The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 17, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Srnup or Fion, manufactured by tho
California Fio Svnur Co., illustrates
tho value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative nnd presenting
them in the form most refreshing to tho
taste and acceptable to the system. It
in the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing tho system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly nnd enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, nnd its ncting on tlie kidneys,
liver nnd bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it. tho ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qunlities of tho
remedy are obtained from f-ennn nnd
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho California' Kio Syrup
Co. only. In order to get Its beneficial
effects nnd to nvoid imitations, plenso
remember the full name of the Company
printed on tho front of every package.
ForsslabyaUDrugRlsf). PrlceoOe perbottlo.
OAMC TODAY The Scranten flub mid the
Cedleguns will play at Athletic park liia "
fer the entrance to the IllRh school will be held
en Aus. 27.
EXCURSION' TOD Y. The Williim Connrll
Hose compiny and l.ackawinna nulls will run
their annuel excursion to Like 1idnre toilav,
KILLED IV THE M1M.S ndrcw Damdefa. 1
miner in the tesMip shaft, vias killed ly a fnll
of roof teidi Ho ii suiviied b.v hi wife
and several children
B OF R T MEKIIMI - Mosc Tajlor lodee,
No 15, Brotherhood ot Rillioid Trainmen, will
bild a repilar meetlne nt I o'clock tomorrow
for the ruin10" ' trinectlne bit-mess cl Im
portance FREMI AIR rilll W1KN -A laifte mim!er of
childrtn from Ne-.ork who luie been spending
their annual outing in Carbondvle and Nicholson
at the evpemc of the N'cw ork Tribune, returned
to the metropolis jeerdiv.
EDITOR OF UROn I'MOV - r. fi Moran,
formerlv of this citj, w the editor of the Labor
I'nion, a well edited vierkli mizaine devoted
to the caue of labor, whUh ban Just nude its
appearance In Toledo O It it a sixteen page.
periodiMl and hi ndaomely printed.
IAWN SOCIAL -There will be social ani
entertainment held on the iy Aim Methodist
Episcopal church lawn, aturdu oicnincr. utr
17 1001 The llterarv ptocrainme will he under
the direction of Mi's rhene Van Huron and will
be as follows pincinc, praer by pastor, duet,
readinc. Ml Nellie Dimoiid, recititlou, N'nruan
Mlfkle, recitation. Marii" Karrell, ihiet, exercise
hv fixe elrls, readinc. Vlss Il.cmnnd, reoitition,
Miss Fthel Biduell, duet, recitation, Miss IWtha
Smith, readme, Mis Puuond, ormn solo, Mla
Fsa Turner, recitation, Mibel Root aincincr,
Georee llartmati and Otto Stcnter. dmislnn to
entertainment free Ice cream and lemonade will
be seried on the lann.
New Wnsh Goods.
An Immense stork of new Wash
Goods In the desirable styles and
colors, at loner prleea than is usually
naked for old Roods. Come and see,
Saturday and Monday.
mi:ars & hagkn.
05th National Encampment G. A. R.,
Cleveland, Ohlo,September 10th to
14th Inclusive.
For the above occasion ticket agents
if the I.ickawnnn.t railroad will sell
special lound trip tickets to Cleehind
and return at one way fare for the
round trip, ticket to be on sale pood
polng September fith, fitli, 10th, 11th and
12th, and for teturn up to nnd Including
September loth, except by depositing
tickets with Joint agent at f'le eland
on or before noon of September 15, ie
turn limit will be extended to leave
Cleveland not later than October fith
on payment of 60 cents extra. Stop off
ot Buffalo will be permitted on the te
turn trip by depositing tickets with
Joint agent at that point and payment
ot one dollar, provided the same Is
used within the final return limit. Chil
dren between the ages of 5 nnd 12 one
half of the above rate.
Come with the Win, Connell lloe
company and Lackawanna Woolen
Mills, to Lake Lodore, Satuiday,
Aus. 1". Trains leaving Steel
Works at S.45, S.r.S, 10 o'clock,
11.40 a m.. 1.15 nnd 2.20 p. m. Tickets
can be procured on nil trains. Music
by Bauer's full band and orchestra.
Llederkranz excursion to Lake Lo
dore, Monday, August 26.
S Investment
M Eroidwiy, N. Y.
Carbocdil. M
jf 444 CopuBMtretltb bldV, ficriotoo, Pi,
I K iJtsWt tot tw
Rules for the Government of tho Ar
mory Were Considered.
The field, line nnd stnft officers flf
the Thirteenth regiment held n meeting
last night in tho new nrmory nnd dis
posed of n largo amount of routine
business which had accumulated as the
result of the recent encampment.
Tho rules nnd regulations for the
government of the nrmory, which were
drawn up some time ago by tho board
of trustees, were comddered nnd sev
eral changes were approved. The rules
now go back to tho trustees for their
approval. They will not be made pub
lic until finally acted upon.
Teams Representing Ninth and Thir
teenth Regiments to Compete.
A rifle team, representing the N'lnth
regiment and captained by Captain
Fremont Stokes, of Company M, for
mer commnnder of Company F, Thir
teenth regiment, will shoot n friendly
match today on the Dickson City range
with a team picked from tho members
of Company A, Thirteenth regiment,
The Company A team will be com
posed of Captnlm George Huss and Til
vntes Htink, Wnlte and Pratt. Kneh
contestant will be allowed seven shots
nt both tho 200 yard and fiOO yard
range, respectively. First Lieutenant
Cat ler, regimental lnpector of rllln
practlie, will act as scorer.
Old Forgo Young Man Made an Un
successful Attempt to Kill Him
self with a Bread-Knife.
Thomas Lnftey, aged 2S years, of Old
Forge, made an unsuccessful attempt
to commit suicide yesterday morning
by cutting his throat nt the home of
his cousin, John Kearney, of Mlnooka.
Laffey was employed nt the Pyne
mine and after returning from work
on Thtnsdny afternoon went over to
Mlnooka to lslt his cousin. He com
plained upon reaching thn latter's
house that he was feeling unwell and
seemed to be very moody and despond
ent He snent the nlcht nt the home
of a friend nnd apparently the Idea of
suicide wns then In his mind, for he
Inqtilted for a razor, which he was,
foitunntely, unnblc to obtain.
He teturned to his cousin's home
vesteidav mnrniuc and .shortly after f
o clock he was seen to suddenly get
up fiom his chair and rush Into the
tiantrv. He was followed and was dis
covered In the act of cutting at his
throat with a bread knife. He had cut
two gashes nnd about to cut a
third when the knife was taken awny
fiom him.
Medical aid was summoned nnd he later removed to the Lackawanna
hospital, where It was said last night
that he would In all probability re
cover, the wounds made being not
very deep. He ictuses to say why he
attempted to take his life nor Is any
reason known.
Walter Lowe Is sent to a position
with the Dickson Locomotive works.
H. R. Mover has secured a situation
with tho fJ.ts Consumers' association.
Urn ma nsehenbach Is bookkeeper at
the Conservatory of Music.
George DeWilde has an excellent
position with the Merchant Iron com
pany, Philadelphia.
.lohn Clifford hns been sent to a
good place with the Traction com
pany. Kllmbeth Owens is keeping books for
Wat dell & Rarrett.
Ralph Roberts Is with the Manhat
tan Reporting company, at Xew York.
Harold Kloss hns secured a good
position In one of the P., L. and W,
Claience Reemer resigned his posi
tion with the Rolt and Nut wotks to
accept another with tho Webster Coal
and Coke company, at Philadelphia.
David Solomon Is keeping books for
Have now on llle leanest for exper
ienced bookkeeper to fill a good posi
tion In Philadelphia,
Ruck & Whltmore.
The Knights Templnr, Louisville,
Ky. '
On account of the triennial conclave
August 27 to 31 Inclusive, ticket agents
of the "Lackawanna rallioad" will sell
mum! ttlp tickets to Louisville, Ky.,
tit into of one fate for the round trip,
Tickets will be on sale good going Au
gust 21 to 25 Inclusive, nnd good for
return until September 2 Inclusive, ex
cept by depositing tickets with joint
agent at Louisville on or befoie Sep
tember 2 return limit will be extended
to leave Louisville not later then Sep
tember IB on payment of so cents.
Stop off nt Ruffaln to visit the Pan
Ainerlcan will be permitted on the
lelutn trip upon payment of one dol
lar extra and depositing ticket with
Joint agent, providing passenger reach
es destination within the final return
limit. The drand comin.tndery of
Knights Templnr of New Jersey have
arranged for a special train to leave
llnboken nt 10 n, in. August 25, reach
ing Scrnnton nt 1.30 p. m., nnd a cor
dial invitation has been offered to all
local Sir Knights nnd their friends to
Join them nt Scrnnton.
High School Examinations.
i:-amlnatlons for entrance to all
classes in the High school wilt be held
in the High school building, Tuesday,
Aug. 27. Candidates will present them
selves at the principal's oftice at S.30
a. m. W. C. Joslln, Principal.
Our Senator Shoe,
for gentlemen Is a nobby style, made
on an easy fitting lakt; $3,00 a pair at
Mahon's Shoe store, 328 Lacka. ave.
The Misses Merrill's Private School,
612 Jefferson avenue, for primary and
intermediate pupils, will icopen Mon
day, Sept, 9, 1901.
Lirderkranz excursion to Lake Lo
dore, Monday, August 26.
The report of Ft. J.uke'a Summer Home for
donatioru received during the week U at follows!
From Anne E. W'oolworth ,....$ 8 O0
From E. H. Jtipple (.third donation) ,,,, 8 oo
Total J 1(100
Heretofore, acknowledged Ml 70
Total to date t61 70
The frlenda named e heartllr thank for th-lr
kindness, and the treaiurer hopes that he nil!
hae the r'eaaure of renewing hli acknowledge,
menti to thote friends who have aided the work
In paet teasoni, but v.lio have been rotated, in
their good will, this year, The, number of de.
serving women and children in waiting for the
Tttt ti large, and it Is desired to accommodate
s many si possible by continuing the work as
laU u practicable In September, Checks may
be tent to Samuel Illnti, trtaiuitr,
Ha Deprecates tho Defeat of the
Jnmes Bill Providing That Direc
tors of Rural Schools Should Be
Paid Their Expenses While Attend
ing Annual Institutes Seventy
two Per Cent, of the Teachers In
the County Schools Are Holders of
Hlghor Class Certificates.
The annual report of County Superin
tendent of Schools J. C. Taylor was
fot warded, yesterday, to the depart
ment of education, Harrishurg. It Is
nn Interesting document and well
worthy of perusal. Appended Is the
report In full!
Scranton, Pa., Aug. IS, I'M.
Dr. N. C Mueller, Superintendent of Public In-
etructlon, Ilarrlttnirg, Pa,
Pear Sirs I have the honor to submit tho fol
lowing report of the condition of the schools of
Lackawanna iount for the jear ending Jii'io 1,
KM The work In the echoola of this uuunty
during the Ijst year lias been, in mn rowet,
the moat Mtiafactory elnco the writer becan Ills
work as rupcrlntendcnt Our teiihcrs are tatter
rrerwrwl for their work, salaries nrc slowly
rising, attendance wjs more rrgular, method nf
teaching are improving and In a lirge majority
of the schools good order provnlltd,
Neirly all of our teachers arc reading educa
tional Journals and a majority attend and partlil
pate In the local Inutilities Pre gross In the
advanced clases In country schools Is still hin
dered by patrons who keep old pupils out of
school to work during the flrat two months of the
In mining districts the night school reports
show that a large number of bnjs under the uge
nf thirteen jeara are working In the coal Imak
ers The boja are getting only two or three
months instruction in night schools each jcar.
In mokt cacs the Instruction In night schools is
confined to leading, writing, spelling and the
elements of arithmetic. A great inju'tlce Is
being done to these working hovs and they arc
being cheited out of their hirthright, for eviry
American boy is entitled to a good connsvm
school education.
Qi'Ai.incvnovs or thvciifhs.
The grade of qualifications for teachers Is ris
ing Those who take the elimination for the
provisional ccrtltii itc are required to studv some
goo.1 book on methods or school minigrtmnt
eioh joar Puring the lat seven vcars tlicj have
studied Page's "Theory and Practice," (Juiik's
"Kduoatloril Hefonnor," Haldwin's "S boot
Management," Tijlor's "Child Studv," lliookn'
"Sormsl Methods," "Mistakes in Teaching,"
and "How to Keep Order," by Hughes. The
teachers are tlavjfled as follows:
Number of teachers holding provisional cer
tificates 5.1
Number of teachers holding profcslonil cer
tificate 53
Number of teachers holding permanent cer
tificates 42
Number of teachers holding stile icrtlflcites 4
Number of Normal school graduates 1P5
Total number of teachers holding higher
grade cernfli ales 212
This Is about 72 per cent of the whnn num
ber. The total number of teichers Imlding hicher
grade ocrtltlcitcs In I'll was fiftv-threo, or about
2" per cent of the whole ntim!er. If schohr
ship and profeKSionsl training arc valuable, this
means a great gain In tending power.
In September of lfmo the writer, assisted by
Principals M W. Cumminirs, M I. I.lo.vd and
T 0 Obomo, began the publication of a
mnnthlv pater for teachers and directors called
the Irfickawanna School News Its purpose is to
help the schools to do better work, especially
in learning to write rngllsh, to call public at
tention to certain abused relating ti schools and
school management, nnd to give general Infor
mation to teachers, directors and others ion-
cerning oTnminitinns, local institutes and other
educational events In this pipir were published
articles upon methods, school management and
school administration written by hiding teach
ers and directors of the county.
V portion of our space wis devoted to tho
best iftfivs written by pupils In the countv
schools This hid i stlmiil iting eftc. t upin
students, and we believe tint more composition
work wis done ht j"ir thin in tho preceding
five vi irs
The pipir wis sent free to all teachers and
directors, the expense of publication being borne
partlv by advertisers and jiartlv bj the- pub
lishers. COl'NTV IVSTITLTi:
The annuil teachers' Institute was held (he
week of Oct. 21 In th. court house In Sermon
V enrolled ."IB teachers, Including flltj from
Punmnre borough. The avenge dallv nttendamc
wis ,W The Institute was divided Into two
sections primiry and Intermediate teaihers in
one section, nnd grammar and high school teich
ers In the other. Teachers of countr.v schooli
were directed to choose the section host suited to
the grade of their schools.
The instructors ware Dr N. P. Schaeffer, pr
Sherman lhvis, Dr George W. Hull, Miss
Iiuiso Connollv, Miss f.lirabeth I.lovcl anil Prof,
.lohn T Vtntkias
Instruction was given in pedagogv, school nun
agimeiit, nitvire studv, plni-tolngy, riiEllsli ginm
m ir and composition, hlstorv, arithmetic, geog
raphy, primary work nd vocal mu-lo. Poputir
addresses on "The Sucnssfiil Teicher" and "The
Successful Pupil" were given by Pr Hull, and an
address on "Some Teaching Ideals'' by Pr. Isaac
.1. I.insing.
Tho programme was virled and interesting ana
seemed to give batisfjetion lo tcccr and the
general public
Our plin in preparing the programme is not
merelv to provide something interesting nnd en
tertilning, hut to secure such instruttinii as
wilj strengthen the weik places In our work as
observed in the school rooms during tho visits
of the preceding .scar. We aim to give positive
and definite instruction, so tint f "era of all
grailes may find milter of prac value lo
ue in their teaching v
iiinr.OTons' awk i.vrinv
The eighth nnmnl meeting of our Directnis'
nssociitlon was held on Wednesday, Ort. SI. Al
though the day was sturmv. about seventy five
directors were present. n aide ad Iross on "Im
provement of llural Schuola" was delivered by
President A. I). Pein, ot Wavcrly, advocating
consolidation of rural schools and establishing
to nshlp high si hools.
a genonl dissuasion on "Sthoo Discipline"
was led bj Directnis; Willlnn II Priest, if
fllakely, II. O. llotfnnn, of Jefferson, and A, V.
Poud, of Morale 'I he association was also ad
dressed lii Dr. N O Sihieffor, Dr. Sherman b.
Davis and Mies Louise Connolly.
The olflccr eleitcd for next sear are: Presi
dent, II P Huffman, of Jefferson; vice presidents,
Frink Pivvley, nf rcliha1d, and K. J. Nnrtluip,
of Olcnburn, secretary, fi P Rogers, of Dlrkton
Cits j treuurt-r, John P. Tuthill, of fllakely. A
resolution was adopted Instructing these offtcere
to attend as delegites the ncit meeting of the
tats tuaoclitlon of school directors. This meet
ing was held in Harrlihurg, I'eh H and IS,,
I'M, and wai attend) d by all the delegates above
named, accompanied by Principal M, V, Cum
mlngs and tliu writer,
The value of county director' associations
might be greitly increased If the attendance
of all the directors could be secured. A bill
requiring the attend ince cf all school directo.a
at tho county association, and providing for the
payment of their necessary expenses, was Intro
duced In tho laat legislature by Hon. Fdward
James, of this county, hut wan defeated ja,j
this bill passed It would have been aa helpful
to the public schools as the county Institute law
has lieen,
The logijlattire has passed laws and appropri
ated money to benfHt every other part of our
educational system, but his done nothing directly
for the school director. We cipeet them to
serve without pay and lo serve with wisdom
We place our mot Important Institution the
public school In their hands, and leave them to
work out the problem without aid For the
teacher, who are to carry out the plana of tho
school directors, we provldo liberally In the
county institute, giving them every jear the
pnvilege of hearing the best Intruders that
can be secured, We go further and pay their ex.
pensee while attending the institute.
It is well known that there are many ichool
directors who have onlv a limited education.
If teachers seed these annual institutes to keep
up to the mirk in educational progress, should
not scmetnkg be done for the school directors
The Corral Position
of your glasses is ns Important as the
lenses. If yours are not comfortnhle,
wo can male them so. AVo Mukc
Glasses throughout.
Optician. Harris' Drug Store.
to aid keep to keep ahrevt with the tiniest
flreat progress In methods of teaching Is due
tn the work of the lounty Institute; Is It not
reasonable to believe that meetings of school
directors, If as well attended, would he equally
productive ot good results? What Is needed la a
law providing for all the necesf.iry expenses of
these meetings, so tint directors miy attend
without loss. It la not exiggerallon to ny that
there is nn othir diss of olflcKls of whom so
muih la expected, vvhoe dutli-a are so Important
to the wellire of the people, who are so shabbily
treated by the state as tho school dlrectois.
Loral teachers' Institutes were held during the
jear in Dalevllle, Moscow, Klmhnrat, Simpson,
Maj field. Archibald. Illakelv, 01 plnnt, Dickson
City, tlieenfleld, Soil, llmlon, Wavetly, South
Arlington, laekiw,inm, Old I'nrgc, Catbomlale
township and Mneisk. At Objphint the evening
lecture wis dillvered by pr. bclneffer to nearly
A thousand people.
Our thinks arc duo to Professors fleorgo P.
Ilihle, II I.. hmp, Cliirlos T. Thorpe, J. f.
Diiolev and John II. Wllllims, who initio hero
without ihargc from other tenuities to nid 111 this
work We nrc also Indebted to Dr. Y. I. an
Mekle. of Olvphmt. Dr llvron II. Jackson, of
Mj.vficldj Superintendent i: 1) flovard, nf Dun
mure; Mr '. I' Cure, e.f Demons James r, Wat
kln, esq, of Tijlor, Mr. sterling lledford, of
Waverly, nnd Mr, William Alherton, of ( hrk's
Summit, for valuihlc anslntaiiic Ilpei lal men
tion Is alsn duo to Prlnc ipils M W. Cuniniliigs,
of Oliplinil, M I Movel, cf Dickson I'll, I).
II Krlse, of Mi field, V. V Worth, of Denton,
ami Theton O. Osborne, of Moosli, who have
gone out freely to various parte of the eoiinty
to asslft In the local institutes. Miny others
not heic named have cheerfully glvin time and
libor and have helped tr nuke the locil insti
tutes of the last car the most successful ever
held in this county
No new buildings were eree ted last jear, but
sevenl will I e built be fore the nevt school eir
opens. Ilmsom Is making an addition to the
Milwaukee building an 1 will hive 1 grided
eihonl Dalti n will remodel and ad I two rooms
Ol.vphint will add two rooms to the I'ltst ward
school, and I.ackiwanni will cree t a new- eight
room hous It Is to be regretted tint wc hive
so many school buildings in this county which
aie not furnished with any adequate means of
F.iamlnitlons in common ind higher brinih's
were held by the county superintendent In Miy
and and fune. The number exituinrd was li.
The common sehnol diplmui was gniited In si.
entv-two pupils, mil the riuintv high se hool
elip' tin to thirteen. Neirly one hilf of those
ii urn I wire doing the work of Hie seventh
nnd ninth sears and were net applicants for ill
lu addition to these results, fifty-five students
weie giaeluited in sptciil courses m the glided
Sehonls These were distributee! as follows. Miv
field, 7, Jertnin, 7; Hilton, in, Waurl), 7:
Illakeli, 10, -1011111 Aldngtiiii, I. and VrohbaH, 1(1
In rinsing, I wish to cvpri.s nij thanks to the
department of public iiisttue tin for cnuitmus
treatment and advice, tn the publlsiiers of locil
papers for full and eirrful icports of our insti
tutes, to thi si hoed tiirectirs for their 1ieart
and iniwivering support, and to the principals
and tenhcrs for their lojil to eipcratlon.
It Will he Held In This City on
September 17 and 18 The
Last Convention.
At a meeting of the rxooutlve com
mittee of the States i.pngue of Repub
lican clubx, held yeiteidny in the olllce
of J. Hampton Moore, city trensmer
nf Philadelphia niul president of the
lo.'iKue, it wns decided to hold the con
vention of the league In this city on
September 17 and IS mt.
Tin- Invitutlon to moot here ex
tended throuph M. AV. I.owiy, a mem
ber of the executive committee, vho,
however, wnn unable to meet yesterday
will; the committee He vuis urped to
extend the Invitation by P. Silas
Walters, president of the Republican
league, nnd Frank Jleie, pie.sdout of
the West Side flub. List eenliir Mr.
I.owry recelw-d the following telegiam
from Mr. Moore:
VI W. I.ory, esq, vrtntnn, Pi :
I'hilmlelphli, I 'a , .inir M rxeintne erninilt
tee selects N.r.iiitun for e-nmrntinn of Spt. 17
and lt. hecirtari will see jmi Will write
.1. Hampton Vunre.
Arrangements will nt one e befjln foi
the enterinltiiiunt ot the elelefrates to
the convention, who will number be
tween 1,500 and 2,000.
The- last time the convention was held
here was In 1S91, when a lien e UbIU
was on between the Hun. "Jack" Kob
Iiimiii, of Mediii, .mil Hon. John H. Hal
zoll, of Allegheny, tnr the pieMdeiuy.
A Vnluahlo Work.
An encyclopedia comes out every
month Is the latest novelty. It is a
publication which no man of affairs, no
ono who would keep abieusl of the
times, e'.'ui do without.
It is entitled "The I'nrient Hneyclo
pedla" and Is publishe-il by The Modern
Research society, 1M I.a Salle street,
('lllcafro. This society was oiKiinlzeel
by a eoips of dlslliiKuIshed specialists
for the purpose of tuinlMiliiff icllable
Information on cunent subjects. The
J'neyclopedla Is a monthly teeoid of
human propiess. It has ns reRtilar con
tributors over llfty noted nuthniltles.
It furnishes the latest Infoimatlon on
history, liteintuie, science, education,
art, etc. Hach Issue is arranged nl
phabetlcally and hat. a completo Index;.
The Kieat udv.intnKe to the busy man
Is obvious. He hits the latest infoima
tlon conveniently classified and in
dexed for quick refetenre. The Rieut
defect of costly encyclopedias is that
they quickly fret out of date on many
subjects. This work renews its youth
month by month. Tho numbers are
beautifully printed and illustrated.
The work meilts the hlnhest success.
Sample pages will bo sent on applica
tion. Big Opportunity. Don't Miss It.
Long Branch, Ocenn Grove and As
bury r.irk have widespread reputa
tions ns recieatlon nnd health resotts.
The climate Is always cool nnd delight
ful; the recreations of a kind peculiar
to themseves, nnd tho gatherings nt
either of theso resorts nro always quiet
and sociable. Tho hotcl.s and board
ing houses nro of nn excellenco bel
dom found nt beach reports.
Tho Now Jersey Central la going to
run a sppclal $5 excursion to tho above
mentioned 'beaches on Kilday, August
23, by special tialn. Thes-c tickets can
bo used for tho return to nnd Including
September 2 on regular trains. In
quire of your agent nbout this,
Labor Day, Pnn-Amerncan, Buffalo,
N. Y., September 2, 1001.
Ticket agents of tho "J.ackawnnna
railroad" will sell live-day coach excur
sion ticketis to Buffalo nnd inturn,
tickets on sale good going August 31
und September 1 nnd returning within
five days from and Including date of
eale, at $6 for the round trip. Children
between the eges of G and 12 one-half
of the adult rate.
Edward W. O'Mnlley Petitions Court
to Grant nn Injunction Against the
Much-Discussed Musical Attach
ment to tho "Merry-Go-Kound" in
tho Coney Island Extension of Nay
Aug Park A Dozen Residents of
tho Neighborhood Make Affidavit
That It Is n Nuisance.
Another attack is being made against
the hurdy-gurdy attachment to the
Ctosby merry-go-round In the Coney
Ifllnml addition to Nay Aug park.
Kdwnrd W. O'Mnlley, a resident of
the neighborhood, backed by n dozen
of his neighbors, Is leading tho aFsault.
City Solicitor Geotge M. Watson and
S. H. 1'ilce are his1 attorneys.
AflldnvltH galore, setting forth that
the organ was a nuisance, were pre
sented to Judge Carpenter vestorday,
with a foimal bill of complaint and
prayer for nn injunction. Judge Car
penter wanted to hear from the other
side before granting tho Injunction, so
tho petitioner had to be content with
a rule on tho "merry-go-round" people
to compel them to show cause why the
Injunction should not Issue.
Tho allldavlts av'er that the Crosby's
"free mldwnv" Is not propeily con
ducted; that tho nttnohed
to the merry-go-round Is nothing short
of torluie, and that Its noise, discord
ant though It be In tho extreme, serves
only t attract large crowds of dis
orderly nnd lll-bebnved persons, whose
conduct Is far from being what one
would elcslte about his home.
Those who make aflldavlts are the
plaintiff, Mr. O'Mnlley, John Honne
tnuth, Theodore Onidner, H. F. Cox, H,
H. Hicks, Herman Osthaus, John P.
.loury, J. S. Hurlbilt, M. A. Gregory,
John T. 1'almer, W. O. Conrad, L. II.
Iltcker and M. 1j. Smith.
The alllehivlts are In eubstance simi
lar to the otii made by the plaintiff,
which Is as follows:
I nm .1 resident Jiid tmpner eif the city of
Srantein Mi home la situited dliectly aerow
the eeirner nf Cedfax nienne and Mulherry street.
The house In which I reside Is altiiatecl In a resi
dent MTtlnn nf the cit.i nf rranton.
.laineK frohi has hnllt iipnn the corner of
t'olfaic aiemia and Mulherrj (.licet nn a lot leased
nr oniiiel I'.v litni cert nn cheip huildlncs and
aninnc othir tliinps has erected a device knniin
as a "me rrv ro round", that connected with
the "merri en round" la an instrument or oritin
with a very loud and difaureeahle tone, which
he nperatis hy Menu eir either power; that during
the Iit frw months he has caused the same to
pin continuous, monotonous tunes from early
In the day until late at nicht. This "inerrj ro
round," containing aald organ, la situated hut a
short distmee from mj home, and the found of
this when in operation in very loud and exceed
tnirli unpleasant.
It has become a matter of serious announce
tn iniself anl fimily and the entire neighbor
hood, so much so that persotrs llilne In th
lieiuhhnrlmod hue complained nf the tone nf
tho Ini-trument and the minner in which it has
been operated.
Hy reason ef this Instrument and the unsual
fund it produces It gathers about the place,
when it Is operated, a very boisterous and ill
helmed asscmblace.
The tone nf the organ is so particularly dis
agreeable ami aunojlng that man.! persons liiing
In the neighborhood hsie complained lo the city
authorities!, in order tn get some relief from the
sound of said instrument.
I consider It .in Intolerable nuisance, and the
conducting and operating cf which Is destrojing
tho quiet and peaio nf the neighborhood, and
anno.iing the cltiena to that extent that llle is
neirly unbeatable
I cannot see that It is necessarv to the opera
tion of his business to sound this instrument,
but, on the contrary, ir is only used for the
purpose nf attracting a disorderly and ill behned
crowd, tint threatened the peace and good order
of thei community in which it is located.
rdward W. O'Malley.
hworn and subscribed before me this, fourteenth
day of August, A. T. 1W1.
Milton W. Lour, Xotary I'ubllc.
Mr. Hennemuth adds to his nflldavlt
that he woiks nights and tries to sleep
day, but because of the hurdy-guidy
the elfort Is fruitless, and unless the
hindy-gurdy Is quieted he will have
to engage lodgings in some other part
of the city apart from bis family and
fireside. Colonel Osthaus 'says In his
nflldavlt that he heard tho hurdy-gurdy,
on ono occasion, seven and one-half
blocks away.
The bill is directed against James
Ciosby and Ogden Bros,, who operate
the midway, and T. J. Mullln, from
whom tho land is leased. It reads as
Kdward W. O'Malley vs. .Tamea Crosby,
Ogden, Offden, dome business aa Ogden
Ilrothcrs. In the Court of Common Pleas of
l.aekiwanna county, sitting in crjuit. No. ,
term, lOeil.
Your orator complains and sjs:
Vir.t I am tho owner of a house and lot situ
aled near the- corner of Mulbeiry tticct ami ( id
fax aicnue, in which said hoeiso I reside with
niy family. I haio occupied tho said piemlses
a a homo for car last past, y
SclhiicI That acre Mulberry street nn the np
positc corner James Croah, Ogelen and
Ogden and T. J. Mullen are operating a
cerl iln deiiso known ns a "pieri go round"
upon wld lot, and hive been for two month, last
Third Tint on or about tho (list day of June
tho said James Crosby, . Ogden anil -
Ogden and T. J. Mullen put in operation, under
tho manasement of said Jamea Crotbi, raid
"merry go-round," with other eleilcis, for the
eiilertainment of their piltuiw.
IVurlh That in connection with aald "merrj-
go round" the said Jame Crosb, Ogden
and Ogden and 1 J. Mullen hue an organ
or instrument which plas ceitaln tunes in a
lory diAigreeiblo and monotonoui tone, b rea
son ot which unsual noise a. large crowel of people
aid attracted to the ground in lie vicinity of
said "merry-go-round," whose, conduct is unhe.
owning, boisterous, violent, and at times tho
language is oliscene, indecent and proline.
nfth -Tho neighborhood In which said "merry
pi round" is located and operated Is a strictly
residential section cf the city of Scranton, and
tho monotonous grind cf the slid Instrument,
together with tho congregating of such a larg
number nf people (which assemblige contlmi-s
and remains on the ground tar Into tho night),
haj created Mich a state of disorder in the neigh
pollened that our orator and the people lesldln
near thereto are so greatly annoeil and disturbed
tint they cinnnt enjoy the prn liege of thrli
homes, and tho home, properly nf inur orator, is
thereby injured so that extent that it is almost
lalueless, as a placu cf residence. The piercing
and grlridins tones of this machine nr organ
haio become a nuisance, and, unless abated, ha
xvill bo compelled to remove from his home and
this neighborhood.
(Sixth Tho continuous and monotonous grind
of this organ to annos your orator, bis family,
and the people of this neighborhood, In which it
is located, It has bee nine a very great and
intnleiiblo niileaiien lo him, his faniil, and the
ciliM'ns in that vicinity.
ISeienlli tho pining of said instrument
nenes nu vwful purpose whatever; but, on the
rnutraiv, Is the menu nf gathering a disorderly
and mlsbehaied body of people, whose language
and nong greailv dlstuib our orator and the
peace cf the neighborhood and the people in the
vicinity In the enjoyment of their homes, and Is
a menace to the moral, of his family, and the
children In the neighborhood,
Eighth -That many of the people who reside
la this vicinity are tv;aged In the day time In
Novel Effects
Graceful, Sensible, Wide
of golden brown underglazed
various omer nowers in colors, underglazed. beven sizes, tout
shapes. The underglaze decorations and blended colors emlrd.,
one of Rookwood. They are very effective. f'
8-Inch $2.00 9-lnch . $2.75" '
10-inch 4.75 12-inch 6.00 .
Geo. V. Millar &
In ten seconds you convert it from an ornament-fit for a parlor to a
bed fit for a king. In a boarding house it will pny for itself in a month.
Wo make and sell Mftttrcsscs, Pillows, Hrnss and Iron Heds, Box
Divans, Cushions, Upholstery. We do the best. "A postal will bring
us with sample coveings and prices.
The Scranton
Lackawanna and Adams
iif i
The Albany DENTAL Asssociation,
Under the management of Dr. G. E. Hill & Son, is the place
to get your Dental work done. Dr. Hill & Son have built
up a large business since they opened here twenty years
ago, and the reason why they have done this Is because
they do the best work at prices within the reach of all
classes, and give each patient their special attention. Call
at their rooms and be convinced of what we say here.
First National Bank
MidSeason Sale
Our stock of these goods is entirely new, having been
purchased lor this season's trade. Prices the lowest.
Don't forget that this store is the Head
quarters for ATHLETIC GOODS and
OUT-OF-DOOR OAMES of every description.
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
the central city, and are entitled to that rest
and quiet which should preiail in the homes ol
a suburban pjrt of a eitj ; hut the continuous
pUjlne of this orjan so annojs and disturbs
jour orator and the people of this locality that
quiet and ret can onli he e ured by retiring
fiom their homes.
Ninth- V.nd jour orator further states and be
lieies that it is positively danueioiu to the health
ef himself and familv, and of the people residing
in that iiclnlt), and Is a great and positive in
jury to the property of all piod citlrens whoso
homes are nefer there'o, and to the enjoiment n
the .ante, and makes the neighborhood a leu de
.irable place of abode, and thereby Injurea the
propertied as family resiliences in value anl da
oiishilili. Tenth Vour erutor further states, that in his
opinion, tho gathering nf the vast assemblage in
that neighborhood lj reason of this unusual at
traction, the plajing ot jid instrument, and the
gaiiien and other deile-es in eonreetiein therewith,
produces ueh a dangerous condi ion of affairs that
the properties of citizens rrsidinir. near thereto
are In clanger, and a breach of the peace and
feriniu disturbance is liable to follow at any
moment And jour orator further avers that In
is injured and elaniaged hy the acts of the de
fendants a set forth and that ho has and will
sutler Ineparable chnnge and injury therefrom,
First That jour orator therefore) prais that
the defendant! may be enjoined by preliminary
Injunction of this honorable court from Bounding
the said instniment, and conducting said business
in such a manner ni to annoy the renidenU an 1
citterns of that vicinity, which on final hearing
tnav be made peinunent.
Second That jour orator have such other and
further relief as to this honorable court may
teem meet.
And ho will ever prsv, etc.
S. It. Price and 0. It. Watson,
Solicitor! for ruinlilt
Lscleawanni County, n :
Kdward O'Malley, penis duly sworn accordion
tn law, deposes and raw that the facta stated
and set foith In said bill are correct and true.
Kdward O'Malley.
Sworn and subserved to before me this, four
teenth day ot August, A, I , 1W.
Milton W l.nwrv,
votary Public,
This, It phoulrl be mentioned, Is the
orsan which, according to Mr. Crosby,
hns Mich nn ntti.uilmi for i. iskally
Inclined ears that peoples cojne In their
carriages to henr It play,
A rocket Cold Cure
Krnttse's Cold Cure Is prepared In
capsule foim and will cure cold In the
head, throat, chest or nny portion of
the body lu 24 hours. You don't have
to stop work either. Pilco 25c. Sold
by all druggists.
IOt of Men's Patent Leather
Russet shoes at special price, $2.23 to
day, at Mahon's Shoe store, 328 Lacka
wanna avenue,
in Jardinieres
i in
Neck Shapes." Clround coioringn
decorations of large tultpO'n'd" !
Co. J'V"l :?' f
Bedding Co,,
Both 'Phone
By a lecent act of the legisla
ture, freo tuition is now granted
at the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to all those preparing to teach.
Thlsj school mnlntalns courses
of study for teachers, for those
preparing for collepjij, and for.
thoho studying music.
It will pay to wilto for particulars.
Nn other school offers sucli cunerior ad
vantages at such low rates. Address
J. P. Welsh, A.M., Ph.D., Prin.
Tuition Absolutely Free
p.anit the Kat Ftroudsburtr State Normal
,cu.Sehool, Fall term opens Sept 16, l!Xli,
The Governor has signed the bill grintlng a
special appropriation lo this m-IiooI, as well as
the bill making tuition lice, for lull particulars
Wissahickon Heights, Chestnut Hill, Pa.
A boarding schooTfor lioya In the elevated
nod beautiful open country nortb of 1'liila.
delphla, 30 minutes from Uroud Bt. Station.
For cntatogues addiess
Binghamtoii Private Training School
lor nervous, Uackvard and Deaf Mute, ,ph,j.
dri-n. Manual Training, I'hitical Culture,,
leedleworli, Music, hindcrsirten, Artlcula.
tion. Open ear round. Circular. Prices
moderate. g. A DOOUITTI.E,
63 FalrWtw Aydu,