o TiT'A V THE SUKAjSTOiY TlUJLiUJNJl-TJiUKSDAir, AUGUST 15, 1001. I tyfjlffi An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method rind bcncllclal effects of the well known remedy, Svnup or Flos, manufactured by tho California Fio Syitui Co,, illustrato the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxutlvu and presenting them in tho form most refreshing to tho tasto nnd acceptable to the system. It Is tho ono perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing tho system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches nnd fevers gently yet promptly nnd enabling ono to overcome) habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality nnd sub stance, nnd its neting on tho kidneys, liver nnd bowels, without weakening or Irrltntiug them, make it the Ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing figs nro used, ns they arc pleasant to tho taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho remedy aro obtained from senna nnd other amniotic plants, by a method known to tho Califoiinia Fio hvitui Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects nnd to avoid imitations, please remember the full nr.mo of theCompony printed on tho front of every packuge. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FKANC1BCO, CAL. I.OUI8VILI.F. KY NKW YOUR, II Y. Fcrsalobyall Druggists. I'rlcoM:. per botllo. CITY NOTES ! - KIM I II IMI HOC I'llK Offiirr iimrv jclrrdic killril (lie wild dnj uhlcli has lie n icnoiiini; people nt Hie nark. li , 1 k V. PVV llic l.ukiuanna raMond tram mm were piid jeMcnlij, uhlcli cnnplcln the pjs in this vicinltj lor .Hit). pmvrov cm pi.k wi.nni.ii Thmna. k llmicrr anil MKi VUi V. Ilutcinc. ol I'liuum, veerr married jrrrday hj Mi-lrak Hone. Ml.l.Ts roinY Ladles AM Mdpty ol the All nulV t'niNriMll-t chinch mrrts with Mr. W 1,-lrrl'iixilv, ol Pino street, this Jttcinnon Hiri.Mi TTLfY Mlilir-TliP i"iinf: Mrn'i llihreu IlnirfUiil dub will conduit a vmIiI at f.urrnrc liall wx' Tued,j ncnlne, Vic .'. ItWKlll IT( V I'lTlllOV ln.q.1, I" II Si... h, nl witliim-pmt. jr.trrdn flliil with tin clerk nl the I mtcd M.,tcs dMiict muit lor l i rliorkt 1 vdimtarj pfliu m in hanktuptcj. MIM.it . I l.(i nnilKI V.- .Ireph IVi1llcl. nf I'ricPhincr. d caught in .i tail nl rnik etcr rl nminlii; while .it wnik In Jolimnn't. mine and ru'iained ti ictured tliiuh. He wis taken to the latkawanui hospital DKirV-IH OV nll.-nitiiel l'van. iliareed niili a'inll and htttcrj and desertion be his p i'e. .lane Man. rnlried hill in rnurt jctrrdic. Villhni 1! Ilfe-e and William .Mosley arc hi ttindmen and the Mini is 7fN. irl.lS TO Pit Ml', -The Vorth ItalLn n ci t will linld a picnic in WalilrrV Eimc. tndij. In the rccnliisr there will he a di-plav nt Hie works The plmie is in clnrse "I 1. Aiicnnl, I' rerretti, s fimlclli and M Pciiiii. Mil IIMi SMUIUIW Hie V V 1! I' nf Siraiitnn will meet In Currmci's halt l'ridiv afternoon, up pi, at 2 o'cloik to make nr ranirrmeiiin for the picnic for Hie t V. t' , lo In held at Na u pnk '"itnrdaj it ." oMuk All member', are rciii-lcl to he picxut. Ml K Mil I. ).( I IMON -he IVlcrolmrc IIV tin '1 will tun in evmion to Mountain Pirk, latuidsv. Sept. 7, with Hiiirr'R limit in attend er. e it i cvpei.'d t In tin- ot,l hlU mill in tho tin KiiitiK their emplnic an ev urion this pir. and is done iiduntarlH l this tlrin. wlmc mill v,i. the lat to ilo-e dnwn In the lus strike list iiprlnc md the first to opm DUFFY HAS RESIGNED. He Was the President of the News boys' Union. Pieslrlent Jamos Duffy, nf the Union Newsboys of Scmntnn. has teslRtieil bis position as iMcsiileut. They will hold ii special meetliiK nn Saturday next for the puipo'e of elei tins n io incslcleut ami the dlsitissimi nf matetis ponceinlns the Now VotU humlay impels. IMltfy teslRiied beenuso tluio uetii foine chaiKcs made iiRnlnM him, vhlch he could not piop to lie false. Llederkrunz Annual Excursion. The Sernnton Mederkr.inz will ruti their annual exeuisliui to Lake Lo 1oro nn Monday. Aucusl 1'iith Many Piei lal littiiii tl ins Hie offeicil fur tho day. The bull i.aiiie, the fat man's line, th" buys' lace and the tus nf ar wlil lie full rf lnteiel. The lepeating of tho prize sour suiir by this smloty at the I'an-Aineilinii exposition (ast .lune will he nne of the fi'.iltir of the day. Spftlnl Mains leae Sunnton at sun and 10 18 a. m. tho train IciuIiik here at 1J n'rliiek makes ciinucctlnii at I'm tininliile theie will also lie special Mams finin t'ltilinndale and tliincs. dale. Tnkcts good on all Mains. Smoke the romno Clgnr, Sc. DEAI.KKH IN Bonds and Investment" Securities 68 Broadway, N. V. Wilkti-tlirre. Cirbondile, 4 5 6 Commonwealth bid';, Scrinton, Pa. K X VI , fc ' M K 'A M -A '4 X 'A ' I I 7 I my p f sjyJ vjjjfst'ffh HOUSE IN A GROCER SHOP. Runnwny Dashes Into n Store and Onuses Havoc. A spliltcd hoi so beloiiRlliR to Dr. John O'Mullcy tieiitcd no end of ex citement mill not a little lmsoc on Spruce stieet nnd WushliiKlon iisenuc esteid.iy moiiiliiR. The horse wnn beliiR driven by l'mnk Kennedy, n student In the doc tor's olllce. He tleil the animal itt the Mcars building while he went Into tho People's bank, and on leturuliiR wits In the net of loosening the tlo stiap when the horse took flight nt n passing nulnmnlillo nnd suddenly swerving to ohe dde, bloke nway and wan off nt a gallop. The can Inge overturned, with Ken nedy underneath It. Ho was being dragged nlong the pavement, unnhlc to extricate himself, nnd threatened with it ride that mlRlit cost him his life, when the horse collided with a telegraph polo nnd fteed ltelf from the shafts, Tho hoi so dashed diagonally across Washington inenue and iiRalnst n horse belonging to Dutcher O'Donncll, villi h was knocked to the pavement. Dr O'Malley's horse was halted not whit by thin second collision, but In stead seemed to ho given renewed spirit, for with n bound It Jumped over the piostiate horse, kicked nbout fot awhile on the sidewalk, and then dashed Into the open door of tho gto tetv sto-e of J, r. no.ser. Many Hoyer nnd Hairy Henne. two of" the doiks slopped the horse nfter It had I'l.ii'hed the middle of the store. They clung to the bridle nnd strove haul to subdue the maddened animal, hut My at they would, they could not control his hind leet, and the lonsp. queiues was that It kicked and smashed about a hundred Jais of nr lous kinds of pickles that weie piled up In fiont ol the cnunteis at the point li"pi they weic holding the hoise. Kennedy, who was nnly slightly In Jined entile along shortly, and suc ceeded, nfier a gieat deal of Moubl In Retting the hinso out of tho sloie. WHITNEY DRAGS A BIT. Snya Thot He Did It All in This City. In Its story about the pnllie siandnls In .Vow Yoik. the Sun of that ilty es let day had the following about V.. A. Whllnc. Whltni pent nin't nf the afleitmon walkinsr hai k and forth in Inn email ante in. in adjoining lulti .lorntne's ehamliers. Ho was n nertnus thai he lejt tailed upon to deiliie lint l.v was not nenous at all. "Wli. I'm slo'plm: twehe hnnrs eiery niRht in the Tomhs," he slid. 'Tint's morn fliep thin 1 pet at home. It would take more than this tn fjir me up." He was told nf i stnrv printed In the evening papers shout his work us in emioe of the Miiuliipal league, nt suanton, Pi., in epoln5 cnniiption in (lie Siranton un munuls KCirral sears aun "e." he iid. "I gnl the evldime lint put fourteen nf those (etlms nut nf nftkc and niwr I supp'we thei are ljuudilni! at me." Tiiim Mils it will he seen that Whit ney s capable of slietchiiiR the truth. It will be remenibeied tli.it I'etectlves Vhltne and Anrletsnn did the ke hole HLCnnipanlmi ut to Deleethe Hai lis" sleuth wotk when the city (oiincil men nf this city weie led to their un doing. SHOT BY FOOTPADS. Alexius Romyonlck Held Up by Three Men nnd Fired Upon. Alexius Homonlck, n Polandei, le sldinff on iiicen stieet, Dumiuue, was lecehed at the Lackawanna hrpital jcsteidaj with a bullet in his lelt font. AccnidhiR tn his stnt. he was shot enilv joMeidny moiiiliiR, while walk ing along the Lai kaw anna M.uks, near Speiuei's mine, He sas he was set upon liv thiee men, who acco'tnd him and asked him for tobatin. In the stiuggle which en sued, win n he attempted to get awa, one of the men diew a tevolvei, he saj, and aimed It point-blank at his he.it t He jumped nut of the w.ij, and In doing so fell and was shot in the toot. When they saw him fall, the men inn, without taking nnythlng from hitii. Komyonhk limped home, but was latei retained to the hospital. His con dition Is not seilous. KEARNEY WILE NOT SIGN. Insists on Strike Clnuse Being In serted In Contract. The contract for supposing cnal to the schools of the North Knd has not as yet been executed. The contract-was awaided to J. J. Kearney. Mr. Keai ney's bid contained a stipulation to the effect that in ease of his being made unable to senile coal by i eason of a slilke, he shoud be rf locd float the contiact obligation. When the (onti.ut was diawn up nnd submitted to Mr. Keainey It was found to be minus the stilke clause. He asked to have It Inserted, but the sihonl district ollheis declined to do so Theieupou Ml. Keainey lefused to sign, and he (imposes to persist in his ictus.il until such tlnip as the contiait is made to confoim to his bid. The matter will hae tn he In ought up fur eousideiation at the next meet ing of th.' bnaiil. SCHEDULE FOR BUCKNELE. Foot Ball Gnmes Team Will Piny During Season. Follow lug Is the font hall schedule of Hticknell university for the season of IHOI: ipt. "I la-wlthurir ' at lmMurr. sipt is -WjoiiiiiiK sniinaiy at I rnisliiiie. Hit. ." ('mull iinhfmn at Ithaca, N Y. li.t r-Cirli.le Indians at William. pit IKI l'-l nivrisit.v ol Penimhania l'lillnleb phli tkt 2D l.elnch I niver.il at Iltld.liem Nm 2-C!etlliurif ("nlliBe at I.enl.hurtr Sm. u- and J at I'liuhitrgr, 1'a Nov. If. iiipnlianna I niveikitj at I.ewi.hurc Nov. 2J I niverslt.s of lluilalo at Buffalo, ,N , Charles K (ioodall, Maiiicr. PHILIPPINES VETERANS. Saveial Hundted Parade the Streets nt Salt Lake City. Ilj l.viluvbe Wire from The .Wonilril 1'res.s. bait Lake, Utah, Aug. It Several bundled vfteranc. attired in the stuinnd khaki unlfnrins will n dmlne j their long seivke In the Philippines, I paiadcd the stiects of Salt Lake City . today. I The parade was the pilnclp.il feat uie on the second day of the annual leuulnn of the Society of the Army of tho Philippines. Ten-Day Senshoie Excuision via Pennsylvania Ralhond. s Thuisday, August 22. Only JS.On for the i mind tilp to Allantlc City, Cape May Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Aa Ion, Wlldwood, or Holly Heach, Tialn leacs SctdiUon ut C. 15 a, in. EXTRAS WILL BE SEATED NO FURTHER FIGHT TO BE MADE AGAINST THEM. An Effort Will Be Made, However, to Keep E. E. Robathan Out, on the Ground That He Holds a Pub lic Position Which, Under tho Ripper Bill, Disqualifies Him from Sitting In tho City Councils His Answer, It Is Believed, Will Dis pose of This Charge. Tonight the "extra" common eoun cllmen, nrmed with JikIro lMwards' mandamus, will present themselves nt a special meeting of the lower blanch, of the city legislature and lenevv their demand to be seated. Their demand will be planted. The only way the Democrats could prevent tho "extims" from being seated would be to take an appenl from Judge Kdwnrds' llndlng and have tho appel late court make the njipcnl a nipor sedoa.s It la very tiuestlouablo If a stipeisedoif could bo secured, and It Is likely that It will ulvva.vs remain qiu tlnuable, as tho Dcniociutn are not ills-pns-ed to contest the matter futther. The call for the special meeting was signed osteida by live of the Demo cratic memheis, and Its object was set foith as "geneial business" The pui poM nf the meeting. It Is iiadei stood, Is the passing of the oidluancc piovld Ing lor a $12,000 a joar rontrnct with the Scmnton tSas nnd aWtcr cnnipau. A caucus of the Demoeintlc liiein beis was called for last night, for the purpose of fot mutating some plan of action tegaidlng tho admission of tho "pmiiw." Only a few of the niembets showed up, however, and no action was taken. KUADY TO Ql'lT. Attorney M. J. Martin, of O'Hilen fc Mat tin, counsel for Democratic meiiibeis In the mandamus proceed ings, stated jesterday that they had not yet bad any conference with their client's but ho felt assured finm ex pressions heard befoie the dcclAm was rendered, that they dlil not propose to carry the tot farther than the local court. Mr. Martin snld he would not advise an appeal ns there was little If nny thlng to be gained by seeming nn other ruling from an appellate coutt. The expansion of common council must come, nt all cvrnt.s, next Apt II, anil the most that would bo gnlned by delaying It, would he a possible chance of strengthening the Demo cratic representation by another clec ton. Councilman 'William tluirell, who was one of the foremost of the I)cm. ciats lu the opposition to seating the "extras," said to a Tilbune man that he would not by any means, favor taking an appeal. The nppot tlonnient made M-om the returns of July 1000, the ono under which the 'exlias" wero elected, gives the Sixth waul two memhcia nnd tho Fifteenth one. The apportionment made thteo weeks ago, fiom the returns of July of this yea i, tevetse the older of things ns regnids the Sixth nnd Fifteenth winds. IHU'CHLICANS WOl'J.D tlALV. This, Mr. Clunell explained would mean that If another election was held the Republican would make a gain of one. If the results were the same as befoie In other waids, and this gain of one would give the lie publicans contiol of the lower blanch as well as the upper. As It now Plantls the Demociats have thilrteeu common' councllmen nnd the Uopubllinns eight. The seventeen "oxtin.s" ate made up nf eleven I!e publlcan.s and six Demociats. With tho "extras" seated the ote would be a tie, nineteen llepubllc.ius nnd nine teen Demociats. On Joint ballot the Republicans would have thitty votes to the Demo crat's twentj-nlne and as (nunc It's select by Joint ballot a number of Im pel tant olllclalfl after ihe term of the governor's appointed iccoider explies, it is veiy Impoitant which pait has the majority. Tho Democrats, have flguied con. sideiablj on this and think they have evolved a means of overcoming tho Republicans' lead of one and, Incident ally, secuiing a majority In the lower branch. Their scheme Is to refusp to seat 10. K. Robathant one of the "extras" from the Fifth ward on the mound of In eligibility. Section 6, aitlcle XIV, of the Mtiihl hionneract, dealing with the eligibility of metnbcis of council reads as fol lows: WHAT TUD ACT SAYS. from and after the parage of this act, nn rmnn shall to elected lo the office of select or inintnon louncil in citirt of the icond elm vhi holds anv other office, pniltun or einplo ment under the Koveiiunint of the t'nited stjies of state of lVniisilvaiiit, the lounl) in wlihli mid lit is lotitcd nr in aueh lit, except notart pul lie or commiivloner of iIimh, and it am jifrxin who thill hen after lo elected a r-eleit nr common couueilinan fhall during the trim for wlilili he was elected, tike, aeiept ir hold on olllce, position or emplo.inient tindir the Boiertiment of the t'nited stairs, the Slate nf Piiuis.chanli. Ihe count in nlihh jiid city is Incited nr in such ill, enept Ihe mine nf liotarv puhlii nr coiumissiniirr nf deeds, he shell ai once forfeit the office of councilman and ahill not hold filch during the time for wlm h he ujs elected; and it dull he the dut; nf the city tm older lo order an election, within thuty dais, nf a ininu Mmtn to terie nut the teim re malnlm; nf the cnuneilman to forceiilnc his of. Hie. prodding theie shall he at lead hi months nf (aid term remaining after ald elutiuii mdered hy the recorder" Mr. Robathan Is a clot k In the oflh e of the county commissioner nnd cleik of the county ptlson boaid, and wn.s nt the time of his election. This, the Democrats contend, makes him In eligible under the liw above quoted, and, unless otherwise advised by their nttoiney, will seek to establish their contention or compel Mr. Robathan to disestablish It, by tefuslng him a seat and tin owing the mntter into louit. ROHATUAN NOT WORRYING. Mr. Robathan, however, l.s nut wonylng about bis eligibility. The Republicans contend that the act does not apply to Mr. Robathnn's ease be cause he was elected befoie the act was passed, and the eligibility question so they contend. Is applicable only to councllmen elected "from and after the the passage of this act." The expansion of the common council will necessitate the icarranglng of the accomodations. The llnorspoie is now pietty well taken up by the twenty one desks, To accomodate seventeen more It will probably be found neces sary to utilize the space at the tear of the chamber set off for speclntois, and leave only the gallery for the ac comodation of the latter. There will he no change In the rntlo nf icpiepentatlnn until 183. nt lenst. the apportionment act was passed In Like 'Ski 1 diet of .Whole KNlieirii fit TfanJ. fVinrlftnfiftfi ftn. i. A rfirtnrtinr. rif !-., . m. .7.t- li Y-'"Tti'iire 1111114. m ilii iiiiiiiiiii.irrt. &..! i . fnnutrltlv.Vttluetow'.'iV rthnstnhlipq nlili ,i i,. ..i .i, . . DR. HAND'S Phosphated Condensed Milk Is a perfect tiodjr hulldlnu fond for Infants. Alnnya aweit-dnn't buy Ice. IiMter than "frish" mlllc nr iiiiiimron i mm, nooklet on Infant fond l-'llKi:. lb Pr. Ila.it Co.J.n.H Jtllk (. rrlt0, rs. Mny 1S?1. It provided for nn nppor llonmeut In "the month of July next succeeding the passage of this net nnd every four join's theicnftei." WARRANTS GALORE. Aftermnth of the Arrest of Mrs. Lot- tlo Smith Is of nn Exciting Natute. Leroy 'Welsh, the Individual who swore out a win unit before Adcrmau Kcly charging Mis. Lottie Smith with maintaining a bawdy house, and who, It Is claimed, afterwards agiced to settle the case for $50 with her hushand in the same aldct man's court, was last night attested on the ch.ugo of black mail nnd was held in $',00 ball by Alder man Ruddv. it will be loniomhpicd that Frank Claike, one of Aldeiman Kell's special olUceiv, was aricstcd on Tuesday charged with being Implicated In the alleged blackmailing scheme, he having served the wanant. After be bail been held under ball by Alderman Ruddy, Aldeiman Kelly, who was In the coutt room, told tieoige Smith, the prose cutor, that he'd be at tested tho next day for keeping a bawdy bouse. True to his word, Aldeiman Kelly Issued a wauant for Smith's anest ycsteidny on tho Infoimation of the same Leioy Welsh. Smith was about to enter ball when his attorney or deid hiin to dninnd a haling, know ing that If a. hearing was held Welsh would have to appear and could therc foie bo easily anested on tho wanant charging him with bliukmalt Issued by Alderman Rudd. The heating la Smith's case came oft last night In Aldeiman Kelly's olllce. Welsh and another man testified to I having been In Lottie Smith's houe and lo having seen things theie that convinced them that It was a bawdy house, but neither could in any way connect the defendant with having any Intetest lit the place. Aldeiman Kelly was theteloie fenced to dlschaigo the defendant. , As soon as the case was over Deputy Constable McDonald, who was piesent, arrested Welsh. Aldeiman Kelly niacin a vigoiou.s objection to the man's nr icst, claiming that he was witness and could not be molested, but Mc Donald wouldn't hear na.v and took his man over to Aldeiman Rtiddj's olllce. Aldeiman Kelly followed and acted as counsel lor Welsh. The latter Is a pietty tough looking specimen of humanity and said his home Is In Kast Lemon, Susquehanna county. lie waived a. heating on the chaigc of blackmail and entered ball In tho sum of $.".00, K. ll. Meade, of South Abluginu, qualifying as bis bondsman. As soon as this case was disposed of he was anested on the cli.nge of fie quentlng a dlsnidety house in viola tion of an ordinance of councils passed In 1SS7. Two witnesses testitled that he had admitted lu Aldeiman Kell's olllce to having bent In tho Smith house and Aldeiman Ruddy nccoid Ingly lined him $.'5 and costs. Aldei man Kelly vigoiously objected to this and wanted to go security for twice the amount of tho line, claiming that be could take an appeal under the act passed this ear. Attorney P. F. Lotiglnan, who ap peared for Smith, pointed out that this act npplld only to cases of disorderly conduct and Aldeiman Ruddy icfus-ed to take .security. Aldeiman Kelly theifctipon paid Welsh's line with hl.s own personal check and the two walked out and down the stieet together. tieoige Donlln, the former speakeasy detfctlve, but now one of Alderm.Tn Kelly's olllceis, had .Mrs. Louie Smith anested .vesteiday nn a wanant ibsucd by Aldeiman Kelly chaiglng her with perjury. Donlln claims that she swore falsely hwoio Alderman Ruddy mi Tuesday night when she said that ho bad been lu her house a lew minutes hemic be cunio with Special Olllccr Cl.uke to .men. her. Mis. Smith waived a healing and enteied ball be loie Aldeiman Ruddy, It Is Impossible to say how many ar lests toilaj will bilug fm th, CONCERT AT OKEEN RIDGE. Bauer's Band Will Play There This Evening. j nam in i nn leeiiui ueginieni nana Tim renner tne louowing progi amine at the club house of the Green Ridge wheelmen, Itil-"' Wvomlng avenue, this c wnlng Maich, "llelle nf the lliuleiard" Kulton Million, "I'loradota" v.iher Waltz, "llleue" Maigli Medley, "V Tickler" Hewitt March, "Ma lllushin' Itn..e" Uiattaway selection, ,'lhe HiiiBOimcter" I.udera Walt?, "t'omposla" Mlhl Popular, ".slam Hang" Alheitt seleitiun, "r'ovy Qiilllei" Itnherts Manh, "flood Ho Doll Cra" C'hattiway Cary Family Reunion. The descendants of Klezer nnd Rar nabus Cary, who enmo to the Wyoming valley about 170, will hold their third annual leiinlou at Fernbiook. Luzerne county, Thuisday. August i". This family is a very old ono, dating fmni the eleventh entilry. Tho oilglnnl name was Ho Keuy. Theie Is a published hlstoiy of the family to the beginning of the nine teenth century. Tim Cary family had an actlvo pait In the e.nly history nf this countiy and sevetal of their names appeir on tho Wyoming monument. Any Infoiniailon pertaining to the family letinlnn can bo had by address ing H. D. Cary. UO Spruce stieet, Suauioii. WW EXAMINATION OFSEWERS TO BE MADE BY BUREAU Or ENGINEERING. In This Task Reflected Sunlight Is to Be Used to Locate Any Defects or Breaks In the Sewers Sunlight Is Thrown Into the Sowers by Means of Mirrors This Will Be the First General Examination Ever Made of the Fifty-eight Miles of Sewers of This City. A gang of men from the bureau of engineering, under the direction of As sistant Superintendent Frank P. rhll llps, will begin In n few dajs the wotk of making a careful and thoiough ex amination of the fifty-eight miles of sew eis of which this city boasts. This will be the first general examina tion of sewers over made In this city and will probably consume about two months, Horotofoie the sowers have only been examined when a complaint was tccelved regaidlug a blockade or a bteak. The gang who aie to make the general examination will nlso flush out nny sew ets which nie found clogged with dirt anil will icport to Clt.v lhiglneer Phillips regaidlug nny repaint which may need to be made In making the examination a new plan, with which the department has been experimenting for some time, Is to bn put Into operation. This Is the use of mil i oi.s ami lellected sunlight for the put pose of seeing clenily Into the daikest recesses of a sewer. Tin ce minors nr icqulied In this npciatlon. The Inigest of these Is held by n man on the sutface, who stands near the man-hole. He catches the cunllght on this minor and thiovvs It on to another minor held by a man In the man-hole. The lattet then tluows the lellected sunlight thiough th sewer nnd from a rellectlon lu a thlid mirror hold opposite tho opening he Is geneially able to see the sewer cleat ly and distinctly for a distanc of 200 fed. When tho sun Is full and the mlrrois aie propel ly placed It Is possible by this plan to see every Joint In the pipes and to he able to tell whether or not the sewer Is in need of lepalr. While expeilmenting with the Illinois one of tin employes got down In a man bole over two hundred feet distant ftom the ono In which the mirrors were placed nnd the man manipulating tho latter was able to iccognlze him very easily. The city engineer expects to have a Ri-eat deal nf difficulty In finding the man-holes of a large number of seweis constructed yeats ago and never ex amined since. The lapse of time has covered them with eaith and much ex cavating will have to be done to locate them. OBITUARY. Al'STlN A. DL'FFY. Death came ycsteidny moinlng to relieve the long continued, but patiently borne suffer ings of Austin A. Duffy, of 1503 Jack son stieet, the young son of Knglneer nnd Mis. Jnnie.s J. Duffy. He was 2S jeais of ago and was bom in Seinntnn. Refine being taken III be was emploed as a stationary engineer In tho Delawaie, Lackawanna nnd Western jnid. Stnvlvlng him, besides his father and mother, is one sister, Mi.'.s Mary Duffy. Deceased was a member of the Knights of Columbus and .it his n. quest this oiganlzatlon will have the amoral in cnaige. The funeial will take place Satin day morning at 9 o'clock, ftjoni St Patrick's church, wheie a solemn high mass of lequlem will be celebrated. Inteinient will he made In the Cathcdial cemetery. Death was due to .swelling of the glands of tho neck and shouldei. It was Impossible to remove them with the sin goon's knife and although fully a dozen physicians were consulted, nothing could be found to give icllef. He snuggled bravely ngainst tho dis ease, but when the realization came to him that death was) inevitable his calm leslgnatlon was an-edlflcatlon to nil who believed It. He was a com!. he.it ted, honest and blight young man and ins untlinley taking off will be sincetely mourned by all who came to know him. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, one of Wilkes Kane's oldest and most respected busi ness men, died at his home. 83 North Washington street, at 5.35 o'clock ycs teidny morning, In his seveuty-fouith year. Deceased had been suffering for a ear with KilghtVi disease and had been confined to his bed for the past three weeks. He was one of the best known clothing meichants of the ai ley, and was closely Identified with the progress of Wllkes-Karre until his ie tiiemeitt fiom business in lStm. his stoie being purchased by the Him or Weltzenkoin & Son. Deceased Is suivived by ono son. Hany Livingston, of New Yoik, nnd the following dauphins. Mamie, Mrs. S. A. Kachaiach. Mis. Joseph K. Welt zenkoin and Mis. Abe Reese, and nn sister. Mis. Sol Hlrsch. all en: Wllkos Karre. The funeial will take place nn Filday afteinoon at 1.S0 o'clock, with services nt the house by Rabbi Salz inan, and Inteinient in the Jewish cemeteij at Hanovei. The funeral will be In chin ge of .Masonic lodge. No. 61. Mr Livingston was bom In the city of Cologne, Piussla, November 17. 1828. His father was Moses Livingston and his mother was Hva Schllchler Living ston. Ills father was engaged In the diy gnod.s biuslieoss at Rlsdoif, Piusslu, and tiled lu tsr.l. Mr. LIvlngMon enme to Ameilca In 1S.13, dliect fiom Hlsdorf, and settled at Nnrwalk, Conn., being employed by Noah Wood, a hutehei, at $10 per month and boaid. A C. MAHONUY, a llfe-linig lesldcnt of W'aveily, died jesterda, aftei sev eial mouths' Illness of Kiight's ills ease. Mr. Mohoney vva 50 jears old. and Is suivived by his wife and six children. The funeial will take place toiiionow morning fiom St. Patrick's church, OI pliant, at 10 20 o'clock. In teinient In tho Catholic cemetery at Ol) pliant. WILLIAM TRl'ST. brother-in-law of Victor Koch, piopiletor of the Sei an ion house, died on Tuesda) at his home ill I'Kl Infield, N. J. Deceased was 41 yeais of age and unman led. He made frequent visits to this city for many years, nnd was well known heio for his affability and kindly nature. Hnbsmi In Business, Ry Kirlmlie Wire horn Ihe Vn.ilitH Tiw" VtllliH. ! , Vic 11 V ! in ol lottnn huy. fw mmmnu'i tela) tint tli'i lint taken tilth' moil'! 1', llubuii into Jttnurhl. E llatmaA'Ji llall uuiii tuu water cooler mr tne rtomc, uiuce, store or rac- torv? We have them, all sizes, wilh and without 111- m ters. They are not expensive. With niters n and nickel faucets P3.5U They arc positively germ proof. OfryxvaTYtfrW Oeo V Millar & VJCU. V. 1T1I11U1 tX BEFORE In ten seconds you convert it from an ornament fit for a parlor to a bed lit for a king. In a boarding house It will pay for itself in a month. We make and sell Mattresses, Pillows, Brass and Iron Beds, Box IHvnns, Cushions, Upholstery. We do the best. A postal will bring us with sample coverings and prices. The Scranton Lackawanna and Adams MidSeason Sale OF HAnnOCKS. PORCH SHADES, CROQUET AND LAWN TENNIS SETS Our stock of these goods is entirely new, having been purchased lor this season's trade. Prices the lowest. Don't forget that this store is the Head quarters for ATHLETIC GOODS and OUT-OF-DOOR (JAMES of every description. J. D. WILLIAMS & BR0. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. WHERE TO GET DENTAL WORK DONE The Albany DENTAL Asssociation, Under the management of Dr. G. K. Hill & Son, is the place to get your Dental work done. Dr. Mill & Son have built up a large business since they opened here twenty years ago, and the reason why they have done this is because . they do the best work at prices within the reach of all ' classes, and give each patient their special attention. Call at their rooms and be convinced of what we say here. First National Bank Building. Gedan Chests It is now time to put your wintercloth ing and bedding and you need something that will keep away moths. There is nothing better for this pur pose than the Cedar Chests that are car ried in all sizes by Hill& Connell 121 Washington Avenue. EDUCATIONAL. Tuition Absolutely Free F'ffnv ,h, "'"' ifii'W'U'B sUt. Somul 'ct-vhool I'alV lriiti irii -rii lh, lull The Cnifiwir Im ilenfl the Mil cranttni; i iuhUI jpinrriallnii tn Ihli uhon, .1. urll ic (If hill nuklne tuition free. Per lull particular! iJ'llCiJC OEO, p, BIBLE. Principal. AIawaJi 5 nam i Co m Wjominc Ayciuio WU. W.Ik In U Look Ar.und. 5j AFTER Bedding Co., Both 'Phones H Free Tuition By a recent act of the legisla ture, fice tuition Is now granted at the Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to all thne ptep.ultiR to teach. This hdinnl maintains courees of btitcly for ten hers, for those piepailiiK for lollrpe, anil for tho-o htudylni; music. It will pic to nut' dr particulars nllier chonl ntTcM urli tutfrhr ac. MuiUi-'t'i ai uih luu ratu AdJrcsi J. P. Welsh, A. M., Ph. D., Prill. CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY Wi$5ahlckon Height!, Chestnut Hill, Pa. A lioiudltiK school for boys In the elevated and tieautifitl open emintrv north of rhlla delphla, vo minutes from nroail bt Station l'or catalogue address JAAES L. PATTERSON, Htad-Masttr. SUMMER RESORTS. HOTEL CLIFTON, LAKE WINOLA. PA. I'irfft .'uminer II -trl m Norlhcajttrn Pfnn' viinU Hotel hacks u.cct Utlauaro, Laikauannv and Wtcrn trans at IVniomllle Leaving S.ranton 0 a r and t p m Wilie for ratn, ct- .1. W. Mnnre, Prep ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. QRANO ATLANTIO HOTEL AND ANNEX Virginia Ave and Uracil, Atlantic City, N J. MUh veir, 3W hrautllul lonutt rnsiiite, (Incla and nilh hatli, hot and told tea nater bithi in hotel and annex l.mitlcm I'lfct and rrntral, within lew arda of the Steel Pier. Orcheitra, Otttn (pedal iprlnc ratrj, $12 tn $15 liy wrtk, I! 60 up by day Special ratei to limillea. Coachr meet all tulna. Write lor booklet CIIA1IUI.S E. corE. i