The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 16, 1901, Image 1

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The Gathering at fiarrisnura Yes-
terdau Gondncted Business on
Strict Partu Lines.
The Platform Mnkcs No Refeience
to William J. Biynn or National
Affnlis, but Is Confined Enthely
to State Issues Unanimous Vote
on Closing Resolutions Will Dlock
Any Contemplated Effort Looking
to the Substitution of nn Anti
Quay Republican on a Fusion
Ticket Mi. Uhich Causes the
Only Riot of the Day.
Pi T lnlir Wire fh in Hip -j. mi.iI) 1 1'ipm
llnitlshuig, Aug 1' The Pemo
uitli t.tto convention todiv iinini
tinteil Judge lliti tiiHii Yoi kos.of Dolcs
t 'Mi. fur Kuptcme limit Judge, mill
r lOPtitatho Andirvv .1 I'nlin nf
MMihllle, fur stnti tteasinct The
phitfotni lnnkcei nn lofotetiie in nul
lum J Hijnn (ii niiionnl affairs being
confined oiitlrcl to state t-siu In
tie olnsing moments of thp i (invention
if solution" weie adopted without do.
bato and by n pt.u tltallv un minimis
vote Willi h will have tl.o cffeit nf
blinking any pffnit that ma bo mn
templ.ited looking to the wlthdinwal
of tlu i indldate for Mate tiensutei
and thp substitution of an antl-Qua.
Republican on a fusion lllPt
The inntoM between iIip ilvnl Phila
delphia tuitions tor tci nmiltlnti In the
convention ir-ultpd In a linimnnv
ngieeinent between the ieingnlpd
lenders ot the two clpiupiits A mm
mlttee was design itcd to lo-opotate
vlth e-li)einni llolint H Paulson,
rhiiliinaii of tllp I ocular ilt inmiiilt
te In adjusting thp dlffi ion e- that
mm hi No In iroisnnllng the pail In
riilladclphlii ' 1 hi' aitlon of Hip ion
xpiitlon was tiiiliuxpil in lKorous
spt n In bv Mi I'.utNon .mil o-hidge
.Tames liat Con'mi, the loadei of tllp
Young Dcmoi uu In Phil idPlphla
following Hip latlllintlon of tin- hiu
mon prngiainiuo an effmt was niad
bV .1 f) I'llll'll. of MllllVlklll lillNpil
the Phil idPlphla delegates I Jo inado a
tprch rrltlillnc- the haimonv icolu
tlons -nid i nnilcinnliig t hi- loadPls of
the Philadelphia Deuinuiuv An as.
rltant seigeaul-at-nims tilpd to fmio
Mi I'll ih to take hi scat and Hipip
Mas almost t t lot Tlio pollie Intii
feted, and afti r much PvltiniPiit tlio
1 llkll leonllltnn to Ppp Ilip delegates
was rpjeitpd The dot Nlon of Ch.ili
inali KfPiian was appoalrd fiom and
was sustained Changes wote inadp In
th pain i tilt s. whcichv tlio Mate i
fiiltlo pommlttpp N uutlinil7od to i -nmine
tlio uilos of th" illv and iount
nig,tnUttlnii. and frdpia and Mato
nffUe-linldim aio in.nlp Ineligible to
the oflli p of thalininn in mi mlipr ot
any DPiiioiiatli dNtiht ilt m muni
J. B. Keenan, Chaitmnu Attival of
the Big Four The Rilling Reso
lution. Bv Exelualte Wire from lie Wouatrd rreni.
Haiiishuig, auk. 1 " lir n the uni
intlnn loassi'inlih d. Mi iiI.pii.v ip.
potted fiom tlii iiiiniulttii' on pci ni.ui
nt oik inl.atlou tint .lohn H kirnuu
of Oieonsbuig, had lun n li i ted lot
pennant nt (h.iliinaii Thp lt'ininnii n
3alon ot the loninilttpe wan adoptii)
md I'lialinian UpIII.v n
Ired In l.ivor of Mi Kppiiiu 'Ihe
-lialriuan made a Mini l spteili In "in -:eptlnj?thp
At 3 30 o'llmk a loud ilm-r auuiium
il the Hirlal of the ' big font ' of the
vinventlon, CoIohpI !utfi', p-i!opi.
ior PattNon, e-.ludge lioulnn and i
'onBiesiiuait .lamps Kpii It was
lutigp Ooidon'H llrst appoaiaiKi as u
'nnvPiltlnn dt'lpgatt' hliue In- lioinU
oatPd Mr PatlNon fot ginoiiioi In
IRJ CoIoiipI "!uffp also made his ttiht
ippeaianip as a delegate in a nuni
5er of joai.s i
Tllp inninilMi'p irpoited
hat the Lontest fiom the Pmnili
arkawanna dNtilet was diopppil,
inrt that fiom tlio I'lfth l.ueiuo ills,
rlct was adjuslid b uuh hide agi po
ng to halt me foi the niiitoMants
md coiitpstpps, TIipso wpip the onh
sontpsts. the Phlladplphla tioublo ha
ng been adjusted lipfoio the ciPdeu
lals coninilttep mot.
The liarmoiiN ipsolutlon. which wan
ffeiPd by ex-State Clialiman Itllllng,
as as follows
WhirrJ". Tlie rnnililliM now rxMIng In llio
rEnlnl l)i moi ran nt I'liilnlil) lil i i a nii.i
'or Krfat rtivatlffiitiou to the IKmouat; ot the
Itale of Pfnnjlinli, avl
hfrfa, As rrofrfH In llif illrnlloii of tnr
unnj lii been mule In th wlrctinn of Hon
R F PattUnn as ihahimn of tlie citj loininlt.
ee, and
WhTfa, With a lew of atrenitlienlnir and
ilitlnE him in the work of ic oranijliun, Iheie
fore be it
Replied, That Partaln Willi an llaj.nn, W.
D nieler. .1 K V IUII. Inlnnel llatm nner.
John It Head and lion W ( llunle aie hen la
appointed a committee ujtli full innrr alll
authorit to hear and determine all illfTereiue.,
adept rules for the coinnment of Hie (latrj jm
proilde a mtthod of holdlmt prlmrj i In thru
to t held the fecund Monday of linmij nevt
for the formation of a new nrganimlin The
roneliloni of eaid committer to he lilndiniz and
final, and the organization tints mule .hall le
lh trim and rnb regular tiiranijtion if ilm
p.rti In fald oily heielier, and the hi mm.
mlttee hereb) appdnled it further niiliculiid
and empower to ait with the Hon Ilodert t:,
Faltbon and forthnlth heir and ilelirmlne all
dlpute and ohjecllon t the ioinp ltlon of
the merit oreanlralirn in the iul cin and
Id this reeaid to rcmac anj prttent Kprcjenu.
tlie or ifflcHli In ami orsmlnMon and to
eiilnlllnie oiliri. In their plaie lien Mid coin
lnlllee nhall tin I ailil te iirnlalhf to liaie
I ren fillhle lo tie parli and further, to like
Muh flrp a In their jmlBmiiit nhall eeetn bet
to perlut pmlfi and render the ild oiuxtiira
t Ion efTeitiio and teponlie In th( will of the
llrnir.1 1 ill. lolim In ntd i III
Judge Cm ilon was the Hist to speak
on the Killing ieolutltin, spiondlng It
In mi t.ddrpss lha laid the iljost at
tPiitlm oi the huge nudlpiur. When
lip i out luded he was wildly cheered bv
delegates and speuntois Wh ,i c
("lovcrnor PattNon took the stage to
aNo s, ,oi,( the lesolutlon theie was n
neiie of wild enthusiasm.
The Ex-Govetnor Makes nn Eirnest
Flea for Harmony.
HanNburg, Aug 1" Mr. Pattlson
spuke In pat t as lollows
T roncninhte the iniartitjrn on tin enlluiHl.
nm Willi vim It it rei veil the i xpreslon of tic
mtinien1 of the (jenll 'inn who prneded me
I tin lure to riiiprnitr In em o po.ilu
eert etpre"lon whlrh e nlteo I Willi rrferenip
lo lleinoiritu hltniti Hie lleiuoi r itio i irt v
lua tieer filled the ppojilo in time put .ml
it will irntlmii' to repteent tlio centtnnnli if
the whole piople Hie lleninirui Inn protected
iiilnt limn esir nn 1 npptes-dip lefiUhtion
It l not E"inc lo fill in thu utmcte In
I'oniKili mlii Neier n the Iluuoir ila pjrt
moro needed la the pmple of our Mite linn ui
thU lioui 'I he MrtiKclo li on between the peoj lo
md the tnot debmched pclitlnl tonibinn that
err iti.criicd ft lie let u rid ouri!e
if Ihia ilelintilieil and innteniptildo lonibinallon
Wi 110 lien ah one nun bun im: ill ilitbrimea
to nuke .in oniliiiRht in ihi Ilepublli in ioiii-(
linn thit i-Ii til me in It s aunihililion In eir
Iniliti in tlio atKo nun are now riadi 1)
nib lor the oiertbrow and de. fruition if this
p'lau d iiii-
I nn hen t i peil fi r 1 tiuited Petnomi;
lo jppul for tin enthu-lavni nlitih In' ilnr
nleiliil the pun In the n.l T liU l i flsht
of tlio peopli, md in thl i iue let i exert
eieri enuei, tlut thu mo le rc-doied to their
own In tlio oie of the utrinment of the toui
Mr. Uhich on the Floor.
IiologatP T'lrli h, of Sthinlklll made
i spppih against the hatmony i evolu
tion, .sijlng It was nieioly a sublet -fuge
to ioet up tHe slime that per
mcilts the Plifladolphla Deniouaey.
Mi I'll ii li inadp sinli pointed chaigcs
against Missis Oonncll and IImhi, of
Pliilidelpblt that their fi lends In the
Philadelphia dp"Kilioii iieated gloat
ilNoitlei, In the midst of which thp
thaiiiua'i put the n solution and It was
dei I up1 i ameil
Thuats of poison d oIence woie
made agilnst Mi I'll lib and llnally a
big. but 1 -looking soigpant-at-aiins
Itoiu Phlladelphi i' att uUcd him and
theie was an tipioit whlih piomNed
spilm.s -onseipn pics, but a t-nuid of
pillttmei sit loiiinled Mi I'lilih, and
he was ( 4(oi te I lo a ple of safetv on
tb stiRi lieln i hi Pied by a niajoilty
of the dplegatts
Ruben i: Wilght took the stage and
read tlv platfoim, which was adopted,
and Is is follows
The Platform.
lie Ihin hiu i I I'liiiKiliimi in romeiillin
iiinlilii mil e (In do 1 intli n of Its imaii li.m-i
md puipie in tin nmuiu i In lion
W mini; all uhiui e pici.n.ll..n up n
whiih Hip iwiplo of tin nilion iliiide inln polai
ill pirtln wo call tin, n ill h net lilt, u to
nuiti with in fir tlio iidrmpllin of our iiuu
in nwi ilth ItiMii the pnlifKHl ftielmoUH who
n m imtiol it
Wi liaite ill p liti, i irtln, al! oisaiiillona
if nirii heedful of tin puhlii wrHire, mil nil
IVnu.ih iiiIiim lo jom u In i nii.ide foi Hie
puilfl it ton of the luillutcil tliaii'iela if put lie
Wi diplnre, 'iltli ill jood nien. the need of
inikin; the quftioii of lonuinn lionei an I
iliniit 1 ItninUtii'ii'ii .in l o lo iliiide I ho
peipli of 1 ;rint lite lut lo thl ilerlrialile
lmi-,-ili we hoe been 1 rouUit bv the outrn; a
nf lb put lit in miihliio cworiniient
With iniieiliiliius mi ienif nl tin people of our
Mil titO'i turr, tin Ir un upon tho .peililile
te.entpil la nur loiniu nwi ilih 1 ion depig
ment of our hi Ho irmi mini nt i, lioni uoiilbe I
with rr fli j nt, ilihmi(ti ami a reikk.s dlre
en I if iiin-tiiulionil ir mini nhllguinn'.
I In piiwm if .nieriuiienr iro rliuied to
the puipve (f publi tlueie' ( omlltutlonit
lotrmits mi loiuuinil', th sinrtlti of lt,
Hi .Idler it ii lis of nlliiul nitlw ml He iIiiuiimU
or i limn n In noit are ilin.t nld In tho
MiWliiuii if ii hi. In r liw I he ilriniwN of in
in.ilnte uioed of puldn plun Irrer. fir tiioni,
lintipi, innri union m. op nl
tlr iote of leciililor. no boushl and s.i pir
aUlmllt and i mi'lanllv lint inirket ilue f'r
lijMatT lue bo n ist ibllfliul In sittled ui
II hi inn nt imliffi rem o of our n pie ii
Hew i nirari nuluililrnrd ih" rnnuptli nUli li
uuh an i Mi nt tint tin t,t tslnn f ur lr.-i"
hturo nil Himd In Hi iufanlei Ml
iihii r. n .im,. a ,. n,o,,t nirrupl leallalno
buili thai tur loinenid In am Vite of the
1 tih n In ion ni.'jiilMllon fnundid mi
tin purihie of fil leeifhtora with in, net in I
pin nn I it i hi-, n ip.,,,n nllli tin 1 1, hi,.
Ins infitni nf tint mm uttipen li na frjnihl.o
Heil, aim km; the inoril fen ef tlio enllio
Pie .ileiti.n of n 1 nttpl siiin. ,,n.iA. .. ..
nuMiipll.hed In n iiuilid of lorrupllnn md
1 rilT In the reiklesj ilelrrmlnitinn to pmiMi
(tiiinlea md reward nilneriirnt tnola e.tablbhed
uiutiii l il coieinnnnu were uilhles.l.i oiei.
turned mil fi ihoien aenmta of tho" peoplo
rvpelled from their ifil.i to mike pi no fir the
neiturea of i lotrupt nmlilne
Tlio faith of lln peoplo in the iinetlli of the
ludhMn w n biokin In il hiltlnj e fori" to
find iliiillo euue for the i rluin lulled In
lt rtfi rt ti roll t , tn. ot tnil I: n (1( , , 1 1 n .
of ilnall mil ill pi ait the lel.htiuo prnnul
ed to tint ollur mil irroitrr rolheri of the rad
ii n frnnihlaei r( tho utile worth millions to tho
plmnleriM. md (tripping eer illi, lown and
tnmlilp In Hie loiunioiiwejlih of the prop,r
ii ntml of Hi alreeti fir trollej Iniprnieni.nta
I ten the public charltlra of the Hale-In hoi.
plnli and ailiina and lf irnifort ff tlnlr im.
fortutnte innnte wrie mule the jpiit nf nlltl.
ril greed md their nppioprlitlnin mi i.iired ami
deteimlned In Hielr me md erilicii In tie nil
ihlni No nmlhle t- I of (orruptlon wi left
iinuillliited b. the inw of puhlle plun leren
who hate wired upon tour utile plunderers who,
in the nine of a gieat political paitj, hue
prrttilutril all the piirpnv and pofn rf go.
eriimrnt t' Hielr own rnrhhinent for the.e
trlinea wo iiidn t the Itepiibllian orgiintiillon
ai It i now K'utri lied
Of the pirtlelpilion and ai.lilnnee of nnworlhv
Iletnoiiitlo leglkhtoia in thee nrnnga thla eon
tentbn dei larea IN tronsrt denuin Ijtloti They
hate hetriied Ihrlr rniiitiient, Inflliled lattlng,
Imparible liiurt on their put, anl tinted
them eliM imwoiihi of public ronfldenee Wo
Nate to their Immediate u natlturnta the In.
fli'tinn if political piinlihment.
Wo cmnot refrain Jt Ihli time frun lommend
Ins anl thanklni; the D.moiiatto meiubcn, cl
the legliliture who atnod mmfully and filthfiilly
by their arty ngiln't the pupclralloti of (lioo
In our effort to nto our utile front furlhrr
dlhonor wo ak ill trienda of good gowuimrnt
to Join. Wc make thit light lint n 1 ittlliil
frganb.iiion aeekln? a pirtlan adianlige, but
In the intri-ctt of all l'enntltaniana, and will
welcome a (Iomt tmloii with all political orgatil;.
allom honesllj pledged to the nitne piirpo
Mr. Ulrich's Resolution.
Mr. Villi It was tliein nnoided the
floor to offen the following "Keohed,
That the namro of the delpgates from
Phlladelplila county be stricken fiom
the loll and the dplpgatia excluded
fiom the lotnentlnn "
IX-Iiommiioi PattNon made a point
of older against the icpnltitlnn, Mhlih
was sustained by the (haltmaii. Thoio
was an appeal fiom tho decision, the
roll tall resulting In the chair being
sustain! d by a ote of J7I to fit The
Philadelphia delegation did not vote
The death of ex-Congriftsman Stoim
was alinouiK ed, and a .suitable resolu
tion wa adopted
I'liangCM In the party rules, recom
mended by the eei'title committee of
the stnte committee, wile lead nnd
The Nominations.
Nominations fot Kiipieme tourt Jus
tlte wote then i illed tot mid Paul II
Applebiih, of lbicks loiintv, n imed
Juilgo 1 ai mini Yeikes, of that (oiintv,
ex-Juilge KiPhs, of Cleat field, spiond
lug Judge Yeikis was nominated bj
For the olllee of state tie.isuior, Di le
gate (illlan, of I'l anUlIii (mint, nomi
nated State Ilepiesont.itUe Andtew .1
Palm of Ci aw foul counts. Mi (liiew,
of Ulalr toiinty, esplalnpd tluit, al
though his delegation was Insti noted
for Mr Corny of Taiyerne. lndepomlpnt
Hepublltan ho lelded to the oer
w helming sentlmi nt of the coinenttnn
for a stialght Uenioeratlc ticket, and
petondedMr Palm's nomination TMlin
wn.s llltewNe nominated unaiilmoiish
Mr thiriuaii. of I,U7eine, miuid that
In the eent of a vacancv on the tit hit
the eNeuithe (ommlttie of the statp
Lonymlttee be, Instruited to 11 1 1 the va
tatuy with n Dpihoi rat The motion
was adopted Mr Htem, of ' nango
moed that, In lev of the high diir
ncter and integrity of the nominee for
stnte treasuier. It be dedaicd the ctise
of the convention that the wlthdiawal
nf Mr Palm and the substitution of a
Republican is it ndpsliabte from n
Demoer.itli slnndpnlnt. This motion
was adopted without delnte and
the ionentiIon at fi .13 p. m. adjouined
sine die.
He Hopes to Get Help from Dis
satisfied Republicans.
Ill l.xdutlip Wiic from The Vjsum 1 Proi
llarrNbuig, Aug lo. llx-Judge (Joi
don .s.ild:
I ri'.e to jet in I tho rrt'lulmna offered lir tic
ci nt l in nt (toui I lie When I list ha I tie
bin r if a I lio-dug a Item untie inntculiou it
wis at Hiis lull limit twentt i.iH 3n, mil it
ita mi irnilegi thin ti phi e In nnuilinii n
for tho ofhit of goternor the dillnguisheil (.en
th men who ia lion ilmrm.lll of fie llrmuritln
nit lonunlllee of Phlladelphli I tcmciiiber well
the fictiin tihiili took phco then ml the i heer
fill, cordnl wat In unit. li the pirtv rillled to
Iim siKtivi ind called li m into the (.ntciiini a
loiln a more t ige in Hie I Mori of tho
pan innfronti u, md It ia one that intnlica
tin' ticlfaio of the entire stile. I tongritiihto
tlio Drniountit l(idrrhlp nf I'rmetlt inn, th c
edgicift and fur Mglitcclncsa hit itoltul tin
retoliitlona nlTeretl lij the jenHimiii fiom 1 rie
I inni.ritul.ttc them upm the go id m ii-i ml
fiitnie.-, the I'll u tn.0 and the uninlmmii iIcmio
fur miuim if the pirti, whlih hu dulilid i
pioraninu It a lnrmoninu put.t upon i fur
and holies i ljuHnent of citin; iIImoiiN
I'll lir riic .ml pirtlet fill leulcis tUc ml
Icideis fill, hut abntp them all, tnnerini iter
Infue tin llimoiiait, ah mil In the welfao
oi ihe Ktite an 1 cnunlrj loin th" per Ic r
l'i nn-tli mil lie n-king in l riMUid fiom the
giiitist evil thit hit eicr men lied i fucimplo
ni iiiinl (Jii,il-iu -from brgiuulli n en 1 of
the fljlo Hie Ilepiiblkin partt in Im nnnet
In iiiibri hliniN readv to unite with ton fot tlio
nuithrow of tint domination We should ml
ruin them, welcome them ly the plitfonn It
in, !nl lies .md I; a putt mmiemeut wtiuli
will gite thrni 'he lontlliiuc of Inert, in I
slum that wc, at lcat, will In true to tho nti
i f uform,
I epi ik, griitlrmrn of II o centenllon. for Hi" o
fririnl of mlii" who t una hrr'' with pirly ibu"er
mm, tint I am J ul to hop will bo hi del
fiuetcr Ihce geullruiin ilinln il onlt Hut
fur trcitiiunt whiih ctrri lmnrst lleinoirit
fieri t to a coid to ctert other honett lleinoirit
Ihet are com Hired Hut the loiuiuiltee appoitiicl
in Hiev reilutlona, nil fur mid linn irtl It in n,
will ! jiitlre, and ju-Hro ii nil (hot ,k'
'llirn we hhill lino i uullnl pnti, tint upon
,i (iiiiunn piup h', jiil tint pmposc II c ic
i!i million of I'uiii.tli mil the rclunpthn of
I'liilnJilphli from lit l am fill ile.t,iilitinn ml
Hinlldnui, mil tin liftin; up of the paity am
wining ill the ah imo fimn ita qim nl hum
State Ticket Completed by Nomina
tion of Audetson.
fly ttilmlte Wire fiom 'the ANsnnl 'iet.i
N'oifolk, Va , Aug l.r The Uemo
eralli state (oniitlon today mm.
plPtpd the Mate th ki t by the li'itnl
niitlon of Major " A Andunin for
allot nt gptuial
The platfoim adopted leallliius nl
lelaiiie and unfaltprlng deotlon to
the national neinotiatli p.nty and do
i hues "adiniiailon lor Its bndtis from
.letfei.son to Hi. van, who have benny
the p.nty Atunditid In Ictoty and de
feat." Tho lemnlnder of the platform Is do
voted to a discussion nf Male affnlic.
and no lefeienie N made to national
Nsiies, with the exception that unalter
able oppusllon Is. de lined to the ulniN
mil ti lists nnd to ppi Illegal combine
ot tapltal
Tluee New Destioyets.
Illlllinore, Aug 15 lliiec additlona It the
I nited Matca nut wire ilnutcned ami him n 1
at He i.hlp)jid of Hip s.(rrj i,IM,nn
le-1 tint aftctmon The.i aie totp-di inm (,
atrojria ind will be Immn lurriftrr liy tie
niuiea of Whipple, Tnixuin anl Wrnlen Iho
ciiemonies attmdant upon the laiimhlng tuck,
plare at 2 o'clock ill tho rriimo f t hue
Steamship Anivals,
w York, Aiib 11- sjiini ui,mtc Vlilmii,
llimhurg. la llniagni, II it n I ttirpnnl -.
rliedi Wrlernlanl, l'hilnlclphla Antnerp
halledt I'ennland, Nen oik II ilterdatn sailed
II ilUlilani, .Nut ,nik
Strike nt Red Ash Mine.
Wllkea narre, ue n The IIM li mlw f
the lirlanare and lliiim ( rial nniiant went en
ttrlke thla morninj, rfulng to ohej a m ti
nnier i luting extra work without InrnauM pij.
fllhrr minis of the tompany aie ctjcitid to go
out for the .ami. um,
Sentenced to Tay a Fine of S400
or Servo in Prison.
By F.ulnabf Wire frun The A'itilf.l Treas
Washington, Aug lo. l'outth Assist
ant Postmaster (ieneial Htlstow has
piped n eablegiam fiom Inspector
Itfiiernl of Posts in Cuba l'osnes, slat
ing that the trial of i:. P. Thompson,
formerly postmaster at Havana, has
In tn i out ludi d nnd Thompson cnnvlit
ed, He un sentenced to pay a fine of
$100 oi stive sl months in prison.
Thompson was utilised of causing to
he lsiipd In his own behalf, while post
master, four motley oideis fot $100
eaih, and putting u due bill In the
dinner liiHlead of i ash It was futther
charged that when he learned that an
Inspection of tho otlke was1 Imminent,
he plared $100 In the dinner fiom to
mlttances he had Just i etched, post
poning the cntiy of thiM icnilttanies
until after the Insppi Hon, when he
withdrew the $no leplaied his duo
bills ami entered the iimlttaiites.
Ho Wins tho Race at Btighton
Beach Distancing: tho Abbott
in Second Heat.
Hi Ivelmlie Wire from The Asaiclited ProM
New Voik, Aug. 15. The Hotting In
tciosts of tho l'mplic city have not le
eched suih a boom In a (matter of a
centiuy as was developed today at the
Brighton Heaih Hack when, under the
auspiies of the New York Tiottlng as
sociation, the champion stallion and
thamploii gelding, Ciesieus and The
Abbott, came together for a puisp of
Jl.'.OOO. The Abbott with his teiotd of
L'0l'( of last season, and Ci esc ens with
bis .it.ii k of -0.'i4, made at Columbus,
wote to det Ide the question ot whlih
one was ti go down In history as the
fastest tiotltyK hoise now living.
Theie was a laiger ciowd picspnt
than was iver .sppii on a New Yotk
tiottlng k. The giand stand wis
simply p u krd and this, despite th
fact that resolved seats with admission
cost ?l, while boes holding four poi
sons were all disposed of at $".0 eaih,
lit addition to the tegular admission.
While tin seating eapailty Is but 3,000,
It was undoubtedly a fact that clone
to fi.imo prisons weie Jammed Into the
st 1 111 tin o.
Ihoiv available space between the
stand a'.i' was funked to Its ut
most i.'ipK'iU and the paddoi k, intlold
and he ipet a Ini'sslon Held tnnt.ilned
a legl in of piople. It was estimated
that l'.iKii piople weie present.
The weather was simpy poifcct for
the gnat I1l.1l and the tiaik was like
vohit, though piobablv a stiond slow.
M'viial times dining tho al let noon
both hoi sos put In some piellinlnary
woik, and p.n It time they passed the
ciowd there was giett enthiisalsm
It was about Ii 10 n'llnik when the
dilvets, Ketiham and (leeis, appeared
at the giand stand and obtained their
positions lor a start by the Hip of a
coin lank was with tho diher of
Cipsiius as he set tiled the pole, and
a di 1 Ided advantagi, whin two hoi sos
so 111 nl oqu il in point of leionl aie
lonsideicd. When, a little latei, the
hoi sos 1 a me ft 0111 the paddock thev
wrie wildly iheeud. anil they looked
fit for the work befoie them. Vortu-iiatelv-,
loo, the wind had died down
to a dead tabu, so theie was no obsta
cle In that lino.
I'.uh was dihin up and down the
stietch for a wanning up, ami when
they leached the lei, Ciocous was
sllghtl In the load and they weie
called bai k.
Nose and Nose.
Th net time down thev weie nose
and nose. Then Ciesieus pushed to
the fiout and had a lead ot a length,
width ho hold to tho iiuntei, making
that lunik In .nl. This lead The
Abbot had slightly mluied nt the half,
whlih was leadied In 1 01'i, and he
was a vi tv 1 lose snond at the tluee
iU liter polp, In 1 3JU. The v.ibt tiowd
loalU.ed that a w 01 Id's loioid was
about to be made, and the giaud
Htand niose to Its teet, while the mul
titude, which was In the spine bptwpon
the stand and the, ihoeud wild
h. Coming up tho stietih It was a
battle lot nl, with 'the Abbot 1 lose up,
but C11 muis, with his bull dog gilp,
kept on, with jiostills extended, and
just managed to heat his opponent by
a half luigtb In tni. the woild's
tiottlng moid In a win. To sav
that the nnnouni 1 nn nt uoatod tumul
tuous applause onlv faintly lomevs
the nieanllig of the nxpiesslon
A little ovei half an hour had expliod
when tho two giand hnisps came out
for their second tilal and weie slatted
nndei the same conditions that exlstul
in the tltst They weie sent away
boautltully, but The Abbot had not
tiavellod n bundled aids betore he
made a ills," tl 011s hi oak and befoie he
uiuld leiovet his gait, Ciesieus was In
fiont The Abbot oni e settled, made a
Kianil eftoit to oveitake his opponent,
but tho sou rf itohert McCliegoi was
out lot litoiy and kept oil, passing
the iiuaitei In " seionds, the half In
1 (ij'j, the thiie-iiiaitei.s In 1 l'i and
1 nine iiishlng home the Inst riuaitoi In
".lU seioudfj. doing the mile In .'Ofii,,
with The Abbot of the Hag. As
the 1,110 was best thrpp In five, Ketch
am consented that Ci esc pus go another
heat. This he did shottly befoie ."
o'tltck, 111 innipinled by a runnei foi
tlio hist half, where be was Joined bv
iinoihei iiinnei and he did tho mile In
2.0-i, the fiuai tor In .101... the half In
1 oi1., and the thiee-ciuaiteis In 131
To the ci edit nf The Abbott It should
bo sal I that not only was this his Hist
1 iico of tin seiMin, but ho has also been
sick and his best mile since his iei ov
er) was in the vicinity of .'fl'i
Tin belling beloto the laie was $100
tc J,u on Ciesieus, and It was live,
theie In lug many of the followers nf
Tho Abbe it nnd his drhet, tleeis, who
wrie willing to take the shot t end
It Is stated tonight that the owner
of Crescpus rptphed $7,000 of the $12,.
noo, while thu owner of The Abbot le
eched i'm.
B. M. Galdwell. Former Mill Owner,
Known to Have Conferred with
the Strike Leaders.
Says That the Amalgamated Asso
ciation Has Submitted No riopo
sitlon to tho Steel Corporation.
Men Who Interfeio in tho Fight
Warned to Keep Out of It and
Sive Tiouble.
Uy Hilutlte Wire from The .oiiiteil Prrtn.
Pittsburg, Aug lri. Once mnie there
aie elloits afoot lo settle the stilke
being waged against the I'nlted States
Stiel 1 01 potation bv the Amalgamated
Association of lion, Steel and Tin
Wotkeis, but Hielr sucicss Is piob
Iiinatlial Neither side will admit
that theie has been a single step to
ward biinging about a leapptoach
nieiit, or that theie Is any piospect of
an cMhangc of pence pioposals. H
M. Caldwell, fotmeily a milt owner, of
Mingo .lunition, Is known to have 1 011
feiied with the strike eadeis with a
view to sketching a basis of settlement
whlih he plans to phue before the of
lli i.ils of the steel toipoiatlon. He
Is believed to bo the nistci man who
confeired with Piesldent Shaffer for
mine than two homs at the strike
heacliiuaiteis today, although tho lat
ter said later that he had not seen
Mr. Caldwell for mouths. Hoth sides
lgoiously denied that the had either
made ov crimes or received pioposals,
but It Is known positively that the
plan 1s under consldeiatlon.
Mr. Caldwell Is acting Independently
and does not repiescnt either the
mantilai tuiots or thp men. No ex
piesslon fiom hlpi was obtainable, and
no Hue on the teims that have been
(onsldoied can be had. It Is believed
heie that under icitaln 1 Iruinistancos
tho contending sides could bo biought
together and a settlement effected, but
whether such will como to pass letnalns
to he seen.
Piesldent Shaffer, In n significant
statement made nt noon today, said
tint ppisonally he was for peace jnd
that lie yas lighting onlv beiause ho
was on the defensive and foried to
tight Meantime, the contest between
the two great Interests Is being waged
with vigor nnd slightly vat Ins fot
tune. Corporation Stxonger.
The steel corporation seemed to bo
.somewhat, .stionger at the lowei union
mill of tho Catnogle company in this
tit, although the stilkeis aie still
working hard tn nipple or 1 loe it
Thp corporation also ndded to the foue
at Wellsvllle and announced that at
last it had the plant running to Its lull
inpaclt It had been anticipated that
the day would (.how some move on the
p.ut of the Aineilcau Tlnplate com
puiy townid opening one or more of
Its plants with non-union men, but
nothng was done, nnd theie weie no
attempts at extensions In othei dliet
tlonw. Thieo hundred men einplocd 1 t
the scamlets tube plant at McKees
poit, an auxlllaiy of the National
Tube company, tin civ down theli tools
nnd joined the stilkeis It Is said that
the quit because they would not
handle noii;uulon made matciial. Din
ing the day the Ptrlkeis kept a tins
watch on the planks that aie being
opeiatcd with non-union men and also
kept alcit pickets mound the Cainegle
plants and the wotks that atu com
pletely closed down.
Theie weie few developments, and
except 111 the instances enuuuiatcd
tin to hnve been no changes In the gen
eial situation. Hood older was genual
thioiighout all the stilke districts
Piesldent r-haffer and liN associates
had a busy day at strike headriuaiteis,
The weie on hand c.uly and with n
"deadline," that kept tho thlid llonr
nf the Hlssoll bloik of nil in-tunleis-
went into confereuie with the
man, who Is bellevtd to be Mi. Cald
will, who has come Into the bieni h
with a peaie plan Piesldent Shaffer
did not nppiir until slioitly aft,i noon
wlnn he mnde the following ctatement
to the newspaper men
Shaffer's Statement.
I Mill Hi nfftiiill the AiiulLainilrd attocia
th 11 ha i-ubniillcil t propicillin in tho hi,. I
lotpirition imr hat the utiel inrponllon oflired
am propotilion ibreitli tn the VnnltJiinied
a.otlituin We lute not lieaul from the c, r
p, 1 Hum offliiall slnci our last conference in
New oik I will nj, however, tint tertiiii turn
firiucrlt conniiled with the Amalgamated atsi
uatlrn aie inlfilrrinc in thit matur, md inter
firiiiR tilth mil lUht Tliey had belter kup
out 1 ( It or thej will get the ttortt of it
IVi-u 1II1, 1 tlr hcht tJt .cltled, lilt
nm Hut tto are fori id Inlo a fUht and call.-1
upon to defend nurkilie., tte aio flfhtln; nil
hut 1 ceefnll 1 knri of no plan lor 1 ,ctth
1111 111, nnd lan aip ton tint uu upii.enlalito
if tho clrcl torporition haa lern tn t lir-f- hml.
,iurnM I ho ktateinrnt in a inoinlnir pipir
that tlit rr it a mmcinent In depose mc It i lie
It it mini Hull fjl-r, it Ik a lie
Mi, hhalfer did not name the men
whom ho ihaiged with tinwaiiantoil
Interfeuncp In the affalis ot the 01
gaulatlon, hut former President M M.
(inland Is believed to be one of the
uuuibei. latter In the da Mhhaol
Kell, emesentlpR the Amalgamated
lodge of Milwaukee, and Samuel Ad
nnis, of thi .lollet lodge, weie closeted
with the advlooiy boatd. The made
an extu.ilid statement as to the ill
iiinis'anees under which their oignul
n.ilit n failed to go nut, and It Is said
that they promised that their men
would go nn strike If peimltted to give
the tin eo months' notlie provided foi
In their rontiaits. None of the pai
lb Ip lilts in tin discussion would talk
when tho mee'lng ended for the da.
Thu local slllko lcideis aie veiy anxl
nus to secure a icveisal of the voln
by which the western men lemaliiPd at
woik and some of iIipih seem lonildent
that Houuthlng v III b" nuompllshed.
It Is ifptyitti that the United titatcs
I Weather Indlcatlont Today!
1 (ieneral-n "llirmoiiinus" Dcmocratlo blite
Vflort to Settle Veel S(rl,r,
Ilillle Ilojal of Trotlem at nrlshton.
2 Oenenl-Cirbonlale Deparlment.
1 loial t'ett f ar llepilnr ppl) for Work-.
Polite and the speakeasies
4 rdltorial
Note and Comment
5 toial-IMri rounrllnnn Cet Their st
Work of Compctlfora In the I durational Con
0 locd W'cat crinfori anl Suoniban.
7 Heneril Vortheitlern t'enn)b lnla,
llnamlal and Commercial.
S I 01 it Pit'a Work of the Court.
Induttrlil nnl balmr
Steel cni o'.atlen l negotiating for
the nbioit Hon ot the Itepiibllc Iron and
Sleel compiny. There have, It Is vnld,
been n number of conferences between
prominent stockholders In the two
companies nnd that the tonus of pur
chase lino been practically agiced
upon Tho llcpuhllc plant Is a laige
one anl lis pun base would add gteatl
to the conimeri lal sttenglh of the stool
toipontlon. No sfatemoiit as to the
tonus i obtainable. Ynungstnwn ml
Ices say that tho olllelals of the Aniei
Icail Steel Hoop eomp inv have asked
the strikers to nttend a nipptlng to.
mnirow. at which they piopose to lav
befni" them tho terms offered nt the
maiiiii'aetiirpis' and stilke leaders' ron
feience. The Aninlgamated oflli l ils
ate opposed to the meeting and will
forbid the men to ntfend.
President lleorge Powell, ot the In
ternational Tlnplate Workers' Protect
ive association, was In conference with
the Amalgamated officials today It
was stated that they discussed the 10
pnrt tint the American Tlnplate com
pany -ins to Impoit black tin plates
fiom 'Vales. President Powell declined
fo talk when he left the strike head
fiuarteis. .
TI13 Weil-Known ex-Congressman
Passes Away at Stroudsburg.
Special fo the Seranlon Tribune
Stioiidshuig, Pa, Aug 15 Stioud
buig Is mourning the denth ot lion
John II Storm, who breathed his last
In bis apartments at the Burnett houco,
at !i o'elotk this moinlng. Deceased had
been 111 for some time, but nnl le
cently he was seen on the sheets of
this town. The end came un xpei ti d
to man
Diceaspd was bom In Hamilton
township, Montop county In the oar
ISIS A funnei 'h son, IiIh e.ul.v i"ars
were pissed In the occupations inci
dent to his position, nnd piesenled
meagre opportunities for mental oul
tute ny sheer deteinilnntlon and foue
of character, he pressed his xia
through the prepar.ttoiy schools, nnd
llnallv giaduatecl fiom Dlcknson tol-leg-e
In the ear 1"i1.
Immediately after graduating, Mr.
Storm coninienced the stud of law
and wan admitted to pr.u tlcc In 1S61
Hefore thl, he had received the ap
pointment of inunty supetinlendent nf
common schools, to fill a xacano, and
nfteiward for a teim of three eais
and was subsequently re-elected In
the 1RT0, he leeched tho Donin
ciatlc iiomlnitlon for congress, which
was followed by his old ton to the
Potty-second, and two cnix later to
the l'ort -third congress, in lxsj, he
wa.s iiff.iln nominated over dlMlii
gulshod competltots for tho I'oiiv
eighth congicss This nomination was
again followed by his elei tlon, and
again by his 10-clectbm til 1SSI so that
he ma now be rcmembeted as n et
ei an in inngres.
In polities, he was an aithe and on
thuslastlo Demociat, laboring ton,staiit
ly for thesutiess of his paity. Ho has
long been clialrmin of the Denim i.itli
county committee He was also a
pinmltlPtlt member of the Methodist
1'plscopal 1 him h of Strotidsbuig and
occasionally supplied Uu pulpt.
He was mauled In ISil". and lonves
hlo widow, a daughter anil two sons
to suivho him
Law nnd Order Leaguo Piocuics 32
It It, lu-he Wire fiom "ire Ami aled l're
Atlantic City, N. J, Aug. l'i. The
iiusade to hive the liquor Inrs 1 losod
on Sundits cimo to an Issue todav,
when William I.. Caiter, repiesontlng
the I.ivv and Oidci league, npppaipil
before HPtorder ltoboit Stephany and
swoie out wan, Hits for thlit-two al
leged vlolatots of tho crimes net Thev
weie given ,1 hearing tonight and
bound over for the Septeiubpr tPim nt
com t.
The particular ihaige Is baed on the
sale of llquot on Stindny, .lulv J. Wni
i.ints are tn bo swoin out for a nuin
bpr ot other saloon keepois. Those
sworn out tod.i aie for some nf the
moie piomlnont snloon and hotel men.
Alleged Bigamist Captuied.
Di' Kxilulte Wire from The Atixlated Pieai.
likes II hi, , 11tr l'i Pledgor 1 loin
ndi 'tho U ttintid line f r blinmi, dccttlin
nnd nnnaupptrt, u it i iptuird at Willlam.iort
md hiViuht litto II la ilalmul lis hat liir, e
ti it r
Pennsylvania Pension.
Dj Kxel nlvo Wire 'rem The Aito'lated Preiiv
W vhlncton, n? " rentlm of n
month lu 1 een srmtid lo Siniuel I' heilet, of
lie it li llaten
Lake Erie Races Postponed.
Py Faeluilte Wire from The wotlated Preta.
Ilnlford, I'a , uc 11 -Ihe lake lile ilicuit
rmv tuic postponed until lomurrow un uiioiait
if ram
I ma! dira for ViiBuit l l')li
llishrft iriiiprrituie T') desreri
I, oh cit tenip'iHlnre i degreri
liclitivr llumldit:
S n m 7 per rent.
fi p. ill srt per rent
Precipitation, .'I lioun ended S p, m, Ouj
Hurricane Swecplno the Goast Iron:
Pensacola and Moving
Fifteen Members of the Cobtlcn Fam
ily, Including Nine Children, Per
ish Government Bont Belloved to
Have Besn Lost Tug Boats and
Other Vessels Ate. Wiccked Mo
bilo Is Isolated Heiolo Effoits of
' a Piess Opcintor to Send News.
11 1 velielte Wire (run 'Hie Woohtrd Trew
New Orleans, Aug. lo The stmm
whii h li w In en sweeping the gulf
coast from I'ensuola and moving
wistwaid dining the past two days,
has ptostratcil telegiaph and telephone
Wlies lo sin h uu extent that news
fiom the outhlng sections Is haul to
get. The gieatist s have been en
teittlued foi the safety of the peoplo
living at l'oit Hails, which Is the
mouth of the Mississippi liver, and for
the ships that staited for sea Just be
foie the ntni m began. The wires to
l'oit Hails' hnve been prostrated since
Tuend.i night nt K o'clock, but it Is
said the Pica line lenihed a nnn who
left theie at J o't loi k Wednesday, Ho
was at Huras, whlih Is sixty miles
down the ilver and the faithcst point
with w hkh there Is who communica
tion at the piosent time. This nitin
desnlbes the stoim whlih swept that
section as a tegular tidal wave, simi
lar to the one which lesulted In sueh
awful Iosh of life In 1S31. He sas
all the people living on the east bank
of the ilver hive moved up to the
"Jump." vt hlih is fifteen miles from
the mouth of the ilver. The house of
a man named Cobden, half a mile
above the qiiaiantlue station, was
swept awav, and the fifteen memheis
of the famll. Including nine children,
wote diowncd.
The govet nment boat Oeneral Itcese
is believed to hive been lest. Captain
n'HiloivVt hoti'o was swept away, but
he was on the boat, whlih was beleved
to be outside. The pile-drivers at Port
Hails weie sunk. The steamboat was drlveif ashore during the
nIMit and later It w.ib found to bo
sunk. The i ipw Is ptIcI to hne heen
saved. The tugboat Velasto went
down to pa's h'Outie, which Is tho
eastern mouth of the rhei, with two
barges When last seen she had her
decks awash and is believed to have
gone down, if this boat and her barges
have been lost, twenty more pople
have boon di owned Theie are numei
ous leports of Individual Casualties all
along tho river from Hnieaus down to
the p usees. Not a single escl has
pissed up tho ilver slme the Motm
began and gieat fonts aie onteralned
for the ones whlc h aie expe td
Cp lo list night, evei thing seemed
to bo sife at the Mississippi const
towns. H.i ft Louis lif Chilstan,
HIIoxl MhMsspp Citv and Ocean
Spilugs but slme then not a word has
been heaid fiom them
Thete has been nun h damnse done
at Hull lie nil, a settlement on Like
Iloigne whlih Is southeast fiom the
ilt.v. and i oiuiei is with like Punt
i li.u ti.iln All the buildings theie have
been c.wopt awav and theie aie leports
nf loss of life among the lisheiniPn, but
the exact extent of this is not known.
A tld it wave swi pt over the land thine,
as It did nine eais ago.
Mobile Isolated.
AH ml. i, fia, Aiw 1". The tropical
storm, whlih has ben nglng along
the guf i oast loi two iln.vs, has to
night lompletilv Isolated the city of
Mobile, Alt, linlli the outside, vvnild
It Is known that lonsidoiablc damage
has been done along the water fiont
In Mobile, but whether time has bet u
loss of life or not Is ineip i oujeetiir
Nothing has been heaid fi nm tho coiin
tiy south of Mobile up to the tlnio
the last wlie lo Mobile failed At half
past four this afternoon the Western
I'lilon ollli e In Mobile was ahindnned
the wniei at that time being thro
feet (hop In the opeilltlllg loom
Two bouts latoi, lominunlcatlon was
had lor a few minutes with Mobile
The Assndatiil Puss ieioiter theie
hnd made his wa.v to the operating
room In a boat. He ( limed up tho
top of the swlti h-board, which Is sev
et. il foot above Ihe flooded olllee, .Ind
dt Inching the Assoi luted Piess wlit
from Its phue In the bond, sent this
"Am on top of tho switch-board hem
with a lineman. The water Is nvr
tluee feet deep In this loom nnd It is
still Using. The wind Is blowing at
the late of fifty miles an hour and w,
look lor vvoise things toinght. Tho
business depiittnent Is deseited "
Here the who failed nnd nothing
moie could be heal d fiom him, al
though the most peislstent efforts weia
Atlanta fia, Aug 15 rotPcat Offi
cial Mirlmiv said tonight "Port Hads
it'pnit on the wpnther londltlorr, has
bpen, musing two das nnd that fiom
Mobile tt rut -fom boms This storm
will piobabl move up the Mississippi
valley and then eistwnid to the At
lantli i oast Atlanta Is likely to get a
touch of it In heavv rains or high
winds tnmoiiow IhueiRoni warnings
weie sent out todiy to over one hun
ched towns In Alabama. Indlcatlns
heavy i.ilns tied high winds for Fil
Wuhlntlon. uc 15 Foreeait for
I astern I'mn-ibanii f.rnerillv fair
Irldai, Siliinli, Inereitln; clou line.
I inhabit thnttria at nlsht, fieih auU-
tticlerlt ttlmli becoming tanaldf.
X' '