The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 08, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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WylVWliVfcllfcllllJVllVlVWllliMl"llllMllll l
Funeral of James McLaughlin, tho
Miner Who Wat Killed by Frilling
Down the Oxford Shaft Lawn
Social at tho Homo of Mies Holon
M. Fowler John Burko Arrested
on the Ohargo of Threatening to
Kill Ofllcors of A. O. H. Elected.
Nowa Notes and Personals.
A small lioy by the nnine nf Hon
Ptltto, living nt Lincoln Heights, was
playing on tlio street yestordny nftoi
jinon, when n lingo l"(fi owned by
John liimti, i ii me up mill attacked the
little fellow. The dog bit film veiy
fovriely on his Hide, lnceiating the
llesh In tnimoicuis places.
Dr. William Iiowlond P.ivles was
called and eatlteil.ed the wounds. The
doctor dues not think anything sei
liius will t exult.
Lawn Social.
This evening the jnuiin women of
the I'llMl ll.iptisl eliuieh will liuld n
lawn social on ilu Iieiutilul law 11 mih -lftlltntlnc
the home of MIm Helen M.
Vow let, Lincoln avenue and Jackson
stteet. All aniingeiuclits hae been
niiifl" to eonifoi talih handle a l.ngp
ennvd, so thai eveiy one will lie wait
ed on without dela. The lawn will
he deioratid ulili the national ioIoia
mill Japanese l.irtciiis. and this used
as n bae hginiiii 1 for tin- while chesses
of the .voting billion of the chls, l.s i.
petted to In quite lilt sti1le to the
pitssci by.
Aldermnnic Cases.
Mat.v of WW 1'ilee stlcc I.
Imil it w. in. mi MMiin out on Tuesday
for the aricst of John I'.tllke, who lives
at la.'." Price slieet, on the charge of
assault and battel y. with Intent to kill,
upon the poison ol hi i Min, by her
tlrst huslMiid, a young man of i'i) je.i s,
by III" name of K.itl I'.uilkm r.
Mr.". Shaw ilalms that on tin 'Jith
da of July the iletelidanl mine to her
house and tailed lit r mhi, Cat I, out.
Vpon her mih appealing on the seone,
the defendant giahbod him by th"
tllioat and i linked Mm iitilil his tongue
prnti tided fmni hi, mouth. When una
pplied to lot the voting man go, he
sHld "I'll vhnin ,im dnid on nur
ilomstrp, If 1 eel th" limine"
At the healing bifou Alderman Hol
low, tho defendant was hold In $200
hall on each charge.
Funeral of James McLaughlin.
Yesterday morning at 0 o'clock oc
cuned the funetul of tlio Into James
McLaughlin, the, unfortunate miner
who was billed Inst Sunday by fulling
down the Oxford shaft. Tho body
was taken from the home to St. Pat
ilck's ehurrh, where n. solemn high
muss of icqulptn wns said. The pall
beaters were chosen from nmong tho
young man's foinior friends and weie
Patrick Itugun, Andrew Conner, Peter
Mnlannoy, John Michael Gol
den and Thomas Connois. The llower
bea ins weie Anthony Mitchell, James
Jliinnognn, John Judge, John It. Swift
and John Nollennny.
The evidence of love and esteem In
which he was held by his mnny
friends, was in the beautiful bank of
Mowers which sill rounded the ens.
kel. among which weie: "Hates AJat"
from l.on I No. 171.', I'tiltcd Mine
Wotkeis of America; "Hiokeu Col
umn" fiom Anthony Mitchell; "Set
ting Sun" fiom his fonuer conianlons;
"llroken I'licle" I mm John It. Jones,
nnd mnny hand"omu casket bouiiiets
fiom other ft lend. lnteimeiit was
made In the Cathedral coincteiy.
meeting last evening, after tho regu
lar prayer meeting.
Mis. Anna Leyshon and Miss Maud
Jones are visiting at Youngstown, O.
Frame Residence Destroyed by Fire
Yesterday Morning Other
Nows Notos,
The two-stoiy flame building
owned nnd occupied by Mnthew Sher
wood, adjacent to the Clcen Itldge
street bridge, was almost completely
ilestioyed by Hi u yesterday mottling
sbottly before 3 o'clock. An nlaim
fiom Hox 00 brought out the General
Phlnney, Niagara, Llbeity and Kxcel
slor companies, ami their prompt
work prevented a spread of the llames
to other buildings. Mr. Sherwood had
to be carried out of the burning build
ing by some of the fhemon, who found
him there nearly suffocated by smoke.
Ho had gone buck Into the building
to seme some valuable pnpeis mid
some cash. The building was occupied
by the owner ns a tesldence nnd for
u confectloneiy business. He saved
none of his household or other ef
fects, so lapld was the spiead of the
lit'. How the file oilglnatcd Is un
known. Mr. Sherwood's loss Is about
one thousand dollats, on which ho has
some insuinuce.
Ttoi and Almond Cream tmnin
redness ot the (kin ami oothe the
pain ol unburn in one night. Tale
a bottle with jou rn jour vacailun.
von salh m o v jknkins.
The many fi lends of Harry P. Davis
will lejolce to leain of bis successful
examination befoie the state boat d on
July IS. Mr. Diivlw Is now a leglstoicd
Mis. i:. it. Paiker, of Washburn
street, has pill chafed the old Moms
hnmesteiul on South Main nvotiue.
After lciuoilellng it, ."be will reside
Mis. Dugg.iu and daughter. Ada, of
South Main avenue, mo enjoying the
on Tuesday evening, Division No. 1,
Air lent Older of Hibernians, elected
the follow lug ollkois: Picsident, T. P.
Mcllule; vlcc-ptesldent, August Me
llnle; tliiauelal societ.n.v, John l.aelle,
recoidlng scciotary, John P. Ciowley;
tieasuier. Patilek Lynn, standing com
mittee. M. J. Jennings John Sliough
ncs.s.v, John Can oil. Thomas Kcgnn.
At 1 o'llock on Tliuisdav afternoon
the inombom of Slocuni lodge, No. 07t,
Independent Older of Odd Fellows, -will
meet for the puiposo of attending the
film nil of the late William It. Motle.v.
t)i. A J. Wlnebrake has icmoved his
ollli e fiom Wrsl Lackawanna avenue
to .".or, Noith I'eheiiu luenue.
MI'S Aliie Coons of Not til Sumner
incline, is at Harvo.v'.s lake.
Mis Mabel Spenici, of Jaikson
stieet, is at Hnivc.v's lake.
Jehu Hale and mih, Flank, left
teidav for Buffalo and Canada.
Ml-s Kthel le-wls, of rifleenth stud,
and Miss Noima Niehuls, of litoyotto
siieot, me summeilng at Lake Idle
wild. On Friday evening the inenibeis of
the Flist Welch Baptist ihutch v III
hold n lawm soi at the home of
James A Kvans on Hde Paik ave-
The condition of Di. Ue nolds Is
about Hip same.
The Flisl Riptlst cliuuli held an
Impoitaut and lnteies-tlng business
Revival Meetings.
The revival meetings held every
night this week at tho Flist Welsh
Haptlst chuich, on West Market
Hticet, sue largely attended. 1 hey
me stiiipssful, inuch power
and feivor cliniactcil.lng them thus
far. Many bae piofessed Christ and
a number have asked to be baptized.
The whole membeishlp of the chinch
Is astir and greatly encouaged by the
lestilts so far shown. The new pastor,
the l!e. J. V. Davics, wlio Is u bill
llant thinker and mi eloquent speaker,
Is In full cm nest and has made a
vlgoious stmt In his new Held of
Cln Istl, in work. A most cordial wel
lome Is extended to all to attend each
meeting commencing at 7.o0 o'clock.
li liSl IS 0
Arrested for Abusing His Wifo.
Spencer King, n mine carpenter liv
ing on Cleailew stteet, near North
Sumner inenue, was m rested at 1
o'clock yestoiday morning by Acting
Lieutenant Hockenliciry and Officer
Kn.s uf the North Suauton police
station. He tame hoine bite, In mi
ugly fiaiiie of mind, and alter abus
ing and threatening his wife and
daughter, tinned thorn out of the
hoii'-e Into the lain. The wife ap
pealed to the police for his aircst,
swemiug out a wairant agalubt htm.
In mint ".csteiday mottling. Magis
tiato Fidlir Imposed a $10 line, which
King paid. The husband was held In
bull to keep the peace.
In Police Court.
Frank Httltus and Joe Kanowskl
weie two of a dtitnken ciowd who
got to lighting among themselves on
Nay Aug avenue, near Uteuker street,
on Tuesday night. The men u-ed
knixes on each other, and when Ofll
cer lloikcnbeny and a squad i cached
tho place, in i espouse to a call for po
lice assltante in quelllug the disorder,
these two weie capttlied. Hoth weie
haill.x cut. mid needed a surgeon's
services In ilies-lng tlielr wounds,
They eaelt paid lines ot $10, when
31.igistr.ite Fidlir heaid tlir case.
Jon Zcmytls lotight wllli another
in. in and was badly used up by a
kitlle In the other's hands. The po
ll' e gatheied In Zeni.v lis but bis as
sailant PMc.ipnl. He would not tell
who the man was, and readily paid
the $10 line which Magi-Hate Kldler
Imposed on him in police aunt es
tcrda.v morning.
This is an unusual offering and as the supply is limit
ed, we advise quick looking. The question of buying lies
whh you. If you think as much of the values offered as
we do, there is no question as to what you will do providing
you can find a use for the high class Silks which bear this
wonderfully low price.
Here are the Facts
at a Glanc
Joint Excursion.
N'et Tuesday. Aug. ", the Welsh
C'oiiki egatiiiiial chinches ot Wert Mar
ket stteet and South Main avenue will
hold .1 joint excursion to Lake Lodoie.
During the day there will be two songs
b.ini. one by any person under fi ears
of age. the outer by a poison over 43
yeais of age
The fol'owlng i aces will be hold: Lgg
race, .h ill-mow lace and iMiat races.
Also re i.ttlons mid addi esses will he
m.ulp. Adults' tickets, "S cents Trains
leave Delawaie and Ittilun station at
b.l.'i a, m.
Highest Grade Wash Taffeta Silk
in as fine a collection of coloring as you ever saw.
Mostly fancy stripes in satin, or contrasting color effects.
Surprisingly PQ
cheap at Duui
Lace Stripe Taffeta Silk
A rare assortment of open work stripe Silks. All the
leading shades for street or evening wear. Very dressy
ind effective.
v" cheap at
Peau de Soie Silks
August Sales
Are a benefit to the buyer or user as well as to the
seller. Modern business methods demand that every
dollar's worth of merchandise be sold out during the
season for which it was purchased. That is why busi
ness men call August the cleaning out month. To the
thrifty .August is a harvest time.
An example of what can be done during these sales
is to be found from our great
August Sale of Furniture
Now going on.
Nearly every line of furniture that you are likely to
want will be found in the assortment at substantial re
ductions from regular prices.
Rockers and Fancy Chairs
Regular August
Price Price
$ 1. 8s $ 1.47
2.50 1.90
3-5 3-75
5.00 4.00
6.75 5-5o
8.00 6.25
9.25 745
10.50 8.75
13,00 9.90
15.00 13.25
8.00 I4.50
Kitcben and Dining Room
. ......... MI 25
. ... ...... ..... 'o
The Semi
Annual Sale of
Is another evidence of many saving opportunities.
Hundreds of little household helps are in the lot
and the prices are right in every particular. A few
prices are herewith given.
$ 1.75-
8.00 .
14.00. .
. .$ i.4o
, . 6.50
, . 8.25
. . 10.00
. . 11.50
. . 14.50
19.00 15.35
$ 6.75..
12.50. .
.$ 5-39
. 6.50
. 10.00
. 12.25
. 13.75
:;.oo 19.00
21.50 7.25
22.50 18.00
24,50 30.00
2Q.00 23.75
55.00 6.oo
63.00 5'. 50
Bedroom Snits
Regular August
Price Price
$21.00 $17.00
30.00 34.00
40.00 33.on
25.00 30.50
35.00 38.50
50.00 48.00
Parlor Snits
Regular August
Price Price
$ 20.00 $15.50
24.00 3I.OO
28.00 22.50
44.00 36.50
52.00 43.00
60.00 50.00
68. 00 55-oo
125.00 95-00
China Cabinets and Buffets
Regular August
Price Price
$1 1.50 $ 9.25
16.50 13.25
18.00 145
22.00 18.00
52.00 26.00
40.00 34.00
China and Glassware
Crystal Glass Tumblers, a
dozen 22c
Crystal Glass Jelly Glasses
with firmly fitting cover, per
dozen 18c
Berry Bowls in cut glass
designs 10c
Lemonade or Water Sets,
made of Bohcmi'jn Glass. 6
glasses 1 pitcher, and tray. . .79c
Thin Blown Tumblers in
fancy designs 5c
Crystal Glass Flower Vase,
10 and 12 inches high 8c
Kitchen Lamps, complete
with burner and chimney . . .35c
Crystal Glass Celery Trays
in cut glass designs 10c
Decorated Carlsbad China
Plates, in all sizes 9c
White Porcelain Cups and
Saucers. Sale Price, each ... 3c
.. .49C
Good Sized Pastry Boards,
each 15c
A Good Sized Wooden
Bucket loc
Hardwood Salt Boxes.... 10c
Strong, Well Made Towel
Rollers 5c
Dinner Ware Specials
100-piece Dinner Set made
of finglish Porcelain in under
glaze designs of blue and
green. Sale Price $5-95
100-Piece Dinner Set, made
of fine porcelain in new shapes,
two colors, How blue and
brown. Sale Price $7-49
112-Picce Dinner Set ot fine
Porcelain French China, deco
rations of dainty floral designs.
Sale Price $11.50
Many Little Honsehold Helps
at Little Prices
Mrs. Pott's Sad Irons. ) in
a set, one stand and one han
dle 79c
Handy Shape Ironing Wax,
each ic
Folding Lunch Boxes 10c
Scrub Brushes with solid
backs 4c
Scrub Brushes, solid back,
good bristle 8c
Mouse Traps,
Clothes Lines, 50 feet long,
each 6c
Mason's Fruit Jars
1 pint size, a dozen 59c
1 quart size, per dozen 69c
J4 gallon size 87c
Fruit Jar Caps, per 'dozen... 32c
Fruit Jar Rubbers, per dozen 3C
sticpt. lins iPttuiiPd homo from Waver
l. , whole .she wns tho suest, for p
wopKh, of .Mr. anil Mi.. K. (i.
C.i 1 jienU'r.
Miss Lizzie Font, of Klnilin, N. Y..
Is vMUtiK with hir cousin, Mls (V.
cilia (Junnon, of Beaumont avenue.
Mi Knl. Uobliihoii. lot Wllkra
H.irre, letuined to her home .vetenl.i,
after .1 ik's llt with her rouiln.
Mls .Muis.nct Uillexpie. of Dutkln
Four Boys Were Given Hearinga
Laat Night by Magistrate Storr
for Disorderly Conduct.
In black only a wonderfully rich silk of guaranteed
quality, and worth very much more than the selling price
now asked,
I . cheap at
Globe Warehouse
The of the late Matthew Con
nnll. wan lulil ,esieiI.iy afternoon
fiom the family lexlilemo 011 1.1'KKflt
Ktteet. and was attended lty a Iiuko
I'limler of lel.itl'. es and n lends. Th
services weie lmpreve. In aicoid
ame with the KpKeopal, and
weie eonduited by Rev. II. J. llaugh-
ton, i.f St. I.uko'x. lnteimeiit was at
t'orint II Ml eemetery
Th" fuueial of .Mr. Maiy V.. Howie,
widow of the late John Howie, who
died July 4, took place r.sterday af
ternoon from the lesldenee, ilJl Dene an
nippt. It was laiRely attended. Tho
hm Icon weio conducted hy the Itev.
111. W. (1 Simpson, of Afliury .Metho
dist l.'plsrop"! (Inn ill, and a number
of selections weie lmpiesslely suiifT hy
a ciiai telle fiom the iliureh eliolr. In
tel ment win at Foieht Hill cem.teiy.
Mrs. Daniel Lew in, of I'hlladelphla.
Is the Kticst of the MlnbCH Owen, of
Hiick aw'iiue.
M. and Mis. P. H. Atherton, Mr.
anil .Mm. Join Cornell and Mr. and
Mr.'. A. H. Hilh'KS hao leturned tloin
Lily lake.
Mi. and Mrs, George M. Mulley aie
at Luko Wlnol.i.
Yesterday. Prof, and Mm. J.Haydeu
Cousins, of Noun Main avenue, left
for a two weeks' sojoiu'n at Atlantic
Mrs. S M. C'orhon nnd Mrs. nert
Stevens and daughter, Francis, of
North Main avenue, luue returned
from Lake Wluola.
The body ot tho late Walter Tilpp.
whoso death occurred some days apro
In Southern California, has been ex
pected since Pilday last by Undertaker
Jorrs. Tho delay In tt.s j-n'val Is du
to ..aliouts on the Southern Pacific
inllioac. In New Mexico.
Nilss Anftle Reese, of Oak stieet, left
jvsti-iday for Huffalo, wheie she will
Join her cousin, Miss Annie Reese, o1
Plymouth, In cnjoyliif- tho Pan-Amrl-cin.
Miss JJniiiu Miller, of Oieen Ridge
Jame.s Rurns, of Plttston avenue;
Joseph Keegan nnd James Muiphy. ot
Ktone avenue, and Patilek Laselle
wete niraiRiied before Police Magis
trate Stun last evening for dl-ordeily
tonduct. The four lads wore charged
with shouting nnme.s at people who
passed and annoying them in other
Some of the persons made c om-
plaint to the police on this side. Mon
day night a number of them weie
couBiPgated at Plttston nenue and
r.lm street. About 11 o'clock one of
the South Scianton cam. on which the
two oflkeis had posted themselves,
mine along and the boys began to call
names, at which tho oirUois left the
car and after a short chase (aught one
of them and took him to the station
house, where ho was given a heai ing.
Ho gae tho names of his compan
ions and the otllcers went to their
homes and biotight them betoro the
magistrate, who lined Muiphy and
Ittitns oath $.'.00, wlili h they paid and
with a warning they were (Uncharged,
Funeral of Minnie Gaul.
Services oer tho remains of Min
nie, the oung daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Unrd, of Moltke awnuo,
were conducted at the house yestei
d'iy afternoon at 2 o'clock by Re.
Father Ktiatib, assistant pastor of St.
Mary's Oeminn Catholic 'church.
They weie well attended, numeious
fi lends being pit-sent. Interment was
made In the Twentieth w.nd cemetery.
Allow 11 eoush to run until It crti brjonil (ha
reach ol mcdlilne, 'ilicv ctlcn 1), "Oh, it will
wer )," but In most iar It will wear
tlicm aa) Could tlicy tip Indue rd to (rv tho
(uciHstul medicine lallcit Kcinp'a llaluin, hkh
is told on a noaltlts guarantee t cure, the
would Immediately ce the excellent effect after
tabinir the flrit doe. 1'rlcu 25c. und Wc. 'fiial
tiro tree. At all clruzziiia.
The menibem of the St. Aloynlus, St.
Pattick's and St. Iiene's societies aie
requested to meet at Phaimacy hnU
this eenlng at S o'clock, as business'
of Impoitance is to be transaited.
Mm. Kmnui Uompscy and chlldien
and John D. Qulnn are enjoying a
week's vacation at Haivcy's Lake.
Mr. and Mm. Philip Humm, of
Maple street, have teturned home
from n two months' stay nt Now
Charles Hamm, of I'lttston avenue,
Is 111.
The members of St. Paul's church
will conduct a fair at (icrmaula hall
September 16-28. Preparations aie
being made by tho membis to have
It a success,
Tho Scrantou Athletic club will meet
In icgtilar monthly business session
this evening at 8 o'clock at their
rooms on Alder street,
Burgess Burscbel Still Refuses to
Sign Warrants for Work Bono on
the Stono Crushor Number of
Poles in tho Borough and tho Tax
That Is Collected from Them John
Kristoe Badly Injured by a Fall
of Roof in No. 1 Colliery-Other
The council met Inst night with
Mess is. McAIIIstei, PatuiK Wind and
Biogan pte.MMit. Most of the evening
was taken up with a iiultless disc us-
slon In lefeiencp to the opeiatlng of
the stone ci usher on the Golden plot.
Tho talk hiought out the fact that the
ciushci as now opeiated at Kant Is a
eiy expensive luui. The time sheet
for labor employed theie dm Ing the
month amounted to $313 '.':!, nnd dm Ing
this peilod there wie 21S loads of 111a
teilal token iiwa, making the con of
piodiKing it about $1.IjO pel load. This
does not include the price paid for
stone, espouses of two tennis engaged
in diawlng it unon the stiects 01 111,1
teihils used In blasting and fiunl-hlng
power to tun the machine.
Huigess Ituischell stated Inst night
that the mateilals placed on the loads
from the 1 lusher was costing the tax
paei.s per load. He still refuses
to c oiintemign oidem for pay lor wcuk
done theie, and as a lesult Tieasuier
Vohleis does not honor orders. He te
newed his offer made hint month to
sign the oidem if the council would
older the woik thcto stopped, but such
action was not taken. The matter of
mdem being paid without the slgna-
tine of the btngej-n was leteiicd to the
boiough attorney.
Iluiges.s Ituischell stated that good
crushed stone tan bo had at nlxty-llvo
cents per loud. The meeting was mm h
enlivened by the impiomptu speeches
made by John O'lluia, In which he
gave tho council the benelit of his
many yam of expeiienee, much to tho
amusement of those piesent.
The counting ot the polcn in tho bor
ough hus been completed and It is
found to be decoiated with 1.M1 leaf,
less trees, divided as follows.
Uunmoip hlritric Light coirijunv Vl
suauton lluilw.iv 1 p.nt v V)l lolriiliono i,iiiiii 'i
lVtili l ,( ni.i Cnal company Il
suanion iiu nnd .itcr compene of
spccclwav cuinpin) J3
The tax from this sotneo will net
tho boiough $70." 50. Payment has been
received only fiom the Scrantou Rail
way company, and tho other mm.
panics weie notified to comply with
the oidluaiii e at once.
Crosswalks vvpip ouleied laid at In
let sections of tho following stieets:
Jlelawaio stieet and Monroo avenue,
Collins mid Di Inker stieets, limok
street and Tripp avenue, Green and
Hlakely slieels. Iloiough Engineer
Knight submitted an estimate) of the
cost of contemplated rcpulis on Roar
ing limok bridge. Tho cost of tepalr
Ing would bo $60. A now wooden
stiucture could bo built tor $U'S, whllo
an linn bildgp totild be built for $310.
The street and bridge committee was
Instituted to toiifer with tho county
commissioners In leference to tho
matter. The chief of police reported
eleven nriests dining the month of
July, and Murgess Hmscliell tcported
lines collected amounting to $14 Time
sheets of the chief of police for $.ITn,
(hlef ot tho flip department for $1"0,
and the stieet commlssloneis',
amounting to $13,, weie appioved. A
time sheet for woik done at the c lush
er, amounting to $'ll.l.2fi, was appioved
by the finance committee. Miscellan
eous bills, amounting to $J04 00, were
oidoted paid.
An opinion was submitted by tho
boiough attorney In which he said
the Scianton poor district wns liable
for cost of burying paupeis and not
the boiough, as has been claimed.
Miner Injured.
John Kilsloe, a miner emplo.vecl at
No. 1 colliery of the l'rie company,
was badly Injtlied by a fall of roof
yesteiday morning. He had Just 111 oil
a shot and enteilng his chamber, was
caught beneath a blanket fall.
He was lemoved to the Lackawanna
hospital, wheie It was found that he
was nutfeilng fiom a biokcn back and
Intel mil Injuiles. His condition last
night was veiy ciltlcal.
josterdav for a ten clns' stay at At
lantic City.
Mm. W. W. Patteison. of Philadel
phia, and Miss Anna May Rlchaids. ot
the West Side, were Gieen Hldge ln
Itots jestetday.
Miss Jennie OKell, of Monroe uve.
nue. gave a poich paity last evening
In honor of Chaile.s, S. Mtilr, of Phila
delphia. The guests were Misses Ger
tiude Guild. Jean Mitchell, Isabella
Jones. Isabella Okell, Hnnsom, Gtlilln,
(ierliatd and Mesnts. Guild, Mulr, Kul
ler, Pish, T.ilnr, Hvans, Gtilick, Roy
and Hnlph Gillespie and Okell.
Mr. and Mm. Heiuy I'. Ylbeit, oJ
Meildlen, Conn., aie visiting their sls
tor, Mm. Aithur Hildgen, of Delawaie
Miss Ylnter.". who has chat go of Mr.
Meyeis' Fchool for gills nt Cumberland
Gap. Tenn., gave an Inteientlng account
of tlio woik being done there, nt the
piayer meeting of the Gieen Hldgfl
Presbyteilan chinch last evening Miss
Wlntois Is the of Mm, K K,
Nettleton. cif AYa-shlngton avenue, dur
ing her stay In the city.
Miss Caroline Wilson, of Klngsto
visiting telathes on Clay avenue,
Mm. Chilslopher Keller, or Klectilc
avenue. Is tho guest of Stioudsbuig
Miss Mary Kessler, who has been the
gue.t of the Misses Ilionson foi sumo
time, lu.s lelutned to her home.
Mm. Mnrtha 1). l'llei, of Cla.v ave
nue, who linn been seilouslj ill nt the
home of her niece, Mm. Hnpeniati. of
West PlttMon. was nc ccunpanled by
her daughter. Mis. Irving McCoinuuJt.
In hei home esteida.
I low aid and Geoige McCoimlck have
letuined to their home, alter a two
weeks' visit witli their giandpaienls,
Mr. and Mm J. W. MiCotinlik. of
Miss Julia Hlhhop Is vlnltlng li lends
In New Yoik city.
Misses Maisaiet Motlatt. fit Hi Inker
stieet: Lizzie Tleincv, of Ulm stieet,
and Snllle Couoian, of Webstel ave
nue, aie amone the Dtinmoieans now
at Atlantic City.
Miss i;mma Gil, of Newpoit News,
Is the guest of Minn Anna Miauniug. of
Plfth stieet. Alice Goodwin, of Mom 00 ave
nue. Is summeilng at Cistal lake.
Kiank Mai shall, of Chmy stieet, Is
at the Piin-Ameilnin.
Miss Ituby Yost, of Hlakely stieet,
Is at Lake Clemo.
Mi.s. lilitlett and dnughter.of Wilkes
Bane, aie guests .it the home of Oscar
Yosi, on Hlakely street.
l;ev. A. H. O'.N'ell. the1 former pastor
of the Haptlst chinch bote, Is the guest
of trlendb In town,
W, dicr II. l'.uv, in the WcuhlV Wurk
(tin n 1 .niKie ind n!, .ind In 'ho
Ii.iiimiiii,iii .111,1 t"i i uf iliilrn ay mid by
tin Inciiuiiv in tool 111.. Line. In cm dr. .iny
iiiii' i.i-l. umlrr hciuii In tier. (iifi,
man ilu.ipH linn It n cut ilune Infore.
1 bis Is I lie lliilii-IH il vimlli illoii ( drmnrra, v;
.ind II I" (1-1 Inliiuiic new ,hii1 nnd iniiUcct
ml, ,i.s well .13 111 lu'tri il, lumlitinri.
Mrs. Alexander Windlow and the
Mlstea Agnes and lldlth Waidlow. or
Wllkes-Haiie. npent csteiday with
Green ltdgo ft lends.
James Ilea, of Sanderson avenue, and
Karl Hughes, of Dickson avenue, left
There' .1 ilnnn in ihlly livimr In the thtrhets
,( Hie (Unit.,
Whrio ilic pul.e e( men ind uninrn, while thry
l.ilicir. lliiiili" .mil he nc.
While uilli muii) liinnoll.i bre-wlnr, eirh hu
d.iilj t i-k piirMilm,
I.vrr.c Hun; huin.iii lnn.t' In the vistas ol ths
Ttuiis the cnuri-e lit tntp al;n. him,
I. title mluiU the Htlfc .iioitud Mm
1 line's riiiliintinciit, nnsic, wonder, in th
iiuum of tie mocK
Ticic' n lit,iniii Imrr -scurry In tho umdinca
of the Mirrtt,
Where the pule of hum in lalmr, li ye hrirkfn.
thioln and beiti.
While the emoke ailoa cicr, pioof ol toiling
mm' rmlravcr,
Stiongcot iiusle chii never take the charrr
from out the utrci t.
On the lUlit tlio hum cum,
in the leu tlio Imtilltm lluriy.
Make the life uhicli odd the loin.ince to ths
tutnlntrs of the Hum.
Thrie'a the "poelr of nmti'in" on the ve
liiriiU of the i4Kfi.
While the heart of liunllne mankind. c it
pak-e. tliinlK and lrat,
llic-re'ii the rllttlns irmcd ef rdratiiir, hut In
Kieater, Hioir.'er liirimire,
Poundi the tread of miiikllid'n tieamie, crliiijr
l.nliul. mi the tid
In th. ilavlicht. in tlio laniplicht,
In the slcniin.i. diriri inldnlaht,
There are fonttcn lnn hfatlne on the pave-
nirntt of the auciia.
They who mill ee the ,iuaIor inl Ihe majlo
of the .IrnlK,
Thev wlm (1ml but liBhi nliraitlon In atronj
Lilior'a llnclu and hcjn,
I'eil no ilnnn In liumiti motion, do not feel
tho least (motion,
Think It all an nnpi.v notion -thej 're not worthy
of the ktrreH.
Of the tstis and the windlngi,
(If the nurea and the luminal,
Uf a life 'mhl.t human lirlnza on the ildrwtllu
n( the ttiorla.
lUa Llelicrman, In Stray Thought.