The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 14, 1901, Image 1

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    J f; j
9-V" '
Steel Strikers Make Some Gains
but In the Main the fldvantauc
Is with the Mill Owners.
Ton Men Quit tho Pittsburg Lower
Mills Employes Rt McKoosport
Go Out The Chartiers Plant at
Carnegio "Will Bo Torn Down find
Moved Away Strlkors Would Not
Rospond to an Invitation to Work
Strlkors Mako Threats at Bollaire.
By I'xcluiitt Wire from The Avwilalrrl Prett
Pittsbmg. AUK li Xelthcl side
niovnl rinMveh Indiv 111 the gloat iiuilllit between implnveis
and etnploMs In the stoil trade, and
tlu tesitlt it "till !n the biliiiuo. The
si iiinli Kilns nt Plttsbing. Mo-lMe-iill
Wlnellng and Hellulio In the
Inst twenty-foui hums, tint In the ni.iln
the i haulage lh Hill with the mill
c ii' i -
It .t'l s.des t 1 1 111 In be pli'plling
r tli it will bring confusion to up
prip nts Intt neither side ha shown Its
hind 'riiu gtiiotal situation tonight
i. m In btioll.v stinini irlz.ed us follows
Tn moii. live of them skilled. Mult
nt the I.nvver I'nloii mill of Hip Cai-lir-die
Louip.iitv In Plttsbing Mduv and
i in. i' iIip stiiktis Tin If ilolloi lion
U resented the Hist Ihp.iK In Hi"' Cai
ii gp tun ps of inotp tliun 1". Olio inon
Tin tilkeis ncio jubilant nvor the
Incident, but Hip cnmpuiy olilms to
linp tilled tlielr plates at out e and
t tt thetp will be no iiioip dospitlotis
at ,in of tlie iants Thp !p1I.iIip
1 1 i ii t . at which the moil stunk on
siinda. was Hnall. ilnsp( down tndn,
pftpt working shnit liindoil until ves-tt-tdav
aftetnoon Wlipn another nt n t
will be made Is prohlomatlial Movei
il lilllltllPd ho s fniploP(l at the Na
tional Tllbp woiks at Mt Keospott WPlit
nit out luff the night and div and
'hen at tloii mitoilnlh aldeil tliP of
loit of tho stilkois to rinall tie up tli
Works Short Handed.
The works nip coins; ahead slim t
liinilpd. but Hip tanks of Hip woikei
b p t li 1 tin! upr and the "tipph of m iteilul
1 limited The stilkcis made gains at
A heeling and the steel nlllt laN admit
ted tndav that Henvvnnil would be tins
1 down Clink's mill, Iump, Is mov
ing lions full liauiltd. Untlsav and
Met tiuiifon Is opi'iatlng with a sniall
new and the inanagns aie pluming
fi open Pallilois ami iuieiie the
foi ir at l.lndsav ,md MtCiiti boon A
bifak In the tanks of tin- nieii who
slunk at Pnlnttis is ppp( pi inn tho
"fuko nianagois rlonv that one will m -
n Anotliei bieak Is npnitcil as pns
'I' a' Now Castle, but tlieie aie is
wi no positive Indications oi It The
Anient an 'llupl.itn loiiipan.v has a
mii ill font at tho ("i ett'iit plant in
i Miami, anl Is nsu pluming ip
MJluptlcin at othei points with non
union men The stpp imputation has
in del oil that llir rii.utli'is' plant at
I'ainogle In illsitinntltd ami itiuopi
to I.ooihbuig -u tin kiioiI oidpp has
I ipmiIIh! although thp stpel otllt lals
uxxpit that tin ie Ins i,p,.n Inllmldatloii
t Wlueling, MiKit'spnit mid Pitts-
'"tt C Until sides ispless thelt mull-
Hi p In ultimate it tin j and an in -ti
th musing fin w aid t lit ii lpxppit
he campaign I'losliUnl li.iffoi. of
tilt Amalgamated usmm tats
tnnoiinu (oi Wheeling w lietf lie Is lo
ndlioss the stiikns ' hi nuinliei nf
ill' n out as a it'sult of tho kpii'M il
oi f i is nm uniKiiij estimated at lfi .
fi'1 and on tin- tlute oitleis u hj (inn
si Ikon hat found woil at Imh pend
rni nillls oi at fit lit i nieupatlons mid
nn' Idle iiieith heiniise the kllltd
niPii ate out
Another Plant to Bo Dismantled,
uiiilltis to mi autlimltatUe ari-
t iiini i ment niit'li t"tlii ton itpMMii-
ne ot tho A-imt lattd I'hsk bj oil).
ils ot the Anieilian Sin et Met toin-
1 n the destitution of aniithi i plant
i i- been onleied bj tli t' I 101pm-
h'ii n ii a lesiilt of tliH tttu-al ot the
ii n to opeiatp It 'I his 1 1 mi' It Is the
i IiiiiIpi.s iilant at I'nniPKi" that is in
!' dismantUtl It Is owntd b Hi.
nip. an .sheet Stiol toinpan ami
tin oitleis to toil i it down went into
tint this aflt I iiiion. It will be ip.
ln.Md to 1,111111111111 in the Xli-klniltip-tif.
Tl.t -trlkp.s wcie tullul Iuki tlitp
MstPidaj b huppiintrndPiit John
Jlf-niv and pirllmlnai notitp ot the
mpiin'h plan mi veil on tin in. 1:Ik1u
iMiktis ichpiiiiileii and Mi Henr tulil
Hit in that the Hips would be lighted
and all pit paiatlon.s mai for a Mint
toda He sulfl that at J o'tlmk the
whn-tles would he blown, and if thp
jnen talleil to licpnntl the Hies woultl
neei In ii-llKhtcd The pioKiainniP
fm outlined was caiilctl out, lnu w h-ti
the whlhtle Miuwlpc the 1 1 1 c rt tlld not
tf-spond The tins weio then dinwn.
and the ordei to dismantle and iemoe
the mills was kImii The oiilihUs of
the enmpun Kild that the plant would
be diawn and intied wbhln two woekn
Thete was- no ttouhie nt an of the
Mi Ike centeis tndn, llihnuRh It n
nnthlpated at the iiolnts wluu plants
tne bvlnir iaitlally opt'intetl and the
men aie wieilnt; on the question of
folnK out fiowds cuiruiiiiilril the t'ai
ntKle plants heie tfulnx, anil tin o.
clals tlnall taletl cm the pollie t() tvni
them awa. 'I he olllelalH hay that Ha
1cm of ten men nt Hip lown union mill
jii bo dlipitl) tiattd to the thieais
of the sttlkeii. who Inluttpt the nit'ii
on the way to and Horn woik TIipj
make the miiih (niuiilalut as to lit .
Mire. WIhpIIiib nnl MrKeii-pnn They
pay that the Milkeis at Itlxeihlde vanl
to Melinite and llteially bluffed the ie
malnlni; nun Into coins out They (ilfn
clului that the same t antics galnt.d the
sttlkeift the itecl woikeiH In the Na
tional Tube plant at Htnwootl. and ako
fenced out hundreds, of Io.mi1 emploe
at MeKeespoit They my thej hae
Klven tip hope of RPttliiR proteetlon
fiom the ntlthorltlOM nt Mt Kee
pnit mid WheelliiR but line Rlen no
Indltatlon that thpy Intend to as for
state aid III either I'onntnluinla or
West Vliglnla The stllke IcadeiH, on
the othei hand lnclt that they are
pioteeilliiR intlielv within their rlRhts
and the law. and that au letrtilt won
h them hap been obtained b means
entlttly fair.
Ground Held Wost.
The sIphI cnrpnrntlun held Its ground
at ('hliiiRo .toilet. Hawlew, Yotinus
tniMi t'olunibiis the Klsinilnetas nl
lev and the CaineRle gtoup. with the
exeepllon of the Instance mimed.
The strlkpr.s aie enndprlnc plans
for hieakiiiR the decision of the Chi
men Jollet nntl Halew men to stand
wlih thp Htepl companlts, but what
thpi plan to tin has not el been made
i The aie ihaiRliiR smne of the
westirn men with both tllshonest and
tllslmaltv and theie Is a kpiioiiiI tle
hlit iimoiiR meinbeis of the AmalRa
m (letl ussot latlon heio for Mime foim
of inqtilr.
Mnjoi It .1 Itlatl;. of
nlKlit rum- out the follow Iiik statemtnt
to a lepn spiitalKe of the Associated
I'ipss in leplv to the nlliueious tilti
t Ntiis ot his course In nottllspetsltiR the
now tls of strlkeis at dlffeunt times
duiliiR the sttlke
"At a time like tills In McKtespoit,
when so many men aie Idle, they me
bound to mine out on the sticPtH and
tiowtl tliPin more than usual, and like
ei other irowd, will pither wheie
theie Is nn est Itenit nt, but so fin theie
has hppii little oi no disorder, and in
all i asps the polite hiM' 1) milled the
situation utltnliabh Thete Is no mole
in del l M't of men In tills count v thin
the men who me Idle In tills c it v toda.
In the lutam i' in width the tube toin
pain K quested mi' to send men to dx
p I sp thp tiowds thp t hlpf of polite
was on thp Rioiind at the Hiiip and ip
poited that thete was no dNonltr. We
imiuot entlei a mill to r home and
sta linn' when he is doliiK no hum
and niilv stantlliiR on the stieet As
tai as tlie tulm lompati. is eoiueiiied,
It his taken and appioptiati d to its
own use a stitet of this 1 1 1 v, to whlth
It has no IiriiI llshl whateei, and
tills Is the ei s(ppt on Willi h It his
t omplalni d th it Hip stiikeis hid con
RreRiittd If I allow a pilvate totpoi
ation to take up nutl nppiopi late to Its
own use a stiett how i.m I onshtent
Iv lefilsp a piiMite titltn Hip iIkIU to
stnnd upon it ' 1 do riot consider
talking to non-union wmknipn dlsonlet
in anv spusp and the nun hue a pei
fei t llRht tti attempt all kinds of iuku
inonts as Ioiir as th tin not lesoit to
posithc phlial loeition '
Furnace Workers Will Not Strike.
A tell Rl am ft nm YnunRstown sn.vs
Hi it the fuinate woikcts hae decided
not to stllke The eet tithe couinilt
tt of tlio I'm n,u Woikeih' union ot
tin MahorliiK antl Slienanso ntles
met in that eitj totl.iv to i ei eh e and
tike ,n II m LI on the lepoit eif the
siib-i oiiiinltlei a puliitetl to ln estimate
th i limine tl ' of the output of the
fuinuet of the two willojs to the ful
led Matts MppI miporatlon. The sub
committttS HndliiK was to tho pffttt
that tilt luiiim wan toiieit, hut the
eeclilhi i ommlttet', aflet a Ioiir tlls
ciisslon of the situation, In lew of the
tat t that the steel i oi potation has
fuinate of Its own Mlllli lent
to stipph ll piesfiit needs mid the
flit thci fait that the fiiiuaie owiipm
iniohiil hine Kheu the men ani.
antes that if tlie will tontliiiie at woik
no plR inni will be shipped undei the t with thestiel Poipoiallon tin
toniinlttpe lesohed that a stilke at
this time is iiiLUOidable Meantime,
it was tkiitiid to oiRanlc the .tmk
men antl all other emplo.ies of all the
fill nams of the two alle.s and thin
oiRimlp all the finnans of Hip iiiun
tiv, ollet thiR a nation il oiRimlatlnn
whit h shall he .imitated with the
AmeiJian I'tdeiatlnn of I.aboi.
The First to Vote Financial Assis
tance to Steel Workers.
K.islon l',i, Am. l.t The I'tnttal
l.ibor union oi Kasion at a spmt
itipetliiR lam nlRlit ntei! llniiitial ahl
to tin sum strlkt'ts This ts piohthlv
Hist 1 ibm oiRatilratlon to aiiswee
the tall fni aid scut otii Mstena. by
tin AmalRiinaletl assotiation
'Hit I'ential union alo adopted ipso.
litmus thiinkliiR tin m i oi of Mi.
Ket spoil fm ilitlmliiR that t Ity net d-
"I no f !mi poliit pioleetion to pre-
m im nub r tiiirinR the stiiiu.
EtRhtoen Alleged Riotors at Wolls
villo Renow Thoir Bonds.
Vil'sIIt 11. Alii! 11 The ilKh
ti' li stilkiis who who aitestetl tin
paitltipatlnR In a not which on lined
he p on AtlRiist .t appealed before
Maot Dennis tnd teneweil t In-Ir bond
tor appeal ante at loiumnn pleas eutii t
when wanted
John '"happen. it o piosltltnt of the
Atnaluantatoi! assoi lation. was pu'-ent
ami furnished bond lor smh ot tho
llitu as lil not piotuie the teiiulieil
ball of TOO,
Bollaito Mills Closed. iii II Hi larp mU of Hit.
lintitl Niui si,, t oi ..ii ,t i n line uue ilrwul
doiwi tmlai. thf iiuiii.'i-rt Ih inn iimlilo tn tunr
liiu tn ip I Hi Hir plilil It it ,ut ,a furtlirr
rllnrt will lie iiiatl" in pi, t Up tho null tor ttti
.rl 'Hit non Imlu' nl ni0 Viinluiiniirl at.
kntljti. ii mcunirnl htio hit iimi yl nuiiilifi.
Hoop Plant to Be Romoved.
oiinsitiinn, O iiit I! irin.rrniiils rf
Irlnz in 'It in tlir rtrnl il Viiirrliui steel
Hoop lonipiio alitiiiliu. ln it W tritn in
mote It ti till, mt In im. hint to ttiih the
polii ot tin minium tn mnralir it pljiiu.
V llr fi i tlie mill In. tirrn .clului 1 1n MiM
lioop mill at tai jiiI Mill nul lt rrnvitcil, J rim
injiliiiifi) Uhilni, in.ttlltil thric
Roosevelt at Colorado Springs.
(olorailo spring, ,Zl 1 1 - ( I'loltlent
Ilwinrlt Irlt tniulit fm tlio ra.t afltr A lUit
nl rlricn rli.ti in nul nrouni ('uloiiilo sirlai
On lilt vv .t.t In. ulll nmkc onh iiik tlnp.
thU In In.- at Huh lil... n, K.IM..H, ulirir lie- will
In- n Liir.t at tin tit in I iinj nuniuii nun t.eiinf
licl'l thcic.
Five Thousand Spectators Wit
ness the Events at the Sea
side Meeting.
Bic Stake of tho Day Is tho $10,000
Champion Free-for-All Trot.
Special Between Jos Fntchon and
Anaconda Proves a Failure Ana
conda Sells at $100 to $00-Tho
Other Races of tho Day.
By Fxrljurf Wire from The Ann. luted Tren.
New York, Aur ! The thousand
spectators miw the ppoit tod ty at
Hnclilon h when the Hmldo
nieetltiR of the Now Yoik TrottltiR np
soclatlon boRiin, aftir estertla h potl
ponenient on at count of rain. The
woathet was iirtftct. but the tiatk was
n trllle slow Speculation was aithe
and the pioRrainme full up to Kiatul
el it ult form
The hi? take of the day was the
JlO.fifiO champion fiee-foi-all, trot mid
l.tntl lViby In his III vt stmt of tin
season w.ih m ide the t.noilto at tinn
with JhO foi I'hitlle Heir antl $10 fm
(leniRlani and the Monk. The two
otltsideis. jn.iile the laee In the titst
heat to the tlme-quai teis pole, where
Lord Dtiby tame up and challeiiRod
the Monk, who Just m.uMRcd to win lit
a hot finish b a hi. id, but the fast .me
won the net thtet- heats, with Hit
Monk stttintl,
i:ioon met ill tlie J 1-' pate and Har
old II. the unbeaten Canadian, .sold at
J to 1 oer the Held but was soon tli.d
after w 11111111? the Him heat, and noth
Ins but his plin k citified him thioiiRh
the tact'. I'aptuln tspin p.uod an hon
pst tate mid won the third luat b
thiee Ii tiRths mil the othei twooaslh
The sppcial betwtPii .lop I'm lit 11,
J 01 14 and Anaconda, " OJ'. as a 1.11
pioetl a falluie, as the foiinti was
ma up to his form antl the Callfui nl in
won the fit st heat b s lengths in
s'low time but It was a dlffeitnt stoi
In tlie ,ei ond licit, so fai as spl(.d was
tonieiliPtl as tho fauultt went to the
quaittr In Sn. the half In .".'ii, ami the
tliiee-eiuat tci-s in 1 .10',., anil hoiue two
lengths to the pood In -'iMU. Anai tinda
sold nt 5100 to 1,11
Sewn intt In the -It tint, antl t'oe
sold for JV to tin Hold's $t,ii NIrrii
Jatk upset the talent by landing two
boats, and when the favotlte inaili a
bold bid fm the thlitl .lames Shevllu
lit at 1 1 1 111 out b a length, and as at
thl.s lutt'tiug all hoiscs go to the bain
who hnp not won a heat in time the
i.ui' was betwt'tn Hit p.ili It was a
ftulibotn battle as in tin1 toll 1 til heat,
In a most sensational llnl'-h. James
Miexlln in a desietate eltho won b a
net k He won tin 111 M butt h a half
In the 2 Ja pate. Slur lMigh was the
ehoiie nt $irt, 1'aptalni Itiiuo at $'. and
the lit Id $.'0 ihe faiulte led to the
quaitei while he fell bat k and t'.ip
tain Hi inn itnne on and won handily
b two lengths. He won the him, but
Diik In tit biiti in the thlitl, ami
the iaie was postponed.
The Summaries.
i M ill., tin. niii.r. sJ.llllil
( jpi on sphinx, ) Silin, ilnn
ixiii inn
1 1 1 nnlt , iptltuii
t 1
II 1
t in.
llirulil II il'i'itlorl
I'llme 1 1 '...nil .
I ninit M (Mi II in 1I1I)
. 1 !
. I S
Pin I lllnki 1 s
liipliiif I) tills ( lit 1 boi 1 S I
ii rt
7 rn.
lltiilitn s (lit in) .1 11 T
Potent (Milm) li 7 s
I'tilii (lieniun) 1 HI Hi
I lotlio (Noitni) II ilit.
runr-J in 'J (i'l. 2 1.', .'111., J.Ji.
'I lie ti piiin M tkrs sinma, irrr fur ill tint:
I Dulit, la Mi nilirlno Klim ( hri
l.ol. It Mm.. nl. li , ((itrrn) 2
llio Monk (Nilile) 1
( hullo 1 Irrr ikollO I
Ciouiiiii tMilliwrll) .1
I'lino .'Oi, Jiii, J H 2 Hi
spetnl pur-e, sl.MH, lo In lliree
n 11 1 ml 1 l.t Knikht II ivuiinniri', In
ci 111 tlroutl
In I'atihen lllirkrn'.rii)
hint .'07. J nil,
'.' II tli", tiollin,'. puree, I . 0f 1 1
Junes slietlin, b II 11 tin Ullket
suIIj lit Im ml. l.t lltlmont lllltk
finii) 7 J
NiL-L'ir Ink iSrlhur) 1 I
Hit Miller (W ilker) 1 (1
IiimM Speirl el 7
I i.lerlne (I I.11VI I 1
1 1 I
.1 rn
4 re
1 1
1 1
llL'iinel 1 (sni.leu) 1
II111I c (llliriitl 1
It !i
I 7
1 nm .' V, 2 l. 2 1 f'S. 2 H. .' lfi',
2 JO ij. pnlnr. pui.e, 4J,ntl (iinlnii.hiil).
("iptiln lliiim I" Will Rtlnn, (keiinpil I 1
link 1 ie llanunl t .'
stir P112I1 (bnikmniil) 2 1
1 11 not lo il'irpenlril A '
Mill llUtl.) 1 ft I
Helen l (Mllimiet) 4 ilm
II I linn ( Utliurl 7 itH.
Time J (i7i4, Z lu, -' Hla
Races at Bradford.
Hi 11II1 nl IM . iiR" 11- I "tecllrn niinarlitr.
aileilitl 'Ie opiiilnu ilij nt tin Ilniltuiil iiieit
Ins of the lake I rle trot tin.: ciicuit The sale
of jiool wit lirUk ainl tlip.o wliu plaeil Ilia
faiotlttt failed to win I be mniien. nf all three
cirnte ne lonir slmt liorfet s.11111111 llitu
J "1 t lj., trnttiiig. puiM. eJmi i.tani won,
Maillii.fiike, mionl. I mil. Ilucll tlilnl lime
.'J0 2; !l. J !'. '-'M't. -'Jit; I'olnt
lliler antl Monlffal ilo sljitifl
StOiljv, nit in.', iune m'i M M Men,
Japo, Ir . eciwiil. Iheron l'nMfr, tlui.l Tune
J17"t. 2 10' li it" lUk lliti. s,,ip Woll
incton aUo tartnl
21 tli'f. pit Inc. pnr'e, 4) O' p fteil
winij rjliilirnlse Ilelle .etoml I ml l , thini
liiiie-.'li'j -' It'i -Ml't -Ml1.. : tai;, Ctn.
hett and Clrtle abo lanei
Fled from Justice to tho River,
lit hulmlie U lie from 'Hie imiiin I'iom
I 1. Ion, Pa . 11 tr 11 - liwph (iiimrlik, .1 Hun
raliali, while tijlne tn etapi' f 1 urn a miutililn
In I'lillllpelniig thit iifleinoon, pliiiunl into ilie
Pelawaie liter ami tun iliotimil, Hie Huimarun
bad Inn tomlilt't nf pirjinv ami elippetl nut
nf Hit Jii.ilte'a iflki while Im frlenilt win ui
laulnu tu lute I1I111 kqit uut nl Jail
Tho Crime the Result of Hor Deter
mination to Soparate from Him.
n.r Fuclimlie Wire from The Vnoclited Pre.
Hhntnnkln, l'n Atip 111 .laioh (!er
bnritt. 11 t onttiietoi' nint Inillilpi. mur
dered IiIh wife today In the lent of their
home by shnntinir her through the
heart Oeihault pined thp teoher
agnliitt Ills head anil Hied but he did
not sin 1 ceil In killing himself, the bui
lt t glatiilug and Indicting a stuere
rtalp wound. He Is In the custody of
the jollce.
Tho 1 1 line was the lestitt of Mis.
Oei hat ill's determination to sip.nnte
Horn In r husband tndav, on ait mint
of his alleged parsimony In maintain
Ir.g tin household, It being slated that
he as unapplied to take in washing
to in 1 In clothing her four oung son
The Deposed Chairman of tho Road
inff Employes Is Now Missing.
Ill Fcliultc Wire frtm Tie A.soclatel I'reet
neatllng. Aug. 13 Harry F. DeRotir,
nup of the lot al labor leadeis, swoto
out a win 1 ant late last night foi thi
nnest of A. II. Host Inn the deposed
ihalrniau of the Philadelphia mid
Heading iallwa striking emploen'
iNooutho inmniittoe, tliaiging him
with the oinbo7.lement of nt least jluo
of sttlke funds, u is stated that the
shot tag" iua 1 one li $700. Heschor has
not been seen heie for a week
Tin ie Is no breik in the strike tndn
Tne nn 11 are lepmted film and the situ
ation N the same as hpiptofote,
uotwiilist inillng ruinois of a In oak in
the stilktiH tanks.
He Was Killed in Battle at San
Cristobal, Venor.uela, on
July 27.
l Ixtlu.lte Wop from The Wnilntnl l'rev".
New ork, u,' lu Hit limes tomorrow mil
norriri to 1.1 CVn. eru'Inr, a neml nffli lal
mwipiper, puhlihttl at llirrinqiiilh. relomhii,
Central ltifiel t nhe I rihe a? klllerl at San
C Vrneutli, on luh "7, while fluhtlng
with tlie intuelin tioipt asunt (lie Culmiblan
in i.ltn
The Monaich of the Carnival
Given a Royal Wolcomo.
Fpeilil to tin Srant 11 Tribune
Atlanta tin Aug IS King Ilex nnd
his big iitlinie of one hundred totittl
01 s and Mime llft odd ladle!' ate
pt tiding the da In this iit The
me on thill win to "Saratoga, when
they are to lepeit Hit It Martll Oias
leiemonv at the gicat lloial p.nnde to
be In hi theie oaily In Septoiubei. On
no ni 1 ,snii was tin tit iter hi galh
ileiointiil as It has been toda in honor
of l!o nnd novel was so ioal a wtl
1 oino i'et tondoiod a .snsetoisn hefoie
In an.v p nt of the woild.
'I ho sjipiinl ti ilu width can led the
men j king and his pntt into the 1 its
was pi eeli d h the shrill whistles of
moie than thtee bundled loinmntie
and as the iiionauh made his appeal
ante on tilt plutfoiin of his private tar
Ss.natoga a salnto ftotu a hitteiy of
llft gun.s was Hi eel A legal 111.11 1 h
thiotigh the tlt was bogiin iiiimcill
atelv after King llev'j. .1nh.1l All the
1 hit and v oiginl7atlims turned,
out. and it Is said thete wa not a
baud of musicians in the whole of our
1 mint Idle The king was attended b
his own hod gum d, and font regi
ments of ouulry aeted as an tsiotf.
to the whole. P i III ew oiks tilled the
stieets with their whli and .smoke, and
thousands of small bonuuous tarilnl
and snitteied b fhe huntlitd jnung
gills, who dam id along at the bend
of the mwil piotession, made the whole
unite an tntwlnlng nMe of flown
liiiinmt nilile singing birds weie lot
louse, ami us the hoveled arouutl the
Klng'.s caititge tlielr melodious throats
ponied out a nitusli that 1 honied ap
pp.tllngl. and not strangplj. with the
heavlir stialns of the (he thousand
band Instruments Thutidoinus up.
platisp mot l'.e all along the line of
match Kvoiv few fift little foun
tains had been elected nnd these kept
lasting up Mi earns of dalntv siontod
peilnmes that tinned .staid old Atlan.a
into n poetlial Aialila .Mam of tin so
had been plat oil 011 the pon lit." ami
the good housewives took pleastue In
spun lug le as his t 01 ti go pnsserl b
Ills met Ihtsp ileuiousttutlniis
nf filPiukshlp with 11 Miilh but It would
be hind to m whethoi ho enjoved In
bis beai t sin h a soaking, evin tluniKh
of pel fume, an lie got
Theeltv otlb lals weie In line but the
people nenitil to have fotgotton theli
eslrlenii' When the piotession teaiheil
tho clt.v hall, the t oniblne il bantls, led
by the kings own K'lenaded the ofll
1 la If, w ho alighted and stood In a r-oml-ilule
upon the bigvoianda. The ninvoi
111111I0 a fthoit addiess of weltonie, to
which Ilex irspnmli it In his hrattv
vein, saving that the ionl dlspla
made today was as nothing inmpaied
with whit he would give at Saratoga,
whither he was hound, in September
After the ptocesslon had been ells-mls-rd.
His held a lonptlon nt his
hotel, and thousands of nur people
shook him by the hand, antl pinml.-t'tl
to see him In siniaiofc'a,
Sixth Diettict Convention,
Pi Wire from 'the .n. l.ilei. Piri
Wilki llurr, iic 1 -lie llemotrati of ths
Sth li.i.liilie ili-tn t hill t lit ir n nicntn 11
al V.hltt ti nlfihl in I rletttil llr s w trimmer,
if White llaicn, ami I K P iinnei. of V.hltt,
ilelrsaltt tn tho itae ('invention Ihe re.ent
liipiililliaii ailiiiliii.liill. ti in thin ttale i rle.
linunied iml ( nl n I I M liultij wia lamled
f. r hl ill iru i eh 1 thf pc pic ot I'wnnjlia 11a
nil lioin.t cnitriiment
IW Ivilil.ite Wne fro n lh" a r iti I Prew ( lit Mi. li S11. 11 Hi n saiifrurl M
(.rem iiile of ihe .luie snrimo 10111I fiom
l5 In ps'ii, rtlul at lii. Iinnit here inlat, lfi I
(1 1 leant In IMi Jmlte laeen reilted Ihe Vlklib
Ran elali ti Unlet an. I la. wnrk nainlt umhanseil
ilii lii'l.i l.iern wis 1 clruilt juilvc fif
Hurt fuur .Mai
Mall Advice Received from Dif
ferent Quarters Show Revolu
tionary movements.
Venezuelan Representatives at
Washington Are Absolutely With
out Official News from the Homo
Oovernmont Thoy Feol Certain
That They Would Havo Been
Notified in Case a State of War
Existed Lieut. Commander Sar
gent Will Remain in Charge of
tho Machine.
lit Ftrlntltp Wire from The wotlatetl Preaa
Washington, Aug. IS The state de
pirttucnt today received mall advices
from tin 00 illffotent epiartcis In C'oloni
bla, all showing levoliitlonaiy move
moiits hi jnogiess nntl a lathei serious
coinlltlon of affalt 1
lloth teiinliials of the Pan una 1 nil
way mute weie heaitl fioin, Consul
(leneial (Sutlgci wilting fiom Patiania
ns to a tevolutlointj attack on nuiibv
towns and Consul Malmios, at Colon,
reporting that gucirllla fighting bin
been going on nt dlffeient point be
tween Colon and Panama At the same
nine, Minister Hart wiote from the
capital of Colombia a to the an est and
Imprisonment nf pt eminent ailhotents
of the forniot piosldent, Ut Samlt
mcnle, us thev weie stispoitetl of seek
ing to h ive the nationalist 01 sanitation
Join with the llbeial, who are said
to be showing Inn eased strength an 1
activity In a levolutlonaiy movement
Although these letters have taken some
time to come fotward, ot the give
the state department about the best
and the only dellnite lnfnt unit Ion w hit h
Is at hand as to the tondltlon nf af
faiis Mi (ludgoi's letters speak of
a revolutionary raid on the 26th and
iith ot Jul, In which nn alcalde and
seveinl pnlli onion woie made pilsnueis
and some ni in and piovMons iap
ttited. This Is not the holding up of
the Haln at Matachlu, ic potted by him
bv cable, as that happened latei, and
did not lesiilt In any looting
The nivv depai tnient leiehed word
toil i of the ilepaltlUP of the battle
ship Iowa ft 0111 Ptiget (sound tot Kan
Plain Isco, w he me she will go lo I'm-
una It her seivlies me 1 oejulioit theie.
It States That the Guerrillas Are
Causing No Uneasiness.
lit luthe Wire from The Xaaoclatctl Prew
ashlngtoll. Aug 1! Mi Ilonan.
the Colombian ilimge tl affalt es at
Washington, inched 11 letter tndav
fiom the Colomblin tonsul goneial at
New Yoik stating Hint the latter has
Just 1 pi civ td a cablegram fiom tin
at ting gov 01 not of Panama st.vlng that
the Bin. ri ilia band thereabouts aie
musing no uneasiness The gov et nor,
nit 01 ding to let out nilvltes, has gone
to Cartagena foi soldlois and supplies
Othei than this Mt. Hot inns' oflltlal
mall fiom Colombia, which loathed
him tndav gave no infotmatlou on the
situation In Mouth America In the ab
sence of otllt I il advices the only ton
stiilttlou which the Colombian lega
tion can place upon the topotlod wlth
diawal of the Colombian minister, Mo
unt Kit 11, and his legntlnu stuff fiom, Is that having found his pos.
Hon lu the Venezuelan capital unen
dtnable, peihaps, tlueatencd bv mob
vloleuie, ho has loft for the Colombian
capital, wheie he 11111 bettor co-opoiate
with the olllclals than thimigh the
motllum of telegraphic or mall nines
jiontloni e
Mi Pulltlo the Vtueuelan ehaige,
arrived in Washington last night ft can
a summer lesoit but he too suites
that he has 1 etched absolutely no ad
vbes fiom his govei ninciit
Until of lliosp olllt lals fool ship that
unit time is an It teiitiptlou In their
ipspnthe Hues of lomiiiunliatlon, thev
would be liumoiliatoly mhlstd If the
situation had assumed the aspeit of
atttial war between the two mutinies.
The stale tnient reiehod no tele
graphic tepotts ft 0111 either lountrv to
dav ami knows nothing of the lepoitfrl
dt pat ture of the Colombian nilnistei
troni C.naias The dcpai tment, how
evei, has tPieivod mall aihlies fiom
Minister Hint at Bogota, Colombia
giving a gpiinnl lestinie ot the tioitble
and the view taken In olllclal ittniteis
as to the utilising.
Sargent Commands Machins,
Lieutenant Comma nder Nathan Mai
gent will lenialn lu command of tin
Mai bias, whli h Is epet ted to sail for
Pannma In a da.v 01 two Mtuh 1 ell
ante Is plated upon the tint and goml
Judgment of this nllbet bv the nuv.v
and state tlepai tliients Up was In
command of the Minipltui at 1.1 (lulin
timing the tumble In Venezuela some
time af,o and at quitted himself with
much 1 1 edit He Is thoiotighly familiar
with Mouth Ameikan affalis.
Minister Hart's lettei to the stat"
ilepiitinont Is dated .lul.v S and ie
potts the in tost and Impilsonnient nf
prominent ft lends nf Pi haiiileneute,
the foi met constitutional president of
Colombia, as thej weie susptittd by
the tilling government of Joining lu the
levoltitlouar', niovemonl with tho liber
als. Corporations Chartored,
lUin.l.iiri, uu" II t Initfit wire luuerl la
the ttatc ilrpjilinint to U to the fnllnwinc ml
poiatloin Hilwt rlli I innipant llur'tlaiil
ini; liicent niiintv: tapllal. ijtl.m.l liiiinniri
l.lciliii l.lklil yilitiii Wcii'rt, tapllal,
Weather Indication lojavi
1 ('eneral-serloiit situation at Colombia,
strike siinatlnn I'nel aiiBetl
n M, K K V l'ietiRer Triln llild I p.
(treat ll.ulnc at Iti Iglitoti
2 dentril I'lrlmntlile nrpaittnent.
3 I o!al Srinton Vlitoniiit'
In Iso Kelb't Opinion In the Potter l'ae.
OIHter ( litk ( harrnl with lllarkmall.
t nnimnii Pleat Trill I Wi
5 ltal New t'tirrliiilnin of the HUh s, hool
I nt Day to Itrgt-trr In tlie liltieitional Con
test ft I.m il Wect Siranlon ml snlmrlnn
7 (temril mllieutern I'enn.tlianli
Y 111 nit 111 anil t'onnneri nl
S loial liiilne liltnrtlV (iplnlon In the Turn
pike ( ji
Tho Domocratic Leader and His As
sistants Aro Busy Arranging
for tho Convention.
P l.vibitltc Wire fr nn Ihe tamiii n Prev
llaitishutg. Pa. Aug II - Chairman
Crousj and his assistants weie btisj
today ininnglnR the piillmlnnrlos foi
ThuiPtlav's nomnoratlc stale lometi
tlon. The executive loniiulttee will
meet tomorrow nton to spipot the teni
poiaiv nflliei. and In the veiling 11
lonfenriee of the Icndets will Iip lit hi
to pippaie a platfotm Thete Is no
nint t for pines on the state ticket
and the lmlltatlons ate that .ludgo
Hat m in Veikes, of Do Iestown, will
be the nominee for Supreme unlit
Judge and Kepiesentntlve Anehew .1
Palm, of Meiuhlllc, for state tieas
uiei The selpftlon of a tli ket Is appal
entlv a spiondaiy oonsldotatlon to the
iiintest between the rival Philadelphia
fit lions for seats as delegates. The committee, of which e-(;overiior
T'attison has cei titled a full list of riele
gites, whop spats are contested bv
the loniiulttee of which Maglstratp
Kispnbrown Is thp head National
Committeeman (Suffoy is anlou tn le
nt ore haimonv In the party In Phila
delphia anil he wil be here tnmonow
to tty to bring them together.
i:-Jlltlge David 1. Klebs of Clem
field, the leader of the opposition to the
Ponnellv-Uvan faction. In Philadelphia,
gave out a statement tonight stating
that he was in favor of fusion between
the Independent Republicans on the
state He ket .Ills Itle. Is to nominate
Ilidge Yerkes foi Supieme court Judge
antl nitloise Keptesentathe II A
Coia, Ji , of laietne foi state trtns-
in pi Missis Pnnuell, Rvan, Pattl
miii and their friends will be heie lu
foi co tonionow
It Is Thought That the Oovernmont
Has Lost Millions Through
False Invoices.
Pt I vtlii'ite Wile fioin Hn W mini t'ret
'washlngtiiii, Aug 11 -Iteganllng the
stati ment published In Now Yoik to
day, to the eftott that millions of riol
lat.s In iiistnms dullc had In en lost
by the sovtinmcnt thiough false In
voiii's as to weight and value ol .lap
anise silks im 1.101 toil Into the I'nlttil
States at that pott, Alstant Moiie
tat Spatildluf.', alio has ihaige ot nis
tmns niatteis in the ttoaui ikpnl
llient Kill!
VI 1 nt two weiki nci 1 eeiillniiui I111111 I III 1 li
iml anolltir whnM ninie I Intt loiMiiitin 1 inn
iiitn mt ntflie ami tiltl In me lint II 1 1 hil
knowleilui of the tut tint sjlk 1 tiniinir llrmtn
nn In the 1 1 of 1 1 riimlnent Nt vv 'V.nik sill,
importini; Ann, rueitln; tK) a voir at mm
1 1 11. ill. .11 f. r untie r t lining their nlk niton ',
mil llnl Itinwii il-n lurlti'l pit (1 mi unmlnr
hill, ti litem lint il) M mil II1.1I hike in
von a if lip ino-i ullkt wen then mi their ui)
tinni New nlk iniitli;iiii In tho-e tiitut in. I
lint tin weie illllt 1 vpei led tn in lie I I hi
tin 111 tint 11 w it 1 f the highest ini 1 ilam e tint
tint Km mt ihe naiiira nf tin hunt lift Iml
1I1 mail with fi 111. 1 in iniinti turn uitli tl.t-e
imporliti 11 antl i.keil tin in to put I hi ir elate
mill In wrllnn: I usmii il Ihtm Hut if tlei
wnnlil sin 1111 a Mlu'lo ill finite (i.l 01 am in
foiiuitiin iiwn whlih 1 luikht ,nt, I wouhl
till 111 Inieilleiiion it 0111 1 and tint 1 letter
I tho i 1 1 il-tr imlinililiicr their Flateinrnt wnul I
In 111 lilt li 1 in Is ho fnllnttiiu mould e Tint
wint nun, kiiIii: tli it tint wniihl tune 0111
I In Ir el iti nn nt iml wmilil iiiurnn vim lit lint
iliil reiiiin in the nflirnnon, Iml tl ile.l Hi it it
wouhl to! for them tn tfn link In i w
V.ill. a Ilm hnl (nun I tint thet ilirl not hue
riifttt 11 lit iliti upnii whlih In line 1 i.pei Hit
Mjlrmint nf" I 1I1I Minn tint it tliot
weie In 11 turn In New ork I ion mill li ivl.lntl
thri woiiM 1 ill on prnter W ikrmin Ihe nut
llintlllli; mil 111 thiir flitt Infnlt liliu. 111 I
Hill 1 Iml no ilunlil lie itnuhl (ie the milter
pinmt mention lliittlu mireil to 0 1 White
I hue In 1 1 ii 11 Hum; furtlei fimn llieiu 1 aniuii
Hut t lit t tt I with the oppniter,
i-. oi ill t at the itipiiliuiiit In. loieiwi! 1 pie
liininirt npiil fimn Mi W ikemin hi nine lint
I I Iml hn;iiu an intetnciil m rf alhceil fraii'li
in 1 nnriilin wlih lipniihe silt, tinporl ivont
Wheilni tin inii'-liuiti in will ilevel p aiothliu'
of Hi miLiiiliiili i ml 1. not In the piihlithnl
.1 ,li 1111 nt I have no nitrnt iiioiih of kn iwiuc
Iml I 1111 vine tin milt.l will I e prnl ei In He
I ...11. in
Thousands View tho Remains at tho
Chapollo Aidonte,
Pi I'vitutbe Wire fn in Ihe ....inltil Piew
Napht, iiff II ttn.taiit ilrrint of people
piseil llili. null ihe Ihiptllt ViiIiiiIp tmli) to
view tit loiuilnt uf foimei l'n uiit r (
l.inptmr Wi'llaui hat ImliU'tetl the l.'rnuan
ttn.iil line 11 uaiiiniit hit V tonilolen c
to the f.iinilt, to plate a nn ilh e laun It
nml uak Irtte. in Ihe ilnpel mil tn leioiupint
the rrni tin to Pallium i iiprraenlatbe cf He
Constts of France.
lit I vtliime Wile fnni Tin V-nlaterl I'rew
Pint, ii; II lh' i.tri. nl ttnal renin re
luin lmw Hit populan 11 of Inn. 1 In W t.ill
--I. an iiitiea.i In He Ul tm t in I II.' 01
I ho miira.e la iiialhlt In I rl an ..nun
Pacific Cahlo Bill Passed.
Iti rvilil'lio Wile from The Wei'laM prest
lion h 11. Vus IJ.-II11 I'.itlfii nlite hill uul
Iti tlilnl lU'liis' In Ike. huu.g uf luiuinoiui today,
ft Missouri, Kansas and Texas
Passentjer Train Is Held
Up bij Five Men.
Tho Robbers Blow Opon Two Safes
with Dynamite Contents Aro Se
cured Fassongors Aro Relieved
of Cash and Valuable Jowelry,
Allogod Thioves Aro Arrested at
Canoy Bottomo Fart of tho Fltnv
dor Rocovorcd.
P.t fvetutlie Wire fro n The nelitrrl Trent
Denlston, Tin, Aug. 1.1 .Missouri,
Kails ii mul Tonus patlgp tialn No
" soilth-boiitiil. was hebl up at Canoy
swltth I T at 1 in o'i lock this morn
ing bv the men Two miles north of
Ciiuv two men crawlnl over the ten
tlei with pistols In hand, tovcred the
etiglneet and fli enum nnd commanded
thetn to stop at Cane.v water tank.
The tin 11 wen Joined bv throe nthet,
and a tusltfldo of shots Hred alongtslde
the ti .tin thinoughl.v alaimed the cicw
and pisengers
Postal Clerk Tllllt v was nmpelled to
go thiough the tialn, 1 111 1. lug tlie sick
In which the validities vvert thrown
Iherv passpttgpi was lobhpd. and the
tohbeis turupil tlioii attPiitlon to tho
ONprcstf ins p.oth sales weie blown
opt 11 with ilvnamlte nnd the contents
sci tued. The baggage 1.11 was prac
tltall.v w iccked
The amount stolt 11 Is not vet known,
although the lohbeis got some valu
able Jew oh j The give a diamond
ling and a shirt stud to Knglneor Lan
h tm
After the work was done the lohbeis,
who soomod to enjov the situation, sat
a tunnel and laughed ovpi the matter.
The wholp affair una milled out with
out a hitch, and It Is bellpvpd that tho
bandit. weie old hands at the busi
ness After holding the tialn two hours the
lohbeis let 1 going cast Into the tlcnso
bottoms The trainmen cut out the
vv looked i.m, ami down to Cnney
station, whoie they notified Ihe olTUea
lu both dltoctlons Within two houts,
posses of I'nlted States mmshals with
bloodhound weie on the tialn. The
oNpm. lompaey ilaims it lost nothing
and t ondiii tor Dolan estimates the
passengeis Inxi at or about J200. Tho
itiiintij sutiiiuutllng Caitey Is grid
li oued with ti lephone vvites, and If
the lobbns leave the bottoms they
undotibtedlv will be at 11 sled or killed,
Washington Aug 1.: Chief Pnst
nflli e Inspoitni Cotluan was tele
giaphctl the news ot the holdup of ths
Misiouil, Kalis is and passont,fr
tiain in Indian teirltoi). The tele
gi.1111 ineitlv aimoiiui od tint the reg
Isteieil limn hes In the mall oir had
hi en nit 1 1 it'ii ami the itglsterod mall
1'oit Wot th, Tt niis, Aug, H Seven
nun have lien ,11 tested in Cnney bot
toms inmgecl with lnbbery of the MIs
sotiil, Kims,, and tialn. One
Is a seitinu Imiiil Tlie othei s aie
oung men residing neailiy
fait ot tin pit nder has boon recov
Music Instructor Proposes to Cure
His Dyspepsia by Fasting.
Ity Ivtlutiie Wire frtm The oUjter! I'rrjt
Nt w Iteilfniit Macs Aug. 1 : r. I!
ISiittoi Hi Id Instriiitoi of miist In tin
schools of this lit) Is in the Malu
woods i pei lint tiling with a novel iuie
fin Indigestion lie has fasted four
weeks now and s.t.vs he will not eat
again until he Iielw the pings of a mu
tual hum.' 1 1
lie is living out of dnoi.s ami dtlnks
wale 1 plentltiillv It Is mt purpose n
give his stiimin h a long lost antl s( .
if that will not liiing about a nonnnl
tondltlnii Ills tongut is his guide. He
savs as long iin It looks tllst ulmcd as 11
does now his stoniiu li does not want
Mr. Vorplanck and Miss Rankin
Wounded by Stray Bullets,
lit lit tiitit. Wile from The vtotiate1 Preit
Poughki 1 psli N Y, A in, t! That
the shooting of siamtul Veiplamk and
Miss J.atini Itaiikiu, his vlfes tntulii
while tlihing near rishklll l.andlnr
last evening, was put eh an idental
sei'iiieil to bo 1 loaily established by m
Investigation, whlih was made todav
It appeals that thoy weie wnundel
bj stiaj shuts Hi oil by an Italian la
hot 01, who was hunting stiiiels in
the bitish It was also shown todav
that nellhei Mr Vorplanck nor Miss
Itaiikiu weie ns badly wounded as at
(list icpoited.
Steamship Arrivals,
lit Kvittitlte Who fimn Ihe Vvotlsted Pret,
III Im lii-ive W n Iroin lie Vstotlateil Prei.
Niw V.ik. Vii.- n-irltnl liletliieli Hi
dlip lllilllin St il lellli, I UeiH'ol, Ktu
nisi' n. Vntweip I bniouth Pameili l'atilu.
tin in lliinhuig), Niw link.
I ml ihii fir ni.ii.t 13. 1 1t:
lliklr.l Irinpmtiiie
Iimr.l (ruipeiiluie
fi il'ereil
65 Utgr 11
Iti lame lliimiilitt :
sa 111 ft per ren'
fc P 111 . . nl per tenl
Preti itain 11, .'t hnnrt entleil 5 p m , none
4. 4.
4- Witlnnsii 11. KJ H I'oreri.t far
I'aiiem I'riiniiliami raiilj clowiy Mi
4- iiek.n ami riiurlii , alnwlv nam tern. 4-a-
(eiatiire, liklil sout heuit tly winds b- 4
4 it mine anuthtie.terly,
t t -r t -f- -t- -r t -t- t- -r-t
A ,