The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 21, 1901, Image 1

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Steel Managers Succeed In Start
ing the Last Idle Mill at
the Clark Plant.
No Effort Is Mntle to Strut Up nt
Any Point Grent Amount of At
tention Is Being Devoted to Strike
Itellef Plnns Many Men Who Are
Out Need Money Already and the
Demands In This Direction Are
Growing The Tie-up nt Wheeling
By Inclusive Wire (rum The Awnitc I Prc-n.
Flushing. Aug. -it. Following the
rapid moves of yosteidny on either side
of tin- great utt'i'l strike theie was a
lull today and neither side took deris
ive at'llnn tliat showed upon the sur
face. It has been n running light so
far with Miiall victories and minor
defer it.- for both sides, but It now
seems to be settling down Into a bard
determined struggle In whleh neither
flip .'will acknowledge defeat while
there Is hope left. Speculation as to
the length of time to whleh It will
be prolonged and the extent of Its
..pirad Is bile. ,Ios. Hlsbop, the Ohio
arbitrator, appeared here again today.
but both sides promptly repudiated
the suggestion that another move for
peace was being conc-tldeicd. The steel
managers succeeded In starting the
last Idle mill at the Clark plant and
are evidently planning a series of ex
tensions at every point where there
Is a chance of success under existing
clreumManrea They will probably
etart the Star tin mills In this city
and Increase the force at the Lindsay
and McCutcheon mills. An Interesting
feature of the tight at the latter mill
Is contributed hy the claim of the
strikers that Mrs. I-'red Hough, wife
of thp superintendent, is escorting the
strike hieakers to and fiom the mill.
She has. always been very popular
xvllh the mill men and the pickets
say they would rather face a regiment
of oldlers than, do anything Improp
er In her presence. They say that In
peace times she nursed their families
and they simply cannot Interfere with
her or the men she escorts. The steel
managers aie also arranging for more
men for the Fainter and Jlonessen
mills, but have given no indication
of the time that they will move on
McKeosport, Wheeling, New Castle and
r.ellalre, the strongholds of the strik
ers. Meryl Preston, representing Pies
ldent Schwab, was here today and con
feired with a number of the leading
oftkials of the companies federated in
the steel corporation, and It Is under
stood that general plans for the cam
paign weie discussed. Mr. Preston
and the olllclals whom he met would
not talk for publication bpyond ex
pressing their satisfaction at the sit
uation. Strikers Say Mills Will Not Run.
The strikers niPPt the movement to
reopen the mills with non-union men
with the iliim that it will be simply
impossible to secure a sufllelont num
ber of skilled men to operate them.
Their men, they declare, are standing
.rlrni anil must be consulted before the
mills run. They say they have the
situation well in hand and despite tho
alleged danger of the strike getting
top. heavy, continue their work of or
ganizing, with a view of crippling
more plants belonging to the corpora
atlon. They claim that Chicago will,
In the end. come out and that there
Is no danger of the .Toilet men going
back to work, whatever Chicago does.
They are still lighting away for a foot
hold In the Carnegie properties, but so
far have not shown their hand. Claims
as to the advantage at the I)Ufuesne
mills are still highly conflicting, hut
the managers declare, with more as
surance then aver, that the light there
Is over and that the Amalgamated as
sociation has given up. A show-down
of hannr alone will show tho real
strength of either side.
President .McMnrtry. of the Ameri
can Sheet. Steel company, returned to
day from a tour through the live mill
towns of the Kisklmluetas valley. He
Inspected the non-union mills running.
In all of them, and also looked over the
two non-union properties beig oper
ated at Scottdale. He said production
was above the maximum average for
this season of the year, and that he
was perfectly satisfied. District Mana
ger P. R Smith, of the same company,
said that the Wellsvllle plant lacked
but six men of having every crew full,
that the product was coming out
nearly perfect, and that If their men
were not Interfered with nnd assaulted
by the strikers, the situation would be
eminently satisfactory. He also said
that the best sentiment of the com
munity endorsed the policy of the
The tlelng up of the Pennsylvania
and Continental tube plants of the
National Tube company, n this city,
commenced last night, wan com
pleted today. Counting both plants,
nhout 1,800 men went out nnd both
the properties are shut down.
Tie-up nt Wheeling,
The rinsing of tho Pennsylvania nnd
Continental plants completely tied up
the National Tube company In this ells,
trlct nnd Wheoling. The company has
made no effort to start up at any point.
President Shaffer nnd his associates
were ni strlko headquarters all day
and were busy. The executive work
In connection with the strikers' end of
the light Is enormous. Them Is n
heavy mall pouring In nt nil time,
the leaders nre constantly In communi
cation by telegraph with the strike
renters and organizers Bnd the num
ber of calle's constantly Increases, A
great amount of nttcaVlon is being de
voted to strike relief , plans, Many of
the men who are out need money al
ready nnd the demands In that direc
tion are growing. Tho leaders say that
donations of a liberal nature are being
made to the cause. Among the callers
today was Count Frederick Von Lux
berg, of the German diplomatic service,
who is making nn ofllelal Inquiry Into
the strike. He had an extenled talk
with President Shaffer. The leaders
expressed themselves as very much
pleased with the situation. They
claimed that the lower Union Car
negie mill In this city was badly crip
pled, that the effort to start Moness-n
had proved a failure and that the Lind
say ami McCutcheon mill did not work
today. They also promised to act nt
uiii"sn( in ptoper time. They charged
that the borough olllclals at Monessen
ate openly against the strikers nnd con
stantly Infringe on their rights. They
said that If the men were not fairly
treated they would seek protection for
them through the proper legal chan
Many Fntnllties Are Reported from
the Wreck of the Steamer Gol-
condn A List of the Dead.
Xj Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prcia,
Paducah. Ky.. Aug. 20. SevpntPen
nnd perhaps twenty-two lives were
lost In the wreck of the steamer Gol
conda at Cottonwood bar, four miles
above Paducah, last night.
The desid are: Mlss Lizzie Graham.
Grahamvllle; Miss Lucy Harnett, of
Sniithland; Miss Trlxle Climes, of
Grabamvllle; Mi. David Adams,
Sniithland; Mrs. W. A. llogan and
three children. Ira aged 10. Waldo nged
S and Lucille aged fi, of Paducah; Mr.
V. Davis, of Livingstone county: Clar
ence Slaytnn, of Dola. Ky.: Wallace
Heniif'tt, of Tolu, Ky.; Miss May
Fleming, Hlrdsville, Ky.: D. Jackson,
coloird, of Paducah: Will Woods, col
ored, Golconda: George Washington,
colored, Golconda; Horace Hondeau,
colored, Golconda; George Sansberg,
colored. Golconda.
The boat's icglster has- not yet been
recovered, so that a complete list of
the dead Is at present unobtainable.
An olllelal Investigation will be made
as It seems certain that the culpable
carelessness caused the catastrophe.
A. A. Peck, the pilot, claims the en
gineer deserted his post and that he
could not manage the boat with the
engines helpless. The engineer de
nies it and claims that he remained nt
the throttle until the water was waist
deep. Knrly this morning the work of
searching for the bodies' began. All
the bodies were brought heie anil
prepared for burial. The work of re
covery is slow because of the furniture
piled on the bodies. The boat lies In
eighteen feet of water nnd Is being
dismantled In order that tbjp dead may
bo reached.
Officers of Stenmship Oriziba Say
That Reports of Trouble Are
Great Exaggerated.
P,v Exclusive Wire from The AMeelited Tits.
New York, Aug. 20, The olllcers and
passengers of the steamship Oriziba,
which arrived from Colon today, said
that the reports of trouble between
Venezuela and Colombia were greatly,
"We neither saw nor heard any
thing of any trouble while in the har
bor of Colon," said Captain Smith. "1
dlil not go ashore myself hut 1 know
that everything was peaceful and
quiet. The government had put a tew
soldiers on the trains running across
thp Isthmus, but that Is often done."
Colonel J. It. Shaler, general super
intendent of the Panama lallroad, who
wis a passenger on the Oiizib.i, ridi
culed tho reports of battles and incur
sions nt the lsthmus, and said there
was no revolution In Colombia. Neith
er had there been nny interference
with his road.
Pennsylvania Architects Will
Invited to Submit Plans.
Hy llxiln.lvo Wlri! from The Associated Prr.
Harrlsbuig. Aug. 20. The capltol
commission, created by the last legis
lature to complete Hie state house
within (lie $1,000,0(10 appropriation or
ganized today by the election of Gov
ernor Stone as president; I'M ward rial
ley, of llarrlsbiirg, was chosen treas
urer: Kdgar ('. Gerwlg. private secre
tary to the governor, was elected sec
retary, and T. Larry Kyi p. superin
tendent of public buildings and
grounds, was chosen superintendent.
Kx-P.epieseulatlve Robert K. Young,
of Wellsboro, was elected attorney.
It was decided to Invite Pennsylva
nia architects to submit plans and
specifications for the building. It Is
expected that work will begin on the
structure within the next threp
Democrats nt Bedford.
Ily Exclusive Wire from The AwnaUd Press,
Itedfuril, Pa . .Vug 20. The UrnvH ratio i .uni
ty convention Mil here today nominated .laeoh
T. Aritciann, of Heellord township, fur poor
director, unci (1 W. niarkinun, i( New Paiw,
for enmity auiievnr. The revolution adopted
endor-ed the platform of the atatc convention
and cxpieed aympatliy "fur the laboring men
In the warfare agaln't trustee." Kxttavagancr of
county ntfli'l.ilii wa denounced, aa waa al.o lln.
use ot money In tmlltlia. Speeihea Mere male
hy S. 0. Sutler, County Clubman I!. V. Kerr
and F. K. Cob In.
Stenmship Arrivals.
Ily Exclusive. Wire from The) Associated Picks,
New York, Aug. SO. -Arrived! r'rlealand, Ant
werp! Kaiser Wilhilm Per flrosae, llremen: (!ro
r Kurlumt, llrrmcn and Southampton. Cleared!
'.crland, Antuerp, U Southampton and Cher
bouriri Oceanic, l.beipool. Sailed: Aller, Na
pleaj l.ihn. Piemen, vii Southampton. South
ainpton Arrbrcl: Kalvrln Maria Tln-rea,
New York, U Cherbouiu, for firemen (and pro
ceeded), PJj mouth-Sailed! Clraf Waldenee,
from llamhurR and Omilngne, New York, Ron.
logne Arrhrdi Statrnriam, New York for Hot
tcrdim (ind proceeded).
Frenzied Whites Endeavor to Drive
All ol the Negroes from
Pierce Gltu, Mo.
Many Houses Are Burned Downn A
Seventy-five Year Old Mnn Cre
mated in His Home Arsennl
Broken Open nnd Militia Rifles
Seized Outcome of Murder of
Whito Girl.
fly Kvc'lmlie Wire from The Awoeutnl l're.
Springfield, ilo., Aug. 'M. Pieico
t'lty, where the two negroes. William
(indley and French Godley, the grand
father of William, were lynched last
night in connection with the murder
of Miss Casselle Wilde, Is today lit
tho hands of hundreds of armed men,
who are Intent on driving all negroes
from the town.
All negroes' hniMs in the city m
being tired by the enraged whites. On
colored man, Peter Hampton, u years:
old. Is said to have been cremated in
his home.
The mob broke Into the iirscnul of
the local military company and Is now
in possession of improved rifles.
So much excitement prevails that it
Is nlmost Impossible to obtain over
the wires a connected story of the
outbreaks'. 1'onwpondents have left
here for the scene.
Most of tho negroes have fled from
the town and abandoned therr homo,
which have been burned.
A repoit was sent, out that two ne
groes In addition to the two Gooleys
were lynched early today. That Is de
nied. George Lark, a porter on the St.
Louis and San Kranchco rallioad,
whom Carter charged with being Mies
Wilde's murderer, was arrested lu
SprlngllPld this morning and Is in jail
here.. Lark asserts his Innocence and
says the men who committed the crimp
boarded with him and Med. lilood
hounds put on the trail at the scene
of the murder went directly, it Is tald,
to Lark's house.
Flavors Accused.
Kligene UntTPtl, a npgro suspect,
says that a man named Flavors, who
formerly boarded with Lark, was tho
real culpilt. Flavors, it is said, is un
der arrest at Tulsis. 1. T., over the
territory line from hpre. and Uarrett
is under arrest at Mount Vernon,
twenty-fhe miles from Pierce City.
Flavors undoubtedly will be lynched
if brought back.
Kxclteinpnt, which led up the the
lynching of the Godleys. continued all
night nnd morning found the enraged
white persons determined to rid the
city and vicinity of negroes. After
stringing young Godley up to a pole,
nnd riddling his body with bullets, the
mob went to thp house of French God
ley, the young man's grandfather, and
shot him to death. They then bom
barded Ike CnrtPr's house, In which
were Peter and Kobert .Hampton,
Peter Hampton, who was 7." years
old, was burned to death when the
house was set afire. His wife and
Itob"rt Hampton escaped through the
flames. The mob then inarched from
place to place, burning negro houses
and firing into them.
The negroes lied In nil directions.
Mnny took refuge In the woods, while
others went as far as Sprignlleld, to
find places of safety.
The authorities telephoned Monett
nnd Aurora, nearby towns, for help,
but nt 10 o'clock this morning the city
was still lu the hands of tho mob,
which llally broke Into the arsenal of
the Pierce City militia company nnd
abstracted nil tho state rifles stored
Kvery train to Pierce City is taking
In excited crowds that add to iho
general confusion.
Ernesto Sapelli Is Accused of n Ser
ious Crime.
By Ktcluiivo Wite from The Aotlatrd Presa.
New York, Aug. 20. Krnesto Hnpelll,
steward on board the I-'rench line
steamer l.a (iascogne, was arraigned
before Commissioner Alexander today
on the charge of attempting to bribe
it I'nlted States officer and was held
In $L',S0O ball for examination tomorrow.
The steward of the steamship lust Sun
day, It Is alleged, offernl Hoarding In
spector Junker $3 for the admission
without first passing through the barge
office of each married Immigrant and
$6 for families. The steward, it Is as
serted, said that he had been In the
habit of paying those prices.
It Is alleged that the frauds date
back six years and that 10,000 Immi
grants have in this way entered the
Lycoming- Democratic Ticket.
Py F.ifhulvt Wire (ram The Awe ruled Treat.
Wllllam"lrt. Aug. 2a Tho Democrat nt l.y
comlne county nominated (he following ticket
in convention thli allernooni Prealclcnt indue,
Hon, V. V. Hartj iherlff, Harvey rs. Mllnoi;, Andrew W. Slrgrl; dllrlct alter
nev, Walter E. Itltteri county aurve.vor, Kdward
J, I'.ldred.
Burial of General Knipe.
Hj- Exclusive Wire from The AMOciated Press,
llarrltbnric, Auir. 20. Oneral .tovph F. Knipe
v.i burled in llarrMmri; lemelcry thia after
noon ullli military honor, riomnor stone.
Lieutenant Oomnor (Inhln, fienoral Mulholland
and other cliitlnculihed nolilleri were among the
honorary pall-bearer.
Valuable Jerseys Killed.
Dy Euluebe Wire from The Associated Preu.
Lancaster, l'a Auir, 20.- A herd ot right fine
TerM.v enwa belonKlng to .lohn llo'useal, a farmer
Iblng near Majlnun, M rminty, hai hern
killed by order ot the health autlioritlea. They
were aSected with tuberculoid.
Thirty-eighth Annunl Session Held
nt Allcntown.
By Kxel'.iilrt Wire from The Aawlated Pre
Allentown, Pa., Aug. 20. The grand
lodge of Pennsylvania Knights of
Pythias opened Its thirty-eighth an
nual session in this city today. Mayor
Shandt and W. K. Mohr delivered Un
welcoming addresses, and Grand
Chancellor Thomason responded on
behalf of the order.
Tho report of ofllcers showed tho
order has 401 lodges throughout the
state, n loss of S, and 4'.',S(I." members,
a gain of (so; funds on hand and In
vested, $1,075,117.83; relief paid, $17C
70.74; paid for burials, $(?l,nS0.60; re
lief for families of deceased members,
The following lodges wore awarded
prizes for the greatest gains In mem
bership: Pittsburg lodge, $100; Lln
wood lodge, $7."); Hawkins lodge, $.'0;
Onward lodge, $L"i. Invincible lodge
tecelved honorable mention.
'I'll- Knights of Pythias grand lodge
this nflcrnoon conferred the degree on
77 past chancellors. Officers were
elected as follows: Grand chancellor,
Charles G. Krnest; grand vice chancel
lor, George M. Fletcher; grnnd prelate,
Calvin Tomllnson; grand keeper of
refolds and seals, George Hawks;
srind master of exchequer, Julius
Mountney; grand master of ams, W.
K. Folly.: supreme representatives. H.
M. Wndsfortli ami R. II. Jackson;
grand Inner guard, Wills 11. Faber;
grand outer guard, Thomas N. New
ell: grand trustee, William It. Hennln-
ger. The grand Keeper of tho cx-
c heiiuer reported receipts last year of
$IS,SSfi,77: payments, $20,300.19; balance
$1l',437.S!. The grand lodge appropri
ated $I5,7S." for the coming year. The
endowment rank has $:i,M2,000 endow
ments in Pennsylvania and paid $5fiJ.
U'S.IL' in death claims In this state.
Warrants were- refused greater Pitts
burg lodge and the lodge at McKees
The Storm Proves the Most Destruc
tive in tho County for Mnny
Years Loss, $100,000.
Py Kxriilvt Wirp frem The AnrlatMl Prev.
York, Pa., Aug. 1'0. The Hoods re
sulting from yestt'i'day's cloudburst
have proved the most destructive in
York county for many years. Ksti
matesi place the loss nt over $100,000.
At Glen Hock, oil' the Northern Cen
tral railway every factory was Inun
dated and numerous stoics and dwell
ings were submerged. The loss there
Is estimated at $25,000. Traffic on the
Northern Central railway was sus
pended at noon yesterday, and up to
noon today had not been fully re
stored. At York Haven the Sus-quehanna
river roe six feet and destroyed the
coffer dam constructed In the river by
the York Haven Power company. The
loss there Is estimated at $18,000. Hun
dieirs of small bridges have been
washed away and fields of growing
crops arc laid waste.
Tho Ambulnnce Corps Who Went
After Johnson Bndly Injured.
P.v KtrliKivp Wire from The .WntlatM PreM.
Wilmington, Del., Aug. JO. Harry
Johnson, colored, a driver of a coal
wagon, while passing along Clayton
street last night, raised bis arm to
brush away a wlie that was hanging
In the street. It was a live wire, and
Johnson was instantly killed. Tho
Phoenix ambulance was called to at
tend Johnson, and while responding
was struck by n trolley car, and the
four men comprising the ambulance
corps were badly Injured, as fol
lows: Andrew Mundeu, the driver, collar
bone broken nnd Injured Internally,
Charles Slmes, iiosp broken, arm
sprained and leg strained; Kmmet
Jlorrow. ankle sprained, arm man
gled and Injured internally; Horace
Cilbason, several ribs splintered, arm
wrenched, hip crushed and injured In
ternally. Gibnsun is In a critical con
Number of Steel Mngnntcw in Con
sultation nt New York.
By L'xclu'.be Wire from The Associated I'rew,
New York. Aug. 20. From nn au
thoritative source the Associated Press
la enabled to denv the renort thnr
Charles M. Schwab Is to resign tho
presidency of tho United Slates Steel
Mr. Schwab. Judge (iar.v nnd Kobert
H.icon, of J. P. .Morgan & Co., wero
in conference this afternoon. OJothlng
was inado publlu us to the nature of
the conference.
Py Kictuilte Wire (rem The,nled Pre.
Pillas, Tex., Anir. 20. A dipjtch received heie
tonight from Whitethorn, Ten., say the negio,
Alfred Wilder, ilniged with the murder ol Mr.
Caldwell, I lie wife ol a f!ra.nn county farmer,
ut her home nn S.itindiy l.nt, wa raptured hy
a mob and burned at Nelion'a ranch, two and
one-hall mllci cat of lied Ilanch.
Smith Breaks Record.
Ily r.iclusbe Wiro from The Aoclated l're.
Salt Lake, Utah, Auir. 20. Ilddie Smith, of
Salt .Lake, broke the world'a amateur one mile
bicycle record at the Kilt Palace ameer track
tonight, riding the dUtame In the firt heat ol
a nilde tundiiap race In 1..V? S-S. ThU I die
and one.flflh iconmh belter than Ihc pievlon
lecnrd, made bv F. J. Ilcflman at llutte, Mont.,
a. few wcck ago.
Kitchener's Roport.
Py i:clube Wire from The Asaoclated Preu,
London, Vug. 20.-l.nid Kltihenei'a weekly ie
port firm I'lcioila, dated Aug, If), ahovva that M
llnera weie killed, 20 wire wounded, 2(1 were
made M and M turrendcred during that
Judoe William Potter and Represen
tative Frank G. Harris Will
Make Up the Ticket.
It Will Commend the Administra
tions of President McKlnley and
Governor Stone nnd Endorse the
Official Acts of United States Sen
ators Quny nnd Penrose Meeting
of the Conference.
By Exclualre Wire from The Ataoclated Pre,
llarrlsburg, Aug. '.'0. Judge William
Potter, of t'.tilurg, for judge ,i 'be
Supreme court, and Representative
Frank (5. Harris, of Clearfield, for
state treasurer. This ticket has een
agreed upon by the leaders who am
here to attend tomorrow's Republican
state convention, and the indications
art; their choice will be rut I tied by the
delegates. There are no other candi
dates and the friends of the prospec
tive nominees predict their nomination
by ncclamatlon. The platform will
commend tho administrations of Presi
dent McKlnley and Governor Stone;
endorse the official nets of I'nlted
Slates Senators Quay and Penrose, nnd
commend the last legislature In so far
as It redeemed party pledges. The cam
paign will b? conducted by General
Frank Header, of Kaslon. who will be
re-elected chairman of tho state com
mittee. Neither Senators Quay nor
Penrose, both of whom are on their va
tatlons, will attend the convention.
The customary meeting of the state
committee the day previous to the con
vention to prepare the roll ot delegates
wax dispensed with owing to the ab
sence of contests. The certainty of
the nomination of Potter nnd Harris
and the apparent harmony among th
dc-lt gates presages a small attendance
at tho convention. Chairman Keeder
said tonight that the convention would
convene at 10 o'clock and that It would
complete Its work without a recess
within two hours.
I Mr. Harris has headquarters at the
l.ochlel Intel nnd this evening a dele
gation of his Clearfield friends, with
the Dii Pols band, gave a short street
parade. Judge Potter Is neither here
nor has he hcadeiuarters, his canvass
being In charge of Attorney General
Klkln and other leaders. The Judge Is
at present serving on the Supremo
bench by appointment of his former
law partner, Governor Stone. The
speech nominating him will be made
by Recorder A. M. Brown, of Pittsburg.
John H. Kelly, of Clearfield, will nomi
nate Mr. Harris.
A caucus of the Allegheny delega
tion was held this evening, at which
It was decided to endorse no candi
dates, although it is predicted that
the delegates will vote for Potter and
Harris. A steering committee, with
Senator William Kllnn. the former
leader of the anti-Quay Republican or
ganlzatlon, as chairman, was appoint
ed. There, is a strong sentiment among
the leaders in favor of the selection of
Mr. Kllnn for permanent chairman of
the convention) and it is not unlikely
that he will be
A conference of the leaders was held
tonight at the executive mansion nt
which Senator Kllnn was tendered the
temporary chairmanship. He declined
the honor, nnd .1. O. Brown, Pitts
burg's director of public safety, was
chosen. Mr. Brown Is chairman of
the Allegheny delegation, and Is a
personal and political friend of Kllnn.
David 11. Lane, ot Philadelphia, will
probably be permanent chairman.
Congressman Ulngham, of Philadel
phia, will probably be chairman of
the resolutions committee.
The conference was attended by Re
corders Hrowiiv of Pittsburg and Mur
phy, of Allegheny; Senator Kllnn,
Director Brown, Attorney General Kl
kln, Mr. Lane, Chalrmnn Heeder and
Vice Chairman Kyre.
The platform as agreed upon at the
conference endorses the sta.te and
national administrations; concedes the
light of both capital and labor to or
ganize and recommends that the pres
ent labor troubles' be settled by con
cessions and mediations; encloses
the oleomargarine, miners' new capl
tol and school appropriation bills
passed by the last legislature; rie
nounces the Democratic party as in
capable, untrustworthy nnd Incompet
ent and congratulates the eople on
the splendid condition of the t-tate
Scottish Clnns nt Pittsburg.
R Kiclinlte Wire from Ths Ae;tlated Pie.
I'lM.hurg, Aug. 20 -The Iwentyhllh hiennljl
rnmriilimi of (he Order ol the Scottish liana
opened at Klk' hall In thl rlly at noon today,
with tM delegate p'ewat from the I'nited
si.ite and ,1'jnadj. The convention will at
llnee dayi and the elonj n 111 he eorret. The
election ol of tic era and the noire Hon ol the mxt
place ol meeting will be held on Friday. St.
Iiouli will likely be cltmn.
Four-Year-Old Girl Drowned.
Py Kxchuhe Wire from The Associated Tre.
Iin llol. Pa.. Aug. 20.-Har.eI Muther. the I-jear-old
daughter ol M, C. Mather, of thi place,
wa dionned todiy by filling from the pouh rf
her home Into the flood that mriound the home,
owing In the heao' ralm that hove prevailed
here ilnce (Saturday and which have flooded inary
of the low Ijlng eretioiK ot the illy.
Fort Riley Gun Victim.
Dy Exclulve Wire Irom Tlie Awoclited Prea.
I'oit Itiley, K., Aug. 20. -Private- Mack.y
Seiko, eiip of Uie victims of jeti'nlai' ex
dnrin of a gun ran Inm', died today, making
three dead. Iteirult'a reinveiy la doiilltul.
The fori aurgeon lodav removed one ol Seigeant
Vlahonry'a re, lie will lecover. The other in
jured aie in good condition.
The Iowa Snlls for Fannmn.
By Eielualve Wire Irom The Awoclated Trew.
Fan Franclxen, Aug, ?i. The battleahlp Iowa
tailed thlt alternoon lor Panama.
Weather Indications Today:
1 Hcncral-Slatf 1lriuhlirana Autre on a Ticket.
nlft IVmuHm the Strfl strike.
Mob Itiilf In I'iMcf City, Mo.
Attorney flfnirl Knn' Open Letter.
2 fieneriil -('Mliomlnl Department.
3 t.mal-llenrlns In tlit llurd.v-fJurrly Vitf.
Kmln.illnn tnr Mine rormn.
Stale Camp ol the I, t). S. ol A.
4 I'rillorlal.
Note anrt Comment.
5 l.nnl--Patrolman Vlh llelura a Promotion.
Work In Hie F.'tucitlnnil f'ontevt.
(1 total Weat Scrantnn anil Submrian.
7 General -N'orlrieattern Pennjbania.
Kinanclal and Commercial.
S Local Industrial and I.almr.
Audubon Boy Steals the 85,000
Prize Blue Grass Horse Wny
Back In the Rnce.
Py Kirlutlve Wire Irom The A'aoclated Prew,
Readvllle, Mass,, Aug. 20. The rain
which came to tho grand circuit park
was not good for the track today. It
was soggy nnd lacked firmness, never
theless, the crowd, which was larger
than yesterday, had some tine sport
watching Audubon Roy steal the i.'H
class for the Norfolk stake of jr.,000
from Shadow Chimes, the big favorite,
who is owned nnd who was driven by
K. K. Goers, of Ixuilsville. The Blue
Grass horse had to be content with
the third heat, the first and the last
two falling to Audubon Hoy. The
latter paced the llrst heat In the re
markable time of 2.0t)i. New Rich
mond took thp spcond heat, but after
that went to pieces. It was a drama
tic struggbs between Geers and Hud
ron. In the 2.10 class trot, Toggles, a Cali
fornia gelding, was the choice of the
talent, and the race .went to him in
a walk-over, his best time being LMl'.i,
Klfteen horses were In the Held for
tho start of th 2.10 class trot, and
there were several attempts io get oft
before the word "go" was actually
given. Retting favored Sallle Simp
son, a Kentucky mare, who felicitated
h.T backers by marching away with
the two heatti. Lcola took the thhd,
while Vic Seholler left the bunch eas
ily In the fourth and won the heat
This event was unfinished.
Admlnil Dewiy, the "son nt Rligun,
and a descendant of Nancy Hull. ?,
vvah the wini'er In the trot for foals
of 1R0S, In two straight heats.
Scott Hudson, who drove Hawthorn,
was lined $100 for disorderly conduct.
2.l."i cla-., trotting; pui-e. $1,(i0 (concluded):
Albcrl.i P.. shenangollolll..maie, by
('.dnnc: Moirlll (Mi Henry) still
Marlqur (Kenney) I it ft ;i 2
llingrn, dr., (fiaith) 12 12 7 1
K.iler (Golden) II 2 .1 2 .)
Uuretta (Middletnn) Z 3 ; I rt
John llooticr (llriXol) I 11 'I S S
Sanala, Captain Haft, .vnalnr MilU, Xanlti,
Paroncw and l.rnr.i abo Malted, but were clu
lanced or ruled nut.
Time-2 IH'4, 2.11V 2.1Ui. 2.10V 2.1rti.
2 21 cl.i, paring; utc, V,nno:
AudulTin Hoy, .1, .1. Audubon. Plaxey,
by Rourhoun (Ibidon) I ." 5 1 1
Shadow Chime (fleeral 2 7 1 3 2
(inch inianchard) .1 l 2 t ."
Pilnty (Juecn (Munson) 7 2 ." .1 H
1iuUe f3. (Merrill) s I ;t n
Star Pugh (lickwnod) HO s ; s
It.ijah, New Richmond, Amlxr Sphinx, (io Me,
lleloise and Teiracc ufca abo stalled and were!
distanced or nild mil.
Titne-2.(W4, 211. 2.111, 2.014, 2.i'i.
2.10 c-law, trotting; pure, .1,.Vn1:
Tigajes, Stratliuai'-Fly, by Palu iliark).. 1 1
Little Pick (Pope) I :
Temple Wilkea (floMen) : 1
M-lrr Mic iKenny) 4 .1
J.inlio iSindcrO du.
Tune-" 121?, 2 11V
f'nal li tinlllng. two In Ihrei-i pur-e, 2,k;
Admiral Drwiy, Hingrn-Namy Hanks, by
Hippy Medium (Titter) '. 1 1
Cinlo Pell (Thayer) 2 2
rtmvcllan (Coldi-n) 7 ;1
Hawthorne (Hudson) ; 7
Xellv Rod (Cirpe.iter) 4 .1
Melton (Young) ." I
Say Tell (Pleire) 1! 0
Ilorilma' Prolher I lb an) ill...
Tune- 2.17'i. 2.14'i.
2.11 la, trotting; pur .l,rio (iinfinMirdi!
S.illle Mmpon (Middletnn) I l 2 .1
Ix-nli (Hulchlngf.) 14 2 I 2
Vic Miellor (Van llokkelen) 10 PI !i 1
Mmeilrk (Meflary) 2 7 i (i
Henrietta (Young) e 4 ,i .1
Spl.lnx Lale (Turner) .1 .1 4.
I. R.. Charlei II. lamlw, lien Hal, La.t'r,
Pehut, On'oiila, Rolorla, Mary C. and The
Spaniard .il" Marled.
Time 2.1WJ, 2.10. 2 I.VJ, 2.13V
Tennis Tournament.
Ily F.xclmlto Wire from The Adulated Prci-a.
Nenpoil, II. I., Villi. 20. Of the flfl,.ix men
entered (or the mllonil tcnnl tournament onlv
two, Ilealii Wright and W. A. Larned, remain.
The.e have won (heir wtiy through to the final
round hy vlitue of brilliant play. Tomorrow
lhee two will meet to decide the aevcuta, na
tional championship.
Killed by Fall of Rock.
Py Exchnlve Wire liom The Awodatcd Pie.
.lohnMown. Pj.. Aug. 20. -Albeit Price, aged 20
year", w'.i killed, and Tinner Chappie wax eil
oinly Inlured today by a IjII ol rock In Sllnenian
mine No. 1 hi outh pork, thi county. Ilotli
men were roldenn ol outh Fork. Imulfklrnt
plopping ol the rock l said Io he the caue ef
the acrldent.
Philadelphia Loan Awnrded.
Py fxcluxbe Wire (mm The s.v.e.atej Prew.
Philadelphia. Aug. 20. -Mi.ior Ahbrldge today
awarded the city improvement loan ol (,
with lnterit at S'j per tent, to the indicate ot
hnnkc-m headed by Prexel i Company at their
bid ol Wn-M.SOO or the entire loan.
Pennsylvania Pensions,
Py Kxchnlve Wire from The Axxmlaled Pre.
Wahlngb'ii, Aug. '.'n.-Thiw pinlnin have
been lued; Marxhall II. Smllh, of Wilkra-rtarrr,
flu; .lacnli Knight, ol Thornhurtl, Lackawanna
lounty, if'
Winery Destroyed.
Py Exclusive Wlie Irom The Awoclated PreM.
Santo lion, Cab, Aug. 20,The winery of W.
II. Hntchkba fc Company waa deatroved bv lira
J today. The lo l tW,000,
The flttorncu General's Replu to
Committee ol Anti-Trust Learjue
Is Somewhat Peppery.
Mr. Knox Resenta tho Insinuation
Thnt He Hns Been Offlclnlly Con
nected with the Carnegie Com
panyHe Also Intimates That the
Information Desired Could Havo
Been Procured Through Personal
Inquiry, Thereby Avoiding tho
Doubtful Propriety of Addressing
an Offlclnl by nn Open Letter De
livered to the Tress.
Washington, Aug. 20. Attorney Gpn Knox today sent the following
htter to the Joint committee of tho
American Anti-Trust league and Dis
trict Assembly tiB, Knights of Labor.
In reply to one from the committee
ipquestlng Information from Mr. Knox
regarding the I'nlted Stales Steel cor
poration. Washington, I). ('., Aug. 20.
Mr. II. II. Martin, Chiiiman Joint Committee of
Antl-Triwl League,
Sir; I have the honor to a. know ledge the re
iclpt of jour letter of Aug. l'. ICOI, In whl.b
j on rccpn-M me to obtain lor jou icrlaln Inter,
inillun "llh lenience In inialn agreement or
agu-riiicnt made between the constituent com
panics ami individual who organized the Culled
Males Sdel corpoi.itlon
Vou ak me to atlonl jnn all the Information
tint I may "posse or can obtain," and jou
specifically refer'ln an alleged "trust or s.vndlcato
agnement," whlih jou ta(e (he ptc(.ldrnt of tin
I'nKed Mads Sleel coiporation, Mr. C. M,
Schwali "refused to to the I'nlted Statcx
industrial coninn-ion when on ttio witness stand
win ii before lint IvHb," and jou further ktato
that jc.ur fcpicsi foi infornnlton is to be under
alood as c'overlng "anj- other imittactR of a simi
lar kind with wlili h jou aie acquainted or which
jou i an ohtain for us."
V.011 also Male that jour 'ccpirst for Information
Is fnuml"il upnii inforinitlnn and belief that .it
the lime lids contract or th-e contractu was or
wire made tint I was "In H'me way officially
connected with tho Carneglo company," and you
therefotp assume thai the Infoimallon which jou
require must he lu my "M-xlnn or convenient.
ly at hand." I am therefore requested In glvo
jou the eulistante, or. If pnvuhlc, copy th'reof.
Piiniarllj', penult me to nay tint, your request
l.s founded noon an erroneous assumption. I do
not know wh" the iivliviiluils arc who organized
the 1 nited Stales Med corporation lfjh"y
are tho persons n-mllj- nimeil in the newspapers
as the promoters of tint orCaniratlon, with tlco
single exception of Mr. ('. M. Schwal I don't
know, neier a.iw, and wac never connected with
my of lli'in. I never heard of anj' agreement
belueiii them and the ion.-tituent member of
the slecl cnrporalinn.
Neither at Iho time of the formation of tho
t'niled Males Meel corporation, nor at any time,
was I officially connected with the Carnegie Steel
companj. I was foinierly one of its legal ad
viwra in the i of its manufai luring busi
lies., but was never consulted with rrference In
the furiiiHlinn of the I'nltod Stites eorpoiation
nor in lelitlon tec the sale to that companj of
hares of (.lock held h tho stockholders of the
Carnegie compinj'. I hoe nevci n-cn the piper
or agrreinent4 In which jou refer, nor hive I
been iufoinieil of their content. I have nn
knowledge whatever of their c.xislence, term or
scope. I .-nn thus -.pecirie as I dcslie to cover
both the tpirlt ami the Idler of vour Inquliv.
I mil' so, luoieovci, tint I have no accecx
tn tho .igireiiienl or piporjc to which jmi refer.
I know nothing of (lie one tn which you cspec iallv
refer, and don't evin know that cuch an agiee
incut i in exbtence. The Infoimallon which
jou request, therefon, is not in mv pn.scesslnn
or conveniently at hand, as jou ,iunie, and it
Is, theiefme, Inipo-nlhle for me In comply with
any of tin- icquot -it forth In jour letter. All
this iiiforiinlioti Mm i mild have at any time ac
quired through the usual method of direct pr
sonal inquirj'. Ilieidiy avoiding (he donhtful pio.
prh'tj- of aildrcvclng me thioiigh the medium f
an open letter, which jou eoniuireiiily delliered
to tho pi em.
Whether, If u h piper weie ae'i-ensible to me.
It would be mr duty In ohtain Ihcrn and furnish
thrin for use In li'gil pine ceilings, In which jou
.ire a pirlj, and ties- nelnio ol whleh 1 don't car
in elpsiuss, and it 1 may legard Hie leiler as ad
elreed tn me ofliiiilli I will saj : "If this di
pirtinent I under ohllgilliui tn furnish in
form itbm t" piospeetl' " litigant in undisclosed
pine ceding, us ic-pon-lbUIHe and labors are
iireesi-.irlly gre.tlcr linn they hue ever been
Imagined from lie' tini' of it formation. In
deed, as I lieu- .ire gen. rally two parties tn everv
controversy, ii would be difheult tn disiinrgn
Mich alleged duti'S In lioth pirlle in xlecv of
conflicting liile'iea's. This department was not
called Into being (o furni.-h Information to pn
vale lltlg.iii lis elutirs and Its nlejert i ti
enforce tlie feeier.el i-tatute is inlcrpreled bj' the
eoiiits, wlisuever there Is prnluhle cause for l
llcvlng that they have been vlnlited.
Very leieperlfultr,
("Ignec1) P. C. Knox,
Attomey Ceneril.
Desire to Hnvo Chnrtor Revoked.
Washington, Aug. W. The following
telegram was sent today to the Feder
ation of Trades and Union of New
Jersey, at Camden, by the Joint com
mittee of the American Anti-Trust
lpngup nnd District Assembly fifi,
Knights of Labor:
"We urgently request your organiz
ation authorize Its legislative commit
tee take steps to secure revocation of
charter of United States Steel corpor
ation." Worry Drove Him to Death.
Dy Kxcluslve Wire from The As.oeiat;d Press.
Lanciikter. Vug. 20 - l.dward Collins, .1.1 year
of age, died In the county insine a-jium a victim
of grief. Foul vear ago he was a motnrman on
the Columbia trnllcv line, and hi car struck
and killed a bov. Wnir.v over it drove; him In
sane Inside of two year.
,o,.il eliia fur August 20, liUt
Highest (eniperntuio F degrees
j.riwrst temperiiluiu 70 degreei
ltehulve Humldilj ;
s a. m SI per rent.
8 p. in 72 per rent.
Precipitation, 21 hours ended 8 p. m., trace.
-'- '
Washington, Aug. 20. Forecast for
Fastern Pennsjlvaniat (lenerally fair
Wedrvuday and Thursday; wtnda maatlj;
light oiitheily.
t - t -r t t -f. t t.