The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 17, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    - - H t ., 1
If you think you will ever
nrcd one, you w lit save
money by miying now Only
a few left.
Cut Prlec
4 qt. Ohio Freezers. .$1.08
6 qt. Ohio Freezers. . 2.48
8 qt. Ohio Freezers. . 3.20
8 qt. Home Freezers 2.50
10 qt. Homo Freezors 3.00
Foote & Shear Co.
1J9N. Washington Ave
Some Knit Garments
for Bnbo nnd child that will
make a mother hnppy nnd
the child lestful. We fire
specialists In this lino nnd
have everything In the ad
vanced styles for Infants nnd
The Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruco Street.
all Wjuhlfietfn menu', (Juiinsey buildlns.
Ncu term brjinj Sep'- 3-
TT adkawanraa
I I t
Th RrpiiMlnn prrnuij cleitlnn Mill le held
rn Mnndy, fept. IMh, 1001, lietnern the liouu
nf 1 anil n'tlnik p u ; tlir tnmentinn un
llmrda. 'cpt pith, at in n't In, k a lu
t-uli timli'lil lntit reji.trr hi lull tump inrl
addrrM, thi' ntlVp for ulmli lip desire to lip t
indidatr, ami pi, ln .cv.'iiinit In the county
clmrtiian rn r hpfoie uj 27111 Inst
Thi Miiiljnio LiHiimittfp will envprti t!irmelei
o inidlnclj. Dnhl 1. Dims, Cluirmin.
h U I'd lent, irtr.Ui
Donations Acknowledged by the
Mannpeis of That Institution.
The Home fur the Kilrinllesh m -Knowlc
i1ro with nun li platitude tin
pift of $inr fiom V Suantoii.
Anions the donation!- whUh will t-.ii
the Hume n stent many cIoIIrm was tin
filliiulu? iiinnttv of pioxiMoii!-, -(iit
b M.itcr Cai Kullder I'linlidil of the
Ufl'twaic I.rii kawanim and Westiin
cinpali Oik -half li.iuel piouiid i "f
fc dip -half li.urel "ilK.d. nne-half
bit I e y.ilt: white, blrii k and lajeiinc
pepper tfotir 1hio). time boxes mu
taul, bn if-mted (milled i petabb ,
Ht iiiackeiel two hides smoked b.iinn.
six biirieN blend, one-half banel
bi-ef, quantltj ppihK bnile., ilte,
befth. battel inliliape, twont-fhe
piunds chee-e. one-hall bap Cold Dust,
ten pounds butter, nm pai kape mnca
lono. p. ill laid, two boi h baklnp pnu-
nei. i.inucd pumpkin, prunes and up
llcut". the pieces Si nut inn .o,ii
The chllilten weic plen a b
Mis .1 Attic us ltobeilMin .lulv rt. In
the hhape of a picnic at Lake l.odnie
Kouith of Julv donms- Mix J ami
cus liobeilMin. thice pallons ice ueiini.
Lewis & lU'ill.x. (iiautlt. llieeiai ki is.
Mis- U. II. Hippie, i hocolate, cakes
nnd lettuce. Mi,h Ullen Shatipei. Mipar.
lfmons. iheChc. I' Kull maupes, p
Holniff., lliec lackeih. Other donation',
He.-h baken c.ikcs etc ; Mis. (icorpe
S.indeiMin, pniiies: Moes Hniie., soap
"a tilend." H. A. rime. Mis! i:
Itlpide, Mis. t' V Matthews. e,i.
tables; Mrs i H. I'handlti. .Mis. ;
duH. Dlmmlik, Mts. V. I) Wlllhims.
Mi-. (' H. Lindsay, ilollilnp: Mih l.
, Hallo), cash. $1. Latter e Mail,s,
tiojs' hats: Miv. Thomas Kianklln.
ako: Mltn .lennie liejiiidds, jam eti ,
the new aimoiy, W. HTaloi. ihalr
nian of committee, iiiantli of pinp.
him. Mit. A. V Sihiadii'. load of
wood. Mrs Coia Menlileld. leading
maitet Mis. It. (J. Hi !s, llnlnps and
ottou fill (lllllts, eti ; indies nf '
imuth Chun h, iiulltlur. Foote A- Kul.
rr lawn swlnp, HHi KlnnV Sons,
Klndllnp wood; Mi.-. H. H. Itippje
nitdlclne. Mis. i:. S. Mnftal. fiult; a
Mei'd. Hour and supar; Mih. j, .
Bioadhent. bair.l Hon, .Mis H 11
rane, stipai ifli. piosons and fiult;
sihank A. Hpetuei, twenty-flM' fans;
.'onMimeth' ho coniiiam. he ii.iu
Oesheits wete furnished h L.ukawau
la Dairy i'"'inpan. Winium llnnley,
Urn. f 11 Wollr ,i r Williams.
The Saturda nlplu donations wete
reiy much appie. lated. anil weie sent
) the follow lup well-known and ie
Jable dcalets nf Sitantons p. j; jni
)erper, J. T. Hojer. T i: cHlr ft'.s,,,,
.' n. Bone. W. J Mauel, v. u pPU.P'
K. M. Ktoir. Hverltt Hro . h. ,
3lcrce. Hohrwahsei's b.ikeiy. Miss
Jeldler, K O fcuiihen. V. O.'rontad
f. F. Aimbiust.
For ft Good Quiet Day's Outing1
ro to Haney's lake with the Oood l-vi-lows,
Aupurt 1C. No clmnpes, dltect to
the piour.d by steam. See blll
Trompt delivery In hot weather does
much to keep a person cool. Ordci oui
Ice cream at Hanley's,4.'0 Spiuce street
Lledcrkranz excursion to Lake I.o
flore, Monday, August 26.
Houses for sale, rent or exchange
fudfu' Ileal VMHe Co., 131 W.hlnston ate
Try tho nw K clear "Kleon."
Its Promoters Don't Want It to Get
Back to Common Council.
Several of the members of select
council deslrntu of seetirlnR the
PUhsiikc of the ordinance jirovlilliiK for
n tux upon the ?iom leeelpts of local
public service corporations have prac
tically decided (hit the best mode of
jitoi'dute to follow Is In et the or
limine" back Into the fotm In which
It was when pnxoed by eomnion coun
cil nnd then cndeuuir to put It thtotiKh
They maintain It would per
haps be death to the mriimno to run
the rlk of RettliiK It before "onimnn
council nctiln, now thai that body has
been niiKtiiiMited bv the nddlllon of
neventeen new tnenibcrK. The ordin
ance would, of coute, have to be pent
back to common In case select makes
any amendment''.
The ordinance in It came fiom cnin
mini council prodded for a tax of five
per icnl upon the prom receipts of
stieet inllway companies and for a tux
of two per cent Upon the Rioss re
ceipt of kh. water, steam heat, tele
phone and elect! le HrIiI companies. Tt
has sliiie been amended In select to
piovidc fur n tux of live per cent, upon
water lompanley.
Way One of Tucker & Maxey's Credi
tors Cnme Out History of
the Fnlluie.
Once upon a time, to be exact, a man
named Tucker and another named
Mnxey Joined foices with the full ile
slpn of liecomlnp qtilikly tlch. Ycs
tetday Hauktuptiy Itefeice C A. Van
Woiiner wound up their business nf
falis. To each of the T2i of the al
ci editors who ptesented claims, he
mailed u check. Kacli crulltor leceived
1 37-lnii per cent, on the dollar. One
of the (hecks'wnH for four cents. The
hlphest (heck was for Jl IT.
Tucker ei Maxey did business In far
bondale In the fall of isrw. They had
been itinnlnp n little procery stoie In
n bip store btttldlnp for some lime,
and In the rouise of six months 1m
ptessed the commercial world with the
b'-lief that they were a pair of Indus,
tilotis jouiip men who were worth one
hundicd cents on the dollar
When they ilNcoxeicd that drumineis
weie anxious to sell, Tucker & Maxey
sat down and thoupht.
The lesult of their cogitations was
that they boupht $.'.i.ona worth of poods
lu thiee months. When the creditots
closed in on them they found less than
Jl.nni) worth of poods in the Tucker &
Mnvey store. became of the
cither more than JSJ.onn woith of poods
l still quite as much a mystery as who
blew up the Maine.
.lust here Incidentally It mlpht be le
maiked bv way of throw Inp a little
llpht on the mystety that Tucker &
Maxey boupht a dellveiy wapon for
JJflrt. that when they wete being ex
amined befoie Heferee A'ali AA'oimer
they swore they sold the wapon to n
man whoe name they could not iccall,
and that six weeks npo Tt. P. Stuart,
tiustce for the ci editors, found the
wapon in the hay loft of Maxey's
father's barn In Clifford township. Sits
qui'lianiia county.
Tucker ,fc Maxey actually pot JU.7S0
worth of teal diamonds on cicdit.
Thej also actually pot ",000 bojs' caps,
elpht i ar loads of hay, a doen patent
wa-h talis, ten ptns of piemler stuffed
olives, j 1,000 pcrctihslon cap-, a dellv
ei j wapon, twelve boxes of sponpes,
liMiuo i (pars, twenty-live dozen wax
candles, six barrels of vinepar, a box
of woolen mittens, a second hand Iron
fein e, six cases of claret and pretty
iiiin h exeiythinp In the way of staple
ai tides In mine or less extensive quan
tities. These ery cntei prising young men
weie tried In cilmlnal court In the
spilng of iwiii and convicted, but a new
trial was planted and a settlement was
subsequently an I veil at and the case
Ma.xey Is now In rittsbuip and has
applied to the I'nltcd States court to
be fieed fiom the debts he and Tucker
contiaded in their Carbondule venture
The whereabouts of Tucker Is not
know n.
Northup Family Reunion.
The Northup family teiinlon will ho
held In the maple pioe on the John
Noithup faun, ne.u cilenburn station,
Satin day August 17. Teams win nuPt
fi lends comlnp on the ttalns and con
c them to the ptounds
Membeih of this laipe famll' nie te
quested to bilnp with their well-fillcd
btskets. oil lollts and old plctuien of
individual menilieis, whether dead or
living that they may lie lcwtd by the
company. Hy older of the committee
" Heniy W. Northup, Chairman.
Atlantic City. Cape May, Sea Isle
City. Ocean City, Avalon, Wild
wood, or Holy Bench Exsursion
via Pennsylvania Raihond.
Thin hday, Alipust 2:'. Special ten
day tlilcets $,"i 00 to all le-oits. via
Market stieet whaif. oi to Atlantic
Clt. onlv, la Pelawaie rtlei hi idpe
route. Train le.ucs Scianton at fi.l.'i
a. in.
Medical Books pnd Surgical Instru-'
belonging to the late Rr. Hlanehard. at
private sale. Knqulre of A. A Dick
son, adminlstiator, or F. K. Tiacy, nt
tiirncj .Commonwealth building, Scian
ton. Scrnnton Business College.
The demand for hookkcepcis and
stenogiapheih continues even dmlng
vacation. Many students are receliinp
Pay nnd evening sessions will leopen
Tuesdav. Septembei .1. Those who de
site Infoimatlon should call any time
after August 10.
Hanlej's he cienm Is popular for
(lessen this summer. 420 Spruce street.
Steam neatlng and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T Howley.231 Wyoming ave.
llul a "touch" li
inoic iftccthc when
the PINO 1 In
qupttinn, l.pjinliow
M thp C(
TOIO. I p to line
In inrlhniU II li
Uncivil. Catalnnup,
J. ALl'Ul'.ll I'lIXNlXtiTON, DlrCl'COl'
Recorder Connell nnd His Cabinet
Ask the City's Legal Representa
tive for nn Opinion ns to the Bear
ing of Judge Carpenter's Decision
on Outstanding Liens Tho Build
ing Inspector Must Bo Stricter In
tho Futuie A Five Year Limit for
Improvement Assessment.
At a mot Important meeting of He
coidcr Cnnnell'fi cabinet, held yester
day morning, City Solicitor AVatson
was instructed to furnish nn opinion
as to whether theie Is any way out of
the chaotic condition Into which .ludpe
Carpenter's decision In the Sturpes
case has thrown nil pavlnp liens now
outstanding against pioperty owners.
.ludpe Carpenter decided that prop
erty owners could not be compelled to
pay for the keeping of pavements In
repair for n teitn nf years, lu addition
to p.i.vltip for the nrlplnal cost of lay
ing such pavements that Is to my,
wheie the pavlnp otdlnanccs pt oxide
for the keeping of the pave lu repair
for a term of yeats. the propettv owner
Is not necessailly compelled to pay his
assessment, the contention being that
xx hen a continctor bids for a paxe with
the tiniletstandlnp that he will have to
keep It In lepalr for a teim of xeais,
he will bid hlphcr than If he wete bid
ding simply for the constuictlon of the
Nearly all of the paving ordinance
passed by the councils of this city have
contained a provision leqtililnp the
conti actor to keep the paxement In le
palr for a term of ycai, penctally live.
It would seem thnt the liens outstand
ing apalnst the propeity owneis along,
the line of these pavements Mould be
Invnltdntod under a stilct Interpreta
tion of .ludpe CarpcntetV decision, but
City Solicitor AA'iitsoti doesn't think so,
and for this leasoii he was asked for
an opinion ns to the best wa out of
the dinicult.x.
It was decided that the suppesllon be
made to councils that In futuio all pav
lnp nnd sewer ordinances be diawn to
piovlde for the pament of the entire
nsscfrsmont wlthlni live years. That will
pi event the expenses, trouble and loss
to the cltv throuph the Ming of llen.s
xxheie the ordinances allow ten yeais
for the payment of paving and sewer
Another Important step taken by the
cabinet was in icpard to tho l--ulnp of
building penults. As Is veiy well
known, theie Is an oidinance pioxidltig
that befoie n building can be elected
within the city limits the plans and
specification" must be ptesented to the
building Inspector for his appioxal,
after which appioxal the contractor
must take out a penult.
NOT onsi:iu'KD.
This ordinance is at pie-ent not be
ing lived up to In the way that it was
Intended It should be when passed.
AVhcn the ordinance flist went Into
force the examination of the plans and
specifications xvas made the primary
consideration!, while the issue of per
mits and the collection of fees for the
same was made a secondaiy lonsider
ation. The rcveise Is now the case. Manx
building ate elected in all part" of the
city befoio the plan.s have excr been
seen by the building Inspector, much
less examined, and in this nmiii'.er the
whole purpose of the ordinance name
ly, the prevention of the construction
of improper and unsafe bulldlnps Is
defeated. The building inspectot now
devotes a huge poitlon of his time to
dtlvlnp mound the ( Ity, looking out
for new bulldlnps nnd then dunning
the contractor for the pilce of the per
mit when one is- found, thus apparent
ly making the collection, of pcimlt fees
the primary consideiatlon.
It was the unanimous opinion of nil
the heads of the departments pie.-ent
at estcrda's meeting that this meth
od of doing business should he stopped
at ohce. Director of Public Safety
AA'oimser announced that he would
pive strict orders to the building In
spec tor to Insist upon having all con
tractus submit their plans and speci
fications for his appioval before com
mencing work on any building. He
will also direct the Inspector to arrest
any and all coutt actors xxhn fall to do
this nnd to prosecute them to the full
est extent of the law. OF Flit 1 J hriCAPi:.S.
The .solicitor was nl-o irqtiested for
an opinion as to which department of
the city government the. regulation of
fire escapes i omes under. It wns the
opinion of the cabinet thill the woik
piopeily belongs to the dcpaitinent of
public safety.
The delay lu the Issuing of the paik
Impiovenieut bonds wns discussed and
it is one of the possibilities ()f the fu
tuie that these bonds may be tnken
b the sinking fund commissioners.
At piesctit theie ate a few bonds
outstanding for such Inipinvements. ns
the pavlnp of Adams and Jeff ei son
avenues. The cabinet decided that It
would bo a pood idea to have the notes
sary legislation iutioduced to luxe
these bonds called In nnd paid, that
the accounts with reference to these
linptovcnients may be closed.
Dr. Allen, supeilntendent of the bit-
So we'll give you un ounce of talk
about our fine
Canteloupes, .
and you'll pet a ton of satlpfactlon
by tending your order to us.
E. Q. Coursen
Headquaiters for fruit and vegetables.
reau of health, called the attention of
the cabinet to the dlfllctiltv lie has ex
perienced In dolnp away with certain
nuisances. One case he Instanced was
on the property of Morgan Sweeney In
the Twelfth ward, where there Is a
datiprious pool of stagnant water. He
was illtectcd to use tins power placed in
his linuds to abate such a nuisance and
compel the property owner to pay the
Those present it t the meeting were
lleeoidcr AV. L. Connell, Director of
Public AVorks .John H. Uoche, Dlrectoi
of Public Safety P. L, AVormser. City
Contioller Hsdras Howell, City Treas
tiler H. .1. ItoblrKon, City Solicitor
(Jem pe M. AVntstm, Arsesor L. N.
Unbelts and Colonel ilenrgc Sanderson,
chnli man of the sinking fund commis
Mrs. Sampson Wanted Her Chlldicn
Back, nnd Got Them.
Mrs Catheiluo Sampson, colored, of
Raymond court, whose four small chll
dicn vxii'd taken nway fiom her sox'cral
months i. go wli-Mi nh was ai rested
for maintaining n dlsordeily house, ap
pealed befoie the poor board and
asked that thcybc given back to her.
"1 xe icforined, 1 have," said she,
"and If you give me back the children
I'll leaxe toxn And go to Deposit, N.
Y to live. I've given up drlnki'np nnd
I don't associate no nic'e .villi those
low-down, boozy folks that hang
around th alh'.x. You plxc me one
more chniite and let me have tho chil
dren nnd you'll find out that I'll never
be lu no mote trouble."
The members of tne board w re In
clined to think that Mis. Sampson xvas
lu earnest and ngieed to let her have
her child i en back.
Poor Board Decides That It Is Ad
visable to Secure n Sixty
Acio Farm.
It Is very probable that befoie a
month elap-cs the joor boaid will dl
lect the piueliase- of some sixty acres
of fin m land, situated to the xxom of
the farm lands siinoundiup the Hill
side Home, now owned by the Scran
ton poor dlstilct.
The boaid has beeiv deslious of pur
chasing this land for nearly a car.
nnd the members have looked it oxer
on more than one occasion, but no ac
tion bsikliip tow ai ds Us pm chase was
taken until e-teiday afternoon' meet
ing, on account of the owner of the
land failinp to meet the price which
the d'liectoia thought icasor.ible and
Durlnp the past week or two the
owner of tho land and the members of
the home committee haxe apt cod upon
a pike of ftio an acre, and at jester
dii' mooting the attotne.x of the
board xvas lcqucsted to fiiiuisli an
opinion as to whether the dlsttUt Iks
the right to pinclMse land without the
consent of the coitit of common pleas.
It Im expected that Attorney Scrapp
will decide- thnt the consoim of cum t
will he leqtilicd, b lenson of an ix
press piovislon In the special act of
assembly cieatlnp the Scianton poor
If ho does so decide, the board at Its
next mooting will dliect him to petition
com t for permission to piueliase as
all the members (.Kin to be apieed
upon acquiiliig the land. The dlhtilct
at present owns about .'.00 acres sur
rounding the Hillside Home, and eveiy
available loot of this is cultivated. The
necessity for a latper amount of farm
land, that all the Inmates able to wotk
may bo Riven a chain e to do so, Is said
to lie vety pi eat.
The principal iea-"on adxanccd In
fax or or the piueliase of the land, how
ever. i the fact that It contains a
latpe sitlnp of beautiful) deal and
pine water. Tho water for the home
Is now obtained fiom an artesian xxell
Should this ever diy up tho gicatcst
dlllictilty would be exp.ilon.cod In ob
taining a supply of x nter. If lor no
other leason than this. It Is said, the
laud should be purchased.
It xx as also decided at e.stoida's
meeting to direct Supeilntendent
Beomer and Attorney Sciapg to take
tho necest-ary steps n have a dlsoidoi
ly house and speakeasy on the road
near Gravel pond wiped out of exist
ence. This place Is about a mile and
a half from the home, and Is a con
stant souice of anno.xaiice to Super
intendent Heemer. ilo sa.xs that a
number of the male Inmates, when
they get a little money, inn away and
ficquont the place. They sometimes be
come so intoxicated that they haxe to
be c arrled home.
John Devlin, 7.1 jears old, an old man
with a nipped, Min-hurnt tace. and
shaking with the pals, who said ho
x,w a sailor up to a few yeais ago,
appealed befoie the boaid ami asked
for lellef. He cailie to Scrantoll look
lnp for his son, walking pan of the
vxay liom Philadelphia, he said, hut
could Hud nn tine e of him.
"Whole's jour home'.'" asked Dr.
"I haxe none, sir A sea-failnp man,
whin his wife dies and his famllj
leaxcH him, as mine did. has no home
unless Jim call the whole world a
home. It mlpht be Philadelphia one
month, Illo Janeiro the next, and Hong
Kong two months after. I've been all
ainund the woild, but I've got no place
to (all a home."
The boaid decided to pay his trans
pnitatlon to Philadelphia, wheie, he
said, ho thought he might obtain ad
mission to some sallois' home.
All Shoes Cut.
n way down nt Million's Shoe store, 32S
Ldckitwanna avenue.
The popular Punch cigar Is still tho
leader of tho 10c clgais.
Pure cream, puie milk, pure sugar,
puie flavoring make puie ice cieam.
That's Hanley's. 420 Spruce street.
and Grand Opening.
.Saturday, August 17th.
AVe haxe lomoved to 321 N MAIN
AA'U., and as a leminder of the te.
moval and our grand opening, AA'i:
WILL PUnsHNT vnv.i: to all pur
ehascis of Teas, Coffees. Hxtracts,
ripke and Ilaklng Powder, a
Ilcaiitlful ISIiic
Enameled Jnpnnese Ten Pot
This raio and exquisite Souvenir Is
both useful and ornamental, a don t
fall to obtain one.
Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
. ll I.aiUwaima nemip, ."'1 North Main ticnue,
Tlionv 7JJ. Prompt dcllmj,
Five Contestants Made Returns Yes
terday In The Tribune's Education
al Contest One of Them Has Not
Reported Before Since July 8.
Miles Is Only Thirty-four Points
Away from Third Place.
Standing of Contestants, f
T If this wix the last (IiJ, trine would win:
I 1. Meyer Lewis, Scran-
ton OtfU
I 8. Miss Wllhclminn
Griffin, Providence 523
3. Henry Schwenkw.
' South Scrnnton... 370
i 4. William Miles, Hyde
; Pnik 342 j
o. Garfield Anderson,
; ; Carbondale 272
. . 0. Ray Buckingham,
;; .cimnuist 171
. . 7. Miss Norma Mere
dith, Hyde Park. . 135
8. Miss Vida Pedrlck,
t Clark's Summit... 116 T
X Ik nun of there will be in Table No, , ,
1 un the closing dijf
roinis. ! .
i 0. Aupust Brunner, Jr.,
Carbondalo 105 '
10. F r n n k Kemraerer,
Fnctoryvllle 03
L 11. David O. Emery, ,,
Wimmers, Pa 51
JL 12. Arthur C. Grlffls,
Montrose liv
4. 13. W. H. Harris, Hyde
Park 23
14. Miss Minnie Wnllis,
Carbondale 23
15. E. J. Sheridan, Haw- , ,
ley 6
I 10. Miss Jennie Ward,
Olyphant 0
i. 17. Robert Campbell, . ,
Green Ridge 3
Fixe of the leaders In The Tribune's
Hducatlonal Contest made returns yes
terday. Four of thc;-e nre In Tnble
No t and tho other in Table No. .
Miss (irlftln, as usunl, brought In the
largest number of points for the day,
closely followed by Meyer Lewis. These
two leaders are nearly tho same dis
tance npait as they have been for sev
ei al dajs, nlthouph tho Pioxldenee
younp lady Is gradually overhauling
the younp man xxho hn so long led the
William Miles helped himself consid
erably nnd Is now only .It points nwny
fiom thin! place, while Miss Meredith
drew further axxay from Mtss Pedrlck
and closer to sixth place.
David O. Eniti'), of AVIniniers, made
his Hist returns jecdeiday since July
8. We Is now only IJ points behind
We are determined to ell X
T In our stock this season we
f haxe cut the price so low that
J they aie suie to po. Plaited
bosom hlrts shirts with cuffs
attached some with two pair of
detached cuffs, that heietofore
sold for $1.50 and $.'.00, at $1.00.
All of our $1.00 shirts, 75c.
Straw Hats
Every $1.50 and $2.00 straw, any
style, either louph or split braid,
at $1.00, Knox straws, both split
4. and lough braids. $2 00.
f All 50c neckwc.u reduced to 35c
WiMic Ate,
AXr 103' J
The Largest Lines in N. E. Pennsylvania
RKANOMla nlKilllKil?
The Largest Lines in N. E. Pennsylvania
I Oils, Paints and Varnish
Maloney Oil & Mandfacttiring Company,
1A1.1AO MrL1lo Qfi-flft
141-149 Meridian Street.
Kcmmerer, who has also been "taklnp
It easy" during the hot months.
Popular Sunday Outing, Mauch
Chunk, Glen Onoko and Switch
back, Sunday, August 18.
Tho New York. Ontario and Western
nniiroart company has nrtiingcd for an
Ideal excuislon nn Sunday, the 1Mb
Inst., to two of the most popular le
sorts In the state, Ulen Onoko and the
Switchback. Train will leave Carbon
dale at 7 a. in.. Mopping nt all sin
tlons to Park Place. Inclusive and ie
turning; lenve Mauch Chunk at ft no
and (lien (Inokn at 5.45 p. m. Tho New
A'ork, Ontario and Western tialu xxlll
await n I rival of exclusion tialu at
Scrnnton. Thousands of oxctitslonists
from Now A'ork city and Iltnoklxn visit
the nbove icsorts each Sunday. Do not
miss this rate tient.
For further Infotmntlnn, Inquire of
Nexv A'oik, Ontnik nnd AVestcin ticket
City nnd School Taxes, 1001.
The city nnd school tax duplicates
foi year 1901 ate now In my hands for
collection. A penalty of 3 per cent,
will be added Sept 1st, lliOl, nnd an
additional one per cent, on the flist
of each end every mouth until fullv
paid, All taxes leninlultip unpaid
after November 1st will be placed on
the delinquent list as piovidcd by law.
K. J. Hublnson,
' City Trensurer.
Seranton College of Music.
520 Spruce street, Hiidu lOvans, direc
tor. Branches tatipht: Piano, Organ,
Haydn Kvnns; voice. Dr. D .1. J.
Mason; violin, Miss Nellie Holllster,
elocution. Miss Pauline Hnll. Private
lesson only; no lessons In classes.
Hates for tho season, commencing first
week of Septembur, very reasonable.
College open for reception of pupils
Tuesdays and Fridays.
Keep Posted Aout Homo Affnhs.
The Tribune will be mailed to you
while away dining the summer
months for 12 cents a week. Tho ad
dress may bo changed ns often as de
sired and the paper will bo mailed
dliect. promptly, exery day. Any
complaint should be made Immediate
ly to Tho Tribune nfllco.
Lndles' Black and Russet
$2 00 and $2.50 oxfords at $1.4S nnd Jt US
at Mahon's Shoo store, 3:'8 Lackawan
na n venue.
Visitors at tho Pan-Amerlcnn nre In
vited to leave parcels and lunch boxes
nt the Cofo booth, Manufncturets'
building, where they xxlll be cniefully
looked aftei, flee of ehaige.
A'ou ate Invited to the grand open
ing of the Oriental Tea Palace, at Sil
N. Main ax em, toinouow. A hand
some Japanese Teapot given away
free. The Great Atlantic and Pacific
Tea Co.
Smoke the Pocono Clpar, 5c.
The greatest commorcial
economist in the world today.
Compared to any necessary
Investment In business,
Is incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
lltnagcr'e oilier, 117 Adamj avenue.
Keystone Academy
Trepares for all the leading colleges,
tinlveisltles and technical schools,
Piovldes nist-elass. business and com
mercial coin ses and graduates pupils
In music. A normal com so is also
provided for those wishing to (each.
The school possesses a beautiful
campus of twenty acics and mountain
spring water. For full partkulais
send to
Rev. Elkanah Hulley, A. M., Prin.
Factoryville, Pa.
Mens Suits
Men's Ti misers .
Ladles' Suits ....
Italny Day Sklit
.$15 no
. 3 r.o
. i. 00
. 5 50
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
''. During our Great Clearing 4
;; Sale of
:: Neckwear ii
. . i
. . ii
;; we have reduced prices as y
II follows:
;; $1.50 NeckAvear $1.25 ;;
t 1.00 Neckwear 75
;; .75 Neckwear 50 ;;
;; .50 Neckwear 39 ;;
! ! Sale now going on to make ' !
room for fall stock.
! Cramer-Wells Co., f
130 Wyoming Ave.
Are the source of Avrong pro
Wheu you are bent ou
buying the best in Gent's
Furnishings, at the most
reasonable prices, turn your
attention to this store and
you can't go wrong.
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
T 1 Tl H When a man buys
IwdliU a lot lie buys not the
, land, but the title to
ATlf! the land. The con-
he holds possession
arc determined bj
his title. By his pur
chase he may obtain possession ol
a piece of land, but if he has not
obtained the title the law ousts him
and he has no remedy. A trifling
defect in a transfer made a genera
tion ago may cause the loss of a
man's entire" fortune. The policy
of a title insurance company af
fords the cheapest, quickest, safest
and simplest method of ascertain
ing the conditions of a title.
5I6 Spruce Street.
I.. A Watre,! A Knapp, V.-Trfl
A. II. JkCllntock, I Ralph S. Hull,
Vice president. I Trent Officer.
Before buying, send for catalogue.
H. 5. GORDON, 'lvZl tit
T .1 lo.irr. President, hlmrr II Linill, TrfJJ.
R. J. I osier, Stanley P. Allen.
Vuc President. Stcictary
What is more restful
after a warm day than to
sit out on the porch dur
ing the evening in a com
fortable rocker?
We have a most com
plete assortment of Porch
Furniture. There is a
great variety of
Porch Chairs,
Porch Rockers,
Porch Couches,
Porch Tables,
Porch Settees
A few of these make a
porch look very inviting.
Come in and look them
Hill & Connell
121 N. Washington Ave.
r pa tiiMay. 9R