THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY. AUGUST 9, 1901. 3 - CONTROLLER'S ANNUAL REPORT IT WAS SENT TO SELECT COUN CIL LAST NIGHT. The Total Receipt for the Fiscal Year Ending on April 1 Last Were $460,318.57 Sinking Fund Ib Shown to Be in Healthy Condition. The City'a Net Indebtedness on April 1 Was $431,010.84 -Tho Controller's Recommendations. Controller Howell liit nlRht cent tn pelect council lilt repot t of receipts imil oxpentllturcH of city moneys for the llsfitl car cndlnp on Apt II 1, unci nlo n stnteiurin of the city's net imlebtvd nit on that il.itc. Hoth were refcuei! to the flimnce eiiiiiittte without oin niont The conti oiler's communirntlnn nmi the ncoman Imb llnnnclul report uie given Im-Ihw . Cit (Viittriiller'i llepartimnt Nf intim, 11 , Atic '.', l'"H. T'i tho Id n i ilile llu vloit ami Cniiiium limn- ll (.rntleniiii llu- limine mi lniKil 1" I"" traii.illcn (mm til) l llic tlilnl I" i m "' tlt wniiil ill". tnBfllior with the ilrln in ulnir Hi" rfin prlitinn nnlliiahn f"r ilir mi trni tl-nl lejr ami the deln In tie Mnl hiui mice .nnl approi il rt the Miikins fund nit In tho ulnMm: (mnl rniiiiiiMiin net pitirll) tic laved the MilunlltliiB of no (1m.iI ifprt t jnir Immmlile limlioi it in iltliir ilnie llu nit nl Matili 7. l"OI. furlliir ilirecU that the v rt ihill bo prlnioil I uMi tn tall tho nltriiliiii "I mm lnnnnlile lmilif. tn tho (ut thil Jill ndii oir our defi ciencies uro ctowlnir hmier V ati i!nt 1 deft liencv ippmnrlitn n ot Mr: for Vim, ue hue s.i'1 i7 Ini I'nil nnd jllif I h nl railed for nil ilfMiliinj l.ill Irnm tho nrlom ilipirt nient .nnl viIhiiiIImI tlirm tn Ihr rnuniiNC it ihto nl I oh II. I'D ""I atnoillttllli; tn l"v 1'iJOli .iiMitlmiil it. A. it m io tn Iho amount of t'i ?ni (t: iii.nrril lull ini ilenutiiient on a hi" mil rlenmul tn deputtttetit. ilito'l Mij 20, lull, ami thei uro 1 ill i niln. In On Mn "i. I'll. I ent tn lour lionnralilc IhmIIoh i ftJlriiiint hmtini; tint l I2 II were i illhlo f..r ipprnprlntlnii (rrm uiievpendnl Ini nine of li In ill in mint, nnd nn liiiio "ii V'l. In compilation villi a revdtitlon rl .i.Mir hnimrililo miHo I i.ent in a Mjtrmont (.lii'Minc rt.; !7 n npilihlo fur appropriation ( in unnlii anoint" of pe lal till Tho ar mime titiitulil .tttenient n( TWO .ltow 1 i"iptii. it H !';.' Ilediictlnz Imm this l. U loniiinoil In no c-.tlnnte nf reicnura (or 1 ill Miliiiiittotl IVIi II. lint, mil npproprlilul fnr tonoril iin pnrpiww In fllo n( nolci t cnunrll N . l'il. no lino Vlfll 72, tn uhlili we add tlo InliiHO In oin IIitiko iciniint. 'il. makinc crind total n( li,8M K a niiilaMo I r npprnprlitlnti l( miir homitnlilo liill( oloi t tn pn lhoo di"firlonilp I rocnnmioiiil Hut n po ml lun'l (nr tho pnmont n( thoso hilli alonp li jrmliloil, iiltli a prniUn tint all mono rr miliiliic In tho ainiMiit it tlio rml n( tho finil oir lip tran(rrrul tn tho ncnunt (nr the pji mrnl n( jiiitsniont imint tno oin unril in tn tln niiimr" n( tlio clli lho not ilti Inilolitorinp-n, a hnwn In tho Ii t"l 0(l 4 Thl unuM loaio i mirEiln nl Ks." Ct' t' up tn lho ! pir tout limit tn ulilili tlio mi mulil Intur ilohtn it tlio ilile nl prll 1, 1 il I rotor tn tlio n-ol nt t'.io iinklrg fnrnl In a tonoril wai noli, lei ir ir nmro rxtonloil ro intt tn tho nonlv appninlnl -Inklnc (nnrt com-nii-n mr lho i ih Ini oho In lho .cirril mik f ne find aitniinl- at dill nl prll 1, IH. "it "ID M It, ululo lho nthrr aioM ilmndi) anmuntoil tn IJ(.rx 0 I mm lho In-toro-t on tlio lillrr iml (mm tho loiv fir lnk (m (uti'l piirpoio tluro l ilornod about $70,OuV) mniiilli Hi rr(orrm? tn tho iloht stitmrnt U will bo won tint up tn an I Inolinline tho loir 1U do oiriul finklni; (uml mil bo tallfl nn n i todonn -li,i iiml It will lonlili bo noon ihai iho ulnkliiu' mini i anipli able tn laio d r i rblitalinllt Itrfi rrii'ir t" uinlri iliun acalmt tho old n tuc niinro n( dnniEO iliiint, inurt mnt iti Miion thii ill not boir IntoroM, I roinmnund inn a critiin (un I bo ihi ahlo in tlio not li. il ippinpriilmn (or tho p.iiinrnt of tin huh d nni on the niprni il nl tho tntmiiN ml llo i ti t In itnr I hit nill relieir tho i in .( io b v i i and interest rhirco whiro lho d. lit r p it a hit itaim in dftiult n( piimrnt In the cm in ju'lsnii nl. Ilifpoi tdilli tiibmlttod t llmioll. ( in ( nntinllor mi: i iwmmxii -rxTiiMi r 'fiur from ill tnunoa (r lho jur 1 II Ti i uiroiit loir l'"" Tai pimr to tear rl Tirt ro;.-iiorcil ( it InotiM1 I Hi m'Iii it or. i nts Ituihlili.- ponnila "Hoot inmiiilluner (periultt) I i.iinr liitnes V lo u I'Mind matter Tiro dopittniint Iluitd n( houlil 7 411 14 !7. 1" .!4 .1.2 !'l .il S'i7 l 2nl 7- 1.1H VI ITi BO i tin :, 3. iS Oil II 47 1 .VI Ml Ml Miior't dipittmrnt fi.r'i lino lull n( 2 nr ivnt. tit en (orelsn inturanio rmnp.iNin lntire't on rlnkliKr (mil aiiount rule if pirk itiiprnirinent bond Mdfrmen't ritioi sj. is park " Tni n n I7 71 lonno mi 4ii". (O oil JO HDAM 17 Rocehod In m ittottmenlt on impmirmmt Few oi t .$ il.O'i-' J J . 2J..1I7 m n't M 1'ivon Eidcu ilk - IV 40 Total mrlM 463,3I ,'i7 I'vpriiiliturrs (or fame period ritniril till aiCMiint TO.1I1 f One hill of 3 per cent I ix ru limiranie lOinpinlet . 2,7nl lJ Redemption and Inlciett hnnded ilibt n.l.e-,1 SO I'unliix' it park Imndt ln,( I1 I'onimiwinnt tu ilcllmpient ta iidlutor ml bit uir park( Kpeilil) Imoi i -SJ7O.037 on I'lld lir llienlt - Reilimptlnii iltv and Iniprnie Inlereat uoiidt , ... loner uarraiitii .. Redemption and lmndt . njio iiirrantt tiideiialk iiarritilt 1 111 7 1S.17J 40 11.0)7 01 , 7,r.s an Q,SM Oil inttrctt - 1 1 27'i ill Tntil (IMiurfrmrntii !11,(lfl 10 r r t ir IT If If IT If V If If If IT k If If If If V IT DEALER8 IN . X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X M Bonds and Investment Securities M Broidwijr, N, V. WllVri Dirrc. Cirbondile. 6 6 Commonwealth bld'e, Sainton, n. i'fctafciimi. CjsIi balinoe Arll 2. 11(10,.JIM,T:1 W Itttelpla flint jnr l') tnJ.IH 47 iih..'.nTs ,vi l)lbiirtlnent (nr Jfar JfHO, 41 l.'HH 2 ( iMlame April 1. V'l JI,liM lot niiidri nioclal ami citntil ill mmitiK 17.'TJ37 Catli InliiKi' In Efiioral city accmmt.f 60,10 Kl (llilk-atlntit as ultvt lo tlna- Warutitt unpaid t l".l"l S II il line ol npptoprlatlnn to li.-.kt l')l 2l.fT 21 I lievpindeil Inlimes 4 nt J il 1 .VUM 11 iirplut $ HUM 7J Tho i balaiue In alnkltn; Inml ai- i mint prll I. Iii 17l,5l 41 Addlllniial Iwiidt. rciltinptlon lutuc 1MJ 101,000 00 Additlnnil .Nil in: park loan, K't ana I'M :0,0O)CO Aoirtt ol finking fund , tiii: city rotloultiir 1 the W',bl 41 s di:ht. elty controller's ftnti'ineiit of the InilelitediieHH nnd re sourtei of the ilty of Scranton nt the ilof of tho lli'iil yenr, Mnrch 31, 1001: IIOMH.II Dl.llT. (Hi linpniiiiiiiiit I.nm 10, I per rint lino '.lull I, l""l, md annually tn oar l'i, rile. U.fM Duo lull I, l(i", nnd anniiilli to lear l'l'i. ran, l ,V) I iiiidinir li in lMt, I xr mil l.'.nou on I' II"" lino lull 1. Pill , i m) Pun lull I, 1mm l i,m txi Mutililpil lliilldlue Imn, 1', 4 pir tint Puo lib I, l'ti'i, Siw. Rfi ti lA In tliylic 2.11O0 ro Puo, Krb I, lill. Snt Id tu W . . tO.000 Ol Miinliipil Impruieiiietit I nan, 111, 1'4 lr cent. Duo Die I, 1'tll 2200000 Pin Pet 1, l'l 21.000 Oi) Puo P.c. I, Pill 2J.oil 0 Puo Pn I, l'Hfi Si.tmoO) llnli niptlim I.H.III lories, 1MI, 4!2 nr iint - Puo lime 1, I'KU, N.h 1 tn II, In- tlntlie 34,001100 Puo luili I. ') No. ,Ci tu OS Il.imil ("I lino .iiino i, nn, Sot hi tn imi .. n i im lino Time 1, l'M-i, New 107 lo 141 .. i,OOi 00 flrldiri loin, wrles lsil, I'j per tint -Puo .limp I, I'iOI, Xrw 1 tu ill, In. ilutlio itiOfooo line June 1, lniM, No HI to 11(1 ,. 60.000 in) Hue .luno 1, 1014, Son 141 to 1"0 ., fm.Ofln 00 Duo .lutio 1, PUO, Snt. 101 to 2VI .. lO.lrtt l) Sn iiir l'-rk Imprmeinent loan, lll.l'in, 4 per tent. Hue .lull 1, 1'K17, N,w 1 to 20, In iliialw lOimono Pin- .luh 1, 1U10, Not. 21 to 10 .. lo.imo i riundeil debt f Ifi.OiX) 4X MSPRV fl.MMS I niild uarrintt to April I 1WI i 10,101 54 llihnieit an I nther in- rnutibii euhjett to adjutt- ment 20 '.no , JuUmintt 1210rt)no -$ lfi,7i 12 Total oilj Indibtednett ? Ill Mil 111 KS. t'1-li in Keneral c It ai- iMiint J ;o,M 4 ri-li In iiituo-.l and sink- ine fund nreountt .... 17I,S4 41 PeHnqiient tan ind other items lollecttblo .. . . 21,000 00 Ilondt hniiEht fnr tho ben efit o( sinkinc (und lledi nipt Ion I.nan, Srle nf l''l 101 000 00 Nn ue I'ark 'Ann, leoi- l'i 20,000 no FOU.ioi 1.' SOT 771 2S 411,010 31 Sit i Hi iiidebtulneR $ btatrment nf lho amount nf tho latt pieiodiiiir di"et-ment. aluitinn nf ntable propertv nf the i It nf vrantnn, I'j , lho nmc beins the as-.o.ment for (he ear lXi: 0,cupitlnna I,W!1(H Ileil and remnnal Property 3 100,V1 no Mil 2I tnl,4D. Oil MATTRESS FACTORY FIRE Building and Stock Damaged to the Extont of $500 Joseph Josephs Was the Proprietor. File btoke out eteida moinliiR In the bed Hpihiir nnd nuittroMt factoij on i'Hpouo avenue, owned and opei nted h Joseph Jo'-ephs, and hcfoie the ll.unoi lould be eMliiKuNhed the build InK had been altnoM eonipletel de stuped. Tin' hlnze ni lliflt noticed about 7 o'cloik 111 the leu r of the inetory.whli'h N ,i to-tor fiamo structuie. An alaim was pioniptlj tin tied In fiotn Hos fi.' rn pou e aenue nnd Phelps Mieet, but befoie the city eoni p.inlet mulil ntihe the whole inteilot seemed to be a mass of llame. A Iiiiro number of made-up niat U eases, which wete In sloik, nuide (plendld fuel for the Haines and It took three-quaiteis of an hum to extinguish the lite. The building; was damaged to the ev leni of about $1,000, while the Moik allied at ubout $-.000, ,ts piaetltallv dfstroeil Hoth building and stoikaio partly liihuied. The lit t l belleied to have lienn caused by the iiireb-ss dmnpliig of hot ashes among some lutlamm.ihle nia teiial In the Ilk k of the building. CITY NOTES ! P II I'W lls 1 In- lK-Uwur .md II u.l Ii tillinlil (nnl .--lilil.iv rft i( (.lununml Nnl 1 mnl .', I.iiui litlo, IHUviait dm lljIlimoiL' lil oi HI I II-U II I V l.l lb. rr will lir i nurt lns i'l III' Hi M .nnl tilT nml line oIIkim nf the I lilt Ii f nt li ii'.'iincni. Iiiilji. Viu 11, it the r nn n .ti H n'lloik hluip Mitifin u itiipiiit ime III lie iliiiiii! sUiMI) IIV KKIMIPH! -lluniiKr nnncll .lotiulii slkiml III" itiiiiiiiii iiiiiii4 for tlir intiMiiiitliiii nf iitrin of Inml rium in Hi? M-i nitron! Ii mrr ilUlrnt .1 ml ul.n the lollnuini: ifHiliiliniK. I'toililiii.' lor tlio niLtinn of a fire lililrint In Ilir 1 lil vi.inl . iltior tttui the Muiitoii lliiliwi ii iiiHtii I Mop il will nt lCiot Miort, aii'l ciintlnir pPiniUsloti in tlio propfil) nwncrl uli UK lliklotili nirt to pup lint iliuiuiulilJic ut their own ixicnr POLITICAL. Tlir llrpulilliiin ptiinari clcitlon will lio lirlil un Munili. vrpt. IHih. H01. licliiecn tnf lioun i I and h n'llocV. p in . Hip niiiicntioii un llmiMlii. Vpt llttli. at IOoMihIc i in KjiIi rjnilnlilf mint rocl'ltr liU full inmr ml adilifs", the ufliie fnr ulilili lie ilomirn lo l jnilidalr, .iml n lm a4cini nt to tlic louiit) ilMtitnan nn or hefou' ae 27lh int. Hip ilKllnnie loiiiinlllip lll coifrn thtimolii' auonlliieli IViinl I H.ui, I'hJlinun h p rcllciit, Sotii'lao. Roynl Arcanum Excursion, The lloyal Arcanum will tun nn ex eilixlon to Lake Isidore, VYIday, Auk y ll.mei'.i b.i'id will be In attendant e and the hmvIios of a Bond citeier have been Beeuied llefieshnientH will be tued at a icasotiiible pi lie, The committee will piovlde mmino. mentH, such as base ball, wheelhairow race, euc iaee, ete. The grand nrntoi, Frank H. Wlckemhaw, of HanlKburK, Pa., will be In attendance, Tickets, adults, 75 cents; children, 40 cents. ' REPORT WAS WHOLLY FALSE SWITCHMEN HAD NO INTEN TION OF STRIKING. They Brand the Story Printed in Yesterday's Republican, the Second of the Kind That Has Appeared in That Paper Within Two Weoks, as a Fabrication in Its Entirety. Switchmen's Officials Say They Are at Peace with the Lacka wanna Havo No Grievances. The sttlke of the l.ncknvvnnnii switchmen threnteneil yestenlay by a dilly paper did not materialise and 1'resdent l'rnnk Jones, of the local union, denied to a Tilhune man that there wum any likelihood of the men going out yesterday, lie said: "Why, that nrtlcle In the Republican wis nil wiong and contained the llrst news of n switchmen's strike that I had heaid. Jn tho llrst place, oon trary to the statement In the pappi. the switchmen hfld no meeting last night. In the next, we sent no som mlttee to New Yoik to w-e 1'iesldent Tiuesdale nnd In case lie refused to grant our demaruK call the men out before 10 o'clock tlm afternoon. "tliand Master llawley was In clt Wednesday and Is Hill hctc, liaviuc gone to New York to see the not the l.ackaw anna's ptesldent, nt reported. The grand masters family llvt" In this city, you know, nnd every time lm tomes within a hundred miles of Scum ton ii sti Ike Htory comes out. "I'll toll .vim how that story, In the llcpubllian last week about a strike came about," added 'Mr. Jones, nnd he smiled nt the recollection. "A lenorter came down to the nrrt nnd asked one of the boS nit about the sti Ike. Then he said, 'Whin nie you fellows coming out'." TIP WASN'T STRAIGHT. " 'Oh, tomorrow morning nt il o'clock.' the ivvltchman told him. meaning, of coutse, that the men would then come out for woik as usual. The next dnv there wns nn nitlcle In the papei, tell ing nbout the switchmen's pinposed stiike, but theie wasn't a sign of it about the yard. The Republican seems determined to make us strike whether we will or no." On being nsked what the osact status of affairs was and whether or not the switchmen enteitalned any ptesent cilevnuces. Piesident Jones retreated Into the shell of reticence with which the switchmen guard their affairs and lemnrked that the question was a lit tle too btoad to discuss. "I know of no loniniittces eonfoiilng with Superintendent Clarke lccently." he snld, answering an lntci rogation, "nnd the only Infoimation I have re ceived of such was seen In one of the pntvi-. No confluence was oideied by the union " The general committee of the switch men, consisting of delgates from all nlong the intk.iwanna system artlved In the city esterday ami wete In ses sion throughout the day nt the Rank hotel on Lackawanna avenue, with Giand Master llawley and I. A. Tim lin, of the local grievance committee. NO GRIKVANCi:S DISCPSSKD. The latter said last night that noth ing In the way of gtlevances wns ills, cussed and that the matters brought up for discussion were simply of a routine business natuie. Another ses slon of the committee will be held this morning. Last night the regular meeting of the Switchmen's union was held In Rconomy hall. It was latgely attended and those piesont bad the pleasure of healing an Intotestlng addiess deliv ered by Oinud Master Jlawlev. Mt. Timlin, as ehalman of the in ess com mitter-, slated to a Tribune man that merely the tegular business of tho lot ill was being illsiussed and In speak ing about the slilke lepott iIpcKupi there was not the least foundation foi the published lepoits "Tho switchmen," he declared, "nie nt peace with tho Lackawanna and over other milium in the counti No grievances will be bt ought befoie the Lackawanna olllcials as a lesult ot the meeting of the geueial commit tee here, nnd theie Is not the least sign anywhere of tumble." FIVE PICNICS AT NAY AUG. There Were Ovor 2,000 Persons at the Park Yesterday. Theie were no le.s than live I.iiro plrnlcs til Xay Aiifr park j-estertln They wete conducted by the following ehiirihe: Zlop HvanBelleal church, of Serantnii. Duninoro Methodint llplnco pal cliuuh, Klmhuist Picxhyteil'in ihurch, Mt Hetliel liurch, of Scott town-hip, and tho Afilcan Methodist 1'plsropal fhuich, of ihls city. Supeiintendent l'lilllijis cftlnmteii that theie weio over 2 000 people at the p.nk. and -ald thnt It was one of the blRKest dajo of the 5e.11. PLEASANT DAY MAPLEWOOD. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Robinson Entertainod. Mr and Mrs. Charles l!obinon en teitalned a largo party of fi lends yes terday at their Mimmcr.home, "Cails iuhe," at Lake lletuy. HuueiV band was pici-crt to add to the enju) niont of the occablyn. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. J V smitli, rolloitoi of alatp amUniintv tavr In Nnrlli Miinslon timnlilp, icktrnln tiloil hii liowl in llu fuiu of :l, 111 and lud It nppioipcl liv tin' rmn t '1 lo HirctlM aip W, C Smith sml I.iIpi toliort. 'I he Imml of llmry llirdlm;, of Old KniKP, "' tle u" "' $'AihI3 ..I, uj uv ap. pniipd lij tlic mult 1 lie Title (liuuiitoo and Ini't coiiipmj of Siiantnn is the inpii, 1 lut llaiinnn 11 ml hU uifp, (iithinno lljnnni, ef Ol.iplnnt, are tlw phlnlln In in aitmn In tri'. I'iKiiii ic.IhiIjv uL'ain-t the Vnnton 1 1 a i 1 1 a i inii'iMni. I)', .lulj I Vlri lljnii.ii 1, cctllnir on an Oljpl ant ' at I.JiKjw.imi.i and IVnn airnup iihui tin cir ktatted up nnd t.ho ji tliiuiMi to the paKnrr.t an J icr kcrluiblj hull. Piompt delivery In lint weather docs much to keep n person cool. Older otir Ice cieani ut H.inlej's,4J0 Sinucp stieet. fT WMtfl&fl4dt??6Jdli WOP Ihornniili in.triidlnn Inn liiition rap .radnalM wcure lvl in.ltlonJ Sime are mm ilrawlnif kaUrle ol &ti, sl.Vm and 1,-00 Mini In nie and t innnth r.uillly thftnvplvn to nil pmlllon iilik-h pa; $.1) at.d m per monlh at th lart Thf altiiiilin of t MM HOI'S iniins peopln U follrltrd l'ojltioiu furnl.lied. Write or tall fnr circular;. i BUCK & WHITM0RE, 6CRANT0N, FA JOURNAL OF CAR BROKE. It Sornilod Throo Freight Cars at Mt. Focono. A Journal of one or tho cam In a local frelRht tialn hioko nt Mt. Pocono yes terday nnd ileinlled tlnee onm nnd hloiked tho ro.ul for user two houri". The iiiclilent oictineil nt 1 o'clock to n train coinlstlnu of (lfteen Ioadd cirx, which left hero enrly jestenlny morn Inp The Journal whlrh hioko wnn In on of the lint cats of the train. Thieo of the rnn wcio thrown off thi? tinrk nnd weio (tltnoit entirely demolished. Super intendent i:. M. Hlne waa on tlic peenc tlurlnjr the afteinoon and poironnlly supervised the ileuiliip of the trucks. Conductor Hrnne nnd new wero In chiitKe of the train. BOY SERIOUSLY CHARGED. Michael PldlcVa Aunt Claims Ho Stole $70 from Her. Mhhnel Pldlck, n 9-.venr-oId boy, re siding In South Scrnnton, was jester day arretted at tho Instance of hit aunt, Mnrv Pldlck, who charges him with steialirg $70 ftnni it tiunk In her room. She had no evident i to offer nt n hearing befoie Magistrate Millar, ex cept that she saw the lad coming fiom her room, and upon going tu her tiunk found It limsiickod and the money gone. The boy denied the charge In Iti entirety, and the nuglstratc held him in ball for a furthet heailug todd. WORK IS PROGRESSING. Contractor Willinmi Expects to Have Y. M. C. A. Building Finished by January. The woik of constructing the splen did new home of the Young Men's Chiistlau association, on the coiner ot North Washington avenue nnd Mul heiry street, it now going on apace, and the foreman In that go said jph terdny that the building would be en tirely completed and leady for occu pancy on January 1. The building would now be under i oof wi'ie It not for delay In securing the tetra cotta facings nnd cot net -plec(s which nro being used for orna mentation. The foieman Mild thnt If no unfoiscett delay ti. inspire the structuie will be under loot in sl weeks' time. The main noil Ion ff (np building, v. hicli Is to be six stories high, has leached a height of three stotles In the fiont and live stoiles In the i"nr, while the cellar woik has been almost en- llioly iiimpleted. Plumbers and dec tiielans nre working up tluough the building ad fast as the Hunts nie lnld, and the work of piping at.d wiling will be nraily finished when the roof Is on t'ontiactor Williams now has slst men at woik, but as soon as the build ing Is under cover hf will put on a double shift of men, so that woik may be done day and night Tho contract for the Intet lor woodwotk and painting has been nub-let to John Renoie, but the other decorations will be done by Contractor Williams himself Some Idea of the splendid size and stately piopoitlons of the now building may now be had by a near view of the ttiuctuio, which piomises to be one of the how places of the city when com pleted If the building Is completed by January 1, the fonnal oirnlng will be held some time during that month. DEFENDING THE CUP. It Ir an Interesting Pastime, but It Costs Liko Sin. I.inrniee lVrrj-, In t rank l.islii's PopuUi Mi ntlil; The e.Mii t sum of innnej paid for the ("oliiiuhl.iu. In IS''1' Is not known, but the hum ban been (stlmated at not lei's than $li"0,000. Without h doubt It int U-s than JloO to 1 111 1. v lui throiiBh the m'.ih n piobably the sum was much Bteatei than tliln. In the Hist pait of th season her owner paid $1(1,000 for tluee suits of calls. And then there was the Uefendei, whiih ni ted as a trial horse to the Columbia. It cost just S'iO.OOO for hei to be .1 ti Ini hoise but It v. is paid without a And now for the piesont season It will have been nollied that the 1 (instruction of enih up defender has rnvit Iniliiltiili nioto 1 f 4 tirpilpnos- sor The fact Is, the Hetishoffs have thnilsands of dollars for each minute of etni speed. Vollowliif? thoM deductions the Constitution has unquestionably cost not a cent less than $200 000 to build. Pile has a large tender, the steamboat Mount Hope, nnd a ciew of fiS men. She has three or four Milts of sails, extra spars and the like, ami she will go Into diydock before the cup races. Outside of the $J00,Oo0 .pi nt on her coiistiuc tlon she will piob.iblv cost the Helmont syndi cate about Jvfl.OOO Then theie is the co-t of her horr, the Columbia. Phi' will cany a new of forty men. eat h of whom will leielvo $!"i a month In wages. That m.ikis $.',J00 a month. $U,no for the live months she will be In commission. The wages of Captain Ttarr nnd the llrst nnd second mates villi aggregate for those five months, JfidOft, the tender will cost $7,000 ful fill ms for the men have already ie suited In nn epondltuie of $1,000, nnd theie Is the cost of feeding them to be conslileted. This makes $.3.000 nnd her sails nnd spars nnd ovet hauling nnd other particulars will easily cost nn ohter $J"i.00ii n wilt thus be seen thnt all in nil. $!'i0.000 a conseiv alive esti mate of the cost of defending tho cup this c.u . LEOPARD TOOTH DID IT. "Quaen of tho Jaguars" Goto One'and Suffers Severely. I rmn tlic llnfTalo Coinmoidal Mllle M.uie Louise Morelll, who Is known as the "Queen of Jaguars," and Is a membei of Ml. linstock's company, was attacked by a leopatd on Aim il 17 nt Indianapolis and seilously Injuied. She Is In tho Cloneinl hospital In this dty, wheie she was opeiated upon nbout two weeks ago, While Mllle. Mai dll was In a cage with a leoptud which she was tialniug the animal leaped nt her. She tiled to dodge tho attack of the feioclnus animal, nnd In doing so she stumbled and fell, Tho leopanl immediately leuped on her and Intllcted a seveie wound In her stomach. She was too weak to offei any lcslstnnce, and befoie and aid could be given tho leopaid caught her left arm. biting It In tluee places. An Imn poker, which was fmced Into tho mouth of the animal by one of the ti, Hums, bt ought It to i submissive state. Mllle. Moielll was iiiiconsilous when picked up and she was H'liioved to one of tho hospitals of Indianapolis, It was expected that she would not live, us sho was eiy 'wonk fiom loss of blood and tho stomach wound led to blood poisoning. The doctors nt tho Indianapolis hospl BUK-d that the only means of uav- Ing her life wnt to perform nn opera tion, nnd thnt It wan very doubtful If one would prove successful. About two weeks ngo Mllle. Morellt wns ie moved to the Oeneral hospital In this city, wheio she was operated upon. A leopard's tooth, which was lemoved fiom her stomach, had canned th" blood poisoning. It was found that the leopard had left one of his teeth In her left aim, nnd Ihlt tooth was found 111 her stomach How It' work ed Itself fiom the aim to the stomach the doctors nre unable to tindei stand. The operation pioved successful, and Mile. Morell will be nble to leave the nt the end ot next week. FOR SEVEN YEARS ALONE ON THE SEA Tho Wonderful Voyage of Captain Frletsch Recently Cqncluded at New Orloans NoMore for Him. New Otle an 1 ctttr in the Sun, After seven years' voyaging on near ly every ocean, the only occupant of the little vessel which he himself built, Captain Adolphus Krletsch landed hcio this week from his lust sulltniy cruise, met his family which had come all the way from Milwaukee to see him, nnd announce his detci initiation to sell his boat, totlie from his solltniy se.i life, and spend tho remainder of his years In I'ens.icoln. on the pioceeds of his voyages and speculations. Captain Tiletsdi is a. rinn, only 11 imih old, but has been at sea for twenty-tour Seven years ngo when hu was living in Milwaukee, en gaged In the schooner trade thetc the viking sphlt seized on him ami he de termined to travel over the world and vMt all tbo He himself built u little vessel, the Nina, with a forty foot keel. He left Milwaukee In 1804 for Liverpool, passing tbtough the llrcnt Lakes by way of Ituffnlo and the Krle canal to New Yoik His little vessel moused some Interest at the time and thousands came to see her. He set sail from New Yoik for Hurope, nnd for most of the world, that was the last hoard of Captain Ftletsch nnd his Nina. That was even years ago. The solitary m.iilner has been "plough ing the ocean waves" ever since. The Nina has long since gone the way of all such tiny vesels and tho captain comes to New Oilcans In n new vessel, the Anna 1, also built by him, and a ttllle l.uger than the Nina, having a 44-foot keel nnd 12-foot beam. He comes bete fiom a cuilse along the coasts of South and Centtal America and the tropics with the little vessel ttml.ed with shells, corals nnd other marine 'iu losltles. all collected by himself, for whenever he saw coral or snell that pleased his fancy he dived overboard to collect them. Seven eats tu heimltage at the sea Is lomnrkuhle, and It seemed strange that Captain Filetsch should havo es caped nil Its dangeis but veiy narrow lv at times, fro when tho first vessel the Nina was wrecked off th icef In Kllbrennan Sound tho captain just ulssed going with her to destiuctlon by a few seconds. To navigate a vessel without a crew Is a dilllcutt matter, for there is the question of the watches. Who was going to look after the Nina or the An t.11 IJ. when the captain, boatswain, chief mainler, all lolled In one, weie nsleep? Over this nppaicntly Insupet nble difficulty Captain Krletcli tri umphed by ,1 c-son he learned in the matter of sleep, which lie says and one cm leal 11 who will make the proper tt .il-the ability to sleep for a fixed time, 1111 hour, two bouts 01 tluee houis as the sleeper might deslie This enabled the captain to rest dining calms nnd when there wns no danger to fear and to be awake and lead to intend to his boat when danger threatened He naturally slept meet of the dn.v because thete was lens damiei of his little vessel hoi ig run Into, as It could be seen, whereas at night he had to be more particular and keep vi ate h for essels. In crowded places like the Ilritish Channel he denied hlm spf nil sleep and when he wns on the route of vessels he seldom nllowed him self more than two bouts' lest making n good eacmlntlon of the hoi Iron before letirlng to rest to make sure that there weio no vessels within reach which might 1 un him down. Ho timed Himself caierully nnd gauged his test by the character of the water In which he was and the outlook for the weather He also so trained himself to the sllghest luffing in the wind or dlffeient rolling of the vessel. So 111 customed did he become In time to the system of voluntary sleeping and waking at a lixed time that when the Nina was wrecked, when it was evi dent that he would go on the Klllner man reefis he timed rhe hour at whlrh tho wieik was to occur, and having made all the necessaiy ntrangements what he would do when his little vessel went tn pieces, und finding that this could not on nr before an hour, he lay down nnd took a good hour's sleep, so that he would be tested and luvtgoiut ed when the wieck came The Nina was wrecked at the appointed time, and It was only by superhuman effoits that Captain Frletsch wns rescued But however pleasant, It may be, and full of adventure, an ocean hermitage be comes tiresome in time, and so Captain Frletsih has concluded after having been tossed about In his two little boats for seven yeats. thru he will return to the domestic life of 11 "landlubber." The popular Punch cigar Is still the leader of the 10c cigars. A Title Policy A Title Policy is in the nature of a bond under &.eal, issued by a financial com pany, promising to pay any loss by reason of detects or umnarketability of title. It is not a mere opinion; it is a contract deliberately made and imposing great responsibility upon the insurer. The company as sumes evejy risk not expressly ex cepted. In case of an adverse claim, the holder need only notify the company ; his duty is then done ; the company must do the rest TITLE dUAMNTY AAHD TRUST C- OF 5CRANT0N.PENNA. 516 Spruce Street. A Watrea, rrwident. II. UctTllntock, Vict preiidcat. II A Ralph Knapp, V.-Prea. S Hull, Trust Ollcer. WWWWimiWVWiWVWUWlNWiWi' August Glass Salts and Peppers, Olass Berry Sets Glass Mtchers One-Halt Gallon Decorated Jurs 25c each China Cake Plates 25c each Three.Plece Oat Meal Sets 25c set Many more you will see if you come in and look around rvvvx"V(2w -- Geo. V. Millar & fmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmm CARPETS We call special attention to our new line of pri vate patterns made to our special order com prising all the season's novelties in design and coloring. Wilton Axminster RUJJS FOREIGN AND Savonerrie Brussels In our Upholstery Department our selection of Foreign and Domestic fabrics embraces a com plete line of Furniture Coverings Sash Materials Portiere Madras We offer special values in WALL. RARER and display the largest and best selected stock in N. E. Penn'a. WILLIAMS Temporary Store 4 iCffluMOWis ANNUAL AUGUST SALE. Began the first of August, with a large assortment of goods. Early buyers will find the best selections. Our endeavor is to give the people the best goods for the money they wish to pay. Our terms during this sale are cash, and goods bought during this sale will not be exchanged after September i. ALL OUR $7.00 Shoes $6.50 to, 00 Shoes S-oo 5.00 Shoes . 423 4.00 Shoes 3.25 3.50 Shoes 2-95 3 00 Shoes 3.50 2. ;o Shoes 210 2.00 Shoes 1 65 The above are all regular goods, prices that arc sure to sell them. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. Grand Atlantic Hotel and Annex Virginia Me and Ilcach, Atlantic Cltj, N J SUtli jcai. SW Ifjutllul lonnti pnniite, tinclo anil with hatli, hot and cold lea nottr bath in hotel and annex, locition sHect and central, within few ard ft the htrpl Pier Orchetr.i OftVrs pUl trrirK ,tJ' 1J t0 15 by l. H M) up lij da Sprtlal ratra to Ijinilies Coachej meet all tralnj. W lite lor booklet cmmi's 1: coin .. 1 -.-.- ..-- The Delaware city. Atlantic City. K J. Vnne. aimm" and BWiili iVntrally loealed. Cheerful t'otnfc ruhle and home liKe Tabic and seriue unurpaed Capantv, 200 & Illil lUhKR. SUMMER RESORTS. HOTEL CLIFTON, LAK&WINOLA, PA. Klnel Sunrnipr II trl m Northetitrrn I'ennul lanU Hotel luik r.u 'l.Uware Inikauaitii and WeMuti Jt Uitomillc Leaunij onantoii 'J a ni and I in Write Ini tatei, l( .I W JluulP. Pu BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ,,, MANUFACTURED BY .. CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. Or-MVTE THE XAME. Sale plated top loc each 20c set 10c each - v Co. "tH!-" A7" .i,.!h--H' DRAPERIES Velvet DOMESTIC RUGS Ingrain Materials Tapestries, Etc. & M'ANULTY 126 Washington Ave. 1 ALL OUR $ 1.7s Shoes $1.50 1.50 Shoes 1.35 1.25 Shoes i-ic 1 00 Shoes 00c qoc Shoes 80c 7c Shoes 60c Soc Shoes 42c We have besides broken lots at Free Tuition lt n recpnt net of tho lfRlsla H110. fire tuition is now granted at Uie Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to all tliosp lueimilntr tn tcarh. TliN school maintains courts nf ptuily for tesiliers, for those jircpailnc fur uillepre, nnd for tllOM Ftlliljlliu; mimic. It will pal In write (nr parllettlar. n oilier M.hol nnrra nidi tutierlor ad unUsea al milt low raua Addle J. P. Welsh, A. M.,Ph.D.,Prln. BCRANT0N CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, fcCKANTON, I'A. T J. KoJter, rrtaldcnt. Flmff II. Uuill, Treat. R. J. loiter, btanley l Allen, Vice 1'rcildent. Secretary, r A' ' w 1 v r imkiii:1km nir'i 1 t xfaKiriiiifiilteiiiirrt -umv. il r flKllJLiHbata .f afto .. j. ' yjifc j t ,. ,. h fiMLLv. . X t A. jj,it