The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 15, 1901, Image 1

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VpX's ?-?
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r rw txm-'" t
No Direct Line on the Ultimate Re
sult o! the Great Steel
Strike, However.
The Strlkeis Finally Succeed In
Torclng the National Tube Works
to Close Steel Corpoiatlon Opens
the Big Painter Mln at Plttsbutg.
Interest In the Stilke Seems to
Flag Towns Conti oiled by the
Strlkeis Shaffer on Ills Trip.
His Statement Residing Men
Who Failed to Strike.
' Mcluiie Wire (run The mi i ttcd Pre.
Pittsbttig. Auk II Theie weie vlt
oiies im hnlli sides of tlio gieat steel
Ml Ike todaj lint llir tuinb-li no (II
tpot line on the ultimate lestilt of the
rnntlkt The stilkeis sure.eodod In
flnallv foiclng tin Nntlonnl Tube worl-s
nt Mc Koepoit, piobablj tlio laigest
Individual plant In the I'nltcd States
Steel tin potation, to llnallv. close down
(In the other hand, the teol toipoi
ntion icopened tlio big Painter mill In
this city, and aho lositmed operations
with non-union men at the Crescent
plant of the Ameiltnn Tlnpl.ito torn
panv at Cleveland, Two mills were on
at the Painter plant, although one of
them broke down dining the il.i. and
nccoitling to the statement of the ofll
clals half the hiIIIh In the Crescent
plant weie moving The fortes at both
the plants named are to he Inei eased,
anl the manageis claim the will soon
have them working In full Thev make
the fifth and lMh plants" which the
steel coiporation bus succeeded In
muting with non-union men, the
Mlicis being Vellllle. llvde Park,
riaik and I.lndny & MoCutchenn
Vheie w,n a gieat labor demonstration
at Wheeling todav. and Pi evident
Shaffer made a stliring appeal to hl.s
followeis to fight on In nn interview
hefore he spoki he- "aid that If the
western bulge- did not heed the final
appeal of Assistant Secittniy M. P.
Tlshe and ronie out. thev would be ex
pelled fiom the Amalgamated assocl
atlon and their oftois of financial as
sistant spilt lied. Theie vveie few
other development of linpottantp dur
ing the dav.
Locally, the .stilke seems to diag and
Interest to Mas Iaigo numbeis of the
s'llkeiw have soiu- away, elthi'i for
reiieatlon or vvoik, and theie has been
Maicelv any ot Itenient, mill h less
disorder. JltKtespmt and 'Wheeling
are stlueil up peilodliallv. but theie
las been no violence at elthn place
liiiuicii again today sottled tin stilke
and lout a hand to ie-start the stilltd
l u'l of cnnimeice It n,i t elated that
Piesident Shaffer had at know lodged
hat he could not win, that the steel
(tiipoi.itlnu feaied that Its-rivals would
liollt bv an etendcd "Hike, and that
tht weie going to settle No shadow
cf continuation of the t-tor.v was pos
sible The gcneial situation Is thus
hilollv Minimal l.i d:
The Number Idle.
The spicad of the strike at McKees
rat and Winding has hi ought the
number of men who answeied the
filial stilke outer to something over
jn.nno and Im leased the total number
of men i emit led Idle bv the thiee m
iIpii to about thi.nnn Many of the men
dnwn into the movement wIIIIiikIv or
unwIlluiRlv continue to accept other
eniplo.vnicnt, and the enc t number
now idle Is a guess The stilkeis aie
fulb In contiol at MiKoospoit, Wheel
ing New Castle. Hollalte Hingo .linn -tion,
and show some stiongth heie.
The mauutai tii'cis hold South Chica
go. Hay View, .lollel, Yoiingstnvv n, Co
lumbus, the Klsklinlnetiis Vallo.v, tlio
tin plant at Jlniii-cii, and the Cat.
neKlc anuip
Cf the last iii.nied piopeity mmhc
doubt lw el)Us.od as to tlio lower
1'nlo'i mill In riitshuiK Soiiip men
have If ft their places theie ,.tnl the
Milker." hoist that thev will close it
down, It Is lunnliiK. however, and the
inaiuiKeis say It cannot be stopped
Desei lions' fiom the link of the
sinkers a-e icpoited fioiu Painteis'
Mill heie anil the Ciescent pi int in
C'evelf,nd, ai.d the minaiieis s,iv that
It Is onlv a itiesiiiin of time befoie
theie is a Reneial break The nianu
factuieis have made no effort to bieik
the strike at Mr Koe.spoi t or Wheellnc
with nnn-unioii men and InvoKlven no
Indication of (hep planx in these dls
tt lets. Huth miI epies their satis
faction with the piogiess of the stilke.
MncouritRed by success In keeping Mo
nessen solne and In opening their
plant In Clevelund the otllceis- of the
American Tin Plate company aie
planning resumption with non-union
men at other points They will not
say v.her" their next move will be
made, bur say that It will he made
Shaffer's Statement.
Piesident Shaffer, of the Amalga
mated association, sun ted on his nip
to 'Wheeling at Jfi this morning and
reached that city shoitly befoie noon.
Ife was lecelvt-d by a laige uowd,
vhloh cheeierl lustll.v when he ap
pealed on the car steps Tli local
unions paraded and cscotted him
through the town. Helnio roIiir to tho
state fair ginuuds, where the demon,
stiatlon was held, he mmle the fol
lowing statement as to the weatein
men who u fused to stilke
"It tlin do tint nunc out lliu nc nnii cuilnii
It i a ni.utm uliv llir.t clnl lint olc, the .trlko
erdrr (nun tlio tail, mul (lie unh c xpljii.iilun
can thniV. nl i Hut cum iilrnli at I'ltu
burn by Vr Adann, the llllnol ctipuij, wm
tnM me tho men hid united an evtrii.lnn nl
time in .vldih to jtilkr dinn t iie hid
trcn lead to ticlluc tint ill e l ntn would li
funted Vt haif In.iriitid vir, llirhc al
out their mm at nine and in the rirnt nl their
"fusil their diallers will Lu declared lurtcited.
I know tlicte men ami I am confident they will
nin acne to nine out with m In thl flisht.
The ikllled men arc niginlrnl and cnntisth villi
ulrlke to ureallv rrlppW the production of the
wrlern mlll, Wr inn tint lirlmr nlmut a ti'il
acwpcinlon, meli a 1 (fen In I he Vlheellnif tlis
trlct, which, h.v the w-ii, l the banner cll.lrlet
of the entire Keel coiintrj, Iml vie will do whit
wo nntlclpiteil it the Matt or I am creitly mice,
tnkm In Vir llche'i nhlllty to preient the matter
In iti proper lisht to the elern men
TakliR the strike m a whole we are niiMng;
Ealm eirrwteie. eiery dav Our tneinlierlili U
liHicxIna nt a rapid rile, nnd mini non iinlcin
mlll. where we have necer I etore been aide to
mine i foothold, are now organized or initially
organized lhald lhoe alreidj nri;anlred t Vlnw
of nthen tint villi anon tike the Mine aetlon,
though of course, I unnot go Into clot ill J tn
that .core
Mr. Tighe's Announcement That the
Lodge Charter Had Been Revoked
Is Received with Laughter.
Br Ftcluaive Wire from The Aoociatrd TreM
Phlcagn, Aug, 14 There will he no (strike of
the cmplnio in the oteid mill In South Chicago,
Thin point wa settled tonight M the men tler
thl action sVuelnty M F. Tlghe, who mine on
from I'lttOmrK to intend the mooting, cfei tared
the chirtcr of the S nilli Chic tgo lodge teiokid.
The men elected hla nnmiiimeineiit with Imghtir
and cheer
fler 1c ivitig the meellng Mr 1 ighe rild tint
tnmnimw he will go to the Hiiilew tnlll at
Vlllw-iukee and 1K0 lhoe at toilet lie will re
peat the pmgrainme of tonight .it the-e places,
expl lining to the men the came of the strike
and if they slnll dedlno to reconnhr their
action in lefmltg to Join the nnka of the sink
ers he will declare the chattel i of all
forfeited and rule the men out of the aoilitlon.
It Is Believed That the Chinese Af-
f.ihs Will Be Settled at
Pekin Today.
By LxcliiMVf Wire from The nuatel Prea
Pekln. Aug, 11 -It Is expected that
the protocol will he signed Thursday
Yin Chang, formoil.v director of the
Tlen-Tsln Kaval school. lms been aii
Iiolnted Chinese minister to tJeimany
Kondon, Aug 11 "Mi. Hoc khlll, the
Cnlted States' special comniissioner,
will leave Pekln tn a few das," It Is
said in a dispatch to the Times from
the Chinese capital The Krone h gov
ernment, with ihataeteilstlc couitesy,
has offcied the cruli-er Pascal to con
vey him to Japan, whence he will pto
ceed by steamship.
In a special dispatch fiom Shanghai,
dalcd August 11, It l said that the
Russians, at New-Chvvang have pio
clalmed the czai's suzerainty over that
dlstiht, have abrogated the
liWH and have prohibited the natives
fiom referilng their deputes to the ai
hitiatlon ot Anieilcau or Hiltish mei -chants
unci nilsslonaile s All disputes
must lie i cfei nil to the Russians for
The Convention Tables a Wild Reso
lution from Boston.
Pi I v.lii-iie Wae fioin The s.HiaU 1 I'ie-s
niimiu?hiini. Ala. Aug II At to
ilaj'd s( j.son of the annual lonvontlon
of the Intc inatlonal T pogiaphlcal
union, It was decided to pay the ptts.
dent and $1 S00
each annuall.v, with tiavellng expenses
Delegate Cuttim?, of Boston, pio
posed a losolntion luohlhltltig any
meinhpr of the union fiom becoming a
tnembei of the National tiuaid or other oigani.atlons This gave iKc
to an anlniatcil debate. Delegate Nich
ols of Maltlinoie said that if the mil
itia weie not oiganbcd among the
f i lends of laboi It will be oiganUcd
among Its enemies
One delegate (-honied "Would it be
good policy for us to declate ntiieles
against the government of our coun
ti '."'
Klnall.v the whole pioposton was
ciiielnnatl was unanimously chosen
tor the eonventon of IJiftJ.
Honce P. Williams Diops a Distance
of kJ5 I'eet His Neck Btoken.
Secial to the Sirantui Tnhune.
Stiouelsbiiig, Pa, Aug. 11. l.ttte on
Tui'stlav atleinoon Hoiace P. Will
lams, who tesieloel near the village of
Stoinisville tell about twent.v feet
thioiiKh the breaking of a scaffold,
bieaklng his nee k. He died almost In
stanllv Williams was tin own headfoiemost
to the giouncl He was a heavy man,
weighing piobably oit pound. Ills
head was twisted slightly by the fall
and the ciaek of the vertehiae was
plalnl.v heaid by Mis. Williams, who
saw bet husband fall
Williams was an led Into the house
and a phvslednn summoned The lat
tei'n serUies weie of no avail, as the
man exphid almost Immediately.
Deceased was a piomlnent member
of the P. O. S. of A. camp ".3ti, of
Tinplate Company Will Start To
mouow or Dismantle Works.
Pi lAilu-iie Wile treni 'lie Wk ated I'leis
CainbildRe (I Aug It Ulstilct
Managet tlohltv-on of Wheeling, who
was heie todav In the Inteiot of the
Anieilcau Tinplate cnmpanv has post
ed notices asking the piuplo.vcs to ie.
turn b Pildaj. or consider themselves
disc lunged
Ilpannouuied that theiompanv pio.
Iioses to tart the wotks theiK or ills,
mantle the mill and move it tlsewheie,
Postngc Stamps Stolen,
Pi FveliMif Wile (mm Tl.f ko(U,rd rn
tape Vlai, I, ug H--lhe po.tofflce hero
wj' rnlihed earl.i thl morning and about (fjua in
vlampt and nion i taken The Innslara rnlriiij
hi n haik window and rifled nery Inter ami
liliw oil tlio safe door. The police liaic lu clue
as tu the perpctratura o( the Job,
Lively Sessions Are Promised at
the Meetlno o! the Democratic
Stata Convention.
Philadelphia Elements of Discord
Ate Deaf to the Eloquence of
Pnrty Leadeis About the State
Who Are Laboring for Peace No
Contest for Places on tho Ticket.
By Kcluie Wire (rom The Avociibd I'rew.
Hanlshtirg.'Aug. II The contest be
tween the rival factions of the Phila
delphia Democracy for tecognltlon by
tomort ow's Democratic state conven
tion Is attracting mote than usual at
tention to the gatbeilng. Hoth factions
have llleel a complete set of delegates,
and the leadeis of eaih Is prepared to
defend on the floor of the convention
their tight to admission. Repeated at
tempts were made today by prominent
paity leaders outside of Phlladt lphlii
to testorc peace between the discoid
ant elements, but all their effoits weie
In vain. The list ot delegates certllkd
by the regular elt tnmmlttce has been
placed on the roll bv Chalimau Creasj.
This- places: tho delegates certified by
the Young Denioeracj of Philadelphia
In the position of contestants and
foices them to take the Initiative In
the convention for recognition. i'.
Governor Itobeit 1.'. Pattlson Is chali
man of the city conunlttce and will
defend the light of the de legates to
heals on the (loot. lX-Judge James
Hay Gordon, of Philadelphia, will be
substituted as a delegate to tepiescnt
the Young Domociac
National Committeeman fiuffcv
teached here this afternoon and will
lemaln until nftei the convention. He
is anxious to icstoiei haimony In Phila
delphia and Is hopeful that his efforts
lit that dltectlon will prove mii cessfui
colonel (Jiiffey is opposed to the piopo
sltlon of tho Young Demoeiaiy to e
clueip both .seti of delegates ftom the
convention and leave Philadelphia
without repiesentation. The tight on
the Poor piomlts to be most ecltlng,
nnd the lnellcntlons are that the opeia
house will be packed with speetatots.
Kx-Congtessman William McAleer, of
Philadelphia, and ex-.Iudge David I,
Kiebs, of Cleaitleld, will lead tho op
position to the Dnnnell-H.van dele
gates. Captain .lohn H. Keenan, of
Grcensbuig, and William .1. Htennan,
of Pltisbing will aid ex-tiovernor Pat
tlon In defending tlie light of these
delegates to be seated
Contest for Nominations.
Theie Is no contest for places on the
state tic'kPt and It Is expected that the
nominations will be quietly made and
without filctiou. Judge Hat nmn
Yokes, of Doylestow n, has no aetlvo
opposition for bupiemt court JinUe
and his ft lends picdlct his nomination
bv acclamation. Judge Ihmcutioiit, of
Heading, has been cndoised b the
Hetks anil Leblgh delegations, but It
Is not likely that his name will go be
foie the convention
The nomination for state tieasuier
seems to be going a begging. Captain
William lldbsnn, ot OH City, and Hep
lesentatlve Andiew J, Palm, of Meail-
llle, weie tendeied the honoi by tho
paity leadeis and the ptojiositlon to
eltect fusion with the Independent Re
publican" on the state ticket by nomi
nating Heptesentatlve H. A Cot ay, Ji ,
of Lueine, for state tieasuiei. It Is
e oncedct! that the nominee for this
otlleo will be a sti alght Dcniociat and
ot.e who will consent to wlthdtaw In
the event of a renewal duilng the cam
paign of an attempt at fusion.
A meeting of the state exee utlve com
mittee was held tonight at which
Chailes J. Reillj, of 'vVlllldmspoit. was
selected for tempoiaiy ihaiiman of the
convention by a vote of six to live. He
was the choice of the Guffev -Pattlson
element. Ills competitor for chalimau
was Rcpiesentative Pied Ikelci, of
Hloomsbuig. This tesiilt was aicom
publshed alter the committee had held
three sessions. Tho convention will be
called to older at noon by Chalimau
Cieasy and that It Is expected that a
icccss will be taken lter a tempoiaiy
euganlzatlon has been effected to al
low the i redentliils committee to de
teimlne the Philadelphia contest. The
convention promises to be the most ex
citing in teeent ear.s and the city is
ciowded tonight with Dcmociats fiom
all over the state anxious to witness
the battle lojal between the leadeis of
the two factions.
The platfotin will be similar to tho
platloun of the Ohio Demoeiacy ami
will treat almost cntltely of state Is
sues. The last leglslatuie will hj con
demned for the passage ot the rapid
transit bills and the eapltol bill. it
Is expected that those Demounts who
declined to vote with the anti-Quay
Republicans nt the oiganliMtlou of the
house of tepiesentatlves will be eeu
suted. Leglslatots Condemned.
i;x-Congiessinan William II, Snow
den, of Allentown, who has been sub
stituted by one of tho I.ehlgh dele
gates, will offer tho following solu
tion to foim a patt of the platfoiiu:
"That this convention heieby tepu
dlates and condemns tho action of
Senatois Hany C. Stiles, of Lehigh:
Ilany V. Haines, of Yoik, John P.
lilgglns, of Schuylkill. Alfted M.
Neelj, of Clarion. Albeit D. Hove), of
Pa.vette, O R Washburn, of Ciaw
ford, and Representatives Madison A.
(iarvln, of Adams, John A. V. lloey,
of Clarion. Samuel H. Ituthiuck, of
Milllln. William J. Calvin, of Schti.vl.
kill: Atthur 11. Squler, of Wyoming,
and Hany H. Shutt, John H. Kaln anil
Ji. S. Fake, ot Yoik, membeis of tho
ptesent stale senate and house of rep.
tesentatlves, who, duilng the last ses.
sion of the leglslatuie, allied them
selves with tho Quay inachino and tor
their own pcisonat nggiandlzement
and ptlvate Riecd, basely betrayed
their sevctal Demociatlu constituen
cies and Inflicted an Irrepatable Injury
tipon tho Democratic machine legisla
tion, antagonistic to the best intetosts
of the people nnd of the state,"
Win i en Wotth Malle.v, of Johnstown,
will offer a seiics of tesolutlous nit
si lie taxation and other Impoitant
questions. Tlio lesolutions leclle that
all Halle hlsc lorpoiaUous should be
taxed pieclsely as other and less fnv
oied Intetests aie taxed; that fran
chises should bo asscsscil for taxation
nt their value lu the maikct; that
eveiv public service coiporation should
be lequlied to submit svvoin repot ts
and It should be made the duty of pub
lic oltlclals to iiudlt the accounts of
sutb coipeuatlons and to ascertain tho
value of the ptlvlleges exeiclsed by
They aKo condemn the last leglsla
tuie for its "utter ptoillgucy anil Its
ctlmlnal bettayal of tho people to
political families'," denounce tho "rip
per" and trolley legislation, tho "eapl
tol Job and the shameless assaults up
on public chatltles tnado necessaty lu
protecting It "
The Resolutions conclude as follows:"
"We especially denounce those nl
legeei Dcmociats who sold themselves
to the Quay coiiuptlonlsts and be
trnved their pattv and the people for
poiseitial gain. These tialtois deserve
the lasting eontempt of all decent men
and thedr names should go down In
hlstoiy coveied with obloquy"
The delegates fiom Tioga and Cravv
fend counties hive lesolutlons of much
the same nature as those of Mi. Icalley,
which thev will offer If his aie t ejected
by the lesnlutlon committee.
Colonel Juffcy tonight made the fol
lowing statement:
1 rom in olervatlon it look like a Genuine
Pimotrittc convention and will be conducted
uniler the rules troieinliis the Ute convention
Tint In.iirei (iitne md Jmtlce to all s I
(rather the er.timcnt of the lomcntlnn a atriisht
liariv tUket v 111 he lionnnited tomorroiv en a
vlcorou phtfnrm dealing wllh Mile Ismics lint
oh mill ipp-al to everj honest independent voter
in I'rnnili inn
Mnil Advices Received from Catacas,
Venezuela, Give Accounts of
Numerous Engagements.
l"tr VviluHe Wire fiom The .-neii'ed Piev
an .turn, He Porto Itko, ti(r. It Vliil ad
vieea reteiied heio todcy (coin Caracas Venr.
?ueli, under dil" of Vu. 10, cue iicnnnM of
niniieiniis en,'ii;einenH in the ulale of Tae nira
hetiveen Piridrnt CivtmV firte ind the re-obi-luiiil.ts
In (.fneril ( a'tro's nftliiil bullefini
ho mentioned (lie Colonihlan ainii. He repoi-d
enirasrnienM Mnee the lultle of sin Cn-tolnl,
lull J, it rirlnro, l,n l'ellpi, la I'aiela, 1
tirlta, Imonlridos ( olon ami I unilurs, nil
In I'ailiiri
The Vene7iielen ei-mllie. ireordhc to C'u.
Un's oMkhl bulletin in re ftenerd Ttosendo
Midinl and fnur inlomli killed and "no men
killrd or MiMindiil. Vlnlmi n i i piomluetit nun
lie foimiili a governor ind senitor. Vun.
s Ihete in an cixnuiiter at I -H Cuiulue with i
soil rid (one of iovoliit!oiiM
The Xevis Ciran eon ponduil, willing Vu
to, ii iniilher .ii ni hi4 iuv cdeil Venezuela
IhU eiond (oic i reporlrd in niunliir 1 1)
men I'rlil IV these troop altieked I is Cinilirei
md were lepul.el Ihe nmn elivNIens ol the
iiiiius luve mt vet mil
An Imposing Event at Naples The
Bv Kveludie Wire ironi lhe AMeristtd I'rfsi
Naples, Aug. II The fuueial of
Slgnor Ciispl todav was an Imposing
event. Cordons of tionps lined the
route, which was thiough the pilncl
pal sticels, and piespnted aims as th"
funeial cat passed. The car was
eliavvn by eight black hoises with
sable t tappings. The couls of the pall
weie liidd b the nia.vors of Rome,
Naples, P.ileuuo and Rlbeia, Slcll.v,
Cilsid's biithplace. the vice piesident
of the c haniber of deputies and other
state oillclals A ealssnn diapeel with
(lags was followed by cars idled high
with tloial ti Unites The ptocesslnn
Included King Vie tor Kiuaiiuers aid de
camp, topriMcntlng the king; the Gei
nian consul, leincsentliig Kmpeior
William, deputies, nilnlsteis, geneials,
aeliniial", patilotlc societies, (laiibal
dan veteiaiis and inllitaty anil naval
detat llllients.
Iniineiise ciowds oceupled the
stieets, bilionles nnd wliulows. All
piosent uiieoveied as the tollln passed.
At the aisptial, tlio leinalus vvpip
taken on bond the ciulser Vaiese,
wheie theie was a shmt setvlce, niln
ute guns being lb eel lu the meanwhile.
The Vatese sails at midnight, escoi ted
b the ni moi til ciulser Maico Polo
and the HI Uttoilo, coiivejlng the
family of Slgnor Ciispl and tho go
einment tepiesentiithes,
Amid Hooting of 100 Pickets, 20
Workets Enter Chicago Shops.
Ilv I vilu.ive Wilt from The .Woiu'I I'ie
Clili ago ui: 14 Amid the hooting
nnd Joeilng ol a bundled oi moie union
pickets stationed ainuntl the Piaster &
Chalmers plant, twent-nlno non-union
men weie today safelv landed Inslile
the works of that eompaii), to take the
plates ot the union stilkers.
The men weie In ought fiom the east,
and weie eonvejed to the woilvs In
Miusses, tin der the efcott of police,
Steamship At rivals.
Hi i:iln.ip Wile doin The wMiat d I'ii.i
Sew- Voik. Aug It Urlvnl: Oieanle, from
laveipool s,iiri St 1 oul, siiiiiliatnpU'ii, Ma
jiiln, llvripinl; l.iurenllau, lila'ou-, Liver
pool Virlvcd: I'hilaiMphla, (nmi New ink
I Itnlleiiliin Viiluel: Vmolinlaiii fiom Sen'
! ioik s,,nth inipinu -riiveel s( plu, x,,iy
I oik. SjiImI; Wilhelni Per (irtuve, lite,
i nun, for New ioik
- .
Carilagemnkeis StUke.
It Kululie Wire (rom The oelilrl l'ie,
Cineinnatl, Aug II -Two hunlrrd emplo.vea of
tno earrla.e iiiniil,)i lurliu compinlis here
Ftiiuk todaj, alleging the "tilcharKC of union
Onward Silver Takes the $5,000
Memorial Stake at the Brighton
Beach Race
The Favorite Wins the 2.24 Pace in
Straight Hents, with Plenty to
Spare Hetty Q. Has a. Close Call
in the 2.00 Pace Easter Beaten by
a Head in the Last Race of the
By Kxtluslve Wire (rom The Av,oeiatol Pre.
New Yhik, Aug. 14. Tho New Yoik
Trotting association ptesonted a llrst
class card today at Brighton Reach,
but threatening weather caused an
small attendance.
The ptincipal event ot the day was
the $5,000 lionnor memoilal stake,
which had a latge field nnd was the
medium of vety heavy speculation. A
saniplo poul tells the still y May Allen,
$300, Onwaid Silver, $.'50, Metallas,
JJOO, Cornelia Hell, $100, Dr Rook,
Dolly nidwell and Confessor, $25 each,
nnd tho field $10. Dolly Hldwell led in
the first heat nearly all the way around,
but Onward Sliver caught her at the
wire and beat her by a neck. In the
second heat Dolly Dillon won by a neck
from Cornelia Dell. The third heat was
between this pair and Cornelia Dell
won by two lengths As thiee heats
had now been tiotted the test of the
Held was sent to the bain and Onward
Silver won the next two heats with
little to spare
The (list event of the day was the
unfinished L' 'JO pacing class, of which
Captain Hrlno had two heats to his
eredlt jesteiday and Dick See one The
betting was $50 to $.'0 on the Captain.
Dick See won the first heat today In
-Ml and McDowell was put up behind
Captain Bilno and he diove him out
handily, winning the heat and the
!.ie e.
1 1ip L' 24 pace was a shoit and sharp
rate and tho betting indicated the ic
sult, as It was $50 on Shadow Chimes
ami $15 on the field. The favorite won
in straight heats with plenty to spine
The 2.0B pate was a similar race,
Hetty C. sold at $100 to $40, but she
had a tlewe call in the last heat, when
In a tiled anil gripping finish she only
won bj n head,
The last race of the day was the 2.21
trot, for which Albeita D. was the
favoiltn nt $'0 to 110 for the Held. She
proved to be a counterfeit, as Easter
won the (list heat and Captain Diacken
the next thiee. The last heat was ex
cceillngl tlose and exciting, as faster
led to within ten .vaids of the wlte, but
was beaten by a heael
The Summaiies.
- J'l il-i, paiinp; pure, sj(enp(:
Capum llilno, bv Wild flriiio (
liunhiiie. In lied heather then
nedt and MtlMuell) 112 2 1
Dick slf. (Ijnun) I J 1 1 2
s ir I'u.'h ((nckwood) 2 t t ii
suit? (Pavfi) it S ,1 in.
Helen 11 (V(ilonef) t ( (lj.
I' II Ilinn ( Vitliur) 7 dK
Time mj;i.. 2 10, "inij J II, 1H
Shielnw ( Intm, h.v ( hlmes (.haulier, by
Minibilno hinsr '(i-e,.) ,', t i t
Till ice Queen (Mull..) 2
jia (Webam) j .) -
Ciibinul', Tliorivva, ''t Pitiick anl Utrhler
vieie dleslanerd in Hie fir-t ulc
Time-2 tn'a, 2 IV,, 2 lti'4.
The Homier Jlenioihl, 2 12 cla-, troitin',
lirse, $"i,HTll,
Dnmrd Mlvn, I, Oi ivn 1 sjiv1n
Vlihl, bv Vlerdecn ti"is) 1 (1 4 I 1
Conn In Hell (Knbv) 7 2 12)
IMllv Dillon (Snil-iO s t 2 I 1
llillv llidivell (Cupentcr) 2 7 A lo
('onfe-,or (llovvin) 1 1 ,t io
lrauk tieinier tMijdrr I 4 fi ro
Hi llouk (speu) , 5 R ro
I Me s (ndreivi) in s 7 ro.
Mav Vllen (Wil-on) t ID 'I io.
1 edi t.enldme (Dickeron) ei 't ilis.
Mctrllas siillinelivv) tin
( npium CI lioiiiiivnil eh
'lmie-2 lft'i, .'in'e, 2 10, 2 In',, 2 ll;
2ckj rlu, paelnc, pur.e, l,Wi
Ilettv 0. bv I irg Hot Noia 11, h.v Pet-
1 1 1 1 1 in (VteCov) 1
Fiilev II (l-tttin) 0 3 I
Pontile Dirt it (VUllriirv) 1 2 "
lielit (Keniiev) i 4
line (k., 2(17, 2ii'.
2 21 ill, ttottini;; pure, ?I,'AV
( iplaln llraikcii, In 1 ill llallle, ilam
In IMreilnr (rruin) Sill
I-iler, bt .saliena ((inldenj 12(2
HeiirliltH (YtnniE) 2 1 !! lo
I I Milnu'O (lliekir-on) fi 4 ,', ro
Nut lie irer d'o-He) 7 7 h 10
tenia llluleliin;..) 5 r, elis,
1 adv TnvU (lb mil . di
Tinie-2 11'a, 1U. 2 111,, 2 Hi1,
Fnvotite Wins nt Bisdford.
Hi nlfnrd, I' , Auc II Hut one favorite won
in Ihe i.rionl da meet ot the Hridfonl Driving
1'irk isoclatlni nteile, the favorite, in the
2 1") tint, easllj cairied nvay the liurtl, but
I file Povveis nnd Carl Wilkes anl I.oiile (' ,
favonlr In their respective elates, fillel to
tome up to the exneetailnnt u( thtir hat ken,
2 1seli)., patliiK, piine. ,!). Itenuer won,
1 C. Joidan, erond, Carl Wjlkej, thiol l,mo
-2 M 2 11, 2 17',, 2U), 2 13
21) ila-8, trottine, pui, vm 4ait7dli
won, Sliug, Ketond; C.con? Oiunett, third lime
-2 21'.. 2 17'i, 2 17',,
2 21 tlaiu, trottine: pime, vain Othuiar wun,
Superior is-cond, I.011U0 ('. thud lime- '. ',,
2.U,i, 2.0'i
1'iee for ell troltlnc and pailuc piu.0, $i
William Mac won, Lffle Power., aeiond, Nina
I'atchen, third Time 2 11',, 2 12';, 2 11'8,
Justified iu Killing Jamison.
P.i I.vcluilie Wire from lhe .Woeiat d P eu
Puflalo. uar 14 - Milliard Crouse, i ,nn
hull in, residing on the (.atiaiauguv re-,eiiatlin,
near (iouamla, who vva arieited lat vvee on
the clurce of klllinc Jesfi JiiuUmh, (he foioirr
Stnria chief, latt lildiv nlcht, vv u honirahl
lUehaicrrd fiom 1 i.tmlv loda.i I nihil snien
( ommbjuoiier llrbintnii, befoie whom he vvai
Elvrn an 1 vamiiiailou hell thai he vva pufeuly
JiKliflnl In fhootine ,fainion
Constitution nnd Columbia to Sail.
Bv hxtluvlie Wire (rein The Amended PreM
New 01lf, iisr. It I'lie remlu innnnlttr
o( the laitliniont acht tlub annnumtd '"il
tiirlv lodiv that the ( iiiinlli.llon and lobuii la
will (ill the flrtt race of the wrlea on iiidje,
Aus 10
Weather Indications InJayt
1 fleneral-The III Mul Strike,
latal l'lre in Tunnel
Democrat Ilendv for tlie Mate Convention.
Iroltlnir at nrlehton llenh,
2 firneral-Carliondale Department.
3 lonl-IMra rounellmen VMU He Seatcel.
Jewels Will H i:itnlned
I IM'lorlal
Note and Comment.
5 loeal-Car llullders Ciive I'p the Fight.
I'iobitm ot the I diieillonil t'onleit.
Chan(;e in the City Hill
fi I.oial Wet Stnnlon and Siibutban,
(.'eneril N'orllieaten l'ennlvanl
Vlnanehl ind Commerelil
l.ixal-Indiittilil and bahnr.
Couit I'roieedlwr'
Catholics Deny Connection with the
Publication of n Pamphlet Attack
ing Philippines Commission.
H.r Kvlulve Wire from The mclit(il I'ress.
Manila. Aug. 11 A luimphlet wns
published bioadcast jesterdaj, con
taiuliig an attack on the United States
Phillpidne commission, .signed by the
Centto Cathollco. All the membeis of
that body Indignantly deny having
any lontioctlon with the publication
The leaders say that nobody was 11101 e
disgusted at such a publication than
themselves They believe the pam
phlet was Issued by a local paper lu
an endeavor Pi cieate a sensation, as
the paper was published simultan
eously with the Issue of the pam
phlet, The matter was nominally In
favor of the chut eh calling on the
reoplc to tlse In their might against
Judge Taft, the civil governor, and
"the iest of the rickety biawleis run
ring the government of the 1 Tutted
States," and saying "they have de
clared war against rind."
Prominent Catholics aie awaiting
flovernnr Taft's tettiin to Manila In
otder to repudiate. In behalf of the
church, the sentiments contained In
the pamphlet.
An Instil gent captain and eighteen
men, belonging to Malvat's fences,
suirendeied estoul.iy.
Appraiser Wnkeman States the Loss
to Government Will Be Large.
H Exrluilve Wire from -rhe sxnelited PreM.
ew iorn, auk, a. in an inierviey
today touching the Investigation as tii
the alleged undervaluation of .laptl
ese silks, etc., Apptalser Wllbui r.
Wakotnan si Id:
"I returned one Invoice jesterda. 1
found what 1 expected to lind."
"What will be the total amount of
the fiauds."'
'That I cannot say cettalnlv not at
this stage of the Investigation. That
It 111,1 have been a consldeiable
amount ou tan tell fiom the fact
that the duty on silks vniies fioin HO
tents to $3 per pound If gooels that
ought to have been classified so as to
pay $1 rpallv paid only 00 cents the
dlffeience would be considerable, es
pecially If the weight letutned weie
less than the teal weight"
"Would the los- to the government
leach a million tlollaisv"
All I can say Is that If the suit of
thing I refer to has been going on for
seveial ears the loss to the govern
ment woud be a veiy large sum."
He Addiesss Several Thousand O. A.
K. Men at Hutchinson.
Bt Fxelaiie Wire 'rom The Asiociated Trev
Hutchinson, Kansas, Aug. 11. Vite
Piesident Iloosevelt, en loute home
from Colorado, stopped heie foi a
shoi t time today, and fiom the plat
fciini ol his tialn addiessed seveial
thousands (liand Ai my of the ltepub
lle men, in state reunion. He thanke I
th old soldleis in the name of the
Anieilcau people, lot their past valor
and sac tithes, and lefeirlng hi Icily to
civic life, win tied them not to envy
a life of ease,
"We can never hope to make the
fountiy all It should be." lie said
"until we honor tho man who wotks;
until we anept the pilnclple that the
man Is to be judged on his woik as
a man "
The bilef speech was enthusiastical
ly applauded.
Eleven Hundred at the Woodward
Mines Will Await Conference.
Pi rxtliidt Wire (10m The Woeiated l'res
WIIKcs-Hiii 1 e, Aug 14 The eleven
bundled stilkets etnplojetl nt the
Wood vv a id mine of the I,ae k iwatuia
company, who went out two weeks iiro,
becnue the oillclals of the coiupan.v
would not allow a committee of 1'nlteel
Mine Wotkeis to examine w 01 king, or
union cauls of the emplo.vesi tetutned
to woik toda
The nie-n will allow their dlfieienies
with the eompaii to lemaln In abe
ance until the confeietue of the I'nlted
Mine WoiketH at Iialeton, on Aug
list 27.
Colombians in New York Doubt the
Stoiy of His Debt.
By Fielufti W'lre front The Asiocltted Preit
New Yoik, Aug 14 The lepiesenta.
lives of the Colombian Insurgents In
this clt although they have pot heaid
for several weeks fiom Oneral 1'ilhe
I'rlbe. do not credit the teport that he
was killed In a battle fought with
Venezuelan tioops on July 27 at San
Cristobal, Venezuela
They believe that (ieneial Pi lhe.
Tribe is In Coloniblo and updating In
the dcpiiitmentof Santandcr.
Five Men Burned to Death, Four
Drowned, Three Sulfocated
and Several Injured.
Tenible Disaster Two Miles oft tho
Cleveland Haiboi When the Fire
Btenks Out Twenty-six Men Obey
the Older of the Manager and
Take to the Water Heroic Work
of the Rescuets.
Br F.xebKlve Wire fiom The Aeclated Prcm
Cleveland, Aug 1, Klve men were)
burned to death, four weie dt owned,
thiee and pet haps four weie suffo
cated and seveial lujuied as the te
sult of a flic vvlilth do3ttood a tem
priarj "iitet w orks ct lb, two miles oft
the Clevelanel haibor eaily today, 'tho
dead so far as known aie:
Mflllt It HVs, limit nod, bwiv teeuvered
MMtK sv nut, ,, owned
Mfllll It IIVMIM.s, tiurned
Pl.t MVIHl ,10M,, MiKocititl.
.IdllN MMIIIM'. elioviniil
JOHN hOWOI.sM, dimvned; Imdi reooveiet!.
HlVIt t MDCMIIH I) VIKS, liuincd.
The injmed so fai as known aie:
.Kills t,l l.i:. proluhli a broken hxek, fatal
(1 II SVIUKKIv liurned aliout hnd and face.
( II VltM s Mil HI men nine hi ca In tunnel.
IIVMII hl.l.l.V, readier, overcome bv Ris.
Still iiiipiisoiied lu tunnel
VI("(lit lvVI H-VfVN. ( niton, piohably dead.
,inl l.l,(,IM,,,l eloa.l
AI1VVI hrs( probihli dead
Work of Rescue.
Tw out -six men obeyed the order oi
Manager O. C Van Dpiiscu when tho
llames bioke out, and took refuge In
the water on lloatlng pieces of wreck
age Knur of them lost their hold
upon their fi.iil Moats nnd sank be
neath the waves just as help leached
thcli comt tides. The crew of the tug
of the J It. s.piankle beard the flra
whistle blown from the cilb and raced
to the scene fiom the harbor. She)
picked uii eighteen of the survivors,
who had dilfted to the west of the
ttlb on their floats of boaids and
w lockage.
Van Dousen and tin co of his men
were hanglni,' lu the water fiom a
two-Inch Ilnesuspc'iiileel from the crib.
Just as tluy line was binning away
above tho idea's hands, a yawl boat
fiom the Ifaige AVIlhelm, manned by
two men, dashed Into the veil of heat
and smoke that enveloped the crib and
test tied the (out men on the rope, at
the tlsk of the boatmen's lives.
The men picked up in the water were
In ought to the c It j on the tug Sprankle.
Thev wen naked exhausted and badly
binned .Main of them weie cut by
tailing tlmbeis
The ct ib Is a total loss t was a
frame building, L'OOxiO feet, the sides
sheathed with lion. It contained valu
able mac hliieiy. It Is now a tharitcl,
shapeless mass- of vvieckagc and min
gled with the blackened tlmbeis aie
blackened, lusted and twisted pieces
and plates of Iron and steel
The ci Hi and lnachlneiv weie th
piopeitv of hhailer & Sidinlnglean, ton
ti. 11 tens. Tlieii loss will exceed $J0O,fl00.
The Mayor Indignant.
Ma.vor Johnson opicsscd gieat In
dim atlon todav, when he leal noil that
no boat or llfe-piPM'i veis weie pin
vlded n.s a safetv ineiiMite by the con
ti. ictois at the nib lie ileclaied that
the- 1 ist would ice five the closest In
vestigation unci that those found guilty
of negligence In the matter
would be- piosetuteel to the full'extent
of the law
Lite this at'teiiioon IMiinimer Jones,
of Wauen, (, an emploe of the tun
ned contiattois. anel one of a p.uty of
irseueis who dose ended into tin shaft
to look for the' missing men, was ovei
coine by bus and explied within a few
minutes His body lies In thp tunnel
71 leet tiom the bottom of thp shaft
and Is eoveicd with vv.itei. The life
line uttai bed "o the body bei ame
fouled and tuuld lint be pulled out
David Kellj, anothei member of the
lesiulug patt, was ovtiioine by gar
and is lu a piecaiious condition,
fly Meluvlve Wire from The toeiated Prexi.
NorrMoivn, N. ,t , ui? ltl,tore Kanou,
i-eeielarv lo the mriojite line, Im been chal
If need to flislit a tint 1 bv Ilioul Ii V ellee olher
ivl.e knoitn a Lord Ilioul Atthur Phillip ele Crn
tllli la Vallee. of lul Tlio loid mid (hit
K.inou-i had told luran .ml untrue Hone, ihout
lilm and ho nddreiurd t tlm uterNth Pitwh
tlnllence In hi cnemv lie told Kan mt to
mine tho llmo and place and vveipent lu leplv
kanmu aid:
"Vir nooiiio hanoiH etnl Im niewt dltin
KuUlic-il rouiiiituU In I oid, ell.. U Vallee and
accept the ilnlliime Weipon will be ancient
eu'K'. field am old pine, mine In leu'iid to time,
elulamv, pTffee "
The Irenilinnn rav lie will fljlit even if h
lu in descend tn rirc Kiipik, who ued to hn
1 lne lull pittlirr, w lint idler tho eluel hl
opouini will he di-Kcil-iil u an I1I-I1 omelette
leoi al dali for iniit II, V:
lbchet 111111101111110 '1 decreet
i oirst tempi mure n.' decrees
Itelaliie lluiiildilt
Ram M per eenl
p 11 ... . ... 61 per vent
Pin iui Hi, n. JI hours ended S p nl . none,
neither, pirll.v il.iuth
-f-t--f -f --f-t- -f-f --sV
Wiihinstnii, vuir It Forfrt for
ratlern Pennbania Cloulv, iins(tlei
weather, viltli oeeulonil rain Thurily
an 1 prilialdv Kridij , rulnir temperabim
I rlelar; Ire.Ii ent to toutheut wind.
t "f--t-t-t-t--f -ftt-t--t--t--f-ft