The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 06, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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UUU-V"'" I
Che Remaining Mombors of Carbon
dalo'a Band of Heroes of '02 to
Meet with Reforence to Semicen
tennial Celebration The Members
of tho Company, Many of Whom
Are Prominent In Public Llfo
The survivors of Wurts' guards.
the gallant hand of heroes who left
Carhondals In '62 to take up arms In
the battle for the union are Riling to
participate In- the Jubilee celebration
of their native city, the town fiom
whence they went to tho midst of the
To decide upon a programme nu
io hf Informed as to what p.nt Is to
be aselsned the survivors of the com
pane lw.'P homes are hereabouts and
who tan reach I'arbondale without
treat Inconvenience, are requested to
come to this city tomonow evening to
miet with the teunlon committee ..of
the association. The
meetlne ha been set for 7.30 In the
afoelatlon looms In the Cltv Hall
building. As this will be a sou of re
union In itself, and Is sure to be
mat ked by pleasant and Intel cstlnc In
cidents, beside the discussion of plans
for the old folders' observance of the
Cltv's Jubilee, the attendance of every
unvlvor who can possibly come is
looked for
The Wuits guai d. as will he seen
from the appended list, embraced men
who are now prominent In civic- and
business life hereabouts, notably in
Heranton. and their presence here on
the occasion of the Jubilee will lend
great Interest to the celebration.
The following history of the guards,
which takes Its name fiom Hupoilu
t'ndent Wurts. of the Delaware and
Hudsen compjiiv. was picpmcd by
Henry B. .lartwin. of this city, one of
th survivor", to whom The Tilbune
is Indebted for its use.
Wurt's Guards.
Thirteenth regiment. Pennsv Ivanla
mllltU of 1. organized tfept 1J. ISM.
colonel. Jame Johnson. Company C. of
Carbonrtalc. Pa
Captain. James Nlcol
Tlrst lieutenant, James llosle.
Second lieutenant. Albert H. Wurts,
First heigcant Michael DutMtio.
Sergeants Thomas 1!. Latluope,
William NUoi: Homy Wilson, Heniy
Cornoralf P.obert Dnak. James
Wright. Thomas Lindsay. William
Karger. Aug S. Wurts. Thomas riulll
van, William Pruchbol. Conrad KHhcr.
Musician, Kzia W. Jadwin
Private James Allen. J we H.
Bagley, Samuel D. Baker. Charles XV.
Barker. Thomas S. Banett. (Jeorge XV.
Benedict. William Blown, Angus Cam
eron. Jr. Agar Campbell. Loftus
Campbell. William Campbell. Beinaid
Chapman. Moses Chambeilaln. Nathan
P. Ciamer, s-ldncy A. Crane, Charles
H. Daley. Francis .V D.inn, lMw.inl
T. Davis. John Dei ker. Thomas
fcvans- Tied Flckenshah. Clarence
Karnham, Frederick Corbel. William
Ooebel, David W. C.atlienolp, John
Oesslcr. Luther B. (Joddlng". .lolm Hai -rls,
Thomas llalgh, I.ewU XV. Holfoid,
Robert Holland. Christian Ilonold. IM
ward Howellr. William N Hunter.
Robert K-Iluilo., Thomas Hutley. jr.
Joseph I?gcr. Oooigo Johnson, Mnr
uoocl Jordan, nduaid F. Jo-din, Hem y
B. Jadwlu. Jr.. Joseph V. Klrkbrlde.
William Kenwoithy. Jnmes Klrkwood,
William W. I.athrope, Thuin.ts I.ews
ly, John r Ltw. John Maxwell, ('has.
Mellon. Onar C Mooie. John
l; Mills. William E. Mills. William
Meres, James McMillan. James Mc
Laughlin, John McLean, Lauience
O'Rourke. TYnvni-cnil Pooic. Hugh XV
Po.vdtrl.v. John Pow doily. Siimuel fi
Parker. Joseph W. Peck, John Pettl
Krew. John K. nicimioiirl. Chains
Race. t.'Iiailes l!mo, William itepse,
William RIcIIpj, ji . Thomas Samuels,
Daniel sjcuny. John Slieimaii, Fieder
Ick Slegel. (icoige Smith. Nicholas
S-'mllli, Daniel Htcheut. George F.
ftone, Heni- riwait. Ji . John Tayloi.
John L. Taylor. Dav Id Vlmer John L'l
mei. Joseph B. Vannan. Thonias 11
Vannan, John D. Wademan. Samuel
Williams, John 11. Wilson, Thecidoie
F. Wurts. Asa Yams. William Yams.
Militia of 1802.
The following is a summary of the
movements of the PenmvIvHnlH mllltln.
of w hen the Wurts cuaid weie a part.
Alter the ceconrt battle of Hull Run,
the rebel aimv hastened northwaid,
croftea the Potomac, as the rich hai
vests of Southern Penntlvanla Invited
Invasion On the (th of September, lRt2,
Governor Cm tin trsued a proclamation
calling the people to prepaie for .ip.
fense; and recommended the formation
of regiments throughout Pennsvlvanla.
feir the purposes of dilll. and that after
3 p. m. nil bulness houses be closed.
On the 11th. under authority of Piesi-d'-nt
Lincoln, the governor ealM for
fifty thousand men. dliectlng them to
report by telegraph for oideis. to move.
The people everywhere flew to aims
end moved piomptly to the state earl
tal. The Wurts guards arrived In
Hagerftown Md . tnrlve miles fiom
Antletam. ver early In the morning
3f the 16th. On the evening of the 16th
and day of the 17th a fleice battle was
fought at Antletam. Fifteen thousand
men were pushed forwaid to lingers
, town and Boonsboio, In readiness to
irtvante. Ten thousand more vveie
posted In the vicinity of Oreencastlo
and Chamberrbuig, and about 25,000
nen were at Harrlwburg. or waiting for
transportation thither But the enemy
rcas defeated ct Antletam and retreated
icros' the Potomac.
Govtrjior Bradford, of Maryland,
5'impllnientcd the mllltla of Pennsjl
vanla for the "readlnece with which
they ciojsscd the bolder nnd took their
stand beside tho Maryland btlgade,
showing that In such a cause Pennsyl
vnnla and Maryland were one."
A Foicdcr to be lukn Into the ulion. your
fret (col pll(t, w. and lint, nd tet tired
fully. If ou Ikvp ntuilint! fen or tlsht lioo.
try Allm' Koot-tlM. It t troll the tret nd
tnikM vlkiajx tuy. Curi wollu. w,iiiiiff
feet, IscrowinC r.H. WUtfn tn.t cvlloui pota"
pllrm torn nc bunion ol til riu nd give
rt Mid comfort. Tiy it toilj.v, fcolj by ill
Uvit(lc V1 'he tierce iu Oic. fiul ruil.
trie AcMieti, Alien 8. Dlitel, U Roy.
V. V.
Carbondalc Department,
Dr. Norton the Veterinary Leaves to
Care for Pack of Mules Bound for
tho "Cast.
Dr. O. M. Norton, of Clinton. Wayne
county, who has been making his head
quarters at the American houe since
coming hcie scvcial weeks ago. left
hist night via the F.rle fo Now Orleans,
whence ho will start on a Journey
to South Africa.
Dr. Norton, who is a recent gradu
ate of a vetctlnaiy college, has been
emploveil by the British war depart
ment to look nfter a nek of mules de
stined for Held service In the Hrltlsh
Boer war In South Africa. The mules
weie puichnsed In and about New Oi
lcans nnd though hardened In many
lespeets, It Is not expected that they
will be exempt fiom the hardships of
their trip, hence Dr. Norton's employ
ment to minister to their physical Ills.
The experiences that were sure to at
tend a trip of this chatacter also ap
pealed to Dr. Norton, who eagetly
slczed the opportunity to see the land
of the Boers.
Dr Norton will tour Europe before
Passes Last Reading in Select
Council and Now Awaits Mayor's
Signaturo to Become a Law Other
Matters Dispsosed of at an Un
euentful Meeting of tho Higher
The only Incident of note at last
night's meeting of select council, the
111 st session In over a month, wan the
final leading of the onllnance of Com
mon Councilman Thompson, which
places a heavy tav on transient letall
mei chants, the !alo. Hs-lgnee's ale
and the like. The measute now aw alia
the mayor' slgnatuie to become a law.
Council also concuircd In the reso
lution piovldlng foi tho decorating of
the city buildings for the s.eml-cnten-nlal
The t evolution was amended, how
ever, by Mr. Thompson, who provided
for the money to come from the build
ing fund, which piovides for such con
tingencies. The iPiMilutlon
contained an appioprlallon clause,
which was not legal, an oicllnanco be
ing iicirnuy to cany an appioprla
ilon Theie was hImi a clis-iu-cliin n to
piovidiug tor the payment of wagc3
of the stiect commissioner roue.
The "whlto wings," the men who toll
under the heat of the sun to keep the
sticets clean, have not been paid In
over two mouths and It was to adopt
means of tcllcf that the matter was
brought up Nothing was done, how
ever, owing to the tlicumstance that
it would leciuhe a meeting of the Joint
streets committee.
The reason that the men have not
been paid Is that the city tieasmer has
no funds at his disposal. The liquor
license iuoiip due the city, about $7,000,
which the i mint' tteasuiei Is with
holding until September, Is chlelly the
cause of the deal th of city funds.
The His matter In ought befoio
( mini il wa a communication fiom
Ma or Kllatrlck, In whlih he mimed
John B. Walsh, of the Fourth dlstiict,
as member of the boaid of health, In
place of F. H. XV Btiike, who has
moved from the illstilct.
Tho communication was teferted to
the committee on judicial y and legis
lation. There was an echo of Mayor Kilpat
ilek's veto of the lighting oidinancft
when Acting City Cleik Loftus lead
the ma.vor'.s (onmiunicntlon In which
he asked that the lesoluilon awaidlng
the (onti.'nt for a period of live years
be amended to read as for one yeai.
Tho communication was one sent to
Joint councils by the nut or on July
IS, but of which councils as yet have
taken ui cognizance. Its loading
by Cletk Loftus was evidently a mis
take, the communication having been
found among the papers of the city
cleik. Chairman Flctc hei nppi related
this and dismissed the matter by de
claiing that the communication should
come before joint councils and not se
lect council
Mr. Thompson had something tq say
about how the mayor s ommuulcatlon
could be acted mi, by catling a meet
ing of both councils, but the chairman
had cNpiessed himself, and Mr.
Thompson's suggestion was seemingly
not heal d. The following cone ui lent
lesolittlons wcie passed:
Requisition for supplies fiom Mit
chell Hose company.
Hesolutlon dlieoilng payment of bills.
Providing that the grade on Bobln
son fctteet be established and property
ownets dlreitcd to lay sidewalks there
on within slty days, or the woik be
done by the city engineer nt piopeity
holdeis expense. '
Hiving pet mission to Klotz Silk
company to erect an alarm box at Its
Dliectlng payment of eleven bun
dled dollars to Nelson Buchanan com
pany, part payment on Backet Riook
bridge contract.
The following were referred to com
mittee: Directing the sale of the city's stone
crusher to P. H. Brlggs.
Piovldlng for a surface sewer on
Archbald street.
The ordinances that passed first
reading were those fiom common coun
cil providing for nil iiic light at the
coiner of Fall Biook sheet and Hi own
avenue, and a sheet light Iu the Third
wind, and one Introduced by Mr, Man
nlon piovldlng for a llio hydrant In tho
Fourlhn ward. The last measure did
not meet with the nppioval of Mr.
Thompson, who seemed to think that
tho Fourth ward citizens were being
given conccMslous that his iTIioinp
son's) constituents were also entitled
to, but which were not gi anted them.
Mr. Thompson's objections, however,
did not avail.
Resolutions were Introduced and dls
posed of as follows:
Mr. Thompson Directing ndvertise
ments for bids for coal for the city
building and the hose houses. Adopted.
Asking for bids for printing city or.
dlnances for one year. Adopted.
Mr. Fletcher Directing that the
water be turned on In the park foun
tim. Adopted.
The lequlsltlon of the Columbia
Thone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Hose company for supplies was al
lowed. Tho petition of Mrs. Jane Hoche for
exoneration of taxes, to amount of
$3.4, was referred to committee.
Tho Erie Road Continues It's Big
Tourist Business.
The File railroad, thiougli Its repre-
sentatlvo lieio, Uus-ell Sheplicid, Is
doing a large tout 1st business this
Lust evening Mts. Thomas Llwellyn
left on the "flyer" for Ottawa, On-
tin In, Canada, where she has relatives
with whom she will visit for about six
On the same train was Samuel
llhoda, a resident of Doming, New
Mexico, who was bound for his west
ern home after a visit of several weeks
with relatives In this section.
Mrs. Harry Joseph, who formerly
resided In Forest City, left over the Krle
on Sunday for Denver, Col., her pres
ent home. Mrs. Joseph visited among
her relatives hereabouts for about a
Henry Collins, of this city, a mem
ber of the national executive board of
the Fnlted Mine Workeis. left on the
"flyer" last night for Indianapolis to
attend a seslon of that body.
An Old Resident Takon with Violent
James Ku-lViod. of Seventh avenue,
one of Caifiriitdule's ploneei citizens,
was taken with a violent hemorrhage
of the stomach about S o'clock yes-tei-day
nnd became so weakened from loss
of blood that dp.ith sepmd near. Dr.
J. A. Kelly was summoned and after
mlnisti'iiug to him. Mi. Klrkwood ral
lied somewhat. During .vesterday and
last night he wh rxcecdlngb weak,
though the indications wpie more hope
ful than dining the early part of the
da. The patient, howpvti. 1. not con
sidered out of dangpi. His weakened
powpis, due to his age. he being past
spventv. make his phjslclan and f .mi
ll apprehensive.
Mi Klrkwood has lippn falling he
caiip of his advanced oais, but he
was not (untitled to the house and was
out about the sUieets a few das ago.
The ocdirrcncp of the hemorrhage Is
the manifestation of the hi caking down
of his system and the piognosls is ex
(eeiilngly giave Tin friends of Mr.
Klikood and his family hope for the
patient's i.illyliig fiom the attack.
Special Session to Consider Semi
centennial Matters.
The Andiew Mitchell hose company
will hold an important meeting tonight
to which every member who can possl
blv attend Is icque-ted to come.
The meeting will be devoted almost
en tiiery lo the dlscu.shlon of what nait
'he company will lake In the scml-
cciiiienial celebiatlon. The nembeia
ate eager to contribute their shaie In
the efforts to t-iown the Jubilee with
success and they have plans In mind
which will be discussed tonight that
will be quite a factor in the celebra
tion. Carbondale and Honesdalo.
Captain Fox has at last micceeded In
financing a game of ball with Hones
dale's erack tcuii. After thp defeat of
the Honesdale club at Alumni paik by
the descents, a few weeks ago, the
bas-e ball enthusiasts from the Maple
city ciled "kids." and began to howl
that It was not the real Honpsdiile pro
fessional club that had met It.s Watei
loo. It n a pleasuie to note that Captain
Fox. who is alwas on tli alert for
the strongest tram with w'nch to pit
hi." descents, has this time received
the a.ssuiance that the Maple t It j "s In
visibles would mei t him In full trim,
not at Alumni park, however, but on
the Lake Lodoio diamond, on August
II The game will be plaed with all
the ptoficloncy of both teams, and will
no doubt be n hot ontct.
For Entortalning the Firomen.
Delegates fiom the tin re hose com
panies met Un night with the execu
tive committee of the semi-centennial
association to discuss plans foi the en
teitalnment of vlHlting themen (lining
the jubilee.
The executive committee made a
proposition that It would contribute
j.'OO for each company JfiOO In all to
the fund to dcfiay the expense of en
tei tainments, etc., if an equal sum
would be foi tin onilug from the hoe
companies. The delegates, on heating
the piopositlnn infoinipd the executive
i nniiulttrr that thpy would lay the
matter before their respective com
panies, which would be called together
this evening for tills purpose
This HH8 ptactlcall.v all that was
passed on at the meeting.
A New Stenographer.
Theie has been a change made In
stenographers In the office of Alderman
Jones. Miss Maggie Thomas, who Is
now on a visit to Dptrolt. Mich., has
icHlgned to accept a similar position
In the pfrice of the 'rstal laundry at
Scranton. Miss Thomas has been in
Alderman .Jones' ofilce for veral
years and proved her efficiency during
her term of employment. The offer
fiom the Scranton contnin gave her
Inci eased advantages, hence her reslg-
nation. ,
Miss Thomas' successor is Miss Tes
Blu Ullmaitln, of Biooklyn street.
Changed His Position.
Peter F. Lynch, whoso genial ways
won him many friends from among
tho guests at the American house,
where he was a valued attache, ie
signed his position theie and yesterday
went to woik In the clothing and fur
nlhhlng stoie of P. A. Duffy
Mr. Lynch has had consldeiable ex
perience in this line, having been em
loyed In the old stoie of Geddlng &
Spiegel months ago.
Secured a Position,
Hay Council, of Brooklyn street, liac
secured a position nt the Cloth
Ing house.
To 8tudy Medicine.
"Ike" Msndeltsohn, the genial and
popular Jiif(lce of the peace of May
field, ws a visitor In town yesterday.
In the fall, Mr. Mendelssohn will
leave for Baltimore, Md.. where he will
enter the CoHene of PhylcUna and
Surgeons to study medicine.
Meetings Tonight.
W. H. UavIV Women's Relief corps,
No. 134.
Division No. 21, Ancient Order of
St. Vincent de Paul society,
Liekawanna ttlbe, ned Men.
Andrew Mitchell Hose company.
Carbond.ile conclave, No. 3.'3, Hepta-rophs.
At tho Hotels.
John T. Nallcn. J. J. Chapman, John
.1. Maghran, J N. Smort. Thomas B.
Walsh, J. A. Cuitls. John McCrlndle,
W. XV. Schcner. XV. H. Duggan, of
Pci anion, teglstcrcd at the Harilson
house yesterday. F. C. Wcttllng. of
Suanton, was at the Amcilcan house.
Engineer Goes a Fishing.
Pa-pnger Knglneer John Llngfelter,
of the Delaware nnd Hudson, and Con
fectioner R. II. Tialles spent yester
day nt Crystal lake, where they were
successful In coaxing quite a number,
of good-sized bass fiom the lake's
Death of a Child.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moran, of
Woodlawn avenue, are mourning the
death of their 2-yeaV-old son, Thomas,
who died Sunday night of choleia In
fantum. The functal will be held this
afternoon at :i o'clock. Builal In St.
Rose cemeteiy.
Three Births.
Born, .to, Mr. and Mrs Janie? Lavlta.
of Clune's alley, a son; to Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Gianvllle. of Simpson, a
son. to Mr. and Mrs. Cummins. f
Gordon avenue, a son
Renovating Barber Shop.
Barber F. J Bly. of Church street.
! renovating his shaving parlors, which
will be gieatly enhanced In appeaiance
when the painters and decorators com
plete their work.
Claim Agent Steve Dyer, of the
Scranton Hallway, made a
business trip to Carbondale yesterday.
The Misses Myrtle Blackwell and
Pearl Woiden, of Kingston, are spend
ing theli vacation with Mr. and Mrs,
Ftigene Wonacntt, on Darte avonu.
Miss Blackwell Is the sister of Mrs.
Attorney W XV. Latluope of Scran
ton, was In Carbondale ypsterday.
Miss Teiesa Mcllale. a member of the
training school for' nurses of the City
hospital In Baltlmoie, Md.. returned to
her home In Pittston yesteiday after
spending a few days of her vacation
with relatives in this city.
Mis. Stockweather, of Philadelphia,
is the guest of Miss Sara Cortrlght, of
Wane sheet.
Clarence lilies Is visiting In Stnlth
boio, N. V
Poor Dliector John McCabe. of Ca
naan sheet. Is on a ten-day outing at
Olenwood and Poyntelie.
Boy Hollenbeck has returned to his
home on Copeland avenue, after a two
weeks' visit with friends at Indian
Orchard, Wayne county.
Miss Madge Vauglian has icturncd,
after a visit with Honesdale friends.
Frank Lavan, of Pittston, was the
guest of Carbondale friends on Satur
day. J. P. Mlllady spent Sunday in Forest
Charles McKenna, of Honesdalo, was
In Carbondnle on a business hip yes
teiday. Miss Elizabeth Farly, of Seventh
avenue, is spending a week at Crystal
David S. Hyan, of Set anion, was In
town esteida.v
Miss Alice Box, of Chuich street,
will leave this week for Buffalo and
Niagara Falls. She will be the guest
of her aunt. Mrs. Fred Woodbury.
Mrs. Mary Donnelly, of Owego, N.
V., Is visiting her son, Patrick Don
nell, on Cottage street.
Mis, J. B. Cotter and children are
spending two weeks as the guests of
Scranton fi lends.
.Mis. C. H. Rettew. of Brooklyn. N.
Y., Is the guest cf Mrs. C. K. Itettew.
on John sheet.
Mls Josephine Best, of Port Jervis,
N. V., is the guest of the Misses Vai
ilngton, on Wayne street.
Miss Agnes Walker, of oSuth Wash
ington street, left Sunday for Scran
ton, where she will he the guest of
Miss Elizabeth Ford.
Miss Blanche Cilppen, of Olyphant.
Is the guest of the Misses Patten, on
Park sheet.
Mrs. Mai caret Morse and son. Ken
dall, accompanied by Mrs. Lucy Had-
cock, have returned home fiom a
week's visit at the Pan-American.
Mrs. William Pool, formerly Miss
Cellnda Oram, who was a resident of
this city, a number of ears ago, now
of Scranton, la visiting Mrs, James
Thompson, of Church street.
Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Plttson, Is
the guest of Miss Margaret Watklns,
of South Wyoming street.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roche, of New
York city, who have been guests of
telatives in this city the past month,
returned to their home Sunday.
Miss Mary McDermott, of South
Main street, Is visiting Scranton
Patrick Dugan and daughters. Laura
and Anna, and Teresa MoDermott,
spent Sunday at Poyntelie,
Mrs. E. L. Bevan i chimed from
Crystal lake yesterday morning.
Ilss Margaret Langdon. of Fellows'
millinery, Is enjoying her vacation at
Miss Nellie Canfleld. of Honesdale, has
returned after a pleasant visit with
Miss Margaret Catden.
Misses r.ose Walker and May Carden
left yesteiday for Honesdale to spend
a week with friends.
The Misses .Margaret Loftus, Mar
gaiet Hale and Anastasla Loftus, of
Avoca, nic visiting Miss Katie O'Mal
ley, on Hospital street.
Ullbert Knapp. of Aldenvllle, Is visit
ing f i lends in town.
Arthur Rockwell, of Honesdale. spent
Sunday with fi lends on Canaan street.
Mr.. XV. II. Lit try. of Jeimyii, was a
visitor In town Sunday.
Dan J. Foley, the Noith Main sheet
tailor. Is In New York city.
John, Wllllo and Miss C.Iadys l
Michael, of Munch Chunk, are the
guests of t datives In this city.
Atthur O'Connor, of O'Connor's
cut glass woiks at Whlto Mills, spent
Saturday and Sunday in this city.
Funeral Dliector H. A. Putple and
J. Noiman Clelder pnJoed u dilve to
Finest City ycateiduy afternoon.
J. J. MeNulty. of Spring Lake. Wis
consin, who Is visiting relatives in this
section, was a Caibondule visitor las:
evening. lie was accompanied by his
iclatlves. Mrs, Herfron and Miss Heff
ron, of Olyphant.
Use For Catarrhal Derangements.
Miss Helen Murphy a popular society woman of Ofhkosh, Wis., Is an
ardent filend to Peruna She writes as follows of Peruna,
"About three months ago I contracted a sevete cold at an evnlng recep
tion, which settled on my lungs and threatened to be veiy serious. As my
mother has used Peruna with good results, she sent for a bottlo for me and
I found that It gave me blessed relief. Before the second bottle was con
sumed I was well." Helen Murphy,
Mis. C TI Buck. 2!J3 Douglass street,
Omaha, Neb., wtltcs:
"I have used Peruna and can cheer
fully leeomment! It as the best
remedy for catarrh and general debility
that I have ever used." Mrs. C. H.
Miss Lillian Uoenheld. of the Chicago
Oermanla Club, Chicago, III., writes
"Lart winter my nervous system be
came so overtaxed from constant over
work with my violin tha.t my right side
seemed partially paralyzed.
"After giving me a couple of pre-
Tlcketfl RS7 2,113, 1,290, 2,353 and 1.047
were the lucky numbers drawn Satin
day night at the Sacred Heart chuich
entertainment The holdeis of these
tickets will be entitled to a fiee trip
and hotel accommodation for six da
at the Pan American exposition. Ticket
No 2.113 was held by Frances Spelchcr,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs Peter
Spejchei. of South Main street. Ticket
No 1.017 was held by T. M Hart, of
Mayfleld, and 1.200 by John F Lough
nry. The other two have not yet been
elilnied. A trip ticket was also aw aid
ed Mine Foieman Mailon, who succeed
ed In selling -the largest number of
The funeral of the Infant child of
Mr. and Mrs W. II. Beatty, who
died on Saturdav, after a few days'
Illness of cholera Infantum, took
place yesterday afternoon. Rev. May
naid R. Thompson, pastor of the
Flist Baptist church, ofliciated. The
death of the little ono was unusuall
sad. from the fact that this was tho
sixth illd they have burled, one only
now icmalnlng.
Miss Rosamond Smith, of Washing
ton, iia.. I the guest of Dr. and Mis.
M. J. Shields.
Roy bly and Miss Jennie Secor. of
Dunmore, spent yesteiday with Jer-
myn friends.
Mrs. Thomas McAndrcw. of the EasJ
Side, was seilously 111 yesterday after
noon for a time, ow Ing to the bursting
of a blood vessel. Dr. S. D. Davis suc
ceeded after a time In utopplng the
flow of hlood
Sidney and Reginald Wateis. of
Fourth sheet, weie visiting Ob pliant
friends yesterday.
William Rowe, a well-known miner
of this boiough. has decided to seek his
foi tune In the soft coal legions, nnd
yesteiday, accompanied by tlnee of his
sons, moved to Summer hill, near
Miss Hatlle Scutt, of Bacon sheet,
has teturned hnmp fiom a week's visit
with Scranton fi lends.
Owing to the breakage of the laige
elevator at the Delawaie and Hudson
hreakei, the eolllpry was Idle yester
day, which was a matter of consider
able annoyance, not only to the men
but also the officials, as the colllny
has been Idle for six weeks and had
just resumed r.peiatlons.
Mis Simons and Mis. Esther Mitch
ell, of Carbondale, weie calling on Jer
ni n friends yesterda
Misses Lena and Nellie Hill, of Birm
ingham, Ala., are the guests of Miss
Emily Rich, of Main street.
Misses Daisy Kellem and Annie Hen
wood, of Dunmoip, and Maggie Grlt
ilths, of Olyphant, wore on Sunday the
guests of the Misses Henwood, of Sec
ond street.
Mrs. James Brown and daughter,
Miss Nellie Brown, of Albany, aie vis
Itlng Mrs. Ellen Mahon, at the Mahon
Mrs. D. Y Davis and Mis John
Prnbert have l etui ned home fiom a
visit to Oelatt. Pa
Joseph McAndrew, of Paterson, N. J.,
who has been In town for the past
week, returned home esterday. He
was accompanied by Jamps Nealon,
who will spend two wpeks in Paterson
and New York
Mrs. A. D. Haines and Mrs. D. C.
Evans spent Sunday with Oieenwood
Mis. Walter Fekula Is visiting her
patents at Mt. Carmel.
Mrs D J Jenkins, of Hde Park,
who has been the guest of Mrs, Maiy
Probeit, has returned home.
Mrs. Evan Evans, of West Pittston.
is spending the week with relatives In
tow n.
Thomas Matthews, offspring Biook.
has accepted a position as assistant In
the poMoftice
James Rolan of Caihondalr. was a
visitor In town Sunday.
Miss Mai Logan, of Sciantnn, vlt
itcd fi lends at this place Sunday
Miss Myitis Ensign, of Blnghamtcin,
is the guest of fi lends In Blakeb.
C. B. Tlnkri. of New Haven, is
spending a few das with C. M. Hath
away, jr.
The funeial of the infant child of Mi.
and Mis. John Mi Hall, of Susque
hanna sheet oecuired estcHluv af
ternoon. Their was a laige attendant t
of fi lends at the obsequies Burial was
made In the West Side cemetei.
Joint Evuiim and diuightei Miss Mar
A. Evan., of Blakel, and T 11. Evam,
of New Voik. left eslerda for Buf
falo, to visit the exposition.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Dawe. of CM'
malt sheet, visited filends In Piovl
deuce an Sunday.
John Hyteman, of Park Place, ani
Joseph Bocktod. of Dlckon; Maud
KostcnbacUcr and Kate Staub, of the
scilptlons without effect my phvslclnn
advised me to try Peruna. which ef
fected a speedy and permanent cine.
"Although the past year has been a
severe tax on me Peruna has kept me
stiong nnd vigorous." Lillian Uoen
held. Dr. Ilartman, the famous specialist
on female catanhal dWeacps. has made
arrangement to treat all women who
appl to him dining the summer
months ftee of charge. For partlcu
lais, address Di S. B. Haitman, Col
umbus, Ohio.
South Side, were guests of Mrs. Lizzie
Dlcrks on Sunday.
Mrs. Smith and daughter, of Lincoln
sheet, have relumed home aftei
spending several weeks at Windsor.
lieorge Decker, of Maple street, spent
Sunday at Mount Dewey.
All the niemheis of Storrs No 2 Shaft
local union. No ltitl. Fnlfd Mine
Workers of Anieilca, are toquested to
attend the legular meeting next Wed
nesday evening In Fop's hall, In or
der for every member to iccelve his
working card.
Fffl'l to the Scutiton Tribune.
Susquehanna. Aug. o. It Is reported
that there Isn't a Democrat In either
lireat Bend or Hnllstead. Just now
they are all Republicans for caucus
pin poses only.
Mrs. Thomas Heikctt Is the guest of
lelatlves at Smithvlllc Flats. N Y.
Congicssman Wilght spent Sunday
with Forest lake telatives.
Pastor Ronton and several members
of the Avenue Methodist church left
this morning to attend the Sidney
camp meeting.
Republican caucuses will be held on
Tuesday evening, to elect delegates to
thp county convention, to be held on
Thtnsday next, when tho Republicans
will do a little house-cleaning.
Joseph Meglunls Is Instructing a
singing class at Smlthville Flats, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Ryan spent
Sunday with Blnghamton fi lends.
The Ei Ie shop men may this year
run their aiiiiiitil excutslon to Lake Lo
dole, on the Delawaie and Hudson's
Honesdale btnnoh.
The funeial of Hattle. the infant
daughter of Mr and Mrs. Calvin Deak
In. of File avenue, took place on Sun
day afternoon fiom tho Baptist chuich,
the pastor, Rpv. J. L. Williams, oflj
elating. The Susquehanna Telephone ami
Telegraph company has over one hun
dred phones iu use.
Mrs. Charles E. Harris, of Washing
ton. D. C. Is the guest of her mother,
Mrs. J. L. Councilman. Oakland side.
Officer C. I. Page, of the Blngham
ton potli e foue. lias been taking snap
shots of the beautiful scenery here
abouts. The Perry family reunion will be
held at the tesldence of Hug Pel ry. In
Thompson township. August 2. fl
Prof, and Mrs. C. T. TJioipe, of Forest
City, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E Tobey, of
Scranton, are camping up the river.
What promises to be one of the most
delightful outings of the FP.tson will be
the excursion of the Baptist Young
People's union to Glen Onoko on Aug
ust 20. Tickets can be ptoeured fiom
Rev D. C Edwards and John C. Rich
ards, of the local Welsh Baptist
chinch. Rates, adults, $1 2.1; children.
75 cents Tinlns will leave the Central
Railroad of New Jersey at 7.15 a. m.
RemembPr the date.
The funeial of Mrs. John Price, of
South Taylor, took place psteiday af
ternoon and was quite laigely attended
Services wcie hld at the house, Rpv.
Mi Jenkins and Rev. J C. Evans n flic I
atlng A Hungailan laborer was sctlously
Injured at the Taylor mine yesterday
by falling roek. Up had oiip of his legs
badlj lacerated anil It is feaied that
amputation will he necessaiy.
Rlchaid Watklns has chiige of the
music at the Elm Paik chinch Sunday
school dining the vacation of his
brother Profe.-sor John T. Watklns
Handel UilfrUh employed as div,
boy at the Pjne mine, had his left aim
painfully hurt yesteiday.
Mi anil Mrs. James Thomas ate
home fiom their wedding tout, which
Included Atlantic rity Philadelphia
and Noirlstown. They will icvlde nt
the bilde's home on Ridge street
Miss Annie Rofe and Mr. Herbrtt
Hall, both popular oung people, will
be united In mairlage tomonow.
Mpssi-s. iirorgp Hitter and XV. U.
Peteison called on friends in tliccn
Ridge on Sunda.v.
Mastets Speii"pr ' and Ltsllo Reese
and Beniamln nrd Henrv Hnrils spent
e.steic'Hy at dnldyVi pond.
Mlsics (Intrude Moirl ami Maud
Davis at o sojourning at Lake Wlnola.
Mi and Mis John R Neeley. of
I.oialue, o, aie visiting at the home
of Mr and Mis. J. D. Atheilon, on
Main Mreet
Mis. David T Reese, of Rallirad
sheet, will leave toduj fni Salt Lake
City. I'tnli. to visit iclatlves.
Ed w aid Fov Is homo fiom his vkrlt
to Stin ruct'ii. Pa
MI'S H.inmih Hughes, of Nnith Main
.street, lias ictumcil home from hei
viflt te. Albany, N. Y.
Pildr of l.aeksw mtiH No is, Ameri
can Protcftant l.iiiei' sf-ociatlnn, will
hold ar Imprntir't meeting this even
ing, when Ulrtilrt Deputy Mrs. Kin
ney Is expected tu he present.
Schedule in Effect Juno C, 1001.
Trains leave Scranton:
0.45 n. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wllkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsvllle; stops at principal in
termediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Harrlsburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington nnd for Pittsburg and th
0.38 a. m., week days, fei Sunbury,
Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
8.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays,
1.68 p, m.), for Sunbury, Harrls
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West.
3.33 p. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wllkos-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia' vlaPotts.
vllle. Stops at principal inter
mediate stations.
4.27 p. m., week days, for Hazleton,
Sunbuiy, Harrlsburg, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
.1 ft III'TCHINSO.V, fifji, Mgr.
J II VVOOP, On Pasi. At.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
in KUfct .Inly JI. vn
smith- L,fr StMiiton fr New Vnrk t 140,
3 00, 4S5, 7.30 rtfl IU 00) i mi 13(1. .1 n, ssc
i m Per rhilidelphla H 7 40 ni 10 OS a m ,
1J ID And .I.CI p m Ker Tohthmn at ft 10 p
m. VIHk ii.ommnd4tlnn nt .'M0 p m Arrba
in lnbeV,rn at rt SO T.l", 10 Jt, 1J 0?, ,1,15, 444.
T t'l p tn sirivr In Philadelphia at 1 fH, 3 it,
itno mil s .'J p. 111. Atrlcc trnm Vw York at
1 ID. h.'.J and 10 21 a. 111 . 100, 1.52. 43, p Oil
and II .!() p. 111 Iront Tohchjnna at SOV a m
Nnilli-I.Mie Sunnton for lluftjln and Inter
mcdhtPr itrfilntia jt 1 15, rt.SV and 0 00 1 m ;
1 3i. ,'1 l" md 11 .'' p lit For (Hnctn and Sera
cue at 1 IV a m . t55 a m and 1.S5 p. m. For
I'tli ji 1 t), h..1 a 111 and I 33 p m. Kfr
Mnnlinw at 000 a 111 ; 1 0V and J is p. m Ft
Mihnltnn at 4 00 and 0 13 p. m Fer ninshanv
ton .it l'i"0 a in Vtrive In Srrantnn Irom B'll
fitn Al 1 .'V. J..VV, 3 4 and 10.00 a m 3 30 and
soo p in From IHwecn and smmae at 2 V, a
in.. t.'..IJ and S0O p m From I'llca at 2 55 a
in . t; ,12 nnd 3.10 p. in Fiom Nicholson at 7 IS
a m and oon p m From Vtnntroe at 10 00 a,
m. : .1.20 ami b 00 p m.
lilnnnitliurc lilillon -Leaco srianton lor
Noitliiiml'trlaml M H (5, 10 in a in. ; 1.33 ant
fi 10 p m. For I'ljtnoiiili at s 10 a m : 3 (0,
S50 n 111 Vrilie al Vorthitmlierland at OSS 3.
m. 1 10. 3 00 and 8 l'i p in Arrico al Pljmouth
ai Onl n 111 . (.12. 'i IS p. in vrrlie In Scran
ten (mm Snrthmnlirrlinil at 0 4J a m . 12 3V,
4 30 and Ml p 111 fiom hinstton at 11.00 1
m. Fiom I'liinnitih al 7.(5 a m ; 3.20 and 4 33
p. in. .
sisinv rruiss
Siuth I.cmcp -irinton al 1. II. J.00, Jji, 10 0.)
a. m. : .lit and 1 40 p in.
Vorlli Ine Srranton at 1 13, fl SV, fl 00 a. m. ;
1 R-i, 5 is and 11 .'3 p. 111
tlftomhiiiir IiHlilon-I.oaic S'ranten at 10 as
a. m. and d 10 p. ni.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
Station In New ork-Foot ol Liberty (treat,
N. It., ami soulli Fcn
timu tablf. iv i.Fn:iT .it si: to, tooi
Trains Icace Clinton tor New Vork, .Newark,
FlUabelh. Philadelphia. Laston. Bethlehem. Al
lentown, Mauch I hunk and White Haven, at 3S
a m.. expi"8. 1 10 cM'icj, 100 p. m. tan
das. 2.13 p. m
for Pittston ar"l w '"" """" 55 m j 1,10
and 100 p. ni funda). 2 IS p m
For Baltimore and Washington and polnM
South and Meat via Bethlehem. S SS a. m 11)
and 4.00 p. m Sunda, 2 15 p. m.
For Unpr Branch. Ocean Cxor, etc, at 8 55
a m (through oach) and 1.10 p. m.
For Heading. Lebanon and llarrlibuic, via Al
lentown. S35 a. m. and 110 p. ni. Sundays,
2 15 p m.
For Pottaville, S 5S a m , 1 to p. m.
For Mountain 1'aik, S ij a. m. 1,10 and 4 0)
T. nl
Through ticket to all point eait, aonth am
neat at lowest rate at tho tation.
C VI IU nr. Gen. Pa Aat
J. 11 OI.ll.U'SK.N. ficn. Sipt
New York, Ontario and Western
Time Table In l-f't buidiy. June 23, 1001
Time NOlUll-ilOLMi.
.10 tu a m.
, 1 00 p m.
11 11 a in.
4 41 p m
Vr. Cirbondile
1 m p. m
6 00 p m
8 4i p m
No 1
,n. .1
ho. 7
. o.l P m ,
l,eae t.eai-
CadJtla. Cailiondile.
7 00 a m.
j jn i m 10 0i 1. ni.
7.40 a m
10 10 a m
So. S
No. 4
13 pm t "" 1
45 P m
Leave l.eace
Siranton Carhondile.
S 0 a in ' 1" a. m
'7 OOP I". -Vf t'arhondile.
Leave Lcaco
(.adosia. C'irhondale
7 00 a m
If 43 a in
4S p m
No. 0
No. 5 ,
7 (0 a 111
All, n M
No 10
4 no p in. 0 i p m
Train "nos 1. i we'w ria- "! C on Sun
IH, . t Hi,. .Anna. .In... t. .' .
rtj,, make main "' ;"""' ir ." lo.i,
di., ftica, Oneida, Oswego an! inteimediate
lrrain Not 3 and 4 mike Walton. Delhi, Him.
den and Sidney connect luna.
For lurthiT Information consult ticket ajents
j r vsnr.iteoN, n p v.xew-ork
J K wri.SH. T r V. Scranton.
Erie Bailroad, Wyoming Division.
Trains (or Hawloy and Inteimediate points leivj
Scranton a follow' Vo 2. 7 10 a m : No 4,
8 60 a. m ; No. . -2 2) p. in .No s, 3 20 p m,
Nos. I and t through trains (or Now Vork
.rrhal- No. 1, S 1? a ni , No 3, 1030 a mi
No. , 3 IS p m .No 7, 0 IS p m Trama Noj
4 and 7 are through train (mm New York.
Departure-o 20. 1 a ni , No 22, 2 p m
Arrials--No. 21, 12 IS p m ; No 23, S 15 p m,
Lehigh Valley Ralhoad.
In F.ffrct June 2. lmi
Trains Leaie Scranton:
For rhiladelrhia and New York ill D k II
It B, at ii45 and 9 33 a ni . and 2 13. 4 '7
(Blaik Diamond l.vpre), and 1130 p. m. Sun
da, a 1) & H n It . 1.5. -'7 P- m
V'or VVhite llacen. llaileton and principal
points in the coal reuion. iu P k II R R .
fl 45. JI and 4 27 p m For I'ottsHlle. 0 45 a.
"For Bethlehem. L'astnn, Besding, Harrishurg;
nd mimipal inteimediate tiatlons via D II
and PiimiM m , ,s 7
For Tunkhannoek, lowanda. Elmira, Ithici.
fieneca and prim ipal intetined-ate nalionj, tu
n Vmv n n . f 10 m . nd ? 40 P m
For f.eneca, Roihesier. Buffalo, N'lagsra Fall,
ChlLiBO and all l1"1"" wrkl' vla n H R R ,
-ia lis"" m IS. 13? (Blaik Diimond Ex
men's) 7 4'. 1" " " S0 p' m- Sucil1)''. P & II
n R 11 SS P J7 p m
Piill'min r'1(,r on'1 "I'T'iS or Lehigh Valle
mrloi an on all Iraina hetueen W'ilke Brr
and Ne nrk. 1'hiladelphia. Buffalo and Sue
Tension Bridge
ROI.I.1N II W11.BIR. Cent. Supt , 2d Cortland
sli-et, New Yoik
CHVRL1.S s 1.1-K. Of"- ''' Agt.. 2 rnrtlinl
licel. New York
A W NOVNKM.M HER, Dlv. Pasa. Agt., Soutn
Bethlihem. Pi
,,i tliketa and I'ullmin reservations apply to
Zy Iackiwanna accnue, scranton, Ta.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect June 0, 1001
Tulii (or Cailiondale leaie Suanton at fl 20
c i 1 S-li. 10:i m- t-'-00- '-1' 2 ', 3,3:,
Ji,,' ,, J, 7.37, ".13. U.JO p. m . 1 10 a m
i.Iv llonesiiaU' and l.iko I odore, u 20, 10 13 a
, mi uml S'2' I1- w.
m,' wilkcHllaiie-fi.(5, 7:1?, f.41, 0.3. 10(1
in., lift' -' ",s- 3:a'' '-7- fl-10' 7 '
10 11 11.10 p m.
Vir I.. V. ". l'OlnU-8.16, 0.35 a. m , 2.15,
1 7 and 1U0 V '"
For l'eim.lnu U It. polnti-a.O, 0:39, 2.U,
3:For'"v'tMiii l'1 "" l,nln" north-fl:20 a. ni
For I'ailionilil S.30, 11. 3J m, 2i, 3,52,
5-3 and to:S2 p. m
tlir Will.etdlairr-O.J'' a ni 12 l, 1.53, 3.25,
.,12 and S'!2 P in.
For ltum and point nnith-3.3J p m
IV r lioieadale and Lake Lodoie S 30, 11.33
0 in. and 3.5'.. p. rn.
can ifcuie excellent accommodations: prtia's
honiej ie(onablc. MRS. CLARK, 727 Plymouth
avrnur, IJunalo,