THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1901. '71 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA BATTLE OF REPTILES WHITNEY DESCRIBES A GUEEB CONFLICT AT LANESBORO. Vigorous Opposition to tho Order to Remove tho Orphans' School from Harford-ThrillinB Talo of Littlo August Schmidt's Battlo with the Arnorican Bird of Froodom News Told Briof Fnragraphs. Special to the Scranton Trlbun?. Rusniifhannn. Atif?. 6. Near the C.innunrtn ctcok. In Lanosboro, a water snako mot a block snake- on Monday. Tho toptllrs did not Immedi ately clinch, hut hissed tlercely and clrclerl around each other, as If seek ing for an opening. The water snake was murh tho smaller of the combat ants, and he was evidently trying to transfer the battle to the some twenty yards away. TMe bl.ick snake showed a lively anxiety to prevent this. He pressed matters and the i-eipents began to strike at each other, and In a few seconds the dry land snake suc ceeded In getting th tall of his op ponent Into his mouth, mid. to preclude all ) sslblllty of an osmpo, began to eat nwarcl the bead. This was oMu'tly what the water snake wanted. It st.irted on a straight line for the stream and bis consumer following him and diving upon him simultaneously, was, of course, obliged to' travel a little faster In tho same direction. The water snake was a rapid mover, and the black nake a quick eater, and for a sdiort time It seemed to be doubtful whether one loptlle or two would be visible when the stream was gained. About half of the leading soipeiit'a anatomy had been devoured, and the edge of the water was only a few feet nwa-y when the black snake suddenly realized that a shabby trick was being played upon liim at meal time. He hastily attempted to dlsgnige his le past, but the effort was nude too late. Not moie than the Inches of water snake bad been yielded up when both reptiles plunged into the slieam and sank at once. A hundred bubble arose, and the only spectator of this uncanny contest believes that the black snnkc'H life floated to the surface In one of them. THK SHOUT OK IT. The order of tho stale Soldleis' Or phans' school commission, to remove the pupils In the Harford school to other points. Is meeting with vigorous opposition beiabouts. It would be a change without an lmpioemeiit. Let the oiphan alone. It Is expected that the Hepubllian county convention, to be held at Mniit-ro.-e on Thursday, will be short, shmp and decisive. It Is piobabln that boodlelsin will be knocked higher 'n tho kite of the late lamented Mr. Olldeioy. It Is said that ceitain politicians nie promising thf stale senatorship to half a dozen men In this county. They cannot deliver the goods. The pieacheis aio enjoying their well earned vacations. Somehow, news paper men and, incidentally, ;he devil take very few vacations. IX Krsqi'KHANWA COUNTY. The flow of natuial gas from the Salt SpiliiRs, scutou Is MiHl limited. "Why I'oii't tlo piojectois mi pipes Into the newspaper ofllces and be sure of a big supply? Accoidlns to a Forest City writer In the Honesdale Independent, pcopln nre moving away from I-'oicst City be cause of the execiablo condition of tho water in the boiough. The cieat Pimork camp meeting be gins on Wednej-day, August 21, and continues elsht d.ijs. The island In T.i lor lake, Harfoid, has nioed half a mile 1'ioni whom it stood foi many tais In elzo II is Fifix63 feet and contains a number of lair sized trees. Hnril-slit lied bugs aie devotulng the cucumber, mju.isIi and melon vines In the county. FOl'OHT WITH AX KACSI.K. As little August Schmidt, 10 years old was playing with his hlster near Pleasant Mount, a few days since, an enormous American eagle pounced upon them, throwing the little girls to the ground, The blid fastened his claws into one of the arms and face of tho younger girl ami attempted to carry the child off, but was pieented by her snuggles. Utile August. sec Ins that he could do nothing with his own hands, ran Into the house and got a knife, and returning to the scene of battle, .slashed at the (agios less, neaily severing one of them. The eagle leleased tho glil and attacked the boy, laeeiatlng him and tearing his clothe nearly off. The (creams of the children attracted tho attention of the mother, who was at b neighbor's. She grabbed a hatchet nnd attacked the eagle, which Hew up on a bam. Joe Decker, a passing hunter, shot and killed the eagle, which measuied neatly eight feet fiom tip to tip of wing?. The children will re cover In a few days. FKATfSAM AND JKTSAM. Tho Harfoid fair will he held Sep. tember "."i-ltt, Oieat ptepaiatlons aie being made tor the Kiee Methodist camp meeting to be held at Thompson this month. The court has appointed policemen to ketp order. It was. a wise chap who recently wrote -To keep off u atilke Is even better than to call one off." Tho Wayne cutinty i;oll lipids aro not even yielding 'excellent Indica tions." Tho chief product of de,tr old Wane nppents to bo kicking poll tlclans. Xear Sherman, a T0-ycii-nii lad has eloped with with a miss of 74. An other curiosity of crime. An Oakland township man met a neighbor' chickens on th highway and killed It. The slayer was admit ted to ball for his appearance beforo t the giand Jury of the court. Whitney. HOPBOTTOAt. fireelal to the P-rinton Tribune. Ilopbottoin, Aug. ft. Tho UnliersalUt Flbbath sehoot hold a picnic today (Thursday) In the vil lage grove. Th funeral e Mrs. J, II, Tiffany waa conduit. d !" ti" MftiirulM t'ohcoiul church Tutiday t 3 lift o'clock, rtev Auslln. pastor el Ihe rhurch, officiated, Interment was nude In tho llopbot torn cemetery, Mlj Dor Cnilw, of New Yotk, li visiting her liter, Mm. II. Drown. Mr. Frank Hell, of Si union, visited hlj pvr cnls Sunday and Monday nl thl week. Mr.. Almlra Brown and daughter are visiting Mm. Mary Brown, ol Hilton The Unlvnaalist Ladles' Aid society will meet Thursdiy aflernoon, .i;. 1J, with Mill Pcrmclla. Icvvshuiy. Mr. Tl.tron Smith, of Walertown, N. Y. It vHtlng Ml Pctmella Tcwkibiiry and other Irlendj In tntsn. The Susquehanna Medical association held a meeting In Tuesda) alternoon. Mr. P II. Hell, ol Nicholson, and his son, l'A ear Hell, ol Scranton, visited relatives here jca terday. HONESDALE. Vecial to the Scranton Tribune. Honesdal. Aug. 7. Uev. O. A. Place, of the Methodist church, Is expected to PICTURE A rat has frightened these lelurn from his vacation nnd occupy his pulpit next Hund,i. Uev. William H. Swift Ih field, Conn., wheie he will in North spend tho next ten dnyj. Itev. Dr. Mills, of Wllkes-Haire, will occupy the pulpit of tlie Honesdale Presbyteian chinch next Sunday morn ing and evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Holmes icturned on Monday evening from a few weeks' stay along the New England coast. Mrs. Chailes Stanley, of Hlngham ton. i the cuest of her aunt, Mis, M, F. Dorln. IMItor and Mis. K. A. Peiinlniaii weio nt Montgotneiy, N. Y., on Monday. The Uev. Mr. (lallencamp will be ub frent next Sunday. Theie will be no services In the St. John's Lutheran chin eh. Through the effoi Is of Mls-s Carrie A. Knllty'h, oiganlst of the Baptist ihliMh, the pastor, Uev. C. 1 I'etc, was the leclplent of a purse of $103, to aid in the purchase of a hoi so to le placo the one which died recently. Miss K,i (ioesier, of New Yoik, n former Honesdale resident, Is visiting friends heie. .Miss l.ella O'Nell, of the Scianton Coirespondence schools, H spending her vacation at the home of her patents. Ficd Petihh. of Lesteiedilie, N. Y., Is .lsltlng at his homo in Honesdale. Mr. and Mis. David H. Menner nnd children are spending the month of August In their summer cottage at Klk lake. Tuesday, two bos. John Ualul anil Samuel Holla w, weie dilvlng down Fiont stieet. When near the coal oflico the harness lecaiue dKarianged, caus ing the hotse to kick. Ualul, who wan driving, held on to the lelns until the Savings bank was leached. Heie the home kicked loose from tho wagon. In doing so, Halid was quite seriously In Juied. a kick shattering the bones In his left wrist, and he was otherwise bruised. He wa taken to bis home in Tracyvllle, wheie Or. McConvllle at tended to Ill's Injuries. The hotse fell to the giound and was captuied. HiiIIii escaped without Injury. Tuesday the lain was unfavorable for the Hed Men's exclusion to Lake Lo doie, A Delawie and Hudson special with twelve i oaches went to Hawley In the morning and tetuined with 110 pas sengers. At Honesdale 16J moie weie added. One bundled and ceventy-slx went on the 1.30 p. in. special. The total for the day wa.s about six bun dled, a great disappointment for the committee, as preparations were made for a large crowd. The thirty-fourth annual plenle of St. Joseph's Aid society will be held In Uelevlne paik on August lu, TUNKHANNOCK. fpei'lal to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhiuinook, Autr. ". Mm, r. Kutz roturned on Tuenlity (icorse fiom n vNook'H visit with her parentu ut Kings ton. ra. MIm Otta Thompson, of Now York, Is the guest of Mr, nml Mis. 1), "U Stiuk, on WyomltiB nvenuo. Frank H, HanUrlck, of Wllkes-narre, U vltltlnp his uncle, Colonel Kugene S. llnudrlck. Miss nuth Piatt Is visiting friends Ht Sy 1 anise, N. V. Mis. llnry Tonkin, of Wllkes-Bnrre, visited filemla here on Monday and Tiifijiluy. Miss Lizzie t'aliner, of Sernnton, n dauKhter of Dr. A. II. Palmer, who wn at one time engaged In tho prac tice of dentistry heie, Is tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Kysenbach. Mis. Mm y Srull, on nged resident of this town, died nt her home, on I'lne stieet, about u' o'clock on Wednesday morning, after n short lllncm. The cause of her death was heart trouble. Tho remains will lie taken to Moscow-, Pa,, for btirlnl today. Deceased was an unusually Intelligent lady, nnd was greatly respected by her neighbors and friends. Sho Is survived by a large family of sons nnd daughter. An addition Is being built on the north side of the Lehigh Valley depot. Thomas F. Nulton, w ho conducts a furniture and undertaking buslners at Beaumont, was a business man In town on 'Wednesday. About twenty-five members of Triton Hose company left Wednesday morn Ing for the firemen's convention ut Troy, Ta. The boy fcope lo bring home a prlzo or two, won during tho races, Mr. and Mrc. E, J, .lorden returned on Tuesday from a week's visit with frlendd In SulUvnn county. Aaion Mrown la engaged In building a large brick warehouse In the rear of his place of business on llrldgo street. The foundation ptoncwork Is com pleted and lendy for tho supctstruc turn. Tho band of the Forty-eighth High landers, which 1km been giving con certs In vntlout cities of New York and Pennsylvania, passed through here on Wednesday, on their return to Can ada. How Cownn, tho ICplscopnl church, with Mr. anil Mrs. new rector of the has taken rooms (Jeorec l'hllllpson, on Warren Htreet. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis I.uckenblll are entertaining the Misses Pines, of Lewlsburg. Doyle Ilunnell, the Meshoppon livery man, made a trip to Tunkhannoclc on Wednesday. Constable Henry Hiungess, of North morelatnl, was doing business In town on Wednesday, MONTROSE. Mrs. Arthur '. Harris nnd ter, Marjoilc, of Montclalr, N. rtaugh J., nre PUZZLE. puppies. Do ou see It? visiting nt the home of S. H. Rogers, on Lake avenue. Warner Searle, of Philadelphia, was the puest ot lelatlve.s In this place yes terday. Mrs. James W. Chapman, of Chest nut street, Is entetalnlng her giand son, Ilollln Chapman, of Ciliard col lege, rhlladlphla. Thomas Williams, of Scranton, Is a new assistant In Miller's barber shop. Miss Mary Finn entertained a num ber of her young friends at a birth day party given on Monday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Finn. James C. Van Campen, Hegister nnd Uecorder H. H. Iluffum, Harry Caiey, S. W. Oakley and William Cruser, Jr., aie among the prominent Montiose firemen now at Troy, Pa., attending the Five Counties Firemen's conven tion. Mr. Van Campen is the veiy of llclent president of the Five Counties' association. CAUCUS AT HALLSTEAD. Exciting Battle Between the Wright and Xilrow Factions. Spei i .1 1 t' the Sinnti.n Tribune. Hallstead. Aug. 7. The largest cau cus vote for the Republican paity on lecord In this borough Is LIT votes. At Tuesday night's caucus IT," votes were cast and there were &S votes challenged. Thomas Kllbrow was the general leading the ranks on one side and Congiessman C. F. AVrlght was In command ot the opposing foices. Long before the hour of opening, long lines of howling, excited citizens yelled for admittance. At 7 o'clock the doors weie thrown open and then thv .--an I rming, wilggllng, st living mass of humanity commenced voting. Tho Kilrow forces claim the victory by a majority of 61. However, all of the 57 Democrats who stormed the caucus did so In behalf of Klliow. Tho Wilght men voted but one Democrat and hence they ate to contest the sending of delesHtes at the mimty con vention In Montrose Thursday on tho giounds that tho voters weie not fiualllled. There was much rioting and tiling of cannon by the Klliow faction after the caucus In their Joy over tho icsult. . A PockotCold Cure. Kinuse's Cold Cute is prepared In capsule form and will cure cold In the head, tin oat, chest or any portion of tho body In 21 hours. You don't have to stop work cither. Price 23c. Sold by all druggists. PITTSTON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. PitlMgn, Aug. 7. contest of the Vylll of the late hainucl P. VYIIIiaina, whoeo death oauued in tills city Sunday citnlng, July '2, will be made by tlie beiis, and the flret hearing in lie ca.e will bo held Thursday morning. The eUte is valued at f 10.000 in a'iitiblo ra-h and prop erly valued at J.M.oOO. Ily the provisions of Iho will, which Is dated two week, pievloua to his deutb, tlie bulk of the money is left to Thomas Edwards, of this city, a nephew, and the Income of the propel tj is left to Mia. Williams during her Jife. Tho contest will be nude. It la said, on the ground that the deceased was of unsound mind ut the time tlie last will was made. The Llver.vmen'a and I'ndertjkeu' awoclatlon of tills vicinity will enjoy 1 tiolley tide tomorrow evening. Uev. Father Feeley, of Nicholson, who has ben appointed tn take charge of the new chapel at Inkcrnun, la expected to arrive here on the 15th. Although the new building will not be finished for at least two montha et, it l piopn-ed to lommence services at once, the Father Matlicw hall at Inkerman being used for that purprw. Maitln (illvary, of Tajlor, manager of the Pitts Ion department of tho Scranton Tiinr, has been promoted to tho general tin illation and roller. lions department of that piper, with headipiartiis In Scranton During his tun vein at tho head of the Pittston Iiuiimu, Mr. Ciliary piovcd him self a woilby emplnje. Sired Coinni'asloner Carroll, with a gang of tnent.v-flvp men, was nt work tearing up the un used traiks of the traction company on Parson age street 'Ihey were laid several cus ago, with Hie Intention of extending Iho lino to llugbestnwn and Avoca, hut tho plan was never carried any fuithcr thin to lay the tracks tn tlie city line. Councils about a jear ago ordeied the company to remove Ihe traiks, but Ihey ie. fused tn do so, and the work was placed In Ihe hands of the street commissioner. Dining the progress of the work the traction company'a engi neer appeared on the scene and ordered them to duist In the work, threatening to serve them with an injunction. The work was carried out, however THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New York, Aug, T. Business today was on reduced nolo and there u a moie general illpnltHn lo curtail upeialionj pending the settlement of tho Heel strike. 1 tic announic nut.t oiei night o a get oral exteirlon ol l''C sltlkc order i.iucd innio hesitancy at the out" eel In the uciieral market, but aide (roni a sharp Up at the end of the first hour and again toward the clne tho tcndeiKjr wa diallnclty upward tlirmiBlintit, The final piiie were about tlie best of the diy for Atililaoti, St, IMtil, I'lilnn latino ami Sioutlierii Pacitlc, uliUh airnunted for tho mol nrtlte dealing In the nllrotd dbldon, lteporla hae been current lor iecrjl put of a flted prlco at hl li tlie t'liiled Mnto Meet tok would not bi allowed to break by the ab Utreil rKnl belitnd the toik. Ilu!nriu In the fulled Sfute steel atoeka wai on even a muller aiale thin jralenliy, but they moved pretty steadily upwatd, Inuehiiu Oli and til rifpeetlvelv, ami emleil nt the lilcbeat of the day. A nuinbrr of minor r.iilro.uN anm". hit injlloml advanifi, tlie ealreme rle In Like Kile and Western cormon and pi.-feirel luine CitOi Iowa ( ontial r,iiii,ion ml pieferred, tt-.a'i'i, ami St. l-irem and, ''i No ne attenle.l ihe upward inonnent in thee etock bide (i.Tti the placlt.g ol the latter on a 5 per rent, dltldrnd bialt. Imln.trUI loik alde from euiar were without anv apeelal thanje and the fl'ictuatlriw In een that alock eio within rnnipirathrly moderntc llmlta. Some,ne derloped eatlv In the coaler on talk of unened dlatlfaillon anunc mine woiker, but their loe weir'd later on, except for Lackawanna, wblib endd 7 point" off. In th t kiintr dallnc prlre were on the up lirn a?i n and the ending wu wry Ana. Total ulea toiMy SH.Oen abate. l'ilroail bond were qilet and aemenhit li rrjnlar Told aib-x par xue, J.HC,(KI0. tTtutriI states bonds ucro all unchanged on the lat rail. The followlnir quotation ara Mmlnhed TN Ylbune by M. P Jordan Co , rooms "0.1 "o Uean bulldlna;, Scranton, P. Telephone MMs "ren- High. Low Clo. Ins, ett, nir. Amerlran Puirir HI 1.. Ill IW; AtchUon T0H T.'l. Wi TJ'a Atchlaon. Vr M1, (Hi, W'i W"j llrook Trillion 7.1 71 ":' 7.11i Pill k Ohio K M t't'i fH'.i Cent ToIiiko ffl'l M'4 til n'i (bn. fc Olil H'J 41 H'i tt rhir k (it. Wet '21 11 21 2.' M Paul T' 117 IS'1! 137 nod. Mind 11 l.l"3 l'''l l'i Kin k Te . Pr Si ''. M'i W, Loula. k Nah li n) CI1 l"-4 Man Kleialed 1I.1&; 111 lll'i 1UI Mel Tnetion I'H'i Hi I Ml Ml MIo, P.ulflo nvi PiiH M !)ii South Pailile .1JU fiU, :,1 Mi Vorl"ll( k Wett M'i .'.! M f,l V Central in'4 1MH ll'Ufc 15i Ont k Western t'i K'n l' "I l'enni. It. It 112 111 IIIs; 111 Pacini Miii i;'i in s; n liudina itv "'U : " "I'l Iteadlnc Hi . I'r., 71'; t, 7r,i, 7i1i sniiihein n. n e' c1; :', 3s1 Smthern It It . IV , ... M'J S.",i, MU 81'j Tenn. Teal k lion S'J S"i f.U rOa C. . Leather 12", H- 12 1 U, V leather, I'r 7:Hi Nf 7n fO1, t'nlon I'.icine m'i ti V'M, t)V4 I nlen I'aelfii, I'r S7'4 S7 ST'j ' W.ibifb, I'r ilTN ,".i4 K7S, R'i WrMern I'nlnn '"'U fO'i W PO'i Col. Kitel Iron 'in (O !J mal Copper tin'; tllM 1in; lll'l People' tia 11! IH 14 111 IH'4 Krio li 3 S.1 M Kiio, lt aiij fi MU (it Col. snuthrrn M'i P2?i 12'4 M Tea Pulfli' ." a4 H7'j n'l mer. Konndrj .... -271; :o; 271 2i 1 C. S. ted Co. .'. i0 tn;ii, 1114 r 4014 l. S. Stiel Co., I'r, ... 1t; I'l SI PO m:v youk onvi.v mmiki:t. Open, lllirh- Low. Clo. WIIKAT. Inir. et et. In. S'jitember 7.i' 7ii'a 7V 7ii1h Ilet ember 77Js 7f 77 7l5 conv. Seplember r.114 fil (W; m Ileteinber I'd1 1 M ClU 62 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS lao'cjwinni Dili' fia. I'r .'. Countv Suing llink A. Trut Co., Firt National Hank (Carbondale).. Mai dan! Uniting Co Uvli.l Vatlonal llink Dure Deplt and Discount llink.. Ecc'nomy Light. II. k 1'. Co First National Rank Licka Trii't Sale Deposit Co (lark k Snover Co., I'r. Scranton Iron Feme k Mlg. Co.... Sainton Avle Work siranton tuvings llink Traders' National Hint: vrantmi Holt k Nut lo people's Dank New Mexico lly. ft CCo. Scranton Pa'-cngcr Hallway, Mist Moilgage. due W0.. People's Street Railway, first mort gage, due 101S rcrplc's Street Hallway, C.eneral mortgage, due li.M Dickson Manufacturing o Lncka. Towmhlp school 5 per rent. City ot Siranton St. Imp. 0 per cent ISiIVsc. Bean-Per bushel, choice marrow, Scranton Traction fl per cent nid. Akec ' W S.'5 30 275 'ii 1201 130 P25 100 J '" 17i ! 135 75 115 ... 115 ... 115 ... 100 ... 102 102 $2 TOa2 65 115 ... Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected bv II. ' Dale. 27 Liikuwanna Ave) lliilter lii'sh ireanurj, 20'-a21c.j dairy, freb. Violin1!", i-lnr-f Full cieam, lOLjallc. Eggs trc-.1i, llalisi.; nearby state, lV'salli . Medium lean Per buhel. 12 10a' V,. Ureen Pea Per bushel, l 10 il 15 Flour-He-t pamit. per barrel. Mil HeaiK Pel liu-he'. 1 liolce jnirrow, 2.55a2.0. Potatoes -Per bu-hel. Onions Per buhel, $t. Fhlladelphla Qialn nnd Produce Phlladelphli, Aug 7. -Wheat-Firm, lc. high er; contrjet grade August, 7la7llsc. Corn Firm and lc. higher: No. 2 mixed August, 59a5'i!jc. (i.ila Steady! No. 2 while clipued, 45c. lliilter --Finn; good deniind; fun',v uesrern cieainer.v, 21'sc-. ; do. do. prints, 21'ac ; do. neirby do., '21c. Kggs Firm, good demand; freh nearby, 17c; do. western, 17c; do. southwetern, liijc; do. southern, 12'' tlierse Firm; New York full iieams fanev small, O'.alOe ; do. do do. (air tn cholie, tTiaisjc. Iteftned Sugars -Quiet, but steady. Cotton Unchanged. Tallow City prime In lihds,, M5 c. ; counlrv do. In bairel, 4c ; cakes, CsiaV4c. Live Poultry Quiet, but steadv; (owls, 10c; old rooteis, 7c ; spring chicken. K'allc- ducks, lOillc Drewd Poultry t'n cliangcd; fowls cholie, lOulO'ic ; do fair tn good, O1OU1,; old roosteis, i-'scj broilers neai bj, 13.il7c; vveslein do., lOillc. rteceipts Flour, 5,0iX) bands ond l.r.ivrjno pounds in sacks; wheat. IIO.01O; coin, SfiO; oats, 0500 bushels. Shipments W beat, i.nuo bushels; corn, SOO bushels; oats, 2,000 bushels, New York Grain and Produce. New Yoik, Aug. 7. Flour More active aril fiinicr. Wheat -spot film; No. 2 red, 77Tie. f. 0. It. afloat; No. 2 red, 7,,c. elevator. Options were stiong and filrlv active all da). Cloed firm nt Tc net advance. September closed 7H'o ; October, 74T,c. December, "Sije. Corn Spot thin; No. 2, fiO'cc elevator and flic f, n. I. uf.oat. Option market vas urung and hlslier. Closed very steady lit 'je. net advance Septem ber closed ei)p.i December, (VUlc. Oats Snot steadv; No 2, asifcci No. 3, ac ; No, 2 whi'e, 42.H2ii,p.: No. 3 clo, U'te. : track mixed wet. em, isi0o ; track white, 4la9c.j options dull, but Dimly held llutter Steady; creamery, 0a 20'j.c ; fictorv vjtrn, utne, Uaic.t Imitation cieameiy, UaK'aM state dali). Italic Clie-w Quiet; fancy luge colored, u'Jc; fancy laige while, It'ic ! Limy small colored, 0?;c; fancy small while, WJaOHc. Fggs-I'lrm, state and I'enns.vlvanla, lOalSc; western uncandicd, FaS'ac, westein candled, 12al'iC Chicago Grain and Produce. Chicago, Aug. 7. Heavy export sales, a pi. diction of frost In the northwest and bullUh torn emp newa guided tbci grain markets today, wheat ibulng l'sc coin, c. and oat Uc lilgher for September delivery. Provisions de. 1 lined li'jaSc. to 15c, Cah 'piotatlona were at follows: Flour Steadv; No. 3 spring wheat, 6S',ja70c; No. ". red, 71'.aijc.i N'2 coin, M?ic; No, 3 jellow, AT c; No ,'J wlllo oit. 37Hc; No. J while, 57atc ; No. 2 r, MHilTe.; fair to choice malting, HatW.; No. 1 flaxseed, $1.01; No. 1 Northwestern, .(S prime timothy sed, 3.;5a5.05; mesa pork, ?13.75al3.S0; iird, 3.6J THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Lines, 3 Cent far Each Extra Line, For Bent. For Remto About 1200 feet offloor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, sit'table for light maufacturing. In eluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of THI: TKIBUNE. i'On HUNT n Mne-rnom tome In pleaant , .upper nreen Kldse, Sept. 1. Write 0. W. b,, Trlbuno Oillce. 1011 Ui:vr Klcdt ioom, 733 Jefferon avenue; all modern conveniences. ' For Sale. I'OH SM.K-Xcw and lecond bind buRRle, si.r reja, phaeton, aloic waiion, butcher wagon, one and tn horo lumber MKona, rarta and aulMea at M. T. Kcllcr'a, Lackanjnna Carrlitfe Works. t'OIt SM.K-prinif lU-ht pill, bet bred mate In the latr, sure trotteri aWlutelv found; hand'omc, PcdlRtcc and price. Apply to .VL T, Keller. FOIt SM.K- (1O01I rlai;tone. hwarta. Scliultivillr, Pa. Addiera W. P. FOR SvLK- Cat load of dialing and riraucht horaes and cood family hones. 222 22 Oak ford couit, J. M. Held. JLST AliniVEtl with a car-load of horrcs and drbrr, weight from l,0fl to 1..VW; ceral clrvely matrheil tejni Can be feen at 3-11 Ray mond court. I'. M. Cobb. I'OH SM.K A Cottrell k Sons cylinder pre, 3-130, In good condition, new roller, $-XX). Apply Wilkes-llatre Tiniti Olnie, Wilkei-Uarre. Pa. For Sale or Rent. xwvwvvvs FOR SALK OR RENT -Single houe, SOI Web sler .nenue Ten room, kteani heat. 0. F. Rejnolda, Connell building. Money to Loan.,WW TO LOAN" Lowest rates: straight or monthly pajmrnts. Stark k Co.,Traders' bH?. ANY AMOUNT OF MOSEY TO LOAN-Quick, straight leans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 311-315 (Vnnell building. Lost. l.O'.T -Ladi 's gold watch. Inlllil on ease, "E. M. ." suit tide reward if tetnrned to the office" of Finch Manufacturing company. P-.'T'i: short der, Ttiatic key, $1.29, rib. S7.70.i7 00; diy salted shoul. I short clear side, fVJOaS.35; whls. Chicago Live Stock Market. hlcago, Aug. 7 Cattle Hecelpts. 2.t,0u0, in cluding POO Tevan Choice -teadv, bulk, 10 lo 15 cents loner; good li prune tteer, 5 MU5 !.0; poor to medium. l I0i5.;'0; slmkers and feeder, 2'25al; cows, 2 75al 40; heifer, $2.'25il 75; can ncrs. $1 50il :m: bull. .--2 'AiL.IO. calves, Klai2j; Teva -leers. .!al 55. Twenty-five cars rai.geis teulv at i4lil.i llog- Hecelpts todav. ,1!.. IIOO; tnmnirnvv. !i,(!iv, le-t over, 12,is). Opined weal', closed 10 to 15 tent lower: mixed and butcheis, $."70irt; good to choice heavv, 5.MH 0.10; rough heavv. 5.IOi5.70; light, 5 70s 5 SO; bulk of sale, 5 7"a5 IK). Sheep llecelpt, 20,000; slow; goml to choice wethfts. HiAit: fair to beep steady to strong; laiob best steadv, other choice mixed, .l.2i.l.50; western sheep, $l.25i 3i15; .vcarliiu.'s, ! 2.5; native lanilis, 5; wetern lamb, $1 2lt5 15. Official receipt and shipment fur jotcrdav: Uecelptfr Cattle, 5,740; bog, IT.fHV!' sheep, 0. I7S Shipments Cattle, 6,050; hog, 2,S!l; -beep, 5,'iK New York Live Stock. New Yoik, Aug. 7. -Ileeves Heceipta, 2,1fil; good stcrnu firm, oilier mead) I bulla and cows geneiallv lower; steer l 00i5.n); top, rt; buIU, -2.5(ia'l fiO; imva, ! 75i1.,2"i, exti.i fit do., fl.s)i 4 in. Cable Steady I'.xporls, H,3oo cpiarter of beef. Calvc Hecelpt, ." lieads; good veals, 15a25e, hlghrr; other calve steady. Veals, ;4 ',0 a. .Ml; grav-er and buttermilk, Ma 1,75; cull, Ir2.75: fed 1 .lives, 4I; no vve-lernei on sale. Sheep and Lamb lleielil, S.n;;; sheep steadv; trifle belter: deling good lor lamb; no nuotah!, impiovemeiit; 15 en unold. Sheep, 2.25a4; few extri, l.1' 25; cull. la2; limb. 4a0; cull. ff2.25a1. Hogs Hecelpt, 2.S.SI; steady at SGatJ.:'). East Liberty Cattle. Tut Liberty, Aug 7 -Cattle Meadv extn, S5.5015 5'0. prune. 5. .Mia 5.1,0; good, 5 -205 cO. llni- Vbout t'iilv. heivv ii.'f mediums 11.11 bc-t voikers. M15).2c1. light voiker. il.0afi 15; pigs,' $5 POafi; (kip. l 5')i5 Ml; luiigl. la5.(5. Buffalo Live Stock. Huftilo. Aug. 7 - Cittle -Hecelpts, 5 cars Tex an, which sold at H 20al 25; veal, tops, ;a6.25. Hog Heceipls, 12 un" cuoiee to medium hea.'y, jrt.12'3 id Kb: pigs 5l'ia5). Sheep and Ijmbs lioceipts, ,5 cars; tcady at vesterday'i prices. Oil Market. Oil ( ily, Aug. 7. Credit balances, 125; certifi cates, no bhl. Shipnunt, 14 1, SIS; average, 00, S.10. Huns, 101,1V); average, 7S,7sO. BASE BALL. National League. At Pittsbuig It. si. Loins oonociioso a Pittsburg 4 2 0:i 0 0 0 0 '-! II. K. I) 4 !l 1 Ilatterles Powell and It) an; Doheny and Veag cr. Cmplies Oilay and tliown. At Cincinnati It. II. L Chicago 200001000-.1 12 1 Cincinnati 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 -(! 15 1 Hatteriea Tavlor and Kahoej Philllpj and Peitn. fmplie Nash. At naton ground. Philadelphia Hoslon, no game, wet t llrnnkljn New wet ground. Yoik-llrookl)n, no game, American League. At Philadelphia-First game- It. II. K. W'adilngten 1 il 1) 0 P 0 0 0 0-1 7 3 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 '-4 12 1 Hat tciies Mercer and Rudy; llernhaid ond Powers. I'mpire Connoll). Second game It. IL K. Washington 4 10 10 10 0 07 11 2 Philadelphia 2 0 1 1) 11 0 0 0 0-.1 0 1 II itterles Patten anJ firady; Planli ami Pow rr. Umpire Connolly . At tlaltlmore First game II. . y lloslrn I 2 0 2 0 2 1 0 2 -ID IS I Halllmoie I 2 o 0 o I 1 0 o - J 11 : Hatteries Lewis nnd; Foreman and Hiesnaban. I'mplres Canilllon and Haskell. Second game II. II, I:. Hoaton 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0-4 10 2 llalllniore 020007in'-0 II 3 Hitteiles Cuppy end Crl?er; Mclilnnlt.v and Hresnahan. I'mplret Cantlllon and Haskell, At Detroit- It. II. 11. Chicago 000101001-.1 10 4 Detroit 00303030 -3 17 3 naileries Callihan and Sullivan; Yeagir and Shaw. Umpire Sheridan. At Cleveland It. II, K. Milwaukee 2 0 10 0 0 0 10-1 II 0 Cleveland (10 0 0 0 10 2 2-5 10 3 Hatterles-neldy and Maloiie,)-; Hracken and Connor. Umpire Minawici. Enstern League. Toronto, 1; Brockton, 3 (first game). Toronto, 8; Brockton, 10 (second game), JiuiTaln, 4; Providence, 2. MnntiraMfartford, rain. Rochester, 2; Worceater, 1. SITUATIONS WANTED FRUE. Help Wonted. WANTKP Two pood caniawen for Scranton either male or female. Silary or romnilliii Noiet Inducements to bitjer. Scranton Hook .kciity, llcom till I'jull bulldlnR. KortKLADV AM) I'Onr.MAV wanted In a allk thronlntr mill In Sew York tale. Dive av, evprrkmp and ailary wanted. Addrrsi steady Woik, Tribune Oldie, Help Wanted Male. WAYIKIl jounu man about V sear old, Willi aonio esperienco a .isllant book-keep er. Mu't bale Bond Imbll and roo.1 refeicnre, ami be tapaWe tu lake ilinme ol an olliie. Ad dress T. M. C. Tribune Offlte. WANTIll A Mleemjii, Sept. It , for men's line. Only thoiouzhl) eperie:ieed and blaheat refeiences need a.ldresa "Solid leather," Tribune Offlce. WANTKD A oung man about 1 a awii Hit book-keeper, able tn write shorthand and ue Remington tjpeiwller. Fine out of town pcifltlon. Apply In lellir only to SlutrU E.oi. ibdland Itnu(, Adam avenue. SI1LET IRON' WORKER experleneed on No. 10 atock for factory In Creater Sew York We want a good man. sober and Induslrlnu, ronipt tent to lay out drawings and act aa leader or gang or aMant foreman, lo the right man there la a future, flood uv and hlr treatment floured. Addres, stating fully your experience and expectation. L. 1). Uox 50, West Snv Hrlghton, Sew York. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALriEHT SCllLirrZ, comer Mulberry street and Webster avenue. CUSTAV PICIILL, 650 Adama avenue. West Side OEORGB W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue South Scranton FRED L. TERPrB. 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton CEO. W. DAVIS, corner North avenue and Market street. Main Green Ridge aiAHLES P. JONES, 1557 Dlckion avenue. r. J JOHNS. 020 Oreen Hldgc street. C. LOHENZ, corner Washington ave- nue and Marion street. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. TJunmore J. O. BONE & SON. Wanted. W'ASTED-Paitner with )00, or loan of $5; sec lint v and $VH per month proht. Ad dress P. O. Box 114, City. WANTED -One thousand persons to buy one thousand bottles "Knights' Aromatic Syrup ol Prunes," nature's greatest pbjslc Lirgo bottle, 25 cents. Chas. P. Jones, 1557 Dack son avenue. WANTED An Intelligent (Catholic) lady or gen tleman to fill a light. pleaant poilinn; good pay, if suitable. Address P. O. Box 20, Scianton, Pa Boaiders Wanted, WANTED-Table boardera. Washington avenue. Mrs. Tompkins, 531 Situations Wanted. SITI ATION WNTF.D-At any kind of onice wotk. lis a .voung mail, experienced book keeper (iooil letrnnceii. Addrcw .. 5 , van; ut the 'Inliune, SlTl ri)N W NTED -Aa stenofrapher or assist ant book-keeper by u )oung man. Addrcs A. F , care of Tribune SITUATION" VN"TF.H-Ry a young trill aged 11 veins tu wai-li dishes or to do nursing. Ad dress MUs Jenny Jones, 1023 Priuj uticit. LEGAL. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION' PRO Pll'.D 'lOHIECrnZENSOFTllls COMMON WEAl.lll FOR THEIR AITHOV L OH III. .IKCTION B THE OENEHAL ASSEMBLY Ol" THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNsV I.VAN1 V, PUBLISHED Bx ORDER OK THE sECREI'W or Tin: commonwealth, in pi iim anch OF ARTILLE .Will OF THE lONSlllT TION. A JOINT RESOLUTION'. Proputing on amendment tu tin- Constitution of the Commonwealth. Section I. Be It rvvilvrd bv the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth In (ieneral Asiembly m,'t. That tho lullowing is piopoaed as ameudmeiits tu tlie Cunstitiitlnii of llie Coinmoiiweallh of Ptnns)lvaula, in nc lurdance with the pruviilona ut the eighUcnth article tlieieoi: 1 Amindinent One to Article Eight, Section One, Add at the end cd tin- ht iiaragiapli "f mi. I section, alter the word "shall be entitled Ik vote at all election,, the wonis -uiini howevei tu such laws requiring and regiiUnng Ihe regUtiatiun of eleclon as the Oeneial V semhl) ma) cnait," so tnat the saM n-ctiuii tliall read as follows; Section 1. (Jualitlcatlon of Elector. l'veiy male cltiren tweni)-onu )ears of agi, pove-ii g the following cpnlificatlnn., shall be (nlilled l.i vote at all election, mbject linwevci tn sin li laws lequlring and itgulating the regwliainiii of cleclois as tlie (Jcneial Awimbly nuy inacf 1 llhc shall have been a cltiren of tlie I mud Siales at leat one month 2. He shall have reside d In Hie State one vear (or, having pievioiily been .1 iiuillfied elector cr native born iltlreii of the state, Iip shall have removed therefrom and returned, theu six month) immediately pieceding the election 3. Ho thall liavo resided in the election clU tilct where he shall otter to vote ot lea.t two months immediately preceding the eletlmi 4. If twenty-two )ear of age and upward-, he shall hive pild within two ) .1 Mai,- . euunty tax, which shall have been o.. .ed nt least two montln and paid ot iea.i , 1 month before the election. Amendment Two to rtide Elglit, Sdi ,. Seven Strike out from slid section the word ' b 0 no elector shall b" depiived of 1I1.1 privilege f voting b) reaon of hi nim not being 1 1 -tered," and odd to s-ild section the follow in. woid., "but laws icgulatlng and reiuirlng Iho rogitr.ctlon of eleitoi mav be enacted tc iipplc tn clllei nnl), provided tint such laws be line fonn for cities of the tune ili-s," so that Ihe said section shall read as follows: Section 7. I nlformil) of Eleiilon Im -Ml laws legnlatlhg the ho'ding of eleclniia b) tue cltlen or far the niittaiion of elcilnr sli.ilt be imifiiiiii Ihioiigl'init the Sut ,, bm laws regulating and re.piliiiu t!i legulritlou of eli-iKi. iiiiv be euacli-d to apple lo nth ou'v, pinvxlcd Hut such laws lie uniform br iiuce nl tlie same ela. A title corn of ihe Joint W W. (i III EST, Seirelarv of the I oufiuoiiwrallli. AMENDMENT TO THE I OWIII TION' PRO I'lH'll 'ID THE CII'l.l s OF TllN COM. MDSWI Mill roil Till lit U'PltoVU, nil III -JICTION BY HIE (JEN'ERL AI'MBLY OF Mil lOMMONWEAI.III OF PES"NVLV VNI , pi iiLMirn bv 011111:11 of tiii: mcih'tuy OF llll, COMVIONWEVLTIl IN PI lll VNCE OK ARTKI.E A VIII 01- THE CONSTIILTION. V JOINT RESOLUTION Prosposlng an amendment to tho Constitution of the Commonwealth. Section 1 B it enilted by the Senate and lloiirc of Heproenlativea of Ihe Cummonvvialih of Pennylvanla In General sembly met, and it Is hereby enacted bv the authoiity of il,e tame, That the following is pioHsed aa dn amendment to the Constitution of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, In accordance vvilh the piovlidona of the Eighteenth article thereof, Amendment, Strike out section four article eight, am, sert in place thereof, as follows.-. Section 1. All elections bv citliena shall be bv ballot or by such other method aa mav be prescribed by law; Provided, That secrecy In voting be preserved. A true copy of the Joint Resolution W. W. ORIEST. Secrtai7 ol the Common esJth. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Than Four Lines, 6 Cents (or liacti llxtra Line. PROFESSIONAL. MAAAeWMADMMUIAI Certified Fubllo Accountant. i:nv.nt c. fluildlnir.. SI'AULDINO, 23 TRADEItS DANrf Architects LDWAim 11. butldln;. UAV19, AKCHITLCT, COSSELL rrti:in:nicK l. nitnw.v, arch, n., real -tte Kxchanirc Illdg., 120 Washington iv. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. L U IIARDINO, 003 COSNELL DUILDINO. Dentists. n.; r", K"'':N'nEROF.n, pauli doildino, f-pruce street, Scranton. DH. C, C. LAUDACII, 115 WVOMINQ AVENUE. . Lawyers. nANK ,E'. no"If:. ATTOHNEY.AT-LAW. Hooms 12, 14, 10 ,a 18 liurr building. F. K, TnACY.ATr'V.COMMONWEALTH BLDO. ".I0. .Kt'','-O0LE, ATTOItNKY-LOANS rrtCO. tlated on real estate aecurlty. Mean building, corner Washington avenue and Spiuce street. WTLLA11D, WARREN k KVPP, ArrOR.VKYH and counvllons atdaw. Republican building, Washington avenue. JE-SSUP k JLSsUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN. """"'t-law. Commonwealth building, Roomj 19. 20 and 21. ,:J'AJ?D "' TIIVYKR. ATTORNEY. .004, OH, Door Mc,ri building. ROOMS '" .A, 'VA1"". ATTORNF.YATLAW, HOARD of Trado building, Scranton, Ta. fATTEnSOV k WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Rank building. C- COVIEOVS, 0 13 REPUBLICAN BUILDINO. A. w nrnTiiot.F. oFKtrr. MOVED TO NO. 211 W)cmlng avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. DR. W. E. avenue. ALLEN, BU NORTH WASHINGTON DR. S. W. IAMOREACX, OFFICE 339 WASH Irgton avenue. Residence, 1319 Mulberry. C hronln c)ira.e, lung, heart, kidneys, and genitourinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. in. Hotels nnd Resturants. THE FI.K CAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor. SCR WTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. U k W. PAS. senger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BRICGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps used. A. B. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave orders IIOO North Main avenue, or F.lcke's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. noth telephones. Seeds. 0. R. CLARKE k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS. erymen, store 201 Washington avenue) green house, 1050 North Main avenue; store tele phone, 762. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 811 LACKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOn CHILDREN TO ORDER: a!o ladles' waists, Louis Shoemaker, 212 Adama avenue. MFOAnOEE BROS., PRINTERS' velopes, paper bags, twine, Washington avenue, Scranton, SUPPLIES, EN Warehouse, 139 Pa. THE WILKESHAHRB RECORD CAN BK HAD In Scranton at the newa stands of Reismau Bros., 400 Spruce and 503 Linden; M. Norton, fil Lackawanna avenue; I. H. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street, Personal. OUR NEW BOOK sent fire, fully Illustrated, treat of all condition of men, tells how to attain "Perfect Manhood." should be in the bands of cverv male adult. Addre Erie Medical Co, "Book l),pt.," Buflalo, N. 5". LEGAL. .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that under the act of aeuibl) entitled "A supplement to an act entitled 'An act to provide for the incorpor ation and regulation of ceitain corporation, ap proved April -ith, W4, providing for the im-pi-ivciiient aiiiuielinent and alteration of tha charleis of corporations ot the cm ond class, and authorizing the incorporation ol traction motor coinpinien," appioved Ihe 12th day of June, A. 1. Its.), and known as the Corporation Amend ment Act of !i.l, 'I lie Colliery Engineer com pin), .1 coipieiatioii inaled and existing under the- Conjuration Act of W4, will apply to the governor of l'ciui)lvanla on Wednesday, Septem ber 4, HWI, for Hie following imrrovements, umendnieiiu and alteratioas uf Its charter, vlr. ; I irt -llv changing the- namit nf the corpora tion In "Intern itioiial Textbook Company." second -It) making tlie purpose for which said lorporilinn Is formed to read a.s follows; ' Slid eoiporntlon I formed to originite, write, compile, illustrate, edit, publirii, and evil in slruitioii papei. textbooks drawing plates, periodic .il. inaearinow, paiiiphlets, articles, and letter lor the div-eiiilnation cd literary, technical, educational, and other iiiloimatlon; to conduct a printing, engiaving, lithographing, stereotyp ing, edee hot) ping, cuprotvping, line work, half tone wmk, ejiibnwiiig, printing In black and col or, photographing, photnt.vplng, rhotograving, pietuie printing, and bookbinding business; and geuerallv, lo iraniet a printing, booK-blndlng, and publi-hing buine b.v the various methods now in ti.e, or which may be hereifter Intro, cluced or Invented " ... Tlilld Bv making the exutence of said cor poration p'erpetual. And for thev purpo'es to luve, pcve, and enjov all the righlj. benefltos and pnv liege, conliwied by the said act and IU biipplemenu. SrWLFY P. sLLEN, Seaetary. Scranton, Pi., 5ugust C, I'iOI. FINANCIAL OLDEST! WALL STREET SAFEST! Money Will Earn Dig; Monthly d.-cti Returns. Otol, Thelnvestor'a Fund Pays Semi-monthly. The oldeit established In America. No certificate holder has ever lost s, cent Payment mad to II icibvribers eveiy 15 da)f. No trouble. No . , - iflav Monev refunded on demand Write to- t .11 tor narllculars, free to any address. C. i: Mac hey i Co , Hudson B'd'g. Nesr YotU, Bond Offerings. Payinp; 3J to 5J rhep. & Ohio, It oi A. Dlv. 1st Con. 4s. Kvnnn & Terrc Tlattle 1st Con. 6s. Iowa Cpii. ll'- r- 1st B liiilR.. N. A. & flilc. Chic. & Ind. Dlv. 1st fif. Mexican Central rty. Con. 4s. .Missouri l'aclflc Tuist Bfl. Mob. & Ohio, Montgomery Dlv. 1st bs. OrcKon Short Line 1st Con. 6s, Hlo Qranilo Western 1st 4s. St. Iouls HrlilRs Term. Ity. 1st Bs. St. 1.. Iron Mt. & So. HeM. 4s. Mil. l-lei Ity. & U. Co. 6 Via. Stock. Complete Circular LUt on Application. Spencer Trask & Co 27-20 Pino Street, 8S State Street, Albany, N. Y. NBW YORK