THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, lOttHW ', 8 INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR HUMORS ABOUT THE RAIIiHOADS. NEW Road Planned from Hazleton to Wilkcs-Baire Is Now Said to Be rait of a Big Pennsylvania Scheme Lackawanna Will Retali ate by Going Into Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Railroad Company Takes Charge of the Cambria Steel Company Today. "A now iiillway l now In pmi'rss or ntihtitH'tlon between llazelton anil WIIkeo-H.irrp." sa '" exeliuiiBi'. '"I'lu" Mntemcnt Iiiih been turnip, and thr- lie Hot Ik Ronriully hclil In thnw cities, that tho l'cnnsjlvnnla lnilnmd lias Interest in thin juoject. 'Che roa.-on for such mi inteicst would be the fui't that tho new lino would he more tniin one-half slwiier than the tout now tiavrisrd by Pennsylvania Main- he twron the two points ineiitlnned, An ofuclal of lh IVnnnlvuiila. who knows what Is roIiik on with lospoit t" branch lines, said oterdit that that road was not it-elf i otixti uitltiK till' new railway, hut mlKht have a ptlvnte tiiratiReinent with the pmjei tot.. "The Pennsylvania l nooking- bul :ies with nune aitlvitx than beteto foie In the VnniliiK and I..ii'liiwann.i toal llcldo. llccenlb it put on four oxpiOi tniliis, two rach wa, lutween 1'hllndelplila and WIlKeHatie. mnk liiK the i tin In live limns and ten min utes. Hut the (IManie by it. pre.-ent jouto In loiixldeiabb nieater than that of the KtadlMK and the l.tlilKli Valle. lis la-t liuliis nii'Ue Hazleton in less time than the fastest U-hlRh Valley train: hut. aftei leavlnc Hazleton, the l'ciilii-.vlviiiila nuikes a wide deloui over the Philadelphia and llik- ti.iek". by wi of ISock men and Ne.-eopeek .lutlitlim. In ulllf i t set to- Wilk"! II.iik. Tho dinuiur this way from Jlazleton s nrts-lwo miles, mid fiom I'hll.ublphtii 1". tiiihs. wheteas the Ke hlfih Vulli'V Tome between Wilkes Hano and Philadelphia Is about 115 miles. "The naite sin e I'd fm the new rail way botwein llke.s-M.uie and llale Ion Is tweniy-foiii mlli.s intiK, twenij Icht miles i-hottei than the Peiuisl .aula lounil about wa. The plans t all irr a tunnel lliiuiiph the Ncs-i'i'pock nKMintaln. Thlt- Uiiiik'1 will make avold r.hl the an rut of ihe Ni.opeik latiRe now made by the l.chlsh Valle., and, also, eoinliiR nut In the v.illt be mid the di's-crnl on the nihil Milt The cr.idcs will, tlietef.uf. lie mmh llRhtei. The ruttlntr olf of twint -eight mile, in the distant e between Ha.leton and Wilkcs-Haue will enable the i-eduetlon of time between thisc point by neatly an hour, and the fast ttains could, tlicier.ite. make the lat ter elty in about tin- same time as the lhlch Vallej "Thne l.s another load bulldltiK In -tween sVtanlon and Wllkes-Hai I e, which is supposed to be a continuation of the Peiiiislania mute. The com pany construitltiK this line has an op tion on a site for a tet Million in an advantageous sittiitlnti In Set, ni ton, and thi work of cnntiuctlon is gainer lapldlv fmwaid. The fait that the Penns.vhanla N adveitlsiiiK exten sively, as well In Scianlon as In Wllkes-Haiir, and otlieiwlse shotting n spliit of in live competition fot lril nets In those lilies is iccarded tlieie at evident e of its lielnsr behind the new roads now miit-tuu ting " The invasion of this li'iiltm.v bj the Pennsylvania has again set In motion the rumors to the effeit that the Lack awanna proposed to entet Philadelphia ns the Pennsylvania's auive ilmpetl'or for western busine.-s. it Is said tne Lackawanna has senued oiitlons on ptaetieally all the tight of way that will be noiessai) in get into the Quaker city. Pennnsylvania in Control. The Pennsylvania It.illio.ul lonipany will take control of the Cimbiia Steel company today, and thiee new mem bers of the bodid uf direitois will bp fleeted to lepicsenl the ialUa intei rsts. The membeis will bo Leonatd ' Hanna, of Cleveland, who will iepie sent pai Denial ly the oil luteicsts; l't.iuk .1. llt Hi. pieslduit of the Ihie and Western Tiaiispm milon (onip.inx. and Theodoti N. lll.. siipi'ilnteiidcnt of inothe power of the Pcun.nuin i. ill mad. The ('aml)ila lonipany will linteae Its capiat on Thui.-da fiom $li!.nun nan to $5ifiui'Mi. am) the ConuniaiiRli St f I innipaiii. under wlmsn nimn- the Hn.ui- I with lJ.Oon tons capaiity, weie waiting ilil alt ills of thn ..iinpaiiv have been t i,c loaded at the Delawaie, I.acka i uiduii.d iluilng ir.iiganiz.ituui vMlP wanna and Western trestle at Oswego, In mug d lt i th I'.niibila 'I he I j;, y. ' nnsi limn i i,iiin ni punhasid con wken a man is drowning his rescue is a question of timely help. It is the 6itne thing in disease ' Many a time the doctor says of a man whose condition is hopekts, "Jf you'd begun in tune you might htvi been cured " This is especially true when the dis ease affects tne lungs. Delay is danger ous. The timely use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will result in quick cure of deep -seated coughs, bronchitis, and weak lungs. Keu when .hemorrhages have been frequent and profusa "Golden Medical Discovery" has been used time and again with the result of a perfect ami permanent cure, Mr. McCouley, of I.eechuurg, Armstrong Co., Ta., had eighty-one hemorrhages, and after other medical aid had failed he was completely cured bv the use of "Golden Medical Discovery' Accept no substitute for"Gold.i Med ical Discovery." There is no other med icine just as good for " weak " lungs. "I wnt In poor health vhen I commenced taking l)r Pierce'i medicine," writea Mr Klmer Lanier, of Volga. Jefferson Co, Intl "I had tomach, kidney, heart, and lung troubles. Was not able to do any work. I had a severe cough ad hemorrhage of the lungs, but after using your memcint a wane t coromencea io gain in atrength and nesh, and stopped coughing right ui ana nesn, ana sioppca co Took about aiz bottles of away, me i.oun Medical Dlseoverv' then, an die leal Discovery' then, and last spring I had then, and last ed on my lungs Crippe and it settled on nv mugs, leaving me with a severe cough, I bad the doctor, but he didn't seem to be! tin me any ay; so I commenced your medicine a asraln and took three or lour tin and bottles of the ' Discovery ' and two vials of Dr. Pierce's relicts, and that straightened me up. i irei iiac a ninerem person i giaaiy recom mend your medicine to all suffcters, for I know it cured me." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, papercovers, U aent free on re ceipt of at one-cent-atataps to pay ex pense of mailing only. Addrea. Dr. R. y. Pierce, "Buffalo, Ni V. E II 1 There Are Hundreds of Scran ton People Similarly SitnaM Can theio be any stronger pi oof of fered than tho evidence of Siranton residents? After oti have lead the following quietly answer the question; Mis. t. .1. Thomas, of 2JS t'hestntlt street, says: "The pain In tho small of my hatk went tip Into my head and caused feaiful headaches, t was near ly nlwas lame and sllff In the morn ing when I got up and It was with illtlluiity that I could get mound. It hint me every time any muscles of my back were put Into motion, like stoop ing or standing a. long lime. 1 saw poan's Kidney Pills advettlsed and got them at Matthews Itrotlurs' ding stote anil gave them a faithful lilal. t gieatly linpioved and tan rei om melid I)uan' Kidney Pills to iithots." Kor sale by all dealeis. Pi lie r.O cents. Koster-Mlllurn Co., liuffalo, X. Y.. side agents tor the United States. ltenieinher the name Ooun'es and lake no substitute. trol of the Cambtla dining the gmilatlon. D., L. A W. Board for Today. Following: Is the make-up of tho D L. & W. boaid for today: WMINKspW, At (11 sf 1 Wild (alt. hail- p til, A, (! Iliiiiiintt, 10 p. in , 1 Ihllett lilt I1S)Y. Vl(.l sr 15 Wild ( j'. Iastl :.o a in . K I. HoRrr, lth Dilirru 4 irfu; ,1 a. in. II (iilllpin. 4 a. in, (irnrKF Hull, f in, W. U. l.ilUn, ID .1. in., P Van Wormcr, it a in . J Hiirkliart, 1 p. in , Mil. inc. 5 i. m , LimikIiiki ; rip in , , llillrtt. siimniilii, Mi -K a in, ral. .1. tairltc: s a. in, wirt, IJ Mrmnfilkcr; II in, ct, M 1 iimi-rtj , C p in, rat. i' M llMinrll, i m , rat. W II Mrlml, 7 t m , Sav ic. M stjplt., ith Mi llller' iron, 7 p. ni , ( a.iucj, lliompvin, 7 p. In, (.jiuca, M. Cinlr.i. Puhfr si m, Hfiusr. 10 a m , S. Kin nfrtj. 1H0 i m. Mown; 7 p. in. Muipli), 9 p'm . I.amplntr: 10 p m , Ulnnr l'a.onerr Knclnf 7 a ni , I'.vfTnrj : 7 . in , .inKrri 10 i tn , T Nnunian, 10 a m , Spmr, 7 in . Mintnn, P m , Mtl.oifiti. WIM I ats Wfl V a in , P. I'awniicli. 7 i. m. R (.aitiicr, 10 a in. W. A. lTllilniur; II a m., .1. II Mil'ann; 1 p. m . M ( anivnli , J , m. .1 Kaliigin, .1 p ni, O Ilnln1pli, p m. I hlnujlri, S in, lluir, with O. Ca'c' ircw, 6 p. in , I" Mil.utlij. Ml IK F.. CiMrllii Mill nm K Mi IH Vui: summit Wfiliuita.i, UK. ( ondmtiir .1. ! Ill's now ou ,ai II llukniun Waller UiHup reports for K hMrr. Ms VI- This and That. For uniformity and convenience, the same number Mil' be given to Lacka wanna tallioad timetables hetcafter 011 all divisions. New west bound advaiue home and dlstiiit signals will be put In today on h l.r.ikawanna tallioad west of the 'rfueiif ni Denvllle. William Dods. assistant supei lutend ent of the Centtal Ilallioad of New Jersey, tailed on agents Tlmer and Swlshet, In this ilt. esteidny. The safety switches In the passing sidings on the Lackawanna tallioad at KlinhtiiM and Paradise have been repaired and ate now ready for use. 11. H. Shepherd, superintend! tit of the Hangar and Poitland division of the Lackawanna tallioad, was in the oily yesteiday, tailing on t lie local olli 1 ml-. Lackawainiii 00-class engines niusl under no clrcumstmue.s exceed sU tulles pel houi, while passing ocr Ihe Caibon stieet btldge on the Diamond inlne switch. The east hound home signal at thn cut end of the Poi t Jlorrls jaid was taken down yesterday mtil re-Pieeted adjaient to the east hound main track, Instead of outside, as formeilv, Siatclt of coal appeals to be still a piominent featiue at shipping potts 011 Lake Kile. Liii-t week sixteen vessels. REDUCED RATES TO CLEVE LAND VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Account G. A. R. Encampment. On acoftint of the thirty-fifth an nual encampment of the (Stand .tniy of the Kepublli, in be held at Cleve land, Ohio, September 10 to 14, Im lu sh e, the ePniislvania llallroad com pany will sell exiinsloti tickets to Cleveland fiom stations on Its line, at gieatly ledllccd tales. Tickets will be sold and good going September &to 1.'. Iniltmlve, good to leltiin untl ISeplember 15, inclusive; but by depositing ticket with Joint agent at Cleveland, pi lor to noon of September 1.", and the payment of fifty lents, l etui n limit may be extended to October S, Inclusive. For specific rates and futther Infoi matlon apply to ticket agents. Popular Sunday Outing, Mauch Chunk, Glen Onoko und Switch back, Sunday, August 18. The New York. Ontatlu and "Western Itailroad company has in tanged for an Ideal eM'iitslon on Sunday, the ISih Inst, lo two of the most popular ie- sorts In the state, Glen Onoko and the Switchback. Tialn will leave Caihon dale at 7 a. m stopping at all sta tions to Patk Place, Inclusive and le turnlng; leave Mauch Chunk at 6.30 and Glen Onoko at 5.15 p m. The New York. Ontailo and Western ttaln will await hi rival of cxcuislou train at Sciantrui. Thousands nf cxctiloni.sts from New Yotk city nnd Ilrookljn visit the above ichoiis each Sunday. Do nut miss Dili laio tieat. For further Infoi matlon, Inquire of New- York, Ontario and Western ticket agents. m A Pockot Cold Cure, Kiause's Cold Cure is piepared In capsule form and will cute cold In tho head, throat, chest or any pot Hon of the body in 21 hours. You don't havo to stop work cither. Price :'5c. Sold by all drugelslb. OBJECTS TO BOILING TAR FRANCIS Q. RARRICK APPEALS TO THE COURT. Says tho People Who Llvo at His Family Hotel, tho Seneca, Are Greatly Annoyed by the Odors nnd Noises That Come from tho Lot Occupied by tho Wancn Ehrct Roofing Company Why Judge Kelly Refused to Grant a Charter Marriage Licenses. Francis fl. Kartlck runs a family hotel at SIR Xorth Washington ve nue. It Is called the Henccn. Hattlik Is having tioublcs of his own and yes tenlay, through Attorney K. C. Xew comb, ho asked the coutt to assist him In getting lid of them. In the bill of equity ho filed It Is set forth that on May 1 last he leased the property whete he now con duits family hotel with the Indian name. At that time the suitouudltigs were quiet nnd proper nnd the atmos phere gcnei.illy was one conducive to tho sitwess of u family hotel. Since then the propel ty adjoining his on the not th has become the scene of tar boiling operations by tho AVarren llhiet Hooting company. Dense smoke and a. dreadful odor ailse from this boiling tar which Is wafted In the dl rei tlon of the Seneca to the distress of the occupants, who find It necessmy to keep all of the windows on that side of the house closed In a vain ef fort to exclude the noxious smoke and odors. At i! o'clock In the morning and at other unsi-oiuly houis It Is alleged that theio Is a pounding of lion vessels with sledge hamiiieis to the gieat (lis tless of the occupants ot tho Seneca, who are aroused fiom their slumbeis and again prevented from going to sleep. 1'nless these nuisances ate abated Mr, llarrlck says ho will be un able to keep people In his hotel and that he w .111 be gieatly injured. He asks for a temporary injunction to lestiain the Wairon-Khret company fiiitn continuing the nuisance, the In junction to be made peimanent after the heating of the case. Judge .7. W. Catpentet gimited the tempoiary In junction asked for. Another Foature of Gannon Case. Another feature of the famous .Pinion Gannon case was disposed of by the coutt Monday In an opinion of Judge Kdwnrds in the pioceedlngs of James Cannon against Maiy Illel. rule to ap ply money, etc. The opinion follows: V 1 iiMtti r et prarlfir thr pinienlinc in this ca.o i a neirlti Wo tall fini no proicdrnt nhlili iiiiulil Julll 111 ill ciintim: the relief itmitht by tlic ilrleiidaiit In llir inmiiir In uhliti il m imnkril 'lhi (ails iiion whlih the prrfnt ajlit,itlnn l bicd, Hre fiw liid slinplp .lamn (iiimiui. Ih pljiintiff, in 1sl, inililiitdi an aillcn n( rjs tiiinit miiii't Vlan Itiel lo ruoior p,.r.ion r a lot of lintl 'Ilio iao vis trkrt and tlif itnliit in MilKtame wa In tamr of Mi lllol. On pajmnit of J'J 01 into Hie pro tli"iintirj olTi'C, bfiiiff IliP 1'ilanir of the imiiln-e iiinioi due fiom hrr tn liannnn, Mr. Itirl Mas hei In l," eiilitlnl In the pnert). The fait is nntorinuR that Cannon rrfii'cil In Men tho ilinl. Ihcrifoio the sj)ni jiaid In Mra. lit In 1k7, tn siiniilanie wilh the onlut nf tho inn, is irt in lourl the rnuiti iae lironirlit In llt In Mi's Itiil was d r the piir tno of t)iiiicllhic (.iiirion in oxriule the Heeil In Vim. Itnl The co. Is in the enuiti laie are nlmiit 'V0. We are now ike,l to tnake an order dim tliii; Hie prothonolarj to ippU- Hie JI'Mit In Inn iiistinlr in the ejrclmrut uit nn Hie iost.s nhiih liaio been Used acmist (.ammn tn the equili nut 'lo f.iv Ihe least, the makins o( nirh an order would b. irtrgular. I ho pr m r piotednre, in our judcmrnl. Mould lie a rule Im utiois nuso ihv the imtj beionciti tn Ihe plaintiff In the r piilv caic hould not be Mt nfl .itrauit th puithae iiiouev belrnsins tn (iiinun In the ejrilnient pint We do nut now Mmi;est thai the one sum i an be set oiT icam.t Ihe nlhrr (In r inntiatbui of the nmlmnlin wo find tint the quoitinn is not bv am inenns clear, but iounel haie the riu'ht tn raise this que, tinn The mailer was not Digued before us at nil mi this line, nor Ins nni brief hern nib. niitlul If Ihe question wire fiee from doubt wo would mould lh present rule to meet the exlg cmy of the ilio 'Ihe rule is discharged without prejiidue. A Chartor Refused. Judge Kelly, In an opinion, has re fused tn grant a charier to the Vnlted Liquor Dealeis' association, of Oly pliant, for the following reasons: 'this i nn niliiation on the part of the snh Kiriher-i fir a i barter of Incorporation inidir the name or title nf "'Ihe t'nited I.hiior llnltrs' filiation if OI)ihint nnd '-iirionn.linc llor ninths." tiuile nndir the proiNlons of the Vit of C'lih Vpril. 171. and tt supplement. The pur io.e tor uliiili it n formed Is "for the mip predion of ihe unhnful file of alcoholic and innin liquor" We line cMinlnid the V(t rcfeired to and its reicnl MipplcuienU ami fall to And anv author in for the inioip-iritioii nf a ioiicty for thi purio It ln in en ouicccstcil that it mines iilhin the purpose nanitd In l lauie II, seitlon 1. of the supplement nf .lub. l'i, 1&17 (P. I. i-.i), aiuhoririni; the iouit to grant ihaiter to ior pnrition4 formed 'for the emoiiraL'i mint and pioleetion nf tiade an I commerce" linn ilaii.e wan Intindtd to aulhorire the ihirterini; of inni tianie to encouraee and prnteit the trade and lomiueiie of tlif genrril mmniiiniti, not a-o. elation fitrniid to promote the husine. of a piitiiulir cliAt in llie toninuniil.i tnageii in tnde for prliale profit, ami the purpose of ih, propird corporation l, tliiufoie, not jniludid in that ihute. Ihe Hoofing and Sheet Metal Contraitora" ahSOilation, 0 II. II on'l, .Inurney men llouo Painters' Prntrctlie aotlatlon, llihl fiTI: The Philadelphia Johbinu Cnnfeilloneni' sv nidation, ibid 573 We aic, thenfore, compelled to refute Ihe de cree fur the reiton tint we ian find no authority to grant it. Theie ian be i.o quettlon but (hit the puipote utaleil Is a eery worihv one, anil e nnv astuine tint tlie rial piirse of the pio posed lorporatlon is tn piotect thtf niemliers from unlawful louipetition If we aie inrrrct In tblit, it maj be that an application for a ihai tir of imorpoiatlon for "llie inaintename of a noelety for brnfficnl or prolrrthe purpova to its tneinbiis from fund inlleiled therein," would reieiie our appmial and sene the purpote nf the subsiribint. Kuei an applnatinu Mould at least reielte our i a reful tounderation Ami now. Vug 1 Pi, the application for charter la refined, Marriage Licenses. Thomas I'nnrls Hoover . Man Veronua llimane Itobut P. I'reiv Imllv I. Williams .Iocph Mcln Veionlika llmoihseli ,,, William 1 Malhmy .... I.dlili llcndcron ...Pitt-ton ...Pulsion ..Ol.iphant . Pcikiille , ..S'lantuu ...seranton s, i a m mi .( siranton COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Jotiph 1' II Nlul, of Willlinispnit, le.tfr dai filed with tin clerk of the 1'niled Malrl dillriit mint (or (his dUtiiit a voluntary pell lion in bankru'li. Double Murder at Heathsville, II) r.ilitif Wire fn in The tsniliirtt Piess. Ilrailaille, III., Vuc. II -Hie bodies nt Jamri Sanderw'ii and his wife hale been found at their home iirar heie. Sanderioii ua aliiinbnman. ilia ulle was twiul) ,iraia hit Junior. 'I'lii'j ie sided in a small liou-e, and it li add a hidden nuilrry was lonueilnl wllli their llui, l.ltllv) Uuubt cxUU that the; iuiu murdered. ;KMKKUKJKXUKnKMUKK5KKKnUnnKKKKMKM In the Great Dissolution Sale of Griffin & Collins, which opens on Monday, 12th inst., you can get the great est bargains in Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing that has ever been offered in this city. All goods must be sold regardless of cost, and all who know the grade of goods we handle should certainly take advantage of this opportunity, which may never come their way again. "Every garment must be sold." Special slaughter on Boys' "Knee Pants" and Chil dren's Clothing. p GRIFFIN & COLLINS !! j 220 LACKAWANNA AVE. jj BAPTIST CHURCH REOPENED. Tho Scott Valley Baptist Mooting House Greatly Improved. Nestling In the beautiful Scott val ley is the pietty white meeting house of tho Haptist church. It has stood theie for nearly half u century, though it never looked whiter or neat er than In the bright sunlight of last Sunday motning. The church was organized In 1S0O and publicly recogniz ed In lsl7. It lias been the center of much that has been good as well as of many dlftetent opinions. Thiough all the eai.s It lias come and lives to day In the midst of many preilous nienioiles and bright prospects. With in Its walla the first couple that eer took out a marriage licence in Lacka- vvartia iount Attorney and Mis. J. Milton Low tey wetc married. During the past few weeks Die peo ple have been clothing their i lunch edifice with more atttactive gatments. The audience mom is finished up veiy piettlb. New chalis ate on the pulpit platform, new larpet Is on the floot The chance In the color of the wood woik Is quite an improvement. A new i oof has been put on and the whole exterior painted. A laige aiidlenie was present on Sunday morning to enjoy the ipopenlng services, which weie In charge of the pastor, Hev Thomas Raker. The chorus choir ren dered excellent music. Hev. David Spencer, D. D., of Ulakely preached the sermon and nt its dose sentred all the money yet needed to pay for the Impinvpnient. It was a good day to the people and all felt that a brighter future was dawning upon this church after its many eats of struggle. HINE FAMILY REUNION. Had an Enjoyable Time at Oraon, Wayno County. fjightv-flve members of the lllne family attended the ninth annual te iinlon held ut Orson, Wane counts, last Friday. A pleasant day was spent In th" picnic gtove anil In the evening the gatheting was entertained at the home of K. XV. Iline. Fcatuiea of the afternoon exetclses wne an address, by Hev. Mr. Hoyce; lecltatlon hy Nina Stanton, of Prontp tott: musical numhew by Minnie Mine, of Seranton, and the presentation to the association for Die piesldent's use of a mountaii mahogany gavel i-ent by Mis. A. O. Salshur. of Los Angele's, Cal.. in cue of Mrs. D. J. lllne. OlIU'i'i.i for the enduing ear vceie elected as follow-: Piesldent, D. J. Ulne; first vice- presindent. Maiy K. Tallmmi, second viie president, llliz.i lieth Tuthlll: sccielary. N. F. ltlne; tieasuicr, .Mts. Nellie Kienc). LABOR DAY AT LODORE. Great Programme Is Being Ar- ranged for the Occasion. Airangements for tho mammoth Labor Day excursion to Lake Lodoie, Sept. i. aie developing as tho das go by under Die direction of the commit tee of Die Central Labor union. Yes terday Die committee had a large ban- net hung act oss Lackawanna avenue aiiuotincliig some of the attractions. It has icqtilied some thought on the patt of Die committee to deleimine how to avail themselves of all the attractions at their disposal. The itowd attending i an expoit a day of loutliiunl change of programme to suit various tastes, with the music by Hauet's band and Lawtcnie's oichestra Inlet sperscd. At the last meeting of the committee a icquesl was i delved fiom one of the glee clubs that after the contest and beloie a deilslon Is announced that nil tho glee clubs lu chnius lender the .selection used In the contest. The ef fect of the glee clubs of this valley Joining forces can be Imagined. REDUCED RATES TO LOUISVILLE Via Pennsylvania Ralhoad, Account Tilennlal Conclave, Knights Tem plar. On account of the tilennlal conclave of the KnlghtK Templar, to he held in Louisville, Ky August 27 to 31, the Pennsylvania Ralhoad lompany will sell exeuislon tickets from August 2J to 25, Inclusive, to Louisville and re turn, at late of one first -class fine for the lound trip. These tickets wilt bo good to i etui n until September I. inclusive, hut If ticket is deposited by the original pin chaser with Joint agent at Louisville, not eailler than ,ugust 2S and not later than Sep tember L', and a fee nf llfty tents Is paid at the lime nf deposit, an extru sion of the icturn limit may be had until September 16, $5.00 to Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon, Wildwood, or Holly Beach via Pennsylvania Railroad. Special ten-day exciiiblou Thursday, August 'J.', Tiuln leaves Seranton ut 0.45 p, m RRICES I TORN ASUNDER. O RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Now York, Ontario and Western Time Table In Foil Vindar. June 21, l')l. NOltlll HOt Ml. T.cio laaio Viriie Tialns. union Caihondilc. ( aihwia, Jin. 1 ...10...0 a. tn. II 10 a in. 1 no p. m, Nn. ... 4 1 p. in, 4 II p. in. p. m No. 7 ... 0 10 p. tn r. ( 'a rliontl lie. ti.ld p. lit sninilHOI'NP. beaie Lone rrip I'adosii. Caibrndiie. Soantnn Vo. S ... 7il i. m. 7 in a in Nn. 4 ... s 10 a in, luiiti in. in in . i in Nn. 2 . 2 l'i p in 4 ml p in 4 ti p. in. Sr.NDVVs DMA, Mill I II Illlt Ml I.ciio l.iaie Vrriio Sirinlon. farliondale. ( adosii, Nn. 1 ... s ,u a, m. ' 10 i. m 10 C, i in. Nn. 5 ... 7.(1) p ni r. Carbondale. 7 15 p, in. silt ninot'Mi lenv laaio Vtriio fado-ia, ("airhondile. s.cranton Nn. fl ... T 410 .a. in. 7 40 a ni Nn In ("Op m nmp ni fi 41 p in. Mains mw. t, mi week uai, aim ', on sun di, mike miin lino coniieotloim for New oil, sirs, I Ilea, (ineida, (l.wecn and intermediate points Trains Nos. n and 4 nnko Walton, Delhi, Ham den and snlnei inunction For further Infonmtion lonnilt thket acents. J (' VMiHtM'S, (i. P. V. New ork .1. F VM.I.Mt, T P. A , s, raiii.m Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division. Train for llawlev and Intermediate point leaie Stranlon as follows No. 2, 7 to a in ; No I, s .VI a .in ; No fl, 2 2.V ni : Nn a. , 20 p m. Nos. 2 and rt through ti litis for New Vork VrriMls No 1, Is a. in ; Nn 'I, 10 .0 i in , Nn fl, .'111 ji m ; No. 7, l, p lu Inlns Nis 5 and 7 are through trains from New Vnrk M MHV IIIVINs Iiepartures No 20, ! a ni ; No 22, 2 p in Arriials -No. 21, 12 IV p. ni ; No it, s 1 i i m SARATOGA'S TLORAL EETE. Great Preparations for This Romark ablo Annual Festivity A Grand Excursion from Seranton, Wilkes Barre and Vicinity. Saratoga is making great piepaia llona for her annual Hot al fete, wlikh oi cuts September 4, 5 and (!, and no e. ense is being spated to make the coming occasion excel all others, al though people who witnessed the fete last year thought it almost Impossible to suipass it. King Hex, who was the central flguie in the New Oilcans Mardl Gtas, Is now at Saiatoga. supei Intendlng the piep,natlon. on his trip north he was attended by one hundred couttleis and scenes of pietty maids, and he b.ivh that he pi onuses to dupli cate the Now Orleans Maull Gtas fete at Saiatoga, and open the e.vcs of tho north to the gorgeous and beautiful way in which festivals aie conducted in sunny Louisiana. He has vclih him all the knights and ladles who have made the New Oilcans Mardl Gias the eighth -wonder of the woild, and who now propose to make the Sinatogn dotal fele the ninth. Two months ago his lesplendant llnats and golden chail ot.t and bejewelcd piocesslonnl robes wete sent to Die New Yoik wateilng place, to lm used In the coining fete, and the people of this vicinity will have an opportunity to witness a duplica tion of Louisiana's marvelous exhibi tion. In the giand pantile, which oc cuts September 5, tliete will be more than twenty llnats, coveted with nut ural flowets and costing lrom JS.OOO to Jl'.'.OOO each. I'pon these theie will be over oni bundled chaiaitets in the i ichest lostunies. The stene hs one vvlili h lieggais'ilption. At the giand ball, vvhlih follows in Die evin ing, dancing takes plaie on a gictt floor coveilng two blocks, and Is supet lntended by a conunltlee of one Imp lied ladles and one bundled gentle men, whose costumes aie literally cov eted with tloweis set foith b tlu elettilc lights. On till, the d,is of the fete, Sepleinbet I and .". a giaud CM union will be tun ovei tip; Odawme and Hudson lallioad to iic cnminodate the lingo number of people of Sitanton, Wllkes-Iiane and tlies,. valles who wish to wltr.ets the w nu clei fill pageant and the giand hall which follows. Ttains leave the Dela waie and Hudson station, Scianlnn, at (! 1'0 a. ni. nnd u.fiJ p. m. The pi lie of tickets, i ovei lug the lound ltip has been placed nt the lemaikably small llguie ol $1 for adults and $-' fm a 111 1 dieu, and ilio.e who taki adviintage of this oppoitunlty Mill not only be per mitted to witness the Blandest display of the age, but will also vNIt the gieat est summer lesoit lit the loiuitiy Saiatoga Spilngs, Tlie exclusion will be conducted by the Father Mathew T. A. H. soiletv. and hotel iiicoiuiiio datlnus havo bel n uiiauged for l,t)uO guests. Trains have WIlkcs-HJ'ie ut j.o.i n, m. and 3(17 p. in.; Plttnton. at r. 51 a. in. and 3.J1 p. in-;'ondalc, at 7 a, m. and I !U p. in. ' MR. M'GINLEY'S CONDITION. It Is Feavod Ho Will Not Recover the Use of His Voice. Very dlscouiagliig lepotts mine fmni .Mauih Chunk of the loudltloii of At torney M. A.'Mellltllev. who, it will be reinemlieied. has suffered for several month from a iluont p.nalysls which causes the loss nf his vulie. I'ntll lecently It was thought the affectation was only tempuiaiy and that pioper care would lirlng relief. Hetolc measures have been taken, but aie all of no avail and it Is now feaieil the billllant young attorney will not iccovcr his power uf sneech, 0 The rcnnsylvanla State College An rxaiiiinilfnn nf cindldites for idinlssloti will be lubl .it Ihe High Mhonl, .uomIj, August 2,, I'm), lieciiuiiiiir ni (i a in llr M II, VVadswurih, for seural eirs Pirei tni of the llniichtoii (Vllrhicanl ullciii" nf Vlmen, hi aiieptid an appoiiilment as Head ut tho Mlnltit,- lleiartmrnt Tim I'all Siaiion opens Vplrmlier 11, 101 1'or lalnloKue, rperlinciis nt former examina tion papir, or other Information, midicss, '11IB Hl.lilsrilAII, state ( olieRo. Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Schedule in ESect June S, 1001. Trains leave Seranton: 0.45 n. m,, week days, through ves tibule train from Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stops at principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltlmote, Wash ington nnd for Pittsburg and tho West. 0.38 a. m., week days, foe Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg nnd tho West. 2.18 p. m., veck days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg nnd the West. 3.33 p. m., week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via Potts ville. Stops at principal inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Hazleton, Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. J n lirrC'IIINsOV, On MRr. J II. WOOD. Oen. Pas. At. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In I.ffeet June 2. 10H1. Train? leavp Seranton: le.r rinla'lelphla anil New York via II k It Ji It , nt .4"i and (CIS a m. and !lj, 4 27 illl.i. k Diamond hprrv. and 11 .'Irt p. m. Sin dn. I) .V II. H. II, 15. '-7 P- I" Tor Wlnto Haven, Hazletoii ami pnneiptl poinU in the coal regions, via 1) e. 11. It It , 1.15, -' K ami 1 7 p. ni. For Pottsville, MJ a. in., 2.1s p in. 1'or lletlileliem, Kislon, Itei'linir. Harrirniirg nml prandial Intermediate lationn via II. &. II It It , 6 45, O.ik a. in ; 2 IN 4 27 (Ulaek Dia mond Express), 1I.W p m. Sundaj'S, I). t II. It it., a. in ; 1 j .2 p m I'or TiiiiMiliinm k, To.anda. Klmiri. Ilhaca, l.iniva nnd piiiicipal intermediate stations via JI , l .V. V. It It . s PI a ni and :i 4rt p lu 1'or (irnen, Roihcslcr, lluflalo, Nlmcars I'allt, ( Idut'ii and nil points wen, via II, .V II It It, 7 t, 11 55 a in . 1 2. .IM (Itlaik Diamond Vx ptes), 7 I, in II. Il.SO p. m. simdtta, D. .V, II. St II . 11.55. S27 p. m .,,,,. I'lillmiu parlor and sleeping or Iclilxli Villi v tnrlor cant on all trains hetiveen W'ilkea llarre mid New York, Philadelphia, Ilutralu and Sus pinMon Urldge IIOI.I.IV II Wli.llllt, (ien siipr en Tortlaml ktreet, Vv Voik. , , CIIMll.US ! I.i:i:, Cen Paw. Vit , W Cortland htrect. Vew ork A SOVXI'MVI IIKIt, Do. I'm. Vet , oulli llilhleliem, Pi 1 oi Hi kit and Piillinin letervauons apply to Si I.iikawinna aveniit, .vianlori. Pa, Central Ralhoad of New Jersey. SUtlon in Nnv nrk I'oot of Liberty strict, ,. 11 . and Muth Fern. iiviK rviii.i. is' Ki'urr it'si: so, icoi. Trains leaie vrmton for Vew oik. Newark, I Itralirtli, Philadelpliii, latton. Hitliteliem, VI lilitoun, Mauili I hunk and Whin linen, al s ,5 a 111 . i pre-rf. I lu, eAprt'iw, s tt, i. 111 ,-un i dam, L' 15 p in ! I'nr Pulsion ami Viilkn tine, '.", a, tn , 1 lrt I and I p in Sumbja, '2 15 p III. I I'nr lliliiiiiiiie and jnhiiutloii and poini.t Viilli -vikI WeM ill llethlllii in, s 55 a. ni , 1 l'i .inil 4 iti ii iii siiudaw, 1", p in. lor I "lit: llram h, llieau (Imie, flo , at S 55 a in nliiouu'li o it In. ami I 1(1 p in ,.r Itiadms, LcImiu ii and llarriiliiuv. lit VI linlowii, ,-, ,i. ui and 1 lu p in. feundaji-, 2 15 p l'i I'nr I'oil.vlllo, s 55 a. in, 1 lrt p in 1 m Mountain Park, ' 55 a. in , 1 1') and ( f'l p in 'Ihroiicli liikils lo all jiiiiiM east, aiuth and net at lowent ratea at the Ktation. ( VI III III'. Iii ii Past. Vut. .1. II Ol.llVt si:, (leu. supt Delawaie nnd Hudson. In Klfeit .lune t, Pull Traiim (or Carliondilc lean s, ronton it f '0 sui, I.KI, 10 1 1 a in, liim. 1 i'i, .'II, :i '.-', Si! i, li'.'V, 7 57. ! 15, II 20 p in., 1 11 a in i'or llonewlale and Lake l.od)re, 6 '2rt, lrt 1.1 a, in : -J. II and S '21 l lu I'or Wllketilirre H 45. 7 1. ll, or.'. .1. m: 12 0.1. 1 '2s,, .I..M, 127, U.IU, l'i 41. II .Ji p in I'or I. V II II Points ii 45, 0.".s a. m : 4 :'7 nnd II ui p tit. I'nr Perni.v i It It pohi-fl IV, 0.H, S.:m and I. -7 p in. I'or VIIhiiv and all polnta north 6 20 ni ii 7 K -' 'S 2 Is. m and 'l 52 p m si MIVV 1IIVIN" I'.ir t'aiiHHiilili-s&u, II il a. in i lit, S5 5 52 and lrt 52 p m. I'or llarie n 3s a in 1 ftl, 1 55, ,1 , 6..I2 and s 12 p m lor .Vlhini and points north -1 5 p in. I'nr llmirulalf and Uko I.odore-5rt, 11.11 a ni, and 3 52 p in. Delawaie. Lackawanna and Western In l.Dnt Aus- II. l''l Tialns lean t-mnloi for New Vork Vt I 10. rill, 5 '5, 7 VI and putt in. 12 ''. 2", l'i,, im and Mai p in I r New Votk and PlnljilrlpliU -".Mi and 10 ui l in . ml 12 I 'J and i, 15 p in I'm lolnliiinii VI "I" P- in for nutlalo I Li, 2i and I'l'l a in , 1 ". .15'. 7 u'i and 11 .15 l ni for llinahiiulnn and uai u Hoik rt.'2rt a in and I Hi 1' in lor li.uec,. s.rani-e and I tua I 15 and i 2 a m,; I lrt uml .152 p in Hi" B". sMj.ute ind flu i nun at H2! a in dilli rxupl uiida, lor Vi iiihwi 'I'm a in , 1 a' ami lul p m. NUholkoii .iiiomnioilatloi, I nn mil il Ii p in 111 t il .i 1 1 cr Divl'lon- lor Snnln mlieiliiid, at It Ii and pi5 a in i 1 .ill ant 1, HI p in lur pluuo'itii. i' s l'i a in : Iii nnl oci m Sindai 1'iains lor New Yoik, I (i, .inn, 5 ii and l"iii l in : ' -". .115 and .5 ml p in, lor llnflaln 1.15 and ''.! u, in. ; I f.n, 3 V.', 7 Oi an I 11.15 p. ni. fir Uinaiunitoii and war na Hunt-'Ml and l'l'2'i a lu. Illomntlniiv; dill .Ion Leaie biranlou lu.W a, m, and 0.1 ij . m FINLEY'S Short Ends of Silks at About Half Price.... Waist Lengths, Skirt Lengths, Dress Lengths, Trimming Lengths Silk Ends All Reduced At the close of a successful season of Silk selling we find In stock many short ends of Silk, nnd odd Dress Tat teins of Foulard Satins and Sllkl These vvc are dctci mined lo dlsposeji nt once, If ncccssaiy at a gioat! llflcc. Foulard Silks, Satins All this season's selected patterns, from the best American and foreign manufactuiei.s, lu Dress, Skirt and Waist lengths, at "9c and upward. Reduced from 7.1c and upward. Fancy Taffeta Silk In Lace Stripes, Fancy Stripes ant Klguies, In Waist and Skirt lengths At 50c and upwaul. Reduced from $1.00 and upwaid. Wash Silks We have only a few- styles left, In plaids and stripes, lfc and upward. Reduced from 50c and upward. 510-512 Lackawanna Ave Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 430 to 455 , SCRANTON, PA N. Ninth Street Telephons Call, 2333. NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Shteentli vt and Irving rlice, NEWYORK. Atneriian Plan, 1 JO Per Dav an! I'pwards. ) uiopean PI in, i V) Per Day and Upward brcial Ratia to Families T. THOMPSON, Piop. HOTEL JEFFEBSON NEW YORK lO.'.KU-HiH KnHl inili Street. The. 1 1.1 1 I ItsONnathoroiishlytirtt-cUss larailyandtranxieni lintel oBerinuatanjinl. mum cott a iiiuum of luiuri and comfort, tin lath hlreol jui east of Union Square. It is nithln a fe minutes of the leading shors, theatres and lulia European Plan, J 1. 00 up. . di. o n ,m Suites with Private Bath, $2.00 up. I t or speelal rates Kuidoorlnformatlonwrite JOHN I-. I ll l is. i, ii, i-rniiririnr Behil't&Hiui-aei i ---'"" For Business Men In the heart at llie wholesale district. For Slioppcis x mlnuteo' walk to Wannmnkers; 5 minutes to Bleed Cooper's Ulg Btore. Iasy o( access to tho urea: Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers One block from JTway Tar'. el; Ins; easy transportation to aU points or iniereuu HOTEL ALBERT : t NEW YORK. t Ccir Ilth ST A UNIVKKSITY VU Only one Hlock from Broadway K00H15, 3 UD. Prices keasonibls Z t- 4, JlUUlUJ, X Every ,V8lomai - A jiniiKHr land should Knew ,! o A tihuut i te wonderful ' eCi r i ,,,,, in.,.,, c ,l s si; l iilMHll niiiiiiinj opiajr V K5S Csj j iheiieiTiilsslrUie, liurt- ? rsV L i hi uml. mi lion llest-a C Cei j el Mo.i CnnTenlenl I sira?" "Vi lniMrliiiai ll.ilriilTl 1 T Al ' I r, Il laipi'yil'" ., ft,,l I,.. n,,.l tl .ili.r hit, .ml t null fOr 11 luinntedhonV. ll It cues full . In iilnriA lift flue, lint, tin il oii.lles M VIM l'l, n.i Itcom 660, Times lid:., New Vork. Mini! WIS 1 kisr I i r .