The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 06, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Special ti the Reranton Tribune.
Sprlngvlllo, Aiir . - Mr. Mollle
niunrtnpe atid Hillrlien. of fytarusc N.
Y, aio vlMUm? at the home of Mr. O.
P. Stanc, ami wife Mrs. UrunilaRe he
foie her mairliKP nn one of our nioit
eucccfvful school toarhois
The Cltlzotm hand ha heen hired tn
ftirnlh niiili for the Rianseis' picnic
at I.Hke Caio. AiiRtut -'-'
The third n initial letmlnn of the stir
vlvlnc tnentlicM of Company C Two
Hundred and Third lORiment. IVnns.vl.
vanla olunteeiK will he held nt the
home of Asa Stevens, nt Lake Caiey.
th- lilt Thm?da in Septeinhei.
I'amp inei-tlliR will ''oon he on deck
acaln the date fixed for Its hCRlnnltiR
helnj; the ild of the present month.
Mrs .1 II. Mitihell was sick nil of
Inst week, hut nt piivoiit l) somewhat
Charles A Olio Httenipted to ride a
hoife fiom the house to the Held one
day last week when the animal he
came unmanageable and thiew him
When picked up he was unconscious
hut soon came to analn. He was quite
badly mulecrl, but no hones wete
Our barber W to deeorate his plice
of business with a new slsn
Theodore S. Kellopp. e-a , l a Rieat
lover of horse, and la.-t week pui
ched a new one
Stuart Hllev ha" so far t.vnvoie1
from his sickness as to he able to par
tially attend to his icgutai business at
the stoie.
Alfied I. nisl"v still hoveis between
life and death with the chances about
rqnal He ha i""ii -Mel: six weeks
His brolhei odd Tellow aie callus for
him nights the most of the time
The two lodgc of Odd Fellows and
Hehekahs hete are tnlkliiR of hiddliiR a
plrnli In the neat futute
ridiiriiu.iMor .1 W DeWItt l with thi
band giving them Institution's and
nlso vvmMng up the hand fair which
they propos-p holding e.irl In t-optem-bet
Philander Steen of 1.1k lake, died
S-attmliv of a complication of disease"
and old ago. Ho was well-known in
this lclnit.. and was n pood man
Relative lhlnK lino nttended the
funeial. which was held at his l.ito
home Of his Immediate Tamils, none
urIe him except the widow
Mild Hollow nine cro-sed bat1- with
a SpilnpMlle nine SaUiul.i.v on the
crounds heie The v Minis made a
Rood start ami had seeial sutieh to
their uedlt when the InnlnR ihaiiRCd,
but at th" clrve of the game the sioie
stood 35-11 In faoi of the homo team.
At the hall came j-atuidnv. Sam Kar
her had HUM his tank with too nun h
tanglefoot and became noHx . and
was taken In tow by Constable Tuttle.
He resisted, and foi a time a fiee-for-all
fight seemed to be on the pro
pamine the f i lend" of Tuttle liishliiR
to hi aid. and the other fellows dolnp
the same Hailm wa tushed off tho
piounds howeei. and the othei toughs
baiked down and the melee ended
Mis Unbelt? and two ihlldien
and Mr. and Mis .1one. of I'lttston,
are MsltiliR A. M Tuttle and wife On
Sunday Mis. Tuttlo's biothers w'lc.
Mis Stone tame up fiom Suanton
Coii'tahle Tuttle and son. l.avoiiic,
are ruillrllng a bain foi T II H.iki t In
Pimntk. near the cat i Riound
The Ladles" Aid snclet held a busi
ness meeting l'lltla and deiidcil to ic
paint the Methodlf-t KpNiopal ihiinh,
and a lommlttce was appointed to take
chaiRC of the woik and sollilt bids.
peolil m the craiitnn Tribune
HolllsteiNille, AllR S Theie will be
A cold medal Denim est contest In the
Baptist church heie Tuesday evening.
A.UgUt fi
HajliiR Is ncarlv over and all icport
a Rood ciop The leld was Rood,
oats are poor, coin looks eiy promis
ing and fiult I" scan e
A number fiom heie have been to the
mountain for hueklebenies and have
been successful and well paid for their
Dr., and Mis T Build, of i-cianton.
were'ieient gnosts at the home of hi r
Krandfathei A tJ. llolllstti.
Mrs M. J. Mitihell and Rianilson,
Master tioidon Long, of SLr.inton,
spent a few das last week at her
home heio.
D, O Blown of Scranton. Is tin.
guest of his dauRhter-ln-law. Mis. Car
rle Brown
Mrs. D K Wall nun is ill
S Chumard is in verj poor health
Mrs. Minnie Biooks and daiiRhter
Requires Lots of Nerve Re
sistance to Prevent Ex
haustion and Prostra
tion. The kind of people who are least able
to withstand hot weather are the ones
with upset Xeives They bieak down
luring hummei heat lose atiength
ind restless cannot sleep fidgety and
retful mentally and physically. With
his class, heat seema to falily flatten
jut activity of mind and body pindiu
ng a languid, spliltless, exhausted con
dition. Itev the action of Or A. W. Chase's
Verve Pills In building up the Xerve
Venues and setting In motion that
hidden cuuent culled Xerve Force,
rhlch we know uxlsts, but the natuie
it which we "do not undei stand they
make this medicine so popular for
summer lassitudes and weakness.
Mr. Samuel Rogers, of Xo. l.'S Hyde
Paik avenue, Sciunton, Pa., sajt. -"1
was In a run down condition head
nchetf, nervous and sleeping badly and
the oppetlte poor. I was told of Dr.
A. W. Chase's Xerve Pills and got a
box. Ah a lesult I sleep nnd eat well
again. I am veiy much pleased with
them and glad to tecommend them to
others. This I can do conscientious!; "
Thla Is the shape and design of the
genuine Di. A. W. Chasn'a Xerve Pills.
All otheia are Imitations and date not
tite this design.
Dr. A. W Chase'fl Xerve Pills 60
cents a box nt druggists or Dr. A. W.
Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, X. Y.
See trat portrait and signature of A.
V. Chafe. M. D urc on every package.
Sold In Scranton by Matthews Bros.,
Alice, of Hamllnton, were recent guests
at the home of Mr. and Mis. Veteran
Mi". Carrie A. Cobb I" vl'ltlng among
relatives and friends In Scranton, Mos
cow and Chinchilla.
Mrs. AnRvvlne and son", of Dunmore,
are the Riiests of her aunt, Mr. George
..lis. H I). Holllster and son Charles,
of Scranton, spent last Sunday at the
home of her parents, Mr. und Mrs.
Albert Mei".
Mis Bertha Olmstcad Is visiting
among relatives nnd friends In Scran
ton. Mis Trances foote Is visiting rela
tives and frhmds In Sci anion and Taylor.
O. ft Holllster of Scranton. spent
last Sunday at the home of his par
ent", E. B Holllster, and wife.
Ml Lona Gregory of Scranton. was
entertained last Sunday at the home of
Can vou reaJ
her giandmother, Mrs. Harriet Ore
goi.v Mis S.vlvanlns Vhii (ioulei anil
daughter, Mls Nellie, of Sctanton, are
the guests of Mr. .ind Mis Vet. Van
Mi. anil Mis, ha Mitchell and
lly. of Scr.inton, were In town
Speiial to the Kranton Tribune.
Ffictoi.vvllle. Aug 5 Mi. and Mrs.
X H. Winteis spent Sunday In Scran
ton Mr". S.n.ih Slnnell left last Saturday
for Binghamton, where he will hpend
some time with her daughter, Mis.
Miss. Kn'aivn' I'owers. of Potlhvllle,
I'.i . Is spondlng hfr vacation here with
Miss Xannle Mind?
The Milliliter enon at this place and
the sin rounding lakes Is now on, and
hotels hnaidlng house and vehicles
aie taed to their utmost capacities to
an umiiindatp the rush fiom the cities.
It idiulii'il thirteen hacks to uioni
mo I np the people from the 4 35 train
lat Siturdn.
Vapeiat were llled at Tunkhannotk
last Fildav bv Deputy Postmaster W.
V Haul, as plaintiff. In a .slander suit
against 1. Ft Ctieen, of the Scranton
Itepiiblltan, as defendant Sheriff John
V (Jia.v was up Saturday and served
the papeis on Ml. (iieen, vvhlih called
foi $1,000 hall, oi a commitment to the
lounty jail' The trouble aiose over the
changing of a ten dollar bill by Mr.
Hard for Mr Oreen at the postolllce,
Mr fSieen claiming not to have re
iclved the full .imount of change,
which led to an aiguinent. In vvhlih
the aicusatlons weie alleged to have
heen made by Oreen.
The hand bojs held a snilal In the
hoe loonw last Saturda night. Ice
iieani and cake weie seived.
The iiimmoii (ounell will meet in
regular session next Wednesday night.
Sreelal to the Scranton Tttnun.
Hopbottom. Aug. 5 Theie will be
no pieadung In the Methodist church
during the remainder of this month.
The Sabbath school will continue as
Theie will he services at the Univer
salis! church August 11, mot ning and
evening, Hev. o It. Heaid&lcy, pleach
ing Miss Hertha Williams, of Ppilngville,
Is the guest of Misses Candace and
Mella Brown
Mrs J 11. Tiffany died at the home
of her sister, Mis T. J. Allen, of Mont
iose, Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock.
The teinalns will be brought here for
mil Ml, tne runeral to he conducted
from the Methodist chuich Tuesday
at J 30 o'clock. Mis. Tiffany left her
home here about ono month ago to
spend u few days with friends at
Heart Lake Although not In good
health at tho time, her ailment wa
not known to he serious, but shortly
atter leaving home she became 111,
and was taken to the homp of her
sister, where she steadily gievv worse
until the end. The heieaved husband,
children and aged father have the
sympathy of the community, which
feels In Mis, "flffany's death a common
Mr. and Mis. Satterly. of Scranton,
weie guests, of Mis. Martha Bell on
Mis. X. J. Havvley and her daugh
ter. MrH. Dolg, of Floilda, visited at
M. J Titus' dining the past week.
The MUses Hughes, of Junction, X.
J., aie visiting their grandmother,
Mis. Maitha Bell.
Miss Alta Finn Is visiting fi lends a;
Benton and elsewhere.
Miss Myia Jackson Is visiting Miss
May Arkerly, of Scranton,
At a meeting of the school board the
following teachers weie electart: Prin
cipal, Mr. Hunt, of Pine Grove; as.
slstant, MIh Myra Jackson; primary,
Miss Maud Waldle, of Brooklyn,
Miss Vanna Tiffany, of Dalton, Pa
Is visiting friends In town.
Mr. M. J. Hartley Is still confined to
the house, though slowly Improving.
Mr. Solomon Bell Is seriously 111,
torn vv
M? K n itr iflEM
Special ta the Sainton Tribune.
Plttston, Aug. 5. David P. Jones, of
Oak stteet, a well-known resident of
the Tenth ward for many ear past,
died at hl home Satuiday evening,
after a three das' Illness of Inflam
mation of the bowels. He was fi ears
of aRe, and Is survived by a wife nnd
eight chlldten, Tor a lung time the de
ceased had been engaged In the huik
steilng business. The funeial will take
place Tuesday afternoon at '.'.30 o'clock,
with sci vices In the Welsh Congrega
tional chuich, and Interment In the
Plttston lemetet
The Brother' base hall team, of
Haintown. will Journey to Olyphant
and endeavor to administer another
ill tinning to the Browns of that pliue.
Kdwanl Powell, of Nelsonvllle. O., I
a visitor at the home of his aunt, Mrs.
Hogor Powell, on Philadelphia avenue,
West Pittston
KIIhh Weaver, of Johnstown, Pa., a
former Plttston typo, Is spending a few
week among friends here.
William MacDonald, of Montgomery
stieet, West Plttston, has accepted a
position as advertlsment compositor on
the Johnstown (Pa ) Democtat. He left
for that place ycsleidaj.
NMapara Knglne company. No. 1. of
this city, today received an Invitation
to be the guests of the Susquehanna
this proverb r
Hose company, of Owego, at the an
nual paiade to be held in that city on
August J4 At a special meeting this
evening the Xlagaias decided to accept
the Invitation.
A daughter has arrived at the home
of Mr. nnd Mis William Johnson, of
West Plttston Mrs. Johnson was for
merly Miss Margaret Oiavell, of Jer
ni. v n.
Woid has been iccelved here of the
wedding of Oeoige D. MorrK eldest
son of Mrs. Annabel Mori Us Holvey. of
West Plttston, to Miss Plank, of Tto.v,
X. Y., only daughter of a superintend
ent of a woollen mill in that city The
wedding took place In Troy. July 6
Mr. Motrls has been employed on the
Albany Aigus for the past few- eais,
and Is a popular Journalist
At the masses in St John's church
.ve.steiday it was announce 1 that the
collections taken at the two pievlous
Sunda.vs for the benefit of the new
chapel at Sturmeivllle amounted to
Venal to the s(rantcn Tribune
Tunkhannock. Aug. & Kev. V. II .
Mentzer nnd daughter. Miss Ruth, of
Hazleton, arc visiting friends at this
Louis F. Cntnp and family aie spend
ing their vacation with his tuther at
Camptown, Pa.
Miss Boyce, of Seianton, spent
Sunday w 1th, her jiareists on Pine
The Triton Hose company will send
a delegation along with their miming
team to the Hi emeu's convention at
Troy, Pa , on Thuisday.
The colored camp meeting held on
the fair giounds on Sunday was a
pionouueed success In all ways. The
weather was pleasant and the giand
stand was tilled with an ordeily and
attentive audience, while the pleaching
and holr was all that could be deslted.
Theie will be anothei meeting at the
same place next Sunda. when It Is
expected that a larger number of col
oied people fiom Monti ose, Pittston,
Wilkes-Barre and Tovviiiidii will be in
attendani e
Stieet Commissioner Wllmot H, Car
penter has a force of men engaged In
lepavlng the gutter along the west
side of Wnrien stieet.
Uutjene Callahan spent Sunday with
his sister at Towanda
Mis. H W Chase and daughter Les
lie, of Wllkes-Bai re, stopped over Sun
day with Mrs. T. B. Ciienville, leaving
on Monday for Buffalo and Canada,
wheie they will lemaln for some time.
Xews was received here on Saturday
evening of the untimely death of Wlll-
llam Bosengiant, formeily a resident
of this town, which occurred at Ithaca,
X. Y Deceased was killed by being
strut k by
a fast tialn while engaged
in tne peuoimanco ot nis duties as i
supeilntlende.H. for Ihe Hall Signal
company's system He was a son of
Jackson Bosengrant, of this place, and
Is survived by a widow and four small
Miss I'na Allen, of Meshoppen, Is the
guest of friends In town.
Ueoige W. Hennlng, of Mehoopany,
was doing business In town on Mon
da. Fred Aveiy, who Is employed at
Plttston, is visiting his paents at this
place. ,
Oliver H. Henolds, of West Xleholon,
relumed on Saturday Horn a two
months' Hojuuin tvlth fi lends In Iowa
and other points In the west. He Is
In excellent health and seems to have
enjoyed his tilp.
Aveiy Miller, of Blntjhamton, X, Y,
fcpent Sunday with his patents at this
Krause's Headache Capsules
ar unlike anything piepaied In
America. They were first preset Ibed
by Dr. Kiause, Gcimany's famous
court physician, long befoie antlpyrlne
was dscoverod, and are almost marvel
ous, so speedily do they cine the most
distressing cases. Prlco :'5c. Sold by
all druggists.
,. -
Bpeeisl tn thi Scranton Tribune.
Monroe, Aus. 5, At the union eer-
vlcfa In the Presbyterian church lat
evening the sermon was preached by
Itev. Jacob O. Miller, D. D., of Cedar
rails, Iowa, a louner pastor of the
church. Doctor and Mrs. Miller are
spending n few davs In town, the
guests of Mis. Daniel Ha vie.
Mis. John Tiffany, of Hopbottom, who
has been III foi several weeks at the
home of her sl'ler Mi . Thomas C Al
len, In thla place, died yesterday after
noon at B o'clock. Her husband sur
vives her. Kuneial niraiigements have
not been announced.
A "scrub" nine of ball players of this
plate went over to Car malt lakn on
Saturday and played a Rathe with the
Camp Choconut nine The score was
18-." In favor of the campers.
Dr C. H. Hunshker, of the Germnn
hospital, Philadelphia, and sisters,
Misses Lillian and Sallle Hurnlikfr,
who have been visiting Mr. nnd Mis.
A. V. Kinney In this place, returned to
Philadelphia this week
K. U. Cilsmnn. of Philadelphia, Is a
reient arrival at the home of D. It.
Mis. James Tate and Utile son of
Washington. D. C, are visaing at A.
J. Biewstei's
MIsb Leona Tarbell. of Winona, Wis
consin, Is vlstlng her grandfather. John
S Tarhell, at hi home In this plate.
Dltilct Attorney B. B. Little was at
UlnRhamton on business, Saturday
Three thousand cana of beans were
put up at the Montrose cannery on
Satuiday A fotce of fifty hand Is
now steadily employed.
Anson D. Blrchard, of Klmlra, ha
been calling on his many Montrose
Mis Bessie Ball was the Riiest of
relative at Poit Dickinson, N. Y.,
over Sunday.
Our colored population wa mostly at
the camp meeting In Tunkhannock on
Sunday. The trip will be repeated on
next Sunday
Tomorrow close. the hottest and
moot exciting factional contest that
ever took place among the Republicans
of Montrose borough. Both sides con
tinue to profess confidence and doubt
less will do so to the last Wete It not
for the threatened attempt to vote a
larpe number of Democtat. It might
he possible to make an approximate
forecast of the result, but with thla
unknown quantity entering Into the
contest It Is folly to predict The re
sult in the county will without doubt
he a lctoiy for Congressman C. V
Floyd I. each, of Chinchilla, occupied
the pulpit at the Methodist chuich
Sunday and delivered two very elo
qtint seiinons.
Mr. and Mrs. J F Price are spend
ing a few days In Mehoopany.
Mrs. William Mucklow. of Diego,
West Virginia, is visiting het daugh
ter Mrs. Fiank Snder.
MIs's Maude Ciandell, of Hiooklyn, X.
Y. Is lsltlng at the home of MNs
Vertle Dlx
Mis. W. O Whiting, of S.vracuse. X
Y.. Is the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeoige
Tiegellas, of Xoith Main street.
Kev. and Mis. Fiichatd Jones and
chlldicn, of Philadelphia, aie visiting
his sister, Mis. Oeoige OiifrUh, of Main
II. O. Doud of Washington. D. C ,
Is spending his vacation with his pat
ents. Mi and Mis. A. F. Doud, of
CS icon wood.
Wall Street Review.
New oik, Aus 5 Speculation Iih!i be
tijicil .icliliu: tende'H.t fiom the op nuu;
till the ihi'.iui; ol liu.ltmvi Resultant Ium tan
limn 1 In ." points for llic sunk iiiimi jctiul
ill (It In and includin; leading uninlic!-. of ail
the principal ehmiiu UciaMonal l allies uno
uiiaialling lu checkin; the ahad.i Muam of
liiui!ttiim and the piofc-nkmaW utiliml cciy
tnupotaii tccout.t to put ova addition)! i-hui
imew of block Western and Pacith .tock.s bo u
the blunt of the irlllng in Ihe lailroal qiuitir,
while I idled sui,., u(l jnn sugir wire In Ihe
nn in the downward moiemeut ot the ptcnl
ties 'I lie falluie to cflccl a MHlUment of I tie
Mccl xtrike on silimlav prepared ope liters for I
uumptii it of llipiidation in llie I nilcd Mates
i-tcel issues at Ihe opining of business toij,
1 irl ajIc of the common win nflien thouviinl
MiaicH al fiom 41 doxcii to lOij, wliuli about
inoiMUifl the. low point until well in the .mil
noon, when it lagged tn 10 luleimiili ite nan
aiHnus weie on a naimvv fraUioutl tmgi, hue
the fai.1 tint the nlock wis, well backed up
a i mind foilj did not ixerl au alii iikiIuiiiii
rllicl on the ciniial inaikcl llie; ptico
vas the lowc.t of the da.v and nidicite.l a m t
loss ol Pa points as compaieil with 'Mtiuilav h
llOfO. llic picfciicd flock Miileml in IXtllllll'
1i-j of Ji and endeil J points oh The speculi
tion of the da Iiiii;pi1 on the developments ju
the i-trikc inn an I the utriit wis inrlmul
to icw the tailuie lo ic ich an actionem as
foti. hallow Ins a hlulih wnaitioiial luaikct foi the
stock fot iwlille Other uutal pnpiriiia moiciI
maikcd empatlielic, 'Irnm sml Coal dip
ping; Ji iiml American lai Poundi ptcfiniil I
points, tslliiu: b the wit ioiiiltiueJ In pite
of uporU. of rain in wilous eitlons of tho corn
bill and the publication of a laite numlicr of
ei, r.nisf it ui, in wllionl catulni,4
for (lie fouitli week in lull snu.ii was a, protn
iiirnl f.'iluic nil die ami dtoppul 3't to I"1
on i.alcs b Hit prolcs-ionalji, who aiKtird that
the foithccimitiL; oppodlti' n would miki laio
inroads on ll larniHK capailt.c Hut little news
was circulated on account of the ainlg weak
ntvt of nunc stocks iiml I lie ontlnuous m-IIiiii;
vms attributed in pan In liiiuiilition be holders
wlio hac buome Hied out bv llie recent ti idy
drop of priccn Vs the Mvion drew lo a. i lose
the piCKsuic ucaui.t the Mock market was in
newel and the lowest pricea ot llie dac weie
midf in the tiiul ilealiiurs, lleports were tut
rent that I tilled Mate steel common and pin
fcireU were to be held at 40 and no rtpecticl,
but the ptclened hioke tn Ki" Tlie immeu-c
dealinas In Ihe nocks were mule within a t man
of a polnl comparing Hit opening and lowest
prices of the da; Manv lallioad utocks cocerid
a range of fiom 2 to .' points in the ume
period lolil nalen. hi,ti ibarcs
lUilioad bonds were faille actite, hut weak,
in Mmpathy with stocks Total sale par value,
I tilled htatea bonds weie all unilungcd on the
la.t call.
The following quotations are turnlshed Thi
"ribunt bj M 9 Jolan ft Co , rooms 70S 'l
Wears building, Beranten, r. Telephone 50OS
Opep- High low. Clos
ing. est. Ine
Ametlcin -Higar 11 1 ,', V0 WV
Ameilran lobaico .... l.rt lin no ,o
Atchison ! J'; o'I't fi's
tt lilson. Pi HI HI Hi !."
Ilicwk Itaition 75'i Jo's 7J". :i'4
Halt A. Ohio OH I" 0 .)i,
font lohaeco M's i"'i BV' fiVU
hes & Oliio 4i l"i 41 II
I hie .v. (II We.t 'J ii jn J0'
hi Paul .- IM I in lil IVi'i
Hock Island I't'i 117 1 IV, nil
ban A. lex. Pi VU, Vi, hHt ni,
1iuls K Nath IW4 lot vi too
Man Klevaled IH' 117 llnV, 1V'?
Met Traction Ii Hl Iri-P W4
vilMi. I'm III Ki'i mi4 nil, nil
South Paiirii Aiv fili.j o Sir,
Norfolk k et fil'i r,i fit 'i
N Central V VA livt J4'i
Out. e. We-lirn !-" US hT4 SI'a
Penna It It llt 141 Ui Hi
Paillh Mall 10 40 .i;i, a;t
lleudiiiK ll s'11- -o; ,vn. i!H,
Iliadlng It., Pr Tn 7iVi 7H TV's
southein II It -slJ 2s1 S1 's'4
Soulhern It It . IT Sls M'3 , SPi
'leiin. Coal k lion .... 'il fisij WP
I S Leather Wa W l'j l.'ij
I s leather. Pr Til's 7i' istj 7Si
I S llubber 1" Is I7'i 1T;
I nlon Pacific ''Vs ln.U u.i4 ni
I nlon Paiinc, i'l ts',j Rs'i Ps ss
Wabash, I 'l R') S7 37',
Western I 'nlon m'i l'i mi', nn.
Col Ku'l & Iron 01 u; up, mij
Auial Copper Ill's tit's 110 UiP,
Proplc'a (!as lit 111 11.!'. li
1 tie f-'a M .lft' .U
ii Ic. nt it id npi. m,
( ol. (southern U II Hi, :
Texas Pacific SlH .1'H, Si &H
Vmer. ( ar 1'nundrj .... 2' 2 1 ;s
II. R. Steel To li 41 40 40
U. S. Mecl Co, Tr uo't 00 S'K, fo.
Open. High- Low. Olos-
WHEAT. ing. est est. Ing.
Frptemher 74i 7VTi TIU ;s
December 70', 7S Tois 77!
I 0nt
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Thin Four l.lntJ, 3 Cents lor Hach Extra Llnr.
For Rent.
For Remit
About 1200 feet of floor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at oflice of
TOR IUAT-Jls -Vine room liouv In pluunt
upper Urem Milne, Sept 1 Wrlle (1, W. ..
Tribune Olrke.
lOlt KKM Klcht ronm. TM .Ifltcttnn avenue;
all modern ccmenleneej.
WAN'TKP To Rood ram-er (or srantfln,
either male er female MMry or iommlii.lrn.
Voiel Inducement to Imjen !crinton Book
.Vcinc, Koom 101 P.iull lliillillnir
WANIhD-Oie thound pereons to uy one
thnii-aml bolllei 'KnlKlitu' Aromillc Sjrup
o( Prunes," nature's Rreite.t phle. I.rsn
bottle, M cents. ( liu. P. Jones, 1&5J Uck'
son aenue.
WAXTKD-An lntelllent (Calholle) lady or ccn.
tlemsn to fill a light, pleaant portion.
Rood pay, It aultable. Addtewi P. 0. lox 20,
Scranton, Pa
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED Table boarders.
Washington avenue.
Mrs. Tompkins, Ml
Help Wanted Female.
WASTKP-nlrl or middle aireil oman for (ten
eral houenrk In counttj hotel. Address K.
E. mllh. Heetvllle, Pa
Agents Wanted.
k -
WAMKI Reliable ajent to take aulwerlptlons
for our pcpulai mazarine in innnettlon with
ne tenuis Allan. exri-ptlnnal opportunity
Write tndaj John Wanamaker, Dept 10J A .
New York.
Ofrt NKW HOOK sent free fully lllu.traled,
treats of all conditions of men, tell how to
attain "Perfect Manhood ' should be In the
hand! of ever mile ndult ddies Kric Medical
Co . "nook Dept ," lluftalo, S V
1.0M'-lad's cold ualtli luitiaW on cmr, "K
VI V " sultahtc re ml if returnid to the
office of Hnch Mnniific turlner rompan.
l.llr Oiip small memorandiirn book and two
potketbook". all with black cover and con
taining valmble memnriniliiin and imo inonev
Pleae reluin ti clilef of wllce, Mranlon. He
Help Wanted Male.
sll T IlltlS WOHKKIt expeilemed on No 10
stick for facloi.c in l.ieitrr New 'Voik VVc
want a irood man. sober and It dulriou, compe
tent to lac out diawlns' and art as leader or
game or loirman lo the right mm
there is a Inline t.ood pa ami ttir treatment Vddiei.s, ! itlng lullv jmir experience
and expedition. t 1). Ilox sio, Wist .New
llrighton, New ,ork.
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
laeiinna Pair Co . Pr
Connt. si ings Mink Jl Trust Co
I irst National Hank (l-arbondale),
Militant Prilling '"
Third National Hank .
Dine Deposil and Discount Rank
Ecenomy Light. H I' to. ....
First National Rank
Istka Tiust Safe Deposit Co
Clark A. Snover lo. ir ..
8cranton Iron Fence ft Mfg
Scranton Axie noms
Seronton Savings Rank
Tradeis' National Hank
Siranton Holt A. Nut Lo
IVople's Hank
ew Mexico Ry ra
Stanton Pasi-enger Railway, first
Mortgage. ij"
People's Street Rallay. fltt mort
gage, due PUS ... ....
People's Mreet llilinav, i.enerai
mottgage. due l:i .. ltJ
DicUon Manufacturing l o
lacka Township School 5 per icnt. ...
C it j of Seianton St Imp. 6 per
Beans-rer bushel, choice marrow, 2 60a2M
Scranton Traction ft per cent UJ
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected b II (I Dile. 27 tjtkananna e )
llulter 1'iesli ireamei. 20'ja21c.i dairj, nisa2u'3i
( iirese I nil cream. lOHatlc
I ggs Wci-tem deh, llall'sc , nearby state,
111, able , .
Medium Bean- Per bushel, t2 in 4
I, teen l'l is I'CI bushel, ?t lOal 4V
Horn llet palent, per barrel, 4 Ii
Beans Pel bushel, i holce marrow, i2.J5a2 TO
Pitaloes-Per bushel. lal 10.
Onions Per lunlirl 1
Chicago Grain and Produce.
( lilcago, .ug 4 -I onditloiis geneialh were
bulli.b toda and heiitrmbii wlieat cied an
acute di l'ac
buh , and oats
His clise weie 21,
net hliihei loin closed 'si
a shide down P
lo Hii dni ( ia,i
I'len. at
I itions
wnc as fnllows
Houi -Vmel, No ml spimg wheat, 70t,a
7le , No 2 com, .-I si . No 2 tel'nv, Sf,c ,
No 2 ell, ,J.isi'.M , el 2 win e, v( i ,
Vn .1 white liii17U' . No 2 ice. ."i7ai7ir :
fair In choice nulling. V , No 1 flax feed,
Mil II, HUM.. Ill" .DM... '"" .
sin's prime tinmlliv eed, l''0,
Bi , slioit deal iijilea. s lia' IV,
kiioulners, i's
whiske, H.iJ
Chicago Live Stock Market.
(Imago. Vug 5 Cattle Rieelpts, 21, -W lu
eluding l,30u lexaiis. Market Head. for good
ne, low for medium, gcod lo prime steel".
JJllaD.O; poor lo m"dluni 4 li'ai V), stockeis
and feeders locvir, 2 25al cows slead.t, 2 754
4 jO heller. J2 2Vat isl, eanneis, fl Juai 40, bulls
s2 Wit 0. eajves, laV25, leva., steer. $Jal 50,
firt glass ratigira for sraiou heie todav heit,
i ,"i Hogs llreripls todai, SI.i-u. toinonow,
2J,0oo, left uvei, l,i. strong, 5 eenla higher,
ilo-rd dun, imxul and bulchrts, 'i7iUK0, good
to choice liea.v. If OVaH 20 lough heaj, i.Va
5S0 light, ifVVaVOO, bulk of sales, 5 Ma8 OV
Sheep Receipts, J.U-I Sheep, 10 lo 15 ceii'a
jotter, lunlw, 10 tu 15 tents lower, good to
cholie nelliris -f 1-.1.1 1 , lali to choice mixed,
.I2Vi.1i, wrsteiu sheip, $.1 2'a1 15, vrarlings,
$3 7Vil'lV, native lambs, fji, westein lambs,
l 2'iaV 15 lifnilal irieipts and sliipments for
saiuidavt lteceinia tattle, '.iVj, hogs, 12.150;
sheip, I V7u. Shipments ( attle, 5.', hogs, ti'j,
aheep, none.
New Yoik Chain and Produce.
New Voik, Vug h 1 lour - lull Ic adoe and
a shade ftrmei Willi vvheai, w Intel spaighls,
M.V)j I .',0, Vlinresnu patnit, .1 7541 Wlu.11 -Spot
111 in. No J led, 77 'si f o b afleil, No
1 ml, 7V.c 1 levator, No I Nurlhen llululli,
7Si f o b ulloal llitions eased oil after
Ihe opiiuig I, ill 1 Him turned sitong and
1 lined til in nt 'silt n-t advanie srptembrr
(lux I 75ktc , Oi tuber, 7m , II, it ml n r, 77 ',1
loin-sjiot stead; No. 2, til ,t, . elevator ami
tot(c f 0 h afloat Option markel opened
fliui (lo-iil stead) at 'iar nil advance. Sep
tember closed IV , Pec ember, H2i OalaSpot
Arm! No. 2, 3'ic- , No. .1, .lis",! , No 2 while. 42
u'ji , No, ,1 while, llitc , tuck mixed western,
.tsallk , track while. 40al'k Oplloii ipilrt, but
alrad witli oilier marked Hullei Meailv ,
cieauiery, HJa2o,sc . , factnrc wealriu lune, l'l
IV'ic , ImlUlloii crrameri, llai;i,t , slate
dairr, 1 1 a 1 Sic. ( heese stea v i lam.v laige iol
01 ui, (issC ; fanct' laige while, nV,( ; faut)
small colored, Vr ; fancy small white, Dlla'sc.
1 ggs Steady; state and rennsilvanla, Halci.,
western uncandled, Salic.; western candled, 12a
Buffalo Live S'tock.
Buffalo, Aur. 5 Cattle hteactyj extra fine fia.
r , s.VV.
VWV fsvrr.-t
VOH SVI.K-rwo phaeton, three lumber vvaiun.
lo seta of liirnpa ami three lorfe VI
Anle l.utnber janl
0ll MM: Two William t)peiller and one
Jlivlel Manlialtan, nil In ril (MM 'hipe
Can be boiirht at a biaaln and "e.i al orv
lime al I Mluwn.xl l'iierller Ofllie, V II.
tofrtn, Mitii.rr, Itoom 5, Atcade litilMinr. l
JU'sr MtMIVMi win, a ,sr-lnad ol lioie and
ilrlms telehl Irnm l,m) In l,V)i eveil
cloeb maicheil lnn I'm be Keen al 311 Ha
mnnd couil. F M Cobb
0n SVI.K Cotlrell At Son rllnder pie.
a-lvte. In cooil tnndlllon. new roller. t-'iO
Appl.i Wllke llarre ilme 0(Ae. Wllkei llufe,
Honey to Loan.
(300,1)00 TO tOAV-towet ratea: straight or
monthly pujmenU. Slark & Co,,rraders' bid?.
straljlt leans or llulldlns; and txian At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
811-115 (Vnnell building.
Want AdverttsementB Will Bo
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBERT SCIU.UTZ, comer Mulberry
street and Webster avenue.
OUSTAV PICIIbli, 660 Adama avenue.
West Side
OhORGi: W. JUNKtNS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
TRLD U Ti:nPPE, WJ Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GEO. W PS.V1S, corner North
avenue and Market street.
Qreen Ridge
CHARIhS P. JONES, 1557 Dickson
r. J JOHNS. fttO Oreen Ridge street.
C. LORE.NZ, corner Washington ave
nue and Marion street.
W. H KNLPKEL. 1017 Irving avenue.
J. C. DONE & fsO.V.
( VVIi: 10 VIY PlirVllsK's. a jeatllne heifer;
owner ean hace irai' by identifleation
Cilcs Manton, Chinchilla, Vx.
IN UK Heinle of Benjamin .1. Hughes, lie
reiseil. late ol the i it of Scranton, count
of l.ickawanna nnd Mate of Peniulania. Let
leis testament in upon the aboc nimed csute
having been gianted lo tne undersigned, all imm
sona bacing cliims or dennndi against ald
dale will pie-ent lliein for nivment. and those
Inihbted llieritn will make Immidiatc pavnunt
tn Vim i I Hughes, exeeutiix
Vttomey for Kslale
Ished sleern. f.". sOa'i l. coml tn choice shipping
and export sleeis. 3 o i 'i 7 1 . lust fat cows, ft H
al '0, fiir lo good, 1 jOil, bulls choice lo best,
ilsOa4 2a, lri.l frtilcr?, $1 KM I 10, fiir to i bone
ftoikeis, Vkil, light flat 10, feeding rales
and xeirllng. .! "Voil 2"., fusli iow and spring
era slow mil uniliangid Hogs Dull, best heaiy
trades, 17 HI 20 mixed ind medium, 0 10nl l'i,
iiooil weight cirker', fia2"i, pigs. S"i .V)a3 1 ft,
fi choice, .".iiS. rouglis, ,", 25ii 50, tag, i Ji
ah '. -sheep and I atnbs low , best spring lambs
, 4iia1 'al, fair to good, l7iaj2"i, culls and
lommoii. Val mi, sheep mixed bind giadis,
lopn f.1 iVial. fair to good ewes, 2 Vlil 7, choice
leaning wetluis. $4 40al "id; fair to good do,
$J.50al 2.
Oil Market.
Oil (it, Vug . - I'icilit bilances, 12V, rertl
flialis, no bld shipment for three da, 21),
721; average, b.i,335 Huns, l'l,M1; average, 70,-
American Xeague.
Vt Haltlmore (First gimc)
if i:
Hoston 1O0 00I.03O-1 7 O
Baltimore 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 ,i i
Hatterles oung and Criger, Howell and Hres
Italian I mplros Cmtillon and Haskell.
Sriond game " II I.
fin.inn n O 0 0 0 (I 0 0 O-il I 3
liiiiimoie iionaofio '-u ii :
Batteries Winter and sehreckongot; Nop
and Biesnahan. I'mplres Cantlllon and Haskell.
Vt Phil uli IphUHrst game- II IL I'.
VVa-hlnglou 10 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-3 10 i
Philadelphia 1 0 .'. 2 2 0 0 0 '-10 11 A
Batteries I ee and Llatkc; Frarer and Power:
I tnplre C'onnollj.
second t-ame It II. K.
Washinglo OH 000 0 000 0 3 2
Philadelphia 2 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
Halteries-( oilrk and Claikc; V1 and Pow
nr I nipiiv Lvunollt.
VI ( liiujn
( Ii teland
llatleiles McNeil
,.0100030 (I OH 7 ,1
,. 0 11 0 0 3 on 0 1 1 s 7
and ( onnor; Patterson and
Sullivan 1'niplre Sheridan.
M Milwaukee
Haiti ries Cionin
,200100100-4 10 10
,.12515410 '-13 10 2
and Huelow, Husting and
Umpire Vlana-satt.
National League. -
VI Ne- rk R n. I
Philadelphia ....0 100000000 3-6 0 4
.New ork . . .0011 0 0 1 00 S On 3 1 3
Rjttrrles-'luwiv.end and Mel'arland, Matthew
son and smilh-l mplre Der.
Second game R II E.
Philadelphia 10.1000321-10 0 0
New Vork .... o o n 11 o 0 o o o 11 0 fl
Batteries Huagleby and Douglass, Taj lor and
Bowsrman. L'mpiie Dwjer.
.t Riiton R. H F
Rrooklvn 0 0 1) 1 llflft 0l -1 fi i
Boston 1 nnoooo I 2 4 1
Hallfiies Donovan and lanell; Willis and Kit
trldi,e I mplre 1 mslle.
At Plltsbuig R, II II
M Limia 2 1 000 1 1 II 2--20 21 I
Plttsbuig 4010000 l(l-rt 13 7
llatlerles Powell and llvan, Chesbio and
0'( einnor, Doheny and Yeagei. I'mplres O'Day
and Iliown
Vt ( Imlmuti R II V.
(hicag 011O2O2OI-7 It 1
Cincinnati I (1 . .1 1 0 0 0 -10 U 2
lljueiies Vlrnifr and Ming, Ouese and II
gen. I mpirc Nash
Eastern League. '
Providence. 7, Woteesler, 3.
Toronto, 11, B'irTato, 2
Tomato, 5. Hiiflalo, 7
Mcntrral, in, Rochester .
The Tenr) Avenue htars would like tn knew II
Ihe Olden Mara 1II play them. If Mtiiltetorv
answer through The Tribune, We will play them
on the Young ficraiUoru rrounds. Jarob Rosen
brrs, maniger.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Thtn Pour I.latt, A Ctnti lor Cach Etra Lltu,
Sttuatlona Wanted.
SHI VTIOV HANTIIl- Vs first class or second,
hand btead, take and pnlfel bakrr. lllj or
isMtilr It I) Mailman, ifJ7 Lhurch atreet,
I ebanou, Pa.
11 1. VI KIN UANII.H-Viiouiilant. expert In
corporitlon woik and copartnership ao
inuiita, would like to engave fiom one to Hires
dan on suprrvl'loii and rnnllnumit audit;
bicliest rcfninece. Address, .1, Henri Jones,
l-l'l Itock sheet
Mil VI ION WANII ll-Mtuallnn ss wallres or
lautiilrrss in iboroughl) innipeient altli ht
refcientea Call this week, Sll Jefferson avenue.
MUTATION V1Hi llartrnder from Phlladel.
phla, lirst i lass mixer, wanla position, capa
ble of taking full i halite of hotel, saloon or res
(auiant, illy or country, first clssa references,
Acldres ,t (, , H g slrrel, lltjr.
BOOhfxl HPI-'H (male) deslrca emplOimeflt three
dajd a week Kleen jesrs In lt slttutlon.
Addtess A, II l , ltd line olllce.
A VVOVIVV wanla men' tinderelnlhes (ft wash;
fltl ilis launilrev II .VI . Tribune offlce.
A VOVA nanls wishing to do home cr go out,
AddrrM 11 M , Irlbune office,
SnPvTlnV WANTI H by a wnmsn to go out 1;
, .. 'lie 'lay washliur or cleaning. Mrs. Kuweit,
1210 t'rdar avenue.
- J llt-
For Sale or Bent.
FOP. MLK OR ltf.NT-Mngle house, e)4 Web.
sler acenue Ten rooms, ateam heat. (J, F,
Rev nobis, Connell building.
"-i" !- ri-i-l--sr.-n-.iiirii-n-siii-iia
Certified Publlo Accountant.
Fstate L'achange Oldg , 126 Washington Jive.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Spruce street, Scranton.
, Lawyers.
oomi 12, 14, l and IS Burr building-.
tlated on real estate aeeurity. Meats building,
corner Washington avenue and Spmc street.
and counsellors at-law.
Washington avenue.
Republican building
eellora at-law. Commonwealth building, Roomj
10, 20 and 21.
KB K4, 0th floor Melrs building.
of Trade building, Scranton, Ta.
Bank building.
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians nnd Sugeons.
Ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry
Chronh disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and
genlto urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Resturants.
avenue. Rates, reasonable.
P. ZEIfJLER, Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on the European
plan VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
cess pools; no odor; only Improved pumpa used
A B. Brlggs, proprietor Leave orders 11M
North Main avenue, or Flcka'a drug store, eor.
err Adama. and Mulberry. Both telephones.
erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; gracs
houses, 1050 North Main avenue; atora UI
phone, 762.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa , manufacturer of Wire Screens.
also ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 212
Adama avenue.
velopea, raper bag, twtne,
Washington avenue, Scranton,
Warehouse, n
In Scranton at tha news stands of Reisnw.
Broa, 408 Spruce and 503 Linden: M. Norton,
?22 Lackawanna avenue; I. 6. Schutttr, 211
Spruce sttect.
,sU b-XJA-U S Sv. iV
SAFEST! Money Will Hirn Bli Monthly
nreTi Returns.
DtiOl, Xhf Investor's Fund Fays Semi monthly.
The oldest established In merlca No eertlneatu
holder ha ever lost a ctnt Pavments mada to
all subscribers every 15 days. No trouble No
delay. Money refunded on demsnd Writ to
day for particular, free lo any address.
C. K. Mackey A. Co., Hudson llld'r , .New Veil;.
Bond Offerings.
Paying 3J to 5J
Chen. & Ohio, It. & A. Dtv. 1st Con.
Kvans & Terie Haute Int Con,
Iowa Cen. Hy. Co. lnt fin.
Louis. N A. & t'hlo., Ohlc. &
Rlv. 1st til
Mexican Central ily. Con. Is.
MIkhouiI Paulllc Tiimt t.
Mob, eSt Olilo, Montgomery Dlv, 1st
Oiffi-on Sliort I.Ine 1st Con. Bi,
Illo Uranile Westein 1st 4s.
8t. Louis DiltlBe Term. Ity. 1st 5s.
St. 1... Iron Mt. & Ho, Itefd. 4.
mil nice n. & i.t. Co. 6 pre,.
Complete Clieular List on Application.
Spencer Trask & Co
27-20 Pine Street,
M Nate street, Ainsny, N. Y. NDW YORK