The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 16, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Prp""l to the Scrantnn Tribune.
Montrose, ,k. l.Y Kclwarel Ilalfoy,
Of rilllnrlrlphln. fpcllt Sunday nt tlio
home nf his mints, tho Mlcscs Hlddlc,
on Churrh Mrert.
MlMta lMlih and Mninc Drown, of
I-'oreM City, hit vlsltlns tliclr ds'tr,
Mrs. William .1. Mnxr-y. In this plnro.
OforRp llrnl, 11 leviui'toil cnlori'tl nl
rtent. ellcd niddcnl at his hnmr- on
Knturdny cvonliin. Mr. Herd hud ip
rppd hla iirnlnn that day and, after
paying his Mdip hills and nthrr debts
contrartfd elurltiK tho quarter, ho had
pone homo. appaiPiilly In his usual
health Soon after lilni; lienno. Mi.
Itofd rninplalnod of Intcn-p tlls-ticss
nbout his limit, and his phjMplnti whs
Minimonerl, but liefeiio Iip aiilvrd Mr.
llred had pxplrpd. A widow and a
larRp f.inilly of clilldiPii nip lpft to
mourn for a Mud and downed huMi.'iml
find father. Mr. Deed had been unablp
to dn niurh work In many yrais, but
in hl day hr was vety Industiloiis and
ho was nluaj's a seiher, pi aieilile and
rcsppctod citizen. TIip ftnioinl was at
tendee! eMerd.iy aftPinoon and was
condiiotPd, In part, by Koiir Hiothoip
poft No. 453. Grand Army of thp Up
nubile, of vthleli tho tlccfiiKd was an
hnnoipd member.
Dr T). r. Alnpy. of Now Mllford, was
a vlfllor In town yeMerdny.
Dx-Piothnnntary William .T. linker
and family ate enjoying camp lifp nt
Klk lako.
Miss Katp lllll lias been visiting
friends In Srr.intnn.
Miss Marlon De-Wolfe ami Miss liar
rlPt reV. Drums, of Philadelphia, are
(,'UPSts nt Mis. Duvlnta Stuno's, on
South Cherry siippi.
Mrs Nelson Unit ley and dauchtPrs,
ML?.. TIIIIp and Maiy llawlpy, of
Prranton, aio ii-ltlnir lebitlves anil
friends in Mpntio.-p. Tlioy wpip callPd
here by tho serious Illness of C. M.
Hawley, who Is now lernveilnsr.
Mu- NelllP Lewis, of Pradford, Pa.,
Is MsituiK among friends In this plaee,
where, for ,i number of, fche
The congregation and Sunday sehool
of Zion African Methodist Episcopal
church will picnic ut Heart l.uko to
inoriow. Mr. and Mrs. Hernard OT.ouike, of
kW York city, aro visiting at the
jmp of the Misses O'Neill, on Post
Wesley M linger, of New Yoik, Is
FpenduiR his vacation at the home of
Ills parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Mini
gT, on l.ako avenue.
Klbert Ilollister and H. Wlllett Mun
ger are !it tho exposi
tion. The annual picnic and festival of St.
Mary's Catholic church occuis on the
count v fair Riound In this place to
moiiow. Mrs W. W. Amshry, of Lake .ivenne.
entertains the Ladles' club
this afternoon.
Mt'-s C.ii lie Thompson, saleslady nt
GeorRo H. W.itrous' store, has te
sinned her duties sifter enjoying a
week s mum t Ion.
Mr. and Mis. SpauldliiR, Miss Lull
nnd Geni-Rp L. oberts, of Sayrp, spent
Sunday at Henry F. Turrell's, on Lake
lavenib .
Att-uney l- M. Gardiner, of Forest
City, is engaged at court In this place
this week.
M V.. Hodden has has roup to New
York, where ho has an engagement
with a httong theatrical company.
Spenal i the S ranton Tribrne.
Gibson. Aiisr. 15. Tho M. K. Aid met
pi Mr1 Gpoirp Tinglpy's Thuisday.
Theic was a very huge attendant P. It
was her farewell aid belote leaving
the faun for her now field of labor.
Mr Gaylord Tlngley is spending his
vacation .it his lionu- in this place.
Our townspeople have all returned
from their outings, and all report an
enjovahlo tim.
Miss Sadie Lamb has been helping
Mis Hob.ut Davis this week.
The 1'nlversallst Aid held a fiee con
cert at the church Tuesday evening,
Sudden Prostration Is a Feature
of Hot Weather Uset Xervcs
and Weak Xcrvc Centres Sj
the Causes.
All along tho line of mental and mus
cular exhaustion .so prevalent dining
the summer months Is tho underlying
cause of overworked Nerves over con
sumption of Nerve Tissue which has
not been replaced. It Is manlfrsted In
the mind that lefuses to recelvo and
net upon Impression in the usual way
and that, sometimes when attempted to
be whipped into work, Jumps the
bounds of reason and flounders In a
maze of confusion. It Is manifested
physically by an ovpr-tlred, languid,
cxertlonlpss. muee-rel,ied condition
that lacks leslstlng power which Is
riecepsaty to withstand heat csposuie.
It's by tho influence of Dr. A. W.
Chase's Nerve Pills in i allying the
Nerve Force that eneiRy H quickened
the great web-like None pjhteni of tho
body vibrates with new life Btaln
Nerves Heart Nerves Stomach Nei yes
feel tho Influence as actlMty t opiates
lassitude and httength Is leRalned. Tho
hidden current within which spells Hfo
has been bt ought to Natute's lequlred
Mrs. James Watson, of 313
Twelfth street. Scinnton, i(l ,,nys.
"Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve pills tue
fine. I began to use them for nei
voufl sick headaches and nervousness
nnd had gieat suciiehs In stopping
them completely. Hoeently I used
them to oorcomo the depiction ami
weakness following giip, and they
were again successful In giving mo
bodily strength and 'nerve steadiness.
An an all around nerve and general
tonic they nro grand, and J am veiy
much pleased that my attention was
called to them through Mathews
Brothers, Druggists, corner Washing
ton and Lackawana avenues."
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nervo Pills BO
cents a box at drugglstn or Dr. A, W,
Chase Medicine Co., Huffalo, N. y.
Fee that portrait and signature of a.
W. Chase, M. D., are on every pack
age. Sold In Scranton by Matthews Bros.
August 1.1, after which they will spRIcp
cream and cake, also the goods left
from their fair.
Mr. William Haines nnd wife visited
their grandson, I. W, Italic), Sun
day. Misses Kuth and Corlnno Sweet are
visiting In Wngliiiintoti this week.
Mts Anion Sweet Is able to be. out
nftor her llhifsi.
Mi. O. H. Harding Is homo for Sun
day. Mr. II. C. Hstnhrook has quit his
wotk nt Harford nnd will help his
father In the shop.
Miss llairlet Rimes went to New
Mllford Ftldny for a two weeks vaca
tion. Mis. K, II. S Swop attended Mr. Har
nard's funeial nt New Mllford Satur
day. Mr. G. It Styles made a Hying trip
to New Mllfoid Ktlday.
Mr. riiarles Michael Is moving Into
part of Mrs, Kverett Whitney's house.
Tho men are expectPd to begin work
on our new bridge this week.
Can you find Mar 's pets? Two
Wlllaid Kstabrook and wife cele
brated their thirtieth anniversary nt
their daughter's. Mr. William Tif
fany, in Harford.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfrml Beecher, wife
and daughter, also Miss Myrtle Wes
cott, attended the Hyneaison gather
ing nt Loomls Lake.
Mr. E. A. Sweet Is at the Pan
Anieiican this week.
Mr. Fred Haidlng, wife nnd daugh
ter, of Scranton, Is spending his vaca
tion at his parents' hemic In this place.
Mr. IS. I. Wecoit visited friends In
Haiford Saturday.
Mr. William Tiffany nnd wife were
In town unday.
The shingles are on tho ground for
shlngllwR our graded school building,
nnd work will begin this week.
.ll Mattle Bonner, of California,
is Wltlng her parents In this place.
Mr. Llewellyn Wecott called on
friends at Welsh Hill Sunday.
Spn nl to tlie Snanton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Aug. 15. Tho Erie
shopmen will tun their excursion to
Lake Lodnro on Saturday, Aug. 24, if
cais can be secured.
In Deposit, Aug. T, by E. D. Jester,
esq., Charles S. Johnson, of Susque
hanna, ami Mrs. Elnora Burchell, of
Melmse, were united In marriage.
Principal and Mis. Homer M. Bar
rett, of Jermyn, who have been guests
nt tho home of C. E. Whitney. Jackson
street, left today for Lakeside.
Tho active and alert "stove commit
tee" is busily engaged in making
change In tho Erie officiary.
Sister M. Caslmir, for the past thir
teen years the able and popular sister
superior of Lam el Hill academy, In
this place, has been elected mistress
of novices nt Carbondnle. Sister M.
CaMnilr Is one of the most capablP and
talented Instructors in this section of
the state, nnd her loss to Laurel Hill
academy will be almost Irrepaiable.
Mud her lemoval hence will bo a dis
tinct loss to tho community at largp.
Slip will carry with hpr to hPr new
Held of labor the icspeet, nffectlon nnd
hearty bevt wishes of all.
Mossis. Ira. Obadlah, Charles nnd
Elmer Falkenhury, of Jersey City, wero
In town on Wednesday attending the
funeral of the late Hon. Samuel Fal
kenhury. Fireman John Kelly, of this borough,
while going west on train 3 on Wed
nesday morning, was severely scalded
nbout tho head by the blowing out of
the flues of the locomotive at Elmlrn.
Uo was brought to his home.
Prof. Pierce, of BlnRhnmtnn, will
hold a social hop in Hognn Opera
house on Tuesday evening next.
Mis. Arthur Jackson, of Blnghaniton,
Is the guest of her mother In this place.
On account of the breaking of tho
main shaft In tho long shop, this morn
ing, n number of Brio employes en
poyed a holiday.
The Stibquehanna, and Lnncbnro
clubs will play ball at Lanesboro on
Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Malrooney nnd daughter, of
Scranton, nre visiting Susquehanna
Mr. nnd Mrs. Duncan McDonald, of
West Main stieet, nre entertaining
their daughter, Mrs. J. J. Engersnll, of
Farmpr Jenkins, of Hickory Grove,
on Monday witnessed a fierce battle
between an eagle and n wild cat. The
eagle had caught a tabhlt, and the
wild cat tried to take It away from
tho bird. Tho eagle defended his prey,
and for a few minutes the air was
tilled with fur and feathers. Tho
wildcat finally got away with tho rah
hit, and, badly disfigured, crawled Into
a hole under a large rock with tho
The New York city hunters who left
town on Wednesday morning, for the
Smoky Hollow Jungles, In search of
bears, deer and wildcats, returned In
triumph at nightfall, lugging two guns,
a chipmunk and a farmer's hen,
Mrs. G. Van Fleet, of Oakland town-
' imMSf$d''''
ship, Is tho guest of Great Bend rela
tives. The annual retrent of the Sisters of
tho Immaculate Heart, of this Catho
lic diocese, will close nt (Jarbonilalc to
day, Tho funeral of Sister M. Pasll, some
years stationed at Laurel Hill nend
my, In this plnce, will occur In Car
Luudtile on Friday.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
t.',irnl ritv Allcr. IS U' If llutrs.G.
. ...... ....,... ........ ...... -
A. Shepherd nnd wife, of Forest City;
George Giles and family, of Carbon-
unit', nnti .miss aionn Knrran, or
Urooklyn, N. Y., leave tomorrow for a
Tho school board Is building a retain
ing wnlt In front of the Dundaff street
school, nnd will put down n stibstnn
tlnl ling wnlk. This Improvement was
greatly needed.
Hobert t'nrr and wife have gone to
Haltlmoio to reside. They lived hero
nbout a year, coming from It eland.
A teport gained general circulation
hero Tuesday that John Zardzeskl,
who was In the Montrose Jail on a
charge of pointing a firearm nt Mln
Foremnn JpnnltiRS, had died. T'nder
taker Prokopoints accompanied tho
witnesses to Montrose, expecting to
bring the remains of Zardzeskl homo
In a collln, but that worthy wns found
in his usual health. He was tried,
convicted, and Wednesday Judge
rabbits, one squirrel and a cat.
Sea lie sentenced him to ninety days
Mn-s Katie Murphy, of Scranton, Is
visiting her mother, on Hudson stieet,
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fallon, of
Depot stiept, nip lejoiclng over tho
birth of n son. A little boy nlso come
to stay at tliu home of Michael Ruane
John E. Hughes and family have
gono to Lake ldlpwild for a stay.
Mr. and Mrs. f. E. Taylor aie spend
ing tht week at the Pan-American.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres
byterian church will serve supper In
the church basement Friday evening.
Class 4 of the Baptist church will serve
Ice cream on the church lawn tomor
low evening.
.Mrs. L. F. Allen, of Denver, Col .
who has been spending a week In
town with friends, went to Scranton
Tuesday for n visit.
Miss Sarah Lydcn, of Thompson, was
tho guest of Mis. J. H. Cunningham
last evening.
Miss Chailotlp Reynolds returned
last evening fiom a month's stay with
relatives In New York city.
Misses Kate Muldcikk, Kate Mur
phy and Nellie Qulnn, of Dunmore, aio
guests at tho homo of James Malla,
011 Delaware stieet. '
Misses Jennie and Annie Doud, of
Scranton, nre spending a week at the
home of their sister. Mis. Peter Carl
sou. Miss Roe Woodruff, of Dunmore, Is
vlsltltrg her sister. Mrs. Oliver F.
Plasnall, on Susquehanna street.
The Taylor Silver Cornet band will
tieat the music-loving people of Ml
nookn to an open air concert toinonow
evening. The following excellent pro
grainni e will be londeipd. March,
"Hustling Coon," (II. W. Phillips);
overturn, "Inglnup," V. L. Hosklns;
March. "American Ambassador," (E.
P. Brooks. overture. dlscrlptlve,
"Krollc of the lmp," (Carl Carlton);
maul), "Colossus of Coumbla," (Bus
sell Alexander), overtuie. "The Sky
Pilot." (A. M. Laiiieus); march. "Gen
try's Triumphal." (Fied Jewell); de-
sctipmo, ". Hunting Scene, (P. Bu
calossi; march "Invincible Eagle," (M.
E. Mlguols).
Tho Invincible commandery, No. 252,
Knights of Malla, will hold a smoker
In their rooms In Reese's hall this
evening. An excellent programme has
been piepared for the occasion. Re-
rresnnients will also bo served.
Miss Bessie Phllllns. of Tuvlnr
street, has returned homo from her
visit to Dorrancetown.
Miss Ella M. Davis, of Main street,
Is homo from her visit to Kingston.
Miss Bessie James, of North Taylor,
was the guest of Miss Gertrude Sim
mons, of Hcndhnm, on Wednesday.
Messrs. William and John Francis,
nf Third stieet. are spending ton days
at Atlantic City and Baltlmoie.
Mr. and Mis. E. J. How ells, of Chi
cago, 111., aro the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. G Hnwells, of Main street.
Messis AV. H. Peteison nnd Frank
Itemtiludy, of this placo wcie callers
on friends In Wllkes-Barro on Wed
nesday Evening.
Mls's Gietta Purcell, nf Park Place,
haR leturned homo after being the
guest of iclatlves here for the past
two weeks.
Washington camp, No, 492, Patriotic
Older Sons of America, will meet in
session this evening.
Agent and Mrs. E. P. Jenkins, of
Railroad street, nro sojourning nt
Asbury Park, N. J.
Messrs. William Kennedy, of Port
Oierlo, N. J., and William Bray, of
Newark, N. J., nro visiting reatlves
The Taylor Silver Cornet band will
glvp an open air conceit nt Mlnooka
tomorrow evening.
Miss Maud Evans has returned from
a week's visit with relatives In Ed
wardsdale. Tho Anthracite Glee club will meet
on Sunday afternoon to rehearse for
tho musical competition to be held at
Lake Lodore on Labor Day, Sept, 2,
All members are requested to bo present,
The four inonthV old child of Mr.
nnd Mrs. D.ivld Williams, formerly of
this place, now of west Scranton, died
on Wednesday nfter 11 lingering Ill
ness. Tho funeral will taku place this
afternoon, lluiial will bo mado In tho
Washburn stieet cemetery.
Miss Clio Carter nnd Master Willie
Jones, of Catbondnle. have rotnrnpil
homo nftor visiting tho hitter's grand
mother, Mrs. It. W. Moose, on Main
Misses llerthit nnd Gertrude Iteese.
of Grove street, nro home from holr
week's visit to tho Pan-Ametlcan ex
position. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Powell and
Mrs, Herbert Hall jt home fiom their
wedding 'tours to Atlantic City nnd
Philadelphia. .
- 1 1
The Baptist Young People's union
will run an excursion to Glen Onoko
next Tuesday. Tickets are for sale by
Isaac D. Griffiths, of Hlakely.
Robert P. Frew, the popular young
merchant of Hlakely, was united In
marriage to Mls Kmlly L. Williams,
at the bride's home In Peckvllle last
evening. A number from here at
tended tho wedding.
Misses Annie Piobert, May Evans
nnd Mary Jones have returned homo
after spending their vacation at Har
vey's Lake.
Mrs. Bartley Lally Is visiting rela
tives nt Wllkes-Harre.
J. Arlington Spencer Is spending the
week at Lake royntelle.
T. P. Jonos, of Lackawanna street, Is
quite 111,
Miss Charlotte Lloyd, who has been
In Baltimore, Md for thp past two
months, returned to this place.
Allan Scott and Charles Cunningham
nro spending a few days with T. H.
Evan in Blnkply.
William Coughlln, esq., of Middle
town, Conn., Is the guest of C. M.
Hathaway, Jr.
Charles Walker, of Philadelphia, Is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Wal
ker, of Delaware street.
Mls M.irgaiet Crossloy, of Wllkes
Barro, is tho guest of Miss Lizzie
Wall Street Review.
Now York, uc II I)ucr tediv Lircclv out
rmmlxTctl m11ci, iWpito thp Rmrrally profe'"
ioml character of the dralincA and the week's
rKo The net result of the ilji'n dealing
lmwed so miny Import int cln tint the on
ilulnn h diawn (hit the Improiement H due In
no email part te loverms hy the short interot-tT,
win, hue met hut little stock on Fp.itnoclp
i.ncN earlier. The mil faction did not become
eri aggrpniip urtll nejr the rlop, when there
ia .1 jreneral hiddirii? up all around, nnd the
top prhrfl of thp di were nude Interest ih
les ifntered In the main larrjim: roiiU. tho
inalern, soulhem, caot rn and high prhed fpeeljl
tie all reieivlne considerahle attention during
the div Pt. Paul, Tirverthelps-i, roceied alnnit
the widest morinrnt of thp imnlly aitlp
lntk, hut tlll it did not exceed a two-point
rinire. The preferred stork jumped nearly six
points and Nock Mind cnlned four on a few
transaction. The demind for thep utoiks to
gpther Willi tint for AtcliNon ami the I'acllV?
n ery pronounred late In the day and the
tnmntr for hoth auounU carried them lip male.
nalli nthraute 1 ... I road mnonded nnlihlr
to the Improilnc tride condition, especially
Krie, Ontario and Wetern and l'(nn Inula,
theip wai iinire ireni ral dem.ind for the low
priced railroad toel, and Chesapeake and Ohio,
Chicago, Indhnapolis and I.oulIMe, Norfolk and
M'etern, low 1 Central and Southern railway roe
from 1 to 2 point. The heiiy ahorptlon of the
latter wn attrlhnted to ImWnir hy rontrolln
interest There a little of Interest In the
tiinirnientft of 1'nlted states teel stoiks todav,
and after rpenlmr 'ji'S hicher lliev eurd nil,
hut rallied azaln at the rlnv and ended 'j each
Hither for the imninon and preferred. Oth t
metal ducks showed pronounced strencMi, cains
mntiiiig from 1 tn T4 In nierhan amoltiiitr,
itepnhllc Steel piefencd, mili.innted I opp-r
and Tonnesee Coal, while Coloiado Fuel wjs up
S'j at one piilnd ""iujip w.n reactionary mot
of the cliy and at one time deel ned a point,
hut in the dual deilines It wn rapldlv ailv.cncccl
nnd ended uilli a net rle of 2'i, Total il.m
todai. (C7,fti .lures.
Rnlmicl honds were hiu-her In impalhv with
stocks, hut were nthcr cpnet, sales par
alup, Sl.nio.ncVi.
Vnlted States honds were all unchanged on the
last call.
The following quotation arn turnlihed Thi
Mhune hT M. S. .to.-dan ft Co , roomi 70S 70j
Mean bullcllnic, Seranton, T. Telephone 800.1 1
Open- High- Uw. Clo
In?, t. 'nir,
Amrrlrin 'near til '4 111 3Vii 131
Amerk in Tolncco llfi'i Wa j.if.ij j,v,ij
Atehlson 7', Tn'4 7t 7rt'i
tc-hlson. 1'r m in,-"', v, (ic',i4
II100U. Tnctien T.'i'i 7J 7 T'i'j
Milt. A- Ohio pn'4 fi'ia; (nt; (i.(aj
Cont. Toh.11 co 0' r.-'4 in (Jsi:
Chen k Oluo lit In', 41 4cHi
Cl.le. k C.t WVt 2-"i VJ'4 2Ji; 2i
St. Paul If.l'i icr.ij ir.ti; ifl-.i;
ltock Wand ill ltllj ltd m
Kan. & Tev . Pr .'it ..I1, ,',l fliV,
l.ouls. .V v.iii loin mi'; 111114 int
Mm. r.lei.iled 11 114 11 Usia
Met Traction lf.7 lc lR7'i 17
Mlsso. I'aeifle lul'i lirji; join H 1 4
South. Paeiflc' ,V,i fi7 l i
Vorfolk West M't SII4 W, M14
X. V. Central l.'il l.M'j r,( nH
Ont. k We-lern ."'1 .1(1, :! St'i
Penna. It II ll"'4 l(c'.i C, 11S
Paclde Mill 41114 40'j 1014 4U'4
Iteadine Hv 4JU 41 4.' tl
neadlne, R , P 77; 71! 77,4 Ti
Southern I!. It ."OH 3C, m (tja,
Southern II. It., Pr Va frt f-,14 S4
Tenn. Cod A' Iron ...,ci fit fij fll
V. S leather 14'4 1l'4 1.1 11
V. S. leather, Pr., .... si S'4 81'i $
I'nlon Paeifle Ul Civ, n7" fil'4
1'r.lon raelfle, Tr. r1 CO 00 po
Waliili. Pr am; s-itj s'i'J si)'4
Western I'nion M M14 0,114 op,
Col. Puel k lion fn'a OTj 0 ns
Amal. Copper 1114 111 IIU, 11 114
People's Oas IIO', IIIU JI1O4 HI
i:iie set; s'i 5 ai;
lMe, 1-t T 17 f.'.'4 firt'
Cnl. Southern 1 1'4 M'l M'j l.i'
Teias Pacific' 4i 4J 12 4Js
mer. (".cr Poundry .... 'J'J 2'ia, -jo, si
V. S Sleel Co 4I' 4Pt 4 1'i 414
V. S. hteel Co., Pr 9.1,4 -lij n.114 C314
Open. Illh. Low. Cloa.
W'HFAT. Inj. et. e.t In?
Septemher 7S 7 7fi'4 7n4
Iiecemher SO'4 fmj 714 7ji4
Septemher K M't 4 11.114
Iiecemher HI', W14 01', uBa
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
SrOCK. 111.!. Allied.
Lackawanna lulr.i Co , Pr ut ...
County Sailne Hank ctr Trust Co.. nno
V'irst National Hank (Caihundale) 3.M
Standard Dillllns Co go
llilnl Nitional Hank 4) ...
Dime Deposit and DNeount Rink.. 27J
Kinnoini l.lclct. II. k. P. Co 45
First National Rank 1'cici ...
I.aika Trust safe Depoclt Co ivt ...
Clark k snour Co, Pr iuj ...
Scranton Iron Pence k Mfc. Co ,()
Scranton sle Woik pj
Seranton Sating Rank 400 ,,,
Trader' National Rank 171 ...
Seranton Rolt k Nut Co 101 ...
People' Rank Mi
New Mexico Hy. k C. Co Ts
bcranton Tanenser rUUway, first
Mottcice, due lft H5 ...
People'! Street Railway, rt mort.
Bige, due 10H US
People'! 6tret Railway, General
mortfiee, due lit nj
Pitkton Manulacturlni Co too
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Four Lines, .1 Cents for Each Uxlra Line.
For Bent.
For Rente
About 1 200 leet of floor space on
4th door of the Tribune building,
su'table for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
Thh Tribunk.
FOR RKNT Stnre, nfflce, harm, faitoiy pace,
houe and llata. See llackett, Real I'Jitate
FOR RKNT store with baiement; flnrt location
en Larkawanna aienne. Call upon or addrevt
llackett, Real hMate Lxehancie.
KOIt RP.NT S room, modern lmue; trry de
airahlei moderate rent. Inquite Ij'S Waah
Inirtnn menue.
Kolt RKNT Vlne-room lioue In (ireen Rldite;
all convenience; large lot. Rent, $1. Ad
dte S. (I., Tribune.
lOlt Ri:T-):ieht roomi, 7.W JtlTerwn avenue;
all modern convenleneea. I
For Sale.
KOR S.M.K-r'Ine rlumj tor cate at 40 Mary
ftreet, Scranton.
FOR SILK Tun light aprine wagom and dome
harnes.", cheap. Kians, rear 1I3J Lurcrne
street. ,
FOR SM.K-Car loadVcof dra viri? and draught
. horses and good family horses. 2U-2H Oak
ford court. J. M. Field.
FOR Sf,K A Cnltrell k Som cylinder preii,
S.1i.1fi, In good rendition, new rollers, V'M.
Apply Wllkes.Rarro Time Office, Wilkes Darre,
Tor Sale or Bent.
FOR SU.K OR RKNT- single home, eot Weh.
ater aienue. Ten room, steam heat. O. F.
Tiejnolcli, Connell building.
Beal Estate.
ir lor wish to nrv. m:i.i or rkst a prop.
eity or any line of hiuincM, ce llackett, Hi
Warlilngtun avenue.
I.OsT -Runch of ken on Linden street, between
Monroe and d,ntn airnue. Finder please
leaieat Iackauaiina laundr.i, wis Pcnn aienue.
Lncka. Townililp School 6 per rent. ...
Cm of Scjanton si. Imp. C per
Scranton ten B per cent 115
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Coirected bv II. O Dile, ii" Lackawanna Aie )
ltcini Per bu-hel, clinic e m irrow, V.W)"
lluttcr l'recli neiniei), Jl.rJJc; dairy, ficsh,
( heeie Full eieim. in!2ille.
l'cgs-We-ltin tirch, IS'ialO; nearby state,
Medium Ream Per Lu-licl. J VI
(Jieen Peii-IVr bmliel, 'fl.inal 4.V
I'lniir lle't Client, per lurrel, 1 4'
Heam-Per bii'hcl, clmiie mallow, $3.10.
Potatoes Per limiiel lal 10.
New York Grain nnd Produce.
New Yoik. ug. 1' Flour Quiet ami lower;
Minmsoti pilcnt, I C'ulil 10, Wheat Spot weak;
Xo. S, T'e. f. o. b. arl.ut; No. 2 red, Tfllj ele
ator; No. 1 Northern D11I11II1, 7910. f. o. h.
alloat: No. 1 hard lluliith, S7c. f. o. b. afloat.
Optlom su-liined a seierc rally bicak tin ler
hiarMi ciblei ind rloseil weak nt 1"a.V. net
clcillne. Scptrmber doted 701tc; October, 7(lTsf.
and December, 7V I nrn spot eay; No. 2,
r.l 1 ic. elciator and d"tc' f. o. Ii. afloat. Option
hid .1 weak ppcll early nnd wai followecl by .1
fclbaek with wheat, iloinff weik at l'sil's".
net decline. Stpleiuber elned (i'2c. ; Oi tuber,
iV ; Dei ember. li.)i.c. Oita Spot quiet; No, 2,
4". j No. .t, aic.j No. 2 white, 4 1'lc : No.
white, 42e.; traek mixed western, 30a4(ije ;
tiack while. 42a Vic Oplioni quiet tmd buely
sli.cclv. Rutler sieidj ; eieimery, Hla2il'je.;
(.11 lory .lime packed. I'll'i'ic.; imitation eceam
nj, llili'ic ; late d.iirj. llil'V. Cheeie
Sieidi; fanry large colored, Oaiije ; fluey large
wlule, O'Je ; fancy sunll eedored, otjaii.r.j fancy
smell white, Oa'jo I'ggi -sleadt ; stite and
Penrojlianli, 17il"e.; wetein uncandled, 11a
lck-.; western candled. Ilal7e.
Philadelphia Grain and Froduc.
Philadelphia, Aug. 1.1 Wheat Ic. lower;
eoniract gr.ule 11gutt, 74'ii,e. Corn- 1'jc.
lower; No. 2 mixed uemt, fai'sinir. Oais
I urn and 1e. hluliee ; No. 2 white clipped new,
41i'sc ; do do. old, 4'li-. RvltterFirm; fancy
wetern creamery. iVv ; do. print, 21'si.l clo.
ne.irbv printi, 2le. Kggi Firm; fiedi neaibi
and wenein, 17f ; do .vouthwestern, U'e. ; do.
foul hern. lie. Cheee (Julet; New Yoik lull
1 reami fancy small, 'i,c.; do. fair to choice,
S'li'i'ic. Refined Sugan -riiehangeil. Cotton
Stead), but epnet. Tallow -Stead) ; city prime
in MicN , ,V ; country pilme in haireli, 4e ;
takes, .1a."i'sc. Lite Poultr) Steid) ; fowli, OVs
nlOc ; ohl rnoiteta, 7c ; ipringrn, llalGe. ; ilucki,
10. Ilresied Poultr) -riuhmiged,
ReeeiplH-Flour, 4,00e lnrreli and l,IO.i,nciD
pniindi in nka; wheit. 1 I2,llc buheli; coin,
l."t hiiOieN: oaN, ln.nOO buheli Slilpinenla--Wheat,
1.1"Vl hii-heli; corn, ll.ejiy) builida;
cats, 5,01 buheli.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Chicago, Aug. IS drain marked were weak
tndai, cahlei nnd imp rrporli contributing the
ilnef illolurblng imluence Wheat e loed le. ;
corn, l'ia'af. ; and oati, 'alc lower for Seplnn
her eleliteiy Protitionn tloied a shade to 2ic.
depieed. Cah ciio(allon.i were ai followi;
1 lour Sleadi ; No. 2 red, 72'4a',ji.; No, 2
tellow torn, Se ; No 2 oati, .Tisi'l7c ; No. 2
white. S'jiiOe.; No 3 white, SsiiaPk.... . 2
l)e, .Vlijc; good feelmg barle)', 51aVlc.; fair to
ihnlre malting, AltfiJc- ; flu se-ed, 1 t; No 1
Noithweitem, 1 dl, timotliy aeed, ?5.11; poik,
ItatlSi lird, i'"7Hi'72'2; nht, if7.00aS01;
thoiilden, 7'4a'ae ; sldei, J.iiau0,
New York Live Stock.
New jork, Aug. I.I. Heetes Nominally
stride; 1 ehlei um hanged; caltet, trry little
tldde; steady feeling; irals, f 5a 5 SO; nillcecl
caltet, $1 Ml. Sheep Selling moie freely fcr
good stock; common and medium slow; good
iambi stead); others selling rpilte freely; sheep,
.'a li: topi, (: lambs, 4a0.12'ij cuila, J.1.S0.
Hogs-Feeling weak; wholo range quoted at $i 3
East Liberty Cattle.
Kant I.iherlv. Aug 1.1. -Cattle Steadv; extra.
lflSOi.17.1; pliine. i'i 0.i5 10, mixed, . I5i JV
llogs-liwer; ptimc heavlet, o.l0uii.l.1j n.virted
Jiiedliimi, ?d HIV heaiy jnikeis, acl0,; iKht
.tcrken, 103i6, pigi, .11 In weight anil cpiallt),
M 70.1.1 S7' a kip, l 21i1.21; roughs, iuso.
Sheep Sluw: best welders, .! Vt mils nnd
tonimon, 1 10jai; jeaillngs, $i.a4 2J; xeal
talics, $4C04(,
Buffalo Market.
Ruftato, Aug. II. Cattle Offerings, 4 cau;
about steady at Monda)'a price.. Veals ami
e.cltes offering". 30 head; good to pilme fat,
f1.71a7 25, Iloga-Oilerlnc, 21 cars; prltea tin
thanged. Sheep and Lainht Offering", 12 cars;
spilng lambs choice to (amy, JVbVkJj choice to
extra wethen. $(al 2S.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago. ug. I1.-Cat!le-Recelpt, lO.SOO, in
eluding 1..VM Teni; steen generally about
steady; Tesana titm, actlie; hiitchfis stock ateady
to slow; cannert stronger; good to prime steers,
,J45a40; poor to medium, flal.23; atockerl
and feeder! steady to alow, $.lia(.20; hellers,
2 50a150; cinners. fl SOaJ.50, bulla, J2.2SH?4j
caltea easier. .iii.7J; Texia steers, jVUnaj; vrejf
rn steers, $415 01, Hogs Receipt today, :,.
000; tomorrow, 20,0110, estimated! left mer, 3,.'.0j
Strong to 5c. higher; active; top, 9.2JHi mlied
Help Wanted IJalo.
MACHINISTS, competent to wotk en luge tools,
tan secure steady wntk ami good ttagr.
Apply AHist hilmeri Co., Scranton, Pa.
WANI'KD Mo) to work it glatct rutllng. crin
Inn Cut (lla toinpati), 1220 Wnililngton
WANTKIi-A first tints ttaimler. Mrs. K. e.clf
hn, 470 Mity street.
WANTKD- Inturance tantawrni gcl pav and
quick adtaiicemenl. Addrcti .1. II , Tribune
WAMF.I1 A tellable nun for livoiranee: good
,, oppoiiunitt for tho right tutli. Address J.
II , Tribune Offiee.
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Becelved at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALRKRT FCIlI.tTZ. corner Mulberry
ftreet and Webster aienue.
CUSTAV PICI1EL. 630 Adama aienue.
West Side ft
GEORGE W. JENKINS, 101 South Malta
South Scranton
FRED L. TERPPE. 720 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
OEO. W. DAVIS, comer North Mala
atcnue and Market street.
Green Bldge
CHARLES P. JONES, 13J7 Dickson
F. J. JOHNS, 020 Oreen Ridge street,
O. LORENZ, corner Washington ave
nue and Marion street.
W. If. KNI.PFEL, 1017 Irving avenuo.
WASTED - fum In exchange for 1 tery desir
able hoie in Djiiiiioic. See llackett, ileal
Fitale Kxehange.
WANIED-O-ie thnuand persons to buy one
thousand bottles "Knights' Aromatic S)rup
of Prunes," nature's gre.elet ph.tslc-. Largo
bottle, 23 cents. (has. P. Jones, 1337 lk'
son aienue.
WANTED An Intelligent (Catholic) lady or gen
tleman to fill a light, pleasant position;
good pay. If amiable. Addrc.-a P. O. Hox 20,
Scranton, Pa
Money to Loan.
?'i0 to 30,rsl- T 0'( P. 4 and 5 per cent, in
teiest. Kay terms to repay, licorgc W.
Okell, Coal Exchange building,
ta.O.eiOO TO LOAN Lowest rates; straight or
monthly pa.iments. Stark .t Co.,Traders' blJu.
stial;:l'l leans or lliiihllng and Loan. At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
311-313 C-cnnell building.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED-Tal le boarders. Mis, Tompkins, 631
Washington atenue.
Boom nnd Board Wanted.
WANTED -Room and bond, prelate fimlly, by
.touug lad) E. . II., Tilbune ollite.
Situations Wanted.
SllCMION" H IVTIIII lloiist-tlc-.inuu or any
kind of woik, 01 tta.liiug or nulling. Mix,
Lee, III coiill.
SCOT! II 110)1 IV desires position as maul to
la Jt . ui could wail uu intalid gciilleicicu.
Allien "llox 111, P. I).
SlI'l ATIOS WANTED III man in grocci) tore,
eighleeu )e.m expi-nen. e. yowl lelcrenies,
can care for city or tounley tijclc. Adilitrs am
lloielHiiy, Monliose, Pa.
MM VTIOV W MTD-Tu go out bv the clay
wathlng or cleaning. .Mre. l!utell, 12I'J
Cedar aienue.
SlIl'VI'ION WAMED-A po-ltlon In widower's
fiinih, Ii) 11 middle- aged ladt. Mis. Jen
nie smith, 020 Div e-oiiit, ell).
Sill MION' WASTED lie .1 .toiing men, te, work
in eiiliee; has .1 good eclm itnui; can gitc
good refeieuce. Atlclrc, E. A., tare Sciautou
hnil-o, ill).
SirUATION WANIED-lly .tnung girl ai dl-h-wa.lier,
musing or to nl,t in houtc woik.
Answer promptl). L. I.. 727, Fellow street.
SITUATION W WlKD-lly a )oung gill li teals
ohl to a-l-t at lint housework, Addio-i
lianna, lciil Cameron atenue, t ity.
SIM'ATIO.S W WTEI) t anv kind of ollite
work. Hv a toung man rxptin-nccd bock
keepei. (ioocl rcleremea. AdJrrjj .. j , .aiu
of the 'liibuue.
ancl bulcheis, .' ,',ar, 1715: good to eholee lieaty,
v.hjin 22'j; rough heaiv, .1,',iiill,10; liunt,
?1.'Aiel, bulk of sale-. wiiK0i sheep- lie
eeipts, llisDl; sheep and lambs, weak; good to
choice itetliers, v. .'Oil 10. fair t, 1 hole e mixed,
$.1 10,1.1. VI, western sheep, s.1 0a 10, xearlings,
IklSOal II; natite lambs, t-ta.1 10; western lairbs,
Oil Market.
Oil City. ug. 11. -Credit Inlanees, 12.1; rertb
fleaies, no bid: shipments, 10.1,V; atnage, 11,
111; runs, 10c?,?fi3; ateiage, S.I.W1.
American League.
At Baltimore R. II E.
Cleteland 2 10 0 10 2 0 3-0 1.1 2
Raltimore 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 -,1 y .1
Batteries -Hrackn and Wood; Howell and
Rresualian. Linplre Connoll).
t Plilladelphla- It. W. E.
Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 ft-l II
Plilladelphla I 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 -1! j t
Batteries ilitsllng an I Malencj ; Wiltsc and
Powers. I'mpire-Sherldan.
At lloion-( hie ago Boston, no giuie, rain.
M Wa.hlnstcn Detroit-Washington, no game,
National League.
At New York -First game R. II E
B.wlnn 0010100 10 :i 10 2
New York 0 0 1 II 0 0 0 0 1-2 i I
Baltericsc-I'itllnger and Kltlrld.-e; Leltner and
Warner, l'mplie
- .
See 1 nd same T. II E.
New 0lk 1 00003 1 000O-.1 12 4
Bo.ton 2 0 0(10020100-1 11 0
llalterles Mitlhewson and Warner; Nichols
and Mnian. 1 inpireet- Em.lle and Smith. Gsiiu
called on account of darkness.
At St, Loula- It II. E.
Chicago 0 0.1 1 0 0000-t ) 1
St Louis Oliooniioo 10 3
Ballerlei-Hughei and Kling; Powell and
Sihrlter. Umplies O'llay and Brown.
Phlladelphla-Brookbn not scheduled.
Eastern League
Terrnto, 12; Worcester, 2.
Hartford, 6; Buffalo, 4,
Hirtlord, 11; Buffalo, 0,
Brockton-Rochester game post poor d, riln.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Pour Lines, 6 Cents lor Lach Extra Line.
Certified Public Accountant.
.'," l.nhangejlldg., 126 Washington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
"Kr,?;K;. EI''"KnEII. rAULl" nUILDINf-7
tpruee street, Scranton.
Hooma 12, 14. i8 .a nurr building.
tilled on real estate security. Mean building.
corner Washington atenue and Spruce street.
ami counselloia at-law. Republican building,
aahlnglon atenue.
sellori at-law Commonwealth building, RoomJ
19, 20 and 21.
l'Di'A.?.n W- THAYF.n. ATTORNEY. ROOm".
. WW, Bth floor, Mears building.
of Trade building, Scranton, Pa.
"ank building.
A-,;v'.nrnrnoi,F. office moved to ko.
211 )cmliig otenue.
Physlclnns and Sugeons.
Ington atenue. Residence, 131 Mulberry
Chronli disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and
(renito-urlr.ary organa a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Besturants.
atenue. Rates reasonable.
P. ZE10LER, Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on the European
r'n. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
cess pools; no odor; only improted pumps used,
A. II. nrlggs, proprietor. Leave orders lloo
North Main Atenue, or Eicke'a drug store, cor.
ner Adams and Mulberry. Roth telephones.
erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; greta
houses, 1030 North Main aienue; store tele
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
bcranton. Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
alo ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 212
Adams atenue.
telopea, paper bagi, twine. Warehouse, lot
Washington atenue, Scranton. Pa.
in Seranton at the news standi of Reiamau
Rroa.. 401 Spruce and 503 Linden; M. Norton.
i!l Lackawanna atcnue; I. S. Schutzer, 211
Sprue street.
SI.AIED PliOPOSU.s- will be recelied at th
oiilce of the- sp, ntiry of tlie Scranton Board
e-f ("iitud until 7 10 o'clock Monday cienlng,
Aug. "Mb, Pol, f..i the election and completior
of .1 four room pubhi s hoc. I building, to be
known a So 22, end to be located at the cfrn'r
of Hick roiel and Oik iiert. In the Third ttaid,
in aitoltlanet. Willi pi 1111 ami spec ihVaitons in
the hinds of limes li ,1'eenet, architect, 421
Lac kew.cuiia atenue. scranl'-n. Pi., and heatin?
plans ,f lolm I. Ilirrl, C. E. Kieh ppiioM
is to be for the erection and completion oi the
builditi'.', Including the heating iiem. Blddr
.ire also reipihcii in stale 1u their bid. the
names of all their sub-coutraclois. 'Hie sum 01
S-'MI In i.isli or certillecl check li 10 he eni'lorfe1
witli each bid, which sum kIiiII be forfeited tt
Hie School District in cae of refusal or omis
sion on the ntit of Hie tn 1 cvtiil bidder tr exe-
I eutc colli rart willnn tin clata atler the awarding
nf the Millie-. .So nn! will he lead or con'ldered
wlih h fails to comply with tho abom require.
The boanl roertcs the right to reiprt ant or
nil bids. II) cudir of the Niant-11 Hoard of
Conliol. LI l.l.NK I). FELLOWS.
THE ASSUM MKFI'IMI of the stockholders o'
Ihe'eianteii I'-igmg (ompan.t, for the elfcs
tion of cllree tors mill tianaction of other bud
wees will bo hold at Hie offl. c- of the compant- it
the city of s.i,inton on Wednesday, Aug. 2stb,
1'sll, id 3 o'cloc k p. 111
i:. F. CIIWIBERMN, Secretary.
Esrvrr or 'iiiomvs deimiimer. ine of tiie
Borough o Dunmore, County of Lackawanni,
Slate of lVnn-tlianii. deceased
I.etteis tctaiiuni ny on ihc abote estate hav
ing been granied in the undersigned, ail per
sons hating claims or clemamU against said en
tale will present them for pa.iment, and thnai
indebted timed are remitted to make Immedi
ate raiment to
ASl.l.I.INi; V. DEIMIIMER. Executrix.
Dunmore, Pa.
fiF.0R(,E V. DERHIMKR, Executor.
Virdon, Pa.
1II0MW V. WI.I.LP, Attv for Estate.
... X'
SAFEST! Money Will Rarn dig Montlilj
nrcT Returni.
DLjI. Thelniettor'sFundPayiSeml monthly
The oldest established in merloa. No eertlflcat
lioldei Im eter lost 1 tent Payments made t
all sutwribeu etery 13 dan. No trouble. Nc
tlela). Money refunded on demand Write to
day for particulars, fiee to any adlreta.
C. E Mac key k Co, Hud-on Bld'g . New YorU
AVo own ainl offer nt prices
jit'lellng nt'urly llvo per cent.
Flint Mortgage Sinking Fund
Denomination, $1,000.
Bane Electric
of Butte, Mont.
Write for special circular.
Rudolph Kleybolte & Co.
1 Nassau St., New York.