The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 15, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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olftwarTand Hudson Railroad.
June , 1W
Train will leave Cubindale at rlly tvtatlMi n
I'Csrant'.n and wllke.. llatrci W, TnJI, 00,
11, 1001, 1151 a I" 1 U '. l ' iol 3W
Silndav train leac t .. '- m ' "
For Alhinv. saramaa Unntieil. -,n'.lfn' ',
Ineland poind, etc , 7 Oil a m.l I P- "
(dFnr.ll.. I odor. W .inirt and Jlc...llr,
7 22, 1103 a. in , .141. 0,11 p. m ..,,,.
Sunday trains leave for Luke V'.''.'.'..
tnd llone-dale at 11 ni . I.. l P i "
Train, inht at Carbnndjl -re'" "n'i ! ''
and Scranton as follows: flM. .. 0 ". 'f
a m . 1 ';. 2 Oil. 3 -', I 2e. ' 7 01, s ul, l 31.
II 7 p m : 1 M a m. ,.., .t
Nitvfn train atrice at 037 .1 m.S Ul". '-
4 .', 0'."), Mill p in . , , ...i
Train, arriic dalle from Ubanv it -I ' n'1
(i!. ft -n ai- on Mimln at IT "' ,, ,,,..
Train artlve from llnticsdilc and Waiinari
clil'i .at ? II a in : 1J PL 4 10. . P
sundae train arrlie at Carbondale from mJ
lodoto Wa.imart and llonetdile at 1. in "
and 7 3. p m ...
Now York, Ontnrio and Western R. R
.tune 21. 1"0I
Train Irate Cithondale for Siranton at 7 01.
30 0 a in , I CO p ni
Sunday train at 7 00 a in . 1 P f .. .,
Triiru. leave Carbondale for point north
II 10 a m , 1 II i in On Nindiv at 01"""'
Train, leaving at 11 10 a m work i'.iv and Hi"
a m Sundn make mmtec linns it New lots.
t rriiwall, ti .
Train arrlie from nnlon at II 10 a. m . a "
e t" p in. from point north, in 00 a ni . "
r m Sundaes from ", nnton at 0 10 a m and
7 4i p ni . fiom Cadnla at 0 00 p !
Erio Railroad.
June 21. Iioi.
Tram lene cm elation. Carbondale. dailv
(en cot Sundae i nt 7 00 a ni. and 1 St P m for
Pr.ndf and Vlneveht at O.n a in, dillv (ev
repnne Nmdni. for Uinslumton. making eon
nrnion. for Sew ork Utj and rtuflalo and at
C 10 p m for 'ii.iplianna, niakins connections
frr western point.
Sundav trilns it II m for Siin,uehanna,
with western connections, and 6 27 p ni . with
fame connexion
Train arm at SI a. m and .145 p. m.
ftinda). at jt a m
BY 0. 8 W. TRAIN
A Terriblo Tragedy of the Ball nt
Devanney's Bridge Mrs. Bridget
Walsh, of Hospital Street, and
Mrs. Edward Kelly, of Scott Street,
Ground to Death Under Passenger
Train from Scranton Crossing the
Bridge When Run Down.
There was a tenlble tracorty of the
rail enacted yesterday afternoon In
the death of Mm. Hrldcet Walsh,
Hospital street, and Mts. Kduard Kel
ly. Scott street.
The women were run down on De
vanney's btldpe, Brooklyn stteet, by
passenBer ttaln No. 3, nn the Ontario
and Western load, which Is due In
Carbondale at 4 10. One, Mis. Walsh,
was hurled to her death, and Mis.
Kelly was Riound to death under the
wheels of the flying ttaln. Hci's wns
a hoirlfylnff death. Her body was
fearfully matiRled by tbe wheels. Her
head was cut off and Knocked alone:)
oer the tlex of the bridge. Both
Iprs were crushed mid nho was dis
emboweled, Mrs. Walsh lived fm .Miout fifteen
minutes after being struck. She wan
hit on the bead and back, which would
irdicrfte that she wns tiylng to get
out nf haim's wny. She was thrown
on tho glidois, but lived not mote than
a quarter of an hour after being
The scene of the mildeut is known
as Peanne's bridge, whhh crosses
Erookljn stieet oepliead. Mis. WhIMi
and Mrs. Kelly were on their way to
visit friends at the lower end of
Brooklyn, and they chose the rail
road tracks of the Ontatlo and West
ern because of the route being appre
ciably shorter, thn toad running with
in a stone's throw of their homes.
They weie walking In the direction in
whhh the tialn was coming and weie
not more than ten teet fiom the ex
treme eivi df the bridge when the
t.aln came flying toiind the utre
from Mnyfleld Yawl. The end of the
( urve s about a bundled foet fiom
tHe bridge, and the trainmen ate not
afforded a full lo of tho htldge until
the train sweeps dear of the bildge.
The women, as .slated befoie, had only
a few feet to onor befoie being otf
the bridge, and a meiclful Intel ven
tion of ii few cei'iimls would lune pre
erved them from the awful fate
whhh lslted them. Behind them was
a man, .-. stiauger. who left Imme
diately .liter the dieadful happening,
without dl( losing his Identity. He
was not with the women, but was
walking In the same dlieitlon as they
were. In desulblng the aci lilent, he
(aid that the ti .tin was nil but upon
them when he shouted to warn the
women. Mis. Walsh, who was tome
whit w.-akenel fiom age, was slow In
getting off tho ttaiks and was struck,
partly on the side. When she was
plt bed iside, !. almost fell Into the
arms of the man, who stood on the
bridge girders, paral.zed uith fear.
Mrs. Kelly. It appears, was either
feat-stricken or did tint hear the
warning cry. for the engine note dmvn
on her before she could moe to one
side tn another Instant the slight
Iform was being frightfully mangled
.under the speeding train.
Engineer Peck, who was nt the
IhrbftTeV did not succeed in stopping
the train until the last car had passed
oyitrrHrs, K'Hy'r -form.
There wr.s u slikenlng sight when
th trainmen came back. Mrs. Kelly's
body was almost denuded and along
the rails and about the tics blood and
shreds of flesh weie scattered.
The mangled body of Mrs. Kelly
was cart.ed over the hridge and laid
along the embankment. Mrs. Walsh
was yet alive, though her vltalltv was
rapidly growing less. The hospital
ambulance was summoned, also Dr.
Harpier, but before either nrrled, Mrs.
Walsh jiassed away.
Funeral WietMr IJ. J Mcllalo took
charge nf the temalns and had them
convoyed to his iiioiku", whete they
vre idvotlllei'.
Mr. Walsh was a widow, about 70
nne l .mailer alt.'r i,inir lllrn'tiKoot U.e. a
rodr to l Into the .liuea It makra
tight cr ne h!.M fed av, guca ln.tant lelltf
td enrnx and hiimnna It'. I In, finitu ccmlurt
lrfdvtry of the ace Cutta ana prevent, .wiilie.
Jut, bll.tei,, ra-llou. anj re iiota Allen'.
foobEaa I. certain ure 'for- a'wuHnv, hot.
athlnii feet. .( Ml druji iinj '.hen .tom
6e. Trial latkaje llil.l by mail.' Addreu. A.
)c p. Olmitcg, I.e I(oj, '. y. ' ,
Carbondale Department
year (if orc. Her limne was on JIo?
lutnl Htre't, wliote olio IInoiI with her
nous, J oil n ami Michael. She Is also
survived hy tile lollewliig diiiiRhti'is.
Mri. OeorKC Mel.otiKhlln , wtm lle
near Korntitnn; Mrs. John Mauley,
Mrs. Atliltew Qiilnn, Mrs. Michael
Anthiiry. Sho was an old resident of
Mis, Kelly Ik survived by her hut
hand iuiii scvetal children. Her hus
band Is a miner.
Examining Board of tho First In
spection District Examine Candi
dates for Mine Foreman and As
sistants' Certificates.
Thi elimination of (nndldatrj for
mine foreman and assistant foienutn's
cettlflcates was begun rtPid.iy In the
council tootns and High school build
ings, both places being necrsaty on
account of the huge number of appli
cants, it being tbe latgest class in the
hlstoiy of the district. The bo.tnl is
composed of Inspector IMwnid Roder
ick. W a Hobertson, P. (5. Mcllon
ouch and J. T. Kobeit. The examin
ation continues1 today nnd tuition ow.
The following ate the applicants for
mine foieman's cettllicatcs. Pniiik
Jason, fleoige V. O'Haia, Pilielutig,
John Hldrlih, Michael II Aiklns. Jes
stip; Chillies H. ltobinnii. Alvln
Hvnns, George Knight. John 1. HaK
Dald C hew Is, Olyphant; John Pi Ice,
(J, J. Thomas, r'aibomlnle; (leoige
Batten. James I. Hair, Thioop, Pat
rh k P "o., Thomas John.s, I'eter
Plannelly, Vnndllng, David T. Powell,
Maytleld; Albeit T. Mason, Peter
Kelly, Jermyn, IVnld I). Williams,
Plymouth; Louis H. Johns. Scranton.
F. M. Seamore. Wllkes-Barre; Frank
H. Kecse. Peckvllle; David Olrvnn,
Louis .1, Roberts, Dunmore.
The following are the applicants for
assistant foieman's cei tlllcates. John
M. Johns. William Pllgh, Hector Da
vis. Rlchiud W,ilh. Pinnk l'attell,
William Morgan John Lewis Williams,
Thomas Muldowne., Scranton: James
Ross McCormnck, John Motnn David
L. Thomas, Thomas B Blown, Oh
phnnt. Mldiael J. McAutlc, Aichbold;
Atthur Bright, Thtnop, James Mul
detlg, Dickson Clt : iwllm Das
Prlceburg; Amos Hemflett. Die kson
City, James S.unmon, Dunmore; John
Cook, Catbondnle.
Railway Conductors Will Hold One
nt Lake Lodoic.
Great Inteicst is being manifested
among ralhoad men In the old fashion
ed Rhode Island clam bake that will
be held by Pennsylvania, division. No.
loC, Older of Railway Conductois, at
Harvey's lake on Thutsday, August
Tho conductois bac an original way
of advertising the affair. They say
"Hveiybody ltnlted to chop T'i cents In
the slot and secuie a week's boaid."
The bill of fate is announced as fol
lows: (.'lams Blue Pish. Spilng Chicken
i Oteen Coin Celeiy
t Sweet Potatoes
Watermellon Coffee
Walter IMwnids, Cateier.
Conductor John M. Harvey Is chair
man of tho committee that Is hustling
the details and M. P. Harding Is socie
tal y.
Bick from Wheeling Tour.
Mall Carrier John II. Kelly, a popular
member of the postal foice of the
Set Hilton postofllee, was a caller at the
Carbondale otllce of The Tribune last
Mr. Kelly Is the guest for a day or
two of Mall Cat Her (Jeotge Davl, of
tbe Carbondale postal t'oue, with whom
he spent his vacation on a wheeling
tour thtough New Yolk state. The
two canlets made a tour awheel that
was fraught with inteicst and enjoy
ment. The tilp covered about ."Oil
miles, all of which but JO miles, itcinss
Lake Keukn, was traversed on their
"blko." They stopped at Bingham-
ton and Owego, at Keukn Lake and nt
the gtape ginwlug dlsttlct about this
sheet of water. They al-o enjoyed an
Inteicstlug visit thtough the mammoth
wine cellais at t Hammoudsport, N. Y
the home of the Aiiiencitu champagne
The tilp was made In easy jaunts, and
both Mr. Kelly and Mi. Davis seemed
gteatly benellted b their navels.
Carbondale vs. Honesdalc Again.
The stent contest between the Cics
cents, of this city, and the Tlgeis, of
H(iiie-dule, will come off at Lnke Lo
doie on the 1Mb The game pla.ved at
that popular icsoil on the 11th, be
twien these c luli, was one ot the
lietcest contests that has taken place
by local clubs in many a da. Those
who went over with the descent
were somewhat disappointed In the ie
suit, but felt well icpald in the splcii
did pla.vlng of the homo team. Man
ager Vox has assuted us that t lil.s
game will come olf In shoit oidet. and
that he pioposes to shut out the Tlgets
in this contest
Funeral of Andrew Wntt.
The late Andtevv Watt was laid nt
rest In Mnplewood cemetery nn Tues
day afternoon. Rev. ,1. P. Wat nor and
Hov. William lllller conducted setvlees
at the residence of Mis. Hattlot Watt,
mother of the deceased, on Salem ave
nue. The pall beaiers weio D. W.
Humphicy, 11 J. Hockenbeiry, Fred
Watt, Maui Ice 15. Watt, James II. Paul
and George IJ. Mills
Meetings Tonight.
Geotge Randolph camp, Sons of Yet
eians. Division No. , A. O. II.
Pnlted Mine Woikers' local, No. S77.
Blanch No. 77, L. C. H. A.
Ladies' Auxlllniy, Ttaln
men tafteinnoni.
Carbonilale council, No. P.M. Royal
Thoy Plead Not Guilty.
It was Inadvertently stated In the
Tribune yesteiday thai the tluce milk
nun accused of selling milk containing
fnimaldehyde pleaded guilty. It should
Iihvo tend not gullt, as was cieaily
indicated in the lines that followed
this typoginphhal etior.
Attorney Henry B Singer, of New
Tork city, nnd Dr. B. I. .-'Inset , of
Philadelphia, returned to their homes
Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
drlcks Manufacturing company and
rocs to the Tcmis town to erect some
machinery for this company.
Constable Steve rill by, of Alderman
Delevnn's cottit, spent yesterday In
Mr. nirtl Mrs. Clcoige Mills and
daughter, Madeline, Mis. Oscar Moors
and Miss Maggie Marey have returned
to their homes Jn this city, after a
two weeks' outing at Lake Coxton.
William Watt. V. I). Scuny and
Lel Paterson have lettttncd from a
Ii l)i to the Pan-American. Mr. Watt
l-urciiused a lino horse ut Kast Buf
falo. MKs Nettle Slinrcll, of Scranton, is
the guest of her cousin, Miss Hazel
Slinrcll, on Claik nvcntic.
Miss A.iiui Pt!"" has tetuined to
her home In Cliffoid, after a visit
with Mrs. M. A. L'tlcy. on Belmont
Rev, II A. Sawyer nnd Mrs. Sawyer,
and Attorney J. II. Butr and family
an hump fiofi Pteston patk.
Miss Maine Saltry, of Notth Scian
ton, Is visiting friends in this city.
C. A. Mat sli, of Syracuse. N. Y,
tta cling passenger agent for the At
cheson, Topeka and Santo Fe road,
was In the city yesterdav.
MKs Maine Maxwell, until recently
a ileik at Abe L, Salmi's store, will
leave today for Carthage, Mo whete parents iesde,
Di. Joseph Blrs. of Philadelphia, Is
bete on a visit at the home of his
patents, on Washington street.
Miss Bertha Kelly, a teacher In the
public schools at Scranton, comes here
today from Lake Idlewlld to spend a
few days as a guest at the home of
Mall Cat i let George Davis and Mrs.
Davis, on Seenth avenue.
(ioorge .Male, who Is employed as a
druggist cletk In New York city, was
a visitor In Carbondale yesterday, his
foimor homo.
Judge J. P. KpIIj. has handed down
nn opinion In the (ase of William J
Mc Dermott against the borough of
Jermyn, a matter of great Impoitanre
to the people of this borough. Judge
tnent Is enteied In favoi of the plaintiff
In the sum of H.wO. The opinion fol
lows. In tho carli put of tho crir 1K10 thn boimih
of, .iumii:e the Irml power t" do f, ,
b.c ad ption of varioii loolution and the piv
usi' of various nrilliiaiurs, undcitook to ion-i-trcu
t a s.v stint of .oer works for the i-uppljinc
of w.itir tn it- lull iUII.mli. In the louifC of th
pinrrdini: it undertoik to condemn certain
hiid, lo lonlrart with irililn person-, for certain
(.itci pricilice., and it euteirfl into a rontiatt
with llovcell K HIancbard for boilnc certain ar
teun will tor work done under this lat con
Hail, in .lune and Jul), lv,, the bill of Howell
A lllauihard in th sum of .',li) wh appioced
lo the boroitcli counill aid .in otdrr wis lo he
itrocn tor it pi.cninit It pi-.d an crdtninto
provldinff for the inuei.e cf it deld, for th
purpono of ,ontrmtintf thp water work, the
teiin of which aie not -el foitli in the fait a.
slated (lit (lit 17, lf'i, it iaed ,i ieoluton
.lutlioriuu; the ivuitue of sj(rfn) of liotula for
tho purpose ol poiiu it indeblidne, but flhd
tin titriiient In the otrtio of the ilerk of tlio
c mirts, required be the Vi ' of Vpril J", 1-71
Tin- whole t"-ii of liiind wi sold, the pliintifl
boii'iuinu a puichi-ri of 4,ini of them 'Iwiie
IV one hundud ilollna id tin' amount reiliid
fiom the mIl' of bond wis applied to the pa)
luent of iln Uiliu of Howell .V lll.imliard, and
the bilimo of 100 wan turned into the hind
of the hoiough tie-iMircr and u-eil to pay other
oblu:alloti of tin hoioiiKh. 'I lie two pei tenu
limit of itiilelrti iIiicr allowed by the constitution
w i not (Meeihd be t lie mi rcao of iltbt or the
U-uinc of ImtnN lnteiet wa paid on the bond '
for upu ml of two veil-, and then i now duo
nnd unpihl to the plaintiff the unoiint tt hi
lioldmar il,iiii), with two )rar Interest. While
the ,.ei Mitrd iIom not div lo.e the fad, at the
aiL'ununt it w.i iuine I and conuded that the
intriirUo 'i iili.indoned In Oiiober, 1 s'ifi, be-
i iii-p of tin inurf deildin? thil the bnroiiich
hid no niithorlt) to rnntruct Iho work,
a private veiler (ompjnv liivini; a previoua
fiamlilx' tn uppl) water tojlic burotnih and Its
inh iblt.tut.
TIip eae filled doe not dmloce eufH. lent
ftit tn enible u to pii upon the leealltv nf
the bond Ivue. In feitlon JO, atllile 0 of the
lon.tttiitioti ii lpinuded that "an) imtnklpilit)
iiiiurrini; nm indibtrdnent shall at or In fore
tin time of o doinff proxide for the collet tlon
of ait finnuil tax suftli irnt to pi) iho inUtet,
and il-o tho pnnilpil ihrieof, within thirl)
)eir" Ihi chu-e I- mandator) It iroiigh v.
Hi in, 1 J7 P.t 7t Vnd If it wa not mmpliod
with the In, nd ifue wis illesal, iioiwithstaudini;
the viliditimr att of lune I, l'i. -vitloti J of
tho .at would valulite tlie bond ivue without
i "inii lino with the prmUiniis of the Ait of
Apnl .'". s7l, but ioiicl not vjlldite the i ie
of tho bonds without tonipllir.ic with the (omti
lutloiiil ptoiisirti above quoted
Hut the u.p i in be det ldrd on mother uround
l.wn tlmiiEli the bond were lued without au
thority and weie void, )et if the money bor
rowed wi applied to i valid oxisltnst Indebted
ins, thu meielv ehanu'lug fiom one ueditor to
anothei, the bemusli would be liible fe r the
innnev and triovrr) may be had ,icilnt It for
loom v loined. !!! diiuIi c Ilian. .upri. Kour
liiiiulied dollar of the mm bv the il
of tin bond wint to piv the obliuatiotis, of tho
boroiish, and tin- iiorouh had the full I eneftt
ot tint sum to piv hei valid ubltiiu; debt.
Iho bilinee went tn pn Howell K llliniliaid'a
cliltii of sj,lfm Wlntever iiueht be said i to
the validit) of the latter, without the pi-sac
of the Act of .tune 4, IKII, the firt section of
tint act make it i lecal and v illd obligation
ll wa within the powtr of the lesislitiire tn
pa-s the aet; null aei are ila) upheld bi
lbo law. 1 Vnier it: l.ns. ot l.iw, fi7,
and ca-es died; Chester City vs. Ill.nk, 1J2 I'a.
Vn'v now, 1 ih of tisut, I'll, judement Is
dim led to be entered In favor of th pliintlff
and .isaiii-t the d-fendant In Ihe um of 1 OiO,
with intere-t at th late of the per itnt p'r
aiiiiuin from the Hut day of Mai, lsD9. lather
parly to luce Ihe rl.'ht tu ippcal.
Told in n Few Lines.
Hogarth's band will give one of their
seile.s of concerts Friday evening,
Aug. II, on the lawn of Thomas Scutt,
South Third street: Match, "Thu Big
Five"; ovettute, "Yeto de Yere"; two
step and cake walk, "Rustling Coon":
selection "Patnnthla"; song and
dance, 'Chatmlng Fiances"; two step,
"The Yiiglnia Shullle"; waltz, "My
Coney Island Girl"; vocal march,
"We'll Never Haul tho Old Flag
Dow n "
The .Mnyfleld band will give an open
nlr com eft at the Mayfleld House
Thursday evening. The following will
be" the piogtamine: .Match, "Dan
jesteiday utter a visit at tho hnm ot
theli patets, Mi. and Mrs. S. Singer,
on South Main stteet.
Pattlek Klikwond, who was called
hPto by the dangeiotts Illness of his
fathei, Jamei- Klrkwood, lot tuned
)t-steida.v to hlH woik at the Kdisou
company's plant In Schenectady, N. Y.
Mrs. P. A Carroll and son, Charles,
ate visiting In Honesdale.
Miss Louise Phillips, operator at the
Catbondalo Telephone company's ex.
change, left on her vacation yester
day, which will he spent In New York
Jntnes A. Whitfield left over the
Kile ye.teiday for KI Paso, Toas. Mr.
Whltiield Is an cmpluj j of the Hen-
tonla," Wllllamsi selection, "The
Bartered TJrldc," (Smetana)i "Day by
Day Medley," (DoWItt): "Woman Di
vine." (Tobanl): medley overture,
"Jolly Buffaloes," (DeWltt)i song and
dance, "Rosy Cheeks," (Laitrendean)!
"Stnr -Spangled Banner."
Miss Jessie-Winter on Tuesday even
ing entertained a number of her
friends nt her homo on Second street.
The evening wns very enjoyably spent.
Among those present were: Mr. and
Mis. C. A. Battonbeig. Misses Oer
tiude Davis, Mary Swick, Carrie Mur
ray, Jennie Bnttenberg, Lizzie Batten
betg, Htnlly Rich. Nellie and Lena
Hill, of Birmingham, Ala.; Harry
Grlftlths, Robert Freas. Will Parks,
John Oiimths, Allan Hall, Prank Win
ter, Arthur Winter, Will Young, Dun
more; Frank Oendall, Scranton.
The Farmers' Alliance will hold
their nnnuat flsh picnic at Newton
lake todny.
The Crystal Fire company will hold
a special ntol 'impottnnt meeting to
morrow evening, nt which all inetn
beis are requested to be present.
A child of Mr. and Mrs. George Jef
ftes, of Fourth street, Is quite 111 of
cholera Infantum,
Mr. Isaac Benjamin, of Vnndllng,
was calling on Jermyn friends last
Wlll'nni Benson and son, Bonnie, of
Second street, left for Philadelphia,
this morning. The latter will undergo
treatment for his eyes In the Wills
Mrs. James Staples, of Waymart, Is
visiting her daughter. Mis. A. F. A.
Bnttenberg, of Main street.
Miss Mary Timlin, of Main street,
Is enjoying the sea bteezes at Atlan
tic City.
Hon. nnd Mrs. P. K, Timlin left yes
terday for Harrlsburg and Philadel
phia. Mr. nnd Mis. John R. .Volley, of
Loralne, O.. spent yesterday ns the
guests of Mrs. Plzer, of Bacon street.
The Ladles' Aid of the Baptist
church, enjoyed an outing yesterday
at Chapman.
Miss Zua McConnell, of New Mll
fotd. Is the guest of Miss Alice Hen
wood, of Second stieet.
Misses Maud and Cora Griffiths arc
visiting ft lends at Dunmore.
A special meeting of the school board
wns held on Tuesday night witii a
view nf settling the dispute with the
Peck Lumber company regarding the
First wird school annex- contract. K.
Pierce was present In tbe Interest of
tho lttmher company. The board made
sevetal piopoMtions. but Mr. Pierce
d.d not deem It advisable to accept
anv of them, anil as the matter now
stands it Is still In dispute.
Council will meet on Tuesday even
ing, the 20th. Instead of the L'Ttb, to
hear the opinion of the borough at
torney relative to the mandamus pro
ceedlngs. An ice cream festival will be held in
the Sweeney building on Lackawanna
stteet this evening under the nusplies
of s,t, Patricks church. The contest
for the gold watch will be decided.
Mrs. Matthew Mnckey and Miss
Jennie Davis, of Lackawanna street,
left yesteiday to visit the Pan-American
Ptofessnr and Mrs. T W. Wntklns
nnd daughter Natalie, Mr. and Mrs.
Ldvvaid Hvnns, Mr. nnd Mis. J. L.
Davis ami John Taylor weie among
those who went to Atlantic City yestei
day. Dt. Can oil J. Kelly and H. P. Vnr
(oe, of Honesdale, members of the
Thliteenth teglment rifle team, who
have been visiting at tho residence of
Dr. L. Kellv, on Lackawanna stieet,
leturned home osteiday.
Miss Alice Rashielgh, of Carbondale,
who has been the guest of Mr. and
Mis H. G. I.lojd for the past week,
returned home esteiday.
Mis. J. W. Harris, of Providence,
visited iclatlve. in town cstetday.
Miss- Katie Loftus has gone to At
lantic City for ten da.vs.
Miss Maigaret Hvans Is visiting tcla
tlves at Pottsville.
The Calvlnlstlo Methodist and Con
gregation Sunday schools will picnic
at Nay Aug park today. Tickets on
the Thtoop line 13 tents for toiind
Miss Grate Hodge, of Pittston, is
spending a few da.vs at this place.
Mis John Feigikson. Mis-pcs Maty
Fetgiison and Jennie Voylc will leave
today to spend two weeks nt Philadel
phia and Atlantic City.
An Immense crowd attended the
Blnkely Baptist Sunday school exclu
sion to Nay Aug patk yesterda, whete
a most enjojable day was spent,
Justlie of tho Peace M. W. Cum
mlngs and Postmastei S. J. Matthew
left jesteidny for a fishing trip to
M. J. Neary, of ,leimn, was a caller
In town .vesterdaj .
Dr. Canoll J. Kelley and 13, P. Var
coe, of Hoiie.srtale, niembeis of the
jniiieentii teginient title team, ate
visiting the fonner's uncle, Dr. L,
Kelly, of Lackawanna stteet.
Miss Mary Cioop. of Berwick, who
Ins been vlslltng her sister, Mis. J
B. Grover, returned home yesteiday.
Tax Collector D. C. Phillips has
posted to the effect that the
K01 tix duplicates have been received
by him and those who pay taxes on or
before October 3 will bo entitled to a
5 pet cent, rebate.
Bessie M. Taylor Is visiting friends
at Stroudsbttrg
At a special session of the school
bonrd held-Monday night It was de
cided to have a nine months term,
commencing Tuesday, September 3.
Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Moon have re
tinned from a two weeks' pleasant stay
at Atlantic City.
Some six hundred people attended
the Mine Workers' excursion to Har
vey's lake yesterday.
Advertised letters. Wojclech Mlor
gan, Romano Clculto, Majk Baljak.
' i
Andrew C. Mahoney, n well known
and highly respected citizen, died last
Wednesday motnlng nt 1 o'clock after
nn Illness of seveinl weeks, He was 53
yeats of ae and Is survived by a wife
two sons and four daughters. He also
has two slsteis, Dr. Houser's wife, ot
Tayloi. and Pi of. D. A. Stone's wlte.
of Scianton The tuneial will be held
at OI phaut mi Friday next at 'i p. m.
Tho Methodist Sunday school will
htf.t a picnic at Lily lake Thursday,
August 1.1. A cordial Invitation is ex.
tended tn all.
Interesting meetings will bo hold at
tho tent on tho gtounds of the Metho
dist church each evening cluilng the
leninlnder of the week,
A Hie destroyed one of the latge Ice
houses at Glenhurn list Tuesday night
There Vere tluce buildings and the
lie had been removed fiom this one.
The tire is supposed to hive been
lamed by tianips,
Solicitor McDonald Says tho Treas
urer Can Pay the Men Working on
the Stone Crusher and He Is Di
rected to Do So Resignation of
High Constable James Collighan
Received nnd Accepted, But No
Successor Elected Others News
Notes nnd Personnls.
The council held n special meeting
last night, with all the members pres
ent except Mr. Doudlcnn. The mttrh
talked about stone crusher and tho
manner of operating It wns again the
main question yp for consideration
An opinion wns submitted by Bor
ough Attorney McDonald In which ho
gave It as his opinion, based upon tho
facts ns he had received them, that
the orders drawn In payment for woik
done upon the ri usher should nnd could
be paid by Treasurer Wahlers without
the signature of Burgess Bursciiell The
borough clerk wns Instructed to notify
the treasurer to pay such otdcrs.
The ptobabllltles are that he will re
fuse, In w hlch case the men will have
to lesort to the eon its to collect their
Butgess Bursciiell renewed his offer
to countersign warrants for all work
done to date providing the council
would agree to pennanently suspend
work at tho crusher In its ptesent loca
tion. Mr. Payton moved that work at
the crusher be discontinued.
After a lengthy discussion, during
which many insinuations were thrown
out and but few fncts stated, the mo
tion was lost, Mosiys. Payton and
Btogan only voting yes. By this action
t,he council places Itself on recoid as
favoring the working of the ct usher as
heretofore, but they are confronted
with the fact that the force employed
there tefuso to woik longer until they
receive pay for work done.
The resignation of High Constable
Jomes Colllghon was received and ac
cepted,' the duties of the office proving
too numetous lor his attention. Piank
Nlckerson, Michael Langan and James
McGray were nominated to succeed
him, but It was found, nfter sevetal
ballots had been taken, that It would
be Impossible to elect last night and
the matter was put over until the next
The action nf Burgess Buisehell In
dismissing Ofllcer Renvois from the
polite force for cause was concutted
In by the council aftei the tacts
charged had been admitted by
At St. Mary's church yesterday after
noon Miss Mary McIIale, of Bloom
street, and David Dean, of Jeimn,
were united in martlage by Rev. M. B.
Donlan. The btlde was attended by
Miss Margaret Gorman, while Fred
Cnrine acted as best man. After the
cpiemony the party tetuined to the
home of the bride, w here n reception
was held which was largely attended
by their many friends.
All members nf the Dudley street
Baptist church are requested to be
present nt a meeting tonight nt 7."0
o'clock. The meeting will be In charge
of Rev. David Spencer, of Blakely
The Young Ladies' Missionary ciicle
of the Presbyterian chinch will meet
with Mts. O. R. Wlntets at hoi home
on Dudley street tonight at 7.30 o'clock.
Rev. Ch.ules II Newlng returned
yesterday from Cannel Grove camp
meeting, wheie he has spent the last
ten days.
Mrs. Theodore Zelgler is visiting her
parents nt Lake Wlnoln.
Patrick Walker, of the Union cash
store. Is spending this week in Buf
fnlo. Th? tftnpeianie reunion announced
for Monday, August 10, at Mnun'nln
patk hns been Indefinitely postponed.
Mrs. L L. Jenks. of Walton, N. Y.,
Is tho guest nf fi lends In town.
Miss Jessie Wett Is spending her va
cation at Lake Wlnoln.
Mts. William Packard and children,
ot Chetry street, aie visiting friends
at Gtcat Bend.
Miss Violet Weir Is spending a few
days with teatlves in Taylor.
Miss Kdna Levnn spent last week In
the country.
Mesdames William Drake and John
Stout left yesterday morning for New
York, where they will visit their broth
er. Charles Hdsell.
John Close left Saturday for Con
necticut, whete he expects to spend
two weeks at his home
Thomas Lmerlng has leturned after
spending a week at Harvey's Jake.
Miss Maud Crandell has returned tn
her homo In New Yoik after spending
a week with Miss Gertie Oix
Miss Llln Ostiander visited Scranton
The Mooslc local, No. 640, United
Mine Woikeis of America, are mak
ing great pteparatlnns for a picnic to
take place on Dugway hill Saturday
afternoon and evening, August 17.
Miss Rachel Davis, of Pymouth,
Is visiting her cousin, Miss Minnie Rob
ling, of Mlnooka avenue.
The Mooslc high school Is being
greatly Improved by a coat of paint.
Mrs. Alfred Smith has returned from
Atlantic City.
A party consisting of the following
enjojed a trip to the new dam nnd
stono quarry yesterday afternoon: H.
O. Doud, of Washington, D. C. Mrs.
W. G. Whiting, of Syracuse; the Misses
Vertle Dlx, Maine Hinds, Blanche and
Hthyl Tregellas.
Mrs. G. H. Pearl Is visiting ft lends
In Wyaluslng.
Tom Doian, of Blnghaniton, N. Y., is
the guest of hl.s bt other, Kdward
Mr. Jennie Gtnver nnd daughter,
Miss 1.11,1, leave today for Alletrown
and Ocean Grove, whero they expect
to spend a month.
Chnrles Snyder Is 111 nt his home on
Dymond av enue.
Anyone wishing tn purchape com
foi tables, please notify a member of
the Ladles' Aid society of the Meth
odist chuich.
Thete will be on Irp creini social
In the Presbyteilan mission tonms
Thursday evening, Aug. 15, under the
auspices of th Christian Kndeavnr
Mrs. Bennett, of Throop, and Mr.
Pearon. of England, weie the guests
of Mis. George Ely, of Albert street,
on Tuesday.
Would These Two Cures Been
Been Substituted
Mr. D, Young, attorney, counselor
of Aurora lodge Mo, fid, of the Mjstlc
Workoifl of the woild, writes from 10.1
South Broadway, Aurora, HI., as fol
lows: I suffeicd with cntarth for eight
ycniH hefote 1
found anything
that would help
mo. I have
Itvnsted hun
dreds of dollars
trying to get
relief, and never
found any un
til I rend of
what Per tin a
claimed to do
for catnrrh. A
few bottles our
td me complete
ly; It not only
cured nivcatarrh
by Invigorating
my whole ss-
tm. until today I feel ten yen is
younger and In complete nnd perfci t
bnlth In fact n new man, thanks to
Petuna " Delnncy Young
When n patient calls at n drug store
to procure some Pciutia initl the drug
gist recommends something else that
that will bo Just at good. It may be
that he does tint always recognize the
tesponshlllty that be Is taking upon
himself. Such a substitute l always
sure to result in fallutc and may
leptttt fatallv
In some cases catanh has a tendency
to become nchtonlc nnd it rot Infre
quently sets up disease that finally
proves fatal. Pcruiia taken In time
will prevent these capes. To substi
tute some other lemedy means diuiKPi
out delay.
It Is cettninly a gtcat responsibility
The marriage of Ms HUza Sn)der,
nn estimable young lnd of Old Forge,
and Mr. Chatles Gallagher, a popular
clerk In Judge & Co.'s store hete, was
solemnized nt the St. Lavvtente church
c.tetdny afternoon at o'clock, by
the Rev. J. J. .Ionian lector of the
chuich. Aftei the inturlage cetemony
wns pet formed, the newly wedded
couple leturned to the bible's home,
whete a sumptuous wedding supper
awaited them. Tho tietks of Judge &
Co.'s stoie weie In attendame, and
presented Mr Gallagher with a beauti
ful nnd costly dinner set. They weie
the leelpient of many other wedding
gifts. Mr. and Mis. Gal.ilghrr leu on
a midnight tialn mi a wedding tour to
New Yotk and other places of inteicst.
A gtand concert will be given nt the
Welsh Cnngiegjtlonal on Aug
ust J7, h a class of pupils, under the
ditectlon of Miss Saiah J Ptlie, elo
cutionist, assisted by Ptofessnr Hariy
H aiifi, the noted baritone, of Wales,
Miss Sits-an How aid, sopiano soloist nt
nne of the leading churches in Pitts
burg. Piofcssoi- William Jones, our
well-known tenor, will also be beard.
An excellent pioginmme has been pre
pared, which will appear In this de
partment later.
The Ptlmltive Methodists of the
Atcbbald, P ne and Sibley will hold
their annual camp meeting from Aug
ust IS to 2,1, nt the Pyne. On Sunday,
the ISth, the set vices will be as fol
lows: 10 30 a. m., L" p. m. and fi p. m.
Miss Sarah Lanvnn, the conference
evangelist, and other well-known min
ister are expected to be ptfsent. All
are Invited.
The due social held on the Piesby
teilan chinch lawn on Monday even
ing, under the auspices of the Wo
men's Chtlstlan Temperame union,
was a delightful and sureosstul affair.
The tempeiame leuiilon announced
for Monday, August l'. at Mountain
patk has been Indefinitely postponed.
Mrs. Blttenbentier and Miss Dlla
Wagner lettuned home on Tuesday
fiom a weeks visit with friends nt
A. B. Williams, jr., has been spend
ing a few d,s with his patents, Mr.
and Mi. A. B. Williams.
Mr and Mts. Byton Buckingham,
daughter Bessie and son Ra, attended
the Buckingham reunion nt Mount
Cobb, on Tuesday. The reunion next
ear will be held on the Salem camp
Mr A. B. Llnsttnm who has been
spending the past month bete lettuned
to Scranton on Tuesday, expecting to
start fot the Pan-Ametican In a few
Mi. Jacobs, the converted jew is
visiting 1111101117 Klinhurst friends.
Miss lMlth Aver) of West Nicholson,
victlted hot aunt, Mis. F. A. Page, last
Miss Lou Dunning Is suffeilng from
nn attack of pneumonia. She Is under
Dr. Knedlers i aie,
Mr. J. J. Brink Is setlnusly III at
his home heie.
Carl the little -on of Mr. nnd Mis.
C. II. Whitney, who has been veiy ill
for the past week Is tecoveting under
Dr Knedler's tieatment.
Mr. Angus McLean will occupy the
pulpit at the Piesbyteiinn ihutch next
An entertainment will be given nt
the Prrsbvteilan church this (Thuis
day) evening under the auspices nf the
Ladles' Aid society, after which a
lawn social will be held nt the .Manse.
All are eoidlnlly Invited.
Miss Lena Jenkln is visiting friends
In Monti oso and Tunkhannock.
Mr. C. C Clay nnd Miss Lottie Clay,
will leae today for n few da.vs vblt
nt the home of Mis, W, B. Percgo, at
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Buckingham nnd
daughter Alice, Mis. Dell Slnte and
daughter's Ruth, Motion nnd Mar
gate!, of Scranton; and Mr. and Mis.
J. M Armsttong nnd son Aithur of
West Pitthton, weie the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Rjron Buckingham at dinner
on Tuesday evening.
Mrs J E. Ddwaids. of Olenburn, at
tended the Bib klngham tcunlon at
Mount Cobb on Tuesdnj.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. J Chapman left
there home on Tuesdnj. morning en
route to visit friends In Newark, N.
J., ami to spend a week nt Ocean
Mr. How aid H. .S'oitlutp Is spend
ing his vnatlnn with his ftmlly hete.
Mr. Willis Austin ictuiued to his
home In Newark, N. J. on Tuesda
moinng last, aftei an extended vaca
tion visit with his patents. Mr. and
Mis. J. I-: Austin.
Mr. Ben Smith, wife nnd two yens
nf New Mllloid, aie visiting relatlvcr
Mlfs Hattle M. Mead, Is visiting
frlendn In Wllks-Bntre.
Mr. J. c. Hlpglns. Is vlt-lttng re
lative In Nleholron.
Ml Glare A Divi rpent fundiy
with ftienelF In Gren Ridge.
Mr. and Mr. J. H. "'onk and duph.
ter Eva and ton Giant Mis. R. Har
Attorney Young.
Made If Some Remedy Had
for Pe-ru-na?
that any druggist tnkes upon himself
to recommend unone to take some
Imitation of Ferima when the life of
the patient may depend upon having"
the Petuna In time.
Rend the testimonials of these two
people Hint were cttied by Perun.i.
Had the druggist recoinmonded one of
these Imitations of Petuna, would It ho
supposed for an Instant that these two
people would 'be well today,
Hon. W. S. Lane, Ordinary (Prohate
Judge) for Wilkes county, Ga., writes
from Washing
ton, On., tbe fol
lowing lettet :
The Per it n a
M.o(ielne I'o ,
Columbus, O :
tr e n,t Allien
"This to cer
tify that I have
it'ld two nnd
one. half bottles
of Peruna for a
very had wise of
i a t n r r h and
happy to iay to
you that 1 have
boon entltely
cured and glad
ly tccotnmenti
one snif-iing
ft oiu catairb In
any foint. Have also used It In my
family wth sntlsfnctor) rcMtlts, both
ns a tonic nnd icmedy for catarrh."
W. S. Lane.
If you do not deilvo prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna. wtlte nt once to Dr. HnrtmanT
giving a full statement of your case
nnd ho will be pleased to give you his
valuable adviie gratis.
Addtrft Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman S.tnltnitum, Columbus,
Money Will Cam Biz Monthly
The Inve!or'Kundl'a Semi monthly
The oldest established In America Nn certificate
holder has ever lost s cent, ra.vmentj made to
all mhscrlhers every 15 di) No trouble No
delay Money refunded on dentin! Write to
da) for particular!, free to any address.
C. E. Mackey 4: Co . Hudson bid's . New York
Spencer Trask & Co
2r & 29 Pine St., New York
Trancact a cenerl banking business;
art a Hsral Agent for corporitlona.
and necotlate hecurit) Ivues of rail
roads and othT companies Execute
commiision orders and deal in
Members New York Stock Eichanje.
Branch Oftice 65 State St. Albany
lan. Mrs. Abram Wilson and daughter
Edith. Mis. George Ouyer and daugh
teis Gerttude and Catherine, Mrs.
Chatles Koerner nnd daughter Clara
and son George, and Mrs. Cyrue New
man, sepnt Wednesday nt Lake
Mr. A. G. Wheeler of Tompklnsvillo
wns a visitor among his sons and
(laughteis here this week
James Pentlcost wns a visitor at the
home of his parents here on Tuesday
I last.
Mr. nnd Mr A. J. Singer are visit
ing relatives in Green Ridge.
Mrs. Maty Bennett, daughter Lena
and son Roy, teturned to their home In
New .nk. on sintiiidfiy last, aftei nil
extended vllt with relatives here.
Mr. and Mts. Emery Stone obsetved
their tifty-tourth annlvetsary on the
eleventh instant. They are In excel
lent health, and enjojlng the blessings
ot a laifio famllv, numhetlng ten, ("K
of whom are sons, and four daughtei
Miss Bessie Mulllnex Is isitlncj hr
sister, Mts. Maud Colvin, In Green
Mr. R. C. Cooper, wife and daughter
Mail and Miss Maine Tapplngton,
of Philadelphia, are guests of Mr. and
Mi. George W. Bond.
Ppewal to tho Siranton Tribune
TimkhintioiV., Aug II -Mi md Mrs. Willlim
K. htetei attended Ihe ftinenl of ill, former's
sIMer ut siioiiiMiiiib on h.rln.
Vliii. Celia I hilda i entertaining frltndi Inm
(Mean, . line veik '
Mif. J. K PuK. of hinpvton, i vuitin? h-r
daughter, Mrs J Wood Piatt, on sorond uree
Th funeral of Panj Patterson, who lost hit
life by falling under the ulieilt ol a mniini!
tidin while enjiired in peifunmnj; hit duties at
hratcman in the Leliieh Valley eonipiny't m I
at Ciuton, will take plai this (Thurselay) after
noon it '.'30 oVloik at the Mithodut hpiwopii
church In lemon. TuiiMuimntk Lodje. of Junior
American Met linnet. ,f whbh he waa i member
will lltrnd Ihe funeril in a bndv.
Jeremiah strphrnt and 1'red M. Willlamt, two
Nichnlion business nun, were callcri In town on
Uedm wl.iy.
John finloid and wife, ef Mehoopiny, were
vistime fuendi In town on Wednetdi).
V W liiwioldJ u at the 1'an nitiinn expoj.
tiott this week
Mi.-et Man, trwphtn and Nellie Rove am
ependin; the week with relatives at KorkMon
Miss Marv shnralia, of New Jirey, ii the
tuet of Mr. and Jlr. 1'red P. JennlntJ, on
Tioki street
Prnfctunr ttilnam Wood ind wife, of Southed,
lonir Island, an .p-ndnnr a month with the Ut.
ter'i parents at thia place.
Special to the Srranton Trthun
llmesdile, u.;. II -The Hnncsdlle public
dohoolt will open Sept. 0
V nlcht blnonilne i-etms with twenty ftie bu!s
hit been on exhibition the past two eveninz In
Ihe window of Mr. f.e-ckte's tutor ahep, which
has am Kled tliiongy of people.
1hoe who pint threnich ( entral Park etrnini
will appteilie the git lamps, whiilt weie bum
tnir la-t nlcht , r the first time tills feavon
Vli.s ikirman. of Warwick, V V., is spend
inn two weeks at the Pieh)ttrMn mani with
her ifiir-iiii. the Vlr ill
I'roteriiui l.nuine company, of this place, has
acciptcit an invttitinn m attend the firemen's
parade in t arliondale on spt I They will tike
the Mojo fill baud with them.
lnnl.coiihl l-iiirth and Attorney f. A. Mc
Cain wint l(i llitrbhurs todiy at iteleeatri tn
the licinotrillc contention.
faeat ptipaiillons ale lelui" nude for tha
seien t onntv (,iand Aimy reunion at Lake Lo.
(lore, ui JI.
Hie oiniiil siomcnthn of the M'a'iie County
(liiisilm I'tdrimi union inline held at Mill
wood. Wedneidiy, Vns SI. An intertwtlnj pro
Eiaiiuue has been airatiEed,
I'enmistfr M II Mien, of the Allen llin,
Ills been tunl-iM m bl room lor KHNt ill)'
wild an attuk of rli'iimitl-m.
Drowned in tho Surf.
Ilv IVlioli woe from The Vusvlited i'rew
sa a, mih, f.i , Aus II -stelli nvl Reitrudt
A-riblfe. ilaujhtin of Pilot Andrew Ambrcve,
were diowned tivli) while bums in the suil otf
lurbcta Pcint, I) be: bland.
Judge W S Lane