The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 16, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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0 Y
S hie nom:iiN iiAtimvAitK sroiu.
If ou think you l over
need one, ou will save
money bj buying now. Only
n. feu W
( tit Prii e
4 qt
0 qt.
8 qt.
8 qt
10 qt
Ohio Ticczcrn. .$1.08
Ohio Ficezcis. . 2.48
Ohio Treezcrs. . 3.20
Homo TtcezorB 2.50
Home Freezers 3.00
Foote &, Shear Co,
JJ9N. Washlneton Ave Q
Some Knit Garments
for Babe nnd child that will
make n mother happy nnd
the child lestful. Wo aro
specialists In this line nnd
have everything In the ad
vanced styles for Infants nnd
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Street.
New trim hr.n. S,, pt
Should be to save ns well
as to ppt. Deposit your
S.IV1I1RS with
f '"nd f c" Putt, of Nov Miifni 1. wit Jl
thp Inrmn ic.tcr'lii
Ml W IP Ittuhc l the urn t f Il" ail
M lihn 1 ltoih.', il I n.i il like
M II 1 tivrti iml Him, ll'inlil. il' fpfli'I
Ine i lew luck, witu luciiil ax M .plrwi.tHt,
Mi-- Minn- IUi-iiihII. of Icflcrvm uriiue, U
tunif finni i vili'i rclitlc In llullalu ami
1! hester.
lr awl Mr. Ooorsc II. sontt itnl m, I in
rn . of Weltrr aii'iete, Icmip .turil.n fr i
tnin week till) In llullilo. Ki io unit
T I Multtn, tiM.wr ineli.iiiH of tho Nun
t i lliilwn iumpim. .- niiitifn l. hl wif.
in I n 1 i.itiM-. Iiim. I,i.l ii for u tint u ucil.
Sr.j 111 it A-luiri I'.llk t if t.iii.i the a"lil.ti wcd.Ime if
Mi nirl Mi II I" l.mrn, "f Miiiiliuini. 1m
i wire Mr in I Mi i I. jii Wotnier, Mi.
i I von- mil Mi I W ticiiiM
it inn nn. I Mi. C V Milt. luio e..ih
1'in ni ii in -iiumi ft r .hwiti
n In. i I. ... n il 1 1. tin nil1 I ur
n i in. I V u I iil in I i ii. lining tin ir ui l
n iv th a mi i k it I hint in il
Postmaster Plpplo Receives Word
That His HcquUltlon Has
Been Partially Allowed.
Wnul was iptioi jfhteiil.iv
Washlnstou bj rostiimstpr H. II
ft urn
pie Hcianion Is to
thtee estl.t lPtler i.illlei
be allow oil
. boRinnliiB
with (let. 1, l'.itil.
Application w it mini" for t-even, ami
the aRont who was sent on heie to
ln est. sate the city's iippiIu, iccoii'
mondpil that iven bo allowed. In
the lPtter iiiiiuilim ma the nllowame of
three, the postoillce depailiueiit t-ays
that the lequlMiinn tor the ntlipr four
will ha Riven catcfiil coiisldptatloti
lntor The tone of the letter would
IndK.itP that the depaitnient Is l.nm
abi.v disponed towards RiantuiR the
full requisition.
Thi thipp Mtbslilute cantors llrst In
line lor tiioiuollou nio IMwaul .1.
l.ponaul. Henry H. Kdwaids and Wil
liam V. Shephrid.
The letitr iiImi states thar an npent
will be emu on bote In tho near fuiuie
to mnfer further with Pottninster
Hippie concetnliiR the propo.sltlon to
extend Iho tice delUeiy sstum to
Fiom th i poit of thi aRont w'io
came on hole lciontly to look Into this
matter. th I iter says, it Is made to
appear that the boroiiRh is not yet In
slirtpi foi n fiee dellveiy i..stem, It
hnvInK not as yvi tully compiled with
the lequliements reganUm; sidewalks,
street lights and house numbets.
Northup Family Reunion.
The Northup family teunlon will be
held in the maple gioe on the John
Nmlhup faim, near Olenhurn station,
Saturday. August 17. Teams will nuel
friends lonilng on the trains nmi con
vey them to the siounds.
Membeis of this huge fumlly nie te.
quested to bring, with their w el. filler
baskets, old lelks and ol pcttiie,s 0f
Individual membeis, whether dead or
Uvtnp, that they may be viewed by the
company. Hy order of the committee
of aiiaiiRements,
Heniy W. Northup, Chairman.
For ft Good Quiet Day's Outing
go to Hnivcy's lake with the flood Fei.
lows, August 16. No changes, dlieit to
the giound by steam. See bills.
Prompt delivery In hot weather does
much, to keep a peison cool. Order your
Ice crenm at Hanley's,4J0 Spruce street
Houses for sale, rent or exchange.
Tradm' Real I'Jtate Co., 12 Wathiuston aic.
i ' m
Trv h new Br clear "Kleon."
Otherwise tho Old Membeis Wel
comed Their New Brethren Unani
mouslyDemocrats Caucused Be
fore the Meeting and Voted to Re
ceive tho New Members Without
Waiting for tho Wiit of Manda
mus Paving Ordinances Amended
to Conform to Judge Carpenter's
Decision Water Contract Ordi
nance Passed.
Soianton Is n under n full-fledged
potdit'l-' l.'i.i. ct fin in of government,
tln expansion f common council hnv
Ing taken iiIihp lit s t night.
Thn nvnii'iii "ovtrn" members,
minus two, wln weio out of tho city,
piccmed themselves anil were seated
wttli'uit urn fut titer opposition than a
ptMest fmm Mi (Itu roll against the
seating of 1' K lliiliatluin. tino of tho
two i xtinx" fiom the Fifth, on the
pt-uitnl of liioliRlblllty.
'J'ho n w i oninmn cuiinrll Ii yompospil
of tlitM-olKlit meiiibeifi. nltiPtren He-
puMii ntMiiiul nlnotPi'ii Itpinnrinti. The
app' M'lnl llt pls the mi'iuliei fihlp mi
tin tog, tlipf with the politics of eaolt,
thp flrxt n.iniod In each ward being the
old member.
Members of the Body.
l I CIlllMS II
I. hn .1 1, II.
Ilmnm H lluinu. It.
II .Mnoitli. II.
,l.imn It ( 1'trrllnc, 1U
.1'Wfpli f l.iin, II.
T I Minn ilon, l(.
Rrd .tones lliecrrt;, 11.
4th- tim. II.
1 W In in. It.
I N irlns, R.
fith-M' l lrl. It.
I lni I' Ijinrj, n.
I I llolntlian, It.
filh- 1" V ( ill'ln, l.
I bn I' Miliffiv, I
ft I
1 th
1 th
1 't li
I l.n I Ifuinr. 1.
T I llmlio. I).
II I I'jliif, II.
I in Nucrll, II.
In, I I'lnllipi. II.
( Iml, 13 Ito'jr. I
llittl.l l.llMll, I).
M'r. I llirim. It.
i r tikfi, k
Milium I. mull, D.
Will mi I -M, IL
I I I nlrmili, 1 1,
I linn i Krllrr, It.
Mil In i mi p. n.
Willi un limit, 1).
I l,irlr. l,i if, ).
.1 i. Hi .r, 1)
I'lll'H 'Ii . II.
Clth l I ( ti.i.k. If,
Mi, In. I I t nnn ill, D.
2M-M I Norton. 1)
Many Spectators.
It w.ti cppi tpil tlipte woulil bo nme
oc Iti input liti'lilpnt to rin nttempt to
UoppMf finni hit ft'iit. and,
an n I'nnxpiiiionrp. thoio n Rnodly
minibpr of -prpt,iioi. amont; ihPin pv
Itrconlof Molr, fitiilliiiT a bto,til hiiiIIp
of ctr.itilUatlon, ,in hp c ontnnplatpil the
pnIiIpikp of litis indication of bis po
ltlon tcKittilljii? the validity of the
"i trn ' pIpi t Inn.
Tho old niPitiboiR of the IJpinocratlc
5lilp of tho limine nMimblril In Cleik
I.ynptt'i olllcp ptpvloui to the lttpPtltiK
and lipid a i.iiiuim on the quoitlon of
nilmlttiiiK Mr. Kob.i tli.i n without a
lilott'Ht. The ni.ijoilt.x wfip of tln
opinion llml while tltfip was a pooil
IIkIhIiih' ili.tinp of ptovltiK the conlcn
llnn that ho is IiipIIkIIiIp bec.iuse ho
Is nn pinployp of the county, they
felt that iiothiiiK was to lip r.iIiipiI
by piPSPiitniK Mi. Kob.tthan from tak
Int? hit -,,it, bei'iiuop If Iip was ousted
"omo other ltppublb.tii would timely
sitci ppiI him, nnd, nt President I'alpln
put It. ' Thpy couldn't linptop much
mi Iloli.ttliau at a councilman."
Mi. (itniPll Intittpd It was lllppal to
rUp Mi Hobiithan a ppat, and rp
flltpil to nKiee with the othPts to rp
ceive the now brethren with an unani
mous welcome.
Fifteen Old Members.
When ("halt man Cnlpln called tho
moptlng to older at U0 oMoik, theie
were fifteen of the old membeis pres
ent. These were ns follows: Mossis.
Alwoith. Hnggeity. V. W. K,ins A. t
Lewis, ("alpin. Iluane, Parti Idgo, Na
roII. (lahln, (llltiell, William I.pwIs,
Coleman, Keller, Hush nnd C'usIpU
si sen Hepubllcans and eight Demo.
1 1. us.
The nbspiitPPS wimp Messrs. ('la ike,
Hoehe, Plillllpt, Hnivpy, (liaf and
Noiton one Itepubllian and flu
The new menibeis were scatloied
nliout tlio council chamber, some few
occiiplng tho seats of the absent
membeis, but the majority of them
modestly mlnRlliig with the spectit
tms In the rear of the room. The two
absent "extias"' weio H. Kvans, of
the Fourth, and .lohn F. McOreevy, of
the Sith. The latter Is in Denver, on
a flip for the benefit of his health.
seventeen ettn i hulls had been
placed by the janitor In the nllable
spaces about the council chamber, but
the fact that only thlny membeis. nil
told, weie piescnt, left acant eight
seats besides the one left unoccupied
when thp ihnli man it on the rostrum.
After the leading of the minutes,
Mr. Coleman nioxeit, with Mr. Nagell
as his seiond, that the teitlflcates of
the additional memlieis be teeelved
and the new niPinbets sworn In.
Then Ml. Gutiell enteiod his protest
agalntst Mr. nobathun He contented
himself with stjlng that its he lntor
pieted the law, Mr. Hobathan was In
eligible nnd that If the membeis voted
to seat him they would do .so knowing
they weie doing wiong.
Mr. Coleman said he didn't believe
In shutting nut any one councilman.
"If wo nie going to seat any, let us
seut them nil," Mr. Coleman tald.
Said He Was Honest.
President Cnlpln Interjected n few
words anent his position In dealing
with the new men. "I want to say that
the pos'Mon I took in opposing the seat
ing of the new membeis was an honest
one." he went nn to say. "I telt that
they weie not regularly elected. How
I limy feel about the mntter now Is of
nn eonequenee our feelings count for
naught after the Judge speaks I wish
Hut a "touch" Ii
mom tilfdive nhfn
the PIANO U In
question team how
at tho COXfERV.Vi
TOtlY t'p to dita
I n method, and
teacher.. Catalogue.
J. ALFKfcl) 1'GNNIKOTON.DIrcctor
to ndrt, parenthetically, that we are
seating the so-called Additional coun
cllmen without any wilt of mandamus
having been seived on us."
Cleik Lyniett leiul the certificates,
nnd then Chiiliman Cnlpln Invited the
new members to conn up and be swoin
In When Mr. I'nlno'.s name was called,
the "extra gentleman fiom the Ninth"
roe, lesplcndant In a Iiiirp stinilower
pinned nt his left lapel, and Htnlked
majestically, with most severe mien to
tho fiont. Laughter nnd hand-chip-ping
accompanied his paiade.
The oith having been administered
to fifteen collectively, theie was a brief
period of linntl-sli.ikliiK and I'lesldent
Cnlpln, with one of his old-time smiles,
pleasantly called for older and an
nounced, "Now, Rontlonien, to busl
ncs" After the chnlr had appointed
Mesors, Coleninn, Keller nnd Onlvln n
committee to consult with Dliector
Hoclix roRindlng the readjustment of
the seating iiiinnRements. the legular
order of business was taken up,
The llrst opportunity the new mem
bers had of e.xeiiislng the chief pie
rogatlve of their olllie was on a i oil
call on a motion to com ur In an
amendment by select mum II to the
ordinance piovldlng for an electtlc
liRht nt the cotucr of Hudson itvenue
nnd Pawnee stiiet. When the null
nance was picvlously In common coun
cil, Mr. Kellei opposed It, In cause It
sought to ihaiRP the cost of the light
to the unexpended balances for this
year. Ills opposition was of no avail,
but select council was of Mr. Kellet'fl
opinion us to the uiimImIoiii of doing
business in this witv, and amended the
oiillnauio by dunging the light to the
regular electtlc light nppioprlntlon,
leaving It to take lis cbnncis as to
there being available money. The
nnienilment was tonciirrid in uiiiinl
moml), peifeit hainiony pievalllng nn
the llrst vote of the expanded lower
Mr. Sykes was the only new member
to Introduce a iiip.isuk1. lie presented
nn oidlnatKP for nn electric light at
tho coiner of Nay Aug avenue and
.Mai Ion street.
Acting under the suggestion con
tained in Hecoider Connell's lommunl
cation lelatlve to the Illegality of pav
ing conttacts, which also ptovido for
repalts. Mr. Lewis nnd Mr. Keller had
appropilate amendment made to the
Washhurn and Olive slieets paving nt
(Uniinces. These amendments stilke out the
flve-ypiit ippair clausp. lpiiving only
the actual woik of consti action to be
bltl upon, and Insert a clause stipulat
ing that the bidder shall state In his
proposal incidentally what he will
chat go to keep the pavement In repair
for five years. This ntes the tost
of oiiglnal lonstiuctlon fiom the cost
of lep.ilts, with a view of the abutting
piopeules paying for the construction
and the city for the lepalis, ns Judge
Caipentei has i tiled Is the legal way
of paving.
They Weio Adopted.
The amendments vioie adopted and
the oiillnanees leferml to the city so
la iior for an opinion ns to their IpriI
Ity In tliPlr iipw foim. Mr. Coleninn
tried to postpone action on the Olive
street nidlnnnco to give the new
membeis a chance to study It." but
he was defeated by n vote of seventeen
nays to twelve ayes. It was n strict
paity vote. Mr. Thomas excused him
self fiom voting, with a toss of his
head Indicating he wasn't "next." and
n lequcst to the clerk to "cut It out "
A lesoltitlon, Intiodmeil by Mr. Kel
ler, vas adopted, extending the time
for collecting taxes without penalty
to November 1. lie nlso bad a resolu
tion passed directing; the city engineer
to pi ppat p plans for a sewer on Pies
cott avenue, south of Linden stieet.
The following oidltiancos passed
thlnl leading. Accepting the Sl.'.fiOO a
year water contract, providing for a
sewer In Sherwood lotirt; thtee olec
t: let lights In the Fifth waul, ami a
sewer on Penn avenue in (Jieeii Ridge.
In this last named nidinance, pio
vlslon Is made that the Inspector shall
be appointed by "the executive." A
ptevlous sower ordinance piovided that
the director of public wotks should ap
point the inspector. Mr. Paine, who times during the evening
"wantrd to know" things, asked for
enlightenment as to w horn was meant
by "tho executive." When he had fin
ished his speech, In which the lequest
for information was contained. Presi
dent Calpln, without the smile, replied-
"I would suggest to the gentleman
fiom the Ninth that life is too short
to unity about those sot t of thlnRS.
1 can nsstire him, though, if he Is
"ally concerned, that the appoint
ment will be made all right, If the Job
Is worth having."
It was 9.45 o'clock when adjournment
was mode on a motion offeted by Mr.
Another attempt was made last night
to have the license tax oidinaine con
sideied by select council, but It was tin
.itKce.mtuI and action was again post
poned until tve next regular meeting,
vhli'li villi not 1)3 held until Thuisday,
Sort. b.
Last night's attempt to have the or
dinance consldcied was made by It.s
suppniteis nnd was opposed by those
membeis who object to the ordinance
and who v.'ll, in all probability, vote
iigitiiist Its passage on third and final
'And, the oidlnance had been called
up on second reading Mr. McAndrew
reoved that action be postponed on
aicount of Mif absence from tho mat
ing of five members, who had an Inter-
So wo'll give you an ounce of talk
about our fine
and you'll get a ton of ratlsfactlon
by sending your order to us.
E. Q. Coursen
Headquarters for fruit and vegetables,
est In the oidlnance. It was unfair,
he thought, to consider It when they
were absent.
Mr. Cleinons rpoke ngaln.t the mo
tion to postpone, snylng that It was
made for Hit sole purpose of dela.vlniT
the iiullnnnee. Ml. Vnughnn spoke In
n slmllnt strain, but the motion was
cat 1 1 d by the following vote;
.ri I'ltiti, Cwtfllo. Ufa in, Milonej, W'acnrr,
srlnirlilrr, Slitocilir, O'lKalf, O Mlllry ml Me
Atnlrcn If)
Xj.u- I'wtix, Mnrciti, Mrrtlniitt, Olbcr, Ckm
on rhitlrnilili ami Vaiiislnii 7.
HKCOHPHH'.S sruonsTiox.
Hei order Connell sent In a commu
nication aciompanylng the oidlnance
piovldlng for the pavement of Wash
burn street between North Sumner nnd
Van Hill en avenues, which was pre
fcontod to 111 in some few days ago.
While Iip did not veto the oidlnance
he announced that he would not sign
It until the clauses icquiilng the con
tractor to give a bond of Jl OM con
ditioned upon the keeping of the pave
In lepalr for ten yeirs, have been
stilcken out. He based this sugges
tion, ho snfd, upon the decision handed
down by Judge Carpenter on Monday
In the case of the city against li. H.
Sturgos. Court decided In this case
that the piopetty ownei.s enuld not be
required to pay for the repair of a
pave In rtldlllon to the oiiglnal cost of
laying it.
Inasmuch ns to sttlke out these por
tions of the oidlnance would be n re
coiisldeiatlon of n foimer netlnn and as
no action can be leconsldeieil after
two weeks had elapsed, the lommunl
cation was sent over to the common
council whore the oidlnance was passed
Inst Tlunsilav evening.
The following lesolutlons weie Intro,
dined and adopted last night:
ll Vlr Kinii Kvonri illnit tlio l'lrt ClirMhn
nml Pinilrlmip I'rr-hitrriin rhnrillifj from tlic
p mm lit of their pjilnir Dawwmmti fur tho
Xoitlt Miln airnue piinipnt; dlroctlmr Ml ha 1
llork to linmriliatrH hialn tho woik of criilinir
I'roiiilenro roid. nnd ri'.tirlnc lil tontr.iit null
nnd lold If lio f ills to do o ullhln trn din.
Hi Vlr Olloilo- KxtrnilliiK the tlmo for the
ciillntlon of Uvn utllirtit pnulty to Nov. t.
The following otillnancrfi vvere Iptro-
duied nnd tolerifd to their pioper com-
Hi Vlr ( Irinm 1'rnilillna for fho mrroAinj
nf tho iojd ii an. I tho widenlne of tho ridnmlkt
on Iti'Ue Hon lirtwrcn lliirivm nml Arthur ate
lino lb' Mi O'Milliy -1Mililllnng Ihc endo of
rrrt iln ulrrrK In tlio Tiicntloth wird.
The following common count II reso
lutions vioie (oneiined in. Appiovlug
the action of Itoconlor I'onnell in le
talnlng H C. He nolilw to net In be
hnlf of the city In the suit bt ought bv
Delinquent Tax Collector Jenkins; pro
viding for n latllliation of the con
tracts with the Ametlcnn Fire Hnglnc
and Lal'tatiio Lnglm (ompanlen.
The following ordlnnntes weie passed
on third and iltial leading, without de
bate: Providing for the appointment
of di llnquent tax ujllectots to collect
the delinquent oltv tax for the fiscal
ear. I!iflO-fit, piovldlng for the enlaigp
nietit of the ctfinatoty: piovldlng for
the pxonci.itlon of the Lackawanna
hospital fiom Its nt-Tusment for the
paving of MiiIIhii.v stuet; piovldlng
for the payment of tho judgment se
em ed against Park Policeman Mc
Mnnnma by (leoigo Harlck; providing
for thn painting and repalilng of the
exterior anil lutrilnr of the city hall.
Conti oiler Howell sent In a 10m
munlcatlon announcing thnt ilPtlclenuy
bills to the (imotinit of JJ.267.90 have
been sent to his oillce since the be
ginning of the present fiscal jrar. anil
leqiif sting that the oidlnance trans
ferring funds for the pajment of de
llcleni Ip be so amended as to make
pi n talon for the pa.vment of those.
Mm h Interest was manifested dining
the meeting by a number of poisons,
who heaid the ippnrt that a now ordi
nance gianting n fianchise to the
t'ential Hapld Tianslt Stteet Hallway
was to be Intioduced. None was In
tindiicptl, however, nnd Select Coun
cilman D. W. Vnughan, who Intro
duced the m Initial ordinance, said he
had no knowledge of any new attempt
to seiute a franchise.
Bauer's Band Will Provide Conceit
Music at the Lake Next Sunday.
Music on the water is becoming a
gioat Sunday attraction at Lakp Lo
dor Npxt Sunday, August 18, Bauer's
band m chest in will furnish excellent
conceit music ftom the laige excursion
boat. It will be Indeed a rich ti oat.
and no doubt hundiods of people will
go over to the beautiful lesoit and en
joy the sweet -music on the water, as
well ns the many other attraction of
the place. Tiains leave the Delawaie
and Hudson station, Sctanton, nt S.&O
unci 11 ,U it. m. Fare ftoni this clt 75
cents, childien, 40 cents.
Keep Posted About Home Affairs.
The Tribune will bo mailed to you
while away during the summer
months for 12 cents a week. The ad
dress may be changed as often as de
sliod and the paper will be mailed
dlieit. piomptly, every day. Any
complaint should be made Immediate
ly to The Tilhune ofllco.
All Members Scranton Council, No.
280, Knights of Columbus,
Are lequested to attend the funeral of
their late Hro. Austin A. Duffy in a
body at his late resldenre, ISO J Jackson
stieet, Saturday at 0.00 a. m. Meet nt
lesldence of deceased.
Puie cream, pure milk, pure sugar,
puie tlavnilng make pure Ice (team.
That's Hanley's. 420 Spiuco stieet.
Tho tlepiililuan prlmarv election Hill he held
on Vlondai. sept lbth, 1'Wl, lietueen thp hours
of 4 anil's o'clock p. m , the coniention on
ThurMla.i, t-ept lilh, at ID o'clock a m
Kach candidate mint recl'tcr hit full name and
tddrrM, the office for which lie denlrea to he a
candidate, and pal hi. aJLinent to the county
ihalimaii on or before Aug J7th Intt.
The liRllanie committee Mill Roiern themelicj
according!.! Daild J. Pails, Clialiman.
K. 1). rellcm. Secretary
and Grand Opening.
Saturdny, August 17th.
We have removed to 321 N. MAIN
AVK., and as a lemlnder of tho ie
moval and our grand opening, WIS
WILL PHHSHNT FHKi: to alt pur
chasers of Teas, Coffees, Kxtracts,
Spices and Baking Powder, a
lienutiriii Blue
Enameled Japanese Ten Tot
This rare and exquisite Souvenir Is
both useful and ornamental, so don't
fall to obtain one.
Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
411 L.cluuanna avenue, 321 North Main avenue,
rhone 732, Prompt deliver.
Four of the Leaders in Tho Tribune's
Educational Contest Got Closer to
First Place Yesterday Only Four
teen Days More of the Struggle.
Enthusiasm Being Manifested
t Standing of Contestants. ::
If this u the lilt d.j, theee would wlnt
1. Meyer Lewis, Scran
ton 017
2. Miss Wilhelmina
Griffin, Providence. 507
3. Henry Schwenkw.
South Scranton... 370
4. William Miles, Hyde
Park 333
5. Garfield Anderson,
Carbondale 272
0. Ray Buckingham,
Elmhurst 171
7. Miss Norma Mere
dith, Hyde Park . . 131
8. Miss Vida Pedrick,
Clark's Summit. . . 110
Hew mm of the. will he In Table No.
1 on the rloslng
Pol n't.
T 0. August Brunncr, jr.,
(Jarbondnlo 100
J 10. Frank Kemmerer,
tactoryvmo isa
11. David O. Emery.
Wimmers, Pa. ... 45
t 12. Arthur C. Grlffls.
Montrose 30
13. W. H. Harris, Hydo
Park 23
? 14. Miss Minnlo Wallls.
Carbondale 23
t 15. E. J. Sheridan, Haw-
tey u a
10. Miss Jennie Ward,
Olyphant G
17. Robert Campbell,
Green Ridge S
Miss C.rlflln, of Providence, passed
the 500 matk yesterday In The Tri
bune's Hducatlonnl Content, nnd. Inci
dentally, Is nine points nearer first
place this morning than she was twenty-four
hours ago. She Is now 131
points ahead of Henry Schwenker,
William Miles gained seven points on
the latter and Is now foity-three away
from third place. Oarfleld Andpison
made a great gain on Miles jpsteiday
nnd Is :0 points door to the Hyde
Park young man today. .Miss Meie.
dlth, another West Skier, also made
an Increase in her score.
Now that the list hns been i loed
nnd no moie new entries can come Into
the contest, theie will probably be lots
of enthusiasm among the contestants
who have got good staits. Kach of
them has ft lends nnd these fi lends, of
cotiise. will be largely Instrumental In
the ultimate success of the oung peo
ple who are tt.vlng so hnid to pain n
scholarship. For the last month or so
It has been lather quiet In the con
test, but now- that the homestretch has
been amost reached It Is safe to say
that Intense Inteiest will be taken In
the race for the special awards.
The contest will Inst only fourteen
days more and much must be done In
that time by those quite far down in
the list in order to overtake the ones
who have held the front places so long.
' i
Hanleys Ice eienm Is popular for
desseit this summer. 420 Spiuce stieet.
Tho popular Punch cigar Is still the
leader of the 10c cigars.
? We are determined to ell
In our stock this season we
have cut the price so low that
they aio sure to go. Plaited
bosom shirts shirts with cuffs
attached some with two pair of
detached cuffs, that heretofore
sold for $1.50 and $2.00, at $1 00.
AH of our $1.00 shirts, 75c
Straw Hats
Every $1.50 nnd $. 00 straw, any
style, either rough or split biald, T
at $1.00. Knox straws, both split
and routh braids, $2 00. $
All 50c neckwear reduced to 35c T
Wi.Mnf.lM Art.
Mt.lw nn'al.
TWi.lilniWfl KnW
Oils, Paints and Varnish
MaIon?y Oil & MantifacUiring Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
Popular Sundty Outing, Mnuch
Chunk, Glen Onoko and Switch
back, Sunday, August 18.
The New York, Ontario and Weedem
Railroad company hns ni ranged for nn
Ideal excursion on Sunday, the isth
Inst, to two of the most popular re
sorts In the stnte, (Jlen Onoko nnd the
Switchback Tialn villi leave Carbon
dale nt 7 a in, stopping nt all stn
tlons to Park Plnce, lnltisvo and le
turnlng; leave Mnuch Chunk at 5 30
and Glen Onoko nt 0 45 p. m. The New
Yntk, Ontniio nml Western trnln will
nwait arilval of excursion train at
Scranton. Thousands of excuislonlsls
from New Yoik city nnd Htooklyn visit
the nbove icsoits each Sundny. Do not
miss this raie treat.
For further Infot motion. Inquire of
New York, Ontaiio and Western ticket
City nnd School Taxes, 1001.
The city antl school tax duplicates
for year 1001 nie now In my hands for
collection. A penalty of .". per cent,
will be added Sept 1st, 11)01, and an
additional one per cent, on the Mist
of each rnd evoty month until fullv
paid. All taxes remaining unpaid
after November 1st will be placed on
the delinquent list as provided by law.
H. J. Iloblnsnn,
City Treasurer.
You are Invited to the grand open
ing of the Otlentnl Ten Palace, at .lil
N. Mnin nvenue, tomoriow. A hand
some Japanese Teapot given nway
free. The llreat Atlantic and Pacific
Tea Co.
Smoke the Poconn Cigar. 5c.
Sale of House-
Wash Boilers $
Strong, solid and well j
made, riveted handles. k
Sale price, each J
45o K
Wash Boards
Zinc front regular 20c ej
Board. Price, each 5
12c g
Clothes Bars p
Patented extension bars O
over 6 ft. high. Sale price 5
75o S
Clothes Wringers
Rival make, warranted g
to give satisfaction, 10 in. H
saie price, eacu, w
f I I Xa
Men's Suits $1500
Men's Tintisers 3 50
Ladles' Suits 12.00
Rainy Day Skitt 5 50
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
HE 11. 1
X During our Great Clearing
Sale of
wc have reduced prices as
t $roO Neckwear $1.25
i.oo Neckwear 75
? .75 Neckwear 50
.50 Neckwear 39
V CI,. n... nnir. nn in mitra
.Jtlli; liuiv &uui; un is, muni
room for fall stock.
! Cramer-Wells Co.,
t 130 Wyoming Ave.
Are the source of wrong pro
ceedings. When you are bent on
buying the best in Gent's
Furnishings, at the most
reasonable prices, turn your
attention to this store and
you can't go wrong.
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
T. 74 Totter, President. J-.lmrr II Lauall, Trcai.
It, J. 1'oster, fctanlcy P. Allen,
,ko rrulJctit, Secretary.
The Economy's
August Furniture Sale
NOIKF. tin' iroud wlnili afteriilM this
n 1 uz it cur mxiIi 4111U11I rient? The
nunili' r 1' pe"iile who ucie lirto nhoj
that genuine lurjaini are .ippienated. .
-VVIVli '10 101 Ot A KURD TO
OM. Ilvll'
t llllinMl.lls- (-cliil oik, c. -ivoilh
-7 00 44.
sl)'H(lni) Oik, nirely - n( liU
(OtCIMS V.lour, oak in
funic H.iiihliW y.4y
IIU1S 111 IK - Wlnip erumrl, y nn
full me 111I1 i .VO
Ilf'DIIOOM SIM'S -Mild f7ff
C4k, Willlll Till"! l.UU
Till' 111 D VIVDK f Vltl'l.r SALE con.
tallies, ail'l rer)tliins Boel at
7-h Ciiprt .. 37Via
&ix C jipei SJo
"Mj.le t'p" f.r the 'ill I) l'lUSHi) MANILA
TMI " It nuik. the choice thing. t
gicjilj rcJiu.'l pmei.
"m. .'l
l.t- n I,-.