THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1901. X a VI i ; WALDRON'S Auction Sale of Horses Thursday, At Cusick's Stables, Washing ton Ave., Scranton, Pa. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. Special to the iranton I'llbime. Honesilale. Auc 1L'. Mlffl Emma Rums, of Seianton, Is the guest of H'nesd.ale friends. The Lawrence band, of Scranton. passed tluoiiRh Hone-dale, en route for netliin.. to give a concert Satui d.iy o piling Mits Loui-a M. Durlnud. who has been .it Roech lake dmlng July, will lennir t tin- Build cottage until the Ilrs t nt Si ptcmlier. Mein Wood, of Mlnnenpotla. Minn, is- i.-lting his uncle, S. H. Wood, and otiuM- i halves In this vlc-lnlt. Alfted Sehuller, of Now Yoik, spent RuiKla with his patents, on Third meet Rev John Wood, of Altoonn. I'.'i , who is the guest of relatlxes here, m Ctipled the pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday evening. Two loads of young people enjoyed n s'raw i lie to Rethimy, Satuidny even ing, and attended the Lawience band concert. Lawience M. Atkinson has letuiiiHil trom an extended lt with his tdtPi nt New Ol leans. , t;ev Williaii II. Swift came from rCortbtleld. I'unr . on Saturday, to at tend the fnneial of Mis. Hall. Ili ie turned Satuidiiv evening lo Now Voik. from wlutice he goci to Noilhtleld. Ho v)V if nun home next week. The Pres lntei jnu i-huich will be clo.-ed next Sun la An .nfmit c-hlbl of Ml. otto SchulU-i, wh" died nt I'lttston on Filday, wax brought to llonesdale for Inteiment on Sunday Little CiPfltUib- Wolfrom, who was so badlv burned by the exploxluu of an oil inn on Satuidny. died about I o'c r k the kHine nfteinoou. The funeial w hhl Monday at p. m. I!ev. Jam- P. Ware ofllclated. Inteiment u in. idi- in (i'cii Pybeny cemetery. T' b-a by Hi o falls heavily on Mr. "Kie-ni He bad 1ut lepalrcd and p.iintc I his notice, and bad tm Insur ance on his bouse or hnuM'hold goods. A sewing machine, dt-.-k, and a few other articles were about all that was FaM. Mr. and Mrs Wolliom and the t .ir icmnlnlng cli'ldri-n ate staying mi'Ii Mr Waltei a brother-in-law. Tb steel stilke is being felt In llnijf fiaio. -The huge new factory building nf the Smith, Krantz Sc Si Ms Cut Olif.s cnnipan.s has been r ad si me time for the metal looting tli.ut is tied un by the stilke. A large board. Ing house, being elected by William Wool at Heel h lake, Is also leady for the metal tooling, but cannot be coin pletert The Xatlonal IClevator company has llnnllx frecured mote loom foi tin- en Inrsement of their plant, by the piu chase of a strip of land extending fiom their i-l t nt to Tenth street, on whlih theie ir a barn and three dwellings, known .is the Oilbnt Knapp piopi-rt. With W W Wood as general manager, this lrdustrv has been continually growing Several addition have bei added to the original building. When Mr Wood assumed the management there wete fifteen emplojes. Now thev nuo'lf over one bundled. They have n biamh olhee in New Voik. The good feeb'.g existing between the manage, ment and woikmen Is commendable. Hon William Connell and other Scran ton capitalists are laigely Interested In thl" mn'pany. With the new purchase the fniindry can he enlarged and husl ness irereased. Their elevators aie emiipe'i to an pans, or the countiv. The alo do foundiy and other Job work. FACTORYVILLE. Epernl to the Scianton Trlhune. Factory vllle, Aug 12 The remains arrH oil of the late Watson Houch Here last Thursday night from the west and were retnoed to the home of his sister, Mrs. John B. Miller, where the funeral was held on Friday,, the Hex. G. A. Cure, of Providence, uitlclatlng Mr. Hough was born noar Lake WI nola and was n student at Keystone Academy years ago. He was aobut 45 years of age, nnd Is suivlveil by a widow and two children, one brother and four sisters. Mr. Hough was a cultursd rhrlstlan gentleman nnd his sudden defnh Is a sad blow to his re latives iii.d fi lends. The Methodist Sunday school will run thi' i- annual excursion to Nay Aug next Thursday, Aug. 13. Fare, f,0 cents for ndults: children under 12 years of age, 35 cents. Train will leave nt 9 11. in. Mr. and Mrs. Charles U. miss, of Hallstend, Pa., spent Sunday with their daughter. Mrs. Charles Hunt. Mrs. C. H. Wilson Is seriously ill nt her home In this place. Mr. J. G. Oleser, of Scranton, was the guest of A. A. Rrown over Sun day, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Glddlngs. of Mapleton, Iowa, and Mrs. Mary August 15 Brown, of Plttston, weie lsltlng their brother. Mr. James Brown, last week. Attorney and Mrs. II. u. Capwell, Miss Delia Coleman, Mr. and J. Vatklnn, Mr. and Mr. Bailey, Mr. and Mri. H. W. son, left hen- last Sunday for Mr. Charleo Wrlgley. of Ohio, guest of his sister, Mrs, W. 11 Mrs. W. Howard was the Snover, Inst Krlday. TUNKHANNOCK. in the 'krantnn 'Irlhtmo. Tunkhannock. Aug. 1.'. John Wat son, who has oeen spending tile sum mer ,u his home near Si ranton, has returned to Ibis place, and Is again empheil In his old position at Mm--lis' meat market, on Wat ten street. Kx-Shorlft A, O. titegorj. of Me shoppon, wa calling on friends in town on Monday. Mis Elizabeth Palmer, of Scranton, who has been the guest of friends nt this place, left Monday for Lake Caiey, where she will spend some time. Doake Hennlngei-, of Chicago, l spending two weeks with his grand father, Call llennlnger, of Second street. The will of was probated term all her tin- l 'to Marv J. Si nil on Monday. By Its leal and personal es- tate is dnec tod pioceeds to be to be sold and the divided lu sperllled shales among a large number of lega tees, whose names ate teelled therein, inestimably the testator's chlldien and giandi-hlldr'en. John B. Kdwnrds, of Laceyville, tb. well kno.t-n Justlf-c of the peace am. survevor, was a burlness man In towi on Mon la.-. Mis Lllstabeth Broughton. who I preparing hei seK for the duties of ., trained nurse at a Philadelphia bos pltal. Is visiting her mother, on Put nam stieet. Hli am Iteilmoinl. f Jennlngsvillt. was a visitor hou on Monday. A. 11. Squleis and family are visit ing lelalhes at Jamestown. N. Y. Thtee nipfi-hants of Noxon weiv piosei-utd icceiitly under the statute of Kill for tiansai'ting woildly husl ness on Sunday. They escaped the penalty of the law by reason of tech nical IrrVgularltlcs in the proceeding, but It will probably have the effeet dt-slied, which is to compel them to close their places of business on thu Sabbath day. Tlie Ilepublieau county convention will bo held at the court house In Tunkhannock on Monday next, (Aug. HO. The caucuses io elect delegates to I be convention from tlie dlffeient townships and boroughs will be held during the afternoon and evening of Saturday, Aug. 17. The .Misses Pines, of Lewisburg. who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis LukcnblU the past two weeks, returned home on Monday. TAYLOR. Lackawanna lodge, Xo. 113, Ameri can Piotestant association, will meet In sesMon this evening. The benefit drawing and concert for John Kvans will he held In Weber'."! rink on September 13. Mr. Kvans is deserving of assistance, and the pto ceedf deilvrd from the benefit will go towards procuilner him an artificial limb. Those who desire a chance on the articles to be chanced off can do f-o before the time set for the di aw ing. The very best of talent available READING A h$ as filS ASA W 1 Can you read I belnjr secured to take part, Including the Anthracite Olee club and the Mozart quartette. Tickets, 25 cents. Kvcry Indication points to the tic ce.a of the Huptlst Yoiinjr People' union excursion which will be run to Olcn Onoko on Tuesday, AiiKiist 20. Tickets, adull, $1.25; children, 75 cents. Mly lodfie, No. 939. Independent Or der of Odd Fellows, w 111 meet In reKU lar session this evening John Jones, of Mill HIiIkp, Ohio, who has boon spending the past two weeks with relatives here, has ie"turned homo. Foreman and Mrs. It. K. Harris hae returned from their trip to the Pun American exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chambers, of the Arehhald mine, have returned home, after spending a week nt At lantic City. Miss Hannah Prnltor, of Dorrnntr ton, who has been spendlnR the past six weeks with friends heie, has ie turned home. The Delaware, Iickawannii and Western mines here have commenced to work tin hours per day until further orders. John K. Kvans moved his family to hl newly putchased home, on .South Main street, yesterday. Richard Williams has biokrn ground for a new icsldcntc on Ninth Main street. CLARK'S SUMMIT. Mrs. Joseph Clark, who has been vis iting her sister. Mrs. John Rastedo, has returned to her home In Ruffalo, ac companied by the Misses Vldu and Mandle Hastedo and their friend, Clare Young, of this place. PLAYS AND PLAYERS' Au?ustu Welnhure, who plaied the title rote in Iho oriclnal 'The Buiomater" lompuiy. lux been eneaced by Klaiv k I'.rlanser for "The lloffcra Brothers In Washington. " William A. Itrailv's production nf "l.omV lane," ( Ijde Kllch'a most uicesful plaj, will be seen In thla rity cliirlm; the eeiaon. It cornea with the aine pro -lion that milked Ita run of flic months In .Ni York and three months in Chlcau'o. A epic ill nuhesir.1 under the direction of Sic A l)c Noicllla will form .1 p.ut of the Klnw A Krlanecr opera oompiny pti-ciillm; .lerrme kia in "poxy Qulller" the tninlmr H'lvon. Klaw A Krhncrr are the flrt to apply t-rand eperatic niethoiU to tin- tioatnicnt of comic opera. Slxon A- Zlmmermin'ii Kmsbali production, "Iho Mcs.cnKcr llo," pn-aoiilid hy an American company with .lame T. I'oweia In the title role, will recebe Ha premiere In thla country In N'vv Ilaien, 1huidaj. Scptemher l!lh, opening Ita Vcw- ork run at Uil.i'a 'Ihcalu- Mimli.i, scptrm hrr K'.i h. will hijiin Aucuit Mh, tin 1 r direction of Herbert lire-hnn iilul Hen Tul. (lua ami Max linger are noted for the e undo co.tumcd Ihiy wear In Kli.v ,t l'.rlani;er'i proilui -nena of Hie Mi V illy faiioi In "Ihe ltoi-ra llinihrra In aliinfc-t"n," Iheir next xrhlrle, they will cndfiior to he ni-iro Mtloriill.i funny than ccr. 'Ihe clalmuti1 inatiiinlng of the c oui pany In the new- pleie will he an c-pn Lilly prominent feature of the production "All pei'ple who saw- Hogcri lliothcia "in Wall sheet" and "In (Vtitril Park" haw .1 x-ery live li iccolledion of "I'he Innocent M lid" and "When lletihcn rmm t" Town." Iluae sonsa Imo suribcd their proiiuetluna, hut onli It i .iii-e hlaw A Ktlani'cr throw awa.i a Micce-a iiery xear. In' "The lioKera Urothua in Wash uulon" lliey will iiriritit i inu-lml leituie uhiih, while cntiiel.i new, will slurply n-xlxc iniirit in the iilmie mm: hils. Mn-ii .illj . Ihe new- pioihiitlon will he c-xicplinnalty stioni;. Klin k Krlaneei are rot.iinnur icry people for their toniing picacntathm of the lliury I. Hie fauy cxtiaiagani, "The sleeping llcauty mil the llcut," at the llioidway 'Iheatic- in No Miiilur. llulr l,itn-l rmtaKimeiita titc l'r.un and Kll-e l.lierl, 1 lie 1111111)1101", who were prominent members of the troupe nf little folk who loured thia i-ounlri- M'lcrat eine airo aa "Ihe I.illpu tiena." 'Ihe Iherta plajcel the ceiniedy O'lea. Mia Maruuerlli Silia, whoc atrllnr ilehut in ixiike l.a shelle'a opeia conuipie, "'Iho I'lln- Clin-," it eai, pioied .1 iilumph fmin he start, la spending her summer at bake Ma li iijc, N . Mik scle.i'a enttni:e la situated ii a Mipic-afied nook oierlocklng the lake, an 1 he eleelirca heiaelf itelightcd with the quiet rest--iloei.a ef 1 or surrounding). . she la fond of unl'.or spuria, la a Bieit swimmer and repies iiiinne and i,m abn xlinot with Ihe aim of an xpeit. hiike la sle In. prcpanliona I" pre- ml Ida star, Kiank Himela, nnt se-aaon In a i-w mu-ical comtily. Healguris, c-n. turners and eciiic artists aie at work upon the clalsirato pro iluiiiHii!, n stilt shortly. The hook nf H a in pioic ia In It A. Ilirnel, author of 1 1'-.'," ".laik and the Dean Stalk," etc. Were other cua'.n tie wanted, the fait that it hia liccn aieepteel hi- Kukc I.a Shelle, who ia him elf a firiiMifil bhrettlat, should sutKic. Ilia new prnduition ia one cmintntly adapted to DiuieU. Mini has mule thou-aiida forget tlielr trouldea and l.i.i.-h l.iuie (ilnx.r Hale, the wife of Walter Hale, who will pin- Col. .laik Hiercton in support rf t ir l anneiiri; in ".laniie lcredlth" the coin ing season, will he the- "Mike.i ," the- negro ser vant Iti the caA. rs. Hale Ia the author of a icrv Inteie-ting article in the usii-t "Itook nun" on "lllitoric llngliiluiien mi llio Anierlean siage," illuatraled with photognpha of Vaintlehl a Mean Iliummel, finnilwii. ami Discj na d'u- ruk. lioti-oii in Olncr (lold-nilth, .Milhcrn a.a Sheridan and origin tl sketrhca of the homea of the-a "hiitmic. r.nglUhmen" In London, drawn In Mr Hils I mil- Mann ami t'lau I.ipnnu aie In Berlin, 'i here lhe will remain two wecka. Misa i.ipnun tiai. crilcrcfl a numher of clalioratc gmina (rem i cilelirati-il nioiliste, llnuff, nf that illy, for wear in ,i pioductlon of "Krou Krou" to he nude iithr the hnlidlia when lliih k llairia eontriii Idiie pre-eiitlng Mcilhia and Haliev'a comedy aa tin Woilno-dn iiullnee bill for the remainder ni Miw. I.ipuun'a seaon with Mr. Mann. He will support Misa l.lpman 111 "Krou l'rou" In tlie I nle- of llrig.ird Theao dull stara will open their si uon in Iho new comedi Paul Potter lua writ lui for them, but the date of the first perform ai.i-e his not yet been fixed. "Ihe lloiuiie Brier Biiah," to be produce-, I by Kiike I.a Shelle, ia accounted one of Ihe (eaturea en the coming season. Thla pliv, whuh will not likely be seen outside of New- York and the l.uger Kastern cltlea for some lime, U a dram i founded upon Ihe storlea of the Itev Ian Mie I.aren. The central incident In Ihe story la Iho regeneration of l.achlan Campbell.! ?cntch shep herd, who ca.U off bli diughter Klora for a fancied ciror, only to become reconiiled to her in the end. The leading role, that of Campbell, is assumed by the ictcran actor, J, II. Iron la PUZZLE. this sentence? Ml Pierre, whei attained distinction In the cast el "55'ay Down Kaat." Flora and Young Lord Hay re wedded despite parental objections en both sides, While the play I en the whole sufficient ly conventional to please, It hJi miny atronit nd original sltiiitlnna. Anion these I the stand taken liy the vllligo ttilnltcr. in refuses in ,c tede to' the demands of bigotry and eaprl flora Campbell from his cliiinli. Willi practical Chris, tlanlty, the young clergyman nppoi iho am lerlty of the elder' and deacons, wins Ida point and nllli It the Inio ft the girl who had .it first rejected him bciauo she hejlesed him to be nirrnw. The staging "I the pleie Is aild In he cseollcnt, and the east contains many other not aide name Awltcw, whose ainhltlon l In heroine 1 John Hroitghtm In the estimation ol New York theatre patron, was Imrn In Boston In I MIS In house next the thiirih mvlo famous hy the Revo lutionary Incident of Paul Revcre's ride. Ilia voice otlracleil lh attention of (he late .lohn Stetson, who put him on the stage at the Howard Athenaeum under the title of "The Conncmira t utkno." He remained with Mr. Stetson two years. He then became III and lihl In I nil four years. When he reentered hia health he went with llavcily'ii minstrels as a ballad singer, fol lowing Ihla hy an engagement with Wilon k Hvnklns' inlnMrela. He was then engaged for "The Ivy Leaf," an Irish plaj. which wis his first experience In dramitlc work He appealed the following two seasons with Monroe V Iliie In "Mv Aunt Bridget" and "Bridget's Wedding," and then ("pent a season In Boston In "Tlie (lohlen 55'eddlng." An engagement with Katie Fmmett aa leading nun was fvlloucd by a short seini:i with Fanny Hire, which led to hia engagement with Peter F. Dallcy In " f'nunlry "-port." Then Ida st irrlng career began He first ap peared ,i. n star In "51vlcs Arnon," a rlay made known liv the liti William .1. Seanlan, to whoso audieniea ho proved atteactlve for Hie ti'xt two feien. Ilich k llirrls made him a propo sition ami he hia lnre played under their man agement, t'nder Itleh k Harris' direction he pro iluceil " n Iri-h (icnlleinan," "The llaeevl Karl," "The of the Rob-ins" and "The llfhel," all of whlih differed in type from ptavs In wluili aiiv ether Inh s'a- had hecn seen, and demonstrated that he pocsses unusual dramatic vcritllllv Ilia coming appearance in "Tom Moore" will mark Ida advancement from a "Con nemata cuckoo" to a Broadway star. Lichty'e Celery Nervo Compound for nil netvous elisenses, (neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous debility, paraly sis, biliousness, dyspepsia, costlveness, piles, liver complaint, kidney trou bles ami female complaints. It goes to the seat of the and cures thoroughly nnd speedily. Sold by Mat thew Uros. THE MARKETS. Wall Stieet Review. N'ew- ork. Vug 12 Tlie goiemment crop re port had a depressing cflect on railroad stocka at the opening and some sharp declinea weie mule, particularly In ltnck Island, MIoun I'ai iflc-. I nlon Pacific and lc hltnn. The selling eontliiueil pietti genonllv through Ihe Hit linui, tiadera oil. ring stoe ka down more con liilently when gi 1111 prieca roe strongli-. Tiad ing then lip-id into seml-ataguation but fluctua tions were unimportant until near the 1 lo-e when the shoita bought nil around and lilted Ihe mar ket aulwtantlillv alroio situnlii'a c-loalng prirea. This mnti incut waa not suftlciently evplalneil. but there waa a igue report curicnt that tlie steel strike was settled Large dealings weie made In the I mini states steel stocks at the opening, the l"-t 1 1. ill-act ion in the common bung .() shale at from 12 lo 42'j. The fact tint the strike oteler was not obeyed in some ili-lritLa aiouwd 11 heller feeling towaid the stock and it was in pirttv fair demand through out Ihe- clay. Kind prues for the common and prettirid were Ihe bet and indicated net gains icspectnely ol l'n and 2 oinl. I'lee aelling ot sugar attracted some atlenticn, llr pme drop ping I init. A lepoit was circulated that the president of the com.einy waa si-untidy ill and prolcs-lonala weie al-o inclined to put out short lines on Ihe stiiugtli of the forthcoming oppo sition plant. Tlie stock mouriil 'J leointa when the lllni-M ot Mi. llitimcyor was clc-iiicil. Peo ple's (iia showeil no trace of Its recent liquid t Hon and lnuii-d stionglv upwards, ending 2'a lilghci. We-tein I nun was unusually prominent ill the late dealings and iinpinvcd materially. The late upw ird inutcnient in the railroad lit tallied .1 number ot stocks up from 1 to 2'j iiluiii- the early low puns with the Improte nient mo-t pronounced in Mis.-otirl Pacific, boutli cm Pacini, si, Paul and Alehisnn. Tlie cloa. ing was fairly aituc and strong. Tot li sales, i'-o.lim huea. Ihe bund waa nuict todiy, and but lew changes of iiiipoitauie line nude 'Jut al sale-, pir saliie, sl.tiPi.uisl. I". S. bonda wire all uiiiiiatigid on tin! Lu'. call. The following quotations Tribune hy M. S .lo.'Jan ft Utars building, Scranton, I'a r turnjshet Thi Co , rooma 705 7'f Telephone BWHi High- Low- Cloa- Open- inr. et. l."' Ui 71 1113, 'ng. HI l.l! Amciieau cugar Anicr. 'Iiiliaccei Atclu-oii Atchison. Pr lliool, Trailion Halt k Ohio 'it. Tob 11 n hie. V (it. West. .. Si. Paul Hock island Kan k Tc.. Pr I.nuis. k N'a'h Man. K.leiatesl Met Tiacliot , M1-0. Pis Iflc , Southern Paeitie .... Norfolk k West. ... Y . C'enliiil out k Western .... Pentu. II. R Piiint Mill Heading It. II Heading, Pr Southern II It ... Southern, I'r Tcim. Coal k Iron I'. S. Leather I'. S Leather, I'r. . ..I.tia, ..Ml .. 712 .. PI .. :r .. '. .. ta.'i .. 21 ..iVi4 ..lis .. SI ..list's'i ..lflel .. I'S .. 3-,7s .. .VT, .1MI .. -IPs ..hj ..M'l'i .. 40'i 72'g ' 7 0s !.' Ialt Jl --" Jill I llli'i pa. J()'i l'i 1'sHi !' Ill ID 40'4 7o' j t'I'-s 7-Mi ileit, M 21 -j l'lf'a lt;'a 521, HM'.a IP) iu lisi'i .-I' fll'i I'll1, 12'a 141 41) 40 70' i '7a fPi lf n 7 m si :ts 112 lll'a an". r.4H H'a ll'a 2-1 4.1 WVi Cloa. Ing. 71 l'i Mi 65!s tie-1 1 1 .11 21 l-'-'i 1 'J.'a M lisi'a II1!'), lliii lis :,i wj I'si :'.li Hi .ui', 4111 i 70'', .-a . M ?l'i SS'l . iiou 111 iiiu; . 12'h 11 12's . 7f'i 7'i1i 7n3 . li l , evil t . P-e 8'1 Si . ::; x :i7i . 01 r'T, ni'4 -1 1 l2 112'i Ill's .pw'i lin'i jo-iij , US'- 3nl, ,1-,lj . h.c; Hi'-, r.t'i ,. l-l's It's ll'i , 40'; la.i 4(H, ,. 2'l 2'l 2sa4 . 4."; 4 Pa 42 ,. OH, H2', !UH riilon Panne I mon Pacific-, I'r. .. Wahij.h, I'r Wc.tein I nion Amil. Copper People's t!as Krle Krle, 1st Col. so Texas Paelfle s.m Par Foundry .. 1 P. Steel (' V. S. fetrel Co., Tr. NEW Y0HK WIIFAT. September I)ecfinher OIUIN' MHKIT. Open. Ing. High est. 7m , OAT, Low. 7S'a SO'i fi fi'i .OHN September . Decembir .... fil'i Cia4 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Far of 100. STOCKS Pid. Asksd. Lackawanna Pain-Co , Tr fit) Counts- Suing- Hank V Truat Co.. S'jO Viiinml Hink (Carbondale) . an an 271 4S 1200 130 125 JOQ P5 1 Prilling Co itional Bank Pepo-lt and Piscount Bank. no Light. II. k 1'. Co National Bank list 1 .irka Tiu-t Safe Deposit Co ( talk k Snoier Co , Pr i-crantnn lion Ffnce k Mfg. Co. ... seranton xxle Woiks Scianten Palings Bank 41m Trader' National Bank U Fcranton Bolt &. Nut Co jot reople'a Bank 133 New Mexico Hy. k C. Co BONUS. Fcranton Pasaenger Hallway, tint Mortgage, due K20 115 75 People', Stieet Hallway, first moit. gage, due JU1S People'a Street Hallway, Oeneral moitgage. elue 1121 Plckson Manufacturing Co Lacka. Township Se bonl 5 per cent. City of Scrinton St. Imp. C per cent Scranton Traction (I per rent 115 115 100 102 102 115 Scranton Wholesnle Market. (Corrected by II. fl. Pile. 27 Irfckawanna Ave) Beans- I'er bushel, choke marrow, ,. nOjj n Butter-I'iecli creamery, 2la.'2c.i dairy, fresh, 21c. Cheese-Full cream, lOiaallr. Fgg Western frenh, IJijalfl; nearby date, lSjal7ie. Medium Beans Per bmhel, 2 SO. Oreen Peaa-Per bushel, fl 4011.45, Flour Best ratent, per barrel, U J5. Beans I'er bushel, choice marrow, $3.10. Ponton Per bushel fUl.10. OnloM Vet Isushel, fOo, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Llnci, 3 Cents tor Each Gxtri Line. For Rent. For Reel, About 1200 feet oflloor space on 41I1 floor of the Tribune building, su'table for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at oflke of Thh: Tribunh. POIl IIKNT S room, modern houei very de airable, moderate lent. Inqulic 1S.MI W'asli Ington airnue. KOIl nUSI" Mne-rnom houe in (been nidae; all tonverilcncei; large lot. Kent, $18. Ad elrrvi H (!.. Triluine. 1011 lli:ST-i:iEht rooma, 788 Jetlerwn anenue; all modern ronienlcncea. For Bale. jss I'OK S l.i:-f!oo. tow, at William S. Krifftlha', U band la strict, Hellenic Heights, Scianton, fa. 7 i.ors 1 on si.i:, tJ.MII; might In making tlMOu. At ijr.TW. Comegya. at (ilenhum station, for be sold for $-W each, auction they will btlntc KOIt SXI.K Or would emhanie for lumber, two tihaetons, two lumber wagons, two seta har ness, (me pair matched bayi and one aorrel horse at Anslcy'x lumber yard. KOIt SU.H-Car load of dialing and draught horse, and good family horeea. 211 lit Oak foul court .1. M Field.' AIUIIVi:i) with a car-load of horse ami elrliers, weight from I.OuO to 1,iVU scleral clcvsely matched teams Can be aeen at 331 Hay mond court. F. M. Cobb. KOIt SM.K-A Cotlrell At Sons cylinder press, 3,'ialel, In good condition, new rollers, W. Apply Wllkes-llarre 'I lines Olfke, Wllkes-Parre, I'a. For Sale or Rent. roil SM.i: OH HUNT -Single house. 004 Web ster aienue Ten rooms, steam heat. 0. F, Hemolds. Connell building. Philadelphia drain nnd Product. Philadelphia, ug. U -Wheat-Firm. 2 cents liiglur, cuiiitait grade, August, 7ii'i77e Com strong, 3 cents higher; 'o. 2 mled, August, fi.l16.li3c. Oils- Sleaelt; No 2 white clipped, ie. Flour Finn; winter superior, $ ISai.Sn; do extras. $ ii 6"; I'enm. .-oiler clear, $2.90 a'lli; do. do. straight. fl.Wal.S.'i: we-tern winter dear, .' C'isI 20; elo. do, straight, J.I.2Ja SID. do. do pitint. t ooa-l 75; Kanaaa straight in sicka, 'l2a.1.t,1; t'o. patent In sacks, .'! t..a am. iprlng ileir. .la.l.."."; do straight, M.tali " s-,; .1,, lutein, .( nl 10; el.), favorite bland, MI."a2.V citv mills extra, SJ Vi3.f5: do. dear, 2 'eia'l JO- 110 stinight, .! 2ia.1.40; do. patent, .t.h'nl 2." Hie flour, ifl Hut ter-Ftrm, gooil 1 . t , .-. 1 1 I - fanes- western cream 111, 2i'ic -. do do. prints, 2ljc ; do. near I11 il. 'b- l.ui-1 I 11111. good deminil; fresh .liim.mmi- O0(ime tlll'O-s fV ! o'M cmfwypU neirhv, 17c ; do. we-tcrn, 17c; do southwest ern, I.P3C , do southern, 12c- Cheese- Dull and w.1... N . full neama, fancy small, l"c ; do. do do, lair lo choice. Pa1c- Helmed st-gtr- r,n. 1 but stoj'i. (niton 1'nchangeil '1 illow lily pilme In I ' da . V ; country do. do., bib, fact cike", o'saA'jc. I.iic poul lis Kli.r.y; fowls. ti'jalOc.; old roosters, i'-i7e ; ruling (ti'isins, llilV , ducks, pic I)iesd poultry Foil la, cholie, Hlc : do fair to good, Pi'i'-e. ; old roosters, et'fce ; broilers, nearby, I!il7c; we-tern do., lOalle. Ilecelpta-Flour. 1,2iW barrels and as.'i.rtii) lbs. In sacks; wheat, l'.1).( lui-lieli; eorti, 4.WV) bushels; oats, ln.tirt buahels. Shipments Wheat, fil.Onei buahels; com, 4,s(W; oats, Hl.eSiU. New York Grain nnd Produce. New- Voik, Aug. 12 Flour Fairly ortlse and pii. higher on the wheit adianc-e; winter pat ents. 4iiii1'i0. do lraighta, .1.4n.i3.S5j Minn, patent, 'si '! 1 1 20. Wheat -Spot strong. Op tiona had u strong 3c adiance and a big Itade putly for outside account on record breaking clearamts, a heaiy ilslble supply deirease, the government crop reHut, higher cahlea and cov ering. They finalli' ea-ed ntT a Khade under leal l?ing but clnaed icrv linn at 2'ia'iNic-. net ad anee. September doseil 7'ie ; Oct.. 7n'jC ; 1'ic. Sl'4c. Com spot firm; No. 2, f-l'sc. eleiator, and n.'c. f. 11. li, alloat. Options opened exiiled and scry strong. Later It steldeel to realting and do-ed tiu-cttlcd at 1a2i-. net aibime. September iloseel ftliji ; On., 6IHc. ; Pec. H"ie-. Oits- spot stronger; No. 2, 4V,; No 3, 3'i'je. ; Vo, 2 white, Pl'c ; So. 3 do.. He ; Haiti mixed western, 30taa41c track white state, 42a."sK""; pack white western, 42a ,iOi . Options aetite ami higher on the gosern nient report and etiength In other markets. Put-ter--Flim ami iiniliinged; cieamery, 1fia2fl'jc ; lietoty June packed, 1'an'c.; Imitation creipi en, ItalT'e.; ftite dairy, Uipir. l'ggs Steadi ; slate and Penna , JRalee ; western un canilled, Silli ; candled, l!aln'se. Cheeoe Slow; famy large colored, P'ac ; do. do. white, n'ic ; fincy small, colored, Ulie. ; do. do. white, U'ac Chicago Grain nrd Produce. Chle-ago, Vug. 12 -a u result of the bullish showing of Ihe goiertimsnt report Issued Satur dis, prices of all grains on the boird of trade were hunt nit todiv. splemher wheat rinsed 2'a2ao higher: coin cleveed l4irp, higher; cuts w-ere up lal'de , while proil-ions were fiom ,1 to 10 cents higher. Cash quotation were as follows; Flour Firm, with Improved demand; N'o. 2 spring wheal. 74'ii' ! No 3. 71's'e73c -. No. 2 led. 71c; N'o 2 corn, H;c ; No 2 vellow, .WaaKk-.; N'o. 2 out, .17a37'-e. : No. 2 white, SOaTO'je.; No. 3 do., IliPie. ; No. 1 rye, ); ai'Jio. ; gevid feeding barlv, tViaillc. ; fair to cholie milting, fttaelti ; No. 1 flix seed. JIM; No 1 northwestern, 'I M; prime timothy seed, x 70; mesa pork, JH.MalllO. lard, .72'ja S75; short ribs, steles, $7.MaR; dry salted shoulders, 7,ia71i0 ; short clear aldea, H30.1 8.10; whiskey, ?1 20 . Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Aug. 12- Cattle-Receipts, Cfl,fti In eluding noo Texan- ind 20 westerns; choice, steadi ; others, slow Id lflj5e. lower; good to prlniei steers, 5ft)ih-.5, poor to medium, $4 25 a.40; stocketa and feeders, S-' 25a1 M; enwa, !2 5nai:Ci; heifers, .'a'5 30; canners, $12 25; bulls, U 50a I 3.5; calies, $2ii; Texas ateers, $.11 J ii'r, western steers, fl fi'iil llnga Heiclpla today, .in.nnOj tomorrow, 25, rum; maiket, steady In stiong early; later, slop; tops, fel.1.5; mixed and butchers, lf.5 Ma 15 12'i: good to ilmlce heivv, $5,tVan."i; , rough do, '5 I5i5; light, $5 Ma5 (si; bulk ol sales, tfi.TOj.-i U.5 Mieep -Receipts, ls.iYil; strong to 10c. high er; labms, 10il5c-. higher; good In choice wethers, M.7.5a1 25; fair to choice mixeel, a.) 25 al.Ml; western sheep, M25i4.10; yearlings, sVI.7.5i4 ,15; nillve liniln, ff 2 25a.VJflj western lambs, ?l.3.5l5 40. New York Live Stock. New- York, s,ug. 1.'.- Reives Trade slow; good to choice steel, barelv steady; others, 10al5c. off; Bulls and cows steady In lower; steers, sM25a5fl5! oxen and slags, flat 10; hulls, $2. It) aa-25; cows, Ifl.35a3..i0i mainly M 73a 1. Calves Veals stiong; oihei lalves, steadi; veils, f I. Ai7.5'l: lops, 17o0.i7 7.5; rulls 4a 4 50; grav-m and buttermilks, f.u:i.75. Sheep and lamhv sheep, steadv: lambs opened film to 25c. higher for lop gudea; medium lambs, 25a.l5c. higher; latter closed lower; II cars partly late airivala unsold; sheep, .'2'a 4; few export, tfLV); cull, $L5fti2j lamias, (I t50an25; c-ulls, $2 25. Hogs Market trifle weak; western heg, JJ.05-, tate do., frl.S0an.S3i choice do., (J. JO, East Liberty Cattle. Kait Liberty, Aug. 12. Cattle Slow and loer; extia, f3 50a5.75s rrime, fA 40a5t50j good, $5,15 5 35. llog-Hlgheri prime leas y, tfl 15ir.,20; he-y medlum and toiei niivid, M.15j belt yorkerj and jrood medlumi, fd tOifl U'.ii light yorken, SITUATIONS WANTED FRBB. Help Wanted Male. WAVTM) A wood tinner at Analey'a Mill. WANTf:i- A voung man about Is aa asalatant book-keeper, able to wrlle shorthand and me Hcmlngton typewriter. Klne out ef town position. Apply bv letter only to Morrla Uiaua, Holland Home, Adania aieiiui'. Help Wanted Female. WAMIIIl A good glil for geneial housework who understand, cooking. Apply till Mad Isnn aicnue. WANTKII At once, dv lo act a housekeeper j Protestant lady preferred; the In family. AdelrcH II Mathews, beictitli alrcel, niakcly, Olyphant, Pa, nitANCII WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any ot the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SCIILITZ, corner Mulberry street and Webster avenue. GUSTAV PICIIKL, 650 Adama tvenue. West Side tTEORCF, W. JCSKINS, 101 Bouth Main avenue South Scranton FRED U TF.RPPE. 729 Cedar tvenut North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North avenue and Market ttrect. Main Oreen Ridge CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dlckaon avenue. F. J. JOHNS, P0 Oreen Hldge atreet. C. LORENZ, corner Washington ave nue and Marlon ttreet. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFF.L, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. a. BONE & SON. Wnnted. thousand persons to buy one thousand bottles "Knights' Aromatic Syrup of Prunes," nature's greateat physic. Ltrge bottle, 25 cents. Chas. P. Jont, 1557 Dark son avenue. WANTED An Intelligent (Catholic) lady or gen lleman to fill a light, plea-ant position; good pay. If luitalele. Addiesa P. O. Box 20, Scranton, Pa. Real Estate. 77 LOTS M r each, at C.lenliutn station; stieets are graded and mined: come and get inais and leain particulars. Comegys, Dime Bank. Money to Loan. J) 50 to AT ONCE 1 and 5 per cent, teie-t Ea'y terms to lepiy. Ueorga Okell, Coal Exchange building. JJ.W.UW TO LOAN Lowest rates; ttialght or monthly payments. Stark k Co. .Traders' bljg, ANY AMOUNT Or MOSEY TO I.OAN-Qulck, ttralght ltan3 or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 311-315 Cornell building. Boarders Wanted. WANTED-Table boardera. Washington avenue. Mrs. Tompkins, Ml Situations Wanted. MTl'ATION NTFD-To iia-hing or dialling. go out by the clay Mr. Russell, 1210 Cedar avenue slTl TION ANTED--A po-ltion in wulower'a family, by a middle aged Udy. Mis. Jen nie Smith, WO Dix court, city. MTl VriON" WANTED By a young man, to wmk in of Hi o; lua a good education, can give good reference, Addu-a, E. A., care Scranlon house, city. MTl ATIOS" AS'IKD-lly young gill aa dish- washet, nurvipg or to ai-Ut in houae work. Anaiver promptly. I.. I)., 727, Fellow strett, Otyj SIIT'ATIOS" WASTED Bv a young girl 1.5 scars old to as.-lat at light hoitceivoik. Address Hanna, 11 Cameron uvinue, Lily, S1TLATION WNTEIM any kind of ofliie work. By a young mail, experienced book keipei, Hood rcfeiemeJ. AddriM , ),, laic of the Tribune. MTl'ATION WAN TKD-As stenographer or nslst ant book-keeper by a young man, Addrivs A. F , care ot Trlhune. MTl AMOS' STED By a young gul aged II years to wali ellshes or to elo iiur-ing. Ad dreas Miss Jenny lonea, 1020 Price street. LEGAL. IN HE: Estate of llenjiniin .1. Hughe's, de-tcai-ed. lale id Ihi citi ot .--iiaiiti n coiinti of Lackawanna and state ol Pennsy llama Let ters testamentary upnr the above named e-tate having been gninled to In' unileralgned. all per sons having claims or demands ugalnst said estate will ptecnt them for pavment, mid tho-e Indebted thereto will nuke Immediate paunent to Anna J. Hughes, executiix II. C. ni'.YNOI.D', Attorney for Estate. iVifl5aiilO, pigs, $.5.!i.i(3; tkiea, 150a5 5O; roughs, 4a5 fin. Sheep Slow; best wethers, .l.oual; culls and common, fl 50a2 40; yearling), 2at.25; veal cants, f6.50a7.50. Oil Market. Oil titv, Aug. 12. Credit balances, 125; ier- tihcates. nn bid, shipments, 2n-.ii0- 0)2Jf. 1'iitiS, 201. 1. 1 ; at. tee, 7'.',0(5. avcaii, BASE BALL. American League. At Boston (first game) R. J. r Philadelphia 0 tl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-cl 7 2 Boston 0020003 1 x-fl 10 ,1 llatterlea-Bfinard and Powers; Winter! and Sihreikengost. Umpire; -Cantlllon. M Boston (second game) R, II, E Philadelphia 10 0 0 2 0 0 4 0-7 12 2 Boston 00000000 I 1 5 fi Batteries Plank and Powers; Mitchell and Crlger. 1'mplrc Cantlllon. At Detiolt- R. II. K. Milwaukee 00 4 200000 a 0 Detroit 0 1000 1002-4 8 3 Pattern damn and Maloney, Miller and shaw. I'mpire slcridan. M Cleveland-- R. II. E Chicago OfiO -J 4 I 30 1-17 H 1 Cleveland liontll I00I5-S 10 0 Batleriea-C.rifAth and Sullivan; Howling and Wood. I'mpire Manaxau. National League. At St. !,oula n. 11 b. Cincinnati OOOO1S0O3-3 fl 2 St Louis 1 0 0 II 00 2 x-fl -J Batlcries-llahn and IVIft H idloi,' and Sthrp vrr. L'mpliea O'Day and Uroun, Eastern League. Toronto, 0-, Hirilard, 2. Toronto, 4; Hittforj, . Buffalo, 5; Werejsur, S Montreal, 4; Brockton, 3. Mentreal, 8; Brockton, 4. Providence, flj Rocheotei, 9. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Trun Pour l.lnei. n Cent! lor llach Extra Line, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. KIIW'AIII) c. Building. M'ADI.Ul.Sa, U THADERS BANC Architects riiWAiin ti, bulldlnt;. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELb FULiii'.nicK l, niiowx, Katate naehange Illdg., AHCIL B., REAL 126 Washington av. Civil and Mining Engineers. 11. I IIAHIHSO, COil COSNKLL nUILPINCJ. Dentists. DH. O. I!. F.ILF.NHKItfiEU, Spruio atrcct, Scranton. l'AULl BUILDINO; DR. C. 0. LAL'DACII, 115 WY0MIN0 AVENUE. Lawyers. "'AM yM BOVLE. ATIORNEVAT-LAW. "oonu 12. 14, 16 and IS Burr bulldinj. F. K. TnACY.ATrV.COMMONWEALTH BI.UO. D. P, RM'LOOLE. ArroitNF.V-I.OAKR NEC.O tlaletl on real estate security. Meats buildinij. eorner Washington avenue and fcpiuee attect. WIU.AHI), li ARnKV Ac and counsellon at-law. Washington avenue. KS'APP, ATTORVEY3 Republican building, Jl.SSltp k .H.SSI'P, ATIOIINEYS AVI) COIJN. sellora at law. Commonwealth building, Rcoma Iff. 20 ind 21 r r.inv.MiD W. THAVI'.R. ATTOnNliY. eWPOl, nth nnr, Meara building. ROOM3 L. A. WATHES. MTOIINKY-AT LAW, BOARD of Trade building, S ranton, I'a. nTTPn.S0V WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL "en. nutiiiing. C COMEOYS, J1.1 REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. W BKnrilOLF. OFFICE 211 Wyctnliig ivimie. MOVED TO NO. Physicians and Sugeons. K. ALLEN, 51J NORTH WASlHNOTON Dlt W. aienue, DR. S W I.'AMOREAIV. OFFICE 3M WASH Ington avenue. Residence, 131S Mulberry Chronli disease, lungs, heart, kidney anc! genlto-urir.ary organs a specialty. Hours, '. to 4 p. m. Hotels and Restuiants THE FI.K CAFE, 125 AND J27 FRANKLIN avenue. Ita tea reasonable. P. ZEIfiLF.R, Proprietor. ECHANTOX IIOL'SE. NEAR D.. L. k W PAe senger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND ress pools; no odor; only improved pumps used. A. B. Brlgga, proprietor.. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Elcke'a drug store, cor. ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. 0. n. CLARKE & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NIIR3. erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; grem houses, 1050 North Main avenue; store tele phone, 782. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 611 LACKA.AVe7 Scranton, Pa , manufacturer of iVire Screens. Miscellaneous. DHESSMAKIS'O rou children to ORDER: also ladles' waists. Loula Shoemaker, 212 Adama avenue. MF.OAROKE BROS.. PRINTERS s elopes, paper bags, twine, Washington avenue, Scranton. SUPPLIES. EN. Warehouse, 130 Pa. THE WILKES IHlinE RECORD can be had In Scranton at the neiv-i standa of Reismaii Ilroi . 4ti Spruce and 501 Linden; M. Norton, .'2.' I.aikananna avenue; I. S. Schutter, 211 bpruie street. LEGAL. MUTCH IS lli:itl HY OIVES that under the act of a.-cmhly entitled "A supplement to an act entitled ' n ait to prnude lot the incorpor ation and tegiil.itton of certain cm pora tiers,' ap proud April 2'itli, 171. prnvidiiu, for the tin iiovcmint ame-iiilnieut and alteration of the ihirtera ol c-oriotaiions of the second 'las-, and nuthnrlriiiK the Itirorpoi.ition ol traction motor companies," apptnveei Ihe IJth elav of June, A. 1), Ins.1, and kiiimn aa ihe I orpciation Amend ment Ail of 1KI, The ( olllery l.ugjr.eer com. patu, a eoiporation neatid and existing under llie'CniiHii.linri it nf 1-71. will apply to the iroiemot ol Pcunaytvania on Weune-iiay, eptem ber I, l')l, for' the following imrtovements. iinemlmenta and tltt rations ol its ihaiter, via.; First Bv changing the nam "I the inrpota tioti to "Intiiiiilioiiil rexthemk Company" vceuid III- mukliig the purpo-e foi which said lorpoiatinti Is fiiimril to read as follows; 'aul impi it t if ni Is formed to originate, witte, umpile, llluvtiatc, edn, puhll-ii, ind sell in stiiiction papeia, te-vlbooks chawing plates, in itoiliiala, iiidgi7itie--. iiamplilcts, aitirles, inrf Icltits tor Ihe ilK-riniiiat! n ol lite-ian, teehnical,, and nilisr infnitiiatfnii; to condu't a pilntiiig, engraving luliowiaphltig, steieotyp. ing, cleeliolyplng, c upioly ping, line work, half tone wmk, rmbo-slng, printing In black and cap ora. photogiaphlng, phoioiyplng, pholimTavinj phtiiie ptlntliu, and book binding biilne-a; ani gcneialli. to trau-aii a ,,i iruing, bookbinding, and publishing liumio In the variom methods now In ii-e. or which may be hereafter Intro clue ed or Invenleel"' 1 hird-By makiiig the exilcnre of said evr poration peipeltial nd for lhee purpospi t Inie, pivc.c-a. .nut cnjoi al! ihe lights, benefits and iirliileges, iniile-iriil by Ihe said ait and iti supplements. SI'NSIFYP l I.L.V, Secretary. Si-ranioii, I'a , Augu-t el, ptOl. Till'. VSSI'XL MI'l.l'ISO of the stockholder of THE 5V0IISt; MIOVEL OltK for the eleition of etiieetoii. and eonsidcratlon of such other Junlnein ) mav be brnu-ht before them will be held at the olflie of the compinv, Con nell building, -eranmii. I'a , Tiiday, the sixteenth of iiEtist, lfloi between the hours nf H nd 11 a. m Sith (i Robertson, Secretary. FINANCIAL. ,SV .XsiaVswXViv.eV'W-Si-'" OLDEST! WALL STREET SAFEST! Money Will Earn Big Monthly nrcTi Returns. Dr.ol. The Investor's Fund Paya Semi-monthly. The oldest established In merlca. Vo certificate holder haa ever lost a cent Payments mada to all subscribe eiery 15 days. No trouble No delay. Money refunded on demind. 55 rite to day for partleulaia, free to any address C. E. Mackey V Co , Hudson BId'g . Xese York. Spencer Trask & Co BANKERS n & 29 Pine St., New York Transact a general banking business; art aa Fiscal Agent! for corporations, and negotiate security Issues of rail roads and other companies. I'.iecute commtffton orders and deal In INVESTMENT SECURITIES Memberi New York Slock Eichang. Branch Office 65 Slate St. Albany r