The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 19, 1901, Image 2
, " V- ' ' ' ' r " '"- '- THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1001. 4 t'Pll' -' Itr-.-' f a ., i '- Oillce: BURKE BUILDING j I1 EEL RAILROAD TIME TABLES. j .,,.. . . ..'-'- '-- Delaware nnd Hudson Rnllroad. June , 1001. Train will leave Carbondals at city nation For Sfranten and WilkM-llirtel .M. '.f. "" 0.01. 10 01, 11.21 i. m.i 1J.. l'3. S-Jl. 3-"! .0fi. 7.0fl. 10.(11. 10.51 p. m. , ,,' Sundav train leave at A.M. 11.21 a. m.S l.W. "Ur", Alio, 00 p, m. , , vn For Albany, Jaratogi. .Montreal, ll'on. Ive England polnta, etc., 7.01 a. m.i ." P- m- frP'uVf I.n.We, Waymirt od iK-neaelil. 7.22. HOT 4. m.: 351, fi.s p. 71. ..... Sundav train Irate lor Lake l-odore. wavmatt and ltoned.ile at SO a in.. 1 30, ")' "L.t Trains arrive at C.-tbondl Itim Hk """ and Seranten a follow: n.. S.S.. (M". J"-" a. m. i 12.S7. 2.0. 3.2.1, t.ii, rt.0. 7.04. o ... !.'. II. "7 p. m ; 1 51 . m. ,, , , .. Simrliv train arrive at "t.97 a. m.i 12.10. 3-'. 4 2. A.21, II :n p m. ... ,. Trjln arrive rlailr from Alhiny at 3.W ana 0.5i p -n .-.- en Snndiv at 2 so p. m. Iiairn arrive from llouejidite and waymarr, dally at s 41 a m.. 12.40. (10. 0 47 p. m. Sunday train arrl" at farliendale from Mr I.doie, Wat mart and llonradale at 12 1". I' and 7.5.1 p. m. ,. Now York, Ontario and Western June 2.1, 1001 Train le.ive Carhondate tor A-ranton t 7.00, 10 01 a. m . 4 00 p, m Sundsy trains at 7 00 a m. ; flO p. m. .. . Train leave farhondatr for polnta north at 11.10 a. m. : 44 p. m On Sunday at 0 10 . m. Train leaving at 11 10 a m uerk di and i" a. m. Sunday make ronneetlen for Now im. Cornwall, it". , . Train arrive 'mm prranton at 11 10 a. m.: 4 11 t.4"i p. m.. (mm point north, 10 01 a. m. 4 "J p. m Sunday from Srrmton at 0.10 a. m. ani ..tip. m. ; from CidoMa at SOI p. m. Erie Railroad. .tune 2.1. 10iM. Train leave ritv station, Carbendale. dally Otrrpt Sundiv) at' 7 00 a. m. and 4 S3 p. m. (or Brandt and Mneteh, at IM a. m. dally (ex cepting Sundav), f-.r fltnghamtnn. making con nertlon for New York elty and Buffalo, and at f 10 p m. lor SuK'iuehanna, making conneetlonj for etern polnta. Stindat trilna at 0 1 .1. m for Smauehanni, unth weMern oonnertlon, and 0.27 p. m., with Mme connection. Train arrlte at S.M a. m. and 5.15 p. m. Sunday at a.5.1 a. m. A PEW GOOD SIZED CONTRIBUTIONS NEEDED Excellent Progress of Plans of Semi centennial Committee, but in Or der to Carry Out All of tho Feat ures, S700 More Is Needed Feat ures of the Display of Historical Relics Other Jubilee Notes of In terest to Enthusiastic Carbon dalinns. Peml-centennlal matters are cer alnly on the move these days nnd as the opening of the Juhllee draws near signs of a glorious celebration multi ply. Put as successful as the com mltees have been In their work, they are meeting with some embarrass ment because of the lack of funds. Seven hundred dollars more, It Is es timated, are needed to put the finish ing touches to the plans, but It Is expected that when this Is made known here will be a response from quarters from which no funds have come that will more than make up this deficiency. Therefore, those who intend to subscribe to the fund, but have not done so as yet, can for ward their offering to association headquarters, where the earnest hope Is held to that all the money needed will he forthcoming. THE DISPLAY OF RELICS. The delegates from tho women's so cleties of the town, who have the mat ter in charged, have worked so Indus triously and perserverlngly that the display of historical relics Is expected to be most complete. Resides the dele gates from the societies, the follow ing are associated with the work: Mesdames Rurr, M. O. Watt. C. T. Meaker, O. C. Moore, P. C. Orltman, , E. M. Peek, A. P. Trautweln, David Zelley, Jr., R. D. Stuart and Misses Amanda Morss, Alice Rutler, Rattle Tascoe," Lois Morss and Jennie But ler. A meeting of these workers has been called for this afternoon at 4 o'clock, In Trinity parish house. Among the articles nlready pro cured for the exhibit nre: A small painting of the Old Log Tavern, the first house In Carbondale; the city's first seal, made of lignum vltae; map of the city when It was Incorporated; white sit!n slppers worn by Miss Mary Ann Smith at her wedding to William Rail In this city In 1R31; one of the first bonds Issued bythe city; first official documents of the city; scrip issued by the Delaware and Hudson company; money of the Rank of Xortheastem Pennsylvania ot Dun daff; copy of the Northern Pennsyl vanlnn, published at Dundaff. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S DISPLAY. Much has been said about the school children's display, but the plans that nre under way warrant the liberal use of high-sounding adjectives to ex ploit this feature. Rrlefly, this will he one of the big attractions of the first day's eelehratlon, Orders have been Placed for 2,000 small flags, which will be farrlrd by the children, -also for forty-two banners of white felt, on each of which will he the number of the school nnd the grade of the pupils. - The floats will be six In number. Which will represent In n striking manner, "Uncle Sam's Nursery," "Thirteen Original States." "Making the First Flag," "The Red Cross" and "The Navy." Costumes of red, white and blue will adorn the children, who ; will be grouped In the march so as to j represent the American flag. ' MEETINO OF TEACHERS AND PI'PILS. ; The following notice of n meeting ; thl e.venlng has been Issued by City .'.Superintendent of Schools Oarr: "A)l puhlle school teachers nnd pu pils nre requested to meet in their re spe.etJvrt rooms of last year on Mon day "Aug: in, nt 3 p. m.. for the pur pose of making arrangements for the coming semi centennial celebration. ContrlbutlonM from pupils nnd others interpsted In the succets of the school Us3 Allan's Foot-Eas) in Your Gloves A lady wiltni "I thakc Allrn'n,. Into, my lnva and run a little on my hand, It Miua my gloia hy abiorhlnji pfwfratlon, 1! la meat dainty tnUct poily." tt invite tha Attention 0f nhjflcianj ana nuiin to the ahsoluta pifrlty ft Allen'a Kcot-Kaat. Dr. W. C. Ahhotr edl6r tA the CMeago Clinic tiyn "It la i crarH prtparattcn; I am mine it constantly n my praetlee." All dmc and ihoe itorfa el It, ,,. . Bample nt FREE. Addrt Allen R. OlmHtd'. I toy, N. Y. 1 C&thondale Department. demonstration will ho Kratcfully ro celvpd. TcnrherB mretlng nt 7.30 p. m. of the came date. "Klmer K. Oarr, Superintendent." OTHER NOTKS. The delpgntps of nil the Focletles In the city which expect to take part In the clvlo pnrarle nre risked to meet nt hendnuarters on Tuedny evenlnp to mnke flnnl preparntlona for the occn rion. J. J- O'Neill. All parties HvInK In this rlty having (?cod saddle horoes' that will let them to ride In the Labor day p.irade pleaso notify by postal card, A. L. Wright, chairman of Arrangement committee. THE WURTS orARDS. A meeting of the "Wurts Guards" will be held on Monday evening, tho 10th, at the headquar ters, for the purpose of completing ar rangements for a reunion of Company C, Thirteenth regiment, Pennsylvania militia, to take place Sept. 2, 1901. H. H. Jndwln. The Daughters of Rebekah have elected a new delegate to the semi centennial association and are arrang ing to have a tine float In the civic parade. The pastors of the churches nre ar ranging the oHer of services which will mark the opening of the celebra tion. At the First Presbyterian chinch the pastor will have for bis subject, "Retrospect and Prospect." Services will be nt 10.30 n. m.. nt which it Is expected there will be a specially pre pared musical programme. CARBONDALE WINS, Crescents Defeat tho Mighty (P) Tigers of Ilonesdnle in a Game nt Lake Lodore The Score 10 to G. Tlv mighty (?) "Tlgern" of Hones dale were completely routed by the Crescents, the crackajack team from this city, In an Interesting game nt Lake Lodore yesterday afternoon. Tho score was 10 to 6. The game was Cnrbondnle's all the time nnd the only occasion In which things seemed to be going Mnple city wny wns In the fifth Inning, when the Tigers put themselves one ahead of the gnme In the last Inning the Cres cents made good, scoring four runs. The team work of the Crescents was admlrnhle and In giving credit there doesn't seem to be a single player who can be given more praise than nnother. Smith nnd Loftus nnd Hc.ssllng and Veeter were the batteries. There was a great aggregation of rooters from Corbondale nnd Hones dale, nnd there wns vociferous cheer ing nnd a running fire of "kidding" from the beginning to the end of the contest. If there Is one thing more than nn other that the result of the game will bring nhout It Is the checking of th" exuberance of the Ilonesdnle corre spondents who have spent the week In throwing hoquets at their "Tigers." WORK FOR LAFAYETTE SMITH. The Vidocq of Wnymnrt Has a Case of Probable Incendiarism to En gage His Skill. Lafayette Smith "Lafe" Smith when the title Is stripped of Its dig nity the vigilant village policeman ot Waymart, hns an Important ense on his hands, one that will engage his skill to solve. The Wonnacott saw mill was destroyed by fire late Friday night and as there was nothing about the place to cause n blaze, 11 number of the residents are "pot" In their opinions that the only Industry of the village was "sot" afire. It Is this mys tery that Policeman Smith has under taken to unravel and If "Lafe" does not unravel It, It's because there's no unraveling to the thing. This Is the first hnppenlng that has stirred Lafayette since he brought nbout so completely the downfall of the flourishing "capital of Waymart." the speakeasy that became an Intol erable nuisance to the law nnd order abiding citizens of that community. As In that Instance Policeman Lafay ette Smith holds the good name above nil else, and If It Is In his power lv menus to suppress the lnwiefs spirits who might drift Into the peacenhle life of Wnymnrt nnd give play to their mischief. Speaking of Mr. Smith It might bo mentioned that he possesses nn his torlcal name of which few persons can boast. He Is known and called La fayette, hut this Is only a fragment of his surname. In full It tuns as fol lows: Marie Jean Paul Roach Ives ed Gilbert Marquis de Lafayette Smith. The good naturcd policeman would not burden his friends with addressing him f-o; plain "Lafe" Smith Is good enough. An Important Deal. An important real estate deal hns been effected In the sale by Thomas O'Connell and Dr. John O'Connell to Contractor Joseph Hoole of the block on Salem avenue occupied by the Sny der livery and barber shop. Sullvan & Ryan, Mr. Hoole's office and Reek's clgnr factory. The transfer hns been n fertile topic of discission among huslness men, for the property Is In the heart of tho business district. The reputed figure. Is $10,500, Mr. Hoole has not made known his plans. Tried to Steal n, Locomotive. A man who gave his nnme as Thom as Thomas and his residence ns Ply mouth was arrested last night In the Delnwnre nnd Hudson round house by Speclnl Oftlcer Wagner. He was at tempting to climb Into a locomotive, clnlmlng thnt he wnnjed to tnke It to go to a wreck down the road. It Is be lieved thnt he Is Insane. Knights of Pythias Soclnl. Carbondale lodge, No. 230, Knlghtfl of Pythias, will have a social time In Cambrian hall on Wednesday evening of this week, their regular meeting night. The committee In charge of the affair has arranged for n delight ful social time nnd the members nre engerly nntlclpatlng the pleasures of the evening. Meetings of Tonight. Select council. Olive Leaf lodge, No. lRfi, I, O. O. F. Federal union, No, 720i. Young Men's Institute. Barbers' union. Patriotic Older Sons of America. 'Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 MR. BRYDEN ELECTED PRINCIPAL Tho Resignation of Director Hock onberry, Who does to Oregon, Causes Differences to Be Set Aside. High School Faculty Chosen. Other Hoard Matters. Ptof. William D. Rryden was elected principal ot .the Carbondale high school nt the meeting of the board of educa tion on Saturday; also all of the teach ers who tnught In tho high school last year, as follnws; A. W. deary, Lucy Joslln, Kate Mnce, C M. Lcshcr, May Kllpatrlck, Cora Estnbrook, Harriet Hutchlns, Ella Roland, Angell.i Rors. F. 11. Col Hns,' Anna Rcrry, Julia Kllhullen, Thomas W. Loftus, Sara Swigcrt, Miss Mary Connerton nnd Miss Mar garet Flnneran and Pntrlck M. Hren nnn were elected ns additional teachers, nnd Miss Mame Lally nnd Miss Anna Stephens were selected to net as sub stitute teachers nt a salary of $25 per montn. The election of Principal Rryden for nnother year broke the deadlock which at the last meeting of the board, on Wednesday evening last, tied up all of the teachers of the high school faculty. The breaking of the deadlock was due primarily to the resignation of Director H. J. Hockenberry, who will leave next week to accept a promising ro.sltlon in LeOr.'Uid, (Oregon. Mr. Hockenberry wns on the side that op posed the election of Prfessr Rryden. Mr. Gallagher, who was with Mr. Hock enberry In bis opposition to Professor Rryden, believing that nothing could be gained by continuing the deadlock, even though his side was of the opin ion that it was in the rlcht. and fore seeing that possibly the opposition would elect n successor to Mr. Hocken berry who would carry the day with them nnd seat Mr Rryden. decided to end the tlc-np nnd cast his vote with the other side. This gave Mr. Rryden tho requisite number of votes. Presi dent Hughes nnd Mr. Hockenberry re mained firm to the Inst and voted against Professor Rryden. W. R. Evans, of Terrace street, wns elected to succeed Mr. Hockenberry, whose resignation was presented anil accepted. Mr. Hockenberry's severance of re lations with the hoard was marked by kind words from President Hughes nnd Mr. Swlgert, who paid him sincere compliments during their brief talks. The board allowed an average In crease of $5 to the school Janitors nnd contracts weie directed to be made with them for one year. The question of tho salary of Janitor Lewis, of No. 9 school, however, was not disposed of nnil it wns put over until a later meet ing. Superintendent Garr presented a re port on the progress of the plans for having the school children participate In the semicentennial celebration. In accepting the report, the building com mittee wns directed to see to It that the school buildings were fittingly decorated. Scronton Whist Players Victorious. There was an Interesting game of whist at tho Carbondale Cycle club house on Friday evening between a team from Scranton and local players. The home team was handicapped by the absence of one of its skilled play ers and the honors went to the men from the Electric city. The score wns plus twelve and two-thirds. The Scranton plnyers were Messrs. Wallace, Heintermlster, Dale, Rrnad bent, Price nnd Henley. The first four weie members of the Scranton team which won such high honors nt the national whist tournament In Minne apolis a few days ago. The locnl players were John Reese, O. A. Singer, D. W. Humphrey, O. M. Pntterson, Dr. S. E. Moyer and J. A. Hoole. Funeral of Mrs. Walsh. The fune'rnl of the lnte Mrs, Rrldget Walsh, of Hospital street, who met such a shocking death on the Ontario nnd Western railroad bridge over Rrooklyn street, Wednesday, was held on Saturday forenoon. Interment wns In St. Rose cemetery. Services were conducted In St. Rose church, where a high mass of requiem was sung. The pall bearers were Thomas Mc Nulty. MIchnel Price. Michael Golden, Patrick O'Malln, Thomas W. Cox nnd Henry McLaughlin. W. C. T. TJ. Election. The following were elected nt the recent meeting of the Woman's Chris tlnn Temperance union: President, Mrs. Van Gorder; secretary, Mrs. Rurnnrd: treasurer, Mrs. David Dunn; vice president, Mrs, Rutler; recording secretary, Mrs. Stanton. Sundny School Picnic. I The annual picnic of the Presby terian Tpunday school will be held on Friday of this week at Farvlew. THE PASSING THRONO. Mall Carrier W. Rlehase Is on his vncntlon. Miss Marlon DImock Is visiting In Clinton, Wayne county. Misses Mary nnd Emma Coogan nro enjoying n two weeks' outing nt Ren ton. Miss Josl Leonnrd, of Scranton, Is being entertained by Miss Agnes Walker. MUs Maine Moore, of Newton, Is the guest of Miss Margaret McAndrew, on Rrooklyn street. Mrs. R. Manvllle nnd her guest. Mrs. David Zleley. of Rrooklyn, N. Y., nre nt Preston park. Miss Walsh, ot Philadelphia, Is the guest of the Misses Monahnu, at the Harrison houte. Mrs. George Culver, of Garfield nve nue, has gone on an extended visit to Mount Holly. N J. Miss Katie Morrison will resume her duties at "The Fair" today, after en Joying her vacation. Mrs. William Clum ond Mrs. G. H. DImock were In Scranton Friday call ing on Mrs. D. La Rue. MISFes Kathryn Pnro nnd Jennie Fox have returned from a three weeks' visit In New York city, Patrick nnd Martin Kennedy left Saturday for several weeks' visit with New York city relatives. Edward Burke, who Is located as telegraph operator In New York city, Is visiting at tho home of his parents, Roadmaator John N, Rurke and Mrs. Burke, on Rrooklyn street. Silas Tucker has accepted a position at the bobbin works of the Clover Leat( Manufacturing company. Postmnster John It. Thomas return ed on Saturday from a visit at the Pan-American exposition. Mrs. George Du Rols and daughter Hazel, and Mls Fronces Shafer are visiting friends In Honesdale. Miss Tlllle McOownn, of Rrooklyn. street, who hns been 111 for the past week, Is able to be out again. W. R. Culver, of the Hendricks com pany's office, left Snturdny evening on u business trip to Indianapolis. Miss Lena Spencer, of Owen Sound, Canadn, Is visiting her nunt, Mrs. W. T. Rlnghom, on Dundnff street. Joseph Mlssett, of Rrooklyn street, Is spending two weeks with his son, Dr. J. V. Mlssett, of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. L. Glger and family nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Jenkins nnd fam ily spent Sunday nt Newton lake. Mrs. Elizabeth Conrad, who has been visiting her son George on Clark nve nuc, has returned to Susqitehannn. Jnmes nnd Mnry Walsh, of Wilkes Rarre, are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Kelly, on South Church street. Mrs. Timothy MrOarry nnd daugh ter Mary, of Terrace street, hnve re turned from n pleasant visit with New York city friends. Miss Annie Murray, of Reese Rros. store, leaves on her vacation today, and Miss Nellie McNulty returns after a ten days' outing. Thomas Duffy, who Is managing the pharmacy of James Kearney, on Jack son street. West Scranton, spent yes terday nt his home in this city. Mrs. K. G. Wickwlro nnd sons, Rry son and Lorln, nnd Miss Eunice nnd Oretta Bryson, of Salem avenue, nro enjoying nn outing nt Poyntelle. The Misses Ella and Lizzie Horan, of tho West Side, nnd Katheryn nnd Anna Farrell, of Plko street, aro spending a few weeks nt Waymart. Mrs. R. I. Russell, of Watetbury, Conn., Is visiting her sister. Mrs. John Maze, of 2 Clnrk avenue. Her mother, Mrs. H. F. Conrad, matron of Wes leynn college. Mlddleton. Conn., has returned home. Mrs. Catherine Messett and Frank Messett, of Schennctady, N. Y nre visiting nt the home of Joseph Mes sett, on Rrooklyn street. Frank Mes sett, whose home was In Carbondale, will leave here In a few weeks for the College of Physicians and Sur geons, at Baltimore. JERMYN AND MAVFIELD. Select Commander Perry Helndel, of York, visited Jermyn castle. No. 102, Knights of the Mystic Chain, Satur day evening for the purpose of con ferring the mark degree on a num ber of past presidents of Jermyn nnd surrounding lodges. The visit of the head of the order was an Important one nmong the members of the frater nity nnd a number of visitors from CarhondnJe. Peckvlllo and Scranton castles were present. Refore the de gree was conferred, Mr. Helndel de livered an address on the principles nnd progress of the order. The spenker Is a man of commanding nppearance and n good talker, and his address was frequently Interrupted by the en thusiastic applause of his hearers. At the conclusion of the address, the mark rank wns conferred by Select Commander Helndel. assisted by Vice Commander Henry Chapman, Marshal E. O. Dawe, Recording Scribe William Curley, Chaplain William Rawllng, Inside Guard Edwin Germln, Outside Guard William Glbbs. Those who re ceived the degree were; Past Com manders William Renson, Samuel roopr, jr., Andrew Richards, Castb? 1R2; G. Northsteln, C. L. Mack, Cas tle 103; Joseph Wilso and Thomas J. Sklnenr, Castle 20.-). The committee on credentials were: j. Williamson. Castle 137: J. Curley, Castle 162; B. Vreeland, Castle 205. A .social session was afterwards held. Refreshments were served, cigars passed around and the evening very pleasantly passed, nil present carrying away with them many enjoyable recollections of Select Commander Helndel's official visit to Jermyn. Mrs. C. A. Rattenberg entertained a number of young people on Saturday evening at her home on South Main street, In honor of her guests, the Mlsse Anna and Stella Cure, of Tomp klnsvllle. The evening was enjoyably spent. Those present were: Misses Helen and Carrie Rattenberg. of Arch bald; Lena and Nellie Hill, of Bir mingham. Ala.: Mary Swlek, Laura Hill. Gertie Davis, Jessie Winter. Emily Rich, Anna and Stella Cure, Frank Winter. Harry Griffiths, Ralph Rymer. Attorney C. A. Rattenberg and Mr. Smnle. of Carbondnle. Rev. nnd Mrs. Fuller will leave to day on a vacation to Atlantic City. The Citizens' band has received an engagement to play three days at the Carbondale centennial next month. George Oehhardt. of the South End, Is enjoying the sea breezes at Atlan tic City. Mrs. H. D. Carey returned home on Saturday from a ten days' visit with relatives at Carlisle. Mrs. John Penrose, of West May field. Is 111. Misses Rachel and Annie Griffiths, of Main street, left Saturday on a visit to Ttlea and Albany, N. Y. The Artesan Hose company attend ed the Vnndllng Hose company pic nlc Saturday. Theboys appeared In their new uniforms for the first time nnd were greatly admired. PECKVILLE. Henry Mackey, aged IS. and John Rumford, aged Ifi, were arrested for burglary by Constable William Ooyne on Friday night. On Saturday night of August 3, the store of William Ooyne was burglarized. A week later, on a Saturday night, three bold at tempts were made to enter the Jewelry store of J. Rarrett. Suspicion rested on Mackey and Rumford. During the week the lads admitted to compan ions thnt they had entered Coyne's store and had mnde the nttempt to do so at the Jewelry store. Mr. Ooyne wns appralfcod nnd sworn nut a wnr rnnt before Justlc of the Pence S. W. Arnold for Mackey nnd Rumford's ar rest. When they were brought before Arnold, they both admitted their guilt, nnd told In an off-hand, laugh ing wny, how they hnd lounged nbout town until after midnight nnd then boldly entered the plnce. taking what money they could find nnd filling their pockets with fruit nnd candy, would go to some secluded spot anil have a feast, ns they called It. For the past two weeks a great many attempts have been mado to enter business places. Only a short time ag"o, tho store of Roberts Rros. was entered nnd a quantity of groceries and other goods taken. It Is thought that the I arrest of Mackey and Rumford will now put a. atop to this petty thiev ing. Justice of the Peace Arnold com mitted the lads to the county Jail to await the action of the grand Jury. Mrs. William Hughes is visiting rela tives at Shohola. William Williams spent Sunday at Plttston. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gilbert Pierce spent Sunday at Honesdale, as the guest of Mrs. Hoisted. Mr, F. L. Taylor spent ' yesterday with Scott relatives. Mrs. Hayden Samson Is visiting rela tives at Honesdale. OLYPHANT. About 4 o'clock yesterday morning fite broke out In the blacksmith shop of Patrick Feeney, on Lackawanna street. The Excelsior Hose company ptomptly responded to the alarm and extinguished the flames before n great amount of da,mage wail done. The cause of the fire Is unknown. Miss Tlllle Davis, of Scott street, en tertained the members of her class In the Rlakelv Raptlst Sunday school at her home on Saturday afternoon. The time was enjoyably spent. The guests were: Dwlght Klngsley, Arthur Reich, Wendell Davis, Willie Price. Arthur Klngsley. Harry Hodge, Charlie Reich, Walter Dnvls nnd Charlie Wnlker. John Rurke, father of tho late Mrs. W. J. Sweeney, died nt the Lacka wanna hospital In Scranton on Satur day. He had been 111 for several weeks. Deceased was formerly a resident of Carbondale, but has lived at this plnce for several years. He was of a quiet, unassuming disposition and esteemed by all who knew him. The remains were taken to Carbondale, from where the funeral will be held this morning. T. H Evans. Allan Scott and Charles Cunningham have returned to New York. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Schubmehl hnve returned home from Atlantic City. They were accompanied horn by Miss Laura McCawley, of Leroy, N. Y. The funeral of Joseph, the 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Out- knecht. of Prlceburg, was held yester day afternoon. The services were con ducted In St Patrick's church by Rev. John McLaughlin, after which Inter ment was made in St. Patrick's ceme tery. Officer John McAndrew spent yester day at Carbondale. TAYLOR. A farewell reception was given In honr of Messrs. William Kennedy and William Rray, of New Jersey, nt the home of Prof, nnd Mrs. John Wat kins, of Main street, on Friday even ing. The Wntklns orchestra added much to the pleasure of tho even ing, rendering excellent musical selec tion. Flashlight pictures were taken of the group. Delicious refreshments were served. The guests present were: Prof, and Mrs. John Watklns. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Coombs, Mr. nnd Mrs. Reese Thomns. Mr. and Mrs. David Jones, Misses Mary Jenkins, Francis Watklns, Lillian Dnvls, Annie Martin, Margnret Rnsham, Leah Evans, nnd Messrs. Wllllnmb J. Brny, David Ken nedy, William Rray, Edward Murphy, Elmer Davis, Jenkln Davis, Charles Welhel, Henry Coombs, Harry Wnt klns nnd William Townsend. All members of Lnckawanna coun cil, No. 54, Degree of Pocohontas, are requested to meet in the council rooms this evening, as business of vital Im portance demands their presence. Tomorrow the Baptist Young Peo ple's union of Northeastern Pennsyl vania will run their excursion to Glen Onoko. ' Tickets can be procured from John C. Richards, of Grove street. Train over the Central Railroad of New Jersey at 7.30 a. m. A mine party made up of popular young people made a pleasant trip through the Archbald mine on Fri day evening. The party was chaper oned by Mr. James Bowen and all re ported a good time. Those who com prised the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelt, Mr. and Mrs. Motts Alles. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Herbster, Mrs. II. Hofram. Mr. Fred Kell, Misses Mame Wetters, Lottie Wetters, Jos eph Wetters," Albert Hlrdlngmler, of South Scranton: Mrs. H. Flynn and Harry Flynn, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; M. J. Smith, of Lincoln Heights, and James Bowen, of this place. The Young Men's Christian associa tion banquet will be held on Wednes day evening, Instead of Thursday, at Van Horn's hall. Misses Susie Harris. Annie, Edith nnd Gertrude Wntklns, Rebecca and Polly Davis and Jennie Inglls returned home Saturday, after spending the past ten days nt Lake Carey. A family gathering wns held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac J. Davis, of Middle street, yesterday. Rev. Mr. Punk, of Duryea Methodist Episcopal church, officiated at the morning services In the Presbyterian J church yesterday. Joseph FalrelAugh. of North Scran ton, called on his father, Joseph J. Fafrelough, on Main street. Edward Harvey has returned from his camping trip to Lake Carey. Miss Laura Sperber, of Taylor street, has been spending the past few days with her aunt, Miss Emma Cooper, In Wllkes-Barre. Charles Moore, of Grove street, Is home from his week's trip to Syracuse, N. Y. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Davis, Mrs. Da vld S. Price and son, Rert, Mrs. J. R. Reese and children returned Saturday from a ten days' sojourn at Atlantic Thomas M. Howells and Mrs. Wilson, of South Taylor, are spend ing a few days at Dundaff. Foreman and Mrs. W. R. Owens ond sons. Willie and Allen, are home from a ten-days' sojourn at Sheepshead Ray, N. Y. Emblem division, No. 57, Sons of Temperance, will meet In regulnr ses sion this evenms. Mrs. James Morris, sr., and daugh ter, Miss Gertrude, and Miss Maud Davis nre home after spending the past ten days rusticating at Lake Wlnola. James S. Inglls, of Rayre, Pa., spent yesterday as the guest of his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Inglls, on North Main .street. NEW MILFORP. Speelal to the Seranton Trihune. New Mllford. Aug. 16. The New Mllford graded school will open Sept. 2, 1901. Mifs N'lna Taft has been em ployed ns teacliev In tho Intermediate department, In the place of Miss Nina Moore, who has accepted a position In the Hurtori public school. Huhbard Payne and wife recently visited friends In North Jackson. Miss Maud Tallman, of Thompson, was a. guest of relatives In town last week, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Morse enter tained their daughter, Mrs, Fred Sum Pennsylvania Railroad in Connection with Dataware and Huison R. R, 10-DAY EXCURSION ATLANTIC CITY, GAPE MAY Holly Beach, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Anglesea, Wlldwood, Avnlon, New Jersey, AUGUST 22, 1901. Tickota good for 10 day exclusive of going date, will be sold from Scranton, Wilkes-Barro and intormodlnto stations at the rato of $5.00 for the Round Trip Clooil coins only on train leaving SC flAN'TOA' 0.4S a. m., and returning on all regular train within limit. Throunh coaehe from Scranton to Philadelphia I'awnjtfra for Atlantic Olv may uao regular trains Iratlne broad hlrert Station, Phlladrlphli, via Df-lawaro Illm Bridce Houte at 8.rr. tun a. in.. 2 41. 4 II and 7 U p. m week diya. 8.00, 0.20 a. m., 2.41 and 7.14 p. m. Sundaj. or anv regular train bom Maikot Strret Wharf. I'aengfra for other polnta will me train trom Mirket Street Wharf. Ticket d. not lnrludi transfer between Broad Street Station and Market Stn-et Wharf, fcti.p oer at Philadelphia can be had either going or returning within limit 01 tirket. rnr lull infotmatlon apply to ticket agenla. J. D. 1IUTC1IISSOX, J. It. WOOD, r.K.nltr.K "V. nOYD. Oer.cral Manager. fieneial Paweniti' Agent. Awlitant Oential l'-enger Agent. mers, of I'.lnghamton, tho fore part of this we-k. William Stewart and family spent Monday of last week with JIurford frlcnd-i. K. R. Mors, of Merlden, Conn., is a guest of his mother-in-law, .Mrs. Ame lia Hutterfleld. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Lyons, of Mont rose, was In town Wednesday. Miss Julia Fernnne called on Hall stead friends last Friday. The nnnunl reunion of the descend nnts of Ann Shny will be held nt the home of R. F. Walker, In the town ship, on Sept. 6, 1P01 . Jny H. Vnll nfld wife, of Scran ton, were pleasant callers In town last week Sunday. Thomas Allen nnd wife, of Rlnghnm ton, spent Sunday with relatives In town. Tho funeral services of Stephen Rnr nard were conducted from tho homo of his parents Aug. 11, by Rev. I. D. Mnllery. Mr. Rnrnard was ID years of age. The cause of his death was In flammatory rheumatism. Miss Inez Shelp Is In Ruffalo this week. . Miss Lucia Hutterfleld spent a few days the fore part of this week with Montrose friends. Mrs. J. Hayden and children are In Auburn this week. Joe and Jim Williams, of New York, called on New Mllford friends reeently. Frank E. Benjamin, of Nicholson, was shaking hands with old friends In town Sunday. Ray Aldrlch nnd Charles RenJ.imln are camping at East Lake. , P1TTST0N. Special to the Seranton Trilmne. Plttston, Aug. IS. Despite yester day's unfavorable- weather the cele bration of the Italians of this vicinity at the Aest Plttston fair grounds proved very successful, attracting n large nttendnnce not only of Itnllans hut of all nationalities. The only dis appointing feature was the nbtence of the fireworks, the New York gentle man who had this feature In charge falling to nrrlve. It Is announced, how ever, that tho display will take place Monday evening without fail. Dur ing the afternoon n huge number ot balloons were started skyward. A re markable occurrence thnt hns prob ably never happened before nnd may not hnpnen ngaln within a thousand years, was the return of one of the bal loons nfter n half hour's milling. When the balloon wns stnrted theie wns a northenst wind blowing which later changed to n southwest breeze, carry ing the balloon bnck irfter It hnd been list sight of nnd almost forgotten. It fell within fifteen feet of where It started. The special feature of the af ternoon wnr the base ball game be tween the Rrothors' team of Ham town and the Apple RIostoms. of West Plttston, which proved a very Interest ing exhibition for the first three In nings, after which the Rrothers took a batting streak nnd securerl Mich n lead ns to which the limb hmhnrgohmb ao ns to dishearten their opponents, and win the game by the score of 20-tl. The Rlossonrs however, put up a strong game considering the seml profefslonals they were up against. A slight flreo ceurrei at the pnro chlal residence of St. '""nslmlr's Polish Catholic church on Church street, Inst night nbout S o'clock, but did little damage. Anthony Stanosky, a Duryea Po lander, Is In a critical condition, the result of eight sub wounds Inflicted, It s sad. by August Wltkoskl during a quarrel In a .speakeasy at that plnce. William Weltz, of Huchrstown. n driver boy on the culm dump nt No, R shaft, was caught beneath a enr yes terday morning nnd had the flesh on his right leg badly torn. William Mortis, n I'nlted States marine statlor.fd nt he Norfolk navy yard, returns to duty tomorrow after spending a ten days' furlough at the home of his parents on Luzerne ave nue, West Plttston. Miss Lizzie Smith died at her home on Cliff street yesterday afternoon, af ter a brief Illness of rheumatism. Subscription lifts are helng eirrulat ed among the members of St. John's pirlsh here for a substantial token of esteem to be presented to Monslgnor Garvey before his departure from this city for his new field of labor at Al toonri. About 9 o'clock Saturday night con siderable excitement was created In the central part of the city, when a pistol shot rang out on the still night air. It came ftom the alley In the rear of Main street, between Rroad and William streets, and thither a large crowd hurried. Thnt no crime was chronicled was due to the poor aim of a man named ('awley. who adopted nn unusually severe method of Inflicting punishment on n misbehaved son. The latter had tied from his father' presmce and wns making good speed up the alley mentioned, chased by the Irnte fnthep. The son enslly succeeded In distancing his father, however, nnd the lntter, not to be outdone, pulled 11 revolver and Hied, hut fortunately missed his mark. Another big cave. In of the workings of the old Rutler colliery dropped the tracks of the Lehigh Valley railroad's cuMiff branch near Smlthvllle last night. The cave, was about twenty feet in width and fully 200 feet long, nnd tho track fell a distance of five feet. The cave was fortunately rs. covered by a track walker, and trains flagged before any accident had oc curred. Plttston and vicinity had n good shar-H of the heavy storm which passeif over this section of the state within the last twenty-four hours. There was but little wind and lightning, however. I but the rain fell heavily all night and thin morning Rut little damage was done ns fnr ns. could be learned, the telephone nnd electro light wire's suf fering the most. The city was In darkness all last night. In the vicin ity of Falling Springs the storm wns quite severe. Lnrge trees' were up rooted nnd railroaders say the windows In several locomotives were blown In. TOUR TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Another Opportunity to Visit Cali fornia Under the Auspices of the Pennsylvania Railroad's Personally-Conducted System. In view of the great popularity of transcontinental travel under the Personally-Conducted System, ns evinced In the recent Pennsylvania Railroad Tour to the Pacific Const nnd Cana dian Northwest, that company has de cided to run another tour to the Pa cific Coast, Including in the Itiner ary a visit to the world-famous Grand Canon of Arizona, In the early Fall. Tho tour will leave New York, Phila delphia, Rnltlmore, Wnshlngton, nnd othor stations' on he Pennsylvania railroad enst of rittshurg, on Mon day, Sept. 23, nnd reneh New York on the homewnrd trip Tuesday, Oct. 2Z As In former tours to California un der the auspices of the Pennsylvania railroad, a special train, composed of the highest class of Pullman equip ment, will be utilized during the en tire trip. Excellent meals will bo served In the dining cars attached to the train during the entire Journey, except during the stops at San Fran cisco and Chicago. An ohservntlon enr will appeal to nil who delight In scen ery. Few trips nfford so great a di versity In Nature's' beauties as the one outlined below. Westward bound, the tourists will pass through the wild slopes of the Colorado Rockies, around the Great Salt Lake, and over the fast nesses of the Sierra Nevada. After visiting all the beautiful resorts on the sunny California slopes', the east ward Journey will bV through the Arizona desert to the Grand Canon of Arizona. Its beauties cannot be paint er" In mere words. Magnificent In col oring, awful In Its depths, It stands nmong the nnturnl wonders of tho world. Thence nrross the plains to St. Louis, nnd eastward: through Illi nois. Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania, the tourists reach their destination Just thirty days after leaving home. Tho various transcontinental lines having made low rates on account of the General Triennial Convention of the Protestant Episcopal church, the Pennsylvania Railroad company Is en abled to offer this superb vncatlon trip nt the low rate of $1S5 for the round trip from New York, Philadelphia, Bal timore, Washlngtoni or any point on Pennsylvania railroad east of Pitts burg, one in a berth; and tlfis for the round trip, two persons occupying the same herth. The rate from Plttshurg will be JS less. Diagrams are now open, nnd ns the number who enn be nccommodated will be strictly limited, names should bo registered Immediately. Fnr further Information and de. srrlptlve pamphlet, apply to George W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad street station, Philadel phia. Lacknwanna Limited on New Time. The new schedule of the Lackawanna Limited, the peer In equipment and service of any passenger train In the east, makes It vastly more convenient not only to travelers from New York and Ruffalo, but to people all along the Lackawanna railroad. Instead of reaching New York nt 8 o'clock In tho evening It now arrive?' there nt R.53. o'clock. Instead of reaching Buffalo as heretofore nt 8 o'clock It now reaches there nt in o'clock. On tho oldi nnlvlng time the evening In New York or Ruffalo was practlcnlly use. Ie..s either for pleasure or business, for the evening was well along by the time travelers had reached their honiep. Ry using one of these useless hours In the trip to New York nnd two of the useless evening hours In the Journey to Ruffalo, the Laeknwannn hn given to all Its patrons In one case one hour and In the other case two hours of valuable time during the busiest hours of the day. To huslness men thin means much. To Indies It means less haste In 'preparing for departure. The convenience of these trains Is plainly apparent. Leaving New York at noon the westbound train makes Stroudsburg at S.29; Scranton at 3.47. Rlnghnmtnn at S.18; Owego at B4S. Waverly nt 6.10; Elmlra at 6.3!; Cor ning at fi.'59; Rath- at 7.26, nnd Mount Morris nt 8.33, Leaving Huffalo nt 11 o'clork In the forenoon the eastbound train makes Elmlra at 2.1"; Waverly at 23S; Owego at 3.01; Rlnghamton nt 3.23; Scrnntnn nt 6.00. nnd Strouds burg nt 6.23, Other locnl trnlns run at convenient hourn to these points to make connections with these fast thiough trains, giving to all towns on the line the benefit of the change In schedules. , Reduced Rates to Chattanooga, Tenn. mid Return via Southern Railway. On account of the twelfth annual convention of tho National Association of Letter" Carriers at Chattanooga, Tenn., September 2-7, 1901, the South ern railway will sell round trip tickets to Chnttnnooga, Tenn., at rate of one first-class fare. Tickets will bo sold, to nnyone, on August 31. September 1 and 2. with final limit to September 10, 1901 Through Pullman drawing room sleeping cars o Chattanooga daily. Dining car senile. Charles L. Hopkins, district passen ger agent, Southern railway, 82S Chest nut street. Philadelphia, will futntsh all Information. '