The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 19, 1901, Image 3

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T. B. Jackson, Who Was Appointed
by Mayor Molr to Succeed John
Nelson, Will Be in Turn Succeeded
by F. L. Brown, with Mr. Nelson
as His Assistant Bo-organization
of tho Building Inspection Depart
ment Has Been Deemed a Neces
sity Because One Man Cannot Do
the Work. e
Building Inspector Thomns R Jack
Fon 1 to resign to re-enter tho husl
ncs or contractor mid builder.
He will he -succeeded, It Is said, hy
Architect V. L. IJrnwn. and Mr. Hrown
will have as an assistant tho former
building Inspector. John Nelson.
In tlie opinion of the present city
Administration, i melted at the recent
conference of Heiorder Connell and
the heads of department, the depart
ment of building Inspector Hhould have
its work bioadened.
With one man doing: the work, It Is
well nigh Impossible, If not utteily so,
to niawo the olllce much nioie than im
agency for collecting tho Incidental
The duty of the hiilillng Inspector Is
to pass upon the plans for every build
ing before Its construction Is begun,
and, after the plans are apprised, to
supervise the onstruetlnn. to such uu
extent, at least, that there will be no
deviations from the plans that will
violate any of the city building laws.
Hy having a chief Inspector and an
assistant, it Is flctned, the wmk that
should be done by the depaltiueut can
be done thoroughly. One can do the
ntllee wotk and the other supervise
the actle votk of construction, or
make such other division of the labors
as will be the most convenient.
.Mr. Jackson, the retiring Inspector, appointed early In Mayor Molr's
term to succeed John Nelson, who was
Hu.inton's tlrst and only building In
spector up to that time. Hefoie be
rnmlng Inspector, Mr. Jackson was
common councilman from the Thlr
uenth ward.
Unknown Lad Struck by Delaware
and Hudson Train.
An unknown boy was struck by train
No. S on the Delaware and Hudson
railroad Saturday morning, but fortun
ately escaped setlous Injury. The acci
dent ccurrcd near the Linden street
hi idge. The boy was coming from
ISobinson's brewery, a pall of yeast in
'his hand, when he heard the train's
He stepped from the track to the
retaining wall, but bent forward and
was Mnck by the train. He was taken
to the Delaware and Hudson station and
the Lackawanna hospital notified. Hl
Injuries consisted of several severe
bruises, but he refused to await the
R. H. Holgatc Appointed on Soldiers'
Orphans' School Commission.
Attorney Richard H. llolgate, of
Waverly. was esterday appointed n
member of the soldiers orphan school
commission, to succeed the Hon. Al
fred Darte, of 'Wilkes-Kane, jeiently
df ceased.
The appointment was made hy Major
Levi O. McOaulcy, of West I'hcMCr.
department commander of the Gtnnd
Army of the Republic, and was con
finned bv lioemor W. A. Stone. Mr.
Holgate is one of the mnl active
membeis of tho Grand Army in this
part of the state, and his appointment
ns a memhejr of the commission is a
Judicious one.
Council of the Knights of Columbus
Was Instituted There.
A large delegation of Knights of
Columbus went yesterday to Mauch
Chunk and there took part in the In
stitution of a now count II. Knights
from Tlttson. Hazloton and Wilkes
Rarie will also be present.
i ne nrst degree was
ferred by the team from
ity council. of Rethlehem
second by the team of I'lilon
Til li
the coun-
ell, Haston, and the third by a I'hlla
delphla team.
P. II. Shell, fit ('.rotn Rlilco, charted with
poisoning dots, v. as arrested on iMtunla., at ti e
instance ot County pelntive Phillips. Ho i a i 1 1 .)
a hearinj ami entered lull In the mm of (hi
before Alderman Kavon
Tuny Molclto, an ll ilnn khormakcr, was i,r-rei-ted
en Saturday at tl.o intainr ot ,i pedulcr
mined Julius lAolfshou, who eharved 111!" with
ns-mlt ami battery. The trouble itiew out oi t
pair of hoes whlth WcilWinn claimed were im
profiirl repaired. Aldeiman ItuiWv reminlltiil
Trny tn the county Jail in iWmlt nf ail.
Edward ami William Moran and .Inhn slicililin,
of the, weie arrested on Mtui'iine ,tt I he
InMancr of Charles Stanton, who claims thnt
they beat linn iinmrrrifnUy one nUht laet wnk
lie rxhititi'il a hiokcn arm, which lip (Iimml
w i receliod In the tielit. Ml throe ilcicndanU
walird a hurlns and intcred lull 1t rnre litr.
man Has u. fir their appc.iMme in lourt.
Mintn hrcu, of West Siranlim, was lit Ir In
hall hy Aldorman Kkmui un Silurday on the
iharite of stcihnc a tlbir watih helonslns: to
John Links, of Siranton ttrect.
M Brodwjr, N, Y.
Wllkfi-Birre. Carbondilt.
4-6-11 Commonwealth bld'e, Scranton, Pi.
tla.tal tt H I M.aO K In M at ' at it It a
Busy Session of Central Labor Union
Yestorday Afternoon.
The excursion of tho Central Labor
union to Lake Lodore on Labor day,
Sept. 2. wn a subject of lively Interest
at the meeting of thnt body yester
day, the committee reporting very sat
isfactory ptogrcHS.
The Glee club contest for the J100
ptlze Is arousing much Interest and
affairs In connection with the excur
sion are gtowlng; so It was decided to
Increase the committee by six or more
tnembeifl that the crowd that Is ex
pected and the entire affair may be
properly rated for. It wa expected
the committee on revision of the con
stitution would teport a draft but they
found they would not be able to do so
nt this meeting as they have some
very Important changes In view, one
of which Is to check the placing oil
The matter of classifying the Cen
tral Labor union Into various groups
or councils whose membets are en
gaged In similar work, Is nlso being
conslireicl by the, committee. It Is
hoped by so doing to greatly facilitate
CltlbH from KdM-nrd'vllle, Plymouth,
Wllkes-Hnne, West Scranton, Taylor
and Not Ih Scranton have nil entered
the glee club contest and' several more
are expee ted to take part In It.
The lommltttip In charge of the
American Kedeiatlon of Labor conven
tion, which Is to be held here from
Dec. 5 to Dec. 17, also made Its report
esterday. President Samuel fiom
pcra and Secretary-Treasuter Prank
Morrison aie expected here within the
in xt two weeks to select n hall. In
which the convention shall be held.
Fully one thousand delegates aie ex
pected to be In attendance.
A committee consisting of George
Gothler and .1. V. Hammes Is en
gaged In getting out the convention
souvenirs which Is a very handsome
piece of work, being In the form of
a booklet containing a brief blstoiy
of the city, from an Industrial and
labor standpoint, and Is finely Illus
Well Known Book Denier to Go to
New York.
James .Murray Dewey, who has been
engaged In the book business In this
city for over six years past, leaves
this week to take up his tesldence In
New York city, where he has accepted
the position of manager of the sub
scription depattment of the well
known publishing house of O. H. Put
nam's Sons.
During Mr Dewey's residence here,
lie furnished many libraries and num
bered among his customers the book
eonnleseurs of this part of the state.
He dealt almost exclusively In expen
sive books and rare editions. He will
(ontlniie bis business relations with his
loinl customers after his temoval to
New Votk.
He Spoke at Second Presbyterian
Church Last Night.
Rev Robert Nichols, the son of Rev.
Dr. G. Paisnns Nichols, of Bingham
ton, last night delhered an Interesting
seitnon at the Second Presbyterian
church, taking as his text that portion
of Scripture telling of the act of Christ
in washing the feet of his disciples.
Greatness achieved tluough self
forgetful service was the aim to which
all should strive. Dr. Nichols de
clared and held up as an edifying
spectacle the picture of the Savior per
foiml'ig an apparently menial act out
of pure Kindness and nobility of soul,
and to teach a lesson of humbleness.
Five Year Old Dunmore Boy Is the
Unfortunate Victim.
James O'Royle. the fi-year-nld son of
M. J. O'Hojlc. of Dunmore, died Sat
urday morning from blood poisoning.
Ten days ago, while playing about
his home, the boy stepped on a rusty
nail The rsi! was removed from his
foot, but ab' at a week later blood
poisoning set In. Tho funeral will bo
held today.
John IMq,im, an Italian lalmrer employe! at
the tnne ipnir near Nay Aug park, wh set t
omly injund Satnrla uhlle at ork A frilling
ih nick mnuk him hni!i upon the head and
hruUed him painfully. It in also thought that he
MKtulncri a fiaitme of the skull, lie was taken
to the Lackawanna hoppltal
4 -f -i- ----
Sini:il KWIII.V rnXMON.-The annual te
utiimi of ihi. Sipiler family ill he lie'd in tlie
trow nf limn I Npiiir, near Mchnlvm, on Wed
irp.da, Auff. 2S
t.WII. I'lTI'DSKII -The came ol lull hetween
the Siranti'U send pinfesslonal? and fleltuitH' In
dian', uldih M to hue hern pla.ed at ihletie
p.nk on MUirdi, wa picliuned on aecuuut of
the rain.
I.MUUt HV i:xi fllxlilN.-I'npinlionv are
liri-k Im the i;reat exi urvlon uhlili will tie run
to l.iki liiliiie hy the f'ential l.ahor union in
Laluir di.t. It U expected that tin thousand
l.einnna w 111 attend It.
IM)n.STTO UK m.l.Ii -Cormier llohernulll
irmilmt an Innutst on Thurnday at 2 p. in.
on the death of William May. who wa killed
on the Laikawnnni rillrnul at Clark'i' Summit on
Jul 1' He lia-4 not (t decided where it will
he conducted
I'lfNir- AT TDK PUIK-llie olillei' oe
pli.m frm the llaifonl whool, the Ilaunhtera
of VnieruM and the loial emplo,e of the Piu
d.niHl liKiirime company enoyed plcnlea at
Niv e pirk on Ritunlav Their will he a re
union of the Schoole liatterj at the park today.
Till: Wi:i:K'S n.Kni(iR-The elearinu fr
the lajt week aa reported hy the Scranton Clear
ing llouio aoriation weie n follow: Monday,
m,v.HS.'! Tue-hy. lill.TrVllli Wedneada.
l'i7.7JI. Thurmlay, HSO.157.01; Fridav. M,.
UHlin, Sitmrljy, tl.12,7imo; total, fl.O'
For the corresponding week last ear the clear
lrp amounted to Kh.M.iil.
Knlchta of Colun".hui will hold their annual
outing Thurnday, Auc. 29, at Harie1 lake.
The train leac here iner the Central llallrnad
of New .ferney at S 30 and return from the like
at 7 oVlo(k Stop will he made both at Pltt
ton and Wllkee Itarre and cicuntlon ticket! will
he only pood on the morning' train.
Rummage Sale,
Greatest opportunity of the "paon
to buy Fine New Dry Goods cheap at
our rummage sale today.
Ltederkianz excursion to Lake
dore, Monday, Auuust 26,
Noted Dlvino Onco Numbered Among
Scranton'B Foremost Churchmen
Returns to Address H1b Old Con
gregationEloquent Evening Dis
course on the Mission of John the
Baptist Christ, He Says, Was o
Light to Confucius, Zoroaster and
Other Like Sages.
llev. Mr. Warren G. Partridge, for
merly pastor of tlio I'cnn Avenue llap
tlst fhurch, hut now pastor of n large
Institutional church In Cincinnati,
pleached two sermons to tho mcmherH
of hli old congregation yesterday. In
the absence of the regular pastor,
Hev. Dr. Kobcrt 1 Y. I'lercc, who Is
sojourning tit Ocean Grove.
Tho church was thronged to the
doors at both services with old ft lends
of Dr. Partridge, glad to welcome lilttt
ba"l to the church wheie ho labored
In nther days. Ho expressed, on both
oernslntii, his great delight at being
baclt once mote at the scene of his
former labois, and spoke with much
feeling cf the- wonderful Christian fel
lowship existing between the various
denominations In this city. Ills even
ng set moil was based on the follow
ing text taken from John I: fi, 7, 8, !.
"There was a man sent fiom God,
whose name was John. The same
came for a witness, to bear witness of
the Light, that all men through him
might believe. He was not that Light,
but was sent to bear witness of that
Light. That was the true Light,
which llghtcth every man that com
eth Into the world."
In beginning his sermon, lir. Par
tridge told how John the Haptlst was
sent by God to bear witness to t'lirl-tt
and described the scenes on the banks
of the Jordan when his pleaching was
listened to by tens of thousands. He
referred to John as "the Incarnation
of heroism and sincerity."
"John's first and greatest function."
said he "was to be a witness of the
Light to come. There are many rea
sons why tho Savior needed a witness
then and why he needs witnesses to
day. In the first place. It must be i
inembered that the Messiah came In
cognito. As the Gospel says, 'the word
was made tlesh and dwelt among
men.' Christ's divinity was veiled by
His humanity and John was talsed as
a witness to the truth that this .Man
wa God.
"Tho people of that time, though
they had been prepared for centuries
for the coming of the Messiah, needed
a witness, because their eyes were
blinded with sin and they were ac
cordingly unable to perceive the pres
ence of a Deity swathed In humanity.
"I read recently of n physician in
Vienna who by constant experiment
and great patience succeeded In re
storing the sight to the eyes of a child
who was born blind. The eye of the
child was a perfect organism, tho
blindness existing only in the brain.
The physician placed It In a dark room
and by keeping cln les of light revoh -
lng before Its eyes for weeks and
weeks, finally succeeded In getting it
tn distinguish light from darkness.
The rest was comparathely easy.
"The work of this physician should
be the work of every preacher. eery
professor and every parent. They
should be patient with the little chll
dien. They should try by every means
In their power to lead the great hosts
of young people out of the blindness
of sin into the light of the gospel.
There are such hidden capabilities and
such latent talents to be found among
the young people of this land that they
should all be led to do service for
tho Master.
"Jesus Christ Is the light that has
lighted every man who has come Into
the worhK The Scriptures tell us that
He was the light of Adam and of Kve,
of Mof-cs, of the prophets and of the
psalmist. nis Influence may
be traced In the writings of some of
the great leaders of other faiths, such
as Confucius and Zoroaster. In the
writing of these j-ages we find a great
deal of wheat amongst the chaff. Wc
llnd a deal of ethical truth, anil I
believe firmly, that It can be traced
to the Influence of Christ.
"Are we who have received the light,
giving it out in all Its- fullness, beauty
and power'.' Are we disseminating It
as we should? Let us be mote and
more missionary churches. Let us re
ceive the Light of tho World Into our
souls and let us go and preach tho
gospel to every living creuture."
The afteruom meeting at the liallroad Young
Men's ( hrl'tlan amnclatinn rooms eterdiy was
addrw-nd hy W. A. Iluiton, the a-ssUtant seuc
tary. The mornlnar wnice at the fireen nidiio Hap
list church eterday ai largely attended and
wis conducted hy Hev, (leurKC w. Stone, ut
Wascia, Minn.
1tr. O. R. Ileardsle;, rf Sherman, X. Y.,
jurat In l etrnlav morning at All Souls' I'nl
Acrdlst church, of which he wan jiastor up to
a few months aso.
At the llottird Place Methodist llpiwoptf lat ulfrht Camphell Hughe gae a re
port upon the work time at the reient Pan
American council held in l'lilladelilua.
Hev. V V Power occupied the pulpit yester
day morning at tho Washhuin Street l'rrliirrlan
ihurih. It li announced that there will he no
service at this chinch on fcunda. Auk. 31
"Creation's Praer" was the topic of a fer
mon preacher! last nlsht h Ite Marlon I,.
Firor, pintor of the CaUary Deformed church,
In the morning he fpoke told of the neiewlty
of eteiy Chrlntlan helng "lead" for the final
summi na.
Large Number of Scrnntonlans Are
Visiting There.
The following residents of this city
and vicinity are registered at Atlantic
City hotels:
At Hlseoyne P. L. Moylan, M. D F.
Moylan, Mrs. Moylan, Mtry Healey, M.
Kelley, Kate Duffy, H. J. Atkinson, A.
J. Gordon, Thomas Daniels, wife and
two children; Joseph O'Hrlcn, wife and
family; Miss Agnes Crossln, Miss Mar-
r- ,?S,
' sir
Thoroudh Instruction Low tuition rate.
Oraduatea secure heat pialtioiu. homn are now
drawing salarlea of ?l,;u0, sjAl and fl.snn.
Minv in five nnd tin months cualify thrmsebra
to till poltinn whhli pay fll ai.d sW per monih
at the ftart. Tlie ltt.-nllon of AMntlinrs counj
people Is aolleited, Petition! furnished. Write
cr tall for cliculan.
In Testing Eyes
Wc firquently find them different, Of
course, tho ulassea arc tontructed accord
Insly. A sreat aduntaRc In patrunhlns a
nianufacturlnK eptldin.
Optician. Harris' Drug Store.
garet Crossln, Miss May Horan, David
need, 1. Ncalon, of Olypliant.
At Glen Mrs. Joseph Curt, James J.
Curt, D. M. Kvans, T. O. Kvans.
At the Clarion Misses Kate Loftus
and M. A. Kelly, of Olyphant.
At Chester Inn Mrs. M. F. Wymbs
and son Frank, Miss Cecelia Hrown.
Dunlop M. J. McAndrew nnd John
Esmond O. L. Helilcgle and wife.
lslesworth V. V. Dm kin.
Manhattan T. J. Jennings.
Arlington Miss Margaret Mitchell,
M'ss Kittle Mitchell, James F. Mitch
Riflo Team from Company D Defeat
ed by Ninth Regiment Marks
men Match for Stlllwoll Cup.
Company M. of the Ninth regiment,
nnd it team picked from ConipanyA, of
the Thirteenth, met Saturday after
noon nt the Dickson City range, and
after it spirited rllle match, the
WIlkcs-UarreuiiB wuu by u Mjoiu of 2:'.1
to 1!U.
The M team wai In charge of Cap
tain Ficliiont Stokes, formerly of Co.
K of the Thirteenth, nnd consisted of
himself, .Sergeant Wntklns, Sergeant
lllank and Private Burns, Captain
George Uttss led the Company A men,
and the others on the team were Ser
geant Brink. Corporal Collin nnd Ser
geant Wnlte. After the shooting, tho
local soldlcts dined the visitors at
A revolver match was to have been
shot Saturday at Plttston, fur the
.Stlllwoll ttophy. This Is yearly con
tested for by teams from each battal
ion, and Saturday the First anil Third
battalions were to have shot for It.
The First, however, failed to present
a team, which gave the victory to the
Third by default. The men of the lat
ter shot, neverthless, and did splendid
work. Major Frank Holding, the bat
talion commander: Captain Mcrrlman,
of Company F; Captain Haul), of Com
pany L. Lieutenant Henshaw and
Hrelg, of Company F. and Lieutenant
Davis, of Company L, made up the
team. Their scores were as follows:
Hobllng Slow flie. 6S; rapid tire, 72.
Henshaw Slow lire, ".": rapid flre,72.
Moirlman Slow fire, (IS; rapid fire,
lit leg Slow fire, "2: tapld lire, fil.
Davis-Slow lire, 6S; rapid fire, 54.
Kerordcr ('otinrll approccd on Siturday the
re-tolutlon providing for the ratification of the
rantracta entered Into with the I.a France Engine
eompam nnd th meriran Kire Knglne ccm
pany, thus tndlne a long drawn out fisht and
Ficinc the ritt from mm h litigation.
Direitor of Public Mfety Worrmer ksued an
order on Mtuidav appointing Naac lice, ol the
rrjiaal l.nirir.e compant, as aittns thief of the
fire department dunn? tlie aim nee of Chief, who has heeu giantid an rii;ht'day
cacit ion.
Diiector of Public Safety F. L.
Wormser has deviled a foini of appli
cation blank te be filled out by all per
mits desiring appointments to positions
In the bateau of lire. These blanks
contain t-paces for the applicant's
name, address, age. fire experience, etc.
and must be indorsed by Chief Klzle
man. There aie:heeral dozen of these
npiillrationt) now on llle with the di
iector for the jdaces made vacant by
the resignations of Permanent Men
Martin and Heemer, but the diiector Is
biding his time nnd has not yet named
their succes.cits. He will piobably
make the appointments this
The action of select council on
Thursday night in passing the icsolti
tlon jitovldlng for a ratification of the
contracts for the new steam fire en
gine and hook and ladder trucks re
moves the last obstacle to the acquire
ment by the city of these much needed
additions to its hie fighting force. Re
corder Connell will undoubtedly sign
the resolution as It was Introduced at
his hiiggcsttoii Mid before next week Is
over the new hook and ladder truck
will be iut Into commission, as they
say of a new ship, ll will bo jilaccd In
the hook and ladder house on West
Lackawanna avenue, while the old
tiitch will be nit down and taken to
some other part of the city, probably
North Scram on.
Director of Public Works Uoche has
decided to have a maji repatcd showing
the location of every fire hydrant In
the city In addition to the map show
ing the locution eif the electric lights
throughout the city. With this end In
view employes fiom the departments
of jiubllc works and of public safety
will this week begin the woik of count
ing all tho lire hydrants and of making
memorandum ot their location. AVhen
this has been completed, a map will be
prepaied In tho city engineer's ofllee
which will show at a glance the loca
tion of every hydrant In the city.
The fact that the volunteer the com
itates of this city no longer do any ac
tive lire lighting, having been succeed
ed by imld men, does not at all Inter
fere with their standing in the state
fhemen'H organization. Nearly every
comjiany has already elected delegates
to the coming state convention lo be
held In Philadelphia In October. The
Fltemen's Kellef association will also
bo lepresenjc-d by two delegates. A
largo number of loe-al firemen nre
planning to attend the convention as
disinterested spectators, as It Is not
very often that tho largest city In the
state entertains the voluntecis,
The lire nlarni boxes wero again
tested timing tho jtast week by an
electrician from the Gamewell Fire
Alarm Telegrajih company and wero
found to bo In splendid condition. This
exjiert, after careful calculation, an
nounced that theto aro no less than
eighty miles of wlro comptlsed In the
lit o alarm system nf this city. ThlH Is
all copper and Is valued at between
$3.r.,rmn and NO.ono. This Item Is ono
which has not been much consldeted
by those who advocate tho purchase, of
the entire system by the city and Its
future maintenance by the municipality.
Ono Hundred and Eighty Good Men
and True Selected by Sheriff C.
H. Schadt and Jury Commissioner
D. J. Campbell to Assist in the
. Trial of the Cases to Come Up
Duiing the September Term of
Common Picas Many Prominent
Men on the List.
Jurors for the three weeks' term of
common pleas couit, beginning Mon
day, September 16, were drawn Satur
day by Sheriff C. !. Schadt and Jury
Commissioner D. J. Campbell. One
hundred and eighty names were drawn
as follows:
Harry t.oldherg, muhlnists, Skranton,
Ilirry Vewen, rlcil engineer, Scranton.
iluilcr C. (iernon, commercial traveler, Scran
ton. Sleep McKinni, hotel, Siranton.
Horace P. ltichapR farmer. Newton.
A. I). Haines, elerk, Plakely.
Thomas O'Malley, laborer. S ranton,
I. Willis Conant, tnuic, Scianton,
Michael .Ionian, engineer, Scranton.
Michael Mi Mullen, miner, Scranton.
William Ilacia, miner. Scranton.
Ilenr M Williams, liarher, Siranton.
Charles 11. Korehack, jMliiter, Scianton.
Ad on Drier, confectioner, Scranton.
A '. Dunning, pump-runner. Illmluint.
V. .1. (iallacher, lihorer, Scranton.
Kilwaitl tVMaltr, .isltant foremtn, Siranton.
Miihiel Swift, lahorrr, Archhald.
Prank Stoiker, ntudcnt, Sainton.
Thomas t'limmings, minei, Siranton.
W. i. Cornell, firmer, Newton.
.1. S Met 'ahc, hoM, Scranton
T. II Watklns, coal operator, Siranton.
.lames 11. Coleman, lihorer, Scranton.
1. 1'. Kinn lik, maihlni't, Siranton,
K. S Tiffany, farmer, llentnu.
Maitln flinnon, mill hind, Soanton.
.Inlin Me Don ihl, latiorcr, Siranton.
I:. V. MndiT, nolliitnr, Siranton.
Krit nilrew, tailor, Scranton.
.Mm Ward, miner, Scranton.
.Imiea II. KaulTnun, conductor, Scranton.
.James I'imicrtv, tcimster, Dunmore.
William II. Newton, foreman, Scranton.
Ihomaa 7uin, traik-laer, Dunmore.
Thomas ljulnti, lahorer, Scranton.
William (I. Williams, Hone mason, Scranton.
John lteiiold, lihorer, Scranton.
William S Klonskl, druggist, Scranton.
John Walter, printer, Siranton.
William MitViv, tclcgiajili opeiator, Nay Aug,
Harry V'inheru, clerk, Sennton.
Thomas CitJioui, coal in-peetor, Throop.
James F I.cnett, mill carrier, Scranton.
Josepli Speicher, insurance agent, Siranton.
Hoc. 1). W C'owell, clergyman, Madison.
Jamea Fitzimmnn, hoiltr maker, Scranton,
Mcles Sweetie, foreman, Siranton.
Henry ('. Iloftman, f.irmei, Jcfterfon.
Mmuel M.itthewn, postmaster, Olijihant.
Wes Pepew, tun kter. Siott township,
James l.nih, eonductor, Scranton.
Thomas l,nett, gent, Siranton.
Ihomis I., ('.olden, miner, S'ranton.
liarlcs It. Connell, law- ttudent, Scranton,
Jeremiah Simmon, miner, Siranton.
Prank i-anlcn, bartender, Scranton.
D. It, Vtherton, secretarv, Scranton.
Carl Hallcer, fanner, fircenflcld.
Lewis iittr, hutcher, Scranton.
Irank J. O'Hara, ilh'ar dealer, Scranton,
John Hopkins, miner, scranton,
John Heepo, postmaster, Talor.
(.coige Jitncke, paint dealer, Scranton,
Mmuel Moon, store keepei, Carhondate.
John l'oter, lahorer, scranton.
James W. llcrnhaker, engineer, cranton.
John Mimmers, engineer, S-ianton.
F W Zlelmann, tire chief, Scranton.
John Iteean,, vianton.
nthon Mi N'ulty. miner, Siranton.
John A. Miller, cigar-maker, Siranton.
11 Couiern, cent, cranton.
( harle li. Kiefl. hint tlerk, Scranton.
Alhert Itiikii. gent, Siranton.
John It. Holier!, miner, Old Forge.
Ficderuk J 1'latt, eleitrician, Scranton.
(loorgc ll. Brown, lumber dealer, Siranton.
Thomas Atherton, farmei, (ilenhuin.
Nalhinlel Dale, agent. Old Forge.
J Felts, (aimer, fireenfield.
W. Hinley, Jr., rcblaurant, Scranton
Thomas Thomas, shoemaker, Siranton.
Maitln OT'onner, hotel, Siranton.
Adam l'l?er, gatemin, Scranton.
Mhcrt IliH-, collector, Ma.cfleld
F. ('. sheimin, pilnter, olyphint..
James W'ardill, faimer, CoWngton. ,
P. J. O'Veill, minei, Mlnooka.
W. S. Iluyil, minager, Scranton.
John H FIJi, Mipciintcndrnt, Siranton.
Stewart ltiescckrr, aicountant, mi ant on.
J. W. (.artier, manufacturer, Scranton.
I'.lmer Arnold, farmer, Orcenhold.
Patrick Blown, truikman, Carhondale,
Jjmcs P. Mi Andrews, foreman, W'inton.
ntonio Muk, lahorer, Dunmore ,
Willi un Diappcll, men hint, Scranton.
Charles II. I.aurty, elerk, Scranton.
A. It. Feiote, clerk, Siranton.
( harles Sinker, silcinan, Suanlon.
John srlirii'lier. team-ter, Scranton.
F. FdmumK gent, Ma field.
Thnnia- Marion, harher, ( arhondale.
Thomas I'.. Williims, aceouutaiit, lllakely,
Lawrence Smith, hlackimith, Carhondate.
Fdwln M. lii.ica, agent, Dunmoie,
A. .1. Dull, theater manager, Scranton.
M. P. Ackerly, farmer, Siott.
V. Poland, mlllhand, Scrintrn.
William llcuiter, elerk, Scranton.
William J. Burns, farmer, Scranton,
Kugene I)wor, foreman, Siranton,
. J. Clark, butcher, Scranton.
Dacld Plite, farmer, Covington
JamcH C, Ilrady, watchman, Scranton.
Lewis II, Carter, attorney, Scranton.
P. Flannigan, uriticn forrmin, Taylor.
Patrick smith, miner, Siranton.
O M. Williams, clerk, Sainton
M. W. Ciimmings, jr., agent, OIphant.
F. P. Brown, hotel, Carliomlale.
Heun Wldeman, farmir, llentun,
John l)elne, gateinan, Nay Aiu".
1' J. Liu c, lnui,iuro agent, Siranton.
Inhn M Fowler, cashier, agent.
II. ll. Miller, hank clerk, Siranton,
D. li. Clark, engines r, ('arhondale township.
('. II Pearl, foreman, Moosir.
John Mav, ilerk, iranton.
Frank MeCawlc, elerk, tranton,
uhle Martin, miner,
(icmge M HilUtrad, supeiliiltiideiit, Scranton,
T. I.oltus farm hand, ('arhondale.
John M. Gallagher, rirber bo, lllakely.
Ralph D. Williams, clerk, Scranton.
Iivnipli Tennis, miner, Jeimyn.
W illlim swerne, undeitiker, 01 pliant.
John J. Murjih, lahorer, Scranton,
. dentine lloear, harher, Scranton.
Hinv Ynt, accountant, Siranton,
William (leary, gent, Caihondale.
John scanlon, lelegiapli ojierateir, Moicow,
Timothy Burke, contractor, Dunniure.
Matthew C'awlcy, superintendent, Siranton.
Inhn Van Brunt, hostler, 5Iocnw.
Ldward Mullen, diiller, Dakson City.
F. 11 niltkens, undertaker, Iliimunic,
Fiank Detweller, collector, Scranton.
loreph Winkle, palnler, Scianton,
Ch.ulea !lnrncagcr, clerk, Suauton.
T. W'. lllnes, elerk. Scranton
(). W. shulti, Jr., gent, Scranton.
Ilenr) M. he, gent, Dallon.
lb my ('. Itiilloif, gent, Scranton.
II. D. Buck, teaihrr, St lantnn.
II. F. Wanhll, fanner, Coclnston.
II, F. Wardill, miiihint, Momiw,
llerlK Franklin, fanner, Billion,
II .1. Foter, iiiAtruitor, Nrardon.
John Putt, lahorei, Seiantun.
(i . Post, fiimer, Smtt.
Kdwaid D. Kdnards, t'omluctor, Scranton.
Patrltk Cannon, gent, Oljphant.
J .urn a Nialis, nioldir, Stianlun.
John Cettings, gent, Cailiondjle.
Andrew- Mill hell, gent. Caihondale,
Thomas Walsh, hrakeman, Sianton,
Thomas Iloherty, hotel, Dunmore.
Heihert W. TaIor, miniger, Siranton,
T. MeLouehlin, foreman, scranton
P. II U'ltkinc, aiiiiuntsiit, Sirantoru
D, W. Jonei, farmer, Covington.
Richard Keainey, foreman, Mokow,
II. P. (iallashcr, clerk, fccunton.
Our August Sale
Still continues. We have some bar
gains left in Glassware and China
Conceits, too many to mention. Come
in and see.
Geo. V. Millar &
4f-. 7lT" -
-'3KealiV.'W5vlciYri- -4w?-ltoS". h 'Vvv f J , J"
The Celebrated Elastic Felt Mattress made by The Scranton Bed
(llnR Company. We make and sell all kinds of mattresses, pillows,
bov divans, cushions. We carry large stock of fine Krass and Iron
Beds, the best made.-WliHcoml) and Bcrnstlen.
Upholstery. We do the best in town. Let us fix up your furni
ture now, while you dont need it.
Lackawanna and Adams Both 'Phones
Ahel storm, farmer, Cmlnnton.
Edward Wells, imrthint, Moscow.
MRS. CIIAIII.ES B. U.STOV died suddenly
after a few hi.urs illness at her home em Fifth
stteet jrMenliv ihout 1 o'cloik For Keceral
ears she has heen In delieite health, suffcrinc
seienlv at one time from heirt trouhle. When
her huiand learhed home on Siturdav nlsht
he tomplilricd of not feeling ae well as usual,
hut it was thought to he one of her luual spells,
and on Sundae morning die wai appirently
inueh Imprncid. Ahout half pat tlecen she ioin
plained eif feelinir muih wor-.i' and her condition
was siuli that her family hecame alarmed and a
h.iin,in was In'tilv ummor,ed, hut hefore his
ariiial nhe Iml pissed awac. Coroner Roherts
nan notified and lewed the lemilns, hut decided
an Impiest was not netevs.m. t the time of
her sad takinc off Mrs ENton was only .to oars
of aire. Mic Is Kiirclced hy her hushand and two
ehildien. Frank and Jeanette The stricken
family is the recipient of muili umpathy from
notorious friends in their sad hereicement. The
funeral will occur on W'edncdac mornlne from
hir late home and interment will tic made In
MRS. FMM PUTTER relict of the late Chester
Potter, died it her home on Blakelv street ces.
terday morninc nlier an illnss of occcral years,
durinc which time she was a fufferer from ean
cer. siie was a resident of Dunmore ehiriui; the
past flltc eear. t the time or her death her
ace was 70 eirs Durlnc manv vears of her
life here she tondueted a prhate school and
man of the mlddle-ased people In the tiorniieh
todav were nunihered amonj; her pupil". She is
sunived hv the follow Ini ro(hers and sisters:
Mrs. Jerry Hall, of W'aceili ; John Shlppie, North
Carolina; Charles Shlppie. W likes Birre; Mr".
Sirah Mattox, Jamestown, N i.. .limes Shlp
pie, Scranton; nlso hy her adopted son, ClaMon,
and cramlihlld, Cr.ii.tal Dili.unple The fune
ril will occur Tuesdiv afternoon from her late
home at S o'elork. Inlcrmcnt will he made in
Dunmore remetery.
MRS L. E FR Weill's. nf 31T Madison avenue,
was found dead In her hed sestertliv morninc:
hv her hu-hind. 1 former rouiicilman from tiie
Seienteentli w lrd. Mrs. Francois had heen allim;
for the h.t two ceafs, and it Is thought that
heart failure caused her deith carle .cesterdic
momliis Deiea-ed i II cears of ace and
Hied In thi ilty for the list twentv-seien ears.
She was formerly Mis Kill Shultr, of W'esoc,
Bradfonl tourtv. When she retirrd to rest Sat
urdiv nicht slie vn" feelinc compjritleelv well.
hut on Tuediy and Wedncdav rhe sustained
severe attack She is Mm Iced hv her huslnnd,
her mother. Mrs. Ell?ahelh Vail, of this city,
Mrs. M. P. Fariium, of fincn Ridce, and
her brother. W II Shultr, ot Dencer. Col Tlie
funeral will take plaie at 2 oMork Wednesday
aflernoon, with Interment in the Dunmoie come.
MICH FI. FI.VW. need M vears, son of Mrs.
Michael Fl.vnn. of tm Ninth street, died -atur
day eieninc. Deceased wa- a well known .voting
man and wis emplo.icd as a hook keeper at the
International Correspondent Schools. He is sur
leil In his mothei and slsler, Mis Mary
IT tin, a teacher in N'.i. I') lioo. The funeral
will take pi ice at 0 "0 o'rloik tomorrow mornlm;,
with senieis In St. Patrick's Catholic ehurcli,
Iiilrnnent will he made in the Cathedral ceme
tery. T. C. POI.PIIIV, forme rlv of (Ids city, where
lie was cn?iced In the plunihim; and hardware
business, died at Plillidelphil, Thursday. Ho
Hied there for some time, and, with Ills brother,
M. F Dolphin, of this city, wis interested In the
coil trade. The remains of deceased hue heen
brought here and the funeral will take place
this morning from the residence of Mr. Dolphin,
at W'ajne aecnue and fireeii meet.
MRS MRV of Pittnton, died SU
nrdiy at the home of her daughter, Mrs Mil tin
Earlt, of ;.') Ecnon street, with whom she had
been Uiting for cci ll weeks. She is hhcIiciI
be the following ihihlren- Mrs. Ears, Hit hard,
James and Marv, of l'lttxton. The remains will
he taken to Piltston (or interment.
ANTHONY JI'DliE, of .111 Front sheet, died
Satnrdj. He was ,7 ean of age and Is sur.
died h three daughters, Mrs lames 11. Iteill,
Annie and Bridget. 'Hie funeral will he held
tomoirow tnt'inlnir.
PARKE R S'FHnrlS" died Siturdav at the
home nf John J. HirrK 1 Brick avenue. He
was IS eirs of ace and a ci.indtoii of Hc. .1. P.
Harri. The (uncial will bu held today at Nan
llcoke, Tunernls.
Tlie funeral seniles of Eleanor, the tliiaghter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ih tin Dtle, wire condiuted on
satunli fiom the fanulv ii'sideiue on (Julney
acriiue. The I it t Is casket of the denly lord
biln wai hidden ccllh flowers sent h the filendi
of the sorrowing family Rev E. J. llaughton,
rector of St. Mirk's ihunh, oflliiated.
35th National Encampment G. A. It.,
Cleveland, Ohio, September 10th to
14th Inclusive.
For the nbove occasion ticket aKcnts
of the Lackawanna railroad will Fell
special round trip tickets to Cleveland
and return at one way fare for the
round trip, tickets to be on sale good
Bolnc September 8th, 9th, 10th, Uth nnd
12th, and for return up to and IncludltiK
September 15th, except by depositing
tickets with Joint afjent at Cleveland
on or beforp noon of September IB, re
tut n limit will be cxtendeel to Jeuvp
Cleveland not later than October fith
on payment of .'.0 cents extra. Stop off
at Huffalo will be permitted on tho re
turn tilp by depositing tickets with
Joint agent at that point and payment
of one dollar, provided the same Is
used within the final return limit. Chil
dren between the ages of 5 and 12 one
half of tho above rate,
I.lederkr.Tiu excursion to Lake Lo
d'jre, Monday, August 26.
Co. IS1K"" 7"
"From the prairies of
America to the homes of
the world"
tn Color Beautiful
In Design Artistic
In Use Comfortable
InDurabilitu-Like Iron
In Price Reasonable
It is adapted to all
places and particularly
useful and appropriate for
and porches. We have a
complete line.
Hill & Connell
I2E N. Washington Ave.
Hy a recent act of the legisla
ture, free tuition Is now granted
at the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to all thoe piepatlng to teach.
This school maintains courses
of Fttidy for teucheis. for those
prepating for college, and for
thoM- studying music.
It will piv to wiile for piitiiulars,
No oilier mIvhiI ollna mrIi .unerior ad.
carnages al nuili low iatc3 Address
J. P. Welsh, A. M., Ph. D.,Prin.
Tuition Absolutely Free
Ci.fjit the East StinuiMuirc State N'ormil
"--Sihool Fall term opens sept. 1, tn
The fioccmor lias .Iftncd the hill (.rantinR a
Fpecial appropriation to thU sitiool. as well as
tlie hill making tuition free. Fur full particulars
l'.,.. .! i, u.iwui. rknin..i Mill d.
WlSSaniCMJIl lltlnu,, .
A boardliiK school for boyi In the elevated
and beautiful open country north of rhlla.
delplda. jo minutes from Ilroncl St Station.
I'or catnlogues address
Bingiiamton Private Training .School
for ncnous, Pack card and Deaf Mute Chil
dren. Manual Tiainiiii;. I'h)'aical Culture,
Needlework, Mu.ii, Klndcritarten, Arllcula.
tion, Open )ar round. Circular. Price!
moderate. S. A POOLirrLE,
62 Fairview -Avenu.
The l'cnnsylrniiln State Cnllcso
Sn cjimlnation of candid ilea for admii.on will
In" held at Ihi- Hiuh school, Auenlay, Auuust 27,
1101, hcEinniiiEf at II a. m.
Pr. M. E. id.worth, (or scleral tears Direc
tor of the llomiliton (Miihlsan) Colleise ot
M lues, lias actepied an aiionlment ai Head o(
the Mining Department.
The Fall Seinlon opens September II, "lifll.
For cataloEiie, specimens of foimer examin.
tlon papers, or other infnimation, address