The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 14, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Auction Sale of Horses
. i i!iiurii,. i :!!.! jwiaai-nn! rn'ini'i'i. !T31.i!i .iwii miin
.-s,,'J"i' . "fNiflrlio'JVTCIMjmwara
Thursday, August 15
At Cusick's Stables, Washing
ton Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Special in th f"iinin Tribune.
Touand.i Auar H.-'-Wllkes-Barre."
n dmible boat of l.iryo sUo and equipped
with all tlu- paraphernalia for a first
rla.i niis-e. startid from Towanda
dovui th Suso.uebanii.1 to ri
yrtetrlav forenoon. The party ronslst
r 1 nf I'mf. Ale.nuder, Ad.nn Turkeo,
II 11 Himhes, T. V. Calfery, II. C,.
I run .1. I.ewls, James oxford and
B. Milloi. of Wllkes-B.ine; I'ette-bonf-
"f W'.vomliiR, and C. S. Knapp, of
Pkiniv .' Ivlilj.
Oppenheltn's oreliestra. of Wllkes
T..itp. will furnish music for a hop at
th I.nkrt WesauklliB hotel next 1'riday
p enniKT.
Bradtoiil county's shnro of the state
,. hnol -ippioprlatlon this year amount
ed to Jho.l.MSl.
Th" stoi Uholders of the Br.idfonl
Countx Tobacco firowers' ashociatlon
have derided to puichnse the factory bulletins, for the pur
pose of iouertlliK It Into a storehouse,
and will soon be put In shape for tin--year's
Th' ld.idfnrd county sobllero' and
pallors' riv .niipniciu will he held on the
Bast Towanda fair grounds next week.
flMHShrippor are lining coimlderahle to huikubeat In the western
part of the county.
It 1 (Uirently reported that a new
l.nlllqli Valley station will soon ln
ere, t. 1 In Towanda, and the same to
be r a more tunvcnlmt iiart of th
tow n.
Ti.i Boniona (IraiiKc of Bradford and
Piilllt.iu counties will bold Its next
meeting at Went Franklin, Auk. "'.
Th net annual reunion of the fam
ous foil' Hunched and Korly-llrst regi
ment will he luld at Montrose on Wed.
noj.d.i. Aug. i.
Tnc .imiiial lounlon of the Biadford
ci'tinty Bitrlotlc Older Sons of Ameri
ca is bidding a two days' session at
l.nst Stnithtleld. The speakers are:
Stite .secretary Willi. nu Wound, of
Philadelphia; State Master of Forms
M' .1. Xoll, of Myprstoun: State
Preinlent '. A. Ilu-lett. of Philadel
phia, and other Imnl orators.
What is- Mtppospil to be gold has
been found In Atheim township, at n
depth of j,Vi feet. The dirt has been
forwarded for Insjiei tlou by nss.iyprs.
Th' annual ioucmiou of tho Fho
Count Volunteer Firemen's hssih l.i
tlon was largely attended at Troy last
"Wednehdar and Thursday. The p.u
adf was held on the closing clay. Tin-
result oi (iiH.'I'i'lU races was as
follows- Brlye drill, Fi'.inlclln Steamer
companj. of Towanda: hose raie,
Mantuas Hook and Ladder company of
Towanil.i, Ti ltms, of Tunkhan
nock, second, and H.ube's, of Wells
boro. third. The tlrst try wns a tie
between the Audnx. of Wyaluslng. ami
Mantuas. of Towamla. the former be
ing In the .second ! eat only behind half
a seiond The hub and hub race was
won by Bache's, nf WelUbom, ami Au
fla nf Wjaluslne, capttlied hecriud
prize, ihe third money being divided
between ihe Mantuas and Trlton. The
pla e nf ne.t convention was left wi
de, ldr 1
The l-neyvlllp base ball clrb win
cross b,i with the Towanda Athletic
team on the South Towanda grounds
next s.i'-.irtay a.'ienioon.
The . olored people of Wllkes-Barre.
Tunkhannnck and Montroso will join
with their Towanda brethren and hold
camp meetings at the South Towanda
nriving park on Sundays, AuK. IS anil
Mrs Bridget MeCue died nt the home
of her on. M. J. McCue. last night,
agfd 70 wars. Five grown-up children
survive her. one lenff a son. Jams
McCuj, of Scranten,
A reception will be given F. B.Welles,
of France, nt the public lihmrv tonior--ow
evening, of which he was tho
At a meeting of tho executive com
mittee held yesterday. It was decided
.to close the Susquehanna Collegiate
Institute for the school year at least
and the probabilities are longer. Th
Institution was chartered May 13, isin
and on July -I. IS.Vi. the coiner stone'
vas laid. It was completed In 1S54, aiei
m Sept. 6 was opened with tho Rev.
B. F. Colt as principal. During In
existence of forty-eight years nearly
&.000 persons have iccelved their edu
cation. Back of support of the general
public and necessary repairs is tho
reason given for Its abandonment.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
New Mlirnrd, Aiifj. 13. Mrs. E. B.
Moss visited irlends In Montrose last
Mrs. P. n. RepIOKle nnd daiiRhter,
Mildred, are guests of her parents, Mr,
nnd Mrs. K. A'. Tritmhull,
Miss Ella Peck Is In Alforrt spend-
UlXmVS "t.3M- 3iSin4asSal
Ing a few days with her aunt, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. B. i Tour jo spent
Friday of last week at Maple Beach.
Miss Inn. Bynearson, of West Lenox,
Is a guest nf friend In town.
Mis .Maude Tiumbull spent a por
tion of last week with Wayne county
on Fildny, Aug. o0, the Prohibition
party of Susquehanna county will
meet In thH place for the purpose of
electing n county committee and nom
inating a ticket for the ensuing clot
tlnn. V.. S. flarratt and wife, Mrs. Lain.'
Badger and sun Fioil, and Mrs. F. K.
Bxerett and daughter. Helen, spent last
week camping at .Middle Lake.
Mrs. L. AV. Monic rei vitly cntoi tallied
Mr. and Mrs. John Moirlson, of Ithaca,
X. V.
Mrs. ,1. i:. Unyinond, of Blughii niton,
was a guest at the home of Mr.s, Amelia
Bllttcrlleld, the foie part of last week.
fin Friday evening of last week nine
cottage prayer meetings wore held In
this plm i and vicinity.
i.'oillss Bradle.v, Clinton Page and B.
S. Haydeii are camping nt Bast Lake.
Mis. II. MeDuffee Is entertaining her
patents, .Mr. and Mrs. ,1. W. (Jlllespie,
of llornellsvlllc.
Mis. Kdwln Adams and her mother,
Mrs. r.Uz.i Adams visited In Falrdale
rei ently.
Mis. James Hayden and daughter,
Maud, called on Blughumton friends
.1. V. Axtell called on friends here
S-pcil.ll to the N ran inn Triltme.
Thompson, Aug. lis -Miss Maud Tall
man visited New Mllford friends Sat
B. A. l.i'onard, formery sheriff of
Susquehanna county, but now of
Cnoperstown, X. V.. with hi wife, Is
vi.siting in the county. They visited
our postmaster, B. F. Baines, yester
day, W. :. Wilghler and family, of Sus
quehanna, spent the Sabbath with Mr.
and Mis. AV. P. Tollman.
A. II. 'i osier was doing business In
(Iteat Bend yesterday.
Charles A. Delaney, of Jackson,
whose Illness was mentioned in these
Items last week, died Saturday after
noon and was bin led yesterday.
The preachers of Thompson supplied
eight different pulpits last Sabbath
tho M. B. and liaptlst at Thompson:
M. B., Carbotidale: the Lakevlew.
North .Intkson; West Wind.sor, N. Y.j
Mud Pond and Staiiucca.
Ifeoho d. Jones, of Scranton, visited
h.s family at the. Jefferson house last
Boss fllllett is working at carpenter
work at I'nlotidale for a time.
Fionk Wrighter, of the township,
went to a Siianton hospital Sunday
to have a troublesome carbunilo treat
ed or leinoved.
Mrs. Lydla Tallmnn and son Arthur
and Mis. i; j.. jtun ,,v anit ,aghter
Bdna, of Kong island. X V are spend
ing a few days at lqulro Tallman's.
Attorney Oonrgo fleiatt, of Scranton.
was lu town Sunday and drove to (ilb
Sun In the altenioon.
L. W. Sanford, of oibson, was doing
business here yesterday.
Next Sabbath the Free Me'thodlsts
will hold quarterly meeting services on
their new camp gtound.
C. M. Lewis is doing business In
Farmer Jones Is shooting off his rain
gsafeoy ' '0s1 f f ' s, A
BlnRhamton today ami Frank W.
LewlB Is looklnj? aftpr business mat
tfis In Honestlale today.
Veclsl 1o the Jcrantnn Trlbun.
NIchnlMin, Autr. U Mlfs Sunn
Ulnrk. wliii rmt horn vlsltinc frlonrts
at Great Bond nnil HlnRhumton, re-turm-il
io lift' home at this plate Mon
day. Hrtice MiicCntincIl, of New York rlty.
vIMtcvl his brother. 11. MacUonti'll,
u fmv iliiyn lact wi'ck.
MIrs Cora tJroeii, of l-'leotvllle, spent
Sunday with her friend Miss Huth
Johnson, of State street.
Mrs. Augusta Benjamin, of HIrI.
street, Ih the Kiiest of her ht'other, C
M. Nichols, at HinRluuntnii,
Mrs. V. 1.. Smith Is quite 111 at her
home on Main street.
Mr. and Mis. C II. Maeronnell spent
I Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. !'. C. Drlpps
l at l.jke Nleholson.
) Mls Bessie Stephens returned home
' Sunday evening after spending some
tlmo with friends at Scranton.
Mrs, Domlnlek MeAndrew, nged 44
years, wns fatally Injured by being
struck by a south hound engine on
Ihe Lehigh Valley cut off near West
Avoea Junction yesterday afternoon.
She was picking coal on tho railroad
only a few rods nway from her house,
nnd leaving a wheelbarrow on the track
she ran to f.ivt' It at the approach nf
the train. She had nlmost succeeded
when the hind part of the barrow be
came entangled In the rails and before
she re illzed the causer silo was hurled
some distance away. One leg was sev
ered from the body and tho other
was badly mangled. Thcie weie
several latge gashes about the head.
The familv moved here fiom Wilkes
Bane about three years ago. Besides
her husband she Is survived by four
sons and two daughters, tho youngest
belnir only 1 ycais of nge, also one
brother, Frank Phllbln, of this town,
ard two sisters, Mrs. James Fallon, of
Wilkes-Banc, and Mrs, Lizzie, of New
Mts. Miny Lynch, an aged lady, for
merly of Plttston, died at the home
of her slter, Mrs. Frank Boston, yes
teiday afternoon, after seveial months
illness. Tlieio nro two other sisters,
Mis. James Boylan nnd Mrs. Michael
Ljons. The funeral will take place to
luol low afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter
ment will be In St. Mary's cemetery.
The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Knccht, of the West Side, died on
Sunday afteinoon. Intel ment was
made, yesterday, in St. Mary's ceme
Mis. Thomas Johns and son, John, of
Vaudllng, are spending a few days
with friends heie.
Mrs. John Fruo attended the Hudson
wedding at Scranton yesterday.
The Father Mathew society will con
dmi an entertainment and social In
o'Malley's hall on the :'.' Inst.
Miss Jennie Durkln, of Scianton. Is
the guest cf the .Misses Clatk, of Grove
.Miss Anna Johnson, of the North
Bud, Is visiting friends in Wllkes
Barie. Misses Velora and Mary Sunders are
lsltlng friends in BlURliaintnn.
Bessie, the Jn-yeur-old daughter of
Mr. anil Mr?. William Welter, of Lin
coln Hill, Is suffeilng from an attack
of seal let fever.
An Interesting Family Gathering at
Mt. Cobb.
Tho pi com! annual lounlon of the
Buckingham family was held at the
homo of Mr. and Mis. M. Foley, Mt.
Cobb, Pa., on Tuesday. August 13. A
teccptlon was given at the bouse at
in.3D a. m., wbcie tho many ft lends
weie made acquainted. After the le
ceptlon they tepalred to a small grove,
a short distance ftom the house, whete
a veiy pleasant time was spent In
partaking of n lunch, which was fur
nished by the participant!-.
The li lends were then favnied by a
very inteiestlng progiamme, consisting
of music, lecltatlnns. etc. The tollow
Ing contributed to the success of the
occasion: The "Coionatlon Hymn" and
"When the Boll Is Called l'i Yondei"
weie sung by those present. A violin
solo wan given by Mr. John AV. Buck
ingham, of Paup.ic. after which prayer
was offered by Mr. Orvdl Bucking
ham. The next number, "(iieeting
Song," was by Mlses Alice and Bthel
AVelN. of South Canaan. The addiess
of welcome was given by 'Squire
Foley, the host. A i espouse was made
by Mr. Byron Buckingham, of Klni
hurst. The alfalr tht n took a businc.- turn,
during which the minutes of the last
union meeting, held at the home of
Mr. cleorge Chnpnian. of Hamilton, on
June VS. IMn, were i-wl by the asso
ciation secietary. Miss Jennie I). Foley.
A motion was- made that the otllceis
of the riievlous year be reinstated for
the coming year, wlihli was carried.
A duet was then tendered by Hie
MNspm Alice AVelis and Messle 'Buck
ingham; a tecltatlon, "Little Orphan
Annie," by Miss Buth Foley; a solo,
"Our Own." by Miss Bessie Bucking
ham, of Blmhurst; an essay, entitled
"The Manufacturing of fJranulated
Sugar from Beets." by Miss Lillian
Belle Andiews, nged thirteen years, of
Lyons. X. A"., a copy of which had
been sent to Cornell university by ie
quet of the faculty: a recitation. "Too
Late for the Train," by Mrs. Kstelle
machine. Can you nnd his two children?
Wombacker, of Dalevlllej a recitation,
"Tom Jones," by Cora Alt, of Hamil
ton! u tecltatlon, "The Uuarrllan
Ansel," by a Kratluatt? of Newark HIrIi
school, Miss Is.tbelle lUicklncliiuu, an
address, by Mr. Jerome tluckliiRhani,
of Dunmnre. An oiiplnnl poem was
then rend by the Rifted pnetete, nu
thnress ami family blstmlan, Miss
Kmtnu May Buckingham, of Hamil
It Is Described Entertainingly by
F. S, Koene.
Camp f'omfoit. Aug. 13. Our camp
Is situated on the Big crrek, a branch
of the Dyberty, on what we call Ap
ple Pie Hldge, nncr a more suitable
site was never located. Heie we while
nway th" time In every pursuit known
to camping parties. Our camp roll I'
now fifteen with more to come. The
party consists of Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Dunn. Mr. snd Mrs, AVIlllam AV. Dunn,
Mr. nnd Mis. F. L. Keene, Mlssra
Myttle Oreen, Ktlnn Mae Johnston,
Bdlth and Jennie Dunn; Messrs, AA'al
ter Deveral. Balph Dur.n nnd Arrln
Keene ot Scranton nnd Messrs. Harry
Byan nnd Frank AVheat of Xew York.
Sunday the camp was visited by Mr.
nnd Mrs. Mutnfnrd, Mr. nnd Mrs,
Sherman of Honodale, and Mr. Phil
Dunn nnd Miss Hatle Dunn, of Scran
ton. Our camp Is run on military
lines with reveille at 6 a. m. and taps
nt 10 p. m. AA'hen we opened our
camp on Aug. 3, AA'llllam Duntv was
electee) treasurer, Miss Kdna Johnston,
secretary; and F. IS. Keene, provo
Judge. Mrr. B. F. Dun Is chaperoning
the party.
A set of by-laws were accepted by
the campers and the flrst to break the
rules were Misses Myrtle Oreen, Jen
nie Dunn and Mr. Deveral. At a
hearing before the provo Judge they
weie sentenced to wash for five weeks.
Mr. Byan wa given three palls of
water to carry for not attending
church and B. F. Dunn one pall In
place of costs In a case he. could not
Mrs. Wheat of Xew York, a visitor
on Sunday, was the subject for a pra
tlcal Joke. A teaspoon was dropped
Into her parasol which she carried to
her boarding place. Provn-marshal
AVIlllani Dunn art Bed with a search
warrant, found the alleged stolen
good nnd took his prisoner before the
provo-Judge who sentenced her to bako
a cake for Tuesday's dinner. Mr.
Wheat Immediately filed papers for a
divorce and court will tonight to hear
the ase.
Xlghtly conceitfl aie In tho order
and with wnlking, lowing, etc.. the
ladle will retutn to town blown a.
berile. It. F. Dunn Is recovering from
a fall through a hay rigging which he
was unloading.
Mr. Deveral returns to the city today
to lesume his duties.
Mr. nnd Mrs. AVIlllam Dunn nnd
Miss Johnston are In charge of the
culinary depaitment today
Lamb for dinner Saturday nnd
chicken for Sunday shows that the
foraging partlrn are doing good work.
Jules Dunn our neaiest neighbor Is
going to brine i lunges against certain
parties for the loss of a duck and some
apples. The ttlal will take place
.Wednesday. F. S. Keene.
.special to the Siranton Tii''1.m
Turiklnntin, k, uir It Mih hmie Prrk, nf
Kini;liin, li., it the un "t el her oitrr, Mia.
.1. W. Pntl, on sr, n,i Sdrri
Miff. Ilrhvatil Iliintti, nf Porrancten, ulm ha
been waiting her paicnls at this pUcc?, returned
home en Monday
Misa KiIim I'.nei-, of Carhonilile, i vltlting
ber grandparent. I)r ..iml Mm. A. II. Wowlivirl,
on Setonil i-tiect
lull n It. I ,i..v it i liavlns hi rrdclfncr wired
for electilc light
Mr. Kinnej, of Sore, i the guest nf her
8Mer, Mi n.non Kell), en Wellington street
'Ihe lailie nf the Mnnil.iv chili rnjn.u'il 4 picnie
at l.jkc Cue en TuerfiMv.
Wall Street Review.
New York, Aug II- RiiMni-s. tnilay h.i ,m A
mull solo, but there w u n wider ilistiibiitmn
nf the dealing". Miength wa lnmn by many
Import mt fctnik, but the grneial movement ton.
tlnurd iriegulir. 'Hie opening was luclur, hrt
prtu weie imt long iinintuini'il, however, a
trader rcalired, hut when a demand aro-c for
the i.i-lcrn trunk line .iml biti.minou. roada
tho entire m.iiket rallied cl.arply. tigir wi
about the only notihlc i,hn t the da'
flirngth, the ben Inwinng it tven pninu .it one
time .iml helling steadily when it rillled, 'Iheio
waa litllc new of importance hciriiig on iitlur
tlie crop condition or the lee Mrike and the
Intluence w i lcs. marked. Finpieiit, in
prices were nude, causing Ihe 1'itiflo btucW to
ag tempoiarilv under c"-terdi' cloie. When
pieuro ielaed pi ice I illied c.ill nnd, a theto
were laige purdia-e of M. Pint and Ihe c uteri!
Mnckn, i-hort loceied iiuur kiih rally In tho
market. 'Ihe impinvrmi lit in the Hunk line .iml
oft cod .tni-ks w i imtlv dtii' t the benelits
expected to acciue from the recent fortuitlon of
,c liitiimiiinu coal coiiibilii'. New York Central
nude the laige-t iie nf .1'., but lliltininie ind
(Mnn, l'ciiii.lcanli, Clie-ipeake and Ohio ami
Nnifolk and WfJiein ntci.igril two 'in nt bitter.
Minor Vanderhill Ktocka .mpaiiiieil with ihe
movement in New Vrk ("enliil, epctlillT Olive
liinl, Clin ign, t'lniinniti and M. I.nui. Si.
Paul w i liken in good .niiounu and advanied -1
on nport lint tlieie might be an Im reaped ill i
ileml ciecliied in t mmilli Tlie coder, trac
tion. and eome of the low pnrcd inductiiala
rhovvrd good -.ticngth at tulna time.. Hut little
lntcrrt wa manifested in the I nlied Slate Steel
ntnck and they moveil o,uilc generally indepen
ilently nf other stneka. An eaily rie nf and
', re-fiei lively In the common and preferred wa
followed by a gradual decline and they ended
cnlv M'a higher. Tout ale were 422,K)
'Ihe bond market w.n rjuiet and firm. Total
sale. par value V).""1'- I'nited stales bondi
ntie all unchansed on the la.U c ill.
The following quotations sr furnished Tht
"rlbune by M. S Jo-rlsn ft Co., rooms 705 7'i
Mssrs building, Scrsnton, Pa, Telephone 60Mr
(pD High- Ixiw. Clns
Inj, est. . inz.
American Sugar HI ill in l'iO'4
Atchison 7P. 7IH 72'i 7lla
AtchUon, I'r M l 0t Pji,
Rronk. liaction 7t'i Tls 7'l 74a
Rait, k Ohio 07'i n'3 OTU ftsit
Cent, Tobacco I'at'i (A tw; lafi;
Chic, k Gt. West '21'i 52'; 51; '22i
Rock Wand W ISO lis ui
St. Paul 1511. mil, jvstj ,f,i3
Kan. k Te , Pr 2S iVOj 5, Wl,
Liiiila k Nasli 10 10-2'j 0 102U
Mm. Elevated llo'i 1171, inn, H7i
Met Tiattlon IM 1''i HT1 1m!H
Mlso. pacific , 1I l'r2 l(H)i, n
Southern Pacific i"i 5i 5, (,,
X Y. Cential ISPi 1S.H, 1511, n
Ont. k Wctcrn I'2't .M', 32S SI1;
Penna. It. It IIP, 111' lll'i 111
Pacific Mail I0( 4iH, 40 40
Reading Ily 41 4'J 40', ij
Reading II.. Pr., 77'i 77ij 77'i 77',
Southern It. R '-I1 S'ti 2H, ?i
Soiiiliein It II , I'r M SV, i; f
Trnri. Coal k lion fdH hi, fiil, mi;
T. S. Leather 12Ti i:Ja 12', II
l' S Leaiher, Pr. W Wl Sn Ml
I'nlon Pacific IW; UT1, Oil, (',';
Union Pacific, I'r SO S'l ss, SS
Wahuh, Pr Wt S'-a Sit,
Wcslein I nlon 02i m4 021, ifl
Col Fuel sV Iron Wi Wi I'Jij M15
Ami). Copper 11.4 ill1. H21i UJi
people'a Gas 1104 mi; ion, hji;
F.rl Sni 37l Srtt 37'i
Elie, 1st n iai 6.5V,
Texas rseiflo Vi 424 42 42
Amer. Car Foundry .... 21V4 2',4 !0i !'i
V. 8. Steel Co. ,13si to 41 41 434 41VJ
V, S. Steel Co., Pr 03 Wi 02 03
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Titan four Line, ,1 Cent for Each Extra Line.
For Rent.
For Remit,
About 1200 feet of floor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
su'table for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at olVice of
The Tribune.
FOrt flKNT-s renin, mrrlern home, my ;!'
oirahle, modtiitc lent, lniulie 15'fi ah
ington atenue.
KOIt ni;VT-Slne-rnnm houe in firren Itldge;
all ronenlrneei large lot. Rent, $18. Art-
drew S. C , 'lYIhune.
1011 rtKVr-Klght room. 7!
all modern cer.t entente..
.1 Jtffeton aTfnue;
For Sale.
kw-V V
F0U SAI.H-nond rnvr. at William S. (irifflth',
1.1 Landia tiled, Ucllciuc Heights, Scranton,
77 LOTS KOfl SAI.i:, at Otenbum atation, lor
JH.fidO, ought to be sold for JO eaeh,
making fl,4iJ. At auction they will bring
7,il. Coincgja.
FOR Ml.h Or woutrl exchange for lumber, two
pnaeton. to lumber wagon, two et nar
ne, one pair matched ha) a and one sorrel horae
at Amley'a lumber yard.
rOIt SM.K Car load of dralrg and draught
hornes and good family horeea. 222 324 Oak
ford court. J. M. Field,
FOR SU.H-A C'ottrell fc Son cylinder pre,
S3X.1A, In good condition, new roller, J-VW.
Apply Wllkcs-Rarre Tlmej Offlce. WilkeiDarre,
For Sale or Kent.
FOR SU.F; OR Itl'.S'T- lngle hnue, SOI Weh
fter aenue Ten room, uteani heat. 0. F,
Reynold, Connell bulldlnx.
Wanted To Buy.
WW'TKP To Imv, a econd lnnd nafe.
Mile dimenriniia and price. ,. . 7...
(mi in
Open. High- Low.
i .!
W'IIFT. Ing. et
f-'eptember 7st 71
Peieniber n" lik
e.'plnnber W'i (VI1
December i" ""'
Scranton Board of Trarte Exchnnpo
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lackawanna llniv "n , I'r , . .
County Sivings Hink t- Trnt to
1 irt Natlotnl Hink (Cirlmndatei .
Standird Prilling Cn
Tliinl Nitmnil Hink
Dime Hexiit and Diiount Rank.
Vconnmv l.iglit. II K P. C
Iirt National Hoik
I.a, ka. Tiii-t sife Deposit Co
Clark .V snovrr Co., I'r
s ranton Iron I'cnie k Mfg. Co. ...
Scranton Vxle Work
Rid. A.kei
8o0 . .
. . SO
'27." . . .
IV l
Si ranton saving flank 4ft)
Tiadei' Hoik
sirantnn Roll . Nut Co
I'enple'n Hank
New Mexico Ily. k C. Co
RON lis.
Scnntnn Pienger Railway, first
Mortgige, due 10JO
People' stieet Railway, first mort
gage, clue 10s
People' Street Rillwiy, Ceneral
mortgage, due lil
Diekon Manutaiturlng Co
I.'uka. Townhlp School 5 per cent.
City nf scianton si. Imp. (i per
Scranton Traction 0 per cent
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. 0. Pile. I" l-ickivvanna Kt 1
Beans Per bu-hel, choice marrow, lfAviM.
Butter Freeh creamer, '2la'22c. ; ilalr, fresh,
L'li .
( heco -Full cream, lO'.talli.
l'gg we-tern fre.-h, w'iln; nearby slate,
Medium Bean IVr l.u.liel, 2 50
Green Pel- Per InMiel, l.0al 1."
Flour -Best pitenl, per birrel. l 11
Hem -I'ei bu-hel, choice marrow, .1 10.
Potatoes I'er bushel -&)il 10
New York Grain and Produce,
New York, uc. 1 1. Flour -Firmly held, hut
qmelir at old price. Wheat spot dull; N'n,
'2 red, 0V' f. o. b. afloat; No, 2, 7c. elevator;
No 1 Northern Diiluth, S2c. f. o b. afloat, op
tion opened weak and except for a sharp lair
afternoon rally were iin-ettled nnd uiic.i'V nil
In . Cloed firm at 'l'. paitlal io, No '2
led September clo.ed Trie. ; October, 7uV' ; De
cember. si'Jr. Corn spot quiet; No, , il1,c.
elevator and 01 f. o b. afloat Option chill
and easy ill cliv. I'm illy rallied slightly and
closril Mead at 'iaV' net lo.a, sipiemher
c loseii o.l1c : fl'tobcr, iii8c,; tlci ember, clit.e.
Oit-Ssit firm! No '2, (Oi ; N'o. X, SlUo.; No.
2 vvliite, 411'ic ; No. .1 while, Hc : Dark
mixed wetcrn, SO'tlc ; track white we'tein,
42W traik while tite, I2i."i0,' Option quiet
but fairlv hteadv. Buttri -Firm; creamerv, lfia
'20ijc; ficlorv, June, packed, I.Vi'jo.; imiiatiou
creimei, lti17'ic- ; state clairi, llallc. Cheese
-(Jiiiit: fincy lirge mbrril, '"ji ; fancy largo
white, 'lti ; f-mi v sniill coloiecl, 0c ; famy
small white, Oc l'gg Fiitner; tale ami
Penn.vlvinli. Malv ; we-trin iiniandled, allc ;
western candled, 12iP!".i.
Chicago drain nr,d Produce.
f'lilcagn, ug H -letter cable in flee of Hie
strength evliiluied hen- viKterdav rather upset
the lalculition of Ihe bull in the wheat pit
tod iv and the result wa that the maiket wax
somevvhit nervous September wheat closed
shide lower, September coin c'Iomc! tic lower,
oan weie i lugliei, and provisions ranged from
a hade to 12'ji . higher at the clo.,p. Cash quo
tatlouo were a follows:
Hour Finn, with moderate demand. No. 5
spring wheat. ; No. n, 0Ui71V. ;
No. '2 red. 71c : No. 2 corn, ,w;r ; No, 2
vellow, 5011 ; No. 2 nals, ,!ha 17c. : No.
white. 3,it0c ; No .1 white, 37lja.lslji.. ; No. ', 5')ijii.: No. I flawed, 1 0.5; No, 1
Northetein. l.K! . pork, fllal,105; lard, ft 75l
774; rili. $7iiiaS.0; shouldeis, i,4aV8c. ; sides,
HlS-i'Si; whiske, $1 it.
Chicago Live Stock Market,
Chicago. Aug 1 (.-Cattle Receipts, l.tW, in
cluding 4il Texans, choice 'lesa slerin, firm;
others about stridy; butcliri lock, steady tn
slow; good to prime stcem, $5 fiOatl 25, cnt ti
innliiim, M.I5a5 40, stocken and feeders stionj
to Ilk', higher, 2.'25al. iiiwa. 2 Wa4.3J; heifers,
2 10i50; tanner. l a2 25. bulls, 2.t0al '25;
calves slow, .'.S5a)t; Texas steers, flal U; west
ern gra steers, s fAiV Hogs-Receipts today,
lO.ono; tomorrow, j.l.OeiO; e.ilmilr.l left over,
rt.mxi. Opened shade higher: closed raster; top,
fO 20; buteheis, 5 i5aH,15, good to choice heav,
$5 1 mi ft '20; loughs lieavy, 5 .VlaJ.tJ); light, J.5 Via,
ft; hulk o( sale, 5 7'2'jift SheeillKrlpts, II,.
On); heep nnd lamb opened 10 tn ;0c. higher;
cloeed weak, advance tint ; good tn choice weth
ers. M75al.'l5, fair In choke mixed, M25al.5:
wctem sheep, f.l25l40; .vearhngs, el.7Sal,43.
Buffalo Live Stock.
RilfTalo, iitr. 13. -Callle-Offerlngs, 5 rirs;
steady and unchanged; fair to prime handy
veals, $S..VU7. Hogs Oflennis, Id load; best
heavy, M V'ii pigs, AViS'V Sheep and
Lambs Offerings, 7 cars: quiet and unchanged.
Oil Market.
Oil City, Aug 11 -Credit hsljnees, 1M rertt.
ileitivs, no bid; shipments, lcvi,07ft; sverife, 34,.
016; runs, 03,211; averace, S0,M2,
Help Wnnted Male.
WANTED lnurnee niera; good fav and
iiulik aibanccintnt. Addrr.j J. II., Trlhune
NTi:t- A reliable nun (or Irwtiranrr t gnml
upporliinlfv for the right t'irtj. Addrc .1.
II . Tribune Office.
W.NrKI A wnml turner at nley'j Mill
w NTKI) iinni man nbnnl Is a nwltant
hnnk keeper, ohle to write (horthaml on I
ne Itenilnglnn tipewrlter. Vine nut of town
position, pply In letter only to Murrls l'.wim.
Ilolliiiil Iuiie, Adam avenue.
Help Wanted Femnle.
WAM'r.n-rhlld'a nure to o into the country
for to week, and aflemard In Stranlnn
I'ermanently. Apply tllO Conndl huihlmg betoro
UASTKD good girl for general hnuvwurk
who nndertanda cooking. Applv till Mad
ison atrnue.
WAXTKP At once, ladv tn act a houekeeper;
Proteatant lady preferred, fiie In famllT,
AHdre R. Mathena, hcenth street, lllikcly,
Olyphant, Pa,
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Eecelved at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBERT SCIII.trrZ. corner Mulberry
rtreet and Webster arenue.
GUSTAV riCIIEL, 650 Adams axenue.
West Side
CEOROF. W. JESKIN3, 101 South Main
South Scranton
FRED L. TERPrE, 729 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North
avenue and Market street.
Qrecn Ridge
CHARLES P. JONES, 1357 Dickson
F. J JOHNS, 020 Green Ridge street
C, LORENZ, corner Washington ave.
nue and Marlon street.
1017 Irving avenue.
J. o. BONE s SON.
WANrED-Oie thousand prrunn to buy one
Ihoinand bottle "Knight1 Aromatic s.vrup
of Prune," natuie's gieatci-t phjalc Log"
bottle, ; cents. Clia. P. Jones, 1537 Dack-i-on
WAM'En An Intelligent (Catholic) lady or gen
tleman to fill a light, pleasant position;
good pay, if tollable. Addreiu P. O. Iku. 2U,
Scranton, Pa.
Honey to Loan.
f.Vl to V),IW-VT ON'CE-l and 5 per cent
teiest Ea-y trim to icpaj. Geuigo
Okcll, Coal Exchinge building.
s3j0,UU0 TO LOAN Lowest rttesj straight cr
monthly payment. Stark & Co. .Traders' bldg.
stralglt trans or Building and Loan. At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V, Walker,
Slt-315 Connell bullJIng.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED Table loardcrs.
Washington avenue,
Mrs. Tompkins, 53 1
Situations Wanted.
SlTI'VlTON' WANTED By man in grocery store;
eighteen .vear cxpciiem ., pocd reference;
can care for ill or country Hade. Acldrc Mm
Hoxelieri, ilunlrose, Pa.
washing or cleaning.
Cedar avenue.
go out bv the diy
Mm. Ruv.eU, 12l'J
Sill ATION WANTED -A povltion In widower's
familv, b.v 11 middli' aged lady. Mrs. Jen
nie Sniilli. t20 Dix court, citv.
sill II0N' WANTED B .1 .voung man, to wmk
in office; ha a gisul eduiatioii; can give
good rcleience. Addrcv., E. A., care Scranton
l.uiise,' illy.
Siri'VI'ION WVN'II.D B.v .voung gill a clUh-
washer, miming or to avm in home woik.
Answer promptly. L. D.. 727, Fellow stu-rt,
SI'll'ATION W WII.D-lt a c.ung gill 15 eir
old In avlst .it light housework. Addre
Hanna, MO Cunt-ion avenue, Cit.
SITI'VIION WNTKD-t any kind of oriic!
work. By a voung man, exprriinc.d liook
keepei, fioil icfeieiMr, A'ldiiw A, 1., caia
rf the Triliiinc.
SITt X'MON' W NTED i-leiiographer or aKt
ant book keeper In 1 .iung man. AddiiM 1
J r 1 tall' I'l II ii'Miii-
Sill TION W NIED Bv .1 voung gul aged II
vcais to vvah dislie .u to do iiuiMiig. Ad
dres Mis Jenny lones, 102a Price trect.
American League.
M Cleveland (First gain. , - I!. II E.
bitago 11 11 (I II 0 (I 0 0 0-0 1 .1
( levcland 1 1 11 2 1 0 0 tl ' 4 ! '2
Ballerie-Katol and sugden; Moore aud Wood.
I'mpiit Manasau.
Second game R. II. )'
Chicago 1 0.1 0 h 3 1 nn-ii : 0
Cleveland 0 0 II 1 0 0 0 I) 0- 1 I .1
Batteries Patterson and Sullivan; Mc.Neal ami
Wood. L'mplic Manasscu.
At Boten U. II. E.
Philadelphia, 2000 0 0100000 O-J 10 1
Boston 000 00003 00 0 1114 It 2
Batteries Wiltse and Powers; Lewis and Cng
er. Iniplre Cantillon.
At Washington R II E.
Baltimore 0 fl 1 0 0 0 I 0 0-5 h 1
Washington 01 0 II 0 0 (I 0 0 1 5 3
Batteiiee McGlnnity and Brenahon: Ciriuk
ami Llarke I mplres Haskell and ('immdly,
Milwaukee Detroit not scheduled.
National League.
M lliooklvn- R. II E
Fhl'ailelphla, 0 0 A 0 1 0 0 0 1 -2 0 t 1501100 J 0'-S 12 1
Batteries Orth. White and Jacklilsth; hit.on
and Farrell, Umpire .Nisli,
At New York- II. II. E.
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-.1 7 0
New ork 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-0 5 I
Batteries-Nichols snd Ivittildge; Matlhewso'i
and smith. I niplic l.mslir.
At St. Louis- R. H I.
Cincinnati n 0 fl .1 ft 0 0 0 0 1 0 ; n n i
st Louis 0 1 os 0 0 0 n 0 1 00-1 a 4
Batteries Stlmmel snd Bergen; Murphy and
Schriver. t'mplres-O'Diy and Blown,
rittkhiirj-Chlcagn not (scheduled.
eastern Leag'
Hartford, As Buffalo, 1.
Providence, n, Montreal, 3,
Brockton, 4; Rochester, Z,
Toronto, S; Worcester, 2,
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than pour Lines, ft Cent! for Each Extra Line,.
Certified Public Accountant.
Knw.MH) C, il'AVbUl.NO, a TnAUHHS dan
IJ.W1S, AIltillTtCT, C0NNXL1.
Karate Kxchange nidg., 128 Whlngton ave.
Civil nnd Mining Enfjineera.
iir. a i:. i:n,i:ni:iinKit, pauli"
Spruce street, Scranton.
. Lawyers.
Roonn ;, n, 16 .n.j j Durr building.
i. n nwijanu:, attorn ky-i.oavs nlco.
tlated in real etate security, lleara building,
cornrr waihlngtnn avenue and ipiuce street.
and counellon at law. Republican building,
"'hlngton avenue,
rrllors-at-lavr Commonwealth building, Roomj
!. '.'0 and '21.
"OfifH, pih floor, Mesra building.
of Trade building, Scranton, Ta.
ninlc building.
Ill Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Sugcons.
DR. W. E.
ington avenue. Residence, 1311 Mulberry.
Chronle disease, lung, heart, kidney and
genitourinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels nnd Rcsturants
avenue. Rates reasonable.
P. ZEIOLER. Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on the European
plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
cc pool; no odor; only Improved pumps ued,
A. B. Rrlgg, proprietor. iK'ave order 11"0
North Main avenue, or Eleke's drug store, cor
ner Adam and Mulheiry. Both telephones
ermen, store 201 Washington avenue: green
houses, 1050 North Main avenue; (tore tele
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa , manufacturer of Wire Screens.
also ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 212
Adams avenue.
velope, paper bag, twine. Warehouse, 130
Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa.
In Scranton nt the new stand of Reismau
Bros. 40G Spruce and 503 Linden; M. Norton.
f22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer, 211
Spruce street.
Real Estate.
IIMI0IF. PLOT at Factoryvllle, beautifully
siluited, few ininuli from station. Fo
esse iovelv view of surrounding country. W'ill
cut to uit lnivrr. Priie veiv low. Addre&s
W. T. llackitt, Real lt.ue, Si ranton, Pa.
77 I.OIs .VixfiO, at Glenburn station;
Ktieit are giuilul and nanud. come and get
map and Icaiu p.iitu ulars. Coinegs, Dime
Till: VNNI l. MEF.TINT, of the stockholders of
Ihe s, 1 niimi F.iiging (niiipan, for Ihe elec
tu 11 of iluictor and li.iiis,n lion of other husi
ins will lie held .11 Hie i.rflie of Ihe cempinv in
the clij of N union 011 Wedneda,v, Aug. 25th
l'sil, al .1 o'cloik p. in
i: I'. CIIVMIIP.IILIV, Secretary.
NOIIli: is lieicbv given tint a meeting nf the
klc.ikh'ilili'ia of Ihe (i.lller.v Engineer Com
pinv ,s called bv ouhr of the Boird ol Directors
tu unci at the nine of the loinpiu, in Scian
1,111, I'liinsvlvjiiia, hi Mmulat, August 2ft, 1101.
ill two ,,'cloik in the nltcrnoon, for the purpose
of liking aitien upon the propoAed increase in
tlie caput! sleek et Ihe ml company from one
million five bundled thousand i?lV,hi)j dollar!
to llireo iiilllmn (l,ti,is)i dollar, and 10
naiisiit iuh oilier bu-incas as miy be broujhi
bcfoic i!d me nic
s M I P l I. FN'. Secretary,
Scraulon, Pa . I'ini "'till, i'sil
NOI'ICF-T" Hie iitiren and taxpaver nf th
Iminiigli of old I'oige, c. unity of Liekxwanna,
and silts' of 1'cnn.vlvanli.
Nniiie is In 11 lit giten bv Ihe undersigned,
cnniiiii-sioncrs appointed In ihe Court of f)urter
session ,.f l.aikawaun.i cniinly to divide the ald
bornugli into wild, lint the e.iid comnuioner
will meet it 1 he borough 1 011m il room in sale'
borough 011 Irnlat, ihe tui nlv-lhlrd day 01
ugiist, I'1, at 2 oMoik p m , to attend to the
duties of their appointment, at which time an!
phiic all prisons interested in ihe division 0'
Mid borough into ward nnv be heard
Commission ert
Scranton, Pa , Aug. 1 1, rH
, tvV , S ' X.H ts.sX-'-k..
Will Barn Blj Monthly
The Inv estor's Fund I'ays Semi monthly
The nldet established in Amerna No eertlfleat,
holder lias eter lost a cent Payments made ti
all subscribers every 15 eiajs N'o trouhle N
delay Monc refunded on demand Write to
elav for pirtli ulars. fieo to any addres.
C. E Mac key fc ( o , llud.on Bld'c . New Ynrt.
"Wo own anil offer at prices
yielding nearly five per cent.
First MortB'tRO Slnklnft Fund
Dp-nomination, J1.000.
Btiffe Electric
of Uutti Mont.
Wrtta. lor special circulac
Rudolph Kleybolte & Co.
1 Nassau St., New York.