THK SCKANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1901. .: 71 ir w NORTHEASTERN. PENNSYLVANIA' THOMPSON. Bpeclal to the Scrsnton Tiibune. Theimpnon, auk. 0. Miss ("Jcorcla StocMnnl, of Start ac-ci, srppiit the Sab bath with MIr I-'lnm S.inford nt the M TO. lmrt'Otiacf. Ml hk fJiiicp Nvihorvott, of Now York, Is the RtiPHt "' M'"n Hrtiinnh Wnlker nt her f.itli- .-, Thomas Walker, on Jnrkfon Rtrcet. The V. ('. 'I'. t lirM their retrulur innnthlv mi'otltiK at tho nnptlt chinch Sunfliiy i vrtntiR nt l dlsotisxeei tbo Sabbath nutations, Kev. David boliig thp speaker. Jim PattrldRP, who hn been with her Muter fur fcpvprul weeks, returned to her hnino at White's valley r5un tlny Henry Wrlshter. of ninirhaniton, Is thp RUfFt of Squire Tnllmnn. Thp carpenters havp .1. I'. Lvdon's hrnifp ready for the plasterers. fitir townsman A. W. Gates met with nn areident In tho rats the other day. The train stopped and he started to pet n drink of water, when suddenly th train bioked, throwing hint to the floor lie Is finite heavy and ovpr 0 years old. He was unable to rpI around town for several days. He is HtilfeilnjT considerably yet, but Is Im proving slowly. Mr and Mrs. C. M. Lewis spent yes terday amonc the hills of Wayne county. RPttlnpr as far away as White's valley. One of our masons, A. N". Tueke. Is -working at the arid factory nt Bui it wood. Mrs. Com Foster and dauchter, of r.lnRhamton. .11 IMtins at Mrs. A. C. Poster's this week. Miss P. A. Monroe, who has been wlh friends t Potest City fo the past two months. I home nptln with he brother. N. J. Monioe. Tlev ,1. T l.ojjan. dlsttlrt elder, who pIliirp of the Kiee Methodist ramp meeting which beclns heie the 21st iir-t.. and whose family has been on tlu Riiiund for a week, returned from Vineland last evenlns, having been ".illed there last week to buiy her tunther. Several families arc on the ground and tho work Incident to the i't. pai'iii' of the now grounds will be pushed from now on. The camp meeting proper begins the 21st and he 2Jd. The ltev. ('. II. Mead, P. P of N'i w Yoik, will insle he ears of lie crowd with a. prohibition speech. X J Monioe and nn Charles drove over to Wlnwood Saturday afternoon for a hand-shake with old friends. The new creamery Is giving Its pations murh satisfaction under his manage ment Helen the little daughter of Mr. ami Mrs Ofotge I., of the Sorner- , store, is quite sick. MOSCOW, Messrs. Lewis and Michael Wlk-on, of Rrooklvn. X. Y.. weie guests of Mi. Lincoln Urown last Sunday. Presiding Klder.T. F.Warner preached In tho Methodist church bete last Frl div evening. Miss Maine Thomas, of Scranton, who has been spending the past two weeks wi'h Mis lMwaid Van llrunt, lias te turnr 1 home Mis Shot man and daughter, May, Irft csterda.v 11101 iilng for a month's 'It with friends In Philadelphia. Samuel lMielman ntid son, Archie, spent list Saturday In Scranton. Tl.r Lpworth league will hold its fcular iimntlily literary entertainment Frldiv evening In the Methodist Kpla. opi ( him h. Mrs H.izleton. of Steillng. visited Mri. Unity Kshelman last week. Miss Maigaiet Howe, of Steillng, is the guest of Miss Agne AVatts. A ill Hrown left ye.stnilay f,n- riilln-df-lphn M'- Mattle Hinds and nephew, AVal t r Hinds, of Mnn.Me, visited the for met s rousin, Miss Xellle Hinds, last Sunday. M'ss Kdlth Morgan, of Scranton. who has been spending the summer with Mi.s Thomas, returned home Satinday. Mr- AV. L. Can- and son. On In. of Oreen Hldge, are Isitlng relatKes here. The- Mlshp lMe Hortiee and Mary Powell of Sri anion, ate being enter-tiiif-d In- relatives here. JIt'-v jav Ilornhaker is cntet Mining M.i-s Iionxc,i Lumley, of Scianton, Mi-u Pu-1 1 Hrown, who has been spending the summer at Hangor, p,t,, has returned h"iiv . Miss Veina Mrgargfl. of Steillng. has been the pnest of trlend.s hern for the past f w days illi.mi Pup k.iit, of f'arbondale. for me, iy empo.od as a barber heie, called on friends heie last week. TUNKHANNOCK. fipf't in the Ferinlin Trilmnf Tunkhinnock, Aug. 6 Mi. K. Stuart Stark of Suanton. Is vlsitlnc her p,u ens Mr. and Mis., Lester Carrlngton, on Putnam street. The t,d nee of Henry Hauling, esq. le being repainted by Painter Clrules H Yming. Tart les at Ithaca have hren in enr- nsrnnuenre with a gentleman here relative to the f.MMblllty of building a milk eondfinniy flt this point. Such n con. em would be worth consldeilng by our pe..ple. nnd theie s plenty ot milk on both sides of the Hver that could be seemed without much trouble Isaiah Kvsns. of rA, NWJK a visitor here on Tuesday. J Ptark Coolhaugh. proprietor of the Hpilng Orove hotel at Lake Chipj- has had his house connected with this town by telephone. The tuneral of the late William Hosengrant took place on Tuesday nf ternoon at 2 o'clock. Tunklmnnock trlhe nf Ited Men hud chaigo of the FeTVlCfS Kx-Pherlff Alvlra O. Oregnry. of Meshoppen. made a short call in town on Mondny. The. Wyoming County Veterans' re union will be held at Tunkhannock on August 2S. 29 and SO, at Itenshaw park W. S. Hlerly, of Wllllmnpoit, was railing on the attorneys here on Tues day, In the interest of a linn of law book publishers which ha represents. Tho rain on Tuetday though much needed, wae not very much appreciated by the farmers, as it caught them in the middle of oats harvest. The potato crop Is almost a total fall ure In this vicinity, and many fields will not pay fr digging. Fred h. Jayjie, of Eaton, announces that he will ho an aspirant for the nomination for county treasurer befoie the comlnp Republican county conven tion. W. n. Atnts left on Tuesday for Trnv, PU.. whero he goes ua delegate of the Triton Hoo cnmp.iny to the live-county firemen's fnnventlon. Tho b.ilanco of tho company will go today. Tho Carver tenant house, on Second street, haa been repainted und re paired. LAKEWINOLA. Special to tht Sainton Tribune. Lake Wlnola, Aug. , Miss Mattle Andrews and I)r. Percy D. Andrews, both of Philadelphia, wero married on I'ilduy evening last. The cciemony was performed at the Clifton hotel, Ixiko Wlnola. Mi. Andrews Is one of Philn delpha'a most talented nnd popular young ladles. For some weeks she has been a guet nt the Cllftln hotel. The gioom Is a graduate of the University nf Pennsylvania, 1001, and Is well known In Philadelphia. After the cere mony an elabntate bridal supper was served by the Clifton caterer in the DOT r v bee if you can draw a perfectly proportioned man coverins; these five dots. The hands, feet and head must each rest on a dot hotel parlor, which was beautifully deroiated for the occasion. Michael T. Ke-niiP, of Hlngliamton. was best man, and Miss Claia Atispach, of Philadel phia, whs bridesmaid Protessor Sd ncy Kos"iibluth, of Wllkes-Bnrte. pla.xed the Mendelssohn wedding mutch The lulde ami gi 00m left for Atlantic City, and will be at home In Philadelphia about August 2ft. Meyer Kabatchnlck, a popular Scran tonlan, nttended the masque ball nt the Hotpl Clifton on Monday evening. The Misses Mamie and Lizzie Keane, of Hlnghamtun, ate guests nt Hotel Clifton. Francis O'Xell, the popular lytic tenor, of Wilkes-Hatre, is a guest at the Clifton. About two hundred couples nttended the masque ball nt the Clifton hotel on Monday evening. This was the event of thp season nt Lake Wlnola. The spacious porches weie thioliged with fashionable people fiom the sur rounding cities, especially Wilkes Baire, Scranton and Hinghnmtou. Mr. A. D. Deans-, of Scianton, and Miss Conine- Kn-enhlutli. of n, led the giand mutch. The costumes were both beautiful and comical. Those worthy of especial mention were worn by Misses Ida Moore, Hex-le Yeager, of Plymouth: Lulu Dnlph and Miss Chris tine Fellows. The music was furnished by the hotel orchestra. On Saturday eenlng every effort will be mnde by the management of the Clifton hotel to entertain tliPir guests. A grand shirt waist hop will be given from S to 12, and lunch will be perved In the hotel piivato dining room. TAYLOR. Tonight the members of Mlnooka tribe, Xo. 217. Improved Order of Hed Men, will pniade thp principal streets of our borough In Indian costume, headed by the I'nlon band, to adver tise their comins exclusion on Friday next Train will leave Cential Hallroad of Npw Ji'isey station at ".!." a. 111. The remains nf the late Mrs. P. F. Lally, of South Taylor, will be shipped to Philadelphia this morning, where interment will be mndp All members of Mlnooka tillie, Xo. 217. Improved Order of Red Men, are requested to be piesent at their hall this (Wednesday) evening at 5 o'clock, to participate In the parade. Miss Lizzie nilllnglori. of Mooslc, has been the guest of friends In town foi the paM few days. Mrs. Henry How ells has returned to her home In Dover, X. J., after being the guest of her mothpr, Mis. T. M. Howells, of South Taylor. She was ne companied by her nleie, Mi&b Hessle L'vnns. Taylor lodge, Xo. 4R2, Knights nf Pythias, will meet this evening in regular s.cfcon, Surveyor A. H. Dunning, of Scran ton, was a caller hero on business on Mondny. Archbald mine local, Xo. 1,619. United Mine Workeis nf Ameilca, will meet In Important sesblon tomorrow even ing. The Pyne base ball team defeated the Aichbald aggregation on Monday In a one-sided contest, by a score of 18-5. Professor J, K. Watklns, Fredeilck Couittight, T. J. Davis and John Wat klns attended tho concert at Hansom poor farm on Sunday. A. A. A yets, of Peckvllle, was a Taylor visitor on Monday. OLD FORGE. The Ladlf Aid socltey of the Hrick church will enjoy a trolley ride to Harvey's lake on Wednesday. All who wish to go nre cordially invited. Tho Misses Wealthy and May Hroad heHd left on Tuesday morning for the Pan-American. Mr. II. A. Green's Sunday school class wil hold a butterfly social on the paisonage lawn on Friday evening. Ice cream nnd cake will be served. A young child of Mr. and Mrs. George Lane was Intoned in the Marty ceme tery on Friday. This Is tho second child of Mr. Lanes to have died within a month. Tho people of this place should ho on the lookout for an Imposter who Is going about utklng for small sums of money and iPm-esentlntr himself as being a friend of tho family. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lisle. Harris of West Plttston spent Sunday nt the homo of Mr. and.Mls. H. S. lMsall. AVOCA. Tho following have been drawn to serve ns Jutors during the next ses sion of criminal court: A. J. O'Malley, Patrick Hoylnn, W. II. Holllster, Wll llnm Hrown, Thomns Mcllale. (leorge Laverlck has returned from Wllkes-Hnrre, whero ho has undergone nn operation for appendicitis. Udwnrd Mitchell, of Xewport News, Is spending a few weeks nt tho homo of hit mother, on the West Side. Mrs. Mllo Howell and Mrs. Angus Howell will leave today to spend the next two weeks with frlenda In I'nlon dale. Misses' May Kearney, Klbahoih Rougher, Maty McCabe, Kut Camp hell, of Scranton, and Knte Mullen, of Plttston, will lea"vo tomorrow to spend several daya at tho Pan-American. Thomas Xobone, of tho West Side, is seriously III. Miss Anna Alkmnn is visiting friends In Xew Jersey. The borough council met In regular session on Monday evening. All mem bers weio present, ns well as a large delegation of citizens, who were Inter- PUZZLE. ested In the electric light contract. There weie a great many arguments, but the majority nf the council found fault with tho contract nnd so the committer was Instructed to continue their work and meet the lomnilttee of the Kleetrlc Light company again. Seveial bills weie ordeied paid, after which they adjourned. T. J. Xew ton nnd two daughters will leave today to spend ten days at At lantic City. John Huckley has returned from Philadelphia, where has undergone an operation for throat trouble. David Owens, of the West Side, will remove bis family to West Plttston, where he has accepted a 111010 lucra tive position. David Davis has taken a cottage at Harvey-.s Lake and will remove his family there next week. Mrs. Hnrtley Judge, of Old Forge, spent Tuesday nt the Walsh residence, on Grove stuet. Mrs. Hose Xew ton is visiting friends in Plains. Mlhsc Mary nnd Anna Flt.slmmons left 'Vbtenlaj to visit friends in Hay onne. DALTON. Mrs. ,T. C. Mahoney nnd Miss P. D. Iielph have returned home from a trip through thp Xew Hngland states, Their hi other nnd his wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. ltelph. of Xew York, are at present visiting them. A. L. and Jesse Cooper entertained last week C. c. Johnston, nf Westmore land. X. Y., and I. V. I. Tuttlc. of Haw ley, Pa. The mother of Druggist T. A. Pur don has bought thp Hdward Schoon oer property anil will move fiom Tunkhannock to this place about Sep. tember 1. Mrs. I-:. Palmer Smith nnd .-on. Will nrd, are visiting friends in SuFque hanna county. Mrs. Fred Palmer will leave Wednes day for Syracuse. X. Y.. where i-he will be the gilPst of Mis. P. H. Welthaf-e. Mr. and Mrs-. K. C. Spauldlng, who have been spending some weeks In this place, left yesterday for a vlilt at Al lentown, X. .1. LOCKVILLE. Serial to the Scranton Tribune. Loikvllle. Aug. fi. Miss Mlna Hoo ver has purchased a fino horse and a new earn, ice. Mrs. linyrt Dymnnd. Miss Hannah Pymond and Mr. Willie Faulk visited Miss Maud Slckler, of Mill City. Mr. Waymond Dymnnd, of Mooslc. spent Sunday with his family in this phu e. Mrs, John Colbaugh was tho guest of her aunt, Mrs. Clara Lewis, U, A. Vantuylo lost a valuable horse on Sunday. Miss Linda Hoot Is staying with Mrs. W. F. Dymnnd. Mr. and Mrs. James Vantuylo hnve gone to Huffalo, accompanied by Mlhs Stella Hrungebs, HIS THRILLING ESCAPE. And the Good Luck That Followeda Millionaire's Mishap, In tlie current number of Forest and Stream A. M. Cheeney, the well known pisciculturist nnd writer, gives the fol lowing detailed nccount of the thrilling accident that befell K. nurgess Wur ten, of Philadelphia, last month at Lake George: "The dally newspapers have had a moro or less tu curate account In btlef of a fishing accident on Lako George, July IS, K, Hurgess "Nanon, of Philn delphla, owner of tho fast Pteam yacht Kllldle, has. another steam yacht on Lake Geotgo named Cyilc, and both mo used for MMiIng, tho latter being nhout 60 feet long. Mr. Waireu, his llsheinian and pilot, Alee Taylor, his engineer nnd his valet were on board tho Cvrlc fishing for lake trout. "Dinner was about to he served when a storm came up. .Tho curtains on the sides of the boat wero fastened down to keep out the rain, hut the wind was so :-.vero that it ro.'.cd the boat until the water came In and tho steam had gotten so low that the boat could not be headed into the wind. After twice rolling the boat went down by the stern, but a wntcr-tlght compartment In tho bow held tho bow out of water. "Mr. Warren nnd his vnlet In the stein nf tho boat weie caught In a tiap, but the vnlet cut tho curtain and iclensed Mr. Wuticn nnd held him on tho bow. The men were washed off ngnln nnd ugaln, and were pounded against tho boat by the wind nnd waves, and one of Mr. Wnrtcn's ribs wns broken befoie men In stnnll boats put out f 1 0111 tho shoie and escited tho entire pnrty after they had been In tho water nearly nn hour. I under stand thuf Mr. W"nrren begged tho men to let hm go and save themselves, hut all wero saved, and the boat aftcrwaid towed nshote. I cannot yet under stand how tho C'ytic was cnpslzed, al though I know whnt the wind enn do on Lake George, for I cannot compre hend what Aloe Taylor was doing without steam. "Mr. Warren wns nbout to eat his dinner when the slot in came, and ho put his waistcoat, containing a valu nble gold repealer nnd a pocket knife, which he had can-led iicarl foity years, on one of the seats, where there was n i-uantlty of fishing tacklo. Everything that wont out of the boat went down In more than one hundred feet of water, nnd tho wulstcoat and contents went down. "Yesterday, tho day after tho acci dent, some llshormen saw some cork tlshlug floats on tho water near where the yacht capsized, and they rowed ther and secured them, and found they were attached to a llshlng line or lines, for there was a mass of thorn; pulling them in, they found a weight on one, and this proved to be Mr. War ren's waistcoat, with the watch nnd the knife still In the pockets, nnd they were promptly routined to him. The cloth of the waistcoat had caught In some honks, to which were fastened lines with cotk floats, and thus the watch and knife were saved. Real fishing stories are often more extraor dinary than Imagnery ones," THE MARKETS. Wall Streel Review. Kfw Yoik. Auir. 0--(it nerd cnnditinns Inde pendent ol the Mitkc situation td lived more cm M'lntlon toddj Hun lor norm- time Jiul were rcfleUil in lusher pike tor scenrine. Hi- at nine during: t lie cie.itcr urt of the day o uiy tii national Milke new?, combined uith the ru Ji'Tt uhlch the I nitcd M.Heii steel stork leidwd alter their om-nini; calaie, alio ahlul the irn prowment. Ilicc conditions underwent a ilntiKO in the iloalinB's when a tcpoii u.ih 101 tint tlut oulim for a ,-ilural Mllkf of the ttel workers would he uued tnnixht. the pm isolators promptly pot out Urge Hunt lines and broURht ahout lifeline ot from 1 to .1 points in the mo'-t.pioiiiininC Mom 'Hie nuiket in detail I'lHitii.ilh Miowrd a prett) cte.lily lni proieinenl 1'ioni the outset the oiusionai fet tuikt which fio funed hy itali.Mtiotn bein? ijuiiklj- oveicome hj a pwd demand for both c count and ciidrmci "f ui'lde support. the hlchrr prliis of wheat toiijv prompted a better drimnd fm Hie wteit iniiiliR ro. K St. Paul led this ilmnlnn Willi j i;jln at one time ol i, tniiiliini; -iv tin tin otliir hand Vt ln toii puitrd up ilni'M n miii'li when lorn div plijiiil toiiiinuuti luMxtne.. uppott wa notiie able for to(.ki wlmli wtie e-pci Lilly weik es tenhj, thej Imltirlinc the e.i-tfin "trunk line-, SiiiitliurMim trjiitom and Pacini, whole im pintenicnt hid been tnsde of fiom 1 t .l1 jioinN. All tluo mitu weie rnn-lilrralily to dined ilurinc the latu eellinit inoteiiieut and net r.iIiu were limited to fiaitlntu. Tridimt in the steel stoik were 1 oinnr.ilhi ly Imht and theio Mile nut main 1 ,111:0 indlidual Id k. But it,) hire weie dull in at the npenin; at a unn of '1 per lint. The slook mmh ,ielded 'i In low )pirrda,t elo.e, but later on not 'i aboo and (iidid utii hanaed for the tin. Preure wa noud isilii.t the prelernd from the Mart, but alter .Uridine r,4 It tot ', iihoer .ee.terij' llnil tie mm and endeil with a w of s 'The iloine of the sloek maiket wn weak, with biHine.H in edtimc. Total n.iU todjy, 4J.',IH) bhari . Itiilrnail bonda wen- qub t todu- and the priro liintrincnt iileetilar. Total kalci pir alue, it, 075,1am I'liltnl Siatei hen'N were all unilunccd on the la-t call. The followlne quotations rrlhune by M P .lo.-dan & Uttri buildlne, Scranton, Vu are hirnnhed The Co., rooms 7o$ VI , Telephone 50T.V High- Low Plo, Opp in a;. el, f. 'nc. ar -nc. 1-"i L.l'j l::o ini'i b'1'5 7U1! n mi . - v - - Ainerii in -iuar .... .tii' ru in Tob mo .. AUIil.-oli Mrliiwni. I'r llrook. 'lr.ii lion 11 alt. k (Hilo ('out. T0I1 11 10 ('lira, k llhlii clue fc (it, We-t, . St. Paul lt'.ek Mind Kin K Tev . I'r., ... I.01IK. ti Na.l lau. K1e.ited Met. Tiaa-tlun llvo. Paeillc .Soutli. l'.ifitio Norfidk - WV-t X. f 'antral Out. le Wotrtii 1'enni. It It Via the Mail Heading 111 Itenline lit.. I'r Southern II, I! Southern It. II , I'r., Turn. ( oal (V Iron .. I' Leather I' S Leather. I'r., . 1 nion Pacific I'liioii P11 iho, I'r., . Wahih, I'r We-tern I'nlon fol Piiel k Iron ... .mal. Copprr 1'eoplc'a (U Trie i-lie. lt . Ced Southern Tei Paeillo Amer. Tar Koundrv , f . Sleel To U. S. Steel Co.. I'r. XKW OllK ...ill ...I ) ... 7a .. . ' . '.'.'. t'll'i, ... IvVi ... II I . . . IM ... .".114 ... 'UI ...II1I3 ...loi'l ... ni'I ... fii ... Ml", ...ll'l'i ... 31 'i ...llJ'j ... '' ... .'i'l'i ...70',; '.'.'. h ... &'a ... U'j ... T't ... Ul'i ... s ... :i7 ... KllJ ... Il-Jl'. ...Ill " ...lit ... 3Vi ...m ... 1! 1.0' 7i'i !l 71", !l,Vj l.-.l, ll'j m. '.".1 3 -.'IN IV,', 1.17 i.,v4 x. 17fH H7''; nn .-.i .11 p. H'l'i ll'l', I'.l's 'M, in, iimi n,-; 11.-) K.l'i iwij niit ttvj fiPi S.M, .Ml', SO', '- ,1'IV, 1V1'-J 14 J'., 3' 1 4U J"'1 M''a ft')'-, l"a Tli1 013 ss M nwj lin-.s 1121 hi i;i IVl'l, lll'i a .111. :il' ll.'i ;.' M'i Wi 1.'4 71 1 I'M e14 8-'! M IM HIS llf.', :;..H i.'i r-. '., tm, nur. 111 :v To', '.' si i'i ?i ''4 S7 a; tall, oj'i 11014 Hi';. itt'i u'i .. Jill", .. S'HJ r.HAi.v Open, Ine .. MU .. Tola uri 11 eOi S'll, mhi:kt. Illeh- Low. et eat. W TIM Te'j V,iS, WIU'AT. Septrmber lleerniber CORN'. ff pi ember Dee t mher Imr T'. T7a filWi 6M d'H fll'i mii; Scranton Board of Trade Exchnnfje Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS I.scknwmtu linrv Co. I'r Count Slne Bank Iru-t Co., Klit National Hank (t'arbondale).. ftai.ilard Drllllne Co Third National Ilank lllme Deposit and lleount Dank,. Kcrnoiny Idulit. . '" Co 1'lr.t National Hank I.aika. Truat Safe Deposit (.0 Clark k Snocr Co., Pr. Serantor Iron leiue (i Jits. Co.... ficianlon Ale Work Srianton Sain lunk Trader' National Hint Scranton Holt t Nut Co People' Hank Xew- Mio lly. f . Hcranton PaMenaer Itallway, flut Morlcaee, due 1020....... reonlc'i street ltallay, flrt mort. caa:e, due 11S Pfople'a Stiret Hallway, neneral mortaae. due 1021 lliiUon Manufacturing; Co I.aika Tonlilp School ft per rrnt Cil. of t-eranton St. Imp, 8 per cent l.'ulVV. Peana Per Imahel, choice marrow, Siranlcn Tiactlon ft per eent HIiI. Ake "I M ... 3.'a 30 275 ... 40 l.'OO 11" ... 123 ... 100 1"5 rt ... 1W ... 73 13 ... US ... 113 ... 100 ... lOi 102 2 S0a2 6S 113 Ecrnnton Wholesale Market. (Cnrreetrd by II, fi. lUle, 27 f.aekawanna Ate) lluttir -r'mh nramerj-. S'l'-aJIcj Oilry. Ileal,, 10,.iirMV. Clieeie-Kiill eream. 10'jalle. 1:eki Wttein, HaH'jc. j nearby Hate. 11'jaK.e . ... Medium Tleam Per hmhel. $3 40J 45, flieen PenPer lnuhel, ijl 40a 4.1 l'lour llett iatent. r'r barrel, a4 15 Ileani Per bmhel, cliolre rnarrow, $;.ji.60 Poiutoe.-Pii huihrl, Slal 10. , "... llniona-1'ci Imiliel. ffl. Philadelphia Ornln nnd Product Philadelphia, Auir ft.-Wheat-rirm, l,r net liigheii mnliact gude Aujuat, Corn ji. lower! No. 2 mixed Auguat, fta3'Uc. Oata rirnii No, while clipped. iSinUr. 'rn llon Klimi rlly be In eta fmoked and air dried, Hallo,: weMfiii beef In tt tmoked IJ'iaHt'.i city beef, knuckle and tendera imoknl ami air dried, lt.alSc. wettem beel knucklea THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Lines, ,j Cents tor tlach Dxtra Line. For Rent. For Rente About 1200 feet of floor on 4th floor of the Tribune huiltling, su'table for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of Thk Tribune. ron Itr.Vr-lNlne-room 1ioue In pleasant upper Cicen lllelsc, bcpl. 1. Write O. . S.. Tribune Olilce. tOlt HI:m -Klclit looina, 723 Jcneuon avenue; all modern ioncnlcncc. Personal. OUlt NP.W MOOK rent free, fully Illustrate.!. treats ot all conditloni of men. tell how to attain "Perfect Manhood." Should be in the handa of ccr male adult AdHre Krie Medical Co . "Hook hrpt ," Huffalo, N. V. Lost. LOST l.d's cold atch. Initials on rase, "I.. M. W " Suitable reward if relumed to the nfflre of Pinih Manufacturing company. l.OiT-One amill memorandum book and two roe.ketbook, all with blaik covers and ron tnlnlnf; valuible mfmorar.dums and wm' money. Pleaso return to chief ol police, Seranton. He ward. Help Wanted Male. IVAXTI1D Rood IliEStone cutter. I'or further partlculits adrlrejs W. P. swaru, Se-hulU-ille', Iickaanna County. WANTr'.n A yount; man of soroo experience as a stenoerapher and typewriter. Must alao ha 8 a kilo leilgp of book kecplnir. flooel Mlaiy and permanent cmploMnent to the rieht party. Ad elrev, HatinR, etc., J. 11., Tribune Office. Mil-XT IHOX WOIIKHI caprrleneed on No. 10 stoek for factor in (ire iter New York. We want a pood man. fober and Industrious, e-ompe-trnl to lav out air incs and act as leader or cans or avltant foreman I'o the1 richt man there la a future. Cood pav and lilr treatment aMirrd. Adilrres, etatlni; lully Jour experience and epectallon. I.. I) llo SW, (At JW UrlRhton, New York. Help Wanted Female. i:.PKHIK.NCKr SIIOB SM.KHIiY wanted at oner lioodnian's Shoe. fctore, 41S nt aenue Kcnl Estate. HANIWOMi: PLOT it Kartoryille. Iieautifully situated, fiw- minutes from station. I'os ewes loely lew of surrounding country, t'l nit to suit bueera. 1'rn e-a eiy low. Address W T. Ilackett, Ileal Kt ite. Seranton, Pi Help Wanted. rOHEHIiY AM) KORl'.MW w inleel in a silk Ihrowini: null in New- jink stile Cle ace. evpericnee and salary wauled. Address Steady Wotk, Tilbune Office. Business Opportunity. WATM man with S.1H) Minted tn Join me in buaiue that will pay well, and which will furnish ponliion to jiieli unebtor. Addrcas box T .1". ii , Tribune Office. Boarder: Wanted. WANTi:D-Table boarders. Washington avenue. Mrs. Tompkins, Wl Strayed. CWIII TO MY Plti:MIKS a cailin heifer; owner ami hai i.nne by identification, Ciles Mantou, ( hinihilla. Pi. and tendcis smoked. Ititoe.; beef hinis, l'.oili 3 VI, pork f.iuutv, "aT VI; haiaa nued in tlfieea, 1 1 .i 1 2 . ; haitiH, smokeel as to brand and acraKc, IJ'jaHi' ; t-linulelrria. plekle e ureal lii tieiee", f',sc; eln. ilo hiuiiked. Ii'ia'i'se1. ; picnic uatua, rutcd in lleieea, lsaSl j do. elu. eniokad, 0'4ini.; bellies In piekle aeeordliur to aiciae, looi.e, lO'saU'e : breikfast biron as to brand and aer .up. la l.ird Pine nt r. lined in tlciea"., H'ai.; elo do do. In tub, (iwaple : ilo buteher-, lowe, S',iJ14e. lluttir Finn, f.tnty western eieainer,, 2l';e'.; do. do. piinln, 2H4i. ; eo. Maibj do, 2li I'cbh Finn, fiirli nearby, li ; do woleru, ITe : do soutiiuiMnu, J J1 sa ; do oiitlierii, 12c ( hiese I'lrtn, New Yoik full erianis faney unall. 'iil(ii : elo. eln fair to rlinlia-, !i'ia1i. llrlined vitratia CneliaiiEed. Cot Inn 1-lHi lower, itiiddlinir uplands, S'4e'. Tallow Mcadys city juime in hhda., Se ; conn tiy eln. do barrels, IV i 'lies, -.a')'2e'. I.iie I'oulti Pull ami easier; fowK 1ft.'., old rom lei. To.; spnns rhlikitia, l.nttc ; dinks, lflalle, IlrcMed I'oiillr, Hull nnd leoeer. fowla elione, lnnoUc ; ilo fair to cood, di'i'-r. ; old tooa. ters 'I'je-.j broilers neailn, blaKi ; wcntern ilo, la !4e lleielpts Hour 2'VI bariela and 1 , rf poiimU in Mck. wheat, lll.iam Im.lirli.; anrn. wl buahels; oats, 2,tl biilnls Shlpmenls Wleit, ,1I,(HV) bu-hrli; torn, 6,i) liiblieUi; oat.a, 3.OTJ bushels. Now York Grain and Froduce. New York, Auir A. Aheit-pnt dull; Nn. 2 red, TT'4c. fob afloat. So 2 ted. T.Vji rlea. tor; No 1 Northern Iliilulh, T'si f. n. 'b. afloit. Options nprneil firm, but nle ail. They rallied liter, but finalh declined and e Iwcd a aV at ii 'ai. net lov. September rlo.ed 7oV j 'October, TA'o ; Hceember, Ti'ai. Orn pot eaj j No. 2 raj p eleiatnr and Uac. f o , alloat Op lion nnrket opened steady, but later rased ofl. Clrspil weak at Sal'.ie net loss. Seplembcr rloeed aVl'Sp ; IVccmber. 1c. Oils-Spot nuiet; No 2. .l'8e ; No :i, .-Ho ; So while. Kte ; No. ;i white, lHjp ; ttai'n tnlstd weetern, .if.i I'll , while, lOilio. ; nptlens dull and easlrr with rntn Huttei -vtead , neanieiy, Itiajfl'sc ; faitorv, .lime, rnl.'iic. , imitation r'roamrii. Hi lT'se , stile diliv, Hal'lc I heesa - Weak; faney larce cnlnrril, ti'ji ; fancy itc white, T,i ; fanev small colored, IV . fain v sinill while, 0'8a',o. I.Eire -Steady; state and Pennsilvanli, lnalSc.: we. tern titnaiidlid, silli., western fan died, 12alfi!:c. ChienRO Grain and Produce. ndiaisn, Any i - Weaktics in corn and a weaker export kitintion weakeniel wheat Indav, and Vpleinber ilocd 'ji'i lower. Corn iIoed 1 down and oits 'jc il.'pie-cd. Protlalons at the ioed linueil a ileiline of 10al2V-.c, tu 20i, (ash quotations were as follnwn: Flout Quiet; sprlns wheat Nn 3, A7Ti)'ti' i No a red, TO'jiTIHe.: No 2 mm, A5,c : No. 8 yellow, ,Wc , No. 2 flat a, 3Via:'.fli;c ; No. ' white. ST'je.; No 3 while. .liiafT4i'. ; No. 2 ne, .WijaMijp. ;filr tn i hoice miltlnir, SSaiiJc ; No. 1 Hit seed. aUfVuiriT; So I Noithwolrrn, 1ft Will (17; prime tlnvilh eed, a) 5 30 j mevs liork. HI.Oft.iH.ti.'i: lint. HOliS.ftS. hnrt riba. "T.T'j" 111; dr suited shoiildeia, Ta'u. : ihurt clear tides, V3.MaS.IO, whlke), $1.20. Chicago Live Stnrk Market. Clneaco, Alls. It.-Cattle ltfielpts, 4,rkewl; nry slow, but sleadj ; no i hoice lure, trnaul to priiue steers numlnallj fr) (AiU.ui; poor tn nu'diuiii, 25 oo .w, stoi utrn aim leeuer sj j)al, eoi, 2 7,'n I i: hellers, 2' ; Linus, l mil w, bull inni-liria, io'aiJ. 'ini n inuuo uraei, f t Isla 0 20; rough hea, tLVJaiHI; lluht, tVt-JaS.fiil; bulk ot sales, fStaaiSHV Mcrp-llrrrl ts, a?,000j sheep llow- tn 10e-. lower, lamina uleivv to lOti. lower, ekiept (or a f. w fituv. flood to iholee welhers. ?J50al. fair tn ihnhe mlatd. $.U1 50, wiietern sheep, W,21a3M, jeirllngs, W.TJil.-.'i; latitat lambs, WaS; western lambs, .2ij5.I5. lleielpts and shipment lor je.teida: Ho aeipla Cattle, 2.,015. hnus, ai.O'rJ; sheep, 3J.11'. Shipments-Cattle, I.OJJ, hoje, 7,231; sh.-op, l.ObZ. New York Live Stoek. New Yoik, Auir. l.-llecfs-Sieady; calies, food liiht eala strady, coarse, and hravv aaltra M25. Sheep Slow, top sradn steady; s'ood and dull; eals, l 6faT; tops, J7.V), huttermilki, prime lamas about steady , otheis eMicmel dull and lowei. Sheep,; culls, $1 MaJ; lambs, !,. S7'i; culls and common do., tJ.JOaJ. Heci Trlfllii firm, Buffalo Live Stock. Huffalo, Auir. -Cattli-Rtcelnts. 3 rsrsi veals and calies good to fancy, 3.75nl,Vl. )ne9 Receipts, S cars; fair to choke, jWjiJ.;ft; i,g, Ji MaS i.i Sheep and I.arebs neerlnts, 3 ra-si sprlni; lamls. choice fanty, )i.35jj,40: handy wethen, aSUOal.30, 3 Moro For Sale. FOIt SI.K-l.'or! flagstone. Address W. P. atli, SchtillMlllp, Pa. FOIt SM.I! Car load of dravlru and drauitlit bones and stood famllv horses. 2JJ-2JI Oak fold tourt. J. Jl. Field. J I ST MIIIIVI'.H with a tar-loid of hot.ea aid dtlieis, weicht from !,() to l..Ml, es'ri! ilrwely mateheil teima. Can be seen at All IM rriond court. F. M. Cobb. FOIt SM.K Cnltiell k Sons cylinder P'e, 33;.i), In itooel condition, new rollers, Mm. Arply Wllkes-Harre Times Ofdee, Wilkesllarrc, Money to Loan. IUJO.uOiJ TO LOAN lowest rates; straljlit or monthly payments. Stark k Co.,Trader' bldic. ANY AMOUNT OF MOS'KY TO 1.0 VN-Qulrk, stralftbt leans or lUilldlnp and Irfian. At from I to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, .111-313 Ccnnell building. BRANCH WANT 4IFF1UKS. Want Advertisements Will Be Becelved at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M. Central City ALBERT SCIII.UTZ, comer Mulberry street and Webster avenue. OUSTAV PICIIhL, C30 Adams aenue. West Side OEOHfiF. W. JENKINS, 101 South Msln svenua. South Scranton FRED L. TERPPE, 729 fjedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, rorner North Msln sunue and Market street. Green Bldge CHARLES P. JONES, 1S37 Dickson aenue. r. J. .10IIN3, 9M Creen Rldjre street. 0. I.OHENiC, lorner Walilngton ave nue and Marion street. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFFX. 1017 ltvlns avenue. Dunmore J. O, nOXB k SON. Wanted. WANTKH One thousand reraons tn buy one thouainl bottles "Knights' Ammatie. Syrup of Piunes," nature's ureate-at pliyelc I.aito bottle, 23 i-cnts. Uus. P. Jones, 1357 Dack sen atcnue. WANTED An intelllecnt (Catholic) lady or Ren tleman to fill a lUht, pleasant poliion; cood pay, if suitable. Address P. O. Hox 2J, Scranton, Pa. LEGAL. NOTICE IS IIKHKI1V (JIVKN that under the ait of aisembly entitled "A Mitiplciurnt to an act cntilleel 'An ait tn proiidc for tho ineorpor ation and rreulatlon of itrtain loiporations,' ap pro! rd April '"lth, 1-TI, proiidtm, for the nn iioeinent, amendment mid alterathin id the) ihatteirt of loiporations of the ncaoihI ehi-, nnd aiithorilni; the iiie'orpor.itlon of traetion iuotnr lompinlrii," approicel the l.itli day of June, V. 1) ISM, and known as Iho Corporation Vuiuil nient Ae.t of IKM, 'Iho Colliery Entriiiier loin piny, a lorporatlon ireated and ei-lini; under Iho Conioialion i t of 1TI, will apply 1" tho (,-oiernor of l'eiin"ylania on Weunesdiy, Sepleiti ber I, PH, foi the followltur lni roveniniN, aniiuduienU and nlla r.itioiLs foi ita ilnrlrr, u : First lly elnncinir the ninn- of the coipota tlon lo "Itileinaliotial Text Hook Compani." Seeeind lly iii.ikinir Iho puipoao for wineh Hud lorporalion is foitueil to read as follows. "ild lorporalion is formed to orlKiinli-, write, compileN illustrate, edit, puhll.h uud sell in htiuilion papers, tet books, eluwiui; plate. tiiiiodiiaN, luaK.iriui's paiiiphlrln. aftiile.a and letteia of elK-oniiii ition of liteiary, t.ihnhal, idiieatloiial and ntlur information; to conduit a piinlhiE, nigra nur, lilliotraphuur, steicniyii Inir. electrolypine, riiprntypun;, line w-oik, half tone work, ctiibnselni:, printini; in blnrk and col eim, photoeraphine, phototypiiic, photuKr.niti,: pielurp printiuj and book bindlnirditisiio-ns; ami cnirralli, to ttanaet a printitm, book-blndini; and piiblihiiiic hmlnesA by the arioua methods now- in u-e, or whuli may be hneafler Intio dined or Inicnted " Thiid lly niaklni; Iho exlatenro of .ild lor poralion perpetual. nd lor theo piirpo-rs tn li no, pos-ieas and enjoy all the rinlila. beneflu and juiiihces iimfiired by the Mid uit und Us supplement. STANLEY P. M.I.F.V, Sceretary. Scranton, Pa., August B, lirtl. ESl'Mi: (IF MI11A1IVM II. VWDI.IVn. lite ..f tin idly ol Niantnp, Lnuniy of l.aikawanni, and "-late of Pennsvltanla, deeeied. lettirs testamentary upon the nlnve tnme- estate hivitiK been sranteil tn the undersiRned, all pirsona haunt; rhims or deminds aicralii-e the slid estate wIM present them tor .i ina-iit , and those Indebted thrreto ale requciliel to uuko lmmedialo piMtirnt tn FI.I.IS VWIITIMI, Minbury, Pa, ( . C. HOK, Scranton, Pa , Kxciutors, WEM.ES & Tnillll'.Y. Attorney f. IMF WM'Al. MEEllMi ..f the siockhobfeTs .."( 1 III: .OMIMi MIUVKI. WORKS for the eleelion of duet tors and consideration nf null other business as ma bp brought before tlntn will be hei at the ofdie of the conipanv, (on nell buitd'mr, "scranton, Pa , Friday, the sixteenth of August, 1601. between the hours of jl anl 1' a m Nalh. O. Robertson, Viiptjry NOIM V. 1-s hereby piien tlut a meelinj of the stoikholdeis of the Cllieiv Engineer Com. panv i called by order ol the Hoard of Hirei t n to meet at the ertice ot the compinv, in s-ian. Ion, Pennsylvania, on Monday, AuaiKt 21, lri0. at two o'clock in the afternoon, for Ihe purpoie of taking aition upon the piopnard increase in the i,iulil stink ol the said company from ono million flie hundied iliouaaiid (fl..Vin.ii0) dollais tn Ihrro million ( l.uoo fOei) dollars, and to trona.iet (iich other huimg as liny be bruuvht brfoio said meeting. sTiNIXY P. AI.l.KV, Secretary. Scranton, Pa., June 21th, llsll. BASE BALL. National League. At H'Ston- it. ii i: Phllidrlphla J 00 000 0 1-.I 7 ! llo'lon 0 1 10 00 si 5 1'! 0 Mjtlulos ll.innliue and Duula.-a; Dlnecn and Klltridue. I'mplrc Kmslle. At Plttaburtf- It. II. F St. l.oul 'I II I 0 0 0 0 -I 7 - Pitt.burR 2A0J12O-R 10 l Hillirirs -Hirper slid Ityan; Tannehill and iager. l.'mplus-O'Day and Drown. At ( II . E. Chuage 1020:0100-0 S S llniliuiati (I li 1 0 0 0 0 1 is a 9 1 llattcnrs-Waddcll and liahoej Stlmmcl ami lleieeii, l'inplic--Nasli. At New York llrooklyn-New York, no game, wet v rounds. American League. At Milwaukee R. II H Ilelloll 000003101-8 11 2 Milwaukee 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 - g llatlcrles-Miller and luelou ; spuks and Ml loury. Linpue Manassau, At Philadelphia- tahfnstonPhllidlphl, two tames pnetponrd on acaount of ram, At lliltinioie l)iten Hiltlmure, two games postponed on account if rain. Cldcago-Clei eland not scheduled. Eastern League. Montreal, fi, Hartford, I, Toronto, l; Droekton, S. Ttoclieater, 8; Worcester, I. I'luldtnceDuftaU game postponed, rain. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents Than Four Lines, 6 Cents tor Hach Bitra Lint, Situations Wanted. SITl- T1()TVANTTlT-ATrUstlar hand bread, take and pntrel baker. Clly or i-nunlrv. It n waUman, sJ7 Church street, I a-banon, Pa. SITl ATION ASTEI)- ccountatit7 expert In rorporatlnn wotk nnd to partnership ac coutita, w0,, Vp In ciiRane from on to threa ii.ns weekly on super aon and continuous sudll: ,'11. ?.1 fc'cteiircs. Addicts, J. Henry Jones, IM) Itnik street. slri i MIOS WANrKD-Mluallon as waltrea or laundress by thoroughly lompelent sill! bt refcrriiecs. Call t,u week, 313 Jefferson enue. SI rt' ATION WANTED -Haitender from Phlladel ii l",l"',Vr,t t,'", miser, wants position, cipa. Me ot taking full (huge of hotel, saloon or res laiirani, ilty or country! fltst clsvs references. Addte-M J, f l Fig street, City. BOOKKIXI'PIt (mile) de-Ires employment threa elays a week. Elern years In last situation. Addtess A. II K Tnlmie offlie. A IWllUV wants turn's underclothes to wsh: Ibst-ilaw liiindrew II. M , Tribune office. SlH'Vimy WANTED HyTjou'ng rnTn'iii 7in old, who is willing to do any kind of workj' anil mike himself useful. Apply F. W. S 7:3 lellows street. City. SITl TIOV V i ANTED- lly a middle-aged IsdvT years old, at dlsh-wsshlng general horn work or liotise keeping, or tn go out bv the dsy or week washing or any kind of cleaning. Arl dress M I).. T2't Fellows .licet, City. For Sale or Rent. FOR SU.F lilt ItENl-mTiTliniTsaoTivX ster aienue Ten rooms, steam heat. O. F. Heynolds. Connell building. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant E,V.A!J C. SPAUEUlNa. 2J TRADER3 BANS Diiilding. Architects E''WAHD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNEH. building. FREDERICK I.. HROWN, ARCH. B, READ Estate Exchange Hldg., 128 Washington e. Civjl and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDINn, 000 CONNELIa HUILDINO. Dentists. DR. a K. ElEENHEHOEH, PAtJLI BUILDING. Spruce street, Scranton. DR. O. O. LAUDACII, 113 WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. ' Fn ,E'. . n.0m: ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. nooma 12, n, la and 18 Hurr building. F. K. TIlACV.Arr'Y.COMMONWEALTU BLDO. D-,n- REPI,0f31.E. ATTORNEY-LOANS NEGO. tiated on real estate security. Mesrs building, corner Washington avenue and Sprues street, WILLARD. WARnE.V KNAPP. ATTORNEYS snei counsellors at-law. Republican building. Washington aienue. JESStJP k JESStll'. ATTORNEYS AND COtlN- eellors-at-law. Commonwealth building, Roomj ll, 20 and Jl. ,:DJ5,'ARU U- THAYER. ATTORNEY. M3-P0I, 0,h Hoor Mftr, bunding. ROOM3 '" ,Ai. U'TRFS. ATTOnNKY.ATLAW, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Ts, l'ATTERSOV k WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Dank building. f COMEflVS, 013 REPUHLICAN BU1LDIN0. " A. V. nFRTIIOI.r. OFFICU MOVED TO NO? 211 Wyoming aienue. Physicians and Sugeons. DR W. E. ALLEN, 513 NORTH SvASIHNQTON aienue. DR. S. W. IVMOREAU.Y, OFFICE 531 WASH, ington aenue. Resldenee, 13H Mulberry. Chronio disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and rrnito-urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to i p. m. Hotols and Fvesturants. THE FI.K CAFE, 123 AND 1'7 FRANKLIN aienue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. k V. PAS. senger depot. Condu'ted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. HRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND ens pools; nn odor; only imptoird pumps used, A. B. Hrlggs, proprietor. I.eie orders Hnl North Main aienue, or Elcke's drug store, ror ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. C. R. CLARKE k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS. erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; greiq houses, 1030 Ncrth Main avenue, store tele phone, 72. Wire Screens. JOSEPH Kl'KTTI.L. REAR Sll LCKa7AVK Siranton, Pa , manufacturer of Wirs Sereenl. IVIlsccllaneous. Dltl.SSMs.KINa FOIt CHILDREN TO ORDER; aim ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, -JU Adama avenue. MMiAHOEE HROS . HUNTERS' SUPPLIES, r.N- elopes, raper bags, twine, Warehouse, 131 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. THE WILKES-nsJinB R'lCORD CAN BE HAD In Siranton at tho news standa of Reismau Bros, 103'Spruce and 30J Linden; M. Norton, !22 I.aikawanna aienue; I. H. Schutzer, ll Spruie stieet. FINANCIAL. -HaavA Ve- .sk.JSw-X OLDEST! SAFEST! BEST! WALL STREET Money- Will Ham Big Monthly nciurni. The Investor's Fund Pay a Semi-monthly. The oldest established in America. Nn certificate linldei his eier lost t rrnt Payments made la all subsiribeia every IS days, No trouble. No delay Money rcfundul on demand Write to day for partkutdia, flee to sny sddrais. C. i:. Maikey & Co., Hudson Uld'g., New York. v own and offer at prices yleldlne nearly five per cent. $1,000,000 Flivt JIorts:i-e Sinking Fund GOLD BONDS. Denomination, $1,000. Btitfe Electric andPoWerCompany of Butte, Mont. Write for ipecisl circular. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 Naaiau St., New York.