The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 09, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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-- "RlVfi '1'!
.-". .
"y'r m"t
aji"Vn.P H mi if H f
Ho Is Said to Look Upon Thair Posi
tion i Tantamount to ft Repudia
tion of Their Contracts When In
formed by Them of Tholr Attitude
with Reference to the First Con
ference He Turned and Ltft Them
Without a Word Good Faith Is
the Issue.
"Holland"" New York letter In tho
fhllndi'lphlu Pi oss yrMi-rdny contained
tho following with reference to the bin
steel Ktrlke:
"In Mm illsjmtrhcA from IMttslilitK,
publlfhed here this tnnttiiti;. theic Is
fOlittilned the text of the order Iss'ied
by President S huff or. of the Atunlvn
mntcd itssoi'liitlon, cnlllnir upon tho
vorklnKinon In the vnrloiiK mill of the
National and Kedoial Sltol ciiniptitile!,
and of the National Tube oontpany to
po out Upon strike iuiIi-pp Iheio be n
Keltleinent of the dlfforeneo with the
ateel corporation on or befoio AtlK'int
10. In that ordoi, .li. Shaffer pay that
the labor organizations must Unlit or
fotover plvo up their peisnnal liberty.
He Hlates other leasons in Jitstlllr.itlnii
of his order. And yet It Is s-nfe to my
that those In t til illy who took patt
In the confoii ncoj. between the repie
Fi'litUtlVi'H of liio Mi'i'l cotpoiatlon Willi
Mr. .MotKati al their head aii'.l the duly
nuthorlKtd and olllclal ieprc(-entatle.i
of the AmalKauiaU'il association, whose
plenary powois were fully attested,
would not iiM-oit that the tine leason
for this wholesale sit Ike command Is
Mated In that ordei.
"Hole at least the stilke Is aserled
to be III Jusllllcatlon of the rlitlit of
labor oiRanliatlotvs to lepudlate con
tiacts. and not so much the contracts
to wMoh Mi'. Shaffer lefets In his
strike order as cuutnict made In all
soleiWnlty anil In all bonoi between the
olllclal icpiesentatlves of the AmalKa
Hliitcir ntsm-iiillon and those olllceis of
the steel corporation who weie nuthor
lssril to bind that cotpotaliou by means
of IckhI contracts.
"It seems to many of the best friends
of labor oifranlzatlons in this city. In
cluding some Who are leaders In those
organizations, as though much lhat is
beneficial. Is honoiable and worth while
which the skilled arlbans and woik
inKmcii have valued IbiotiKb their as
coclatlou Into labor unions weie about
to be lost.
"The facts In legnnl to the coufer
rtlces which have not as yet been made
public, lieio, the kind of facts that a
referee would leport to a eouit If he
wote empoweied to take testimony and
make report as to this matter, may be
briefly set forth an follows:
"Piesldent Shalfer and his associates
met Mr. Morgan and olheis authorized
to net for the ateel corporation In a
franlc conferciue at which the whole
question at Issue was thoroughly dis
cussed, at which an iiKiccjnont was
reached, pronounced emphatically by
President Shaffer to bo satisfactory,
and said by the iepie.eutatives of tho
steel corporation to be equally satis
factory to I hem. Thole wan no doubt
about the aulliorlty of Mr. Morcnn to
Men for the slecl'corporatlon. nor any
doubt that if he or the corpoiatlon
were to break the contract which he
slcncd, then tho corporation could be
held responsible. Judgment anil dam
ages could be obtained against it, be
muse its financial responsibility, Us
capacity to meet Judgments and the
power of tho com is to enforce them
(ire unquestioned.
"On the othei hand, Mr. Shaffer,
president of tho Amalgamated associa
tion, appeared at this conference, duly
authorized to act for tho association,
and his signature to any contract
would, If the association were tlimn
clally responsible, or if there weio any
other guarantee lor iho fullillmont of
tho pledgo than that whUh honor fur
nished, make It possible to recover n
Judgment against him. or if the asso
ciation were Incorporated and weie
Ilnanclally responsible against the as
sociation. KKI'l'DIA'I'lo.V OF i'o.ViT.AiTH.
I'pon agreement of that kind, for
mally executed. s Pasod the greater
pa't of the business done by the civil
ized world. To repudiate contract or
pledge means In the world's affairs ills
junior, loss of credit, social and busi
ness ostracism. In Ibis city. In fact,
punishment of that kind awaits those
who ipudlale not only a written, but
a contract. There are trans,
actions Involving millions done every
day with our banks upon veibal prom
Ises anil novel yet, with one or two
exceptions, has there been reiUdlallon
of these veibal tontiacts. The adjust
ment of tho entile business of the
Clearing House association Is based
upon the maintenance of obligations
that are entered Into oveu without the
formality, of a written contract.
It was presumed hero that an associ
ation comprising so many skilled nrtl
Fans, containing so many men of in
telllgenco, as Is tho case with tho
Amalgamated association, would real
ize that a contract, nn agreement, en
teied Into, fonnally executed by the
duly attested and authorized olllcers
of the association, would be held as
binding as though It were guaran
teed by u pledge of all tho wages,
earned by members of the association.
For the only guarantee behind a con
tract of that Kind w hlch the otlleers of
the Bteel corporation were able, or
even asked, to obtuln was the honor of
tho officers signing the contract and of
tho men .who were leprcsented.
"President Shaffer and his associates
returned to rittshurg. When they do
parted from New York, both they and
the representatives of the Steel cor
poration felt sure that the dlllleultles
had teen composed, and that the
worklnemen would Immediately re
umo work. Then there caino news
from Pittsburg that was disquieting.
It was not deemed conceivable that the
Amalgamated association could de
mand a' repudiation of a contract
clgncd and executed by Its duly au
thorized representative, it was pre
sumed, Instead, that as President Shaf
fer has heretofore had tho reputation
of being a man of honor, he would, in
case of disagreement, say to his as
sociates, 'I havo signed; I have given
my pledge. My personal honor Is In
volved and If there Is to be requdlatlon
of mo and my act I must, as a man of
self-respect, resign to others the post
J hold in this association.'
"Instead of that President Shaffer
and others camo to New York. They
mot In a room In the Kmplro building
pn Saturday, Air, Morgan was not
there and when they ent for him, he
whs surprised. 'What now?' lie nek-
cd. 'The Amalgamated association
and the United Mtntes Steel corpora
tion nre bound by mutual agreement,
duly executed. What new question can
have arisen?" These were not his ex
net words, but they illustrate the spirit
In which he received the communica
tion that his presence was requested,
even ileiimnded by tho representatives
of the Amalgamated association. He
went to the conference and to his In
tense amazement, he discovered Mint
It was not a new question, outside of
the contract, but It was Instead a
question of repudiation of tho contract
made a week before. Mr. Morgan sim
ply snld, practically In these words:
'You executed, with tho otlleers of the
ateel corporation, a contract a week
ngo, You signed It and we signed It.
Do you propose to live up t" It?'
"And when alley said Mint they did
not, but In effect that they Intended
to repudiate It. Mr. Morgan looked nt
them for one moment, his glance ex
pressing iimnzement, Indignation and
also something like pity that lie should
be in the presence of men who delib
erately and without any sense of
shame, demanded of him the right to
break a solemn contract they hud made
n week before. Then, without saying
another word, Mr. Morgan quitted tho
room. No wonder that he showed Irri
tation, even Indignation. Ills friends
quote li i ill as saying that he had been
in the presence of a proposition whii h
had It boon made in tho world of busi
ness, or If It characterized business life,
would speedily result In industrial nnd
llnanclal anatchy. Furthermore, if
those authorized representatives of the
Amalgamated association could, with
out dismay and peremptorily, demand
the repudiation of a contract and
Uneaten that If It weie not repudiated
they would order a general strike, then
what guarantee could there be If a new
contract were entered Into that It loo
would not be repudiated with accom
panying threats of strike?
"Thai Is the vital Issue now In this
controversy as It appears to those who
profess to know all the facts. They
say that the Amalgamated association
is now striking really for the right to
demand nt any time u repudiation of a
contract which tholr otlleers have for
mally enteit I Into and executed.
Today May Produce Some Important
Developments in tho Strike of
the Car Builders.
There weie no now developments
yesterday In the car builders' strike.
Had Master Hullder I'autleld arrived
from Now York dining the early part
of the day It Is very likely theic would
have been a. conference between the
Lackawanna authorities and repie
sentntlvcs of the strikers.
Superintendent T. K. (iaiko has re
turned fiom New York and it Is likelv
there will bo a confoience today which
will have Important beating on the
The Machinists Strike.
A Chicago dispatch of Wednesday
contained the following: "The lirst
attempt to biea'v the moulders and ma
chinists' strike was made today, when
work was resumed at tho Allis-ciml-mers
factory with non-union men.
Trouble is feared with the union pick
ets who surround the grounds, and W.
.1. Chalmers has called on Chief O'Neill
lor a detail of police to preserve order.
Tho Allls-Chalmers plant hero Is
building a 'huge engine lift feet high,
designed for the Heiia mine. It was
to havo been ready on May '.", but is
only half completed.
"The union pickets are striving to
prevent Iho completion of this engine.
Captain Wllkle yesterday introduced a
squad of watchers mounted on bicycles
In order that tho developments within
the factory might be scrutinized and
reported upon with gienter prompt
ness. Tile force of union pickets was
I id-eased and the presence of so many
union men on the eve of the reopening
of tho plant caused Mr. Chalmers's ap
peal lo Chief O'Neill. The company
has succeeded In scouting a consider
able number of non-union men for
work. Other plants are expected to
open within a week."
Work Progresses Fast.
The work of tearing down the old
Weston mill pinperty to make room
for the freight station of the Dela
ware and Hudson company l progress
ing rapidly, and Contractor M. H.
Stlpp will himiii have his men at work
raisins the new structuie.
The old packing house hns ben torn
down and Die task of demolishing the
holler and engine houses almost com
pleted. The front part of the mill will
he led standing, extending hack for
sixty feet will he used 'for the ohiees.
The Interior will .of coiuse, have to he
largely leinodeleil.
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
Following la the ninke-up of the D.,
L. & V. board for today;
rilUWlAY, At'(lt;T 8.
Wild (.11. Ku.l-h p. in., I". Ilallctl;
U. W. Dial.
1U p. in
Wllil (Mis, Wn.t-I.ail u. in.. (I. T. MaplM;
:l a. in.. II. lillhcrtii; I a. in., (). Kiainrj; A a.
in., .1. W. lluiklurl; VI a. in., A. II. Jloue; 11
n. in., Mil.anc; 1 p. in., K. M. Ilillilt; A . in.,
II. Cn.lnr Willi Dolnilj'd new; II p. m., J.
SuiMiiiilv, Ku-0 a. in. rait, V. MrPonnrll; 8 ,
in., ot. II. PiniiiiMkrr; 10 I. inv rl. Hoar,
with l. Ci' ticwj (I i. ni., oat .1, (.urlffic; S
p. ni.t rl. Mill, with .uhoU' rrcw, 7 p.
in.. Njy Auk, K. Mi'AIIUti r; T p. in., I ayk-a, ,M.
IJInlP); 7 1'. "'. Cayuga, Thmnpjcu.
'nhci K ii. in., llourr; 10 a. m., S. Pin
nerty; 11.30 . in., Moran; 7 p. m., Murphy;
p p, in., LampiiiRi JO p. m., A. W'Woner.
Paiwcr Knglnei 7 a, in., (,'affnpy; 7 a, m",
T. 10 ''. Sccuri 5 SO p. in,, Stanton;
7 p, in,, Miflmrrn.
Wild Cat. Wud-5 a. in., T. MiCntliy; a.
in., M. Slaplo, with A. P.. .Krtilum'a erewj 10
h. in., Jlnudkan; 11. in., I', Wall; 1 p, in., It,
("jklncr; S p. "!. '. H. MiPann; a p. in., M.
("aimcidy; 4 p. m., Jnlin Warded, with UjliaiMti't
crew; 6 p. in., U .Klngdcy; U p. m., o, Itau
dulph. NOTICE.
Cuiiiiurlnr A. II. Howe will rail at train inav
tcr'a otflii".
Ilrakiman Mrrrlliue rfpnrti tor Jjiiim (laluean.
'ilraki'inan I.. H. IK'Pew will call at train
. matcr'a olficc.
This nnd That.
The members ot the mine Inspectors
examlnlnK board ,of the Klrst district
have reorganized. Mine Inspector Kd
ward Ito'derlek Is president, and W. U,
Iloblnson, secretary. Tho other tneni
hers of the hoard nre Joseph T. Hub
ert, of Jumiyn, und I'utrlck U, M-
N ,N ,, iHo'JVM'rTJ'WMfJtiMt,'i!T.
'- s. t.' '""'"""""'"'""""'"--'"rl
a Nr J I
I 1 .-: irlmKBmmmmSW
1 "2g:5c:-
lg of money by calling
f of purchasing a Piano to take advantage of these rare opportunities.
j The public is invited to call here before buying. j
it N. B.There is but one Guernsey Hall in the city of Scranton. Guernsey J
J Hall is located near the Central Post Office Building, !
I J.W.GUERNSEY, Proprietor. I
(0 (f (f f? (f fl (f ft Tf (t (9 (0 fl (V (0 (t (t!1 (? (t (f (t TO (f (t (f (t! (t (t (9 (0 (9X (l (t (t (f (f rt (f (9 (f (9 ?f (0 (f ?t ?f -
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
In Pffct .Inly 21, 1W01.
Smith Iavo Sratilnn for NVw Vnik al 1 10,
ti.OO. 6.S3, 7.W and ln.ftt a. m.; li 4'i, H..I3, (5.30
p. in. For'lphi.i .it 7.. Ml and 10. Oi a. m. ;
12. 11 and 8.3.1 p. ni. For Toh.ihanna at 6.10 p.
in. Mill, ion at 3. HI . in. Arno
in llohokrn al II.M0, 7.1. lO.'J. 12 iW. 3.15. 1.4.
7.l'i p. in. Arrip In I'lilladclphla at 1.0i, lis,
(,.I .mil :".! p in. Airuc Ironi Nrw York at
1 in, ti.32 and lu.2.1 a. in.; 1.00. 1..VJ, .V4.I, n.iHl
and 11. SO p. in. From Tolij H inim at S.M a. in
Noith-l.oai Siianton for llnflalo and Inter
imdialp klalioiK al 1.1'., '' '!.' and 9.00 a. ni ;
l.j'i, 5. IS and ll.S'i p. m. For Otwrgn and & r.i
iiim" at 1.15 a. in.. fi..'l5 a. m. and 1 SI p. in. For
t'tu a at 1 1". II Xi a. ni. and 1.51 p. m. For
Miniiro.e at fl.iVI a. in : l.n'i and 5.1 p. in. For
Niiluil-un al 4.IM .Hid IB p. m. For HinglHin
Ion at 10. 'il .1. in. nin in Ni.inton from Huf
filn al 1 '.'5, -'.", ." C and I" m J. in., .'( and
(mi p. in I'niin (iouo ami Si,.ni.o at 'J.."'. a.
in ; l".:ii anil M1 p in. From I liia at 2.M a.
in., 12.3J and :i.il0 p. in. From Sh hol.on al 7.41
a. in. iiml i' 0ft p. in. From Mnntru-p at 10.00. a.
in.: :i.20 and S.IHI p. in.
lll'iomOinrz ) Siranton (or
Norlliinnlii'iland at il 45. 10.11.1 a. in.; 1.5.1 and
ii in p. in. For I'l.Mnonlh at 8.10 a. in.; :i 40,
S..MI p. in. Anle at Nortlmnilnrland at 0 35 a.
in.; 1.10, 5.0i) and S.I5 p. m. Arrlio at I'ljmoiith
ai 0 01 a. m.; i.'.ti. '.Ma p. in. iroo in Siran
ton from Xorllinnihirland at 11.42 a. in.: 12 31,
4. 50 and Ml p. in. From Kinson at 11.00 a.
in. Floin l'l.Miioulli at 7.4.1 a. in.; 3.20 and .1.."5
p. in.
South I.eaio s. i.oiton at l.lli, IS.fM), .1.5,1, 10.03
a. in.: .'l.:si and 3.40 p. m.
Xortli liftw s, rimton at 1.15. 11.3.1, .n0 a. Hi.;
1.51. 5. I ird 11.3.1 p. in.
Illooiii-hiiiir Diilon-l.iaM Siianton at 10.01
a. in and 0 10 p. in.
Central Ballroad of New Jersoy.
Statlom In Si'W Yoik Foot o( l.lbi-ity sired,
X 11 . and South lVrrj .
iimi; T.MH.n is fffixt .u'xi; m, 1001
Tiain lfa Sorantun for Xew Voik, Xiwarl:,
riiralii'tli. riiilJ'Ifll'lil. Fusion, Ili'ilileliim. Al
linlown. Mani'li Chunk and While II.imii, at S 35
a in.; 1- llu' l'w. 4'W p. in. Sun
.i,. o 15 ii. in.
For PitUtoii J"'1 Will.eallarre. S.K a. in.; 1,10
and 4 00 p. in. Sunlaj. 2.11 p. m.
For llaltlinoie ami Wa.-hliiKlon an.l polnM
South and Wist U llollil.liem, 8..15 a. m., 1.10
and 4.00 p. !" fundi), 2.15 p. in.
For Long Ownn (Jiove, rlo., at S3.',
a in Ithrouah coaih) and 1.10 p. m.
'For Iteadimt, l'lnnon and llanUlmrg, la Al.
lentown. S.3'i '" a,ul llu I'. ' Sunda;,
n 15 p. in.
For PottMlllC F.M a. " 1-10 P- m.
For Mountain 1'aik, S.53 a. in., 1.10 and 4.0c)
Throush tickets In all points rat, sonlli and
wmt at loct lalra at the ktallon.
C. M. nt'ltT, flen, Pass. Agl.
J. II OMIAFSFX, flen. Supt.
TJelnwaro and Hudson.
In Kftect June o, ul,
Tnln tor Caihondalo leao Sranton at l:C0.
g.JJ s:W. 10:" '" 1-:. US!. 2:41, 3:S:
I'S) r,"5, 7:57. U:15. Hr.'O p. in., 1:10 a. in.
Toi llonculale and Lake Lodorc, ti.iO, 10.13 a,
, . and 5.'J'' ! "i.
For"wilkeIUrrr!:4.1. 7:19, S:41, n:.1S. 10:4s
, Hi., 1!:0 l'-H "'" aM' ii7 B"0. ". U':0 p. in.
For I. V II. JiolnU-4!lS, 0:33 a. in., 2:18,
,7 anil U:M p. m.
For lVnn-)lN.inU II. It. points-C:H, 0:33, 2:18,
3 '! and 4.-7 I'' "'
For Albany and all points norlh or.'O a. m,
and 3:52 p. in.
ana j.a- v sl.NDAY TR.IXS.
For Cailondalc-S:, 11:33 a. m., 2:44, 3:82,'
D-.52 and 10:52 p. m.
For Wilkca-llaru U:M a. in., 12:0J, l:ja, 3:23,
0:32 and I:I2 p. in.
For Alliany and point noith 3:52 p. in.
For lloi.rnlalo and Lako I.odoic S.iO, 11.33
0. in, and 3.02 I', m.
nonoiifih, of Carhondale. Sessions will
he held in tho council rooms at Onr
liondnlo on August II, 1! und 10, when
examinations for mine foremen and ns
slutnnts' certllieates will ho held.
Says the HlnBhumtnn Ilerud: "A
syntom slinllur to tho block system
went in rlfei't on the I.ackawnnun rail
road ye.sterduy. All piissenKci' trains
niovhiK In tho samo dlreotlon will he
blocked ten minutes apart. Operators
at open teleKraph olllces will pluco the
(irder sIkiiiiI at 'stop' Immodlntely after
a tiln pusses tho station and hold it
until tho minutes have chipped. Tho
train that Is hold up will he jjlvcn a
Hllp of tho tlmo the preredliiK train
left, and so eiieh trnlnman ran tell
nearly whero every train on the line
Is. The system Is a Kuarantee npilnst
accidents mid possible :ollslons. Th
pl.m will be iiiiiro coinpletuly perfected
from tlmo to tline."
here at the right time.
Schedule In Effect June 2, 1001.
Trains leave Scranton:
0.45 n. ra., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsville; stopi at principal in
termediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and tho
0.38 a. ni.. week days, fci- Sunbury,
Hanisburg. Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and tho West.
2.18 p. ra., week days, (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia. Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West.
3.33 p. ni,, week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia viaPotts-
ville. Stops at principal inter
mediate stations.
4.27 p. m week days, for Hazleton,
Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
.1 11. lll'TCIIIXsOX. f.en. Mgr.
J. II. WOOD, don. Pit". Ast.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Fneit June 2, 1H01.
Tialna I.eaie Scranton:
For rhlladilphla and Xew Voik la I). It 11.
II. It., al 11 15 and 0.3S a. in., and 2 13, 4 27
(lllack Diamond Kvpri'v), and U.K0 p. in. bun.
days. D. A II. 11. It., 1.03. 827 p. in.
For Whllo llaun, lla?liton and principal In Hie oal unions Ha I) A II. ij. ( ,
li.4J, 2.13 and 4 27 p. in. lor I'otl.Ullo, 1115 a.
m 2.1S p. in.
Fur llelhUhein, I'j-tnn, Keadinc, llairMnn
and prlnHpal liitiiiniiliale taiion iia ).
It It, 0.41, ()." a. in.; :'.I3. 4.27 (Illaik l)n
in'ond Fxpn-N"). 11-Ml p. m. Sundava, I), t ,
II It., 0.38 a. m. ; 1.3", J p. in.
For Tunklianno'k. Towanda, Kliniia. Ithai.i,
Geneta ami prlimpal Inleiinediate tatlnns, M.t
I) I, k W. It. It.. P.tO a. m., and .1.40 p. ni.
For Geneva, ltochnttrr. IlurTalo, Nlacaia Fall.,
Chicago and all points west, via 1) .V H. rt. II ,
7 43 1155 a. in.. l'-3. 3.33 (Illaik Diamond l
nrrw), "Is. 10.41. H-"-0 P- m. Sundajs, D. & II.
It. It.. 11.55. s-27 P. m.
Pullman pailor and lrcilnK or Lehlch Valhv
parlor can on all trains between W'ilkeIlan
ami New York, Philadelphia, IlurTalo and Su
pension lliidse.
ItOI.I.IN II. WIl.llt'H, Gent. Supt., 21 Cortland
tticet, Kew Yoik.
CIIAI1LF.S S. I.KI'.. Gen, l'aa. Ast., 20 Cortland
at I let, New York.
A. W. NONXKMACHFlt, Dlv. Pa. Aet., South
llethleliem, Pa.
For tkkrH and Pullman reservations apply to
SO!) Laikawatina avenue, .vranton. Pa.
Erie Kallroad, Wyoming Division,
Trains (or llawtcy and Inteunedlale points leave
Siranlon as lollow: No. 2. 7.10 a. m. ; No. ,
S.50 a. in. : No. '. --' !' '" i N". . ' -'0 p. m.
o i and (' Ihioush lialns (or Xew York.
' Arrival -No. 1, KlS a. in.: Xo. 3, 10 30 a, ni ;
No. 6 a. 1.5 P- in. l N". ' ''.IS P- "' Tialna No
h und'7 arc thioush train liom New Yoik.
Depaitim-Nn. 20, n a. in.; No. 22. 2 p. m.
Airlvals No. 21, 12.1ft i. in.; Xo. 21, Map. in.
Now York, Ontario and Western
Time Tahlo In Fltect Sunday. Juno 23, 1001.
Leave l.iavc
hiiantou, Cailiondalc,
10..M a. in. 11.10 a. m.
" 1.00 p. in. 4.41 p. in.
" u 10 p m. sr. Carhondale
Leave Leave
Ladjila. Cailiondale,
7.i) a. m,
"' 8 40 a. in. 10.01 a. in.
"'.. 'ir. n in 4.00 p. ni.
LOO p. in.
Alio p. m.
tUtl p. m.
"40 a. in.
10.40 a. in.
No. 1
No. 7
No. 0
No. 4
No. 2
ii:siil.V MV. .NOIflll-llOl'M).
. P- in.
l.eeve l.eave Aiin
Kranton. Caihondjle. tailo,ia
... 8. JO a. in. 11.10 a. lit. 10.43 a. in.
7.U) p. in. 'aihondale.. 7.45 p. ,.
Leave Leave Airivo
Caduilo. Caibomlalc. Scianiun
7.00 a. in. 7 40 a. m.
No. 0
No, &
No. 0
No. 10
LRU p in. u'w !' '" .lj p. in.
i vr. l. an wcck nave, aim . nn smi.
,); ',L ,ake main lino lonnrttlons (or New Vnil;
city. L'tlUl 0l,clll' 0,wfB an(1 Intcrnifdlate
'Vra'ns N'o, 3 and 4 nukn Walton, Delhi, lljin.
den and hhlney lonnecllona, ,,,,.,
For (urllier Inloiinatlon rnnoilt tiiket airnts.
J. (!. ANDKIISON, 11. P. A.. Xew York.
J. K. W U1.SU. T. P. A, tkranton.
Is Headquarters for the
Leading High-Grade
Pianos and Organs f
Guernsey Hall is well known as the j
most liberal Music House to deal with. j
Prices are always low, terms easy and
goods equal if not superior to any in the i
market. Every instrument is thorough- g
ly guaranteed. g
Pianos are a few of the many beautiful
and celebrated instruments that can al- g
ways be found in stock. fj
Special bargains can be secured here j
almost every day in the week on Pianos g
and Organs that have either been re- fj
turned or left on sale by parties leaving g
the rirv. Ynn ran nfren serure a $350 or S:
$400 Piano for less than half that amount S
It will pay any person who is desirous g
General Agent (or the Wyoming District (or
Dupont's Powder
Mining, niatlng. Sporting, SmokeleM and th
Repouno Chemical Company's
Safety ruse, Cap and Fxploders. Ilcom 401 Con
nell Building .Sciantcn.
Tiios. ronn ,
Daily (Lxicpt Sunday) u
Leave Scranton at 8:05 a. in. for
Long Branch, Ocean Grove, As-
bury Park, Belmar, Spring
Lake, Sea Girt, &c,
Itrliirnlni;, leavo Point Plfa-ant at II F n in
Sprmc Lako, II 17 a. in ; llelinar. 11 ,12 a ni .
AOnii.v Paik and lliean drove, VI 02. noon, la.n
tlianih. 12. 2.' p. in. nlvul at Srrant m at . V,
p. m. This will In kept up for the mine ceason
epeclall.v for ihr an "ininudaioni nl l.iiinhr, a
it will onalile ,i-. hbph In mi lire ai.d retain
comfortahlc Malt uiitiii the tniiie lomnry
i A
su aVi'.rVVrs'!
' " V '(n"( i v-
Vatch our noxt advertlsomont.
an absolutely pure coffee,
In every packago of LION COFFEE you will find a fully Illustrated and
fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find iu the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, I
comfort and convenience, and which they may havo by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from 1
the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is tho only form In which this excellent coffee is sold). I
nn i
Poor Indeed
arc thoe weighed down by mental de
pression. Men rise in this world
throiiRli buoyant nerve force.
The loss of this force daily drrtcs
down to failure some of the worlcfs
brightest minds. Such n condition is
commonly known ns Nervous Debility.
When yon lose self-confidence and
feet your utrength, energy and nerve
force are slipping away, It is high time
yon seek sensible aid.
You prefer health and success to
misery and failure.
have no emial as a tierce restorer. A
couple of boxes will dispel that heavy
feeling; the unnatural weariness dis
appears nnci replaces languor wun new
force and vieor of bodv and brain. Six
boxes will cure any ordinary case of
nervous debility. If not, you get your
money nacic.
81.00 per box: 6 for $-"O0, mailed in
plain package. Dook free. Peal
Medicine Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
For sale by John II. Phelps, Pharmacist, corner
Wjomin:; avenue and Spruce itreet
8s1rof.Q.F.f HEEL.527 &?,&
'W 51 rblUarlpkla, 11. Oil li.rm.. KprrUII.I Ini
mrnra. uuiramrrtio vmrr ,.j va., . ...Bir
l.rM, Flr.r, Abntts, lllotxl 1'ni.fln, Nf rteui,
lrhlUI,l.o,l JUnbood.rftrWrlt strtrlarffiot
'ItlBVI, l'nd,frlopiiiiil A Shrunken Orcant,
KrnEri." fnrfi 4 ! 10 d... Ill jnn prnrllrl.t Jfiri
Ibo.plUl ai p. rlnr In Vrrmlnj, Html ror ion I ruin i
po.lnlt .rj mf Jlnl alulf lrl frn J.. ll IH W'r,I
is not glazed or coated with egg
full of strength and flavor.
Final Reduction
on Imported and
American Wash
Dress Goods
si:as:on wk oi'kku thk dain-
Finest Amerlenn Manufacture; af
this season's patterns, late styles, In
complete lino of colors.
12 1-2C: WERE SBC.
I7C. WERE 30C.
79C; WERE 30C.
with corded stripes, In floral and fancy
with silk stripes; also embroidered
dots, figures nnd stripes.
35C; WERE 650.
Lackawanna Ave
Maunr&cturer3 or
430 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telephone Call, 2U33.
All Alike!
Is always the same.
One package is just like anither.
It Is uniform In every respect.
If you like one package you will like all
mixtures and chemicals, but is
descrintlvo Hst. No housekeener. In
iis is
' Hi.