The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 05, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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He Paid a rino of $00 In Police Court
Yesterday John Moflfrftt Pined.
Michael Connois Taken Seriously
III Meeting' of Past Chancellors of
Knights of Pythias Coming Joint
Excursion of the Itoyal Aicnnum.
Sunday nttho Churchos Other In
teresting News Notes.
On Saturday evening Lieutenant Wil-
nms and l'atioltiion Kviuis mid D.nls
nlded n "linlclii-tlii-wair al mi Sl-
centh street, nml nil cited tlio propi I-
ilor, Timothy Mm my, who wax taken
hcroio Police MiiRlstiate II. I"ii If. and
upon Mm ray onterlnj" a ph a ot Riully
Hontenced tu ji.iy a line (if JMi, which
he did.
Suttiiilny evonltiK Pntioltiinti l).i le
took under lilt- Ktiuiili.inplilp a man by
Hip name of Jnlm .Mnifatt. who lives at
I.ltientn HelEslilw. lu pollio eniirt Mub
Ihtrnte lals lined him $." lor being
dtuiilt and illsorilerl..
Meeting of Part Chancellois.
A well attended meetlm; of p,it
fltmirpllfirs of Knlu'lilx of l' thins was
held In Muonle hall m Tilday evenliiK.
Jllsttlil Deputy (liifiid Cliitncollnr 1).
K Uxnnn Htateit the 'pui poue of the
meeting, after wlilih a peimanent or
ITfinlviatjon wiih fonned to be known as
the l'ast Clinticellnrs' ifsueliitlnn,
Ollleorn woto elected and kIwii power
to eall llieetliiK!'. alteiiil to minor mat
t't and to fllltber tlir welfaie of the
Riirlely. 'I'he piiuilpal Idea ami pur
pose of the nwvnelntioii 11 lo fin titer
the Interests nf all worthy pant i han
(!0lors SOeMtls; Brand lodge hotiois.
Joint Exclusion.
Whnt promises to be one of the inot
.tlljnyablp plenum o trips of the pea win
Is the excursion In chaw of the fol
lowing cotiiuilttt c, lepieseutlllK the
Lucknwtiuun eoun II, l.oyul Arcanum,
of this wlile: ii(ii. P. Kynon. Walter S.
Ileum, W. A. DiowniiiK, 1!. ti. Mommi,
11. V. Luce and A. K Uand.ill This
PKilirslou I under the aupliis of the Aicanuni tneinbeis nf this city
and wll o to Lake Loilnre mi Fida.v,
AiiKitst It bv w.i of tin D II
Kxei'vtlifii!? po-.lbli' foi lb.' i omfot t
mil piiiojne nt id" th" pleasuip seekers
has Ktn pi in in d and all who attend
Ho-p anil V.moffl Oram rrmmr
urines of the tk i anil mi "he the
an ft euiiburn In v o nlslit. TjUc
a Lotlln ttith mi en jour laiAtion.
I'OK s.LL ll (. JI.NKINS
Our Annual
Shirt Waist Clearance
Begins today. It embraces every thiug in stock from
the good medium grades to the finest productions in Wash
Waists that art and SUill can Produce.
But, these arc not the days for long stories, so weVl
cut this one short with
Crisp, Straight Facts foi
Hasty Summer Reading.
A Quintette of Beauties
We have lower priced Waists in stock if you waut
fc 1 2 in. Those refered to in this advertisement, however,
lire all higher grade goods in fine hemstitched Linens with
embroideries, insertions. Fancy Collars, Sailor Collars, all
manner of tuckings, Plaits, Button effects, etc. These
then arc all its novelties: Mercerized Weaves, Silk Ging
hams, Chambrays Lawns, Batistes, etc. Faultlessly made
up iu fashions latest decree aud so varied in style and
color effects as to meet every requirement. White Waists
too, at its same figures if your fancy ruus that way.
Ladies' Shirt Waists worth 51.50 are now 75c
Ladies' Shirt Waists worth $1.75 are now 98c
Ladies' Shirt Waists worth $2.00 are now $1,25
Ladies' Shirt Waists worth $200 are now 1.49
Ladies' Shirt Waists worth $3.0 are now 1.90
Summer Wash Suit Sale
Buyers who come today will fiud the assortment still
complete, but it's on the verge of breaking and we have
taken time by the forelock and sent the prices down before
the break comes. The materials used in these suits em
braces everything that todays fasluous call for. The mak
ng all the way through is to au express order, and is right
in every case. The Variety of styles is without limit.
..Suits that sold for $6.00 are now $3.98
Suits that soldjfor $7.00 are now 4.50
:SuitB that sold for $8. 50 are now 5.00
Euough said Your taste or judgement must do
Ithe rest.
may rest assuted of spending one day
unalloyed pleasuie. ,
First Baptist Church.
Unth the Haptlst Vounrj People's
union and the Sunday school wore ex
eeeiDiiRly well attended yesterday.
Yesterday lnornliiR Pastor Matthews
pi cached to a largo congreKiitlon from
the theme, "What Shall I Do'."
lu the evening he delivered an elo
quent dlseoiliso on "Tlio Itcliitlon of
the t'hiNtlan to Civil noveinment."
Tliuisdn eenltiK Mis. WlllluinV
class will hold a lawn social and onter
taluuiPtit on the beautiful lawn sur
loiliidlng the linine of Miss Helen M.
Fowlei, coiner of .lackwrn street and
I.ltKoIn avenue. The young women lu
plunge have spared no pains to mnke
this a Kin ml success and the public Is
cotdlall imlted.
Among the Chinches.
At the Washburn street Piesbyterlnn
church, ltev. IJbenezer Klerk, of Ply
mouth, pleached an eloquent and
thoui;litful senium lu the iuoiiiIiik.
The Hlble school and Jl. tneetltiKS
wei" well attended. The evening" ser
vile has been discontinued during the
p.istot's Miration.
Simpson Methodist KpNeopal church
congiegatlon had the plcsuie of he.n
Itig Ite ,lnptli Madison, who pleached
In the nleme of tlio ii.istor. The lip
worth leiigiii. had chatge of the ('fil
ing service and a veiy Intel esting
meeting lesulted.
The secretary of the ILtllronil Y. M.
('. A.. W. V. Adair, had charge of the
Plymouth Congregational church on
ltev. Klnck pi ear lied to a very large
audience at the Stunner avenue Pres
byteilau diuich yesteiday, and a veiy
Inieiestlng young people's meeting' was
held Immediately alter the morning
ltev. .lumps Petinlnger, of the Hamp
ton street Methodist cliuuh, picched
an Insplilng sermon on Sunday morn
ing fiom the theme "'I'he (lieat Oppor
tunity MKsed." In the eciilug llev. 13.
P.. Siunei, assistant pastor of Kim
Path chutih, occupied the pulpit.
West Side Hospital.
Friday evening, while standing In
Pelhrii k's hotel on South Main avenue,
Mldiael Conneis, a well knovwi char
acter on the West Side, was taken seil
nusly ill. and it was thought for a time
that he would ep!io befiuc medical aid
could be summoned.
t'ounois was taken witli a i onipl.ilnt,
finni wliii li he has been suffering lor
some time, and fell to the barioom Hour
fiom weakness. He was hurilcdly
i an led Into D.ules' drug stoie and Dr.
W. A. Paine was sent tin. After the
dm tor had ielleed his snffeilngs ho
was taken to the West Side hospital,
where he is now convalescing.
Tl.f Mi..fh Alln. ii ii i .nut liiiini'le .Innf',
fi II iiiipton urnpl. orr it .itiiitii ( tt
Miv iilic Watklii" nml Miv, Mniy limmn,
it voutli .m lUirrn Hrnur, in MniiniPiitu rft
NfWtfll llk
Phi ill Hwf it-, Pniil I lif.ini.W illi mi tdtnriMiii,
W i' km II WiIIi.iiik ami 1 1 in is trtl on kit-
unlay ffif t.alp l'njnttlle, where llicy lll
nirti'l tlio next ten iIjju.
Itnlittt llirrl, ot Hampton direct, U aide
to da out Alter a two weeks' lllneiu.
Mr. mid J!r. .Icwepli HejnuUK el Hamilton
tliret, nrc fit Atl.intla Cltv.
Mr, and Mr. William M. I)ii, f Kjimn
ttreit, me at tliu ne.-i riinrc.
'I lie KnnfRo C'.iiiiilii iluli lelt en V'rlitiv ern
Imj fur kale w Inrili, win re llu will eiijuj their
iilniuil 1,1111:1 ot week'.
Mi" Mcll.ili'. of W.ithbuin utrrit, ll mlliiK
lier t.uilliii at Die Pan Nmerliuii.
Ilr. tleniue I). Ilejnolil-, nf Nmlli Miln fle.
nue, who has Km erinilv III, i irtioilnl
tmii h lielter.
Mr. Mhei'ler nml iliuglilrr, Mtrtle. of l.ii'rine
(treet. nic linine nlle' a i-l at Wllkr Dure.
MIM Maty ami 1'innii 1'iirneiig, of l.lniuln
aenue, aro home from New York.
Ml M.iliel S?wiiifr, of .TaiKunn lreet, 1
penillns her ,ic itlun at llanej'a lakp.
.Toll ii lal, of North Sumner Rciine, will
lenp on Tueili' for I'lillailelphli, where he
ha aiciiilril a pmltifni,
MIm ll il.v Nah. of Ninth ftrecf, l home
from the I'.in-merli.iu
Mr ami Mr. . II Mio. nf Snrtlaml ulrect,
ate lilinili-rlni at laiko "lierlrlm
Kilnar Twliilne, of Man Ii ( hunk. pent je
lrnl.i Willi frienrl on Sivrtlariil flreit.
Ml Helen Puk. of Chelnul uliiel, left on
Siliiulav for a slay nt I. ike Inol.i
Mi. lhrry lluiin nml f.inillj, nf NVirlli I. In
ml n .ivemie, will fpeml Hie lint two week at
l-ike Sl.erhl.iu.
.loeih Hal tin, of South Mun ai.nue, will
fpeml llic week at Lake Wliii.1.1
llei. ( hitlr KlmmUh, John t.iwaen anil
Iaii' II irrli Ir.m- IliK iiiornlur; foi S-iutli,iui,
wlmre they will iirml two ili.M on Itohioii'
Mie f'.illietlne Phtlllpa, of e.nlrmv mreel,
anil lilin llnin, of Vuilli Main .iieuu,', luio
leturiiril fiom HiilT.iUi'niiil ( leielaml.
ml Itoiriit l iienihi hit .icathin with
hln (imilj at ll. i. in lirme,
Mi Miiciret Mnrrl, f llriiinlei mriiiie, Ik
at Uiki' -lirii'
Ml liertnnle llnlhr. of V,ihiimlin. I llt
liiB Mr. uinl Mi. i.iui llrid.ha. nf l.ifa.ietic
A Busy Session of the School Bonrd.
Schools to Open September 0.
Other News Notes.
'I he vhool limril tin t In imuhr monthly e
l. n on Miurilay nialit. wh'ii liuU foi the en.
larclne ot N.i. ID school liulMIng were leiencil
fiom the Dunmoro I.nmhei impim anil Tlio.. the litter helns auanhil the umtrait
foi l,,im. The luinher icmpninN bhl m.h l,ty.
'Ihe wink U to he ininptilril within mj
iI.ii HhN nre in li ineivnl nt tlie net
met tint? fir the v. ntriu.llnn ot a Mone wall
aroimil Vii, S liiiihllni;. vipeiliitituloiit Itoinul
in hU lepoit iiiouimi tiiicil a change in tho
first reiihi. lie nlo tiireiilei a Miif'-i of
the ihincis li wotilil irni niiiienil in tho Ingcli
si hnol ioure, wliuh wtinhl luireie the time
ncnlfil tu intiiplfto the nimmeulii coiue fiom
two to tlno' 3rar. ami Hie uilin.ll romse from
three t.. jeir Jolnl iiieitlni; of all
te.iilnr nml (he imuih. m of the liouil will he
helil in m v,,iiiujy riming In the IIL'h mIn.uI
wlien Hie ullJlt of te"st liuokx will he urn
Hilelril t thu inert Im; all taxii)oM Inline an
liueifst in the welfare of Hi" lioiuush nilior,l
are imidil tn he pieiit anil an opportimiti
will be gum tli' in to onu nn nucetioin
they miy think aih i.ihl(.
Alii-.r Civtello ami lhccrty were nppnlnteil
a lomnnttee to cmihlrr the niliiiluliiy nf
rhatiEhiC the L0tnne nf reinninieinhil hw tue
Mipeilntpuilrnt. The niintnitlip appointcl In
iiuetlirale the homl nf 'lreimer Vueiivt Mali
ier reportcil hn lioml to hp I). K. It wa ile
ei.Ieil to open the u nnU on Vpt 0, for a
nine month' term, it helhK nnilciftnorl tliat if
flnaniM are In slsht at tlie ind of tliat time it
will he innlimii'l itml'ier month
'Ihe i,n lull. Hiiioiiiitinir to llli'.7. mil mi
i ell mi mi hill f.r ;i II '! wrie apprneil anil
nnler ilriwn f. r Ihe lailmi auinuiit.
Unclaimed Lctteis.
Leitei iiiiiilniii: till. Nlnifil al Hip pntofriie
ilunnsr the peiim! iiuiinz inr I. pull, ari a
f.illw. Mlihael Mien, C.'i warlr ktuet; n
fh'Ui Itmnke, r.'i M nun aiinim il'j: tin
cant Hirrett, 37 ( lie-inul flieM: 'llmnia
IhiniM-i. .!" (Jniiifi. i: M. ll ,l,.on. lllikeli
ftrn1!: Mm. .1. IVili'i, 711 Monroe netiiie; Mm
I hliiiin. Mm llutler Kiir, 71. I In ie
line, llrini Monk, .Inliu Milium. I .. 1 a .1 1 , 1 mill,
112 M.iireu lnet Mi. Tl.nnn Sihle, our.'e
aienue; rouraii Yauler, (rniro ( liallnu (I'),
lluivppe llniiej spivilnait. Inn
The fvinnl of tlf '.id Mil'iini nhiiIh
ei,!iiti, rt . .in n late linine mi I hern lri I,
Miurtlai moriilnu, an I a lar.-flv Hltrmleil
l!i" I haile II New ms nffli lalrrl Tin re
inaiii were imiei,il t lUII'teml, wliere lultr
inei.t v.a inH'le
lliilier' union, V. :', will meet thin ern-Int-
Mia .line Kinir. of Piltlnn, i iiitin frierul
In town
Mi Miitrtret fi .Mm. of ( hulnut inet,
at the Pan-mirlcati.
Mi Mun O'N'ell dan n'turneil to her home
nt Detnili. Mlrli , ador a iMt with her Inntlier,
.Iihn T. Tall, of Illikely tieet, f lUltini: at llawl-y.
I ilanl I'.mer nf PhilaiMplih, Ii Wtlus
h.s p.nuii nn llmrv uliwl.
lie I llaiilnjlmi toimj lna'rrtiininl fioni i
Wirk'N 1.1.11 lit Itii; Poilil
f "-iHtlrr an I lamil.1 ire il.ltlus in Nrw
lk llll.
Mi ( itli, line r..ot,.r, nf Clin .trrit. I so
jniirnlns .it llari.i'd Lke.
The Miki Mmum, nf Hi Inker Uri-el, aie in.
trilainlns tin Ml..o .Irle anil Mary anl m.
I'.it, i,i,ii, N I, .mil Hip SII.v .Mrali Kjle
ami Mall Hill, nf ( l,l,..;,l.
Mi,s N.lhe M. II il.-. nf N.w ,nk lily, I ij.
iimj fin mli in tnun
- .
Krnuse's Hendncho Cnpsulos
fll llllllko HIIJ'llilnc; lUOpiltcll .In
Ann hi, i, Tlii-v i tv Urst pn-m-i IIiimI
li. l)r Ki.iii-i, (ifiiiitiiiy's tiiiiiuiiH
fimit ili.liinn ImiK liofnro antliyilni
n i"i iioii.i, ,itn (in. nliiin?t JiiiirvpN
nil-, mi si.ily Ho tlmy ctno tlio most
ill-tiosin;,' ii"ih. I'tli'O i.'.i'. Sold by
nil illllKKl-l1'
'llu futi"! a I i if Mi. iiin .hi.rphn.e Kli In,
nf M I tiiit, pill. lliril,l) .ifli'llionll
iitul iu laiu'ily iitieuil'ii. erlie weie Inhl
in "-I Mil)' I .itliolic iliimli, nln-rp i..
IMir ( lui.i imjihiil ,i lulff .pinion. iluHuj
wliuh h .Hiki fieliii3li nf In r II p ilfilnl
niiviliiu w.iiil in her luri'iil uni aikul tliu.e
luiwnl In iiumiitiii Hip ilei-arU iu ilu-li piav.
ii lnti i tu. m i.i. mill,. In thP 'Iwrntletli iui.I
niiiitiii. lie ii.illbnn i wrie MIsm1 MisrIp
lliif. Itiwi Kuslir. I.tuv Sn)ilir ami M isitle
Kiilm 'Ihe flmiir lieuer were! Mallhh
lluiih, Anna llauui, Mamie Ilo,ar ami .Mary
Tom 1'ilirei, miplojeil In- Hie new street nil
w n conipany a waUliman near Hie .No 4
win re the uuil I in lom.o of ruii-lriullnn,
wa rau'lit In tlio Hit of stealing reinent hunilay
liiiiiiilin; he ( oti.tahh lo.pph Wuelkir .mil Ni
liennliiiilii t HiilJ Nicliol. Up wja takm to
Hip f. .nun liou-e wIipio it warrant wt kwnrn
out foi I in i ii;. i a lirarim: he w.i liehl
limlir f'iim lull, whlih lie inuhl lint liiiuMi, anil
wa omiiinlltiil to tlie count) Jill,
(ienrui- lleilitlofr, of pittstnn aienue, w.n
Feriuiivli iiijiiieil y filnK from a tie-tliii!;, a
ili.iuiip of twenty feit, while at wink .it Ihe
Si'iiih Mpi woiU viuiuliv eMiilnir. He iii
nnini.'il i, liii In. nn vihue Ilr. .1. ,1 WaNh at
temli'il him.
Hip niiiiiliin of the limirer Munnrnlirr will
tk. t tiollpy tide hi nnil the i il tmnoiiuwr
iiiu'lit. tnllmii'i,' win. ,i a niiriiot nml mur
iiiuiiiilit will lie hi hi al Hcrmaiili lull
'lln tui'inlii i .f Up -. t mtuii (afin.rriuiiile
vill meet in i in i ill) . .m.i Tih.Jj) ni..,t,
Minn ntllL.iit mil to umiiiit,.'!.
Allow a tnush to inn until it j-pfj hr)oml Ihe
rcai It of innliclne. Iliev oltin ,a), "Oh, It will
urai au)." hut In ino,t tai It nt wrar
Hum mu) I oi ilil tin) ho imluii'il to tiv tlio
uicra,ful inerlienip ullul Keuip' llalim, ivhlili
It tolil nn a po.illUe cuarantrn to imp, they
w,iuhl liuini'illately ken tin rxiellcnt rfln.t alur
taklin; tin) llrt ilo-e Pilio Wi, anil iUu, TjjJ
klio I lev, At all ilrui'iUls.
Genernl Mnnngcr Mny Snys tlio
Practice Has Never Been Per
mitted Cm- Builders Stilke Is Not
Yet tit nn End Present Condition
of the Anthrnclte Conl Tinde Tho
Board for Today George H. Hlnes
tho New Paymaster of the Lehigh
Valley Odds and Ends.
Tho l.itcHt mlllery nffccteil liy Hip dc
ituinili ot the initio uoiki'ia to examine
the miloit inn tin of tho men employed
at tin- liOKlnnliiK ot overy month It
the I'h'lo, nt Muyileld, opptittril by tlio
lhlo coiiipaiiy. When tho mine wni It
ers milteil peimlhiloti to cxiimlno tho
find thcio tlio foreiiinn rcfuspil point
lilanli, anil tlirto whm al Hint talk of a
stilke. which did not, linoor, trans
plio. Hit' men all Ki'liiK luck to work
(lotipial Stipiltitonilriit W. A. May ilo
flateil ypHtotilay that tlitcompiiny has
never allownl an i.iiiiilnatloii of fault
at tho rolliciips und he does not Intend
to do mi In nny Instntii'o. Tho lhlo Is
tho only oilier at whloh any dllll
I'llllles weio eioileni'ed ami lepntteil
to him.
The men at the Woodward colliery of
tho Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern uiinpany at IMwanlsvlllo aro still
out on Httlke, but il is likely that a
committee will mo Superintendent
I.oumls rcgaiilliiK the situation. Tlio
Slaltby colliery of tho Lehigh Coal
company i.s also ntlll Idle, tlio men
kiiIiij? out Kildny when nil attenipt was
tuailc to pi event the examining of
tho union cards.
Keeiotary Detnp.ey, of tho mine
workfis, s,iyn that tlio rule loRaiilliiK
the '.aiiiliiatlou of tlio finds went Into
fni cc iotiie months lino and hctetofoio
lias mot with mi opposition fiom the
opera tins, and snpoilnletnlonts.
A special mooting of the Car ltulld
ei. s' union was held Satin day night in
Kcoiiomy hall, and a oto taken on tlie
continuation of the stilke. Hvery man
of the two hundred and sovcnt-foiir
pro.M'tit, aitoidliuT to Piclilent .Mc
Atidiew, oted In finor ot irni, lining
out. ,
There will be a regular meetliiR of
the union next Wednesday hIkIh.
President Fish, of tho National Car
Hullders' union, has not jet art I veil
in the Ity aud the local olllclaN have
about decided they need not fill ther
anticipate his loiuIiir.
Anthracite Conl Tradn.
Thete Is no especial change in mar
ket londltliuih since last week. The
trade Is nulol nml the mining' loinpnn
les aro lostrlctlng ptoductlon. Thete
Is not much demand in tho east and In
tel est is mostly (onllned to western
business. The advance of JOc. per ton
on August 1 Is not likely to affect de
mand much and ooiistinieis who have
lint bought aliondy ate not likely lo
take advantage of the lac. ilisuuint
during August. 'I'he piospeits ate
tliat the market will be iuiet for some
In l.nko Supeilor tenltnry tlio de
mand Is Inipiovlng. Supplies on docks
inlitlniie i.itlier pinall and atiivals
fiom Hi.ttf.ilo .no not heavy. In Chi
cago teriltoiy receipts by lake continue
below last yen's figures. Supplies on
docks aie limited and ceitalu sizes,
pai tlcularlyegg, are bdid to get. Tho
amount of coal sold In July Is believed
to bo i niiildoiiibly below tliat sold last
ear or lu tho past few jenrs when
eonMimeis took advantage of tlie usual
midsummer dullness and sales agents
nlforcd at away below list pi Ices,
At the lower lake potts business is
faltly good. The lake Height late con
tinues nt 3V in Lake Supeilor and tile,
to Lake Michigan points. In the east
tho maiket Is quiet, but the tegular
trade Is inking i niisldci.ible toal. With
piiies liiml) inaiiitalued and no pios-
pei't of a In oak the maiket is veiy
111 in. The August pi Ices for fiee-huin-lng
while ash f. o, b. New Yoik harbor
poilh ate: Hmken, ?.J.!i(i; egg,;
stof and cbestnul, KiiglneetliiK
mid .Mining Jotiiual.
D , L. & W. Board for Todny.
Following Is the make. up of the D
L. & W. bo.nd for today:
M Miw, .UH1 si' l
Willi ( rftn lli-t - p. in. .1 II. Mi.liri 10
p. m, II. Cniki, Willi Holinti'n LiLM.
MllNHVi, AKil M' .1
Wlhl Cuts hiq I.. I) a m.M, .1 Moiler; It
n in. William Mrbj ; :i. in. .1 A. Ilu.h;
1(1 i. in, I'. . liiimi; 11 a in, I'. I', stiiini;
i p. in., I' I .iianintli; ," p. in, II. IlKbing;
0 p iu.. I". Mullen.
Nitnuili, I'll ii a ill. I". MiDonnell: 8 a,
in. wet. I. I niiiiiiilker; n a in, net, t.
I'lliiiem; il ti m ,, .1 CairiKCi b p. in,
iil, W. II Niihnl: T 1 1. m, '.I. ue, 1' Mi
AIIkIit; 7 p. in., .iuim, Hi ihii.ii, 7 p. in. ,
t a.viiEa, Mi I. me
I'li-lur 1 a iu, lloii-iri in n. in.. P I in
iinij, 11 n i in, M01.111; 7 p. in, Murpli);
11 p tu , l.implm;; lu p. m , Whliuir.
i'asiiiBrer iiulue-" .1 m.. Nauuian; 7 a. m ,
MUCei , 111 11 HI, ' C, sf, lir; ,-,.ju p. iu, sun.
tun: 7 p 111 , Mitinirin
lb) al it Pi .1. 111., Klnle.i; II a
() llmihilpli, .' p 111. .'11I111 llivtn, .1 p.
111, M .1. llu; I p. 111, J. .1. Mun 11,
with . k. lii'tihaur mu, '1 p. 111., .1 W.11
Ui II. Willi ll'iU'lliau'a new. D p. m., 1'. Wull,
SOW! 1:.
.1 W li'iine will ri'Mini jt np. riiitrrnti ill a
oflUe in a tn , Aus. (.
Ili.ikrin.ili Milium Ueitier repnit fur I'.lftirl.v.
Iliakiiuaii I1, lleuiiiuan will jro out with I'.
Milluiinill, ll a. in., Aus:. A, until further imtlie
In plaie nf .In-eph
Ilrakinuu .IompIi Uji.i.iIi will call at li.iln
Injster's otllee.
,1 Siauloii i;ne on will) O'lloro in pljie nf
Huiilin until tuitlier notice.
This tind Tlint.
(iimiirc II. Haines, of Bethlehem, has
been appointed paymaster of the Le
high Valley It. II., succeeding J. II.
Wllheliu. of Mnuch chunk, who u
cently lesigned after many yens' set
vlce. The new pu master was for a
long time Mi. Wlllielm's assistant.
The national board of tlie I'ulted
Mine Woikets of Amotion will tmet In
Indlaniipolls to-diry. It Is expected
that at the sessloti successots will be
named to llll tho places on the lio.ud
made vacant by tho teslgnatlons of
Hen James and Fied Dllchor.
Louis Heli licit, the Lackawanna ae
nue Jeweler, Is jilaclng on the nunkot
a waii hinaktr's tool of his own Inven
tion whli h ho has recently patented.
The tool Is to be used iu betting pallet
J'wels and will. It Is claimed, do wink
wlilih funnel 1 took bonis lu 11 ety
few minutes. Mr. lick licit has patents
on several other Inventions, including
an olivtili. clock and a nmi-t olill.iblo
The tcsignatlon of Osmund r.lckert
as supoi'lnteudt'iit of tho Muhauuy ill-
vision for the Lehigh Valley Coal com
pany went Into effect Friday nml sev
eial other changes nio looked for. The
i'acker collieries will go Into tho Ccn
ttalla and Shnmokln district, under
the Jurisdiction of Superintendent l''red
Meiclir, and Prlniroso collleiy at ila
liinioy City Is to bo thrown lulu the
Ilazloton district. It Is said that tho
leslgnatlnn of Daniel Dgdcn has been
suspended for tho present and ho will
continue as chief clctk at Lost Creek,
and that Superintendent Klcket will
probably assume chat go of the Sha
mokln, Centralln and Lost Cteck en
gineering corps.
At a meeting of tho coach, cab aipl
stablemen held last night Thomas Har
lett was elected delegate to the con
vent Inn uhcli will bo held at Chicago
September 9.
Hie ptono puplU ef Prof. ,1. !h)ilcn Cmnim
(tue a miNli.ile nt Ills huine, Jill North Miln
aienue, I riday aftrrnonn. 'Iliokc wlio took pirt
werci Mlw Nellie Hamilton, l.lara M'l.lrn),
Helen Mi Kirov, Maiuarct Decker, tJioice Miv
Cine, llrll.i ,lcne, May Kh.rIi, IMI1I1 IIIiImiiJ
mi. Ili'heiei Sulow, Ann 1 Coifiii, koielii
.Innlan, Helen lleiker, I em I'lltf-r, I'.llihrtli
Mem. .Mini Itlehuib, lleatriie Mile, Mhert
binrie), I.oui l.eii. Tharle Stern ami Unity
Zliiiiiieriiian, ltefreihinriil were nerieil
rtenla) nttirnnim (Ire liroke nut In tlie
oulhle kllilieu nf the linue lieloiu'ini In .lolin
I ulik, of Millnnnuch aienue. Tlie fur wm
i.1iieil hv an oierlie.iteit dlnii! anil Hie kilihen
wa eutlrelv ami the nar of tlio linue
Mimenlnt iljtiinteil.
Ml (I W, llineillit, nf Sorlli Main .iietiue.
In leturneil fiom Mount I'ler.nant and ( 1rh.u1
il.ile, wlino fho pent,tlie pit two week.
Mr ( liarli- Kinery, of Cliuuh aienue, i
home from Hamlllnu.
l'reil Minn ami family rctiirnci )etenliy from
Mi. Simuel l'lillam ha irluincil from .1 iwo
week.' mat ab Like Ulrmli.
Mrs llenJitnlR Mrlili nn.l Mi. .line WM1I1
Into letuinetl from bake Wlnoh.
A l.irse iimnher of ftinult altenileil Ihe fit.
nenl nf Mi Mirciret A.m.) Crilnm fnmi the
family ic.hlence on M.ukrt dmi, sniinl.1,1
afliiiinon 'Hie reriici were rouiliiitifl hi !! i
M. I., snnp-iin, pisior f the Aslniry Mr-llio
ilit i:plifpil ihuiili Interment w t mule in
the 1'nreM 11 11 lemrtery. 'Hie pillheiiei weroi
I' M. Peine, Criueo lieir), .1, U. lleemer,
Sinuil sihiiii r, William III null more ami . V.
Alluii, meniliir of tlio Ciifhu pint, Ouml 11111
li.puhlii. Meniliir nf tlio Mntnin'. keliif
lOIH IltlMl'leil tlio fUIUT.ll.
Mr and Mr, fleorce Iliilee. of Treen Hiclae
lieet enteitiiined the fnlhiwiiis friend 1'ililai
nlitlit. In honor of the riKhlli Iililluliy nf tlicr
ilitieliter. I'dni: ltiith Mn,ke.i, (life Meiei,
Hultie lamg, Si Hie Simiell, l.dna Hi mini son,
I oi l)ini nil, Mihel mid Vetlle eliih, Dell 1
Tutlle, Mil e lime, I.ele) Mai key, lliis-el tli lii k
and Aithur oullunl.
Ihe amount nf mill milter mailed at the hot
In fiont of suli htat ion No .1 on Duk-on aie
line ha lucre iced till the Imx I not laiee
eiiotiRli to meit the ilemiml nude upon l
mid mam time piinm .no ohlined In leave
Hieir null 111 Ihe ilnn; Mme luiau-c lliey can
not get it In the lnu.
Ihe Wnmaii'ii Home and I'lirrlcn Mlwlonarv
iirti nf tlie Hieen l!ulj;e l'reli)ieriin rlmn Ii
will tout in the ihuiili parlort Mednevli)
afternoon at ::..-.U.
The Flight of the Butteifly.
In 0111 cinwlin; iippirhen.hin nf Hie linked
life ol the i'iihri-i. Hie lliulil of tlir hutteitly
Ii.h sained .1 Mznlfii.inte and lnleieit fai heiond
Ho 1 .1-11.1 1 appiulatloii nf itx i.nli. iiu 1' ,md Riai'e,
n I.. W. ItioMtiell, In Kier.ih'idi' Maciine
ll I nn i.n;.pr 111 Ihe filiulou daunteiei, wlio
Ihiniml. lln Ktiiiii) dm lliitln Ins life a.iav
aninni: piifuuinl pet il. tint he tiame Hi
hiauti hi IU function .mil suhsirir 1 mil
piupie in the iiouomi of nituri. Lik1 tiie l 1 ,
the liiittiifl.i I .1 wiirkiuiu In Hud's ginlcn uud
hi mfiru to c.iuv pollen fmin Mo. m 10
hlo''Oiii. thu fplllliin; nnd 1 10 ferliliniir tlio
ed. Wttlmul tlese wltcid iiKN-pnser uf tlie
air more U1.111 lull II10 I'owei in the world
iinuhl lie I'xteniilnnteil. ol oulv do tin) add
10 Hie cider and lowllne. of Miiumer's tiase
nntii. Ii"t In il ciiatlnu I .(.- a not
lipili die inleiest ol the f.pei t.u r to le.ilie llu'
Hie nwaim of tpalripiit iueil one sri in the
meadow, rildiitic iu tlir colden aiinliuht 11
mu' ind falling: iu lav aiiaudoii, swaiing droui;
lii mi tlie iluiir hhitoui or iiiiiuiinj on the
prttn1i of llu new opeiiod 1 lull I. tn in im.i
line appnenilv fniprle nnd fnuv fie . aie
iiallv si'iloiilv at wnik ppifoimiiu the fiiuiiK-n
nf Hieir In in. .'
A Episode of the Biogiaph.
A pitlietli Iiu Ident In iniiiiri Imu with n loo
Uiapli nene miuneil iu Hetinii, Muli, Mai'h
17 last. new made tit the uciupati'iu nf Pi
km wa hum; llithit) a. la Hie htmii. ll up
ieeutid 1 detail. iiieut nf tlio louiiiinth 1 luted
st iip iiifiutri eiiteiliiL; tin i;.ili'ri nt tin t hiiiep
i.ipitiil. the 1 11 (lie nf fioiiiirr sp, 1 1 nor.
.1II1 j-toi.lii' nut of the flame nn tn Hie t.lace,
there aiti-c 1 fcieiin ficiui .1 woman iihn sal 111
"Mi Cml!" -he iilnl htnterlially, "Ihoio I
tiiv deiiil liiothir Allen 111 in liin.- with the ml
diei "
Tlie tlsuie I. .id hecn reennlod liv rdluin In the
auilleuie a tint nf Aih 11 Mil'i.-kill. wlio had dUappe.iiii kiiiiui leu tiifnrt. Suli
npiiutli Mu. Iloolh, Hie si'lor, limit' to tlio
wn il' piitnii nt ami leaiiud tint it iially was
lui' hiotliir wiio.,' piea utiiii nt idie so .ttaneiv
ll.ld hull polltlotiti'd with, dllcrilmdl'n .UIIlie
How Life Motion Pictuies Aie Mnde.
Lite mntioii jih turi aie nude null nut tie
of 1. mill 1 n.ul piojfilid hv tun kind, nf 1111
iliinii-. sin Km Mi nlle iu i:tpi,ilioi1)'n Mai
7'iie, 'llio moling phtuie 1.111111.1 1 iiirau"d
so tliat, when tinned hy 1 iiank, nihil In laud
nt In an 1 lei trio motor, the sinltinl Iihn pi-e
1 oli 1 ii. 1 thp leu at a late of .IJ" fut pu minute
Hut tnmikoeiih piilure. till tllui riiu-.l muie .0
.1 diad i.tnp for one -I'leiili.'th pan nf 1 mi
nnil, duilii; which time I In' idiultii of Hip
i.iiueia open nnd 1 lov. 'linn lu les thin le
humlriillh put nf 11 nnd the lilin iiimm,. ilnwn
alioul two luiiie, und Hie piuies i 1 1 pi ilnj un
HI Hie pliluie I. HiiLIh .1. I'iuiii one ha, I .1 inin
ute tu a minute i Milluiinl time to taki 01, lln.
an- , 1 ni's in I1I1 ui'ilii'ii: Die nrsi hniiiliid men
liiililiin.- rluht (an pa at .1 walk .1 ub
rn point In mil miuulc: und so, in taklu.' Iih
ipiitlon photnyi qih nf ,1 pilule. Hip npuatoi of
the Pamela tin il nn hi tuuihino niil) a. the
limiurlit ilitp'ill.llll pilnli.u .ne peiiu l'i
tine tluei iiiluule in leiulli or tinijrei ire olt'ii
tikiu. lull evpi'iliiui liKi-liiviu Hut Inn. pi"
tine on the I11041 iph i.iuiv tiii'.niiu
'Ihe ('amplieH'i Are Cumins, Hnrrali! Ilnrahl
Monday, August 5,
Aftnnoon and l.ieuin, at
The New Armory
IniUr the aupHr4 uf Hip ( jlr Ionian Club,
fcnuml OlHt wl (oiinit Tour of
4clli Miplil unlri, Ti i- nt
f miila'A (ink Million Hi ml 1 mi,n i,in.
10 K.1 tlnli, ti j,il tlllil lil.ll l' Ik, l.l)ilt
the railoilihi cf Mi. .Iulm Kitui. i in1;
lu full Kiltnl tt'LMtiifiilKU, Ity jullmiin ! tlir
1-i'lninii Ii ummiin. ni tml In kinl irnl pn
mi lull tf ( -ltiM I Mi l mill .ihl Hint iii
liwiiHtiic 'In Mh Ihs'iliuil i nsinunt
Han ti' ji 0 i tui'i iii iij huuiti in i him
diPil tiitri, an iiii
I'JIU I i ii.iMMt.n, j ami j() hi , cuuriK
.'A , 7'L Ana )rl ")
rirn llnT nnsnlr rtr- jm
ll In Ul lm(.i .ltl..k..
" - r li D nil '''lmikii I
Itieb nml Inlerlloin fiilv.
There is no longer any necessity for
us to call your attention to the import
ance ot these MDMnJlV Great Mon
day offerings. If lUllUH I Every item
has been selected with a view to satisfvino-
the cvery-day wants
people who make
trading center.
Monday Specials in
Wash Goods and Domestics
Proves the fact tlmt wo have com
blneil fromlnnss of qunllty nnd little
ne.i of ptlcp In ti rrmurkublc do
Brcc. White Shiikrr Fl.tnnol, tho fl-.
Co qinillty. .Mundiiy 34
F.'ini-y l.iiwiiH, In stripes nnil
flBlin-i, the He qunllly. .Mun- 1
''' 32c
The qttnllty nf T,Kht Shirt
lnK, the 5 cent kind. Mon- Il
dn 34C
Hlenrheil Mnnlln, oitc vnrd
wide, good iitmllty. Akituliiy C
Pipsm (iliiKhainn, Rood qiiatltv
nlthntiRli rnlnrs mo tiinmly pink,
In the lot nic Htrlpox, i lieeltH nnd
ptnldi, tiHiml piiie 10c. Mnn- -1
lay OX
S2 Inch rercatea. llKlit ami dark
Rrntinds, the 10c kind. Mnn- i
d' 7oC
Crepo Tlcstie, n vfty pretty fal)
rie, In various eolots and
patteitt!". .Monday C)C
A clean up nn Dotted and Km
hrnldered Si.i, the value 1
i tin up to 15c. .Monday I 2oC
lied Ticking1, fancy sttlpe, Rood
value at lti cents. .Mon- . I
day 1 2.C
10. t rtihleiicheil Shectlnc
the 10c qttallt. Monday I C
Mtifrlln Pe Sole In a litifie assott
ment nf put term, usual pice
69c. Monday 39-
Summer nianketf. 10-4 size, in
white, Kiev and tan, pood
alt:e at 00c. Monday 4"
Keather VIIIowm covered with
fancy tlckiiiB. "I7.0 lSxW,
J1.S5 qiialltj;. Monday f)C
Extra large Turkish Bath
Towels, value lSc. Mnn-
day f)C
Illeached and T'nbleached Turk
ish Towels, size "Ixln. Mnn- . o
day IOC
1S-.T! inch Htick, l"cd I
Inn der. Monday I 2.iC
Jonas Long's Sons
Maiiuracturcrj or
486 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telcpltons Call, 2.V.H.
Began the first of August, with a large assortment of goods. Early
buyers will find the best selections.
Our endeavor is to give the people the best goods for the money
they wish to pay.
Our terms during this sale are cash, and goods bought during this
sale will not be exchanged after September i.
$7.00 Shoes $6-50
0.00 Shoes 5'
5. 00 Shoes l25
4. 00 Shoes 3. 25
3oO Shoes 2'5
'? 00 Shoes 2-5
2.50 Shoes 2-'
2.00 Shoes f5
The above are .ill regular goods.
prices that are suto to sell them.
ZEsfP. . S-jP
'jtiksb 1 mrsr ttvnmo&Li&
of the money-wise
the Bio; Store their
Attrnrtivo priced for Monday's
!5rt lrt..Vi tM, l T ......
"lint" lilrt ii, -
usual prlco 8..c. Monday.. $nC
30 inch Tndln White T.Inen, o
usual 10c Btadc. Monday OC
I5A 11 ilt l.1ln T Ihh 1Qa
'I'll llltllM l4llll'ilf JlT .y-
Rade. Monday I OL
1ft (tml. T I... I
" iii.ii iiiuiii iiiirii, inu T i-,
Krade. Monday I 2oC
r.rt Innti Thrllt) 1 Imam rt
Krade. Monday I C
S2 Inch Vletorln Lren. SPr.
Brade. Monday 2C
40 Inch While I.nwn, Mon- o
day oC
10 Inch White Lawn, hetter
quality C)C
40 Inch White l.nwn, fine
Krade I IC
4ft Inch White I,avns,
finest grade I l.C
Pine Lawns, 30c -
Kiudc. Monday 2 3 C
Fine Persian I.'iwni, 4."sc 0.r
flr.ii'". McniiKiy Oy
Klne Persian Lawns, ROc r
Knide. Monday 4-3C
4 Lots of
Fancy White Goods.
LOT 1 -Fine Nnlns-nok Checks,
Lawn Cheeks nnd Mulls, also fancy
Letio Mrlppe usual price 1
15c. Monil.i) I 2oC
'LOT 2 Inclinles Checks, Nnln
niokfi N'aliiMioll and Dltulty
ittipes, usual ptlcc 10c. Mon- Q3
day O.jC
I,OT S A cnmhlnatlon nf fine
I.eno strlii, fancy Lawns and
Piquet I'Mial ptlco 25c.
Monday 20C
LOT I Plain white KnMieen
Pctslan Lawns and SwM, ranclnK.
ItiK ftotn 30c. to 45c. Mon- oro
diiy .... S.
Bed Spreads
A iCRtiT'ir crochet Tied r
Spread, 11-4 fIzo. Monday QoC
Same size with ftno
fiince .D
11-4 Ma.iselllcl Itntta
tlon 135
11-4 Retter prnde 1.30
Same Mzo with flue q
fringe I.Qo
Py h tecent act of the leslbla
tuie, ftce tuition Is now gianted
at tho
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburjj, Pa.
to all thoie piepai liter to teach
This M'liord ni.ilnt.ilns 01111.03
of study for traiheis, for those
piep.iiltiK for tiilkKc, and for
those stuil.lnK intisii .
It will pu- to iiii f 'i pjrtiiiilm-
n nilior mIi"1 ell. 1- sin 11 miiiTinr n't.
ant.i;rs at suili I 11I1- A'lrlrc
J.P.Welsl, A. H , Ph. D. , Prin.
$1.75 Shoes $1.50
1.50 Shoes 1.35
1.2s Shoes 1. 10
1 00 Shot's QOC
qoc Shoes 80c
7,c Shoes 60c
soc Shoes 42c
We have besides broken lots at