vt-.sJv 'PTVM.' f fv,i 'fcSi jn'' ff 10 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1901. ypv- INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR PRESENT STATUS OF ANTHRA CITE COAL TRADE. Demand Ib Sufficiently Good to Take the Present Output of the Mines. Order of Superintendent Rlno with Reference to Handling High ExplosivesMake-up of the D., L. & W. Board for Today Baldwin Lo comotive Works Are to Be En Larged Other Notes. The cleiiiiitul fur unlhriic Up Ih kooiI enough to tukc tin- present output of the mints, ei- little It any helnR stmed by tho pimlucliiK lomiMiilPK, and tho tlcniHiiil Is vvrll distributed. The July iitmlucllfin imuiuntod to H, JltS.SlI tons, n cotnp.it cd with 3..W.7-0 tons in July lust join. The Iiuti-iimp over Uat your Is very tiotnlili-. tnkltiK Into eonsldeiatlon tin- heavy produc tion fir the Hist half of this '"' The flietncn's stillte rut little tlRttio. as the' rompanles had planned to tcwtilot pio rHii'tlott and the stilke "Imply "" them tho neiesilty ..1 vwnkltiK on hott rnmiKh time. The total pioduetlon to AURtlst 1st thin ir Is put at SI. 061, 001 tons, ax enmpaieil with -i..-.M" "" liiht year, an Itutvase of 4,7S'J1. This heavy ineiease has been sold at full pi lies, Theie has been no uittitiK of list pi lees till piotlts vanished. T.vl dently the pioduiliiK (ouipaiiles ate likely to have the most jnolltable cnr since 1ST,!. The new selllnK system has on the whole worked well, the only complaint eominjr from middlemen who have In past eais setured advantaRes that this .vear will R" to the piodueers. In the West demand Is stieliRthen Iiir, but anlvals by lake are Mill llRht. At the head of the lakes, though the season of navigation is about half over, supplies on the docks aie seantv and certain sl.e. paitli ulatly crr, are hard to Ret. Theie will have to be a heavy movement of co.il with pi nimbly hlRher.lake fieluhts to bilnR supplies on the docks up to nomial size befoie navlRatloii tlcwcu. In t'hlcaRO teirltoty retail buyliiR N only fail IX'aleis complain that they have net been able to pet (oal at the lower prU es ami now the utieeitalnty over mop piospeets keeps them from bu.vliiR fteely. Krr eoal, as In Lake Superloi teiiltory and at i:astein points Is the size most wanted. At lower lake points trade Is slack just at piesent. The total move nient fioin Buffalo to date Is fully 20. (ion tons behind last siason's flRiiies. Lake frelRht tate.s aie still Sic. to Lake Superior and 40c. to Lake Michigan points. Along the Atlantic seaboard most dealers Mem to have good supplies, al though then- is still a fair demand for coal. This demand is laigel.v fioin the shnal water ports to take advantage of the August discount and the low coast wisp freights. An unpiovement In de mand at New Yoik and Philadelphia Is expeited befoie the end of the month, when ilealeis begin to lecelve oidcrs from householders returning lrom vacations. The mlueis aie still In an uncertain trame of mind, and further labot tioti blcs an not Impossible. The chief grlevame Just now Is th.it some of the companies will not allow olllelals of the T'nlted Mine Woikeis to stand about shafts and breakois and asieitain If each woiker Is In good standing with the union. The various supei inteud cnts say that this minting of heads rhould be done off the companies' premises. The August pi Ices for fiee-burning white ash coal f. o b New York har bor jioits fire, ltioken, J.i'.m, e,;g, SI. 15; stove and nut Jl. la Engineer ing and Mining Journal. Accumulating Ontmio and Western. Some of the stmng st houses in New York have been sieadil.v accumulating Ontario and Western stock lor weeks -.lipoid ."tu mi i oi piv Kii) pun lrd tloils ll to tlllllle pliispeits. A H poit gained cuiieiu.v that theie was to be ii linking togclhei of the Kile, the lielawim and Hudson and the n tlilto unci Westein. but this was denied by J'll'silUllt l'owler .VcMi'UlllV De spite the lcllli.ymc of olllelals to discuss mallei s in connection with the Olitatio. Iinwevet, It is the consensus of opinion In well-posted SI I eel epau lets that a deal ol vast impoitaiHe Is under way. which will, when con summated, gie.uly stlellglhen the po Mlion of the outiuio and Westein. This, load, it will be icniembeiecl, Is mine of a lac tor in the anthiaclte hlumtlon now tluin It was a car ago, having aciiiiiid additional eollleilcs and iiiipiovcd its status in vmluus other ways. Aftei the c oe .vestenlay one New Yoi k banker advanced the prediction that betoie many weelos luve elapsed ontailo and Western Stock Will bo selling alolllld K.- l'llll adelplua Stockholdei. D., L. & V. Board for Today, rollowlntr Is the make-up of the D,, Zi. ii 5V. board for today. rmnw. At en r in. WiH CaK Kai.' -s m , William Kirbyj 10 p, m., V. i Menem. '" EATUIIUY. l i.L'sT IT. Wild Cts. East-1 ') a. in , .1 lluh: 3 a. m., A. II, Hence; 4 a. in , n kcarnrj ; a in , II, Blsbing; 10 a, in, 1, !. I.attlincr, with J. W. Deinr' crnv; 11 a m, A. 1' Mullen, 1 p. m , A. G. Hammltt; S . m., 1'. Ilallrtt; 6 p. m 0, W, Hurt. FummlU, Etc. fl . m, ta.t, ,1 CirrlirKi S i. m , wt, G, Kiounfelker, 11am, uet, M. Kinwrtji 8 P m . ''. V. MUjiiiicII, 7 p. m , Nay Aur.. M. Staid,-, with K MiAllli tcr'a crew; 7 p. m , (.'ajuua, Tliompn; 7 p. m , Caj-UBa, M. Olnlcy. Pnsher 8 a. m , Homeri 10 a in , S. Fin nerty; 11. SO a in , Moran; 7 p in , Murphy; d p. m., I.ampirci Wp ni , Wnlencr. I'aswiiRrr Lni;lnf 7 a. ni , fiatfn'yj 7 a. m, SmKer; 10 a. in., T. haunian; 10 a m., Seior; 7 p. m.. Stanton; 7 p. in , MiCloccin. W11J fata, Ve t 5 a in, C. Kiiifralc) i 7 a m., Ilo.ir, nltli O fia'i irrw; 10 u in., h Carthj : II a. ni., F. I. Itottci', vcltli Ketcliain'i rrcwj 1 p. m.. T. I'itzpatrlck; i p. ra , llrmllun, 8 p. ni F. Wall; 4 p. m , P. racanaiiKh: .'i p. m., K. i julnerj 6 p. in , W. A. Ilirthulomew, NOTICE. II. Oilllfin ami crew t ill run 11 30 p. n. vrtld id. 1'iMay, Auj, 16, in place of KitTerty nd tun, one trip. Handling of High Explosives. Superintendent Rlne, of the Lacka wannn ralltoad, has Issued an order lo the effect that through shipments pf powder must he handled over this division In trains fil and 63 only. For short haul movements, such ears, nf rourse, will have to he handled In liest local train avallahle, but under no circumstances must such shipments tver be handled in branch line or other trains on which passengers are carried. This and That. The new passenger trains Nns. 19, 20, 6 and 3, on the Lackawanna rail road, ate giving excellent satisfaction nnd It 1m a noticeable faet that all of them have been running on time dur ing the past week. The Pennsylvania railroad has awarded one of tho largest otders ev.er placed for forggs to the Ilurfalo Korgo company, of nuffaln, N. "Y. The order calls for 32 of the heaviest size of clown draft forges. The Haldwln Locomotive works, of Philadelphia, Pa , has completed plans for a new machine shop six stories high to contain a large number of the lighter machine tools. It Is to be a steel anil btlck strutcute, Wotk on It will be gin Immediately. i One of the special features of the extensive manufacturing plant of th" Wellman & Seaver Knglncctlng com pany, now In process of erection at Cleveland, (., will be a complete Ijivtul latlon of the Sturtevant system of me chanical ventilation nnd heating by the n. P. .Sturtevant company, of ISos ton, Jlii".". The .reanesvlllo Iron Works coin p.uiv. at Jeancsvllle, Is building an ad dition to Its electing loom, which will Increase the floor rapacity "R per cent. One of Hie most notable pump orders tecently taken la m ttlple expansion pump for the A lead la Coal company, of Stellarton, Nova Scotia. This pump will have a capacity of I.ROO.nnu gallons per day, the vertical lift being 1.600 feet thiotigh 1 e00 feet of S-lncli column pipe The company makes a specialty of wood lined pumps to teslst ncid mine water. CARY FAMILY REUNION. It Will Be Held on Thursday, Aug ust 2D. II. I). Cirv. picfddcnt of the ('my family nssoi latlon, has Issued a elicit lar with teference to the famllv te unlon. which will be held Thursdny, August '.". Among other things, the circular pa.vs: "At the leunlon of the Caiy family, held at Jermyn In August, 1100. It was decided to hold our leunlon for 1!'0l at Lake Caiey on the last Thursday In August. After thorough Investigation by the executive committee, elected at that time, it was decided that the le unlon could not be held at Like Caiey for the reason that the committee could not secuie railroad accommoda tions for the people to go to and fioin the lake, therefore It was necessarv to change the place of meeting. The com mlttee. after i onilderlng seveial places. decided that Keinhrook was the meet available location. "Fei nbrook is a very pietty patk on the line of the electric cats between Wllkes-Marrc and Harvej's lake and near Luzerne. The committee have been able to have the park specially reserved for the t'ar family leunion on Thursdav August 20. "People desiring to reach the paik fioin Wllkes-Hane, Plttston and vicin ity will tnke the stieet car going to Harvey's lake, and people coming by the way of Scranton and vicinity will purchase tickets for Henuett on the Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western railroad, and then take street ear to the park. It is desired that von reai h the paik about 10 a. m, and people from Scianton and vicinity should tiy and leave Scianton at S.10 or 10 05 a. m " SARATOGA'S FLORAL FETE. Gicat Prepaiation for This Remark able Annual Festivity A Grand Excuision fiom Scranton, Wilkes Barre nnd Vicinity. H.uatosa N niaklrifr sie.it prep.ua-tie.ii.-c for her annual tloral fete, which ocuiis SepiemlKr 4, B and G. and no e ease Is beliiK spired to make the coniltiff occasion excel all ntheis, al thouKh people who witnessed the fete last ye.u thought It almost Impo-Mble to surpass I, Kliifr Itex, who was the eential tlpuie In the New Orleans Mai ill fiias, is now at Saratoga super liitendlrip; the preparatlonu. On his trip north re was attended by one hundred eouitleis and scenes of pretty maids, and he sas that he proposes to dupli cate the New Oilcan Maid! Oiras fete it SaiatoKH, and open the eves of tho noith to the Rorfieou and beautiful wa In which festivals are conducted in sunny Louisiana. He has with him all the knights and ladles who have made the New Oi leans Mardl (lias the elchth wonder ot the wot Id, and who now piopo.e to make the Kaintoga Moral fete the ninth. Two months hjto his resplendant floats nnd splden ehail ots and bejeweled pioeessional lobes weie sent to the New Yoik wateiitiK ilaee, to be used in the inminp fete, and the people of this vicinity will have an opportunity to witness a duplica tion of Louisiana's maivelous exhibi tion. In the Biar.U painde, which ne curs September .", theie will be mine than twenty floats, covered with nat ural floweis and costing fioin J'.OUO to Jl.oOO each. I'pon these theie will be over on nuniliect cliaiacters in the i ichest costumes. The scene l one which besK.us description. .At the Ki.u.d ball, which follows In the even Inu. dawlnff take" plai e on n Bic-at floor eoveiinK two blocks, and Is super Intended by a committee of one hiin lied ladiea and one hundred gentle men, whose costumes are liteially civ end with tlowert set forth b tiny elertile llRllts. On this, the plinilpal l.ljs ol the fete, Septembei 4 and 5. a Bland exiuislon will be inn over thy Odawiue and Hudson tailioad lo a -eommodale the laiso nunibef of people of Scranton. Wllkes-IJaiie and ths! vallejs who wish to wltr-c-s the vv nu clei fill p.ipeant and the Bland hall which follo,s. Trains leave the Dela ware and Hudson station, Scianton, at 6'M a. in. and 3.ii' p. in. The pike of tickets, covering the iiiund tiip, has been placed at the lematkably small llt;ure of $1 for ndults and $i for dill dien, and thiwo who take ndvuntnKe of this opportunity will not only be pei- nutted to witness the grandest dlsphiy of the ape, hut will also visit the Rieat cst summer tesott In the country Saratoga SpiliiRs. The pxiiiisIoii will be conducted by the leather Mathew T. A. l. society, and hotel accommo dntloiiH have been anaiiged for 1,000 Kiiests. Trains leave Wllkes-Hatre at fi.Sr, a. in. and 3.07 p. m.; Plttston, at 5.51 a. m and 3.JI p. m.; Carbondale, at 7 a, m. and 4.33 p. m. Ten-Day Seashore Excursion via Pennsylvania Raihoad. Thursday, August 2J. Only $5,00 for the lound tiip to Atlantic City, Capo May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Ava Ion, Wild wood, or Holly Beach. Tialn leaves Scranton at 6,45 a, m. 91.08 Willlluy a Talr of ladles' Queen quality russet oxfords at Mahon's Shoe store, Tho ladles all know what those are $2.50 goods. 32 Lackawanna uvenue, TAMPA AND ITS HOTEL A GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF THE FAMOUS HOSTELRY. No Trip Through the South Is Com ploto Without a Visit to This Un rivalled House of Entertnlnment in tho Land of Do Soto A Dream of Magnificence Unsurpassed in the World Tho Tropical Gardens. Urlllen for, The Tribune. Tin: IWi wonderful development of the American ralltoad has hrought lorldn nearer to New York. It has bridged the distance with hands of glittering steel until now It may be reached In a day nnd a night from the metiopolls. Think of it, only a day and a night from the frosts of n Northern; winter to the balmy, sun kissed flcldVi of Southland. Heneath the genial jky of Plorlda the large number of people who feel the need of a mld-w Inter, as well as a mid summer ho1lda, find the rest nnd te creation which a woiklng world makes necessary. Klrst Impressions, especially of a place wo have sought for lest, or for a change of scene, have much to do with our subsequent enJo tnent, and fit st iiiiuesson of Tampa City and Tampa P.fcy Hotel can baldly be other wise than fnvoinble. No tiip thioush the South is complete without a stay at this most famous, world-i enow tied lesort. It is a ctratlon untlvallod of Its kind In nil our travels from Halifax to Vletoila, from Maine to California, nnd thus far during otir Southland trip, and noted travelers say on either side of the Atlantic and the world. Till: KIItST Cl.IMPSi:. Knteilng the city by tall nnd by ckivllght, the gi.indly magnificent pic ture conies sudden upon the view, as the ttaln makes a tiltn and Mops be tween the town and the river The foreground Is the liver, and In It are all sorts of boats for towing and sail ing as well as steam and naphtha launches through the swaying pines It scon a unique palace, a magnificent fittili'tute, with golden crcsient of the Orient, with silvered domes and Moor ish mlnaiet". This Is Tampa Hay Ho tel In the distance, with sunound lugs that take one back through the centuiles in history, even befoie Vc Soto came, and this may have been the very spot where he landed who knows? The view fiom the cats com prise all this, as u1m fiom the bildge that spans the river from the hotel to thf town. The Intending guest need not leave the train hete. After a short stop It eiosscs the ilver and ecinie? light to the galleries of the west eritianie and stops under the f-hadow ot the great hotel. All pa.s senger trains enter and depart from the enclosure of the hotel, thus ob viating transfer of passengers and baggage. It ! only 5 n'doi k p. m , and In the brightness of a seinl-troplc sun the domes and descents nnd pin nacles glisten intensely nnd the mas sive pile giows to Immensity. We alight from the tiain amid a rojnl grove of giant live-oaks, nppioached by avenues of mange, palm and pal metto trees, near to the spieadlng blanches of ,the wpnderful live-oak tice which be.iis the name of De Soto, who, when he landed here two hun dred e,u ago. on the banks of what l now called Hlllborough river, little dreamed of the thriving and populous commercial town which would succeed the military fortress, and from whence ships and commodities would go speeding to all p-iils of the world 1 say, perhaps old Pe Soto dreamed all this, if he did. behold it was proph ecy, for the swaying pines have top pled and In tin Ir places has atlsen the grandest structure on earth. The tiee, however, stands a monument to his gallant and adventurous spirit, and a leminder of he Old World In close proximity to one of the most stately creations of the New Wotld. A vi;kitai?li: talaci:, The Tampa Hay Hotel contains ev ery provision for health and comfort. No one who does not see It and dwell In It for at least a day can foirn the faintest Idea of "the comprehensive ness of Its purpose, the breadth of Its plan, the Ideal leflnement of Its com forts, the noble scale of Its luxuries" Architecturally it Is unique. Within It is a palace tilled with costly and pleasing paintings, statuary and bric-a-brac from all lands It Is the larg- st hotel in the South, and a marvel of luxurious appointments and lavish olitl.iv. Nothing offends the eye or the taste at any point, and while the first view externally Is Impressive, the cfiect pmcltiLcd by a first glance on entering its bioad and Inviting poi tals Is one of astonishment ami de light. The moment cine enters the giounds and steps upon the porch he has a feeling that he will enjoy Its comfoits As he enteis the rotundn, reglsti rs his name and looks about him upon all this awe-lnsplilng mag nlllceiue he still feels ho will enjoy it hete. When he Is shown through the elegant p.ulois, dining and tending, smoking, wilting rooms and conserva tories he feels he will like It, but whin he enteis it.s spacious halls and his beautifully nnd legally furnished sleeping room, overlooking the lovely grounda coveiedi with tropical nnd feiiil-tiopli.il shade trees of eveiy Known variety under the sun, he Is certain sine ho will enjoy It, but nfter passing clown the gtand hallway of 700 feet, lined with life-sized bionzes and numberless tropical plants, nnd enteiH the dining room, or banquet hall, and has been a guest a day, he Is ready lo piovo It Is the ideal hos telry of the country. Any further desctlptlon 1 may give of the Inteilor or exterior but faintly tells of the magnificence of the at tractions and suiioundlngs of this ie son. It stands In a tropical park as attractive as a bountiful Nntuie and the skill of landscape gardeners can make It. among oiange and palm trees of thiity-five neies. The main sltue lure t 500 feet long, with wings and annexes covet Int" 450 feet additional length. Its walls aie of bilck and beams of steel aiehed with concrete nnd floored with tiles and absolutely fir e-pi oof massive, yet light and graceful In Its peifect Moorish aichl teeture. with lolonadcs, porches nnd balconies looking out thiough one nun died niches upon as ninny pictutes, minarets, domes nnd pinnacles, Using 150 feet above the lawns, that gently slope away In fiont and fall with gieen terraces to the watei'.s edge. Tho sheltered pioinenades among the gieat towers overlook a park of 150 sens of groves, avenues, gardens, fountains, bridges and waterwux", with mineral spilngs of famou.c qual ities, aUo drives, walks, bathing SJKKKSOiKXKXXXKXXKXXKXMXJWXXXXKMKXKK S jr PRICES TORN ASUNDER. In the Great Dissolution Sale of Griffin & Collins, which opens on Monday, 12th inst., you can get the great est bargains in Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing that has ever been offered in this city. All goods must be sold regardless of cost, and all who know the grade of goods we handle should certainly take advantage of this opportunity, which may never come their way again. "Every garment must be sold." Special slaughter on Boys' "Knee Pants" and Chil dren's Clothing. I GRIFFIN COLLINS j 220 LACKAWANNA AVE. Q heaches, boats, floats and churches, and the town bejond and the coining nnd going out of train's. At night It is a fairyland, an electrli palace, which might be the entrance to Klectra's own domains. High overhead crescents of electric light aie suspended In mld-nlr, like burning constellations. Hefore us rows of electric lights out line great arches leading Into porti coes, themselves nblaze with light. Festoon and crescents of electric light dtoop and rise and flash from toweis nnd domes and wings like "a diamond necklace of a princess." and diamonds In the sky. The rotunda, which Is a fit announcement of the splendid hospi tality within, Is a giand assembly hall, with polished floors, ilch rugs nnd car pets and hangings, divans and luxiitl nui lounges, antique vases and hrlc-a-brac. This apaitment Is "S feet square and 30 feet from the floor to the celling- as little like a hotel of fice as the K.ist room of the White House is like a railway station. The massive dors aie of Spanish mahcig nny, highly polished, encasing heavy plates of bevelled glass; the frames ure carved In designs of gteat beauty. MOOIUSH Anciirnx'Tcni:. Thirteen marble columns supper t a balcony that looks over from the sec ond floor, around which Is a carved rail, also In Spanish mahogany. The Mooilsh and Spanish styles which pre vail In the archlteetutal work, do not In the decorations and furnishings, for the divans In the rotunda weie once In the Tuillerlcs salons, nnd there Is an original painting In oil of Louis XIV of France; also a clock of the same period. The paintings are varied in design, as they are In age and his tory. Kvery one, also every antique and cabinet, has Its history; all the paintings aie by the "old masters," many costing JlO.ooO, and one shown us cost $30,000. Two vnses of Japanese ait six feet high, that weie on ex hibition at the Vienna exposition, aie among th" collection. Miirois in an tique frames rich In glided caivlngs aie on the walls, massive doors In beveled glass lead to parlors, halls, libraries and wilting rooms; electile lights are Imbedded In the ceilings and walls and suspended In chandeliers. This is the rotunda, the business of fice occupying the smallest comer. The "horseshoe aiches" of the Mooi lsh curve aie. ever where fiom the grand galleiles to the intiiiida doois, lu the salon entram e and to tho grand banquet hall for It's nothtig less and eveij mlnaiet Is crescent cicsted, and passing under them leads to some old plctuie, antique or cab inet that ornamented some palace hall befoie the land on which this one stands had been dlseovcied. DHKAM OF MAUNiriCKNCK. The grand parlor a salon a dream of magnificence indescribable heie Is where the pen falls to say what there is, or to tell about It and do It justice, livery nonk nnd coinei has some dain ty bit to show a woman's hand lias been there. Mis. Plant, a piincess tight royal In hci taste and peueptlon, has made this the salon of Ameilca. Here Is a divan with gtowlng flowers from Its center and between the seat arms ioes and cilia lilies mingle their pei fume for the occupants. Heie Is a c.ibliuH 300 .veais old. brought from a castle In Seville; als-o an exqusite piece with Inlaid woods, ebony, peail and Ivory, with quaint carvings. The paintings luonzes, gildings, the In laid woods of the cabinets tontiast with the white nnd gold of the sui loundlug decorations with pleasing ef fect. Their beaut is also enhanced by the shaded electric lights In ground glass, softly tinted, that aie set In the niched dome above. The paintings are not fiom this or that "shop," but fiom old niasteis. On the mantels and cabinotH ate some beautiful and exquisitely chased ewers and drink ing cups in into sliver, with the busts of Kllssabetlii of llngland and Mary Queen of Suits. Among the inaiblo statuary fiom the chisels of the best sculptois ate some Sedan chilli with the Kagle of Fiance In their decoiu tlons. In the drawing room called thu "Jewel casket" of the Tampa Hay Ho telthere Is un Inlaid tahle which once grated the Tulletles, as did also tluee ebony and gold cabinets fiom Spain. On the table Is a rate bit of siulptute, "The Sleeping Heauty," In Our rain maihle. Heie a sofa and two chalis that weie owned by Maile Antoinette, nlso a set of four chfliis that belong ed to Louis Philippe. There are num erous French and Japanese cabinets, and above each Is suspended a daz zling crystal minor. Klght of these cabinets of antique pattern wete bought hy Mr. nnd Mrs. Plant In Spain and not ordered In tills or that fattoiy, In the oidlnniy way of the modern hostelry. The.-e aie but a moiety of the wonderful collection of curios in this room. Think of it! You may sit In the throim chair of Maile Antoinette or upon her divan, or at Napoleon's table while oil matvel at the bewilderment of heauty aiound you. The carpet In scarlet, with Its black lions rampant, made In France, la a icpllca of unci uf Louis XIV, and covers the entile floor of this splendid salon, on which aie chalis of gold and silk and plush of the same era, as there are also tapestiles of In calculable values and richness that have hung In pal.it es before they came to this one. The wilting nnd leading rooms, Just off fiom the totunda, aie furnished in the same unique manner. One, called the "Louis XIV room." has nil Its dccoiiitlons and appoint ments ot the era of that monarch. In the giand ihambeis, the .style Is not less tegul in magnificence. These sur pass an thing we have ever seen, no two of them alike. They range In size fiom the grand suite of complete living apaitmcnts, with pallor 'and librailes, to the chamber for two, with silken hangings, etc. other guest looms on the floors above have eveiy convenience known to modern Inven tive genius, Including telephone to the olllce and every other room In the house THF. (iUANI) STAIRWAY. The giand stall way Is a ni.uvel ot richness, whose carpets weie really cushions, whose balustiades weie mm -vels of tarvlng, and whose newel posts were Moorish women In bionze bear ing electile toiches In hands extended over their heads. Another striking feature Is the grand hallway, extending fiom north to south 700 feet, passing tlltough the totunda. Heie are life-sized bronzes, holding groups of electile lights, and near hy ate elcvatots to the upper tloois. The north hall passes by the giand pallors to the giacefully found ing curve of the solaiium, wheie It ends. Wheie shall I say It ends? In mod ern pai lance, at the dining hall, but what might be the "banquet loom" of a Moorish king, with Its lofty dome nnd almost circled arches that rest on fluted pillnis, and when lighted hy electricity Is without doubt the hand somest and most billllaut banquet hall In the states, and the world even. Just at the end of the hall, near the entrance to the dining hall, Is a giand otchesttlon, which, with Its Inter changeable tolls, plajs the latest music, fiom the popular alls of the day to the classic pioduetlons of the gieat compose) s. Theie Is a music room Just off the totunda, with wax eel flouts, perfect stage, footlights, cir cular In fonu, broad galleiles, tillable for conceit, lectuio and tablaau, and ov oi head the electtlc fire gleams In a star mid descent group, The prom enade to the banquet hall Is lined on either side with exquisite palms and ferns and works of art, the object of ndmhatlon at least three times daily. Outside Its walls, Its beautiful poiches and veiandas, the hotel offeis ample lesouues for recieatlon to its guests. The wnteis abound In fish, the naph tha and steam launches convey pai tles of pleasuie; good saddle hoises and elegant turnouts can be obtain ed. The exposition building contains many curios nnd inteiestlng things, freely open to inspection, Colt holds a ptomlnent plate In the list of recita tions. A new lS-hole course near the hotel olfeis a woith.v contesting giouiid for some of the best placis In the country. Tim ti lie American of either sex Is fond of hmscs and that emulative strife that sends the noble animal coursing mound the track for honois and pluses. At Tampa Hay Is one of the finest tiacks In the world, with ample accommodations equal to the Charter Oak, Sheepshcad Hay, Saratoga, etc., etc. TROPICAL (lAHDKNS, The spacious gioiinds mound the Tampa Hay Hotel are under the super vision of Anton Flehe, an expert gar dener, anil from him I gatheicd much Information. One can baldly realize the intensity and beauty of this trop ical g.uden and giounds. Here Is ccun pilsed no less that -14 dlffeient spc cles of tioplcal ft tilt and flower plants, viz : 31 ttopleal fruit plants; L'O kinds of seml-tiopicnl fiult lives, all In good blooming and hem lug condition; also MO kinds of plants and licos of the oinameiital dep.u tiueut. The numer ous avenues paved with asphalt, walks of bundle ds of let In length in arched with these tropical plants In bloom, while othets lined on each clrte with palmetto ttees. (Handing fiom six to ten feet upait and twelve to twenty feet high, and little pail.s, and also playing fountains, sun mind ed by all this foliage, with 150 cen tury plants dlstilbuted heie and theie, 15 of which have been In bloom since last June; the mountain foil, oveuun with cactus and foliage plants mount ed with two cannon. Over all proud ly waves Old Oloiy. The ferns, what shall I say of them? Some come from Jamaica, where the Island boasts of 500 species. Kspec tally noticeable was the elate palms In bloom, jeady to fiulti the cactus, alto In hlooni. the nine varieties of the orange tree, the lemon, banana, cocoanut, figs, man goes, etc, all healing, the loom nut palm, with leaves fiom 15 to :'0 feei In length; the date palm, of whim thero aie several species, some me now fruiting. The trees gtow fiom fin to SO feet high and annually bear ciops, and live tu a guud old uge, hun- dreds and even a thousand years. To behold them In all their beaut, their glory, was bewlldeilng and simply In dosciibable. ICXPKRIKNCLMI MANAC.KMKNT. The cuisine and table service of the Tampa Ray Hotel has no supeilor In any lesort In the cnuntiy. No pains me spared to piocuie delicacies fiom every part of the world, In and out of season. Tho hotel Is under the ex clusive management of Colonel A. K. Dick, of New York, with H. W Swope as chief tjei k. This Is suftlel ent evidence of Its skillful manage ment, when the history of these two connoisseurs Is made known to the public. Unth of these gentlemen aie trained hotelmen of the tlist older and of gieat experience. Colonel Dick, the genial managei, has the imputation of being "everywhere present" In the rotunda, the di awing loom, the din ing hall, even about the couldois and the giounds, and with n cheeiful fate and manner entertaining and looking after the Intoiests of the guests, while at the ofllce Is Mr. Swope, ever icady to iccognlze his old friend" and pat terns, and see they aie properly as. signed and cared for and made to feel at home. Mr. Swope wa foimeily chief ileik and manager of the West minster Hotel of New York, wheie he was so well and favorably known by guests fiom Stianton and Honesdale and wheie today he has many friends Manager Dick's leputation Is far-famed, not only among Soutehrn resorts, such as the Seminole, at Winter Paik. I'la., where he was its manager under the Plant system for years, but In Northern cities and seaside lesorts. He is the pioprictor of the famous Long Reach Hotel, the Greater New York family lesoit, the latgest sum mer hotel In the North, where he and his chief clerk. Mr. Swope, each sum mer, with gratifying success, attract the numerous people of refinement and culture who were their guests at Tam pa In winter (old time patrons) to enter their names anew on the hotel register at Long Reach In summer, to gether with thousands fiom New York nnd sunoundlng cities. This Is the best posslhle certificate of their good management. KMINKNT l!Fi:STS. Tampa liny Hotel, during the winter season, Is famed for Its eminent guests. It enteitaliii the best repirsentatives of society of this and other lands, who form a brilliant gatheilng of re fined and cultivated people Among Us guests ate CJenetal Miles, Raion Fava anil other military, naval and polltl cal dignitaries, also Col. II. M. Holes, wife and daughter, of Scranton, homt waid bound from Havana. The genial ex-colonel of the Thliteentli Regiment, N. O. P, was as bionzed and as en thusl.istle as when he ai rived home from his trip around the world, and qulto as Inteiested over his expeil ernes In the Antilles. I should mention the beautiful Ca sino building, with its flue bllliaid and pool rooms nnd the gieat swimming pool and the Audltoium, wheie excel lent diamatlc pei foi malices are fie. qtiently given hy supeilor aitlsts. The swimming pool, 50 leet by 70 feet. Is veiy alluilng, with Its tiled walls of dazzling whiteness nnd Its clear water from tluee to ten feet deep. It is freely patronized, with a competent teacher h1vv(is In attendance Mx miles distant Is the famous boiling sul phur spilng, to which boats tun fie quently from the hotel foi the ntiom mod.ttlon of guests. In a separate building Is the hjdio.statlc establish ment, with spout and needle baths (hot nnd cold douches) and ample ai rangements for massage nnd Swedish movement c ure comparative!) m w in this lountij only four hydio-thei-apeutle establishments in the I'nlted Stales, viz.: Hot Springs, Vn ; Lakr wocid, N, J, and Mlddleton Spilngs, Vt., and Tampa Hay Hotel. Tin dis tinctive and most prominent feature of the Tampa Hay Hotel plant is the "constant jet," but one other plant in America has this featuic Hot Spilngs. Vu. This most efllcaclous method has been Intiodiued bote by Dr. Hnwdiuh Morton, lesldent phvslclan who hi ought It fiom Zurich, and who has made It a specialty. It Is highly sin cessful In nervous affections. It Is a boon tohumanlty toknow that many of the Ills to which the flesh ! heir can be most sucessfullv tieated by the pioper application of one ot Nattues most abundant supplies water. J. K. Richmond. lrof.Q.F.fHETL.BTf ,K rrj l'hlla,lrl,hl, la. Hal; Ltrma Sprrlallil (at jm ;LU frl,a. imaraot.fi lorureaUob) mail I'rlialr, I X JSA IH,a.f,,ifmh ra.f. 4 to 10 di,)Kir,.n,ibu.l .lYTASa Xloo'l l'l"a V.Moa. D.bllhj. U,l Maabnod IHajtSJ Tarlrarfla & MrlfturM lao f aulas I, (ad.frlap.i 1' nral.abruab,a Oraan..brad for h warn Tr.tloaoalahA Boat A riroilac ,rr aitdWal and rl.clrl.al fraud. S.alloa panrr.' j i , i .--. a. .,,, 4 llUean UnV Cnpsulrri nr- s , I V Jrrat In 4H hour ,vlthoutI,.AI BwTafllnrnnYrnlrnrr.iini'rtlniwIMiny II aiit wMrb, . npnliin. .uA"1 i I aMbeb noil Inlrc llona ful,. VaT I FINLEY'S Fall Opening of Melton Skirtings and Tourist Suitings These popular Clothes, at present In such great demand, are displayed hern In new lines of heavy, medium anJ light weights, foe Odfing SUifs and Walking Skirts In complete assortment of new mix tures and solid colors In the new fall shades. Wo h mdle only the most reliable qualities, and on these cannot he un dersold, arf we buy direct from the best cloth-maker of the country. At $1.00 Heauy Weight Meltons The klnct that lequire no lining. All wool and "ii Inches wide, the very best value olltiid at this in Ice. Shown In Oxfoid, Drown, Hlue and Grey ralx ttltes. At $1.50 Fint? Melton Sditings Lxtrn heavy quality and fine grade of Melton, a superior cloth and a very fast seller. Comes In black, solid col ors nnd mixtures. At 75c Toiirisf Siiifings An unusual cloth value at this money. All wool, 5fi Inches wide, med ium heavy weight, In Oxfords, Grey, Riown nnd Hlue mixtures. At 50c PanflrRerican5iiitings The biggest money value ever shown. All wool, 50 Inches wide, In Brown antf Grey nilxtuies. Just Imagine, an em tire suit pattern costs only JJ.50. 510-512 Lackawanna Ave Lager Beer Brewery SlaniifiicturoM 9f OLD STOCK PILSNER 48B to 455 , SCRANTON. PA N. Ninth Street Telephons Call, 2333. NEW YORK HOTJ-Jz WESTMINSTER HOTEL Coi, bixtrrnlli St ami Irving I'Uct, NEW YORK. Ameruin Phn, t 50 Per Day and I'pwjrdj. luiopean Plan, IIM 1'rr lJy and Upward Speu.il Hates to ramilio T. THOMPSON, Prop. I HOTEL JEFFERSON NEW YORK ino.ioi.ioo i:nt lH Street. Thc.Il.r t'lIUSON a thoroughly first-clan (umily andtranment htitpl.orturlngfttamlnl mum cn.taroaiiniuinotluturyanit comfort, On 151b straet jum at ot union Square, it la wtiblu a Itv, minutta ot the leading shops, tntstrrs and club Europoan Plan, $1.00 up. Amsncan Plan, W.50 up. Suites with Privsto Bath, $2.00 up. Tor special ra'cs riiHc s or information write Jtll i:. CllVrnCl.ll. Proprietor rroSSianaaWMBMBaVMsal ' a. ..... l,..,t..nn tin,. lor liiislncss Men In the heart ot tho wholesal district. For SlionncM x mlnutec" walk to Wonnmakerai S minutes to Slegel Cooper's Die Store. Easy of access to the great Dry Goods Stoma. For Slshtsceis One block from D'way Tars, Klv InK easy transportation to aU points ot interest. I HOTEL ALBERT : t NEW YOKK. t I Tor. Jlth 8T A t'NIVKUSITT Pta. I only one Block from Hroadw3y. I DAAmr. CI Iln HHSTAURANT J ROOITIS, 31 Up. Prices Reasonabls Z ;. Every .Woman s.;K , "V .ni or t.i. i .nil hriUlilkt.OW about UjewQi.df.ful MARVtL Whirling Spray fcV. fiom urn ncif'rfn, istbv, sii r Mr nnyrnafT. tl'alented.l iii.ffiD.rt intniM , , itfrrll. If iio'innni aiipi'lrihe other, hut and stamp for II ia, ..,., iwb tr.Uit It aires ).. bit .. aniini in full priiculiiiisiifliii. lions in .l,al.t,olt,1ta M till M.I .. noom 6C3, Times Dds., New Yoik. i is a v y n.