s THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1001. WEST SCRANTON ONE GRAVE FOR PISTOL VICTIMS EDWIN DAVIS AND WIFE BURIED TOGETHER, Interment Wna Made In the Wash burn Street Cemetory Yestorclny Afternoon Patrolmen Necessary to Handle the Crowd Georgo Brown, Wife and Family Injured in a Runaway Loyal Knights and Congropatlonnlists' Excursions. Events of Today and Evening. Tho oppnitunlo Riven iteidn to view tho tciiifiliii f)l Mi ninl Mi Kd- Uitl DlViS VV H till I' I lill.ltilRC f if b.v fully fli' liumlipil piople bet u I'll the noma uf 11 iiml ". o'clntk, iiml fnmi the eniitlnliniiM Htm nf women nnd children who Urn Ki'il In the luiiivc. It wiih (illtf rvldnit Una iiinii win- nt tinuted tliesp tin mirth iiulio-ltv. Until bodies tipo-ed In iikmIi'mI mi kf'tw in tbc ri out mom. iiml m t-lthn Wit whs until i'il many llnml nffet Inns, whlrli ntte-dr-d tln mp.it h.v of the Immediate i datives iiml tileudM. Tin s,il tritUfilv "I Siimliiv iv cuing vvn V'lvldl ! -illled to null oin- who lew i'il the ii'liialll". flit til"' I .111' of the lIlMlI VWIIIlllll then- nppcnie'I a inllioi fnlnt opiesalnn of tile lini'Mir "lie 111 II t luivo opet leneod 111 hoi' lllitlniel dentil, while the same MOlld. ilctoi niliieil look Mint chlini-tei-Ued the jotinir iiiuii'm liMtuttw shoitl lwfoic 111" dentil welt lipp.lK'llt ill lll.S (.iilllitcliuliic Ilefoie. dlltlliK mul nftir the eihrs the eiusli nf Immunity mound the two uhttn fllllel.il i.iiil.iLrei was n dense thnt It vni with much illllleiiitv m-v - i l.ll IMtlolllieu opelieil the wny for tile doilies to he lpinoveil linm the hnil-e. The (intPKi' moved iinwu Kw inland flteet to Mtilu avenue ami theme tip Witchhunt r-tieot to the icinetety, whole niiotlier i-inwtl nf vpei tu-tol.-l Iiml K'ltlH'ieil in witness the lln.it none In the most appalllntr. tr.iRcdy th.it has eer nemiiiil In West Soi .ni ton. The seivlies nt the hntise weie In ohaipp of l!ev, P I'. Jones, pastoi of the Tiibeiiuulo t'oiiRiOKational ihutili and ueio eiy bilef. Sovetal h.viniw vvetc lemteicil by the assembled lluom. and after pinver and a few teiiiail.s bv the fleis.vmaii on the urn 01 talntles nf life the bodies wi te tun nc to theli tlll.il lestliiK pi. if The p.illlio.ueis and flowrr In an is tine f'liailr-s M.ijm, IjMUI I'.ee-p, J.ewis Ilowen, Kiluai.l SUNBURN Itnp and Almond Cream removes redncM ot the skin and soothes the pain of sunburn in one nlht Tale a bottle with jou on jour vacation. ton salu nv o. jlnm.ss. WE'RE CLEANING HOUSE These days. That 19, we are closiug out the balance of Summer Stocks in every department, without the slightest consideration as to what they cost us. We Carry Over No Goods From One Year to Another That's why each succeeding season finds complete new stocks at the Globe Warehouse. This Week You Can Buy Parasols Ribbons Wash Goods Fancy Silks Laces Hosiery And Everything Else That's Summerish So far below the prices asked a couple of weeks ago that you'd hardly believe the goods were the same. But they are and Whether You Buy for investment Pr for Present Season's Use The money spent will bring heavy returns in big u savings, and this remark applies to every department j in the house. Shrewd buyers understand this well : and profit by it. Globe Warehouse Jone., .Tabez (,'tidwgan and Gwllym Cndwgan. Brown Family Injured. fieoiRP V. lit own, the well-known drayman of Itoblniuin street. toKrther with his wife nnd thioo rhlhliPii, had n thillllnfc expel lemo on Sunday while retuinliiK home from a drlvr oer Hip AbliiKtou tlllliplke. When Hear the Susquehanna house at Chinchilla, Hip wiiroii ioc was hiokpti, ami when It Htriuk the hoises Hip nnlmiili bPKiin a wild llbtht down the turnpike. Uefoie the ftlt;h!ini; oii-upHiil of the wiiroii could em ape the vehlilo was oei tinned and all weie thimvn Into the in id Mis, own was hcipipI.v IiiJuipiI, and xiMPial of her illn wpip liai lined, while .Mr. Iliown .sustained hod II v biulses which neatly Incapaci tated him ft .mi bis wntk elm e. Two of the childiPii .i1p sustained painful Inturlps, but none or the family me seilously Injiitpd. The dam wan uiptutPil after iiinultiK some dlslntnp, and after another vviiRon was seeutPil the family iptuincil home, wheie Dr. A. A. I.lmlahury Is nttPiidltiK them .Mis IIiowii Is i untitled to Iipi bid and will be for some time to conic, as Iipi IiiJuiIps weie eiy pilnful. .Mr. Iliown Is beliif? coliRt ululated on Ills n.it row r.siape. Two Excursions Yesterday. lino of the latppst and most enjoy able eilliliin patties of the eiasnn peitt .vp-deiday at Iline's bike, as the RllpstH nt Ihlti'l pilse IoiIrp. No. Jl, l.ovnl KulehtH of Amciiia The 1 mil nilttip In limine of the aualiRi nients iiiiiiIp ample ptnv Irion fot the pnlei taluuiPiit of their inembeis and lilcnds, and the ouilnp was Mtiip--ful In ceiy p. ii tli u In t A ftood-sjptl itoud also tuimn p.inled the Welsh (.'oiiRiPR.itloii.illsts of South .Main incline and Xoith Suan toti to Lake l.odoie, wheie an i njo) -able da was npent In elsteddfodlc, athletli and aquatic iimii.vemeiits. The I'M llsllllsM fioni both IPSOltS P- tutm'd home about n o'lloik last ien Inp. Anderson Wouldn't Go Home. William AndeiMiu. of Kpj w n ve nue, bit.inip intoIinted .Monil.i. nlKht and a fileud tools the trouble to plaio him on a l.ux.oine stiect tai, p.ild his fat and st.uted him home alight. Shoitlv after the cat .staitid fioni the cm net of Main avenue and .l.Hkson sticet Andeison Jumped finm the nil' and wended his way to the hallway hadiliR up to Itcil .Men's hall, Thcie he fill asleep and It was nei ps h.ny lm -eeial pillolniPii to i.iuy him to the station house. At the lipai Iiir befoio the polite inaKlstt.ile .'uid.iv nioinliiK Andetson jiald a line of $i. Three Boys and One Girl. Within the past few da.s font biiths hap lit c n ippoilfd b the lni.il phvsi-dam- tliice bo5 and one Kit 1. The h.ippv pauntsaip .Mi and Mi-. Kiank liaffniN of St.uk point Mr. and Mis. Thomas HppK of Noith l!iuinle. ae nup .Mi and .Mis .Michael .1. Jinnim;, Shirt Waists Wash Suits Gloves Underwear of Fourteenth street, and Mr. and Mr. WllllHtn Huatie, of Fourteenth uttect. At the home of the first named the Kill a4 welcomed, ami at Hip nlhrr thtee bouncing boyt made tin It up pcatance. Tho iunrtetlp me h polled to be In line voice, nnd the p.uelits an-Jubilant, Baptist Younp; Peoplo's Union. The seeiith annual exctindnn of the Haptlst yniitif- People's union of Ninth eastern l'oniis.hnnla will be inn fioni Sriantoii to (lien Onoko, over the Cen tral linlliond of New ,leisc, on Tin s day, August L'O. This Is one of the most dellKhlfill r cnislon jpsnits In the Mute, and In cludes a ilde mcr the f.iiuoiKs swltib baik and a lew of the (mining mine at Summit Hill. The Unlit will Ipiivp Siianton at 715 a. in , stopping at all points alone the line. The fare foi adults will be 1.L'5, and 75 ii'iils for children. Epidemic of Tonsllitis. AiiordltiK to the stnleiuputs of fpv eril physicians theic npptms to be an epldciiilc of tonsllitis or "summer Klip"' atnotiK; ipsidpiits of West Scinn lon. SpvpiiiI well known people are alfpitpil, but none spilously. The pbjslcliins me at u loss to undei slalid the i a t i atlee of the sli kness, but it Is Kern-tally asuibed to illmatle conditions, Events of Today and Evening. An PMiiisloii tiutli i the auspices of the 1lic I'aik (ieiniau Presb tel Ian ililinh of ClKstnut stieit will be run to Lake l.odoie toda.. The tialtl 111 Ii.inp the Delawaie and Hudson wta tlou nt S a. in The cMttision ti n 1 11 of the St. Hien iIpii's enlincll, Y. Al. I. Will It ao the lvl.iwaip, I.aikawauu.i and Wtstem stitlon for Atlantic I'ity at KIM o i lot tills 11101111111;. A lawn social will be held at the honip of Allss .lennle Davis, count- of Not Hi r.romlcy aeiittp and I'otlebone slice I. I!e. ,1, ('. Wnod and wife, of the Christian AVmkliittuiiiii'H institute, of New- Yoik, will lei lute in the SaUatlou aimv hall at s o lo k this cwiiine. The ContiiiPlital Aline An Idenlal fund will hold n sn, hil at St. Davids ball this evenltiK. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. r, A Williams, the AVr.st S. tanton if pn'M ntativp of the Ptcpublipaii. loft this moinlliK' foi .Middle fii.iiillle, N. Y. white be will Join his wife and ilatiKlitPi. who Imp been speni'liiB the past month theie. Diititifr his abteiKP Chillies Alntbews will in t as the papei's news; itheiet. A Iiiirp uiliuhd of West Si innton people at t nihil the stipet car nn pni' pk tile at Nay AiifT p.uk ps teiday. .1 C Alott. of Noilh I.liuoln axeutie, a impenter bv 01 uipatlon sustained 11 siveie si 11 1 p wound on AIonda b be lli:; mi ink by a falling plank. Ills In Juiy was dipsi-cd by Dr. J. .T. Hien nan, of .lai k-on otieet. Di. Ii. C. I Yin of North Sunnier ave nue, and DtiiKKlst I'lank l',e.ier., of South Iljdi l'.nk .upiiup, nto 1 1 pm ted to be IP at their lioini s, Tiiwn in e ltooiip, whn has bet 11 1 on stable of the roiiiteeuth waul lot the past twi nt -thief eais, has spmipiI his 1 finm itlnn. with Ablet mini Kellow': coin t. A ptlP of S100 will be offptPd to Hip Mtetessfiil ulen 1 Inb lonipctitiK on ".M.utMsi of the Aicita" at the C 11 tial Labor union pptii.Mim at Lake I.oilote on Labor dav. .Monday, Scp tPtnbpr ' 1'iof. llajdn Kvans, nf Cai bondaie will be the adjudkatoi. The Atlantic mil I'.ullie Tea 10111 pativ will oiuipy one of the .stote looms, in tho iipw Wa.-hliiKlon hall building 011 Ninth Alain avenue, opi 11 111s tin ip on Satinda.v, AiiKiist 17 Th- old Aletillleld boiiipsteafl on Noith Alain iiM-nue one of the oldest landmarks In the elt.v Is bcins bun down to make mum for a inuie sub stantial building DtiiKKlst C. It Slnjei and family, of Noith Alain avenue, ate Mimmeilug at Lake Inula. Alls. Newev of AU NU hols louit, who was iiucstcd for maklnpr tlueats against spvpi.iI Ai.ibiniis, was iPliascd fioni the station house on ball jestei dii.v. The ie. ditl oigaiiled asseinblv of tiond IMIuws lit lil a inietlng In Aln sonlc hall last evening; and Initiated seveial 1 alididatLs DiukbM John .1. Davis, DIstiM At tniiipy Will It Lewis and CenMi- Clctk Jocepli Lewis returned home last even ing fioni a ten ilajs" till to liuffalo, Nlagai.i l'.ilN and over the Rteat lakes. The londltlotl of Dr. (ieotgp 11. Ilej . nolds, of North Alain avenue, whs ninth Impi oveil pstenlaY and he was able to Pit up In bed lot a slioit lime din lug the afternoon. The Ladles' Aid smiety of the riit Ilaptlst chilli h will hold a meet In p In the new- chuuh at -' o'clock this after noon. The- lemalni of tho late Tifink How le.v, who died on Sunday at the home of his patents on Itallioad avenue, will be taken to Hampton .Iinutlou, N. .1., toiliij, vvhcio lntei meiit will be made. All. and Alls Tied Holdiy, of Aiad enij stieet. have ictuiiicd home fioni a tilp to tlie I'atllli coast William Aloiton and family, of South Siiinnei avenue, liave ictuiued home fioni Asbiuy I'aik. Air. nnd .Mis. Kodeiiik .lours, of South Sumner avenue, are saijouining at Hi can CiIovp. Alls William lluttou and daiightei, of .lai ksou Mitel, ate at Ashuty I'aik. .Mm, Joseph h Aloigan, of Hnon siiett, and .Mis. Aithur Ildioie. of South Alain avenue, ate at lloltl Del innnt, Atlantic L'li.v. Allsscs (liaie Walker, of Division Mieet, and Al.iy HdwaiiN. of South Alain avenue, me at Oteau Hiove. Captain (leotge A1ppis, of the Col umbia Hose and Chemical cmupanj, In enjojlng his annual vacation. Allcs AlainaiPt (llbhs. of South Alain avenue, will leave today for S.untoKii Spilngs and llallMon Spa. N. Y. .Miss IMIth Sottley will leave today for Atlantic City. Air. and .Mrs, John Thomas, of South IMipei.i avenue, aio In Buffalo. William, Waltu, Mary and LIIp Foigery aie spending their vaiatlons at Lake Wlnohi Walter and Ldniund Dti ktlnlck, of North Mnln nvenue, me the guest of fi lends In Tienton, N. J. Alius Alaig-aict Davis, of South Lin coln avenue, Is at Lake Sheildan. Hairy .Miller, of Washbum .stteet, lins tctutntd home fiom his vaiatlon, which was bpent at Lalte Wlnola. 5111-8 M111g.net Davis, of Hampton Mreet, cutci tallied a paity of fi lends at her home on 5londa evening. 5111-3 ReulaJ) Stiunk, of Chestnut tPCt, has letuined huine fioni New foutnlland. William Stittir, of chestnut Btrcet, is sojourning at Lakn Sheildan. Stephen Wawes, of Noii. Sumner avenue, hus ictuuiud honiu tiuin Lake Wlnolu. SOUTHSGRANTON SURPRI8E PARTY TOR MRS. WILLIAM BAUMOARTEN. Held nt Her Home in Honor of Hor Thirty-sovonth Birthday Smoko Houeo of Armhrust, tho Butchor, Sot on Fire August Dioslnp, Jr., Arraingod on a Oharga of Making Throats Mino Party Followed by Festivities at Home of Mr. and Mrs, Martin, A very pleasant stit prise was ten dered Alls, William Haumgarten, nt her lesldeiue on Hickory stteet, .vesteidiiy afternoon, on the occasion of the thli-ty-seventh nunlveisary of her birth, by a iitiiuhci of her lntliualc fi lends. The afternoon was pleasantly spent In playing games, singing and other parlv diveisloiis, SpvpiiiI piano solos weie lendered by Alts, ndumd Knllcr and 5Hm, .Matthew Alashleget. At ! o'tlock the table was spiond and an iMellent supper vas seived by the hostess. Those piesetit were. Alls. J. W. Scheuer. Airs H. Helspikpr, Airs. A. Netils, Alls. i:. Kallei. Mrs. It. Ilas uii'k, Alls. L. Heltilik. Airs T. Si heller, Alls. H, w. Smith, Alls. William H11 denb.uh. Alts. Juioh Di niuth. 51 1. .1. Hour, 5lis. W. Helm. .Mrs. I). Hlldcn bach, 51is. I) (ielshmt, Mis. Al. .Mash legei. Alls. 1M. Kallei, Alts. Matthew 51ashleger, Allss A. Haumgarten, Allss ltnenialne Sclu tier, AlWs Leonora Hu iletibach, Allss Marin Itoltt. Allss Lizle Hudenbach, Allss Lena Kabler, Allss SpIvii Uuskiik, Willie Helnt!!. Jr., Thos. Htisklrk, Kinest ltusklrk. Hemy Hiuni Bin ten and Air. Iile Helsetker. Fire on Cedar Avenue. The ul.iim of lite, tin tied In from bo ill at noon ypsterdav, vvns 1 allied ly a pile of waste paper vvhlih had been set on (lie in the Muoke house of Ainibriist's. the btitihei. nt Cedar avenue and Willow- strert. The blae was dlsLoveied bpfnie veiy much ilani a'e was done. Owing to the pmmpt action of the Npptutip and Centtn toniiuinles the flte was quickly extin guished. The d. image done will not ex cel d $"0. NUBS OF NEWS. August Dlrslng, Jr. was niialgned before Aldennati Lenies last evening, on a rhaiKe of making tin eats. John Langmiin, of Cedar avenue, was the piostiutor. Dleslng was held in $joi) hall. Michael Tlgue, of Ituffalo Is visiting his parenln on Ced.n avenue. A veiv pleasant p.utj was hekl In honoi nf Miss Anna Schvvmgei man, of Hltighainton, at the it -Idem c of hi r liiend, Allss Anna Si huler, 011 Cedar avnue, lust night. The evening was pleasantly enjovul At .1 late houi ie flpshmentj weie seivid. Those pics ent weie Alkssos Hmm.i Schlld, Alary Kallna. Anna IMulus rianies r.rwert, Luin Lauhei, Anna Stbulei, Katie Saints, and William Knt Ike. John Uoth. 1'hllip l'Mie.i Pied Under, riank Hngel. John Pishei, AIe. Olt. IMw.uil Krall, tionige Sihulei and Pied St hitler. A pally ot people went through tltP woiklnps of Wle tllbboti.s mines last nlglit. The p-utv was Ud by Patilik Mai tin. After the nip they lPtuiued to the home of Air. and Alts p.u 1 U lc .Mat tin, wheie lefic slinieiit.s vvue sfived. Tlie guists weie Air. and Alts White, of Llveipool, HtiKlaiid, and their daughter, Alls. Cob man. and fani Il.v. l.le.v ColPiiiiin, Ueoige Alelaiiiltr, All". Al AImiiuii, Hetity Mi Clone, AIUs llelt n .Mai tin and Alls A. Abais AlKs Ll.le- Sihlier, foimerh with All. William Koiunihei, letuined to her home .vi'Meulay at Aloosk, vvheie he will make hei tutuie hlun . Allss Lotla AliHo-e, of the Ohio Weslejan iiiiivoi-llj . will luldies a public met ting In the Cedar Avenue Methodist Kplsiopal iliinih this oven lug, on a Mibjit of gieat Inteipst to I'pwoitb leagitPi.s ami thuidi vvoikets evetjwhPii. i:vtihod Invited. Ad mission, lice. m 1 DUNMORE. Tho Italiin arrcMdl on MmicI it iiiirnt In- OM.cr Midrill win Ji tliouhl In lie iiidiully mi biluuiil pt r,t oil to In rlmpt.v 1 t.i-'C' nf plain nruiiK, iiui t tin- iiiMni ikioic nuiKm nur ulirll In t,i linc.l si I a.lt MiKinlii IiwIki". '. a. "Ill Iml'l a Ijii nuial .it tin Iniiiip ot luriti lnkin, ell l.it Hi mkrr Hum I. 'Ilim.-iln rirnin.', V11.' 1". lie fri'-l liirnts will lie mi Mil .mil I lit' iulln. U in vitul Tin- council will Imld spciiil mi 1 in; to nlslit Hip poller . omitilttee will 11 tl.u limn Like ailinu en tin- iw- "I I'nhiriiini lint IUjvoi, uiio lias linn Mipi mleit le 'in jititr ilm.v, tlniEiil with inmhiit iiiibrti linns nn oiriiir. CanH an- out Jiinuiiiniiu' the tuning nur rirfire r lis V uiie Vliite.nn, o( lm iUh-, ami Cenrite W C'l lie, nf -lili v 'Hie iiilnri rinplojiHl In the Trie (oinptny retibtil llieii po t r-.lriijt Mr an 1 Mr MiMmII I inn. 'I Pilfnn, m Biiru of Mis W. II O-nilioui, nl llljikily ntiitl, Jloduced Bates to San Francisco and Return Via Southern Railway. The Southern inllvviy will sell lound tilp tli Kits ti San riamlsio, Cal , on SeptPlilliPl IS to Jj, IllillMve, with llnal limit Novi-iiibt-r 15, 1001, at gicatlj ie dm id tales, on act mini of gpiuial ton voutloi' of Hpistopal chilli 11. Hate f 1 0111 Philadelphia. $GS '.'. fioni Wash Ington. $ir.J."i Coiiespondlnglv low lines Itiini other points. Tickets aie good going one mule and letuinlng any Olhei dltect Ulllte. The Sotithein lallwny operatf thiough vesllbitled limited tiains dallv with Pullman tliawlng-iooni, sleeping and dining tais, between eastern titles and New Oi leans, tomin-llng nt New Oilenns with tiains tart.vlng thiough Pullman sleeping cam betwien New Oi leans and San Ki.uulsio without eliangp. TiI-wp klypeisonnlly conducted tour lt 8leiieiH, between Washington and San Pinnclsco, without t liauge via At lanta, New Oilcans, HI Pasu and Los Angebs. liavo Wiishlngtoii at U ."1 p in evei Alondny. Wedneniaj and Kil day. Hate foi doulile beith only $7 The autunin seat-on Is most delight ful foi n tilp thiough the Southern states, Ni w .Mexico, Aiizona and Cali fornia, Chailes L. Hopklrn. dlstilct passen ger agent. Southern iallwa, S.'S chest nut street, Philadelphia, will take plcasuie in furnishing all Infnimatlnn. A SENSIBLE MAN Would use hi nip's nabam (or tho Throat nnd Uirs. It Is curing nioie L'ouijlw, Colrti, Asthma, Utonthltls, Cioup and all Tliroit ami buntr 'froublci, than in other medicine, 'tlie proprietor haj suthorized any druggist to Rive on a bamplti Dottle trie to lomlnie ou uf the liarit of thb great remedy. Pike :'ii.. and iU. NORTH SCRANTON. l.leiilenanl Hay and Patrolman tti and Offlier SlmiiK mull? a rild on a ilhorrlrrly lmife um In- Mlio lliandt at 1I1J North M1I11 minu. lunula) tnnniliia; nt 2 o'tlntk. Meuteuant Hay happened tn be In tho vicinity nf lint pine nhen he tamo wn A , Jims man villi nnd he ha'l hem In Allie' pine 11 lid ni rrlle 1 I nl $11 nnd 1 Eold w.ilih In- tun of the Inmates of Hie plaie. I.leiitrnmt tin rnteied mid pl 11 " I the priiprlrtrcM nnd four -if Hie ellnr Inmate tindrr nni't before MjiiMriti- lidlu li-t 01 11 Ina Hiiv hid a lieirliiu nnd j,iie 1 1n Ir mine 14 I r.ltik llltl'ii, l'eul We.uilt, Mlie III null, Ur lite T011111I1) nnd Cile Mi Vndriw Ilie Ur 1 II mirrl to wire fined ', ntilue, wlmli Hiev pild, nnd Hie tun liller llnul ' for hum; In Wilis of 1 rllvinlerlv liniwe nnd I in i in 'I he priiprirlreM wn fined i-15, nlitih Mie pud I lie Inn tlnr-l $.', viere iinnniitleil In the 1 mull ml fnr ninel) ili)s In ilcfmllvf the pjiiuenl of ;)i" flue. I.lnli -.ill, of fintt tnnti'hlp, In the guful of Alileimm Mui lr .mil Mr Inn Snnni, nf North Villi ne line, lute for their pint SI last M,irt.irrt Wats hi, of I'lHuInn The Vlle Nellie Kelli, M irv Minpln -ind Mime Mi II lie, of I'ltlnlnn, who lute hei u vMt Imr frlendi in lhl veil Ion, tun- relumed hmue 'Hie inn-nil liuieni mhIiI nf Ilie -undl.l hn d of the I'lirllm I nnsHSitlnnil ilmrih Milt te liehl nn the luin 111 the rnr nf tlie ihurih mi Went Vlirkrt Hreet foinmrnn- etenliu' tie ueam and cake Mill he unci, A Iiiki- irnwd Ii ex peiled to litem!. .liilue orlisJ, nf Itluk loid, Mhlle reliimlm; Imiiie Mliinli) olenitis, i hi Id up b) thrre nil In i I he liicltu ntticti deierely ku kerl ind heat him .111-I relieved liiin of lit ihj , whn 11 lie hid mrlwd Hut iliv f'nrlij.4 hei-inu- tin (niixiifiK -iinl He men mule tin (r eeipe. Mrs I (I Mrcr I visiting furinls in Mont nve llinjiinin llodisv n, 1 miner In the PatmiaM mine, m mi.hiIi iiuiid ,velerdiy ifleriinoti nt .1 oMoik In lieinir h liked In He utomuh hv -l vlilniM mule. IiIl'"U m.k ihout In pi the mule to open n nullili when ho M.n khke.l lloilssnn's rilU for I11I11 limimhl 1111m of hit fillnir Morkium, Mho hroujlit him to Hie ur fiee. wheie a phuh I in Mas summoned, who found him in .1 uithil rouilitlon He wis re moiid to his home In 1 u iem, uheir llrs lunlu nnd ilenklns Miuirded In roMnrini; him to mn Mlininisn List Menlne t It) m hnk Ml llmls mui's 1 'iiidllliiii vi.is luin h luipioi.il Miss VI mill Mijiir, of 1'mt liiiffln, is the Riiut if Mivs Annie I'irr), nf 'Ihroop vtrut. PARKPLACE. Mlw llnrrme Silkier, of TroiMenie road, is spuidmir n rnuplo if wirki -it i nstal lake Mi-is Gtelli Pun ell, of Irlpp alieil, has re turned Ironi .1 time Meiks visit with friends in T.i 1 In II 1m llur-l of ("niitf ulreet. has relumed fiom a uuk'.sstn it Mhiiiu lily. Hr (oiher, rf I'mihh ue r ml, llr l'mdlum, Ur Nc wlnrry nnd Pr Ri nneily vie i-pendiiii; a Meik nt lliinitfit Hi), N .1. 11n) Mill leiurn nevt Mnnrlit Mi Mrivsill ind ilnikliier, 1m, nf lilpp tiiet, hue ntiiiiieil aflei Mitral wciks si i) 111 StrouiMmr; ' THE CORONER INDIGNANT. Says Dr. L'Amorenux Was a Little, Too Presumptive, Cm onor ISobeitsi N n trltln Indignant nt the action of Di S.iinuel L'.iitoi f.uiN, of this ilt, In pu foi tiling an autopvy upiuii the bod) of Loo L111 gieth. who I- bilieved to have shot hlni'.elf last Sunday, near AIomiiw. The oi oner Mild last nlprt that he gave the doctor no authoiii tu iei foini an atitopy and that he condd eted his anion tnn-t Tui-umptlve. "The doctor tetilled at the Inquest at to the 1 alfe of death" said the coroner last nlgui, "and when the ln-itic-t was all over, held nti nutops). That va a innit leinaikalile llilng to do He had no light to touih that boil) a.s Minn ns ho did without my pciniNalon, and I shall tall upon him today for an cplauillon " Tlie defense olfeied to Cot oner Unb elts' cbaiges Is that the louiner failed Ii- hi' duty ai.d as an ail of humanity the local mill 1 il, at Hip behest of the fltleus, took It upon tht'luselves to go thiough the legal foi nullities neies aiv to penult of the leuioval of the body. When the body was disioveied .it S o'i I01 k in the inoiiilng a telcgiain was si nt to Superintendent Hlne. of the Pel.1vv.11e, Lackawanna nnd Western. and he notified Cm oner Unbelts. Wonl was sent to Moscow that the entailer would be light up When he did not come on the 10 oMmk tialn, a tele phone message was sent illicit to him and the wind c-anie hack that he would be up at nun. When the 1 JO p in. tiaiu 1 aini- and Pi. Unbelts was not among its p.issengt 1 s, the grief sti U ken father of the dead boy begged that his sou's body Munitiluiit be allowed to fester any longer In tlie sun. and after a futile effott to locate the minuet the JustliP of the peace pun ceded to 011 dlti t the iiiiliest. Pr L'Amnienux was loiinted by the jtlstli e of the jieaio to make an elimination nf the body with a view- of giving expert testi mony as to the i.inse of death. This is how Pi. L'AmmeaUN tame to flgute In the aff.ili. When the body was dellveicd to the family at .i o'clock p. in. It had nl le.idy tinned black and was giving foi th a strong odor suggestive of de lonipositlun Cnmnei Itoherts aiilved on the hiciip the day following the find Ing ot the body. SI OFF FOR THE CONVENTION. Democratic Delegates Will Eeava for Harrisburg Today. Tin Lai k iwniilia delegation lo the Peiniuiatb state (inivt nilon at Hauls, biiig, toinoiiow villi have lute this nt tot iKinii on the J is Pi law are and lliidsuu tialn. Colonel P. .1. Kilsininioiix. who is a nn inber of the Piiuoi null state e.e itlttw i oiiiuiltti i' was siiinuiiiiii'd to lliinislitiig by Colonel James Ouffey, the stale ihaliniaii, to altilid a 1 until -etui siheduled 101 last night Two delegations will go I10111 the I'mtitll dlsttiil. One is (ouipused of County Chiluu.itl .lames ,1. tt.Nelll, .latins I'ldgeon and Jnsi ph llienuaii. of Cnibmidale. and .loliti Walsh, nt (i). pliant. The oilier Is lieadcil by e KepiosPiitntlve 1. II. Timlin, of Jei myti, and has as its otliet tlnee lneiu beih V.. .1. IMniuinK of .In in.vu. T. 1'. Alunlev. of Auhbald, and .1. Uogan, of OI) pliant. The latter s the lontedlng delega tion. They i-hilni the convention at Willi li the olhei fellowa weie elected wis 1 ailed luegitlaily and that their (onventlon held a wei k later was the legillar one, The III st illsttlct delegation Is coni posed of Select Collin lltiiaii Thomas Ciisgiovp, of tlie l-'mii teetilli watd. Si hoot Contioller I'alt h k ( iiilden, m the SlMli waid, and William Cuuck, nf l'lovldence. Air. Cosginve substitutes lor .School Controller T. .1. Jennltigs, who Is unable to attend. I'min the Second illstiiit the dele gates aie e.-Sheriff John J. l-'ahey. of the Ninth wind: Seleit Councilman T. C. Alelv-ln, nf the Ulghth w.ud, and J. J. I'Hdden, of the Seventh waul. .loliii .1. Coyne, of Allnooka, and .1 Nelson fli.ives, of Scott, will lepusent tho Third dlsulct. FuncrnU. The funeral nf the lato Alls Wllllatn Penman will take plain this afternoon. Set vices will be held at the house on South llydf) Talk avenue, 1 utiimi nclng at 'i o'clock, and Intel incut will bo made In tho Wttshbutn Btroct teinetuiy. JONAS LOAO'S SONS, J its and Bags are in greater demand than ever. Careful preparation places us in better position than ever to sup ply the increasing demand. 8 Big Specials No. 2, Telescopes Made of extra heavy canvas, heavy leather corners and double ends, brass riveted and cloth lined, three heary one inch straps. ifi in. 20 in. 22 in. 24 in. 26 in. 75c 90c $1.00 $1.15 $1.25 No. 3, Suit Cases Made with heavy leather corners, leather sewed handles, brass lock catches and brass riveted strap. Sie 22 inch, $i.75 Size 24 inch, 1.98. No. 4, Dress Suit Cases For men, made of solid leather, in two colors, dark brown and russet. This grade case has brass lock and catches of good grade, inside straps, leather corners and brass riveted. Size 22 inch, $2.50. Size 24 inch, $2.50. No. 5, Dress Suit Case For men or women. Fully 10 inches deep. It is cloth lined, has brass lock and catches, heayy leather corners. In fact it is the largest and best Suit Case ever shown for the price. 22-Inch Size, $2. 25. 24-Inch Size, $2.48. No. 6, Trunks Full square, canvas covered trunks, high set up tray and hat box, hard wood slats, three bolts, brass Victor lock and three hinges. Sie 2S, $2.98. Size 30, $3-48. Size 32, $3-98. Size 34, S4.44. No. 7, Trunks The Big Bumper kind, No. 116 Is the number. Covered tray, No. 4 bolts, best brass Hxcelsior lock, twenty-five brass bumper knees, anchor handle, iron bottom. To appreciate its worth you should see it. The prices are for Sizes 28 30 )2 34 36 $5.48 S5.98 $6.25 $6.48 S6.98 No. 8, Trunks With solid steel corners, all cloth lined, two inner trays, brass Bxcelsior lock, No. 4 bolts, iron bottom, sewed leather sliding handles, a trunk for either men or women. Sizes 28 30 32 34 36 $S'7S $6-25 $0'48 $0.98 $7.25 I Jonas Long's Sods NOT KNOWN AS YET. Question of Appeal Will Be Taken iu Wntor Bate Case. Whether or not .ill njippal will be taken ftoni .IuiIkc Kdwaidt. dtcMou In the iae of t'onrad hcluoedor against the Siiantmi las and W.iti r i nuiiumi is not as vet known Mi ilmedi 1 out of town anil hi atlnine.v 1 1 a II Mm 111, iIocm not Know what his vhw are In the inalti i. Mr. Mitt in Mill ilinp.- to bis opinion that tho iltj can ll the watei lali nnd If .Mr. Sihioeilet mijs tlie wonl he will so 10 the Supieino mint with the cite. STRIKERS ARE TO MEET. Special Session of the Car Builders to Be Held Toniffht. I'ipldent 1'. .1 .MeAtidiPW of the Imnl car hulldeis' union, has had t-i-v -eial lonfeietiieH with Master Car Mulldet I'antleld Willi a view of Fettling tlie Httike, and will teputt tin- it Milt of his visits at a pei lai meeting to bo held tonight iu I'atpontPi-'.s hall. It was staled cileiila bv Seuel.ny Cniiililiell, of the lai huildi'is' union, that the inert will again be given an opportunlt.v of voting 011 the question of vvhetlni to deilatc tin stilkc ott or continue the- light. NOVELIST KILLED HIMSELF. Robert Shortz, of Wilkes-Barre Turn ed on the Oas and Died. Ilobeit PI1011 nur of 'Wilkes. Man p's best known oiing tin ti and n novelist of Millli- lepllie, lOlutillttid suit Ide on Moiidav night Iu tin Hotel Hart, In that 1 Ity. He took n room In the nfteinomi and mined mi the gas His In dv was found about midnight. Tlie dead jounsr man was about It e,us old and was a ilvil i nglneer bv piore-s'lon. 1 wo novels timu nis put, "Tlie (lift of Mont1p.11 te" and the "Hong ot the Svvoiil," hid quite a wide sale. INQUIRING FROM EASTON. Big Drill Company Wants a 100 Aero Site to Locate on, Feiietatv Atheitoti of the bnaid of tinile, luin lei.ivid a b ttei tioin tin Ingi t-oll-SeiL,! nut Pi ill company, of K.istnn, asking: for Infmhiatlon ie ganllng tins ion mil sitis iu this ilt vvhlih may be on the maiket Tin iniiipnny miplojs 1 3',o men, ntnl i imteniplates moving finm II.iMon on in i mint ot lm k of lomu. .. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. I i.t it litln rim linlii1,' iiiiullnl (ur at I lie Si mil. 11 m-iiitlifi , I n Kin inni i mul, I'.i , Vim It. l'"H l' MUM lllll!l Ii r tliiw Ihius will ili im o .iJii iii-iiI and lilir iljii- it II. I. I H4 II fl H (ill . I'mtmitl'l- I'ltiuk Um Ip. I' It llrntiJh-r, Ii Ini lluniK, ilomu-e M IIiIki.'. (iiitnule IliUri, J'.limr l', ll.iiiiii.C i: Hiim,. I.il4iil I! llunnrll, viiihul lliinit, . llHii-ti'in, I Bun, l.ihi.inl S. Ilinki-, Kj(p lUrntt Il.nliifl lanfiilil, Mn llnliiil Ciutl, Mr. , T lev. t' I. lVimoi, I, t, i liriiiiun, Sbs. I.. I'usli ifclihiS. I llnniilln, C. 1, ttpnt luliii II.HII), Mm. hiu tai'), M.it I .ii.iiu .-i, Kill- i nli.i. Hint I piiririulil, ilim ( lui, VIiii N. i:. Hoi". vMllltm lliiiliiiinir, .Nqirr Ii Ii-vjii, Julia liilJiiii. IJcinlirlimi ., (iilihii, It..crt I. Dili. .1 II I'ollnltr, Vb I, hn lo.trr, VUn llin ini, Vulnir I'millir, Vm I ilin l' tiuin, Vbj Put I lOui. Mrii V I "nl iilolip I iiiij iumiiii.i, Jntm fii.nj, vtar.v I, it frrin. HrlilrM (ijirli, u (.ruiilitj IiIIIp llrlrn Mti ll.iinlpt, .lipiM I Hill, h mli lb i i, t, f, lluulilno, Clara IUd, Mu-d llutihliu. JONAS LONG'S SONS, Trunks and Bags The vacation season is at hpidht. Suit Pncoc Trnnbc No. 1, Hnnd BaRS Hull cut. club shapes, cloth lined, with pocket inside, best brass lock and catches, well finished throughout. 10 in., 69c ti inch, 79c. 12 inch, 8qc n inch, 99c. 14 inch, St.05. 15 inch, Si. 15. it inch, $1.25. 17 inch, $1.35- iS inch, $1.48. THE CELEBRATED GORDON PI ANO Befote buying, send for catnlogue. H. S. GORDON, ViVt cAi Vrrry ' -& pun-o'OTa jQ SPHCIAL THFWUOH CARS TO THE SEASHORE Pol (l.vift !-unilj) Via CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY Lenvo Scinnton nt 8:55 n. m. for Long Blanch, Ocean Glove, As- huiy Pntk, Belmar, Spiing Lake, Sea Girt, &c. ltriiiinin; I m- I'mnt Plr-i-Jiit it II 1", i m ; spiinB I !' , 1 1 it ,i in niiinir, ii ' i in : Vvlimi lti k -i ml lit in l.rmi, '02, no m lin; llii'iili, I "' I' m Vrriviii ut "iiinlin n " V " i in 1 tits mil In kt it up tur thp rntire f.riHin, .piiiilii r, r the ii luinin nkiiii ii nf timilirji i II mil i n.ttilt piM.iiuri t, wiiirii mil leuui toiiifi ii il'li .iil4 iluiiiiK ilit cninc joiuniy. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. Qrand Atlantic Hotcl. and annek Vlrplnia An- ami Ilia. Ii. VilJniir City, N I Sixth eir ' 0 I riutiful io. mi rntintr, blnuh anil with luih liot .nut culil .ei water hath" in hold and iiiip Lmaiion IM and n-niral, within Jiw ui.i if Hie tfrl I'tcr Orclicara, (llliiii hptiiil (piiiiir iale, $12 lo Jli by wofk; ii M up In lo S i 1,1 r it. s to familio. Coachej meet ill traiiu Wiit. lir Ii mklrt j C II VltltS H. COPE CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY Wissahickon Heights, Chestnut Hill, Pa. A Ixmilinc scliiinl for lioyi In the elevated ami beautiful open coimtrv north of I'hila ilelphl i. 3" minutei from Droad M .station I'or catnlosucs aililrevn JAMCS L. PATTEUSON. Head Mailer. I, Iniim Ihrri lorn Itrlilurt huir, lohii hiimri, I irrie Krifdleri ininn Kailni , VIri Kpuwirthi Mr H liRoiiirslino. hni". S I,pe, riizibpth Mirkpr. MN.pi Vlipjiiill, llirtln Vlmiln, CliipniD Mallcj. Ca,.lii Vi Vliilrtn Krnl Milllnu. tir-hael Mrlnttrp. II 'I' Mihinnv I i"Ip Mnnre, Maul . M Mpr, l.mn.p V Mm,, s ( Vpan Vr Orel. II N (I'll in Ipliinni O'fonnfr Wdllinii I'x.lo, 1. 1. hi,. l'P'k. Hl7l Phillip, V lli.liiu. 1 I'rkluliJ .1 II (jlmk Wiltir Ituliisir .unnli II mlill. Illliin ItiivPll, Willlp Illlrv, Iiml Mm n uluniiL-i"ini..m I Mri'ttliitu. .laimi miiIIIi n 1! MurTrr, fiinrei' P Mullfr, .lm' ilnm. I (tip ii-n,iri ('. T. Mnw. Illlllp 'liiiinnn. J hn Mant n, Kohcrt Sihiiliil, 'hiIoii -lupin. M irv iiinrl,ri '.artia '(latlonl, Hn f-ini n, Vine Scluadcr, U nutnn sinlth Inhn M Ihntnai. Inilfi thlil. Mn Vnilrpi Tlininn, P Mantuiin, K T Jailor. MUiain 'IhnniH H Man WiIIUiik Iilnu M i.-fti. r.liianl WpUli, l.ll i WiMaiil, I' VI Mprii, rninu William!, II Walkn, P I Wmlfl Mi-. ( nra VI. limn. l II Hmilnurrt, Wll.laiiii, VV W. W llxni, ,1. l'HinCi 'Hii'iins Uilliama. Wost Scrnnton Station. Sl mn tm Ilniidf ii, Mn ni-tnn, Vbj. p.itrtrt llurke I Jl. .1 -tin. lalruj, Vlu, l.oiiUe .lohiun, .Inhn Mn, InlKiiii' Sotoilonn., Ihomu Onem, l.iiircu T. 1'iatt, Mm. Carrie Deen Heed, faoo Uuo 'J'untf, N, J, vUOcr, i