The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 09, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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At a Hoaring Before Police Magis
trate Davia He Was Fined $0O
Funoral of the Late William B.
Morloy from His Late Residence
Marriage of Miss Agnes Williams
and Orle Evans Young Son of Mr.
Mrs. Teltz Injured Other Per
sonal Notes.
Komo time iiro Pliector of I'ulillc
Pafoty 'Woim'-or gave .in older to the
ttlporlntoiidcnt of police that rill tin
l'ccnsod Places vvboio Ihliior I" will
must be rlifCil lip. In pmsiianie of
t tin t order the lieutenant" weio notl-
tiCtl to let Op tllt'll ip open along tllllt
line, mill hi ii lesult Lieutenant Will
lams, of till" hle has been nobly doing
his iluly. Yostenla tin- lieutenant anil
Ills nllleors tabled tin' xpoalvcccy of
Thomas IlustltlR. who Ui" nm! tnn
dllt'ts Iih unlaw llll bu-dncs ut .'i.'f!
.Mcilill.iii stieet. When the police olll
imm'H npjiiMicil on thf scene th-y found
tlip pimp In lull blast, nml tho ownei
III giont Mtipilcp and oontot nation that
lie was In tin' gui'-p of the law
Up was and Iip and hl
good taken to the West Side station
liou-o. whoic IiUpi In thp evening lie
wn.s tried In tm o 1'idli o MngNliutt' IVi
vlis, eouvliti'd, ami M'titi'iui'il to pay
n line ut .-,n, nr In- tin fittest of the
iliciln" nt tin1 in'itii J.ill for thlity
iln. A i thlx wilting lilx ttlends weie
hustling tm till' dclted $"i0
United in Matrimony.
W" InesilllV im I Mil. P. .it tllP bllile'S
homo. Mlis Agms William, the dmigh
ti'r of Mr. ami Mis. Willln tn- of i41
Noith Suiuni r .iM'iiuc. w.m unltfd In
thi holy bond of niatiliiiimj to Oilo
1'vuns, also of West Si union. The
it'li'liiouy wax pel foi mi'il In the pies
I'tlio of the lumiidali' fileiidx and leln
tlves. and thp I!p Ui'pj.1' of the 1'iovl
ileiiee Welsh ' dim eh.
said the wotds that m.uli- tin happ
toiiilt (Hie
The bible's slstoi, Mis Nillh- Will
lanv. Mac maid of honor, and 11. I..
Williams at'lPiI hi Iu4 niHii. The
happy eeut took plan- at t! n'l'luk,
ami at T in lock a Ixiuil t If ill wedding
bioakfa-t was solved fine hour later
Mr. and Ml." l'v.ins look the Pela
ume, kawauu.i and Western 1 1 it III
for Atlantli "lt when- llu will
spend several weeks. They t 111 return
to thin city, and will rclde with the
bible's parcntH for n Bhort time.
Mr. l'vunn In a valued employe of the
J. Ii. Connell company, and the foimor
Mls Wllllnmi vvns for a long time mi
attache of .lonns Long's Sons' store. A
host of friends -wish them hiicomh
lluougli life.
Man of Many Names
Stephen McCloskey, who chants his
name, however, about as often as a
man changes his clothes, was nticsted
on a wnriant sworn out by IleNor &
Wat tike, on the charge of obtnliilnu
Roods uniler fulie pietenses. McClos
kpy was leeently loKisod from the
county J.ill, where hu '' as on u slm
liar chnrKe.
In the various onsj.s hi which If
has been caught ho has given the
names, McCioskey, Mlckovich, Stanley
Smith nnd Stephen Moltuugh. On July
ill he went Into the stole of Helser
A: Warlike, at .Main avenue and Jack
son street, and told thoin that he was
i'inplopd by the -Mt. Pleasant Coal
company, and hnd twenty dollais due
him. Me said he needed some goods,
and If they would till Ills older ho
would Rive them an order on the com
pany The III m did as he teqiiostod nnd
he In return gave them nu order signed
Stephen MoKuugh, mine-, No. .'Oil. Mo
t'loskev took the Roods rtnl lett. and
when the Htm went to Hie Coal com
pany's ofllce they f.vrid that lie hai
been employed theie some mouths be
foie mulct the nniiic " Smith, miner.
No. SI, but hnd drnvii pay n-.l
iliilt n long time before
When the fraud wis d'wovorcd t'.c
iMinnut of Aldeiman Uavls was pl.uel
In the hands of Const ible Thnnns
Join"), who liiuded his man yesleidn
nfteiuoon. In the evening he was
tiled befoie Pollio Maglstiuto Davis
nnd put under t"W ball, which he was
unable to piocuiP, so the aldeiuiau
coinniHtocl him to the Jail to await
stead of farm products, n largo appe
tite for wine, beer and liquors, was
arrestid yesterday afternoon for being
neipiessiy iitnnK. no win enjoy nos
pltahb Castle Williams until suborn!
enouRii to appear before Polite Mai;ls
trnte Davler.
Tto nnd Almond Cream remove
redness r( the skin and soothes the
yttn el (unburn In one night. Tale
a bottle ulth ou in jour laeation
Fon tu.u nv c. w. ji.nkins.
Putty Blower vs. Small Boy.
The youtiR son of Mr and Mis. Toltz,
of Washburn street, met with a pain
ful accident last Sunday, while de
scendltiR the stalls at his home. The
little fellow was comltiR down the
stairway with a putty blower In bis
mouth, when be tripped on some ob
stacle and was prcclpltuted to the floor
below with, much force. Someone hear-
Iiir him fall, ran to his assistance and
found blood How lug eiy fiecly from
his mouth.
Or. L. H. Olbbs was hastily sum
moned nnd found that the putty
blower, which he held In bis mouth
when he fell, had becti foiced Into the
delicate mucous membra no llnltiR of
the mouth, cuttliiR It quite severely.
:so soi ions results are anticipated.
Successful Lawn Social.
One of the most successful lawn
socials of the season win held last
evenltiR at the home of Miss Helen M.
Kowlei, coiner of Lincoln avenue and
Jackson street. The affair was in
chatRc of class No. 10 of the Plrst I!ap
tlit tlnirch, and the proceeds nteto ro
towards furnlohliiR their class tooni.
I-'iiim early In the evening till late nt
nlRht laiRer cinvuls than the j,uhk
women coulil nandle tame to tcRale
theinselvoH with cieain, candles, cake
nnd soft di Inks. The success of the af
fair exceeded expectation".
Just Escaped Donth.
Mis. O'ltoyle, of North (nu Held inc
line, met with an espeilenie on A cd
tipxilay noon that she will ptnbahly
never fotRet. She was enloyliiR the
noonday meal with her family, when a
Mil. ill pattlcle of meat beiiime lodRid
In her throat. She buffeted Intense
pain for minutes.
Pr. O. J. Jenkins was called and ar
ilved iit In time to save hoi life, as
she was In a precailnus condition.
Married in St. Patrick's.
In St P.itilik's church yestetday
MM Therexa Slattety and Michael
Sweeney weie mairled by lie'. P. II.
L.nelle. The bildat party enteicil the
chill ill at 11 o'clock, whole they weie
met at the altm lulling by the olllclat
Iiik elerRynian.
The lit lde was handsomely attlied In
a row n of white oiriiiuIIp tilnmied In
Ian. She wine a hat to match. The
hildc''mald. Miss Maine l-ofius, nt
Plttston. wine a frown of white oiriiii
die and line tilmmliiRs. After the
ceiemony a weddlnR bieakfast was
serxed at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
Kdwmri Kenny, on Fifth avenue.
Mr. and Mis. Sweeney left on w od
ditis tour which will Include Uullalo
and New Yoik.
Police News.
John I'ldiaicN. of Hampton snoot,
who tluprftened to make Cmmet Pre
nii5 a tit Mibject for-the undei t.ikoi,
bec.un-e ho paid attentions to Itlth
ards' wlft. was lelo.isod evtoidn on
$Jii'l ball until the next term of cnuit.
A farmet, who had cultlMited in-
Saturday Bargains
In addition to the mauy attractive specials, which
will be found in almost every department throughout the
store on Saturday, we would call attention to the following
a3 deserving of more than ordinary attention :
Funorals of Yesterday.
Yestoiil afternoon the Inst tltos
wetp paid to all that was mental of
tho late William 1!. Mm lev. Ito. 7).
D. Hopkins pastor of the Hist Welsh
It.iptlM chtttcli, bad charge of the t-cr-vlces
at the houe, and spoke winds of
conifnit. cons-olatlon and hope to the
weeping ones patheied mound the as
Ket of the one so dear. The lloral tilb
utes weie many nnd handsome, nnd
showed the rovpett'and love In wbldi
the dicoa.-ed was held by bis foimor
The pall-boateiM woje Hairy Ilatnn.
Moiodltb Jones. John lieduinn of the
Kotostots, and Peter Pettlck, llany J.
Davis. John Phillips, oi tho Odd Fel
lows, deUielimont.s of the For
esters and Odd Fellows accompanied
the lemnlns to their last le-tltiR plate
in the Washluuu stieot temetciy.
Ladies' Shirt Waists
White, with large tucked
sailor collars. A very hand
some shirt waist at moderate
cost. Regular price $1.50.
Bargain Price on O&r'
Saturday VOC
Muslin Underwear
Ladies' Night Robes, with
beautiful full tucked yoke,
Insertion and Hamburg trim,
very full cut, worth 85c each.
Bargain Price on Qr
Saturday UVC
Grand Values in Hosiery.
A Q Dozen Ladies' Fast Black Drop titch and Lace Fft
0 Effect Hosiery, equal to any at 22c, for lull
rtr Dozen Ladies' Lisle Thread Fast Black Hose, OC
X.J Maco yarn and new style drop stitch, 35c grade &j(j
Ladies' Neckwear
Come in ou Saturday and
take your choice of all Wash
Neckwear that sold at from
2 cents to 35 cents at
the Saturday Bnr--gain
Men's Furnishings
If you know anything
about good furnishings, you
know the ''Princely" made
shirts and know what they're
worth. Saturday cA
Bargain Price 0JL
Art Needle Work, Etc.
This department deserves more attention than we are
in the habit of giving it. As an inducement to lady
visitors we will offer two extra good values in finished
cusbious on Saturday. They're filled with best feathers
The will known young men com
pi Mug the nine Hell Camping club
loft lor Lake Wlimla estorday morn
ing for their annual two weeks' tamp,
Any ho tall upon them will Hnd the
following filing men prcp.ued to ie
ceie Mtois. Joseph Itobiuson, Will-
lam Icnhlnsnii, Charles Higgs, Chat los
Dippei.s, (lOdltey Daxies and IMwIn
On Tuesday ecnlng one of the most
intoipstlng meetings in Us hlstoiy was
bold bj Wum council, Daughters of
Poc.ihontus. in the lied Men's ball.
This touncil l among the most, pios
peious In the state .mil eseiy effoi t
Is being mnde to make It the leading
and InigiM. New memboi s me being
added at eoiy meeting and all me
doing theli utmost to make this the
toiini 11 of our state.
C. I.,. Kiesfje mid family, of Noitb
Sumner aonue, will leave this nfloi.
noon tor a visit to Tuukbannock.
Mli-s Delia Davis has just lecoveted
fioui a s-eveie attack of cjuln-oy.
The l.aille.s' Aid Mitlety of the Inde
pendent Welsh Cougiogatlnnnl chinch
spi nt Tuesday at Lake Wlnola.
'A handsome team and wagon,
diiven by a baiidiouie man." is what
tb" flit mis of Meat Meubant John
Kakcr f.i of I1I111 and bis new outfit.
Mis. G. M (It lllitli., of Swctland
stitct, is visiting her biothir John at
the home of J. S. Swart,;, of Dalton,
Th.iddotis 1 lowly, of Ilultiilo, is
spending a few days with fi lends at
Mr. and Ml. Kiank Slote, of Lincoln
avenue, and Mr. and Mis. David Kd
vvaids, of llebeccn avenue, me nt At
lantic City.
Mis. DaRgar and daughter Ada, of
South Main avenue, me nt the Pan
American. Newsdeabr T. 1. Pi Ice, of South
Main avenue, and wife, are at Wysox,
Miss rioietiie Miller, of South H.vdo
Paik avenue, l.s visiting her btother of
Jelleison, O,
Miss lMna Williams, of South Main
avenue. I at Lake Wlnola.
Allied Cook and Call ISuuin.ui spent
je.sloidio 11 Uiavtl Pond.
Misses l.lbble llymor and Dointhy
Swartz, of Claik's Summit ,me visit
ing the former's brother of this side.
Mis. truest Noithup and son Uur
land ute home ft 0111 n visit at Glen
burn. Mis. Noah Davis and daughter Mm
gatet. of West lllm stieet, me homo
liom a tlitee weeks.' visit with rela
tives ut Vofctville.
Homer D. lU'ibe will spenk at Piieo
butg Pilday evening, rotkvllle Satur
day even'ng. com l bouse s-quate Sun
clay evening The subject of his Sun
d iy evening's address will bo "Two
lloads; Which Will You Take'.'"
The postiKinod lawn social of the
Flist Welsh Haptlst church will bo
hold this evening on tho spacious lawn
of James Kvans', Ninth Jlyde Paik
avenue. All the clelltatles ot 'h" sea
biin will be seivod by the el. inning
young women of tho churi i and a fu!i
and enteitalning progranimo will bo
45c and 65c
Globe Warehouse
During the Last Few Days Everything Has Been Working Together for the Good of
Our Great Friday Afternoon Sales
The August Furniture Sale, the Semi-Annual Housefurnishinp Sale, the August Sale of Carpets. Upholstery and Wall Paper, will all
tend toward making.this Friday one of the most interesting Fridays of the season. And then, as many of you know, hundreds of our
friends along the line of the New York, Ontario and Western Railroad, from Sidney. N. Y., and all intermediate stations, will be with us
to enjoy the benefits and pleasures of the Big Store. What an enthusiastic gathering it will be. Could it be otherwise when you consider
the purpose ol these great sales? Come one and all the freedom ol the store is yours. We invite you to tnjoy it and at the same time
reap the benefit of these matchless Friday offerings.
Sale No. 1
Ilcglns Promptly at
2 O'clock.
Houscfurnishing Goods
In Basement
The .Seml-Annunt Sale ot llousofurnlsh
Ing floods etoateel some lively soiling In
this department during the past few days.
The one hour price list today reprc
iionts a severe pi Ice cut. You reap tbo
benefit, hoi. ever.
WATim TUMHtyKHS Popular size nnd
made from good grade of glass, minus
designs. For sixty minutes on ri
Fiidny, C for 1 UC
WASH HOlLKItrf Made from good grade
tin, oidlnary size. Throw nwny tho old
troublesome vviish boiler and got one of
these during the hour sale. For -"JfX-,
sixty minutes on Friday, each uVC
t'l'P. SAL'CIilt AND PLATK 111 uniloi
glaze deem utlon ot blue and brown. Tho
cxtiaoidinary pi Ice on these cups, sauccis
and plates should make them thange
places quickly. For sixty minutes r
on Friday, the set 1 UC
MIXI.VG UOW'l.S In a largo sl?o at un
usual pilcot-. This grade bowl Is worth
-.' cents. For sixty minutes on ?
Friday, each IOC
Imitation porcelain or earthen ware; Just
file thing for hard .service. For Afn
sixty minutes on Friday, a set.... T'i'C
ri'PS A.VD S.U'CnilS Made of heavy
white porcelain in largo size, the kind that's
hard to bleak. For .sixty minutes on
Fiiday we will sell them at, oatli.... XC
BIJOOMS The price has gone up con
siderable lately. A fortunate put chase, how
ever, enables us to' offer another big
special cm Friday. They are the number
seven size and well made. For O-?
sixty minutes on Fiiday, each 1 VC
AVATHU PAIl.S if) iiu.nt size, tin water
buckets, made with bailed handle, good
value ut l!'c. For Mxty minutes -t f
on Fiiday. each I UC
SOAP Fall bank's Alk biand Soap,
full size, 10 ounce bar, nicely wiapped.
For sixty minutes on Friday, It -j j
bats for J-iUC
KU'INO F.xtia sliength liquid bluing,
put up In one quint bottles. For j
sixty minutes on Fiiday. each uC
SALMON In Luge llat cans, canned
Immediately nltei packing For i""-,
sixty minutes on Fiiday, J cans . joC
SALT Chippewa, biand table salt, .1
salt that Is a salt, because it is nil salt. 1'ut
up in .', pound bags. Km- sixty r
minutes on Friday, :i bags foi 1 UC
Sale Xo. 2
Begins Promptly at
3 O'clock.
Alain Floor
8i:i:nsrCKnn 2,500 yards of standard ,
Seersucker, In all the popular nnd staple
strliH's, all colors. This grade cloth Is
worth ordinarily 10c. For sixty L) ,-,
minutes on Fiiday OaC
UIDP.ONS 1 and Us Inch all silk,
double faced Liberty Satin Itlbbons, In all
colors, Including light shades. Also 1 nnd
VU Inch all silk Taffeta. Ribbons. A splen
did quality of million nt an unusual j
pilce. For sixty minutes on Friday. 5C
WOMAN'S OXFOHDS Lot 1, Women's
Oxfoul Tics, made of genuine v It I ami
dongola kid skin, with half French concave
heels and vesting tops, mid opera pointed
straight kid tips and Huglbh back stays.
Lot No, 2, made different In stylo but fmni
tho same stock, with mllltmy heel mid
medium mannish toe, N'ot a pair In tho
lot worth less than $.' T,n.
For sixty minutes on Fri
day, a pair
LAOL'ri Another lot of line- Point do
Pails Laces, also Mime Oiiental Laces, in
cieain and white. The widths tango up
to live Inches wide and have Insertion to
match. For sixty minutes on Qly-,
Fiiday, a yard 1.. 02C
SHIItT WAISTS For Women, made of
a iiko quality of lawn. In various stjles,
some plain, some fancy. Think of a ."He
white lawn waist and you'll have tho kind
we mo going to soil on Friday.
For sixty minutes on Frld
Second Floor
Sale No, 3
L.' X 1 Hi
Begins Promptly at
4 O'clock.
Alain Floor
SFMMFU I'LANKl'TS-Ki-l size. In
white, grey nnd tan, Mulshed with pretty
fancy stilpe borders In pink, red and blue,
.lust the thing for the chilly evenings we've
been having lately. For sixty inln- 1?Ar
utcs on Fiidny, 11 pair 04C
made of good grade black kid. t'nder
ordinary conditions this shoo would bo
wot th $1.2.'". For sixty minutes
on Fiiday, a pair
t Friday. "JOr
ay, each. Xtry
Kver.v thing In summer goods to go. Hos
Knee Pants, made of wash fabric. In light
and dink colors, siea i, 6, S, 9 and 10
Hoys' Washable Caps and Tarn
O'Sbantois, In white pique, ducks and linen
crash, all icilnrs.
Also Hojh' Stiaw Hats, In sailor styles,
In plain tod, btuo and mixed stiain.
Hiokon sizes. Not an Item worth loss than
2''C, some .Tie. For sixty minutes f j
011 Firday, eaoli IOC
WUAPPKKS At an unusual pi lee for
one hour. "Women's Poicalo Wiappois,
made up In tho best stylo. They are made
with deep llounce at bottom, four vaids
wide, full plaited Icicle, tinned down col
lar The cIosIkhs are mostly tlgiues, tn
tludlng such combinations as the follow
ing1 Mine and white, giey and white tod
and white. For sixty minutes on
Frlda, each
LAWN'S A combination in Inch Lawn,
nlsn India Linens; In addition to the plain
goods me many fancy checks nnd snipes.
For sixty minutes on Friday,
per yard
leady to be woiked Into
some have fancy llgui os
lege Mags, and s
repiesent foot b
For sixty minutes on
Sofa Pillows
various designs;
others have col-
llgui os, others nave col-
itlll others me outlined to
all nnd base hall scenes, i
l,ntl .... t.'. ,. '
::::.:: 3ic
TAI5LI LINKN Half Hlenchod Table
Damask. A splendid quality of Fabric, 6
lnthe-, wide. In minus doslKtis. A glance
at the quality will convince you of Its ex-
coptomil value. For sixty min
utes on Ftlday
Second FI001
HOYS' St' ITS In Vestee, Hlottst; and
Double nrcastod Style. The suits nie well
niado, the pants havo taped beams and
best Patent Waist Hand. They come In
throe colors, blue, blown and gray, Sizes
Vestoo and Hlnuse Stylos, u to S years,
Double Hi ousted Styles, S to Fi years,
value, $.'.00, For sixty minutes
uu Friday
Third Floor
CAUPi'TS Tupestiy HiU".ols Carpets In
new designs, mostly daik and medium
patterns, although theie aio some light
patterns among them. For sixty
mluutcb on Friday
PAHLult TAHLHS With lrt huh top in
0,1k .mil Mahogany Finish Fane.v turned
stiippoi ts and shaped undershelf. .lust the
thing for an odd corner or tan be Used as
a brli -.i-brai table. For sixty inln
utos on I'Vida)
Mrs. Frank Collins and chlldien. of
Shott avenue, have loturned fioni n
two weeks' visit with her parentis in
Albert P.usj.ell McNeill, of New York
city, who was fotmeiy cn-hler for the
Oliard CoiiHtiuctlon company, has been
tiansfoiied to Kmu-as City, as cashier
of the Harbor Asphalt company. Mr,
McNeill haa been vibiting friends In
Allow n cnusli to run until It gtU brjond tlie
reach ot medicine Ihcv otlcu uy, "Oh, It will
wear way," but In most cacj It will wear
them tay. Could they be Inctucril lo try th,i
kucceiitul mrdlcinr called Kcnip'j lUUam, hlrh
la told on a poaitlio euaranlei to cure, lliry
would Immediately ice tho cxicllent effect alter
taktns tlio flnt doic. Price 'JV', and .. frljl
alio tree. At all drussisu. v
Paik Plan- lie will leave tonight for
Kan.-as rit Ida Waul, of Diamond avenue,
nnd Mis.s Anna Vail, of Cnuit stieet.
have lotiiinod fioni a tluoe weeks' visit
with Miss Clin n Henuott. of Hojal. Pa.
llauy Mitchell, of Asble.v, Pa., spout
Sunday with Mr. Tioveiton and fam
il, of N'ottb Main avenue.
There will be an lee cieain nnd 1 ake
social Frlda.v evening in the Court
Stieet Methodist Hpbcopal chinch.
The funeial of the late John Mi Ar
thur took place on Wednesday after
noon tiom the home of bis daughter,
Mrs. 'hallos Thompson, on Fast Mai
ket stieet. Ml McAaitlllll's death oc
elli led on Sunday at Buffalo, whole bo
was in the employ of the Lackawanna
lion and Steel company on Its new
npeintlons at Stony Point. The fun
eral service was enndtuttd by llev. 1.
11, Slngoi, assistant pastor of Him Paik
M. V.. chuich. and Intel ment was made
at Finest Mil! remotely. Mtsis. Hleh
anl Hetflellngoi, Samuel Schoff, .lames
Beigcr and Homy Shaffer weio tho
pall bom ei s.
John Zuelnsk!,, who failed to close
his notion ami clothing store on West
Market street on Wcdnecclny evening
at the presciibed union hour, had a
denionsltallon of cleiks In tiont of his
place lor 11 pa it of that evening. Ho
formerly nliseived the nile, and the
cleiks did not like his bteaklug the
UKietincni The piesuie was too
groat lor him unci ho linally decided to
cnpltulute. Ho lenowcd ussutniices
with tbo cleiks' committee that heic
attor bis slcne would close ut the col
lect hour.
llev. Heoiso A. Cine, pastor of tho
Piovldcnce M. 1'. churth, and family
aio spending a two weeks' vacation
with friends In nnd about Tompklns
vllle. Mr. fine wits In town over
night, going this morning to Factoiy
vllle to olllclate at tho ftiueiul of a
foimcr hthool trlond.
Mis. II. Mead, who has been scrlous
1 sick ut her home on Paiku stieet,
is lepoited convalescent.
A mooting of the N'oith Seranton
Oloo club will be hold next Sunday af
ternoon at 3 30 o'clock at the West
Market stieet aptist cliuuli.
Mis. James Tietheway and chlldien,
Harrison. Maigatet. Maiy and Mabel,
of Oak stieet. left yestciday for Beth
lehem, Pa., where they will vlblt
fi lends the next two weeks.
litis Hoese. of School stieet, is sllf
fcilng with a soie band, tho tesult of
u kick by a vicious mule wbllo at
weak In the mines yesterday.
Itcv. Stephen H. O'Boylo ,of Wilkes
Hnne. was hero esterday visiting his
William A. Lynott, clerk of common
council, and btother, John H. Lynott,
returned homo on Wednesday night
fioni u ten days' uln to the 1'an-
American nt Buffalo, Niagai.i Falls
and Tot onto
Misses Lillian and Malgaiot O'Don
nell, of (Ire en strict, and Miss Kate
FlMin, of Hi ick avenue, have gone to
Philadelphia, and Atlantic. City for a
tow dajs of tecieatlou.
The Clieen Uhlgo Baptist Mlssbmai y
notiety and Ladles' Aid will meet at
the home of Mr.s. J. W. Cni pernor this
Misses Kllaboth and Mary Hitch
cock, of Washington avenue, will leave
today for a visit at Fnlondale.
-Miss LI7.ZI0 Palmer, of Dolawato
stieet, Is spending .some time at Timk
haiinock, whole she is the guest of Ml.
and Mis. Samuel Hvcenbac h.
Miss Laura Mcldttim, of Itlchmoud
paik, will leave toda for a visit nt
Owego, N. V.
Mis. Chailes Cair, of Dickson ave
nue, is visiting fi lends at Ilonosdulo.
.Misses Leila and Maigaret Woodiuff
and Miss Dota Hoe loft yestciday for
a two weeks' stay at Laku Caiej,
The Misses Hansom, of Claik's
til ceil, me visiting Mis. J. C. Tajlor,
of Capouse avenue.
The Woman's Missionary society of
the liieoii Hldge Baptist chutcli will
meet at the homo of Mis. J. W. Cai
pentor, 1U0S Dolawato street, Imme
diately uftor the close ot the mission-
my meeting the Ladles Aid society
will have u meeting. A mil aitendauco
Is desliod.
Panel's band will give an ope 11 air
concei'i at tile n een Hldge V heel
men's club house next Thursday even
ing, August 15,
The funeral of Miss Marv Knoskv
was held troni the icsldoiien of her
parents , 3JU Hlich stieot, yostoiclay
at lei noon at " o'clock. 'J'he services
over the lotnalns vmuo hold at St.
Paul's chinch by Hev. Hnllhoin and
were Iatgoly attended by tlto fiitnds
and lolatlvcs ot tho deceased young
lady, lntoi ment was iniido 111 tho
Mlnooka comotery.
.V vi iy pretLv wedding was solemn
Ixod In tho Illckoty hticet Piosbyteilan
church by Hev. W. A. Noith last even
lug ut b o'llock, when Miss Katlo
Ciiiuther, of Stone nvonuo, and Cluiles
'rackeu, of Mulbiny stieot, weio
united In maiilagf. The cei oniony
wa.s vvltnt'sscd by a largo number of
ft lends of both paitbs. The bilde was
intended by hot sister, Miss Anna
(lunther. llcoigo Maus acted as best
num. After the wedding ceremony tho
nuptial patty lotuiued to tho homo of
the hlldo'H naionls on Stone avenue.
vvhoio u wedding supper was seivod
and congiutulatloiiB extended to tint
happy pair.
The members of (leneral tir.nit com
mundcry, No. "JU, Knights of Malta,
will moot in ligular session this even
ing nt llartman s hall.
Homy Me.vei.s, c)f Mioudsbuig, Is
visiting his patents on Stoin aveniu
Nicholas Holm, of Him street, has
returned fiom a four inonths' visit in
The Yungor .Miumiieichor will meet
for lehoaisal this evening at (lei mania
ball .
Misses Katlo Kellerman and Sadie
AYcbbley, of Cedar avenue, have gone
to Lake Wlnola for a week
William Scbener has returned fiom
a week's stav at Atlantic City.
Mls Floience ScbwarlZ. of Plttston,
Is the guest of Mi. and Mrs. John
Moescl on Plttston avenue.
Miss Lena Kelloiman. of South
Washington avevue, will leave Satin
day for a two weeks' visit at Atlantic
Miss Mmgaiot Meyeis, uf stone ave
nue, Is making a foiu weeks' visit with
f 1 lends at Boston, Mns.
The men who have boon omplo.ved
ut the stone iiushoi foi the past two
months without 1 evolving un pay lor
wotk done, decided estorday mmnliig
that they would not work Ioiiroi until
they could be assuted tbut the vvoull
lie paid piomptly, and as a lesitlt op
oiatious mo at a standstill It Is likely
that at tho next meeting of the council
the mattci will be .settled, anil the In
dications me that the mac blue will Im
moved to auothet location wbeio It
can be opoiatod with less expense.
At high noon yosteida. in the Pres
byterian uunit-e, Miss Hinrua K. Oi
aud Hariy D. Planning, both of New
pmt News. Y.I., wero uulted in mar
riage by llov. W, F. (ilbbons. The
bilde was attended by Mls Anna
Hrannlng. and the gionuisman was
Paul P.. Hhluehaidt.
Hubert Hit Km. of Drinker snoot, has
totiiiiied fioni a pleasant slay with
lelathes lu Wajno count).
Hev. ind Mrs. A. J. Haiigbton havo
letuiiied to the lectiiry, attet a month
spent with Canada friends
Couuclliuau riiomas McLaughlin nnd
Thomas Uuiur me spending a week
at tho Pau-Anieikan.
Hall Thornton, of Drinker street,
who has been at Dansvlllo, N. y for
sonio time, Is at homo foi n few
A. A. Koainey, of Cenui'. fy stieet,
who has been working In ll'iltin 1 for
soveial mouths, has lotuiued
A lauo number of poisons vlsltol
tho liniiin of M".. scbank, on Pino
stieet, last night, a:i i viewed a 'ting
iilllccnt night bloaniiag cot em. Tit in
weio ton blossnnu, sonio of ihcm tin
Inches across, In full bloom.
Booms 1 and2, Com'lth WVfg,
Hining and Blasting
Ui t Mooalo and ItuihlalaWorlu,
Beotrlo Batteries. Klootrla Exrtodari,
zplodlng tilMti, safety Kuia aal
Repauno Chemical Co.'s gxp?""
Tuition Absolutely Free.
I:ast sfrnuclsbur Mate Normal Schnol,
1 lie Ohm i imr ln slm.rrl tlio hill granting t hi
Fi ll. .1,1 iill JlM .pll lllilll, .!. t Hi ll
lull m.ikiiu Hi" in ii 'ii I i0 In this hn.
1 III I.. I. ill It im epiii. -iplrmlifr IS ltiic-
lol) foi cik rm Mill tuitiinlHta jildrri"
(.UUKii: P HIIII.K, Pmuipil
An.- ", J'!
l'MALlNH UODUK I.ONKV died lat
VednosiUy night at tho homo of her
fathet -In-law. T. .1. l.oney, 211 Seventh
Mtieot. The clcceased was the wife of
tho late Hot boit 1 I.oiuy. of this city,
and she Is survived b her niothor and
one baby daughtoi. Mis. I.onoy vas
the daughter of the late John Dodge,
of flaiiicld avenue rihe had been sick
idnce the death of her husband, which
otcuriofl fifteen months ago. The
tuneial i-orvli es will be hold t-aturday
nt a.Iiu n'c lock I'l'om tho homo of F J
honey, on Seventh etieet Inteiment
will be made In Koiost Hill cemeteiy
Tho funeral of the late ".V. A -Murphy
vill bo held toiuoiiow moinlng
fiom St. Peter's cathedral at ( o clock.
Intel ment will bo made lu tho Cathe
dral cemetoiy.
A Pocket Cold Curo.
Kiaiiso's Cold I'ure Is propated In
capsule foi in and will euro cold In the;
head, chest or any portion of
tho body lu :'l limn. You don't have
to slop wotk olthor. Trice -5c. gold
by all diUficUU.