It Jp ww1 l M,)tT,'T!''5 ''. ? ' 'A " "" ' '' t'-tV " l-JW " W?t.fcv-, ',. - i '.i -Bf-j'-ynN." " " ) .r , cmntou THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TEN PAGES SCKAjNTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, lOOL TEN PAGES TWO CENTS. STEEL STRIKE IS SHIFTED TO JOLIET Strikers at Plttsbiiro Are Jubi lant Over the Action ot the Men In the West. STEEL OFFICIALS ARE NOT WORRIED They Say That the Strikers Are Nearly at the Flood of Their Suc cess and When the Ebb Comes It Never Can Be Stopped The Mc Keesport Tie-up Is Now Complete. Tin Plate Workers Are Not Fnvtio ularly Sympathetic. ily lAduane Wire frem Th .Vwriai'l Prcaa. Pittsburg. Alls. It?. The a-ijliter of In -t-iest In tho steel sttlke today shifted to the west, where Jnllct llnally swuiik into line with tlio sttikcrs, mid Mil waukee appointed tniiioirow ns 'In time for a dual vote on the question. The news that (.'aine out of tlio west i-ln-ered tlio strikeis throughout the district in this velnlty as ik other de velopment since the labor war was de al ned. In their cntliuMnsui they count iiMn favorable action at .Milwaukee tomorrow, ami carrying their hopes still farther, my that they will yet win I Chleago ovet. These successes, they I declare with apparent eonlldcnee will make them master of the situation anil win the strike. The steel officials, on tlio other hand, say the strikers are n'arly at the Hood of their siirccs and when the ebb conies it can never be stopped. They don't seem to be dis turbed by tecent events, and with n confidence equal to that of the sti liters, talk of certainty of ultimate success. They itsrert that popular sentiment has lfver been behind the strike, and that the general Interest which was oner aroused by the contest Is quickly wan ing. They claim that they aie more than holding- their own In the non union plants that were unaffected or have been started since the strike be gan, and ate perfecting plans for re opening several plant now Idle. They nlso (latin thai ninny of their men. p.titleulatly at McKcespoit. Wheeling and Helluiie, were foiced out by In timidation and will come back as soon as the excitement dies out and their safety Is assured. Talk of peace hun been dropped for the time being, and it Is agreed that In Its present aspect the situation Indicates a prolonged and stubborn contest. McKeespoit Tie-up. Two hundred men employed in the J--itlnnal t;al,inly.lng works of the Na tional Tube company at McKeesport struck today They were the last re maining workmen in the affected nudes 1n that city and the tie-up Is now as complete us possible there. Many of the tube workers, although on strike, have refused to Join any union and the opinion Is expressed that there will be soon u break among the strikers. The leaders plan another rally for totuor iow llicht to re-enthuse the men and heel an btcak that may be possible. They have asked Piesldent Shaffer to go thete and speak, but he bus not yet said dellnitcly thai he would. The cngatil.ers aie working Indefiitlgably to keep the men In line. They nie also exleiidliu their operations to Duquesne nnd llo'itestead, the two gtent strong holds of the Carnegie company, and claim to Ivj gaining ground at both mm. The recent gains here mul at ,'Ioiiet will bring the total number of in ii brought out by the third and J mil call of Piesldent Shaffir to about ;;nfKi'j and puss, the giand total to something oer To.imhi Thousands of the men out have found other work nnd the exact number now Idle Is un known. The Amalgamated association 1 organizing a series of employment bureaus and plans to place many more t the Idle men. President Shaffer an nounced today that after September J idle Amalgamated men would receive r'lll'.e benefits of $1 a week apiece and that some ptovlslon would be made for tlie men outside of the organization. Wellssille, Hyde Park. Painter's, ('lark's. Lindsay and McCutcheon's, nnd the Crescent tin works, the six pi opei ties open partly or In full with non-union men since the strike be gan, inoxed along today as usual. An other it'fw has been seined for Paint m's niHL The other I'nlted States Stel propf riles unaffected by the Hi Ike wen- nlo running without In tHimptlon, white non-union men are being brought from the South to break the strike In the steel works at Mones ren and It Is expected tml Mtart will be made there the tlrst of next week. President Shatter and all of his offi i lal associates except Assistant Secre tary M. F. Tlghe were at the sulkn headquarters, where n scries of con-feteiu-cs were held during the day. Mr. Shaffer's Stntement. Mr. Shaffer discussal the situation rather freely. He said: "The icwtilt cannot help but be far- ranking, not only In the west, but here as well. Accordlntr to a telegiain from Tight received this tnoiulng, It is not Improbable that the Milwaukee men will go out. Mr. Tlghe Is in Mil wattkoe today, nnd mo may hear some thing from Hayvlew before the day closes, "I cannot predict what may happen In South Chicago. I think It likely that Tlghe will go to ChlciiRO as soon as he pets his work finished at Milwaukee." Mr. Snaffer was asked if ho had heard from Vice-President Davis, of South Chicago, elnco the western trottbl" b.-c.ui. He said he had not, Assistant cVcretnry Tishe. however, rays Davis Is with him in iMIIwaukco today. "I do not know whnt Mr. Da via' etund is on the western situation," Concerning the local situation. Presi dent Shaffer said It was unchanged to nil outward appearances. "The nuwH from the west will have a Rood effect on the local situation. It cm-otimgefl the men In this section. Private advices from all tlio local mills started, Inform us that the attempts have been costly to the mamifacturcM. It does not pay to make scrap, even for effect. We know by the amount of coal which Is golnig from the mills thnt they nre consuming and the output which Is going from the milts that the attempt to get the mills going has not succeeded." President Shaffer refused to discuss the absence of Trustee Pierce In the cast. It Is probable he Is with the or ganlzntlon'.t attorney, Mr. Hrennan, on business connected with the Amalga mated association. The sheet mill at lluncansvllle, who have hitherto re fused to Join the strike, are still ob jects of concern to Mr. Pierce and lie Is likely making another effort to have them Join t!i" Amalgamated associa tion forces. For some reason the Am algamated headquarters have again been tightly closed, locked doors bar the entrance of even mall carriers and messengers. The object of this move as explained by Secretary Williams Is merely to allow the oflleers to catch up with the enormous amount of busi ness which has accumulated since the general strike order went Into effect. The Amalgamated officials hint at an other surprise In the way of closing mills In the local district. "I receive reports from every mill In the country dally." President Shaffer said today. "It would not be wise to say any certain mill will strike until It does. We like to let the newspapers tell about thnt first." Regarding: Tin Plates. Tlio lodges of the International Tin Plate Workers' Protective association, throughout the country are passing upon tin question of handling the Welsh plates which the American Tln- plate company plans to Import to re plenlsh the supply cut off by the strike and their decision will have nn Import ant bearing on the strike. The Tin plate Workers claim that on certain occasion" In the past when they asked for the aid of the Amalgamated asso ciation they were Riven no satisfaction and that the Amalgamated association Itself furnished precedents against sympathetic strikes. A lengthy statement In behalf of the tin worker has been made public here. After stating that the Welsh plates are made by union men, the .wtntenicnt re views the hlstorv of the organization after the American Federation of Labor convent lor. In Kansas City In lUie. President Shaffer conducted Hip for malities of Its organization-, nnd the stntement says: "Feeing at this time that the inlet -ests of the tin bouse men were Identi cal with the members of the Amalga mated association, we solicited Shaffer to enter Into a del'enwlve alliance, to strengthen the position of both organ izations in trade disputes. Shaffer ob jected. He told us that the Amalga mated association stood for the ob sei value of Its contract, and thnt It could not entei Into any defensive com pact which would obligate- the assoi I atlon to violate either the spirit 01 the letter of its signed agreements, lie said he lould only promise the 'moral and financial' aid provided In the laws of the American Federation of Labor, for which he acted when he organized the tin house employes. We finally got our scale adonted without any assist ance from the Amalgamated associa tion. "Two years ago. while we were dis cussing scale points with W. II. lira bain, vlce-piesldeut of the American Tlnplate company, that gentlemen showed iw a communication fiom Piesldent Shaffer, which was sent In reply to n itnteitieiit by Mr. (irahuni that If he granted certain wnge ad vances to the Amalgamated members employed In the hot mills of the com pany, he would have to grant an ad vance alo to the tin hnu-'e men. as the union of the tin bouse men would un doubtedly demand It. Shaffer tppllcd: " 'The tin house employes are not en titled to recognition in this discussion. They aie not skilled men, and should not be organized.' " The .statement closes with an asser tion that one year ago the Amalga mated men refused aid In settling the scale and that at Conncllsvllle and Cleveland the Amalgamated men aided the company In lining the places of sulking tinplate workers Prospects nt Carnegie. A despatch from McKoosport says: "The .likers expect the Duquesne plant of the Carnegie s'tcel company will be out In thiee days. They say It Is organized and is waiting to co operate Homestead and Hraddock mills and t'.inl this Is the trump card President Shaffer has been holding. Trouble Is expected If men are Import ed or any old men return to work. "The tube welders published nn an nouncement today that they will Join no union, but will remain out while the strike Is on. Mayor Hlack refused per mission to the Socialist Labor party to hold a street meeting. He says politi cal meetings are more dangerous than gatherings of strikers nn the streets, lie says be will not disperse crowds on streets If they nre good natured, but will arrest speakers at the meeting for Inciting riot. The mayor got a postal toilov wnrnln-; him to look out ns the fool killer '.i hf ruled toward McKees port anil Is liable to pick blni off. iii also refused permission to the strikers to hold a fwenty-roiind light between .Tack McClellan nnd M. Donovan, for the strike fund. About S.Sni) men of tli 13.(1(10 Idle in this city nre organized. I i ne oaiaiic,, imii 010 join in nuy large number. Many of these not In organi zations are ihalln;j at 1 lleness, hut do not want to work unless nssuied pro tection." Bethlehem Steel Purchase. fly rclule Wire from Thr Awclitrd Pre. IMiilmlellihla, Auir. Jfl. -At a mating of th MmkliflMro el tl, Hithldum Stffl loniptn.? teilai It wm alt t M.-d to ratify thf purclii nl the Hi'tMclitin lion i-nnpny utul to luaif 7,."V fan) nf linml, the puriliuc price tit Hie Ir n Mnpinjr, Thfrn wtt not ilitn-iitlni! nte. 8V III iharo uut ef a total of auO.UUO Uim rq-io, tented. PINKERTON'S BIG CAPTURE Gcnrhardt Terllnden, ot Diilsburrj, Germanu, Is Wanted tor Forocru. CAUGHT IN MILWAUKEE The Prisoner Wanted by the. Ger man Authorities for Having Forged nnd Hypothecated 1,500,000 Marks Worth of Charters nnd Securities. The American Equivalent of Hon. Terlinden's Booty Is 8370,000. Dr Eicl-niie Wire from The Assoclited Pren. Chicago, Aug. 1(5. Shadowed by the police ot Paris, hounded by the detect ives of Scotland ml, looked for by the sl"UthH of Xew oik, Philadelphia and Cincinnati, Oeirhardt Terllnden, of Dulshurg, (ierinnny, accused of for gery antl embezzlement by the Her man government, was captured In Mil waukee b Chicago Plnkertons nnd brought to this city for safe keeping The prisoner is wanted by the (let-man authorities for having forged and hy pothecated 1,500.0011 marks worth of charters and sccnt-UKs, the property of the (Jcarhardt Terllnden company of Ditlsburg, of which he was manager. The business wn.i a land Improvement and Investment enterprise,, and 11 ie said that a great i-ttmber of poor per sons were financially ruined by the defalcations of the manager. The American equivalent of llerr Terlin den's booty Is JBTtf.nfio. A little more than a month ago Ger man Consul Weaver placed a descrip tion of Terllnden In the bands of Wil liam A. Plnkerton. The next day one of the detectives learned that a man answering the Rcneral appearance of the absconder, had changed lO.iwi marks Into American dollars at the First National bank of Chicago. A canvass nf the other banks showed that ho had deposits In at least two of them. It was found thnt he had lived for a few days nt the Continental hotel, under the name of (iraefe. Thence he had gone to Milwaukee under the name ahove pientloued. Terllnden Is a portly, blonde man of 41, polished In address with a euitly yellow moustache and small goatee. He wears eye glasses and speaks Kngllsh and French fluently, but with a pronounced Herman accent. He was educated nt Lelpslc. Superintendent Stlefel, of the Mil waukee Plnkeiton otlbe, notified the Chicago 'illlce o-i Wednesday that the much sought man was there. Chica go deicctives who had been nt work on the cue for a month were dis patched to Milwaukee and today the fugitive was fouic'. In a private board ing houv A .lep'ily United States marshal from Chicago vent thither on the nonn train with rtqulsltlon papers and Terllnden was placed under arrest without dilll eulty. The Plnkerton nflirlals here ad mitted tonight that a considerable part of the prisoners' supposed booty was found In his pockets and Hint more nf It was on deposit In Chicago banks. They refused to give the name of the banks and admitted that they antiel pate a fight against extradition. STEAMSHIPAGROUND. During the Storm Thursday Night the Portugese Bark Propheta Collided nnd Sank. H.v Exclinbe Wire from The orUtnl Prcs. Pensacola. Fla., Aug. 16. The Ameri can Steamship Kvelyn, ten days from New York, for this port, went aground at S o'clock yesterday a. in., about eight miles fiom Pensacola bar. She is listed and Is fast going to pieces. During the storm last night the Por tuguese bark Propheta, laden with a cargo of timber valued at $5,000, from St. Thoml, Africa, was badly damaged. Her rigging was carried away, masts snapped off, and nhe was stove in on starboard side and stern. The bark H. A. P.rnton was also slightly in jured. The storm last night was one of the wildest ever known here. The storm Increased in violence and leached n wind velocity of seventy miles an hour, with spurts of ninety miles. There was great damage to shipping In the bay and the wnter front prop erty. Twelve or fifteen of tho schoon ers of Sanders ,fc Co.'s fishing fleet were badly damaged. Four of them atik, causing a loss aggregating $70,000, The schooner Tortugas from Mobile for Apalacl'.Icolft with a cargo of cyp ress lumber, which put In for anchor age, collided with another vessel and sank. Constitution Wins. H.v i:ilule Wire from 'I he A-oi-ialjl Pipm. I.jri'hmniit Vaiht Club. V. V. Ane. IT.. Tin? ('Mitltullan ilriftnl airon the rtni-h line hie thin nftcmoon .1 winner owr the ('nlnmln:i by 31 minute' ml -JS formula. Tlio ntml u.ii light Jti.l only in the flrnt uiiiinl n.n thi-ie ;aiv anntptt l rail. The Cohmihi.i una alni'vt Ixv.ilim'il ill the latter put of the m. The Canvass at Ironton. Il.v Ktcluthe Wlie from l'he Auvlatnl Piean. Irsntoii, O., Aug. 1(1. -While net alb clod by the utrcl tille, the Imlse of the Am.ilw nutid jM'ielatlon appointed loimnitiiea I" ine iaj the illy for fundi ! .lid the elnkrie. The ell)- in thoiouuhly districted ami a house tu hmi solicitation is to he made. American Conl in Europe. Dy Kchilv Wire trim The A.Me,olrd I'rui. L'lulon, Au(r. 17, "Amerkaii coal h.n omlnl ItritUli loal fiom the Mvlt maiWct," raj ,i IH I 'itch I (J the Dally Mail from b'enea, "and the American fjndinte la aonlVlcnt ef nr.ilually ohtjinlutf a niunuiijl' of tho wntlro Suit i.'Wl uurUt." TIERCE AT DUNCANSVIXLE, Asks the Men Not to Toko Places of Amalgamated Men., Py Etrlmlve Wire fiom The A.MOclated Prev. Altonni, Alls, id, -Vlce-rrenldrnt .lohn Pierre, of the Am.itB.imiled oclallon, not Mtlnfled nith tita attempt to orcanbe tho Puneanmllle mill of the American Fteel Hoop romrJny fev ieeli am, vi.alted Piineanllle anion tod ay, but on .1 dlffeient mMen thl, time, lie did not crone to oruanlre, but to ail tho men not to en to phce uhere the Amalganuicd men ate cut and tike their ptai-em Thi, of oiim, met of the men refined to do. Many of them on their onn hemea at Puneanavllle and work U plenty there, although the pay la a little lfa thjn at PlttAhurs and rlilnltr. I'lcrre. ,ilo vladtcil llolllda.vhtirg, where a number of Amal gamated men are working-, uho ipilt the Puncanv ie mill aftrr hi IikI, .l. Thcee man will use their Influence to keep the nonunion mfn at llnllMateluirR from t.ikliu; the utrlkirV plt'ed at other inllld, Plcne left for I'itKlmiK tonl?ht. BONDED WAREHOUSES FOR CITY OF MEXICO. Three Banks Have Entered Into a Contract to Build Them. Py Exclusive Hire from The Aoclaled TreaJ. WaOilngtiin. Aue W. In a report to the Male department iviimiI Canada, at Vrr.i f'ru, slalea It la rrpnrlcil that three liank hivn intereil Into a lonlrut wilh tint Rni-rninetit for the purp'vo of erecllng bonded wjrchoiwa In the my of Mexico nnd at the port of Vera, Cuir. In thre bonded wrehoue, it la stated, inen-liaiiiller will be mretiteil tthkh hn been piilereil at the iiilnni houo, n well a that whli h ia to tie entered .-iflrnvard; and otliera will he allowed to withdraw whole eoualsnment', er tuila theu-of, iiiinnliiut to their a-omrnlcnio er tieed. Artli-lea tint are not salable or hae not been rntered at the iutom home will be allowed to bo reexported without pajmenl of rmloim duty. Imported nirnhandl-e will lie dixided Into three rlvsea; tie llrt to pay 30 centa per l.nul kiln prama (i'nin i,imnd.l per month; Jecond, 10 rente, and third, 1ft centa, TRADE CONDITIONS. Distribution of Merchandise Has Proceeded on a Steady nnd Satis factory Scale the Past Week. fly r.M'ltiaive Wire from The Avooiated Pres. New Vork, Aug. to. Tt. !. nun ,t C'o.'s Weekly ftevlew of Trade tomor row will say: The distribution of merchandise has proceeded this week on a steady and satisfactory scale throughout the east and In the wot and southwest the re lief from the beig drou'li and heat I? beginning t.i be t effected In a larger retail trade, so that for the ipiartir promise N In Id on-, of a larger htts'- ness than list year, t'rop conditions In the territory most affected by the re cent drouth nre Improving; and the weather has been highly satisfactory In nearly nil districts east of the Mis souri river, though rains have Inter rupted the spring wheat harvest. 'Che steel strike has affected prlce extensively, particularly on sales for Ituineillate delivery. In tin plates the advance has been greatest, while hoops, sneet. shcip and billets ate sold at premiums. Quotations are ton eiratlc for aeeiu-ate record, a ml In many cae sales are at private terms. Confidence Is steadily shown by placing nf dhtant deliveries at regular pi ices. Consump tion has undoubtedly In en further cur tailed this month, but a revival of ex ports tends to prevent accumulation. Official tignres of condition were far motehopcles a than even tho most pes simistic anticipations. Indicating only about two billion bushels of wheat and com together, inflated prices brought out receipts-- for the week of L,.3.!),0.'i bushels against 2.0J2.19.", last year, and reduced Atlantic exports to Ol.nnii bushels, compared with L'.MJ.X.Ti a year ago, and t.o:il,::o2 in isoo, Wheat also advanced shorply, but there Is sound argument for strength In Atlantic ex ports during the last two weeks of 13,. fon.o.'M bushels, against l.STS.fiOl In 1000. Cotton prospects have materially Im proved and with average weather dur ing the next few weeks there Is reason to expect n yield eiptal to If not larger than the one preceding. Picking will be about three weeks later than usual. Failures for the week numbered 10S In the I'nlted States against lfil last year, and 19 In Canada against 2i last year. ADVENTURE OF THE EASTERLY An Enston Family Had a Thrilling; Escape from Cremation. Py r.xthnlve Wire from The Aoclated Pros?. r.j!on. Pa., Aug. 11 Mr. and .Mr. William S. rnlerly and their to ihihlren, .'! ,iuil 1 o.iri old iepertbel, Ind thrilling rr,ipra from their tiurnlnz home thia morning. I'.iaterly la a creor and rcahloa oor hi utore mi Northampton street. U I .to o'tlock he wa aM.ikrnod bv nmoke .md llnne. Tho tair.i- v.n a nn of flimei and the only riapo wa.a I brmigli the hhdii-I Mnry winiloM-. Pia.'cing hia wile ,d Infant from hod, Kafterlv took them to the front win ilowa and dropped them to the jtreet. Ife re tinned for Mmlo, the other rhlld, anil dropped her inti) the arnia of liwln llellia Tne llremen cariled i:.itrrly to the around. Mr. bi-tely was, aeverel.v Iniured. b.itcrly lo,t alt hU turc pooda and fuinlturo HIS EYE BURNED OUT. . Henry Shelly, of Stroudshurp;, the Victim of a Painful Accident. Speilal to the ranton Tribune. Sliiiud-liurg. P.i.. Aug. in. - While uatihlng the hl.n 1,-iiillln nt "ik in I lie Uaikauauu.i railroad hop here Holding red-hot Iron, little Henry Miolly, aged b) yeain, a trmk in the eye with ,1 pierc of the hot metal, ti-arriiig deep Into I he nioket. The greater porllin of the content of the eve aoilet were burned out. The lad Is totally Mind In the eje at preconl. Uritio Builders Strike. Py r.tiluilie Mire from Tlie i.v ited Pieaa. Ilurfalo. Aug. 10. About one hundred bridge and tiualiir.d Iron woiker and fllteen to txfiit,v pilnlira wont out on atrlke at the Stony Point lerl plant todav. I'hey ivere employed by the Prldge company and quit out of aym patliy with the nu-n who have atiucli fiom the PakoU cloatr. Const Artillery Tubes. Py r,ilulie Ure (rem The Awoclated Preaa. Wa-hlngton. Aug. 1. -The ordnance bureau ef the war department today ananlrd to thn Ameiloan Ordnanoe aoinpni) the oontiact for the nuniifaoliire et ll'i auli-aalibie ttihe lor ioat artillery at fi4,"ia. Then1 tuhra are plaoed in the t.ea gum and u-ed for drill and target praitlte, and aie a creit muiir 111 the toit ot ammunition for thli uurpoje. THE RACES AT BRIGHTON Ideal Weather Prevails at the Race Course-The Growd Is Small. BETTING IS VERY LIVELY Best Raco of the Afternoon That of tho Three-Year-Old Fastest of Its Class This Season Many Starters in All tho Events The Summaries. Py Kilubo Wire from The Ae.-iocl.ited Pre". New York, Aug. It!. Ideal weather prevailed at Brighton He.ich today and although the crowd was small In com parison with that of yesterday, still there was a fair attendance and the racing was of a high class. The best race of the afternoon was that of the three-year. old and proved the bet contested and fastest of Its class this season. In the first heat ut the finish the leadeis were tally heads apart and In the second beat the clip was such a fast one that three fell by the way side, Including the winner of the llrst heat. Kach of the other beats was equally as Interesting and In the fourth the finish was so close that the Judges hesitated for a long time before decid ing It In favor of Carrie Hell. The daughter of Lynncbcl gxit the finishing heat, but only after a bard struggle. Petting was decidedly lively In the IMS trot and with eleven starters Ivn Deo was a strong favorite. Juno T. managed to secure the llrst heat, but In a rattling finish In the second Mau rlng was llrst under the wire, but for breaks was placed second to lva Dee. The latter lost the third heat through a break at the start and this and the fourth went to Mnurlne. lva Dee won the next two heats hiul the race. The great betting race was the '.'.OS pace, ami In the early pools Dan Patch brought $1,300 to the same amount on the rest of the Held. Another of $1,000 against an equal amount and one of $;i0t) on similar terms were recorded. There were seven starters and It was very evident that Dan Patch was not driven to win in tho llrst heat and he Mulshed well back In fourth position. It was quite different In the second, for ho was sent from the start and negotiated the llrst quarter In 30'i, made the half in 1.01 and finished his mile In I'.ot'j, after which the race was postponed. The Summaries. -.'.Ii1avi, trotting: purse. -rl.Ml: I,i Deo. by Onward-Aunine, by Warloik prer) 2 1 2 1 t 1 2 Maiiiine. by Hinder Wilki-H (Tur ner ' Juno T.. by Iowa Chief (Tiffanyl 1 .-I di. Klllee (!., Vie Shelloik, NeiEhbor filrl, llaller ton, l.eola and .lantlna "vere ruled out after the thud and II tramline and Oneonta vrre liUtamed in the flist heat, 'lime 2.i:Uj, -J.121,;. 2.11'j, -.MfiU. -J.H'-;, 2.1H. The .lohn II. N hull, trotting rli lor three-vear-ohb: nurse. 4-2.O0O: Carrie Pel, by l.jnno Pel, dam by Haw Pali-h iThojert I! Thmollena, bv Adhel (Golden) 2 Sl.irih (pootel t Nellie Hota Ifirpenter) 1 Crevent ltoule (Murnen) .' 1 I 1 : :t : din, dix. Tinie-2 1i, 2.13'i. '-'.-'0, I.II'J. 2.IT'i. 2 ila.s, luring; pure, -1,.ViO (unfinished) Manhall, by ( Maih.ill. dam by Ale dallah Clay fMiPowell) 1 pan Patih, by .Ine P.itehen (Mi Henry) .... I fieorge (M(Kinn-y) 7 Major M.moUte (MoMahon) 'Die llihop (Prrryl Paul Itome (MoPondd) .. I'anv K., (Walker) Time S.OI'.s. '-"',. S 4 i o II C SCHWAB TO ASSUME CONTROL. Holds Option on the Stock of the Bethlehem Steel Company. Py F.kehuhe Wire from The .Wo,, .ited Prexa. Philadelphia, Aug. 11. It wa.a aullioiitatbcly announced today that within ten day the lontrol of the Pethlehem Steel roniiuiu and the Bethle hem lorn rompanv would br asaiuued by Proi dent Sihwah. of the Pulled statea steel i-orpoia-tion. Mr. Schwab hold an option on the .oik nf the aompany at Ml a hare which cplrx Aug. 2n. Moio than -.Mrt.nno nharea out of a total ot r.m,iWI are no-v In the ault of the (iiiard Trmt company, which acta aa liutee In mo tranxaotlon. .leaeph Wliarton, one of tlio principal omra of the utock, xald today: "I do not think the fluted SI ilea stool corpora tion will got onntril "' 'I"" proierly. Neither do I lichcio the tdant will go to the Vlckerx-Vaxlitw-f'rainp intcrcMa. I don't think Mr. Sihwab hiiuolf is certain jet whit lie will iln wltli the planlx. A capltalbt often liuja aneli properlioa wilhout haling an; cine rUe waiting for them." HE WILL INVESTIGATE. Secretni-y Atherton to Visit tho Ser geant Drilling; Compnny. Cuptaln D. H. Atherton, secretin y of the board of trade, will go to Huston next Jlond.iy to consult the Sergeant Drilling company regarding their re ported Intention of moving to Scran tou. Tills Is n lni-ire concern atiH n-nnlit lm it valuable acquisition to Scranton's initusirini iiisiituiious. rne report re ceived bete was to the effect that the mrtlllf,!, lie ti'na, llnall'illO it D.,.)ln rr mi., lltindied acres of land for lis works. Jersey Mine Fire Under Control. Ily Kxchubo Wire from The .Woolated Preax. Vllkill.irre, Aug. in. Thr flie In the .leiney mine of tlie Lackawanna cninpiny at Aondili-, which haa been raging for eotou weekx, l imw under control. The flanua are centlned lo one hrrakt, and Hie men engaged In fighting the Are fay they will have It out within the next twents four lieiira. The ofrlcialx nf the lompauy a,v the dainago to thu colliery will not he at gieat u expected. Steamship Arrivals. Py r.xclinive Wire from The Awociai-d Preva, New York, Aug, Irt.-Arrlied 1 olumhn, linn. burg; Allcr, (Jenoa. llamlung Aribodi Hub gana, Sew Voiki PoiiUihland, New ork, (,in entown Airb nil Campania, .Yew Vork lor I.lmpool. Southampton Arrbodi KurH HU nurcL, from Hamburg, lor .New York, THK NEWS THIS 310RN1NU- I Weather Indications Today! INCREASIHO CLOUDINESS. 1 General -lllg Mrel Strike Sprcaila. Pig Storm Travel North, brighten Peach Itacex. Plnkerton Capture a firrmtn Forcer. 2 (lenerat Carbon l,ile Department. 3 Loral-Annual lteporl nf Superintendent Taj lor. Iluidy-tliirdy Attacked In Court. Comenllon of Ix-aguc of Republican Club. 4 Kdllnrlal. Note and Conunent. G Loiat -Quextlon a.x to Validity of raving Lien.". Poor Hoard Will Pur More Land. fl local WVxt Siranton and Siihurhin. 7 fieneral -N'ortheaa'ern Pennj Ivania. I'lnanclal and Commercial. 5 Local Social and Peiaenil. tine Woman' View. Scientific Salad. 0 Iiral- Xiimliy Sohoid I-'on for Tomorrow, lloligiou.x N'ewa of the Wtrk. 10 fieneral Indu-driil and Labor. Tampa and Ita Hotels. SHAMROCK II WILL FLOAT TODAY Will Swing Her Anchor Off Staple ton Nenr the Steam Yacht Erin. Py Kxcluxbe Wire fiom The AiMiciatccI Prcwa, New York, Aug. lfi. Sir Thomas Hil ton's Shamrock II will be floated out of dry dock before noon tomorrow It the plans of the officers of the yacht are adhered to, and before sunset she will be swinging to her anchor off Stapleton near the steam yacht Krln. The work of polishing the underbody was con tinued throughout the day and com pleted Just before midnight, the work men putting the finishing touches on the bright metal under the glare of electric lights until It reflected the rays like a mirror. The coat of green paint which was to have been applied to her topsldes will not be given until she Is hauled out into the open vfnter. The frequent statement that the Shamrock II Is hard to steer. Is slow' In stays, experts say. Is shown by an analysis of the lateral plans of the yacht as compared with the position of the center of the sail plan. Tho carrying forward of the yacht, it Is stated, would have obviated this error, which, of necessity, make her carry a lee helm. Thnt this error In trim has been noticed by Mr. Watson Is shown by the preparations for a larger main sail to lit the new boom, thus bringing the centre of effort n trifle aft of the centre of lateral resistance, giving the yacht a slight weather hem. This will make the yacht quicker In stays and remedy the only fault that her sailing master admits does exist. PRESIDENT MITCHELL C0M1NG. Is to Spend Severnl Weeks in East ern Pennsylvania. President John Mitchell, of the I'nl ted Mine Workers, accompanied by I'M ward McKay, the national commit teeman for the Pittsburg district, was en route last night from liuffnlo to this city, where he will make his head quarters for several weeks. Today he will attend the miners' celebration at Plymouth. At Its con clusion he will return to Scrnnton to have a series of conferences with the olllcers of the Pennsylvania anthracite districts. He will preside at the convention of the Districts 1, 7 and !) to be held In Ila.leton, Aug. 27. when the time card matter and other things are to be con sidered. Mr. Mitchell was expected on the 1.2." Lackawanna train this morning, but did not come. It was figured ho would arrive at .".t." and take the h'.ld nioom train for Plymouth. Secretary John T. Denipsoy, of District No. 1; Organ izer Itobert N. Couttrlght. of District No. 1; National Organizer Anthony Schlosser, of the I'nlted Mine Dorkers, and National Organizer D. N. rilial kop, of the Moulders' union, were at the station to meet Mr. Mitchell. A SLIGHT WRECK. Four Lackawanna Freight Cars De railed nt Nay Aug. There was a small wreck on the Lackawanna railroad last night, about 0 o'clock, near Nay Aug. when four freight cms of an east-bound freight train were derailed. One of the mis left the track and tin co others piled on top of It before the train was stopped. Poth tracks were blocked, and were not cleared until o'clock. Ilast and wcst-liounrl passenger trains weto delayed as n result. The wrecked train was In chrge of Conductor McDonnld and Knelneer Chase. MOURNING AT THE "ZOO." Bessie, the Lioness, Died from Loco motor Ataxia, Hessle, the lioness at the Nay Aug park "zoo," died yesterday from loco motor ataxia, a disease which began to develop soon after Uessle and the lion Kruger weie purchased fiom llostock while the latter was exhibit ing In this city a year ago. Kruger died a short time after the purchuse. A FOUNTAIN PRESENTED. City Receives a. Second One for Nay Aug Park. Director of Public Works John K. Iloche announced yesterday afternoon that still another fountain hail been presented to the city for use n Nay Aug park, by a puhlle-splrlted citizen of the city. The riliector ald that the iirw foun tain will cost several hundred dollais, but refut'Cd to make nubile the name of the donor. THE STORM HEADS NORTH Floods Have Subsided In New Or leans and on the South ern Coast. TEMPEST HAS PASSED Damage in Track of the Disturbance. Six Lives Reported to Be Lost. Railroads raralyzed Communica tion Established Between Mobile and Atlanta Cumberland Over flows Banks. Py Erliilii Wire from The Aoclated Presa. New Orleans. Aug. lfi. Until the Mis sissippi river ami Lake Ponchatroln are falling rapidly. The storm han prac tically passed. The water has receded rapidly from the section ot the city overllowed yesterday. lai'Re bodies of tnen fire repairing the damage done at the various lake resorts that bore the brunt of tho storm. Little news has come thus far from the Mississippi Sound, but there has been no loss nf life In that reach of territory. The Louisville and Nashville railroad Is still badly crippled. No trains have come In or gone out over the line since night before Inst. The subsidence of water, however, makes It probable that the damage to the tracks will quickly be repaired and that tralllc will he re sumed by night. Many business men nre still de tained on the coast, unable to reach their ofllces. The Northeastern road has had some trouble. The Illinois Central has sided both the Louisville nnd Nashville and Northeastern In handling their passenger trntlle. The Cromwell Liner Counts reached the city today. She had no trouble In the storm and reported no vessels In distress. Dr, J. N. Thomas, of the quarantine station, hoarded the Cnmus near the mouth of the river nnd told Captain Franklin that an unknown schooner nnd a. small boat bad been wrecked In that vicinity and six lives lost. No serious damage was done at the quarantine station. A report from Helow says that the tug Ulloxl of Slldell and two barges went ashore and that tho fate of those on board In not known. Ttoports of the loss of il,e Cobden family, numbering fifteen, at a point nbove the quaran tine station have not been confirmed. At Shell lleaeh the wind has ceased, hut th" water Is rising and consider able injury has been done to crops, ltlce Ii.ia been damaged considerably down the river. The I'tilted Fruit company's schooner I-'sther arrived here today. She en countered heavy winds, but was not injured and sw no vessels In distress. The Ksthcr reported that there was no set hum damage nt Quarantine station, but that considerable property had been swept away at Port K.ids. Ofh clnls of the fruit company fear for the safety of another vessel, the Fulton, which left Ceiba fourteen and a half days ago and Is now ten days overdue. She never has been reported. At Mobile. Atlanta, Ua., Aug. It!. Communica tion with Mohlle was te-estahllsha'd at !i a. m. todny over nn uniellable wire that enters the city by way of Mer idian. The only liifoimatlon obtained Is that the water In the Mobile began to nib slde after midnight, but Is still high. Among the points cut off below Mo bile are Fort Morgan and Point Clair. The llrst Information ftoiu these points, as well ns from tnanv summer reports on the bay. Is expected by boat, us tho telegniph fiom .Mobile to 'Fort Morgan, n distance of thlity-fhe tulles, covers nearly elghty-llvc miles In Its windings around the bay. This line was one of the Hist destroyed. Weather Forecaster Marbttdy .-aid of the ptnrm conditions today: "The stonn that has prevailed all along the gulf for the past few days Is now contlned prlna-ipnlly to the eastern portion of the Mississippi valley, the storm centre this morning being over Meridian. Miss. The path of the storm seems t'o be In a northerly mid north easterly dliectlon, Normal barometric? pressine Is reported as far north ns Cincinnati." Iliiriit-ldc. Ky., Aug. Id. The highest water ever known In this locality in August is tagliig here. The Cumber land river has thirty feet In the clian nel, overllowlng the banks and doing great damage to ctnps on the bottoms. It has been raining steadily for ninety six hours. The Httffab" Tie company lost 6,0ci) tie last nlghtiby the breaking of one of the booms on Cimey Itranch, nnd lle huge barges, valued at $12,000. The steamboat Cumberland broke from Its moorlti-g and floated down the river. Twenty thousand loga have come dowr the river in the last twelve hours. Will Command the Brooklyn. WaOiinsten, '"?. in - cablegram received nt tin- tiai il ili'iurtimnl frem Hear Admiral Heme) aniinuiici-H tint I 'liiitii itiiler Arthur H. Speii'i' Ilia bun ili'te lieil fl i in I'.oile t.itin ami orileiiil I" ili- niiiiii.iml uf the PronUyn. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Liu ill fur .uiiii',t lfi, Idol: IlililieKl t(iiifi.itiui' S.1 decreet l.uw'it Ifiiipriaiim- K-iilearei llelaloe lliiiiil'luv : S a, in M per rent. l p. m 73 per itnt. - WEATHER FORECAST. f Waahiiifftnn, ue. 1(1 -Forecast fer Kaatetn Pennvibaiiu: Inrrcmlns; rlnaidi. resj Saturday, pn.halily without lain. Sund-ij. rain and lower temperature; llrhl Miriable wind, becoming dejh auutriaut- my. t t -r- t t ii a .t