- -" n" -1. fc,w "' s "-Rs" ( 6; THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1901V WEST SCRANTON POLICE RAID A SPEAKEASY JAMES MURTATJOH PLEADED GUILTY TO THE CHARGE. Officers Found Unmistakable Evi dence In the Place and the Offender "Was Pined $60 Yellow Kid Inci dents Recalled Several Outings and Excursions Arranged for the Coming Week News of the Churches Funerals and Other Notes and Fersonnls. Lieutenant Williams, Patrolmen Klah Peter1? and Conrad Marker made .1 raid Saturday evening on the ."peak easy kept by James Mutimigh at No, S How land avenue. Armed with a t an tint Issued by Police Miiglstialo Davles, tin' ollleers visited the plaie, and there found several men drinking, and Incidentally located four untapped barrels of ale, one tapped bailed of ale, one tupped barrel of porter, one Jim tilled with whlske.v, and four empty beet ban els. Murtaiigh was plared under in i est, and utlhe homing enti'ied a plea of guilty.' I'pon bis promise of iibiimlnn I ik tb" luisliiess In the future, Magls tiate Davie let him off with a line nt J, i1. or thltty days In 1be county J.lll. lie p.ild the line. Several iiioip nricsts of a similar naltiie me ex pei ted dining the coming week. Joint Excursion Tomorrow. All arrangements have been com pleted for ctiloi tabling those who at tend the Joint exclusion to Lake Lo doie tomoriow of the South Main Ave nue and West Market .Stieet Welsh Congregational chinches The joint committee hae .secuied a number of Kilts from business houses, whlili will be distributed as pi Izcs during the day. A game of ban- ball has been ai ranged between teams iepi eventing each church. The lontest will he call ed at 10.00 a. m. At 2 p. in., the fol lowing programme will be lendeicd on the pavllllon: Hmn. selected, prize, best song, male or female, pair of shoes; sour, for males or females over 41 jears of ape, tlngers to select their own souks, prize, hack of Hour; recitation or declama tion, open to all, prize, youth's suit if clothes, hymn, selected: impromptu speech, prize The other contests will be as follows Fat man's race. 100 arils, prize, rock SUNBURN Iioe and Almond Cream removea redness ot the tkln nnd soothes the pain el sunburn In one night. Take a Lottie with you on jour vacation. FOIt SALE DY O. W. JENKINS. Last Call Sale of Stylish Parasols and Coach i rag Umbrellas Fine assortment of Fashion's vary choic est Novelties. All clean, new and invit ing as on the day when they left the factory. M MMMMHrMHMiMBMaaHaiikaaaaaaaaM lUlrjprDSflg, Price Reductions Bacaiuse We Will Not Carry Them Over Till Next Season GLOBE ing chair; egg race, 100 yards, for children under 15 years of ngc, prize, youth's suit; boat race, prize, umbi el la; wheel-barrow race, 100 jaids, pilar, plush box. The excursion train will leave the Delaware and Hudson station nt 8,1. n, ni slopping at all stations between Scianton nnd Olyphant, Inclusive. The Yellow Kids Again. The police are nt a loss to know what to do with the troublesome yel low kid gang, the niembeis of which are constantly in trouble. Saturday night Patrolman Peters ariested Syl vester Graham, of Hennessey couit, for tecklessly illschaiglng a Flobert ilfle. on North Main avenue. When the boy was arralRiied before Police Magistrate Davles, he pleaded Ignorance of any wrong doing, and his mother helped bis case nlotiR by a teat fill plea tor leniency. The magls trate's heart was touched by the ap peal, and he discharged the boy. The p'lPce feel that It Is useless to attest these youthful offenders, when they nie icpeatedly "disclmrRed with a reprimand," and ns soon as they get out of (heir scrapes they aie Into some mbenlei again. The larents allow the bos to loam the stieets nt all hours of the day and night, tnitlculiitly nt night, and ar iiMtlng tlieui does little good. Loyal Knight's Outing. The complliuenlaiy outing anangcd by ICnteipilse lodge. No. li, l.oyal Knights of America, for Its meinbeis will take place tomoirow, their destin ation being Harvey's lake F.aeh mem ber of the lodge has been presented wlih two tickets, and each widow of a deceased member with one ticket. All outsldeiH who deslie to attend the outing may puichnso tickets at 7 cents each, and children will be cbatged Vi cents. The tialn will leave the Dela waie and Hudson station at 7."n a. m (lames and vailous other amusements will be provided on the Riounils. Another Lawn Social The Sunday school classes of the Tabeimu-le Congregational chunh, taught by Jacob Jenkins and Kan !. Ileese, will conduct a lawn social net Wednesday evening. August 14. at the home of .Miss Jennie Davis, coiner of Ninth Hmmley avenue and Pettebone street. The ariangemcnls bne aliendy been completed and the meinbeis of the ilasseo will serve lie cieam and cake and othei refieshments to all who patronize them. The ptoceeds. will be tinned Into the churih fund. In Police Curot. L'.nly yesterday morning Patiolm.in McCalllgan found (Itoige Champion, of TIM K.vnon street, asleep on South Main avenue, and when he letused to1 go home was placed under arrest. Ho was fined :i In police louit .vesterday morning. I.uke (illm.irtln, of Pine Hiook, be came abusive to Patiolman Matthews on North Main avenue Satin day even ing and leslsted when placed under ancsl. It was necessary for Hie pa- WAIEIOUSE trnlmnn to cluh him into sun'mlsslon. Up wan fined $3.50 by rollco Magls trato Davles. First Paptist Church. On Sunday morning at the First nnptlst church the 'pastor, l!ev. S, F. Matthews, delivered a very thoughtful dlscouise on "Paul's Conception of u Christian." At thu evening service the congio Ration had the uiisual pleasure of hear ing Dr. 11. (J. Hcddoe, who riivo his olllclal report ot the eleventh national convention of the Rtptlst Young Peo ple of America. The doctor Is a very pleasing nnd fluent speaker and the only fault waa that be brought his keenly appreciated talk to a close too soon. The Sunday school, notwithstanding the hot weather and vacation season, Is holding Its owif nobly. The Sunday evening meetings ot the, Haptlst Young People's union aro well intruded and well worth going to enjoy. Among the Churches. ISev. John 1!. Austin, pastor of the Ash Micet Methodist Kplscopal chinch, occupied the pulpit of the Simpson Methodist Kpiscopal chinch '('Motility morning, and the evening M'rvices were In chaige of the F.pworth league. Last evening's service at the First Haptlst chinch was In chaiRe of the Haptlsl Young People's union, at whlth Dr. M. 11. lleddoe made his re pot t as delegate to the eleventh mi tloa.il convention of the union, which win held recently In ChlcaRo. AW "vV. Adair, settetaiy of the Itall- o.id Young Men's Chilstlan associa tion, pleached at the Va.hburn Street Picsbyteilan chinch esterdny morn ing, and at ti o'clock he conducted the services In the Sumner Avenue Pics b terlan chinch. Itev. A. I., limner, of St. M.uk's Lllllicinu chinch, In.sti ueled his par ishloneiH estenhiy mottling about "Spiritual (lifts," anil at the evening seivlce spoke of "Ncgleitlng the Time of Divine (iiace." Othor Events This Week. The annual exclusion of St. Hi en den's council. Young Men's Institute, to Atlantic City, will leave the Dela wuie, Lackawanna and Western .sta tion Wednesday morning at 10.30 o'clock. A largo number have signi fied their Intention of going with the bo.v s. The congregation of the Chestnut Sticet (ieinuin Piesb.v terlan church will run their annual excursion to Lake Lodoie on Wednesday. St. Joseph's Aid society will con duct a picnic at nollevue park on Thuisday. The Itallroad Auxiliary of the Simp son Methodist Lplscopal chinch will conduct a lawn social next Thursday evening at the home of Miss Maud Kueruei, ',S2 North Lincoln avenue. The congregation of St. Mark's Lu theian church will run their excursion to Lake Luduic on Thui.sday next. Funeral Announcements. The funeral of the late Mrs. Kmallne l.oney inclined on Satuiday afternoon fioin the Imnie of deceased's fathet -inlaw, T, J. Loliey, mi South Seventh s'tieet. ltiteiinent was made In the Dunmoie i enietei . The fuiuial of the la if JaintH ,T. Me iow.ni. who was killed In the Ml. Pleasant mines cm Kild.iy, onuried .vesterdaj afteinoon fioui the family residence on Carbon street. The finical was In chaige of the Mt. Pleasant Accidental fund, and Interment was made In the Cathedial cemetei.v. A leriulem mass vU( be celehiateil In Holy Cin-s ihuich, Mellevue, at o'clock this morning for the repose of the soul of the late Daniel !:. lilynn. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The William Council (j,.,. , ,,, i10( a lehearsal in Ivoiite ball yoteiday afternoon in piepaiatlon for their Ver mont trip next month. Comer D. !!eee, district oig.tnlzer of the Piohibliloii U ague, dellveiod an ncldiess at P"ckvllle last evening on "Two Koails. Which Will You Take?" A number of the lilectilc City Wheel men. act oinpanled by seveijl unat tached rldeis. made a club inn over the i:inilunst boulevanl .vestetday morning. At the meeting of St Paul'.s Pioneer corps, held yeMerday afteinoon, a new ritual was worked satisfactorily. Theie Wilis a laice attendance piesent. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Henry Hi lining, Peter linker and S.vdney Meais spent Sunday at Lake Winola. Harry Hall, of Weatheily, Pa., is vis iting fi lends and lelatlves In West Sci anion. Misses Maigaiet and Alice Hvanw. of Hock street, have ictuiued home fjom a pleasant sojourn at Atlantic cit. David Lewis, of West Locust stt'eet, Is home from a ten riah' vacation tiiii to Atlantic City, Dr. (leorge H. Heynolds, of Ninth Main avenue, whose Illness has caused his relatives and ft lends much alarm, was much better yestenlay and hopes for his ultimate iccoveiy arc now en tertained. Will Jones, Ldward Heese and ni.ii. aid James aie home ftom a week's so Join n at Lake Winola. Mrs. GeoiRe KaMeily, of Ninth Sum ner avenue, Is entertaining jltl, ci- j Habcock. of Hlnghaniton. Mrs. Ocorge Kvans and son. of Vh glnla, are the guests of lelatlves on Noith Sumner avenue. Wallace Moser, of Lafayette stieet spent Sunday at Lake Sherdan. Rert Fellovvs, of Tenth Mieet, Is at Lake Winola. Heibert Williams, of South Main avenue, Is among the boarchvalkors at Atlantic City, Henry Williams, of North Main ave nue, has returned home from a bilef engagement at Wanamalter's New Yoik department store. Judson Hlnman, of Tenth street, Is spending a few days, tit tho Pan-American exposition. Mr. and Mrs John 11. Jones and Mi p. Cleorge L. Jones, of South Main ave nue, have returned home from Asbuty Park and New York. Mis. Thomas W. Jones, of Landls stieet, Is reported to be quite ill Mr, '.'rank Plote. of North Lincoln avenue. Is at Atlantic Pity. Thomas W. Pant, of Hne'k stieet, and Miss Mary Ann Kvans, of Jackson street, were united in marriage on Sat urday evening at s :so at ih im, ., South Main avenue. They weie at A SENSIBLE MAN Would u Kemp's tlaUam for thu Throit and Lurs". It Ij curlne mors Couh, CoMj, A.thmt, Ftrnnrhllli, Croup jnd all "hroat uri'l Lung Tioubln, than an; other mcllclne. The proprietor h authorized juy druscUl to civt--ou a Sample Bottle 1'reo to eoiivlme you o( the mail 11I till, iipji i,.n,.,v. 'iU , ahl j3 tended by Thomas J. Lewis nnd Miss tlwennlc Kvans. Prof. It. J. natter, ot North Bromley avenue, and l'red Strong, of South Main nvenue, spent Sunday nt Lake Winola. Dr. W. How land Davles, of South Main avenue, Is conllned m his homo by Illness. Hurl Lee, of North Htomley avenue, spent Sunday with friends at Hones dale. Hex Neeley, of North Ilebecca ave nue, Is among the local contingent nt Lake Sheridan. I'. L. Kresge and family, of North Sumner avenue. hk (he guests of lela tlves at Tunkliannock. Miss Ilea Duffy, ot Kmntet stieet, Ifl entertaining' Miss Maltha Holland, of Sugar Notch. Mis. John Mm pan and Mrs. Thomas Jones, of South Ilebecca avenue, nie at Atlantic City. Mis Maigaiet Connnts, of Tenth street, Is spending her vacation In Wayne county. Miss Urnce Thnmao. of Swetland street, spent Sunday at Lake Sheridan. Mlsse? Cora and Stella llnllett. of North ltebecca uveiuic, ate at Stt muls hing. ,,, i Mr. and Mis. James Lewis and daughter. Floience, of Lafayette street, have letuined home fiom Anbury Paik. Mrs. lOdwIn Davis and daughter, Maigaiet, of Ninth Htomley avenue, are home fiom Atlantic City. Mih. Jeauetto Lewis, of West Locust stieet, Is recovering fiom an illness. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Lieutenant ".ang and Patrolmen Qtiltitmu and tle.sccldlo made two suc cessful raids on speakeasies on the South Side Satutday night, arresting IMward Johnson, of Moltke nvenue, near Mountain Lake, and Michael Heap, of Hlver stieet, who aie pioprle tora of speakeasies In the places men tioned. They were taken to the South Side police Htatlon tuiil given a hear ing befoi e Police Magistrate Storr, who lined them $:'3 each, which they paid. Olto Hoblnson, August Heppeit. Ja cob Kmlek and l'rcd ilelna returned Satlliday night lifter n successful fish ing trip at Lake Henry. Katie, tho 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mis. John Ctane. of Locust street, was painfully injured .vesterday afternoon at her home, by falling out ot u hammock. She sustained a cut In the bead about two Inches in length. Dr. J. J. Wnlsh put tluee stitches In tin wound. A very pleas.tnt suipiise was ten dered Nicholas Holm, of Kim street, Satuiday evening by a large number of his f i lends on the occasion of his leturnlnjr from a live months' stay In the old counii.v, wheie he had been visiting relatives. The evenliiR was pleasantly spent In playing Raines, singing and dancing. At a late hour, refreshments v.cie served. The Yunger Mnenueichor will enjoy their trolley ride this evening. The tndliy ride wan to be held last week, but had to be postponed on account of rain. On their leturn from the ride, the meinbeis and their guests will go to Cei mania hall, whete a bamiuet will be .served. The members of the Columbus eouu cll, Yout g Men's Institute, will hold their li'Riilar monthly meeting this evening at s o'clock at Pharmacy hall. Camp tw, Pattlotli Order Sons of Ameiica, will meet this evening at T. 10 o'clock, at Hartman's hall. All mem bers are reipiested to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Chailes Stink, of Cedar avenue, have leturned from a two weeks' vllt at the Pan-American. Miss Anna Moran, of New York citv, Is the guest of Miss Margin et McDon nell, of Pio.pect avenue. P. C. Mauley and sou, John, of Pitts ton, aie visiting Mi. .Mauley's bt other, John Miinluy, of Chetry street. DUNV10RE. The nit ml.PK ot 11,0 nlinol l.oinl ,u,i the ten In I ,,f tho Imioiicli met In tho High ,,, he.,I on jiunli ijht .iml liitrno,! in d lrc,, niiinlur oi ioinr.ont.itln if the .irinin Im.ik inmrrm vt fnith tin- jili.mt.nrct of thin wink nnrl lue tho noi(,"i!.i of thilr Trlo,tion Tho ho.iel ,it lis novt incTiiiii; Mill (KiiL. np.,n ut tliangp vill bo lllolo Mm Kilio iirnifi, of Oik slirot, I- i.ltms fin mis In Now Veil,. Mm. (lniMo.iir M.Mi, of pilnkor lifft, Is vi-ilme filrii, in lloi,o..ilo. Mi- Kito Cjnlnor, of ( ailxinililr, i the Riict of Mn. W. N. s,r,rn, of niTkolj stroot. "Ii Vrlllo Mono ln nlunicil to her homo in Iliiik'haiiitoii alter a kI.ii uh fnrmU in tnwi. IiiIiii KnlcLrihoiker, of ( I1IT011I, cuilerl frirmN in town .ciMriil.n Mr nn.l Mia WMII.im tlolnn.on lorn torj f, r a Hrek' mil wtli fmnil, in V.w t,i k. MAGISTRATES ARE WORRYING They Are Wondering if They Ave Going to Get Thoir Salaries. TIip polleo iiini;iMnites aio bcRlnnIni; to vvoniir"vvlictliPr tlipy me Knlnsr tn set any dainties tliH year or not. The oiilinaiue fl.Nlnp their Miliules huh llnally ji.ixserl liy the e-ommoti cimuhII neatly two months .ip, arier It hnil boon nmemleil mi n to make the ml nry of eaeh $100 per annum, but It has not yet been reported fiom the police eommltteo''or select council. Select Councilman Melvln called It up last Thursday night, but It could not 1 cnnslelered. as the committee had not yet eonsldeied It. In fact, the majoilty of tho membeis of the eoni mlttee apiuiienlly knew nothlnp, about the onllnanee helns: in their liand.. An effort will be made to have a meetlnt; of the I'ommlttee jiefoie next Thins elay night. The central clt iiollce magistrates have oiK.inlzeel a little lobby tei have the ordinance amended so as to bring It back to Its original form, eiaduat- In i: the salaries of the ninglslialCB ni' coidlng to the amount of work actually elone This would give the cential city magistrates, who bear the brunt of the vvoik, a linger salary than those jesl dent In Ninth, South and West Set an ion. WEATHER MAN TO SPEAK. He Will Deliver an Address on "Forecasts" in Milwaukee. l.ornl Weather Observer V H. riarko leaves on Friday, Augst :3, for Mil waukee, Wis., tn attend a convention of the various officials of tho weather bureau. He Is down on the program for an address on "Foiecasts." James 1.. nartlett, who Is connected with the Pittsburg oirice. will act as substitute for Mr. flaike dining tho hitter's nbs-eneo fiom this clt. HOUSE HAS HARD LUCK Damaged by a Cave-in and Then De etroyed by Fire. Flie at midnight last night totally destroyed the single frame dwelling hotif-o of Dennis Dervlg, of Willow street, Dunm'ore. The building was made untenable tlnee months nco by a mine cave. It was valued at Xffln. August Sale of Furniture Now (Jolnf- On. R D E R M E N S A S N r tt Q S o 0 0 D F S Black and Colored. We have gathered all remnants from our medium and fine Dress Goods and have group ed them tognther for quick selling. For Children's School Dresses they are just the thing. The lengths run Irom one and one-half to six yards. The labrics are Cashmeres Storm Serges Venetians Flannels Whipcords Arm u res Broadcloths and Cheviots. The new price average a third from regular price. New Idea Patterns 10c Each 29c AQf For '-' the NORTHSCRANTON POLICE RAID A OLEARVIEW STREET SPEAKEASY. Tho Proprietor Is Fined $25 by Al dorman Fidler David Lewis In jured by a Trip of Cars in the Von Storch Mine Thomas Define' Grocery Store Entered by Thieves. Daughter of Edward Jones Seri ously Scalded Othor Interesting: News Notes and Personals. Lieutenant Day and squad si III keep on pulling In spcakeales. Last Sat uiday evening they made their way to the place kept by Michael tlallagher, on Clearview stieet, near the Uela waie, l.ackaawnua and Western r.ill io.ul tracks. I'pon enteilng (S.tlla gher's place by tho way of a pair of steps, they weie led to the basement of the house. After entering three dlf- lerent ileois, thy found themselves be foie a l.eatly ai ranged bar, with (!al laslier 1 hind It. They placed (Jalla Kher umlei at rest and took him to the Providence police station, wheie he was given a hearing by Magistrate Kidlrr, who lined him $i5, which he paid. Injured in the Mines. Puvld Lewis, a dilver In the Von Stmch mine, hud a nanow cseape from death last Friday morning while nttent1li.fr to his duties in the mine. Young Lewis was walking down a short slope In the mine, when a trip of empty cars came down the slope at a rapid late of speeel. Lew W attempt ed to sprag emo of the cars, when th sprag gave way and tlnew It from the tr.ick, striking Lewis on the back and bearing him to the ground. Fel low workmen hastened to the scene of the accident, wheie they loiind Lewis In an unconscious state. He was le nioved to the surface, wheie he soon revived and was taken to his home on Hill stieet, wheie medical aid was given him. Thieves Loot a Grocery Storo. At 1.!!0 o'clock Satuiday morning, a small grocery stene kept by Thomas Devlne, on West Market stieet, was entered by thieves, who carried away a lot ot bread, small green goods and nil assortment of candles. The thieves gulped entrance to the stoie by the way of a window, which they pried open with some kind of an Iron instru nient. Tho polho weie notllled and are making earnest efforts to run down tho thieves who committed tho erline. Suspicions lie tow aid a gang of thieves who have been operating In Hint set. tlon for soini) time past. Young Girl Seriously Scalded. Paislla, the 15-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kdwanl Jones, of ,1.', Wan en stieet, had a narrow escape from lMug dcalilcd to death last Satin tl iy uioinlug at 11 o'llmk. She was ibdng smc work In tho kitchen of their home; when standing near the stove, both front legs gave way, letting the utove down upon tho llnor and also spilling a largo pan full 'of boiling water upen her, scalding her ai id her hips i.i.il legs in a serious manner. Miss Jones was removed to her mom, wbeio Dr. J. .1. Jenkins was culled and did all that was possible to lelinvo her sufferings yesterday morning Miss Jonca was 1 . sJy4 JONA3 LOVG'S SONS. JONAS LONQ'S SONS. Sharp Redactions On Ladies' Tailor - Made Wash Suits and Skirts Every day we add something to the list of specials now being offered during this Great August Sales. This time there is a severe price cut on all Wash Suits and Skirts. Fall lines are crowding for space -we must have the room, the following price list will tell how we expect to get it: Q&7 KA For Wash Suits made of Chambray Seer ,t;u sucker and Duck, in the lot you'll find blue pinks, slates and oxbloods. The values range up to $i.OO. 5 OO For Tailor Made Wasn Suits the fabrics pu jj include white Linen Ducks, dotted Swiss, Lawns and Dimities. The Misses' sizes are 14 and 16, Ladies' sizes are 32, 34, 36 and 38. Values were from 8.50 to $10.00. $1 Qft For seParate S1irts worth as high as I vo $5.00 to-be-sure the sizes are broken but that's the cause of the reduction. The Fabrics are Pique, Linen and Crash. qQt For Ladies' White Pique Skirts with graduated VOC- flounce, many in the lot would sell regularly at $1.50. For White Pique Skirts, the kind selling right along at 49c. Separate Skirts in polka dots regular worth. Jonas Long's In a critical cuiKlitlnn, but last even ing at S.uO was much linpioved. Excursion to Lodoro. It Is expected that a large crowd will go to Lake Lodoro tomorrow with the niembeis of the Providence and Hyde Park Welsh Congregational churches. The tialn will leave the Setanton Delti waie ami Hudson station piomptly at S.l." and will stop at all stations this side of Olyphant. A number of contests have been arianged by the gelie'ial committee (the competitors In those in singing and speaking to choose their own selection). A base ball game will bo played In the moinlng between teams repiesentlng eaeh church. At o'clock, in the pavilion, the following events will be lulled off. Song, open to all coiners, youth's suit of clothes: song, feu all over ITi yeais of age. sack of Hour; leeltatlon. open to all, pair of shoe's; improinpUi .speaking, wheeM bairow contest, plush box; egg raee, for all under 1," jeats, suit of clothes; fat man's race. locking chair; boat i.ie'e, silk unibiella. William John How ells was man led to .Miss Mary Jane Jones at the home of 'the giooni, M'arvlne sUicet, last Satuiday night. After the ceremony was performed by Itev. It. S. Jones, I), D., the guests paitook of a bounteous slipper. The couple will Immediately begin housekeeping In this end. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. The .Memorial Haptlst church Sunday school and congregation will hold their annual outing today at Nay Aug paik. Miss fieri i Halt- Kmory. of Chun h avenue, Is leniveiing fimn an attack of sickness. The Piovldenee sliver comet band will give Its second open air concert next Wednesday evening nt the cor ner of Hrkk avenue and West Matket stieet. All news matter will receive pionipt ntteutlon If left at Davis' ding .store, coiner of Main and Maiket stieets, or at the S. and .S. smoking parlors, Steele s building, Itaymouil Wescott, of Jones' timber shop, has lecoveied from a recent ill ness. ICrnest Slocuni, of Summit avenue, who has been the guest of Cat emo McAllister, of Noriliuuibeilantl, for the past week, has leturned home. Maitlu ii.uk, a well known tesldent of this section, who for the past few months has been In Arizona looking after his Interest In a gold mine, le turned home Saturday evening. Frank Haiock has accepted a posi tion with (.'. II. Van Storch. Mr. and Mrs. c. H. Van Htoich, of Ninth Main avenue, have i etui lied home after an extended tilp tlnough Colorado and Montana. GREEN RIDGE. Last Frlda evening a few friends assembled at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mis, tiamewell, on ilreen Uldge siuet, to weleome theli daughter Hm. Ily home after a few weeks' abecnee which she spent In Philadelphia and Heading. Various games weie par ticipated In, also several eholee lepio. ductlons on the gramaphnne weie en joyed by those present. Later In the evening lefieshinents were solved, after which the party dlspeised well pleas-'d with the evenlngV rnteitaln incut lb I II "k, p.Hlur uf ihe llish s(lrri Vleihodi-r Ipi.eopjl i Imi. 1 1 . n lliiMliiiiiinn, ill, I ho pulpll of I lm V.lnill Mrlhiidbr LpUiopH chinch ji'lerda.i mmnins ind rtinlne. Pi, , li. ,simp.oi piidihed In Itliisliamlon Mm. VI. ('. (an. uf llnkon acenue, U iut,.i Ulniii." Ihi' Mlmet (jondvxlii, of Sew nrk cil.. VI the do.i. of the Mblulli nhool ,if 't',t. Ciein llldun Pll'.hjlirljll ihuich vetteidav Vltv. MiiUm, ulici h.u eiun.li ol the till cluuiuuiuu. J TheSeml.An. nunl Sale of House F-"urnish. Ings Still Con. tlnues. Splendid Shoes at Special Prices There's money in the treasury to pay you for every pair that does not prove satisfactory. Read on. Women's High Grade Oxford Ties, Made of Bind. Vici and Dongola Kid, they have flexi ble hand turned soles and come in the newest toe and heel shape. Sale Price S1.66. Women's Kid Oxford a good wearing moder ate priced shoe. Sale price 89c. Boys' school shoes, made from good solid leather. Just the kind for hard service. Sale price $1.00, Little Gent's Calf and Don gola shoes, with patent leather or calf toe caps, ex tra back stays, solid leather from heel to toe. Sale price 95c- Oxford Ties for women made of patentleather, the proper style for dress wear. Sale price $1.33. Jonas Long's Sons. we've been only. 75c is Sods of the mlaslnn school of Mr. Mi era at Cumber land (up, Tiwin , tuvo an liitcrtsitiiifx talk. The huililinir iiisl a a home for thrp clrlv i a laigp home nrisinill.v hullt In winie KnglMi (rrntlemen ft r i liolti, hut Mithui the p.nt jtcit purclued 1 .1 Uirrti ltidpo gentleman and gieen lo Mr Vleeer In l,o utetl by tho ti hol.in. V( Winters tlficribeil the ounK women of the mIiooI, and thi fiimiea from uhich thi'V came. The utter Uk of Irarulnz .iml the destitute condition of tho poeplo ,i Mr. Meiir? and lm aUUnt And them u hitd tu cniutdet, jet they mike dilieent Mil ! nt and aro pjcu t'i ei tei the Mlioolt, uhii li aio ci.idi'd fiom t'i" k ' niL'altcn to the hiih mIiuiiI, ,ihd c u e the iiN .ne alo tausht to sew and do heu'noilv V !.e Mill bo sent lo this 'cheol Viitt It r hrs' rf September bv tho InciubciK of the Mnl.iv ailuul. Anv oni bavin piiliiic booV or eaiuiE nppirrl tliev ih to iml will kimJIy hai Ihem left a tthe clitnch be. Iir lint titnr Mix Mabrl I Vn ,11 i.ini , of CHpouv aeeniie, li at Pii -.lull I'irk. Dr. .1 Mcuilt I'ordlnni, of e apnue avenue, j ill ('. I'. .Inn and diti.hlcM aio at f'ovlon I.aku for .i .hntt Ktaj. Mr. and Mis, (Jeorse Mouther, of pintey aet inn. aprni I he sjblntli at Lake VMnola. Mr. and Mm .limb Deilriek, of Delaware, ar Uiiliiur (.lien llidee (netirla. OBITUARY. MISS. LOFISK LVMAN. wife or Henry Lym.in, died rally Saturday moinlng at the home of her daughter, 1.M6 Washburn street. Deceased hail been a icsldent of West Scrantoii for neai Iy tlnjrty .veais and was highly lespected. She is siiivivcd by her hus baud and the following clilldien. Lewis, Teresa, Carrie, William, Henry, Stephen and August. The funeral ser vices will be held at ".;:0 o'clock thu afternoon at St. Mink's Lutheran church. I'.ev. A. L. IJamer will oil! elate, interment will be made in tho Plttston avenue cenieteiy. MKS. KLIX.AMI'.TH UDPFU, aged V2 years, died jesienlny afteinoon at her honic on Hickory street, after sev eral yeais lingeilng Illness. The de ceased was one of the oldest residents ol South Sciaulon. She came to America about forty-five years ago nnd lived on the South Side most of the time. She Is sutvlved by two sons, Jacob mid Chailes, her husband having died about eight yeais ago. The fu neral will take place Tuesday morning, Seivlce,:! will be held at St. .Mary's Catholic church. Inteimeiu In tha Herman Catholic cemetery. SAMfl'.L HAUI11S, an old and well known resident of this city, died sud denly yestenlay nioinlng at his home, 117 Peiin avenue, after a two months' Illness. He was St yeais of age, and lived In .Scrantoii dining the last thirty yarn, condiic ting a grocery business, Deceased was bom In Prussia, and while a young man served In the Ger man in my. He is survived by his wife, formcily Miss Josephs, and the fol lowing sons and daughteis: Mrs M, Uiown. ot this city; Isaac Hanls, of Dover; Monioe and Julia, of this elty. The funeial will be held at i o'clock touioiiow afternoon from th( home of Mis. Uiown, t.-O Madison ave nue. The members of Amos lodge, I. O. H. R. aro leqiiested to attend. Funerals. The funeial services over ihe remains of the late Miss .Mary Jones will hn held at :.:', o'clock this afteinoon at Ihe house, iV South Fllmore avenue. Intei nient will be made In the Wash burn Mi eel cenieteiy. The remains of Walter S Tilpp win anlve In Sciaiitou fiom San Diego, c,ii,, mi Monday iifiernoon. Interment ill Finest Hill eemeteiy Immediately upon ai rival from "., L. & w, It, H, MutJau. Vun-1'fil luivat.