A THIS SCKANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, . AUGUST 15, 1901. W , WALDRON'S Auction Sale of Horses Today, August 15 At Cusick's Stables, Washing ton Ave., Scranton, Pa. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA RAPID RIDE ON A BULL MRS. MAC EROY HEROINE OF A WILD ADVENTURE. Willie Stevens, o Equinunk, Kills a Deer with a Stone The Erie Strike Still On Death's Doings. Tho Smith Tamily Reunion. Spertal tn the Scranton Tribune. Susquehanna, Aus. 13. Sherman li.is a woman visitor who has ridden a mad bull harrb.uk. She in Mill alive. The hciolun of this wild adventure i Mis. Dora MacKroy, of Ashury Tark. N. J. Mrs. MaeKlroy Is an Pxpeilencrd horfewoman and has all her life been aceuMomcd to beinff with horses and cattle. Her relative at Sherman have a fine herd of Jersey cattle sleek and well Sroomcd-aiul Mm, Maei:iroy, who Is vlsltlnjr there, has been In the habit of prolnE down to tho feeding ttoupti every" nlcht to watch tho animals, at their meal. It chanced that the cattle fed from a hiiRe ttntiKh beside- a stout fence. To set the very best view of her bovine friends, Mrs. MaclClroy would c-linih up this fence to watch them and pat their noses. The old bull was looking paiti'iilatly pentle the other nltrht, nccorellnir to Mrs MaclClrny, and oven, mum lied some grain J mm her hand. As be stood theie It incurred to her that his hrn.nl back would make nil excellent teat. The thought no .sooner entered her iie-.nl than s-he shouted to her com. paiiiona to watch her. climbed to the lopnmst mil of tho fence and vaulted lightly onto tho bull's back. The effect upon the bull was Ftarl llntr to say the least. With a terilfy Intr bellow ho' i eared on his bind less, Mi.ikuiK himself and Mini tint? violently. The terrllicrl woman bad pies-'ence of mind enmisfli to leailv forward and ilut.h at the bull's lirirn-. An instant later the bull shot fnr ixaid like n. bullet. Invnlimt.iiily hH rider ilitnc to the slippery homs with eveiy liiuscle on the stialn. The top hai separating: the bain yaid fioni the mad were down and the bull, as mlcht bo expected, i hose, the dlreition of the mad, touuid whl.li he made a wild dash. The lower bins were up. however, and up he saw tlinn he tame to a pinliien stop, ncaily throw iiicr Mrs. MacKlroy over his head. Tho frightened t.iiin hands and others who had seen the bull stait lau after him. The hull, catching .sight of them, once more lifting up his head, cleared the lower bars at a leap ami started down the road at tcrilfylng speed, leaving those following far be hlml A iiuai ter of a mile vn. loveiod In this vc.ix, when once nioie the hull ptoj ped suddenly and lirgnn to paw the ginund. Mrs. MacKlmy was about to leap fmm his baik, when some distance ahead a man suddenly turned Into the toad dihlne a gig and wealing n bright ied shin. The rnlnr caught the eye of the bull. He in.-taiitly ceased his pawing and one more staited along the road at terrific speed. The man saw libs dan ger and whipped his hnu-o. The bull's Mder clung to her steed like a Jockey. The awful race which followed lasted for fully a mile. Mrs. MacKlmy says that toward the end she felt her ftrength fast going fioni her and do? trt her eyes, expeitlug to he hurled to the mound and pcthaps to her death at eveiy plunge. Fortunately the mad at this point ran up a step hill, and lu i limbing It She bull somewhat slackened his pace. This piob.ibly saved Mis. MacKlmy's life. The hull reached the top only to ee the red shlit disappearing In tho jMstance. In tho faie of this disap pointment the animal turnid quickly and started for home. in turning ho wrenched his i Icier suddenly loose fioni her seat, tin owing her, by a foitunate accident, Into n clump of bushes , When her friends i curbed her sho was In a dead faint. Physicians weio hastily summoned and she was can-led home. Beyond a scveie shock sho had, etrangely enough, suffered no injuries. The hull, slme bis wild adventure, has been Intrnctable and tho owner has been forced to conllno him. The animal shows a fierce aversion to women and whenever he catches eight of one ho paws tho ground and bellow s furiously. lie was one of the gentlest creatures in the herd previous to his runaway, After a very brief lllnet, James McMahon, ft former resident of this borough, but for some years past a resident of Urldgeport, Conn,, died at the homo of his parents, In this bor ough, at nn early hour on Sunday morning. Ho In survived by a widow. The funeral took place this morning from St. John's Catholic church, le qulem high mass was celebiated. In terment was made in l.autel Hill cemetery. Chailes A. I"o 1-ancoy, a prominent resdont of Jackson, died on, Saturday evening, of typhoid fever. The f uncial took place on Monday and was largely attended. KILLKO A l-:KFl WITH A STOXK. Willie Stevens, 17 years old, on Fri day saw a deer come out of a. swamp near Hrtuliiunk. He bin led a ntnno and struck the deer, crippling it. The deer tried to escape, but the boy ovei took It. Tho deer turned at bay and rushed at tho boy. The latter dodged and caught the animal by one of Its hind legs. Until went down togefher and rolled over and over lu their struggle. Finally the boy managed to get his knee on tho deer's neck, and with an old rusty knife cut Its throat. T11K SHOUT OF IT. Since tho iccent Kepubllcan county convention, matters political have calmed down. Several Ihle boiler maker, have se cured positions elsewhere And the strike Is still here. Like H.inqiws' ghot it will not down. Mr. and Mrs. Fredilck 1). J..vons, esteemed residents, will today celebrato the tlfticth anniversary of their mai riage. SXAI' SHOTS. A man often, wins by losing. If only tho Schley inanity weio nil over. daughter Is the sunny side of a man's e.xlsteni c What n mother lacks In skill, she makes up In enthusiasm, when sho cuts her boj.s hair. You can't H'dmii a man out of any thing, he hasn't ben iraoued into. At the ago of slMeen a gill imagines tho average man Is all soul, but, at the age of thirty, sho knows he is all stomach. FLOTSAM AXD JKTriAM. It li said that at least two Susque hanna cdltois desire to go to the legis lature. Xo names will be given as tho gentlemen aie othetwlse- lespectahlc. The Smith family reunion will be held at Xew Mllfoiil, August ::o. Think of seeing all tho Smith's together. Tho 'cultivation of hops li on the Iodine. Deposit Journal. This will bo sad news for llddlei.s. The funeinl of Mrs. .Mary A. Ives, an old and iespot.ted resident, took plai e from tho home on Monday afternoon, Itev. W. M. Ilouton, pastor of the Avenue Methodlt church, ofllclating. Interment was made In the Giand street cemetery. SIH.IXTKKKTTKS. V.io Mechanical Superintendent A. N. Mitt hell has removed from Passaic, X. J., to this place. Pilndpal and Mrs. Homer M. Ilar rett, of Jeiniyn, aro visiting SuMiue lunula lelativcs and friends. Tho Miller family teunlon will bo held at tho leMdcmo of Frank Miller In Jackson on Friday, August 20. Tiof. Pieiee, of Ulnghamton, will hold a hop in Hogan Opera house this evening. A meeting of the citizens interested PORTRAIT Cut out these several parts and see If " " "" """rnm" tt -- . '- ' ' ' In tht sewerage project was held last evening. The funeral of Miss Margaret Sulli van, late of Washington street, took place from St. John's Catholic, church on Saturday morning, when a ieiiulcm high mass vviih celebrated. Intel metit wua made In Laurel Hill cemetery. Whitney. P1TTST0N. Speelsl to the Sainton Tribune. Plttston, Aug. 14. Dana Patterson, a married man whoso home was In Avoca, met with a shocking accident yesterday morning that resulted in his death. Patterson was employed as a brakoman nnd while nt work In the Coxton ynicl this morning about 4 o'clock was (Handing on top of a freight car, when a sudden stopping of the train throw him between two enrs to the rnlK Fourteen cars passed over him. Hoth legs were almost completely severed from tho body, Just below the thighs. Ho was taken to the Plttston hospital, where he died n few hours nf terward. The accident took place near Falling Springs. A coroner's Jury has been empaneled to Investigate the case, I.eo Delniore, of Cliff street, had one of his hands badly gashed this morn Ing while he was attending to his duties ns driver boy In the Itanium shaft. While lu the net of sprngglng a car his band was caught by the wheel and the tlesh on the side ripped open to the bone for about six Inches. The wound was dressed by Dr. Dlvely, John O'Hare, nged 45 years, a hotel keeper at Inkerman, died last night about 12 o'clock, after a week's Illness. The funeral will take placo Friday morning. Hllas Weaver, of Johnstown. Pa., jvho Is visiting West Plttston friends, land ed tho biggest bass caught here this season. It weighed Just live pounds nnd six ounces, The Brothers base ball team of ham town will go to Scranton Thursday afternoon, when they will meet the re cently organized collepiate team of that city. A return game will bo play ed hero the following day. John MrCiiiftle, of this city, has been chosen physical director of the Pltts ton Young Men's christian associa tion. He will take charge nt once, but will not open his classes until fall, In the meantime endeavoring to arouso tho Interest of the young men of the city in the work of the gymnasium. HARFORD. Special tn the S.rjnton Tribune. Hartford, Aug. 14. Miss Maud Itnb blns has entered .the Lackawanna hos pital for a course of training ns a nurse. Itev. C. C. CJIUett of Clifford, preach ed In the Congiegatlonal church, Sun dny mottling and evnlng. Hruce MncDonnlcl of Xew Yoik visit ed his parents- this week. Miss Jane Uieenwood, fmm the West Is visiting her biother Foriest Hain an! . Miss nrundage of Scianton Is visit Ing at the home of Dr. A. T. Hmndage. K. H. Curtis of Jackson, sepnt Satur day and Sunday with K. H. Rogeis. Mrs. Kdwntd Orson of Philadelphia, Is visiting lelativcs In town. Mr. and Mis. Matthews, of the orphan si hool. entei tallied Itev. nnd Mis. Uillott, Suiula.v. Mls-s Clara Wntson entertained a number of her fi lends Filday evening. Miss Jennie Chambeilaln has return ed fmm n visit with lelativcs in Scran ton, and Wllkes-Haiie. O. F. Mnynard, expects to start for the Pan-American -oon he will nlo visit Xla'gara Falls. Minnie Darrow returned from Buf falo, Satuiday. She reports a good time, but especially mentions Xlagara. Prof. A. II. Steams nnd wife, left Monday evening for a tlip to the Pan American. H. S. Sweet, of Troy, l heie In the Interest of his property that was re cently dlstiojpd by 111 p. Mabel Sherwood Is veiy ill at this writing. Mis. Alice Plxby Is calling on old friends. Miss data Tiffany spent Sunday In Ulnghamton. LOCKVILLE. Sreciil to the Scranton Tnhunc Lockville, Aug. 11. Quite a number from this place attended tho colored camp meeting at Tunkliannock fair grounds on Sunday last. Mrs. j. L. Wagner, of Wllkes-narre, and Mis. .1, Redfoid, -jf Jonk'i, were the guests of their niece, Mrs. L'mlly Glower, on Monday. Miss Oa'sy Culver Is on the Mel; list. William Faulk, of Scranton, spent Sunday with his sister, Mis, Floyd Dy mond. Floyd Dvnuil visited bis brother, Arthur, it V'voiiii', on Monday Krause'a Hendacha Capsules ai unlike nnythlng prepared in America. They were first prosoilhed by Di. Krause. Geimany's famous couit physician, long before nntlpyrlne was dscnvcied, nnd aro almost marvel ous, so speedily do they cure the most illsticsslng cases. Price 23c. bold by nil druggists. DURYEA. The social of cIbfs Xo. 4 of the Meth odist Kplseopal Sabbath school, held last evening, was a grand success, $12 being realized. Miss Kiln Penellct, who Is suffering PUZZLE. you can form the portrait of a great writer. from a broken arm, Is somewhat Im proved. Robert Machanlfr, who had been In the Plttnton hospital for some time, died at that Institution yesterday. The trolley ride to Harvey's lnke, held by tho Indles' Aid society, was enjoyed by tho?e who attended. nENDHAM. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ceoige Johns nre nt Lake Wlnola for n week. Miss Kdlth Meriitt, of Jermyn, nnd Miss Clio Carter nie visiting friends In this place. Following Is n list of the teacheis of Old Forge and their salailes: Princi pal Coyne. $100 per month; Assistant Principal Weber, MS; Kiln Drake, $:0; Wealthy Hrodhead, j.'.O; Kate F. Chi non, $50; Kate Claik, J,",0; Ocrtrude Itees, fi:i; Maiy L. Cjuliih, ViO; ller trude Simmons, $10. The following teacheis each receive $3S: Maigaret Cosgrove, Agnes Glynn, Kiln llelr.er, Lizzie Dawson, May Urodhend, Bar bara Xeall and Teresa Fallon. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New Vnik, A 1 1 ir. II - -Tr.iclUiR at tlmn tnilay J1 rplrttnl and ioiiiinliloii linuinc rcportnl nn imrcae In ouWdo okIois. tlpiclopinrMs orr nlcht cll.l not rliot lau, h lifht nn ritlicr tin nop or ftrlke tltiiitmn, ami, ai these lnfliK-n ts nr; riflillt loinc tholr carl.v Ininortamp, tmll trailers irniimol aitoc opcrallonc. Chirrcnt m more rrg.itillni; the iliilihml ulalui ol St. I Jul inid Hut toi k Hie feature ol the day iiil Us fiidiiitlnm govemeil the nioienicnt of olh.r tnchi closely. Generally rpxaUing the proper ties nhieh ere not idly dro'ie jntenlay re.umetl their ailunic toilij-, hut tho .icrrage aihame m. not n pronouncfil. The Rrrat tmlk ol the n"av' ilealne were ti.in'aoteil durln? the foic noon, nn the high prloes of the du ueie nnde 'the flrt fjle In St. Paul were 7,000 hue ut l(,J1ii,;) a caln of Hi. Openlnit ad cancel ctlirmlv were notaMv fracllonil, but a trone unilertone precailrd and theie a heacy Imjlnir in the active list. Trailers wet the rle with floik punh.vril at lorr prices early In the week and the hears were illpooed to vlt the niaikct on .itiount of its pretty ceneial Hiady Impincemeiit aim " Vlnnil.o'n openinR. 'llice of. ferlncs reduced mil In some Instances wiped out altogether the nihil adiJiuCK. sugar, whhh had alarted IT 1'a hishrr, was ileprrnsrl sharidy, and the I'nitcd st.,tes Sled utot ks were rather heciy. Prices noon worked tipu.ml acaln. how ecrr, th trunk lines, grangeis, P.itltiis and inal ers heincT tjken fteolv and eslihllshini; adc.imes of fiorn 1 to i flints SI Paul ran up 'Jt in Hit's, and the prclened kiii.h1 i"i. Viler nihi lity the market worked , iv donnard, lint there weio occasion il rallies. The dennnd lor Moiks died out pretty well in 1h lite afternoon and the hears mule .1 simessful tUt! agiiint the linrket, ilepressliiir s(. p.iul 2 points fiom the highest and puUinir the aetlie list generilly down a point or over. The I'nlled suies si,,r flniks, which hid made tains at the outset rf oiilv , earh fell Into neglei t during the course of the day and were he.nj. Iho loinmon sold 's under jesterday's closp ami the prefened a, hut were cnrwistrntly supported in the lale drive and did not eieed Iheir cirlj loc lecel. In Iho final dealincs hucing to ioer i.iiimi! j giner.il rise. St. Pan Igetlinc hnk to loi4 igun, Iho highest figure of the dai, md the entile mirket iloed steady. 'Die (losing nllj hrought t niled Stales steel common up to ft, Ps best prn , and the rieferied lose tn 'H. Total sales Iodic, 4I1I.O0O shares. The lmnd rntrVet todtv wis geturtllv Him, hut business continued lu luger volume. Total sil, s ptr calue, t .ni.'i.im) t'nllcd Stairs bonds weie all 11m hinged on the U-t call. The fallowing; quotations arij furnished Tin Vlbune In- M. ! .Io-itan A Co , rooms 70S ?' Vitsrs tulldlng, fSeranton V. Telephone 500.1: Open- High, Low. (Tlos- ins;, est, r- 'ut. American Sucir Ul M2 Wl1! 1.11'i Anieruan T0I1.1110 Ill 1 ''a W 1 l.'i'j Atihl-oii ;is; ;-,t,; 71 ;is.; Vtclnson. 1 'is4 mi pvi p-,s4 Utook Tiactlon Tlai 7"i 7l'j 71', Itilt. A niiio isij irto lis ret lout. Tohaico 07 (17,i iif.'i I.T'l Phes. A- Ohio Ihi; n.'i 4Vi 4'l Chic. A lit. W'et '.'J'- :!J1t '.'J '.'-"i I Paul P.oj n,i it.j lfip, ltoik Mind ITHj 1 tit IW'i I'l'iij Km. A 'lev, I'r. Si's 3l'i ft..s M.. bonis. A Xisli miti HVI piji4 tm Mm. Kluatoil 117'i 117', 117 117 Mit. Trie lion Iiilij 1i's Kal'i 1ii"; Mlso. l'lilHc Pl lt lii, 1011 j sititli. Paiilte ."(I .V!i ,Vi' ,ViiH .Notfolk Weit M'i W' ."". .V.'a x. y. (vntiai mi m rs.'j nt (Int. .. We-lein S.l'3 ,".14 SI .id I'mtii. It It II". JI.V,, lll; II". I'ai trie Mill n'J K'i'j S'ltj ,1'itj Holding lly 42 4'! II". 4P Heading 11 , I'r 77i " 77'; 773 Souiliern It. It Wl ait; 20 j't', Soutliein It. It . I'r W) V.U -2i ,'iT Tenn. Coil A Iron Id'j Hi ill'i Id'a 1'. s I.eilher ..' It II 11 II 1. S. l.either, I'r.. .... si'.tj sj ;ii; 7 I'tilon Pailric !7; P'"1; 'kO, 07S rnion I'.tiltlc, Pr ; siij s.,i4 s-'i W'.iba.h, I'r .ri. 3'H, ni S'i'i Weflein t"nh n IW'j W, P.'; in Col. 1'uel A' Iron W'i !,'l P.'i'i 'si Amal Copper ll.l ll.ij IIJ's Hi's People's (fas HI III'j inn, 110'a l'lie .'7s; .'!- .17'i :i7s l.rle, lit fi.".'i fslt; riVi ftji, I ol Southeni I'l'i Ht 11 l.l'i Texis I'lrlHc 4 4' 41't 41 3 Amer. Car Foundry .... t"0i 'J'i'i J'i',i S i P. s. Sled Co '.. tr, 41 4IH 41 I. S. Steel Co., I'r, ... f!i !i'; (IJ Ul .ST.V YORK OH MX VIVRKKT. Open. High I,ow. CIos WHFT. loir. 't est Ine .septrmher 73' 2 7', 7' 7"i Dei ember M M Mtt tt COItV. Septemiier W'i h fiji fi..tt Ilecemhor R' u'' Cfa 6IT Scranton Board of Trade Exchnng-o Quotations All Quotations Based on rnv ox iuu, STOCKS. l.likananiM Piiry Co, Pr Hid. Asked. '0 County Sulngs llink k Tnnt Co.. era l'lrt National riJiik (Carbondale) Standard Ilrillins Co Third National Mink 40 Ilimo Deposit and Discount liank.. 275 3Ji 30 l'ionomv I.lcht. II. A- r. co. . 1'irst Nation il Pink I.aika Trust Stfe Deposit Co. . Claik k Snow-r Co., Pi Siranlon Iron feme A' Mfc. Co. 4i l'Jist jrin 03 tirantnn Avle Work Scranton Saclngs Hmk Tradeta' National Hank Niantnn Holt A Nut Co People's Hank Xew Mexico lly. A C. Co HONP. beranton Passrnerr Hcllway, first .Mortgage, duo P)J(1 People's Stieet Hallway, 6it mort- cage, due 111S People's Street Hallway, Central, niortsaste. duo l'i'Jl niLmn Vtanufaeliirlmr Co 400 171 101 us 115 115 115 ino 101 I.ark. Township School (i per rent. ... City of Scranton St. Imp. 6 per cent , Fcranton Traction 0 rer cent J15 102 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. 0. Dale. 27 Lackawanna Ace) Ileana Per bushel, rholie marrow, $60aJ.65. nutter Krcth creamery, 21a-.'.,c.i dairy, fre.li, Sic. Cheese -Full cream, M'Saltc. Kggs-VVeslfin frerh, 15'4alfli nearby state, 15'fca!7'$e. Medium Heans-Per bu-hel, 2 .SO. (ireen Peis-Per bushel, tl.loil 13. Klonr Best patent, per barrel, ?l 45. Peans l'er husliel, choice nuriow, $3.10. I'otateea-rcr bushel lal 10. New York Grain nnd Produce. Xew York, Aug- H Vloiir Shade easier, hut not ijuotahly lower. Wheat Spot weak; Xo. 2 red, 7!!io. f. o, b. afloat and 78He. elevator Xo. 1 Xerthern Pailuth. MHo. f. o, b afloat. Op. lions, alter opening; firm, weakened decidedly, and closed weak at SasC. net loss. September doeed 7f?ici October, 7('4c t December, SOtje. Corn Spot wrakj Xo, , (U';c. elevator, and 62Hc. f. o. b. afloat. Options had a firm openlne, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Line, 3 Cenl.s for Eich IHtra Line. For Rent. For Reoto About 1200 feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, suitable for tight maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of Th.: Tribune. POit HUNT Stores, offices, barns, futorr spire, house and Hits. Ne Hacked, Heal hatale Kxchangc. Kill WIST -Slorc with basement: finest loi ctlvn on Iiikawanm acenite, I all upon or addiesa llltkitl, Heal a,tate Kxchangc. l'Oll HUNT s room, meriern house; eery de sirable; moderate rent. Inquire IMO Wash ington, acenite. I'OH HI:nT Nlne-room houe in flreen Itlilge, all concenlences; larrjo lot. Kent, $1B. Ad ilresn S. fl . Tribune. 1 Oil 11KST Illght rooms, 7.U Jefferson avenue; all modern conveniences. I For Sale. wvwvcv I'OH SVI.i; Tn llglit spring wagrns and some harness, cheap. Kmiiis, tear II.!. I.uerue street. mil SVl.K fiood .o, nt Ullllam S. lirlfhths', U I.andls street, llcllccuc Heights, Scranton, Pa. 77 l.Ol 4 KOIl SM.K, at Cilenbiirn stitlon. for -I.U10: ought to be sold for t-HIO eai h, makins 115,400. At auction they will bring $7. 7oo. C'omcpjs. l'Olt S M.i: Or would evchange for lumber, two phaetons, two lumber wagons, two sets har ness, one pair matihcd ba and one sorrel hoiie at Ansley's lumber caul. I-Olt SM.i: Car load of dra virg ami ilraiuht hordes and good tannic- hurcs. 211 -ll Oak fotd court, .t. J. Kield. KOII U:- Cnttrell A ons c.cllnder press, MvSil, In good condition, new tollers, V") Apply Nlll.cs. Parte Times (Kfiie, V likes llarre, Pa. For Salo or Rent. ssvSsrf-ssS, ssn, sw s, I'OIt s.K nit m:r lngle house, ani Web ster a enue Ten rooms, steam heat. 0. F. Hej nobis, Connell building. Financial. New York anil Ontario Land Vo. noik i: is i'i:i:inv oivia- tii.i the .'k and Ontario Umd couipatic will, on t li lirst il is d( lehiuir.c, I'io. t,if. u-i .mil i deem ill 1 1 the bonds nw outstanding issued under tiie luortgige ot ili.ul or mill, dated Ian. Itli ls'o, exeiuted hi Ihe .ild i ,iinpanc tn Hie Cclill.l 'lrut loinp.inc. ol New Imk, as tiusiee. by paling fur e.it'h su, Il Imiid the miiii of the liuu ilied and tlln i"i"o ilnllats and nil interest si iiiud to Ihi' s,ii, I date I'.mniitl will be nude in picocntatinn of ahl bunds and all unpaid loupuis. ut tin otthc of th (Villi ! "I iuf i mil pun. of Niw uk, Nn .'il Wall stuet, in tha i itv of New Voik. M.tt OilK .V ONI'MtIO 1 ND (OMI'VNY. A, I. I'VIIMI I. IT, I'u.Kimr. Niw Voik, .lull .(, l'fil hut alo turned weak through aitlie liquid itlon I'ltiitli rallied, himciir, .mil i lnseil uneltled at 's.iKi ni't dei line September ilosnl H.,i ; Oi tidier, Ik'.'ji ; 11,1 ember, im Oils spot dull. No. 2, 40c.; No. :i. .'i'l,.; No -' while, lli'i : No. II du , 41'ji ' tr.uk lulved welern, .1'i'ji 41c: ti.H k white, lii'iOi. Options quiet and hinlv slr.idv with other mirkets. Puller-Firm; eroimoti, liia'JO'je k fai lory, .lime, puked, 1'a '.i ; itiiitit inn iiimuii, 1lal7'2.: state dair, tlil'ir. Cheese lliill .iml weak, fim.i large tol oied, IhI'i'so : famy large while, IM'!' ; fmiv m.lll rolond, 'i'zi5! : du do white, 9'ii'ji i'ggs Fittti: slate nnd IViiti-ili.mh, 1a1si , wi-tein tun anilled, IOiI'h.; western landled, II alulae, rhllndelpliin Grln and Producs. Philadelphia, Vug II Wheal 'c lower: ion ttact grade Vugii-t, 70i'2i. lotii-tji. lower. No 2 mixed Vugii-t, tl.'i'jc. Hits Firm, No. 2 while i lipped new, lli'ji j do. do. old, l"n , Huttcr -1 inn. good ihumiil: western cteiiueii, 21'2i ; do. ilu. pilnts, 21'si.; do. nearh.i do, 2li, Iggs-Fiitn. Bond demind: fnsli ncnlic, 17s ; do. wesiein. 17s- ; do outliMestern, U'ji ; ih. southern, lie Chrese Dull and weak; N. V, full i reams finii miiiII. mi ; ilu. do fair to iholce, e1ia'i'jc Hi fined sugais (;ulet, but steady. Cnllnn -I'm hangi d. Tallow Hull: my priini ..; iimiiiIi.c do ilu. luiril'. 4i , nki, ,'ii'si' 1 ice I'oultrc Mini, tiir ilunitid: (owls, P'jiiOc.; old tootere, 7i . ; upring thickens, til 1m ; diii ks. UV. Pleased Poultri sifid, fair ihmand; fovls cliolce, lis.-. : do fair In good, I'i'si ; old roH'ttrs, ti'sc.; broilers noarbc, i.la 17i , nestitu do., loilli'. lleci ipls -I loin, ..Aim birtels and l,W.i") pounds in siiks; wheat. IJ.V.iSm) buvhels; toiu, 7.'i0 bushels, oats, Komi luisliels, shipments -Wlieat, all, "H bushels; corn, none, oats, 14,000 budicds. Chicago Grain nr,d Produce. Chhagn, .Miff. II Hricy liquidation laused weikne. In tho wheat pit tuiln, and September i lined &aii. lowt'l. September loin was i lowei and oats -V. Iovmi, while provisions cK-cd tmclimged to Tic. lower. C'a.li quotations were ac follows: Fiom --(iiict, tinn; No. o-princ; wheat, lil'i 7li ; No. 2 led, 7.ia,e ; No. 2 corn, ."isij,, . No. 2 ci How, 5'jic: Xo. 2 uals, :ttiai7i.; No. 2 wlllte. 3a'l'i'-r. ; No 3 do., USShiSOc, ; . ice, UV.; fair tn dtolie tnalting, Yiaflli ; Nn. t llav seul, 1,1.01; No. 1 Noiiliweiiern, 1 ini; priin timothy seed, s", iKi'i 7,i; mess pork, !( lOall 15. Iird, M7iis7."j, sh'irt illis sides, 7.'iclia.l0, riiy silled shoulders, 7'si'jc. ; short clear sidei, fs 15aS.5,"i, whiskey, f ".i. Chlcngo Live Stock Market. Chiiago, AusT. It.-Cattle -neieipts, 2.',000. in iluding H 1'exan.s and 1,fl western, ihoico steers, steady; others, stoic; butchers stock about steady; Tivans nc Use; we.leins stiad.i; good In piiino sierra, 4i'"irt. 10: pum to medium, ta5:to, stockers and feeders slow, exupt choue, j l.Vi 4.10, lows. anil Mi; heifirs. fj..1a.1 20: tan nets, f ,1042 'i; hulls weak. ?.' 25il 2i; calces, JUS; Texas sliets, W.2VU (), o iar accragc ;IJV pounds, at -V" 2.i; wesiirn steers, l.loa'iOj. Hogs Hec-eipts todaj, 35,il, cstlmtled tomor row, 2S,(SJ; left oiei, A.Oml. 0ieneil weak; ilosed stronger; lop, r20; mixed and butchers, tri.JOail ljijj good to iholce lieaci, 'H.iiOitl 20; ough heacy, fVIVi.i S'i; light, 5 45a5.n7'j; bulk of sales, JJ.ae. Sheep Itecelpts, 22,ii; sheep and lambs, choice, neary steadc; other weak; good to diolie wethers, is.tWil.20, (air to choue mixed, aJSMlfai; western sheep, I.10if:j, jeirllngi, f-knOtl 2i, name lambs, .iaj,60; west ern lambs, I.Ji'a'i in. New York Live Stock. Xew Yi-rk, Aui:. II, Heecu Slow; steera weak to 10c. lower, bulls and rowa steady to shade easier; steers, IM)a3 50, bulls, 1, 10a (, 7); main' ly, .'.50a.UO; calcea ceals Heady to lVc. hisher; grassera and buttermilks 2.V.. hlglieri ceals, if Vi 7.M; culls, $lal.R0; extra veals, $7 75; sTiacra ami buttermilks, f.l.25il, Sheep- Dull and tonei; very few wanted, good to choice lambs Headi , oihen. slow and imecen in prices. Hatket cined steady on all grades. Sheep, .'.i..V0, lambs, ffa H 10; few heads, $.25j culls, t'la.L.'iO Hugs -steady for all weights, state hogs, $rt 2Jsf).30j western quotable at $.V00a6. Buffalo Market. rtuffaln, Aug. 14 C'altlc Offerings, 4 cais dull and slow; veals, $5a7. Iloga Offerings, 19 cars; medium to choice heacy, $6.15a(1.20; plga, KiWa5.7J. Slieep and I.atnhs Offerluirs, 8 tars; s print; limbs, fair to fancy, $5 23a9.8); choice to extra mixed, t1.Mi3.75. Oil Market. Oil rity, Aug. 11 -Credit balincei. 121; certlft. rates, no hid) shipments, 10,n.); average, 67,. 05 i run, 10O,0S.5i average, il,iO. SITUATIONS WANTfiD FREB. Help Wanted Male. WANTF.D Insurance rancassers; good pav and quick adianeement. Address .1. II., Tribune Otllce. WANTKD-A reliable mm for insuranie; good opporliinltv for Ihe right parte. Address J. II , Tribune Office. WANTM1-A wood tinner at Ansley'a Mill. Help Wanted Female. W'AXTKIl- A good girl for general housework , who understand cooking, Apply 641 Mad tf.ir. accnue. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 1'. M. Central City ALBERT SCIIt.irrZ, corner Mulberry street and Webster acenue. OUSTAV riCIIEL, 6J0 Adams avenue. West Side 0E0R0R W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton FRED L. TERPPE. 729 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, comer North Main avenue and Market atreet. Green Ridge CIIARI.ES P. JONES, 1JJ7 Dickson accnue, P. .1. JOHNS, MO Oreen Ridge street. O. I.OHENZ. corner Washlnuton ave nue and Marion' street. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFEt,, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. O. HONK li SON. Wanted. WANTI.D firm in evclimge for 1 eery desir able house tn Dinmori'. See Hat kett, Heal Flale Em hange. WANTED -Ice cream freerer over 10 quaits cc. piiil.c snd small hotse and wagon. Roland, 1112 Sadie place. WANTED One lliousand persons to buy one thousand botths "Knights' Arnunlle S.crup of Prunes," uiuup's greale-t pliisle. l.irgn bottle, 2"i cinls. Clia. P. Jones, 1 j"7 Hack son accnue. WANTED-An intelligent (Catholic) lady or Ken lleman lo fill a llglit. pleasant position; good pay, If suitable. Adilre P. O. Hux 20, sc rant on. Pa Money to Loan. VI In -a),fl T 0(T. 1 and 5 pi-r cent, in-tete-t I a.c teinis lo 1 1 pay . lieotge W. Okell. ( ml l.xi hange building. f.'l O.isOii TO I OAN Lowest rales; straight or monthly pactnents. Stark k Co.,Trders' bll. ANY AMOt'NT OF MONEY TO I.OAN'-Qulck, stiai,;lt lrans or lliiilding and Loan At from 4 to fl per cent. Call on X. V. Walker, 111 1V Council building. Boarders Wanted. WVNTED-Talle boardirs. Mrs. Tompkins, Ml Washington avenue. Room and Board Wanted. WVNITP Ibii in and bo.nd, pricale family, by luting lad; 1.. W. II, 'liihune ittiii-, Situations Wanted. SCOT! II WOMVN ilesiies position as mild to hull, nr until wait on imalid ;tiulrmili. A. lies llux 1H, P. (I. M1l'ri()X WVNTI.D Hi man 111 gnuiry store; eigliliin .cears cxperliii'i-. i-ocd retereuies, lan iau- for cue or country Hade. Addiiss satti ltocberii, .Vhuitio-e, I'a. sill A'l KIN WVNI'ED-To l' out by the day washing or dialling. Mrs. HiKsell, 121'J Cedai acenue snt'VIION' W Willi) A position in wlduwcr'a fatnlli. In a middle aged lady. Mis Jin nlc smith, 020 Hit lourt, lit. slit VI ION W Wt'ED Hi a tonus; mm, to wink In otitic; has i goml eilin itiou; i in gito good iifeieme. Address, );, ,., ure Nrantmi house, cit,i. sill VI ION WVNri.D lly jouiig girl as dish- washer, nun-ins: or to assist in house wotk. Answer proiuplli. 1.. 1)., 727, Fellow stierl, fit - Sill MION W WU'.ll-ltv a jiniiis gill li Jf.ui old lo assist at light housework. Addtcss lllnru, 110 Cimetou acenie, Clti, filll'ATION WVN'IED Vt any kind of oilbe wotk. lly a ciiung nuii. oxpciiinud 1 k keipei. Hood refeien is. Addrisa . i , -aie of tile Tribune SIT! VIION WANI'I.D As siinographir or assl.t anl bookkeeper bv 'i jouiig nun. Addri' A. F , taic of 'liihune. BASE BALL. Ameilcan League. At Iliistnn (.First game)-- R 11. I! Philulelpliia 2 o 5 1 0 I 0 0 0- 0 II I Iiiton o n o o o o o n o 0 i l Halleilis - Ftarer and Powers, ounj, Mitchell and Criger. Umpire Canlillon. Seiond game It. If. E Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-2 fl 2 lliisim 00202 000 -( 10 0 llalteries- Plank, llftuhanl and I'owers; Winters and Schicckeneost. 1 mpire Cantillon. M Washington tFirst game) H. II. E. Ilalnmore in) 0 1 8-1 7 2 Washington 3 0 1 0 1-S 7 1 Battcnes Nops, Earns and Ilrrsnihan; Patten and (latke. I'nipires-lla.kfll and Connolly. Second game postponed on n count of tain. Clin ago Cleveland and Milwaukee-Detroit not scheduled. National League. s.t Xew Yoik (First game) R. II. E Ho.ton il iMifi .1 S (l 3 0 -9 li 2 Xew Yrrk 1)01)0 1 2 000-sl 7 2 llattcneis-Willli and Klllndgc; Tsclor and Warner. L'mpire Emslie. Second game R. II. K. Hoston OOOOOOOOO-fl A 0 .New ork 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 o-.l 10 1 llatteriM -Dineen and Motanj Denier and Wainer. L'mpire Emslle. M Iliookljn (First ganie) R II. E Philadelphia I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 fl -4 ft O Rrookl.cn 1002 2 00H,-S 10 2 Hatlerlea- Ducgleby and Jacklltsch; Donoian and Mcdul-l'mplre Nash. Second game R. II. K. Philadelphia 0 10 0 0 0 0 10-2 ) 2 Drmklyn 0 1 (I 3 0 0 I 0 -S 10 1 Hatterlesi Townsend and Md'arland; Newton and Farrell. l'mpire Nach. Chlcagn-Plttsburg and Cinclnnitl-St. LouU not teheduled. Eastern League. Hartford, 11; Ruffalo, 4. Montreil, 4; Providence, 3, Wercester, Si Toronto, 6, Brockton, 13; Tcochciter, 13. a DIRECTORY; 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Tlun Pour Llnei, ft Centt for Dach nxtra Line, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWAHD C. SPAIIUHNO, 23 TRADERS BANS Dihldlng. Architects "'"Il II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CO.NNELIa building, FRLIIEIHCK I,. ItHOWN, ARCH. II., REAb - ie. 1:,-hange Illdg., 126 Washington ave. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. II. I IIARDINO, 600 CONNELL RUII.DINO. Dentists. R. O. E. EILENREHOER, PAUL! DUlLDiNoi Spruce street, Scranton. 1'R.iC. C. LAU3AC1I, 115 WYOMINO AVENUE.. . Lawyers. FnANK ,S- "OVLi:, ArrORNEY-ATLAW. ""oen 1Z. 14, 10 and 18 llurr building. F. K. THACY.ATTY.COMMON'WEALTH BLDO. ; ." RLPLOOLn. ATrOHNEY-LOA"S NEOO. ilateil on real estate security. Meara building, corner Washington accnue and Spmce atreet, WII.LARD. W'ARREV A- KN'APP. ATTORNEYS and counsellors at-law. Republican building, vcasldngton avenue. JESSt'P A- JESSFP, ArrORN'KYS AND C011N. sellors at-law Commonwealth building, Rooms lt, 20 and 21. . 1:5.'ynn u'- THAYP.R. ATTORNEY. ROOMS "wl, nth floor, Meara building. L. A. WATRP.S. ATlORNEY-ArLAW, BOARD of Trade building. Scranton, Ta. PATTERsOV A- WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Rank building. C COMI.nVS. 9-13 REPl'ni.lCN ntril.DINO. A-,"' niRTiioi.r. officii moved to xo. 211 Wccmlng accnue. Physicians and Sugeons. DH W. li acenue. ALLEN, 51J NORTH WASHINGTON DR. S W. IAMOREAfX. OFFICE 331 WASH, ington avenue. Residence, 131 Mulberry. Chronic disease, lungs, heart, kidneya and genito urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Resturants. Hi: ILK CvFE. IK AND 127 FRANKLIN avenue. Hates reasonable. P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor. ErRANTOV HOfSn. NEAR P., L. k W. PAS. senger depot. Conducted on the European r'n. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. a. n. unions cleans privy vaults and cess pools; no odor; only Improved pumps used. A. II: Hrlggs, proprietor. Iave orders lioo North Main avenue, or Eicke'a drug store, cor. ner Adams and Mulberry. Roth telephone. Seeds. 0. It. CLARKE k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS. erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green houses, low North Main avenue; store tele phone, Ibl. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUHTTFL. HEAR til LACKA. AVE.. Scranton, Pa , manufacturer of Wire Screens. Hiscollaneous. V- UIIF.SsMs.KINa FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER: also ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 213 Adams accnue. MECARflEE RllOS, PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN v elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington acenue, Scranton, Pa. Real Estate. H' 01T .ll 10 ni'Y. Si.I I, OH RENT a pron. itc or aui line cf business, see Hackctt, 1:6 Wa-liiiigliin acenue. 77 I .Ors novira) eirh, at filenbiirn station; stiei Is an- graded and named; tome and get nnpM and bun particulars. C'omtg;., Dimo liank. LEGAL. AMENDMENT 'lo '1111: ( O.N s, FIT I ION PRO POsEI) 'lO'lllEt lllZI.N.slIF nils COMMON'. W I.M.I II Milt IHI. ill VPPHOVVL OR RE .ll.l'ITON ll llll; OINIltVI. AssEVIHLY OF 1 III: IllvlMUNVcCM.lTI OF PENNsM.VANIA. I'l lll.lslll.il ll ORDER OF IHE SKCHKTAY of Tin: lOMviii.NWi'vi.iii. in prttstANcn 01' AllllCI.I. .Will OF HIE CONS I'l ITTIOX. A I01NT RI'sOLl I'lON. Pre pusinc; mi amitiihniiit to the (.onstitutlou of the ( iimmon.ci'alth. Seillin 1, II.- it lesiilcd lie tho senile and lliiuso uf liipii'sititatiiis of the ( ommonwealth in Oiniral Asm nil, l met. Rial the following Is pmposid as miif iidmi tits to the Constitution nt Ihe Commonwealth of 1'nin.j Inula, In ae I'oidjuie with the piucisions of the eighteenth uiticle tlit is of: Ami milium One to Vilule Light, .section One, ild at the end of the lht paragiaph of said si it mil. liter the winds "hiil lu- entitled to cute at all clectnm, ," tho words "subject ln.weiir tu null laws requiting and rrgulvting the HgMtiatiun of i-lecluis .s the llenetal As siiiibl.i nn) en ut," su trut (lie said section thill leid is follows: su lion 1. iiualitiiatlotis of llieitors. Every mile iltj7cn icci-iitj-oiic jcars of age, pnsaesiinj' the folluiciiig quilitiialii'to, eh ill be entitled tn cote at all elections, nibjn I howecer tn such laws requiring and legulaling the registration uf eleiliirs a the flenrial Vs-i-mhly may enact: I llhe shall line liein a nilen uf the United States at Icact tine month. 2. He shill luce lesuled In the s.t(s one ceir Im, iiicing piecinusly biiu a qititifird elector hi nallce limii eitirn of ihe Male, h" ahall line teiiiocid thrrefioui and ritiutied, then, six months) iminediatcl pteieding ihe election. .1. Hi r ii ill ban- iisulid in the election His ttict where he shall offer to vote at least two mouths immediately preiediug the eh lion 4. If twcnli two years if ago and tipvrards, he shill luce pild within two ci irs a Mate or iminlv tax. whuli shall hace been assessed at least two inunths ami paid at least ana month before tho election .. Aiiiemlimnl Two tn Article .Eight, JSetfion Sec en. Sttike out from said seitinn the words "Jsut no elrctnr shall be deprived of the privilege ef voting by ruson of his njme not being regis tercd," and add to slid section the fnliocvlns! woidi, "but laws icgulating and requiring tha registration ot electors mav li enacted to apply to cltiiM mile , prodded that such laws he uni form for titles of the same dais," so that th said sett ion ehill lead as follows: section 7. rniforniitc of Klcitlon Laws All liwa irgulating the holding of elections by the dtiitw or for the registration of elector shill be uniform Ihinughout the Mite, hut Isws regulating and requiting the registration of ctedois 111 il be snaitid to apple to cities onl.c, provided tint such laws be uniform for cities of the s-une class. A true ropy of the Joint Resolution W. W. GRIEST. ' Seiretarv of the Commonwealth. AMENDMENT TO Till. ( ONsll ITTIOV PRO. 1'Osl'D 0 Till' CITIZENS OF THIS COM. MONWIV1TII Kill TIII'IH VI'PROVVI, OR RE. lECTlOV 11V TUB OESF.RM. ASEim.Y OF 'llll (OMMONWFVITII OF PENNSYLVANIA PIRLIsllED I1V ORDER OF TIIK. SECRET RV OF THE IDVIMONWFVI 111 IN PCRsrvNCE OF ARTICLE .Will OF "llll" ( ONsTI 1 1 TIO.V. JOINT HESOf.l TIOX Prosposlng an amendment tn the Constitution of Iho Commnnweilth. Kretlon 1 He it cnacied he the "tnitti and House of Representative of the Commonwealth of Penn'ylcanu in General AsscmUy met, and it Is hereby enacted by the authority of th saiiti", Tliat the following is ptoposed u m aiiiendnient to the Constitution of'the'Commen weallli of Pfiinsclvanu, in aicorlince with the tuocisiona of the Klghtrenlh article thereof, Vmmdment Strike cuf section four article eight, ins ert In place thereof, is. follow-it SecUon 4 All electljpa ".bj; CfKUana shall be bj ballot er Jy'j'ichv ether method aa .reav be prescribed by li-wrs Provided,' -That secrecy in voting be prewrced. A true copy clHhsr Jointneolutlfin..vS ft becretary of the Commonwealth,