The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 14, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Ho Confirms Finally tho Roport of
the Viowars Condemning All of the
Factoryvllle and' Abington Turn
plko Which Lies Within tho
Boundaries of the County of Lacka
wanna Exceptions Fllod to the
Report Are Considered at Longth
by the Judgo in His Opinion.
Follow Inn Is iIip exlitiintlp opinion
handed down by I'lcMdcnt .indue 11.
M. Kduitid- in the matter of the con
demnation of the Knetoiyllle mid All
ltiRton turnpike:
Proceeding tn mndenin tlic urt of the abme
turnpike lomtod in LaikiHiitma oniiilt, vr
beirun by ietltion Wed Aui;iil 'JO, I'."'. S. p
trmbcr 26, )'", h the time fixed t' lorwldef
the appliiatlin for tlif ntpninltnont of tieir.t
Iho tleitcra mnl muter tro .ippiilntcd Oitn.iir
13, l'i", and tlic report ct the tlmei ion
ilemnlnfr all nf t io to'iiptki Mini In laikui.i.m.
rnmity tia Iliru aim iiinirinin m-i i i
1'ail. 'iwn rrt (it CAiiptlon were fll-tl, flic
fft by the turnpike minpint. mid the otlrr
liy thi Northern lloulei ird inmpani, wlm ililm
to own bv punliiv one .in.l wn lull mill "I
tho condemned turnpike, uhi.h It I
free from rutidcmtiiilon liv uavn nf the Hniile
tard not of l'.i'., I I. .fi
The turnpike In qiinlmii I pirlly Imilnl 111
twn ((.untie, Lukniaiint iiii'l Wjoiuliu; Hie
part In l-ukattiiini I helium mill and ulna
mllM In lrnelh: the p'rt In Wjnnilms Irum ln'l
., mile ti .1 mile !! whole of lli" P'rt
Wtoniliii? I louted In 1 liuniueli nrnl In"- '
toilcile. mnl. tinder tin- ait of I"", 1'. L. 31',
tan lute tn trlldte.
I, i:icptiun nf the .Northern lloulciaiil com
pany. Of tlire, ern rrlile n tlte Institution nf Ibe
muter, .nul lour to the npnrt ol the ii-i r
Tin) nrnl ml bo i ouildi 'cd npiritilv heiau-c
one' prltiiiplo nf 1 1' illp"i nf tin hi. 'II iy
rturil or I ill .'n.m.lni- to tlic ilnv no tike
nl one ipieatln-i nf Int I h. i,itlon I" til I
In the tllt rurptinn to the nporl of tk-iurs,
uhlili i III fullitv
lhe -ihl Juri nf urn- n. their fourth
fllnlitiK nf fait, tililili null folloua: "VI. We
fnil a 1 liwller of lul tint the I'm tori Mile
and .bliiEtnn I'liuipike mil I'll is Itmil ia l
turnpike rn.ul nr liiulini upon vihlih inllgitcH
re crrtteif. rfwl l"ll are ihirr I t'i tui
fllne pnlibe iln u-i nf mnl r.nJ hv Mitne
cf a nmhl .nl nf the ennui m. ml ly nf tie
remnionnr.illli nf IVumiliaiili, nppriiir.1 pril
IT, l''l. mnl the Mippteinrtit Ihiritn. dlA Hut
the lesnl miner nf Mhl liiinplki rnml nr hljh
njy l the r.irlnriillle mnl Mungton Turnpike
ik I'lnnk llnul (ninpani, II 1 Ni.rtlnip. preb
iltnt ami treiurer.'
iiir or -i in I'lM'
"Silil flnilmi; not ImiiL In mionliiiee mill
tie rililfiiie nr the '.i, the iiiieniitrnllitnl ib
ilucc hcf.iie the ile ir t tint purlieu "f
Khl tlirnnlkj rmil, t" n, tin liortinn In tin in
1 i.lce .. P.irl.rr'n iHmc at I hrk' 'uniinit mnl
tie little M i: ilinr. Hi t'hluihllll, i'llll
tiinctnn tOMn.liiii, H miiel In tin ioil'iiin
iliiulemril iniiipini. mnl bi 1i i imt R itie t
tn innilrnitiitiiui. 'lint the Nnrlhrrn llnuli i in!
lOnipiny in in .1111111. nprn. notou
ow ami hostile pnt-hm nf snH pnrtlnn nf roel,
n-l Inii bicn in po-i.einn thrrrnf finm Ihe
iMh ilay nf ScpteinlK-i, l'l, tin ilite mi nhnli
it imiihi-pil uhl pniilnii nf roail frmn Mnl
turnpike lempini unhr the prniinlnni nf rliiwt
?, fpetlnn .'. 1 f the ail nf Vth .tune, 1".i"i, nun
innnli known i the ltnulpi.ini ait."
One trmiiniw f the umili inneil liirupikc is it
"the little M II ihnri h it t himhill 1," Sou li
.Milncton timiihii, I.11 kni.inni (nuuty, 'Ihe
linulrnnl mnipinj (liinn to hue pun hi it
from the turnpike rniupuii 1 inih anil 1 Inlf
of the turnpike, lir-firminc at Ihe li rniinm tnt-n-tloneil,
Jiid cinllni; .H lrue .". I'nkir' t"ie
at t'lark' Siiiiimit. 'I In etijul nf Ihl all(i.eil
punhi-e rilnVntli n to eiirml Ihe line if
another turnpike Ir.ivul In the liotilii.irrl (oin
pnuy from the I'lmuhute .nnl hitn;ton Turn
pike cninpini, .inntliir loipniation, uliieh turn
pike eleinl4 finm the I'muileine Npnre In
Knrth Sirmtmi tn the "little M K 1 lnm h, '
ami ii four mile In length The rimlilune ami
Ablnctfn Turnpike ininpam, .nnl the l'utori
lille .nul .bllistnn Tuinpike iinipmi .lie two
The mtltii.ite nf ininrpontinn nf ihe Nnrlh
etn rteuleianl eoinpaii.i hi irs ilite vptfinlur
P. ltfO. 'lhn H the ilite of the flil foruul
niretine of the ininrpo,itor 'Hie ilnilrr, aller
pome ileliv, iai crant.1 (iitnhrr " l'" Hie
pnrpee of the corpontlon H fft forth n1 I"
in follinc' "The uhl loiporilion i fnniinl for
the fiurme of luiilcilic ami rnnMnii tinic an im
proieil loidiuv nr hoiiUiaiil, ami to lne and
purclnsn a turnpike 1 r plank read or roads ai
prniidrd by the ait of .m nihil approicd lime
W, I"')i, and it" supplnneni inl ronlnai to
pp made a irrind, inuiput driiiiiir loid of stone,
cuiel or other piopn ml innirnnnt nntrriil
5-iM reid.iv or hnuloianl is intimleil tn run
from I'loiidenre S.iuie in the i ity nf Sr.mton,
tn the (nul I M i; iliunh nnrlh nf the lilli.'e
of Uilnchllla, in the toim.liip nf Siutli Muni;
ton, I.ukii mm louut.i, 1 dirt line of not tn
ixiced tour mile"
llon.r.VAlil) A I
1h llojlriitd ,iit of lsQ"i pioihlis Hi it ior
poritlom nf the Miomi elusn inn be nidrd for
the puroe of (ouitriutiiu; mil mainlainun;
lioulrnrdi In tlilm uiiniiioniieiltli, the cipliil
of which rpiiipjnv khill (ml he Iis thin tin
thousiiul dollii per mile for inh mil- of mid
1 ii'tmitPil, It ah-i pioiulrs in soitioii a thit
tin ihnlrr nf ,1 Imuh 1 ird (oinpin.i nhill Mate:
(1), Tho Kind of impimed roidiiay or houle.
laid to be (oustiuLitil. til, lie1 phim fiom
and to whiiU uli iuiproinl 101d11.11 U in.
trndfil to luii, 'Ihe duih-r of the Vnrtliern
ItouUiard (oinpauv U in strut (nuiplnme with
tho ait of assi nihU, I iieiuhes the kind nf
liuuleiard the imnpniv intii 111U to i.nntunl, it
".'In- the teiiuinl 'rom Proinlnue "siiiiiie tn
the M. 1'u hunh at t him hilla, a dixmne nf
four null, and the lapitil is fixed ut siO.ium,
or in,oni ier mile.
'the houleiard umpmv pioirednl tn 1 irr.i nut
the puipoce nf it nuninii illnu bv lpiimr 1 1 mil
tile I'liiiideute iml Miin.-iou 'lurupike loinpmi,
on eptllllKr 21, I'-m, ihe whole nf lis turn
pike, four niiliK in length, for the tinn ot ("
rarj. On the Mine (li; it .is- acrppil In pur
ill is a mile and ,1 Inlf 1 f the I ulm.iiillc turn
pike for the miiii of ti,vm, imiti; fmi dmn
when tho ipreciuint na. riuneil on Hie nest iln.
Ily what outlinntt in law did the lioulri ird
(ompany make llm pun I an ' U Hie punh.ic
1 ilid, or ii it ultri n.' li is loulimled H111
cliuw S, of eeilioii .', f tin Itoiileiard ait ii
Fufticient authouli. Ihe il,ue teols lliii.:
"It trull be lawful for mhIi loiporiimus in oh.
Uin by purchase or lene. nm for .1111 iiirnpiku
oompanj' or plank mid 1 .iiipiui to rp or le.i.n
to any mjch tioulei ml mmiuiij. 1111 turuplko
er plank road or anv pwrnn ,,r uihir there if
nwntd by 64id tuinpike louipani or pi ink mad
cnmpiny, tupnn null teim- a nuy he mithorlrnl
by a majority in iw of 1 In ownu. nf tho
Hock in tha respn-tne ioniiinim "
Wo alio (,uote a put nf laiw ( in this ion
licitlon: '"iiuih linuleunl (otnpniiiii lull hue
the rlf-ht of eminent dounln for the purpi
of taVine and anpililm; am liml iuiiir.i tor
the location and (nrmtruitlnn of am 1.111 h houle.
rard for the purpose of widenini,' or Muleliii n
lPB thueof "
rowKiis 1 r i'o-i .i .
Ilp.nllnir these dausoa, a will aa fome of
the ntliii, In the ll,'ht of the exprtu purpnie
Of the corporation and the limitation in the
lit os tn termini, we innnot auihl the lonili
lion tint the poner crantcd in cUuo 3 are to
lie eiuied In conneittou with the boulevard
intend! I tn bo built and uliiih la fpciinYally
drfciil.i 1 in the charter. In othtr norda, the
horthein Uoulevard company una ineorpoiated
(or a Ui finite object, viz, to construit .1 houlc
tard troni I'roiidence Square to the t'hlmhllla
ehutch. .nul no farther. To ircompllih In oh
Jert, It iould build in entirely new roadway,
eondemnlne print property by the exeicite
of the power of eminent domain crintcd in
clauju 4, or. It could buy ir lioie a turnpike
or plank road alicady In oxlttence. Iln la what
the oompany did. It found the I'rmidince and
Abington Turnpike lultiMe for It" purpoe.
I'nder 1 la use li it lea-ed thla turnpike, mini;
thrie-fourtha of II- lapltal, J),Pm, in the tran
action. 'Hie prittlrgy alloired in clau'ea 3 and
i must be coiislderrd an auxiliary and autwr
vient to the pnutr Bunted by the rhaiUr to ion
Ktruit a certain rpeelBed bouletard. We can.
pot ipjiI the act in any other way. The othtr
cUiucd ct Millon 3 ot the ait auitaln thit view,
The director hate invtvr to build brldeea ner
all atrrama froed by "their bouletard." and
whenever the corporation t-hall haie flnbh'rt
Mie miles or more ol "uih Improied roadway
or bouletard," or If "tho entire bouletard'1 -hall
be of a Uorter dlalance, the court -hall ap
point lew era ami illrcit the imtlon ot toll
'I1iu., all thrniiRh the act, the reference la to
the particular bouleunl the mtporatlnn 1 o
L'lnlwd to lontt.-t.d If our tlew la not the cor
r.t one, then tho Northtru Itoultiatd cmnpiay
can buy or leaie etery turnpike or plank t md In
the -tate, without any further wnirlly than the
in,nuO per mile proildea In the iharter for the
bulldlntt of a four-mile boulciaril. Such an In
lirprrtatlon of ilu-e a would be, to .iv the
lrt. doubtful, and f doubtful Rrant nf power
to a corporation doe" not exist. As lllaiif, V 1 ,
aia (n Commonwealth ti. Ilrle H S. II. It. It.
Co, 2" !'a., .ti'li "If J on awtt thit a 1 orpin
tie,n had certain rtitlleire, ahmir tu the uonlt
of the leglalatiire confcrrlno; them, raillnc In
thla, .ton miiat Kite up jour dalm, for nnthlnt;
elae tan ponaihly aiatl oii. A ilonhlful iharter
ilnr not cxltt! beiaue whateier I? doubtful U
(Icelnliely aalnt the coiporallon "
Ihla rule of utriit eonatrintion of eoiponte
powna ia Riiin by llillon on Munleipil li.i,
aeetlon SI, fourth edition, in thee woula: "It la
rqmllv applicable to prant ff powria to miitii I
pil and pl.hllc bndle" whlili are out nf 'he
li.ual t.intre, or whhh maj reault In ptiblle bur
rtena or whlih, in their exrrdie. toueh the lUht
to liherly or property, or, a II mil be 10m
pendlouily rxpreel, anv common law right of
the iltlren or Inhabitant "
On examination of the ntaiter' Inatrnetlona to
Ihe jury of ilew, we rind that he adopted a dlf
ferrnl oonatructlnn of the law. He held thit the
bouteimil ininpanv had the Tlulil tn purihie,
and to hold free from condemnation proeieillins,
the mile and .1 Inlf of the V'aetorjiille lunipi-
in euiitioier, if the conipmi had made 'h
pun Inn brfoie Auif Ii, VK, when the petition
in thla (ie wn flleil, but tnat rums mide tin
pun h lie In Vplemher, IMit, the (niuptny ha 1
linuirhl mibjeit to the rlirht of inndrmntti in
We think thla waa an error, but it ta an
that does; not atTeit the bouletard (orupint
Whichever tini la to be liken, either la fatal to
the lomptiii
Tor the reason allied the exception" f tie
Northern lloulei ml nimpiny are oier-rubd
2 Kiieptlona of the r'actoryulle mil Aliinslnn
Tuinpike innipHiiy.
Ilefe exiiptloiis ire thlrteer In number ihe
firt, phi ml and rlchtli relate to the M.iie ih
Jet r matter, and ehould be eonildeted togeHior
Seil ion A of the i t nf June 8, 1. I, WVi, reiiurei
the Jure to report, Inter alia- "Whctliir or n. t
the entire turnpike, roid nr hiuhiwy ia local d
In the pititloiicr"' loiinti, and if not. Ml it i.
pnrtinn ii no loiated. ami whither nr not it ia
br the best Intrreati nf the mple in the pell
lionets' (ounlt for the tumpim, mad or huh
wni, or a pirt thereof, to be made free from
loll- and toll inte-i, ami whtlhrr er tint 'he
mine l rondcuili'd by Midi Jurv el iciv for
puhlli- use, free from toll, and toll Rilei, and
if the whole of and turnpike, road or hiehaay
It Inir in the petltlonera' inunti ia not condemned,
hut nnl.t .1 put Ihireof, then meh part luill be
ilenrly 1I1 itliltnl .mil ilenrihed: iml In wlnih
leport i-lnll be .ittnhed a map nr drift of mid
turnpike roid Minwini? ileflnlieli the point be
tween whii h tin mine ia inniliniied for public
use for the turnpike, roid or 1 trliwn, or part
thiriof. If Ihe "line lull ha inmlemned tor
piiblu ut in nfoicMid "
The imp altuhed to the petilion i m.t 1
map of the entire road, but of that portion only
hint: In l.aikaw inni county It inmhl hin be, n
iliMrible, in the cine at lnr, to lave hid 1
map nf the whole road, but eertaint.i it is not
CN-mllil The put of the roid to be condminid
ia the whole or part of the roid lyine in pen
tinners' countv. The newer" had no jurlsduimn
over th part of the road lnne in W'jotnlnir
(nunlj. It Is true the ait ana that tlure fhall
be ill uhed Io the nporl "1 map nr diaft of
Mid turnpike rnnl", but the nbjpit nf the mip H
to how "drnuittly the poluia between w-hn h
the -line ia (omhiuned for puhlie tiie " The ob.
Jeilion ia at b(j.t of a teihnual riiaiatter, il
Ihoueli it l mule eiidinllv for the purpoip nf
b'lilinsr in i pnhiulnirv wni- to an nlijeeiion
nf a inoie suUtintul clnr.n ter, whnh it 1 used
bv the third exreptlnn, aa follow:
"Ihe repnrt and protedm are Irregular in I
mid beiaiise bv the verdiit the prilinn of the
r.iilnrtillle ami Milnitt jii turnpike and pi ink
mnl liirur In the rnuntv of latiktwauni la mn
ihinned and dim IP t lie iwardid for lint por
tinii, al picht tlinijs.inil live hundred dollar Ihe
riui.iindrr of I lie turnpike aa shown bv the oil
dinip of 11 W Norlhup, president of tie minium-,
lie within the horonah of 1 iclnrvvllle.
1 ndcr the Ait of June H. ls'H .. .jco, the
lrinalnder nf the roid is woilhless to the iom
pint. Tho ait of 10,1 prohibit in u-e a a toll
ronl Tin- respondent Ini no n medv for the
iliiniL'i'H 1 nisei! bv the t ikinz mil trccinst tint
jviitloii of the ronl from toll."
s tated, a small put of the I-.11 torinlle turn
pike, the upper end of It, and about three Mien-
tomtln of 11 length, w in a Imroush in W.m
mini: county, wh'ie ihrie I no toll cite. The
toll wire all colli 1 ted in I.nViwinni countv
lliulcnee wa admilled a tn the emilnr 1 ipa.
eilv of the road for the purpose of shnwins: the
nlue of the frinilnie Ihe eirntnc, under tho
peiuliir conilition of Ihe roil, were neicsiril.i
Ihe rinilnE of the whole road, In both counties,
Iln biine the i.e. how 1111 the turnpike oin
panv lomplalii Whit other earning inpniti
could It llOw than w 1 aituillj pioien? time
thin tin eiidciue w 15 idinittnl, iiiuhr obie
lion. hlniMliiff the to-t it the part nf the roa 1
lo ited in iitmnfnir toiinlv. We quote from the
tn-limotiy of Mr. Northup, on re-din it (Mimiiia
tli 11:
M.i'i: ok j 111; i v.i:r
Hi- Mr 1'iue-Q Wlnt la the talue of tint
portion of the rojil in Wyoming count, if the
poitlou of tin rmil in laiil.awanna count 1 con
deninid? Hi Mr llolirile-We nhjei t to that
llv the Miler-I will admit It; note an ex
ception and eoil a lull for the petitioner.
I rllftlllll 11,1 to $I,IKI.
(J How iould ou put a toll cite on It? "Jup. 1011 (oiihln't put a toll jrilo on It? Then
it wouhlu't he worth nnvlhlnc
111 Mr. Hnlaato W'e ohjet t to tint.
Ilv the Misier- dnilt It. Nolo jn exteptlon
and 'al t bill for the pititlonTe
. II it pot ivoilh uiivthinir If we (in't put
toll Kite there when it I i ol detuned.
Ill a lewir How- could tnu put a toll t'ate
there? We iniildn't put one there. If he hid
lilt 11 i few rudi this Mo nf the line we misht
put one up.
TaMinr thi testlinonv and lint 1 Io the ciin
Insr if the roid (lid the telue of the ttutK, tn
Billier Willi the ln.ti-uitlont of the mister 1 to
the measure nf dam mea, we are of the opinion
tint the whole ronl md It value falilv be
fore the Miwire. We coiuede tint it ua the
duty of the Jur Io take Into (onsuli ritlon the
(tint nf ll.e lOii'luiui iti.111 of the p,ut of the
mnl IiIiil' in 1,11 km 111111 inmitv on the reunin-
lin; put of the turnpike If the turnpike minium-
wauled more epet Hie liistiudinna on thit
point they hliould have lnpiepil Hum from fie
I in liv Hill cut pi mn I In the,n of the
niiiiin nude to Hie loiiiuiouivt ilth hi- offiipM
nf Iho turnpike louipinv a to the v line nf Hm
muipiuv' piopeiti Thi ipiiilou i sellled in
Wit t holer t'n, ii- IliPistir rmintv, IsJ 'a III,
win 11 It i licililed tint "In .1 pronpdiiu to iui.
fir! iln the 1 due of a luiupikr roid taken hv 1
count, leltiin mule bv the ofliiera of the com
pill In the Mate authoiitiia tire louipelenl eti
tli me on the pill (if the loiint, a to the value
ol the tuinpike innipim't lapilil M'hI, and any
nne nr more of mkIi lelurn iinv be olfricd In
(ihlniie vvliliniil olfirini; Ihe nther" Tim i
(ited aNo uivee tin rule a to the meiiiire nf
ilauiuse. and It wh followed In aulnt inee by
the nustir in hi inslriidlnni tn the Jur.
-v. i
C -s s?s Ml iiMtjmiiiifi 1 '-'
S s41l Vv5: JHI ' ("lliiitimii I j
a fwiWjjggSMMi B IWil W,
' IsvJe." JitkJ-i I..,.. i. m n ... .w-rft Wt F F'Vi I'Rjii
a 'akgwdpB m Mm b
" A'SsVft aWaWUl--WVaWT.l m EL' I LJ I
ia 1 V" ii I "'! fM ' fc jm mi -t tf afa 1I U fl aM IL""" i r1TV-Wlws - " "- -no
-" ?lvdr'iiiM-Mr'iiiiBMrvri-H-i-TiBlnT
L sfiSil,('F'l,lwaaaiair i HJ '-iJ i -U H flX JjJi. JIN 'lllBwaO laViU?J -O aiiiiiBI " "1
- - - - ITiadlll I " I
ill " V Niw. "Sis .' . " i--WHiHi I , ,J
JJ " 1 ' --iaik.ijaijjiiitaiijiA?a.i
, s -sii5 ja;
Guernsey Hall
Is Headquarters for the
Leading High-Grade
Pianosand Organs
Guernsey Hall is well known as the
most liberal Music House to deal with.
Prices are always low, terms easy and
goods equal if not superior to any in the
market. Every instrument is thorough
ly guaranteed.
bndiihd i
laaa J
Short Ends
of Silks at About
Half Price....
Waist Lengths,
Skirt Lengths,
Dress Lengths,
Trimming Length
Pianos are a few of the many beautiful
and celebrated instruments that can al
ways be found in stock.
Special bargains can be secured here
almost every day in the week on Pianos
and Organs that have either been re-
x turned or left on sale by parties leaving
the city. You can often secure a $350 or
$400 Piano for less than half that amount
of money by calling here at the right time. It will pay any person who is desirous
of purchasing a Piano to take advantage of these rare opportunities. j
g The public is invited to call here before buying. g
3 N. B.-There is but one Guernsey Hall in the city of Scranton. Guernsey J
H Hall is located near the Central Post Office Building, !
I J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor. f
Silk Ends
All Reduced
At tho close of a successful season
of Silk sclllniT we llml in Mock many
short onrli of Silk, nrnl odd Dress Pat
terns of 1'uul.uit Kiitliin fltni Silks.
These to nre iloteimlnorl to clisposo of
nt onie, If liCLCsaaiy at n Rteat sac
rifice. Foulard
Silks, Satins
All thit fco.tson'a selected patterns,
front (he American and forelRn
manufacture! 5, In Dress, Skltt and
Waist length?, nt f.Oc and uptsard.
rteduecd fiom Tec and upward.
Fancy Taffeta Silk
In Lace Stilpei, Taney Stripes and
biBtiro, In Walt and Skirt lengths.
At Mc and upw.ud.
ISeduced finm $1.00 and upward.
Wash Silks
We have only a few styles left. In
pl.ildi and sttipos, 19c and upward.
Reduced from SOc and upward.
HauRhlon, of St. Mink's church, Dun
tntc. A l.tiRo nutnhet of ft lends of the dead
ni.ti, ImltiillnK all of hit i datives re
sidltiK in this city, met the remain, at
the station Hiid accompanied them to
the Ir last toting pl.ue. A numher of
especially elilioi.ito floral pieces, the
mftt of fi lends, tieie laid upon the
casket by hnlng hands.
The pall In.neis wcie I'dttiu Il.un-
,itd, T. rcllows Mti-on, Dr. I.ettlr
Ktcy, .lohn Pii'-enlnii'y, 1 S. firnlfrey
and IM. Jcttinn. The llowcis weio
iMiiled by lhigeuo ileelcy and Jacob
Sihl.iser, jr.
Tli aivlli cvcfinloii la Imluilcil In tlic ei.p.
llona lllcil In tin' lioulitaiil loiiipini.
IIip f.tiirtli, tiftli, seicntli, iilnlli," tinlli, flir.
rntli nrnl thlrtpontli exception (flier tlio ailim
'im or rejection of etlileni ami the ueislit .ml
ftfnt nf Hid etiilcntH. We do not i oiialner tlieso
exiepilon Impoitant. We luii- rllimsscti nt
ine lenctli tin1 only c-ccptiona argiicil bv (Oiiii.
The eihlence In thla iae ia tolmnliiou. We
hue exitnliiecl II uufnllv anr e nre aiil.fleit the anard of the ileum Is fairly amtalncij
In the testimony mil the lau Ml the exieptinnj
are oicr ruled and Hie report of tlm lienor t
i-ontiiincd lliially.
Retnaini of Former Scrantonlan In
terred In Forest Hill.
The remains of tho late Walter I,.
Tripp, fotmerly a jesldent of Siran
ton, who died in San Diego, t'al., some
weeks ago, arrived In this ilty yctitei
day afternoon n weie tHken dltectly
to Korest Hill cemetety, theie funetal
services wcio conducted by Rev. K. J,
Pauline Wten.r, of t .s Wuclit'a it.iirt, reitcr-iln-
i iuei Hie anet of Pull Milntire, iiliom
slu (Imil'ccI rntli tlisnnlerlv lotidu-t. Maci.tri'e
II mo iliniisstil the ias? alter a licarini;.
I'all-illn in 1'iter lliieit.i fnuiul a ioat iiith l
fine folil H.itih in tt 'i K. t in Hie Helm ire
ami Hinlsoii i in! inly Mondij iiioriini:. lie
mw a man tiilhoitt .1 mil ne ir the sl.illon i
fm horn lufme in a r-liithtl.t nilnxii ited ion.
ihluti and In lines the mat did tiatili hcloriR tn
D L. & W. Board for Today.
Following it the make-up of the D.,
. & W. hoard for today:
11 I'MUV. A I iil-1' it.
Wild ( il, isl- ji in , .lohn Wjrit. II. tilth
('. . Iluiin' din , in p. hi , (lcor't Thomas.
WI.HMMiW, Ml. I si' II
Wild I'll, 1. isl -I ..' a in, U 11 Lallimcr,
uitli Willijiu Ktilia'- urn. S .1 in, 1", K.
stiw us; t a in, .1. . Hm-Ii; s n. in, V. II,
Unite; in a. in., O. ltianiet; II a in, I! 'I'.
stiples, p. in, II. IVi.lir, uilli lllsliln,'" neiij
.' ii. in , . 1'. Mullen; n p. in , .1, J. Mnnay,
with .1 . Hi line's ric
siiiiiniitii, l,ti-n a. in, r.ij.1, ,l. cm lite: s
a in, uist, li I'lonnft Iker; II a. in, not,
M liiinttli, (1 p in, eat, I. MoDnniicll;
S p i ((, W II Niihnlsi 7 p ni , ij-
An.', I' Mi Milder; 7 p "l , C tn:i, Tlionip
miii. 7 p in , Clill.'i, M. Clnh .
1'iislirn. a. in, llouaer: 10 a. in, S fin
nerti ; 11 SO a in, Monni 7 p in, Muiphy,
9 p in , lamplnc, lf p in , A. i Mener
i'ass, ncer 1'njuie -7 a. m , flaffm i , 7 a. m ,
smcir; III a in, T. Yinniin, 10 a in, iior,
7 p in. siiniin: i p m, Milimun
Wild Ciij, Wist "i a in , .1 II Mil'inn, 7 a.
in, M ( .niiioilt , in,i. in, li'lui (iahi.-in; It a
in . ) llimlnlplii I p. in.. C. KiiieMej . '1 p in ,
lloir, tilth (I Cw'j; ireu ; !l p in , 'I. Mi Ciillii ,
I p in, M "tiple, tilth Kilihun' ( ren ; b p.
Ill , I), mil it. m, li p in , I . Wall,
I Mi II huh II mnl rriiv lull Mle their nin
on li a in. tuld i .11 u.- II,
Willimi hlihy will mn J. .1. PulTy's new on mn' trip, ul-. 11
lliakiman (.'. A. .lohnuni npnrtt for 0. T,
lli.iki iitm I P (.luiii irpnts fur .1. lush.
8 ppinrc;
O (I I Q ? ggmgggg 42j-rari
In the Great Dissolution Sale of Griffin Si Collins,
which opens on Monday, 12th inst., you can get the great
est bargains in Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing that
has ever been offered in this city. All goods must be sold
regardless of cost, and all who know the grade of goods we
handle should certainly take advantage of this opportunity,
which may never come their way again.
"Every garment must be sold."
Special slaughter on Boys' "Knee Pants" and Chil
dren's Clothing.
Lackawanna Ave
Manuracturofs or
486 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telephone Call. 2333,
Lehigh Valley Railroad,
In I ITect June J. l'U
'li.iiiu I.raii! Siiantoni
Per riillatlelphia and New Voik ill D k II
. l, at fl 5 and 0 .IS a in, and 2 15, 4 ii
(lllails l.tprivs), am) n ;a , ,, ,.
(lata, P. i II. II. . 27 p. in
for White llaim, HazUton and principal
points in the coat nvloiu, m I) H. it .
tl IJ, 2 IS and -' 1' l'" I'ott.iillc, U 15
111 , 2.19 p. in.
1'or llcllilihcni, I aslon. Ileadine, Harrlihiirs
and principal Inteiinciliatc ftation la ) & i.
It It., 6.15, M '" i '-1. -7 (lllatk Dil
mond Enpic"), 11 M P. " frundaja, 11, A. J,
It It., u as a ni , tan, n,n p ni
V'or TnnUiannoik. 'louaurta, l.lnilra, Ithaca,
Reneta and principal Inteiincdiali. statioru, tu
p , L k W It , M0 a m , and J 10 p. in.
l'cr (leneia, ltotheslcr, llutTalu, Niagara Kail,
Chliaso and all point neat, via I) I- II It rt ,
7 I. 11 M I" ' '-" J - ("lack HUin'iiiil 1.x
mitt), 7 IS. 10 41, II .0 p. m, Mjndaja, I). A. II.
It It , 1155. 8 27 p m
1'iillniaii parlor and aleeplnj er l.ehlch Valley
pallor lara on all tialtw between Wilke Harm
and .Sen toik, I'liiladcVJiia, Iluffala and but
pention HilJse.
1101 I.I.N II'It, (lent, hupt., M Cortland
Irrct. New oik.
CHAIU.I.S s 1.1,11, (Icn. I'aw. ArI,, C8 Cortland
at reel. New oik
A W. NnSNKM.MTI'J', IMv. I'asj, Act , 4uth
llelhlrhrm, I'a.
1'or tlekela and rullnian reaertatlona apply to
S09 Lackawanna aiinuc, biunton, I'a,
Dclawate, Lackawanna and Western
In l.llect Auc II, l'Hil
'liain leaie .siunloii nn New mk i I in,
,1fi, A Vi, 7 .0 .iml 10 Hi a ni . I-' l'i. .1 ii.
.', I"i, .Mm and iO p in I in New mk and
I'liihdilpliu 7 al mil 1nii a m . and 1.' I'l and
I l"i p in. I'nr 'liibihanna M 0.1U p in 1 r
Iliillalo I IA, i 2J and 'Mm am, 1 .J' .. AJ. . nl
and 1 1. l'i p in 1 ni linich union and tiai rt i
Hon 1(120 a ni and IU. p m For O-iiun.
Miauisi- and I tua -I li and n li a in , 1 ..o
and J..U p. in. Osvieun, Sjiaiu-o ami Lli a
1 1 .nn u il ii i in dill.i, enepr Mmday. 1'or 100 a, in , I 'i and 7.Ci p. in
Miliolsnn aiioniinoiliilin I ml and B 15 in
lllnonisbiirj Hit iririit I nr Noiihuinhiriind, tt and jmvj i in . I in and i. in p. in rur
I'lunuiith, al K o a in , .."' ,md nn, p in
.sinulii Piaina-lVr Ncti ork, 1 10, .1 Ol, 5 Vi
and 10 IH a. in ; .1 JO. .1 l'i and A " p. m Kor
lliiflaln 1. 1', and li JJ a in ; 1 .0. .1 A.', 7 01
and ll.1i p tn Kor llinsh.imtoii and wo Hi
tioiis o tvi ,,i,i io -JO ,i. in llluoiitstiurs ilnlslon
l.iaie N.tantun, 10 nl a in and (110 p m,
Delaware and Hudson.
In l.fteit June 0, 1001.
Train for Caihondala leate scranton at r):"0,
S-00 :53, 10 U u. in. l.'.u), l; 2;, 3.3J,
V"0 0:25, 7.37. H.13. U'-O p. in . 1-lh a. m.
T'o'i llonc.tlale and Lake Lodore, 0 20, mn a.
m J 44 and " J'' I1- nt.
r'oi W like. llane-U 15, 7.19, 8:11, ft;.!?, 10:41
i in, 12 0J li!. i.l. -''I, 4 J7. 6.10, 7,b,
irt-41. 1 1 :c.u p m
i'or 1. V. II. point. 0:15. o.Ji a. ,n , 2.18,
i -17 and 11:30 p in
'or l'(nnoltnU It. R. polnla-d.5, O.j?, 2.U,
3ii1 and 4.27 p. ni
For Allan nJ " lilnli north a. m.
and J. 3-1 P- '"
ana o.j. v .usnAV -jn MNS
I'or rarhondale 5.50, 11. Ul a m, 2. II, 3 6.',
5.AJ and lO.-' I'
Vor Wilkea Itane-ti.SS a m 12.UI, 1.53, J.23,
6,i and 8 4J p m.
Kor Allunj and pnlnU north .1 52 p in.
For llm.r.ilale and Lake. Lodor 8.30, H,"3
a in and 3 03 P nt.
Centrnl Raihond of New Jersey.
Slalion In New i ork 1 oot of Liberty atrect.
' II and "-iuiIi 1'crr;
riMI. HUH"- ,s ll'l'fl' '" M" I. 110
Trim lcaie "s. laiiton fir New nrk Nmirl,
rilialiclli. riiilnlelphia. laumi, ll.thlehcm, M
t.nii.un Miuili I hunk and Whit, llaien, jt s ,-,
a in , ( xpr .. 110. iin, loi p m sun
.in 13 P m.
1 or i'lltnton and Will.e ll.rie, 8 , , , i-10
anil 4f' " feiiml")!.- 1J I' m
lor lliltunoie and Wa.shln'ton and poln'
smith and Wc.l tla lleihlihrm. 8 '.A a. m , 1 to
Vor Lons Hiamh. fieaii (itoic, no, at 8 5 j
a in Ithroiuli i""-1" -1"1 ''" P '"
Kor Itetdin-'. Ulunon and HarrMnirs, ill Al
lditonn, 8" - m' ani1 'W P' '"' 61"JJ.
" l'orr'l'o'ltMllle, 8 55 a ni , 1 10 p. in.
Tor .Mountain Vn. --'J -t- -. 1 10 and 4 no
'Nh'roiieh tlikel to all point ea-t, tmitli and
irat ut lowest ntca at tin- Matmn
Now York, Outavio and Western
n,.n Table In 1 Tcct Mndjy, June 2J, iii,
'lnnc ia"" vnuill hui'nii
Trail a.
No. 1
-so. J
so. 7
Li an
11 10 a. in i w ,, ,
( IslliCnri
t" a in
10 10 a m
Kt anion
nt m .i. in.
I oo p. m. 4.11 p in. (, r) .,
' niu ii I" - '-irbnndale., 0 it, n
' "' ' s(IL'lll-HOLM). '
l.adJia. Cnbondale
. 7.i a, ni.
N- " "' c in j ni. 10 01 a. in.
i0 -J . I' ' 0"P ' nil. m
I.e...- ..... m ,H
irantnn. arhondalc. ( a,0lU
f ,Aia. in. .""' "' llid m
7.VJ) li. in. A albiindale.. 7 j n .
MlLlll-nOI'MI ' '"'
l.P,io ,.l'l,"us, , Arrlio
Cadi-kU. Lalb, ndalc. Sianton
. oo am, 7 io ,. ,
.Op in. 0 mi p in ii -, , ,;
So. 0 i
No, 5 .
0 .
, ii ,. tn n no n in
o 10 .. "'I , j '" , '
lUlnl o I. - - j- ";. f. nil Min
j.!. main line connntiom f,r v,,.. ....
int.' Itlia, Hitflda, 0.iici:.j and inteiniedlato
'"iraini Noa uii'l '! Walton, iiht u4,n.
ilcn and Milnr ioiineiii..i,
Kor ftu llicr ii'fniiiiatliui .onmlt Ihket asenta.
J. (', NHI.I1I)N, (1. I'. , .New 0,k.
J. U. WKLbll. T, '. A., bcranton.
Schedulo in Effect Juno 2, 1001.
Tiains leave Scranton:
0.45 a. m., week days, through ves
tibule train fiom Wilkes-Barre.
Fullman buffet linilor car and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsville; stops at principal in
termedlate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Hnrrisbuig,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and fov Pittsburg and tho
0.38 a. ni., week days, ftv Sunbury,
Harrlsbuig, Thiladelphw, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
2.18 p. r.i., week dnys, (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.), for Sunbuiy, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Bnltimoie,
Washington and Plttsbtng and
the West.
3,33 p. m., week days, through ves
tibule tiain fiom Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor enr and
coaches toPhiladelphia viaPotts
ville. Stops at principal inter
mediate stations.
4,27 p. m week days, for Hnzleton,
Sunbury, Harrlsbuig, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
J n III rt IIINsdn', On M;r.
J II. WOOD, On Pan AKt.
Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division,
raln d r llaulo and Interinedlite pulni l,
Kiiuton ai billon. No 8, 7 10 a in Vi. ,
x ,'J a. in . "to- ' - -1 !' '" Nn- ' -'o p. in
No 2 and I thinuili train tor Nen oik
' Airttal' .No. I. Is a in ; Nn ,1, pi in a m
No A, a 1 P- ni . Nn . !' P in li una .Nna.
A and 7 are lialm (iom New oik.
lipaituie No. JO. li a. in.i No 22. J, p. in.
ArrlwU-.No. 21, 1J.13 p. m.; .No. JJ, b,13p, 10,
General Agent for tho Ujomii.K District for
Dupont's Powder
Mininj, niatinc. Fportins, mol eles and tha
ltipaunn Cheinnal Company's
t-afctj KuiC, Cup and 1 xplodci. Iliom 401 too
ncll lluildinj .Mtantcn.
THO"? Konn
JOHN R JsMllll K -ON .
W li JILLl.ltJVN
.... Pitllinn
PI mouth
Wilkes Ujii
The Blues
Is oiib slxitiit which foretell physical
dc.ay Another is pile lift less xkiti
ThetnusclesslitiiiWnud become flaU
b the loly liceom-s emaciated, and
there i an ctrly tcndeiiry to round
shoulders The step licVs elasticity,
tlic neries liccnme weak; mental and iclli ity area hurden
This condition is called A'i' De
bility; it is cured by the us of
They feed the liutiKry nene. revite
the weakened orcans and raite life
brifililer nud hweiter to any tnan or
romati who has sufleied from physical
1 (V) per box II bnje fwith legal
ctiar.iutti to- me or refund the monej),
C-'iOl) llnnk Irer l'i M. Ml mc!IB
Co, Cleveland Ohio.
For tale by John II Phelps, Pharmacist, corner
Wjcmlni; at mio and bpruie street.
nr.oTi:Tin; namk.
R ZA A, 1 4 ItRl- W.iMUU.t lit
a W aJ mtlr. 4.tirilMtfl rrt- Uuhy i-mII I'rlttU
T vX4 li--vt, tiff. 4huf, nioml 1 ioh, Hi-r-g,
((193 lhllilr,Inl 1tnhiM.1(Wr(rurrl Ahtrlftiaria
lVJJJI-rS """ w1iflpmwti .t hrnkrn (lrfa,
LtiMh ff rurftj 4 lu Id fl-fc. Mi jrat-t ntrtlr! A A yntti
IbftiftlUl Mt-r.rPr niifrtnmj. Aa1 for hn 'Trlh"Ml
lpoalnc (rrf mrHli-atl 4 Irrlrtt. fru K Hvtllon tttii pr.T
:--.. i ! i-t-i 4