vS,'T fvrww ! s 4 i?MVf "V1?! HtYJt f' r - B M '" - t ' 'FTjP'vW wtfcWiK'tfWPPTii 'in' iy -j, Tn V ribune. ormttott THE: ONLY SCRANTON PAPER. RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., TUESDAY IUOKNING, AUGUST 20, 1901. TWO CENTS. y i - Cr MILL OWNERS MAKE GAINS Properties Grlppled bu Strikers ol Amalgamated Men Are Again In Operation. SKILLED LABOR IN PLENTY At tho Clnrk Mill More Men Offer to "Wfkrk Than Cnn Be Accommodated. The Amalgamated Men Asscit Thnt They Have Earned a Strong Position at Carnegie and Can Shut Down the Mills at Any Time. By Kxctu'iic Mire from The .Woe i a tod Vrcw. I'lttsbuig, Auk. in Tho t'nlted States Steel coipoi.itlon made a set les of gains todaj ill the trituration of piopeitles (tippled by the stilke of the Amalgamate! association and Its sm pathlzeis. The steel mills at Monos sen. after a Ions peiiod of lnactllty, weie p,irtl put In motion b, stilke brenkeis gathei cd In some of the southern states, two moie mlll In the Painter plant weie nl'o started tip and iiiiother Luge mill at tho Clark prop erty was also operated for the Mist time Theie was some dlxonler in the streets of Monessen during the cla hut the local pollie never lost ontrol of the demontiatlvo eiowds and there was no eiloits tiouble The te.openlng of the Monossen mill Is be lieved to be the fiist ot a orles of ag Rreslvc move." o.t the putt of the strel corporation Pioposltfnns nie known to be In piogress to teopen the Star tin mills In this city and for Increas ing the forces at the Lindsay and Me ruit h on mills, and It Is thoiiKht to he onl.v a matter of time hefote ihe stionpholds ot the strlkeis, like New Castle, McKeespoit Wheeling', Hol l.ilie and Mingo Junction will be in aded. TIki stiikeis deny that any real progiess has been made at either Monessen or Iilnteis and say that they ale not to be frightened by the burning of a lot of 10, il and the luoi p operation of mat ninety They -aj that k!llcd men cannot be se- tiled outside of their i.inks and that none of tlnlr men aie deserting, de .sjilte claims to the eontiar. The manngeis of the Painter mills, which now has tour mills on, claim that pait of their two new ciews Is made up of old-emplucs who have come back tt, work. Skilled Labor Plenty. At the Cla.. mill wheie the ten inch wasi stalled for the Jlrst time today and where everything except a small S-inch mill Is now being opeiated, It is asserted, that moie skilled men am nffeilns theli services than tan be ac commodated rift moie weie taken on there today, bilnglng the total lorce up to t'.ila It was tlaimecl that theie weie inn nun at woik in the Paintei mills and that tlft.v of them were skilled. Th jjie.ite.st light in this distilct Is fir inasi.iy at the Duitiesne mills of the C.'i'acgle lompany. Hoth s.dis .lie m.lnj; seeictlj, the Amalgamated as sociation to extend its organization lud "ticngth anions; the woi Iters and the steel company to block an plan to pet the men out. Neitliri side lias show n its stiength.vet nun It Is Impossi ble to net nn line on the ultimate it ni' The cialms made pilvilely in iih-r s'.de nie i ontlli linn The Amalgamated otganizorx assert that they have setuied a stiong pos. lion In the ptoperty and that when the woid lsgcn that It will be shut down "The managois of the mills admit that the strlkeis have kihip friends in the mills, but etpicss abso. lute lonlldence in thill ability to keep the eniue plant in opeiatlon Coal and lion polite caiefull glial d the pi up. city, admitting none eiept employes and thev. in tin n, aie watched by settet pickets of the stiikeis. Tighe's Reception. sslslant (bneial Seuotaiy M. 1 Tighe teturued fiom the west today olid was closeted tor several houis with President Shaffei. He was Riven n veiy enthusiastic teeeptlun by his i. -soilates and he i etui lis a stiongor tlguio in 'he association than when he departed. DIscussliiK Mr Tlghe's ie .ort. Mr Shaffer said. 'All that Mr. Tighe told me was in the papeis last week and theie s noth ing aside fiom this. The Chicago mill men who remained nt woik aie no longer mcnib-Ms of tho older. They die not entitled to a tilal and will have none. They are at llbeity to act as they see tit, but if they go out they will do so on their own losponslbillty. We vill do nothing about the matter from this time. On the whole the stilke Is going on veiy well Wo nie getting out moie men eveiy day and will con Untie to do so The strike Is not haidl begun vet Theie will lm plenty of trouble for the tiust befoio iong if they keep on In their piesent ourse There has been no effort on any one's pdrt tow aid peate nnd them will be none on our part again. As to the situation in Duquesne. all I can say Is that there has ben no sttlko nrdered In that mill as yet. I stIiI last v eek that when we wro teady that mill will be attended to" Strikers Gain nt Pittsbutg. The men of the Pennsylvania woiks of the National Tube ciunpanv in thlR city Joined the stiikeis tonight, and it Is expected that the fone 1,1 t)e Ftankstnwn plant will follow them in morrow. About fino men left the Penn avlvanla woiks, and It Is almost ceitaln that all of the remaining tWi will join in the movement and completely tie the property up, Theie are. about f.no men in the Frankstown propeity. nnd the total number of men added to .the irmy of striker by the movement .vlll he about I,Mn. When the strikers filed out of the Vnnsylvnnla works they made no ex fjlaiiatlon to the officials, hut to the ne'wspnpctmcn outdde they said that they ha'J quit tathet than woik non union made skclp. It cailler In the dny th.it the works had announced an advance In wages and It was thought It would hold the men. There wan nn Incipient sttllco at the Keystone rolling mill which Is nn Independent lirnpeity today. The men objected to furnishing niaterl.il to the United Staten Steel corporation, lint the Am algamated association ordered them to lo'iime woik. This action Is taken as meaning that all contractu made by independent Inllls hefoic the strike began will be lespeeted. MiKeexpott today oiganlzcd n senate of labor It eoti'dMec of thuo elolo gates fiom each union and is to have charge of the strike. RUNAWAY GIRL MADE A WIFE. Will nt Once Sue for Separation from Sousa's Musician. tv I'xrhiMte virr (mm Th' wclstnt Trrs New York. Aug. IS. The rlopment of T)atlus S. Lyons, a musician In Sousa's band, with Miss Lillian Kelti. of Philadelphia, resulted in tho pair get ting married. When Lyons, who has been nrtested for abduction, was arraigned before Magistrate Xeller, In the Harlem po lice contt he said he was only ton will ing to marry the girl. The chaige was withdrawn and the pair, with the girl's father and slstei, accompanied l the attorneys of both sides, went to St. John's Lutheian church, at 1M7 Ka.st One Hundred and Nineteenth stteet, and weie married. After the ceremony the young wo man was taken home by her father, and Lyons went to Manhattan Heach, to Join his band. Mr. Kelser shook hands with his son-in-law. He said that sepaiation ptoceedlngs would be begun at once. ,:0 DELEGATES ARE AT HARRISBURG Attendance at Convention Will Be Small Nominations of Potter nnd Harris Will Probably Bo Mntle by Acclnmntion. Py Evilu4ve Wire fiom llio Vwichted rrr5, Hnrilsburg, Aug. 11. With the Re publican state convention less than two days off, not a single delegate has reached Harrlsburg and the Indications arc that the attendance will be unusu ally small. Theie ate no contests and the state committee will piobahly dls pense with the customary meeting the day before the convention to make up the roll of delegates and select ofll ceis. State Chairman Keeder opened headqunrteis today at the Lochlel hotel and Is arranging the piclimlnar- les of the gatheilng with the assist ance of SeertUattes Vooihees and Au di ew s. There Is nppaiently no oppositon to the candidacy of Judge William Pot ter, of Plttsbuig, to succeed himself on the Supi erne couit bench, and Hep icsentative Fiank O. Harris, of Cleai llelrl, for state tieasuier. These aie the only nominations to be made and the piobabllltles aie that both will be made by aiclamatlon and that the convention will be the shortest In the p.utyV. Intci est. Mr. Harris will open hcadquarteisi tomonow at the Loihiel. Judge Potter will have no hcadquai teis. his tandldacy being In chaige of Attorney ileneial nikln. SIXTEEN PERSONS ARE DROWNED The Stenmer City of Golconda Tuins Over in Ten Teet of Water Nenr Pnducah. n,v Kxrlmlie Wire (rem 'the sinclMod PrrM, Padutah, Ky Aug, l!i. Tho steam er City of C.olionda, pblng between this city unci Kllzabethtown, 111,, was stiuck by a sciuall dining a storm tonight as she was en loute to Padu cah. She tinned over In ten feel of water, six miles above this city. Sixteen pei sons aie tepoited di own ed Most of them aie said to be wo men Tin ic weie sevent-Ilve passen- geis Those rescued jumped Into the wnter. Some swam ashoie, and otheis weie h -Mied by pet sons In small boats. FOOD INVESTIGATION. More Testimony Is Tnken in the Tienton Hospitnl Cnse. Il.c hxituaivc Wir" liom The Antlitnl l'rc. Tienton. N. J.. Aug. 19. The investi gation of chnrges that poor food has been supplied to the Inmates and at tendants of the state hospital for tho Insane wan resumed today. Five of the attendants who signed the foimal complaint to Dr. Ward testified. diaries Kmeilch condemned the food geneially. William Hugglns said tho in end nnd corn staith were not tit to eat Attendant Cox said ho had no complaint to make against the biead, bellies or milk II W Wheni.v testified he had not read the complaint, that he signed It because th" otheis weie signing It. Heniy Jltown testified that when In signed the complaint the paper was blank and that most of the matter j.ftrwaid filled in was untrue. The only cases of poor food, he said, were the bad eggs and potatoes and tho canned meat. Lawyer Hackes. counsel for the at tendants. nked to have called some of the attendants who had nut signed the complaint, his puipose being to show theie was no conspiracy. Judge Thompson said Mr. nackes' request would he granted when all the signets ha J testified. "Dido" PlumbKnocked but. Djr Fxcluh Wire frrm Xh AwncUtcd I'rwa. U.mlnn. An.'. n-Ji'k n'nrirn, tht Philadel phia pugllltt, lenorkfil 'lit "IMn" Pliimb, of I,fndrn, in the hth round of fifteen rou id rontct at th w CmMc tonlfht, wtnnlns the II tioundj chtmploiuhlp and 0M. THE LOSS OP A GOLD SHIP Steamer Islander Sallinn From Skanwau Alienist 14 Strikes An Icebero and Sinks. 67 PASSENGERS PERISH It Is Estimated That About S275, 000 in Gold Wns Lost When tho Vessel Went Down A Wild Scram ble for the Life Boats Results in the Drowning of Mnny Who Ought Otherwise Hnve Been Saved. n.i KtrliKive Wire from The .Woditrd rrts. Port Townsond, Wash,, Aug. 11 The steamer Queen has Just arrived fiom the noith bringing news of one of the most appalling tiiailno disas ters on the Pacific coast. The sdeamer Islander, sailing from Skngway August li. when nearlng the southwest end of Douglass Island at -' a. m. August 15, and limning at full speed, struck a floating Iceberg nnd In lesss than twenty minutes went to the bottom of the deep channel, carry ing men, women and ehlldien to watery g''ivc.-.. The Islander had 10S passengers nnd nil w -it in bed when the vessel stunk. The shock was so severe that many wore thtown from their berths nnd the wildest excitement pi evaded. Woid was scion passed that the vessel was dimmed, and a geneial scramble for Hie I'fe boats ensued, many Jumping overboard nnd attempting to swim to tlie shore, tho distance being short. In the set amble to get Into the boats many were hurled headlong Into the chilly wnter. which, accotdlng to pas sengers nrrlvlng from the scene seemed alive with human beings. I!e fore all the passengers had left the vessel she gave a lur.ge and went clown, bow first. It is known that sixty-seven lives were lost. It will be some tune before their names can be definitely learned, as the puiser lost his passenger list. The Gold Lost. About $j:,"i,ono In gold was In the lost steamship: $100,000 of it was tan led by patsengeis. M. M Brunibauer, of Portland, Ore., had $11,000 In gold dust In his satchel. but promptly abandoned It, tumbled into tb wnter and was lescued. D. H. Hart, of Klondike, had $10,000 In gold dust, which he abandoned when he Jumped Into the last boat and reached sh' re safely. M. M. Manlln, of Wlnnepeg, diopporl his satchel containing $1,000. A friend of his loft $1,000 behind. Another Klondlker, whose name li not given, is reported to have taken his portmanteau, containing $10 000 in gold dust from the putsor and Jumped flora the sinking steamship to n bo it, which he failed to icacli Hoth the man nnd his treasuie sank. Some of the sinv Ivors say that Cap tain Koote leached a laft, but when he saw the extent of the disaster he Jumped oveiboaid. The Islander was the flagship of the Canadian Pacific Navigation com pany's fleet. When she ran Into the iceberg early last Thursday moinlng nnd sank off Douglas Island, Alaska, she was on her way south with the laigest number of passengers that she had can led this season. She foun deted within fifteen minutes after sti Iking. Many passengers were asleep when the collision occunod. The force of the Impact with the large Iiebeig was so gteat that the cabin doots wete Jammed and the Inmates locked in. To ndd to the honor of the disaster, the vessel's hollers exploded as she went down. That caused the death of many of those who wete snuggling In the water. The Islander left Skngway In the evening of Wednesday last. It was In making her way out ot Lynn Canal that she met her fate. Some of the suivlvors ni rived heie last evening by tho steamship which passed over the scene ot the disaster on the following evening, nnd picked them up m Ju neau, to which city they had been taken. The suivlvors give the gteatest praise to the ofllcers of the vessel for the manner in which they acted un der the most trying circumstances. The ofllceis, on the other hand, say that If the passengers had not tushcil tho boats, the loss of life would have been very much smaller. The survi vors were landed on Douglas Island, and the mate was sent to Junenu for help. The steamship Plossle and Lm v lesponded and took those saved to Juneau. A small amount of the gold on boaid was saved. On their arrlvnl there the city coun cil piomptly hired Decker's hall, which wns hastily converted into a lunch room and resting place. SMALLPOX IN BOSTON. Pive Cases Reported Since Friday Last One Death. Hi KxtluiliP Wire from The Uiouit-d Prr-. llotton, Aiii 19. 1'ice ce of smallpox Imo developed In thia citj aince lat Fiidi.v. child via taken to the City ho.pinl .vc.lrrdav In- Ids father, who had the dieao, I lit did not Know It. The child died from mallpo ifr in llio da None of the other victim hue die), but two of them jic In a drecrru lonillllon. Effects of Strike nt Buffalo, tlv F.vlualve Wire from llie Us.r.ite.l I'rca, IlulTnlo, Aug 11. -The IlufTaln ut and Holt ork at North Tonaiunila ilr.vd iu ahop today, throwing (00 rmploje nut of work on auuunt ot the scarcity 'of ateel owdnit tn the strike. Corporations Chartered. n.r Exrluilte Wire from The Awwli'rd Pre.. Ilarriahurir, Autr. 19. The Ohio Cut Claw mm. pany, Pituburuj capital, fvU), n ihartercd, to. day BATHER'S COSTUME TOO AIRY. Narrngnnsett Vetoes Pink TightB nnd White Brlllinntine. Dy ExclimlTe Wire from The Amoclated Preaa. Nnrrngansett Pier, It. T Aug. 11. Mathers stood nghnst on the beach this morning nt the sight of n young wo man coming down the sands clad In a suit of white brltllantine, trimmed In bands of blue polka-dotted silk. The blouse nnd skirt were conventional In cut, but their transparency was sensa tional. The stnrtllng touch to the cos tume was centered In the tights. They were a vivid pink, hut the losy color was bioken by circular spots of black. Her enp wns of white Hllk, nnd she wore a veil to match. After a dip In the surf she seated her self on the sands and drew her veil over her eyes. Finally she ngaln sported In the deep, nnd then started for her bath house A crowd followed the conspicuous bather nnd her seem ingly unconcerned escoit. Champbn nfterward Insisted that she should de part from thi bath house by way of the rear, and told her that If she at tempted to go hi thing ngaln In tho same costume she would bo arrested. FEARFUL EXPLOSION OF DYNAMITE Six Men Are Killed nt the Mohawk nnd Malone, N. Y., Round House. Bodies Unrecognizable. Dv lAPlmlii Mire from The Awiriiteil Preaa, Herkimer, N. Y Aug. in The Mo hawk nnd Malone round house at Her kimer was discovered on fire at 10.30 o'clock tonight. Watchman flllbeit and an engine tender named John Deck, assisted by lesldents of the vicinity and members of the bridge building gang, attempted to extin guish the flames. While they weie battling with the fire a large quantity of dvnatiilte, stored in the building, exploded with tenlfle force, killing Gilbert ami Deck and four others. The bodies of the four last men tioned ate iiniecognlzable. The round-house wns wrecked and binned. It Is fp.tt ed there are other bodies in the ruins. The round-house is owned by the New York Central at! Hudson Ulvci tallroad. THE GUARDSMEN ARE THREATENED Anonymous Letters Have Been Re ceived by Regimental Command ets of the Second Brigade. Pittsburg, Aug. IX Dispatches from Somerset, Pa, wheie the Second bilg ade of the National Ou.iid of Pennsyl vania Is In camp, repoit that a num ber of anonymous letteis have been tecelved by the leglmcntal coniman deis, tontnlnlng threats in connection wfth possible strike duty -by the sol dlcis. A fair sample Is the following: Hi ir sr. In t-e jour toininand la tilled upon In dn dull iL-.iin-t the stroi striker don't fnieit tint then1 lie minj 1 iliorinc men an I tininn lii"n in lour regiment .mil witih where vmi ntjnd ihen veil iri. the older tn tire. The matter has been placed In tho hands of the Pnlted Statts postal atl thoiltlcM and an investigation Is said to bo in ptogics. Nothing could be learned In Pltts buig, as Postollte Inspector O'lirien Is out of the city. TROUBLE AT LANCASTER. Evidence of Fiaud Discovered in Prlmnry Election Returns. Ftv llxilualie Wire fiom Thp A-sixlitul l'iev. Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 10 At this af ternoon's ses-slon of the boaid of re fill n Judges of Satin da's Hepubllc an county pilmaiy for congressman, the Ilrecht faction objected to the vote of twenty-sl- distill ts on the giound that more votes weie returned from those dlstilcts than. McKlnley iccelved for president, which under the lules of the Ilepubllcan patty Is pilma facie evi dent e of fi ami nnd must bo Investi gated. The bo ml sustained the objection In fifteen dlstilcts, thirteen from tho city, tho thiid wind, Mnnhelm nnd Oonoy. C'oiupaiison shows that the vote at this primal y exceeds that of the general election last November by 3J7 votts. The vote? of the dlstilcts objtcted to will be Investigated at n meeting of the committee on contest net Fildaj, The ofllclal icsult of the pilmaty Is' Tassel, Quay candidate, 10.F.01 ; Hiecht, nnti-Quay, !",r.G9; Cut-ol majorltv. 0J2. This return will nU be appioved until the contest committee repot ts on the bisections. CRESCENT WORKS OPERATING. Stiikeis Keep Pickets About Mills, . But Allow No Disorder. Itv Fxclmlvo Wire fiom The ajurxlatci! Pren, Cleielird, An,' f - Vrnrilinir tn the atate inent of ItMiut Man nor riii'dolil, of the morl i .in Tlnplate coniiin, .nli.fai lory pm;ie4 l helnir nn le t"jnl lesuniins full operations nt the C recent woika in inn ilt "We are iinnlni ihie nulla tmlij," ho r.iM, Mud will non M irl ntluri" Iho htilKn l-ci't 1 Hone force of picket aiound the plint todic, but there uaj no dlsor. iltr of any kind. Telephone Combine. Jly r.vclnaha Wire irom The utriMcl Trenj Mloom, Ta . V"S V The Crowen Tele phone innipinv lian purclnnd thi Hoik .ind finiuhle of the Northern f amhrii Telephone loiiipiny. rprntinj lines In ( amlnla nun v. 1 lie I 'l nwt n minpinv haa rnnneiimna with Inline town on tho v.H'1 i ml Altonni on the east, Rebels nt Emperndor. fly F.xrltiaiir Wire from The .Moditrd Treas. CVilon, rolimlda, A inf. !). A fone of rebela appeared at rinntritfur ilnrdiy tilcht. 'f lie nation happened tn lm wiihout a Birrlon at the time and an they looted the Thlneae atorea. Tho retell aro avoiding; the garrisoned eUtloni. FATAL FIRE IN PHILADELPHIA Several Firemen Are Burned to Death In An Explosion ' ot Benzine. BODIES BADLY SCARRED While the Firemen Were Endeavor ing to Chock a Blnze at the Atlantic Oil Refinery Three or Four Are Known to Hnvo Been Killed nnd Many Others Arc Injured Their Bodies Horribly Burned The Con flagration Still Raging. tly Kieluaie Wire from The Aaaoeht'd Preai. Philadelphia, Aug. 10. During n se vere electric storm today, lightning struck a benzine tank at the Atlantic Oil Itetlnlng company's woiks lit Point Breeze In the southwestern section of the city. Kour oil tanks were Ignited by the blaze fiom the benzine tank and the live were destroyed with their contents. 63 000 barrels of oil nnd lS.OOn b.nrels of benzine. The less on the oil Is estimated at $10,000, but the loss to the company through lack of stor age facilities and the expense of re building the tanks, will, It Is estlmnted, amount to about $150,000, The tire nt a late hour tonight Is still binning nnd ns there nre numetous other tnnks in the vicinity it Is feared the) may become prey to the llamcp. There are no buildings of consequence In the neighborhood. While a large forte of fltemen weie endeavoring to check the Hie, about 12 HO o'tlock this morning, nin Im mense tank of benzine suddenly ex ploded. Many tlremen were In close Proximity to the tank and fell vic tims to the blazing oil and tlylng pieces of iron. Thiee or four wer killed and many were badly burned before they could be lescued by their moie fortunate companions. A gen oral call was telegraphed for ambu lances and patrol wagons and the in Juied were hurtled to tho hospitals In the lower end of the city. At this writing the names of the dead firemen cannot be learned. They weie horribly burned and their bodies badly mutilated. The bodies weie hardly recognizable when brought to the morgue at 1.30 o'clock this morning. Some of the injured will die. Te'n or twelve tanks of benzine and petioleum have already been destroyed and the fire has not vet been checked. The tire, it is thought, will not bum Itself out for several days. The loss Willi, It Is estimated, leach probably a half mlllon dollais. Caused by Lightning. The fire began about 4 o'clock yester dny afternoon, when n benzine tank was Ftiutk by lightning during a se vere electrical storm. In less than fif teen mlnutcsi Jirce adjoining tanks had caught flic. Hach tank contained 30.000 batrels of refined oil, Immediately after the fire was dls covered the company's employes tried to diiivv off the oil from the bottoms of tho tanks with escape pipes, a pie cautlon which is always taken when a fiye starts, but on account of the ex treme heat the pipes burned nnd ns a result the oil had to be left in the big tanks to hum A general alaim was tiansmltted nnd engines were called from every section of the city. In spite of the vigorous efforts of the firemen the flames spread to another tank containing 25 000 barrels of paitl nlly refined oil nnd the fifth tank was soon In tulns like tho four otheis. Shortly after this two benzine tanks of r.,000 gallons each blew up with a tremendous report. Near the two tankst were two other small tanks which weie being pumped out as rapidly as possible. Hach contained about 6,000 gallons of oil These weie also l cached by the flames. About 12. 'to o'tlock this morning, when It was thought the firemen had the fire under control, another larg bonzlne tnnk exploded. Many firemen weie In the vicinity of the tank at the time and but few escaped unln juied. The bodies of three firemen weie tecovered, but It is feared others weie killed, The intense heat nnd the danger of further explosions, ren der a search for bodies almost impos sible. One of the dead men Is be. lleved to he James Kals, a foreman In the fiie department. The other two bodies nre so badly chaned and man gled that they are beyond recognition. It Is believed that about twenty fire men were Injured by the explosion A call for all available pollee patrol wagons nnd hospital ambulances was sent in, and they were kept busy for at least two hours temoving the In jured to the hospitals. KRUOER WOULD USE CORSAIRB. Report Thnt Ho Will Retnllate If British Shoot Cnpe Rebels. Il FnlIiuIio Wre from The soclaled I'iea. ninwlj, Aug. 10 rho Petit Illeu i-ac tint Mi hrneer lm lojeeterl the prhateiring prop.- ila rrirntlt nud" tn him. hut nxerici the rlitht to hue report tn conjlm it the llrillali ah iot liner prlMineri (Cape rehelo captured attei .Sept. 16 The promoteia of the pricitrerlns plan prnpote to Ignore Mr. Knisci'i refusal of their oflcr, Yncht Rnce Called Off. lly F.xcluahe Wile (mm The Aotlated l'rev, S'ew York, Autr. I1). The jaeht rare heivren the I nnrtitution and Puliimlila aj called nit on ai count of the tliiik weather. Tin re nlll be m more racea at I.anhinont and the neat raee of the t'limtltiitlnn and CuliiniMa will be at eivaler lli, I, I , net Thurdav, under the au-iira of the Sewankhi Yacht club. Mosquito Investigator Dies. Py F.vrluahe Wire from The vociated Frew. Havana, Auir, 11 The aerond man wlin waa hltten by Infected moaquitoa thit had been tet apart for e-cperiment hj Dr. ( aldaa, the Drain itn expert, died ot ytllow feur today THE NEWS THIS MORNING- Weather Indications Today! UNSETTLBO AND THREATENING 1 'Srneril sttel Mill Ownerf Make Headway. Hremen Ilurned In a Philadelphia Fire. Mvtv-aeven Pasnensrers 1'eriidi In Wreck ot a fiold Ship. Trneiucl in Colombian Wir 2 fieneral-Cailiondalc Department. 3 t,neal Tudcment Awarded Ihe Carter Uelri. Iteunlon of Sthoolej'a flattery. 4 Fdllorlil. Note and Comment. 6 boeil -shake-up In the Polkc Department. rroerraa of the F.ilniatlorial Corneal. F, L Drown Now llulUllnic lnpntor, S boeil Went frrranton and Suburban. 7 Ornenl Vnrtheaatern Pennlanla. Financial and Commenlil. 8 Wal Flnanelal and Conuneriiil. EXCITING EVENTS AT GRAND CIRCUIT Country Jny, the Kentucky Gelding, Wins Blue Hill Stnko of S5,000. Other Races Pretty. lly FvtliHlie Wire from Tho Aaam hteil l're-a, Ueadville, Mnss,, Aug. l'.i. The grand circuit flyers gave an nusple -ious opening today at the annual meet under the patronngo of the New Kngland Trotting Horse Hreeilcrs' as sociation. There were four events on the card and the attendance vm larger than usual for n stalling day. Nearly all the talent followed the 2 30 trot moie closely than tho other events. This race was for the Ulue Hill stake of $5,000. In this event. Country Jay, the Kentucky gelding, was tho favorite and won easily In stialght heats. The piettlest rating of the day, however, was In the 2 16 pace, which, nlthough won by Shorty in two heats, did not fall to the chest nut gelding without a struggle, with Agnes I.eilay a fast rival In the first hent nnd Klllx u danguious competitor In the second. The 2 13 pace was taken handily by Juneio, the black mare from Albany, who badly defeated the favorites, A drizzly rnln pi evented the finish ing of the 2.25 class tiot. Pour heats were held, however, with two tor Al beita IX, who held high place In the pool fiom the first, with l'aster sec ond and the field against both of them. The Summniics. 211 pice, two in three; purne, l,nno: Junern, Allerton-Kathrina, hy Alcjone iMc Donald) 1 1 e) II. Moody in PaiKe) .' ;! Hell Cannon (lllcpO 4 i Don Itlley (lludann) .". 5 special Hue (Merllnsri 7 I He ml) spot ohockency) 1 rt llclle T (M. Palee) s 7 f'uhi (Tremiau) ( cla Tinic-J1034, ,irr 2 je ila, trot, nine Hill idike, -,,nnri: Countri .In, .fi" linker, ciuj;liter of Parkvllle'fMico) 1 1 I Point llexlrr (dit'omb) H 2 .1 Kove (l.nckHOnd) ' .1 6 I1 lift (spear) 5 7 1 Oorce smltli (Weisle) 1 3 I Sonata (shank) s I h MImi McDonald (Viiddlclon) 7 h The Kine (Marsh) 7 Time-.' 11, I 11, l.t'i. 2.16 cl.ifca, pace, two in three; puie, l.mt. Shorty, Sortie Vlithican Belle, by Piizle (Ite.cnnld.) 1 1 Fllic ((tilth) I 2 'Ihe Judcie (Menonald) 1 '! Acnea l.e Mac (Hutc lilnm) .' da Mldcet a!llrcant) In, Time-.' U'j, 2.W't. 2 2 el in, trot, tlireo ill five; purse, sl.WHl (unflnlahed)i Alberta 1 , Sheninin llnlllniare, bj Colonel Merrill (Mcllcnrj) Sill Hinsen. .fr , ((iaith) i 1 7 Marlo,ue (kennv) t r, i, .; iter ((.olden) J J J Iaurelti CMIdclleton) 1 ,i 7 I snmti lohn Hooper, Cipiiin Ihfi, s uiiii Mills. NaniM, llirineaa nnd I.rnnri il-o mniid. The last named foia wore dl'iinced in the third heat. Time-. K.ij, 2 1,3;, 2 1'i, 2 l"' THE GULP STORM REACHES YORK Rnilroad Washouts, Broken Cams nnd Bridges Aie Reported, Other Dnmnges. Hy Kxcluie Wire from 'lie s.ml nlrd Preaa aork, Pa., Aue. 11 Kc porta from seitfon'i of ork countv, south and wen, Indiuaie that h ttorm tndav theie wa verv aeccie. liilhnad wahoul, luoken dmn, hililtra moied and other damace aie reported from all quarter Tlio Sortherai Cenlril railroad ti iftic KuOerrd hum h reason of flooded traeka and waalied lnldan near Parkton and (Hen Itock. Not a train ha.a cot through since befoie noon, t (ilen Rnik a niimhei of houses and facloiic were danuRed by water. TUNNEL VICTIMS RESCUED. Two Men Who Were in the Cleveland Crib Aie Tnken Out Alive. Hi F.xchuhe IVIie from The nihtei Pu. Cleielai.d, uc 19. Vdam Ket and John Fu tene, who weie auppoi, d to hue perished In the naln woika tunnel la it Wednedu aa the rnult of the defctiuctloii of a eiili hv fire, were ricued illve thla afternoon after heme innfliuet in the tunnel rtee and a lnlf da Men wotklnar at the inh were startled hie tlili jftfinonn to hear aome one rapping on Ihe pipe through which air la form! Into the tunnel. The knock were anaweml In the workmen ami roponbe krocka weie heaid lr waa pumped Into the tunnel and a renilue pirtv went dnun and tiought tlie two men nut. They were sei t to the hospital. Accident to Picnio Party. Py Fielualie Wire from The Asanclated Treaa banning, O, Aug 11 Ten peraona in a picnic wagon trturnlng lmme earlv todav were tlirnwn over a fnitv foot emhankmrnt Into Ihe cieik below. Not one of th" partj ecaped Injun Henry Culp nnd hi sla'cr, Minnie, weie acrloiuly hint Steamship Arrivals. By Kirliiatit Wire 'roni The Asao'lated Preaa. N'evr Votk, uc Hi Cleared: Latin, Hremen, via Sntitlwrnptoni ller, r,rnM and Niplca. I.lsard l'aec. Matrndam, New ork for Hon jogne and llitfrdim. Movlllc Arrived. Aa turia, New aork for Glasgow (and piocceded), VENEZUELA AND COLOMBIA WAR In Gase ot Serious Trouble the United States Must Pro tect the Isthmus. DUTY CANNOT BE SHIRKED It Seems to the Department Thnt tho Sovereignty of Colombia nnd tho Rights of Americans Must Be. Guarded South Ameilcnu Revolu tionists Not Pnitlculnr Whoso Piopeity They Seize. Py l'aclu.be Wire from 'Hie Vajoclated Preaa. Washlnglon, Aug, 1!'. In the absence of clellnte advices the state elep.ut ment coiitliiiie- to hope that there will be no open hostilities between Colom bia and Veneuel.i. Such a condi tion would complicate the situation; but. In any event, tlie duty of the 1'nlted States government to pioUet the Minims anil the sovetelgnty of Colombia ceems cleat to the depart ment South Ameilean levollitlonlsts aie not particular wlici' piopeity they seUe. The local gove liunents are al wajs ready to deny tesponslbllltj for m-vnltitloiMity acts. The stute depart ment has ample evidence of that in Its own epeilence. Giiinan Ulanco, while at the head of a l evolution In Venezuela some yenis ago, seized sev eial Ametlcan vt-sels and used them In his attacks. When he became pres ident of Venezuela by such methods nnd the claims for da'inagoN wero pre sented, he leplied calmly that the ships wore sezerl by a rebel against tin- Venezuelan government, and the government could not be held i spon sible foi his acts. It made no differ once that tho lebel who seized tho ships and the piesldent who denied the i expansibility of the government for the selzuie weie one and tho same Individual The depattment has another claim against Kcuador which Is similar. The J'.crrlngton company sold arms to I'lesldcnt Alfiiin when he was at the head of a revolution. Hy the use of those aims Alfaro was successful and made himself president. He never paid the bill. When It was presented to hlni as president he replied that the government could not pas- the billi(nf a tovolutionlst. he admitted that he in dividually was losponsible for the debt and the company could collect It if pos sible, but as pieslrlcnt of Kquador. he could not give any recognition" of tho claim. To Protect Property. In dealing with such governments the best way is to protect property and the United States, with treaty obliga tions as well us Immense property In tel ests at itake, will take precautions. Nor will It stand on technicalities In fulfilling Its obligation".. The navy will piotect not only the piopeity Interests of Amei leans In the Isthmus of Pana ma, but will piotect the Isthmus Itself. Whether or not war is declaied be tween VenoiU'Li and Colombia, there Is little doubt that 1'iesldeiit Castro, of Venezuela, W giving support to Oen. Tribe, the leader of the Colombian i evolution, and that their common pin pose is to gain control of the Isth mus and the Panama uillioad and the canal. The slate department does not ex pect nnv emhai i.isxnient fiom Eng land, (Jeimany or Fiance, notwith standing the lloxtlle tone of the Ku lope.ui picxM, ''he I'lilted States is ile.u 1 within Its lnteinatlou.il rights III all It luiv done or puipiocs to do In Panama Itx lights theie aie bj a tieaty that has stood for moie than fllt.v j i us without objection trom the Ihliopcati poweis. San ri.iiicio, Aug 10. The battlc1 shlp Iowa hax takers on coal and am munition. It Is expected that ."he w"l sail today dliect for Pannma, The Hanger Is en loute to that port, but on account of her slowness i-he will not icach Panama until after the Iowa an Ives theie NEGRO LYNCHED. A Mob Batters Down the Door nnd Tnkes Out Prisoner. Py llacliiabr Wire from The Vx-ociat"d l'rea. Pierce Clu, Mi, uc 1 W 111 mdlcv. a. negro, mi bin lied b.e III inoti cnmpoad of mined "titlzein kliortlj after dirk tonight fir tho murder of Vlia firclle Wild, wl,oe deid bidv wia found Iodic ill Ihe wnnia neir here llio mnli wrnt to the jail. Imteied down ihe doui and tiirew ropa around the neeka of fiodley and lean tarter, another au-peet. dodlei wn higed In trent of the Lawrence hotel and hn b-xh riddled with bullet. ( liter's guilt waa not eliaily c.tablMied and ho wn taken hack to Jail. Prize Winner Dead. 0y Firluie Wire frem The Wnclated Preaa Piiilaflclphla, Am 11 -Little Wonder, the cele. brated Incknec million owned b. I. ,1. Caaxitt and imported b.c him In 1. la dead from pen tonltla little Wnndcr wia the rirst hacktiev slilllon Imported to thla miintrc since coming here lie had I een exliililinl it all the principal horse shows, winning nm lint pili'es. Many o' hi. get were aim pilre wmn.ra, YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. ICll dill for llCIIt 11, Pll I Ilfghfit temperatuie T7 degree? lowest tempiraiiirr 70 ciegteen Iirlative Humidlt : a ni M per rent p m M per rent. Precipitation, Jl houia ended S p. nv, trace. t--f-f-f-f---f-f-f--f-f-- WEATHER FORECAST. f 4- Washington, Aug n. Forecast for Faitern Pcnnscbanlai Unsettled ami threatenlne weather rii'adar and prnb ahlj Wednesday, with occulonaj showers; f light to east winds. tt -f t -r -r -r ;, t X i'' I