,- w . w w . vot'-itt' THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1901. 8 v ' jCM .'Jb ocieI" " !!" k: "V &'$cv&0nal mm w s IT IS ABOUT the most plnclti dim mer we lmvr over linil In Sentnton. Mul people linvo lllttert to purtH Known fan' unknown than have over loft the city lu-fore, nnd loss social hilarity has liecn leiurdcd. Clolf is at a MniidstUI, thoio arc few picnic nnd ovon the porch party fail has sub pldod. ran-Amorlcan vlnlts nro popu lar nnd promise- to be even more than that during the remainder of the sea son. Tho weather la perfect In Huf falo now. Such beautiful nlKhts, such Blowlnp wonderful sunnetH as there are such pleasant days with a braeliiK hinezo from the Lake ICrlc to temper the clear sunshine. People who put nrf koIiik until late In October will find the evenings too chilly for comfort. Messrs. doorse U. lit notes and 1). E. Taylor have none, to Kurojio to reniHln 8uvrr.il weeks. Mis. Taylor and Mini are at Helmut-, X. J. Mrs. Ji. (i. lliooks ami Mrs. V. ll. Mcl'lavn and family have been at Ocean Grove for the past few weeks. A parly of Srrnutnii people that havo enjoyed hoxrr.il weeks at (.'astlne. Me., lonslsted of: .Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hoi- Kate, Mr. Luther Keller and family, Mr. J. U Stelle, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Stelle, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. I'lcrce nn4 Mr. and Mrs. L, It. Stelle. Mrs. Kittle Urown-llaalott pave a dellRhtful party on Tuesday evening at her home on Mulberry street, In honor of her guests, Miss Sexton and Mrs. Hush, of Philadelphia. At mid night refreshments were served. Attorney and Mrs. K. V. Thayer are happy over the arrival of it baby son. The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jtlchard Olmstead will be nppioprlately celebrated on the ISth. Stanley Moyor and Mln UfUltii Mer rlhue were united In marriage Thurs day evening at the home of the bride's parents, 213 Franklin avenue. They were attended by Miss Kilnn Moyor and I- C. itndlgan. Hev. Ilobert W. C'lymer ofllclated. They went to Xew York city on their wedding Journey. Mrs. Mary Dickenson, of Lexlngl in, Xebraska, who Is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Kaufman, on llanlson avenue, was very pleas antly surprised Thursday afternoon by n large parly of the many friends that she has made during her stay In Scran ton. Thoso present were: Mrs. James Kaufman, Mrs. John Kaufman, Mis. Charles Hallstead, Mrs. Van Xort, Mrs. tleorgo Weed, Mrs. Wlllanl O.tr pouter, Mr. Krank T. Carpenter, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. Drew, Mis. Hlrcher, Mrs. Alfred Hill, Mrs. Henry lllefon berg. Mrs. Haeffner, Mrs. Clear, Mis. John Hicks, Mrs. Ocorgo Harvey, Mrs. Cummlngs, Mrs. Dcvlnc, Mrs. Mack, Mis. James Fielding, Misses Oraee Kaufman, May Hevlne, Kllzabeth Hicks, Ksthor Haeffner, Masters Tiny Kaufman, Klmor Kaufman, Glenn Kaufman, Foster Kaufman, Creston Kaulinan, Charles Dcvlnc nnd Clifford Smith. Mrs. Charles Font gave a delightful dancing party at her cottage nt Lake Henry Thursday evening. Tho guests were the young people among the cot tagers and several ladles and gentle men from Scrnnton and Wllkes-Ilarre. The beautiful new home which Mr. Henry Hiady Is erecting on Monroe avenue Is fast approaching comple tion. Announcement Is made of the ap proaching marriage of D. .!. Ueese, of The Tribune, and Miss Hesslo Rna Gardner, of the central city, a student of the class of 1001, Keystone academy, Faetoryvllle. The Xoithup family reunion will be held In the maple grow- on the John Xorthup farm, near Glenbutn station, this afternoon. Tennis will meet friends coining on the trains and con vex them to tho grounds. Members of this large family arc re- 1 Rummage Sale I (Saturday and Monday I We will place on Scale at astonishing low prices all left- JJ JJ overs from Spring and Summer trade. This is a great oppor- Jj tunity to buy useful goods at less than half their value. M g Silks and Dress Goods O 4 Pieces Wash Silk, 50c value for 29c Q Lot of Fancy Silk, $1.25 value for 39c ?j Lot of Fancy Silk, $1.2, value for 49c 0 Lot of Fancy Silk, $ 1.2s value for 69c 5 Lot Glasse Taffeta Silk, 75c value, for 39c V Lot Cheney Bros.' Foulard Silk, 7,c value. ..45c SLot Cheney Bros.' Foulard Silk, 1.00 value. 69c Lot Black Figured Mohair, 50c value 23c Lot high class Black Dress Goods, $1.50 value 79c Lot high class Black Crepons. $1.50 value. ..59c Lot Black Zebelines, $2.00 value $1.00 Lot Black Grenadines, $1.25 value 89c Lot Black Grenadines, $1.50 value $1.00 Lot Black Venetians, $1.50 value 89c Lot Silk hmbroidered French Flannels, $1.50 value 89c Lot 50-inch Coverts, 70c value 59c Lot Granites, 59c value 42c Lot Novelty Dress Goods, 95c value 49c Notions Less Than Half Price. $1.00 Kid Gloves, (small sizes) 50c 25c Stock Collars lac 2SC Pique Collars 12J4C 25c Ties ioc Baby Dresses, Slips, Bootees and Shoes, Baby Caps, Sacques, Bands, La dies' Underwear, slightly soiled, Sun Bonnets, Corsets, Baby Pins, Hair Bar rettes, Belts, Feather Stitch Braids. 2 dozen Pearl Buttons 5c Thimbles 2c Buckles ioc, 25c Scissors 19c Side Combs, Yarns, Remnants of Embroid eries, Remnants oi Ribbons. X0 X0 M.0 Ladies' Suits and Skirts 12 Ladies' Cheviot Suits, $18.00 garments. $ 5-95 4 Misses' Venetian Suits, Si 5oO garments 8.00 ( Ladies' Venetian Suits, $20.00 garments. 11.95 9 Ladies' Blue Serge Suits, $10.00 gar ments 2.95 7 Ladies' Black Cheviot Suits, $10.00 gar ments A 4-95 9 Black Cheviot Skirts, $6.00 garment 2.49 9 Black Cheviot Skirts, $700 garments 349 10 Ladies' Blue Duck Skirts, $1.25 garments 69c 6 Ladies' Linen Skirts, $4-io garments 1.50 22 Percale Wrappers, $2.00 garments 1.25 iq Cambric Wrappers, 75c garments 39c 15 Colored Silk Waists, $69? garment. .. . 3,95 12 White Pique Skirts, $2.00 gatment 1.25 15 Mercerized Cotton Petticoats, $300 gar ment 1.75 Ladies' Shirt Waists at Half Price Hose and Underwear Men's 25c Tan Hose i2jc V Men's 10c Black Hole Proof Sox 25c W Men's 75c Black Silk Hose 25c 0 Boys' 75c Black Bicycle Hose 25c j Men's i2lAc Linen Collars 5c 0. Men's 25c and 50c Neckties i2lc Children's Heavy Ribbed Black 23c Hose isc Misses' 25c Mercerized Red Hose 17c Misses' 25c Polka Dot Hose 19c Ladies' $1.00 Black Silk Hose 50c Ladies' 50c Black Silk Hose 25c Ladies' 50c Red and Blue Lisle Hose 29c Ladies' 50c Tan Hose 19c Ladies' 35c Tan Hose i2c Ladies' $1,25 Cream Silk Vests fojc Ladies' $1.00 Cream Silk Vests 49c Ladies' 50c Cream Silk Vests 25c Ladies' 50c Lisle White Vests 25c Ladies' 25c Lisle White Vests 17c n 0 0 I New Wash Goods fe At Rummage Sale Prices. q During the past week we have been rummaging through the manufacturers' A stocks and have secured a lot of new goods in beautiful styles not shown before in Scranton. it LOOK AT THE PRICES. Choice 5c Lawns for 2 1-2C Fine 8c Lawns for 5c Fine Sc Dimities for 5c Polka Dot 12 1-2C Duck for 7c 1 5c Dimities, Batiste and Lawn ioc 18c Dimities, Batiste and Lawn iaj$c 25c Colored Linens 19c 35c French and Scotch Ginghams 19c 25c Mercerized Ginghams 19c 45c Silk Chambrays 29c 1 jc Colored Lining Lawns ioc 6c Russian Crash 4c 6c Shaker Flannel 4c 6c Brown Muslin 4c 8c Brown Muslin 5 ioc 6c Bleached Muslin 4 i2c Best Bleached Muslin 6c Hill Muslin 6 1-2C Best Black Prints 4c Best Gtey Prints 4c 25 Best Blue Prints 4c Apron Ginghams 3c Best Apron Ginghams 4 1.3c tJigrA Lot of Remnants of 12Jc Wash Goods for 8c. MEARS & HAGEN 415 AND 417 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. quested to brins, with their well filled basket, olrl rcllcti nnrt old pictures of Imllvltlitnl memberc whether ilend or llvltiK, that they mny he viewed by the coin puny. Mr. and Mrs. A. . llnzlcll rnter tnltied lust TupRilny evenlnB In honor of their Riiest, Miss Klgarda Sexton, of l'hllndeltihln. Anions those present were: Mr. unit Mrs. Morris Hunpt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilnvls, Mrs. Charles Tropp, Mrs. WIN II urn Hush, of Philadelphia; Misses Suxlnn, Nculmuer, Deery, Duvls, Pit toe, Hrown, Oamewcll, Pudden, Messrs. Hlrlnird nnd Aniel Xcub.iuer, Davis nnd llasuu. Movements of People Pr. Dean In at Loni: t.Ar, N. V. Mr, .lohn II llr(U i nt Cntlaec City. (Jforgc lil l nummtrinK at Ocran firtur. Dr. V. V. Hilt and family are at I.al Ulnnla. II. II, Wilder ii pcnllna; the summer at Dil lon. Ihonia SprnRtie and family are at Walih Hill, It f, Mr. II. JI. U'lnlnn Mi returned from Atlantic Htv. Mm. .1. A. Price 1m returned from Cati!e, X. V. Mr. and Mra. A. I'. Bedford arc at Ocean (!roe. t'ol.net II. M. Iloe and fmilly are at Shdter lelind. Attorney A. A. Vniliurc and fumlly are l.ilc UlnoU. Mln Suan K. IMcUtiAon la laltlnt? (rlenda In Phll.vleli'liia. Willljm lirltfllh, of Wjomlng aicnue, la at Clearfield. 1U. ltei. Ir. .1. II Sweet, of Oneonta, wa In ll.e iit till week. Mis Clailj U.ilVltK "III go to Crjutal Lake today for i iit Mr It. .1. Mitthewi ha (een n-rloualy III for tlie p.ixt few da 1'tMlni.iii lhrr.t Whyte H alowly rrromlnc from hl menl lllnew. Miu ClurloKe It. Ilrandow hi returned from the Pan Vmerloan. Attorney f. llawley ami family will ro to NiifUlo iieit week. MrJ. II K. aiinhn, of Jcrey City, ia Hsltlns friends In St rariton. i'.ntnuii I.. H. Squlrea and wife hue returned from Atbiitie City. Mr Fletcher and family will remote to Phila delphia nert montli. Mi Minnie (Inldonilth ia apendmst the summer at Kaijle H.n. N. V. t'oloin'1 II. II. Hippie in at the Serond lirlc;ad ramp at Somerset. Pa. I). Vi. Ilurr and family are cpendintc a few weeks at !ike Winola, Hon. II Arihlnld and family hac returned from Cloier II oik, N. Y. Mr JiM-pli leH lia returned from the Pin American ami a like trip. Colonel V. i. Hitchcock and family hue re turned from Ocean (Irote. MM Irene Katm hai returnid from a cunctrt tour in Central Sew York. Mrs Inc and the MIm I.on ent to the Pan-Ameriiin on 'ITiursda;. Mr. C. It. Hedfonl id epeiidine a. few dajfl fl.hlnit en the Maine lout. Mrs. M W I,ory ha returned from a ftay of S"me week at Crj'tal like. Vk .lane K DeWItt hai rrturnrd from a month' Rt.iy In "ev Jersey. Mr and Mr. I. A. Allilueh will eo to the White Mountain pext week. Mr. .1 M Kemmerer nnd f.imlly have returned fmm a tiip to the Pan- mcru in. Mr. .laik Stinton, of Filtnore aentie, ia fpend inir hi laeatinn at tluitie City. .ludee and Mrs Willird are taking a trana. continental Journey to Vanro-uer Mis M.ica:fe Ilurke, of Mineral treet, I aprnd inc her arjtlon at Atlantic City. Mr II C SjnderKin and fiiuil will apend the nott fortnleht In nuffali and Krle. Mr and Mra. .lohn fienter will eo to Buffalo nel week to remain for a f-Tt niclit Mrf. Chirle It. Connrll I the nuet of Mr. Walton W Mitihell. of I tin. N. V. Mcvm. .laon and Carl Welle have pone to ijurlKv for a Imnlliic jnd fi'hlni; tiip. Ml lllanrlie Poller, of 'amter Ilrothen, leaea 1mU for Like Winola lei a fortnight. Mi K C L.indH i iitine at the home ef her daughter. Mr. .1. .1. It mm, at Palla. Mr and Mr. P. F. Whltteniore le,ie Mon day for a ii.lt to Poston and Cape Cod. Mr Lillian Hiilin, of the N rant on poftoffiie, lia returned from a Nit in W'aliniKton. Mr Jneplilni' Mott, of Mott llaien, ha re turnnl fiom tho I'.iu-mrrlo.m cponon. Mei .Ume Pl.iir, ir.t Theodore and F, C Fuller will fpeiiil lllHlar at Crtal Lake, I; ! Illrliilil and t) F. P.txhee h.ne returned from .1 W'V.io alontr the tlantlc feiboird Mi Mice Matllien ha leturncd from Lake riel, v In re he lu heen the tuent of Mr. (. S Weston Mi More and Mi llealli, of the 5,'ranlon Ilich biIh'"I, line relurniil from HiifTahi and ?at uiora Ml Flinheth Mirrill I recoierine from the att.ii k of iltr.ca nhi h tauned her frund ai much anxict Hr I. C Kennedy, Dr. Vewherrv, Dr. Corr ami Dr Waller l'ordhani are at nanv-gat Pij en a lachtinz trip. Mr and Mr . D. Hhnklnton and Mr. and Mr, (rori.'c II niilh aie enjoilnc a trip along the Milne io.ist Mr and Mr. T II. W'atkin haie returned from Shelter Maud, where they were irueats of Mr. and Mr K. Ii Fuller. Miv.es ora Couchlin and Migele Noone, of Phelps ctrcel. are the gueMs of Mi h. I,. Mnran, of New Yoik cit. Ml Mjitle Malutt, of Dnmond aenue, left yesterday on an extended tour of Xrw Jerey and New- Y rt htnte. Mr. nnd Mi, W. D Kennedy and fimlly, ie eompanleil l Mi-a Phothe Carter, will leaic lor Nantmkit on Mondaj. Mr W. Rrandow ha returned from iiith ern aliforrla, wlmher he went to regain hr health, hut with no aiine. Mi and Mr, I,eil Xorthup and dnmhtrr-. are TiMtlng frirnds in Doiheter. They will go to the Pan Vmerieaii nut wof!,. Mr and Mr. Frank .lermrn and diughtrr, Frjnif. have returned, afler knending a week at 'lie Pan inerii.au and NiJC.na. Mi'i-rs Kathinne Keefe, Vcelii Piuwn and leuiue nici.nan h ft jeterdiy for a visit with friend In ninghainton and lluflalo. Mr Thoina lln.kon, who ha pent Hie 1it la week .it rtlo. k lljnd, hi returned to hrr toiinlr.v t"UL ai Iorritown, V. ,1 Mi Suan Figin and family, of Third Urorf, rituriied heme ,otord.iv after a lay of two week at Pleanant Mount, Wa.vne loiiniv. Mr and Mi, tjeorc II. Suitt and son, l.rw reme. of Wililir jn'iiue, will leave IihIii for .1 tliiee wcik' trip to MillT.ilo. Kile and lletmit T ! Mullen, master rrrinanii for Hie Srintrn Pillwav lomnaii, wife and on, Franci. left jiterda fur Atluiiv Park for a throe week' tav. Mr. O Salihurv and fon. Flo.vd, line le turncd from a prolonged visit In Southern Call. fornla. aiiompanU'd hy her tiMir, .Mr. W. . Prandow Mr ami Mr Frnei-t Dolph and Mr and Mr fienrge Pendleton lclt jeterdav morning for Moningtnn, Conn., and will aUn tit Watili Hill, Newport and Itoaton. Ml V Iiile Cunningham left Thursday for Pliiladelplna and Atlantic City, where i-he will upeiul her vacation. She wj accompanied y her niter. nraie, of Klmln, X. ' C K Toh. chief tlerk to Superintendent F. F I.ooml, of the laekawanna coal department, rraumed hi dutie yeaterday after a two week vacation ipent at Coluiiihiaii flrove, Siuquehanna roiintv lie wa aciompanin! by hla family Mr llert Rlnom, who MitTeied a erioii Injurv hv falling from third Mnrv wlndiw In Kama. City, haa been hrnught to thia rlty, and In now with hia sinter, Mr W W Ives, where it iti thought that he I on hi way to recoveiy Itev C M fiifrln. 1) D . and .lanir (1. Miep. Iierj'i having heen appointed l;y the Methncll.t Kpicoij church a delegate to the Keuiiic nlc al lonfeiciice, which lonvenea in Loudon, Sept 4 t 1". will sail todav on the Mrainer "Meiioiiilnec " Ilev Waircn fi. Partiidge, D I)., of Cine in luti. who rreachea In I'enn venue Paptikt (hiirdi tomorrow, Ii belne entertained at the home of I. M Horton, on Monroe avenue Dr Partridge wa for lx yeara the popular ami cue. ieful pastor of Penn vemie churili, unci he will, no doubt, be greeted bv laige eongrrgatlon tomorrow lie will urelv receive a cordial wel come from hia former flock. 4,.,.4.4,4. SCIENTIFIC SALAD "Inaccurate knonledge Ii a, dan(trroa thins, So in all thitiga let ua be accurate." Iteadera ef the Salad would greatly aid me In my task lev- making quevtlo.i (not nee arlly for publication), which II poesible will Ie anawrred In full In an earlv IUJ if Ire Weekly Salad and their receipt acknowledged Immediately by mail All auch cciniminlia Hon mint, however, aa a inatier of courae, bear the writer', lorrect name ard addriM aa otherwise they taniiot ba taken Into consideration, JONAS LONQ'O SONS. JONAS LONG'S SONS, art 0 0. 0 X0 RDIIF.nr llAVni'ltN statei that a mouth filled with cleia)rd tcclh I alwajs In a septii londltion. 'I he septic fluid theicfiom are ion sUtitly being conlliiuillj swallowed and m-kiI Into tho atomach, which, together with tho Intrettf11.il canal, they iiltl In alleiling. 'lliu re sult many a-asea of chronic djspcpsli and gatro intestinal ealairh. huch patient should hue the mouth put Into peifect londllloii bv the ilentM. M111II1 brcithlna; I ulwij .1 vmptom of illc.ie. ( hronie enlargement of tin tun. II being one of tho mnl frrqiient cause eil this eondlllon, icquire prompt and thorough tnal tnent, and In mn.t i.ic thoe orgin sliuiild be removed. 'I he vinie tie.iliiicnt applle ilo to adenoid nnd polvpold ginwtli III Ihe po tcrlor n.iil space unci ph.ir,vnc. Patients slioohl be advised to ue the tooth bruMi unci cleanse the teeth with sonic mildly anll-ceptic solution three time a ilij, nnd Hie .une is to be advoc it rd for Hie iiop and mouth. A dibilo solution containing gljierinl of caibrdlc acid, INIcrin or laniphn phrnlcpie will do what la requiied. For n tootli powder there i nothing so good a pieclpl titeel clnlk. Many authotltle believe tint the regular ui.d s.vteniitl- clenn.lng of 1 hlldren'. teeth would not nnlv prevent clct.iy of the teeth, but would gie.itly dliiiliil.li the nuniber of r.ies of warlet fever, cliphtherli, me.iile., tiibcrinlo!, tvfihold fever and all the oilier Infective clle,iw which kill so nnny of cmr iliildun every )ear. Mcdliil llctoid. nedtlmo Luncheons for Thin, Ner vous People. II wa. formeil.v thought that food takrti lit bedtitiio cieatcd tmllgelion nnct bad du-atn. While iindniiblrcllv rich and hearty ford l in- appropriate the time ahoen for icpnv, n light, tioiirlvhlng repat at night often conduce to sound deep by diaviug the blood awaj from the brain, Ph.vlcian arc' now advising a heclllme liinin for weak, nervoii and emaciated people. The long hour. of sleep continue about one-thiid of our eilcnce. Mlhough lb demand made .ip.i'i tho ileni i li.ih1r.1llv inn h les than dining tlie w iking houi. tlierc I .1 watting aw-jv of tissue eoncciuent iimii the supenion of tiiltrl. meiit for 111 my limit. Hie bodv feed upon llelf, for food tik"-n at ilinner i digested at bedtime. Often one I rctles and wakeful at nisht becme tlie toiuuli 1 eniptv. Man i the onli creature we Know of who doe not deem it piover to sie-p on i aroocl meil. The infint iinlinctively crie. to be feet at night showing that food i iieienv during tint timo a well a through the div and tint wien left too lone without It caii'e it dlcomfort which it make known by living If joii crave It, cat a light. eally digested lunch at bedtime, or even during the night should von waken up ancl be wakeful, and the long hotn of leep will vvork out for vou a prob lem of addition. Instead of subtraction, of adi pose tiue. Ledger Monthly, A Correction of Popular Errors. We do not rip-el the light hand to sinipa- Hiiro with an injury to the left hind: but that I what we do evpect in ea of a suk or in Jured eje. The reaou for this phenomenon i simple enough to those who e,m be convinced bv circiiiiist wllil evidence. A mm bid stiniiilii tiaiiMnlttcd to the otitic tr.u t i.iuuot he ah icorbed or disposed of, befote it In a elnnec to jus over to tlie opposite side, and invc he the well eve bv ret'ex action, owing to tlie siinll area Pliienologieal ilnrt iiecl to be 1 omnon, in which inaiiv conic 1 in the brain were so 1 one heir and bcautlfullv platted a 1 western lown.ite. Hut most of sue h knowledge wa guesiwork, ancl ha not ben supported by clinical nnd inatoiuicil evidence. Science cobl blood id, ami demands Ihe amplest Kind of proof for every fact. Med. F.ulnngo, . Raising the Maine. I!.tling the Maine fiom the lml of the haiLor of llavani, Cnln, where It lu been lving since it w.H blown tip in 1i, t to be .ltteliii'ed bv . F. Clniiiherliln, of CI1I1 igo. ulm hi .1 lontrart for Him viih fro 11 I,- I'nitcd 'litis offlc i.ils at Ihiani, i.v Hie Fiigineeritig Xiw. Tlie wreck lu -unk ciccn nto the oft mud, but the propoil 1 to build a water light 'off-i-dmi eiu losing tlie wrcik, .Hid to pimip out the mud and water, to eniblc (he hull to be patih eel ami pontoon. att 1 'ud lc tin vcv-el. 'Alter would then ho admitted and the wreck nl"'! b.v the buovancv- of tho pontoon. Tlie icilTer 1I.1111, acioidiug to report. I to consist of Iwn low of Tc) foot piles, the pile of each row be ing miiiiei led by ,1 woven m litres work to re tain .t tilling of Mini and '.lone between the two row. The 111v.1l oillkial woul I not allow the wieik to bo blown up by dininille, pntlv nut of respect to the tmtlie of tline who went down with the ship, and putlv for fc er of 1 . ploding the ship' nngalne, with cli-l-lmm tc suit to the building il-mg the water front. The Dreams of the Blind. Dr Wm W. lrelind 111 Meick'f Arch, give .in intc testing lesuiiie of an article upon tin uhect bv Friedrich IIHm luu.inn. Mr. Ililn iimaiin be tame blind in Ihe thud veil' of hi-, life, but ' slill able to ilininguidi between light and dirk lie. He never dream of Mcing. and doc not dure the limy of the pucl tint the pirit, free I during sleep from boclili- re. 1 1.1 ml. cm real, re tin- gift of sight. He tell u tint the blind, in generil, hive wcim-d themelvc fuon then (lctii cue . mcl feci themselves in jn accustomecl and nitiir.ll condition. Ihev bive not tl:.it pain ful longing for lijht wluili those who have all their encs sometime poetici'l.v 'e rilie to them. Naturally llieii ilicani nie imiqioumled of tlie ntlier sciisition. especiillv the niiiicion ef healing. 'Ihe bliiiel iliejiu much of mice, bv wiilcli the peiMUi nf their ncqu.1i11t.11ne are rccocnlcd, whcii.i the a-innf often elrciin of fill-. niiel flgurea; smiutiui.- aiilmil. rspee iallv elog ami hiril. seem lee the sishtles to hive huiinn voices, and to h gifted with speech. V bliiul mill vvho travctcel home oucc a ,ve,ir u-cd to drc.im of tho joiunev lev 1 .1 1 1 . lu tin ia-e tlie elriani were mule up of the liimherliu cjf tiip nhcl, tlio hbllc'iil Hie Icis'imiitlio, tlie feel ing ot Irish ulr tlirniigh the ip-n windows, and the ,1111 II of food old .1! (hi station. Mr. Ilitse hminn tells 11. Hut, while Ihe die, mi world of the blind 1 poor In sensory imago, It I iich In ah. Halt plieiioiiiiui. It i lni.11 -tcilstlc- of their ilri'iiu tint ihe sheiiet ntlin fnN himself .1 fiiect.ilor .i if he wltnes-rd .1 pliv .11 a theilie. He inn lo witness nmel, diami'. or philoaophh ii lectmi. It I sup-pu-cd tint these appeal to mine Hiicniuh Hie ear, for he tell us that lie never dream of handling a hoik for Hie blind, or of mlng hla writing .ipp.cr.llu. Seeing ' p, uple, however, sehlenu driain nf iciding and warcily ever vt will. nig. The Buying Habit On the part of the shopping public divides itself in certain distinc tive divisions. On cer tain days of the week certain lines of goods are in demand. Today's list will give you an idea of the va rious lines that are al ways in demand on Saturday. You'll find some forceful items in the list. These are es pecially interesting to the men. Crown Make Suspenders We all know that there is no better suspenders made than the Crown Make. We also know that they are considered Q cheap at 50 cents, and ArSC, at the price the value vwv js extraor dinary. This price will hold good for Saturday. If you prefer you can have the. 50c Harris Suspender at the same price. A Quartette of interesting items from our Shoe Department. Jonas Long's Sons Women's Oxfords, $1.50 Made from genuine vlcl kid, hand-turned and up-to-date in ev ery way. Special concessions make it possible for us to olTcr these Ox fords at the above price. Ordina- rily they would sell for $2.50. Women's Strap Sandals, $1.50 It's quite the proper style, these new double Strap Sandals for women. They are made of patent leather with the new French heel. Boys' Shoes, $1.00 Sizes 12 to 2, solid leather, in two styles, either sewed soles or patent screwed soles. Boys' Shoes, $1.25 Same as above, only in larger sizes, 2 1-2 to 5 t-2. Hen's Shoes, $2.99 Made of black vici kid, velour calf, black russla calf, and pat ent leather. Compare these with shoes at $3.50 and then decide. Copyright Books A Few New Titles. Truth Dexter Sidney McCall. The Tower of Wye W. H. Babcock. The Potter and the Clay Mana H. Peterson. The Puppet Crown Harold McGrath. The Crisis Winston Churchill. The Uncanonized Margaret Horton Potter. At $1.40 Tarry Thou Till 1 Come George Crowly, and A Sailor's Log Robley D. Evans. Toilet Articles Mack's Peach Meal, ioc. Kirk's Juven ile Soap, highly perfumed, 15c a cake. Violet Talcum Pow der, 1 pound box, 9c. Violet Toilet Water, 3 ounce size, 25c. Ask for a sample bottle of perfume. Jooas Long's Sods M0 0 HV0K'-rMJijrvxwtki MJ" 000X0 0JI.00JI.0X00U.000t .00Xf0M000000gi $5.00 to Atlantic City, Cape Mny, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon, Wildwood, or Holly Beach via Pennsylvania Railroad. Spcclul ten-day excursion Thurtsrlay, Aurjuht 'Si. Train leaves Hcrunton at 6.13 p. in. '"Knock-Out Drops." Tlif IniriMflnir. so vvlmli i mules 0 r!ior.il livelialp (or irimiriil pm p.i-.t , in ihe feinn nf vvli.it Is known ii Iviioc k-iiut ilrop-. I well, ktinvvih Tin f.i" Willi vvnlcli tliry urn ailinliiik-Irri-il. tho I'ortJinty '! tlie rr-siilts jne tin- ii'in i.ir.ilp nMr lr tlio prrnti.itnr, nukr ni1 h cTitni"s ilitticult to 1I0.il with by the pnllin. (ii i.islonill.i a ilcith rrsulu fiemi Hit' ailnilnll ra tion nf tno laiu'f a 'I11-'. ""' "'' .itlr.HN alien lion to tlio Milijrit. Vo In que nl ly li.n inlonl h.velnilp hi on Usui In KimlJiiel tint spcrl.il lavvH have hern i4n(iI tliui" tlut thp Ini'rc ileii'i tlon of it upon a pfrm In .1 solution vvhMi iiiulil ri'.i'oiijhl.v bi hiippiispel tei bo iispel for 1rl111ln.il ptupusis i. Millie i til fen j ( 1. ml. Hon. (It1iii.il hvilutp Ins miv lillli' t.istf vvlmn ail- iniiiUlprfil lu alrohnllij solution, p.nlu ul.nlv hfe 1, ane its el'IrUlon by tlio li'to I. fuithir rrnilrml lrs llkclv hi the f.ut tint a tlnic U ihusiii vihni Hie iiulivieliiil is iii"i 0 or pm uiieler the iiirturnco of lutovlianls ami I In" on-e of l.ivte is nhtiiniltrl. 'Hill dill'.", Iiovvcvrr. un In- ilc (fc toil by tin odor, which ia viry .linihr In that of tlio cucumber as wrll as to tlut loft as a trail of the icpprrlifail snako, jrii niav mo a .1 vvainlnir nl rlanecr In rllhPi ince-, (or tho viisi nf snirlt l not an o.isily nhtunilcil as aii our other cre unilrr llkr iluuinstanii's. t this time a rKsp of from forty lo richly uialns will rimlrr a wrnn iimonrlom an1 iiiiie hrlp. liM for ovcial hours, duilns whiili tlmo he Is rrbbfil and tin- perpelritois of the irlioo lnve ample oppoituiillj to pupee. The vlitlni upon Hiovirliu' (ir 111 the I'Hoi't nf (he clruir liny I'O uiicumcluui ol ii)lliliif lul 11 tf becu aJniluU- toreel to bun, rhnply thliikiiu: tint the rlleita .lie line tei the ccic-Mve iinlulsincc In litiiur. Lunar Pictures. The common notion that we .iln.iv. ,iv the amr face nf Ihe- moon is not olintls ininil. iiiiiiur tei 11 Main pei Hilarities in its movements tltrotidi the hiMvuiv the moon his i i-low ni i. litury motion, known as "libiatlon," whlih in. ihle us tn obtain a mv nf roiislilrrahl.v luoie th 111 one lunar heiiiiplii re. I ho irlect is the same as if we wire tn leietk at the ineioii at cl IF fiiuit times bom ililTcre'lir points of mow, the ililTeient directions rant;iii- thioush an auslc nf about sivtein eh'irrcps. This tut ha for many ,vecrs been ulllireil for obtaining isti'ieeisioplc views, wliie Ii brins out verv ktiiklnal.i the ro iiinUitv eif the inoeiii. Two photniaplis t iki i in elilTerent uionths aii'i at Iiiiim pinperlv i hos, n, and aiuiwanl vl'wid throiisli a properly leu .tnietiel telelcope, cl, tlie iaiiie ttallnes.s of reliif as we obtain In oh-vrv r.ff nn object at a distance line inches Ii mi tie ii'. Ueienllv I'rof. 1'rinr. of iter'in. Ins .-itii,. ( I the sime niethoil to 'he t vnniii iMoii of sim'l poitions nf the lunar surfae e uiutlv iiiiiriillnd, and Is thus 1 11 ahlttl lo iralers and nllid ile tails in llieir nitural proportions Tn et the best rftnts, lie uses tmcitives prluinl nn ulisS and inoijeratily illiiiiiin tt'-cl bef.ue a fpn ially ananu'Ce! bu kirrriiinel. The tte-ie pn turlhoej, it 111 iv be aeldeel, irives the 1lap(s of the buur fiatuies in a iiianii"!' altouillur dirler. nt Inuri that ifloreleil bj Irlesipph obri'rvalion. lu lb" liliei ia-e we ju lee of 'he feiruis ihe sil,m's last. 'Ihe siereosioiiie viv brims IIimi into leliif llimiiuli the well-l.tiov ,1 prinup'u if c o Ileal pirall.iN. The Color of the Sky. Ilr. N. II IMise.v treits nn Ihe inlor of polar iratioii of l-liif sl.ill.-lit in .tn arliele in the Menilhlj Weather Heiieiv. The nibjei t has bun coiisiderpil nf print iuteiest mi biinelre d nf vi us. laeinnlo ill Vinci ceiiisideied llul (lie blue of the .k.vllelit Is due to Ihe mixing if Ihe white siinliirht rirliHlpel fiom the uppir laiiis of the nir vviih the iuiiueu blae kite s nf ,pue Mr l-au Siwlein thouuht the the relict I lite pir- lie Ioc wile Mil ill elrops nf water. 'I Ins llnoiv was at first ceiierilly aeerptid, but lu 1M7 Cl.1u.11n Mibji'itul it tn a strict initheiniili.il anilisls. h' preiiul llul Ihe Unlit nf the ky innol be due lo the rilloction nf sunliulit In Mil ill diops of water. T.vielill, in Isiiy, ilriuuii htraleel tint when the piitlcbs lauslntt the tur hidit.i ale eMiiillnu'ly tine, iallrne liuht is imt rinl.v .a maiftiihipiit blue, but U pnlai iti in ihe plane of si-aMi-rlii;; Ihe auionnl nl polarlati'm is a 111 minimi nt an inu'le of eiuitv dcjiee's vviili the (in Mint llflil, and tin ilenulttnu seen t hliuu-li it Is imlnipahrd b.v the liiibleblv. I. "id ltivleh;h uiideitneik tlie aujlviieil tlr.it nut. I of the -iibiti t nnil pinviel ipille irnntlv tint almut a lluiil of the toial liuht Imni tho li' ni.iv be peeotinleil for l,v Ihe suittiriug pmihiieil hi Ihe ineilei iili-i of n.ii:cii ind nitrnsiii In the air tntiielv' iiKlepeudiiit nt the pre.ciiee n dust, iiipii-nns vapor, or ntlier forricn malter. Pinm these and other nlworvallntis am) Invntl cations it is evident that the tedor nf tie ky is indipendcnl of Ihe HiL-illir illstanee nf the point nberved Irnni the Min-beinir a function nf imly the Mate nf the atmns-phcic and the thickness nf the slral inn nbserveel. Careful nb .ervatlons nn tlie color nf pnlariralmii nf Hi" llcht fiom the M), tliripfoie, mpplv dila de lernilninK the aiieiiint ainl le nf the iur'ii!( float line In Hie nir. be the) dust nr wiier, and as anv ilni.fo In ihe Hair of the atiunphire will nfliit these llialllles, sue ll nicscnatieiltt ulloubl be of pvorlne irasliic; iiiiporljtice lo ni.'leor-iilnili. Home-Made Barometer, Uli.lt I was a (mill boj I vl.llid : ramp away iii north in I lis- lumber vvootls nf M him'. me tin ic sivv a pioer baiouietu, fa.vi. n writer III the l'lilladelphli Inepilltr. It was dltlrrent fiom an evri kp ii line, and mi rall.v mado that I ni.iiiiiiinnill It to hon who aie ciiing caiiipiiitf nt ll'liniL' this eaon. lake niie dram Cdib ainphor Bum, allp ter and ammonia ali., ami iliiM-nlve tin m in about thirteen drains nf pure alcohol, "hike the mlnure well, and uvir and i"er ncaln, until disolveel. Then pour it Into a Ion? narrow hotlle. When ettled ynn mutt mrk the bit tie wnli urrat e.tie, atel real it llBhll.v, fi tint nn nime air can enter. Hans (his bottle of iiuxtute on Ihe nnnh ,ie nf tin, 'cut. or house, nul sf will prove a peileil weatlier pre het. When u ii niuild.v or rlmi'I.c, it is a slcn of tain. When little white flikei settle ill the Iwtlinn of the bottle ll meant thai the weather ia urnvvlinr colder, and ilia thicker thu dipuill the colder It bavmej. rine, I starrv flakes foretell storm, ami laree flakrt aie hiEtis nf miovv When the lbpiid seems full of little- thrr.nl like forms, that craduillv- ria In the dp, it means wind and Midden storms Iti this ami vnu will nnd it mure reliable than a ceitli, imported Innnni ter. A .tfe'.v Kind of Stained Glass Pic tures. The Cinnir.s bavp innnted a new descrip tion nf Blisswne, pie linens nf whlih have been on ihibiinn in l.ncli-id 'Ibis cloisonne kU, as it is 1 illeel, is Mtiutar lo staimd plais, but i cliimiel tei be Miperior 'I be eloiKii is preparcl in ilmible hras.s wires, and tin- intersli-es aie nihil with siinll piens of cnlornl class. Th i elesjun is thin iiiouulpil nn a luce oheet rf plain Bliss, tn wiih h it is finnlv al In lied by tneins nf a tian-lucent cement, nothcr simi lar sheet nf t-la-s is tlirn pliceel upon the top or the eloslijii lit the .une waj, fo that tho ntloieil b't i1 insetted between two sheets of glass. t this meius the ilolsonne class is smooth on either ehle. It lauiiot be bent ur loo.ineel, and in view of the thinness of tho Lr.is.s- wires tnoip licht is admitted thin is the cio with staineel cliss. eov in.' In Ihe thickness nf the leadni fiimework in the litter. An Ancient Ship. IltiriiiB Ihe pre cries of the eonvlrnetlon of lh reservoirs for the iiiliitrrineni of the London wiler siipplv, a splenebd M.ieetmen of an aime-it isliip has lieeu i)isi,overeel in the lml nf the old Klver I,ea, the coutse it which Ins been d' verteel in niehr tn permit the excavations. The i-p was found at a ihpth of seven ftet Iv I "c (he Miiface. It la about titty fret lon', and n lemstriictiel of oak Ihinuzhout, with Ihe e ep Hon of Hie keel, vvlu-li is nf elm. Ihe nls of the bnit are Kfuitii to the sides hi irinuls, while Hip tlmbirs aie eturril with iiud- and pilinitive, llioiich well in olo, lion mils. Ilia flont-hotiel. aie llso fisiniod mccihei with natla, and the calkins is ilone vviih filt. Many ain, Miiirians, vvhei lnve i satntnod Ihe rein, thin. that it 1 oiisliiutm-il 1 pirt of Hip fleet with which Kinc Mfnil Hie (ireat fmuht acamat ine liinis. nothir iuiimi dusotit boal, esluni ed to Ie abeiut L'..')f vcars nld, was alo unearth'-d and lintra aio tu bo dciiusttni in tile Dilli.n .Mi:cum. Dcflnitions. TIM. IIMOMi:'l Kit MtbotiBli a ilefluitinn of Huriiioiiieler has bei ii siven In a former issuu nf the "1111!, as well as the elifteirnt rules bv wlin Ii the ti'i'i'i-l. ilurr nl surinuudlnE Mibslames Die measiiifd in the illiTinnt loiintrics by it, v t I think tlnl the follow Ine bUtorj nf the n veiilioii ot this most fieipnutly consulted of al lll.liiniltlits nl nio.HUl' lite lit at the pirsent tuno ln.ii lulirrst the icnlci-s ol the Mild, a a sup rili'tnilil to the foiinci elcliiilliou loiitaliied in I remit miiiibi r nf the Popular Nlcneo lonih i It Is irnbablv not ceuei illy known Ih it tua IheiumliKtii' was Invenud bv li'illleo. Whm n utile tuber that we nivo in ihl nne man not on v lite fnuuilitinns of ph.vsiial siiruie, but also m ,a larce iiieuure, the pendulum, the telescnpa ami the uilc rn-i npe, it lu.iv lead to a eritam amuunt of ni"dol,v in our appiemlion of mod ern iuvitilioiis. liilllrii, probably in lVii, invented the opn theniiicciipc, IVrdlnuiel II. nt 1 use-any flrpt ealed the class, iinkinc the liistiument mile pendiut of aimosphcne presuie. Many Im proMiitents were ciailuall.i niacle, tsprililh in the rmleavor tn h points mi t deiliilte siale, the lieezlne point nf watrr beinir drst uscl a i ile Unite .tiriittf pnmi Ii liobeit llooke, in belli Ot the ilnee tbiiniouieteis elill in use, I'uhicnhclt' Ihetnininrl r was iuicliteil in lift1, llp.'ititnur's liiMiiuni'nl in IT J and the fcalo of Celsius-the untijiadi eale-iu 1712. Nnim of tliceo Instruniiiiis. bovvevn. Is now- u.id in the fin in in whh h il was nrteinillv devl.eil It is ii somewhat unions tail that the instru ment I'onstiiiilid bv tin l.einian, t'aliirnlien. is Used most exilualvelv I' ihe llnsll.h -peikliiR peoples tlut Inviiitid b. (lie 1'riin liiuin, He.ua iiiur, is ued dually in ti noiili of liumpi. while that nf tin iele. (Vl.lias, is used in FiPiichi-peakliis miintrles, ami eibiively bv ha Mlenti.ts 'Hip cinucudc Male, tin rem p)int nf which is the Ireivimr point nf water, It now u.(el alnio.t univpi.ill.v in urinific invcsii. eations. The insln objection to U ininmon uw Is the lniBlh nf the decice, ihe interval be. Ivveen th-s fieeiinif aii'l Hip boilins point of vvalir beinu divided Inln ii instead ol 11 de crrcs, as on tlio I'lhrenlieH -ale. This inaken the lenstli nf a lentlBraile ihcrre neirly twlee--nlne tilili Hut of tin.' more familiar Kahrcnhitt ilecrcc. r s-Carl Scllir, M. D. rv. if JJ