The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 21, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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' Delaware and Hudson Railroad.
I June , 1M1
Tralna will leave Carbondale it city nation
Fnr scranton and W liken lUrres 6K,'7W, SPA
0O1, 10 01. 1121 a m . 1J4. 1. 21. 3 "
6fl. 7f, 1001, 10S1 p m ...
Sundiv trilni leave tt SM, It 21 m i 1 18.
4 4fl. A in, s no p m ... ,,.
Lfer Alhim, Saratoga Uontreil. ilnrton. w
Ireland point, etc , 7 C a in , 4 n p m
Ir taVp lodore Mm mart mil ilonesdue,
112. 110,1 a m . Ill, rh r m
Sunday traln leave for Lake Lodore, IWtniatt
nil Wne'dile at a 10 i m . 1 30. 4 11 P m
Train arrive at Cirhondil' from ul,",n",rt
and Scranton a fete' M. S 17. tew. 1" V)
tn . 12 17, 2 OH 1 21, 4 .', 6 (V, 7 04, & 54, 0 41,
II 17 p m s 1 H a m . ,
Sindav train arrhe at 9 17 a m . 12 W. 32i'
4S 20, i so p m ,. ...
Tralna arrive dalh from llbiny at .141 nl
Hip -n jit." fin titndat nt 2 10 p m
Trains arrive trom ltoneidile and Uavmart
dally Jit S l n m,, 11 41. 4 in. (1 47 p tn
Sunday train" arrive at Carbondale from I.'jJ
lodore IWjmart and llonemlile at 111.. 4 10
and 781 p m
New York, Ontario nnd Western
.Tune 21. 1001
Train lea farhondjle (or Scrantnn at 7 00,
10 01 a m 4 00 p m
Sundiy Train it ;mi in, UMp i" . ,
Train Imp Catbendile for points north at
11 10 i m , 4 41 p m On undiv t 0 10 a rn
Trsir leaving at 11 10 a m week dns and P 1"
m sundiy mike connections lor New lork,
Cormiall ire
Train arrive from eranton it It 10 a m . 4 14
141 p m, from points north 10 00 i m . 4 00
p m Sundava from iranton at 0 10 a. m and
' 41 p m , from Cadosli at d o, p m
... i,
Erie Railroad.
June 21, 1101
Trains leave eltv nation, Cirhondalc, dillv
(except SimdaO at " 00 a m. nd 4 11 p tn for
flrandt and S'lnoveh, at 0 n a m , diilv (ox
reptine nndiu for ntnehimton makine in
nretlona. for Vpm lork clt) and Buffalo, and at
0 10pm for uviuehanni, making connection
for vsesfem points
Siindav train at 0 11 a nt for Suvyiehanna,
with ucitern connection, and bi7 p in , with
Mm. connection
Train arrive at 11 a m and 5 4J p in.
Sunday, at s M m
To Lake Lodore,
Proration rf Chivalry Mill Pe lonfrrrcd
The Park Board to Take Up the
Controversy Over the Painting of
the Park Fountain by Non-Union
labor, but What Action They
Will Take Is Purely Speculative.
Developments of n Day.
The trouble over the painting of th
fountain In Memorial p-uk by non
union Moikmen Ins become a leilt
abl tempest In a tfMpnt
The arouer lie of the Central Libor
unlrn, or at lea,t, some of the mem
bers, and the steps thev lne taken
to bring about the repnlnlliiK of tin
modest llsure on the tnuutnlu, are the
absorhlns: topic these ilais. nnd nil
sorts of speculation Is IndnlReil In as
to the probable outcome of the ton
trovcrs YestenHj Mr llertop, nf the com
mittee, tlnlMied his cani.iss anions the
merchants tn secure their signatures
to the petition askltiR the pirk ioiii
mlssloners to order a it painting of the
fountain and the tKtures about the
park that were decorated bv workmen
outside of united labors tanks All
of the merchants were lsited, but a
number neie either out of the cltv or
not at their places of business ihen
Mr. Memos called
The names attaihod to the petition
are as follows Mcf'nnn Tlios Kd
nard Healey, New Yoik, Philadelphia
and rorfslKnment companj, James
PldRfon, .! r McUomld, Eienlng
Leader. Edward r.orman, John Po H.
J Kllhttllen, J T MeXnltv Aug Xles.
sen, James (-otiRhlln. W. J Rr.inn.
Abe Sahm, Henty Sahtn, Nicola Me
did, Louis Oardella, J J Nelll, w. n
McGraiv. D D P Ci T Coffer, I). O ,
Bryce n. Rlalr, Doughertv & Martin,
Joseph He Kee. Henry Collins, John
Mannlon, Thomas J Mnmghin, J n.
Tteese. J "VV Rnrrett, William V. Lot
tus, J F Ilurke, T A. Walker, J ft
McTlKhe. P L Neary. A J. Harrett. .1
M Cohen, Van Reck Hros , I). M. c.rlf
nths, William O Mown, L H. Heh
kap J C Ileal, Hran Hutke, W J
McGrannaghan, John A Ltinnv, Julius
Moses. R II Tralles, Oenrge W Reny,
Coogan Bros, Roll & Rrown, Aliord
& Male. Frank K. Dennis. W Rnrr re
Pnn R J Rurke, W O Rowers, p.
Swam, Joseph II Herbert, Roberts &
Reynolds. P J Mannlon. Is-aac Singer,
O S T'tlev, John Oubert, A. S. Lews
lev r W Humphre A H Letts,
Mitchell & Bailey. K W Mlsen, J R
Shannon & Co, j w. Dlmock, n a
Kelly, J. E Morgan, J. V Heck. Su.
llvan & Regan S A Wllllims, Rate
man Grady. R r Williams & Son.
Codrtlngton & Thompson. J P A
Tlngley. Thomas K Campbell. John
Edwards. T J Mulholland. Timothy
JfoGownn, Peter Flynn.
I lT.etpd-iy afternoon, Mr. Hertog
nnd other members of the Centtal
,Laljor union committee called on Jos.
;eph M. Alexander, one of the piik
;commtssloncrs, and by choice of the
boird,, superintendent of the park, n
r.2filtlori lUlJch 1)9 has filled, with sal
ary, for more than fifteen jears.
It ,wag M,r. Alexander who dliect
d the painting of the fountain, as has
bean the custom for jears, so It was to
blm that the petition was chiefly di
rected. Mr Alexander cordially je
;efrj the committee, and after lead
;ng the petition nnd noting the flgna
tures, he Informed his audience that
je did, pot Intend to jecede from, his
position, unless he was so specifically
ilrected by the park commissioners
Mr Alexander, who can alwajs ilalm
vedlt for his uniform finnkness, did
not make this occasion an exieptlnn,
and Helhlnntly Informed the commit
tee that In his opinion the action of
the Central Labor union was "baby
ih." Jle reiterated his refusal to or
der a re-palntlng of the fountain and
fixtures by union hands, eien though
en ilia ma!ler altar mine MUn'a Foot Ka a
!fl4fto 1 alultii Into th ho. jt p,
tfsM or nfw hM feci faav, tit Imtant rcllf
to coma and huninna If the grratut fomfor
rlinrr ftf th ? Ourca and prtvmu nvx.!
Il(, bllatfra. eallou an I rr inot Allan'.
Fnit Eu (a certain cur for iatlnir hot
ch1n ft. At all druu1ti and tra Itofti'
. Tril pck;c FRPh by mail. AddrtM 1 11
U B.'01mitttf, U Itoy, .V. V. "aa', i-
Carbondale Department,
the unions pay for the work, ns it nas
siiRgested, unless, honeitr, the paik
board order the same In legulat form
Mr, Alexander, however, paie the vis
itors this satisfaction, that tho paik
i ommlMoners would llkelv meet to
consider tho petition and If they
would, the libor unions' representa
tive? would be so Informed
Respecting this, The Tribune Is In
formed enough to my, that It Is more
than likely that the pntk board, with
the exception of Major Kllpatrlck, who
Is nt Atlantic City, will hold an earlv
meeting. What action tho board will
take howeier, Is purely speculative.
No prediction can be based on the
ptesent Indications, for It Is on open
secret that there Is some dlilon of
opinion nmong the commissioner as
to the expertlenej of ordeilng n to
pilntlnp Mr. Alexander has stated
his position, which, conceding his
promises, no one will queMlon that he
will alter it Thtn It Is the belief,
bised on opinions that hale been ex
ptesed since the opening nf the con
troetv, that not all of the members
of the boird would favor a re-pilntlng
now that the work has been done
Whntfier opposition there may be
among the boaid to a re-palntlng, It
Is not founded on n dlshellef In organ
ized labor, but rather tint It would be
les prudent nnd dignified than If the
lexlng questions were disposed of by
meielv paselng a resolution that here
after no work be done about the pniks
unless cinled out by tecognlzed union
Whateier mav be the outcome. It Is
the earnest; wlfih of the promoters of
the semi-centennial celebration that
the regrettable Incident be brought tn
a speedy close One of the cone
quenecs of the contioersy Is the sus
pension of most of the Jubilee plans,
particularly the work of det orating
The decoiators ate In town lendy to
carry out their pi ui, bfit the fear
tint possibly the celebration might be
Interfered with by reason of the
threatened nrtlnn nf the l.ibnr tnilnne
matters wcie sort of slowed up until
tne pmspnt nf safe traveling would
become a bit brighter.
Theie scenic tn be a mlsappiphen
slon of the facts tint led up to the
pilntlng of the fountain by Flank fc
ns, at the direction of Mr Alexan
der The fitory that one hens every
qtnrter of the town Is that Mi Alex
ander acted dlrectlv agiinst the wl'hes
of the board and gave the oh to n
non-union firm when It was the sense
of the board that union p timers be
given the woik Among the facts
gathered bv The Tribune man es
teidiy was that the board did not
put Itself on record in the matter of
painting Refeience to the minutes of
the suretnrv of the boaid hnws that
there was tm aitlon taken about ptlnt
Theie vmi some dlcuson, however,
relative to painting Mi Alexandi r
announced tint theie would be no
painting this ve.u, nnd dining the
ill-., iit,in it was. pointed out to Mi
Alexander to be cautious and not give
"lit park work in a wav that would
Injun his business This sunrvtlnil
was rulldl forth bv Mi Alexnuder 1. 11
Ing of ciitaln action that the labor
unions took ngdliiM him, pnMimnhlv
beiaiiM- of his Inving cmplojtd Fiank
A. Miiis Theie was nothing done with
lefuence to thr jialntlng unUl some
w.eks ago nnd a louple of months
arter the meeting In Apt II when Maj
or Kllpitilik suKgeted to Mi Alt'x
nnder that It would be wtll to have
the p-uk fountain biightenrd with
paint ioIois for the semi-centennial
cdff)raton Mr Alexander njs-. he
aniulesftd, and, ns diMoiinrv with
him, he gavt the work tn Mr Frank,
ivlin has done all of the p.nk painting
for ovei a do7en .veats-. This covei
all of the circumstance.- of the woik,
so fir as the teconls show
Mr Alexinder afhrnis thnt he has
no opposition tn mganbed laboi, and
the only circumstances that led him to
give the work to Fiank , Min. wcro
that this tlrm has alwavs done the
park wotk long belore the laboi union
agitation, and that he wa the heai
lest taxpajer among the painters of
the town.
Challenges Pour Into Crescent's
Manaper from All Sides, Duo to
Success of Carbondnle Team.
The nnnagi'ment of our doughtv
Crescent bi.( ball team Is receiving
many challenges nowadajs from or
gnnl7itlous jealous of the Carbondalo
team's continuous suet ess this sea
son Among the number aio offers
finin Poit .leivls, Honesdale, Si ranton,
Wilkcs-Bnrre, Susquehatina and Pitts
ton As the members of our local
team are Industrious jouths. who nie
merely In the game for pleasuie for
themselves and fi lends, they do not
ate to nnke any extendi d trips, but
ptefer to pla at home. Howevei, th.?
bns have agreed to go to Sctanton on
Saturday afternoon and pi ly tho
strong seml-piofeslsonal team of that
The team will leavn via the U3 p,
in ttnln.
Their final ilne-up has not been de
cided upon, but It Is understood tint
Hessllng and Tracy will be n the
points, supported by that bunch of
hatd hltteis. Murray, Eiumett, Hni
rls. Cuff, Harte, Hull, Hodglns, Ro
land nnd Loftus. Thej Intend to muko
Southard's bunch hustle.
This afternoon, the entire team will
assemble at Alumni paik foi piattice.
It Is hoped some sttnng city team will
give them a piaetlce game
On Sunday the game will commence
promptly at .1 p in, versus either
Scinnton or Auhbald.
Odd Fellows Day.
Friday mxt, Odd Fellows' d ly at
Lake Lodore, will be a memorable day
In the history of the ordei hereabouts.
The degiee of chlvalrj will be ton
fened on a class of h half hundred by
the state officers This imposing ceie
mony took place last at Farvlew four
ears ago, when It was witnessed by
n great throng of people nnd was the.
subject of illseusslon for weeks after
wards, t-o Interesting and Impressive
was It
Olive Leaf lodge will conduct the ex
cursion on Friday and the members
have amply provided for the caro and
entertainment nf the expected hun
dreds of excursionists. Caterer
jRmes Gorman will supply his best,
and the Mozarts will play the:ir best.
Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Letter From John D, Ncnlon Refut
ing Charges in Sundny Paper.
The nppfnrance of an article In
the Carbondalo correspondence of the
Flmiin Telegram In which Superln
tendtnt Thomas O. Coughlln, of thn
Lackawanna Valley Electric Light
coinpanv, was referred to ns a "lobby
ist, " has tailed forth the following re
ply nnd defense from John D. Nealon.
The letter leads;
To The Tribune:
Thoma CI Couplilln, whoje name ru bem
brought tn tinplrantl) and unjiutlv bfforr ih
pioplotf thla rltj nnd Mllcy, In the Htnlri role
crim corioporilrnre Ninday, elurftlnir him with
Iflnir 1 lohMM In the interest of tho tatka
wanni Vallej licit and Poer tompanv, llie
tompinj with vvlilrh be I o rnminentlt con
nerted, ird which p"ltion he k honorahlj
earned br strict honel, ohrlety and recea;
nl'cil abllltv, la l Gentleman and mont deer
inn illlren lie lelesrim etorj I a wholenlc
fibilrittoti, li.plrd for the eole J urpo ol pit
tins a blight en the reputation nf one el our
rlllrens whoe name it I a pleiuie to jppak of,
and who hi the unliersal re.pect and esteem of
the pe, pic nf this; rlti, iegardle of creed, race
or pnlitle On eerv hand when the papei n
renl Sunday the leil of condemnation wa pit
firth icin t mch a onwirrtb attirk In an out
1 1 town paper Mr (oinihhii not oulv noi
thi irdent repert of hi own pvrti In pollMo.
but tie people of Cirhondale are at hi erure
for nnj offlic lie mij ileslie from maor to asea
The name he so ablv earned for being citlicn
whn eland up tnlght in the reo.ulremi.nts
which, nuke a person evrmplar.i in the etlmi
lion of hi, frllnw men will be ilmilib cherisl ed
on account of Hk treieherous wn the "sang"
undertook tn stab him In the back bi confounj
imr his name with the light contract artiile
111 name 1 onb known In this citv tor rlfcri.
nl for being foiemost In eers enterprise for tho
I enrfit of his nilh- town mil her people He
hvs sprurg from full lrd w'd pmntage whos
honor i inner en be doubted or queetlonl
Wh.n rlnrces up tn flaxrsulls' puhllshed anlnst
i man of his stiu-iing for th" of throw
ing ien j sliadiw on his fair mint, seeking tn
under estimate his worth, and triing to laie him
on the lcel of ln down ciruptlonbts, it is
loiit linn that th" sentiments of eltlrens wbi
ltnw dllTerentli te h'sid Xlr Coughlln, like
tnns oth.r good iltlr'ns is not an of(V e seeker,
and would not aorcpt the best nlnees In the ill,
as I am in a position tn know they base bem
profler d him
In coimrsitlon with mini nf our forcmoit
rltiens tbei denounce the attack .1 an outrage
md a damnable pleie of business
lohn p X'eabn
James Gormnn Succeeds J. Gorman
& Co., nnd Changes Quarters After
Twenty-four Years' Occupation.
A noteworthy business change took
pace this week when James Got man,
a member of the firm, became the suc-
ceseoi of J. Gorman & Co, which has
been doing business under this name
for almost a quarter of a century.
Another change is the removal of
the stole fiom the coiner of Main
stieit and Seventh ai nue. where it
Ins bet n since the opening, to the next
stoie, whli h w,it formerly occupied
as a hirdware store bv J. J Collins
Heie, In remodeled and l climated quar
tets, Mi (Joiman will conduct a gen
eral slnle
'I he store on the coiner just vacited
will be occupied by A. V. heamans, of
the firm of Seannns Itros , who will
open a genoial housefurnlshlng stote
This by the wav, will be the flist of Its
character In the city
These ch inges will be quite a factor
in the business life of the lower section
nf the town, xv hit h Is showing signs of
an awakening
Scmi-Centennlnl Notes.
All Spinlsh-Amerlcan soldiers are
request! d to meet at semi-centennial
headquarters on Wednesday evening.
August 21, to make arrangements to
participate In the parade on Septem
ber 2 W. F Loftus
The following additional subscrip
tions to the jubilee fund aie acknowl
edged: Van llergen K Compmv J1 01
limes fuighlin 3 Oo
William Hriinig sou
fiiorge W Hue inn
I, Cramer 3 01
W fl stiphcii inn
.1 f! 'i nns ', It)
Mrs Wilkir 2 on
C It Horn t o'i
William I Ind'ai i.i
Wuten Ulis 100
( hlugo Mioe Minn 1 (XI
Rrbcrti v lleinobls 5 (VI
W It Vloon 5 no
h, r, Miikwlre i Oil
I) Hitiler loo
7 c ii.u jom
llrei nan V llotlan 1,01
f.eorge Herbert j oi
Pr II C Wheeler 5 0)
Dr Ilirper 5 no
fieorge W Keeiie 1(0
Mrs J V Klnbaek 1 i
II 1 lidln jo fs)
(' 11 Mmit 200
s I'. Human! .. j w
Hospital Notes.
Miss Maiv Howard, of 11(1 r-nmnn
street wis opeiated on at Emetgency
hospital a few dajs ago, after repeat
ed attacks of appendicitis The pa
tient was in a bad way when prepared
for the opeintlon. but her Imnrovenmnt
since has been greatly encounglng nnd
her inpld restoration to perfect health
is looKeq ror
Eatonlg chancn. a rtusslnn a
sent to the hospital yesterday as n
charge fiom the Mn field poor ills
tliit He Is SUfforlI13 from 11. set ere
nttack of pleurisy
Michael Barbour has beon at the
hojplial since Monday night He was
the Victim of a mine accident In the
Krlo shaft, a fall of rotk under which
lie and PS. McDonough were caiiftht
The latmr sustained a cut on the b.ick
of the neck, but Barbour was more
piunniiiv injured His Inck was badly
btulsed and he received a scalp wound
that extended mound the back of thn
head fiom ear to in Barbour's in
Juiles uto not dangerous
Chnpter of Accidents.
Frank Cllft, nf No 4 Hill, Is suffering
from a biokeu arm which he receiceii
leccnllv hy falling from a cherty tieo
near by his home.
A boy named Stanles fell from thn
westward bound Lake Lodoio excur
sion train Sunday evening near Rush-
wick lie Had been sitting on one of
the steps One leg was badly hurt.
K. H Oliver is spending a few days at
Atlantic City
Will F LnftUS snent Mnnrtnv even.
Ins In Scrantnn
B XV. Strongman. Of Honesdale tv.11
In town yesterday.
T. ,T. Kelly, of Scrantnn. Knout .
terdiy in Carbondale.
.Maurice Cllffoid, of John street, is
spending a few days at the run-American.
Miss Hattle Polk is the guest of Miss
Mertyl Perry at Scranton.
J. J, Burns, nf Blnghamton, nas At
the Harrison house yesterday.
Walter Loftus, the Scranton Truth
correspondent, is nt Atlantic. City.
John Burke leaves today for a ilslt
at the Pan-American exposition.
K. T Reese, of Scranton, was in
Carbondnle on business jesterdny.
Miss Laura McIIugh, of Scranton, la
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. Mc
Hugh. Henry Collins, of the executive board
of the United Mine Workers, is home
fiom Indianapolis.
Alderman S. S. Jones left yesterdny
for Harrlsbtirg. to attend the state Re
publican convention.
Fred C. Williams nnd Ira Orr, of
Scranton, were registered nt the Ameri
can house jesterdny,
Mlso Bertha Cole has returned to her
home In this city after a two weeks'
stay at Atlantic City.
William Manning, of the American
Temperaneo Insurance company, In
New York city. Is In town on business
Prof. George P Bible, of the Stronds
burg State Normal school, was a visitor
In Carbondale last evening. He nas
registered at the Harrison house.
Miss Lyle O'Neill, of Honesdale. and
Miss Frances O'Neill, of Philadelphia,
were guests of relatives In Carbondnle
jesterday A portion of the day was
spent at Crystal lake.
Mis? Lizzie Roche, C. D Winter ft
Co 'r bookkeeper, has returned from
her vacation at Atlantic City.
Dr M. J. Shields was In Scranton
Mrs. Richard Evans and two chil
dren have returned homr from a visit
to Way.T county frlr.s.
haac Davis, the well known shoe
salesman, of West Scranton, was clr
milling -mong the stoies here yes
terday. It"., nnd Mrs. C. E. Fessenden left
town vesurday on a vacation
The MayHeld borough council held a
speclil meeting Mondiv evening and
nwatded the contract for building the
culvert on Hill street to Michael Coss
man, whoo bid was $40, against J4T
bid by Mr. Bi.idy.
Hogarth's band will give an open
air conceit at Atchhild this evening
Mrs John Oteenslade, of Bcndham,
Is visiting here.
Mis David P. Lewis, Mrs. Jonas
Williams. Mis Joseph BoHnd. of Cnr
bondile, nnd Mrs. Theodore Heslnger,
of Cleveland, Ohio, were esterdav the
guests of Mrs. Henry Maynaid, of
Main street.
Ms.s Christie and Edith Mojer,
who have been spending the past
foi might with their sister, Mrs. Ar
thur Da j, of Cemetery street, have re
turned to their homo at Easton.
John O'Gara died at his home on
Third street Monday afternoon, after
a hilef Illness. Deccaied was born In
Arehbnld thirty-eight years ago and
Ins beqn t icsldent of this boiough
for over thirty jeais He was a nip
pie from his birth and was otherwise
ailllcted for a number of jeais. He
Is survived by his brother, James, and
a slstei. Mis. Patrick Dempse.v, both
of Jet m.v n. The funeial will take
place this moinlng a irqulem mass
will be celebrated in Sacied Heart
chinch, and inteiment will he made In
St Rove cemeterv, Cnibondale.
Mts M. j. Shields entertained a few
friends ?l her homo on Main street
Satin dny evening in honor of her
guest, Miss Roamond Smith, of
Washington, Ga.
W. H Menltt jesteidav shipped his
team of hoises p.d wagon to hummer
hlll, near Jnhn.stnwn, where he in
tends conducting the manufacture of
son drink"
Mis n p. Kiiby and Mrs. Frank
Vnnwort. nf Cheiry Ridge, Wajne
count, arc visiting at the home of
Mr and Mrs. Asa Kltb. the tormer's
fcon. at AVest Ml field.
Rnbeit Freaa and Ralph Wheeler
left list evening on a Hip to the
P.iii-Anieiican exposition
Gnbilel Hnll, Jack Wasloy and Jako
VanSlckle hnve leturned from Lake
Idlewlld, where they have been camp
ing. They hi ought home with them 11
large turtle, weighing thirty-nine
Mt. and Mrs. If. D. Swlck and two
daughters, Mary and Hilda. Miss Mar
giret Thompson and Miss Jessie Win
ter, attended the Northup family le
unlon at Glenburn last naturday.
The William Wnlkei Hose companv.
of Ma Held, will hold their annual ball
in Assembly hall, Jetmn, Sept. 17.
A large company assembled in the
Blakely Baptist chinch at 5 o'clock
jesterday afternoon to witness the
marrlnge nf Frederick White, of
Blakely. and Miss Oertmrfe F . rlnnirh.
ter of James Watklns. of Prlceburg. i
as the bridal p-uty enteietl the
church, Miss Carrie A. Ken on, pre
siding at the organ, plajed Men
delssohn's wfddlng rmrch Up the
north aisle wal'ted the gioom nnd the
bent man, his brother, William A
White, pieceded by the ushers. WIN
llim A. Wallace and Thomas Gilfrtths,
while at the south aisle came the
ushers. James T Symons and Rnbett
.1 Jones, followed by little Mildred
Norrls, of Dunmore. bearing on a sil
ver plate the wedding ilng. nnd the
bride, accompanied by the maid of
honor. Miss Isabella White, sister of
the gioom Arriving In position at the.
front of the pulpit platform, the cere
mony was perfouped by Rev. David
Spencer, D. D. At the close of the
ceremony, the wedding pirty rtrared
their steps out or the chinch to the
strains of the "Lohengrin" wedding
march. Mr and Mis. White are well
known and highly esteemed oung
people. This was the first wedding In
the new church edlllce, which was
piettlly decniated for the occasion
Mrs William Clark, of Green Pldge,
visited Vest Sid relatives vesterda.
Josephine, the jnungest daughter of
Mi and Mis. J. A Hull fell ou' of
tho second story window at her home.
In Blakely Monday afternoon and
broke her leg Dr. F. L. Van Sickle
Is attending her.
Mi. nnd Mis William Howells, of
Taylor, spent yeneiday in town
A largo number from heie attend d
the Biptlst Young People's union ei
rurslon to Glen Onoko yesterday.
Isaac D. Grlfllths. of Blakely, was onn
of tho delegates.
Miss Maggie A. Williams returned
yesterday from a week's vacation at
Lake Idlewllde
Mrs, J. F Caven nnd daughter, Miss
Fannie Caven, who have been the
guests of Mrs. John O'Malley, of Dun
more stieet, returned to their home nt
Lako George jesterday.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs
Mlchiel Walsh, of Dunmore street,
died yesterday morning, after a few
diys' Illness. The funeral will be held
this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment
will be made. In St. Patrick's cejne
tery, Mlsa Edith Evans is visiting the ex
position at Buffalo.
Mrs. S. E. Ackerly nnd daughters
have returned home, after spending a
few weeks with relatives In Justus.
Mrs.. George Douglas, of Blakely, Is
attending the Pan-American exposl
tlon. C. n. Tinker nnd W. J Coughlln,
esd , who have been the guests of C.
M. Hathaway, hnve returned to their
hemes in New Haven and Middletovvn.
The borough council met in special
session last evening. All members
were present excepting Mr. O'Holler
an. The most Important transaction
of the eienlng was the passage of the
sidewalk ordinance. At the last ses
sion of council the ordinance, nfter re
ceiving quite n scorching, was tabled
It was taken from the table last even
ing, nnd as soon as It was open for
discussion there were many citizens
present to oppose Its passage. Some
contended the ordinance was Incon
sistent with the present condition nf
the streets nnd others maintained that
the time specified In the ordinance
sixty days was too short. When tho
vote was taken, It was found thnt
seven were In favor of Its pissage,
while four opposed it,
Borough Attorney Lynch, in a com
munication, suggested that the finance
committee, In conjunction with the
borough attorney meet with the coun
sel for the pirtles issuing the recent
mandamus, and endeavor to effect a
settlement of the matter.
The bill of Stevenson ft Knight for
$100, for making a survey of the dif
ferent streets for the proposed side
walks, was ordered paid. Tho meet
ing adjourned to meet, if necessary,
at the call of the president.
The Amercan Protestant association
lodge. No. 113, will hold their fair
and festival In Weber's rink, Vept
16-11. There will be an abundance of
fancy articles, such as quilts, pillows,
cushions, etc The following are the
articles to be contested for and those
contesting: Parlor suite. Mrs Vaughn,
of Prlceburg, and Mrs. William Davis,
of South Scranton: contest for the
gold watch. Mrs Jenkins, of Provl
dence, nnd Miss Divls. of Tajlor: set
China dishes Mrs. Thomnei Voile, of
Old Forge, and Mrs. John Evans, Tay
lor. The funeral of Vlvlan.the lfi-months-old
child of Mr and Mrs Charles At
kins, of Stoirs street, took place f
terday afteinoon. Services were con
ducted at the house by Rev. Dr II H
Harris and inteiment was made in the
Washburn meet cemeterj-, West
This evening the banquet of the
Young Men's Christian association will
be held In Van Horn's hall on Main
street The committee In charge have
completed all details and have ar
ranged an excellent programme to be
rendered previous to tho spread.
A sweepstake shooting match will be
held at the Fairview hotel grounds
on Union street, on Satutday, Aug. 31.
at 10 30 a 111. Eleven birds per man,
distance. 21 j-atds rite: SO yards boun
dary Entrance fee. $8 75. There will
be .'00 birds on hand to shoot nt. All
6hooteis are Invited
Prof. .1 E. Watklns hac been ap
pointed director of the Anthiaclte Glee
sMub In their musical competition to
be rendered nt Lake Lodore, Labor
dav, and not Prof, D. E. Jones as was
mentioned In osterdayV Ksuc.
The conceit to, be given under the
auspice of Miss Sarah J. Price, elo
cutionist, at the Welsh Congregational
church on Tuesday, Aug. 27. promises
to be a treat to our townpeople With
such well known artists assisting as
Prof Harry Evans, a noteeli bailtone
of Wales, Miss Susan Havaid. of New
Castle, soprano In one of the leading
chiirchesi in Pittsburg, and Mr W. L
Jones tenor, of this town, .surely the
patrons will receive the worth of their
money A laige number of tickets
have been disposed of. Admission, 15
The joint exclusion of the Baptist
Young People's unions of Northeast
ern Pennsxlvanln ORterrlav tn ni.n
Onoko was accompanied by a number
or lajior people. The day was very
pleasantly spent
The Tnlor Lilacs and the Pittston
Orioles will ctoss bath on the school
house park grounds on satuidav.
Miss Lottie Bray, of Prlceburg, is
the guest of friends here.
Tnlor lodge, No. 4t2, Knights of
Pythias, will meet in tegular session
this evening.
Mr and Mrs E. J. Howells. of Phi.
cago, who have been siting Mr and
urs w 1, Howells, on Main street,
left yesterdav for the Pan.Ameiic.m
Mis. Thomas D, of Htdge
street. Is 111.
Miss Man- Van Buskirk Is snlnnrn.
ing at the Pan-American exposition.
Mr and Mis. Plough and son Daiirl
and diughters Ama, Mary and Hattle
of Brooklyn, N. Y , were the guests of
their daughter Mis. C D. Finn, over
Miss Skene nf New York is spending
a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W A. Dean.
Mr Olbert Browning of Iowa Is vis.
itlng his mother. Mrs. ps. M. Rovvand of
this pace
Mrs. John Livv of Pittston visited
at the home of Frank Colvln this week
A number of young people of this
place are camping at Lake Kewannee.
chiperoned hy Mrs. J. W Dershlmer.
Mrs. Fred Palmer has returned home
fiom a week's visit with Mrs. P. E,
Weithassa at Sjracuse.
Mis Black and daughter Mao of
Wllkes-Barre ars guests at the home
of F M Francis
Harvey Finn spent Monday at Clif
ford. Mrs. Frank Colvln and son Philip
spent Saturday at ractorvllle with
Mrs. Dr. Davidson, of Pittsburg. Pa ,
and Mrs. Martha Hunter of Ohio, nt
the home of Mrs. D. C. Proper.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Rnzell are entertaining
Mr Uozell's sister and nleco of Wilkes
Barre. Miss Ethel Cnrr Is on n trip to the
Pan -Ametlcan exposition and will
visit friends at Ithaca, N Y,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sherwood nnd Mrs.
Esther HI ike expect to no to the p.m.
Ametlcan exposition Wednesday
Mrs. h. i) Swartz and daughter
Helen are visiting Mrs. Swartz's sis
ter In New York city.
Mrs. W E Smith and famll ind
Mrs. Charles Benedict, of Scranton,
are camping at Lily lake.
Mrs James Smith who has been 111
Is Improving
Mlrs Dorjthy Rlnehart with fi lends
are camping nt a lake neai New Mil
ford Mrs. Mumford and daughter who
have been the guests of Mrs. Mahoney
returned to their home in New York-city.
At this season hun
dreds of different linos
of merchandise are
brought to the front
and reduced in price
f 0 r quick selling.
These broken assort
ments do not as a rule
get into our daily store
news. The exception
in this case applies to
two lots of
Silk Waists.
Lot No. 1.
Taffeta Silk Waists
in high colors. In the
lot you will find pink,
lavender, green, drab,
and brown. The val
ues range up to $5.00.
The new prices
Lot No. 2
Is an especially fine
Silk Waist in nearly
all colors. Most of
them are $j. 00 waists,
some, however, have
sold as high as $7.00.
The new price is
Jonas Long's Sons
Special to the Scranton Tribune
Factoi vllle, Aug. 20. The Simpson
Methodist Epl'cop il thurch male
qunitette sang In the Slethndlst Epis
copal chut ch heie last Sund.iv morn
ing nnd delighted the audience
Many piomlnent Odd Fellows from
this plico will attend the conferring
of the decoiutlon nf chlvahy nt Iako
Lodore next Fildnj An excursion
train will be run fiom Sctanton In tho
The Sundiv hchool ph nlc and ex
clusion of the Methodist Episcopal
Sunday school nf this plite to Nov
Aug park, at Scranton, last Thuisdnv
was well attended and a good tlmo
was leported
Many people from this plice went
over Sunday and viewed the damage
done by the Hood last Saturday at
Roberts' Hill crossing
Rev. J N. Lee held services up at
Iike Kew inna Sundav afternoon.
A A. Blown, repiesentlng P.. E
Prendeigast, of Scranton, has been
awarded the contract for furnishing
the supplies for the graded school, he
being the lowest competitive bidder.
The light committee of the boiough
council have been having troubles of
their own this summer. In seeming i
suitable person to light our street
John Reed and Fred S Chi so were
the delegates to the Republican coun
ty convention list Mondiv
Mis Perrv Oaklov, an old and re
spected resident of Nicholson town
ship, was burled from her lite res.
dence, near Statkville, list Sunday.
Mis Llndahurv and two daughters,
of HalnesbuK, N J. are visiting her
sister, Mrs B J Ci Ismail
Rey Smith, of Kiitr.tnwn, Pa,
preached nt the Methodist chuich last
Sunday evening
Mrs Wlllliin Wrlglcy and daughter,
Hannah, of Scranton, teturned to their
home Tuesday, after spending a week
with relatives here
Mr and Mrs Westfleld nnd diugh
ter, of Homer. N Y , are the guests
of Mr and Mis O F. Spencer.
Mr and Mis Joseph Reynolds, of
West Nicholson, were eillois In town
Mr and Mrs. W H Capwell nnd
daughter, Maud, are vIMting relatives
In town,
Special to the Scranton Tribune
Nicholson, Aug 19 Mr. and Mrs
Nlcholns Rice, of Scranton, were the
guests of Mlsa Susan Black a few das
last week
Master Harold Nichols ,of Rlngham
ton, Is spending some time with his
aunt, Mrs. Augusta Benjimln
Mis C F Ofbome, of this place,
who has been, seriously 111 at O.xbo
pond, Is convalescing
Mrs, L. W. Stalls nnd daughter,
Ethel, nttensleil the Illkei leunlon held
nt West Nli linlt-on Snturdn), Aug. 17.
At her home on State utreft last
Friday evening Miss Nellie Mack, gave
a musical medley In homu If her
cousin, Miss Ida Jlmerton, of Kan
sas city
The feature of the ivnlrr was a
musical contest, the lai'li' 1 ' re be
ing won b .Ml.s Evl''ii Edvoiris. of
Lacejxllle, an I the goial' m in pilz
by Jay F, Bond
Music, cards and dancing then oc
cupied the time nf those present un
til a seasonable hour when refresh
ments were served The guests were
Misses Floience Wllklns, Bersle Steph
ens. Virgil Taj lor. Ethel Stark, Ruth
Johnson, May Tairar.Eveljn Edward,
Eunice, Day, Mrs R. M. Nlles, Ida
Jlmerson, Leona Billings. Iva Steph
ens, Cora Kline, Dr. and Mrs. H, K,
In addition to the
special prices on Silk
Waists we have also
reduced the price on
Shirt Waists.
The assortments of
course are somewhat
broken and once in a
while you'll find a
waist that is slightly
You'll forget all that
when you have com
pared the present with
the former price. Just
two lots today.
Lot No. 1.
White Lawn Shirt
Waists made in vari
ous styles. Some are
made with narrow
plaits, others have in
sertion both back and
front. Values up to
1.00. The new price
Lot No. 2.
Are worth up to $1.00
the fabrics are fine
Ginghams and woven
Madras, mostly stripes
The styles are the
best and the new
price is
Wllklns, Mr. and Mrs Fred Lorrlmer,
Messrs. Will Crock. Maurice Hlnklle,
Jay Bond, Cecil Shields, Fred Crock,
Glenn Lord, Dr. F E. Bond. Ed. Al
lien, Hnrry Williams, Harry Benja
min, M, A Werkhelser, Jnmes Kocher,
Claienco Knapp, A J, Kllng.
Tho Stephens family met for their
nnnual reunion Saturda, Aug. 17, on
the old Joseph Stephens' farm, about
tlueo miles from this place, In a pretty
little grove near the Tunkhannock
cict.k. During the forenoon many peo
ple came from fnr and near and were
enjnjlug a most delightful time until
about noon when ptopiratlons were
being made foi the dinner Then
ame that tenlble stnim, drenching
many and their baskets of good stuff
and dill Ing nther that lived near
tn their iepectlve homes The re
maining frlend.s nnd relatives return
ed to the home of Anon Stephens
wheie the dinner was served to about
eighty people The ialn continued and
the trovvii remained, and at S p m
all hopes of returning home were
abandoned as two bridges on the main
rmd had been washed away by thn.
storm Knowing their plight the
guests then dispelled their tears and
began to enjoy the evening by danc
ing and music.
SI i
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Lake Wlnola, Aug 20 Like Wlnola
Is enjojlng a glorious August, The
hotels are doing exceedingly well and
they are unking every effort to fur
r.lsh amusement for their guests Sat
urday night's hop at the Clifton hotel
Is tho most pretentious of all soiled
tiled events this week Oppenheim a
orchestra, of Wllkes-Btrre, will fur
nish music for the nff-ilr. under the
personal direction of Prof Samuel Op
penheim. Miss Anna Wllllims and Miss Bessio
Croft, of Scranton, spent Sunday a
Lake Wlnola
The Wanlta Camping club have
broke camp and returned to their
homes, after i plensint two weeks'
stay at Lake Winn i
Mr. Rube Snples and Chick Rrun
ing, two popuhr Scrantonlans are
guests at the Clifton hotel
Owing to Mr. Charles Moore leader
of the Clifton nrihestra, leaimg for
Mt. Oietna with the Thirteenth regi
ment rlile team, to shoot in the stito
m.itihes, the management has en
gaged oppenhelm's orchestra. of
Wllkes-Baire. to furnish music at the
Saturday night hop
Misses Florence and Irene Htnter
loiter, of Kutztown, who spent the
past thtco weeks at the Clifton house,
returned tn their home.
Mt. W. C. Megargle and fimtJy. of
Sri anion, are stopping at the Clifton
Mr. Dunn Worsted.
I X sheriff Thonni Dunn, etors teller of Tain.
mini Hill, Keldom tutu the joke on himself
His C id iiatured lallleri cenenlli starts the fun
At llie Democratic club a few eienlntrs ago Mr
Uiiiin told ol how. a i eiui nlijed on him He
"eii can't ivet ahead of the aienje neu-sho
1 little lid with miiKs like the I ikej o( Kil
lainei mer his lace, jumped ahoud a car Ha
veiled out 'IN intra' Kiie hun bed souls lost tn a
shoe faitirj ' I trrabbed the piper at once, ant
hinded him a njeke While Maitinir for the
change I .lancea qultkh to see where the catas
pni he bad oiiwred There was nothing in the
piper and I said
" 's'Ji bo, where is lint tire In a hoe fac
torvV "'lh. frisan, whn said anithlns vbout a (Ire?
I said rile hundrel v,n lost in a ah. factor) up! Want any ice? Say, bo, joii're
Ion "
"When thit boy jumped off the car I thought
I sin prettj an," mM ex Sheriff Dunn when
telline- the itory. New York. Time Migannb