THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-3 EOND AY, AUGUST 5, 1901. .71 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUKNHANNOCK. freelsl to the Sersnton TrlDune. Tunkhannopk. Aiiff. 3. Mis T.llllrtn Heckman, of Pnyie, Is a guest of friends nt this place. Mrs. .Innies Dotihler, of Sprliirtvllle, was calling on fi lends In town on Saturday. Dr. K. V. Avery and 13. M. Phillip IcHV-e today for the Pnn-Aineilcan ex position nt nnffalo. x Profei-sor CluirlcM V. Osborne, princi pal of the Fchooln of Nicholson bor ough, n 11 caller In ttn on Satur day Piofesor OvImiiuc Is rpoKrti of as a randldato for the position of county suipeilntendent of schools be fore the convention to bo held next Bprlns. William P. HlllltiRS and family, of Kingston, epent Sund'iy with the for mer's mot hot, Mia Frances HIIIIiira on Tioga sltei'l. ri. rt. M. Want, of the Hr.ilntiini Mesfiengei, w,i-s among those In at tendance at the meeting of the Demo cm tic committee on Saturday after noon ' M. Paiker, of Nleltnlnn, whs do ing huMnPFEi In town on Satin day. Mm Maiy Scull, an acoil lady living on Pine sheet, li veiy 111 and not e. perteil to if cover. The Democintlc county committee held a meeting at the court house on Saturday afternoon .it 2 o'clm k. Sheilff John V. (Slay, of Ttinkh.ninock, and Lafayette O Piatt, of l.aceyvllle, were chosen as delegates to the state ((in vention: Anion Hi own of Tunkhau noik. was to-elected chalim.m of the cominlter mid Hip date of the county i on vent Ion was lived for Monday, All rust 2i The utlill looltltloiiA cmi riemnlng and aiialgnlng the Republi can partv woio adopted. Mis.- llltihiiuk, of Plttston. Misa I.lll an llfckman. of S.iyro; Mioses Fannie Siaik, Plillona Avery, May Kothllne and Poicy Slink compose a. ait wlm will spend several days at Lake Wlnolrt. Mis Kliz.i Stark and Mrs Burton 13. Kethllne will 1111.0111 pany them as chaperons: TAYLOR. rUhorate pieparatlon" nie being made for the exclusion of Mlnnnkn trlhe No. 217 Improved Order of Keel Mmi to Mountain Park on Frlda.v next. The Mozait quartette of this town ffrg at the 131m chinch at Si 1 all ien ooteti'.n. The iiiartette cnmiuNcs lie following well-known and capable vokes Aitlnii Moigans and Illcliant Walkln.s, hasMM: Hairy I3vans and Si lne Owens, tenuis. The benefit nimeit and drawing for John 13vans, which was to have been 1 elri in Wolicr s link on Aurum 111, has boon postponed until September 1.1. The funeial of Mi-. John Pi lie. of South Tailor whose death occuricd on Fi'"l.i. will lie hold tliis .ifteiuoon fiom hci la le hcpini' Inleiinent In the For est Hume ( Piiielci.v . All meinlnis of Lai kavv ,11111,1 louncll, N" "I Pernio of I'oi aliniitas. aio I e que sti I'ifJo meet at Hie council room. tl ' 1 .Nln ) evening at V o'clock, piuslne -s Nnipnitiiiiio is to be tians a tel ( A'.oia lodge. No. fiTi. I.'ieo nnd Ae (einol Mason's, will meet this evening end will leci'lve now membeis to their j, inks Mi's Maiv ('mop Hlid sister, Mi. (tingwei, of Herwlck Pa, visited nt ibe homo of Mr. and Mia W. M. Hell, en Main (.treet, lecently. The Young Men's ('lnlll,in nrsoila ti mi will Inild a banquet In their 100ms, 1 .1 Souili Main stieet. on Tliuisday cnuig, August L'J. The coinmltteo, hn li consists of the following, nie 10. k mc ilabointe nriangemeiits for the "x-ni Lloyd Dalle.v, .1. A. Ho.vd. 13. II. I'-uell. I.uthci Hauls and Nicholas Nl lir.W. Inge delegailoi' of Ta.vlor people a' 1 ended the e.( iiislon to Mauih Chunk ,rvtrtrlii , Mi-s Sarah .1 Pi lie. of lihlgp street, nnl In 1 guest Mb.s Sits, in llavaid, of Newiastlo I'.i . .spent the Sabbath as tile guest, of li lend'' In Diinmnio. Foi ennui and Mis V. H. Owens nnd sons, Willie and Allen, aie on a ten davs' vl'lt at Shoepshoad H.i.v, N V The Ml--fs Watktns of C.rov e Mu-c I rntei tallied the Misses Maltha and lieftiinle Matthews, ,if Dunniote, the latter ii.irt nl last week. I.mblem division. No. ,17. Suns of Ti'iupoiHiUP, will meet In legiilar sos- eUm this evening MIhvcs (ieituide Joins and Louisa Dhvs. of pi j mouth ate the Riiots ()f theli iiiutfin, Mls 13thel Itecse, of Main street Hiihaid Williams, of New Vmk, la Msltlng his paientf. Mr. and Mis. M, M Williams, of Main stieet. W J. Stone, of Main sticet, calleil on friends In Slatlngton, Pa., yestoidaj. Miss Oeoigle Thomas, of Olyphnnt, jfturncd to her home cMetday, after being the guest of Mlts SuMe Hanks, of t'nion street. Mr. and Mis. C. F. Waul, of Main stieet, left yesterday to visit fiiends in Tunkhannock. . ELV1HURST. LoiPn Clements, of New York city, who Is spending tho summer with his mother nt Moscow, was the guest of Ml.s Helen Williams on Wednesday evening. The tegular monthly meeting of tho Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church was held on Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. D. W, Dlx, .M. I'm lis Is loulined to her home by Illness, Dr. Knedler is In attend ance. Mlfs Kdna Buckingham, of Scranton, spent Sunday with trlends Iipi-p. , Miss Lnttlo Clay Is able tu )e ol,t again after her long Illness. Rev. Mr. Jacobs preached In tin Baptist church Sunday 11101 nlng nnd evening. Thursday evening proved to hu a pel feet one so far ns weather was con cerned, which resulted In bringing out n large attendance at the lawn social at the home of Hyron BiKkingham nnd a nice sum was realized tor the ladles' Aid society of the Baptist church, under whoso auspices it was held. The parents of Rev. J. J. Rankin are being entertained by him nt the manse. Mis. Frank MacDonald, who has been spending the past month at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Jenkins, returned to hpr homo at rinlnflcld, N. J., on Wednesday. B, C. Llnstronf entertained a party of friends on 'VucFday eivenlnK'at the home of Byron Buckingham, where he is spending the summr. U. O. Schoomrmker and sister, Mrs, Hrlggs, and niece, Miss Kiel, have been spending a few days nt Lake Carey. Contractor John P.. and family, of Paterson, N. .1., have moved into their apartments at Hlmwood hall, The following guests vveie enter tained nt the Hucklngham homo last week: Mr.A A. H. Holmes, Mia Wll lard Lanlng, Miss Carrie Shiffer and Miss N'oin, IJiirinty, of Scranton. Mls Clare I, a Londe, of Lake llopatcong, nnd the Misses .Margaret and Elizabeth JlcC.hle, of Mntyboio, Queensland, Austtalia. , Mis. Hurry Race nnd daughter Kthel, of Lake Ariel, nie visiting at the home of Mis, II, J. Stanton. NEW A1ILF0RD, Special to the fWsnten Tribune New Mllford, Aug. L'. Mr. and Mrs. George .Moffat und ilaughter Viola MOTHER GOOSE PUZZLE 11 11 1 1 11 1 "Pussycat, pussycat, where have you be?n"f" "I've been to London to visit the Qitcen!" "Pussycat, pussycat, what did ou there?" "I frightened a little mouse under her clulr." Find the cat's three brothers. Solutions for Last Mindly. July 21 Mother (Jomc i totmti )ut hflow the hindie o the fpecn. lucilay, July Co "'Tis too late to spate when tlii! jieitket i tare." Wciinf-ilny, July .Tt One ilrp U in the lower left haul coiner, one l near tli" boj'a feet, one in the water, one in the tree ami erne Jjt in front of the hoj'a (cot, PrMaj, Aiic 2 Mark Taln. Satimln, Acs, S. Hie l".other I? !ut hclovv licr lilt lnml anil the sister just atioie her right haivl weie guests at the home of Henry La Hair this week. -Hiss Hem lot ta. Hayden, Miss Kath eilne Quinn, Hay Aldrlih and Charles Benjamin called on Hallstcad friends Friday evening. JIN Maiy Hand, of Carbondale, Is vNltlng hoi patents In this plaie. Mis. 1, (i. Mi folium is entertaining her niece, Mss Tluience Summcis, of Syrai use. Msh Hll.i Stowo Is In Blnghamton visiting lelatives. MIs Mar.v Kokonwood, of Wilkes Bane, is a guest at the home of W. Boyle. Mr. and Mis. V. 13. Wilder visited friends in Ashley this week. Patilck Ciane, of Set anion, called on many of his foimer New Mllfoid fi lends recently. Miss Maiy Davenpoit. of Wllkes Bane, Is the guest of her frleiul Miss Itachel Biuudage. Mis. II. (Jodfiey, of Seianton, visited In town iccently. MNs Vienna Havden and dauirhtor. of Washington, D ( aie spending some lime In this place. t'hailes Benjamin, Howaid Hadon, Beit Mooie. Bay Aldrlih, L. (1. Me I'olllim, l' K Tlnclev and Ceoice Mc- t'onnell attended a dame at the home of Frank C'arr, In the township, on Wednesday evening Mis. Amelia Buttorfleld and daugh ter. Mis 13 B. Mos-. aio guests of Blnghamton fiiends this week. Mis. I'ushinan. of Brooklyn, N. Y Is a guest at tho Major house. Mis. F. N. Walker, of Port Jervls, Is spendng tho siiminor with her sister, Mis. H. P. Mlllei. (I. !. Hell, our popular tailor, had the misfortune to break his right leg Just nbovo tho ankle uhlle camping at Middle Lake last week. Mamie and Bossie Miller visited Hall- stead fiiends lecently. Fied Hayden, of Scranton, Is In town spending borne time with his patents. AVOCA. Tho boiough council and school board will meet this evening. St. Mary's choir will meet on Thurs day evening. All inemhets should he piesent. . The '.i-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mis. Mlihaol Flaherty, of the West Side, died on Sauiday evening of whooping cough. Tho funeial will take plaeo this afternoon. Inteiment win e mane in st. .Marys cemetery. Mis. William Mucklow, of Diego, W. Va is the guest of her daughter, Mis. John Phillips, of Dupont. 'tne following composed a, party that visited the Hillside mine on Filday evening: Misses Mary Nellbon, Jessie I'ranmon. Maigarot Andetsnn, Anna Whyte, Maiy Cranston, Flora Bums, James Johnson, William Burns, James Neilson, Oeorgp Johnson, Ham Gra ham, Miss Lottie Bums, of i:,ist Or ange, N. j.; Miss Bessie Williamson and Fied Duklng, of Plttston, and Wal tor Adams, of Plymouth, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Bailey are spend ing a few days at Harvey's lake. P. J. Barrett, of Hill sticet, Is criti cally 111. James, the) 17.vear.nlri snn f M. ward Murphy, of the West Side, was painfully cut about the head while at work in Law shaft on Satutdny morn ing. , Miss I3dltli Newton, of Carbondale, U tho guest of her sister, Mm. L'ugone Decker, of tho North end. WELSH HILL. Special to the Sersnlon Tribune. Welsh Hill, Aug. l.Heorce Hevan nnd wife, of Scranton, nre visiting their patents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Hevan, of tlili place. Misses Lizzie and Kntle Jones, of North Scrnnton, ate visiting nt the home of Oliver Jones. John Thomas has sent In his resigna tion its postmaster of Welsh Hill, to take offpct on September 1. Miss Maiy Williams, of Scranton, Is visiting at the home of Owen Owens. Miss Margaret Williams, of Wilkes Harie, Is visiting nt David J. Mor gan's. Llchty's Celery Norvo Compound for all neivous diseases, (neuralgia, lheumatism, nervous debility, paialy sis, biliousness, dyspepsia, costlveness, piles, liver complaint, kidney tiou ble nnd female Lomplnlnts. It goes to tVio seat of the disease and cuies thoroughly and spccdll. Sold by Mat thew Bros. Week's Puzzles: ThuifiU.i, Aui;. I WINSTON CHURCHILL. Son of a Daughter of Leonard Jerome This Young- Mnn Seems Destined to Suipass His Di&tlguisherl rather, Loid Randolph. Chut chill. Winston Leonnid Speneer-Chut chill, M. P., continues to be eulogized. A London pilut awnids the piomlneut young half-Ameilcau the following comment headed "Tho big- statesman who has established a pailiamentary icput.itlnn Willi four speeches," "f the many l.mid sin oo.ssos tr Which Winston (iiuieliill cm l.iv ilalin tho most leniaikablo Is his con- ciutst of the housu of commons. In the few months he has sat theio he has not spoken moie than thiee or four times. In that leeoid space of time, however, ho has alieady estab llshed a gieat paillamenlaiy reputa tion Fiom a parliamentary standpoint the most roniai kablo feature of his success is tho iiinoiunion stylo In which he has attained It. lie has Hung conventional methods to the winds, and shown other political as pirants how to win the esteem and the attention of tho mother of pat liaments. Tho plan commonly adopted bv the ambitious M. I', is fulily familiar to the public. Before you can be tecognlzed as a foue In a patty you must show a cer tain Independence of judgment, a dis position to be something mote than a mere parly hack. Kldeiiy and highly i expectable politicians, of coin so, avoid smh lndlhcietions as disobedience to the ciack of the paity whip. Accord ingly tllOV sit behind the fiont of their paity above "tho gangway." mho younger and munitions men sit below the gangway,; that Is the ciuar tor which, tiadltlon has assigned to them. It was theio that the famous louith party laid the foundations of tho CICHtUI'Stt which tho flltllrr hn,l In stoii) tor Its nieiubcis; it Is theie that tile ii reconcilable Iilsh Nationalists have sat since they nave funned an unwilling part of tho houso of com mons. Below them In the same eiuar ter sit SlrChniles Dllke, Mr. Labouch ere, Mr. Lloyd-George nnd the othpr foicps who have to be leckoned with In Llheiallsin. Opposite to them, be low tho ministerial gangway, Jir. "Jimmy" Lowther ttho protectionist champion), Loid Hugh Cecil, Mr, T. W. Russell nnd other candid friends of tho government sit In ciltlcal watch fulness, icady to keep tho heads of their party up to thp inaik. It may bo accepted as u paiilameutniy axiom that the suiest mad to the fiont bench Is by way of the seats below the gang way. It Is the recognized spot for ex citing the attention of paillameut. On tho opening day of tho session, when Mr. Chin dill's chubby face Im parted a snlltniy suggestion of youth to the gioup of elderly M. P.'s who wero being sworn In at the same time, snino ouiloslty was evlncpd as to where he would sit. Kvery one felt in stinctively it would be below tho gang way; the uncertainty was as to whether It would be beside Jamrf Lowther and Sir Ashmead Bartlett or i Hundreds More in Scranton in (lie Same Plight. Tired nil the time. Weaiy Hnd worn out night nnd day. Back aches side it cites. All on account of the kidneys. Must help them at their woik, A Serantnii citizen shows ou how. Mis. Muicurpt Moses, of lilOJ Wash. burn street, Hyde Park, says: For n number of yeais off nnd on I had at tacks of dull pain and weakness In tho small of inj back. Stooping or tho least ONertlon Incteased It, and at times I was so bad that I was unable to work and had to have the services of a doc toi. There wns a kidney weakness which was annoying and dlsttessng, iiartlctlhulv at nlcht. I saw s Kidney Pills advertised and they wete lecommended to me by a Mts. Jenkins, of 113 South Fillmote nvonue. I pro cured a box nnd took them with so much benefit that I got moie. I can honestly recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to nny person suffering from kid ney trouble. For sale by all dealers. Pi Ice RO cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. sole agents for the L'nlted States. Remember the name Doan's and take no substitute. next to the poitly Ilguie of Tiout Bali ley on the bench above. Winston Churchill, having kissed tho book, signed his name and shaken hands with the speaker, startled all by walk ing sttalglit to the bench next to that wheie the ministry sit, Theio ho took his siMt calmly by the side of Gibson Bowles and other pailiamentary vet erans, as though ho hnd sat In the house of commons for several scslon. All the ttlcks and mannerisms which nie begotten by a long nccrimliitnnce with tho peculiar usages of the Insti tution appealed to come to him na turally. It takes the new M. P. of the aveiago type some little time, for example, to get accustomed to the habit of wealing his hat in the imme diate picsenco of a hew Iged dignitary like tho speaker, of sitting In a com fortable attitude on the gi eon benches; In short, of feeling at home at once In the historic building which embodies the long history of the British lace. Ten minutes after Mi. Chut chill had been swoin he was loatiiutr back com fortably on the bench, his silk hat well down over his foioliead, his llg uio cioudied up In the doubted-up at titude assumed by Mr. Balfour and other nilnlsteis.both hands deep down In his pockets, eeing the place nnd Its Inmates critically as if they weie all paiilamentaiy novices. Some wrlteis nttilbute Winston Chin chill's, leaily acquisition of the pnillameiitaiy manner to the influence of heiedlly. Alieady a consldetable number of M. P.'s have got Into the habit privately of calling him "Young Randy." A statesman Is a man of common opinion, but of uncommon abilities. Winston Chui chill has alieady shown his paity a readiness to change one set of common opinions for another, nnd he has displayed to the whole woi Id abilities of a very uncommon order. RULES FOR INDUCING SLEEP. Promulgated by the President of Bowdoin College. William DeWilt Hd- in Outlook Assume an easy position, with the hands lestlng- over tho abdomen. Take a long, slow, but easy and naluial bienth, In such a way As giadually and gently to lift the hands outwaid by the action of the abdomen. At the same time slow! and giaduall open the ees so that at the end of the In spidatlon the.v aie wide open and directed upward. Let the bieath out easily and naturally, letting the hands Inward as the outward piesute of the abdomen Is wltbdiawn. At the same time let the eyes diop and the eyelids uncut ally fall by their own vveglu so that they nie closed at the end of the expiration. Do not make too haul woik of It, Repeat the Inspiration anil expliatlon, with opening and lifting, diopplng and rinsing of the e.vos, 10 times. Then take 10 bieaths In the same wa, allowing the ees to tenialn closed. Alternate 10 breaths with open ing and i losing of the eyes, and 10 hieatlH with ilosed eyes, When the eyelids begin to feel heavy and .von will very .soon, go thiough the motions mote and moie easily and lazily, until ou nieiely will the motions without making any effort, or hardly and ef foit, to execute them. At this stage, or moie likely In one of the lnteivaln of breathing without any motion of the eyes, ou will fall asleep. Neivnus pel sous will have some diin culty at tli Ht In the gradual opening mid closing of the eyes. They will tend to fly open, and they snap to gether. But, as putting suit on a dove's tall is a sure uile for catching the dove, so this giadual and eay opening and dosing the eyes In iliythm, with quiet, uatuial bieathlng. when once seemed, Is almost equivalent to diop plng off to sleep, This lllle gives the mind two gnnus of workmen two sets of muscles to watch and keep working In harmoii. It can not do this, mid take account of the work done, and at the same time keep up much of a thinking about anything clece. It in dines the lesplratlnn that Is ihuiiuter Istlo of sleep. It tires the set of muscles the thing of which Is one of the favorite (lev lies for producing hypnosis, It pioduces and calls atten tion to cettnln sensations in the ees and eiellds which nie the normal pie- cursors of sleep. It alternates woik and test In such a way as to make ie sumption of work more und moie grateful. Finally, peisons who have had dilllculty In going to sleep and stalug asleep, teport that this method puts them to Hleep and puts them back again when they wake up too soon, PROBLEMS OF THE CITY. London Is Unable to Take Care of Her Vast Population. Within a spate of about 200 squat e miles over of people are packed In tlieater London, and a wtlter in the National Review says their ttanplt system Is utterly Inadequate to their needs. The new "tuhes" are carrying all the pap-pengers they can, yet are financial failure, paying only 24 per cent, dividends. Nor have they mater- THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Peiur Linen, 3 Cents for Each Extra Line. For Rent. For Rennto About 1200 feet of floor space on 4lh floor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. finquire at office of Thh Tribune. FOrt tli;ST t Mnc-innni lioii'c in ile-ant upper (Jiren Itldsr, fcqil t. Write (1 V. s., Tribune. OtHie. 1011 ItUVI'-IIicht rnom, 7.11 JellrrdOn avenue; All mflrlprn rrtniriilfinrM. WO OrtEEV ninriK srm:i:r. ten room, modem Improvement!! iteam heat turnUhedj demr desirable. Wanted. WANTKP Two Rood canvassers for Scranton, Ithrr iimIc at (eniidr. s.ilnry or ramnilainn. Nmcl inritiirinoits to bii.vrto Stranton Hook Agency, Itoom 101 P.iiill lluildlng. WAN! KD One thousand pernons to buy one thoti.and bottles "Knlghta' Ainmatlc Sjrup of Pninrn," nature' gieitr't phle. l.arRe bottle, 25 cent. Chai. P. Jones, 1537 Hack on avenue. WANTKD An Intelligent (rathollc) lady or gen tleman to (111 a light, pleasant position; Rood pay, if tultable. Addrens P. O. Box 20, Scranton, Pa. Boarders Wanted. WANTED-TaMe boarders. Washington avenue. Mrs. Tompkins, 631 Help Wanted Male. VVAYIT.I1 Young nun a assistant bookkeeper, who unriereUnd atenography nnd tjpewrlt. log, A ihan"p fur adi imement lor the right part. Address "C." thl offlee. Help Wanted Female. W'ANTIID (iirl or middle ajed woman for gen rial housework in cotinlr) hotel, Addrcs It. r.. Smith, Kleelvillc, Pa. ARents Wanted. WAS l'i:i Tteliablo agents to take subscription for our popular mag.iriue In connection with new census Allis. rxcepiioml opportunity Write todiy. Julm VAananukci, Dept. ItiJ , New oik. Personal. Otit NEW HOOK sent free, fully Illustrated, tieats ot all uuidllion of men, tell how to attain "Perfeit Vlanhoml ' Nhoiild bo In the lunds of cvrri male jdull Address Kile Medical I o., "Book lJrpl ," Hutfjlo, N. V, Lost. L().sr-On Au:r t, p'dng by liollei car fiom Harrison avenue to I !H7 Sinderson aveniu. a ladies' 1.0M vvalcli. Monukiain .1. II K on else-. Inside ilcsinptlnn froni motliri lo len tne." liew.nd nltiicd by Mis Jennie II. Fcmlci, 71 H Ilaiilsuu nvenuo. LOsI' (lenlli in m's gold vvalcli, between VI id isnii avenue and W.ihinglnn avenue. Kit nil to ti-EJ Midlsuti avenue, llewatd. nllly relieved the congestion, says the Ilaltlmoie ".Sun." The old utideigiound rallioads aie paying only 3 per cent., though they aie chocked with traffic at the "rush" bonis. Vested Inteiests aie declared to be too stiong to penult the la.vlng of sur face tiolley lines In the centers of Lon don's UufnY. Mr. Balfour's suggestion of a new seties of loads tadlatlng fiom the stait of the city to the subiubs for the use of cycles and motors only Is practicable, but it would cost $100,000, 000 or moie to condemn pilvate jiroper ty for that purpose. The widening of tho existing main roads would be even moie eostl. The pioblem of the slums and the ovei crowded tenements seems to be even moie acute In London than in New Yoik. Rents aie so high, owing to the lark of quick tiaii'-lt to the suburbs, that the woiklng people aie dilven to foim new slum settlements as fiicst as the old ones aie loin down. And the county cnuiiill's model tene ments, built with the taxpayer' money nie declared to be let at lentals that do not pay for the Investment. As to Its water supply, London, sa the lev lower, cannot much longer lely upon the Thames, which "In a diy summer below Teddlngton Weir Is lute beter than a nialodoious sewer." All of her nearby sources of water have been nppiopiiated. The nearest one available Is in South Wales, nnd the Welsh people "strenously object to part ing with It. Fiom these pieinlses the reviewer's coniiiicslon Is that London has about i cached its utmost possible size and must soon slop gi owing. Per haps in all countrles.lncludlng our own, Thomas Jefferson's opinion that the glow th of gieat cities was not favor able to the best conditions of living will finally stand approved by experi ence. RASPBERRY CUP. Directions for Pieparinp What Is an Ideal Summer Drink, Prom the New nik Commirual dveitiser , lldripheiiy cup Is an Ideal dilnk on a hot summer alteinonn. Take u pound nnil a half of ilpe, fresh raspbeiiles, mah them with a wooden spoon in a basin. Then add a pint and a halt of cold water, the juice of two lemons a few riiops of ro-evvnter, and a half pound of sugar loaf. Let this mlxtuie stand for tlneu or even four bonis, and stir at Intervals-, so as to be sure the lrult is thoi oughly well mashed; then stialn thiough muIIn. Jf con venient keep it on ko until wanted, mid Just befoie serving add two hottles of soda water, a lump or Ice and when It is in tho bowl or jug float a few iceo leaos on top. Some- inspberijes are in mil fuller fldvniPd than utheis, then either moie water or soda water may bo added and It may also toqulie little moie sugar, which must be stlired until dissolved. Ingiedients, one and it half pounds bellies, ono and a half pints water, two lemons, twenty diops rosewater, one-half pound loaf sugai, two bottles soda, water, Ice nnd six or eight ficah rose leaves. s The Newest Photographic Album. The inutosiope airmi hound to la'ie the plaio of the faiml photogupli album, fin, instead of one iM-poaril photos rjph, we have a n.ncssion of a thousand, nil token within lull a minulc, of tin tame subject. Ilmcc, no more plaud, angu lar effetts, hut i dellshlfil hcilrs of vlewa re cording every plue and hd.' of the mlv. rxprisilon. Alter the orif.nal negallve is mil, a many mutoscope ifels eai he printed from it ta rirtired. InKead of ixcharglng one-pose pho. tofrsphs with one's frienJ. the prMetsor of a rarlor mutoicope sends a life motion plctuie of himself, of his family, of hi pets, lo hit frienda or relative. Evcrbody's Muaiine, SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. For Sale. I Oil SAM,' Two William tlpcwriter and one lloitel A Manhattan, l III Hint ilam Hliap". can be bought at a baigaln and ivi-a at ary time at Underwood Tipcinller Oftue, P. II, Lotfln, Manager, Itoi.m fi, An ado huildm;, cl'. JCST AlllUVr.lJ Willi a car-load of horse uncli1 ilrlvcraj weight liom l,Mi In ,'.), kcvcul t'nwriy rmmiirii iron- can PC seen ai u n.i) mond court, K, M, Cobb. rOlt SAI.K-A t'otticll k Sons cylinder pre, S.WM. In good condition, new rollers c.)00. Apply vWUea ilarre limn Of6ic, V llkestlarrc, I'a, Money to Loan. VVJJO.UOO TO I.OAf-l.owMt rates: straight or monthly payments. Stark A; Co.,Trader' lili ANY AMOUNT OF MONKY TO 1.0 W -Qulik, itralgM leans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N, V Walker, SH-315 t'cnncll building. BKAsVOII WANT OFFI0KS. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALIIERT SCHU'TZ, corner Mulberrj rtreet and Webster avenue. CUSTAV riCHEL, 630 Adams avenue. West Side CEORGK W. JEKK1S3, 101 South Main avenue South Scranton . FRED L. TEUPPE, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. v. PAVIS. corner North Msln avenue and Market street. Green Ridge CHAm.r.S P. JOSE9, 1537 Dickson avenue. F J .lOHSI. n:o (Jreen Ridge street. C. lOltn.SZ, corner Washington ave. nue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. II. KNhPFEI., 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. o. BOSK & SON. WAM'I.Il An evperlcmeil girl for general houst-noik; lefeieiicis requlied. Apply at Cl Clay avenue, iiuuiediitelv. Strnyed. UAMi; TO MY PIsI'MM'.S a earlln2 heifer; ovvnti can hue sane b Identification, (iiles Stanton, Clnuihilla, Pa. SATURDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. The following quotnllon sr furnished Thl Mbune by M. S .lo.'dan c Co., rooms 705 7'i( Uears building, Scranton, I'a. Telephone 001: Open- High. Low Clos ing, est, t ln. Anieruan sugir 1J7"3 llT'a 1'al'i l.Mi4 Aim man Tubac to UJ'a H-'j l-'a !'-'. AlihUiin Tl'i 71' i 72H 'i Atchison. Pr til'1, I'V, Ul I. I'a llrook. Traction 7Vi 7'i, 'i'i 7'i Hilt A-Ohio f'.'j !i'j li"'a t'-'a (out. Toh.iuo lal'a (0 U'1 'lf,,i C hes. & Ohio I'.'a 41 U 4'i'g 4 '.. t'hli A (It. Wr.t 'J."a '-'-"s SJ's ''s Si. Paul Hal' K.0't IX. TiS'j lloek Maud hi', 1W 117 H7 Linus. A Nil Hl'4 Ill's mi h'l'j Man. Klcvaleil MPs U7 U7H il7ai Met TTictinn I'iii I1'1' lfi lJi Mi-so. Picifii- 117 !i7'i 07 ')7i 1 South P.iillle .V. SVa fit'z M'j Noifolk A Wis-t f'i 'i"s Id's :!. V ( Ill's Ill's l''T l"'l Out A- W.stoin 11 X!1 'II - Peniu II It lll'i 111'. HI HI 1'ai-lhV Mill U II II 4 lleiillng llv I! It'S 1'J ltejcliiig llv. l'l 7ii '' 77, 7o"s Southern It. It :'" '""a '". 2'l't Southern It. 11. Pr . ... ):' M M7 ! T'enn Coil & lion C! ( -' 1 ll V. S Leilher 1 1U 11'4 l I'i I. s, icathei, Pr T'i'i M 7i'j su'j V S Rubber 1 Is 1J IS 1 mnn Pacific ! 7Bi H7', !.' H7 1 nlon 1'jclho, Pr Ss'i s-'t s5'i Psi'i, VV.ib.ish, Pi S-i'i 3'i'4 ron f,0i i VVe.steni Union Blai PI'i fl'a fll'-i Col. Fuel A lion ('.' i o,i j ii2 f.-'3 Vmal. Copper II I'a Wj IP'a H!'" People's Oas m'i Ifi'j 111 111 I'rie .17'a ST'-a 71 :t7', line, VI m 111 In i"i Col. Southern IT, IP, 1H, H'i Amer. Car Foundry .... -."H, H, 1i3 'j'l'j I . 4. 5eel Co 4'"i 4l'i 4 I'-j 4l'a O. S. Steel Co.. IV I.) !H'a W W NEW iOIIK C.IIAIV MVItlvl'l". Open. High- Low- Clos. W'IIKT. Inc est. est Ing. September "P, 71 7li 71 Dei ember 7.13i i'.'s c.'i1 7o'4 eonv. September d) Hi', (i fu; December 01 hl bl 61 SUNDAY BASE BALL. National League. t fhlcago- I! II I, riuidgo n n o n s n n n o ,i id 1 it i.oui 00 2iinono i u n llilteiies W'addell and hahnej su,10ff an,i It.van. Fmplres O'Day and llinvvn Attend a lie, e-fyWW. At Cincinnati- R. II K. (invlniutl SOfiOOOaOd-J rt 1 Pit tiiimg i o 0 o o i o o-fl in a Ilitlerles Ilalin and licigens Poole anil O Con nor. Lmplrc Nash. Atiendance 8.JU0 American League. At Oilcago R. II F. rhiiago sniooniix i n 4 llevcland ooootoion-i ti Ilatlflles (Irilflih and --iilIi in. Howling .nil Connoi. I'mplic sheildin. Attendance ll.tssv. Eastern League. Worcester-Pmvlilenie, povtponcd, tain. Montreal, 3 Itoihester, (1. Vt Milwoikoc (fiist game) It F. Milwaukee ...,10000200001-1 H Detiolt 3 0000)00000 .1 s I llaltcrlea (larvm and Donahue; e,lger ami Shaw. I inpiic Mantsau. second game R II. E. Milwaukee (I () n 10 0 0 0 1 -II 11 4 Delioit 0 1 0 I 0 U i 0 ft- I U 0 Hattrrloa-l!awli v and Jlalone.v; Cronln, Siev cr. Ruelow- and Shaw. Linplio Ianasau. At tendanve il.Si 1. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL AND ANNEX Virginia Ave and Reach, Atlsnilc City, N j, SUlh veai, .I'.Q bejiuiful looms rnsulte, single snd Willi balh, hot and cold sea.wster latin In hotel and annex. Loialmn select and central within few yaids el the steel Pier Oichevtia' Offers special spring rales, $12 to $15 by week il.iO up by day Special lates to families. Coaches meet all tulni. W'rito for booklet CHARLES E. COPE. the Delaware city. Atlantic City. K. J, Tennene avenue and fieuh. Centrally located Cheerful. Comfortable snd home-like, Table sni service unsurpaied, Capacity, 00. REST & DRL'BAKEIt, DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Than Pour Linn, o Cent (or L'ach Oxtra Llns. Situations Wanted. D00KKi:i:i'i:il (male) desire cmploment thr i , .a "k'. ,;,c"n " ln t situation. Addrcs A, II l,. 'lid line oftlie, A WIIMAN vviinti men's underrlnthe to nssh: llist-dan laundre. II. M 'Irlhune olBce, A WllVIW waul washing to do home cr go out. jAiIiIipm II, M , Tribune offfto. SMI TKV W CsTEl) lr n,na n t o" uolitTy LiiniT . JJf ""'"IinT "f clcaiiliig. Mrs. Ilusvell, 1210 Cedir nvenuo. fell LAI ION' WAmT.IiTv TTounT Ud7Mm uphcr and lewilter Ilu.lniM, lollega gradtiule. Addiei. t am, t jrbondale, Pi WITA1ION WAMEiiJnv" a'tlrMrdTirntril housework. Oil Frrrllnaml slreet, city. SI li' TIO.V WN 11,11 "Tly a well evperlenTed .vouiik man a i loihlng salesman, also under stand cue of hooks. Addles Salesman, care of Tribune llltlie. Sill VIIOS WMl- good straclv and re- liable ghl wantx a situation a't general linii.ewoik In small family, irteiences, if de- tiTi ,nijlvC.'.l.M. ' !r"""e Irlhune. Citv. SHI Miov H'AMI II llv a nun, culling lawns or laklrg tare of goden. 1116 Lloyd stiett, second floor. For Salo or Rent. Vskf-k'WV'te'WU-IWWtSSW-UWA.. FOR SVI.E OR REST -single house. Ml Web .. ',r.r. J "'" I'en rooms, kteam heat. O. F. Revnolds, ( onnell building Furnished Rooms. H'RMslllil) Ronvib Front room, Court Hous wpiarcj bath. i all -j2 Adams avenue, roim 7. PROFESSIONAL. ssk'ssssssv Certified Public Accountant. EDWVRI) C. SPAFI.DI.NO, 23 TRADERS BAN'S Building. Aichltects EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELL building. iREimniCK r, nnowv, arch. b. reai, Estate Exchange llldg , K'O Washington ave. Civil nnd Mining Engineeis. II. I: IIRI)lfl, (.Oil CO.NMiLI, IIUIbniNfJ. Dentists. DR. O. E. ElI.KN'riEROElt, PAULI DUILDINO. Spruce street, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAU3ACH, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. FnANK ', J1 ,,0VI'K' AITORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 12. 14, 16 and 18 Rurr building. F. K. TRACV.ATT'Y.COMMONWEALTH BLDO. D-l' HH'WOti; A rTORSEY-LOANS NEGO tlated on real estate security. Hears bulldins, corner Washington avenue snd Epruce street, WIEMRD. WARREV fi KKAPP. ATT0RVEY9 and counsellors st-law. Republican buildlr;, Washington avenue. , JESSIJP h .irsnm irrniiwrva x-n ivmiv. sellor-at-lavv. Commonwealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. IDJVAI1D W. THVYI'.R. ATTORNEY. ROOMS 003 "01. Plh floor, Mears bulldins. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNT.Y-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade building. Scranton, Pa. t'ATTKRSOV Ic WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL nank building. C COMFflYS, 0 13 REPURLICAN rtUILDINQ. " A. W. niRniOLF. OFFICE MOVED TO NO. 211 WomIns avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. DR. W. a ALLEN, 51J NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S. W. IAIOREAt:, OFFICE 3tt WASH Ington avenue. Residence, 131S Mulbeiry ChronH disease, lungs, heart, kidney and genlto urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Resturants. THE M.K CAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN avenue. Rates reasonable. . P. ZEIGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. k W. PAS. eengcr depot. Conducted on the European plan VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. n IlitlGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odol J only improved pumps used. A II. Rrlggs, pioprletor. leave orders 11"1 North Main avenue, or Elcke'a drug store, cor. tier Adam and Mulberry. Both telephone Seeds. O It. CHRKE A- CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NlfRS ermen, store 201 Washington avenue; grecx houses, m&O North Main avenue; store Ule phone, 7o2, Wire Screens. JO'KPII hl'ETl'KL, REAR ill IACKAVK.i Scranton, Pa , manufaituicr of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRES.M VKING FOR CHILDREN' TO ORDER: also ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 211 Adams avenue. MFGARGLE RROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, ES v elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 13C Washington avenue, Scranton, Ta. THE WILKESRARRE RECORD CAN RE HAD In Scranton at the news stands of Relvmnii Bros, 400 Spruce and S0J Linden; VI Norten. 22 Lackawanna avmue; I. S, Schutser, 211 Spnue street. FINANCIAL. VVi. - . OLDEST! SAFEST! BEST! WALL STREET Money Will Cam Big .Monthly Returns. The Investor's Fund Psys Semi-monthly. The oldest established in America No rertlfleat holder has ever o,t cent Pajments msde lo all subsuibcrs every 13 riajs. No trouble No delay. Monev refunded on demand Write lo day for pattlciilais, fiee to sny sddreiss. C. E. Msckey & to , Hudson Bld'g , New Yoik. $55,000 Rocky Mount, N. C, 5 Water, Sewer and Electric Light BONDS. Yielding 4.40 Per Cent. Write for special circular. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 Nassau St., New York. I t r s