The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 14, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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rHihffl Paiiv, rvpt Smvlity. Iy lh Ttth
in Fuhllfthlnic t omp.n), at Hit Cents a Milh
tl i niniAM' Mltnr
0 1 MVHlih, Hi Mini Manaser.
hew txk OlHoot IJOMaMiiM.
m s vrhi,m.
Me ARint foi KotetRn WxeitlMna
Enured t (he l'octofnie at (-cranton,
.Vim 1 lla Mill MittfT.
l'a , 11
When frif xlll pfimlt. The Tribune ii iliJ
rlid In pilrt hort letters from its friend J''"
ins on rutient topi.s. lilt tt rule l luat ""
mint tr Mcnfrt. lor publKiitlon, In the "",."
fill name, and the lomlltlon precedent " ; ,
.vptanfo l that ill contributions shall lie u"Jcl v
r elitorlal rexulon
Tiir n,ir nni ion um.miMvo
Thf folloutns lahlo hos the pflie per In'-h
erh Imrrtien, pm' tn he used ullhln one jeif!
I Ilunof IMrlltiBonl rull
niirHY I Paper Iteidlnc I PoMllen
l' tMn VO Inches
'on inrhea
1!IY "
Soon ' '
or rirn" nf thviku rinliiflf nn o( condolence
n-l unulir irnfrilnitlnn In the nature "I ir1
"liTia The Tribune ma1.e iharjre "I r'n,
Hire fr,t Classified Adxcrtlslns lurnlshed on
fp wllrn
' r:rTuN. AlVft'ST 14 1101
l". Treemer Kolh inn at leiKt d
rlp miw satlpfrfi tlnti fiom tli an
nountment tliat lie it fleited.
n Unpatriotic Board of Control.
"v r AJ.f. th uttrlv iinlunt pio-
fl H fdlnps whhh haf eei
V. f bn leiorded In the miiup
what oiicr annals uf the
Pf inton Hntttd of Control, the mnt
uni'iue I that ol Monda nlcht. whfn
wis adopted the leiuatkable fthedule
nnnnunrl emnla In unlet to ple
thf full Inn d.i nf rlnml leipilied n
rulnrl'ir hiK been piepmed uhiih ion
tlnuea to add to the buidens of thf nl-re-"-h
oxeiladen tediheii- and to lin
j,n.. extra nnilrtlon on the pupil
It If. piopoterl to opfn the rhoolfi on
the- third of i-eptemliu. a dite whlih
UMiallv liiiludfp about the hottist
weather In the enr and which piai -tirally
means the exliHiitlon ol Ixiili
teieheis and pupllt aftei a netikd
n .i t Ion it nl-ii nit ui extiemt In
ronenl'ntf to thousands of pocuts
whi plrfii In thit time of the ear to
prepare their chlldlfn for the fiiM
wi-lvs of 'ehool and to settle at norm
aftet atatlotif. pent nw,i
The Idea nf detnandlnp attenclaiiM at
a monthly Institute would not he tin
Jut If a In the ae of the teat Inn
of the i-rranton publlt .m hools, so
murh woik weie not lequlied out of
ffhool hoin Hetween the many In
stltute the he.iit to heait talk" with
the powors that be, the nonvenMial
-stem of hfinUkeepInK thrust upon
the tfaeheth, beld( the nutiaRcnits
amount of work entailed b the In
tricate examination method". tln
haw no oppoitunlt fm hIIrIous ot
mentil imnroement but moe along
In a nuiow rioonp. whkh Is makliiR
machines of both our tea.her and
The most lldliulou" Idea, howeei Is
the mandate oideilne the schools to he
open on Memorial da. a national
holiday and one whlth is mtvt hon
ored In obsenaiue as such, and not as
a 'Rrind ' The best wa In whkh to
Impress the rising pent ration with Hie
solemn Impoitante of thnt dtx Is in
Its usual obseiance, when the chil
dren ro In throngs to the beautiful
cemeteries all oei our country and
with their own gentle hand place
flowers on the phii.n of thi nations
Whit would "eNPtclses" mean In
comparison to lndn that pieilous
priNllece-' Wlnt -would ' een Ists"
mean In comparison to mining the
(pportunity of seeing the veterans
man h in -llent pioicsmod to the little
plots wheie theli tomrailes lie" M hat
WMild exercises ' of an sort mean,
Immurerl in the prison of a m hool
room, when all theli world under the
skies and the sunshine paid honor to
the mo.Pt slgnilU int national holiday
In the whole eir" Ker ! indeed!
The efrclfs held anntralh un the day
presioii in eer. s, hool in the ilt
amply fulfill nil lequitenients in tint
direction The ehlldien and the teach
ers should not he denied their light to
the true ohsf-ixniuc of the d i of
inemorv for thr mtlon's heroes We
t'oubt if i teat her tould cnllctt salary
fur teiehlns on a national hoiida
No fault has exer been found with
the Roird of Contiol of s-cranton f it
has heen too lenient in the matter of
compelling the attual JOO dajs of
learning In the school jear i:erj-
body knows tlm It is In the powei of
the board to make a daj t of as
many or as few houts as It pleases.
1 xenhody knows that if the spring
term inns fu Into the heat of June,
the Board of Control max Issue an
edict and say that one session, held In
the cooler morning constitutes a da
and no lost of state appioprlatlon is to
he dreajied
No ta'xpaxer of Pcranton will com
plain If- the actual pound of flesh Is
run taken from the fair body of hit.
Iit'tle child )n the burning heat dining
the first week of September, in order
'o make the tale of JOO dajs complete
No tapaer will stand up and hoxxl
vociferously If the "fin daxs of muni
tuning do not compel either long,
aborlous hours of out of sthuol woik
for the teacheift. nor wearisome at
tendance Into the hllsteilng heat of
ummer-.for the little ones We shall
be ery much mistaken If the puiple
n this Vommunit do not rise up and
?rotest .violently pgalnst the deseira
Ion of a nation's holiday by compell
ng thasr hools to ixtopen during the
forenoon of May 30 in nn xcar of the
twentieth century.
Will the patriotic organizations of
this region tounttnance such methods?
The excursion season glc3 promise
of a jed-'hot ifnlsh,
The ohtf in the royal kitchens of tho
klnjr of Spsln and his regent mother,
thr struck because rojal economy had
UMied an edict for ham and esgs. In
Head of the epicurean feasts he, was
ixont to prepaie will receive the'sm
pathy of the world. What on earth i
the use of helnfTa king, if one must
eonor'e to the extent of a menu
v sti
.1 KS
l .n i
Ftrlrtly rnndurtM along him nnrl fRO
tlncJi ' Whit (in fuith l( thr ue of
bednfr ft chef in a hint; and thr ijucen
repent, If nne l to lv ifttlael to the
prppnuitlon nf rm li tUMife. Vive le
chrf uf the p.ila'c nt Murlrid!
r'hiilrninn I'miay Ik nt ripeiit the
man with th IiIbrpiU Job on tininl In
this country To btliiR liniiiionv out of
thf iJeniountlo muddle In IV nii.vl.
vanla will lif to Mum himself the
Ktentet nmn of, hi timee Hiding
thite Iioims In ii rln up I" nnllilns to
thf feat In poliiki vxlrlih mn'roiits Mr.
t'lenjiv. In thn lnriRiiiiKP of the cliifa
les he will be condemned to peidltlon
xxhlchf-xcr lenuli obtulnod.
Park Improvements.
tin ANNOi'NrnMF.NT that
many Improxements for the
comfort of the nnlnmls at
N'ny Aug paik nie soon to
be completed will be giatlfvlng to all
humane reHdcis It Is exldent that
this featute of the park has been too
long neglected, and It I a xxotuler that
more of the specimens on exhibition nt
the ' Zoo" haxe not long ago succumbed
to the U eminent thev haxe reielxrd,
xxhrt'h has boidered on crucltj Tnki,
for Instance, the Florida deer brought
north bx r n. II. Mill Neatlx- nil fa
nilllir with the bald's of xxlkl animals
should know that the deer l the most
fastidious of clox en-hooted beasts, and
possesses the keenet "n-nt of nny ani
mal of its clis. The Idea of conllnlng
thf o khiiiiI ilenlyeus of the finest In
n i ige w'th a lot ot ducks, rabbits
and guinea fowls, xxhere nexer n blnle
ot Rtass s nlloxxed to rioxx would be
laughable If It vxere not cruel. The
deer should In nlloxxed to ro un In n
Inure em Insure, or txxo of tin in, If
nittssarx xxhere thev could .secure
something to eat besides biled hnv
The lomlition of the bears, too, has
been deplorable and those xxho under
stand the cue of animals mm v el that
they haxe silivlxed. When the cun
ning specimens are housed In
the nexx- pit that Is being pre
pared for them, nnd provided xxith
plentx ol xxntei in xxhich thev mnv
sport nt xx 111, It is believed that they
will be much more attractive than in
the present clamped quarters, xxhere
l"i the pist two ytars tin x have
fated little better th ill sxxlne
The enter pi s. of Mr. Hoi he and his
assistants iir seeking to bettn the sur
roundings of the poor ciptlxes xxho
have been so long abused throiiRh the
Ignorance of those In charge or
tin midi lack of ltmds. Is to be com-
nit ruled F.v all means lit the '".rut"
rttelxe a proper share of the cash to
be distributed In park Inipiovenients. 4
Fr Idp In Hip fcimll.x tree Is to be mm
mended but exerx man should strive
to be something mote than the great
grandson of his great grandfather.
Our Hawaiian Charite.
r IS Till: opinion ot W F. Mc
Lennan, chkt of the wait ant di
vision ot tin tie.isurx depart
ment, xxho has just returned
from Honolulu, that the Hnxx.illan
islands xx 111 prove epeiis. to the
Fnlted State- Mr. M I.eniran thinks
that the Islands xxlll tost the Fnlted
States a vast sum of monev befoie thev
are completely Aineikanlreil. Ameil
cau iustluitinns, xxhlle nuking rapid
inroads, are not vet as thoroughly es.
tablished as the might be, Imt, fit
course. It loquncs time fm sink ip
xtlopniPtits, nnil altogether, the pro
gross nude In this diiectlon is satis,
While Hawaii will cost this goxern-
ment a gieat amount of mnnox there Is
oxer j thing to lead to the belief that
xxe will leiolxe In leturri equal benefit
In one foi in or nnothcr in nn Inevitable
icsult. One thing, how exer, must be
ncc onipllshed in this connection mid
with as little delay ns possible, nnd
that in the la.vlng of the Hawaiian
cable. Tly means of tlneit and speedy
communication with the . H iwullan
group, the commercial conditions cm
doubtless be Rieatly Improved nnd le
tuins Horn capital Invested bv govern
ment and bx private enterprise will be
more prompt and subst intl U,
And now a number of editor a about
th eountiy show a disposition to reprl.
rniitid Acting becietnry of tho Navy
A Crucial Test.
HF Color ado man T I. Mun-
snn, who has offered to the
JL xxorld of silence and human-
Itv in central the opportun
ity of deciding ont e for all the (pits
tlon of the transmission of nnlmxl
tuberculosis to the human hod, ks
making himself the t onspk uuu.s ligure
of the e1a If the piopostlon s genu
ineand the standing and reputation
of the man seem to pieclude mix other
inlerpietntlon It is the most ternark
able exldence of faith in hi.s own the
oiy and of willingness to make the
Kieatest sacrifice eonceixable in the
interests of humanltv that has been
recorded in the centuiy past.
Mr. Munon is the state dairy com
missioner of Colorado and is a person
of wide experience and knowledge, He
has made experiments with tegaid to
boxine disease for nnny jears. and Is
an earnest believer In Dr. Koch's the
or that animal tuheiruloMs Is not
communicable dliectly or bx product
to the human race.
The Inoculation of a healthy human
being with the germs of animal tubei
culosls will go far to settle tho war
vxhlch noxv rages among hacterlolo
gists. The picpondcimue of opinion
has been ngnlnt Pi Koch's astonish
ing announcement, and If the contniiy
will be pioved thinuglr the unparalleled
proposition of Mi Munson, the u suits
to the xxoild at laige will be iinahril.
able In value. Not nlono the wealth f
tho country and all civilized countries
will be Inc leased through the preset
vntlon of Ileitis which have been
slaughteied by thousand, because of
fear of contagion, but the gieat ad
vantage of a loMmed feeling of .safety
In the consumption of dalij pindueis
vlll add minh to the tomfnit and well
being of humanity The experiment
will be awaited with Intense Interest.
The controversy over the best plm
of killing mosquitos has brought to tho
rurfnee a PittdhurK writer vxho giave
ly oiiKRCJits Hint the momnilto mild be
kept In rhpi'k "If the little spartoixB
whlih Iniesi thli legion 'null only be
ednrnted to piey upon pip Ii Inneiti'
Theie tenllv Keems nothing left foi
tllli siiro but to enter the lulu?M nt
ip.inow lialnliitc nt oiue.
Aerordlnp to Jildse KipIib It would
be Ik Iter It ndmllon to the Pern-oc-i
t t If ptate ionentloii could be ar
i.inRcd by a Rilii or pdsswoid.
ShortriKC of the Crops. nnvnr.NMnNT import
if the condition of the corn
crip on Auk I is startling
In Its elemonstntlon of the
bllRhtlriK effect of July's talnless
skies it on gi owing grain. Where nn
nveinge coin imp means a leld In the
neighborhood of .'.noniinn poo bushels,
while the big .vield of ! was I W -M1.Hi.
the goxernment's statement
eomplled from the teporlfi of l-'.f'io
coi respondents lndhates n tolnl ciop
this viar of only I.Itf) 177,00(1 bushels.
This Is n shiinkage of oxer filn noo duO
from the estimates made July 1, lr'"l.
For the states lu the great corn belt
the los s shown In the following table
of nttenge nnd estimated vkld com
paud with the vlrld In H'OO.
Vfrrur, ltniillrl MrM,
.lulx t Jlild, lull, 1"1
I'tfil. In I'U In I a
Ohin 2,lilH,fi ,1'fiort lil'ileil
Inlimi .. . ,f)5l 00 (.'..HO . 1 .i.sii Mm
tlilnois .. .. T.Ji,iM in;,t,5in 2n,i;Jri
Inw I .. . '."TOfol H-.ViufiO ;nx,s,l 'is
VM-s-sirl .... n.ii'i, 'i W 1'u,'ti 1ni,;iii tm
Kanin ;iili) Mll,fn lii.;i)tiin
Vlnivki , 8,01 imi w dtii o.i Sin i to oi
The etfeet of the July drought was
nlso lelt bv other ceienK The a-xer-age
condition of spring wheat declined
11 pultun tinting the month; oits, 10 1;
bailey. I I, nnil lye, fi 7.
Fcit itoes show onlv nbout fiO per
cent of thq. nveraRO crop, and the ef
f ei m are already felt In the local mar
ket", xxhere nn Inferior aitlcle bilngs
mote thnn double the prices ot last
season. About the only encouraRltig
ft attire of tin i rop repen ts is tlie an
limine ement thnt the supply of buck
xx he it has been nlfet ted bv the pin
tiacted he it. vxhlch promises that theie
will be no advance upon the price of
the Important clement of the griddle
While the outlook is to mi extent
discouraging. It is not llkelv that it
xx ill be followed by t oniiuorelnl dis
aster. The fanners may be deprived
of ,i iltte of llie purchasing poxxer thev
have dlsplavcd in lecent veats, grnn
gi r roads may sutfer a redut tion In net
receipts. Hut neither to nn alarming
i tent The people xxho me really
llkelv to feel the p.ut fillure of rops
are the Industrial masses, xxho will find
the cost of tood hlght r than in the
j en i j of gieat abundance.
There Is .something pathetic In the
capture of the man who was most .suc
cessfully tapping a gold mine in order
to secure tunds to build n living ma
chine A pei.son xxho had ingenuity
enough to xxork out such it scheme as
the gold-mine lobber, should haxe
been able to tlev sp a method of es
caping ultimate detection. 'I hen, too,
it tloes seeiu as if tin re xxere any num
bei of xx a s in xxhith a man could have
a good time xxith sexeral millions In
gold besides meditating a llxlng
iii.ii hlne.
Much of the tumble In Central Amer
ica seems to have been the icsult of
( Filbe-Ftlbe's greater Colom
bian ilrealn,
linm the (' lmnortnl vrlxrrtifrr
llie ptrminrnt .I'-inrf k lhp slrcl crrp ri
ti n of thin mill., at X lr, -po t mil tli u re
mm il ti rtlir I , ilit ies n whuh thrrt U 1
lr- liiile p pulir MiiiiinrnT hi. 1'ffn in i
t-tl'le Mnie Mitir Hluk ope-np 1 hi a-mnKh i
t imi'iicn icaint them It ho muritrl rrpie
se-iiu thi wntini'iit e( the tntcn llino I no
i ihn tiur-n posjiililp for the orpoi,i!ion Vhtor
Illnki. itl"ti U lint Ihr euti r-i if thr 1111II4
linl-l rfrnt 111. Ill u hi w. 4 el not op I lie
thiiu nt nil, tlini thr intKI empl 9 ik h linn
i sun linn ant lni 1 'nMlttituU xmdrr en h
tr ii(liil"n a thfx sppi tft 01 rmplox noun it
nil, it in "thn- xslll In ininlitpil t mtPr
thp ton iv xxill, n the mill emmic, If
jou will nut ifiiiiit 111 an.t xniip in tho mm
ijiiiKiit nf our Immiips . xxill 1 iU Ii oiii
wIipii rlu 1111 urn pu xi nt in il mii liii'lnu
In 1 in nxtn xx n, lull xrni einnnt ci ni 1 1 in 11
iln liiinnirt In jour xxtx Hip Ipvjnn thin in
rnlnliil to thp rf'hoiilix of evtrpine 'iinon.
Urn' i a xprx nlil oiip (Jpitil 1 in Ip ilntPn
Into liiletiPw. but 11 innnot Iip eomppllril iciint
it "ill t" inntinuH In Iniunos lhu aii ites
ef ilioip in 1 irrnlppiiulilp 1111111P) in Ithniln
Nlina, nftpr iIip l(polutionrx xv 11. pnl laws
clurilHic l.cnWs ami hopKerpris iiel niPithinM
gtmiHlIx In (nke their iimnpc it lu fvo xjIup
ImiI thpt roulrl nit coinpol thp lunl, to Irnil
thplr inonit. npithir niihl tliri pipnt iiki
t mill ami i,hniKifppr horn c lotlni- Ihpir 1 p
and tfuns 1 nt of hiislupvt nun rlcht tr
piranntl ih"Up in lhp me ot Inn own mnney
01 in the tiui igenn lit of liu nxxu piopprtx can
not to tikrn from linn In ilrnniini inz linn n a
t ipitaltt, n r 1- thrip inv pt pr ht ttlmli Iip
inn lie innippllpil t uniPii'lir all nshti. 'n
tho pmnkM tn 1 tra.Ir nnh n Up tin Ip
tliixrn out of lnihiiip, Imt lip lannut be furted
tn tto liunnreJ .U'anut lu. xtill
IkIxxippi I'urt in 1,p-1ip' X uiihlx
iipinn ol 1 hiMilirs 3 ic lit rpipixp xhnut
s.ii 1 nn nlh iIip inilPs lieixxerii $;! mil -lii
IIpi fiiimn ipiolxp s. n i mnntli, iii'l m do top
nrcinui and "iliu I hi unit cm k it pud it
li.ui si ami In.- threp li, xx liilc ihn
hud Upvx ird, ulwp dutj It U to look .itnr
tlie qiuntitx md qiiilnx it lhp upp1ip, to it
tpnil to piPhU and nc that rxnxthinc Itins
nuooihl) Is ehpjp at 'V or U" uili monih
It mi.a iliont Illit nun. a dix, on in ixiiisi.
tn feed cadi ol the rncii Uirn tike Iln cut
of enskiPfi' and tiialfY tour., lhp liulniriuii 0
rf iln i iliin and uini leitpt. thp x an m uilu.
tailimiiiK, and imi mil li,d tint it 1 r,,i 4 11 t
In thin si,(h 1 ni'iuh tu run lisr; ij, -o,iw
a jui
("1 elvux tree, nix ihprr tree.
With xxhit ilclisliis tlmii flllfiit in?'
( lop to inv xtludowl xtpt, xoii cruxx,
Vnd rn tin lorcnsdl paiifj do thioxx,
like fllktn xxtli from falrx looms,
Thn tlkuloxv ol xour ruML lilooin,
Hut riPxi'i xxiinf nf cojilk.t ihctn
( uld catch tho tillmmir of jinn green.
iriiii,'ioun oriiiln with nip
llpjiilcrth In in. 1 Iim n tire:
Mi xxith la nut", ceiruo and hold,
With lurat nf liloml nnd vv inn of gold,
Will li lhp ihrro Miianiiii' ip ,
1.1I dart ilUlraitiiis; "i nn lexx ,
Xhil rnuiiniiririg hrra xh) rlovt .unl rroon
111 vide xxllh tliim join him.xed liluum.
Hut, oh, nit uorvlrniM iln'rr) tree,
Ti II mnt Dtcltp til) fs't1j
M1u1 lilkhtrr linn tin IminUhid toll
our tlmuunl CurjI pfintu unfold,
Mipii all xour Ipupj. rniniPllpil. xxet,
Willi inuiitln. dlinionk ppiii rt,
Ami xxhfii xnui Marrjtrd lileaums whirl I
Like bell rf ivorj or (earl.
Oh, ter thu m) tree irnnin!
Tranifntnifd tn jewel la thr rain
Amj E Hopp, In Doiton Tiannrlpt,
One. Hundred and Eivo Disputes
That tho Couit and Jury Will Bo
Callod Upon to Adjudicate During
tho Three Wooks BoRinninp; with
Monday, Sept. 16, 1001 -Largo
Number of Trespass Casus Against
the Soranton Railway Company,
Cleans Up Business to Jan. 1, 1000.
Iieputy l'rothonotaiv John cummlngs
jestettlav inntle up the ttlal list for
the thiee wetks teim of comnion pleas
court xxhich opens Mondav, September
Ifi With this list disposed of the busi
ness of the common pie. is bianth of
th couit vx III be t leaned up. probabl),
to Januaiy 1, IftOii.
The one hundred nnd Ilxe cases set
down for ttlal are as follows.
C. i: Newton ngiinst 11. II. Kidge
xxay. xage.
.lohr. Atilgan ngninst D. M. Lynch;
Herman Ttogulskl ngalnst Foyntelle
Ice compnny, xxnges.
Herman l.each against Hlhs Hartley;
feigned Issue.
A (1. Cillmore against A. F. Duffy,
feigned Issue.
Mnv Mtithlnskv ngalnst Lizmus
Jloxet Inlei pleader.
F. KviioxxsKI against F. I., nnd W.
It,iiltid t omp.inv , ttespass
A. C. Schmidt ev Ci. ncilnst Pavld
Rkhatds nnd Itlelnrd appeal.
F i: Ntttleton ngiinst .1 V Carvl,
Jui'gment opened
A M From, ndnilnlstuitor, ngvlnst
fleorge '. Miown appeal
Kre-e Hughes against city of Cnrbon-
dllk trespjss
Ilvman Flnner against Central Fenn
svlvanla Teleiihone ami Supply com
P in.v . trespass.
Peter .1 .lemltri iignlnt Suelilan Ho
nevolent nssoi latlon, appeal
I! H. lnget soil .fc Hro. ngiinst M. T.
Kellet. appnil
F ,1 linker against Scranton Ilnllxxay
compinv ttespass,
Antonio Mngonettn against I Imel
doff, appeal.
.1 F Woekers ngiinst "Michael Miller;
Margiret Flaherty against Annie
Flnhert jsstjmpslt.
N A. Hullicit against N. 13. Lcsh. re
plex In
Daniel fillbert ngalnst Nexv York,
Ontailo and Westein F..ilhoid 01m
jianx appeal
Peter Dm lie against Scranton Rall
vx.u tonipnnv, trespass
F. M. Mo.vci ngalnst J S. Miller; ap
peal Frank rhenl against Steirlck Cieek
Coal 1 omp.niv . ttespiss.
F M. Mojer ngalnst J. S. Miller, ap
peal Fiank Chert I against Sterrlck Creek
Coil lornp.iny. tresjiass.
M itv Nolan ugalmjl city of Sctanton;
Cltv of Sn.inton ngalnst Amnnro
Rev nobis spiie facias.
J. P. Tteddincton ngalnst Kdwnrd
Coleman appeal
llllse Knowlcs against Harry Staples;
Scranton Knitting compinv against
John .1 How lev et al.. assumpsit
Joseph P Feildlngton agilnst James
Tmss, appril
John Henore I A- Son ngalnst D. V.
Leonard scire f.iclns
F C Funnell ngalnst '.. M. Ward;
Owen Mi tioxei n ngninst Lackawanna
lion and Steel lompinv, tiespits
W C Cowles agairrst A. (!. I'ace, ap
peal (5 H Ulnghnm ngalnst Michael Frve
lack et al si Ire facl-is.
Com ad F.ehl ngninst Michael Wal
ter, teplevln.
Mo.vnw, sF.PTn.Miiin :n. ioni
i: F.N Fdw aids against P. P. Long
stteet ticspass
Joseph i:. Iltennnn ngalnst Fell
township si hool dlstilet; nssumpsit
fieoige Sdt against Ktexe Dieffilo,
feigned l"stn
("ixxin Iionnellv against F. Hagen &.
Son inter (deader
.limes (ianuon ngalnst Thomas
Kiell et nl. e leetment.
M.ux nullln ngninst city -of Scran
ton. tiespiss
II. liuldrchleger ngalnst Scranton
Tiattkip companv , trespass.
M.l. I.esh ncninst F. 11 ('lemons
et nl nppp'tl.
Mnhn"l Stnlfotd ngalnnt Scranton
n.illxxav eompinj , trespass.
Julius Henke ng.ilns Henrietta
F.enke dlxone
I'eople s Market company ngalnst
Jon pli Scott appeal
II i: Iloss against Scianton Hallway
companv ; ttopass,
Walter (Si eaves against Charles
Floes, appeil
C.lvnn x llarrett against J II. Ititten
holise. appeal
Lackawanna Hardware company
ngiinst Frank Pitiencp et al . appeal
William J Lexx Is against the Deli
vvme and Hudson companv, trespass
W. W. Willi inn against John K
Jones, appeal.
John Corrlgnn ngalnst Scranton Trac
tion t nmp ill trespass
Ann M ng.tlnst Delaware
nnd Hudson company, ttespass
John L Hull against Isaat P. Felts,
F.xeter Machine vxoiks against Pine
Hill coal 1 nmp inv; nssumpsit.
Kiess Stationery 1 omp.inv ngiinst
Fell township si hool district, n3sump.
Ellmbetli Carman ngiinst Scianton
Ilallxxaj ttespass
James Nolan against cit nf Scian
ton; trespass
Levn Slioniacher against Lexx Is Thielj
Or tee Connnllv, admlnistiatrlx,
ngalnst C C Johnson et al . appeal,
Fdwanl ("St lei aaainst Annie Oiler
el nl , rppeal
(Seoige Cosine against Scranton Hall
way companv , tiespiss
J W Mock nceilnst A. Hiusch
mavei, appeal
Fnlted Secutitv Llfo Insurance and
Trust company ngiinst John Fetguson,
si In- fncl 1?
Feoiiomv Fuinltuie compinv ngiinst
William nde1s1111 et al issumpslt.
John F Mullen against Scianton
Iinllxv.iv companv ttcspiss,
S F. Lewis et al agnlnst Nexv York,
Ontailo and Western Hallioail coin
pat' tiespass.
Maty Walsh ngalirst novnigh of
Wlnton tiespass
fScoige Hufnagle ngalnst Pennsyl
vanln HrexUng company; as
sumpsit. MONDAY. SFPTFMHFH ,"n, W.
Jnno Phillips ngalnst Peter CSairlty;
Owen Hlglln ngalnst William '.am;
vx ages,
Ilniry (Sassman against M. T. Keller;
l)e Lnurent .. Co ngninst A De Villi
l ill' tV ''" et 11 , feigned Issue.
Fruncpska I'elchnk against Central
Hailrond of New Jerseyi trespass.
Lugeup H Call against Joseph Hynn
et nl , ejectment.
Mirtln Ferguson ngninst J C Maur
ei , appeil.
Wlnlfied Scott against Huth Ann
Vine, nppenl
Dominlck Healey against City of
Scranton. tiespass
Patrick Campbell against Ca.noua
Colliery Accidental associations ap
peal, Philip H. Smith ngalnst K. Cnrler,
admlulstritrlx. nppeal
H Dinner ngninst Mary A. MrAn
drexxs et nl . replevin.
Pan It k Donnelly agnlnst Mary Don
nelly et nl , Judgment opened
M W Morris ngalnst Louis Hans et
a nssumpsit
1lPur Spotts et n. ngalnst I. lmer
doff, appeal
rienjaiulti Tonkin ngninst City of
Scrnnton trespass,
Alfred Spin e ngninst John Ford, np
peal F C Pllger ngalnst Horough nf
Tnrnop trespiss
John Schruber against City of Scran
ton. trespass.
Hairy W Coche against C Smith.
Mary Henry ngalnst Anna H. Zur
lf th, admlnlsttntlix, nssumpsit.
Thomas Davis agnlnst A. B. Hussell,
Annie L Newell ngalnst John L
Hoe, scire facias.
William II. Ft ens against S N Blake,
W A. Hatvey against J. J Collins,
C. Fruchan. managet. ngalnst Staples
pi Keith, nppeal.
Jnckfon Merryweather agilnst the
L"hlgh Valley Hallroad companv, ties
pass, i: II Courtrlght agilnt Bitten
binder ei Co , nssumpsit
Fred Hnldeily ngiinst Mary Don
nelly nppeal.
A. Barnes ngninst Scranton Hallway
compinv trespass.
Ann McCSovein against Licknwanna
Iron nnd Steel companv trespass
W J Douglass ngalnst V. J. Will
Inms appeal
Joseph Melvln ngalnst A. P. Bedfmd
et nl . nssumpsit
Willi im McLoughlln ngalnst Maria
B Hull assumpsit
ileoige A Prokopovlts agilnst Oly
phnnt Borough nnd Olyphant Water
companv. trespiss,
"Always Busy."
2 Always Busy Events
Kit st Our Fall stvles
nf Celebrated Korrect
Shoes nt $4 00 They are
dlsplived In our mens
window They are for
the smart diesser who
wants to he just a little
ahead of the other fellow.
second The pliclng on
sale of every man's Rus
set Shoe in our store, loxv
nnd high cut, J and M
giades. They are dls
plnveel In our mens win
doxx You can get n pilr
of them, perhaps the best
shoe you exer wore, for $2
Lewis & Reilly,
Wholesale and Retail.
11"l--lie Wyoming Ave
Capital $200,000. Surplus S3'23,000
United States Depositary.
Special attention given to
INGS accounts, whether large
or small,
Open Saturday evenings
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
W.M. Conntu, President
Henry Beliv, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm. H. Pfck, Cashier.
Oil Stoves,
Screen Doors,
Gas Stoves,
Window Screens,
325-327 Penn Avenue,
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Cut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereati & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Binghamtoii Privata Training School
lor ncrxouj, riickxard and Deal Vlute Chil
dren Manuil iralnlnj, Phjilral Culture,
jNeedlevxeil., Music, Kindfrcartrn, Attleula
tion. Open year round Circular Prlcei
moderate, S A POOUTTLH,
U talrviexv Axtnue.
After 5 p. m. tomorrow no more new contestants
will be received in
The Tribune's I
The Tribune's Contest has been open thirteen
weeks and still has three weeks to run. There is plenty of time
even yctfor new contestants as is demonstrated by the fact that
last year two of the winners were only in three and lour weeks
The eight special rewards are offered to the young men or
women who secure the largest number of points in the contest.
They are required to canvass for subscribers to The Tribune and
are credited with one point for every month's subscription se
cured, a year's subscription counting twelve points.
1 wo of the winners will secure (our year scholarships, valued
at $1,000 each, for the work of a few weeks. Why shouldn't
one of them be you ?
The Special
Scholarship in Lafayette College $1,000
Scholarship in Swarthmore College 1,000
Scholarship in Stroudsburg Normal School 675
Three Scholarships in Scranton Business
College, $60 Each 180
Two Scholarships in Scranton Conserva
tory of Husic, $75 Each 150
Each contestant failing to secure one of these special rewards
will be given ten (to) percent, of all the money he or she turns in.
N n The first to srlin1arhln tin net Inclnrt rivals, tut the rnnlMtints nwurlnj
the will lie fclvpn tin (10) p.r tent nl ail llie money lie or fhc turna In to fli
Tribune, to assist in ruins tliu expense.
There are thiee weeks yet ot the contest and it is not too
late for any energetic young man or woman to enter. Some of
last year's winners were only in three or four weeks
Send a postal to The Tribune (or full particulars, including
handsomely illustrated booklet. Address,
Edtor Educational Contest,
aT J
Merchant Tailor.
319 Lackawanna Avenue.
L. SOMMAR. Iluilclink' C.ntn I
Emplojj iini n m n I timutft chrrrltilljr
Blxen. Krmo lehn; and repiinni; a spc ully
BERNHARD, jewcler.
;is la kv v vi sir
f.ol I VlnUi
p, I'lioiuauphcr
ChiMr.n'i 5,
Aitut. r
SALE, aui xx xn
0 of ill Limit
ali limisM an 1
IliuMing I Ma it
larciinA 110111:
( I.MM'l 1) and
(ROOM! I) at.
nfi frnclii I mm
tire and Biw.'
Si i Pianna in I Ml
217 la ka inn Vie
M. T. Keller's
Dealers In
Plate Glass and lumber
Will sell ll tllf'r 'Jinplei ot Ann Imported
Madras fchirK (or men ut p , xx rth tl to J it
Attorney-nt-Law, Scranton, Pa.
DOS 60 Mean fiulld n; Tarlora cpen Monday.
IhurMla) and aturday rxcmnci.
resr 511 Laikawanna avenue, manufacturer of
XX ire t-crcen ot all kind, full prepired fir
the sprlns wason c mike all kind of porch
screens etc
Oeneral Conliaitor, Iluilder and Dealer in
nuildinc r-tone teminling of cellars a spa
clalt). Tflephore MJ
Office. S.'7 Wa-Milneton axenue
Tribune, Scranton, Pa.
Allis-Chalmers Co
Pucecssors to Machine Business ot
Dickson Manufacturing Co, Scranton
and Wllkes-rsarre, l'a.
Stationary Knclncs, nollers, Mlnlnj;
Machine!, Pumps.
Pirlor Hotel icommodatton iinurpi stXIXjm RfS to permanent eii'iti ilinn Talle Roird XX II XHUTI
Succetaor to
We make a tpecialtv ol Bne bread atiiffi
Orders or Saladi, Ousters, Ooo,uette, etc.,
promptly filled.
A full line of Lee Cream and Ires.
Htitrir XXinni; in! Inline
Heifrlc Hell and Teleph ne Work
:09 Com mo we a th Building
l- and 1-rt aliintnn axenue Siranton Pa
Ofl e liourn s ifl t 12 m 1 ii) to v 71 p m
Onlv pu n in Udy ost.rpjih in Norrhcat
ern P nn li in a
Staple Gimene and Proxiiinni X. fu'l line
of Veeetable, etc, receried dnl
Thl Scranton Vitrified Raif.u
and Tile Manufacturing Company,
xiakera ol I'axlnc Dtuk, etc VI u rule,
(, irrjl sj,, BC,n, (lfl,e sno alnnjion i
XXorks at Na Aui, l'a I A. XX V It II
Kingsbury & Scranton,
Manufacturers' Atenli
Plitriit Afenta for
John Rnelilriig Sons I o 's XX ire Rnpe and
llcitnral Wire Gutta Per lu and R inner Mftf
Co 's Itrttinsr pjikum II e and Mevhanuil
HiiWur (ioodi. luiouli.n l'.nkine Caiteri
Oil ClotliniB Room J10 Pauli iilii:
Home otlHe, IOs 200 Vlears Muildinit, tiansacti a
(.eurral buildins and loan buaineo tluoughout
llio state of I'cnnsjUami
Sueoeoi to tle Hunt k Cornell Co, In tin
arri sheet metal xxork anl tentiUtnn firlun
tuinitea, main anl (intra! ur. uoik a
tpc ullx S nj I nkqmmij aimue
l"ahinnalile Tailors illotel Jirmxn BuilliniV
S2J 1-prin.e street, rxranton Pa Suits preyed
5.i tents pint pres.ei in ieni v inininj re
paired (ailed for anl delivered New Phone ftvxi