1vt5T fZ-t 9 jsVwv'Vft'r!Tit - r ribime ifltltott THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATEDPRESS, THE GREATEST NEWSAGENCYJNTHB WORLD. SCUANTON, PA., THURSDAY MOKNING, AUGUST 8, 1001. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. ( oi mft. rv 'i ji .1"-, 47 STEEL STRIKE HONORS EVEN Neither Side Is Exulting Nor Is There flnii Expression ol DIsGoiiraocnicnt. NO TROUBLE OCCURRED Amalgamated Association Has Sue cooded in Closing Down a Bip Stoel Plant at New Castle and Manufac turers Havo Partially Brokon a Strike at the Clark Mill in Pitts burg Action of the Structural Iron Workers. Hi Fielu1ie Wire from TV Aoeited Press Pltlsbuig, AlU 7. Ill Hip big Upp1 bIiIKp. linmns mo piisj In till' set lion tonight TIip Amagumutiel iifticin tmii succeeded In closing down the big s'eel plint nt New Custle, and the n Hiiui.K tin ns ptitlally bioke the stilke at the I'l.uk mill In this Ity. . itlu i Hide Is exulting, nnr Is lime am expression of dlstouiiigcmeiit. i tni or defeat ol oltluu at this eil lj stage of thp w.ufaie urn have hut Iitllp (ffpit bevoud Indicating ihe pinhahle lino of battle lu be puiMied l enih. I p to this liuiii, lint the slightest tioublo has onuiud ul an point In ibis ImniedlatP let i Itm . and Ainnlga in.ted men hip t niicspondlngly happy because this condition would seem to bo the ianliiR out of the associa tions new depaiture In the h.mdliuR ot htilKe- The unlet waltliiR ol the stiikeis may be one of the sinpilses hinted at b the national ollleeis. I'loin one or two points, the stiikeis iiip lepoited as lestloss and i.iRei for hi Hon hut so lai hae kept faith with theli leadeis and refi.ilned fiom iiimmittlug any hieuth of the peace. Iteundtr A. M. Blown docs not an ticipate that theie will bo an dloi dtt In I'lttshuR on account of the sieil stilke. If theie should be ellsoi eler he sajs It will be tho ilul ' the buiPiiu of polite to suppicss It, and niiest all who aie toiiceined in It. Jlet older Hi own Incidentally rcmuikod that theie would be no dlsn imiiiatiou between stiikeis and emplojois, and tint all iiip pipial under the law mid Mill be mi treated. 'the I'nited States .Steel cenpoiatlon, It was learned today from an of11ol.il souiee, Mill at nine pi meed In a t--leniatli niannei to stait Its closed sheet mills. niakhiR the non-union plants cif thp Kiskimliutas ullev the ci, idle Mheie tht stilke hieakeis Mill be tiained and then sfnt out to the mills that me dosed. ho far as presi dent C, M Schwab Is conterued, no oveituits will be made by the tmst to the woikeis lu a talk with a Pittsbuig man In New Yoik 5psteida, lie said. "Wo hae made out last proposition to the AmalRTinited nssoi iation and Mill low pioteed to stall our Minks" Shaffer's Counter Statement, President Shaffer nnkis this counter .statement: 'The net pnipotdtlon must come fmm the I'nited States Steel imput ation ofllilaK" Thus the twr cecutis .inml. It seems ns If onl outside eftoits tin biing them togethei. The tmst ollielals hne decided to ro nhead lowh In the matter of staitliiR mills, and to do so with as little pub licity as possible. The btroiiRholds of the sheet com pany nie the mills at Vandi iRiift the laigest In the i'ounti, l.eethbuiR, Apollo and Siottdale It has been de cided to take as many skilled men away fiom these plates as possible without lPtaidliiR opei.itioiis time and start the mills mIipic tluie Is the leant danger of an oiitbitak The plates left aiant at the mills mentioned Mill In filled with men .1. . serving of pioinotlon and tluv .will be given better positions This mow. will be undci taken slowl) and with cau tion The plan fllithei i onliuiplates that after a time m in of the stiikeis will loturu wlitn the se one after nnother of the ilo.spd mills lesumliiR This plan was tested the UiM few das nf this week and found to be feasible, so far as the mills at Hde Tark and 'U'ellsvlllo ro, and It has befii deilded to adopt It so far as tho sheet and hoop mills aie concerned. Dans for st.utliiR the ilev-ed tlnplato mills hnp not been loiupleted. In this brant h the situation Is dlffeient. The tlnplate companj ha mil) sl of their J32 roll tialns roIiir, while the sheet tcunpany have a few less than half. The officials of the Amalgamated as. e-oelatlon sa that this move will In .1 nipasure pla Into theli hand AtMc Kecpoit, Piesldent Shaffei said tint ne himself would lead men fiom an iersilft Info the Wood mill The oill :ials feel that If the nn Rtt the Van Jersrlft men awaj from their environ ments thPlf will Ik- little tioublo In brlnRinir them Into the association. In tUscussInsr the moo, Assistant Sine tdiy M. T. TlRhe said. "Thatcffoit will not extend eij fai, because theie me oul a few skilled men available, and In fox enough ,ull be trained to operate the mills, snow will fly piotty thick. A mine of that kind mlRht be attempted In nesseiuei or open hearth stPPl mills, hut In a sheet mill when) the skill lemiiiecl Is on tho hlRhest older tho plan lannot do anythliiR but ultlmntel) fall A scut of a Bhowlnu may be made foi u time, fcut It will not last Ioiir." Return of Iron Workers, The action of tho structuial iron workerb In the pictent stilke was tersely outlined by J, W. Pryale, sec retary of the bildRc and structural iron woikpis, who slid today: "Therp aie no union mills making stiuitui.il itppl or lion and our niPn hap been worklna tho mateiial fui nlhed tlieni and will continue to do so If theie was one union mill mnklnR tv mati-iial used by us mc would poc siblj net diffeiintl. I took this mat ter up with lliesldent Shaffer two eats ,iro, but he did not spp then of wh,.t bpiipflt an alliance ;lth iur i panlat on would be to thr mill wois eis .set it tin Joseph Bishop, of the Ohio boaicl of aibltiatlou, is in town and Is IsllliiR sovei.il of the c oiiibiuc oilic lnl. It Is said, in the Interest of another confluence, lie tefused to discuss his movements, saviiiR he was Iipip on oth pi than Hip stiel oiRanlatlcm's affaiis The (outlniiatlon of the stilke and the fact tint it Is to be ptpnded to Rieitei piopoitious auRiueiited the sitanible that has been on In Pitts. buiR foi two weeks to sec iiip sheets and tin plates. A canvas of the Job beis developed that the suipv of both sheets and tin plate Is lapldlv mn nliiR behind the demand, pspec lall.v In tin plate The Ameilcan Tin Plate Co has not clumped Its eniotatlon of Si .'" ppi box. hut lonsuineis have paid this week ns hlRh ns S 50 for boxes for liunii'dlate elellv el ,v , The cnmbliip pi lee foi supers Is JCO pei ton, but $70 and ?7" have been paid for sheets avail able at once TIip Independent mills aie reaping a hntvest They aie taking mutt acts at pi lies ns high in some e.isps as $70 a ton for futuie dellvei.v. The sales derailment of the Ameil can Steel Sheet company has given notiie to Jobbers that It innnot take nnv orders for some time as the tap atltv of the operating sheet mills has been lonti.ic twl foi. Quiet at Headquarters. Amalgamated hcudriuai leis were moie ciulet today than they have bepn since the stilke cueler was talked of. The officials of the oiRanlatlon weie kept busj all dn attending to loutlue business and Retting out materials for the vailous lot ill lodges of the associa tion that have been oiRiinized durliiR the past fow weeks. A lepoit was icielved enrly in the nini nlng fiom the stiikeis In New Castle, aiinoune lug tiiat tlu'oidei for stilke had been obe.ved to the lottei nnd the men weie out to .i man The news of the stall ing of the Clink mills heiP wns not suipiislng to the ollkials of the oi- ganlzatlon, as ihev had icielved Intl niiilions of what was to happen jes. teiday afteinoon. The situation Is peifectlv undci stood in I.awieuieville, the ollkcis sav. and the mlbundi iMandhiK that iiiused the coloied men to leiuin to vvoik will, it Is said, be ice tilled in a short time. One ot the most Inteu sling factnis of the stiiko is beglnltiR to develop. It was Intimated tint a plan was on loot for the fni m Uinn of an advlsoiy board foi the put pose of aiding Pit si dent Shaffer In taiiiug on the snug gle, which will be composed of the piesldents of the vnilou Made m Raiil?atlnns, with hendiiai leis in PittsbuiR Sin h men ns Piesldent Simon Hui ns of the Window lilass Woikeis' iissotiatlon, Pieldent John Kunler, of tho Pllnt Glass Woikeis, National Setietury James Pijal, ot the Stiiiituial lion Woikeis aseaia- tlon; Patiltk Iiolan, of the I'nited Mine Workeis, and any others who tan be brought togethei. This bo.iid would, It was aiRiied, piove a powti ful faetoi In caii.vlng the vveiRht of public opinion with the stiikeis and pei haps give fat mole substantial suppoit to the cugaiilzatlon now stuiRRlIng, than b any other means. No one In the ollites of the trust seems to cspect nn settlement of the strike except b the desti notion of tho oiganlatlou of the Amagamatcd as sociation In all Must mills It seems peifeilly leasotmble to the oflkials that this should be the lestilt of the pit sent dllllculty and they look for no othei. The- whole plan of taiii palgn will be one of silence and no Ht,i lenient will be made by the ofll- lals of iinv kind. It Is exptttcd to keep the stiikeis guessing all the time and not knowing wheie their lines aie to be attacked It Is said that the otlltlals have inelvcl assui aiiees I loin many ot the men that they will ietuiu at the piopci lime and they could stait scvcial of their mills, if It was not lor the eleslie on their pait to avoid nnv open mptuie or iii'.ile I lots in violence. Thev deny that time is an.v motive on helr (nut to goad the men to acts vviiiih win give tause leu i ailing on the militia. to Riiaid pi opei tv ami allow non union men to woik In ptacc. A minor was cuiiiul tuel.ix that Pieslelent luitfci wns to leave Pitts bug on auothei invsteilous nip east Piesldent fhalfci etcnled this and snld that he woull not ro awa but would be In Pittsbuig for the test of this week. lie said that he mlRht go to New Castle on 1'ildav night to addiess ,i meeting of the stiikeis there To uioiiow nielli he will speak to tint men In l.awieiuev llle. and on t-ntiiidto ho Is billed to speak to the mass meeting at the Amalgamated plmli In Me Kees poit. It Is Intimated that Piesldent (ionipeis, of the Amciltan redeiatlnu ot I.aboi will be among the speakeis at the nuetlng Attompt to Run McCutcheon. An uiisui rcssful attempt was made this morning to stait ihe S-lnch at the Mndsa and .McCuti hisju plant of the I'nited States Steel imputation lu AlleRhenj Flies weie lighted on Tiles. d.i night, but not enough men up- peaied to mil the mill. It Is stnted anotlnr attempt will bo mnde to stint the mill in the morning. Twenty men aie eftpeeted to ro Into tho finishing mill nt A o'cloik lu the mot nlng. Tho sMlkc'is seem Indifferent and say the mill tunnot be tun successfully b tho new men. None of the old men will return, ns the big niiijoilty ot tlioiii have (icourcil wink In Independ ent plants elsewhere. It Is wild to night that pmlssatlcs i)f Hip company nro nut ttylng to fee lire enough for two eicvvs to stint tln Painter mill nt nn curly iliite. No attempt to fttnrt tomorrow will bo made. POSSIBILITIES OF STRIKE. Extension of tho Stool Tio-up to the Machinists of Washington. Ily Hxclixhc Mire from 1 he Awoiialcrt Prisw. Washington, Aur. 7 The extension of the Mteel stilki? to the nnchlnlsts einplo.veel In the mills nfltcted b the stilke Is a possible developinent. Theie are bptvvpcn R00 and 1,000 machinists. In Hip Fttel mills. President fVC'onncll said today that a teriueht for n Minpathcllc stilke- ti om I'ltsldcnt Shaffei, of the AmalRi.matcd iiisotlnllnn, would, of couise, be given pciIoum (onsldeiutlnu, but that stub a teeniest had not been itcelvcd so fur. II" added, hovvpvor, tint the emploj mint of non-union men in plate of the stiikeis mitioubtedlv- would pieilpltate a sttikp of tho machinists, who would not work bchlde non-union mpii. The Rpneral stilke of the m u blnlsts Inaug iltatrd weeks ni,o Is still on. and no final j-ettlcment or l evocation of the stilke older nie In sight. FLOODS IN CHINA 30,000 DROWNED The Yang Tse Has Risen 40 Foet. Awful Loss of Life and Great De struction to Property. Dy Fxclmlve Mire" from Tho Awiclitrd Tress Vlotoiln, H. C, Aug 7. (It cat floods mused by the ovei flowing of the YanR-Tse have caused the death ot many thousands In China. The liver has risen foity feet nnd for hundreds of miles tho country Is a. Rteat lake, with only tops of tiets and an occa sional roof show lug. At Anklng, the town Is flooded, some of the houses to their roofs. At Kill Kiang, the na tive town Is flooded nnd two feet of water stands in the foiclgn settle ments. Lower down the liver, to wards Svvu Hue, the destiuctlon was greater and boatmen estimate that 'JO 000 wpie di owned In the cllsttlct. C'hong Teh was wiped away by floods and 10 000 eliowned there nnd many other points have been Inun dated, Involving awful loss of life and gient destruction to piopeity. It was feared nn embankment built by Cheng Shell Tung, near Wu Chang, would bieak and i.iuse tho diuwnlns of hun- 1ieds of thousand. ANOTHER BODY IN PHILADELPHIA RUINS Remains of an Unknown Nogio About 50 Years of Age Sitting Upright in Debris of Jones Restaurant. Ill Fteliuho Wire from Tho Vwociilcd Tif" Philadelphia, Aug. 7 Another body was found today In the ruins- of Mon day night's, explosion on Lot list sMeet, m iking a totnl of eight fatalities as a result of the dls.istei. '4'he body found tonav was that of nn unknown iiprio, about flftv jeais of age Ills remains were sitting uptight In a chair In the debris of the Jones restailiant. He had evidently been eating a Into supper when the eplolon pictured. It Is believed that all tho victims have now been recovered With tho exception of two coloied men nil the dead have been Identified, Thev nie- L'llrahtth Mountain, aged 3S jeais; 1'iederkk I.ee, aged 10 eais, Mai) Curtis, SO p,iis, hulu Cuitls, u eai, Aimsted Jefferson, L'ti jv.n.s, Adam I.pp, 17 .vears i:cpptlnR Miss Mountain, Hip dead nre colored, The Injured lu the hospitals aie doing well although spv eml of them nr still in a dnngvious tondltlon The of11clnl who niPiuvptlgatlngthe cause of the pNjiloslon tod.i) found , five-gallon oil c mi In tho ipllnr of the Qulglev grocety stoie The unlls of this cMlnr wpip blackPiied, n.s If an ex plosiem imel onuiied In It ijulRley claims that ho had iwi gasoline In his budding, nnd that the tan lind piob ablv been blown Into his phut; by the forte of the explosion. ENOH'S COMET SEEN. Prof. Wilson Bays He Observed It at Northfleld on Aug. 5. fly rxclimii" Wiro from The V'toclattd Prow, I aiiitirlcliro, Vh , uir 1 - tclrcmn Ins loon rrtoiifd at tho Hanarri collo(r ohoraton from Pnlm-oi II C WINon. at Sorlhtlold, in vihiili lie miii lhat ho oheriul Hick toinet on uc, 5, M'l (JiooiiHirh mom time Tlio rlsht uwomlnn Is fl liours, nj inlnutot, 1 S k-ioihN declination, plus .11 cloKrces, U iiilnulo, 30 doe ond Tho tlmo 6'ion 111 tho offlciil atinoiiniciiifiit li llio j. tioii'inik.il tlmo, uliith lodiiiod in ikos tho ilixuiorr on Vuir " it 0 linui, -1' lulimies and .1 ! oiondi ictkeiiod at Crrriuiiili moan time, or 4 hnun, l' minutct an I J a mtondi la.ltrn nitrldijii time Not in Striking Humor. P.) Fxrhutvr Wire from The oelalfd Prcts ltnoin, ViiR 7 NotMilli.tJnduis Iho etile menu nf President sintfer, the men il the Hun. tnnsilllo mill of the Vinrrli.il! sn.r nup torn. pun ore not In a trlkliiir hiiinni simo ihe in makers of the mill told Hum i Uw uck- n.n tint a ilriko nieaia a leiininrnl eliut ilmii. Hi j are not anxious tn In' lcanlzid ln'la.i the cot ton tie department was put In operation iwih i full lonipliiutiit of linn, alter brine idle fur monthi Democratic Committee Meeting. Py Firluilva Wire from Tlit sssoelitfd Press, llarrihurK, Vmr 7-pemoeralle State ( lulr. man f'reanv this aflrrnmn limed a e ill for a meet'of of the itate r Cutiie rniiimittii at noon on Wedneedaj, Vup II, at hesd piartem, lo irranse Ihe temporary otfluu of the tonicntlon, nlilch vdll meet next da, MORE TROLLEY CHAPTERS. Numerous Street Railway Com pantos Recognized by tho Stato Department. 11) l'eliibe Mire fmm TV Vwoemle-il IVm llatiisburg, Aug. T Charters) were Issued by the state department today to the follow lug Hticet railway com panies. Ilf-llc fli lit street IMIIn.iv tompinj; rapiUl, .l 1 l'iriilont Tliomn s llluclnw, I'ltlMiure, llMtlv sttrot im, lllahhnrl Pult "Jtre-rt IMllnif rompim, capital, WA) Prpldont, John .ton. Mn; PtltJmrif. W'nmpum nd llojlelale Slroot IMIIi fiinim, cipltd, rel Pnsiilcnt, Hliliard It i,'un, VhIcKIcj, llnvlmlale ami llonrr lull" Mint ltillwiij tompinv, npltil. isjn,(pi1 Mi Mil i iml Wampum Slrcft IMUmjV c-ompum, capltil, Jll.OOi) VVmipum ktroot Hill m inmpaiiv . i tplt.ll, i3.cx) llio ofnccM of IIipjo thiTO cnrnpililm arc tho smio 1 thoso ef tlio Wampum mil lloMmlalo compinv sunton Vifimc siroit llillai iompin, PittrtmrR. capi tal, JViil Pn-ddfiit, John Jrnkln, PltUhuris, rtollrlioM and Oiklind Micot lUilnay rompanj, PltMiiirR, npital, OT.Onn ProKldtnt, Thoims niRolim, rtlMiinc The I lood Cite Slrrot Itaitwiy roiupiin of I lnond nt), I.awrrncn rniitiM, npltil, Mm PrfHldnit, W K milliitr. 1'ilW'urg Tin- shrriiUn Viomie Ptrrot l!nll iv tninpiin', Pittlnirc. npllal, ii.nuO Prrftili lit. The inn I1ip1o. PilUlniiR The llintli mil Nnvillo socpt llcllwai ioniaio, PlttluiiR i ipn il, iHve Maltldi and llcuphln Slrert llillw o miiipnii, llttliiirg, npital, si.',. cKm ' ho efrtuM of tliPM loiiipinio." are tho Mine a thii-o nf tho s,fridaii mmin Strrot Kallu iv ininpini Tho Konliirl i Vrpn 10 ind Hone shoot liiilnii c Hiipim, Pill'linris, i ipil il. Sl.'-CiO. Prrinl'iil IIhiiih Itieclow, I'lilAiuri; New (j.llo and M ruli siroit llitlvnv lompin), r if.lt il snll PriMlelrnt. Illihinl 11 cjnic, SmliUn II o l.it I lid mil WIIMml urK strort llilhni iiiipiio, PiiN'mre, tipllil, sijmn lllniiii.lMiiir and lUntnii Slriet ltillni loinpini, cnliil sijf.inin Prrfiliiit. V.llllcm S Mo)cr. C'huteis mi p aWo Issued to the fol lowing torpoiatlous Vlloshmi md Wiftmoroland I Izht and Power cunpinv, lirnnMiurg npn il, si."n iniiriii linn eil and iln enmpan), O-ecoll, tipilal, M ' emi FRENCH DEMAND ON THE PORTE Difficulty Between the Countries Will Soon Be Settlod Nature of the Trouble Explained. Hi Ixilii-no Wiro fiom 'lh Vs-nihtod PrM IMils, Aug 7 A high otllelal of the li em li foielgu ofllce todav explained the nntuiP of thp dllllculty nt Constan tinople between the 1'iPiieh anibassa doi then, M Constntis, und the Tuik 'l govei nuiPiit. Two niatteis aie pending betvvpen I'lanee and Turke), the affair of the (uav coinp.iuv.aiid u number of tlalnis of rienelunen against the poi te, the amount of w lib h was fixed and pav. inrnt pi nmis, 1 lung ago M. Con stnns has bee-i .inable to obtain sat i.'ii'' en In fllhei matter, and In May w Intimated tr it he would he foi ceil to ik foi his leiall If the Turkish i.'i'v eminent peisHted In Its piocias tlnntlng tai ties. The Krench foreign nilulstpr, M DpI piissc, who iptuined to I'.uls jester da, went In (he afternonn to Ham boulllet nnd dined with PipsIcIpiU I.ou bPt lie' spent the night nt Kamboull let. and. leturnlng to Paris todav, will see the Tuiklsh ambassador this aftei nociii ot tomoirow It posslblp that M I)i'(iise mr.y li.ive to ipupw M Coiistiins's intima tion lrgaiding his l pi all, but It is moie llkply that the Incident wdl not reach that point In fai t, I hi probable that the matter will be speedilv set tled In a manner -satlsfactoiy to Plane e. The members of the Turkish embassy htie maintain diplomatic si lent e. DEATH OF GENERAL NEGLEY Veteran of Mexican and Civil War Passes Away. Pi Vxe lc:ie Wire fri in Iho Asoci.tpil Prrss Now "inrk, Vuir 7 filler firm r it liinoi R Voelei diod nillriili it Pliltflelil, S .1. train (lononl Noclev win i viicin of Iho Movliin aril Pivd ars and vm piouilneiit in niililar) ciulos l.rncnl Nojlov mis hoi ii in Pitthurcr in 2" Ho wis rn lo a iiiijor sninil of oljiiioors h r iratl uitrv at stone rlvor in 1ci 1 Ho u is i ineiii. I er nf iniurro- from Pilul arc frnni l'i,T to I T"i and from lcsi in 1T lor dome loar pj-t he hid piMctlucl Ijw in Niw uk lit)'. READING STRIKE ENDED. Railway Shop Hands Going Back to Work. Pi Ftelmiie Wire from The Assoelvtcd Tr'ss Una litijr I'l . ii? 7 Tho ttrlke if the Uriel ine riil o liop hiinU is 1 1 ntioallv endul Mr Prinor, tho iiprrintm lent nf mntiio ponei, nid tn ,i 0011111111101' of ltriihiiR hinlne-s men Imt th" eoinpii i Mill hiv li" li.rth, r lonfriotno ulili Iho nun in lrike, and lint IIiiko ho .ih wirk mint applj -' Imllvlilmls at the ormpanj's offli o Si men llio been put In ork Tinl mini of the Mnkiis line L""H' I ok tn tho s'i Vli I'rineo kais lint In koine ilij ntmrntn tlie i uin pmj hm no plaic for u, more hand May Havo Been Sraolter Robber. Pi I.vclmlie Wire irim Ths Virntfd l'ies sin Inmw". Niiir 7 -It was learned late t.wlai that the pilno Iiim- in eu(ndi a nun iln wis urn-ted oil u-pn 1, n ef belne liuplii lied In the sVlhi mneller iotk robheii. lu vihiili fjie.vi worth of mil bullion wis utrlrn Ihe Identlli of Ihe uipert Is not known Tho polhe will cue no lnfirmation on the matter. Major Almy's Funeral, Pi Ftclushe Wire from The Vwulated Press WioliiiLlnn uu 7 -The ir iloiui Imnil Is Inf mini I'nl the funerul of VMJor W 1 Mint, if Ihe Porto HUan rrsmient, ill like pl loo In I'lillidilpliH nesi Mnndai uul villi he mirled 1 1 the u-iiil mil it ti v cereinoni millliri rtonrl for the fuueiil ptobihlj illl ho mppll'sl fimii I'mt llott, Del in ne. Carnegio Contributes to Memorial. II) Fxeluilie Wire from The Aunelated Tre New II lien,,! olin . Vui; 7 Ihe rninmitlis In chiriie of the I nrneliiu s Hiisliiull Vlnimrlil Vmri itlon fund melied lodn a eheik for (.l.nm from ndrew ( irneiile Ihe cIhiiikii it allrib iilril t' the Mum pirxmal fiiend'hip ulilill exl-lc I for nun) jcare between VJr. I'anuijlc an I Mr llu-liiull Killed by an Eloctrlc Car. Pi Kxilinlve Wire from Hie Xwoeialed Press, Wllkc Hare, Vuir 7- Tesepli llarter, accd W jean, a retlied farmer, as Instintl) killed todiy In front of Ida reiidmee at lllllilde, thii count) lie attempted to tms Iho Iraiks ol an elettrlo ralhiai, when he uas knorkrd doun i) a i,irand run over, hit body being cut In to. REPUBLICANS OF IOWA MEET Ticket Upon Which Theu Will Go In to the Next State Gampulan. CUMMINS FOR GOVERNOR Ho and His Followers Control the Convention from the First Rap of the Gavel to the Putting Out of the Lights Harriman Men Fail Utterly The Platform Adopted Contains Hearty Endorsement of President McKinley and Congress. A Protest Against the Disfran chisment of Citizens Upon Linos of Race and Color. Hy rVlushe Wire from The Aisoclitcd Press. Cedar ltivplds, la , Aug, 7. The ticket Covet noi A. Ik Cummins, Des Moines. Lieutenant Governor John Herriott, Stuart. Judge of the Supiemc Court S. M. Weaver, low.t FalUs Itallroad Commlssionei I. C. Brown, Sheldon. Siippiintenilent of Public Instruction II G. Hatrett, Osage. With the above ticket the Republi cans of Iowa will go Into the next' state campaign Cuinmlti! swept tho boaid. He and his follow pis took pveijthlng that they went foi, and fiom the first lap of the gavel to putting out the lights, theie was no tlmo when they did not have the situation well In hnnd. The steeling committee who had de cided to make their tight with Hnirl man ns their candidate, had tounted with tonlldente on oiganizlng the con vention, and had declared that their best chance for winning with Harri man luv In thl dliectlon They failed utterlv In the make-up of the perma nent oiganl. itlon. Although Henlott and all his pei sonal following denied up to the time the tonventlon opened that he would take nothing on tlio ticket les than flist platp, theie. Is no doubt now that the deal was fixed up with the Cum mins mem The platfoim adopted eptesps "gi'atllltntlon over the enilusenient given to the administration of Piesl dent McKinley by the dPiNlvp mnjor HIps ot Inst car anil rejoiced In the manifold benefits resulting to the coun try from his re-election, which has in splied new confidence to the business world nnd established authority und otder In our new possessions and lengthened the position of this coun tiy belore the vvoihl." Congress Endorsed. The platfoim continues: "Wo would emphasize our endorsement of the no tlonofcoiiRiess more Hi nib cstahllshlnR our monetary rtem upon a gold basis and in providing for civil government in Porto P.lto and tho Philippines, and for the icllneiulhment of our authoiity In Cub i. "The policy of this government to waid these Islands has tollenveel Inevit ably upon our expulsion of the author ity of Spain. It has been dlttated by the conditions piesent, has been ton slstent with the splilt and within the piovislons of the constitution nnd the l in amount tcmsldeiatlon has been to S"ctue the lasting welfare of these peo ple, whose fortunes and destinies have become In huge clegice dependent upon us. "We aie earnestly opposed to nil leg lslntlon designed to accomplish the dlsfianthisoment of citizens upon lines oi nice, coioi or station of life and condemn the ineasuies adopted by the Dpinoiiatle paity In ceitaln states to accomplish that end." The policy of it protective t.ulff Is endoised and such changes theieln aie fnv tired ns from time to lime bei oine advisable "through tho piogicss of our liidustilcs and their changing iclations to the commeico o' the votM," STORM'S HAVOC IN NEWMEXIC Roads Obliterated Farmers Suffer Heavy Losses in Crops, III Ftilusito Wire fiom Ihe s.'nilied Pres smli Ii, N VI, ViiJ 7 -f.reat ilinuje has been done In tniius ilurlnc the fast few il ivs on both ! pes of tlio l,orlcta ramie Itio djis mil be rcquiied to repjir the laibnad no lint trius ein bo run fiom tho tip of iho mouiiMiu t I aim lletiiern f.loibta an 1 I,aui) tho publli hlcli nil is enliuli obliteiadd laimei liaic uf fend heiilli In los of nips, feme and other improvement. Polishers ond Lockmakers Strike. Pi l.xilmlie Wire from The ..nehted Press laiuwtir, Pi, u' 7 Ihlil) llio mlli.hers and loik nukeis at sijtmaker fc Mini's Irxl noiks, ftiiiik todj) Ihiju-u of the dl'ilureio of one of their numlier y mie tlmo aitn i iimie ment was stated to oifcanUe i link nukon.' unbii, ilien the flnu nntihed tin ir cnih)cs llnv weie o po-od In II Sri, libelees the unimi foiimel h teiupnrir) niciniiation lj-t night ami the trmpnriri prraidenl n pi unpllt ilWilinci1 1 this mornlnK. 'llio other enplo)cs immediate 1) tlruik. Machinists and Moulders at Work. P) illusive Wire from Ihe Vtsoiialed Prem. Ildzletoii, Pa , Vuir 7 - lllmiieli thei mted a fiu diva alio tn i out Inn' the Hijit iiiiuv nf the iniclilnUlK nnd moulder fnrmerlv iiiipln)! I ill the luMnt Dnftrn of love llmllieis K I mi pain, tlie minim; firm, uhn hive been nn .Hike idiue lime, lodiy lieirm lo appli for their I r mer pntltioiis and the strike U now pracllial') jiroken 'I lie nun liaic KJiiicd nn iniici wluui. World's Record Brokon, P) Kiiluilie Wire from 'rhe Visnlated Press IlnMon, Vint 7 -line ivoild reenrd na broken at I ti trie a Itiver pirk Innlijht, tt beinz lu the lint heat of one mile ol Ihe match lice between Albeit riiamplon and Major la)lor, the foiuer rnverlnit the mile In 1 ' ti from a fl.ilntf ktart. The picilous record a ISO held b) Mlihael. THE NKWS THIS MORNING- Wtither Indlcatloni Tojayi FAIR WARMER. I (,rnrrl-Honors About llitn In the feted strike. Vhtann Veto humed at the stake. lo rtepubllcati Njme a Ticket. ! (leneral- Culmndile Ilepirttnent. 5 1ieal Injunction Vgilnst Car Ilullden II Propped Popular Hooks of Summer. Milnrl.il Nolo and Cnnmeiit. S lineil- prmMnns of Ihe Tuvrnlle Court Dill. Ilallotiinr tho Kducallenal Conte't. ms- West Scnnton and Siibiuhin. 7 fleneral Vorlheijilnii IViiiisjbanla. I'lnanolal ind ('mnmerclal, ' IM"iil Industrial md lnbor. Mining (Kit by stripping. Court Proeeedlngs, CONGRESSMAN WRIGHT DEFEATS OPPONENTS He Wins a Sweeping Victory at the Montrose Caucus Yesterday. SpeeMl to the Sc ranton Tr 'nine. Montrose, Aug. 7. The "Republican delegate caucuses held In this borough last evening resulted In a sweeping vlctorv for Congressman" C. V. Wright nnd his adherents, und a complete knotk-out for whnt Is known in Sus quehanna county politics ns "Kllrovv lm " Both sIiIps weie well organised and the contrt was conducted with gient skill. lu the Plrst waid V. A Tltsworth and S G Kancher (antl-Kllrow) weie elected delegates to the countv con vention, nnd Hon. D. C Tltmnn (nntl Kllrow) was elected county committee man. In the Second wnrd (the closest ward, on account of being the resi dence of S. S Wrjffht. a Kllrow leader nnd a candidate for state delegate) the lesult was a defeat for the Kll row cause nnd the election of Justice M. II. Vnn Feoten and Justice J. S Court! Ight as delegates to the count (onveivtlon Theto a no opposition to the ie-eIectloiii of W. J Itakor us committeeman. In the Thlid wnid, W P H Alnev and A. Perlgo (nntl-KII-row) were the suctesful delegates, and AV A Tltswoith wa again tliosen coinmltteetnnn without opposition. The plan to vote Democrats was, for the most pint, abandoned, but few at tempted It, nnd of these, still fewer succeeded In doing so. ThlngA vv re eiv extlllng for a few hours, but theie nie no setlous In each of the ptuce to lie lecordexl und today all Is compaiatlvely calm. Tlepoiti fiom many of the county towns fully bear out the forecast In Tin- Tilhune of a dctlslvo vlctoiy for Congressman Wright, and the conven tion which meets In this place tomor iow vvjll be In the contiol of that gentleman and his fi lends by a large majoiltj. Pionilnent Republicans fiom nil pailn of the county have been ni riving today and tonight the hotels piesent an un usually animated appeaiantc. NICHOLLS AND FAHEY ARE AT HAZLET0N Mr. Fahoy 8tates That the Mine Workers Will Not Havo Half a Dozen ' Other Organizations . in Their Banks. ny Fxelasne Wire from The Aoelted Tresn. HarlPtnn, Pa , Autr. 7 DIstilct Piesl dents T 15 NIc bolls, of Seranton and John Fuliey, of Shnmokln, arilvesl heip tonight to take pint lu tomorrow's meeting of the exeiutlve boa ids of the I'liltcd MIim Woikeis of the antluacite Hi Id Concpinlnp the meeting, Mr. Pnhej said "We want to dlspoo of ceitnln initteis once and for all. lne Ciller nue.stlons to bo consldeied are those of i aid day and the tetent stiike of tlie lliemen. An attempt has been miiile to fasten i pi tain thlncs on the I'nited Mine Woiktis, whlih we do not pur poeip to tolei ite The mine workers will not have a h.ilf-doen separate otgau-Uatlnn-s within their innks If thej do theti' is buuiid to he double, nnd that Is what we aie striving to avoid," POSEN HUSSARS ORDERED TO POTSDAM They Will Attend tho Funeral of the Empress, Hi Ixilii'iin Wire fmm Ihe V'inlaled Press CionbeiR. AllR 7 The two sepiad loiis of the I'ospii HilShais. of whlih reglnfiU 'he late cle wilder rmpipss was lionoi ,in coli lei, Pav' been c.rc'cied to Potsdam to take pint lu th" f uncial pioiesslon, King l.'elwaid, It Is now iindei stood, will not go to Potsdam. Ho will leave the continent by way nf Flushing Filda night, in companled b Queen Alexandia The tloial oifeilngs now number hun dieds nmnv of them nie magnlthiut and hlghl) nitlstle ENVER PASHA RETURNS HOME His Mission to China, at the Instance of tho Kaiser, a Force. Hi Fieluilve Wire from The .ssociated Press. ul i i.i. II I , Vui; 7 I mei I'l.-ln nnd M Hf, the 1 n 1 1, i-.li inisMi n whiih, at llu iiiilaiiee if Kabei Willielui. was rut in ( hin.i li the illUll of lurlei. his lift slniiclnl fir In me I heir miwiin In the Vlnhiinmedjiis lua bein a flue. Bryan Favors Fusion, II) Itilustve Wire (rnm Ihe Vn.nn.iiid Prew l.ineoln. Nib, ue 7 Vleitlnirs weie hi Id tonluhl hi the Pemnti itn, PopulUI and lice 'liver Itepiihlliin mi" initial iniumitutw and lu,on of hli truer anion was puithallt auiied upon the Hte conienlions all beinu' lived for Sept 17 at I Ineoln . J Pi.van allrevid Ihe lleinni ratio mil PopulUI committees ami ex- J irieeed himself ttrongl) In laior of lufoii. NEGRO BURNED AT THE STAKE John Wcslcu Pennington, ol B!r- mlnoliam, Paus the Penaltu lor Assault In the South. A BLOODHOUND CHASE A Largo Posse Captures Ponnington in a Swamp Ho Is Identified and Confesses His Crlma and Pleads for Morcy A Crowd of BOO Gathers Brushwood to Furnish Fuel for tho Stake Chained to an Iron Pipo the Wrotch Expiros with an Un earthly Shriek. ny Fxebulie Wire frorv The Associated PreM. Illrmlnpham, Ala , Aug. 7. With agonizing! sc reams and his ejes bulg ing ft om his head, John Wesley Peir nlngton, a negio, wns burnel nt thp stake nenr l'nterprlsp, Aln., bpfore a crowd of llvp humlrpd enraged and de tPtmlneel citizens of Coffee county this morning. Tho mob was composed of both whites and blacks, and though suffering man pleaded for mercy and frantically endeavoied to break the chnln.s that tightly bound him, not a trace of sjmpathy was shown on tho fncefl that peered at him through the flames. Pennington had committed a brutal assault upon Mrs. J. C. Davis, wife of one of the most prominent far mers of Coffee count), and had con fessed his guilt. The crime wits committer! Tuesday afteinoon, while Mis. Davis was gath ering vegetables In her garden. Pen nington choked the woman Into Insen olblllty. accomplished his intention and fled thiough the woods nearby As soon n she regained her spiisps, Mrs. Davis cinwlcel to the hou,w and told her bus bard what had happened A lnige pev-se was quickly oiganlfed, with bloodhounds, nnd the) chased the negio until early this morning, vv hen ho was captiiteel In a swamp. He was bound hand and font, and taken to tho Dav Is home for idcntlfli .itlon, New r of the assault n Mrs. Davis had been spiead for miles' around Hnterprl.se, and every fai mer In the neighborhood hnd Joined in the pursuit. When the posfe ui lived this mornlne 'with Pen nington at Ip.cst SUA pctsons were gath ered near the Davis lcsldence, A Rieat shout went up when thei pilrnnpr ap pealed, but at a signal the men wlth dievv to the woods and quietly nwalted the ipsult of the mpeting of Penning ton and Mrs Davis Pleaded for Mercy. Mrs Davis letognled him as her as sailant and the negro broke down and wept. 11- admitted hn lug committed the iss.iult nnd ileaneel for meuy. but he was dragged 'icm the house to the woods whfe the crowd had gathered Hvldentlv expecting the confession, sev - eralVltlens had already elilven an Iron pipe in tho grourc1 and as tho captors approached vlth Pennington, both whites and blnc'is. were piling brush wood around the stake The negro suv his doom rnd with a screnm of teir.ir fell In a tn'iit. Ho wis quickly revived and dingg"l to the stake, while the riovvd stool silently by. Tho fright ened man was limp and had to be In Id up whil" the chillis weie fastened around bis neck and body. A match was applied to the pile, and with oil to feed upon the tiny flamo soon burst Into a loaiing Are. The ten Hied negro again pleaded for nieicy In the most agonizing" tones and praved to God that those uiound him might polish. He then dulled upon his Maker for foiglveness, and as tho flames leaped up and encircled his neck an lineal thly shriek ivas heaid nnd tho man's ejes almost 'bulged out of their sockets. I5y this time tho flro had gained such headway that nothing could be seen except a wilggllng mo tion In tho circle) of (lie A silence followed and lu a. few minutes tho flames had sufficiently subsided to show that Pennington's head had fallen for waid and hung ovpr the lion chain His body 'vs qulcklv consumed and nothing -enialn.d but a pile of ashes. Tho ciowd then quietly dispersed. MAHSUDS DEFEAT BRITISH. Surprise Garrison of Kashmirkar nnd Kill Seven Men. Pi txilu'iip Wire from Tie Vnclarcd rrfi simli, Vuir 7 Two hundred MiliMids attacked a milltu pot at hishinirkar. Vuar el, klllinc a sriln, iml mii rMiiir llio earn r, which souchr reliii.i In tin birnnks Ihe M ihsiuU deminde 1 tho lilli'-. thiratininu' t bum the pn.t If th iveipou, weie nut kiieu up Tin iDilllumeii then Miniiiilercd their arms seven if llu mm weie I lll-d mi 1 an of fleer mi tins, mm noun led Iho Madsiielt deiaiupfl with the inli'H, aminiuiltlnii, itnlfoima and kiti rf the f.irrU n, viilluut the lo,- of a nun, Three Bodies Found. Pi Fiiluilie Wire from The Vssnditcl Press. Pu II di, Pi . Vus 7 Ihe brallfK of three mrv, wire fniind I lu in Hie ruin, nf a barn that wu tunned in ir ( r'lishiw, a mull ininins town i lew miles li in llu plan on Vuj. 1 fhe Indl are mippnid 1" Ik1 lho,e it tianiw, who liad he n Kim in He iiiinilv hi the night the fire ot t inn il YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. !,,! ilaii f r Viu.ii.t 7, I'sllt Iltia-lio.t iiinpH in ii 7"i rie tree i nwi,l tniip rum Ml elcKiiri llclitlio lliimidiii Sim. fsl r cenl K p in . "i per rent Piitipitalii u, .'I hniiis ended S p in , 0 3j inch sVsvv-4,y.4.t -f-f -fHVsv.HV4 WEATnER FORECAST. W ithlimtnii, ne 7 Forecnnt for rt' nn Pennivli miii Fair an I w-umer Tliinwla) , Irlda), fair; freth seeit to limthvvest vxiuda t f fttl t-f-rfTT-rT T f 4 i .A