,.V5, "T r&rmtvrrXl t"B 15- i -p THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1001. ns-JZh? r r ". ::i - "J n ' ' 1 Otilce: BUILDING SkAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware nnd Hudson Railroad. t June 6, 1101 -TtmIiu will leave Carbcmdate t cllv atatlon a "follow ., ,tl . ,- am Fnr saanten and WiRea-llarm . ' . " Tooi. mm. 1121 a m ; li . ' 2"jt' 3' .TOO, TM, 10 01. 10 .11 l. ra. . , 5 S.ind.v train leaie t 8.M. 11.21 a. w ; 1 1. 3S.h, 4 40. .nn ii. in. , . v.. -iilor All-ato, Satatsa. Montreal. "?,,,on'11 'En(!ljiid polntn. etc-, Mi" a. ml "" ' m' Po' t.alce l.odore. Wajnntt and lienenWe. -7.:. n 01 o m i a it, mj p. jt , u-.,,.uri ftindny.tr.ilin leace lor l.aV.e """ "" and llone'dale Ht !.!0 (I m I 1.3", 1.41 P. in Train tithe at Carlmndil from " llj-i ' " and Srranton s Mln: f. f. "'; J,0.3." m i 12 37. 'JTi", 3 2.1, 4 2, o.0 7.01, s . I-31. Sundae tr.iitu arrive at OH a in : 12 1", ' -' 4.2, fl.20, n :n r in. , ,,, ,, Train aniie dallv Irom Xllnny at '" !,n" O.Vi p. -n (",' nn Sundu at 2 10 p. "' ... .Trjn rrlc (rmn llonedile and waii rtallr at S.tl fl in.; 12.10. 110. fl 4. c ni. Sundav train arrive M Carbendile rnni I.ik' lodoie, 11 n; mart and Honeihle at 12 r, '" and ,7ft1 p. in. . . New York, Ontario nntl Western .tune 11. I'll. Trains leaco Carbondale lor Nrantm at 7.0), 10 01 a in. , 4 01 p in Sunrtiy tralntiat T.na a in i nil p m. Ti.iln lene faili.in.lllf f"r pnint ntln l 11 10 a. m. 4 41 p in On sundii- at l l' Trilr lenlnc at 11 in i m wrek dn and " l" ni. Sundir make iomvi-Hon for New ioik, Cornwall. ,1, , .. Tialna iirlie Irmn ranlf.p it 11 in a. in ; J ' f-4! p. m, from mnit n..rtli Mix i. in. n P m f-undun frmn r intmi it ' l'i a. m. an I 7 41 p m ; Mom Cad"li l h i"l p m- Erie Railroad. .tunc :i. 1001. TMln lfaie (it MatlKii, (irloii'1ite, daily (etrent Snndii) at Tola. in. and 4 1 p in f"f rirandt and S'lneieh, a o .U a m. dillj (ex rer'inc ,indai i, for lllnghanilnn, inaktiia "n ration (rr e lork olt ami Huffatn, and at rio p m. for Mi,iiehmni, making innectiom for tern point S'indiv trln at o 41 ,i. m for Sitqiieh4nni, 1th neMern ionnectlon, and (127 p m , wltli fnnie connciion Trnn arrlio at s ) a m Jn,j J )i p in. fMindna at 5i a. m. RESTAURANT WAITER'S SHORT, WILD CAREER- "Dick" Joycs, of the Imperial Dining Rooms, and an Unknown Compan ion Make Away With a Gold Watch and Other Jewelry and Several Suits of Clothes, and Give Con stable Nenry a Lively Chase Be fore Being Apprehended The Strarlger Escapes. Richard Joyce, of Putt-ton, who has been a tnihtpcl emploje of t'oridlngton & Thomson's ImprrUl restaurant, on Main street, since It was opened n few months ago, started on a wild but short-lived caieer of dlsMp.itlou u few days ago which ended In Ills being ar rested ahout 1.30 yestciduy afternoon and held In Jl.noo ball befme Alderman "Clones on the chatge of felony, the theft of a gold watch belonging to Kdw.ml Coditington, one of his employers, other small Jewelry and several Mills of clothes. Joyce had a companion In his wild doings, a stranger, a young man who Is supposed to have some from Scran ton. He esiaped, but Cons-table Ni-ary Is on a ch.if-e after him and will likely 'apprehend him befme today Is over. The cticumst.inces sun minding the .capture of Jo.we were niaiKeil by the liveliest kind of excitement. The run Jllng away of the Iuiim- whlih Jo.ire "Jind his companion u.-ed to t.irt thedr rtrunkful of plunder to the railroad 'station wheie they oi dried It sent by express to Mahanoy City, their adroit ;moe to get out of town by the tiolley jar to .imihI suBplilou, their being "dragged oif the ear at Atvhbald by Tonf-table .N'eaiy; their snuggle of n 'rfstente In whieh .loyie was over pnweied and his lompanlon est-aiied ,ieie siiiiu- of the stliilng happening that fuinlherl the heap of e.M-lte-;hient. y Jojce woiked a usual In the restau rant until yestenlay noun, when he Ssked and was given pei inls-slon to ro to t'rjvtai lake with the oung man iho proved to be Ins partner In crime. Joyce didn't letusn fiom the lake until 'J o'cloik yestenlay morning, when he anrMils companion pulled up In fiont af'lhe testaurant. their clothes sput (ercrl with mud and with other evi dences of their having had the "good time." Ttjey were Intoxltuted and the MiiUge In 'which they wete seated was bioken. . i'esteirlay roiermnn Joyce eame to the restaurant, but he whs not allowed to go to work. The proprietors Wf,rP r)S. pleased with his conduct and after ;ivlng him -what wages weie due him, ilFchargerl him, He left the restau rant and from there went to the house 5n Stllni avenue wheio he lodged. This place Is In looms wheio Coddlng on and the employes also slept. It supposed that Joyce's companion ns risted him in despoiling the waid obes of the rooms, for when caught ie was wearing it coat and vest of a :mlt belonging to Mai tin Connor, an .ither waiter In the icstaiiiant. The tiest of the clothes In the rooms weie aken and packed In Joyi-o's trunk. The, .plunder embraced three complete l.uits of Coddlngton's and an extta )alr of trQiit-eis, his mackintoah. a few hlrt waists and the suit belonging to Tonnor. Coddlngton's overcoat was Isn taken from his trunk. The jewelry iox In the room was rifled and besides 'oddlngton's gold watch, valued at $0, . stud, a pin and two pairs of cuff 'mttons, beflde a brooch, the property f the sistor of Coddlngton. were taken ."he watch was found later In Joyce's lossession. and the other Jewelry In he pockets of the coat of the- M ranger, fhlch he slipped fiom and left In the tands of Con'table Neary In escaping. After packing the trunk, Joyce en ;agei a hoise at a livery and dtoie vlth- the plunder to the Ontario and Vestern de,pot. iihejp the pair ordered t to be sent by express to Mahanoy ;jty. While they were In the depot he horse, which was left untied, took .'rlKht.at a passlpif engine and ran off Jaun-'TtlvtT stieet as far as the city (aUliJrt, where it Was caught. The USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A rcjwdfr to be iliaken into the alioei. Your .ltd frel auollen. ncrtoiu and hoi. una ,... .... . ratily, If jou line nuuln feet m ughi 1k,c1 try Allen'i i Kent-Kate. It t0ol, the leet and mailed waiKWK ) iurea hoiiui, meailne ltU lBgroliuj.liail, bliiteia ami eallous apoca Itetieve coin and bunion of all palK'and L-icei rrtt arid comfort. Tiy It joday. bold by all dtucgfita and itioc uorra for tit, hal luck' ite FP.IX Addrew, Allen S. ,OIiwtecl, La ilo, i i : ir -i Carbondale Department. buggy during the run was badly dam aged. Coddlngton In the meantime discov ered that the rooms had been despoiled, nnd suspecting Joyce, hastened to Al derman Jones for a warrant for his arrest. Constable Neary was given the warrant, but on reaching the On tario and Western depot learned that tho pair left after checking the trunk nntl had probably taken the trolley car to leave town, as there weie no trains which they could have. taUcn meantime. Constable Neary Jumped on the a.r.O train on the Pelawate and Hudson anil got off at Archbald. from wheie he telephoned to Caibondale for a de scription of the men which his hur ried departure prevented him from get ting. The first south-bound trolley car was boat ded by the constable, and on one of the seats he spied the lleelng pair. He grabbed them, hustled them off the i-nr and started for the Ontario ii mi Westein depot to catch the tiultt fiom tfcrnnton due bote at I II. '1 hey lui-l started on the trip, when Joyie, who was In an ugly humor and In llamed with dilnk, commenred to ie slst. The s.ruggle was taken as a cue by the other to make his exit and i-leM'ily wilggllng fiom the coat by which he was held, he united off, leav ing the garment In the hands of the i unstable, who was busy trjlng to master Joyce. The escaping prisoner ran with all speed and mounting a culm pile, was soon lost to view.. Joyce fought fiercely and as a last icsort to fice himself he grabbed the constables hnnd and sank his teeth Into the ilcshy pot lion of the palm. Neary has hand hd too many despetate chaiacteis to be nt a loss to act when haul piessed and nf.er employing a few of bis "Hicks' Joyce gave In and became do cile. vi mulling the city the prisoner iHcnme stubborn and lefused to ac company the constable. Neary was obliged to use nlppern t" avoid a scene on the public thoiotighfatc. At the hearing Joyce admitted hal ing taken Coddlngton's watch. He wou'iln't tell any of the cliciimstances of the thett, not would be disclose the identity of his companion. He was ttn nble to furnish the Jl.OUrt security Used by Aloetman Jones and he lias sent to the county Jail. Afier the hearing Joyce balked again ;ud when he reluscd to go to his cell h was handcuffed to a pillar in the alderman's oltlce. Ho created another ti-ene when be was seemed and began to butt his head against the pillar by way of illilstiHting that he could do damage to himself tbeie as well as In hW cell If the caicd to. In the pockets of the coat notn by Joyei'i. companion, which was the property of another emploje of the rcstaitiant, was a certlllcate of mem bership In the rnlltoad department of the young Men's Clulstian associa tion of New York city, beating the name oi (ieorge W. Hates; a book of meal coupons from a St. l-iuils lestau raut and a leather wallet fiom a dealer in West Vliglnl.i town; nlso several cooking leclpes. The stud, pin and cuff buttons taken from Coddlng- ton'n loom were also found In the p-.cl.ets. Willie in Scranton last evening Con- s'abe Neary learned that the stianger's nan.e is George W. Hates, alias Klch- nr.l I.liingston, and that be was for me, ly employed nt the Coney Island yiick lunih on Penu avenue. BROKE THROUGH QUARANTINE. Michael Fogat raid a Visit to This City. Michael I-'ornt. of Simpson, caused a sensation heie esteiday. lie Is the father of the three children who died recently of black diphtheria and his house has sinic been quarantined, one of his children be.ng still 111 with dip llietla. Yestenlay Fogat osi.iped from the iitaiantine and came hete. He was seen and recognized and Sanitary Olli cer Moftatt was notified, Fogat said he was going to Maytleld, but Aloffatt would not have It so. He said clogat should go home and (iogat went. Morfatt put (logat in the middle of the road and Moffatt walked In fiom of hlm telling people to keep away. A citizen who xoliintecid his serv.lces ii. tlked behind Gogat and prevented his escape. (Jogat was compelled to walk fiom Caibondale to his home. He came to town on a tiolley car. At Simpson Ofllcer Moffatt saw a baker delivering goods at a house which is quarantined. Tomorrow's Bill Game. Neier before in the history of base ball In this city has so much inteiest been atoiised by any game as that be t'cien Caibondale and Honesdale, v Inch takes place tomorrow at Lake Lodoie. It Is not alone the base ball crank that is tilled up with the sub ject, but evety man. woman and child In the l inn Is constantly discussing the coming contest. Manager Fox Is certainly doing everything in his power in bring ahout a deelsle victory for the Crescents, and the dub Is n-atcely doing anything else the past few clays but practice. On the other hand, out neighbor is perpetually drilling her nine, and by all accounts It will be gie.it disappointment to the Maple city people if the Tigers weie beaten in tills game. There will be plenty of rooteis on hand to encourage their re spective teams, but they will have to keep hack and not crowd the diamond ns they did In the last game. If the day is pleasant there wilt be a great ciowd a. the boaunlftil lakeside to parUclpate In Us manifold pleasuics, and listen to Hauer's celebrated band discourse sweet music on tho wuter. Fresh Air Children Go Home. Tho fie.sh air chlldien sent heie by the New York Tribune fund, who spent the past two weeks enjoying the fresh air In the country, letuined to their homes yesterday. They were dlsti Hi nted among- the homes of Leo Cuddle, back. Jeremiah Bennett, I,ouls Ayeis, of Cllffoid, and Mr. Wells, at Way. mart. Meetings of Tomorrow, Gerinanld Singing society; Knights of Father Muthew, K. K. Hcndrlck lodge. No. in. motherhood of Hallroad Trainmen; Central Labor union; Cigar makers' union. No, ISO. and S. II. Dot terer lodge, No. lfirt, Brotherhood of Locomotive L'ngliuers. 'Phone t NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 A SPLENDID REMEMBRANCE. Prof. H. J. Hockenberry Presented With Gold Watch by Priends. Prof. It. J. Hockenberry, who has been one of the town's1 foremost nnd most esteemed citizens, Is about to lo cate In the state of Washington, or, rather, has accepted a flattering busl nes offer fiom the far-off western state, was made the leclplent last night of a splendid temembiance by n number of friends from among the congiegatlon of the Methodist church. Mr. Hockenberry has had charge for a long time of a class of young peo ple of the church, nnd It was during the meeting of last night that the de lightful Incident took place. In the midst of the session, Miss Hattle Pae coe Intel ruptcd the class to Infoim Mr. Hockenbeny that the members, to whom he had endeared himself and who weie bound to him by tics of warm friendship, wete desiious of giv ing him a lemembrance whlih would be a token of their regard for him, and would remind him of the frlpn Is he left behind him In Carliondale. She thru piesented hlm with a hamWome open-face Waltham gold watch. On the Inside case was enginved: "To II. J. llockc liberty, August lit, 1901, by his friends." Mr. HockenlK'rry responded ns well as he could, but he was nt a loss to speak at length, so suddenly was he taken by the sincere and substantial expicsslon of the regaid of the ft lends to whom he Is stiongly united. Thrie Is no mistaking, however, how de.it ly the lemembrnnce will be cheilshcd by Mr. Hockenbeiry. TUNERAL OF SISTER M. BASIL. Solemn Services of tho Departed nt St. Rose Church. The late lamented Sister M. Hasll. who died at St. Hose convent on Tues day, wao yestenlay laid nt lest beside the sleeping Ssteis In the plot at St. lloe cemetery. The solemn cervices of the dead were conducted In St. Hoe chinch nnd wete moie Imptesslve than ordinarily, made so by the pipsence of two hundred SIs tcis of the order, who have been In- le tteiit at St. I5o.e convent. Hlshop-elect (latvey was the celebrant of the sol emn high mass of lequlem which was sung. Row Oeotge Dixon wns deacon; Hev. I'. K. Lavelle, of St. Patrick's, West Scranton, ub-leacon. Ht. Hev. Hlshop Hoban gave the absolution. In th sanctuary were Hev. .M. J. Ciane, Avoca, Hev. Walter Oorman, of St. Hose; Hev. M. K. l.ynott. Jermyn, Hew Thomas Hundley, Honesdale; Hev. T. J. Comertord, Archbald; Hev. Father Judge, Sugar Notch; Hev. P. V. Quitman, I'lttston; Hev. Father Fngnn. C.i eat Hend. A slight attack of Illness prevented Very Hev. T. V. Cof fey fiom bcilng piesent. The music of the masfl was sung by a choir of Sisters. At the giave, Hlshop. elect (lariey pionounced the absolution. The pall-bearers were Hugh Pow drrly, Michael McCann, James Dun le.ny, I'atiick McCabe, John Muriln, H. P. Huike. Central Labor Union Picnic. Itt was an aggravating disappoint ment, the putting otf of the picnic of the Central Labor union on Thursday, be cause of the hcai y rainfall. Today, however, the labor men hope to bo favored with better than the average "picnic weather," and they have made anaiigemonts to accommodate and en tertain a gieat thiong at Keleen's grille. The Mozart band illl be pres ent with all kinds of dance and con ceit nunibeis, and loiers of the dance will be in their element. Abundance of choUo reficshmonts will he on hand also. Meetings of Tonight. Division No. 13, Ancient Order of Hibernians; Com I Golden ICagle, No. 11. F. of A.; Diamond lodge, No. 26; Shield of Honot, and school board. THE NEWS ,TN BRIEF. The Scranton Hallway company has distributed ties along the line from Peckvlllc to Forest .City, which are designed to take the place of those which have long since passed being of service. The company expects to be in shape to acceptably handle the big etouds during semi-centennial week. Great Interest Is being manifested In the cptomonles that will take place at Lake Lodote on Friday next, "Odd Fel lows' Day," when the Degree of Chiv alry will be conferred on half a hun dred candidates, Olive Leaf lodge of this city will inn the excursion on that day. City Knglneer Kupp Is doing com mendable work in stirring up property outlets to conform to tho ordinances coveilng the laying and maintenance of sidewalks. Over a half bundled notices have been served the past few weeks and there will be a decided Im piovement in the appearance of walks by the time the visitors for the semi centennial come to town. Thomas ICatou, track foreman on the HonoMiaio branch of the Delaware and Hudson railroad, one of the oldest and most faithful of the company's employes, has resigned his position to accept a more favorable one fiom the Pennsylvania railroad. The news of Mr. Katon's good fortune will be a source of pleasure to his friends, who ate legion. Thero will be some Interesting events in j-c-c s pars, on iiiesnay.wnen a num ber of local horsemen will enter their flyeis. Among tho entries are: Ldi Patterson's Pi hue N.; '., p. Hell's Mildred N.; Sam Cox's Nellie Golden. N. J. Hell's Giftmnnt, and Gai field Wil liams' Hod Wilkes. One of the best events promises to bn the 2.S0 class in which five entries have also been received. They aie: G, H. Crcvellng's Violet: H. S. Pierce's Mary Lot; Henry Pierce's Hlackinnnt; La fayette Lee's Little Racket and Walter Scurry's Joe H, Theio will also be a l mining race. Three Greenfield men have entered horses In tho event. A blcyilo race also promises to furnlsn no little txiit-iucnt. THE PASSING THRONG. Hallock Warren Is spending a week nt Dundaff. J. 0. Geiser, of Scranton, was a vis itor In town yesterday. Miss Gabrllla Coleman returned yes- terday from ft visit at Scranton and Plttston. Mrs. P. M. Tallman Is 111 nt her home on Seventh avenue. Miss Ida Bayers, of Wllkes-Barrc, Is vNltlng Miss Cecil Tallman. Miss Tlllle Ncnlon Is spending a few days with friends In Plttston. Homer Van llorder and Fred Berry nro visiting friends In Duryca. Mnme Huffy In visiting In Hones dale, at the home of Michael Ennls. Melvln II, Tappan Is homo from Buf falo and the Pan-American exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Delahoy nnd daughter, Beatrice, nto camping nt Vine cottage. Miss Anna Kapler has gone to New York city for several weeks' stay with friends. C, H, Senmans and F. P. Price worn among the Scrantonlans In Carbondale yesterday. Miss Kdlth Courtrlght Is being enter tained by Miss Blanche L. Whitney, of Honesdale. Frank Kllpatrlek, of Rochester, N. Y Is at the homo of his parents on Darte nvenue. Chief of Police Loftus and Thomas Grace, of Plttston, were visitors In town yesterday. Miss Bessie Cavanaugh, of Dundaff stieet, has returned from two weeks' visit with ICIectrlc City friends. The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Mich nel Jordan, of Fallbrook street, died yesterday of cholera Infantum. Josl.ih Brown nnd wife, of South All Ington, spent yesterday with their daughter, Mrs. Stephen J. Holgate, on John street. Miss Grace Whitney, who has been the guest of Mr. anil Mrs. Mussel Shep herd, returned to her home In Hones dale yesterday. Mr. nnd Mrs. r. H. Uettew left on Thursday for their home In Brooklyn, N. Y., after a visit with the former's mother, Mrs. C. H. Hettew, on John street. Misses Dorothy Bell and Bretta Ma gee are visiting niends In New York city. They will leave there on the 2fith for Buffalo to attend the Pan-Amerl-cap exposition. Mrs. Michael Foster and daughter. Margaret, of Gieeley Center, Nebras ka, arrived here Wednesday, to make n protracted visit with Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Coleman, on upper Dundaff street. Mr. and Mis. T. H. Brooks, Mrs. F. A. Snyder, Mrs. M. W. Guernsey, Mrs. Louis Wlnt nnd Mrs. D. S. Rolls, of Scranton. and Mrs. D. F. Skelly. of Berkley Springs, W. Va.. took dinner at the American house, yesterday. They ii ere returning from Crystal lake. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. The seml-nnnual conientlon of the Wesley league of the Wyoming district of the Primitive Methodist church will be held In the Primitive Methodist church of this place on Tuesday, Sep tember 10. Delegates from the sur loutirllng towns, and some of the mot nble ministers of tho district, will bo present. Hev. J. Tnskar. of Duryca. will ofiii I ate In tho Primitive Methodist church tomorrow In the nhsencp of the pastor, Hev. S. D. Molter, who will pi each nt the Second Primitive Methodist church at Wllkas-Rnrre. Miss Jennie Morcom, of Third street, entertained a number of friends nt her home on Wednesday evening. The vis Itots wete vety enjoyably entertained, nnd refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Carrie nnd Ida Sherwood, Bessie Snyder, Clin Carter, Hdlth Simmon, Kmma Pedrlck, and Harry Lavmon, Archie Dltmote, Hay Hollenback. Daniel Grllliths, of Car bondale; Harry Miller. Hermani Lin dei man nnd Alexander Kapher, of Anhbald. Miss Kmma Pedrlck Is filling the position of operator at the telephone exchange Ir the absence of Miss Kate Grlfhtlis, who K enjnyjng a vacation. Liberty lodge. No. 1, Knights of Pythias, confeired the rank of knight upon thtee esquires last evening. A 4 -year-old son cf Mr. nnd Mis. Genrg,. Hiu-hmlto, of Scott, fell off the sioop yesterday and fractured his thigh. Mis. Menitt, of Hendhnm, called on Jermvn friends. Thursday. There will be a special meeting of the Mayfield school board this evening. Wo are Informed th.it the item in yesterdoy's Tribune, announcing tho maniage of Mr. Fred Dawo, was In conect, the maniage not yet having taken place. The news came to us through a relative of one of the family nnd it was upon this authority the Item was published. John Osborne, who has been working nt Garwood, N, J., for several months, returned homo jesterday. The conceit given by Hogarth's band last evening, on Thomas Scutt's lawn, was n very enjoyable affair and was listened to by a large concourse of peo ple. The Sunday school of tho Methodlht Kplscopal church will run their excur-' sion to Lake Lodore on August M, In stead of Nay Aug park, as was In tended. Thomas Hart, of Second street, has been ill for the past few days. A party of ladles, numbering sixty nine, spent yesterday at Crystal lake. The Journey to and from tho lake was delightful, and the weather at the fa vorite resort wns Ideal. Mr. and-Mrs. Herman Kelfer and two children, Misses Kate, Ar.r.ile and Vera Catey and Krne Finch, of Scranton, nie camping nt Crystal lake. Mrs. Caroline Hngle Is visiting friends near Harfnid, Susquehanna county. Mrs. Theodore Spettlgue and daugh ter, Maty, of Cemetery street, spent yesterday with Carbondale friends. A100SIC. Miss Verna Hchoonovcr Is visiting relatives In Scranton. Harry Snyder, of Pittsburg, is the guest of his brother, P. s. Snyder. Mesirs. D. J. Loverlng and H. G, Doud leave today for Buffalo and NI OKI a Fnlls. They will spend a week at the Pan-Ameilenn exposition. Misa Carrie Seberllne Is visiting Rev. an 1 Mrs. Humphreys, former pastor of the M. H. church, at their present charge at Mciiure, N. Y. Mis. Fiod Cai pouter, of West Pitts ton. spent yesterday with .Mrs. I. F. Price, of North Main street. Mis. John Deans and sop have re turned from Atlantic) City. Mis. Jennie Grover nnd Miss Llla PMrnr.der are spending their summer nc.itlon nt Ocean Grove. William Jennings is circulating among his many friends about town. WAVERLY. Oeuoral 'Secretary Mnhy. of the Scranton Young Men's Christian nsso elation, will again deliver an address before the Kpworth league on Sunday evening. August 18. Services will ha held In the tent, provided the weather Is favorable. The Home of Per una WUsSts x wiJsSdcSiMa n rjss ijj sKy wwr wsMW, As Is well known, Dr. Hartman Is tho president of the Hartman Sanitarium, nn Institution which has a department devoted exclusively to the treatment of female diseases. c Is thus bt ought to see thousands of such cases every year the most of whom i etui n to their homes to be treated by ecu respond -once. The THEUHEATKSTUF AMKIIlOA'ri SANITARIUMS p r I n c 1 p al remedy he rellosj upop In such cases Is Peruna, which every woman should have, who has any affection of this kind. In view of the great multitude of women suffering from some kind of female disease, and yet unable to find any cute, Dr. Hartman, tho lonnwned gynaecologist, has announced his villi Ingnffrsi to direct tho tteatmont of as many cases as may make application to hlm dining tho summer months without charge. The treatment will be conducted by correspondence. The doctor will pre scribe all medicines, applications, hy gienic and dietary regulations neces sary to complete a cure. The medi cines presx-rlbed can bo obtained nt all drug stores. This offer will prevail during the summer months. Any wo man can become a regular patient by sending a written statement of her age, condition of life, history nnd svmptntn.w of her derangements. All cases of female disease. Includ ing menstrual Irregularities, displace ments, ulcetatlons, inflamations, dis charges. Iiritationi of the ovailes. 0LYPHANT. A stag party was held In Sweeney's hall last evening. In honor of Messrs, C. B. Tinker. William Coughlln. esq., Allan Scott nnd diailes Cunningham, the guests of C. M. Hathaway, Jr., and T. II. Kvans. Mrs. D. L. Berry and children have returned homo from I'nlondalo. Tho gold watch which was chanced off at St. Patrick's church festival, on Thursday, was won by Mrs. James Mc Halo, of Susquehanna street, nnd her daughter. Miss Nellie Mrllnle, received tho gold watch for selling the largest number of tickets for tho excursion to Mountain Park, thiee weeks ago. The funernl of the late Andrew Ma honey, w ho died nt his home In Wavor ly on Wednesday, was held yesterday morning. A requiem high mass was eelobiated In St. Patrick's church at 10 o'clock by Hev. J. J. B. Feeley. In terment v as made In the West Side cemetery. After a lapse of several weeks, the street department yesterday resumed tho cleaning of Lackawanna street. Miss Margaret Conway, of Plttston, Is visiting friends In town. On nccount of tho failure of tho Honesdale club to appear, theio was no game at the park esterday. Hev. D. M. George, of Plttston. will conduct services In the Congtegatlonal church tomorrow morning and even ing. Services will be bold nt the usual hoius in the Presbyterian church to morrow morning and evening. Hev. B, F. Hammond, pastor. Mis. J. W. Kennedy and daughter, Miss Jennie Kennedy, of Blakely, spent yesterday at Harvey's lake Mrs. J. A, Hull, of Blakely, Is enter taining Miss May Abel, of Kaston. C. W. Ostrander is spending his va cation at Cornwnll-on-the-Hudson. Street Commissioner J. C McAndrew won the nve-dollar gold piece chanced off nt the Grassy Island Hose com pany', picnic. Miss Charlotte Kennedy, of Green Ridge, was a visitor In town yesterday. TAYLOR. The Young Men's Christian associa tion are making elaborate arrange ments for their banquet to be held in Atherton's hall on Thursday evening, Aug. 22. An excellent musical and lit erary programme Is being prepared for tho evpnt. The following is tho com mittee in charge: Lloyd Dallcy. John A. Boyd, Luther Harrts, E. A. Powell nnd Nicholas Nicholas. The Taylor Silver Cornet band will give an open air concert In Mlnooka this evening. Tho Primitive Methodists of Arch bald, Pyne and Sibley will hold their annual camp meeting commencing to mortow, Aug. IS, to continue until Aug. 25, nt the Pyne. The services tomor row nre as follows: in so n. m., 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. Miss Sarah Lanyon. tho confidence evangelist, and other well known ministers will be present to assist Hev.. Walker In the services. All are conllally welcome to attend. The Watklns orchestra and I'nlted Mine Workers' Drum corps have been cngagen to furnish music at the Patri otic Order Sons of America excursion to Hurvev's lake on Monday next. Quarterly meeting services will be held at III" Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow. Hev. A. H. Conger will preach nt 10.30 a. in.: Sabbath school at 2.15 p. m.i communion service at ,".?0 p. in., conducted by the pastor, Hev. C. 15. Henry;' .Hpworth Leaguo nt 6.30 p. m , MIhs Ida Sperber, leader. Servlc.es at the Calvary Baptist church tomorrow at 10.30 a, m, and 6 p. in.; "Vunday school at 2 p. in. Hev. H. H. Harris, Ph. D., pastor. All are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Oiiinths nnd dangler, Muriel, of 'ils place, have been the guefts of relatives In Jermyn for the past few days. Mrs. Thomas Jenkins, of Main street, bus returned home from a two weeks' tumois and dropsy of the ubdomen. should apply at once nnd become leg Istered ns regular patients. All cor respondence will be held strictly con ndctiitlal. Nn testimonials of cuies will be given to the public except by tho expiess wish of the patient. No one knows better than Dr. Hart man how much women suffer with diseases" peculiar to their sex. No one knows better than be does how mnn of them suffer with such diseases. Pa tiently, hopefully, wearily, and often silently, they eke out a miserable ex istence yeai after year. A woman i-onllned to the house sev eral years with a chronic female de- r a n gemenl had tinally given up all hope of being cured. She h a d tried physic Ian after plivsl- DISEASES PECULIAR TO THE VKlllf.li! SI 1 A J (lift JJIJ lil'.X ciati. and remedy nfter tonicity, with out any petmanent improvement. Her treatment had cost her husband, who wns a poor man, hundieds of dollars. They had been obliged to deny them selves many comforts) of life in otder to get money enough to pay the physi cians. Picking up tho paper one day she happened to lead an Item which con tained the news that Dr. Hartman Mould treat such cases free of charge by letter. She Immediately wrote the doctor, desc-tlhlng her case, and giving him all her symptoms. She soon re ceived a Utter telling her exactly what to do and what medicines and ap pliances to get. She began the treat visit with relatives In Ttion, N. Y. Taylor lodge, No. fifis. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet this evenitu.'. Miss Maiy A. Set Ivors, of New York, Is visiting her ulster, Mrs. Thomas Jenkins, on .Mr.in street. .Vts. John Hill, of Nantlcoke. Is the guest of Mrs. John K. Kvans, of Main BttO'.'t. PECKV1LLE. Stanlev Nyhnrt Is spending a week at Herrlckville, Bradford county. Street Commissioner Lewis has n foico of men at work breaking stone nnd filling in the roadway at the Noith Main stieet culvert. William Vandervort Is spending a few days with relatives at Tunkhan nock. Mr. and Ms. Irwin Felter, of Auburn, Conn., are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mis. George Moore. W. -II. Storrs, of Scranton, was n caller In town yesterday. Mrs. K. T. Harding Is spending a few days with South Olbon friends. Miss Nellie Glanvllle is visiting nt Passaic. N. J. Mr. Blaokwell has moved from Main stieet to White's addition. Mrs. H. S. Heed, of Glenbutn. is tho guest of her son, George B. Hee.d. Michael Burke, of Airhhald, had no money to pay street car taio and, be ing under the Infltierce of liquor, at tempted to create a disturbance on a street car on Thursday afternoon. When the car reached a point oppo site Hotel Wilson. Conductor K. M. Dohsom stopped the car and ejected Buike. As the car was about to start, Burke threw his dinner pall nt Dob son. The nail missed Dohson nnd struck a lady passenger In the face'. Burke then went up Piospect street, followed by OHlrers Sn.vder and Thompson. After a tierce struggle, Burke decided to accompany the otil ceis to the office of Justice of the Peace S. W. Arnold. Motorman Charles Keller and Conductor K. M. Dobson nppeared acrainst Buike. He was held to appear at court. Burke was placed In the borough lockup, nnd later re leased on ball. PRICEBURG. Preaching in the Prlreburg Primitive Methodist church on the Sabbath, both morning nnd evening, by the pastor. Rev, Wilson Bentley. Morrlng service at 10.30; subject, "Hold That Fast Which Thou Hast. That No Man Take Thy Crown." Evening service nt 7 o'clock: mbjrot. "Cnn Thero Be Anv Good Thing?" John, l-4fi. Come and see. There will be a lawn social and clam bake, under the auspices of the Flor ence Nightingale temple, No. 31, of Prlcehurg, Saturday, August 21, nt the Hatls-tead avenue grove. Everybody cordially Invited. Mrs. O'Malley. of Peckville. and Mrs. .1. D. Williams, of Plymouth, were the guests of Mrs. Benjamin Williams, of Cartnalt street, on Friday. Mis. Heedelry and Miss Applcgato, of Green Ridge, were the guests of Mrs. William Wler, on Wednesday last. Mrs. Broil. Mrs. Sharp and Mis. Kraft, of Green Ridge. nnd'Mis. Engle, of Dunmnre, weie the guests of Mrs. George Schmidt on Thuisdny. Miss Ethel I'sner, of Albert street, vipjted friends In Ma.vtleld yesterday. Joseph Giitkiiecht, the n.j car-old son of Cliniles Gutknechit, while playing with a companion on Thursday, fell from n tree and received injuries fiom which ho died. The funeral services will be held tomoirow at 2.30 o'clock. Krause's Headache Capsules arc, unliko anything prepared In America. They wero first piesciihod by Dr. Krause, Germany's famous court physician, long before antlpyrine was dscovered, and nro almost marvel ous, so speedily do they cine the most dlsti easing cases. Price 23c. Sold by all druggl6t&. SWA The hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. ment (the principal remedy being Pe runa) at once, and In a few weeks was well and strong again nnd able to do her own work. Another woman without becoming who used Peruna one of Dr. Hart man's regu lar patlenta had tho fol lowing ex po r I e n e e. MIS.S Id. Green write INKOFTliK'iOIUlOO W0MKN HELPED LAST YEAR. from Bald wtnvllle, On: "Peruna Is wonderful and good, and n certain cure for fe male weakness. J havn been HI nnd have been taking doctor's tne-dlcine for several yenis. and found that none did me anj good. "Every day It was a worry. I wes always sick. I had come to tho conclusion to give up, nnd not uso any more medicine. I wns sick in deed for the past two years. Just before I began to take Peruna I whs very weak, besides I wns bilious and constipated. "I had pains in my back and side nnd falling of the womb, with bearing down pains. "One day while reading my news paper, I came across an ad., read of the book for women entitled, "Health nnd Beauty." and sent for It. Then I began to use the medicine. After using several bottles, 1 am now thorougnly cured." Send for free book entitled, "Health and Beauty." Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio. CLARK'S SUMMIT. Dalley Bros, are erec-tlng the fine new addition to tho High school building nt Dalton. Mis. James Oakford was a visitor In Scranton on Wednesday. I'otatoes heie a light crop are im proving In quality nnd decreasing in pi Ice. Mrs. Dr. (intence Merrill nnrl son, Orlo, are visiting relatives at Sayre, Pa., and adjacent villages. Mr. H, Peters and family are occupy ing part of the Peace house, on Main nvenue. Messrs. WHIard Voshurg nnd Clair Young have returned from a trip to the Pan-American. Misses Maude nnd Vlda Bostedo nro visiting relatives In Buffalo and vlcln lt. Mrs. Simon Cnrmody was In Scran ton on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. M. M. Hufford drove to the river last Sttndny, where their son, Charles Hufford, Is camping with a party of young people. Miss Grace Myers Is visiting relatives at Glendale this week. Messrs. Veinon Ludlow. William Lynch, J. D. Bunnell nnd son. Henry, took a trip to Lake Winola on Sunday. Mrs. Walter Leonard and two chil dren of Scranton, visited Mrs. John Twining and other ft lends here during the week. Miss Dorothy Swnrtz, of Mill City, spent several days with her friend, Miss Llbblo Hymer. this month. The pie soclnl at F. M. Young's, on Thuisdny, was rather lightly attended, on nccount of the rain. Mr, and Mrs. J. Potter, of Scott, vis ited at the home of C. W. Moredock on Wednesday. Al. Dymond Is suffering with a felon on his left hand. Hay Smythe is camping on the hanks of the Susquehanna river. The young child of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Hance, who has been very 111, Is much improved. OLD FORGE. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tlnklepaugh left on Monday for Biidgeton, N. J , where they will spend a few weeks. Quarterly meeting services will be held In tho Brick M. E. church next Sunday morning. The Old Forge school board met last Monday night and appointed teachers as follows; No. 1, Wealthy Brodhead, principal, and Lizzie Dawson, assist ant; No. 2. Ella Drake, principal, and May Biodhead, assistant.; No. 3, Kate Clunan, principal, and Elln Heuser, as sistant, No, 4, Bertha Rees, principal, nnd Agnes Glynn, assistant. Tho tedchois In the High school building nro- Pilnclp.il, F. R. Coyne; assistant principal. C. Weber; Misses Gertrude Simmons, Mary A. Qulnn. Margaret Cosgrovo.Gortrudo Rees, Barbara Nea lls, Kate Clarke, Teresa Fallon, and Mary Lally. HONESDALE. Spcrul tn the Scranton Tribune. Honesdale, Aug. IB. The woodwork of the locks nlons the Delaware and Hudson canal Is being burned, In order to get the old lion, which has been purchased by n Junk dealer. Mis. Wlllam Wood and two daugh ter, of St. Louis. Mo, arriied today lor a visit with Honesdale relatives Theio mo no new developments in tho Winiius Hull case The prisoner spends the greater portion of the time wilting lrtteis. The grand Jury meets tho last week In September. If a true bill I, touiid against Hull for th mur der of Schoonover. his trial will tak place at the October term of cotut The Wnyno county fair will bo held on September 21, 25 nnd 2ii. An epidemic Is pievalent among hoi sep In this vicinity, similar to the hoti-o distemper. On Thursday evening. August 22, a benefit concert by local talent Is to ho given In the Honesdale opera house for the benefit of George Wolfrom, whose home was destroyed by tire.