The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 15, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    0 V ,
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1- " 4
Strnnsky Steel Wnro Is su
perior to nil other enam
eled wares. Kvery yileeo
of Strnnslcy Ware It made
from a single sheet of steel
of steel tf
-Is cov- X
its best X
no seams to rust-
rrcrl with four coat
enamel Is purn white in
side, nvery utensil li
guaranteed to last five
Foote & Shear Co.
JJ9N. Washlneton Ave Q
Some Knit Garments
for Babo and child that will
hiako a mother happy and
tho child restful. Wo mo
specialists in this lino and
have everything in the ad
vanced styles for infants and
lTb? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Street.
Mf Waihtnet'n is mi', Guoino building,
few term bfjin Sept. 3.
0 0
0 tolff2iZ2B 0
Mi's Anna Krll.v, nf this ity. and
John B. Connnlli. of IlohnUm V. .1
wei- united in nimil.iRp jcsteiilav
HK-inlilR at 11 ri'ilruk, at ?l. Petri
tathPdrnl. hy l. Stephen o'Hoyle.
Tlu blidp wa.s .ittenilril by lls
M-tmc R.niPtt. The Ki' iwis
Juri'S Mi CSriMTii, of Hnbciken. A ir
.fptum fiillnuni at Hip hemic- of tlip
brides hi other, l.Iier.vnian Joseph
Mi and Mis. C'nnnnllv left on an tialn for the Pan-.meili an
rp..Mtinn and a tilp thintmh New Thoy will ieldo In ilolio
ken, where tho giouin Is a piomlnent
M' mid Mrs. A. H Hazlett cnter
ti "nl laMt TiiP'-day evening In honor
ff itu-ir sup.-t, Miss i;i(rnida Sexton, of
I'hil.idelphta. During the rvenlnc se
cal i hnire soIpi tlnn. eu tendeied on
the mindoUn bv Hlc-haid Neuhauer. A
rumher of lrpniiliictiiiii-. lrum the
M lmnphnne voip a plealiiB fiatuio
if the evptilns'.s eujojineiit. V .u Ions
panvv nrr p,n tic Ipatod in, after which
a lirumti ous repast s-enccl.
Anions those present n-ie Mi. nml
Mis M, uris Hauju. Mr. and Mis. pa
.s Mi.-. t'hailPR Tropp, Mis. William
Bush of Philadelphia; Mlssp.s Sexton,
Neuhauer, Dppij DaMs, 1'ittoc-, Hi nun,
Gamcwell, IMilden. Mesyrs. Jttihnid
and Aniol Neub.iuer, Pails nml Jlaz
lett. At -30 o'cloik yesteiilay nfternnnn
On 111 Sidney riillllps. of l.'.'i South
Feir-nth hticet. and Miss Saiah A.
Kvan', daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dai Id
i;vn s ot Sin Nmtli Riomiey aeniip,
vpk united In maiii.itre at tho Iioiup
of tli. bible's paients by Itev. p. I.
.tone- pa-stoi- of the Tubeinucle Con.
f,reEdtlonal c-huu-h.
The (Pienioiiy whs perfoiuud in the
presrme ot the Immtdliito lelathcs, and
lnends. Atter c-nnRuitultitinns ucip
extended, a wedding dinner was en
joyed at -1 ,;a o'doik. Mr. and Mr.
Phillips left on the Ontailo anil West
ern r.ulioad for ooro, N. V. Kioiu
there they will take a tilp over tho
lakes to Tomnto, and upon their re
turn will begin housekeeping In West
Mr Phillip has hem In the employ
of John Denote fc Hon for many yeais
and Is one of the most popular young
men in the city. His bndo Is an esti
mable young woman, who enjoys a
large elrelo of nequalntain ps. The'v
were the teelplents of many piPtty and
UFeful wedding ptesents fiom their
numerous fi lends.
Ulcharrl Nallln left filcrilay for a iH in
Mlfcs Ellrabtth Cad'lcn, ot Marlon street, ii at
Atlantic tu.v.
Mr and Mr. P. J. Itujne and children are at
Atlantic City.
Jlrt, Arthur Itajmford, el New York, li cry
ill In thin city
Mr W I.. Kernald, el 230 Franklin aenuc,
U Mrmua); 111.
William M I'olndexter and John Conry arc
at Atlantic City.
Judjf ficorgo S Purdy, of lloncjdilc. wa, ai
the Jfrmjn jNterday.
Attorney and Mr Josffli O'Hrlen left jeatir
day for Atlantic City.
Ml Llirle Penman, of SH JladUon aenue, is
v'.iltinsr frlendi in 1'otmillc.
MIm Prftlr. U PanleU and Ruth Peddce left
jei-terdiy for a ttav at I.ako Uinoli.
Lieutenant of Police Ooerllti wa en duty lat
night, after havipj been ill for eettral dai.
f'S John Klrhy and daujhUr, Nellie, arc
home from a three week,' May at Atlantic City.
J. M. Prenlln, K. M Preallii and II K. Pnrcll,
of Mauih Chunk, were biranton- lltot jester
Hay. The Vlw Mamie and Sidle f ulik, of Marlon,
O., are tlm giieM of Alderman mid Mr. John
P. Kclli, Jr , of Hallrovl afnuc.
The MIm atir, IllamliP and I'loreme Vlek
ery left jralrrda) for the llol.ittarc Wuter (lap,
where they nlll peivl thilr aiatioii.
Ml l.dlth DjUi, of North W,liIiiitlon flieimo,
nhd hrr buiI iHic V. .Ticlrru, of PhiUdeb
phla, Into gone (or n xlult at Hmil, I'J.
SetKcant of Police JMmnU titteil on till ai I
(Ion jwtcrday and diiritic hl alenii' srrueHit
Joma Is In ihirKO of the Cmtrr Moot atitlon.
Mr. Jnaeph llnlimiivier and ilaushler, ,loe.
t.hlnc, of IVnn Atontie, lift itenli (or a two
week Hiy at Philadelphia anil Atlmtlc (My.
Sihool Controller T. .1. .leiminns feihnol Pl
tflct Solltllor 11. .1. Itrulj an I Counly Con
nilvloner John Dm kin left jelenh) for Athntle
MM di luliy nml mete, nl Citliondile,
pased throiiEl. (he clly jmienlav en route to
bens Itramh and (hem (iroe, wlieie lho will
pcinl the next b-n da.
Mlve Amie and Miraatct ( mwrn, of Mull
(ioii atcnue, Maigairt mid Kiltie Mililirll, nf
Pi nn aieime, and Maj llorm, of Duninoir, left
eterda (or Ml.mln. I lit.
Prnfennr II I. Iliirdnk I, fpendins 1 few dai
nt llrnitn On ln rrluni ho and Pinfrnwr John
Itraiiinntit and tli"ir ri'iwllio families will po
l.i I ike -limit hi for a urrk.
Mr 1 (1 NrMi and rfiughtrr, Klorenir, of
fit Milion ateniie, left jrtrrdiy moriiinK for
a ( veek' iit ainoiiB frlendi iml rotilbr
in Tme i loimti Mr W-Wi mil ton, IhrMI,
will join Iheni about a week Inter.
Mr l'auliiie Ions reielnd i tele,iram ie.
(ruin from her on. llnr). .innnunnni; that he
wn the. fithrr of 1 Ids IhIij lim. Thl is the
flrt eratuNi n horn in tlie loin I.onit fatnllj and
ihn Iml l.i Roen the Tppnpriite name of Harry
It Is Expected That a Genernl Re
arrangement of Offices Will
Soon Be Made.
At the tit meetlne of the re
coidPi s lablnpt, the fUPStInn of ii
Rpiieinl i. anviiiceniPiit of the olllees
In the municipal bulldiup; Is to be
Klpn e.iiisldpiatlon. This matter has
been dieiised amoncr the hpads of the
departments for mine time bark, but
.the qupitlon of finding loom for the
seventeen additional eomnion ounell
men has now forced It to mi 1sup.
Seveial plans ate under eonsldera
tlon, hut tho onr which TliPutor of
Public Works Uoche, who has ihaiRP
of the public titilldlnKs, favors Is the
movliiK of the i ominoii council iliam
ber to the unoccupied fouith floor,
whl(,h be believes tould be fitted Up
and flnlslipd at no very ureat esppuse.
Tho pieent council i haniber uuild
thin bo fitted up Into an office, elihcr
for hlmi-elf or Dhector of Public Safe
tv Wormier. 13olh these olllcinls ate
nt piesent ciamped for loom. Illiec
tor Wortn.ser Is located in the small,
poky little ollli o on the mound llmu,
loruiPilv oi i upled b the n-psni,
while Direct oi Km he has hastily inn
tilved fiuaiters on the third floni , iai
tltloned off fimu tin- laiRp olllcp oe
cupled by the nssessois bv n rouch
looklns and uupalnted wood paitl
tlon. Iinth olfkps aie Piitliply un
woilhy of two of the linivt linpni
departments of the cltv i;oeriituent.
There Is a sliontr belief that action
will bo taken looking ton aril the va
cation of the two inonis on the second
floor now ore upled by t'lp boaid of
(Oiitrol. Tho school board has no
ilKht or claim upon tin- use of these
rooms oMcpt a verbal agreement en
tered into nt the time the building
was completed. This can be tennl
nated at any time, and It li believed
that the time Is fast nppin tilling
Jf the (Oiiinll i haniber is vacated
bv loiitull and taken b.v either the de
pal tment of public woiks or public
safet.v, the si hnol bo.nd loom would
be the only available plate for the
location of the iih i denai tun nt.
Direct r Korhe believes that an ele
ator should lc Installed in the city
hall, and he will advoiate this too,
nt tho cabinet meeting. Jn the mean
time, the "iddltiimals win have to
make the best of things and get along
with the seats in the tear of the
council chamber.
Series of Events Beintr Atranged for
the Winter.
The High Si hnol Alumni not Intlon,
together with an organisation of thp
High school, will give a lecture and
(oneeit course during the winter
months in the High school nudltoiiiim.
The louise will Include the Hoston
ladies' S.Muphony oichestm, iiov. D.
.1. Siaifoid D D. the Patk slsteis.
Klshop ('. H Towler, the MPndelss-ohn
Qu.motle ininpatiy, Toyman II. Howe,
the Cirand Concert company and (iar
let P. Seivlss. The course will begin
In (li tobf i.
The ionise ban been ananged by
committees, repiesentlng the High
Mlioul and tho Alumni association, and
the canvas is now being made by Mi.
Chillies A. Wllev.
City nnd School Taxes, 1901.
The cltv and school tax duplicate
loi .veai I'ioi aie now in my hands for
collection. A penalty of ,1 per cent,
will be added Sept 1-t, luoi, and an
additional oup per cpnt. nn the first
of each rnd pPiy month until fully
paid. All taxes teinalnlng unpaid
after November lt will h. nim.nH r,
the dellmiuent llt as pinvided by law.
J, J. Kobinsciri,
flty Tteasuier.
Northup Family Reunion.
The Northup family teunlon will bo
held in the maple, gtovo on the John
Northup faun, near Glenbuin station
Satuiduy, Augtibt 17. Teams will meet
fi lends coming cm the trains and con
ey them to the gtounds.
Mcmbcis of this large family aie re
quested U bllng, with their well-filled
haskets. old idles and old nieliiirw nf
Individual members, whether dead or
living, that they may be viewed by the
company. Dy older of tho committee
or arrangements,
lleniy W. Northup, Chaliman,
Pure erpam, puie milk, pure sugar.
puie llavoilng make pure ice cream
That's Hanley's. 420 Spruce street.
Steam Heating nnd Plumbing.
P P. & m. t. Howley.231 Wyoming ave.
Be Wise
that meani tend
jour child to THF.
(o.?i.nvTonv m
(udy plino Oradu
am teachcia and
I'Cut methoiU, Ktrin
Mo up (or jur'a
tuition. Write or
At n Meotlng In Carpcnteis' Hall tho
Men Decided to Give Up the Strug
gle Tho Company Has Made. No
Concessions Nor Has It Agreed to
Take Back Any Men Buffalo,
Kingston nnd Hoboken Stilkers
Will Abide by the Decision Ar
rived nt.
Tho protracted strike ot the Lacka
wanna nn builders was declined off
last night nt a special meeting of the
sttlkeis held In Cm pouter's hall on
Wyoming avenue.
The meeting was i ailed as the ie-
stilt of a (onfetence held on Tticsdn)
between Muster Car llullder Canlleld
and Piesldent McAndiew, of the car
builders' union. At this eonfeienco Mr.
Ciuilleld announced hat the company
was as lit m as ever In lis position nnd
would make no concessions whatever,
lie told Piesldent McAndiew that ho
could not promise to take the sttlkeis
back If the sttlke was declined off,
but that those who might deslie to
come back could sign the icgulatlon
application blanks, which would be
caiofully considered by the company.
I he sentiment mining the men in
favor of having the stilke declnred oft
became so strong that President Mc
Andiew i tilled last night's special
meeting foi the put pose of consldpilng
thp (luesllon
Tpegialii" wcie sent on to the piesl
dents nf ilir cat bulldeis' unions at
Huff alo, Kingston and Hoboken, whero
stilkes have been In progress simul
taneously with the local one, and re
plies weie leielved yesteiilay announc
ing that the stilkeis at each of these
plaies would abide by the decision
leached at last night's meeting.
Piesldent .McAndiew made a bilof
address at the meeting setting forth
the statements made by Mr. Canlleld.
The motion to dPclatP the stiike oft
was almost unanimously adopted, theio
being only a few who faxoied fighting
It out.
It seems tu be the geueial belief that
only n part of the men will sign appli
cations to be leinstated to their old
positions. A number who weie gath
eied in the hall last night after the
meeting insisted most foielbly that un
der no consideration whatever would
Uiey ngiec to sign an application.
Kxcciitlve Committeeman Co.vne, In n
lonveisation with a Ti Ibune man In
leg.nd to the cleclailng olf of the stiike,
"The ptliulpa leason for the calling
off of the stiike was in order that the
stilkeis might t-ccuic employment
fiom some of the other laige compan
ies in and about the city. Veiy tew
will, In my opinion, letuin to vvnik for
the Lackawanna. Kver since the stiike
began the sttlkeis have found It Impossible-
to get wotk from anv other
lallioad or manufaetuiing com
pany "The officials of these companies, as
soon as they learned that a man was
a knwanna strike, had no further
use for him and would not hlie him
under nny consideration. We believe
that the giving up of the stiike will
enable these men to secuie places, and
that Is why it was dec lined off."
The local car bulldeis went out on
strike on May 4 In .synipathv with thp
ar buildeis at Dover, who stiuik two
davs befoie bei ause t lie company ic
fuied to iidnstnte a icitnin Iran who
was dlschai god. They had been out
but a few dan when they decided to
demand a nlnt-hour da, and with
this as n slogan the c.n bulldeis at
Huffalo, Hoboken and Kingston went
out and have been out since.
The number of men in this city who
oilglnally stiuck was TIL', and the
stilkers claim that only 2'.0 of this
number have since letuined to weak.
The company ofllelnN, on the other
hand, maintain that neaily all of the
stilkeis aie back at their old jobs.
The approximate number of men who
have been out on stiike In the other
cltiecs mentioned above Is as follows:
Hutfalo, 4."i, Kingston, I.'.-.; Hoboken,
The Dover car bulldeis, who weie
the original stilkeis, did not decide to
abide by the decision of last night's
meeting nnd their piesldent, C. A. Nel
son, who atended tho meeting, said
that ho wasn't at all sine that they
favored giving up the snuggle. A spt'
clal meptlng of the Dover men has been
called foi tonight to consider the cnies
tiou. Atlnntic City, Cape May, Sea Isle
City, Ocean City. Avalon, Wild
wood, or Holly Beach Exsursion
via Pennsylvania Railroad., August 21. Special ten
day tickets, $"i.0t to all resoits, via
Maiket sticet wharf, or to Atlantic
City only, via Delawaie Klver bridge
route. Train leaves Seranton at fi.l.l
a. in.
Hanley's ice cream is popular for
dessert this summer. 4.'0 Spiuce street.
The popular Punch cigar is stilt the
leader of tho 10c cigars.
So we'll give you an ounce of talk
about our line
and you'll get a ton of satlffactlon
hy sending your order to us.
E. Q. Coursen
Headquarters for fruit and vegetable.
Special Convocation of tho Select
Castle of Ponnsylvnn'a.
A special convocation of the Select
castle of the Ancient Order Knights of
the Mslle Chain, of Pennsylvania,
will he held In the hall of Seranton
castle. No, i:!T, 510 Lackawanna ave
nue, on J'rldny evening, August 10.
Select Commander Perty J. M. lleln
del, of Yoik, Pa., will be present nnd
confer the Mail; degree on all past
commanded intltled to receive the
same. He will be assisted hy Past
Select Commander James Williams, of
1ST, and Past Select Commander George
11. Shlies, of 43, and several past com
manders of the l-'lrnt district, Lacka
wnnna county.
All past coininnndprji eligible to re
ceive the degree should bo present nnd
have their certificate with them,
llvciy past comininidcr should he pres
ent on Pildny night and witness tho
ceremonies, a the occasion does not
occur veiv often.
The sebet oininander will lemaiu In
the cltv until Saturday, when he will
go to .Icim.Mi and confer the Mnik de
gree in the hall of Jermyn castle. No.
Seranton castle. No. 137, will hold its
regular session on Kileiay evening, com
mencing promptly nt 7.30 o'clock. Every
member of 137, as well as of the other
cntlei of the Pltst district, should be
piespiit to hear nn address from our
select commander.
Caso of City of Seranton Agninst E.
B. Sturges May Be Taken to a
Higher Court.
Theip Is a disposition about city hall
fo take an appeal fiom tho decision of
the local couit In the eap of the City
of Seranton ngulnst 11. H. Sturges, and
City Solicitor (leoige M. Watson sa
if councils ask hi advice he will coun
sel an appeal.
The cao Is one in which Mr. Stuiges
Is sppklng to p'lnbllsh a contention
that legally lie need not pay for the
paving on N'tth Washington avenue
in front ot properties he owns Indi
vidually nnd oil pi held In common
with othPip. He claims the paving wns
not properly clone, nnd that the clause
In the contract relating to rcpait was
wholly Ignored by the paving company
and also by council, when It came to
releasing the company' bond.
When the case came to tilnl the de -fense
was made that the statute of
limitations hatred collection; that the
city was obliged to how the ceitaln
fixed amount Mr. Stuigps was owing,
and that the contract was Invalid be
cause It sought to charge the prop
erties with a gieater buiden thnn the
statute nllcnvs, in that It calls for pav
ing and keeping the paving in icpalr,
when the law .tlpulatcs- that the cot
of oilglnal construction is as much n,s
can be assessed against abutting prop
erty holdeis.
The city held that the statute of
limitations did not Inteipose a bar to
collection because some paments weie
made by the defendant within the six
ear period,
As to the ( 1 1 obligation to prove a
fixed and ceitalu amount owing from
Mr. Stuiges, the city held It did not
have to do this, that all that was nce
csMiiy was to show the amount n
sesed. Tho burden of showing that
the debt was less than the amount as
sessed rested with the defense, tho city
contended, just as In the case of a suit
on a Judgment note, wheie the plain
tiff can rest after presenting the note
and the defen.'e lo called to show what
payments, If any, were made.
The city admits that nn abutting
propei ty can not be taxed with nn
thlng mnie thnn the cost of the niig
nnl contiuctlnn, but contends that the
contract 1 not Invalidated bj the fact
that lepalis weie also conttai ted foi,
because It Is possible to prove liter
ally what the icp.ilis weie woith and
by siibtiactlng this from the whole
amount atsc.".od1 the cost of the oilg
lnal construction can be a-iPitalncd
Attorney C Comeg.vs, who was as.
soi lated with the plaintiff as represt n
tative of ceitaln of the holders of the
paving bond, I likewise dhposed to
inrry the (ase to an appellate couit.
The probabilities arc that it will bo
Tho Pennsylvania State College.
The Commencement Exertlses at The
Pennsylvania State College last June
aro reported to have been of unusual
Interest and were attended by large
uumbeis of peoplo fiom nil parts of
th State. Tho giaduatlng Class nuin
bcied tlfty-one, tin ce of whom weie
young women. Of this number six
weie gi actuated from the Course In
Civil KngliiPi i lug, llfteen from tho
Course in i:ici Ideal Kngineedng,
twelve from the. Couise in Mpc hankal
Knglnpedng, lour from the Course In
Mining Kngllieeilng, six from tho
Couise in Cliemlstiy, and the lest from
the GcriPial Coutses.
It Is .i sti Iking fact that these gradu
ates, almost without exception, aie to
go at once lnlo seivlco with v.nlous
concerns throughout tho country, and
that, in Mechanical Knglneerlng
alone, the Depai tment had at least six
additional applications for positions
for which it could not supply men
and this . not an exceptional year in
that respect.
Sixty-two of the sixty-seven Coun
ties of Pennsylvania have representa
tives among the students nt the State
College this year. Allegheny, in tho
west, liar forty students nnd Lancas
ter, in the east, nineteen. The icst are
spipaei almost Indlscilnilnately oyer
the State. The piogicss of tho College,
In this icspect, i a sti Iking evidence
of tho manner In which its woik Is
meeting tho demands of the great In
dustdal lntciests-of Pennsylvania, at
the same time that it is sending out
liberally educated men and opening
the door of opportunity to young men
and young women to obtain n college
education in keeping with the best
modern stnndnids.
Seranton Business College.
The demand for bookkeeper and
stenogiapheis continues even dining
vacation. Many students aie retelving
Day and evening sessions will leopen
Tuesday, September 3, Those who de
slro Information should call nny time
after August 10.
The Ilepuhllean primary election will he held
on Mondaj, s-ept loth, lrl, between the- houri
el 4 and 8 o'clock p. m ; the contention on
Ihurfdaj. Sept. 19th, at 10 o'doik a m
F.ach candidate mint rechtcr hli full name and
addreji, the office for which he deiirea to ha a
candidate, and juy h' "seument to the county
chairman on or before Aug. 27th imt.
The vigilance committee will Riwern themelve
accordingly. .David J. Davla, Chairman.
E. P., Fellcwa, Secretary.
Any Young Man or Woman Who De
sires a Chnnco to Earn a Free
Scholarship In The Tribune's Edu
cational Contest Should Enroll
Their Names Today, ns the List
Will Be Closed Tonight Lewis,
Anderson nnd Buckingham Mnde
Increases In Their Scores Yester
day. Standing of Contestants, f
If thli iri the laat day, these would win!
1. Meyer Lewis, Seran
ton 017
2. Miss Wilhelmlna
Griffin, Providence. 408
3. Henry 8chwenki.
South Seranton... 376
4. William Miles, Hyde
Park 326
5. Gnrfleld Anderson,
Cmbondnle 245
0. Ray Buckingham,
Elmhurst 171
7. Miss Norma Mere
dith, Hyde Park . . 130
8. Miss Vida Pedrlck,
Clark's Summit. .. 110
How many of these will he In Table No, 1
1 on the closing day!
X O. August Brunner, jr.,
Carbondnle 100
Z 10. Frank Kemmerer,
-Fnctoryville 63
X 11. David O. Emery,
Wimmers, Pa. ... 45
12. Arthur C. Griffis.
Montrose 30
X 13. W. H. Harris, Hydo
rarK 23 f
X 14. Miss Minnie Wallls,
cnrbondale 2 3 f
15. E. J. Sheridan, Haw-
ley 0
I 16. Misa Jennie Ward,
Olyphant 6
I 17. Robert Campbell,
Green Ridge 3
Of the Hi st four leadPts in Thp Ti I
buiip's Kducatlonal Contest, Meyer
Lewis was the only one to seme jes
teiday. He now holds first nl.ien liv
vlitue of a lead of 110 points over Miss
uriiiin. ei.iPlield Anderson, In fifth
place, closed lin (he hnlunnn lilm
and William Miles quite a bit, and Hay
micKinguam increased tils leadership
over Mibs Meredith to 41 points. These
were all that scored yesteiday.
Tho last chance is pxtpndpd today to
young men and women who have not
aheady done so to enter their names
ns paitlclpants In the contest, for thu
entiy list will be closed at .' o'clock this evening, and after that lime
we are determined to sell
In our stock this season we
have cut the price so low that
they aie sine to go. Plaited
bosom f-hlrts shirts with cuffs
attached some with two pair of
detached cuffs, that heiotofore
sold for 51.50 and $2 00, at Jl 00.
All of our $100 shlits, 75c.
Straw Hats
t F.v ery $1 50 and $2 CO sttaw , any
J. ii-
4 style, either tough or spin braid, T
T at $1.00. Knox straws, both split 2
$ and tough btdlds, $2 00.
All 50c neckwear i educed to S3c T
fr ?
I !
WaiMniUll AP
The Largest Lines in N. E. Pennsylvania
The Largest Lines in N. E. Pennsylvania
Oils, Paints and Varnish
MaIon?y Oil S Manufacturing Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
no one but them enrolled will be per
mitted to come in.
This is a particularly good time for
beginners to come In, for the con
testants who have already registered
points have rein ted to n considerable
extent In their woik the past two or
tnree week.
Any one who desires to begin the
woik today should send a postal to
"Kdltor Kducatlonal Contest." Tribune.
Scianton, Pa., when he or sho will bo
rutnishcd nt once with the nercssniy
blanks and lntt actions, See full par
ticulars on fouith page ot this morn
ing's Tribune.
11 nilcr thl heading fhort letters of interest
will le piildliheil whin accoiupinled, for publics
(Ion, by the wrller'a nunc. The 'tribune cloea iml
sunie reponlbllll) for opinions hcie cvircicd
Request of a Veteinn.
Iditer of the Seranton Tribune
Sir Vour eilllorlil of thli did1 under the head
of "An I iijHtrintli! lloaid ol Control" as duly
apprrihleil by (ho ct tiii et we bcllece that
a inajmil) of the bond aie lojal and pitriotle
cltlrnu. We hive alwija found th board of
control wlllliu (o Rrant any rripint that
hue made along the linn of pattinllum, and we
would now request the Imiril (o revoke the order
compelling nhools lo open on Mcinorht clai.
Wo would prefer tbit the pitilolle exercises In
all schools ahoulil take place on frldiy afternoon
precediiiK Mrinorial iU, ai they lue In Nes.
27 and :, when a veteran will be puent and
talk tn the children On Memorial ihv we would
haie cicry leather visit nonie ceinrleiy with her
entire diss and enlist (he ihililien In (he bciutl.
fill eeriice for our foldicr dead, therebj toachinR
tliem loe and reverence lor the flair and lojally
to our rnuntrr, (ha( they mav be better pr.
pared to perpetuate the work when we ehall hava
passed away.
The velcrmj for (heinsebea do net craie any
undue pnilsr They plad for the future of our
beloved country, and It rannot be questioned
hut tha( (he proper education alone piirlntie
lines, inMilllnir into the minds of the jouth of
our land a highrr and purer spirit ot leu ally,
is one of the safeguard of our nation It en
nobles and prepaies for the hlghir duties and
obligations, and (he proper exenlses of the
rights and privileges of American tltlrensli'n.
And now, Mr Kditor, I thank von nnd also thank
the board of control In adtamc, for we believe
(hat they will cheerfully grant our request. I
am, Very truly our,
Asa I). Sleiens.
Seranton, Vug. It, 1101
Bauer's Band Will Provide Concert
Music nt the Xnke Next Sunday.
Music on the water Is becoming a
ffieat Sunday attraction at Lake I.o
elorc Next Sunday. August 18, Hauei's
band orchestra will furnish oxeollc'nt
conceit music from the laige exclusion
boat. It will be indeed a rich tieat,
and no doubt hunelieelsi of people will
go over to the beautiful lesort and en
Joy the sweet music on the wntci as
well as tho many other atti actions of
the plm e. Tialns leave tlip Delawaie
and llud'-on station, Scianton, nt S ."0
nnd 11 31 a m. Faro from this cit 73
cents; children, 40 cents.
Keep Posted About Home Affairs.
The Tribune will be mailed to you
while away dining thp summer
months for 12 cents a week, The ad
dress may be changed as often as de
sired nnd tho paper will be mailed
dlipct, promptly, every day. Any
complaint should be made Immediate
ly to The Tribune office.
For a Good Quiet Day's Outing
go to Harvpy's lake with the Good Fel
lows, August lfi. No changes; dliect to
the ground by steam, See bills,
Piompt delivery In hot weather does
much to keep a peieon cool. Order your
Ice cream at Hanley's, 420 Spruce stieet
Houses for sale, tent or exchange
Traders' Kstate Co., 120 Washington ave.
Try the new fie cigar "Kleon."
The greatest commercial
economist in the world today.
Compared to any necessary
Investment in business,
is incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Manager') office, 117 Adama avenue.
Men's Suits $15.00
Men's Tinusers .150
Ladles' Suit 12 00
ltalny Day Sklit 6.50
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
T J Foter, President, Flmer II Law all, Treas.
It. J. Foster, Stanley P. Allen,
Vice President. Secretary
During our Great Clearing X
Sale of
i Neckwear ii
T we have reduced prices as
T follows:
t $1.50 Neckwear $1.25
f 1. 00 Neckwear 75
.75 Neckwear SO
.50 Neckwear 39
. '. Sale now going on to make
room for fall stock.
J Cramer-Wells Co.,
130 Wyoming Ave.
Are the source of wrong pro
When you are bent on
buying the best in Gent's
Furnishings, at the most
reasonable prices, turn your
attention to this store and
you can't go wrong.
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
When a man buy?
a lot he buys not the
i.,.i u... .u- .:.i- .
I.CIIU, UUl UlC.llllQ i c
flTlfl the land. The con-
I ,i:.:- ..j ...ui.i.
CIIUUH3 uiiuci which
he holds possession
are determinfid by
his title. By his pur
chase he may obtain possession of
a piece of land, but if he has not
obtained the title the law ousts him
and he has no remedy. A trifling
defect in a transfer made a genera
tion ago may cause the loss of a
man's entire fortune. The policy
of a title insurance company af
fords the cheapest, quickest, safest
and simplest method of ascertain
ing the conditions of a title.
516 Spruce Street.
r A, Watres, President. .11. A. Knspp. V.-rre.
A. 11. UcClintocV., Kalph S. Hull.
Vice president.! Trust Olllcer.
Keystone Academy
Treparcs foralI tho leadlns colleges,
unlveislties nnd technical schools.
Tun-Ides first-class business and com
mercial courses anil graduates pupll3
In music. A nmmal course Is also
provided for those wlshlns to teach.
Tho school possesses a beautiful
campus ot twenty acres nnd mountain
spring -water For full particulars
send to) u
ReY. Elkanah Halley, A. M Prin.
Factoryville, Pa.
the Economy's
August Furniture Sale
NOTIfR Hie crowds which attended th
opening of our elxth annual event? The
number of people who were here ahowj
that Kcnmne lurealni are appieelatevl
riHFrOMKnS -Vlnl oak, ei c
woiih J"m if', JO
SIDrBOAItns -Oak, nleely j .
caned, wortli $.13 XI. UU
COICIII.S. -- i-luur, oak in
Irame, worth ?I2 M y.'tV
WOV rtHV White enamel, no
full mre, woith V X.VO
BKWIOOU SI US wild j. n(
oak, woith TiW) Z.IJU
1 III' lll.DV MMllJ CAltPKT SLE con.
tlnms, and oeiythlns goes at
TS.P Tarpet S7'4o
tvic Carpet -5o
"Mulo 1'p."
Loot, for the "11H rrilSTKD MW1I.A
Tf) " It mirks the choice tliingj at
gicaiiy reduced prlcci.
i( (i