The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 21, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Hearing Before Judge J. W. Carpen
ter on the Rule to Show Cause Why
nn Injunction Should Not Issue to
Prevent the Alleged Nulsnnces at
the Entrance to Nny Aug Park.
Mr. Crosby Gives nn Interesting
Explanation of the Difference Be
tween Skill and Chance.
Bvlricnte Mai hfiinl ".estcrrinv by
Judge .1. V. Pinpenter for iinri ngalnit
the mle to show uiuc why an In
junction ihnulil not Nine to restrain
he nllcperi ii'tNaiu es innliitaiiieri oil
thf rrosby mlriwny nt the pntrnnc
to Nny Aim pin Vc. A number of the
resilient." of t ho locality tetllleri that
the liurdy-guiriy attached to the.
nicrry-gifiounri li a cllsti cIiik an
tioyiniic n ml tluit the congregating of
trniveN attracted by tin midway
amusement tcnric to rilottlcr, which
deprecates the nlue of tin ptoporty.
The plaintiff In the cute Is Briwind
"vV O'Alalley, whoso home H on Mill
betry street, within .'Of) feet of the
merry-go-round lie m ih tine for
hliiipf nnd n majotity of Hip pioperty
owners of the Immediate neighbor
hood. The defendant aie Jumps
Oosby and Ogilen Hiotheis, who opei
ntf the midway iniiti-enients and T J.
Mullen, who owns the land on which
they .ire located
City Solldtot Oorge M. ntoii and
S. B. Pilce represent the plaintiff. The
defendants' attorney Is M. I I'onry
The heating begun nt ! o'clock In the
morning and continued until :i o'clock
In the HftPiiionii. Moie than one liuii
ilied peions sat thiough the hearing.
Most of tliem weie residents of the
disturbed Ini.illt
.Mi. O'.Malley, the oouiilalnant, 'was
tl'e first witness. He testllled that the
noises of the mldwnv, pit tlculnrly of the huielv -Kiiidy. gteatl.v an
nn.ved hlin-plf ittiri family, and that he
Inri frequently heairi obscene language
useij b ieinns In the cieivvels which
tnngregito about the mltlwu.v. The
noise of the hurriv-guitly, he said,
makes the nelgliboihuori unrioslmble
us a plate of lesirieme nnd depict bites
the value of piopei tv
On ''hiss examination Mr O'.Malley
denied that he had liuulated a pp.
titlnn against the hutriy-giudy and
thieatened a boveott and soi ostia
rlsin to those, who refused to sign It.
He nNi denied that one night he and
bis wife, together with a number of
EUeN. had Joined In singing a popu
lai air to the aciomp.inlment of the
I.. S. Illi hauls, editor of The
Ti Ihiine, w hose home Is on Wheeler
ivenue, testified that the opeiatlon of
the mind oigan made the neighbor
hood undesirable as a plate of ies
dence. nnd that If It was not that he
had his home there he would not laie
to dwell In that locality whllp the
oigan was rn operation. The organ
was going continually, he said, nnd
it monotonous tones were positively
racking to the nones.
otiibb nbwjhbobk.
J S. Hulbeit, John llenneiuuth. M.
1. Smith, B. H Hliks. John P Palmer
nnd H. 1' l'oe gave similar testi
nionej. The ,u tlon of the mldwnv
people in inulIUncr the luudy-guidy.
Mr. Hicks bald, only tended to make
Its noise mote unheal able. "It now
sounds like a cow In (listless," he said.
Mi. Coxe aKo complained of the
Karnes of clnuue maintained on the
Attoines Watson and Pib esaid thev
cmlri pioduce half n hundred moie
witnesses to testlty to the miiio state
of fails If t nut t wished to hear them.
Judge C'ai penter vald he would hear
fiom the iefone.
The dfense was that the noise of
the oigan 1 music ot a supeilnr kind,
that the pine Is ronditi ted In nn 01
deil.v mannei. ,ud that the so-called
games of ihame. whhh the defense
eld were Innocent games of skill, had
been closed down out of defetuue to
the rt.-ldeuts of the nelghboihoori, just
as the oigan had bpen muflled to con
Mm Its music to the ears of those
1 -itiunl.lng the plate
.Mi. I'toshy testllled that the oigan
was one ot the best of Its kind and
that Its liuiHli was c ate fullv- selot ted
with a view of pleasing ,md orilf.ving
the pations
When the games of ( bailee weie i e.
Ori'd-to by his attoine, the witness
vent on to explain tluit theie weie
no games of t haute on the giounds.
Onlj two games were urn, he said,
one In which you pitch lings foi anes
nnd anothei In which you tluow b isc
balls at wooden cats, beat lug ailous
pet temalo names, which cats are
htated In the windows of a nilnatuio
"These ai o games of skm," Insisted
Mr. C'loiliv. "This cat game, ,n lu
stfinn. You go to the game and pick
up thieo balls and tluow at the cats.
if (iu go to closing jour ep.s and
Knowing with oui ees dosed, it Is
n game oi chaiue. but If ou tluow
with vour ejes ouen and hit them we
would .ill that a game of skill"
Mi C'iosb's ilirfetentatlou or gamps
of skill and i haute was thoioughlj itp.
pre luted by the llstoneis
Police Otllteis Beese Jones ami
Janus Moat testified the had visited
ihe plate ficr-iientlj and never found
ati disoider theie
i Investment 3
eo Oroidniy, K, V. 'f
WiU-Birte. Cirbondile. .I
4 B a Cemricnn-nlth bid's, Scrtnton, Pt. 'y
John J. Van Nort, of 410 Colfax ave
nue, said he was not annoyed by the
midway amusements, and that the
place had a vvorsci reputation before
the mcriy-go-round came there thnn
It ha now. On ctoss-oxnnilnntlon It
was ndduccd that Mr. Crosby rents a
bat n fiom the Van Norts.
i.ikim) thi: Mfsif.
It K. nonnlgan, living on Colfax
avenup, three blocks from the midway,
testllled that the place wan conduiteil
very oideily anil Hint he lather liked
the music of the huiriy-Rurriy.
Clink S. Thomas, of 131.'. Jackson
sttcet, n music teacher, testllled to
having visited the men J. -go-round and
hpuiri the music He considered It
good music of Its kind, but ndmltted
that It would lend to Irritate peions
of a high neivotis tension
A. It. Whltmore, of HI0 Mulberry
street, visited the mid way occasion
ally with his wife nnd children nnd
never heard any obtene language or
saw a dlsordPtly crowd thorp. He nl
wn.vs enjo.ved thp niiHe of thp hurdy-
Mlst CnnlP I.uther, Mis, rioia Snell,
Mis Kilxabeth Snell, Jnmes M. Stand
ting. I! J. Holmid antl C. V. Van
Nmt, nr, gale testimony In fnvor of
tin midway.
Arthur Ogdeii, vho opeiied the cat
ami cane gnme, testified that they
were shut down some time ngo, and
not opened again until the night of the
ttollcj men's picnic. They were only
i tin that night because the trolle,mcn
liiul conttacted for them before it was
decided to close them riowm
Hilef nigumcntt vvcie'Tiinde on both
sides and the cusp then went Into
Jurigo Caipenter'a hands. He diri not
Intimate how soon his tlecllon would
be handed down.
To Hnve Murderers Pardoned.
Petitions will be ptesented at the
next semdon of the boairi of paidons,
which takes plate next month, for the
pardoning of Seintlo Abottl and Jo
seph Hoschlno, the Lackawanna mur
rieiPis, now doing tlmp In the Knstcrn
Abottl Is serving twelve joms for the
killing of Vlto Itlmondl, on Hlrch
street, South Scrnnton, Labor day,
Sept. li 1S17. He plead guilty of mur
der nnd Judge Hdwnrds, after taking
testimony, fixed the grade of the eiime
as second riegtpp nnd sentenced him
to twelve .veais nnd four months' Im
pilsonment, rfoMhino was convicted Keb. 1",
1W. of murder In the Hist tlegiee. He
klllctl Piank Confnrtl at Dunmoie by
shooting him from ambush. An appeal
wns taken to the Supieme court, but
the tlndlng of the lower court was nf
llimetl, and ho was sentenced to be
bung July an, lstij. He wa.s granted
n lesplte until Oct. 7, lS'Jfi, nnd on Sept.
'-. (Sovtinor Havtlngsi commuted the
sentence to life Imprisonment. The
defense was that Ho.schlno had to kill
Confoitl to save bis own life. The
Jut V. however, believed the stoij of
the commonwealth that he had a
giudge against Confoitl and shot him
from ambush.
Manlage Licenses.
1'iedetltk White Hlakely
Cteitiude Walkiss Pilcebutg
Thomas J. Hossi Seranton
Antonettl Vola Scianton
Peter Costi llo Dunmoie
Vlntenzo Hlgard.i Dunmoie
Isaac Ayeis Newton
Cot, i M. Oatrlson Newton
.lamps J Dniighpr. Jr.
Nellie A McAuvl; ...
Mai tin Sturngls
Lizzie Verbiskl
James r O'Mallev ..
Mary A. fiannon
Peter P Kellv
Maigaiit M Lvtich
James ,j niskln . .
i:il.ibeth H M.ingan
....St iitntou
....St raiiton
. ..Scianton
. ..Scianton
....St i an Ui n
The bond of James Mi Dade, tux col
lector of I'n.irlng Hiook township, was
nppiovcl vestetday b com t It Is
In Hip suni of N.Oni) and has us smetles
V. Slniouson and August Hahn
III the e-tate of Kan P. Davis, late
of Sci niton. Ietteis testamentaiv weie
giantetl to .M,u A. Davis. in the
estate of Andievv C Mahnncy, late of
Waveilv. Ietteis testainentai v weie
gtanted to Mildget and S.nah M.t
houev Andrew Stet ko, chaiged with rils
cbaigliig fli cuius with Intent to kill,
was teleased titini jail jesteidav on
$'.no ball furnished beftue Piesldent
Judge iMwinds bv T J. Olldea, John
Cininpsky, charged vslth assault and
luttei.v, was leleased on $ :0f ball, fur
nished by Philip Svvaitii, befoie Judge
lUsl- HMI-lle (ifsirut, of Piihinlnr,
mil ,trfv the Sirmtnn hue lull tram at Vtlc
bin .ok Situnln jdrrnnnn
III I Xlux TiiDW Ihe .miiii il rimiinti of tl.e
( illcuilrr (.mill) will In lirlil t 1 1 . jt I bap
liunV like, dlmiil llr mil. Iimiii Itimin
I ill XII V 111. IH II - to,vnrci. .letwv
heifer i fnuml it X-i Vuir piik plrrdtv
inernini; II will lo ili'tiliml thire until claimed.
Wll I, V l.r 101) VV. -The tdien Vid mdetv
tl VII sinl,' niu rili-t t Inn t h will meit it
tin lioinr of VIisi MtlioN, lint SJinlron avenue,
llin illeiiiwm
XI sii(i1' VII I'lIM! There lll be i mtft
I im if life Nelinj' nuinn tlii rvrninir at 7
n'tloik II Clin in-t.v lull. Hull' u ill be an cite.
thm for itehhnt
Will, I'lU I'ICSIC liial Xn. 07, Interne
tmnil llmtlirilinnil nf Itnok lllnden, will jbe a
plinlc .it HiMii"i' ptrk, sjtiinlji, ng 21,
Vluii will be fiirnihrij hy the s,ranton Mmdnlln
1 bib
IXiH'KSr TOVinRrtO" -Inroner Ilnlert" will
conduit an Innnivt Cunnrrow afternoon at 2
eilnik In the court home ill Ihe tja ol W il
ium Mi, the eiuine,,i who it killed on the
Iiikamnnt nllnud at Chrk' sinimit b being
rruilietl between two hoc rnuinen.
10 IIOXOR ni-HOP CnrV-. number of
the prima of Hie illmeae met veterili adernoon
111 Oollece hall tu deilde upon ome pMn for
Imnorine Hlcht lie MonMcnor fiaivev. tlie liead
rf ihe newh ciejlrd diocew of Vltoona Die
meetinc wj anin:ed bj Itcv T. K. TorTev,
uf f'jiboniljle
11. M IHhl. t)ViltltO -Ihe rlulith annual
lam bake nul hore dinner of the ('pore- W
Weft ilivi'lon, No , llmtlirrlinnil of lHnino.
the Inslneera will be lield at lake I'owitelle
tomorrow Virancmrnta nf liien nude tn feed
l.Vi perMW' at cue time, o that I hi re will be
no ild iv Hie iuiir-lii tialuc will leave the
Onlirin mil We.tern atatlon at 7 a. m and H'"i)
a in
I l.tllXli 10 int s ,i: -The Srantoii tl,le,
cation to tlie UnishH 'Irmplar triennial lotiehve
at 1uiUvllIe, l , it til leave at SI ci'cbis to.
iimunn innrnlnit over '.lie I'tntnl Itaiboil of
Ntvv leicf. I'aillciilara 'I the trip ran le rh.
(lined fiom ludn Wool.ej, Thnnuj IMInirr and
lllitlltt I'avriiRcr .genl J. S, hnitlirr, iniou
lhi whi will make the trip are Philip Itel,noi,
hit vvlli. mother and 'I V ' llrncliu.
wilt and ilci-'
The List of Twenty-three Questions
Bearing Upon Both tho Practical
nnd Theoietlcal Side of Minlng
Whlch Were Tropounded by tho
Examining Board Consisting of It.
A. Phillips, M. J. Oarvey nnd
John Griffiths Names of the
The examinations for mine foremen's
cettlflcates for the Second Anthracite
district were completed jestetday, but
It will bo wveral week before the re
sults will be announced by the ex
amining board, which consists of Col
onel It A. Phillips, John C.rllllthK and
M. J. Oaney ami Mine Inspector H.
D. Prjthereh.
The names of the candidates who
have taken tho CTtamlnatlon ate as fol
lows: David Pe.cnoii, .111 perkem court, rite. Join .1.
Purke, 012 Capome avenue, clt llirrv llaton,
ISil llulvver etreet, tit , John J t'jnterhurv, .ll'l
Jiekm idrcet. rlt ; Patrlek F. f'omviv. Old
Koree. Mckatvanni rountv, Thonna K IMvl', 107
Unwell ulreet, cite, John J I'nmthrr'v, r,M
Qulnev avenue, rlt i lohn thirkln, rtblnll,
l.mkiwanna rnunti i Divld T Divle, 1111 Si-ilc
Plate, rilv, Howell DavU. t!S I'trilinml meet,
ell, Walter Devereiu;, t Vlmrn- avenue. Din
more, lew) W I'vinc, l'Jil 1 Tin fheil, tllv,
Walttr Idwirdi", 312 South IVrktra, ill,
Thomi Ford, 111 FdwanU court, tilv, lonn W.
Htm, M2 ltebetea avenue, clti, William V. (in
him, l'liri summit ivrnue, ritv; .Innea (!lltepif,
ftl Womlnir avenue tltv; Itlmnl (iirvln, Ilem.
ham, baekavvanna cnunlv; Clnrlrs lltllinl, 'nl
Kvana rourt, cii.v, llernird lltigbr. 117 (!reeni
plate ritv, P I' Hobin. SUM m.hliiirn lrcei,
tllv, lliomat lltddotk, t.ineoln lteluhU. Kieka
wanna iountS vin lluilie, 312 Ihlrternth
Btrttt, rite; Morcm Jones, W Warnn Mreet,
Dunmore: William I: tones, Monroe avenue, Dull
more; Ditl.l John, 112 last Muket utreet. It v;
.Innh Jenkim, "i7 North tittle Park avrimi,
lit: .Times JonoK. 1710 Wavno avenue, rltj ; Wil
liam n Tones, XW Lincoln avenue, ill. C.rltflth
W Jones, Slt North ltebeeri avenue, city! Pit
ritk Iinimond, 411 PhelM ftreet. ritv, William
K lewK M't Tenth street, elty, Divid T l.lri
ellvii, IU C'nvum stnet, rit , Tliomis II lew
is "Mtn Prink treet, rlt. Prank Owens, OU
T'orce, John Phillip), 172o W.nhhurn atieet, rllT
John C ltiihiid, H7 pvnon street, rlt; John
Itodirirk, dill south Miln avenue, lilv. Thmnn
lteirin HI sixteenth titv. ritv, ltoliert Stenuer,
1111 I-.vnon strict, tit, Martin t flitidan, !!2'i
North Vm lluren avenue, tltv: Divid J Tliomis,
CIS Piitmrn street, tilv; Fdvvard (J Ibomis, 27rt7
Prink street, eltv , Itlthird It Tliomis. 1IV1
1 vmm street, titv, limes Trelhew.iv, 120 Osk
stnet, rilv , Wllliim .1 lhnma, TIs I vimn street,
tltv, ,loeii iikers, -2,12 Vinelia avenue, nl ,
lleniv Williims, Kit Tiikson citv, street, lluaii
Williams, ITH")1 Price street, illv; Kinjimln
V ttkins, 1VI sinih Van lluren avenue, rlt , h in
(' I)avlt-, Old loree, T.ickivv.inni count,
Chirles (;rpelt n, 122 Fllmore avenue, til,
William VI Howell, 117 South Ouliohl avenue,
ritvi Tillie 1 Innes livlor, Pi , lo-ipli hini,
MihmIc Pa ; Peter Kellv, leiiuvn, 1't , Itud dph
l.vnn, '2rt"i laekson street, tltv. Vnlhonv Mi
Hale, '2r I Im street, Dunmore, I"hn V VI, rei'i.
."21 nnfl Id avenue, ritv . Itrlierlsnti llt'i
Mvftle street, citv Itetfin Times, 111 snitli lti
betta avtnue. eltv; lob hileli iue, 51S trlnk
stnet, rilv; Daniel Voiiiic. Jal I'eltebone stir I,
ritv, .liiliin roohr, 412 Ilretk atreet, sits.
Qri;sTioxs sithmittkd.
The set lees of nupstlons which the
candidates weie called upon to an
swer weie as follows:
I (ihe tour mine, aue, place of birth mil po.t
oftlee aildrt -s
2 stjte cour expc rienie. In (he anthritlte roil
inlneic ot Penii'vlvaini fullv.
1 What are the provisions of the mine hv
telitive to the cvimlnition of mini wntkinm'
State fullv
I Describe our rourse of aitlon as mine fore
mm in case of 1 fatit atcidtnt takim: plate it
.1 mine under vour thire
5 Name Ihe dintrerous cises rninmonlv found
In (he mines and the prei nition von would tike
tn insure the sifetv of vmir men wliilc woiknist
nt tr in aicuinulation of tath cts
(I In ti-e of 1 squeeze takinu' place at 1 mine
undn vour triune, at whit tai;p woubl von
i"M-id. r vouisrlf Justilied In slopping opi ritu n
ard withdnwlntr the vvoikmcn
7 Whit Is a 'siuere' and wlnt do von con
sider the bt st methods ot picwntliie tliur ouut
s Whit l Ihe lilet amindmrnt to the mine
liw ntlct t intr mine doors'
I Name the c ises In which (he foremin should
consult Ihe mine mips,
HI A iranicvvav is driven S HI decries K,
chambirs are driven N M deeieea 1', width nf
pillar 30 feet, width of 1 hamber, 3i) feet, tjlve
dlstince on vrinawa from teulir of thambei to
tenter of ihamher
II Whit pressure will be netesiiv to forte
I'a.olKl ruble feet of ilr through an alrwiy II bet
wide, feet IiIbIi mil t.0,ia feet Ioiik
1. Whit horse jiower would be evpi mled In
pirforinliic the work set forth in i)iicihm 11'
If the ipimtltv w is intoa-cd to ."(i.OiW tulue feet
vthil would the hur-.e iowir be then?
H Tvpliin wlit tlie Dtvy t.vpe of lamp is mnl
bv Are bosses and the ( Ijnm tpe by the wotk
r in
II Dr-tribe Ihe (lame of a lamp in 1 inivtiire
of air ml fill and also in a mixtuii of air and
11 Wli it Is the ohjett to be alt lined hv ie
niiulne tlie mine fortmin tn visit the wnikiinr
iditi-s ttiiy iltfrn ite da wh-n the men ire at
K! Their arc tin elnmbirs nit a cinsvv.iv
An r-cploilve mixture Is discovered in the fifth
thambir What precautions would J on ta'ie t'i
(nurd aciliist an exp1oUm
17. Find tie weight of one cubic foot of nr at
flu decieefl and harometir at SO Inches.
IS Nimc a (jia comminlv found in tlie mln-s
ami uhicli Is heavier thin air, and alsi nnj
whhh Is llchtcr thin air.
1 A mine tar is nine feet lore, fnir nnd on
bill feet wide, two feet hlcli. If six Int lies of
tnppirm is reiiuired how mini rublt fttt of mil
will It CUT?
211 When would ou consider a piop to be
well stood? How manv row of props should in
our opinion, be placed in a cliambtr thirty bit
'21 To cuard ncalnst aeildenls fiom fills of
roof and toal whit pretautions would oii retoni
mend ?
52. What is meant hy tlie tenn "aplitllm. Hie
air turrent!" Whit benefit Is to be obtained bj
(jo dolnc?
23 Wlnt Is a water cuiRe' What pra'tlnl
use can ou make of It
Seven Counties' Association Meets
Today at Lake Lodore,
The annual reunion of the Seven
County Veterans' association will be
held todny at Lakes Lodore, nnd the
old soldiers of Lackawanna, Luzeme,
Wyoming, Susquehanna, Pike and
Wayne counties of Pennsjlvanla anil
Broome county, New York, anticipate
a most pleasant day.
A special tialn leaves the Delaware
and Hudson station nt 9 o'clock, bear
ng the veterans and Bauer's Thir
teenth regiment band. Colonel L. A.
Watres, of the Thirteenth, will make
the principal address of the day Be
sides Bauer's band there will be In
attendance the Maple City band of
Honebdale, and another fiom Blng
luuiiton. U77i4aJm
Ihnrnush Irutruitlnn Low tuition rates
Craduatra secure best insitiona Some aro now
drawlni; salaried of Jl.'na, h.Viu and 1,-U0
Manv In Ave and alt months quillfv Ihemselves
to fill positions vvliU h pa; $.11 aid sml per moinh
at the itart. Ihe mention of Willi 1 101 h voim;
people la aollclled Prtltlonj furnished. Write
T call for rlrrul.ra,
Ti-f MvwTttPTlK ronNTOIi VK
Academy Season Begins Monday nnd
Lyceum a Vcek Later.
The opening elate of the Lyceum
theater iinri of the Academy of Music
have been fixed upon, The Lyceum
will open on Monday nlRht, September
2, with Heme's always popular "Shore
Acips," The Academy of Music will
open npt Monday nlRht with the
Mabel PhIro company, which will pip
sent a merles of plays, commencing
with "The Little Cociuette."
Hoth houses have been elaborately
decorated and equipped with new
BtaRo nettings and scenery, and should
have prosperous seasons. They will
both bo under the management of
Anthony J. Duffy.
Services Were Held nt St. Peter's
Cathodral Yesterday.
Tho funeral of the Into Anthony
Judge was held jestprday morning and
wns hugely attended hy filcntlM nf
the deceased. A solemn high ninna ot
requiem was celelirateel at St. Peter's
cathedral and interment was made In
the Cathedral cemetery.
The nflicers of the mass ivpip:, VJpv.
Father O'Hyrne, celebrant: llev.
Kather Tlerney, denron; Hew Kather
O'ltellly, Mih-tleacon.
Tho pnllbearers weie: Patrick La
vellej Win, Mctlrath, Joseph Caw ley,
Patrlek Taylor, Michael Carden and
James B. AValsJi,
Bunk nnd Call Men to Make Request
of Railway Company.
The bunk nnd call men nf the (Ire
dep.utment held a special meeting last
night In the club rooms of the Plie
tnen'H rtellef association for the pur
pose of appointing a commit tee to wait
on the olllclnls of the Seranton Hall
way company to secure, If possible,
pet mission to title fieo on the com
pany's ears while lespondlng to alarms
Xot a sulllclent number showed up
last night nnd the meeting was tmst
poneri until next Tuesday night.
Accident Which Occurred to Mrs.
Honeywell at Ransom.
A rattlesnake bit Mrs. fieorge
Honeywell, of Newark, X. J., In th
foot 11 few clas ago, and she Is now
sctlnuslv 111 as n consequence.
Mrs, Honeywell Is the guest of her
brother-in-law, Levi Halfe, at Hnn
sorn. It was while she was out plek
lng blat'kberrles that the loptlle at
tacked her.
Willi nn Vilpitruk wn arnlenrd before Macis
istrite Vlillir jeslrrdiv in. unlnc. Ciaiced wlih
assault mil battirv liv bis wift He was held in
wt bonds to keep tiie petto
Phillip llollen wis inesled vesterdar at the
iti-a into nf his wlfi, who iliaicv lilm with non
support He will be civen 1 heannir before
Muilstnte Vpll ir on Ihurvliv
nifinis Vluiphv wis 1 eld in "i01 bail liv Vhj
Istrate Villi ir Joseph Kellv clnrcoie him with
tlie Iirrrnv ot 1 mit and vest and two pounds
of tei
O V Mtkenm ind Vlfred lowry were ar
rilcned lefore Micl-trate Millar vestrrdav,
chirced with bnrclny b Joseph Dalev, who.e
bouse wis entered on Vlontlav nlteht Tlie hear
ins wis loiitinuid until 'lliursdiv mcht.
Pjeriil to the sUnntnn Tribune.
Aug. l'. Traflle on this branch of
Lehigh Valley was badly Irregular
yestetday. No trains nrilved east at
nil on account of a heavy washout In
the Vnsbui'g tunnel near Tunkluuiiiock
The fsatuttlay night pa-senger tialns
were 11111 over the State Line ci Sul
livan brain h.
The r.ehlgh Valley will run a H
ecuison to Hagles Meie next Satili
day. Mat tin Bow en, a fanner of Towanda
township, is sufCeiing seveiely from
Inlurles lecelvetl hv being tun over
by a heavv load of stone
M. H. Longaeie, a demented man
of Camden, N. J, who jumped front
the window ot nn epie-,s train a few
days ago, died fiom the effects of his
Injuries nt the Packer hospital.
Act 01 ding to the annual report of
Countv Siipeilntonrient Putnam, the
following N given Number of school
iirmses. ": seating capacity, 17..7W;
nimiber of schools, .loo, giaded schools,
1C1; male teachers employed, "11: es
timated number of children between
the ages o six and sKteen yeats not
in school, im.
A tlsh hawk measuilng seven feet
was shot and killed when attempting
to cany off a dog nt Waveily a few
da s ngo
A latgp attendance enjoyed the fif
teenth annual convention of the Uiari
foid district Patilotlc Sons of Ameri
ca nt Hast Rmlthlleld last week. The
next meeting will be held at Alba In
August. 1W-' The new- ofTlcers are:
Piesldent. AV. P.. But roll, Sylvnnla:
vlte-picsldent. B H. Pittlnger. Foot of
Plane: master of forms, H. V. Ctav
ton, Troy, lecoidlng seciotary, H. C.
Spencei, Oiovei; seciotary,
G. L. Palmer, Canton; tieasitrer, K. O.
Campbell, .Smlthflpld, conductor, N. A.
Biutxman, Towanda.
A notable event occuried In Towan
da l.ivt Wednesday, In which four gen Ions wei" piet-ent at a family le
unlon held nt the home of Mr. nnd
Mis. B. 51. AVelles. The members
piescnt to etijoy the festivities were:
Mr. and Mis. Rnyinnnri M. Welles,
Mr. nnd Mis. Charles P. Welles anil
children, Mis. S. J Little of Athens,
H. Florence. Amelia p. nnd Mary S.
Welles of Towanda: Stanley J. Lit
tle and Stanley J. Little. Jr, of Ath
ens, Mr. nnd Mis. V, B. Welles and
rhlldien, Paul, Anna, Carlotta and
Bobert of Tarls, Frame; Mr. and Mrs,
K. M. Welle.H nnd children, H. M. Wei
les, jr, Gillette, BllabPth M. and Ma
jorle of Addison, N.Y.; Mrs. George
P. Bat ton nnd children Amelia P.,
Baymond W., and William of Chicago;
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T, Welles of
An Blmlra coriespondent states
that It leally begins to look as If Bl
mini would In the future be ronnected
by tmlley with Towanda tin the south
and Cornliifr on the west As Is gener
ally known, n p-nty of Blmlrans have
alieady secured an option on the
Coining cl Painted Post lailroari,
which they Intend to extend to F.1
mil a, utiri the mad In now bonded for
lun.OOO, nlthough live times that am
ount Is icitilred. The salo of bonds
was slow owing to the fear of western
capitalists who veto to Invest In tho
scheme that the ralltnad commission
ers of New Yoik state would not allow
the Incieaso In hondlng. This ritlll
culty Is now adjusted, and It Is bellev
ed tho opinion will show them that nn
Incie.iriO will bo given.
It. A. Mercur Is attending a meeting
of the American Bit asmclatlon nt
iienver, i'i i
All the Local Camps Will Be Rep
resentedJohn W. Benjamin a
Candidate for State Conductor.
Tills Is the Fortieth Year of the
Order and It Has 70,000 Members
in Pennsylvania Hnrrlsburijr Is
Making Elaborate Preparations for
the Event.
The thirty-sixth annual session of
tho Pennsylvania state camp, Patriot
ic Order Sons of America, will be held
In Harilshurg, beginning Tuesdny,
Aug. 21, and continuing three days.
Thp following state and district offi
cers and delegates, representing Lick
nvvnnna county, will leave on the Dela
ware and Hudson twin at 1.28 p. 111.,
going via Wllkes-Bairc, where they
will Join the, Luzerno delegation. They
will leave Wllkeii-Barre at 3 p. m,
nn a especial car via the? Pennsylvania
l'at State President- t J Colhorn
Mate llulldlna: Trustee -Hrnry r Koohlcr.
Slate lnsiertnr Tolm W Itrnjamln
J astern District -Henrr O. Hoffman.
W re-tern District-Harry ( llradshiw.
1)1 1,1 (1 V n -.
Camp No "I T. II laekson
Cimp No IT .1 Kilwln Davis.
Tamp No 17". -W alter W llrhrln-.
Camp No 177 Peter Shoner.
( amp Nn. ITP Kvan I lonra
Tamp No Cfio I II Colvln ind .1. X. Stack.
Camp No, 2lt Thomas n altera
("imp Vo I12-W. A St. John, "S N Itoberta
(iint No 3CI -Jasper T' Webster
Camp No Ol i'rrelrrick Dieslng, Peter W.
Cimp Vo (li tlenrtre (5 Moore,
Camp No 72 n W. Capwell.
(tin No ,',! W I, lones
Camp No -27(1 V fl Wlliima.
Camp No .cuS W I. Finery.
Camp i 422 -II I, Krev
Camp No 'ess .latnra Vliner,
('imp No Ml K Shatfei
The Lackawanna delegation will
have hcadeiuaiters at Grand Hotel.
John W, Benjamin Is a candidate for
state conductor and will have the solid
suppoit of the Lackawanna delega
tion and many ethers from North
eastern Pennsylvania.
This Is the flftv-fourth year of the
order and It has .1 membership In
Pennsylvania of 70,000. The conven
tion will be one of the laigest In Its
histoiy. It is expected. Hairlshurg Is
making elaboiate arrangements for
the entcttalnment of the visitors, and
Judging fiom the programme of prin
cipal events they wUl have a very
enjoyable time.
The sessions w ill be held In the
board of trade building nnd the state
heatlnuai tots will also be theie.
Monday will be given over to the re
ception of state officers nnd delegates.
Tuesday, at 10 a. m the formal open
ing of the convention will take place.
At S p. m. there will be the annual
oratorical contest. The convention
sessions will be continued Wednesday
mninlng and aftctnoon, and In the
evening nt T.30 o'clock there will be
an exhibition by the Harrisburg fire
department, to be folowed by a recep
tion, to be given by Governor Stone at
the executive mansion.
At 1.30 p. 111.. Thursday, will occur
the state patarie, which will b re
viewed by Governor Stone. A band
concert, In the evening, at Beservolr
park, will conclude the entcttalnment.
Fpct lal to the Seranton Tribune
Sprlngville, Aug. 20. Mrs. Alma
Baid, of toryvllle, visited T. V.
Strickland and wife week
The lalns of the week were un
usually oeveie, and mnny roadi are so
badly washed that travel had to be
tianiitViied to the Heidi.
Mrt. T. V. Kellogg entei tallied a sis
ter from Dalton last week.
Bust Saturday the first game of ball
wan played on the new diamond be
tween Aubuin nnd Spi Ingvlllo tenmi.
The score was largely in favor of the
home nine.
Htang & Whitney are opening up
what piomlses to be as Hue a flag
quatry as theie W In this section.
A good quality of stone has already
been taken out nnd ssild. It Is located
on the farm of Ftank Muzzy, Just up
on the edge of Dlmock tow nshlp.
F. B. Williams, nf Clark's .Summit,
was up on a visit to his father, Henry
Williams, on Satin day.
Company t 203d P. V., will meet at
Bake Cney Thursday, September S,
for their thlid annunl teunoln. Seran
ton comrades will pica take notice
nnd net accordingly.
The big band fair that Is to be given
by the Citizens' band will be held In
Blakeslee's grove on Friday, Septem
ber ID. Theie will be two balloon as
censions, one at 11 o'clock a m. and
the other, which Is to be attended by
lltevvorks, will be at 8 o'clock p. m
There will he dancing throughout the
day and evening to the music of a
good orchestra. Theie wfill nlsio be
two ball games, one In the forenoon
nnd the other In the nfternoon, for
the championship of Susquehanna ami
Wyoming counties. Lots of other at
tractions will be presented. Dinner
will be served on the grounds. A good
place has been provided to hitch
Potatoes wete thought to be a fail
uie before the late rains, but now
they arc coming along and give prom
ise of h good yield. Corn nver looked
better than now, while buckwheat Is
Just doing Its level best.
A O, Hendeishot and wife aie visit
ing lelatlves at Berkshlie, N. V. They
will leturn home the fore part of this
Stuart Blley went down to Scrnnton
last week and Rolel his team of chest-
nut toad horses They are a fine
team and the owner will no doubt be
pleaded with th-in
MrR, Mollle Brundage, who Is visit
Ing her mother, Mis. Bucy Wakelee,
went over to Olbson last week to at
tend the Brundage family reunion.
She returned here the last of the week.
Over on fJeorge Lake's farm there
recently i-rood an aunrinned house
nnd ainuiid It was a lot of weeds and
other tuhhlsh, which was set on tlie.
After It hud been smouldering two or
thioe tlajs the old bouse was discov
ered to be on tire. No effort was marie
to put It out, as It was worthier Rev
eial coiiIh of ilreuoori near It weie
saved with dllllculty.
Prompt dellvety In hot weather does
much to keep a person cool, Order our
Ice cream at Hanley'M-'O Spiuce btieet,
I.lederkraiu excursion to Lake In
dite. Monday, August 26.
tcr than silver, as for that, we are hot prepared to say; we have
not had it long enough, but we do know that it Is beautiful, It
comes in a variety ot useful as
large Punch Bowl with embossed birds around the sides and a
wild boar for a cover knob. Is particularly nice for a side-board
cover piece. A stately Art Navieu flower vase for the table and
a variety of odd conceits.
Geo. V. Millar &
The Celebrated Elastic Felt Mattress made by The Scrnnton Bed
dlnp Company. We make and sell all kinds of mattresses, pillows,
box divans, cushions. We carry large stock of fine BrflSS and Iron
Beds, the best madcWhltcomb and Bernstlcn.
Upholstery. -Wc do the best in town. Let us fix up your furni
ture now, while you aren't using it
Lackawanna and Adams Both 'Phones
Gloomy Picture Diawn by Glad
stone's One-time Secretary.
Frrm an Article liy Ociirp' W I! Russell
Smait people In London genernllv go
away from Saturday till Monday, nnd
In the country houes wheru they
ispend their "week-ends," Sunday Is
completely secularized. The keener
splilts plav bridge In the gniden and
In the evening blltlaids and cards have
effectually displaced those Ivoiy let-tei-s
which were the extieme limit of
tho gaety permitted by our fatheis.
For setvunts, on the other hnnd, Sun
day Is a, eluy of unending labor. Old
fashlnnori people used to have cold din
ner on Sunday, In order to diminish
tho piemuie on the kitchen, or, If
natuie revolted against that leglmen,
the hot meal whh cut down to its
smnlles-t dimensions. Todny whatever
of Sunday Is not occupied with exer
else. Is given to tneaN. The early cup
of tea, not without nccompaniment.s, Is
followed by a breakfast which In
quantity nnd quality ref-omblcs a din
ner ancl Is served any time from 10 to
1J. A gootl many people breakfast In
their own looms and "elo themselves,"
nsj the phrase Is, uncommonly well
there. Luncheon has long been a din
ner, excepting only soup. The menu
Is prlnteel In white and gold, and eof
feo nnd llquora nie prolonged till with
in measurable distance of tea. Tea Is
tea anel a gteat deal besides cakes,
sandwiches, potted meat, poached
oggp and I have seen, in its season, a
bleeding woodcock. A little Jaded by
these gastionomlcnl exeitions, aid on
ly partltill.v recruited by lt cm few
game of tennis, society puts off its
tllnnoir till ', and then sits down with
nn apetitt which has gained keene-s b
dela.v. Blinks of all descriptions cir
culate In the snicking 100m nnd the
billiard loom, nnd Monday looming is.
well advanced before the last seivant
gets to bed.
Chinch going Is of couise a depait
menit of the obsei vanco, of Sunday,
ancl it has pretty nearly gone with the
rest Tho leaeleis of fashion, as far as
I can observe, do not go to chuiih
at nil Hither the "think It all so
.Illy," as the wife of a statesman Mild
to the Auhbl-hop of Canteibuiy nbout
the seivlce in chapel which piecccds
dinner at Lambeth Palace, 01 thev are
too much fatigued b.v the social Inborn
ot the pieeeedlng week, or they wnnt
to look thiotigti theli house-keeping
hooka or their betting books, or tbe
can't spare the time from bridge It
Is currently said that some .ety great
ladles, wNhlng to combine their own
freedom with a pioper example to tho
lower oiriers, always cany praer
books vvheh they walk In tlie p.nk be
fore limthcon on Sunday. It looks
well antl It Imposes no buielen.
But though the leadcis of society
have thus complete!) delivered them
selves fiom the tyinnny of clmich
gnlng. the led still c.nry some links
of tho bioken chain. Veiy smait wo
men can snuggle to an 11.30 service
where the music Is good anil the pei
formanco doesi not last mote than an
hour, and1 the reign of the popular
preacher Is not jet quite at (in end.
But It chiea not do for th preacher to
strain his authoilty An Incumbent of
a proprietniy chapel In Mafali ven
tured to ask a single woman who was
tho richest member of his congrega
tion whether she could not manage
with fewer than three footmen under
her butler and give the cost of the- tils
carded John to a fund for the sick nnd
poor Disdaining to submit to ptlest
craft In any form the good woman "re
moved her hnsMicV' n"d discontinued
her subscriptions. The Incumbent, no
longer able to meet the expensfs of the
chapel, vuas foiced to resign and is
now meditating on the elangeious con
ss'quencea of allowing religion to In
ailo the sphere of pilvate life
35th National Encampment G. A. R.,
Cleveland, Ohlo,September 10th to
14th Inclusive.
For the abovp occasion ticket agents
of the Lackawanna railroad will sell
special lound trip tickets to Cleveland
and 1 etui n nt one way fare for the
round tilp, tickets to be on sale good
going September 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th nnd
12th, and for return up to and Including
September l&th, except by depositing
tickets with Joint agent nt Cleveland
on or before noon of September 15, re
turn limit till be extended to leave
Cleveland not later than October 6th
on payment of 60 cents extra. Stop off
at Buffa'lo will be permitted on the re
turn trip by depositing tickets with
Joint agent nt that point nnd payment
of one dollar, piovlded the same Is
used within the flnnl return limit. Chil
dren between the ages of B anil 12 one
half of the nbovt) tate
Special Low Fares to Cleveland, Ohio,
via the LehlRli Valley Ralhoad,
Account G. A. R. Nntlonnl En
campment. "Mcketa on sale September Mh to 12th
Incluslvje. Commit Lehigh Valley tic
ket aguMts Urn particulars.
It's new. They claim it is bet-
well as ornamental objects. A
Co. 1 H!5 A:""B
It is now time to
put your wintercloth
ing and bedding and
ydu need something
that will keep away
There is nothing
better for this pur
pose than the Cedar
Chests that are car
ried in all sizes by
121 Washington Avenue.
By a recent act of the legisla
ture, free tuition Is now granted
nt the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa. ,
to all those preparing to teach.
This school maintains routes
of study for tcacheis, for those
prepailng for college, and for
those studying music.
It will pjv to rlt tor pvrtlctilars.
No oilier silinol oflrrs wh bUinrlor ad
wntages at tuih loir utcs .Vddresi
J. P. Welsh, A.M.,Ph.D.,PrIn.
Wissahickon Heights, Chestnut Hill. Pa.
t.A.f-Hifr irhnAl fnr ho-. in the elevated
and beautiful open coutitr north of rhlln
delphia, 30 minutes from Itroad -St. Station
JAMES L. PATTERSON, llead.Master.
The Pemis)lvaniti State College
Kn examination nt canJiilitrs for imUson vclll
hf held at the HikIi nhool, Wsdajr Augud, J,,
lint. bfRinnlnc at 0 m
Dr vt 1 vacloith, tor tevcral jrjra Jhrw
tor ot the HouRhten iMiclilsam CnHree rt
Mine, lias aerriitnt an appointment at Head ot
the Vllnlnif Department
1 ho tall Soavlon opens September 11, 1101
For catalogue, ttmttii ot former examina
tion papers, or other Infoimatlon, aildreu
BIT RI-OIVIHVR, State College. P.
Tuition Absolutely Free.
Cr-nr "' "" ""' sii,iitlhiirf Slate Normal
I I CC N in i jh trims opens Scpl,. fi, pxll.
Hie flovrinor lias l;ntl lln lilH (jiantintr i
Mirthl appropriation to Ihii mricnl, 'veil M
the bill maUn tuition flic. Im full particular
Binghamton Private Training Schoo
for nervous, Dick card and Deal Mute Chil
dren Manual lialnlne, Phtalial Culture,
veertlevtork, Musk, Klndercailen, Attlcula
tlon. Open )ear sound Circular Prlcea ""
moderate. 8 A UOOMTTLE,
2 t'alnlcw Avenue.