles O-rahnm, of Avoca. bv Rev. Chailes H. Hhvs, of HIiiRlinm ton wfter the ceremony thej letiiined here nnd atinouiurd the fact which vwih n complete suiprlse to theli many fi lends. The aie now enjojlng their honeymoon In the New Ihigland snatcs where they will spend tho next few weeks BOROUGH BREVITIES. Michael Neat), a miner emplojcd at the (liv-y drove collleiy of the Ilrle company, had his nnklo badly squeezed jesteiday bv a fall of coal which Just gia-sed his body It Is thought theie ure no bones broken. The Dunmore Prohibition dun will hold a business meeting on Wednesday The Hand Thai rocks Rules. THE first Napoleon said that the one thing 1' ranee needed to make her great was MOTHERS. He understood that "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." There were mothers a-plenty in Krance as mothers go, But what Napoleon wanted was mothers who .should be breeders of men ; men of .statute and men of stamina, fit to follow the eagles of France through Egypt's sands and Russia's snows. There can be no strong manhood where there is no strong motherhood. Strength where there is .sound health there The world is full of the wailing of weak and J puny ciiiiurcu who win grow up to ue small 01 stature, frail of body and weak of mind, a menace to the national greatness. Who is to blame ? The mother is to blame if she does not at least endeavor to fit herself, physically, for the duties and obliga tions of her state. There is nothing surer, nothing more definitely established as an undeniable fact,,than that "weak ivotnen arc made strong by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Who says so? The women, who out of weak ness, have been made strong, say so. The women for whom the pre-natal period has been robbed of its misery. The women lor whom the birth hour has been made practi cally painless. The women who never nursed a healthy child until they used " Favorite Pre scription." The women who could never nurse a child at all before "Fa vorite Prescription" made the fountain of nourishment to flow in abundance. These are the women, thousands in number, who bear witness that Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. "I am so thankful for vvlnt Dr. Pierce's I'aOritc Prescription has done for me," writes Mrs. Tohn T. Smith, of Slocan.n.C, Box 50. "It helped me through the me Dtnn 01 my cnwci, a tag, strong uaoy girt, the most healthy of all my three, and it cnreel me ot a disease which was taking away all my strength." ALMOST PAST BELIEF. "I take pleasure in informing you of the birth of a boy in perfect heilth, on May :8th, 1899," writes Mrs. 1,. E. Corti, of Waltonvtile, Pa, Hot 25. "I cannot find words suffi cientlv strong to express to ou my thanks, for my delivery wis almost without pam, nnd when my husband arrived with the doctor the child was already lxrn. The neighbors who were with us, and my husband and the doctor, could not believe their ees. Having suffered so much before I never believed myself able to be delivered of n livinc child. I I tell everybody this happy event was due to the help of I God and of your medicines. I shall never be without your 1 medicines henceforth nnd shall never fail to recommend 1 vonr ' bavorite Prescription.' "Our hearts are full of Gratitude to cines, which hive given us the happiness of having a living child of our own, after so much suffering and disapjxmit inciit. "I recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to all young women, who are in the same condition that I was in, as one of the best remedtes in existence. I have used eight bottles and find myself in perfect health." "I hive been the mother of five children, two of which were premature births, and my heilth was very poor ever since until the present tune," writes Mrs. A. W. Cornwell, of 810 V ijtreet, N. K , Washington, D. C. " Had trouble of internal orgms for yi orseveu jears. I took local treat ment and different medicines, but they only gave me tem porary relief. Had palpitation of the heirt, weak stomach, and all sorts of aches and pains. I was advisee! by friends to try Dr. Pierce's medicines. In October, 1898, I began taking it, and felt better after taking a few doses. Have taken seven bottles of 'Favorite Prescription,' two of 'Golden Medical Discovery,' three vials of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and two of his 'Compound Extract of Smart-Weed.' In August, 1S99, I gave birth to 1 strong bring it to you. If you desire to possess this valuable health guide and medical advisor, snd 21 one-comi stamps to defray cost of mailing omy, for paper-bound volume, tOOQ pages, or 31 stamps for book in cloth binding. Address Dr. R. V. PlC,&?2!f"v Buffalo, N. Y. evening nt S o'clock nt the homo of Ti. P on Urook stieet There Is to be bin-lness of iiupot tarn i tran.s iicti d i i'i nil lei tr th atttf J.ince of i veiy memh i Mli-ses Kate and Jillli Kentnon die KoJotiinliiK at I. ike Wlnola. Ill n I v Hloes, of rniilth Mieet, who has Hpcnt the 11 ist lew mouths ttavel Iiik tlnough the inntliwtst, retuined lionie vestcnlnv Mte.s Cecelia Patsons. of Jefteuon avenue and the Misses Plttack, of Gieen P.ldKe nie iiistlcatlni; nt Smtt. Miss Jessie rink, of Chinch t-tnel, Is vlfitlnt' ftlends nt Dtlnkei. Horatio Simmons, a fcumei resident hero, but now of Plttshtitsr, Is vksltlns f i lends In town Ti.iln Dispatcher Clinics Foul and daiiKhter nie vlsltliiir tilrmlH at (lieat Hend nnd Thompson Thomas Hold, of While Witci, Wis.. Is the cutst of his niece Mi.s W F Pulley, on Webster nvenue Mr nnd Mis O M HIiiRhani, of Pine stteet, and Mt.s A I. Hltiftham, nf Plakely stteet, left vsteiday for the Pan-Ameilinn expedition, NORTH SCRANTON. T.nst evening the North Knd Stais' bai-kel ball to un conducted a em lal and entei tnlninent at the Amlltoi lutii. which was n meat totccei-x, tlu hill belnc thtnnceil tn Its utmost with people who tinned out to crlve thelt henit Ftippcnl foi the basket hall teiim which give them tun h enjojahle entei tnlnmeiitf lai-t reason Anna, the 0-cni-cild child of Mr and Mm Pierce, of Hi h K. avenue, was attacked by a villous cow neiu hi home anil would have been fioteil and tininplcd upon had It not beep foi her s-e teninn of till or be Iiik In i td by folks In bet Iiouk, The child was on the triound beneath the uiw'k fut when wile win pit kel up she wn taken Into the house, when1 a phjul clan was summoned, who, upon e.vii in itiation found that the child linn ie celved nevoia! t-mall cuth and m lutein f. The Noith Sei anion Piohlbltlon League will hold an Impoitant buul- baby boy. Was In lalor onlv a short time. Now rav gen eral health Is good and I fcef stronger and better in'every way than I hive felt for years. I feci that I cannot praise your medicines enough, and shall alwajs feel that I owe my good health to you and jour valuable remedies. I thank God for this 'Uavoritc Prescription ' (woman's friend)." "When I wrote to ou, in March, asking as to what to do for tnvself," siys Mrs. Kiln Kcvnolds, of Gufltc, McLean Lo , Ky, I was expecting to become confined in June, and was stik all of the time. Had been sick for several month. Could not get anj thing to stay in my stomach not even nlcir" i11 miscarriage twire in six months threatening all tho time with this one. Had fcmnle weakness for several years. My hips, back and lower Ixnicls hurt me all the time. Had numbness from my hips down. Had several hard cramping spells, and was not able to do any work nt all. 1 received jour answer in a few davs, telling me to tike Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I took three bottles, and licfore I had taken it n week I was better, and before I had taken it a month I was able to do my work. On the 27th of May my baby was born, and I was only sick three hours, and had an exsv time. The doctor said I got along nicely, nnd my husband said, ' If it had not been for Dr. Pierce we would not have lnd this boy.' Wc praise Dr. Pierce's medicine, for it has cured me. I am better now than I have been for thirteen jears." implies health, for is also strenetli. long months preceding I use. vou for your medi V tUWKWJHl 1 ""V..-i. ' 111 MUflwfkv Vi "ill 4SSfBK Jg Or. Pierce's great medical work, The People's Common " Sense Medical Adviser. We aivo it away. We can't ness meotinir Thuisdny evening, Ainr J.' at the home of Thomas Mome, of Fist Puker sttett Hveiy nn mhe r should he ptesint nnd hi at of the new plans for the county and Mtate cim paln'ii. PARKPLACE. (lioiRp Iiui ton and fnmllv, of Tilpp .stint have letuiiied after a lour weeks' visit In Sufiieli!inna count. Miss p.iln Towiisptid nf I'm toij -vllle. nnd Mls Hattle Van Duuei. of Plttaton, l vlwltlnsr at the lestdence of Wei t Kiesge, of Albrlithi avtniti Dr Cotser, of Ptovidenee, has te. tinned tiom a week's htaj at Haine gat Pay. Miss Plsic 1 1 Ii Kts. of Towanda is spending a louple of dnvn with Mis .1. H Coisei of Piovliletue lonil fi. C I.jmnn, of the Court Stien Methodist, KpLseopal c lunch, left on Tiienli foi n week nt the Wjomlns Camp meeting MIj-s Oitrutle Kilt. of PlttFtoti Is spending n week with MIk.s Ida Olsner. of Mone-e avenue OBITUARY. MIPS SM'SAN K RIPPI.i: the daugh ter nf Colonel and Mrs i: II Hippie died at the home of In i patents at I o'clock ihLs mornliie'. after a s month's Illness 'llie funetal notice will he made later MIh Hippie was IS seai.s of age and wns vet) popular among a huge ilule of ai(iuliit.iniiH. llei death came n.s a decided chock to all who knew hei and the mm i owing parents will todav be ovuwheie the objiutri of the slticeiest snipath. THOMAS JHNKINS. of Maple l.-ik. died Moiuhi. aged I" cais. Ills tuneial will be held todav, with ititei tnent In the Wihbuin stteet unicteiy. SICKI.IIH, sou of Joseph nf Phllo stieet. died Tnr.-ilnv "icfteiiioon lit I o'clock. Ho wat- -lck four weeKs with opnuiu fever unci was JO cata of age. NO EXCUSE FOR SUFFERING. Mothers by thousands have given like testimony. Is there any reason whyjM should suffer and be the mother of an unhealthy and un happy child ? " Favorite Pre scription" will do for yon what it has done for a multi tude of mothers make you well and strong. Don't let the fact of the failure of other medicines to help your case discour age you from try ing Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. No other medicine is like it. It is like no other medicine. It con tains no alcohol, and is absolutely free from opium, cocaine, chloral and other narcotic drugs. In this it differs from almost every other "put up " medicine of fered for women's It is a purely vegetable preparation and can not disagree with the weakest constitution. "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong and sick women well by curing the causes of womanly weakness and sickness. It regulates the periods, dries the drains which sap the strength, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. Sick and weak women, especially those suffer ing from chronic forms of disease, are invited ot consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, absolutely free, and so obtain the advice of the foremost specialist in diseases of women absolutely without cost or fee. All correspondence is strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. This offer of free medical advice is not to be con founded with any similar offer made in imitation of it. There is no similar offer which has behind it an institution like the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., presided over by Dr. Pierce, as chief consulting physician, assisted by a staff of nearly a score of skilled physicians, every man a specialist in the treatment and cure of disease. A letter to Dr. Pierce puts you in con sultation with the foremost specialist in the treat ment and cure of woman's diseases. The only cost is the stamp on our letter. Accept no substitute for "Favorite Prescription." A substitute means a little more profit to the dealer, but it is an absolute loss to you. Only "Favorite Prescription" will do for you what it has done for the women whose tstimony we have printed above. Funerals. Th. funetal of th. lute Mis, J.ucetta I.nllif will tik. the it J in e. clock this afteinom tnnu the h ause, 907 lliimpton sti et Tho luncial of the lute Matthew Tlicesp will take plin e this afternoon fiom the house, iy, Plist tioet In tettiunt wus inaelo In tho Cathedral ceuietci The funetal of .Mr. Ij K. Francois will take plate this aftenionn at 3 oInk noin the family home 317 Macinon avenue. Massacre for Dyspopsla. A P'enih iiicdlinl Join mil cltoj a number of cases whete gteat md lust ing henellts weie detlved, by peoplo MifiVilns fioni d.v spuria and ahdom- illill ilNep.-irs, flolll a gi title llias.siBfl tieiiment of th,. alidoinen fine mentioned is Hint ot a jouiin' men aged twenty vents, who foi sl niontho had been siiiiet Ing with his stoma, h In spite of vailed treatment he was grad ually gtowlng vvmse and looked like one In the laM singes of incomipa he was very nervous and was i. minced , that he was nbnitt to die Attei In stituting th abdonilnnl nmsj-age his condition inpldly Itnpioved, his abdo men, which had tesinbled thit of a child with metilimltls. became supple and dallv enlniged. The tieatment not sew i niir vei spei ml Ills pain illnppeaied. and he was able to illgepl all that was nlven to him The pitlent gained In sl months about ,' slt-tlve pounds which he has not lost since that time, now live year aRO. -Leslie' Weeklj. Accoutitlncj for It Chemically. 1 1 in tin ( In. i. i Triliiiiii' It nniv lii nn ich fniii v ' temmked Mrs ScUdnm-lImne hut sineo my huchiinl begin tlilnklmt the water fioni that lion spilng he baa seemed to he ten limes a obstinate us ho, used to be." "PeihapK." stisgestcd Mm. Nexclorc, "tho wutei Is tinctured with pig Iron."