j Wfi - n t cmtttoit ribittte. THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. ci J CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., .MONDAY' 3IORNING, AITUST 12, LOOI. TWO CENTS. rrV' GREAT STEEL TIE-UP IS NOT COMPLETE The Iron Alters Are Claiming Vlctoru Over the Amalgamat ed Association. MEN IN THREE PLANTS REFUSE TO JOIN Tho South Chicago, Joliet and Bay lew Plants Will Run Today as Usual President Bhaffor Re fuses to Talk Bteel Officials Claim That Many Plants Will Be Started Today-Strike Leaders Promise New Developments. Br Fxeljsiie 11 ire 'n m The Associated Press Pittsburg. Auk II Tho linn mastpis on tonight ilnhnlng ilttmy In tlio nir.ii stori stilke. They bie their tlalms iipmi the ipfil.il nf thn Amalga mated moil .it .South Chliago, Jollot and ll.i v It to obe) the goneial striko nrdPi nf President SliafT i ami their sunoss In maintaining opeintinns III other plants wluii' It was anticipated that tliote would Iip set Inns tumble. Thf stilke Icaelois unci thu i lalni nf Mitoi with thi" assertion that tholr .!' I? Ill.lklllg s,tsftll tll pillRIPvl and that thei will show them-eliei masters of Hip situation befoie the pnntcst has ptogiesstd inui h faithPr. Thei dn not lonceal theii disappoint ment at the iefu.il nf thpli wcstPiii liiPtlnen to Join with tlipin in the stilke hut noiiP of thP Icadois would discuss the delleolloli Picsldent hhaf fei lefustd to inept tho nowspapoi men who sought hlni and kept within Hip SPe lttsion of his homo Tho othpi 1p.uI pis who wnp seen Intimated that Hipip v mild Iip dPiPlnpmeiits toninimw and tiuotighout the wpek that would nia teilalli thaiigp tin situation. They would not .i. Iiowppi, what thoy had n mind, or how tholr cause was to Kaln In sticngth It was siid that thej wpip counting upon sluing aid finm thp AmeiUan l del at inn of Labor and othpi nis mirations of union labor, hut those ImkIIpi hap nut let Klven an imhlli Indication of what thoy will do The A111alK.1n1.1ted asen Intlon has d"! eloped moi p stipugth In the Wheel ing dlstiiit and have madi Rains In sum" of the Ppiinsjhnnla dlstilif, hut It will be tomniinw hefnie the thus of cloHiage will he maiked with siilll tlent ileal iif-s foi a count of the men. The stilKi h virtual lets wpip ilosi.il toilaj and lon.vht anil It was claimed that no ippoits wpip being letolxod f mil the nutl llij? distilots us tn the piogics of the stilke PMtpt In a Reti nal wax. The steel ollli litis wpip In louimunl i.i Hon with tlieii supi ilnlendents and ihstilit manage is and at 11 o'clock nuidt puhtli the it -ult of thill icpoits. 'i lit latlei showed that South Chliago, Juliet and Maw lew at Milwaukee hail itul to sta in that the Ohio wotks if the National Mi el compani at ouiikMouii and tlie King ('.Illicit and W ai in i plant of the National Steel r unpad) it Columbus hail leMiiucd without tumble; that the HnmpstP.ul, l.dgnr Thompson )iiiiii -no. I'pppi and I.nwei I'tilon. and llowaid Axle works, ot thp I'aiueKle gioup, empln Ins lump than l.inno men had lesunieil without lioubje that the touioitllig and blootuliiR iiillls of the National Tube i impanx. at Mi Kit spot t hid stinted wlthuilt dlllltullx. and til it Htlhilta had bei n nnh paitlalh i tippled Thev wpip aim aihlseil that the nun nf the I!oton iiilliiiK mills at .MiKeetspott hid nntlllfrt the National Tube coin liany that thei would ro out toinoiiow and that while tin- National Tube plant would hi stinted in the inoiniiiR. it wis (Pit.iln that man) iupii would ro out The wpip also notlthd that theii WheelltiR plants weie ( i ippled and that it was unciitniii what would he dune tlieie. Tin It adihcs also said that tin Clink mill heie, winch has been lunniiiR non-union foi soicial da) would he stinted up as Usual to nioitow inoiniiiR and that theie was no dmilit about Its successful opoia- tloll The Kin I ofliclals mo elated over their show Ins at the Carnegie plants and In Illinois Ohio and Wlsiousln, and opi.shtd lontldoiiio In speodv ! e loi oiei tlie Amalgamated nssotla tion. CALMNESS AT PITTSBURG. Early Reports Unfavorable to tho Strike Leaders. J Fulunc Wire from Ihe i,oilated Picm Plttsbuig Aiir 11 Pltts-buig passed the Hist da of the strike In a sphit nf calmness. Tlieie aie sIioiik uudei cunents of hentlment ami sympathy tunning tluoiiRh pnpul.u feelltiR, hut there weie few sulfate indliatlons of them, It was a bilRht, ileal da and the plcaiiuie plates weie tilled with holldii ciowtls Theie .eemnl to he a Keneinl hri cement to thiow off the won mid mils of the seilous labor lonllltt tor the time being. The stilk eu nnd theii loadeis kept a close watih on the stilke situation, hnwexei Tlie eatl ifpoils xxeie untax oi able to them, foi they showed that tlie ie spouses to the general oidei to go out 1ml not been as Miko as the had been led to evpcit. They seemed ion lldcnt. howexei. that mine would tie tide to htiikfl today and that tlie show lug by Monday would he satlsfintmy to them. The Htilkeis did not tongip. gate In foi to tniwlieie The poio ttiithorltles lepoittrt at 5 o'clock that they hud no woid of lauspettixe tumble anywheie. 'jhn I'resldptit Shiiffi'r spent tlie day uletly at his hume In this city. He irrtlxed it pons fioni n number of IiIr lieutenants, but dm lug the tiny denied hlnielf to tnllets He holds lather itiht Ideas as to Kabbnth obserx'nnte. and thioiiRhoiit tho sttlke has Insisted that as little as possible be done on that dax. When an Associated Pipss ipprpsentntlxe tailed at the house to day he xxas inched bv Mis, Shaffer, wife of the stilke lendei "My hus band ran see no one toduv" she said, "lie Is routing nnd piep.uing himself for the x oik ahead nf him tomoriow nnd IhiniiRh tlu xeek. Hp xxlll be nt the h'lit'fiiiat tcis tonimiow and tan b .seen tlur by pny one xxlshiiic; to see him " The day at McKopsport passed xxlth otit mix startling development? The liiditatlons are that the Denimler plant of the American Tin Plate tnmpimv will st.it t up noon Supeilntendetit Pllcotk. who had Just started on i two xxoeks' xncatlon, hn bet n teenlled ft om VliRlnla and work Is being push ed i.ipldl on lilph hoatd fences around the plant Stenm Is being kept up In the bolUrs and nil liiditatlons point to an nly lesuniptloti. Man meetings weie held todax1 bv the workers, but no results aie lnad kttow'i t tppt the announcement In the strlkets that many new member xxere taken Iptc the oiganlatlou The tolling men of the National Tube comp.mx haxe been ordeied to tepotl for work at ! o'dntk Monda iiioiiiIiir "111" stilktis make the boast that fcxv will ipspoml Thp minpiny ntllthls, h wpxpi snpm to have no doubt of Up 'r sui ttss SHAFFER'S ORDER IS DISOBEYED Amalgamated Workers at Bayview by Unanimous Vote Refuse to Strike. llr txcluiif Wirp from Thr Anciatrd Trf Milwaukee Aug II Tht Ha x l w lodge of the Amnlgani.itPd Assotlntton of lion, Steel and Tin Workeis. nt Its meeting tod.u. decided b a unani mous xoti not to obe.x the strike order of Pieldent .lohn Sliaffer and In ton seiiuenie the plint of the Illinois Steel i timpani In this tit will be tunning as usual tomoitow Anotdlng to the olllteis of the lodge, the detNlon xxtm (Inal. and a dlspahh xuis Inimedlateh ent to Vlce-Pit.. dent W I' Dax is, of thp Fourth tils, tilit at South t'hltagn lifitlf.xing hlni of the hi tion nnd leiiuestlng that Pie-ldent Shaffer and the pxmitlxe bond In Pittsliuig be Immediate!) In- foitued 111" meeting xxa larRelv attended, the question being the most Impottant that has tiilsen In the lodge for .xeats Piesident Joseph Redfein at once took up the -ubjett at hand. Mi Hedfein htieflx Infoinied the lodge that, so fat as he pould leain theie was absolutelx no ilinme of the other cmplnxe of the Illinois Steul tonipaii) obt)1ug the stilke order and tltnt theie would be no stoppige of x mk In the C'lihago and .Joliet mills tomorrow. He said tlie sentiment theie was piat tleall) tlie name as that hue that a suike on the pan of the Illinois Steel conip.in) em plo.xes would he a xlolatinn of tile con ti.it t exNtiiiR between the men and tlie conip.in). and that the nun had absolutely no gt lex ante against thelt piesent einplo)eis. Mi. Jtidfeili ."imply stated the itsult nf his mission to south c'hltago and .lollot. At the ton i luslmi of his ipiuaiks, thp tall of PiPsldent ShaffPt wa icad it was appnent fiom tlie Him that the senti ment was oiei'wholmlngl) agal'tst Milking and thr onlx doubt In tho minds of the men was whethti they owed thtlt allegiance to the a..socla tion or to the toiupatt) Soxpial of the speakeis pointed out that a sulko ,,t UiIh time would he of no ndxantage to the Am ilgamnted assoda'lon nnd would do no hut m to the I'liltttl stales stiel iiiipniHtlon, Inasinuili as the tiltst W piepatPd at sliott iiotlie to tiaiisfH all the woik of the .Smith I'lti tagii Uiyxlew and Joliet mills to Its, plant at Pii'iui'Mic whlth tan lit ton xeiterl into a plant lot the making of bit steel Alluvion was made to the ftlendl) lelatlons existing between the Illinois' Sttel coinpati) nnd Its cm ploxes antl mi ring tmphnsls was laid upon the wage nale tint has Just been iiRiced to hi tlie timpani whlth pin idles foi an lin rense of ", pot tent In wiiris ilitlng back to .lull I it wns shown that If the) dn ided not to go to woik toinoiiow the lompaiix would be Justllled In will holding this cxtin innnei on the Rtoitiid that the pi min ions of the tontiatt iindei whlili It be i unit due bud been hmki n The mem beus of thp Hit ilen lodge mill ton tribute llbetail) to the stilkets in the cast Whethti the lodge Is In datiKei of loMng Its chattel is the null qutstlon that l.s dlMurblng man) of uu, woik cis JOLIET DISREGADRS SHAFFER Four Lodges of the Amalgamated Association Vote to Continue Work. nv FxrliKltr Mire from Tl lfdtfrt Prw Joliet III . Aug 11 At the meeting of the linn lodges of the Amalgamated association, whlth liuluilis the skilled niithanicH and wnikmen of the Illinois Steel loiiip.in) plant in tills i In th situation was dlsetiHsed and a cetiot ballot taken on the question of Milk ing. The ballot lesttlted In a ilttiHlou to dlsiegaid Piewldent Shalfet's otder to Mi ike. Killed by a Train. wllkri-lliirr. liar II lieirci" Niuion I'o lainlrr, xhllr ualklni; in II' truk nt (Iip I tlilch litllii lallnnl lut nls'it, ij ttiuik l) a train and Uutmitl) killed. TO FIGHT STEEL TRUST. Large and Well Equipped Ore Socks on the Kinnlkinnick. Bj Fxcludre Wire from The M0tlted IVbj Milwaukee, Aug. 11 The Sentinel to day nas: "To llgjit the Meol tlitst with what will be one of thty laigest nnd best equipped ore docks nnd u steel plant on the Kinnlkinnick rlxer In Mil xxaukee, Ih the deal xxhlch Ih now petul Ing antl practically completed In this city. J. M. Thomas, of Duluth, nutl his brother, W. Aubiv Tlinmns of Nlles, Ohio ate tn the head of the tleal, whlrh fitrthei Includes the dissolution of the Mlneixa Pig lion contpan nnd the opeiatlon of n big hlust furnate at Paducah, K. "A flxe-itcie tt nt t has been i i tired on whlth to elect thp plant, the cap.u Ity of which Is withheld " ADMIRAL EVANS CENSURED The Navy Department Sharply Re primands tho Officer for His Strictures on Ex-Sccrotary Chandler. flj Ktelu.lie Mire Irfm The l.oi latfd Pre Washington, Aug II The nil dt paitment hn acted upon the i omplnint mail by Wllllnm 1'. rhandler ngnlnst Itepr Admiral Rohley D Kxans It has leprlmanded the admiral, and the fol lowing letter has been addressed to him Nn) IVpirtinfiil MiKlillifftnn 1) ( In.- , fit Sir The Hon William V. ( lumllor, prc.i.Hit ot the s,jni Tiojt CUInn ninnilioii, litilt' soiutnr if tin I niti I siAtc jnil a (tinner ri n tun of tin tun, lid tompl iinpit to thi iW artmriit. a inn ar, aw ue, of cert lin lrlrttnr nii liimel( in jour bonk t milled "1 Mllnr I.OR " The Mrietiires In ipiettlnn are In the niture o( avpeMion upon tlie othcial Con Inct o( the til n il'Sli feoretan n( the nm The tut o( lour hook it U not nifeir) here to rerile Nor t it neerldil to j-k of on in i puliation h jnii frit )Oiircl( jutifled in pnli llliiiiK what ion hiti, It l olnloui to mv reader that ion fpeik olfen'iieli of siretnv ( lundWR ition,tlut ion Impugn hn nitlie, and otlierui-e triduie him in retieet to erdrn siien urn In the Mercian in the ili.-i Inii."' (( the ilut In nf lilt o(fle nu aie lnforni''il that tlii delihento puhlii i tiiii of loiirs has jti-t1i imuiritt the diph iunc of the ilepirtmrnt lor in ohirr thu to ill in. a former held of tho nm depirtmint liei mo of order ciirn to him in that ottici-il i to aluii d n the (Ourte! tlut lt.uh1 ilu.mi i lin u ti no an oftue-" of the nat If ti lei itnl, it lunild iiuqiieslinnililv proie Milnenue of disrlpllne It Mould tuiil to hrine tlie fftUo 1 1 -cl f into dl-io puti "II att is the moie rrpirhenvitde in thN ui-tanee 1 ecaue cf )our li It: cilrriime in tlie Mnice It ha beennio nu duti then fore, to frn-ure loll for thi lueich nf tlie rlillgatioli impioiil upon imi i a ioiitiiiK.ioind nfH.fr nf Itie uti nf Ihp liutid sl.ifr.i. ullih I aiiordlneli do X inpt nf tlili litter illl lie fuinbhed to the Hi n Willi mi V rinndler. l!epect(ulli, I' W llaekett, letlni: Serelan Heir Umiril Unhid II I anv, I -V. Wali iiiKlnti, 11 C Pol tnei Seiietaiy I'handler xi.is in fill med of the ni tion of the depait nient in the following lettei Nii Depirtmrnt, i.liinettn, 1) I luir i l')l II n Willhm I' t liiiuller, Waterloo, II . sir deferring to recent lorreMnlf e upon tho mbjpit of allecnl ktiiituiei m ide In ltenr Idinii li Itildei 1) linn upon tlie comlii t nil mi tiied of the seeret in if the nail in lest, puli lihed in bis book entitled "1 Slor' lig," I hue tie honor tn inform ion tint tlie ihpnt mint res'iriU IhU ictif n tl Idnilul 1 1 in; .is de Mtiing of repioof liconlincb tlie ihpotment lin renurrd (hit ntthrr n will a eir (roil a topi o( litter to him o( (ln dill lien with imlnil I liaie tlu honor to be tours riiiertfulU, 1 ! lhikeit, Ailing Secnt in. Admiral Kians h.i.s acknowledged, undei due of August 10, his letclpt of the letter of At ting Secretary Ilatkett. It li the undeistandliiR at the nai) department that the action taken lnrt the Incident. This Is title, so fat as the depaitment Is concerned, nnd if an)thliiR fuithei Is done, It will hale to be on the Inltlatixe nf Admit. il Hi nns In asking for a tourt of Inqtili.x, or nf Mi. ('handle! The right of the nai) th pai tment to admlnlstet a repii inaiid without waiting foi tlie findings of a null t ba.s been in question at times, but it is said the pttcedonts leaxe no doubt that this tight ixlsls. FRANCESCO CRISPI PASSES AWAY The Italian Statesman Expires at Naples Surrounded by the mem bers of His Family. B Fielusiie Wire from The Assoelited Presi Naples, Apr 11. SiRtior Cilspl died at 7 1a o'clock this p cuing Up xxaa sut- touded by the ineinbcib of his family and scleral intimate fi lends Tho liens was Immediately tdigiaplicd to King Victor Imianuel and Queen Hel en 1. The pxenlng papets nsstit that the bod) xxlll be conxe)ed by Hteamer to Paleimo, ixheio the municipality will at range for a gieat public funeial It Is unnoted that Slgnor Cilspl's xilll atithoilzes a prominent Italian poll- thiun to examine his papeis and to publish his memoli.s. InntPrin ( ripl u horn rikhi lun )ear iieo in it littii sitillaii iiIIjkc, Itihua Had bi vi.is tin (aeek leniide o( (ilrtanti. t mlt l' the Ian k Tin ion when he mnote the ( jnhi.iiijiii hi llliiierd Ills (ulks hul moihnlc mejtis liny i mil. I nliiute hlni I p to a (.inn itlin befuip Ihei had lieen (neck, nut onli In blond, but b tilth In untie, Ilniinu, I n nue i I athollu tii.lmp I inui the stall (il-nl went bis nun tai, a is the Mhiulan fi-luon His (unit, middle ill- (oik, plaiimd tin magMiui for him He Ik i.ilin an idloulr J lie! looke I for l he usual lullau inillUk'e He iiuiiinl HoMlle, i frmera ilauulitii, md In r trim tlmleii, oh i ed mill liei In Pihimo, jnd when she dud tiiuKht tn niJiii lii i i.tfr sin lift imi I nun mid ,1 tin leirs iun nas .till llinil,' M hen n solum man it 'HI r. I roki itllli tl o of in mI i lass In Mhlt.li he hihiuiriil In npifisuu, m nf Hit' kliiK'a arbitral! taxis tor tin n us In ua ilu c ruler ot pint ami tontpiiui -null, ii:ili, under lii'td, brlllliui eakn, knoiu to all Hie fountrcdde, uuiualUI as will asadiotate, adrnltl ftlllnt; bis I r with a ill-(iilon of Hit Hellenic rnolutlni In whlih riri) rea ler Milutliutiil lloinbm I 'i link an I Mi Hi (or (Irrek, when the ttnnn lunke nut in l(s be was in the lhik of it I lie aiiui was Ion ninth lor the ImiiIu tin Hi was iiiiprlounl llisjillir'a nine, wliu uj.lad ilutlua fui ulltlial piUuncia, inail llti but loo (icrpimt to hl roll, and one lillllit they lett (nsrlher an I whikIiI Milla There nete niirrinl there hi nn nllrsett ,lrult f I v ) , and the union with the tonne nuunn who tlld bis uiuhliiR turned out niiuli at mh union! hate time out of mind lor elflit or ten wan tlerlni? tears thei agreed iiell rmmitli "ho tame nn I unit mi hi leiolulloiiir ernnd", i nried d.Mtilir, kne the eeints nf ionplrnilei and I elm; prrtn. rai anj n( the ieiint look mil tieirlng, wned ill Hie purioes e( a ittidrilor' nife In a on'pirtna IsriMl I'orti leirs ico (lie nun tin Jut turned dm lie h ned hlsihiti, irmlil'd blmil( witli I r it aide ithiikrts, sdopted t p mili aiiriit, an I In IfVt nent (lorn end to end o( suil is Pared, an AiRrntlne inercliant Juit relumed and iiilliir his lutlie hnd nfter Jens ol a1i"rme lllien he left Hie trilu uas laid nnd the Maud oicmtreil (n ni end to ind There wis a siore n( Bims mil bombs, o! men and munitions It needed I ul n tomb (or nn explosion Tlie tvorll I id tiased to piped another Sipoleon II but Hi did ip tn aee all Italj (rep t ripl souaht (.irllnlili sulking nn bis Island, rou-cd him, I rotmht togrther a tlimi.. md nun, the (anions thniivind "Mille " Thei cinbirkrd In to ies fts wiled lo a Dupont, one ol the llilaiue liinlli. and In- nlitlit ulth rlks like tint ol i run inui luided in -iclIi In a few tieeks tlie licentlne inert hint ins iblef ii(tirT, with llirl bildl ns illctnlnr, uleeping in a pilne it S iplea s minister of the Interior, coiemlnR the klnKibm of the to Siililes, n nun to be reckoned tilth dr tlie ret of Itilian liiitor.i nnd bis washer, ionicn wife li is leininff her elboii on tlie tilde it ktite dinners dolnir her bent 1) putting more olor into I er clothes and more ilhnmnds inn 1 er pirn an I mme pitcUouli into I er bandkir iliii( to lea itreit hd lrll)l it tills time I pii,.i ntrd the exlieine ridiral, utheitli rexolu t nniit new Ivtrnt) tlie leirs liter, when he iiuii tied a monument to tills expedition at llfnn he stinted all t itlit.nl Kali in eprejiic belle! in fjod in I an nter ruiiiiEc Proildenee The jears it id br, net t luueli Ibn iloiibt toiinir Hid Ihev belleip 1 i(e has its eiidemes and mlritles, ! well 1s the books ANOTHER NEGRO IS BURNED AT A STAKE Joe Washington Fays the Southern Penalty of the Crimo of Assault, Husband of the Victim Ap plies the Torch, Hi Vxelusne Wire irini The Asi tinted Press Saxann.ih, tia., Aug 11. llgthcen miles south of Saxannnh near the Sea boitd Air Line tallwa) the limited tiunk of the body of Joe Washington, tlie negin who assaulted .Mis. J. J. rial Is, is all that leinains to tell the htoiy of the dieadful tiagpil) of bust night. Washington was captiticd at I.lbettx t'ltv jestcrda) nftetuoon and was hi ought to Wa) Station, mar X' hlch place his dime was tommltted. He was tallied befoie Mrs. Clink, xxho idcntilled him po-ltliply as the negio xihi) had assaulted Ini. The pioot ot guilt was absolutely contluslxe. The ncRio's posithu Idenllticatlon by his lictlins sealtsl his fade. A mob tjf foui hundicil in. ti ilamoicd foi his life, but tlie leaflets of the mob, nuni bcilng less than a dozen, can led Into execution the plans they foi med. The i est of tht mob was kept at a distance and was not pci milled to tome within one hiiudieil xanls of the place wheie WashliiRton met his death. This nasj at a spot a few fe t trmn the lailway trick and not 500 )iuds fioni the hoilso in whli li the 1 1 line xxas cnmiultttd. He walked to his death xxitliout a tte moi and met it without a pia)ci or an npptal for meic). He admitted his guilt ol ti lines 1m Ident to the piliul pal one whiih pioicd his guilt of that, hut to the end he stubbornly lefuscd to atkiiowlcdRe that ho had Insulted Mis. I'l.nk. Along the side of (be uillio.td tiatk a ciowhai was drlxpn into the eatlh. To this Waslilngion xxas foiced and xxas hound to it in a sitting position. Ills pgs extended sttalght In fi out of liim on either side of the bai. A chal.i held hlni fast atountl the xxalst. xxhlle a hcaxy mp entlicled the bar and hli net lv Wasliington s ilctlm had been asked by the le.uleis of the mob to np- 1 H the toid. to the pxie, but at this oflli p liei still l oi ol ted and the tle illii'd. Her itusband was seletted In liei .stt.nl. Washington looked sttalght into the p)0s o t'laik as til" la'ttr stooppil down to apply the match. The x i od xxas i It h. tat pine and xxas sat ui.ited xxith keiosene nil Tho tlaines l.Mped huigill!' tnwauls Washington's body. The man showed no signs In his fue of the a, on) he must haxp .suffei ed. ninl met death xxlthoitt a rio.ui as .secnnnplx ho hnd faced It without fear. The leadeis of the mob Hatched the x ork of th' flames until Washington's head fl back upon his sliouhlei.s and he illeu. Xegioes. (.tloiis of the set -tion wheie the ti.iRPdy took platp, xipp almost a unit In ap pro! Iiir it and xeiy many of theni li eie minibPic of the mob that tan led Into' execution the plan of lengeantc. ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING. Fred Weir Gibson Is Killed by a Stray Bullot. Hy Fxelusue Wire Iron Tie itoclitrd Preii Jluffaln, AllR 11 -Pied Welt (ilbs'on, JO )pais old sou of William tilbson a in nmlnc nt t It iron nf Willlnin.snni t p.. was shot and Instantl) killed at P.uhy- on-ine-i.ahe mis luieinofin, n) one or two faun hnnils, who weie piactkliiR iciolxei shooting tilbson wa sitting on the lawn In fiont nf the home nf H I, Anthoii lliiftalo liitubti dealei, and the men weie .shooting fioin the lake shote to waul the bank A bullet fioni ono of the t ex oh era that was aimed too high stiuck Oibeon In the heait DEATHS OF A DAY. Kenoi i, 1 i. Inc II rjfiiciil I' knox "orrel, aied ill of Saiannah. fja , ihrd at lha home nf lus brollnr near lloanoke ht mldnlaht (.flirr.il sorril enteied tlie ( onfedei ite aim) .it saiannah as tolunteer aid on hnripsiiecl a tjtr, at the outbieak o( tlie ('nil war II' u pi) inntid .enral times (ni enlblitii' and in the thlnl lear In wis male i lirltradier general nn liii()li(il'n staff Ho wis lmt thrnu.'li the luiiEs H the bittle of sliup.l urtr Ifnr the win he wis in nil Mipenn i' nt of He I enti il Itilhond nf Ilu is1 1 H' lellrqi i.luil Ihil poi Hon spien irars .il'o tn un i t the seneial maiu eer.hlp nf Uu siiiuiliuit 'ni plilni; belui li Sninnih Nevr Inrk and llirnnnl, whlih nfm p he held at tie time of tits , i n! Wllke. Pane luir II lleoiu-e Weaier a iminhrr of the brewinu Hun if llelrliard A Men er, this nn, died todn atnr a li nit lllnevs (mm tamer nf the Miunifti, med 47. Drowned in the Susquehanna. XX llkr.i lUric, 1.11 11 Mlihael Hullii.k), r s jean, while batlilni. in thi siis,iieianna ib"r this iiruliii;, was .ilrrd with cumin and wa. drowned bilsn help teull reach him. MR. WHITNEY CONFESSES Detective Arrested bu the Park- hurst Society In New York Gives Inside Inlormn.lon. THE POLICE IN A PANIC Edgar A Whitney, the Detective Charged with "Tipping Off" New York Fool Rooms, Makes What Is Thought to Be a Confession of His Transactions It Is Understood Warrants Are Out for Two Well Known Folicomon. By Exfinslie Hire (rem The sssneiated Prrii New York, Aug 11 Hrlgnr A Whit tle), aripsted by the I'aikhurst yoclety on Kilday, iharRcd with felon) In "tipping off" poolrooms l.ito )eteiday niternnon made what Is thought to be a confession of his tiansat tlonn xxith the pool room ptopiletots and police to Justice Jetome, l'tank Mosh nnd As sistant District Attorney Sthurman and tians. The police department was In a mate bnideilng on panic all day )c.steuln Chief Dex-ery nnd Htlward O. (Jlen noii, both nf whom aie bellcied to nii ppar In Whittle confession, ate sup posed to lip In Saratoga. It Is uiidcistond that xxaitanls hip nut for the attest of two well-known policemen The tonfesslnii of Hdgar A. Whitney iv.is leiluced to writing In the ptcsente of .lustlcp .Ipromp late )csterday nfter nnon, while a cnnfeience was being held In thp chamber nf the Justice It was after the Justice and Aslttnnt DNtilct Attniney Schuiman had re ttitned fiom a fl)liiR trip to polite headqitaitPis nnd to the police station in West Thirtieth stieet While Whit ne)'s statements weie being plated In the form nf an allldaxlt, Assistant Dls tiltt Attoine)s (iaiiM and Hi hiiiman, rrank .Moss and Superintendent Mc Cllntock, of the Society for the l'ie-xt-ntlon of ('time, xxcte present with Jitftlte Jerome Ihnest Buigdoif Whltne) partner in the detottlip ageno), was in the loom pait of the time and he made another allldaxlt Whltm.x's xxlfe, at tnniiMnlod h) a )nung woman and a )nung man. ipmalned In nn antc-ioom with seietnl detcttlics of the Sodety for the PiPiention ot ('time News, paper men, who had been watching ptoceedlngs. note not allowed to enter thp room, but they hpard that Whlt no) 's statement bore dliectly against Deput) Polite- ('oinmlsMioncr Deiety and against Detectlie UlPiinon, who his hpen known as Ueict) s waidmnn in the Tendeiloln. Tho Conforenco, Tlie cniifereuto In Justhe Jerome's ihamheis lasted until about S o'clock, and there Justltp Jerome said to the newspaper men who had been waiting In the touit of special sessions "We haie thought that we might bo able tn glxe .nine infot Illation about the iinestlR.ttion that has been In pin Riess without Interfetetiie with an In finity that Is being made b) the dis trict attoinc), but after confotilnR with Assistant Dlsttlit Attorneys Oans anil Si inn man, I feel that to make nny statement would Impede the dlstiht u(tnini)H In the piostcutlnn of tuither liniuliies. it will natutally occut to )ou that such a tase as the dlstiict nttoine) has befoie hlm Is suggtstlxe of niaiiy things that loqulie caieful anil, It max be, oteiided Iniestlgation, nnd to ex en ludhnte thtlt ihaiaeter xiotild icnilPi tlie Iniestlgation dilllcult and pei haps defetit Its puipn-c "I tan Mi) that the defendant has endeaitued app.uc-ntly with gieat sin terlt), tn do all In his powci to mono for the wrotiR that he has done" .Iitstkc Jerome was asked If Whit ney alono had made a confession, and he icplled that a statement had been made also by Hurgdnrf, hut he wnuld tint tell the charaitci of the state ment ' We hiiie decided, ' he said, "that no infm illation can be glien out without danger of tnmpcilug with or Impeding the action of rhe disttlct attoinc)." In the Tombs. Assistant Dlstiict AttoniP (Sans and Schiiiiuau tPinalntd with Justice Jprnnip snnip time uftPi Whitney and HuiRdntf wt ie sent hack to the Tombs Hmanupl M KrlPtid tnunsd fni the pilhoneitr, asked that Huigdorf'H hall bo teduted, anid Ju-Hlce Jetome said he would listen to an application for a i eduitlou of ball toinoiiow. Tiank Jlii-d talked atide with Whitney htfote tlie pilsoneis weie taken to the Tombs, "Whitney was In the emplo) of the Soilet) for the- Pieientlon of Crime fiom ISIT to H96" Mi. Mok sold, 'and his woik nasi ciedltable He hail been lecnmniended to us b Uingiioif. his piesent parttu't who hnd emplo)ed hlm Whitney left the employ of tho soclet) because of a trtlmtlon nf the fmce, not on nt count ot nny bad ton dint so far n I can lemembet He did partlctilaily effettlxe woik as a de tectlie In the I.exow Iniestlgation" Mi Moss said his lips had been Benled as to the Ini litigation and ANhltnex's confeFslnii, ! tan onl) say he continued, In answei to In quliies, "that this Is what I belleio to be a tase of nun h Impnitauip and ue til o Rning to ro us fin as possible with It We haxe been sti Iking nut in the daik, knowing that we had on eniles on all slden of us We aie hoping to do something with this case That's all I dare sa) about It. ' Ml Moss was asked If he expoittd wai i ants to he issued in tin tase. nnd ho said he tould imt till nil) thing about wat rants .Wlstnnt Hint let At torneys dans nnd Schuiinan would not tell If wat rants had bei u Issued fni the attest of pptsons Implicated by Whit lie) 's confession, THE NEWS THIS MORNING- Weather Indication! Tola)! FAIn. 1 (Jeneral llllnola steel Wnikers lte(ue tn Join lllif strike l,posures Cans, a Pitile Imnni; Ontham Pnllec lleuiKiatic Mate t'oni'iitlon I (Jeneral -f'arhondile Hcpntment, 3 laiil West Side Inuna llan hills Wile anl Vl( His Dai at Nn uk Park, helh laiiRstill l'ontet tn lie Knded Tola). 4 Iditorlil Nulc and Comment 5 loril-Hev Pr nilfln's IinpieMloas ol the U!g tndeiior t'onientlon C Iii il Meet Simmon ml ul urban 7 (teneial Town Hurt In I ihor I'nlons. Hnantiil and lomm-eliI 8 loial Iimrinl ut m nilor Vaushin Industrial and 1 ihor EXPLOSION OF AN EXCURSION YACHT Two Persons Fatally Burned and a Dozen More Severoly Injured. By Fieluslie Wire from The Assoelited Press McKetspott, Aug 11 Two poisons were piohahly fatall) binned, anil n iloen more or leps seieielv InUlted as thp result of an explosion on an e cutslnn yacht on the MniiotiRihela rliet, near Petet.s trcek. this mmnlng Itobett Crlswell and Hair) Osborne, both of this plate, weie so b.ull) scald ed and burned nil oier the bod) that thei' will probabl) die fiom the effect's nf their Injuries Among the other pnsenReis scalded aie hteve Brnskle, W N. Campbell Jnmcfl It Smith, J K Hent) and Kd ward Miller, all of MtKeefpoit None of these ti ill dip, thouRh all arp seil ouly burned. Of the elRhtetn passe n Rors aboatd the )acht, none t scaped bin n The )acht Quail was owned bv W. N. Campbell, She had just started on a pleasuite trip up the Mnnnngahela I her, when two nf the tubes of tho holler blew out, and In an Instant the entire boat was em doped In n t loud of esciplng team-Hnd names. All the pas'-enRer.s Jumped Into the riier, and nftei much tiouhlp were rescued by tampeis along the banks. WHAT ENGLAND DID FOR UNITED STATES Chaplain Jones Tells a New Inci dent of the Spanish-American War. 11) 1 xeliisne Wire lioni The Wodated I'rei-s New York, Aug. 11 Chaplain H W Jones, U. S. X . spoke to night In tlie Chittih of the Stiangcis. this clt), on 'The Life and Woik of a Chaplain of tho Nni y." lin Idn'iiallv, he told a stoiy beating on the if latlons of Kiigland towaid tlie I'liltcd States dining the SpnuMi Amtilcan war. He said In this conntt 1 1 nn ' Though not being a loiei of wai, I think tint m.inv of us haxe teamed to thank Hod that the conflict with Spain uu? exet totted upon u. It has shown the woild what we aie. We tan alo thank Him foi tlie loxe of Kngland In tint mattet, foi although xxe knew of Hngland's filendshlp, pet Imps x'ou haxe no Idea of the extent of her filendship oi her loxe. This last xi Intel, xxhen nt Hatbadoes, we found the West Indlps Hiltlsh fleet theie, nnd Inxlted one nf the Biltlsh nai ai offlieis of high lank on boaid our ship to dine with us The loniPtFAtlou ttiiuetl on tho poweis tip. posed to us during tho xxat with Spain, and the Iti'tlsb olllcer extliliued : " 'titntlemeti, peihaps )ou knnw that I iu land lias ulth )nu, but nu liaie no Idea of what Hnglnnd i eally did foi xou 1 was on It, tie when the paiiish-Aiueihan wat bioke out and, together xxith tlur ofllteis, vas Immediately oideieil hack to dut) We had nt two points sltx thiie of our ships waiting In lie oi dered out In case of any naial demnn sttatlou being made against tlie I'nlted States by the nthet powers If nny such deinonstiatlnn hail been made, we would haxe headed them nff '" SHAMROCK II ARRIVES, Actual Time Less Than 14 Days on the Trip. Bi Ixilutne Wire from The Issmated 1'rcs.s handy Hook. N V Aug 11 hham mck II. Sli Thomas Upton's set ond challenger for 'the Ameilian nip, In tow of hcrcousoit the big steam aiht Hi in ait lied off Sand) Hook llRhtf-lilp shoitl) after 11 o'cloik toniRht. and anchored for the night Jut Inside the lightship half nn bout later The actual time of the Sliamintk II Is less than font teen da)s, counting her stop of one da) at St Michaels, Aotes, Lodger Coal Article, Bi hxelmiie Wire bom flie ln-oelated Prest Philadelphia usr II Hie li-dcer in its nil ailiilr tmnnrniM mil out Hie aiilliMiltr tcial tiade toiitimiei the polu nt tuitailinsr the nutpul aa to keep the pin iluctlon appinvinntel) ilnnn to the duniiid md lint tn stnik up ton extrnslvill 11il, howeiei, uill not be ke t up mil h Innnei . the autumn will i Itnew. in In. u died drmmd, aid thili, a luiiter lniiini,e lau If niarketed The lull nut put w is pin dmii to about .i,;nnii u.iu li ni.iiliiif nf Imlldais sli s' and nthei iif.jtioni tir in mi rk in the aulhi n lie di Ids lliepdni nt lililJlllni in. Iimipirr. i i intlna lomidenlde dis loiitiin aiimir; the nun 11 ami nthir hliorli g t n aim IIUI llisi.i' uihiiim- l ue Hinniii i1 i )iriie if 10 nuts pei ton for lujiist is (ul 1 1 I ilit.iiiuil and anmler 10 ient nr Ion i nn a lulu elleit srpi l The trull pieints piaiti i lib initlilnp that l ne Mi liientt fiom tula and un the lakes aie mil modi-rale, and the. illstritta Ihiia seried are i d tr be tttini! ie duuil in th,eir to k of ioi The total output o( toal (or seien months ol the rurient nar rliilinii with lull is H Ml,fvl mm, irni ared mill Ji','.'7e,fi0 tnns in tin inrrespondinif period of l'xl, lieinj an Initejje o( l.-fcl.iinn. Ions The ceneril lnipiii.li n is that about l.nful.Oi) tutu Kill be inliiid in luituU. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION Indications That the Gomlnrj Meet- Ino Will Be One ot the Most Excltlna In Years. MANY CONTESTS IN VIEW Two Sots of Dologates from Phila delphia Will Clamor for Recogni tion Ex-Governor Paulson's Dis trict Sends a Pair Horman Yorkes of Doylostown, Will Probably Be Nominated for Judgo Quay Demo crats Will Becolvo Cold Steel. Br Fielusiie Wire (rim The Asseii'itel Tress Haiilsbtiig Aug. II The HeniO' ci itli s ate toni Pillion wMI meet In the Hair "bit g Opeta House on Thurs dii! to nominate iiindldites for state tii'Tstncr and Siipietue t out t Judgp. Tito liidltatinns hip that the com Pil lion will bo one of the most exciting In the pattv'H lin inn by ten son nf the tnnlpsting delegations from Philndol phl l. A loiiipnto set of delegates has been ccttllieil by the city toiiimlttep nf whiih t x-iioiuiuor ltobpit 1. Pat tlron Is flmli iiiiin. The tlial cltv toni mlttee. headed by Maglstiate Willi im Hlscnbrown, has also tei tilled a full list of Oelo-tatos This contest anil the thi eat of ppitalti dplegatos to flpui.uifl the expulsion from tlie pmti of those Uemoctats In the list legishittite who declined to xote ulth the mitl-ljuay lteptibllcins In the nignnls'iitlou nf the houvo of i-ppresptitatlips, ptomlsps a laigp at terdTnce nt the convention, Tito state L'emocntlc eNocutlxo toiiimlttep xxlll meet at headquat teis on Wpdnesday to select a t hah man nnd other temporal v nllltpi.s and tomplete the preliminary woik of the itbciliiR The Indica tions aie that JiiiIrp Haininn Yerkps, of Dn.ili'stown, will bo the nominee for r-upipuit touit Judgp, -and Captain Wil liam jlrison, of Oil City, for state tieasutpf. The Ilcpuhllcan statp conxcntlon xxlll be held at tho same place the following WtdiiPsday TliPio Is appatently no npposltloi, to the nomination of JuiIro Wllllnii. Pottei. 'of PlttshuiR, nn ap pnll tee ot Ooxernnr Stone, to succeed himself ns Supreme court JuiIro Hep resentfttlie l'iank CJ, Hatrls, of Cleai fleld, i the only ax owed condldate for state ticasiiier, anil his friends regaid Ills nomination 'is assuied The ptos. pei ts aie that the conientlon will be t xer) haiiMonlotis gatheiing. KILLED BY LIGHTNING. Mrs.Compton and Daughter, of Haw ley, Struck by a Bolt- Others Roceive Sevore Shocks. peeial to the buantnn l'rihune Ilawle), Aug 11. During the -ppf nloitilt Mot m on hatlltiav afternnnn a bolt of lightning stiuck the icsi deni e of ll.uiey I'nmpton, who tesldc"1 on Long Itldge about a mile east of Ilawle) and instantly killed Mis Comptou and bet l"-)ear-olil daughtei Miss Veina both of whom xxete In the slttlng-inoni at tho time. Mt and Mis. Compton nnd their daughter and a guet. William .nhn ot New Yoik hail been sitting in the Hi lug loom of the house during th" slot m About I .10 o'flotk Mi Cnnip tnu nnd Mt Zohn got up nr:l start" 1 to ro out fin the nm ih to tb'-eixe the pioRits of the sioim The x li id lip-t lOuliul the door when the house was stttitk Anordliig to the stoilos thei tell the whole mom secnifil to bo Instantl! i hinged xxith Plettililt! lltith men Slp-t.llned seiete shocks, and when the) looktd mound thoy weie stattled to see both Mr Comptou and lit r daiiRhtPi l)ing dead on the Hoot. Thp e lothlng nf both was mIiirciI and the fan- of the ghl was haill) hurneil Tile hotisp was sPt on JIip h) th" bolt but the hi ip was easlli PNtlnRUkshee with the asKtauip of npghbni. STREET CAR COLLISION. Two Trolley Cars Come Together oi Washington Avenue. 1 drrrn Hulue siiburl an rir in i harffe o( l(n toinnn I II Dumas and! 1111111101 ! nutli 10III1I11I ll-i Iin:l 1 11 Hli 1 Dut 111 re 1 ir in iliii of liitoimin I hi mis Norton in I I ondm 1 r ( hailea llnbliiann on North Wasliington nienue, lut 110 daiiuui ii is d me le.ionl 1 hmkn femlii lor his inn one Injun d, i fir as mull h leirned I ho l.rrru llulee nr was fnlnilni- up II o other about 11(1 (eet in Hie leir When neai line Mird liitoimin Thomis look nl! his con tiollrr (or 1 inrmenl iihllo Ihe tar nai colnc i (nil spinl In ordir to lmt tlie nmbii in frit if liim Hie Duniiioip ear uas imt snitine mai (nm Vine sin el ivlirn the Ciern Itldco car. running ai a pirtu liuli dip for the niotnrman lia 1 jiiiit biielj got Ills tontioller bnk in agiin 1111 lino It Tlie onli ihniaKe dene was Hie bifaklnc r( Hie fend r cl tin Ureen P.ldee eir mil the cfiin.il sln.liiL' tp of all the pissrneeis on both Two lilln. wlim name inllld not Ie learned, jumped from tli Piunnore t ir whrn thev aan ihe mhtr fniuin.-, bin neither nai reiiotulj iujuied YESTERDAY'S WEATnER. Iual dita ( r lui: II I " HiKhej.1 limp raluu "0 itejreei. I.11WM ninprriluie T desreea llrliliw Ibimidili sam . . ... ro per een s p 111 . isl per i ent I'irtlpit Hi' 11. ' hniira rudul p in, ttaee. sV-fs. -f-ff-f-f-f-4--f -t- -f-f f WEATHER FORECAST. tlathinetnii, luar tl Foieeait (or I atern I'rninilvanla Pair Monday, with lowei temperature in tmtheait portlort I ue. In, piobalil rain, Htht nutthent. -f f ctli windi t -t--rtt-f -f-f'f-t-t---f-f-r'-f1- "i